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<![CDATA[Broadsign's RSS Feed]]><![CDATA[Cloud-based digital signage solutions]]>https://broadsign.comhttps://broadsign.com/meta/blog-en.jpgBroadsign's RSS Feedhttps://broadsign.comGatsbyJSFri, 05 Jul 2024 15:08:04 GMTFri, 05 Jul 2024 15:07:01 GMT<![CDATA[en]]><![CDATA[kevin.gagnon@broadsign.com (Kevin Gagnon)]]><![CDATA[kevin.gagnon@broadsign.com (Kevin Gagnon)]]><![CDATA[Digital Signage]]><![CDATA[DOOH]]><![CDATA[Programmatic DOOH]]><![CDATA[What is programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH)?]]><![CDATA[

If your agency or brand uses online advertising, you may already know the basics of programmatic ad buying or have even set up a campaign using a demand-side platform (DSP). But even if the technology is similar, a few features of programmatic DOOH are unique compared to other digital formats, and there are certain factors […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-homehttps://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 27 Jun 2024 09:58:47 GMT<p>If your agency or brand uses online advertising, you may already know the basics of programmatic ad buying or have even set up a campaign using a demand-side platform (DSP). But even if the technology is similar, a few features of programmatic DOOH are unique compared to other digital formats, and there are certain factors to consider when<a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/six-steps-for-integrating-dooh-in-your-omnichannel-strategy/"> integrating pDOOH in your omnichannel strategy</a> &#8211; especially if the outdoor space is totally unfamiliar to you.</p><p>But what is pDOOH, exactly? Programmatic digital out-of-home, also known as programmatic DOOH or pDOOH, refers to the automated buying, selling, and delivery of <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/out-of-home-advertising/#how-to">out-of-home (OOH) advertising</a> – that’s ads on digital billboards and signage.</p><p>Sounds simple? In a way, it is. With programmatic DOOH, computers are automating the sale and delivery of ad content in a similar way to what you see with most online advertising. Buyers will set conditions under which they want to buy media; when those conditions are met, ads are automatically purchased.</p><p>However, since programmatic DOOH ads appear out in the world and not on personal devices, your approach to building a programmatic DOOH campaign will likely differ from what you’re used to online.</p><p>Here’s a closer look at what programmatic DOOH is and how to use it to its full potential.</p><p>Jump ahead to:</p><ul><li><a href="#what-is-dooh-advertising">What is digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising?</a></li><li><a href="#why-pdooh-is-even-better">pDOOH vs DOOH: Why programmatic digital out-of-home is even better</a></li><li><a href="#examples-of-pdooh-in-action">Examples of pDOOH in action</a></li><li><a href="#pdooh-measurement">Measuring the effectiveness of programmatic DOOH campaigns</a></li><li><a href="#educational-resources">Educational resources for programmatic DOOH</a></li></ul><figure ></div></figure><h2 >What is digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising? A quick refresher on why DOOH is great in general</h2><p>Marketers are increasingly seeing the value of DOOH, and it’s reflected in <a href="https://oaaa.org/news/out-of-home-advertising-continues-on-growth-trajectory-up-2-1-in-2023/">the continued growth of out-of-home advertising</a>. In fact, one-third of all OOH ad spend in 2023 was directed to DOOH — and it’s projected to grow another 10% by the end of 2024.</p><p>So, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/">what is DOOH media</a>? There’s a lot to love, but here are a few standout details.</p><ul><li><strong>DOOH ads can offer unmatched size:</strong> Big digital screens offer a lot of room to execute visually stunning ideas (see <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/our-favourite-ooh-and-billboard-ads/">our favourite OOH and billboard ads</a>) in a way you can&#8217;t match on personal devices. Even smaller DOOH displays, like digital signage, totems, and displays on bus stops, are going to offer a larger canvas with great visual potential.</li><li><strong>DOOH is unskippable and ad-block-proof:</strong> If people are around a digital display, they’re going to see it. There are no ad-blockers, no below-the-fold positions, and no issue of users switching over to a different app or tab. That’s partly why <a href="https://oaaa.org/news/out-of-home-ads-drive-real-world-action/">nine in ten U.S. adults (88%) notice OOH ads</a>, and nearly 80% have engaged with an OOH ad in the past 60 days.</li><li><strong>(D)OOH supercharges your other channels: </strong>Yes, digital out-of-home and traditional OOH advertising are impactful on their own, but they shine when you pair them with other advertising channels. Research from MRI-Simmons and the Outdoor Advertising Association of America found that using OOH alongside other channels can boost reach <a href="https://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/342285/mri-simmons-finds-adding-outdoor-to-mix-can-boost.html">by as much as 100%</a>.</li><li><strong>DOOH drives real-world action:</strong> A new <a href="https://oaaa.org/news/new-study-finds-digital-out-of-home-advertising-surpasses-other-media-in-driving-favorability-and-action-among-consumers/">Harris Poll study</a> reveals that DOOH is the preferred and most motivating medium compared to other forms of advertising. Notably, 76% of recent DOOH ad viewers reported taking action in response to an ad, highlighting its effectiveness in driving consumer behaviour.</li></ul><h2 >pDOOH vs DOOH: Why programmatic digital out-of-home is even better</h2><p>So take everything great about DOOH and layer extra data, better targeting, and easy access. That’s what you’re looking at with programmatic DOOH. Let’s dig into that in a little more detail.</p><h3 >Programmatic DOOH is DOOH improved by data</h3><ul><li><strong>Programmatic DOOH </strong>uses data analytics to provide detailed insights into campaign performance, including audience engagement and effectiveness.</li><li><strong>Traditional DOOH</strong> campaigns typically rely on less granular data, such as general traffic patterns and location demographics, limiting the ability to tailor and optimize campaigns effectively.</li></ul><p>While traditional DOOH relies on more general metrics and lacks the granular data needed for in-depth analysis, programmatic DOOH uses data analytics to provide detailed insights into campaign performance, including audience engagement and effectiveness. This helps advertisers optimize their strategies and improve ROI.</p><p>The key to understanding programmatic DOOH is this: programmatic transactions allow you to set specific conditions based on external data that will trigger a DOOH ad slot purchase. The fun thing is that there are virtually no limits to the kinds of data that can be used to trigger content.</p><p>There are simple options, like having different creatives delivered based on the time of day. There are also slightly more advanced options, like the weather, daily market performance, or the ongoing results of a sporting event. You can even use live audience information to trigger content that is ideal for the majority of people at a location at any given time.</p><p>And, of course, you can use multiple triggers based on multiple data sources to get really granular with your targeting.</p><p>This all leads to great things. Using one or more data triggers to drive a programmatic DOOH campaign can open the door to creative and memorable campaigns. Better still, it helps ensure your audience sees your ads at the most relevant times.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> See how foodora used weather, time of day, and location data to drive a creative, effective, and very relevant programmatic DOOH campaign.</p><figure ></div></figure><h3 >Programmatic DOOH is faster and more flexible</h3><ul><li><strong>Programmatic DOOH</strong> allows advertisers to purchase ad space in real-time through automated bidding platforms, allowing advertisers to adjust their campaigns based on performance, availability, and changing conditions.</li><li><strong>Traditional DOOH</strong> often requires pre-booking ad space, limiting flexibility and responsiveness.</li></ul><p>Unlike classic or directly purchased DOOH, pDOOH allows advertisers to buy inventory in near real-time without needing upfront commitments or predefined schedules. This provides a high degree of flexibility and responsiveness, minimizes lead times, and makes optimizing ad placements and adjusting spending on the fly easier.&nbsp;</p><p>Survey results from <a href="https://iabaustralia.com.au/resource/attitudes-to-programmatic-dooh-report-2024/">IAB Australia’s 2024 Attitudes to Programmatic DOOH report</a> show that just over half (52%) of advertisers see programmatic DOOH as a significant or regularly considered part of their activity, and a further 36% have experimented with it. Flexible buying is a key factor, with 68% of agencies and 55% of brand marketers and advertisers citing programmatic flexibility as a major driver for usage.&nbsp;</p><p>Strictly speaking, programmatic doesn’t enable anything that can’t be accomplished with a direct buy. The difference programmatic makes is in terms of speed and efficiency. You can deliver relevant messaging much more quickly and without making repeated direct buys.</p><p>In the foodora example above, audiences were delivered different messages at lunch and around dinnertime. They were prompted to go for a nice walk to pick up their food if it was sunny and to treat themselves to delivery when it was raining. The restaurants suggested to them differed depending on where they were located when seeing the ad. All of this was accomplished without additional input from foodora once the campaign had been set up.</p><p>Programmatic can help you accomplish similar results for whatever conditions you want to set. As soon as the time is right, you can automatically deliver the right message to the right screen to reach your audience, whoever they are.</p><h3 >Programmatic DOOH is easily accessible through leading DSPs</h3><p>More and more DSPs are getting on board with programmatic DOOH. It’s making adding DOOH to multichannel campaigns much more straightforward, and we’re already seeing buyers use this opportunity significantly.</p><p>Existing content can often be easily adapted to suit a digital out-of-home display. The medium’s support for <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home/">dynamic DOOH</a> and <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-html5-can-up-your-digital-out-of-home-game/">adaptive HTML5 formats</a>, in particular, can greatly help buyers reuse existing content from an online and/or mobile campaign in a programmatic DOOH campaign.</p><p>As a bonus, programmatic allows you to buy across multiple publishers simultaneously. It’s much quicker and easier to build a programmatic campaign targeting screens across various networks than reaching out to each business individually to coordinate your buy.</p><p>As more DSPs begin to support programmatic DOOH and more buyers start incorporating the medium into their campaigns, the format will likely become an integral part of most mainstream media buys.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Measuring the effectiveness and ROI of programmatic DOOH campaigns</h2><p>Many brands approach DOOH expecting a measurement standard equivalent to the online impression or gross rating point (GRP). However, DOOH media is different. It spans a variety of display types, not just browsers, TVs, or apps, which presents challenges in creating fully standardized metrics.&nbsp;</p><p>Another key difference is that ads are served in a one-to-one environment when you load a web page, so ‘one ad served’ equals ‘one impression.’ By contrast, DOOH advertising is served in a one-to-many environment. A single DOOH ad has the potential to achieve hundreds of impressions. But how can we really know that? And what does a DOOH impression look like anyway?&nbsp;</p><p>Fortunately, several reliable and rigorous measurement methods are available to help make a strong case for DOOH, and these have been bolstered even further in recent years through the growth of programmatic transactions in the DOOH space.</p><h3 >Key performance metrics to measure the success of pDOOH</h3><p>OOH is fundamentally a brand awareness medium. There’s lots of evidence that OOH campaigns can have a significant positive impact on metrics such as brand awareness and brand recall. However,&nbsp; marketers likely also want to measure the impact of adding DOOH to their other channels.&nbsp;</p><p>Technological advancements are now making it possible to obtain reliable, trustworthy, and privacy-compliant data to analyze campaign performance. Understanding which specific metrics you want to track and measure ahead of time will make it easier to design and evaluate the campaign’s overall success.</p><p>Some of the top measurement solutions for direct attribution include:</p><ul><li><strong>Brand lift:</strong> Often conducted via surveys broadcasted in geo-locations within a specific zone of the exposed DOOH screens, brand lift studies seek to measure a DOOH campaign’s effect on overall brand metrics like ad recall, awareness and perception, consideration, and intent.</li><li><strong>Foot traffic attribution:</strong> Commonly used by brands with physical locations to measure a lift in store visits post-DOOH exposure, foot traffic studies provide insights into immediate attribution by mapping audience travel patterns before and after they pass specific screens or points of interest.</li><li><strong>Mobile retargeting/mobile ID passback:</strong> Including mobile retargeting in your omnichannel strategy is one of the best ways to amplify your campaign. Data experts specializing in device ID passback capture device IDs when audiences enter defined location boundaries. This data is then analyzed and translated into qualified audience profiles, which can later be retargeted with mobile ads via your DSP. Capturing exposed device IDs can enable additional measurement of how your DOOH campaign impacted other media channels.</li><li><strong>QR code attribution:</strong> QR codes on DOOH ads offer an interactive and accurate way to measure engagement by tracking the number of codes scanned and sequential offers delivered based on interactions. They also allow for A/B performance testing and help measure converted sales that can be directly attributed to each campaign.</li></ul><p>For more expert insights and campaign planning tips, check out <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/six-steps-for-integrating-dooh-in-your-omnichannel-strategy/">our actionable guide, <em>6 steps for integrating DOOH in your omnichannel marketing strategy</em></a>.</p><h2 >Examples of pDOOH in action</h2><p>Looking for inspiration? Here are two programmatic digital out-of-home advertising examples that show how different agencies and brands have leveraged the medium.</p><h4 >Holt Renfrew: Driving in-store foot traffic &amp; boosting intent</h4><p>With Nordstrom closing its doors in Canada, <a href="https://www.holtrenfrew.com/en/h/Womens">Holt Renfrew</a>, the country’s largest fashion and lifestyle retailer, wanted to capitalize on the shutdown of its competitor to regain market share in key customer demographics. More specifically, it wanted to boost consideration and drive consumers to its brick-and-mortar stores nationwide.&nbsp;</p><p>The retailer did so by simultaneously launching two large-scale programmatic digital out-of-home campaigns promoting its ‘Holts &lt;3’ sale event, partnering with <a href="https://www.havas.com/">Havas</a> agency to launch the campaign via the <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads/">Broadsign Ads</a> DSP in major Canadian cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal.</p><figure ></div><figcaption >WATCH: See how Holt Renfrew’s large-scale programmatic campaign boosted brand KPIs</figcaption></figure><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-holt-renfrew-drove-400000-store-visits-and-a-500-lift-in-intent-with-its-programmatic-dooh-campaign/">Read the full Holt Renfrew case study</a> to learn how the luxury retailer drove 400,000 store visits and a +500% lift in purchase intent with its programmatic digital OOH campaign.</p><h4 >Sea-Doo: Increasing Purchase Consideration in Florida</h4><p><a href="https://sea-doo.brp.com/ca/en/">Sea-Doo</a>, a brand of personal watercraft and boats manufactured by Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP), recently sought to strengthen brand recognition, purchase consideration, and share of voice in its primary market of Florida.</p><p>To reach its core audience of personal watercraft, pontoon, and fishing enthusiasts, the brand turned to programmatic DOOH — its first experience with the medium. Launched in collaboration with <a href="https://www.touchemedia.com/en/">Touché!</a> agency and <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads/">Broadsign Ads</a> DSP, the DOOH campaign ran alongside other channels like search and social media and resulted in a +144% lift in purchase consideration. The campaign also provided a major boost in brand perception, creating a +130% lift in positive brand image</p><figure ></div><figcaption >WATCH: See the behind-the-scenes of Sea-Doo’s campaign with Touché agency</figcaption></figure><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-sea-doos-first-digital-ooh-campaign-increased-purchase-consideration-by-144/">Read the full Sea-Doo case study</a> to learn how the brand’s first digital OOH campaign increased purchase consideration in key cities like Orlando, Jacksonville, and Tampa.</p><h2 >Educational resources for programmatic DOOH</h2><p>Though programmatic DOOH has come a long way, even in the past couple of years, the industry still needs to overcome some challenges. </p><p>According to <a href="https://www.jcdecaux.co.uk/programmatic-intelligence-hub/programmatic-dooh-tale-evolution">new research from JCDecaux UK</a>, most people buying DOOH advertising programmatically (over three-quarters, or 77%, of UK pDOOH marketers) are always directly involved in planning or buying at least one other channel. That means most teams tasked with buying programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH) media today are not made up of dedicated OOH specialists but broader digital buyers who are now including DOOH in their programmatic planning mix.</p><p>While these findings indicate the increased accessibility of programmatic DOOH, they also hint at the growing need for integrated omnichannel teams to gain the OOH expertise required to incorporate pDOOH successfully and productively into their cross-channel planning.</p><p>We’ve compiled some resources to help you learn more about programmatic DOOH:</p><ul><li><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-can-i-buy-digital-out-of-home-media-programmatically/">How can I buy digital out-of-home programmatically?</a></li><li><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/beyond-digital-boundaries-how-to-maximize-campaign-impact-with-dooh-and-social-media/">How to maximize your campaign impact with DOOH and social media</a></li><li><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/structuring-your-buying-team-for-pdooh-what-to-do-when-worlds-collide/">Structuring your buying team for pDOOH: What to do when worlds collide</a></li></ul><p>Programmatic DOOH is still relatively young, but it’s also an exciting playground for digital newcomers. Take it for a spin and see how it enhances your existing campaigns. You might be surprised by just how much it helps!</p><p>Learn how to plan, trade, and succeed in pDOOH in <a href="https://www.doohx.io/courses/pdooh-for-buyers">our specialist doohx course designed for those on the buy-side of programmatic DOOH</a>. Upskill your knowledge or build a team ready to take advantage of the latest innovations, technologies, and opportunities pDOOH offers.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How to boost your back-to-school campaigns with OOH advertising]]><![CDATA[

Yearly back-to-school shopping typically involves students leading their parents on a scavenger hunt through department stores in search of school supplies. For many, the beginning of a new school year means new clothes, shoes, and a fresh start. The back-to-school season is also an important time for brands and businesses, both online and in-person. As […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-boost-your-back-to-school-campaigns-with-ooh-advertisinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-boost-your-back-to-school-campaigns-with-ooh-advertising<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 19 Jun 2024 09:00:00 GMT<p>Yearly back-to-school shopping typically involves students leading their parents on a scavenger hunt through department stores in search of school supplies. For many, the beginning of a new school year means new clothes, shoes, and a fresh start.&nbsp;</p><p>The back-to-school season is also an important time for brands and businesses, both online and in-person. As the second-biggest shopping event of the year, it provides an opportunity for retailers to attract consumers online and in-store. This influx of shopping activity significantly boosts sales revenue for retailers and brands, especially those selling school-related items like clothing, electronics, stationery, backpacks, and more. In fact, Americans spent a total of <a href="https://capitaloneshopping.com/research/back-to-school-shopping-statistics/">$135.5 billion for back-to-school and back-to-college shopping</a> in 2023, a number projected to grow to $189.7 by 2028.</p><p>According to <a href="https://www.sensormatic.com/resources/ar/2023/back-to-school-survey-2023">Sensormatic Solutions’ U.S. Back-to-School Consumer Sentiment Survey</a>, 79% of shoppers plan to head into stores this year, a steady increase from previous years, with 80% planning to start back-to-school shopping in July or August. &#8220;The entire shopping journey will be about minimizing costs. Parents plan to shop earlier for deals, pay with cash, and prioritize in-store purchases,&#8221; Stephen Rogers, Managing Director at Deloitte, said in last year’s <a href="https://www2.deloitte.com/xe/en/insights/industry/retail-distribution/back-to-school-survey.html">Deloitte back-to-school survey</a>.</p><p>This early shopping mindset presents a significant opportunity for brands, retailers, and advertisers to capture consumers&#8217; attention. One of the most effective ways to do this is through <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/out-of-home-advertising/">out-of-home (OOH) advertising</a>, which drives traffic and influences purchasing decisions in person and online.</p><h2 ><strong>Strategies for effective back-to-school OOH advertising</strong></h2><p>According to new data from the OAAA and The Harris Poll, <a href="https://oohtoday.com/oaaa-harris-poll-study-shows-dooh-surpasses-other-media-in-driving-favorability-action/">73% of consumers view OOH ads favourably</a>, higher than other media channels like TV/video, social media, and online ads. Here are our top strategies for leveraging the medium to capture shoppers’ attention during the bustling back-to-school season.&nbsp;</p><h3 >Targeted ad placements</h3><p>With <a href="https://financebuzz.com/back-to-school-shopping">60% of shoppers planning to visit two or three stores</a> for their back-to-school shopping, activating strategic OOH ads can help boost foot traffic and drive audiences directly in-store. Placing ads in high-traffic areas, like near schools, shopping malls, and transit routes frequented by students and parents, can maximize visibility. Transit routes like bus shelters, subway stations, and billboards on roads used by students and parents are a great way to ensure the right people see your ads.</p><figure >Kellogg&#8217;s back-to-school ad promoting its cereal brands</figcaption></figure><p>Ads placed in close proximity to retail stores can capture consumers when they are already in a shopping mindset. The OAAA reports that 30% of consumers have recently noticed ads providing directions to businesses. Of those who saw directional DOOH ads, 51% visited the advertised business, and 93% of those visitors made a purchase, highlighting the <a href="https://oaaa.org/news/new-study-finds-digital-out-of-home-advertising-surpasses-other-media-in-driving-favorability-and-action-among-consumers/">real-world business impact of DOOH ads</a>. Engaging audiences directly at or near a point of sale allows advertisers to streamline the customer journey, capitalizing on the effectiveness of OOH in boosting brand awareness and driving sales.&nbsp;</p><h3 >Contextual, relevant messaging</h3><p>Crafting timely and relevant messages for your OOH ads can significantly enhance their effectiveness. With <a href="https://financebuzz.com/back-to-school-shopping">67% of back-to-school and college consumers reporting higher prices</a> on back-to-class items, dynamic OOH ads tailored to contextual settings or time-specific discounts play a key role in capturing attention and prompting action &#8211; especially as inflation continues to affect the average household.&nbsp;</p><p>Thanks to ongoing advancements in programmatic digital OOH (pDOOH), advertisers can also trigger ads based on real-time data conditions like weather, traffic, special offers, events, and more. Retailers can even run ads based on inventory triggers, like promoting special discounts when a particular store has an overstock of supplies.&nbsp;</p><p>It’s also important to customize your messaging to resonate with the specific needs and culture of the local community. For example, ads in university towns might focus on dorm essentials and campus gear. And it’s not just retailers who can benefit; local businesses can also take advantage of the season by running offers in student-heavy areas, like promoting discounts for students or special deals on group meals.&nbsp;</p><figure >Tesco promotes its back-to-school via OOH in a shopping mall</figcaption></figure><h3 >Timing is everything</h3><p>Timing your ad campaign right is essential to maximize ROI. Planning ahead and giving yourself plenty of time to perfect your creative and think through your strategy will set you up for a successful back-to-school campaign.</p><ul><li><strong>Get started early</strong>: Launch your OOH campaign several weeks before the back-to-school rush to build awareness and anticipation.</li><li><strong>Peak shopping periods</strong>: Focus your advertising efforts on peak back-to-school shopping periods from late July to early August.</li><li><strong>Dayparting</strong>: Schedule your ads to run when your target audience is most likely to see them, such as morning and afternoon commutes.</li></ul><h3 >Amplifying digital reach with OOH</h3><p>OOH advertising is not just about physical presence; it can also drive digital engagement. According to data from a recent study by <a href="https://oaaa.org/news/out-of-home-ads-drive-real-world-action/">The Harris Poll and OAAA</a>, over three-quarters of US adults recently used their smartphones to engage with an OOH ad, with 43% of these interactions leading to online purchases.&nbsp;</p><p>OOH ads can effectively drive traffic to online stores and social media platforms. For example, including QR codes or short URLs on OOH ads can encourage viewers to visit your website for exclusive back-to-school deals. Additionally, promoting social media contests or giveaways through OOH ads can increase engagement and followership, like a campaign where students share photos of their back-to-school outfits with a specific hashtag for a chance to win a gift card. This integration of physical and digital marketing strategies amplifies reach and fosters a more interactive consumer experience.</p><h3 >Retargeting campaigns</h3><p>Geofencing technology can enhance the effectiveness of OOH ads by enabling retargeting. Brands can define virtual boundaries around specific geographic areas. When a mobile device enters these areas, it can trigger location-based ads or notifications. This allows for hyper-localized advertising, ensuring your message reaches the right audience at the right time. Brands can also <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/leveraging-your-omnichannel-media-mix-with-dooh-and-ctv/">leverage Connected TV (CTV) to deliver highly targeted campaigns,</a> effortlessly expanding the reach of video promos by repurposing them in DOOH venues such as elevator screens in residential and office buildings, malls, and other locations with longer dwell times.</p><p>The back-to-school season is a prime time for brands to connect with consumers and boost sales. Incorporating OOH into your marketing strategy is a strategic way to reach parents, students, and teachers where they’re at, increasing brand awareness and prompting them to take action.&nbsp;</p><h4 ><strong>Interested in getting started with DOOH this back-to-school shopping season?</strong></h4><p>Explore curated audiences in our <a href="https://broadsign.com/auction-packages/retail/">Retail package here</a>!</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[What is out-of-home (OOH) advertising? A beginner’s guide for marketers and media buyers]]><![CDATA[

Out-of-home (OOH) advertising, also known as outdoor advertising, refers to billboards, signage, or other highly visual, highly impactful media displayed in public spaces people walk past and drive by every day. It also represents one of the biggest opportunities for advertisers to connect with their target audience outside the crowded context of their personal devices. […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/out-of-home-advertisinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/out-of-home-advertising<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 13 Jun 2024 15:26:21 GMT<p>Out-of-home (OOH) advertising, also known as outdoor advertising, refers to billboards, signage, or other highly visual, highly impactful media displayed in public spaces people walk past and drive by every day. It also represents one of the biggest opportunities for advertisers to connect with their target audience outside the crowded context of their personal devices.</p><p>According to Solomon Partners&#8217; 2023 benchmark report, <a href="https://oaaa.org/news/out-of-home-advertising-produces-highest-levels-of-consumer-recall-versus-other-media-channels-according-to-solomon-partners-2023-benchmark-report-estimates-for-the-u-s/">out-of-home advertising produces the highest levels of consumer recall</a> compared to other media channels — surpassing traditional mediums like print, podcasts/radio, and television, as well as online executions via desktop and mobile. That means people are taking notice of OOH media at a time when rising competition and an already crowded ad landscape have made it more difficult than ever to stay top of mind.</p><p>In our 20+ years of OOH experience, we’ve learned a thing or two about this exciting (and continuously evolving) advertising medium. To make it easy for you, we’ve divided this blog into sections so you can easily find what you need.</p><ul><li><a href="#types-of-ooh-advertising">Types of OOH advertising</a></li><li><a href="#benefits-of-ooh-advertising">Benefits of out-of-home advertising</a></li><li><a href="#whats-possible-with-ooh">What’s possible with today’s OOH</a></li><li><a href="#examples-of-ooh">Examples of OOH in action</a></li></ul><h2 >Types of OOH advertising</h2><p>You might picture huge roadside billboards when thinking about outdoor advertising — and while that is a key part of it, one of the fun things about OOH advertising is the sheer variety that&#8217;s found within the space. From small static posters to digital screens triple the size of a regulation football field, today&#8217;s marketers have an incredible array of opportunities to connect with audiences in the OOH space.</p><h3 >OOH vs. DOOH</h3><p>Broadly speaking, today&#8217;s out-of-home advertising falls into one of two categories: traditional (i.e., static) OOH or digital OOH.</p><p>As you might guess, digital out-of-home (<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/">DOOH</a>) is a digital subset of out-of-home advertising. Dynamic, data-driven, and capable of delivering measurable impact and proven results, DOOH refers to any digital media that appears in environments accessible to the public. This includes digital billboards, menu boards, and screens found <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/retail-media-networks-101">at retail stores</a>, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-signage-for-elevators-a-versatile-tool-for-communications-and-advertising">inside elevators</a>, or <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/ev-charging-stations-digital-signage-a-guide-to-ev-place-based-advertising">connected to public EV charging stations</a>. </p><p>Meanwhile, traditional OOH persists as a powerful and effective advertising medium that can provide advertisers with a competitive edge. With their eye-catching large formats, long-term exposure, and strategic placements, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/why-static-billboards-thrive-in-the-digital-age-insights-for-advertisers/">static billboards continue to thrive in the digital age</a>.&nbsp;</p><h4 >Traditional (i.e. static) OOH</h4><p><strong>Advantages:</strong></p><ul><li>100% share of voice</li><li>Always on</li><li>Long-term exposure</li><li>CPM is typically significantly lower than other formats</li><li>Increased creativity, as many billboard companies allow for design and messaging that extend past hard dimensions</li></ul><p><strong>Considerations:</strong></p><ul><li>Activation/installation can be time-consuming and costly</li><li>Not easy to update or swap out an advertisem*nt (and doing so will incur additional costs)</li><li>Over time, ads may lose their novelty or impact</li><li>Static billboards may require maintenance due to environmental changes</li></ul><figure >Static OOH billboard promoting Apple&#8217;s iPhone 12</figcaption></figure><h4 >Digital OOH (DOOH)</h4><p><strong>Advantages:</strong></p><ul><li>Support for multiple ad formats (video, motion graphics, dynamic HTML5 content, etc.)</li><li>Quick, cost-effective turnaround</li><li>Easy to make real-time updates to ad creative</li><li>Factors such as weather, news alerts, or traffic patterns can serve as triggers to run specialized ads</li><li>Ability to be bought programmatically (<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/">pDOOH</a>)</li></ul><p><strong>Considerations:</strong></p><ul><li>Exposure time is shared amongst other advertisers</li><li>Most ads only remain visible for 8-10 seconds</li><li>Can be more expensive to purchase than static billboards</li></ul><figure >A digital OOH billboard from KitKat&#8217;s &#8216;Have a Break&#8217; campaign</figcaption></figure><p>Static and digital billboards and various other out-of-home media formats have demonstrated their effectiveness in today&#8217;s diverse advertising landscape. The crucial consideration comes down to determining which type of OOH advertising best suits your particular circ*mstances, desired outcomes, and overall campaign goals.</p><h3 >Media formats</h3><p>The Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA) categorizes <a href="https://oaaa.org/resources/media-formats/">standard OOH media formats</a> into:</p><ol><li>Billboards (like Bulletins and Posters)</li><li>Street furniture (like Bus Shelters and Urban Panels) </li><li>Transit (like Airports and Taxis) </li><li>Place-based (like Malls and Restaurants)</li></ol><figure ><figure >OOH ad on an urban panel</figcaption></figure><figure >Large-format OOH billboard</figcaption></figure><figure >Place-based OOH ad in a shopping mall</figcaption></figure><figure >Transit OOH ads in a subway station</figcaption></figure></figure><h2 >Benefits of out-of-home advertising</h2><p>OOH advertising offers several benefits that make it a valuable option for marketers and brand advertisers. Here are some key points to consider if you&#8217;re thinking about incorporating OOH into your larger marketing strategy:</p><p><strong>High visibility and reach:</strong> Nine in ten U.S. adults (88%) notice OOH ads, and nearly 80% have engaged with an OOH ad in the past 60 days, according to <a href="https://oaaa.org/news/out-of-home-ads-drive-real-world-action/">a recent OAAA and Morning Consult survey</a>. OOH advertising can be strategically placed in high-traffic areas, such as city centers, highways, and transit hubs, to maximize reach and target a large and diverse audience — including those who are difficult to reach through other media channels.</p><p><strong>Brand safety and environment:</strong> Free from the risks of ad fraud and brand safety issues associated with online advertising, high-quality, well-placed OOH ads can actually enhance brand perception and credibility, contributing to a positive brand association. <a href="https://oaaa.org/news/new-study-finds-digital-out-of-home-advertising-surpasses-other-media-in-driving-favorability-and-action-among-consumers/">A new Harris Poll study</a> found that a staggering 73% of consumers view digital out-of-home ads favorably, significantly surpassing other forms of ad media such as television/video (50%), social media (48%), online (37%), audio (32%), and print (31%).</p><p><strong>Targeted placement:</strong> OOH advertising locations can be selected to reach specific demographics based on the area’s typical foot or vehicle traffic. Additionally, ads can be placed in contexts where they’re most relevant, like near shopping centers, business districts, or entertainment venues. The same Harris Poll study found that 51% of consumers who noticed directional DOOH ads subsequently visited the advertised business — and the overwhelming majority (93%) of those who visited a business after viewing the ads ended up making some kind of purchase.</p><p><strong>Drives online activity:</strong> <a href="https://billboardinsider.com/nielsen-ooh-most-effective-in-driving-online-activity/">OOH is the most effective offline medium in driving online activity</a> and can enhance the effectiveness of other advertising channels by reinforcing messaging seen elsewhere, such as on TV or online. Repeated exposure in different contexts (e.g., during the daily commute and on social media) is also shown to <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/beyond-digital-boundaries-how-to-maximize-campaign-impact-with-dooh-and-social-media/">maximize your campaign impact</a> and improve brand recognition and recall.</p><p><strong>Cost-effectiveness:</strong> Per <a href="https://solomonpartners.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Solomon-Partners-2023-Media-Trends-Report.pdf">Solomon Partners’ 2023 Media Trends Report</a>, the average CPM of an OOH ad in the U.S. market ranges between USD$2 and USD$9 per thousand impressions — a relative bargain compared to other advertising channels like broadcast TV (where ads can have a CPM of anywhere between USD$16-45) and device-based digital video (with the average cost of mobile and desktop digital video ads climbing to USD$40 on the higher end).&nbsp;</p><h2 >What’s possible with today&#8217;s OOH</h2><p>In 2024, OOH is a fast-growing ad medium and an important part of a full-funnel marketing mix — especially as DOOH advances and its programmatic capabilities continue to evolve.</p><h3 >Flexible buying options</h3><p>Like online digital advertising, digital out-of-home advertising is now available for purchase programmatically. This means that ad slots are made available for automated purchase based on the criteria selected by the buyer.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/">Programmatic digital out-of-home</a>, or pDOOH, can be used to target a specific audience demographic, or it can be used to purchase ads based on ambient conditions – such as the weather, live sports scores, time of day, etc. Unlike classic or directly purchased DOOH, pDOOH allows advertisers to buy inventory in near real-time without the need for upfront commitments or predefined schedules. This provides a high degree of flexibility and responsiveness, minimizing lead times and making optimizing ad placements and adjusting spending on the fly easier.&nbsp;</p><p>While programmatic transacting isn’t necessarily a prerequisite for all of the out-of-home advertising possibilities outlined below, the streamlined workflows of today’s demand-side platforms (DSPs) are one of the many factors driving pDOOH usage amongst marketers. Others include improved third-party data integration, increased operational efficiency, enhanced reach, and more in-depth campaign targeting and measurement capabilities.&nbsp;</p><p>There’s a lot to talk about with programmatic outdoor advertising. If you’re interested in digging into this topic more, check out our eBook, <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/media-buyers-guide-to-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/">The Media Buyer’s Guide to Programmatic Digital Out-of-Home</a>, to learn all about it. Otherwise, read on to find out more about the exciting possibilities of today’s OOH advertising.</p><h3 >Enhanced targeting and personalization</h3><p>The advent of digital out-of-home advertising has significantly enhanced personalization and targeting capabilities. Marketers can now leverage data to target specific demographics and deliver personalized messages based on the location and behavior of the audience. And in an increasingly cluttered media landscape, activating OOH at the right place and time to reach your desired demographic is key.</p><p>Examples of data sources marketers can use to run the most effective OOH campaigns possible include:&nbsp;</p><ul><li><strong>Mobile location data:</strong> Leveraging GPS and mobile data, advertisers can target specific demographics and points of interest (POI) to deliver personalized messages based on the location and behavior of the audience.</li><li><strong>First-party customer data:</strong> Marketers can also combine first-party data with their OOH strategy to better understand the preferences and behavior of their target audience.</li></ul><p>Many OOH networks integrate with mobile data providers to get a historical view of audience demographics and movement around their displays. Advertisers can use this data to help decide which locations are the best fit for their campaign. For example, a brand promoting noise-canceling headphones might want to place ads near locations where students spend time, like universities, libraries, public transit, and gyms.</p><p>Marketers can also combine first-party data within their OOH strategy to reach audiences with contextually relevant ads. One such advertising approach that’s gained popularity over the years is the rise of <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/retail-media-networks-101/">retail media networks (RMNs)</a>. Retailers (and by extension, their RMNs) have access to large amounts of first-party customer data through their owned and operated digital platforms. </p><p>While they’ve traditionally operated within digital retail environments, RMNs are now diversifying to include offline channels like OOH to catch consumer attention in-store.A primary benefit is that this data can be used across various channels, such as digital display, CTV, social media, and DOOH. This allows marketers to deliver hyper-personalized offerings through online and email campaigns, loyalty programs, in-store offers, and more.</p><h3 >Dynamic content and real-time updates</h3><p>Improvements in real-time data integration have revolutionized OOH advertising, allowing brands to dynamically alter their messaging in response to immediate conditions and events. Marketers can now adapt their digital out-of-home messages on the fly, responding to changing conditions and audience needs. This capability ensures that advertisem*nts remain relevant, timely, and engaging, enabling advertisers to deliver timely, impactful messages that enhance engagement and drive results.</p><p>Here are several ways real-time updates are transforming OOH advertising:</p><ul><li>Dynamic content delivery: Today, it’s possible to have digital out-of-home (DOOH) displays automatically change content in response to all manner of real-time data triggers, enabling engaging real-time interactions with the people standing in front of them.</li><li>Real-time campaign adjustments: Marketers can adjust campaigns in real-time based on performance data, optimizing ad spend, and improving ROI.&nbsp;</li></ul><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home/">Dynamic DOOH advertising</a> enables brands to capitalize on the power of personalization while reaching a more engaged audience through contextual conversations with technology. In fact, research has shown that using contextually relevant (i.e., dynamic) DOOH campaigns <a href="https://the-media-leader.com/programmatic-oohs-strength-lies-in-content-canvas-and-context/">increases advertising awareness by +18%</a>.&nbsp;</p><p>The potential triggers for a dynamic DOOH campaign are essentially limitless. Everything from weather data to financial marketing data, to sports results, to on-location visual sensors can be used to trigger changes to on-screen content. Whatever the data source, the goal is always to draw on that data to provide a more appealing, more relevant content experience.</p><p>Today’s marketers can also leverage technology and real-time data analytics to continuously optimize ad performance over the course of a campaign. This agile approach ensures that advertising campaigns remain relevant, cost-effective, and impactful by responding instantly to changing conditions and audience behaviours.&nbsp;</p><h3 >Cross-channel integration</h3><p>Recent technological advancements have significantly enhanced cross-channel integration capabilities for OOH advertising, making it more interconnected with digital, social, and mobile channels.&nbsp;</p><p>In addition to creating more cohesive, engaging, and effective advertising campaigns, marketers can use cross-channel analytics to track the performance of OOH campaigns alongside other media, offering a comprehensive view of campaign effectiveness and ROI. Improved analytics tools allow for better measurement and attribution of OOH ad impact in conjunction with other media, providing a holistic understanding of campaign effectiveness.</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/six-steps-for-integrating-dooh-in-your-omnichannel-strategy/">READ ALSO: 6 Steps for Integrating Digital Out-of-Home in Your Omnichannel Marketing Strategy</a></p><h2 >Examples of OOH in action</h2><p>Need some inspiration? Here are some examples of how different brands have leveraged the medium.</p><h3 >Sea-Doo: Increasing Purchase Consideration in Florida</h3><p>To reach its core audience of personal watercraft, pontoon, and fishing enthusiasts, Sea-Doo <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-sea-doos-first-digital-ooh-campaign-increased-purchase-consideration-by-144/">launched a programmatic DOOH campaign</a> in Florida alongside other channels like search and social media that resulted in a +144% lift in purchase consideration. The campaign also provided a major boost in brand perception, creating a +130% lift in positive brand image</p><figure /></figure><h3 >H&amp;M Portugal: Boosting brand image and ad recall</h3><p>When major international clothing retailer <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-hm-portugals-campaign-boosted-brand-image-ad-recall-and-purchase-consideration-with-pdooh/">H&amp;M wanted to drive brand awareness and increase sales</a> of its fashion collection across key Portuguese markets, the brand turned to programmatic DOOH to support its omnichannel campaign for fashion-conscious consumers.Video ads promoting the seasonal clothing collection were shown on screens in malls, subways, and train stations, resulting in a +81% lift in brand image.</p><figure /></figure><h2 >Want to see how major brands and advertisers are integrating outdoor and out-of-home advertising into their media strategies?</h2><p>Check out our <a href="https://broadsign.com/case-studies-customer-spotlights">collection of case studies</a> for inspiration!</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Spotlight on StackAdapt DSP: Driving programmatic DOOH adoption in omnichannel campaigns]]><![CDATA[

Data-driven campaigns have become crucial in today’s digital advertising landscape, extending their importance to digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising as well. More than ever, advertisers are demanding DOOH campaigns driven by streamlined execution, measurement capabilities for attribution, retargeting capabilities, and scalability. StackAdapt, a multi-channel programmatic advertising platform, is helping media buyers drive performance through AI-driven campaigns. […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/spotlight-on-stackadapt-dsp-driving-programmatic-dooh-adoption-in-omnichannel-campaignshttps://broadsign.com/blog/spotlight-on-stackadapt-dsp-driving-programmatic-dooh-adoption-in-omnichannel-campaigns<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 06 Jun 2024 10:00:00 GMT<p>Data-driven campaigns have become crucial in today&#8217;s digital advertising landscape, extending their importance to digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising as well. More than ever, advertisers are demanding DOOH campaigns driven by streamlined execution, measurement capabilities for attribution, retargeting capabilities, and scalability.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="https://www.stackadapt.com/">StackAdapt</a>, a multi-channel programmatic advertising platform, is helping media buyers drive performance through AI-driven campaigns. Operating in North America, LATAM, EMEA, and APAC regions, StackAdapt&#8217;s award-winning, user-friendly, self-serve platform is trusted by a diverse range of SMB and enterprise customers across verticals like B2B, healthcare, travel, e-commerce, and more.</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/stackadapt-bolsters-programmatic-digital-out-of-home-advertising-offering-with-broadsign-collaboration/">Partnering with Broadsign</a> in 2023 amidst the escalating demand for OOH advertising, the collaboration unlocked new OOH inventory available on StackAdapt’s demand-side platform, providing users access to premium global screens in high-traffic locations that are available programmatically through the Broadsign supply-side platform (SSP). &#8220;Buyers are beginning to comprehend and lean in on the digital transformation trends occurring in the OOH landscape and take advantage of this impactful channel in their omnichannel campaigns,&#8221; says Michael Shang, SVP of Advertising Technologies at StackAdapt.</p><h2 ><strong>Technology solutions for the changing programmatic DOOH environment</strong></h2><p>Despite increasing popularity, programmatic buying and selling are still sometimes considered to be a complicated process. However, StackAdapt&#8217;s advanced artificial intelligence solutions and machine learning algorithms are helping dispel the common misconception, simplifying the process to make it more enticing for reluctant media buyers.&nbsp;</p><p>Traditionally viewed as an upper-funnel awareness tool, DOOH now offers enhanced targeting, engagement, and conversion opportunities, making it a valuable medium throughout the omnichannel funnel. &#8220;We recognize the transformative potential of DOOH within the advertising funnel and are committed to reimagining its role beyond just an upper-funnel tactic,&#8221; says Shang. &#8220;With advancements in measurement and attribution capabilities, DOOH now plays a pivotal role across all consumer journey stages.&#8221;</p><p>By leveraging advanced measurement technologies such as geospatial tracking, footfall analysis, cross-channel attribution and retargeting, we empower our advertisers to understand the full impact of their DOOH campaigns. From driving brand awareness and consideration to influencing purchase decisions and foot traffic, DOOH&#8217;s impact can be measured and attributed across the entire funnel.</p><p>StackAdapt’s approach to integrating DOOH into the advertising mix goes beyond traditional metrics to deliver comprehensive insights into consumer behaviour and campaign performance, providing clients with the same level of granularity and optimization as other channels. Whether through precise location and point of interest targeting, optimizing creatives based on venue types and locations, or using bidding trigger tactics like weather triggers, DOOH campaigns ensure measurable results for advertisers.&nbsp;</p><p>The platform’s technology analyzes extensive data using machine learning and AI to inform campaign optimization strategies. This allows for dynamic adjustments to bidding strategies, audience targeting parameters, and real-time creative optimizations, maximizing the efficiency of every ad dollar spent.</p><h2 ><strong>Partnering with Broadsign for seamless campaign execution</strong></h2><p>Given the global rise in demand for digital OOH, integrating with Broadsign offers StackAdapt clients significant advantages to capitalize on the dynamic DOOH advertising landscape. Media buyers benefit from streamlined integration capabilities through this partnership, resulting in more seamless campaign execution processes.&nbsp;</p><figure ><blockquote><p>&#8220;As a leading DOOH SSP and ad server, Broadsign offers scalable access to premium inventory, empowering our clients to reach their target audiences effectively and efficiently, translating into quicker campaign launches, optimized targeting strategies, and ultimately, improved ROI for advertisers in DOOH.&#8221; </p><cite>Michael Shang, SVP of Advertising Technologies at StackAdapt.</cite></blockquote></figure><p>Recognizing the importance of seamless access to DOOH inventory for clients, StackAdapt offers auction packages through its platform, providing access to a diverse array of DOOH screens powered by Broadsign. With auction packages, media buyers can easily tap into DOOH inventory without the hassle of extensive negotiations or complex setup processes. Curated to meet various client needs like particular venues, media owners, or packages with specific audience data layered on top, these packages are readily available as off-the-shelf solutions within StackAdapt &#8211; ready for implementation in just a few clicks. This allows clients to launch DOOH campaigns quickly, ensuring they can capitalize on valuable advertising opportunities without delay.</p><p>In March 2024, StackAdapt and Broadsign introduced a new auction package for their ad tech integration, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/stackadapt-and-broadsign-team-up-to-streamline-political-pdooh-ad-buys/">simplifying the planning and execution of political digital OOH campaigns</a> for StackAdapt’s US media buyers. Each package contains a list of selected premium screens available via Broadsign’s SSP, already approved by publishers for political advertising in the US.</p><p>By harnessing the power of data-driven insights, seamless integration capabilities, and curated inventory, advertisers and media buyers can stay ahead of the curve and achieve greater success when implementing DOOH into their omnichannel campaigns. As we look to the future, more collaboration between technology partners and industry players will undoubtedly drive further innovation and greater channel adoption.</p><p><strong>Learn more about the value of auction packages and programmatic DOOH for your advertising strategy. <a href="https://broadsign.com/inventory-marketplace/#contact">Connect with us today!</a></strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Out-of-Home Advertising in 2024: Insights from this year’s OAAA OOH Media Conference]]><![CDATA[

Last month, the Broadsign team attended the 2024 OOH Media Conference, a three-day out-of-home (OOH) industry event hosted by the Out-of-Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA) that brought together over 1,000 brand marketers, agency leaders, and technology partners from around the world. The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Our Moment,’ a nod to the […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/out-of-home-advertising-in-2024-insights-from-this-years-oaaa-ooh-media-conferencehttps://broadsign.com/blog/out-of-home-advertising-in-2024-insights-from-this-years-oaaa-ooh-media-conference<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 30 May 2024 11:18:13 GMT<p>Last month, the Broadsign team attended the <a href="https://oaaa.org/news-and-events/ooh-media-conference/">2024 OOH Media Conference</a>, a three-day out-of-home (OOH) industry event hosted by the Out-of-Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA) that brought together over 1,000 brand marketers, agency leaders, and technology partners from around the world.&nbsp;</p><p>The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Our Moment,’ a nod to the technology advancements, creative innovations, and collaboration that have contributed to the resilience and adaptability of the medium. And what a moment to shine it is! From the revival of major U.S. cities post-pandemic to the emergence of AI tools and robust measurement capabilities, <a href="https://oaaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/2024-Value-of-OOH-Guide.pdf">OOH is the fastest-growing traditional advertising channel</a>, experiencing double-digit growth in 2023. </p><p>Read on for our takeaways from this year’s event</p><h2 >Digital OOH continues to drive action and remains a highly effective medium</h2><p>Officially released during the conference, the <a href="https://oohtoday.com/oaaa-harris-poll-study-shows-dooh-surpasses-other-media-in-driving-favorability-action/">latest study by the OAAA and The Harris Poll</a> presented key findings around the efficacy of digital OOH (DOOH), particularly its ability to engage with audiences in a positive way. Results found that 73% of consumers view DOOH ads favourably, significantly higher than other media channels like TV/video, social media, and online ads. Millennial and Gen Z audiences favoured DOOH ads the most, an encouraging sign for advertisers as this group holds significant spending power.&nbsp;</p><p>Results also found that DOOH is more likely to drive action than any other competing media, with nearly 50% of consumers stating that DOOH ads are likely to make them take action post-exposure. Common types of action reported include watching video programming (38%), visiting a restaurant (30%), engaging in word-of-mouth conversations (29%), and store visitation (29%).&nbsp;</p><p>It&#8217;s clear that OOH advertising deserves a significant piece of the media pie. More advertisers and brand marketers are recognizing the unique benefits of DOOH and are increasingly reallocating dollars from digital channels into the medium. This shift not only drives top-level brand awareness but also prompts direct consumer actions in a favourable way.&nbsp;</p><h2 >The future of OOH goes beyond billboards</h2><p>As the OOH landscape evolves, the medium is extending far beyond traditional billboards. The expansion into diverse formats, including transit advertising, is redefining how advertisers reach audiences while reshaping urban experiences. Brands can now appear in contextually relevant ways that grab consumer attention. The Harris Poll found that consumers consider dynamic ads with deals and offers related to things like weather conditions and <a href="https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/new-study-finds-digital-out-of-home-advertising-surpasses-other-media-in-driving-favorability-and-action-among-consumers-302131872.html">timely discounts to be the most useful</a>. From dynamic displays on buses and trains to interactive screens in subway stations and airports, OOH is harnessing new technologies and locations to capture consumer attention in increasingly effective ways.&nbsp;</p><p>We were excited to see that many of this year’s <a href="https://oaaa.org/news/oaaa-reveals-winners-of-82nd-annual-obie-awards-dunkin-named-as-newest-obie-hall-of-fame-inductee/">OBIE Awards</a> winners went beyond billboards to include non-traditional formats &#8211; we’re talking train takeovers, airport installations, and even giant vending machines (yes, really). We’re looking forward to seeing how more versatility in OOH formats helps brands connect with modern consumers.&nbsp;</p><figure ><figure >The Coca-Cola Company&#8217;s &#8216;Best co*ke Ever &#8211; Best co*ke Ever: The Giant Vending Machine&#8217;</figcaption></figure><figure >The New York Times for NYT All Access Train Takeover</figcaption></figure></figure><h2 >Physical ads amplify digital channels</h2><p><strong>Social Media and the Creator Economy</strong></p><p>Social media remains a key focus in an omnichannel advertising strategy, particularly when it comes to reaching younger audiences like Gen Z. As influencers and content creators leverage their following to engage audiences across digital platforms,<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/beyond-digital-boundaries-how-to-maximize-campaign-impact-with-dooh-and-social-media/"> OOH offers a tangible extension of this engagement into the physical world</a> and is now starting to play a significant role in the creator/influencer economy.&nbsp;</p><p>From smaller influencers to global superstars, many content creators are turning to OOH to promote brands, entertainment releases, and more. Brands and advertisers are also working with influencers to promote their offerings, leveraging consumers’ favorability toward influencers. In a <a href="https://oaaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/OOH-Influeneces-Consumer-Purchase-Decisions.pdf">2023 study from the OAAA and Morning Consult</a>, 31% of adults were found more likely to purchase a product or service with a familiar influencer, creator, or celebrity in an OOH ad. When brands and creators harness the power of OOH together, they can craft a powerful message that builds trust.</p><figure >Singer Lana Del Rey famously promoted her album with a singular billboard in her ex-partner&#8217;s hometown &#8211; a move that went viral on social media</figcaption></figure><p><strong>Connected Television (CTV)</strong></p><p>As Anna Bager, President &amp; CEO of the OAAA, said in her <a href="https://oaaa.org/blog-posts/anna-bagers-2024-state-of-the-ooh-industry-speech/">2024 State of the OOH Industry speech</a>, now is the time to show brands how OOH&nbsp;can help amplify their CTV messaging as consumers leave their homes. As OOH measurement and attribution capabilities become more robust and audience data gets more granular, the pairing of the two mediums is enabling more precisely targeted real-world ad delivery.</p><p>Together, OOH and CTV are creating a powerful combination for reaching modern consumers. By integrating OOH&#8217;s broad reach and high visibility with CTV&#8217;s targeted and interactive nature, brands can craft cohesive campaigns that engage audiences across multiple touchpoints. To strengthen a brand&#8217;s connection, marketers can engage consumers through CTV when they’re indoors and then reinforce the message with OOH advertising as they go about their day.</p><h2 >Artificial intelligence is here &#8211; and here to stay</h2><p>Of course, a conference full of marketers wouldn’t be complete without a discussion (or many discussions) on artificial intelligence. Across the industry, marketers are leveraging AI tools to improve efficiency, enhance creativity, optimize measurement, and more. According to a recent OAAA member poll, <a href="https://www.smartbrief.com/original/field-notes-for-out-of-home-advertisers-ai-has-its-moment">over 50% of marketers now use AI in some form</a>.</p><p>From OOH ad creatives to localization, AI&#8217;s applications in the OOH workflow are extensive, with tools that enable marketers to craft highly personalized and effective campaigns, streamline their processes, and gain deeper insights into their audience&#8217;s behaviour. And in this new era, staying ahead means not just adopting AI, but mastering its use to drive growth and innovation. While AI likely won’t replace marketers’ jobs, the general consensus is that marketers who understand how to harness these tools will thrive.&nbsp;</p><p>As we continue to grow and thrive as an industry, we&#8217;re looking forward to capturing a larger share of ad spend, especially thanks to automation and programmatic developments that are levelling the playing field with other media channels. We&#8217;re excited to see how OOH trends evolve over the next year.&nbsp;</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign’s Joy Hines named a 2024 Top Women in Media and Ad Tech]]><![CDATA[

We’re thrilled to announce that Joy Hines, Director of Programmatic Operations here at Broadsign, has been named one of AdExchanger and AdMonsters’ 2024 Top Women in Media and Ad Tech! The prestigious award recognizes and celebrates women who have contributed significantly to the digital media and advertising technology community. Joy is honored as a Programmatic […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsigns-joy-hines-named-a-2024-top-women-in-media-and-ad-techhttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsigns-joy-hines-named-a-2024-top-women-in-media-and-ad-tech<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 29 May 2024 09:30:00 GMT<p>We’re thrilled to announce that Joy Hines, Director of Programmatic Operations here at Broadsign, has been named one of AdExchanger and AdMonsters’<a href="https://www.admonsters.com/events/2024-top-women-in-media-ad-tech/"> 2024 Top Women in Media and Ad Tech</a>! The prestigious award recognizes and celebrates women who have contributed significantly to the digital media and advertising technology community.</p><p>Joy is honored as a Programmatic Storyteller for her work in driving the adoption of programmatic solutions to media buyers, advertisers, and partners within the broader advertising industry. From ad tech innovation to programmatic sales and operations, honorees in the category are expert communicators who harness the power of storytelling to clarify complex messages and boost ad tech engagement.</p><p>Joy’s journey in ad tech spans over 15 remarkable years, including eight focused on Programmatic both at Yahoo! and Broadsign, where her experience is helping us shape and support the fast-growing programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH) industry.&nbsp;</p><p>During her tenure at Yahoo!, Joy co-led the transformation of the client support model to a customer-centric approach that aligned with the rapid growth of the self-service business of the Yahoo DSP and helped drive the adoption and growth of native ads with programmatic buyers.</p><p>Joy brought her expertise to Broadsign in 2023, helping to scale operations for the company’s fast-growing programmatic OOH business. Leading programmatic operations for North America and LATAM, Joy and her team focus on building and scaling partnerships with our 30+ demand-side platform (DSP) partners and agencies, helping them execute programmatic DOOH campaigns with enormous success.&nbsp;</p><p>A natural leader and coach, Joy excels at educating buyers about DOOH and how it can drive business results by reaching their intended audience, with precision, in various environments.</p><p>&#8220;It&#8217;s an incredible honor to be recognized alongside this exceptional group of women in media and ad tech. I see this as recognition not just for me personally, but for Broadsign as well. We&#8217;ve made significant strides in the programmatic DOOH space over the past few years, and I’m excited to see that momentum continue as the space continues to evolve,&#8221; says Joy Hines.</p><p>&#8220;Joy delicately balances the ever-changing digital ad landscape and is skilled at identifying and growing the talent around her to produce amazing leaders and business results,&#8221; says John Dolan, Global VP of Media Sales at Broadsign. &#8220;She’s a forward-thinking leader who isn’t afraid to take risks but does so with a pragmatic approach to problem-solving.&#8221;</p><p>Congratulations, Joy!&nbsp;</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Acquires Netherlands-based DOOH DSP OutMoove]]><![CDATA[

Deal to broaden OOH specialty agency access to OutMoove’s flexible, targeted pDOOH campaign tools globally. Montreal, Canada, and Amsterdam, the Netherlands – May 13, 2024 – Broadsign, developer of the leading out-of-home (OOH) advertising platform, today announced that it has acquired Netherlands-based digital OOH (DOOH) ad tech provider OutMoove. The transaction, which includes OutMoove’s business […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-acquires-netherlands-based-dooh-dsp-outmoovehttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-acquires-netherlands-based-dooh-dsp-outmoove<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 13 May 2024 06:38:57 GMT<p><em>Deal to broaden OOH specialty agency access to OutMoove’s flexible, targeted pDOOH campaign tools globally.</em></p><p><strong>Montreal, Canada, and Amsterdam, the Netherlands &#8211; May 13, 2024 –</strong> <a href="https://broadsign.com/campaign-planning-ad-serving/?utm_source=google&amp;utm_medium=cpc&amp;utm_campaign=Omni%20Lab%20%7C%20SEM%20%7C%20Owner%20%7C%20Brand%20%7C%20EXT%20&amp;%20PHR%20-%20USA&amp;utm_content=Broadsign&amp;utm_ad=687322231374&amp;utm_term=broadsign&amp;matchtype=e&amp;device=c&amp;GeoLoc=9004357&amp;placement=&amp;network=g&amp;campaign_id=17382995409&amp;adset_id=137284309356&amp;ad_id=687322231374&amp;utm_term=broadsign&amp;utm_campaign=Omni+Lab+%7C+SEM+%7C+Owner+%7C+Brand+%7C+EXT+%26+PHR+-+USA&amp;utm_source=adwords&amp;utm_medium=ppc&amp;hsa_acc=8791005547&amp;hsa_cam=17382995409&amp;hsa_grp=137284309356&amp;hsa_ad=687322231374&amp;hsa_src=g&amp;hsa_tgt=kwd-670847933699&amp;hsa_kw=broadsign&amp;hsa_mt=e&amp;hsa_net=adwords&amp;hsa_ver=3&amp;gad_source=1&amp;gclid=CjwKCAiA6KWvBhAREiwAFPZM7uVNbsvMjgANe6WE5Kqu8VFu4epDuCIKmFH6KUYZNTnQANGDmKVnIhoCa8sQAvD_BwE">Broadsign</a>, developer of the leading out-of-home (OOH) advertising platform, today announced that it has acquired Netherlands-based digital OOH (DOOH) ad tech provider <a href="https://outmoove.com">OutMoove</a>. The transaction, which includes OutMoove’s business and DOOH demand-side platform (DSP) technology, will enable OutMoove to focus on scaling its unique OOH specialist agency workflows and support globally, while giving Broadsign access to OutMoove’s expertise and specialist OOH clients.</p><p>OutMoove was one of the first DSPs built for DOOH to break into the market, and its deep knowledge and unique insight into specialist OOH workflows quickly made it the preferred choice among Europe’s top independent OOH agencies and holding companies, such as GroupM and Outsight (Billups BE), and others in the United States. The company’s intuitive DOOH media planning and buying tools, extensive automation of workflows, unique data triggers, dynamic creative support, and other pioneering DSP features accelerated pDOOH adoption among its clients and partners. With OutMoove now a part of Broadsign, its team will be able to accelerate its mission to further automate OOH transactions and expand geographically.&nbsp;</p><p>&#8220;OutMoove was an early leader in the programmatic OOH space and has been a Broadsign collaborator and trusted partner for almost seven years. We are thrilled to welcome the entire team to Broadsign and look forward to working with OutMoove to further build a more open and automated OOH ecosystem for media owners and advertisers,&#8221; said Burr Smith, President and CEO of Broadsign.</p><p>&#8220;Our partnership spans years of deep customer connections and strategy discussions, and this transaction with Broadsign will help us take OutMoove to the next level. We’re excited to combine our technology and talents to deliver on the promise of growth through automation for our industry,&#8221; said Mendel Looije, Co-Founder and CEO of OutMoove.&nbsp;</p><p>&#8220;Broadsign has built a dynamic market position that includes relationships with many global DSPs and partners. We are excited to leverage our experience in directly supporting agencies to help build on this foundation from the inside and drive even more growth for our industry worldwide,&#8221; said Mark van de Crommert, Co-Founder and CCO of OutMoove.&nbsp;</p><p>The terms of the transaction will not be disclosed.&nbsp;</p><h4 ><strong>About Broadsign</strong></h4><p>Broadsign empowers media owners, agencies, and brands to harness the power and reach of out-of-home to connect with audiences in ways unlike any other advertising channel. More than 1.5 million static and digital signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, retailers, health clinics, transit systems, electric vehicle charging stations, and more run on Broadsign, reaching audiences at multiple touchpoints throughout the consumer journey. The Broadsign Platform helps media owners such as Outfront, Pattison Outdoor, Global, and Intersection streamline business operations and maximize revenue opportunities while enabling marketers and agencies to more easily plan and execute dynamic OOH campaigns that resonate with audiences. Brands spanning AB InBev, Disney, FanDuel, H&amp;M, Honda, HP, Johnson &amp; Johnson, KLM, Uber Eats, Sea-Doo, Samsonite, and many more have run successful programmatic DOOH campaigns enabled by Broadsign technology. <a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a></p><h4 ><strong>About OutMoove&nbsp;</strong></h4><p>OutMoove is a digital out-of-home DSP that makes buying outdoor advertising easy and advanced. Based in the Netherlands, OutMoove helped establish the OOH programmatic landscape and works with premium OOH media agencies in Europe and the United States.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Reclaiming digital out-of-home’s share in omnichannel advertising strategies]]><![CDATA[

We recently connected with Judita Jesovaite, former Global Head of Digital Out-of-Home Solutions at Group M Nexus, at our Broadsign Customer Summit in Barcelona. Speaking to an audience of OOH media owners, she shared her buy-side perspective on omnichannel campaigns and what advertisers and marketers are looking for when it comes to out-of-home and its […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/reclaiming-digital-oohs-share-in-omnichannel-advertising-strategieshttps://broadsign.com/blog/reclaiming-digital-oohs-share-in-omnichannel-advertising-strategies<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 08 May 2024 09:00:00 GMT<p>We recently connected with Judita Jesovaite, former Global Head of Digital Out-of-Home Solutions at Group M Nexus, at our Broadsign Customer Summit in Barcelona. Speaking to an audience of OOH media owners, she shared her buy-side perspective on omnichannel campaigns and what advertisers and marketers are looking for when it comes to out-of-home and its role within the broader space. Having worked across different media channels, she’s worn many hats, making her well-versed in ad channels beyond out-of-home (OOH).</p><p>Omnichannel advertising strategies remain a big topic in our industry, primarily because of advertisers’ main objective, which is to drive sales. Brands are constantly competing for the attention of their consumers, and it’s getting harder for them to stand out and cut through the noise. Judita explains why here:</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >The omnichannel shift: from a channel-specific approach to holistic brand encounters</h2><p>As Judita mentions in the clip above, the channel-specific approach, which provided advertisers with multiple ways of reaching their intended audience, is also what caused the fragmentation of audiences and media channels, preventing them from creating a unified story across all touchpoints. This led advertisers to look for a more holistic way of executing their strategies, bringing on the omnichannel approach that prioritizes audiences over channels. The new approach allowed advertisers to centralize their media planning, buying and optimization. This, in turn helped them revolve the fragmentation not only between digital channels but also between offline and online media.&nbsp;</p><p>Advertisers can also create more efficient engagement strategies with the omnichannel approach by telling the same story across all the different channels and touchpoints. Furthermore, at a time when brands are facing increasing pressure to maximize their budgets and do more with less, the omnichannel approach provides them with the agility to adapt to market changes, developments in the industry and consumer sentiment.&nbsp;</p><p>However, it’s important to note that omnichannel is not just about bringing all of the channels together. Here’s Judita with more: </p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Where does out-of-home currently stand</h2><p>Judita presented global figures based on Group M’s industry report for 2024-2025.&nbsp;</p><p>In 2023, OOH was forecasted to grow 10.3%, and it’s predicted to surpass pre-pandemic levels this year. Currently worth $34.4 billion, OOH is projected to grow over the next couple of years, although at a more modest rate.&nbsp;</p><p>The medium’s growth is primarily being led by digital out-of-home (DOOH) which can be attributed to the increased availability of new supply and the flexibility of the channel. These two factors will make OOH more accessible to advertisers and give them more control over how they invest their budgets. For 2024, Group M’s projections show that DOOH will grow by 14.6%, reaching 14.2 billion and making up 38% globally of total OOH shares.&nbsp;</p><p>When looking at OOH’s growth in comparison to other traditional media, it has managed to back very quickly from the pandemic and is projected to grow at a faster rate than other channels. Despite its promising growth, OOH currently represents only 4% of total ad spend. However, Judita is not worried and neither should you be. Here’s Judita with why: </p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Omnichannel &amp; (D)OOH</h2><p>Looking at Digiday and Amazon Ads’ <a href="https://digiday.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2023/03/AMAZONADS_State-of-Omnichannel_032823.pdf">State of Omnichannel in 2023</a> report, OOH is being included in the omnichannel mix, but most likely by brands that are already familiar with out-of-home or have experience with it. Judita explains why here: </p><figure ></div></figure><p>There are three main reasons advertisers are adopting omnichannel strategies; to build trust and loyalty with their customers, to increase sales, and to improve brand awareness. So, what are they doing to achieve these objectives? According to the <a href="https://digiday.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2023/03/AMAZONADS_State-of-Omnichannel_032823.pdf">Digiday and Amazon Ads’ report</a> and a <a href="https://dpaaglobal.com/advertiser-perceptions/">DPAA study</a>, removing silos is key, which includes:</p><ul><li>Using a single team to execute and run omnichannel campaigns</li><li>Taking DOOH out of traditional OOH media planning silo for better integration with cross-channel buys.</li></ul><p>With regards to how advertisers are using DOOH in their omnichannel strategies; in addition to being able to complement their digital plans, the two primary reasons for the addition of the medium are for its geo-targeting and contextual targeting capabilities.</p><h2 >What can we do to accelerate growth?&nbsp;</h2><p>With a better idea of where DOOH stands today within the omnichannel mix, Judita provided media owners with three factors that can help accelerate growth. The first factor is programmatically enabled flexibility and precisions. Judita explains why: </p><figure ></div></figure><p>Another factor is supply availability. Looking at <a href="https://dpaaglobal.com/advertiser-perceptions/">DPAA’s study on Advertiser Perceptions</a>, advertisers stated that they would be more likely to include DOOH in the omnichannel mix if they had access to inventory through their preferred platforms. This desire from advertisers has brought on the rise of omnichannel demand-side platforms (DSPs), as advertisers are able to access a vast number of channels through a single platform.&nbsp;</p><p>Finally, the more DOOH matures and is brought into the omnichannel mix, the more likely OOH will be expected to meet the expectations advertisers have with other channels. Judita provides more details on this: </p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >DOOH in the eyes of the consumer: It’s effective</h2><p>Group M Nexus conducted a study with <a href="https://www.kantar.com/north-america">Kantar</a> in 2022, which found that DOOH is well-received among consumers. The majority of them found the medium to be very innovative and useful for learning more about products and brands. In fact, 94% of surveyed consumers found QR codes included in DOOH ads to be useful.&nbsp;</p><p>Another notable finding was that consumers actually see DOOH more positively than other channels:</p><ul><li>DOOH scored <strong>6% higher </strong>than TV when it came to brand perception</li><li>DOOH scored <strong>7% higher</strong> than online ads for trustworthiness</li><li>DOOH scored <strong>16% higher</strong> than newspapers for creativity</li></ul><p>Moreover, despite historically being seen as a branding channel, DOOH is showing increased traction as a performance medium, with many consumers saying it inspires interaction and encourages them to make a purchase. These results demonstrate that DOOH can be a great ally and primer for other channels.&nbsp;</p><p>When looking at the effectiveness of DOOH when paired with other channels, Kantar’s study found that:</p><ul><li>Using DOOH and mobile ads together drives <strong>69% more</strong> <strong>store traffic</strong></li><li>Combining DOOH with TV ads drives <strong>55% in brand lift</strong></li><li>Pairing DOOH with social ads leads to <strong>50% higher brand recall</strong></li></ul><p>To conclude her session, Judita provided media owners with concrete examples of how you can integrate DOOH with other channels today:</p><figure ></div></figure>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Strategies for increasing static out-of-home (OOH) ad revenue in 2024: An actionable guide for media owners]]><![CDATA[

In the ever-evolving outdoor advertising industry, static OOH ads remain a steadfast pillar, commanding attention and delivering impactful messages to audiences in the context of their day-to-day lives. As media owners navigate this landscape in 2024, maximizing ad revenue from static billboards and other traditional OOH inventory will be crucial for sustained success. In this […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/strategies-for-increasing-static-out-of-home-ooh-ad-revenue-in-2024-an-actionable-guide-for-media-ownershttps://broadsign.com/blog/strategies-for-increasing-static-out-of-home-ooh-ad-revenue-in-2024-an-actionable-guide-for-media-owners<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 07 May 2024 09:44:27 GMT<p>In the ever-evolving outdoor advertising industry, static OOH ads remain a steadfast pillar, commanding attention and delivering impactful messages to audiences in the context of their day-to-day lives. As media owners navigate this landscape in 2024, maximizing ad revenue from static billboards and other traditional OOH inventory will be crucial for sustained success.&nbsp;</p><p>In this blog, we highlight actionable strategies to grow your static OOH advertising revenue — with insights gathered from OOH media leaders around the globe for <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/state-of-static-ooh-report/">our new State of Static OOH report</a>. Read on to uncover innovative approaches to thrive in the static OOH space and propel your business forward.</p><h2 >Understanding today’s static OOH landscape: Insights for media owners</h2><p>While digital out-of-home (DOOH) has been getting a lot of attention in the last few years, static OOH — which includes traditional billboard advertisem*nts, posters, and other non-digital forms of outdoor advertising — <a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/04/27/the-power-of-static-ooh-in-the-digital-era/?sh=37a52bfd2d22">remains the dominant format in this ad space</a>. Unlike their dynamic counterparts, static OOH ads offer unrivalled visibility, 100% share of voice, and long-term exposure, providing a cost-effective and impactful way for brands to reach their target audience.</p><p>Despite its enduring appeal, the static OOH advertising market is not without its challenges. In 2024, media owners are grappling with shifting market trends and technological advancements that have led to increased competition from digital alternatives. Unlike DOOH, static media owners still rely on manual-heavy processes to manage their inventory network. And many brand marketers still — mistakenly — believe that static outdoor advertising can’t be measured as a performance channel.&nbsp;</p><p>To navigate these challenges and maximize revenue opportunities, today’s static OOH media owners must adopt innovative approaches to enhance operational efficiency, leverage data-driven insights, and tailor their offerings to meet the evolving needs of advertisers. This proactive approach will help static OOH media businesses stay ahead of the curve, capitalize on emerging trends, and stand out in an increasingly competitive advertising market.</p><h2 >4 strategies for increasing traditional OOH ad revenue</h2><p>Whether you’re looking to amplify existing static OOH revenue or grow your overall/gross outdoor advertising revenue stream, we’ve got you covered with practical insights — backed by the recent feedback of 125+ OOH professionals, with networks based all across the globe.</p><h3 >1. Diversifying OOH inventory</h3><p>The OOH industry’s embrace of digital technologies is clearly more than a passing phase. That’s why, rather than resisting change, many forward-thinking OOH networks with static inventory are actively integrating digitization into their core strategies. In fact, more than <strong>two-thirds of the static OOH media owners we surveyed already classify their current networks as "hybrid,"</strong> meaning they offer a mix of static and digital inventory to advertisers.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>Moving forward, that number is expected to grow, with nearly 43% of survey respondents saying they plan to invest in the digitization of existing static faces in the next 1-2 years.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>That’s not to say that static OOH is going to be replaced anytime soon — especially since static billboards and other traditional outdoor advertising formats can provide advertisers with a competitive edge in this era of digital dominance. According to the survey data from our <em>State of Static OOH </em>report, <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/state-of-static-ooh-report/">70% of OOH media owners with existing inventory digitization plans intend to convert less than a quarter of their existing static faces</a>. Rather than replacing static OOH media, this kind of calculated inventory diversification marks a strategic evolution, opening up new avenues of revenue by expanding the business’s core offerings.</p><h3 >2. Addressing operational inefficiencies</h3><p>The intricate processes that once defined the creation and deployment of static OOH campaigns are undergoing a transformative shift — and there’s a growing awareness amongst media owners that more efficient workflows are not just desirable but have become a strategic necessity for the continued growth of their business. This perspective is reinforced by the results of our survey, which found that <strong>53% of static out-of-home media owners see operational inefficiencies as one of their organization’s top barriers to future growth.</strong></p><figure }</script></figure><p>Automation can help static OOH media owners reduce some of the friction and save time, and a new group of campaign management solutions is making it easier for the growing number of hybrid networks to seamlessly manage their mix of static and digital OOH inventory. But the industry, as a whole, still has a long way to go with regards to implementing these kinds of efficiency-minded solutions; despite an ongoing desire to grow advertising revenue, <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/state-of-static-ooh-report/">37% of the OOH media owners Broadsign surveyed still use spreadsheets or slides to manually manage their static inventory</a>.</p><p>In the quest for optimal revenue generation, networks with static OOH inventory must confront the challenges posed by outdated inventory tracking systems, manual proposal processes, and the need for more streamlined methods of providing proof-of-performance (PoP) to advertisers. What’s important now — and moving forward — is for OOH organizations to integrate the tools and processes needed to capitalize on the immediacy and responsiveness that modern audiences, and thus advertisers, have come to expect.&nbsp;</p><h3 >3. Leveraging data-driven decision making</h3><p>Technological advancements now allow for data-driven content targeting, while the inclusion of interactive elements can further enhance engagement and increase the overall impact of multi-channel ad campaigns. No longer confined to traditional methods, today’s media owners understand that harnessing data-driven solutions is the key to unlocking new revenue. In fact, <strong>40% of the static OOH media owners we surveyed see data and analytics as crucial</strong> and believe they will significantly shape the industry moving forward.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>Data-driven insights not only inform the optimization of static OOH networks but also facilitate the creation of more targeted and impactful static OOH campaigns — something that will be key to attracting more advertiser investment moving forward. For media owners who want their static OOH business to stand out and scale up, taking the time to invest in the right technology now is sure to pay off in the future — especially considering that <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/state-of-static-ooh-report/">nearly 15% of surveyed static OOH media owners don’t currently track audience measurement at all.</a></p><p>As static OOH media owners look to bridge the gap with still-untapped advertisers, implementing modern measurement methods becomes a necessity, ensuring their static OOH businesses thrive and remain resilient in an era where informed decision-making is the cornerstone of success.</p><h3 >4. Partnering with local businesses and events</h3><p>Partnering with local businesses and events can be a game-changer for static out-of-home (OOH) media owners looking to enhance their advertising revenue. By forging strategic alliances with local businesses, OOH media owners can offer targeted advertising solutions that resonate with the community. The positive impact this kind of outreach could have on your bottom line is reinforced by the results of our survey, which showed that <strong>local brand campaigns make up a quarter or more of total ad sales for the majority (53%) of static OOH owners.&nbsp;</strong></p><p>Whether it&#8217;s placing ads near popular local establishments or customizing campaigns to align with specific neighbourhood demographics, these partnerships can result in higher engagement and better ROI for advertisers — which, in turn, leads to higher demand and better revenue generation opportunities for media owners. Leveraging events and sponsorships can also further amplify the visibility of static OOH media; by associating their displays with well-attended events or becoming sponsors, media owners can capture the attention of a broader audience and attract advertisers seeking to capitalize on the heightened exposure.</p><p>By offering targeted advertising opportunities tailored to the interests of the community, static OOH media owners can not only attract more advertisers but also foster long-term partnerships that benefit both parties — unlocking new avenues for revenue generation and further solidifying the power and position of static OOH media in an increasingly digitized advertising ecosystem.</p><h2 >Case studies &amp; static OOH business success stories</h2><p>Ready to see some of these actionable static OOH revenue generation strategies in action? In this section, we highlight compelling case studies that showcase the accomplishments of OOH media owners and explore the strategies behind their networks’ impressive revenue growth. From innovative campaigns to strategic partnerships, uncover the secrets behind their success in navigating the dynamic landscape of outdoor — and multichannel — advertising.</p><h4 >Summit Outdoor Media: Balancing static and digital inventory for maximum revenue</h4><p>Throughout its 20-year history, Summit Outdoor Media (formerly Summit Billboard) has been committed to helping brands and advertisers reach audiences offline and outside of their homes. As the outdoor advertising division of Summit Media, which owns and operates various properties throughout the Philippines, Summit Outdoor Media provides customers with ways to reach audiences through a mix of traditional and digital outdoor advertising. Today, its vast inventory is strategically located across environments like roadways, malls, and transit networks and ranges from large-screen LED video billboards to small lamp post banners — making it one of the largest OOH media operators in the region.</p><figure /></figure><p>Strategies Summit Outdoor Media employed to achieve optimal revenue generation and support the business’s growth include:</p><ul><li><strong>Diversification of OOH inventory:</strong> In addition to offering such widespread availability, the company’s entry into the world of digital out-of-home has enabled it to attract new clients thanks to some pretty exciting capabilities, including anonymized data tracking that registers and analyzes audience behaviour within site locations.</li></ul><ul><li><strong>Leveraging data-driven decision-making:</strong> To evolve alongside the Philippine outdoor advertising market and scale and transform their offering, Summit Outdoor Media adopted <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-platform/">an all-in-one OOH software solution</a> with sophisticated campaign tools designed to help them drive more revenue.</li></ul><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-summit-outdoor-media-is-delivering-ooh-advertising-solutions-to-audiences-in-the-philippines/">Read the full case study</a> to learn more about Summit Outdoor Media’s business success.</p><h4 >Gawk Outdoor: Successful integration of local partnerships</h4><p>Gawk Outdoor’s (originally called Regional Billboard Co.) mission is simple: to make out-of-home more available and widespread in their home state of Victoria. Since 2018, Gawk Outdoor has grown into the largest independent outdoor advertising company operating across the southeastern state of Australia, as well as in neighbouring New South Wales. Most of their inventory is static, but their network also has several digital screens; as of September 2022, the number of Gawk Outdoor sites had reached 80 locations across Victoria — a number that was only expected to continue growing in the near future.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>Some of the revenue growth strategies Gawk Outdoor used in the course of this impressive network growth include:</p><ul><li><strong>Partnering with local businesses and events:</strong> In 2024, the company’s original mission now includes another layer: to make out-of-home available to businesses of all budgets and sizes. Placing regional Victoria at the heart of their efforts, Gawk Outdoor strives to ensure that local businesses have the same advertising opportunities and access to OOH as the international players they serve. In fact, about three-quarters of its clientele are brands and advertisers who are relatively new to outdoor advertising.</li><li><strong>Addressing operational inefficiencies:</strong> Gawk Outdoor’s ambitious desire to scale its organization came with the need for more efficient operations. That’s why, after investing in premium fixtures and the best locations in the region, the team turned its attention to software to help make the process of operating an expanding inventory of billboards easier — ultimately adopting <a href="https://broadsign.com/static-campaigns/">dedicated static OOH software</a> to better streamline their workflow, eliminate the risk of human error, and better serve their customers.</li></ul><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-gawk-outdoor-is-making-ooh-accessible-to-local-businesses-of-all-sizes-in-southeastern-australia/">Read the full case study</a> to learn more about Gawk Outdoor’s successful expansion.</p><h3 >Get more of the latest industry insights from our State of Static OOH report</h3><p>Want to learn more about the world of static out-of-home advertising in 2024? <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/state-of-static-ooh-report/">Download your full copy of <em>The State of Static OOH</em> industry report.</a>&nbsp;</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign renews SOC 2® Type 2 compliance: Here’s why it matters]]><![CDATA[

At Broadsign, keeping our customer data secure will always be a top priority. That’s why we’re committed to ensuring that our controls, policies, and procedures meet the highest standards and continue to evolve as our business grows. Broadsign has recently achieved another essential milestone in its information security strategy by refreshing its SOC 2 Type […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-broadsign-is-building-assurance-with-soc-2-compliancehttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-broadsign-is-building-assurance-with-soc-2-compliance<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 01 May 2024 09:00:00 GMT<p>At Broadsign, keeping our customer data secure will always be a top priority. That’s why we’re committed to ensuring that our controls, policies, and procedures meet the highest standards and continue to evolve as our business grows. Broadsign has recently achieved another essential milestone in its information security strategy by refreshing its SOC 2 Type 2 compliance with constant monitoring since the last reporting period—widely regarded as the gold standard for information security. Read on to find out more about this globally recognized security accreditation and the value it brings to our clients and partners.</p><h2 >Why SOC 2 compliance matters in 2024</h2><p>Data continues to be the most valuable asset in the world, ahead of oil,&nbsp;<a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2019/11/15/data-is-the-new-oil-and-thats-a-good-thing/?sh=121403767304">according to Forbes</a>. It can help your company meaningfully engage with customers, make informed business decisions, and gain a competitive advantage. First-party data is especially significant in the digital signage space, where it has become an integral part of dynamic DOOH campaigns and a prerequisite for enabling programmatic selling. But as the value of organizational data has grown, so too have the security risks.&nbsp;<a href="https://cpl.thalesgroup.com/cloud-security-research">Attacks targeting cloud resources are on the rise</a>, and enterprises need help understanding which cloud-based service providers they should consider working with to ensure their sensitive data stays secure. That’s where a SOC 2 report comes into play.</p><p>SOC 2 compliance is a voluntary step taken by Broadsign, as a SaaS and cloud-computing vendor, to provide added trust and assurance to protect its customer’s data in the cloud. Developed by the <a href="https://www.aicpa-cima.com/home">American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)</a>, SOC 2 (which stands for "System and Organization Controls" 2) evaluates the internal systems and security controls a tech service business uses to protect customer data in the cloud. As digital threats continue to evolve and cybersecurity remains a top business challenge in 2024, SOC compliance has become a gold standard to ensure organizations are adhering to best practices when securing sensitive internal and customer data. Having a SOC 2 report is a badge of trust and an important step in providing our customers with added peace of mind.</p><h2 >What SOC 2 means for our customers</h2><p>At Broadsign, data security has always been a top priority for both ourselves and our customers. We successfully&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/international-security-certifications-soc-ii-isae3420/">completed a SOC 2 Type 2 audit</a>&nbsp;back in 2022 and&nbsp;have proudly maintained our security status since then. This time around, we worked with independent consulting firm KPMG to once again perform an audit of our policies and procedures and achieve SOC 2 Type 2 compliance — further reinforcing our ongoing commitment to security within our digital signage platform.&nbsp;</p><p>While our security protocols have always been incredibly rigorous, it is our priority to always meet the highest possible security standards. DOOH network owners around the world rely on us to help buy, sell, and deliver out-of-home media, and that means they trust us with their confidential customer data. A SOC 2 certification provides added assurance to our clients and partners and opens the door to prospective enterprises with more stringent regulations around security and compliance requirements. In short, achieving SOC 2 compliance proves our commitment to continually assessing our compliance and data security measures to ensure the highest standards are never compromised—and it should give your company the confidence to choose Broadsign as the most trusted and secure DOOH platform on the market.&nbsp;</p><blockquote ><p>"It’s gratifying to renew our rigorous SOC 2 Type 2 audit at the same time that we continue to enhance our digital offerings. With this refreshed attestation, our aim is to enhance the established trust and assurance we have with our customers by undergoing one of the highest forms of independent assurance available in the marketplace today. We’re extremely proud of the entire Broadsign team who worked – and continue to work – tirelessly to achieve and sustain this certification."</p><cite>Joe Cotugno, Sr. Vice President International Operations</cite></blockquote><h2 >What’s involved in the SOC 2 certification process?</h2><p>According to AICPA standards, a SOC 2 audit must be completed by a third-party auditor. The auditor assesses the extent to which a cloud-based service provider’s systems and processes comply with one or more of SOC’s five trust principles, referred to as Trust Services Criteria (TSC): Security, Privacy, Confidentiality, Processing Integrity, and Availability.</p><p>What sets SOC 2 apart from other security certifications is that it lets each business decide how best to implement the SOC 2 framework according to its own objectives and operations. It’s not a prescriptive list of controls, processes, or tools. Instead, the auditor evaluates how well a business has implemented controls relevant to the selected TSC Principles and gives their opinion of overall effectiveness for:</p><ul><li>the design of a company’s security program (SOC 2 Type 1)&nbsp;</li><li>the execution of the program over a period of time (SOC 2 Type 2)</li></ul><p>The auditor then compiles their opinions and findings into a report (the SOC report) that’s unique to each business and can be used to assure customers of the steps taken to manage their data.&nbsp;</p><p>The SOC 2 Type 2 is a rigorous audit that evaluates the execution of an organization’s security program over a period of time – in Broadsign’s case, full coverage from the previous audit. As a result, Broadsign successfully completed its SOC 2 Type 2 audits for a more in-depth review of the ongoing state of its cloud security, providing greater trust and assurance to its customers. For more information, contact your Broadsign representative.&nbsp;</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[PATTISON Modernizes its Out-of-Home Technology Stack with Broadsign]]><![CDATA[

Partnership streamlines daily operations and unlocks new revenue potential;enables PATTISON clients to maximize OOH campaigns Montreal, Canada, April 25, 2024 – Out-of-home (OOH) ad tech leader Broadsign today announced that PATTISON Outdoor Advertising, a leading Canadian OOH media owner, has adopted the full Broadsign OOH technology stack. With Broadsign already providing a centralized hub for […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/pattison-modernizes-its-out-of-home-technology-stack-with-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/pattison-modernizes-its-out-of-home-technology-stack-with-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 25 Apr 2024 08:30:00 GMT<p><em>Partnership streamlines daily operations and unlocks new revenue potential;&nbsp;enables PATTISON clients to maximize OOH campaigns</em></p><p><strong>Montreal, Canada, April 25, 2024 –</strong><em> </em>Out-of-home (OOH) ad tech leader <a href="https://broadsign.com/campaign-planning-ad-serving/?utm_source=google&amp;utm_medium=cpc&amp;utm_campaign=Omni%20Lab%20%7C%20SEM%20%7C%20Owner%20%7C%20Brand%20%7C%20EXT%20&amp;%20PHR%20-%20USA&amp;utm_content=Broadsign&amp;utm_ad=687322231374&amp;utm_term=broadsign&amp;matchtype=e&amp;device=c&amp;GeoLoc=9004357&amp;placement=&amp;network=g&amp;campaign_id=17382995409&amp;adset_id=137284309356&amp;ad_id=687322231374&amp;utm_term=broadsign&amp;utm_campaign=Omni+Lab+%7C+SEM+%7C+Owner+%7C+Brand+%7C+EXT+%26+PHR+-+USA&amp;utm_source=adwords&amp;utm_medium=ppc&amp;hsa_acc=8791005547&amp;hsa_cam=17382995409&amp;hsa_grp=137284309356&amp;hsa_ad=687322231374&amp;hsa_src=g&amp;hsa_tgt=kwd-670847933699&amp;hsa_kw=broadsign&amp;hsa_mt=e&amp;hsa_net=adwords&amp;hsa_ver=3&amp;gad_source=1&amp;gclid=CjwKCAiA6KWvBhAREiwAFPZM7uVNbsvMjgANe6WE5Kqu8VFu4epDuCIKmFH6KUYZNTnQANGDmKVnIhoCa8sQAvD_BwE">Broadsign</a> today announced that <a href="https://www.pattisonoutdoor.com/">PATTISON</a> Outdoor Advertising, a leading Canadian OOH media owner, has adopted the full <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-platform/">Broadsign OOH technology stack</a>. With Broadsign already providing a centralized hub for its programmatic digital OOH (DOOH) workflows, the expanded partnership now enables PATTISON to dynamically manage and optimize its OOH inventory to unlock previously untapped revenue opportunities. The partnership also opens up new ways for brands to book campaigns on PATTISON inventory with a more targeted, impression-based approach and accelerates the rate at which PATTISON can display client ads across its OOH inventory, spanning urban pathways, residential and office buildings, transit hubs, airports, and other venues across Canada.</p><p>Providing a near real-time ad scheduling workflow comprising advanced optimization and prioritization tools, the Broadsign platform is helping PATTISON reallocate time previously spent on manual campaign pacing and adding daily plays to bump up the delivery of low-pacing campaigns. Broadsign’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/yield-optimization-is-for-everyone-with-broadsign-director-of-product-seamus-hunn/">optimization engine</a> works on a play-by-play or impression level based on each campaign’s goals, and enables PATTISON’s sales team to easily find more available inventory, even in high sellout periods. With the updated OOH platform, PATTISON can now easily customize campaigns to align with client needs. Since beginning its rollout of the new platform in early March, it has powered OOH campaigns for some of PATTISON’s largest clients, including Holt Renfrew, Lotto Quebec, McDonald’s, and Tim Hortons.&nbsp;</p><p>&#8220;In evaluating our options, the Broadsign tech stack quickly emerged as the best fit, especially for our ad-serving needs. It lets us maximize yield and revenue potential while ensuring pDOOH campaigns can be seamlessly executed based on client goals, with little to no manual intervention,&#8221; shared PATTISON Director of Digital Innovation Jessica Littlejohn. &#8220;Our digital product offering has never been more robust than with Broadsign at its core, and our team has more time to do what we do best – understand and help our clients achieve their objectives.&#8221;</p><p>Echoing Littlejohn’s sentiments, PATTISON President Steve McGregor, added, &#8220;The support the Broadsign team has provided along the journey has been instrumental in helping us to achieve our business goals and prepare for our next phase of growth.&#8221;</p><p>&#8220;PATTISON is an industry trailblazer with a reputation for always being one step ahead of the curve. It was one of the first media owners to offer full-scale programmatic DOOH and advanced audience-based targeting options,&#8221; shared Maarten Dollevoet, Chief Revenue Officer, Broadsign. &#8220;PATTISON’s commitment to evolving its digital toolset to prepare for the next wave of OOH is inspiring, and we’re excited to partner with them to help them reach their goals.&#8221;</p><h5 ><strong>About Broadsign</strong></h5><p>Broadsign empowers media owners, agencies, and brands to harness the power and reach of out-of-home to connect with audiences in ways unlike any other advertising channel. More than 1.5 million static and digital signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, retailers, health clinics, transit systems, electric vehicle charging stations, and more run on Broadsign, reaching audiences at multiple touchpoints throughout the consumer journey. The Broadsign Platform helps media owners such as Outfront, Pattison Outdoor, Global, and Intersection streamline business operations and maximize revenue opportunities while enabling marketers and agencies to more easily plan and execute dynamic OOH campaigns that resonate with audiences. Brands spanning AB InBev, Disney, FanDuel, H&amp;M, Honda, HP, Johnson &amp; Johnson, KLM, Uber Eats, Sea-Doo, Samsonite, and many more have run successful programmatic DOOH campaigns enabled by Broadsign technology. <a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a></p><h5 ><strong>About PATTISON&nbsp;</strong></h5><p>PATTISON Outdoor Advertising, a division of The Jim Pattison Group is Canada’s largest Out-of-Home advertising company. PATTISON Outdoor helps brands and businesses harness the power of Out-of-Home advertising by providing the most comprehensive range of products, markets, insights and customer support services. With its roots reaching back to 1908, PATTISON has been providing innovative solutions for Out-of-Home advertising opportunities with products ranging from traditional billboards to transit, digital, airport, residential, office, and street level formats. PATTISON is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario with over 25 sales offices across the country, providing advertisers unmatched reach and coverage with products available in over 200 markets coast to coast.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[What’s new in the Broadsign Platform: Sophisticated targeting, creative management and UI improvements]]><![CDATA[

Spring has finally sprung, which means fresh air, greenery, and, most importantly, fresh updates to the Broadsign Platform. This season we are bringing you sophisticated targeting tools, streamlined creative management, and major UI improvements to make the campaign planning and management process for directly-sold campaigns as seamless as possible for campaign planners. Why does this […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/whats-new-in-the-broadsign-platform-sophisticated-targeting-creative-management-and-ui-improvementshttps://broadsign.com/blog/whats-new-in-the-broadsign-platform-sophisticated-targeting-creative-management-and-ui-improvements<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 16 Apr 2024 09:00:00 GMT<p>Spring has finally sprung, which means fresh air, greenery, and, most importantly, fresh updates to the Broadsign Platform. This season we are bringing you sophisticated targeting tools, streamlined creative management, and major UI improvements to make the campaign planning and management process for directly-sold campaigns as seamless as possible for campaign planners.&nbsp;</p><p>Why does this matter? While the activation process for digital out-of-home (DOOH) may only require a couple of minutes, the campaign planning and management process often requires much more time. Discovering available and relevant inventory, collecting data to prove the medium&#8217;s effectiveness in meeting campaign goals, and managing campaign creatives are all time-consuming tasks.</p><p>The new spring updates introduce a new level of automation that not only reduces the time and complexities of getting DOOH campaigns out the door but also helps make out-of-home (OOH) a competitive and attractive medium for buyers. Let’s dive in!</p><h2 >Sophisticated targeting tools that find the best inventory&nbsp;</h2><p>We don’t believe granular targeting should be just for programmatic buys. That’s why media owner campaign planners who plan, execute, and monitor directly-sold campaigns through the Broadsign Platform now have access to the same flexibility and comprehensive targeting capabilities as online and programmatic media buyers.&nbsp;</p><p>With our new targeting tools*, you can now filter your inventory by location and key points of interest (POIs), enabling campaign planners to find the most relevant inventory for each campaign at the click of a button. You now also have access to an intuitive map visualization that displays your inventory with quick filtering by area, support for bulk location uploads, and setting radius parameters.&nbsp;</p><p>These additions to the Broadsign Platform not only cut down on the manual work required for inventory discovery but also provide your team the opportunity to be more of a strategic partner to buyers.&nbsp;</p><p>For your sales team – who juggle multiple responsibilities, like business development, client relations, creating proposals, negotiating deals, and overseeing campaign execution and performance –&nbsp; they can spend less time on administrative tasks and more time advising buyers on the effectiveness of OOH and its complimentary effect with other mediums. For your campaign planners – who often juggle multiple campaigns at once – they can plan and set up campaigns a lot quicker, freeing themselves to focus on more critical tasks.&nbsp;</p><p ><strong><em>*Disclaimer:</em></strong><em> For sophisticated targeting capabilities, you must be fully migrated to the Broadsign Platform and be located in the following supported countries &#8211; Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America.&nbsp;</em></p><h2 >Simplified creative management and centralized campaign planning</h2><p>Media owners juggle multiple campaigns and creatives at the same time, and without the right tools, the creative management process can become complex and stressful for your teams. Our new creative management tools now allow you to create, edit, manage, and assign campaign creatives with ease. On top of that, you’ll also be able to push your campaigns <em>live</em> – all within a single unified workflow through the Broadsign Platform.</p><p>In this update to the Broadsign Platform, you can now manage creative bundles for each of your campaigns directly through a new web-based workflow, eliminating the need to go through the Broadsign desktop tools. This enhancement provides your team with greater flexibility by allowing them to access and manage their campaigns from any location at any time.&nbsp;</p><p>We think you’ll also love how intuitive and easy-to-use the campaign planning tools are to adopt. Users of all technical proficiency levels can quickly learn and use this streamlined approach to create and manage campaigns with ease.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Additional management tools for an improved user experience</h2><p>Along with comprehensive creative management and targeting tools for directly-sold campaigns, additional tools and UI enhancements have been added to improve the usability and user experience of the Broadsign Platform:</p><p><strong>The Guaranteed Campaigns module is now fully integrated into the Broadsign Platform</strong></p><p>We’ve fully integrated the Guaranteed Campaigns module, formerly called Broadsign Direct, into the platform interface. This consolidation allows you to more conveniently manage campaigns, packages, and settings directly from the Broadsign Platform, eliminating the need to visit the <a href="https://direct.broadsign.com/">original stand-alone </a>application.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Inventory package accessibility</strong></p><p>Access inventory packages effortlessly through the platform&#8217;s updated navigation bar, enhancing efficiency and ease of use.</p><p><strong>Centralized settings management</strong></p><p>Administrators can now adjust and manage all necessary settings for digital and static inventory, user management, and more directly within the platform’s web-based UI through a centralized hub for control and configuration.</p><p><strong>Campaign monitoring enhancements</strong></p><p>With the newly implemented progress indicator, real-time monitoring of campaign pacing is now possible, giving immediate insight into campaign performance. This allows for quick adjustments to be made, as needed, to meet campaign goals effectively.</p><p><strong>Search functionality and filters</strong></p><p>An improved search mechanism, complemented by additional filters like campaign, client or contract names, enables quicker and more accurate campaign retrieval, saving time and improving workflow.</p><p><strong>Dashboard customization</strong></p><p>Tailor the platform&#8217;s dashboard to meet individual needs, ensuring that the most relevant and important information is always front and center.</p><h2 >Want to know more?&nbsp;</h2><p>Here’s a short FAQ to provide you with some answers to some questions you might have regarding our latest updates:</p><p><strong>What do I need to do to prepare for the update?</strong><strong></strong>There&#8217;s no need to do anything to prepare for the update. It will be applied automatically to your Broadsign Platform account.</p><p><strong>Will all my users have access to creative management?</strong><strong></strong>Admins automatically have access, and we’ve also created two <em>new</em> creative user roles which would also have access, if granted. Take a look at our <a href="https://docs.broadsign.com/broadsign-platform/Documentation_User_Mgmt/user-management.html?tocpath=User%20Management%7C_____0">documentation</a> for more information on roles.</p><p><strong>Will this affect any of my API integrations?</strong><strong></strong>No, there will be no impact on the use of APIs or any integrations.</p><p><strong>Will the update affect my existing campaigns?</strong><strong></strong>No, the update will not affect your existing campaigns.</p><p><strong>Will I still be able to access the original Guaranteed Campaigns (Broadsign Direct) interface?</strong>Yes, however only by using<strong> </strong><a href="https://direct.broadsign.com/"><strong>this URL</strong></a>. The Broadsign Platform will now no longer redirect you to the old interface.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Will </strong><a href="https://direct.broadsign.com"><strong>https://direct.broadsign.com</strong></a><strong> still work?</strong><strong></strong>Yes, however we highly encourage you to use the new Broadsign Platform moving forward as new features and improvements may only be accessible there.</p><h2 >Book a demo today</a></h2>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Maximize your travel and tourism campaign with billboard and out-of-home advertising]]><![CDATA[

Spring is here – which means summer travel is on the horizon for many of us in the Northern Hemisphere. For advertisers, it’s time to gear up campaigns aimed at targeting crowds set to depart on fun-filled travel adventures. According to the first UNWTO World Tourism Barometer of the year, by the end of 2023, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/maximize-your-travel-and-tourism-campaign-with-billboard-and-out-of-home-advertisinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/maximize-your-travel-and-tourism-campaign-with-billboard-and-out-of-home-advertising<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 09 Apr 2024 13:52:33 GMT<p>Spring is here &#8211; which means summer travel is on the horizon for many of us in the Northern Hemisphere. For advertisers, it&#8217;s time to gear up campaigns aimed at targeting crowds set to depart on fun-filled travel adventures.</p><p>According to the first <a href="https://www.unwto.org/news/international-tourism-to-reach-pre-pandemic-levels-in-2024#:~:text=Following%20a%20strong%202023%2C%20international,estimated%201.3%20billion%20international%20arrivals.">UNWTO World Tourism Barometer</a> of the year, by the end of 2023, the number of people travelling internationally rose to 88% compared to pre-pandemic rates, with an estimated 1.3 billion international arrivals. The travel industry expects a full recovery by the end of 2024.</p><p>Despite the pressure of inflation, a <a href="https://stories.hilton.com/2024trends-culture-experiences">recent study by Hilton</a> reveals that consumers plan to spend more on travel in 2024. Kevin Jacobs, Chief Financial Officer and President of Global Development at Hilton, says, "Even with ongoing macroeconomic uncertainty, travel demand has remained strong as consumers continue to prioritize the value of experiences and connections over things.&#8221;</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/">Digital out-of-home (DOOH) and billboard advertising</a> enable travel and tourism brands to elevate their advertising campaigns, targeting key demographics and initiating contextually relevant dynamic campaigns that adapt to audiences on the move. Here are some effective ways advertisers can leverage the medium in their upcoming summer campaigns.</p><h2 >Think outside the airport</h2><p>Airports present many opportunities to <a href="https://www.thedrum.com/open-mic/demand-for-airport-advertising-expected-to-take-off-this-summer-what-you-need-to-know">engage audiences in a high-dwell time environment</a> that ranks <a href="https://www.jcdecaux.com/press-releases/airport-advertising-delivers-highest-perceived-value-and-prestige-compared-other">high for perceived brand value</a> compared to other media channels. While they’re a great way to reach travellers in a purchasing mindset, they shouldn’t be the only location you consider when planning your campaign.</p><p>With OOH, advertisers have the unique opportunity to capture the attention of audiences dreaming of being elsewhere. This can mean activating OOH ads in subway and train stations, roadside billboards and bus shelters during commuting hours. These ad placements are sure to catch the attention of workers on their way to the office who are already considering where to spend their time off.&nbsp;</p><p>Billboards and OOH advertising around university and college campuses are a great way to market to summer break-bound students where they live, study, work, and play. The advertising opportunities on campus are endless, from DOOH screens in high-traffic areas to campus transit and street furniture, allowing brands to create impactful campaigns that promote summer travel, enticing students with exciting destinations, special offers, and memorable experiences.</p><p>A <a href="https://news.nationwide.com/survey-us-consumer-travel-to-surge-in-2024/?utm_source=prn">new survey from Nationwide Travel Insurance</a> reveals that 91% of Americans plan to travel domestically this year, with 60% saying they will likely make the trip by car. With this in mind, there’s never been a better time to consider roadside advertising, like billboards, to boost brand awareness and inspire travellers. For example, local attractions like amusem*nt parks, restaurants, or entertainment venues can use billboards strategically placed near highways to capture the attention of passing motorists and promote unique experiences available in their vicinity.</p><figure >Visit Gainesville places roadside displays along I-75 to encourage drivers to Stay, Dine, and Explore Gainesville, Florida</figcaption></figure><h2 >Drive audiences online</h2><p>The insights from <a href="https://stories.hilton.com/2024trends-culture-experiences">Hilton&#8217;s global traveller survey</a> underscore the importance of online booking convenience, with 80% of respondents emphasizing the need for seamless digital booking experiences. Real-world OOH ads can capture consumers&#8217; attention and guide them toward taking action online, like visiting a company&#8217;s website or social media pages, reaching out to a travel advisor, or making reservations through a third-party platform.</p><p>For example, a hotel chain looking to promote its loyalty program could activate OOH ads strategically placed in key tourist locations or near business districts, featuring benefits like discounted room rates, complimentary amenities, and personalized offers. By prompting consumers with compelling visuals and clear calls to action, these OOH ads can drive traffic to the hotel&#8217;s website or mobile app, encouraging travellers to explore and book accommodations online.</p><p>Through mobile retargeting strategies, advertisers can target individuals exposed to out-of-home ads by geofencing relevant locations, effectively reconnecting with these audiences through mobile devices or other online platforms later.</p><figure >Expedia promotes its travel booking platform during commuter rush hours</figcaption></figure><h2 >Leverage programmatic DOOH for greater, more contextual impact</h2><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/">Programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH)</a> allows advertisers to connect with audiences in real-time with contextually relevant content, helping drive brand awareness and purchasing decisions through engaging displays. </p><p>Through pDOOH capabilities like data triggers, advertisers can engage with audiences based on location, weather, time of day, current events, financial data, and more. Using weather-based triggers, for example, a tourism board can promote indoor attractions like museums, art galleries, or shopping centers to tourists during a rainy day. Alternatively, they can highlight outdoor activities like beach outings or boat tours on sunny days. </p><p>An airline advertising international flights can customize promotions using financial triggers based on currency exchange rates. Suppose the exchange rate of the destination&#8217;s currency is particularly favourable against major currencies like the US Dollar (USD) or Euro (EUR). In that case, the airline can run promotional campaigns targeting travellers from countries where their currency has a stronger purchasing power, highlighting discounted fares or special offers on flights to these destinations.</p><figure >Aruba Tourism Authority leverages real-time weather triggers to promote its sunny destination across Chicago, Philadelphia and NYC</figcaption></figure><p>By leveraging platforms like digital billboards and transit advertising, advertisers can engage with audiences in high-traffic areas, capitalize on seasonal travel trends, and create memorable brand experiences that resonate with travellers. The ability to deliver contextually relevant messages, adapt campaigns based on real-time data triggers, and target key demographics makes OOH a valuable tool for advertisers looking to maximize their reach and influence during the summer travel season.</p><h3 ><strong>Interested in getting started with programmatic DOOH this travel season?</strong></h3><p>Explore curated audiences in our <a href="https://broadsign.com/auction-packages/travel-tourism/">Travel &amp; Tourism package here</a>!</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Sea-Doo’s first digital OOH campaign increased purchase consideration by +144%]]><![CDATA[

Sea-Doo, a Canadian brand of personal watercraft vehicles and boats under the Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP) company, recently sought to strengthen brand recognition, purchase consideration, and share of voice in its primary market of Florida. The brand turned to programmatic DOOH, its first experience with the medium, to reach its core audience of personal watercraft, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-sea-doos-first-digital-ooh-campaign-increased-purchase-consideration-by-144https://broadsign.com/blog/how-sea-doos-first-digital-ooh-campaign-increased-purchase-consideration-by-144<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 27 Mar 2024 15:30:52 GMT<p><a href="https://sea-doo.brp.com/ca/en/">Sea-Doo</a>, a Canadian brand of personal watercraft vehicles and boats under the Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP) company, recently sought to strengthen brand recognition, purchase consideration, and share of voice in its primary market of Florida.&nbsp;</p><p>The brand turned to programmatic DOOH, its first experience with the medium, to reach its core audience of personal watercraft, pontoon, and fishing enthusiasts.</p><p>The DOOH campaign was launched in collaboration with <a href="https://www.touchemedia.com/en/">Touché!</a> agency and <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads/">Broadsign Ads</a> DSP, running alongside other channels like search and social media.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><figure ></div><figcaption >WATCH: See the behind-the-scenes of Sea-Doo&#8217;s campaign with Touché! agency</figcaption></figure><h2 >Strategy</h2><ul><li>Target audiences included personal watercraft and pontoon enthusiasts along with fishing enthusiasts.</li><li>Creative and messaging were adapted for specific, high-dwell time environments.</li><li>The ads ran across outdoor and indoor place-based venues in key cities like Orlando, Jacksonville and Tampa.</li></ul><h4 >Read the full case study to see the results and discover the benefits of implementing digital OOH into your media strategy.</h4><div ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[AB InBev’s Mike’s Hard Iced Tea sees a +119% lift in positive brand image with programmatic DOOH campaign]]><![CDATA[

As the largest global brewer, Belgian multinational drink and brewing company AB InBev manages a portfolio of renowned brands. Looking to promote Mike’s Hard Tea in Canada, a ready-to-serve blend of premium iced tea and vodka with a refreshing lemon taste under the Mike’s brand, AB InBev turned to programmatic digital out-of-home to drive awareness […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/ab-inbevs-mikes-hard-iced-tea-sees-a-119-lift-in-positive-brand-image-with-programmatic-dooh-campaignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/ab-inbevs-mikes-hard-iced-tea-sees-a-119-lift-in-positive-brand-image-with-programmatic-dooh-campaign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 19 Mar 2024 15:17:25 GMT<p>As the largest global brewer, Belgian multinational drink and brewing company <a href="https://www.ab-inbev.com/">AB InBev</a> manages a portfolio of renowned brands.&nbsp;</p><p>Looking to promote Mike’s Hard Tea in Canada, a ready-to-serve blend of premium iced tea and vodka with a refreshing lemon taste under the Mike’s brand, AB InBev turned to programmatic digital out-of-home to drive awareness in this new market.&nbsp;</p><h3 >Objective</h3><p>The campaign aimed to increase brand awareness and beverage sales in specific LCBO liquor stores across Ontario and Alberta during the key summer months.&nbsp;</p><p>To measure the campaign&#8217;s impact on KPIs like ad recall, brand image, and purchase intention, a brand lift study was launched in collaboration with <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a> and <a href="https://happydemics.com/en">Happydemics</a>.&nbsp;</p><h3 >Strategy</h3><p>Working with <a href="https://www.iprospect.com/en/ca/">iProspect</a>, the DOOH campaign was launched via the <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads/">Broadsign Ads</a> DSP, running programmatically alongside other media channels like Meta, Snapchat, YouTube, Twitch, Instacart, and more.&nbsp;</p><p>The ads were displayed in key cities across Ontario and Alberta, including Toronto + the GTA, Ottawa, and Edmonton.</p><h3 >Read the full case study to see the results and discover the benefits of implementing pDOOH into your media strategy.</h3><div ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How the Broadsign Platform simplified EPAMEDIA’s digital network growth]]><![CDATA[

Due to its long-standing history, traditional print mediums like static out-of-home (OOH) still have a strong presence in Austria. In fact, static OOH ad spending has historically been significantly higher than digital out-of-home (DOOH) ad spending in the Austrian market. Advertisers in the region understand the value that static OOH provides them in an era […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-the-broadsign-platform-simplified-epamedias-digital-network-growthhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-the-broadsign-platform-simplified-epamedias-digital-network-growth<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 14 Mar 2024 09:00:00 GMT<p>Due to its long-standing history, traditional print mediums like static out-of-home (OOH) still have a strong presence in Austria. In fact, static OOH ad spending has <a href="https://www.statista.com/outlook/amo/advertising/out-of-home-advertising/austria?currency=EUR#ad-spending">historically been significantly higher</a> than digital out-of-home (DOOH) ad spending in the Austrian market. Advertisers in the region understand the value that static OOH provides them in an era of digital growth. In addition to providing brands with 100% share of voice, static OOH’s eye-catching large formats and strategic placements are a lot harder to ignore than online ads.&nbsp;</p><p>That being said, digital advertising has been gaining more traction in the last few years, with DOOH ad spending reaching similar numbers to static OOH<a href="https://www.statista.com/outlook/amo/advertising/out-of-home-advertising/austria?currency=EUR#ad-spending"> in 2023</a>. Moreover, with an expected <a href="https://www.statista.com/outlook/amo/advertising/out-of-home-advertising/digital-out-of-home-advertising/austria?currency=EUR">annual growth rate of 4.91%</a> in the next four years, Austrian media owners with hybrid networks, offering advertisers a mixture of static and digital OOH, stand to gain a competitive edge.&nbsp;</p><p>One company that is leading the digitization movement is OOH media owner <a href="https://www.epamedia.at/">EPAMEDIA</a>. Operating a hybrid network, EPAMEDIA has over 25,000 bookable sites and is one of the leading companies in the Austrian out-of-home sector. While its headquarters are in Vienna, the company lives by its motto of being where its customers are by having offices in every state, enabling them to work closely with regional and national customers.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Why advertisers choose to work with EPAMEDIA</h2><p>To meet the continued demand for static OOH advertisem*nt, EPAMEDIA has over 22,736 billboards, 874 Posterlights, 2060 Citylights found on pedestrian roads, and 55 bigboards (also known as bulletins). As part of its initial digitization efforts, the company has 42 digital Citylights and 77 digital Posterlights.&nbsp;</p><p>Advertisers from all industries choose to work with EPAMEDIA for their hybrid network. Moreover, with their screens found even in the most remote regions of Austria, they’re guaranteed a diverse audience set. The company has succeeded with regional advertisers, in particular, due to their flexibility. Unlike other networks that typically require a minimum spend or number of screens, EPAMEDIA allows you to book as little as one screen, accommodating advertisers of all budgets.&nbsp;</p><p>Another reason for EPAMEDIA’s success is its Online Locator, which has significantly sped up the proposal process. Accessible through their website, advertisers can browse and request to book OOH inventory. With the ability to pick your inventory by media type (digital or static) or to search by address, the locator displays the available inventory through a colour-coded system. Once advertisers have selected their desired locations, they can add the number of screens they’d like to book as well as their campaign dates. Once the request is submitted, a salesperson gets back to them to confirm the booking.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>Despite operating in a more traditional OOH environment, EPAMEDIA is anything but ‘static’ in its approach. With the use of different static creative capabilities, like extensions and embellishments, they’re able to engage audiences with dynamic static ads. In fact, one of their most successful campaigns was a 3D billboard ad for Volkswagen. Wanting to promote the Volkswagen Golf, the ad featured a rabbit wearing sunglasses, which reflected the car. What caught people’s attention and made them engage with the ad was the fact that the rabbit’s head and ears were popping out of the billboard. To this day, the ‘Volkswagen bunny’ is still talked about.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>Another notable site of EPAMEDIA is a multi-media bus shelter that is partially solar-powered and offers USB charging ports for devices. With the possibility of branding the entire bus shelter and the inclusion of an interactive touchpad and camera, it’s impossible for passersby not to engage with it. The University of Leoben leveraged this bus shelter for its <em>Made for the Future</em> campaign, where it encouraged people to use the touchpad and camera to take pictures, which they could later retrieve by scanning a QR code.&nbsp;</p><h2 >How the Broadsign Platform facilitated the digitization of their network</h2><p>At the start of its digitization efforts, EPAMEDIA used a basic content management system (CMS) to run DOOH campaigns. While it was initially sufficient, the limitations of the CMS became more apparent as their digital network grew. Capable of only storing the most current campaigns, EPAMEDIA’s team had to manually upload the creatives, set the duration of the campaign, and delete the campaign from the system when completed. Unable to provide any campaign planning and management capabilities, they used a spreadsheet to track all past and upcoming campaigns.&nbsp;</p><p>Furthermore, the shift from being exclusively a static network to a hybrid one brought on a new way of thinking. While static campaigns often have fixed durations, digital campaigns tend to require more flexibility. Wanting to provide advertisers with the ability to book different days and times regardless of campaign duration, each digital screen had its own schedule, making it impossible for EPAMEDIA to manage with its existing technology stack.&nbsp;</p><p>Following an extensive evaluation process, EPAMEDIA chose the <a href="https://broadsign.com/content-network-management/">Broadsign Platform</a> for its comprehensive and automated campaign planning, management and reporting capabilities. Additionally, the ability to integrate Broadsign into its existing technology stack through APIs, including its booking system AS400 and its revenue and report system QlikView, provided its Client Services team with a more seamless way to book, plan and report campaigns – significantly increasing operational efficiency.&nbsp;</p><p><em>"We chose Broadsign as they’re always making new features and keeping up with the industry", </em>said <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/stefanie-zeiler-981124298/">Stefanie Zeiler</a>, Digital Media &amp; Graphic Design at EPAMEDIA.<em> "They also had the features we needed, like content separation, category exclusions, visual availability check, reporting and targeting."</em></p><p>Adopting the Broadsign Platform has also opened up new ways of selling for EPAMEDIA. As impression-based campaigns became a big topic among national advertisers, the Austrian media owner began its expansion into programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH) last year by integrating with the Broadsign <a href="https://broadsign.com/global-programmatic-ssp/">supply-side platform (SSP)</a>. One particular feature that the company appreciated was the ability to integrate their audience data from Outdoor Server Austria (OSA) into the Broadsign SSP, providing advertisers with audience data for every hour and day of the year.&nbsp;</p><h2 >What’s next for EPAMEDIA</h2><p>As for what’s next for EPAMEDIA, the company intends to continue its digital network expansion, including placing more of its high-definition digital screens in every Austrian state. They also intend to further their digital and programmatic expertise, securing their position as the leading out-of-home company in Austria by offering static, digital and programmatic digital OOH to advertisers.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Level up your March Madness marketing game: Digital out-of-home strategies for advertisers]]><![CDATA[

Few live sporting events deliver excitement and anticipation on the scale of the NCAA’s March Madness competition. From office pools to bracket challenges, the tournament sparks conversations and captivates audiences across the U.S. and beyond. Starting mid-March through the first week of April, millions of viewers will tune in to the live-broadcast sports event, representing […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/level-up-your-march-madness-marketing-game-digital-out-of-home-strategies-for-advertisershttps://broadsign.com/blog/level-up-your-march-madness-marketing-game-digital-out-of-home-strategies-for-advertisers<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 13 Mar 2024 09:37:58 GMT<p>Few live sporting events deliver excitement and anticipation on the scale of the NCAA’s March Madness competition. From office pools to bracket challenges, the tournament sparks conversations and captivates audiences across the U.S. and beyond. Starting mid-March through the first week of April, millions of viewers will tune in to the live-broadcast sports event, representing a tentpole marketing opportunity for brands looking to make a splash while boosting visibility and engagement.</p><p>With TV ad spots during live games ranging from <a href="https://tvnewscheck.com/business/article/cautious-ad-spenders-open-their-wallets-for-march-madness/">a few hundred thousand to upwards of $2 million</a>, it’s worth considering out-of-home (OOH) media and <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/">digital out-of-home (DOOH) media</a> to reach fans while they’re out and about. Here’s a look at why and how you can leverage the channel to elevate your March Madness game.</p><h2 >Why DOOH is a slam dunk for sports advertising</h2><p>Thanks to the medium’s large, eye-catching formats and bright screens, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/out-of-home-advertising/">outdoor advertising</a> offers unrivaled creative opportunities for brands looking to level up their sports advertising efforts around March Madness. Highly flexible, easily scalable, and ad-block-proof, DOOH integrates seamlessly into people’s everyday lives, reaching consumers as they go about their days and offering brands repeated (and contextually relevant) exposure <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-much-does-a-billboard-cost/">at a lower cost</a> compared to TV ads. Not only that, but the number of games — 67 Division 1 men’s league games, plus 67 Division 1 women’s — and the variety of locations they’re played at give advertisers audience levels (and targeting opportunities) they can’t find anywhere else.</p><figure >Clear Channel</a> </figcaption></figure><h2 >Leveraging DOOH tactics for March Madness</h2><p>Whether or not your brand is affiliated with the NCAA, tapping into the excitement of the tournament can be a key strategy to drive real-world action amongst sports fans. With today’s dynamic DOOH technology, advertisers can easily adapt their campaign creative to the audience’s current context, automatically adjusting the visuals and messaging with the help of real-time data.</p><h3 ><strong>Target strategic, high-traffic locations to drive brand awareness</strong></h3><p><strong>Point of Interest &amp; Proximity Ads: </strong>Placing digital billboards or screens near arenas or venues where games are being held can capture the attention of fans before and after the events, ensuring maximum exposure to target audiences. For example, an affiliated sports apparel brand could display ads showcasing its latest merchandise or game-day specials, while an NCAA team or sponsor can leverage location-based targeting to drive last-minute ticket sales. </p><p>Brands or official teams and sponsors can strategically display ads near specific locations like colleges or universities frequented by target demographics, amplifying their reach and resonance with the intended audience. If mobile device IDs are captured within a geofenced area around OOH screens, brands can later retarget exposed audiences with relevant ads post-tournament, extending the campaign&#8217;s reach and momentum.</p><p><strong>Local business engagement</strong>: With games (and fans) spread all across the US, tailoring content based on location can make the advertising more relevant and engaging for viewers in that area — plus, it gives local advertisers not directly affiliated with March Madness the opportunity to capitalize on this tentpole moment. For example, local businesses like sports bars or restaurants can take advantage of the excitement by activating OOH ads that direct audiences to locations where they can watch the game or take advantage of game-day offers.</p><p><strong>Retail:</strong> Whether local or on a national level, retailers and brands can engage in-store shoppers primed to make a purchase by running ads on screens in locations where specific products are stocked. A beverage or snack brand, for example, could run targeted ads in grocery stores, promoting game-time necessities or offering discounts to incentivize last-minute purchases.</p><figure >Lamar</a></figcaption></figure><h3 >Incorporate dynamic and interactive content to better engage viewers</h3><p>By incorporating real-time updates and other contextually relevant content, advertisers can keep viewers engaged and immersed in the March Madness excitement. <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/">Activating DOOH ads programmatically</a> enables advertisers to adjust messaging based on real-time scores, live tournament updates, and the location of games or DOOH ad displays. Moreover, businesses like restobars or retailers can leverage pDOOH to automatically adjust ads based on factors like inventory levels, time of day, special offers and more. Integrating interactive and other <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home/">dynamic DOOH features</a> like QR codes, live social media feeds, and countdowns also create opportunities for sports fans to interact with brands in actionable ways.</p><h3 >Amplify the impact of your omnichannel campaign strategy with DOOH</h3><p><a href="https://oceanoutdoor.com/neuroscience/digital-out-of-home-the-vital-ingredient/">Research</a> shows that DOOH strengthens campaigns running on social media across KPIs like brand relevance, likeability, and authenticity. By integrating hashtags, QR codes, or interactive elements into ad creative, brands can inspire audiences to engage with their content and share their experiences online. This not only extends the reach of the campaign but also cultivates a sense of community among fans.&nbsp;</p><p>Brands should consider prominently displaying URLs, social media handles, and hashtags on DOOH ads to boost online engagement further. Ads can also encourage audiences to share their game-day highlights, photos, or videos related to a specific campaign on social media &#8211; driving deeper engagement and interaction.</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/beyond-digital-boundaries-how-to-maximize-campaign-impact-with-dooh-and-social-media/">READ ALSO: Beyond digital boundaries: How to maximize campaign impact with DOOH and social media</a></p><h4 >Ready to build a more impactful March Madness OOH campaign?</h4><p>With Selection Sunday less than a week away, advertisers looking to cash in on this year’s action can still leverage programmatic DOOH to plan and activate last-minute campaigns — or quickly launch ads in new markets as the tournament progresses. If every March Madness ad dollar is already accounted for, consider taking these strategies to plan ahead for the next season.&nbsp;</p><h5 >Contact our team</a> to get started!</h5>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How EYE Indonesia is shaping out-of-home media in the region]]><![CDATA[

Out-of-home (OOH) advertising isn’t a new trend in the Indonesian market. Still, recent advancements in technology – namely, the ability to deliver personalized and contextual content – have ushered in a new era of possibilities for advertisers. With an in-depth understanding of the Indonesian market and its intricacies, EYE Indonesia is leading the charge in […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-media-owners-eye-indonesia-is-shaping-out-of-home-media-in-the-regionhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-media-owners-eye-indonesia-is-shaping-out-of-home-media-in-the-region<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 11 Mar 2024 21:33:58 GMT<p>Out-of-home (OOH) advertising isn’t a new trend in the Indonesian market. Still, recent advancements in technology &#8211; namely, the ability to deliver personalized and contextual content &#8211; have ushered in a new era of possibilities for advertisers.</p><p>With an in-depth understanding of the Indonesian market and its intricacies, EYE Indonesia is leading the charge in shaping the out-of-home landscape, delivering custom advertising solutions that cater to mass audiences. As a company on the mission to blur the lines between innovation and cultural relevance, <a href="https://eyeindonesia.com/">EYE Indonesia</a> is building a network of outdoor media placements that resonate with audiences nationwide.</p><h2 ><strong>An innovative and creative approach to advertising</strong></h2><p>Indonesia is the world’s <a href="https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/indonesia/#people-and-society">fourth-most populated country</a>, home to hundreds of diverse ethnic communities. This makes it a unique advertising landscape that demands a little creativity and outside-the-box thinking to achieve success &#8211; and EYE Indonesia is rising to the challenge.With digital out-of-home evolving rapidly in the country, driven by technology advancements and changing consumer behaviour, the company anticipates a surge in interactive campaigns, creating deeper connections between brands and consumers. A particularly exciting development is the ability to deliver personalized, contextual content that elevates the overall brand experience.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>Founded in the region, EYE Indonesia understands the market better than most. Initially established in the 90s and later becoming part of the EMTEK Group in 2016, the OOH operator oversees the conglomerate’s out-of-home media division, specializing in offering customers a comprehensive range of outdoor advertising solutions, including both traditional and programmatic media placement, helping consumers create ad creative, and assisting with tax permit management for OOH and DOOH. For now, EYE Indonesia operates primarily in Jakarta, the country’s capital and a major metropolitan city.</p><p>Proud of its innovative approach, EYE Indonesia has leveraged the latest technology to deliver impactful campaigns. Brands and advertisers partner with these media owners for several reasons, with state-of-the-art technology promising dynamic and impactful campaigns and an extensive network of strategically located screens topping the list.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>One of the most attractive options in its offering is its cutting-edge LED Videotron network, installed in high-traffic areas to deliver dynamic content that captivates audiences. The vibrant and high-resolution displays give advertisers a powerful platform to showcase their brands, products, and messages, resulting in maximum visibility and impressions. Thanks to the flexibility of digital OOH technology, EYE Indonesia’s Videotron network enables real-time updates and targeted content delivery, ensuring campaigns remain relevant and impactful. From urban centers, roadside installations, and bustling public spaces, the entire network sets a new standard in outdoor advertising.</p><p>One example of a successful campaign that ran across EYE Indonesia’s network was Tjufoo, a brand aggregator whose offering includes anything from fast-moving consumer goods to electronics. They recently launched a large-scale campaign across Jakarta, securing media placements on EYE Indonesia’s most visible screens. The result was a campaign seamlessly integrated with its surroundings and generated remarkable engagement. The campaign&#8217;s success was largely due to the network’s highly visible screens, which gained significant impressions during flight.</p><h2 ><strong>Partnering with Broadsign’s software solutions for scalability</strong></h2><p>With growth plans on the horizon, EYE Indonesia sought a digital software solutions partner that could align with its expansion plans. Given its outstanding global reputation and capacity to provide comprehensive, end-to-end digital signage software solutions, collaborating with Broadsign was the obvious choice.</p><p>&#8220;Our commitment to innovation, strategic partnerships, and personalized campaigns positions us as a trailblazer in the industry. Partnering with Broadsign has empowered us to deliver exceptional value to our advertisers, and we look forward to continued success together,&#8221; says Livia Joehana, Director at EYE Indonesia. &#8220;We chose to partner with them due to their reputation for providing a comprehensive and reliable end-to-end solution. Our experience has exceeded expectations, with seamless ad management, real-time analytics, and a user-friendly interface.&#8221;</p><p>After noticing a shift in OOH buying trends among advertisers, especially in response to the challenges posed by the pandemic, EYE Indonesia recognized the need for flexibility and adaptability, especially in offering its clientele new approaches to buying and securing ad inventory. Adopting the <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-platform/">Broadsign Platform</a> means it can now offer a broader range of buying capabilities, such as share of voice, impression-based buying and programmatic transacting, a key expansion area for the media owner.</p><h2 ><strong>What’s next for EYE Indonesia&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>In the coming years, EYE Indonesia plans to continue its growth trajectory by embracing emerging technologies and forging strategic partnerships within the country. The company is poised to solidify its position as a leader in the Indonesian market and is building a robust regional presence by offering incomparable value to its advertisers through its data-driven insights and dynamic capabilities.</p><h5 ><strong>Schedule a live demo</strong></a><strong> to see how we can help make that happen!</strong></h5>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Programmatic DOOH boosts consumer preference by +217% for the Canadian Real Estate Association]]><![CDATA[

The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA), a trade association representing real estate brokers, agents, and salespeople, wanted to challenge Canadians’ negative perception of REALTORS®. With its latest pDOOH campaign, the association sought to build the reputation of real estate professionals by showcasing the positive outcomes of working with a REALTOR®. Objective Along with agency partner […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/programmatic-dooh-boosts-consumer-preference-by-217-for-the-canadian-real-estate-associationhttps://broadsign.com/blog/programmatic-dooh-boosts-consumer-preference-by-217-for-the-canadian-real-estate-association<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 08 Mar 2024 11:19:34 GMT<p>The <a href="https://www.crea.ca/">Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA)</a>, a trade association representing real estate brokers, agents, and salespeople, wanted to challenge Canadians’ negative perception of REALTORS®. </p><p>With its latest pDOOH campaign, the association sought to build the reputation of real estate professionals by showcasing the positive outcomes of working with a REALTOR®.</p><h3 >Objective</h3><p>Along with agency partner <a href="https://nofixedaddressinc.com/">No Fixed Address (NFA)</a> and the <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads DSP</a>, CREA wanted to evaluate the role of DOOH as part of a larger omnichannel campaign to drive awareness and a positive image for REALTOR.ca, Canada’s leading real estate platform with the most active listings across the country.</p><h3 >Channel Strategy</h3><p>Leveraging the Broadsign Ads DSP to plan and execute the campaign, CREA targeted home buyers and sellers within key Canadian real estate markets, activating ads in Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver. DOOH creatives were delivered across strategically targeted screens on <strong>billboards</strong> and <strong>apartment buildings</strong> to reach renters who may be interested in purchasing a home.&nbsp;</p><p>The OOH campaign ran in conjunction with other media channels like TV, online video, social, and digital display, driving audiences to REALTOR.ca.</p><h4 >Read the full case study to see the results and discover the benefits of implementing pDOOH into your media strategy.</h4><div ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[StackAdapt and Broadsign Team Up to Streamline Political pDOOH Ad Buys ]]><![CDATA[

Native support for Broadsign Auction Packages simplifies ad campaign execution across screens approved for political advertising and key audience segments (Toronto and Montreal, Canada) – March 7, 2024 – StackAdapt and Broadsign today debuted a new auction package for their ad tech integration that makes it simpler for StackAdapt’s media buyers in the US to […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/stackadapt-and-broadsign-team-up-to-streamline-political-pdooh-ad-buyshttps://broadsign.com/blog/stackadapt-and-broadsign-team-up-to-streamline-political-pdooh-ad-buys<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 07 Mar 2024 08:24:21 GMT<p><em>Native support for Broadsign Auction Packages simplifies ad campaign execution across screens approved for political advertising and key audience segments</em>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>(Toronto and Montreal, Canada)</strong> – March 7, 2024 –<a href="https://www.stackadapt.com/"> StackAdapt</a> and<a href="https://broadsign.com/"> Broadsign</a> today debuted a new auction package for their<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/stackadapt-bolsters-programmatic-digital-out-of-home-advertising-offering-with-broadsign-collaboration/"> ad tech integration</a> that makes it simpler for StackAdapt’s media buyers in the US to plan and execute political programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH) campaigns across the region. Accessible via the StackAdapt multi-channel demand-side platform (DSP), the new offering launches at the start of an unprecedented global election year with US<a href="https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/global-ad-market-slow-2024-us-political-spending-surge-1235708977/"> political ad spend alone expected to reach $15.9B</a>, and includes a curated set of premium screens from the Broadsign supply-side-platform (SSP) that are pre-vetted as publisher-approved for political advertising in the US.</p><p>The political advertising auction package is available via newly added native support for<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/using-pdooh-for-a-faster-and-more-targeted-way-of-adding-ooh-to-your-omnichannel-campaigns/"> Broadsign Auction Packages</a> on the StackAdapt DSP, which include curated audiences, inventory, and contextual locations. Streamlining campaign activations, Auction Packages allow StackAdapt buyers to discover and understand the screens that are most relevant to their target audience, streamline the OOH creative upload and approval process and conduct cross-channel campaign analysis. Once buyers select an auction package, they can use StackAdapt’s toolset to apply advanced targeting filters or their own data to ensure their ads land on the screens that will make the most impact.</p><p>As a result of the integration, localized political OOH campaign planning with the new political advertising auction package becomes much more straightforward at a time when<a href="https://oaaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Maximizing-OOH-in-Todays-Marketplace-2023-Key-Trends-Consumer-Insights-OAAA-webinar.pdf"> local advertising accounts for 85% of OOH political ad spend</a>. Previously, buyers would apply multiple political filters to identify screens optimized and approved for political advertising. Now, the curated auction package puts all "political-approved" inventory at the fingertips of buyers and ensures they no longer waste resources planning for or bidding on OOH inventory that won’t run due to state or federal regulations or publisher preferences. Through the platform, buyers have full transparency into the location of each screen, impressions, dimensions, as well as a picture of it, and the name of the associated media owner.</p><p>"Many publishers and media owners today don’t allow political advertising, and for OOH, the process is inherently complex, as it’s not easily clear which OOH publishers do and don’t accept political ads, which is where our work with Broadsign is filling a real niche," shared Michael Shang, SVP of Advertising Technologies, StackAdapt. "It simplifies the intricate web of political OOH ad transactions, ensuring OOH campaigns reach the right OOH venues and audiences, and we’re thrilled to share the offering with the market."&nbsp;</p><p>"Our collaboration with StackAdapt is an extension of our commitment to continued innovation and responsible OOH advertising, and a testament to the value of leveraging custom auction packages for more efficient and targeted campaign planning and execution," shared John Dolan, VP, Global Head of Media Sales, Broadsign. "A pivotal development for the industry, it provides an industry-wide solution for navigating the unique challenges that accompany political OOH advertising."&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>For more information on Broadsign auction packages, visit the<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/using-pdooh-for-a-faster-and-more-targeted-way-of-adding-ooh-to-your-omnichannel-campaigns/"> Broadsign Website</a>. To learn more about the StackAdapt Integration with Broadsign auction packages, contact: Luke Gillespie at Purpose Worldwide.</p><p><strong>About StackAdapt</strong>&nbsp;</p><p>StackAdapt is a multi-channel programmatic advertising platform used by hundreds of brands and agencies around the world. StackAdapt’s data-driven platform combines state-of-the-art machine learning with a clean and intuitive user interface to provide media buyers with an easy way to plan, execute and drive the best performance across all devices, inventory, and publishing partners. StackAdapt has been recognized as one of the fastest-growing technology companies in North America, is rated the number 1 demand-side platform (DSP) on G2, and is the highest performing and easiest to use platform. For further information, visit<a href="https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&amp;url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stackadapt.com&amp;esheet=52939090&amp;newsitemid=20221006005790&amp;lan=en-US&amp;anchor=www.stackadapt.com&amp;index=4&amp;md5=cbffdbb6b94445d2bb3da89dbc6cff9c"> www.stackadapt.com</a>.</p><p><strong>About Broadsign</strong></p><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over one million static and digital signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, retail centers, health clinics, transit systems, electric vehicle charging stations, and more, Broadsign reaches audiences at multiple touchpoints throughout the consumer journey. The Broadsign Platform gives marketers and agencies simpler access to premium screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Volkswagen, John Lewis, Samsung, and more run successful programmatic DOOH campaigns.<a href="https://broadsign.com/"> https://broadsign.com</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Revenue growth through automation: Highlights from our panel at the Broadsign Connect 2024 Summit]]><![CDATA[

Broadsign recently hosted a panel discussion at our Broadsign Connect 2024 Summit in Barcelona, where we invited out-of-home (OOH) experts to share their insights and perspectives on how automation for direct selling can help media owners improve their bottom lines. Moderated by Gavin Lee, Sr Director of Product at Broadsign, he spoke with Annie Rickard, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/revenue-growth-through-automation-highlights-from-our-panel-at-the-broadsign-connect-2024-summithttps://broadsign.com/blog/revenue-growth-through-automation-highlights-from-our-panel-at-the-broadsign-connect-2024-summit<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 04 Mar 2024 09:30:00 GMT<p>Broadsign recently hosted a panel discussion at our Broadsign Connect 2024 Summit in Barcelona, where we invited out-of-home (OOH) experts to share their insights and perspectives on how automation for direct selling can help media owners improve their bottom lines.&nbsp;</p><p>Moderated by <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/gavin-lee-57492770/">Gavin Lee</a>, Sr Director of Product at Broadsign, he spoke with <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/annie-rickard-6053221a/">Annie Rickard</a>, a partner at <a href="https://www.oohcapital.com/">OOH Capital</a> with over 30 years of executive experience in OOH. We also had <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/oohmedia/">Ben Milne</a> as a panellist, who’s currently the global head of out-of-home media at <a href="https://www.dentsu.com/">Dentsu</a>, where he leads location-based marketing specialists around the world. Check out the highlights below.</p><h2 >Leveling the playing field for OOH with other channels through automation</h2><p>In today&#8217;s fast-paced marketing landscape, the decision-making cycle for marketers is incredibly short, and media is only one of their multifaceted responsibilities. While the booking process for OOH is relatively quick, the planning and buying process often requires longer lead times than other channels.</p><p>That is, discovering which inventory is available and relevant to the brief, gathering the data and evidence to demonstrate the medium&#8217;s effectiveness in delivering campaign goals, then managing the content and deciding where the creative will go. With approximately 80% of this process being manual, attracting advertisers to use the medium can be a challenge.&nbsp;</p><p>Furthermore, once a campaign is complete, the performance metrics can be challenging to extract or might be presented in a different fashion than with other channels. And while media owners can answer the questions around attribution and brand lift, the processes and methodologies are not only different from other channels but much more complex and fragmented.&nbsp;</p><p>That being said, automated workflows can help eliminate reasons for advertisers to say no and remove out-of-home from their media plans. Not only can it streamline many of the current manual processes, but it also helps to drive consistency in our structure and standards around data and measurement, making it more appealing and accessible to advertisers.&nbsp;</p><p>Automation can also bridge the gap between traditional and digital OOH, according to Ben Milne, Head of Out-of-Home Media at Dentsu. "At the moment, a lot of advertisers think digital out-of-home is effective, and it can be attributed, and they&#8217;re not applying that same thinking to out-of-home. And so I think raising that on an automation level, on a platform level, will level the playing field between out-of-home and digital out-of-home."&nbsp;</p><h2 >Automation and proof-of-concepts will help increase spend in OOH</h2><p>Advertisers aren’t actively searching for ways to make planning and buying OOH more efficient for them. Therefore, if it is inadvertently inefficient, they will spend their budget on other channels. With more automated workflows, media owners can attract buyers by offering them benefits like speed, access to inventory, data analytics, and consistency. Here’s Annie explaining more about the benefits: </p><figure ></div></figure><figure ><blockquote><p>"Anything that makes the medium easier to understand, easier to buy, easier to prove, will grow spend in out-of-home."</p><cite>Annie Rickard, Partner at OOH Capital</cite></blockquote></figure><p>Another factor to take into account when looking at ways to increase advertiser spend in OOH is eliminating internal stakeholder resistance. A lot of advertisers want to use OOH but might not due to internal stakeholders, like their CFOs or CEOs, not seeing the effectiveness of the medium. Media owners can help alleviate this roadblock by collaborating with brands and agencies on their strategies and proof of concept to promote the usage of OOH.</p><h2 >Additional benefits media owners stand to gain through automation</h2><p>OOH often faces the misconception of being outdated, but this overlooks the significant investments made by media owners to continuously evolve their infrastructure, data partnerships, and technology to meet the ever-changing market demands. There is an opportunity for media owners to leverage these investments to streamline the planning and buying process of OOH regardless of the type of inventory. This would significantly help in changing how advertisers perceive the medium.&nbsp;</p><p>Currently, advertisers see OOH as two different parts: digital OOH and everything that it can do, and traditional OOH and everything that it can’t do – failing to see the comprehensive benefits both can offer. While there will always be some differences in how the mediums are executed, the way we plan and sell them should be done consistently. As we continue to move towards a more unified approach, advertisers will see the medium in a new light, not as static or digital, but rather in-advanced and real-time OOH.&nbsp;</p><p>Furthermore, while automation will deliver cost savings to media owners due to increased efficiency, that doesn’t mean they will only need half of their staff. In fact, there will be an increased requirement for media owners’ teams to sell the benefit of the medium to take advantage of the cost-saving benefits automation offers.&nbsp;</p><p>"We talk a lot in programmatic about capturing the money that’s being left on the table. I think there is money being left on the table that could go into, whether static or non-programmatic digital, that&#8217;s absolutely being left on the table", says Milne. Here’s him explaining how: </p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Enabling more automated transactions in OOH will attract new buyers</h2><p>Embracing automation in out-of-home advertising signifies a significant shift for media owners, one that may bring about discomfort as they navigate unfamiliar territories. For instance, sharing real-time availability for all inventory can disrupt the current pricing dynamics and negotiation processes. Media owners with extensive geographical footprints may also encounter difficulties due to disparate systems that fail to connect seamlessly.&nbsp;</p><p>However, overcoming these barriers presents an opportunity for transformative change. By streamlining processes and improving connectivity, media owners can build more efficient and effective OOH advertising strategies, unlocking new avenues for growth. Here’s Annie with more: </p><figure ></div></figure><blockquote ><p>"The demonstration of openness and transparency made the medium much more interesting, and much more attractive to buyers because they could start to use that data to build the case for why they were using out-of-home or how effective it was going to be." </p><cite>Annie Rickard, Partner at OOH Capital</cite></blockquote><h2 >Want to access more content from the Broadsign Connect 2024 summit?</h2><p>Check out the <a href="https://broadsign.com/events/broadsign-connect-summit-2024/">event page</a> to watch the keynote sessions on demand.&nbsp;</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[6 tips to create eye-catching out-of-home ads]]><![CDATA[

In today’s media landscape, flash is king. Every day, people are exposed to an onslaught of information, but the best advertisers know how to create ads that cut through the noise. In our digital-first world, out-of-home media is often overlooked by advertisers in favour of pursuing online marketing efforts. This represents a huge missed opportunity, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/6-tips-to-create-eye-catching-out-of-home-adshttps://broadsign.com/blog/6-tips-to-create-eye-catching-out-of-home-ads<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 27 Feb 2024 09:27:29 GMT<p>In today&#8217;s media landscape, flash is king. Every day, people are exposed to an onslaught of information, but the best advertisers know how to create ads that cut through the noise.&nbsp;</p><p>In our digital-first world, out-of-home media is often overlooked by advertisers in favour of pursuing online marketing efforts. This represents a huge missed opportunity, as outdoor advertising is one of the <a href="https://oaaa.org/news/out-of-home-ads-drive-real-world-action/">most effective ways to engage with customers</a> and inspire them to take action. Since the pandemic, more people are venturing out of their homes daily, making it more important than ever to incorporate OOH ads in your marketing efforts.&nbsp;</p><p>We’ve put together 6 tips to create impactful OOH ads that help you connect with your audience.</p><h2 >Let data lead</h2><p>Creating a successful OOH ad campaign requires <a href="https://www.entrepreneur.com/growing-a-business/the-importance-of-data-in-outdoor-advertising/446185">in-depth knowledge of your target audience</a>, media channel preferences, and what drives their decision-making.&nbsp;</p><p>By gathering and analyzing customer data, you can create strategic campaigns that focus on the needs of your target audience and consider how you can connect with them at each touchpoint.</p><h2 >Know your audience</h2><p>The best way to design an ad that resonates with your audience is to understand who—and where—they are. Modern marketing is all about leveraging customer data to deliver a personalized experience, and OOH ads are no different.&nbsp;</p><p>A recent Zendesk study found that <a href="https://www.zendesk.com/blog/start-providing-personalized-customer-service/">76% of consumers</a> expect a personalized experience. Data analytics can help you deliver that, maximizing the impact of your campaign and <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/beyond-digital-boundaries-how-to-maximize-campaign-impact-with-dooh-and-social-media/">facilitating cross-channel integration</a> so you can offer customers a cohesive experience through OOH ads, digital advertising, and social media.</p><h2 >Make it contextual</h2><p>When it comes to OOH ads, there are many formats and <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/out-of-home-advertising/">settings to choose from</a>.&nbsp;The best campaigns are a culmination of data, technology, creativity, and context. </p><p>Tesco’s ‘Together this Ramadan’ billboard campaign used contextual targeting techniques, placing their billboards in areas with large Muslim populations and using digital technology to display both a fasting and non-fasting message, depending on the time of day. The campaign resulted in a <a href="https://www.thedrum.com/news/2023/02/13/how-choose-the-best-ooh-locations-your-ads">275% increase in mentions of Tesco and Ramadan on social media</a> and remains a great example of how selecting the right setting is key to the success of your OOH ads.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>Another tactic to consider is positioning your ad near a point of sale. Engaging with audiences effectively at or near a point of sale allows you to witness the power of OOH advertising in action, from building brand awareness to driving sales. </p><p>By placing OOH ads along the path to purchase and in proximity to certain retailers,&nbsp; your OOH ads end up functioning as a last-mile sales push, transforming the customer’s intent to buy into a completed purchase. This approach not only streamlines the customer journey but also captivates audiences by offering them a digital experience in the physical world.</p><p>Through the use of data analytics, you can effectively determine the location and movement patterns of your audience, giving you greater insight into your own media placements.</p><h2 >Keep it simple</h2><p>When you’re working with OOH ads, the amount of time you have to make an impression can vary depending on your choice of location.</p><p>While certain venues, like roadside billboards, tend to have a low dwell time, others, like bus stations, might have longer to make an impact. Your chosen venue and its corresponding dwell time should play a significant role in shaping the creative and messaging of your OOH ads.&nbsp;</p><p>For ads in places with lower dwell time, like the side of a bus, a simple, uncluttered ad with a clear message tends to make the biggest impact. In venues with higher dwell times, like train stations, people have more time to interact with ads, so you can include more visual elements as well as text and go into greater detail about the brand and its specific offering.&nbsp;</p><figure >Spotify&#8217;s 2018 Wrapped campaign featured eye-catching celebrity creatives across various locations like bus and train shelters.</figcaption></figure><p>Colour selection should also take into consideration the placement of the ad and its surrounding environment to ensure that it will stand out and make an impact on passers-by.&nbsp;Colour is crucial to designing an effective ad campaign. In fact, studies show that colour has the power to <a href="https://review42.com/resources/color-psychology-facts/#:~:text=Colors%20alone%20can%20influence%20up,%25%20of%20shoppers'%20purchase%20decisions.">increase brand awareness by 80% and influence 85% of purchase decisions</a>.</p><h2 >Get creative</h2><p>Want to optimize your business outcomes through advertising? Creativity is key to setting yourself apart from the competition and getting noticed. In fact, <a href="https://www.hubagency.co.uk/what-drives-advertising-effectiveness-mark-ritsons-10-key-factors/">creativity is the main driver of marketing effectiveness</a>, second only to the size of your brand.&nbsp;</p><p>While you likely can’t change the size of your brand overnight, you can place a greater emphasis on exceptional creative work, allowing it to be the driving force behind your ad creation and marketing campaigns.</p><h2 >Make it inclusive</h2><p>OOH is not only one of the most effective ways to reach your audience but also <a href="https://www.campaignlive.co.uk/article/ooh-inclusive-medium/1739139">one of the strongest channels to deliver inclusive messaging</a>. With OOH ads being placed in public spaces, viewing them is a shared experience for audiences. Representation matters, and in an increasingly multicultural society, it’s key that you engage with consumers in ways that are meaningful to them, especially as <a href="https://www.campaignlive.co.uk/article/ooh-inclusive-medium/1739139">OOH reaches more than 98% of the adult population</a>.&nbsp;</p><p>Diversity and inclusion begin behind the scenes by hiring the right people to conceive of and create ads that speak to a diverse range of viewpoints and experiences.</p><h2 >Designing an effective OOH ad campaign</h2><p>The key to a successful OOH ad campaign is to design an eye-catching ad that moves people and has a visual impact while keeping your messaging simple.&nbsp;</p><p>In order to unlock the benefits of OOH ads, creativity needs to be at the center of your process.&nbsp;</p><p>By combining creativity and data analytics to guide your decision-making, you’ll be able to create an ad that resonates with your target audience and inspires them to take action.&nbsp;</p><h3 >Contact our team</a> today!</h3>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[The State of Static OOH: A sneak peek into our industry report]]><![CDATA[

While digital out-of-home (DOOH) has been a hot topic in the last few years, demand for static out-of-home (OOH) remains strong, representing about 70% of today’s OOH inventory. To better understand the industry’s dominant format, we conducted a survey to highlight the common challenges media owners face when managing static assets, where they see room […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/the-state-of-static-ooh-a-sneak-peek-into-our-industry-reporthttps://broadsign.com/blog/the-state-of-static-ooh-a-sneak-peek-into-our-industry-report<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 20 Feb 2024 10:00:00 GMT<p>While digital out-of-home (DOOH) has been a hot topic in the last few years, demand for static out-of-home (OOH) remains strong, representing about 70% of today’s OOH inventory. To better understand the industry’s dominant format, we conducted a survey to highlight the common challenges media owners face when managing static assets, where they see room for improvement, and how they see the medium evolving in the future.&nbsp;</p><p>Broadsign’s recently released <em>State of Static OOH</em> report summarizes the findings of the survey. We received data from more than 125 OOH professionals spanning over 60 companies spread across the globe. The majority of network types were hybrid, offering advertisers a mix of static and digital inventory, ranging from a few hundred screens to thousands. To celebrate its release, we highlighted a few key findings from the report.</p><div ><div >Access the full report here</a></div></div><h2 >Static OOH continues to thrive in a digital era&nbsp;</h2><p>OOH networks with static inventory are actively integrating digitization into their core strategies. More than two-thirds of the static OOH media owners we surveyed operate "hybrid" networks, meaning they offer a mix of static and digital inventory to advertisers. That number is expected to grow, with nearly<strong> 43% </strong>of survey respondents saying they plan to invest in the digitization of existing static faces in the next one to two years.</p><p>While most media owners expressed a strong interest in modernizing and making their inventory more dynamic and data-driven, our data shows that static OOH isn’t going to be replaced anytime soon. In a digital-dominated era, static billboards provide advertisers a competitive edge thanks to their long-term exposure, eye-catching large formats, and strategic placements.&nbsp;</p><figure }</script></figure><p>The enduring appeal of static media is also reflected in our survey results, which showed that <strong>70% </strong>of OOH networks with inventory digitization plans intend to convert less than a quarter of their existing static faces. Additionally, <strong>78% </strong>of respondents expecting these digitization efforts to not be completed for another two to five years.</p><h2 >Streamlining time-consuming static workflows will be crucial</h2><p>Adopting more efficient static workflows is desirable and has become a strategic necessity for the continued growth of a static OOH media owner’s business. Today’s advertisers expect fast turnaround times, exciting new creative opportunities, and the ability to make last-minute changes. These demands pose a challenge for many media owners still relying on time-consuming manual processes and tools to manage their inventory.&nbsp;</p><p>In fact, <strong>53%</strong> of the static OOH media owners we surveyed feel operational inefficiencies are putting them at a competitive disadvantage. To compete with other advertising channels, static media owners will need to confront the challenges posed by outdated inventory tracking systems and manual processes.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >More advanced technology has arrived in static OOH</h2><p>While there have historically been a number of perceived challenges around static OOH that have held back advertisers from investing in the medium, modern tracking methods and automated workflows are making those hurdles a thing of the past. Not only are these technological advancements delivering unparalleled efficiency, effectiveness, and value to every campaign, but they’re also increasing opportunities for both advertisers and media owners.</p><p>While technology priorities tend to vary from one static OOH business to another, almost all static media owners we surveyed agreed that their business would benefit from incorporating additional automation into their processes. Thankfully, this can be easily addressed by investing in a static OOH management platform that can automate the majority of tasks related to the proposal and posting process for static OOH campaigns.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>We’re also seeing demand for real-time, all-in-one asset management solutions. Recognizing the importance of immediacy in today’s dynamic advertising landscape, static OOH companies are placing a premium on software solutions that provide real-time insights into their inventory availability. In fact, <strong>75%</strong> of our survey respondents cite real-time inventory availability as one of the top features they look for in a static OOH management tool.&nbsp;</p><figure }</script></figure><p>With the rise of hybrid networks that blend traditional and digitized inventory, the demand for solutions that can seamlessly handle both digital and static OOH is becoming more pronounced. <strong>Over 68%</strong> of static media networks surveyed recognized the importance of consolidating their management processes within a single, integrated platform.&nbsp;</p><figure }</script></figure><p>Looking ahead, when asked which emerging technologies or trends they believe will be most important to the growth of the static OOH industry in the coming years, <strong>59%</strong> of survey respondents cited data-driven targeting, and <strong>47% </strong>cited data measurement and attribution.</p><h2 >The future of static OOH is a greener one</h2><p>We’re seeing OOH media networks implementing more sustainable business practices and pledging to work towards a greener, more carbon-neutral future. With the majority of outdoor advertising networks facing increasing government restrictions around sustainability, <strong>almost 64%</strong> of the static OOH companies that we surveyed have already pledged to reduce their carbon footprint. <strong>An additional 17%</strong> expect to implement official sustainability measures for their business within the next few years.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >Get the latest industry insights from our State of Static Out-of-Home report</h2><p>&nbsp;Ready to take a deep dive into the world of static out-of-home advertising? Download your copy of <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/state-of-static-ooh-report/">The State of Static Out-of-Home Advertising Report.</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Spotlight on Displayce DSP: Navigating the programmatic landscape in digital out-of-home]]><![CDATA[

Continuing its growth in the advertising world, programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH) remains a pivotal avenue for brands and agencies to engage with their audiences. One platform working to connect advertisers to media owners programmatically is Displayce, a demand-side platform (DSP) that helps to create, distribute, and optimize DOOH campaigns in real-time. Based in Bordeaux, France, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/spotlight-on-displayce-dsp-navigating-the-programmatic-landscape-in-digital-out-of-homehttps://broadsign.com/blog/spotlight-on-displayce-dsp-navigating-the-programmatic-landscape-in-digital-out-of-home<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 14 Feb 2024 09:10:53 GMT<p>Continuing its growth in the advertising world, programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH) remains a pivotal avenue for brands and agencies to engage with their audiences. One platform working to connect advertisers to media owners programmatically is <a href="https://www.displayce.com/en/about-us/">Displayce</a>, a demand-side platform (DSP) that helps to create, distribute, and optimize DOOH campaigns in real-time.</p><p>Based in Bordeaux, France, Displayce’s programmatic platform enables access to a network of over 1 million billboards across more than 70 countries, allowing brands to run pDOOH campaigns in premium formats within targeted environments and to large audiences. With over a decade of experience in the industry, Displayce’s team is now made up of 40 DOOH experts and has established offices in key European regions like France, Spain, the UK, and the Netherlands to deliver premium support to clients within their respective regions.</p><p>In 2019, the DSP partnered with <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a>, granting media buyers access to premium global DOOH inventory through Broadsign’s supply-side platform (SSP). The strategic alliance with JCDecaux since July 2022 has further strengthened its position, providing the means to accelerate its development and reach new heights in the industry.</p><h2 ><strong>Advanced technology for a dynamic pDOOH landscape&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>Displayce’s platform aims to make pDOOH media more accessible, audience-centric, and efficient within the broader advertising industry. &#8220;In the past, pDOOH was predominantly embraced by early adopters and tech-savvy individuals. Today, we’re finding ourselves at a pivotal point where we have to showcase its simplicity and effectiveness to bring it to the mainstream media landscape,&#8221; says Emma Labrador, Chief Marketing Officer at Displayce. &#8220;We actively empower clients to elevate their outreach and engagement by seamlessly integrating the medium into their cross-channel strategies.&#8221;</p><p>Built on proprietary technology designed to meet the unique requirements of pDOOH, Displayce has recently implemented a dedicated bidder exclusively for DOOH to deliver a targeted and efficient response to buyers&#8217; needs. Insight Explorer, the platform’s campaign interface, enables users to build, forecast, and explore campaigns based on reliable data available in real-time. Additionally, Displayce offers a troubleshooting module tailored to pDOOH, a functionality that provides a quick and accurate solution to address potential issues, ensuring seamless continuity of campaigns.</p><h2 ><strong>Partnering with Broadsign</strong></h2><p>Running over 1000 campaigns last year, Displayce collaborates with the largest trading desks and top 6 agencies worldwide to bring programmatic DOOH to both OOH and digital specialists.&nbsp;</p><p>By seamlessly integrating with Broadsign’s SSP, Displayce offers its clients immediate access to an expansive network of DOOH inventory. Additionally, the integration introduces media owners on the supply side to new markets.&nbsp;The DSP&#8217;s data insights and precise targeting capabilities, combined with Broadsign&#8217;s extensive reach, empower advertisers to connect with their desired audiences in a personalized and contextual way, even within a one-to-many medium.</p><blockquote ><p>"We chose to collaborate with Broadsign for two pivotal reasons. Firstly, their expansive inventory reach impeccably aligns with our business opportunities, ensuring comprehensive and strategic DOOH coverage. Secondly, our decision was swayed by a shared mindset with Broadsign, particularly in terms of features and our vision for market evolution, helping to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of DOOH campaigns".</p><cite>Emma Labrador, Chief Marketing Officer at Displayce</cite></blockquote><p><strong>Boost your omnichannel strategy with DOOH! </strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/dsp-partners/#contact"><strong>Connect with us</strong></a><strong> to learn more about our inventory available via 35+ DSP partners.</strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Unlock new opportunities and additional revenue with Broadsign Audience Campaigns]]><![CDATA[

When looking at the different ways DOOH inventory is sold today, the two primary ways are through direct sales and programmatic digital out-of-home. We often compare them, trying to decide which is the best method to sell DOOH inventory. However, the reality is that many media owners sell both directly and programmatically, as it helps […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/unlock-new-opportunities-and-additional-revenue-with-broadsigns-audience-campaignshttps://broadsign.com/blog/unlock-new-opportunities-and-additional-revenue-with-broadsigns-audience-campaigns<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 06 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT<p>When looking at the different ways DOOH inventory is sold today, the two primary ways are through direct sales and programmatic digital out-of-home. We often compare them, trying to decide which is the best method to sell DOOH inventory. However, the reality is that many media owners sell both directly and programmatically, as it helps them optimize their inventory.&nbsp;</p><p>While directly sold campaigns are generally long-term commitments with fixed start and end dates, programmatic campaigns are more flexible, allowing you to slot them in when there’s availability. In essence, programmatic campaigns can be used to help fill the remaining space not taken up by fixed campaigns.&nbsp;</p><p>Generally, a media owner would allocate 80% of their inventory to direct sales and 20% to programmatic. Now, let’s say that for one month, 70% of your inventory is accounted for through direct deals and 10% through programmatic; you now have 20% of your inventory that is not accounted for. Traditionally, filler content, like the time or weather conditions, would play on the screen when there are no scheduled campaigns, but what if you could turn that 20% into additional revenue?&nbsp;</p><p>Many media owners, including our own customers, are now turning to ad servers as a third selling channel to help them transform their filler space into additional revenue. Capable of delivering campaigns dynamically with the use of audience and contextual triggers, Broadsign’s ad server – known as <a href="https://broadsign.com/audience-campaigns/">Audience Campaigns</a> in the Broadsign Platform – plays alongside your direct and programmatic campaigns, maximizing fill rates and generating new revenue for you. Below, we highlight a few examples of how our customers are using Broadsign Audience Campaigns to unlock new opportunities and additional revenue.</p><h2 >Sell premium, data-triggered audience campaigns</h2><p>The primary way our customers have been using Broadsign Audience Campaigns is to sell premium audience-based campaigns. With access to anonymized aggregated data that allows you to target specific audience segments based on audience demographics, buying patterns or points of interest, advertisers can easily reach prospective buyers.</p><p>Plus, with ads dynamically served based on contextual triggers, like weather or financial moments, ads will only be seen at the ideal time and place. While these data triggers are offered at a premium price, advertisers are willing to pay for it as it helps them spend their ad dollars more effectively by reaching the intended audience where they’re more likely to be found in large numbers.</p><p>For instance, an agency needs to launch a campaign to promote a new sports shoe for a global shoe brand. With the ability to target audiences by gender and age group, as well as target ideal environments, like gyms or shopping malls, the agency can easily reach the brand’s on-the-go customers and show the ad when it’s most contextually relevant.&nbsp;</p><p>Another example is a large coffeehouse company that is launching its limited-edition winter drinks for the holiday and wants to target daily commuters on their way to work. With Audience Campaigns, the coffeehouse company can leverage screens across the city’s transit system to dynamically deliver ads during the weekday at peak transit times in the morning and evening when the weather is below -10°C.</p><h2 >Widen your customer base by accommodating budgets of all sizes</h2><p>Another advantage our media owners saw when using Broadsign Audience Campaigns was that it made smaller campaigns from local advertisers and small agencies more profitable. Traditionally, most networks require a minimum spend or campaign duration, making it difficult for local advertisers who don’t have the budget to meet the required commitments to advertise with OOH.</p><p>To address this problem, one of our customers ran small-budget campaigns through Audience Campaigns. Given that the campaign would run as an impression-based campaign, the media owner could play the local advertiser’s ad only when there is availability, as the campaign&#8217;s only requirements are to hit a target number of impressions and remain within budget. While advertisers still had to pay a premium CPM as they were buying in smaller volumes, they were willing to do so for a shorter, more flexible campaign.</p><p>Transitioning local campaigns to Audience Campaigns created more availability for long-term guaranteed campaigns booked by larger advertisers, as smaller campaigns were no longer taking up space in the loop. It also reduced the administrative workload for the media owner’s sales team. Setting up small campaigns, which previously required the sales team to be more hands-on, would now take a matter of minutes from proposal to deployment.</p><p>Curious as to how easy it is to set up a campaign in Audience Campaigns? Here’s our senior product manager, <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/delerismaxime/">Maxime Deleris</a>, with a quick demo: </p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Monetize filler, unsold or skipped slots</h2><p>Another advantage of being able to activate campaigns in a matter of minutes instead of days is that you can use Broadsign Audience Campaigns to book last-minute deals without causing additional stress on your operations team. In fact, one of our customers was able to monetize their unsold slots, which would usually have been filler content, by selling them as last-minute ad server campaigns.</p><p>Traditionally, unsold slots are sold at deep discounts to encourage last-minute deals with advertisers. However, the media owner noticed that several advertisers with last-minute campaigns were willing to pay a premium if it meant that they could secure a spot. Additionally, since setting up a last-minute ad server campaign took significantly less time than a direct-sold campaign, the media owner decided to book all last-minute deals in Audience Campaigns.</p><p>As Audience Campaigns prioritizes CPMs over first-come, first-served, advertisers are encouraged to pay more for the spot, generating the media owner significantly more revenue than if they had sold all deep-discounted slots. Since switching to this revenue strategy, the media owner now has a pool of over 60 advertisers willing to pay a premium for unsold inventory whenever it becomes available, completely eliminating the need to sell inventory at deep discounts.</p><p>Furthermore, moving all last-minute deals into Audience Campaigns not only gave the media owner more inventory to sell as guaranteed campaigns but also helped increase guaranteed campaign bookings. Advertisers looking to book last-minute guaranteed campaigns could no longer do so, forcing them to book their guaranteed campaigns earlier.</p><h2 >Ensure you’re hitting campaign objectives with real-time reporting</h2><p>The measurement and reporting of a campaign’s performance is arguably the most important step of an ad campaign. It allows you to see what worked and, most importantly, what didn’t, ensuring that ad dollars are being used effectively to meet business goals. Broadsign Audience Campaigns provides you with real-time data to make quick changes to ongoing campaigns. With access to post-campaign reports, you can give buyers better visibility on their campaign performance, enabling them to adjust their strategies.</p><p>Here’s Maxime again with another demo on just how granular or broad you can go with our real-time reporting:&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><p>With Audience Campaigns made available as part of the Broadsign Platform, you can sell guaranteed, programmatic and audience campaigns all in one place. Acting as modules with a unified notion of users and inventory means you can switch between our solutions seamlessly, allowing you to incorporate as much of the different sales channels as you want.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Broadsign Audience Campaigns</a> today.</h2>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[OOH Executive Insights: Joe Cotugno on Modernizing Static Out-of-Home Media]]><![CDATA[

In this installment of our OOH Executive Insights series, Broadsign’s Sr. Vice President of International Operations and one of the founders of Ayuda, Joe Cotugno, discusses why static OOH remains relevant in the age of digital media, what challenges are affecting OOH’s competitiveness with digital media and how to address them, as well as up-and-coming […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-executive-insights-joe-cotugno-on-modernizing-static-out-of-home-mediahttps://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-executive-insights-joe-cotugno-on-modernizing-static-out-of-home-media<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 01 Feb 2024 12:18:01 GMT<p><em>In this installment of our OOH Executive Insights series, Broadsign’s Sr. Vice President of International Operations and one of the founders of Ayuda, Joe Cotugno, discusses why static OOH remains relevant in the age of digital media, what challenges are affecting OOH’s competitiveness with digital media and how to address them, as well as up-and-coming trends to look out for.&nbsp;</em></p><h2 >Why static OOH remains an effective medium in the age of digital media</h2><p>While it might seem easier to create dynamic and better targeted ads online, advertisers face the issue where consumers are continuously inundated with online content. This makes it challenging for their content to stand out and puts it at risk of being tuned out by consumers. With static OOH, it’s much harder to ignore due to its physical presence and the sheer size of some billboards.</p><p>Moreover, there will always be locations where static OOH will provide more value than digital screens. Locations like highways or busy roads do not benefit from having digital billboards, as motion isn’t allowed due to safety concerns, and a digital screen without motion loses its primary value of being able to deliver dynamic content.&nbsp;</p><p>In fact, Apple has advertised on the same static billboard in Montreal for the past 20 years for this reason. Located near the intersection of two major highways, they have continued to advertise their products on this ginormous billboard that can easily reach their target audience commuting to and from work.</p><figure }</script></figure><p><em>Picture taken from </em><a href="https://www.google.com/maps/place/45%C2%B030'11.2%22N+73%C2%B040'13.9%22W/@45.5032418,-73.6696658,17.44z/data=!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d45.503113!4d-73.670538?entry=ttu"><em>Google Maps</em></a></p><p>Finally, while static OOH can’t use motion to create dynamic ads, it has its own unique way of being dynamic. Here’s how: </p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Current challenges affecting static OOH’s competitiveness with digital media</h2><p>In today’s world, which is becoming increasingly digital, people are not only used to but also expect things to be done quickly. While advertisers can already book digital OOH inventory quickly with tools like real-time bidding in programmatic DOOH (pDOOH), there remains the challenge of getting the static side of OOH to be as fast as possible.&nbsp;</p><p>One of the most time-consuming processes in static OOH is the booking and production process. It can take two to three weeks just to book a location and then another two to three weeks to get the creative produced and printed. Shortening the turnaround time for this process is crucial in making it easier for advertisers to include static in their media mix.&nbsp;</p><p>With today&#8217;s more sophisticated tools, these issues can be addressed head-on with software. We now have static management solutions that provide real-time availability, allowing chartists&nbsp; and sales representatives to view what’s available at any given time. The availability of real-time data has allowed media owners to turn proposals into booked campaigns in a matter of hours rather than weeks.&nbsp;</p><p>Another long-term vision the entire OOH industry should strive toward is the standardization of buying and measurement processes to align with other channels. Unlike other mediums, such as&nbsp; TV, newspaper, radio, and online, which are sold by audience, static OOH is still often sold by location.&nbsp;</p><p>If we wish to reduce friction for advertisers when buying static OOH, we need to speak the same language as other mediums, which requires us to develop similar measurement methodologies. We’re already seeing industry players, such as Geopath in the U.S., and the OMA in Australia, coming out with better and more standardized measurement methodologies.Here’s why we need to adopt the same measurement system as other mediums: </p><figure ></div></figure><p>Regarding the current measurement process in static OOH, different companies in different markets use different metrics to measure return on investment (ROI). Personally, I believe we&nbsp;should move towards an outcome-based measurement to answer questions like: did I achieve my campaign goal? Did I increase awareness of my brand, product or service?</p><p>Today, static OOH campaigns primarily report on delivered impressions, which isn’t enough for marketers to determine whether they’ve achieved their campaign’s objective, or for management to prove the ROI of OOH. They’re not just spending money to reach people; they want them to be aware of something or affect some type of change in behaviour. While it will take time for the industry to move towards outcome-based measurement practices, there exist tools that media owners can adopt today, like brand-lift studies, which are commonly used in digital media and are growing in popularity in pDOOH.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Rising trends to invest in early to remain competitive</h2><p>Making our business more sustainable is something that we all have to move towards, and unlike DOOH, static OOH has much more to consider when adopting more sustainable practices. It’s not just about electricity usage or the emissions emitted by digital screens but also the production process, like producing vinyl and posters and sending out trucks (and sometimes cranes) to install them on billboards.&nbsp;</p><p>We’re already seeing advertisers starting to request emissions data for OOH inventory, and as sustainability continues to be a strong influencer in our industry, they may begin buying inventory exclusively from media owners who have adopted more sustainable practices. Different ways to make your business more sustainable already exist, such as using LED for more efficient and longer-lasting lighting for your faces.&nbsp;</p><p>We’ve also seen advancements in poster materials, such as vinyl and mesh posters that can be stretched over the entire face and then taken down and re-used again, not only eliminating the need for adhesives, but also reducing the number of creatives produced. There are also newer, biodegradable poster materials, which are being developed.&nbsp;</p><p>Something that is going to revolutionize not just our industry but almost every industry is artificial intelligence (AI). Specifically with static OOH, AI can help us automate what was previously manual work. For instance, rather than having a person manually compile a proposal based on the advertiser’s brief, which could take up to a week to complete, we can train AI to find the best locations for us based on the parameters and criteria that we want, potentially making the buying and booking process as quick as with digital media.&nbsp;</p><p>Another example of how we can use AI to increase efficiency is by using it to automate the optimization of inventory occupation. Here’s how:</p><figure ></div></figure><p>Until AI becomes readily available, you can already gain some of the automation capabilities by adopting a more sophisticated system than spreadsheets. While manually managing spreadsheets may work for you now, having capabilities like real-time availability, dynamic planning, and the ability to make your inventory available to your clients directly allows you to generate more inbound leads.Here’s an in-depth explanation as to why you should make the switch:</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Want more insights on the Static OOH industry?&nbsp;</h2><p>Wanting to better understand some of the existing and future challenges static media owners face, we surveyed owners with static inventory from across the globe. <strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/static-survey-early-access/">Sign up for early access to the report here!</a></strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Using pDOOH for a faster and more targeted way of adding OOH to your omnichannel campaigns]]><![CDATA[

Advancements in programmatic technologies, like real-time data, contextual triggers, and more sophisticated measurement capabilities, have driven the adoption of programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH) and its inclusion in advertisers’ omnichannel strategies. However, integrating it into your omnichannel campaign remains a challenging process for many advertisers. You often have to work with multiple demand-side platforms (DSPs) for […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/using-pdooh-for-a-faster-and-more-targeted-way-of-adding-ooh-to-your-omnichannel-campaignshttps://broadsign.com/blog/using-pdooh-for-a-faster-and-more-targeted-way-of-adding-ooh-to-your-omnichannel-campaigns<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 23 Jan 2024 09:00:00 GMT<p>Advancements in programmatic technologies, like real-time data, contextual triggers, and more sophisticated measurement capabilities, have driven the adoption of programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH) and its inclusion in advertisers’ omnichannel strategies. However, integrating it into your omnichannel campaign remains a challenging process for many advertisers.&nbsp;</p><p>You often have to work with multiple demand-side platforms (DSPs) for the different ad mediums or even call a media owner to secure DOOH inventory. To address this pain point, many omnichannel DSPs offer auction packages to streamline OOH operations and campaign activations.&nbsp;</p><p>Auction packages are customizable packages that include targeted audiences, inventory, and contextual locations with data delivered through a single deal ID. With granular details provided in each package, you can limit the back-and-forth with clients, streamlining the proposal review and approval process. Furthermore, by providing access to multiple media owners in one package, you can easily access your ideal audiences with more cost-efficient CPMs.&nbsp;</p><p>Made available through existing omnichannel DSPs, you can set up and activate your pDOOH campaign in a matter of minutes rather than days. For these reasons, auction packages make the process of planning, buying and launching pDOOH campaigns alongside other ad mediums faster and more cost-efficient.&nbsp;</p><h2 >How targeting capabilities in pDOOH have evolved</h2><p>While you can choose to target the entire audience provided through an auction package, you can also target a sub-segment of that audience. For instance, the overarching audience included in a <a href="https://broadsign.com/auction-packages/travel-tourism/">Travel &amp; Tourism auction package</a> would be travel intenders, while more specific segments could be business travellers, leisure travellers, and road trippers. This gives you added flexibility on how granular you’d like your key audience to be, providing you with the same targeting capabilities as other ad mediums.&nbsp;</p><p>You can also choose to target your intended audiences by selecting specific venue types, like place-based or outdoor. Looking at a <a href="https://broadsign.com/auction-packages/retail/">Retail auction package</a>, for example, place-based screen selection could include screens in shopping malls, stores, pharmacies, and convenience stores. Outdoor would include billboards, urban panels and transit shelters within shopping distance of retail stores.&nbsp;</p><p>Contextual targeting can also be applied to each package, allowing you to trigger your ad to play only at the ideal time. There are multiple ways to contextually deliver your ads with an auction package. One way is by targeting your point of interest; using a <a href="https://broadsign.com/auction-packages/sports-betting/">Sports Betting auction package</a> as an example, locations could include casinos, bars, and sports arenas. You can also use dayparts as a contextual trigger, like "game day schedules," to display ads for a sports betting and gaming platform in the weeks leading up to a highly-anticipated sports game.</p><p>Lastly, you can leverage moments, like weather or financial market changes, to contextually deliver your ads. Using our <a href="https://broadsign.com/auction-packages/travel-tourism/">Travel &amp; Tourism auction package</a> again, you could run ads for a warm and sunny destination when the local weather is cold or promote a destination with a desirable currency rate against the local currency. While auction packages are made available as pre-built bundles, you can also customize the package to meet your objectives better.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Using auction packages for a simpler and faster delivery of DOOH</h2><p>While you may have a better understanding of what auction packages are, you’re probably wondering when you should use auction packages. Auction packages are great for complex DOOH campaigns that require multiple targeting requirements, like markets, point-of-interests and audiences.&nbsp;</p><p>In fact, one of the first campaigns that used Broadsign’s auction packages involved complex targeting requirements that would’ve made it impossible for the brand’s omnichannel DSP to activate on its own. Working with their preferred agency and DSP, a beverage brand was looking to raise awareness of its new range of alcoholic beverages and wanted to include DOOH in its broader omnichannel campaign.&nbsp;</p><p>To reach their intended audience with DOOH, two targeting strategies were identified for the brand: point-of-interest and audience targeting. Working with Broadsign, they identified screens located near bars and liquor stores that carried the new range of alcoholic drinks, as well as outdoor billboards and urban panels with higher concentrations of the target audience – Gen Z and Millennials.&nbsp;</p><p>Given that the campaign was set to run across different states, the proposal provided to the agency contained a substantial inventory list (spanning over 25 lines, to be precise), highlighting the inventory that matched the different targeting requirements per state. As each inventory line contained screens from multiple media owners, the omnichannel DSP would have had to manually create a deal ID for each media owner’s inventory per market and format had this DOOH campaign been set up without auction packages. We did the math, and that would’ve meant creating 150 different deal IDs, making it a highly error-prone and time-consuming process.&nbsp;</p><p>With auction packages, the omnichannel DSP simply needed to add the auction package per market and format, which already contained all the inventory from different media owners – significantly cutting down the time it took to set up and activate this complex DOOH campaign. They were also able to better measure the impact of DOOH by conducting a brand lift study after the campaign was completed, providing them with real-world insights on ad recall, how effective was the DOOH media mix, whether it helped enhance brand image, as well as drive consideration and product purchase.</p><h2 >inventory marketplace</a>.</h2><p>Make sure to reach out to your Broadsign representative today for more information!</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Understanding Omnichannel Retail Media Networks: A Q&A with Exverus Media]]><![CDATA[

The advertising world is constantly evolving to include new technologies and strategies that reshape how brands connect with consumers. One advertising approach that’s gained popularity over the years is the rise of Retail Media Networks (RMNs). RMNs, when executed effectively, help retailers and advertisers reach target audiences, increase visibility, and drive sales through omnichannel marketing […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/understanding-omnichannel-retail-media-networks-a-qa-with-exverus-mediahttps://broadsign.com/blog/understanding-omnichannel-retail-media-networks-a-qa-with-exverus-media<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 16 Jan 2024 09:55:41 GMT<p>The advertising world is constantly evolving to include new technologies and strategies that reshape how brands connect with consumers.</p><p>One advertising approach that’s gained popularity over the years is the rise of <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/retail-media-networks-101/">Retail Media Networks (RMNs)</a>. RMNs, when executed effectively, help retailers and advertisers reach target audiences, increase visibility, and drive sales through omnichannel marketing solutions. More than just a final touchpoint, they offer useful opportunities to help brands reach and engage shoppers across the entire journey.&nbsp;</p><p>We recently spoke with Talia Arnold, Managing Director at <a href="https://www.exverus.com/">Exverus Media</a>, to discuss why more retailers should take a full-funnel approach to their RMN strategy.</p><h5 ><strong>What exactly are omnichannel Retail Media Networks?</strong></h5><p>Omnichannel RMNs are a dynamic form of advertising that uses different channels to reach consumers across multiple touchpoints, leveraging platforms like e-commerce sites, social media, apps, CTV, OOH, and more.&nbsp;</p><p>While they’ve traditionally operated within digital retail environments, RMNs are now diversifying to include offline channels like OOH to catch consumer attention in-store. This simultaneous exposure in both online and offline environments amplifies brand visibility, reinforces messaging, and fosters a more holistic brand experience.</p><h5 ><strong>What does a good media mix look like when incorporating retail media?&nbsp;</strong></h5><p>Crafting an effective media mix within retail media is really dependent on the campaign’s objectives. Some tactics make more sense for an awareness campaign, while others are better suited for sales-focused campaigns. With e-commerce campaigns, for example, it’s ideal to have a strong search presence. Brands and advertisers should always try to maximize exposure through their sponsored search campaigns first before tapping into other tactics. Sponsored search typically has the highest return and can also drive awareness by helping your product show in the top search results when consumers are browsing the category and preparing to make a purchase.&nbsp;</p><p>OOH advertising can fit within a retail media strategy by extending the brand’s reach beyond online platforms. For instance, an awareness campaign utilizing RMNs might leverage digital ads on e-commerce sites to reach consumers shopping online while simultaneously positioning OOH ads in proximity to retail locations. This would further reinforce the brand message and create increased exposure among potential customers beyond their digital screens.</p><h5 ><em>Retail Media: A Full-Funnel Marketing Strategy</em> </a>discusses using first-person buyer data from retail media networks to create personalized messaging. How can brands effectively use this data for marketing purposes?</strong></h5><p>First-person buyer data sourced from RMNs presents a big opportunity for marketers looking to craft personalized and targeted campaigns.</p><p>What makes first-party retail data so powerful is that it’s very accurate and proprietary to each specific retail chain, offering insights into consumers&#8217; purchasing behaviors, preferences, and browsing patterns within a particular retail ecosystem. A primary benefit is that this data can be used across various channels like digital display, CTV, social media, and DOOH, allowing marketers to deliver hyper-personalized offerings via online and email campaigns, loyalty programs, in-store offers, and more.</p><p>To tap into this data, you would typically need to work with our retail-specific reps. Your campaigns can be run via a managed service (which is a bit pricey) or programmatically if you have a team in place. Teams can tap into retail first-party data via PMPs or PGs, but if you are looking to utilize Amazon or Walmart data, you will need to have specific DSP seats.</p><h5 ><strong>The article suggests applying concepts from digital marketing to retail media networks. Can you provide examples of how digital marketing concepts and strategies can be adapted in retail media marketing?</strong></h5><p>As the article says, it’s time to start thinking of retail media as omnifunnel, which involves recognizing the potential to guide consumers through various stages of their buying journey, seamlessly integrating different touchpoints to drive conversions while reinforcing brand recall.</p><p>We can drive awareness of a brand by targeting retail first-party category shoppers and then drive consideration by retargeting them via social media or through a display ad online. From those ads, we can direct them right to the site where our product is sold. If consumers haven’t made a purchase by this point, then upon returning to the site, we can target them via on-site ads or sponsored placement ads until they finally make a conversion.&nbsp;</p><p>Each stage of the omnifunnel strategy generates valuable data about consumer behavior and preferences, which can be analyzed to tailor marketing strategies and thereby maximize ROI.&nbsp;</p><h5 ><strong>Want to learn more about adding DOOH to your shopper marketing strategy?</strong></h5><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/"><u>Book a call</u></a>&nbsp;with our team of experts to plan your next campaign!</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Digital Out-of-Home for Alcohol and Beverage Brands]]><![CDATA[

Alcohol and ready-to-drink beverage markets are expanding globally Revenue in the global alcohol industry amounted to US$1.6 trillion in 2023 and is forecasted to reach a new peak of US$2 trillion by 2027. The thirst for convenient, ready-to-drink (RTD) beverages has also grown fast in the past few years, with worldwide consumer spending expected to […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-out-of-home-for-alcohol-and-beverage-brandshttps://broadsign.com/blog/digital-out-of-home-for-alcohol-and-beverage-brands<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 11 Jan 2024 09:49:01 GMT<h2 >Alcohol and ready-to-drink beverage markets are expanding globally</h2><p>Revenue in the global alcohol industry amounted to US$1.6 trillion in 2023 and is <a href="https://www.statista.com/study/55484/alcoholic-drinks-report/">forecasted to reach a new peak of US$2 trillion by 2027</a>. The thirst for convenient, ready-to-drink (RTD) beverages has also grown fast in the past few years, with worldwide consumer spending <a href="https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/ready-to-drink-rtd-beverages-market-102124">expected to surpass US$1 trillion</a> by the end of 2030.</p><p>However, this global revenue growth means increasing competition in an already crowded beverage landscape. More alcoholic beverage brands enter the market each year, driven in part by new growth in the RTD category; in 2020, fewer than a thousand new spirit-based RTD beverages were introduced in the US, which <a href="https://www.theiwsr.com/key-trends-driving-the-us-spirit-based-rtd-segment-in-2022-and-beyond/">accelerated to more than 1600</a> in 2022.</p><h2 >Alcohol and beverage brands can leverage digital out-of-home to reach target consumers</h2><p>In today’s crowded digital ad landscape, out-of-home advertising continues to capture consumer interest. Recall rates for OOH ads from alcoholic beverage brands are amongst the highest, with <a href="https://oaaa.org/news/summer-travel-and-spending-expected-to-rise-signaling-continued-growth-in-consumer-confidence-new-oaaa-harris-poll-research-finds/">64% of Americans 21 or older</a> saying they remembered a specific placement.&nbsp;</p><p>Further reinforcing the power and potential for DOOH to drive real-world actions, a recent OAAA and Harris Poll survey revealed that <a href="https://www.adomni.com/cms/ooh-ads-influence-4-verticals-pharma-streaming-luxury-alcohol">nearly 80% of those US viewers who noticed OOH advertisem*nts</a> for alcoholic beverages were then inclined to engage in some manner: 52% made a subsequent purchase at a retailer’s location, 34% visited the location or retailer’s website, and 33% shared info by word of mouth.</p><h4 >Check out our infographic for unique ways alcohol &amp; beverage advertisers can leverage DOOH to raise brand awareness, amplify buzz, drive seasonal sales, and expand the reach of omnichannel campaigns.</h4><div ></div><h4 >Want to build an impactful alcohol and beverage campaign?</h4><p>Explore our curated audiences, inventory, and contextual locations in our <a href="https://broadsign.com/auction-packages/consumer-packaged-goods/">Consumer Packaged Goods Package</a>!</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Boehringer Ingelheim saw a +254% lift in positive brand image with its programmatic DOOH campaign]]><![CDATA[

Boehringer Ingelheim, a leading global pharmaceutical company, wanted to boost awareness and sales for its new pet antiparasitic product under the Frontpro brand, Frontpro Antiparasitic. Looking to promote the product and drive in-store traffic to retail stockists, the brand launched a programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH) campaign across key cities in Spain. As the first company […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-boehringer-ingelheim-saw-a-254-lift-in-positive-brand-image-with-its-programmatic-dooh-campaignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-boehringer-ingelheim-saw-a-254-lift-in-positive-brand-image-with-its-programmatic-dooh-campaign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 19 Dec 2023 16:18:01 GMT<p><a href="https://www.boehringer-ingelheim.com/es/">Boehringer Ingelheim</a>, a leading global pharmaceutical company, wanted to boost awareness and sales for its new pet antiparasitic product under the Frontpro brand, Frontpro Antiparasitic.&nbsp;</p><p>Looking to promote the product and drive in-store traffic to retail stockists, the brand launched a programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH) campaign across key cities in Spain.&nbsp;</p><p>As the first company to launch a non-prescription oral antiparasitic, Boehringer worked with Broadsign and <a href="https://happydemics.com/en">Happydemics</a> to conduct a brand lift study to measure the impact of the DOOH ads on awareness, brand image, and purchase consideration.</p><h2 >The Strategy</h2><ul><li>The campaign was launched with agency partner<a href="https://www.omd.com/contact/spain/"> OMD Spain</a> and OOH expert <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a>, targeting dog lovers in cities like Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, and Sevilla. Working with <a href="https://www.thetradedesk.com/us">The Trade Desk</a> demand-side platform (DSP), the campaign included additional channels like TV, radio, digital, and CTV to create an immersive omnichannel experience.&nbsp;</li><li>Featuring a mix of static and digital creatives, the OOH ads also included QR codes that encouraged audiences to interact with the content.</li><li>To drive in-store foot traffic, shopping malls and outdoor screens were selected within a certain radius of pet stores that stock Frontpro Antiparasitic.</li></ul><h3 >Read the full case study to see the results and discover the benefits of implementing pDOOH into your media strategy.</h3><div ></div><p></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Achieving Carbon Neutrality: Broadsign’s Update (Part 3)]]><![CDATA[

Over the past two years, our team has been working to identify opportunities to reduce our emissions and secure offsets for those emissions that cannot be eliminated today. With this year now almost at an end, we’re pleased to be able to share some of the progress we’ve made, including our selection of an offset […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/achieving-carbon-neutrality-broadsigns-update-part-3https://broadsign.com/blog/achieving-carbon-neutrality-broadsigns-update-part-3<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 14 Dec 2023 08:04:13 GMT<p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-executive-insights-burr-smith-on-broadsigns-commitment-to-sustainability/">Over the past two years</a>, our team has been working to identify opportunities to reduce our emissions and secure offsets for those emissions that cannot be eliminated today.</p><p>With this year now almost at an end, we’re pleased to be able to share some of the progress we’ve made, including our selection of an offset provider and which of the technologies and projects they offer that we have invested in.</p><p>If you would like to review the analysis of our emissions totals, please see <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/achieving-carbon-neutrality-broadsigns-update-part-2/">this post</a> from earlier in the year.</p><h2 >A quick recap</h2><p>In 2022, Broadsign’s emissions totaled 1,101 metric tons of CO2e. This is approximately the same as the emissions associated with the annual electricity consumption of 214 US homes.</p><p>The bulk of these emissions are represented by two categories:</p><ul><li>Business travel (flights, hotels, etc. &#8211; 583.6 metric tons of CO2e).</li><li>Purchased goods and services (cloud computing, SaaS applications, etc. &#8211; 397.6 metric tons of CO2e).</li></ul><p>Given the reality of business operations, it is impossible to operate without generating any emissions at all. As such, our strategy is to find opportunities to reduce the emissions associated with our business wherever possible, and to use high-quality projects to offset any emissions we cannot reduce.</p><p>Initial reduction strategies tied to our cloud computing are discussed in some detail in <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/achieving-carbon-neutrality-broadsigns-update-part-2/">this article</a> and have already begun to be implemented. The biggest question mark for us for most of the year was how we were going to approach our offsets and who we would work with.</p><h2 >Our offset partner</h2><p>After a careful review of many providers and types of offset projects out there, our team made the decision to partner with <a href="https://klimate.co/">Klimate.co</a>. Their mission is to help companies achieve net-zero status, and to accelerate the development of carbon removal technologies.&nbsp;</p><p>Over the past couple of months, we’ve worked with their team to create a package of different offset projects and technologies with which to offset our own emissions.</p><h2 >Our offset mix</h2><p>For our offset portfolio, we wanted to do a few things:</p><p>1: To invest in projects we expect to reliably store our offset emissions over a period of time measured in decades, centuries, or longer.</p><p>2: To invest in projects with additional social benefits, such as the promotion of local industry in regions likely to be most affected by climate change.</p><p>3: To give at least some support to projects making use of low-scale, high-quality technologies that, in the future, have the potential to grow and make a huge impact in the fight against the climate crisis.</p><p>Here are the different buckets we’ve invested in, with an explanation of the associated technologies and the social impact of each investment, where applicable.</p><h3 >Reforestation</h3><p>Emissions offset: 963.90 tCO2e (87.6%)</p><p>Project Certification: <a href="https://www.planvivo.org/pvcs">Plan Vivo</a></p><p>Reforestation is one of the most common kinds of offset initiatives in the world. It’s a relatively low-tech approach that uses the planting and growth of new trees to sequester carbon through the new forest’s natural processes.</p><p>The specific reforestation project we are supporting for our 2022 offsets is designed to enhance and protect local biodiversity, contribute to sustainable livelihoods for the local community, and restore the local ecosystem.</p><p>The progress of this initiative is monitored via satellite imagery and specialized software to validate that the number of trees planted and the amount of carbon they are sequestering are on pace to meet the commitment of project investors.</p><h3 >Biochar</h3><p>Emissions offset: 110.10 tCO2e (10%)</p><p>Project Certifications: <a href="https://www.european-biochar.org/en/c-sink">EBC C-Sink</a></p><p>Biochar is a product created through pyrolysis, which involves the use of high temperatures and low-oxygen environments to quickly break down organic matter. Biochar traps carbon in the ground over a long period of time.</p><p>Biochar does an excellent job of storing carbon over many decades, typically when it is added to soils. As a bonus, it offers valuable enrichment to that soil, which means it can help local farmers improve their output.</p><p>One of the benefits of the projects we’re investing in is that they are located in environments in which climate change’s effects are expected to be most pronounced and dangerous. Investing our dollars here can help empower these communities in the face of likely climate-related hardship.</p><h3 >Enhanced weathering</h3><p>Emissions offset: 27 tCO2e (2.5%)</p><p>Project Certification: <a href="https://carbon.puro.earth/enhanced-rock-weathering">Puro.earth ERW</a></p><p>Enhanced weathering is a technique that involves the speeding up of natural processes that see carbon dioxide in the atmosphere captured and stored within rocks and soil. Where normally this process takes many thousands of years to complete, enhanced weathering projects can reduce this to decades.</p><p>The specific project we are helping to fund involves spreading crushed rock across farmland, which helps to speed up the weathering process.</p><p>This is a developing technology that offers a great deal of potential for helping the world capture and store carbon, and we wanted to make sure we were contributing in some way to its growth.</p><h2 >Status report</h2><p>At this point in time, Klimate.co is actively working to secure the contracts necessary for our offset dollars to be put into effect.</p><p>You can see the current status of our 2022 offsets <a href="https://app.klimate.co/portfolios/P1005565">here</a>.&nbsp;</p><p>As is standard, each year’s offsets will be purchased for the preceding year, so the amount spent and the carbon emissions offset represent our 2022 numbers. It takes several months of analysis after the conclusion of the year to determine the final calculations of all business figures, including carbon emissions.</p><p>You should expect to see an update next year to outline 2023’s emissions totals and the packages we purchase to offset them. We’ll also be working to further close the gap between the timing of our emissions and when we purchase offsets.</p><h2 >Moving forward: next steps &amp; our new sustainability statement</h2><p>Our commitment to operating sustainably is an ongoing one, and so you can expect to see a number of updates from us next year and every year to follow to make public our emissions, share our sustainability victories and challenges, and provide transparency into the work we’re doing to help the out-of-home industry as a whole become more sustainable.</p><p>To end 2023, we’d like to share our new sustainability statement, which outlines our general philosophy and broad policies that will shape everything we do related to sustainability—whether that’s for reducing our own footprint, helping customers use our platform to reduce their footprints, or through advocacy, employee empowerment, and other initiatives we see as crucial to getting this done right.</p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/sustainability-statement/">Read our sustainability statement</a></strong></p><p>This project has been incredibly motivating and uniting for all of us here at Broadsign. There’s a tremendous level of enthusiasm for this initiative at all levels, and a great deal of thought and care has been put into making our commitment to sustainability something that is meaningful and impactful.</p><p>As we have said before, we are doing this because it is the right thing to do. This is in keeping with our values as a company, and the values of the people we work with, both members of the Broadsign team and our partners across the OOH ecosystem.</p><p>Thank you for following along on this journey of ours. We’re excited to keep sharing, keep improving, and keep doing our part to make the world a better place.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Our 20 Favourite OOH and Billboard Ads of 2023]]><![CDATA[

As we stride into a new year, now is the perfect time to reflect on some of the incredible out-of-home (OOH) advertising that appeared throughout 2023. From creative copy to brand takeovers and anamorphic executions, we saw billboards become more than just ads – they were thought-provoking canvases that brought people together. Let’s dive into […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/our-favourite-ooh-and-billboard-adshttps://broadsign.com/blog/our-favourite-ooh-and-billboard-ads<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 12 Dec 2023 12:30:57 GMT<p>As we stride into a new year, now is the perfect time to reflect on some of the incredible out-of-home (OOH) advertising that appeared throughout 2023. From creative copy to brand takeovers and anamorphic executions, we saw billboards become more than just ads &#8211; they were thought-provoking canvases that brought people together.</p><p>Let’s dive into some of our favourite OOH and billboard ads from around the world!</p><h3 >Duolingo reminded us to never give up &#8211; even on Quitter’s Day</h3><figure }</script></figure><p>The second Friday in January, known as Quitter’s Day, is when most people give up on their resolutions (hey, we think two weeks is a solid attempt). Language-learning platform Duolingo decided to challenge us this year by releasing its owl mascot on the streets of NYC to encourage users not to give up on their goal of learning a new language.</p><p>From subway platforms to a Times Square takeover, billboards around the city displayed the app’s infamous notifications with messaging like &#8216;Don’t give up this quitter’s day!&#8217; and &#8216;Chris, did you do your Duolingo?&#8217; That’s one way to send words of encouragement.</p><h3 >IKEA’s 62ft activation really bagged our attention</h3><figure }</script></figure><p>If you’re anything like us, chances are you have at least one of IKEA’s iconic blue Frakta shopping bags somewhere around the house. To celebrate its new store on London’s Oxford Street, opening in 2024, the retailer erected a colossal 62ft x 128ft installation in one of the city’s most visited shopping destinations.</p><p>Covering the building’s scaffolding, the display was wrapped in IKEA’s signature blue colour with the giant Frakta shopping handle draped over the front, replicating its beloved shopping bag. We &#8216;tote&#8217;-ally dig how simple yet eye-catching this oversized activation was!</p><h3 >Spotify Wrapped can’t fake a feeling, and we can’t hide our love for it</h3><figure ><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure><figure /></figure></figure><p>We look forward to Spotify’s <em>Wrapped</em> campaign every year, and it never disappoints. To close out 2023, the music streaming platform once again launched its highly-anticipated recap of users’ listening habits &#8211; and it included some fantastic OOH displays.</p><p>With its tagline of &#8216;Wrapped or It Didn’t Happen,&#8217; the campaign sought to prove that you &#8216;can’t fake a feeling&#8217; by highlighting real and fun stats across a mix of digital and static billboards. From rapper Ice Spice’s Word of the Year billboard to Jennette McCurdy’s audiobook that inspired listeners to curate playlists that mention therapy, each #SpotifyWrapped ad brought audiences together to reflect on shared experiences throughout the year. We couldn’t just pick one OOH display from this amazing campaign, especially since it included an attention-grabbing mix of static, digital, 3D, and some CGI.</p><h3 >Oatly hacked its outdoor murals</h3><figure ></div></figure><p>Oatly, known for its plant-based dairy alternatives, recently faced legislative hurdles when entering the French market. In Paris, murals are only accepted if done &#8216;artfully&#8217; without using any products or logos.</p><p>To get around this major advertising challenge, the brand created an experience by designing text-centric murals featuring messaging like &#8216;Wouldn’t this wall be much nicer with a carton of oat drink?&#8217; and &#8216;This piece of art is here to tell you we are here!&#8217; Each mural was complemented by delivery workers arranging objects in front of them, like boxes or vans painted with Oatly’s beverage carton.</p><p>We love how this unconventional campaign stepped up to the challenge and transformed ordinary murals into engaging OOH displays, further amplified by social media videos and a ton of online buzz.</p><h3 >Dove’s injectable billboard took a stand against harmful beauty standards</h3><figure ></div></figure><p>Dove has long been a pioneer in redefining beauty standards, advocating for inclusivity and positivity within the industry. The brand’s recent <em>Injectable Billboard</em> campaign at Toronto&#8217;s Square One shopping centre didn&#8217;t just catch attention; it made a bold statement against toxic beauty ideals driven by social media and pressure to look perfect.</p><p>Using a billboard made of over 50,000 syringes, symbolizing the number of cosmetic injectables used on Canadian girls aged 14 to 17 last year, Dove starkly exposed the pressure young girls face to conform to society&#8217;s narrow beauty expectations. The display was a great example of how OOH can be used to address social issues, garnering appreciation from audiences worldwide. It was a beautiful execution with an even more beautiful message.</p><h3 >Days 0.0% beer brand toasted to being alcohol-free</h3><figure ><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure></figure><p>&#8220;Dry January&#8221; has become more and more popular over the years, with many adults using the new year as an opportunity to abstain from drinking alcohol (especially after all the over-indulging during the holidays)</p><p>Launching its <em>Beer for Anyone</em> campaign in the UK last January, 0.0% beer brand Days highlighted the benefits of going alcohol-free. Using relevant and lighthearted creative that appealed to younger audiences, each OOH ad presented Days’ beverages as an option for people who love beer but not alcohol. Taglines included &#8216;Beer for the person who loves beer, but not drunk texting their ex&#8217; and &#8216;Beer for the person who loves beer, but keeps googling &#8216;hangxiety.&#8221; We think the brand’s relatable OOH ads definitely poured up some creativity.</p><h3 >Taj Mahal Tea broke a Guinness World Record for the largest environmentally interactive billboard</h3><figure ></div></figure><p>Brooke Bond Taj Mahal Tea, a UK-based tea producer under the Lipton brand, achieved a remarkable feat by winning a Guinness World Record for creating the &#8216;Megh Santoor&#8217; OOH display, now recognized as the largest environmentally interactive billboard in the world.</p><p>Located outside the Vijayawada train station in Andhra Pradesh, India, the 150-foot-wide &#8216;Megh Santoor&#8217; was installed to coincide with India’s monsoon season, spanning from June to September. The billboard responded to rain by activating strings that performed the &#8216;Raag Megh Malhar,&#8217; a classical Indian music composition traditionally played on a santoor, a stringed instrument, celebrating the arrival of rainfall.</p><p>We love how Taj Mahal Tea harmoniously blended nature, technology and tradition in this campaign. It was music to our ears.</p><h3 ><strong>Surreal cereal fooled us with celebrity doppelgängers</strong></h3><figure }</script></figure><p>Sometimes, the most simple ads are the most impactful, and cereal brand Surreal’s latest OOH campaign definitely made us do a double-take. To promote its high-protein, zero-sugar, keto-friendly, plant-based cereal, the brand displayed billboards across the UK that boldly featured endorsem*nts from famous people, only to reveal upon closer inspection that they&#8217;re not the celebrities we know. Instead, they&#8217;re everyday people like &#8216;Dwayne Johnson, the bus driver from London.&#8217;</p><p>In a world full of celebrity endorsem*nts, Surreal’s OOH ads stand out by creating that &#8216;wait, what?&#8217; moment in a simple yet witty way. We’d totally give this cereal a try.</p><h3 >Dreamdata made a big impact with a small budget (and B2B marketers lost their minds over it)</h3><figure }</script></figure><p>Budget and attribution conversations? As marketers, we have those A LOT. One marketer from Dreamdata, a B2B revenue attribution platform, sought to prove to the company’s CMO that OOH ads could be just as impactful as online ads, if not more, even though attribution isn’t always as straightforward.</p><p>Rather than spending the advertising budget on online ads, Laura Erdem, Sales Leader at Dreamdata, bought a billboard ad in Times Square without telling anyone. The best part? It only cost $500 (less than a PS5). The now-LinkedIn-viral digital OOH ad ran for one minute every hour for 22 hours, resulting in tons of impressions and sparking conversations among B2B marketers about the role of attribution in offline channels &#8211; and how impactful marketing doesn’t have to break the bank.</p><h3 ><strong>Netflix’s 3D billboard brought Leo the Lizard to life</strong></h3><figure ></div></figure><p>Netflix took realistic animation to new heights this year with OOH billboards promoting the release of <em>Leo</em>, its new animated movie starring Adam Sandler. To create buzz for the release, two billboards were erected across a West Hollywood boulevard, bringing the film’s star, Leo the Lizard, to life.</p><p>On one side of the boulevard, an OOH ad featured the giant lizard with the tagline &#8216;Reach for your dreams.&#8217; The installation was complete with a 3D lizard tongue that ran across the street, connecting the billboard with another one that displayed the movie’s title in bold, eye-catching font. The OOH ads were also shared across social media in a series of TikTok videos that helped create excitement for the release. Nice job, Netflix.</p><h3 >Nuud took a stance against plastic in chewing gum</h3><figure ><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure></figure><p>With every piece of traditional chewing gum containing one drinking straw’s worth of single-use plastic, biodegradable gum brand Nuud wanted to encourage consumers to &#8216;Chew plants, not plastic.&#8217; To do this, the brand ran a series of billboards comparing its plastic-free confectionary to its big gum competitors.&nbsp;</p><p>While the billboards didn’t name other brands outright, each one used recognizable colour schemes and branding that playfully hinted at the targeted companies with taglines like &#8216;Some gum is made of plastic, Nuud isn’t.&#8217; The campaign was a great example of how brands can leverage OOH to address an industry-wide issue in a witty, engaging way.&nbsp;</p><h3 >Coca-Cola’s 3D billboard served up ice-cold magic in São Paulo</h3><figure ></div></figure><p>Coca-Cola turned the heads of travellers passing through Terminal 3 at the Guarulhos Airport in São Paulo this year. As part of its <em>Real Magic</em> campaign, the beverage giant activated a truly magical display featuring Vermeer&#8217;s famous <em>Girl with a Pearl Earring</em> art character.&nbsp;</p><p>Using her magic touch, the character transforms a digital Coca-Cola bottle into a real, physical beverage that travels through a funnel and comes out of a nearby vending machine panel, offering a drink to anyone who passes by. The campaign was a great showcase of how technology advancements can bridge the gap between digital and physical worlds to transform the consumer experience. Now, that’s a refreshing take on OOH.&nbsp;</p><h3 ><strong>Audible turned everyday tales into extraordinary adventures&nbsp;</strong></h3><figure ><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure></figure><p>We’re big believers that our ordinary routines could use a little adventure, wouldn’t you agree? Online audiobook and podcast platform Audible did just that with its <em>This is The Story</em> campaign, activating outdoor ads that promoted three of its most popular audiobook genres: true crime, sci-fi, and fantasy.&nbsp;</p><p>Incorporating elements like 3D artwork, FX, and LED lighting, each billboard featured copy that started out by describing an ordinary activity, like taking a lunch break or driving down the motorway, which then transitioned into an adventurous narrative. This OOH campaign earned its spot on our list by showcasing the medium’s storytelling power.&nbsp;</p><h3 >It was Barbie’s world</h3><figure ><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure></figure><p>Taking over the number one spot in box offices worldwide, Greta Gerwig’s <em>Barbie</em> movie starring Margot Robbie was the highest-grossing and most-anticipated cinema moment of 2023. With so much hype surrounding its release, it’s no surprise that its marketing campaign needed to be larger-than-life. And it was.&nbsp;</p><p>Since so many OOH ads and billboards for Barbie appeared across the globe, it would be impossible for us to pick a single standout. Rather, we think the campaign as a whole deserves recognition, as each OOH display transformed ordinary spaces into pink paradises. Its iconic branding became so recognizable that a billboard was displayed with nothing on it except for Barbie pink wrapping and the film’s release date in classic Barbie font. From bus shelters to Times Square takeovers and everything in between, Barbie’s advertising took the world by storm. She was everything. Those other ads were just Ken.&nbsp;</p><h3 >But we can’t forget about Oppenheimer</h3><figure }</script></figure><p>Debuting alongside Barbie, Christopher Nolan’s <em>Oppenheimer</em> movie also became a cultural phenomenon this year. In fact, the simultaneous movie releases of both movies were nicknamed <em>Barbenheimer </em>thanks to all the buzz they received among audiences.&nbsp;</p><p>While we think Barbenheimer is pretty awesome, Oppenheimer’s OOH ads deserve their own shoutout &#8211; particularly the billboard countdown display activated in Los Angeles, California. At first, many viewers thought the display was counting down to the film’s theatrical release; however, it soon became known that there was a deeper historical meaning behind it all. It was actually counting down to the exact moment of the first explosion of an atomic bomb during the Trinity test on July 16, 1945, which is the main premise of the movie.&nbsp;</p><p>The display was shared all over the internet, with some viewers even waking up at 5 am to document the countdown reaching zero. This is one we won’t forget.</p><h3 ><strong>Lego DreamZzz’s 3D billboards bridged the gap between fantasy and reality</strong></h3><figure ></div></figure><p>Lego’s larger-than-life characters came alive this year with 3D DOOH ads promoting its latest YouTube series, &#8216;DreamZzz.&#8217; Based on the brand’s classic toys, the <em>DreamZzz</em> series is based on Lego toy characters that bring their dreams to life, encouraging kids to unlock their creativity.</p><p>The billboards, activated in London, New York, and Tokyo, leveraged anamorphic technology to create immersive experiences that saw characters Crocodile Car, sidekick Z-Blob, and flying cat-owl Zian break out of the screens. The result? A visually mesmerizing campaign that showed us anything is possible with a little bit of dreaming (and a whole lot of OOH tech advancements).&nbsp;</p><h3 ><strong>KitKat told us to have a break without telling us to have a break</strong></h3><figure /></figure><p>Good branding can say everything without saying anything, and KitKat proved that true with its OOH campaign that ran at The O2 Arena in London. The ads played on the brand’s widely recognized slogan, &#8216;Have a Break, Have a KitKat&#8217; &#8211; except it only featured a third of the original tagline, cutting it down to just five words.</p><p>KitKat highlighted just how strong its messaging is, displaying &#8216;Have a&#8217; in white text on its signature red background, complete with a blinking space bar instead of the word &#8216;Break.&#8217; They then went a step further by conducting a survey with Wunderman Thompson UK, finding that over half of audiences correctly identified the brand and understood its message. This awesome use of OOH for branding and awareness definitely deserves a KitKat.&nbsp;</p><h3 ><strong>Minute Maid gave us our daily dose of Vitamin D</strong></h3><figure ><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure></figure><p>We get it &#8211; keeping up with your daily vitamins can be tough. And if you’re currently living through a Canadian winter like we are, you’ll know that getting enough Vitamin D is perhaps the most challenging of all. This year, Minute Maid Beverages took a creative approach to promoting Vitamin D intake through its <em>Filled with Life </em>campaign featuring billboards that encouraged audiences to take in some of the sunshine vitamin.&nbsp;</p><p>The ads served a dual purpose of promoting the brand’s orange juice while providing a much-needed dose of sunlight to audiences. Its <em>Open Billboard</em> allowed direct sunlight to filter right through it, erasing the shadow cast by the billboard itself, while the <em>Reflective Billboard</em> strategically redirected sunlight down to street level, overcoming obstructions caused by nearby buildings. Finally, the <em>Extended Shelter </em>incorporated a seat positioned to capture sunlight, enabling commuters to bask in its warmth while waiting for the bus.&nbsp;</p><h3 ><strong>Samsung joined the flipside&nbsp;</strong></h3><figure ><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure></figure><p>Calling the early 2000s &#8211; are flip phones making a comeback? Samsung sure thinks so, releasing its new generation of foldable phones, the Galaxy Z Fold5 and the Galaxy Z Flip5. To celebrate, the tech brand ran a series of OOH ads featuring celebrity ambassadors like Raheem Sterling and Fearne Cotton with taglines &#8216;Nothing unfolds like&#8230;&#8217;.&nbsp;</p><p>Each ad was complete with a 3D Samsung Galaxy phone unfolding from the billboard, displaying the hashtag #JoinTheFlipSide, strategically highlighting the tech’s unique folding capabilities. We can’t wait to see how these catch on.</p><h3 ><strong>Not On The High Street made a bold call against gift waste</strong></h3><figure ><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure></figure><p>Not On The High Street, a UK-based online marketplace, aimed to shed light on the environmental impact of gifting this holiday season with its latest OOH campaign. The campaign called attention to the staggering number of bad Christmas presents that end up in landfills, with over 3,088,345 unwanted gifts discarded this year alone.&nbsp;</p><p>Amid an environmental and cost-of-living crisis, the brand’s 3D billboards emphasized the need to reevaluate gift-giving practices with taglines like &#8216;Don’t Gift Landfill,&#8217; &#8216;Don’t Gift Big Biz,&#8217; and &#8216;Don’t Gift Boring.&#8217; Each ad also promoted the retailer’s &#8216;Don’t Gift Guide,&#8217; guiding shoppers towards more thoughtful, planet-friendly choices. We love a reminder to be more intentional with our purchases this time of year.</p><h4 >Contact our team</a> to get started.</h4>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Inside Broadsign: Celebrating 20 years of lighting up out-of-home]]><![CDATA[

Twenty years is a milestone worth celebrating. At Broadsign, we’ve spent the last two decades working towards growth, innovation, and a commitment to powering signage in the heart of people’s lives. We started as a small company with big dreams; over the years, those dreams have transformed into a thriving reality. Celebrating our twentieth anniversary […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/inside-broadsign-celebrating-20-years-of-lighting-up-out-of-homehttps://broadsign.com/blog/inside-broadsign-celebrating-20-years-of-lighting-up-out-of-home<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 06 Dec 2023 11:29:15 GMT<p>Twenty years is a milestone worth celebrating. At Broadsign, we&#8217;ve spent the last two decades working towards growth, innovation, and a commitment to powering signage in the heart of people’s lives. We <a href="https://broadsign.com/our-story/">started as a small company with big dreams</a>; over the years, those dreams have transformed into a thriving reality.&nbsp;</p><p>Celebrating our twentieth anniversary isn’t just about acknowledging the years that have passed; it&#8217;s about recognizing the incredible people who have stood by us within our dedicated team and our loyal clients. They’re the pillars of our success, and their trust and dedication have propelled us to where we are today.</p><p>Over the past year, as we&#8217;ve marked this significant milestone, we&#8217;ve been busy creating a culture of celebration throughout Broadsign and our community. Let&#8217;s take a look at some of the highlights!</p><h2 ><strong>Evolving our workspace for hybrid, dynamic teams</strong></h2><p>We kicked off our twentieth anniversary with a bang as Broadsign was recognized as one of Montreal’s Top Employers and Canada&#8217;s Top Small &amp; Medium Employers of 2023 for a fourth consecutive year, an award presented to organizations dedicated to creating the best workplaces and forward-thinking policies. More than a recognition, it’s a celebration of our commitment to an extraordinary work environment and a testament to what we can accomplish when all employees share passion and dedication to the OOH industry.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>As we&#8217;ve consistently strived to create a positive workspace over the past two decades, we&#8217;ve channelled the same dedication into our brand-new office design. Officially unveiled in November, Broadsign’s redesigned Montreal headquarters is more than just a physical space: it’s a place where ideas flow freely. Designed to foster collaboration between remote employees and those who choose to come into the office, our fresh space makes it easier for teams to work together across the board with more meeting rooms and collaboration areas.&nbsp;</p><figure ><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure></figure><h2 ><strong>Unveiling a reimagined Broadsign Platform</strong></h2><p>Our 20th anniversary isn’t just about looking back; it&#8217;s also about looking forward. While work was being done at our headquarters, we were also busy working on exciting product updates to continue our evolution in the OOH space. Earlier this year, we introduced the next <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/modernizing-the-platform-that-powers-out-of-home-introducing-the-evolution-of-broadsign/">evolution of the Broadsign Platform</a>, setting the stage for an exciting year ahead in 2023. The reimagined Broadsign Platform features a more intuitive interface and is packed with enhanced features developed to better meet the needs of OOH media owners, like unifying select Broadsign products under a single interface, standardizing audience and digital inventory management.&nbsp;</p><p>In May, we introduced the game-changing <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-broadsign-next-generation-dooh-ad-server/">Ad Server</a>, a powerful tool for launching sophisticated audience-based campaigns with contextual targeting. Broadsign&#8217;s Ad Server offers new sales strategies for media owners to adapt to advertisers’ changing needs while allowing them to harness the full potential of demographic and contextual targeting within their direct selling environment. The result? Smarter, more precise advertising that speaks directly to audiences.&nbsp;</p><p>Static OOH advertising has long relied on manual-heavy processes, leading to operational inefficiencies and missed opportunities. But in June, Broadsign unveiled a new solution to this challenge. Our <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-broadsign-static-campaigns/">static campaigns solution</a> simplifies the entire process, offering real-time inventory availability, unified workflows, creative management tools, and robust reporting and proof-of-performance capabilities. It&#8217;s all about making static advertising more dynamic, efficient, and powerful.</p><p>While OOH growth has been driven by digital advancements over the years, static OOH has still been a major player in our industry. This year at Broadsign, we set out to gather insights on current challenges and outlooks in static OOH advertising through our independent research, doubling down on our efforts to put innovation and research in focus. We surveyed over a hundred respondents from different global media owners who offer static inventory on their networks, compiling data on everything from streamlining workflows to network sizes. Keep an eye out for our <a href="https://broadsign.com/static-survey-early-access/">full report coming early next year!</a></p><p>Broadsign’s leadership team also spent time connecting with our valued clients by conducting customer visits worldwide and gaining insightful feedback on how our solutions impact their operations and OOH strategies.</p><h2 >&#8220;This Screen Runs on Broadsign&#8221;</h2><p>At Broadsign, our customers and employees are at the heart of what we do, and our twentieth anniversary wouldn’t be complete without highlighting their impact on the OOH industry. In our "This Screen Runs on Broadsign" video, we celebrate our clients’ premium OOH inventory from around the world, showcasing some of the top screens and signs powered by Broadsign. The video is a celebration of our clients&#8217; global footprint and versatility, as well as how we work together to create engaging out-of-home experiences.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 ><strong>Employees in the spotlight: &#8216;Impressions from Broadsign&#8217;</strong></h2><p>Along with highlighting our amazing customers worldwide, we also wanted to step behind the scenes with our dedicated team through our <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/posts/broadsign_impressions-from-broadsign-kayla-caticchio-activity-7095426728067493888-E4KL?utm_source=share&amp;utm_medium=member_desktop"><em>&#8216;Impressions from Broadsign’</em> video series</a>. Shared across our social media channels, the videos serve as windows into the daily lives of Broadsigners from different departments, each contributing a unique perspective to our vibrant company. From experiences and special projects to what they love the most about being part of the Broadsign team, our ‘<em>Impressions from Broadsign’</em> videos spotlight the people who make what we do possible.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>Our twentieth-anniversary celebration</strong>s</h2><p>As we wrap up 2023, we closed out our twentieth anniversary year with a celebration that brought together our leadership team and North American employees in Montreal for an evening of fun. All together, under one roof, we were able to reflect on the strides Broadsign has taken from our early days to our impact on the OOH industry while celebrating the collective efforts of our employees and the unwavering support of our valued customers. Our teams in APAC and EMEA also joined in on the fun, each hosting their own celebrations in Sydney and Barcelona.&nbsp;</p><figure ><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure><figure }</script></figure></figure><p>On behalf of everyone here at Broadsign, we thank you for your trust and support over the past two decades. Cheers to twenty years and many, many more!</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Zitcha and Broadsign partner to drive global in-store retail media market]]><![CDATA[

New advertising technology integration delivers global omnichannel retail media solution Melbourne – 30 November 2023: Zitcha and Broadsign have teamed up to integrate the Broadsign out-of-home (OOH) advertising platform with Zitcha’s retail media platform. The collaboration empowers retailers to maximise and monetise in-store digital display networks and enables advertising partners to easily view and book […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/zitcha-and-broadsign-partner-to-drive-global-in-store-retail-media-markethttps://broadsign.com/blog/zitcha-and-broadsign-partner-to-drive-global-in-store-retail-media-market<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 29 Nov 2023 15:39:46 GMT<p><em>New advertising technology integration delivers global omnichannel retail media solution</em></p><p><strong>Melbourne &#8211; 30 November 2023:</strong> Zitcha and Broadsign have teamed up to integrate the Broadsign out-of-home (OOH) advertising platform with Zitcha’s retail media platform. The collaboration empowers retailers to maximise and monetise in-store digital display networks and enables advertising partners to easily view and book available in-store inventory and review campaign performance alongside the retailer’s other media channels.</p><p>With the combined technologies, a retail brand and its advertising partners can now develop more holistic on and off-site retail marketing strategies and better leverage the retailer’s first-party data for more effective customer targeting and attribution reporting. The integration arrives as 80 percent of shopping still happens in-store<sup data-fn="26f6bcc3-bf7f-41e5-a780-4c4e103a6122" >2</a></sup>, and provides a clearer view into return on advertising spend (ROAS).</p><p>&#8220;The potential of in-store retail media is huge and yet still relatively underutilised by retailers and brand advertisers. We think the ability to run in-store screens and report on transactions, similar to other marketing channels, is going to be a game changer for brands looking at how they spend their OOH budgets," Troy Townsend, CEO, Zitcha said. &#8220;By harnessing Zitcha’s unified retail media platform and our native Broadsign integration, retailers around the world wanting a comprehensive retail media solution can simplify and supercharge their in-store screens to drive additional incremental revenues and sales for advertising partners.&#8221;</p><p>&#8220;Out-of-home and retail media are colliding, and we’re thrilled to be working with Zitcha to break down barriers to a more holistic retail media advertising experience,&#8221; added Adam Green SVP of Strategy. &#8220;Our joint efforts will help retailers and advertisers reap the benefits of omnichannel advertising across retail media network inventory, including in-store displays. The new integration will allow them to reach audiences on the path to and now also at the point of purchase, while simultaneously providing a simpler way for retailers to monetize their in-store display networks.&#8221;</p><p>A leader in out-of-home advertising technology, Broadsign works with retail giants globally – including Auchan, Ahold Delhaize, Coles, and Woolworths – to scale, manage and sell digital and static out-of-home inventory through automated software, intelligent campaign tools, network operations, and programmatic advertising.</p><h3 ><strong>About Zitcha</strong></h3><p>Zitcha is the world’s first unified omnichannel Retail Media Platform, with a vision of making Retail Media better for everyone. Zitcha brings together a Retailer’s onsite, offsite, and in-store media assets to create a scalable all-in-one Retail Media Platform that’s simple for Brand’s to use. The platform combines high-performance data driven campaigns with transparent reporting and walled gardens with an aim to maximise yield for Retailers, ROAS for Brands and personalisation for Customers.&nbsp;</p><p>Find out more at <a href="http://zitcha.com">zitcha.com&nbsp;</a></p><p>For media enquiries, contact Tim Addington, TAG PR on 0405904287.</p><ol >↩︎</a></li></ol>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Holt Renfrew drove 400,000 store visits and a +500% lift in intent with its programmatic DOOH campaign]]><![CDATA[

Holt Renfrew, Canada’s largest fashion and lifestyle retailer, wanted to boost consideration and drive consumers to its stores in major cities nationwide. With Nordstrom closing its doors in Canada, Holts wanted to capitalize on the shutdown of its competitor to regain market share in key customer demographics. They did so by simultaneously launching two large-scale […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-holt-renfrew-drove-400000-store-visits-and-a-500-lift-in-intent-with-its-programmatic-dooh-campaignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-holt-renfrew-drove-400000-store-visits-and-a-500-lift-in-intent-with-its-programmatic-dooh-campaign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 28 Nov 2023 09:26:31 GMT<p><a href="https://www.holtrenfrew.com/en/h/Womens">Holt Renfrew</a>, Canada’s largest fashion and lifestyle retailer, wanted to boost consideration and drive consumers to its stores in major cities nationwide.&nbsp;</p><p>With Nordstrom closing its doors in Canada, Holts wanted to capitalize on the shutdown of its competitor to regain market share in key customer demographics. They did so by simultaneously launching two large-scale programmatic digital out-of-home campaigns promoting its &#8216;Holts &lt;3 Sale&#8217; event, one conquesting and one promotional.</p><figure ></div><figcaption >WATCH: See how Holt Renfrew&#8217;s large-scale programmatic campaign boosted brand KPIs</figcaption></figure><h2 >The Strategy</h2><ul><li>Holt Renfrew partnered with <a href="https://www.havas.com/">Havas</a> agency to launch the campaign via the <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads/">Broadsign Ads DSP</a> in Canadian cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal. </li><li>DOOH ads were displayed on screens around closing Nordstrom stores, including venue types like billboards, bus shelters, and office buildings. Venues in proximity to several Holt Renfrew locations were also leveraged, including residential apartment buildings mapped back to the retailer&#8217;s target consumers.</li><li>The campaign targeted demographics with high household incomes of 100k+, Foodies, Arts, Culture, and Entertainment Enthusiasts, Designer Shoppers, and more. </li></ul><h2 >Read the full case study to see how Holt Renfrew drove in-store footfall traffic and boosted purchase intent with DOOH</h2><div ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Coles 360 continues momentum with tech & media partnerships]]><![CDATA[

Coles 360 is accelerating its product capabilities, announcing a new partnership with out-of-home ad tech provider Broadsign and a new agreement with Nova. Paul Brooks, General Manager of Coles 360 said: “We’re determined to provide unique, impactful, and measurable omni-channel media solutions and these partnerships allow us to do just that.” Coles supercharges retail screens […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/coles-360-continues-momentum-with-tech-media-partnershipshttps://broadsign.com/blog/coles-360-continues-momentum-with-tech-media-partnerships<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 21 Nov 2023 15:45:40 GMT<p>Coles 360 is accelerating its product capabilities, announcing a new partnership with out-of-home ad tech provider Broadsign and a new agreement with Nova.</p><p>Paul Brooks, General Manager of Coles 360 said: &#8220;We’re determined to provide unique, impactful, and measurable omni-channel media solutions and these partnerships allow us to do just that.&#8221;</p><h2 >Coles supercharges retail screens through Broadsign</h2><p>Coles 360 has partnered with out-of-home (OOH) ad tech provider Broadsign to further enhance the Coles 360 network of digital screens at front-of-store. The partnership will enable Coles to schedule, manage, and deliver compelling content and advertisem*nts across its network of retail media displays.</p><p>Over the coming months, Coles will migrate approximately 600 panels onto the Broadsign Platform. Since deployment in 2021, the front-of-store screens have been a highly successful media asset for Coles.</p><p>&#8220;The Broadsign Platform provides the ideal solution to power our future network. It currently services more than 300,000 screens worldwide and has been a leader in this space for two decades, making it an obvious partner,&#8221; said Brooks.</p><p>&#8220;Over the last two years, we have learned a lot about their potential, what suppliers and their agencies want to see on them, and strategies to leverage their prime positioning for maximum impact. We now have a solid understanding of what it will take to deliver on the next phase of screens, and a key component of that is driven by the technology that powers them.&#8221;</p><p>Ben Allman, Broadsign Head of Sales, ANZ said: &#8220;With over 75% of supermarket shoppers buying in-store, retailers are increasingly focused on the digitisation of their physical worlds. Adopting best-in-class solutions, such as the Broadsign platform, has allowed Coles 360 to build a comprehensive and highly compelling retail media offering in a relatively short time span. We’re very excited and extremely proud to be partnering with one of Australia’s most iconic and trusted brands.&#8221;</p><p>Leveraging the Broadsign platform will allow Coles 360 to dramatically advance its in-store media capabilities across locations. It will enable campaign scheduling on a per-store basis, allow for desired time and day-parting, and support dynamic content.</p><h2 >Powered up NOVA partnership</h2><p>After an extensive RFP and benchmarking of the Digital Radio market in Australia, Coles has renewed the Coles Radio agreement with NOVA Entertainment.</p><p>The new agreement involves several key changes to the capability such as store level ad targeting and full time and day parting which allows Coles 360 to set the play strategy of ads to suit the requirement of the campaign.</p><p>Under the new agreement, Coles 360 will be able to provide supplier partners with access to NOVA Entertainment talent, consumer promotions and marketing opportunities across the NOVA portfolio.</p><p>Paul Brooks, General Manager of Coles 360 said: &#8220;We can talk about cereal at breakfast time, and convenience meals in the pre-dinner rush for example. It’s an exciting evolution of Coles Radio. It will mean we can provide customers with a better experience in store, as it will be more tailored and relevant than ever before.&#8221;</p><p>&#8220;This new capability will unlock enhanced partnership opportunities for our supplier partners to further strengthen the power of Coles Radio as part of their omnichannel packages.&#8221;</p><p>NOVA Entertainment Chief Commercial Officer, Nicole Bence said: &#8220;The extension of NOVA’s partnership with Coles is a testament to our successful collaboration on an industry leading retail audio product. Coles Radio is the perfect example of NOVA’s all-of-audio approach; seamlessly connecting with customers and creating an audio experience unique to your brand.&#8221;</p><p>Coles Group General Manager of Brand, Digital &amp; Media Kate Bailey said: &#8220;Both NOVA and Broadsign have strong track records in their ability to deliver relevance in message. By combining these strong foundations with our first-party data, market-leading creative capabilities, and market intelligence, we will deliver the hardest-working assets in retail media.&#8221;</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Spotlight on static campaign management : Highlights from our latest Broadsign Platform webinar]]><![CDATA[

In case you missed it, we recently held a product-focused webinar highlighting how the Broadsign Platform for static management can help you break silos between your teams, drive more revenue, centralize your operations and make data-driven decisions. Hosted by our Product Marketing Specialist, Catherine Lee, she discussed with our in-house static experts, Senior Product Manager, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/spotlight-on-static-campaign-management-highlights-from-our-latest-broadsign-platform-webinarhttps://broadsign.com/blog/spotlight-on-static-campaign-management-highlights-from-our-latest-broadsign-platform-webinar<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 02 Nov 2023 09:30:00 GMT<p>In case you missed it, we recently held a product-focused webinar highlighting how the Broadsign Platform for static management can help you break silos between your teams, drive more revenue, centralize your operations and make data-driven decisions. Hosted by our Product Marketing Specialist, <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/catherine-lee-3b5191145/">Catherine Lee</a>, she discussed with our in-house static experts, Senior Product Manager, <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/myriam-bordeleau-a309359/">Myriam Bordeleau</a>, and Senior Product Specialist, <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/sander-nijs-6b1a05115/overlay/about-this-profile/?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base%3BL%2FqqxyocSlC%2F2OiB1gA4YQ%3D%3D">Sa</a><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/sander-nijs-6b1a05115/">nder Nijs</a>, what the current pitfalls with traditional out-of-home (OOH) management are, and how Broadsign Static Campaigns can address these challenges for media owners.</p><h2 >Pitfalls with traditional OOH management &#8211; as told by static media owners</h2><p>As a special gift to our attendees, we gave them a sneak peek into some of the results from <em>the State of Static OOH </em>survey that we recently conducted. Wanting to get a better understanding of some of the existing and future challenges static media owners face, we surveyed owners with static inventory from across the globe. Here’s a quick summary of some of the insights we shared:</p><h4 ><strong>87.3% of respondents feel there is room to automate the static OOH management process</strong></h4><p>As media owners, you’re undoubtedly familiar with the challenges of manual workflows. The lack of automation in the current static OOH management process consumes valuable time and resources, hindering your growth. Moreover, these manual processes often lead to errors, translating into financial setbacks.</p><h4 ><strong>Growing advertising revenue, driving operational efficiency and digitization are the top 3 concerns over the next three years for static media owners</strong></h4><p>69.84% of respondents see growing advertising revenue as a significant operational challenge, indicating a strong focus on revenue generation and the need to enhance strategies to increase advertiser preference for using OOH.&nbsp;</p><p>It’s no secret that out-of-home campaigns, especially static OOH, are intricate, have many moving parts, and thus require meticulous oversight. Without a way to easily monitor the process from proposal to posting, which often involves various departments and vendors, your operational efficiency will likely fall short of its potential.&nbsp;</p><p>Finally, nearly half of respondents foresee challenges related to digitization and technology, highlighting the rapidly evolving technology landscape and the need to adapt and integrate digital solutions into operations. It will be crucial for organizations to stay up-to-date with technology trends, upskill employees, and invest in digital infrastructure to remain competitive.</p><h4 ><strong>Inventory availability and proposal management are currently the biggest challenges in the static campaign workflow for most respondents</strong></h4><p>Out-of-home advertising, especially static OOH, is often perceived as sluggish by advertisers. With long turnaround times on proposals and campaign delivery, advertisers often do not immediately think to include OOH in their media buy, opting for other, seemingly faster, media forms. This often results in your sales team potentially losing deals due to slow turnaround times or lack of insights from other departments on availability.&nbsp;</p><h2 >How Broadsign Static Campaigns addresses these pitfalls</h2><p>While the results from our survey that we shared above may not be news to many of us, the pain points respondents pointed out align with why we created our solution for static campaign management in the Broadsign Platform. Addressing only the pain points highlighted in this webinar, let’s dive into how our core static capabilities alleviate these challenges – for further details on how the Broadsign Platform can help you at every stage of your static workflow, check out this <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-broadsign-static-campaigns/">previous blog post</a>.</p><h4 ><strong>Book campaigns in minutes instead of days with real-time availability</strong></h4><p>The first capability we’d like to highlight and that is of great interest to all media owners is real-time inventory availability. Your sales team is given visibility into assets that are booked, held and available for sale, all in one centralized view.&nbsp;</p><p>Plus, with access to the same information that your Charting team has, gone are the days of endless back and forth between Sales and Charting. With an extensive list of filters to match the targeting criteria, sales can quickly select the ideal inventory for the campaign and create the proposal, allowing them to get back to the advertisers in a matter of minutes rather than days.&nbsp;</p><p>Here’s Myriam to tell you more about real-time availability:</p><figure ></div></figure><h4 ><strong>Get a bird’s eye view of all your production and installation activities</strong></h4><p>The production, printing and installation of OOH creatives have many moving parts, which means your operational efficiency is measured based on how easily you can monitor and manage poster orders, poster stock, warehouse activities, and vendor management. With the Broadsign Platform, we track various activities related to poster allocation – from ordering and receiving the copies in the warehouse to their campaign allocation and posting status.</p><p>Here’s Myriam again with more on how we’ve simplified work orders:</p><figure ></div></figure><h4 ><strong>Empower your teams to make confident, data-driven decisions</strong></h4><p>Today’s advertisers expect to have access to campaign analytics and performance when running an OOH campaign. Our static solution gives everyone in the business access to insightful reporting and analytics – both out of the box and via API.&nbsp;</p><p>In addition to all the reporting capabilities you would expect from a static OOH management solution, like sales, pipeline and availability reports, we also have capabilities that can help remove a lot of manual calculations. For example, separating the media costs from the production costs are things that not only usually take time but are often managed by different people.&nbsp;</p><p>Moreover, with all of your data centralized in one platform, you’ll have a complete view of your business that allows you to see where you’re doing well and where you need to focus more energy and resources.&nbsp;</p><p>But that’s enough of us telling you how great our solution is; here’s a quick video of our Senior Product Specialist, Sanders Njis, demonstrating what you can do in the Broadsign Platform for static campaign management:&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[A Sure Bet: Maximizing your sports betting marketing strategy with out-of-home advertising]]><![CDATA[

In the world of sports betting, scoring an advertising touchdown has never been more crucial. With the legalization of sports betting in over 34 U.S. states as of 2023 and revenue projections soaring into the billions, the industry is experiencing a massive surge with no signs of slowing down as more legislation gives it the […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/a-sure-bet-maximizing-your-sports-betting-marketing-strategy-with-out-of-home-advertisinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/a-sure-bet-maximizing-your-sports-betting-marketing-strategy-with-out-of-home-advertising<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 30 Oct 2023 09:34:17 GMT<p>In the world of sports betting, scoring an advertising touchdown has never been more crucial. With the legalization of sports betting in over 34 U.S. states as of 2023 and revenue projections soaring into the billions, the industry is experiencing a massive surge with no signs of slowing down as more legislation gives it the green light. Last year, sports betting experienced the <a href="https://www.visualcapitalist.com/sp/the-explosive-growth-of-sports-betting/">highest growth</a> of all commercial gaming segments, with revenue up 75% to 7.5B year over year. Today, <a href="https://sportsbooksonline.com/articles/list-of-all-us-sportsbooks">over 50 sportsbooks</a> like Caesars, FanDuel, DraftKings and more are operating legally across the country, marking fierce competition for capturing the attention (and wallets) of sports and gaming enthusiasts.&nbsp;</p><p>As the industry continues to grow, so will the need for brands and advertisers to scale their marketing strategies to make a splash among competing brands. If you’re gearing up to tackle your sports betting media strategy, especially ahead of the 2024 Big Game, out-of-home advertising offers a unique set of advantages that can significantly impact the success of your campaigns.</p><h2 ><strong>The power play of OOH advertising for sports betting</strong></h2><p>Some 30-second TV ads played during the 2023 Big Game sold for a whopping <a href="https://www.thedrum.com/profile/broadsign/news/why-ooh-should-be-in-the-big-game-advertising-playbook-for-2024">$7 million, up $500,000 from 2022</a> &#8211; and that number is expected to climb even further this year. One of the most-viewed and talked about sports betting ads was <a href="https://www.marketingdive.com/news/fanduel-super-bowl-gronkowski-gronk-field-goal/639932/">FanDuel’s Kick of Destiny</a>, featuring tight end Rob Gronkowski, marking the sportsbook’s first-ever Big Game commercial. While FanDuel’s multimillion-dollar ad was definitely buzz-worthy, there are other channels sports betting advertisers can turn to to maximize their reach and budgets for major sporting events and beyond &#8211; like OOH.&nbsp; In fact, sports betting companies DraftKings and FanDuel were among the top <a href="https://oaaa.org/resources/out-of-home-advertising-up-11-in-q3-2022-according-to-oaaa-ooh-revenue-report/">100 out-of-home spenders in Q3 last year</a>.</p><p>Following last year’s major American football event, the OAAA and Geopath <a href="https://oohtoday.com/super-bowl-tv-ads-6-5-million-how-much-exposure-could-be-generated-with-6-5-million-in-ooh/">sought to calculate what nearly $7 million could buy in the OOH space</a>. Their research revealed that by investing $6.5 million in a Big Game ad, a brand could utilize OOH advertising to secure exposure in the top 50 U.S. markets. This would result in over 1 billion impressions, with an average reach of 84 percent and a frequency of 9.5 in 27 markets &#8211; all at an impressively low cost per thousand impressions (CPM) of $5.40. It&#8217;s a remarkable return on investment.</p><figure >FanDuel&#8217;s sportsbook billboard drives awareness for its NFL partnership.</figcaption></figure><h2 ><strong>Drive awareness for betting and gaming platforms with attention-grabbing billboards&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>When it comes to driving awareness for sports betting platforms, both new and well-established, OOH is the real MVP. According to OAAA and Harris Poll Rese data, <a href="https://oaaa.org/news/out-of-home-advertising-for-sports-betting-shown-to-be-especially-effective-for-reaching-engaging-urbanites/">54% of U.S. adults in cities of 1M+ have noticed OOH ads for sports betting</a> and gambling. Additionally, 62% of Americans who saw OOH ads for sports betting engaged in some way, like sharing information word-of-mouth and visiting websites. So, what makes the medium so effective in boosting awareness and interest in sports betting and gaming companies?</p><p>For one, OOH allows advertisers to broaden campaign reach in high-visibility locations while being as contextual as possible. For sports betting, this means reaching a relevant audience in areas like sports bars, stadiums, transit hubs, and other sports-related venues where enthusiasts gather. Placing ads at multiple touch points along the consumer journey ensures target audiences can engage with a brand as they move along their day, from commuting to work to grabbing a drink in a resto-bar with friends. </p><p>Additionally, activating ads in the physical world allows sports betting and gaming platforms to enable hyper-localized content, tailoring messaging to capitalize on local events, trends, or preferences. For example, a sports betting platform could activate local DOOH ads in the weeks leading up to a highly-anticipated football game to engage potential betters in the host city. Placing ads across billboards, transit and urban panels, sports bars, and more locations near the stadium can be a key way to reach a fervent fan base in that area.</p><figure >BetMGM&#8217;s out-of-home ad promotes a special offer for new customers. </figcaption></figure><h2 ><strong>Increase player bets and engagement with contextual content</strong></h2><p>OOH ads often feature eye-catching and dynamic content that captures attention and encourages viewers to take action, especially when the content is interactive and provides a contextual experience. When DOOH ads are activated programmatically, sports betting and gaming advertisers can give real-time updates on site promotions, live odds, game results, and more &#8211; quickly updating creatives based on specific triggers.&nbsp;</p><p>Advertisers can even optimize campaigns by switching messaging or pausing ads based on dayparting, like running ads when people are more likely to place a bet (Football Sunday, anyone?) This dynamic content keeps audiences engaged and informed, creating a sense of urgency to place bets. As new markets and states legalize the practice, attention-grabbing ads can quickly be activated to generate awareness and encourage action. Another popular approach is to display different ads based on the outcome of a game, switching campaign messaging based on goals and live game updates.</p><p>There are all sorts of interactive venue types advertisers can leverage to promote sports betting platforms. For example, activating ads on touch screens in sports bars and pubs allows patrons to place bets or access odds while watching games. Hosting live betting contests on in-house screens during halftime or commercial breaks keeps bargoers engaged in a contextual setting while increasing their chances of placing bets. Other interactive placements like kiosks and transit displays allow users to explore betting options, access tutorials, or place bets right at the location.</p><figure >ELAN Media&#8217;s screen in Qatar displays real-time updates of the 2022 World Cup draw. </figcaption></figure><h2 ><strong>Complement small screens through omnichannel executions</strong></h2><p>While OOH advertising is impactful and effective on its own, integrating the medium into a broader omnichannel strategy can ensure your brand stands out across both digital and offline channels. Interactive DOOH ads create a fun and engaging experience for the audience. They can also be instrumental in connecting physical advertising efforts with the digital realm, providing a seamless and holistic brand experience.&nbsp;</p><p>Aside from making your brand more visible to a wider audience, OOH sports betting executions also trigger online engagement. According to the OAAA, 47% of U.S. consumers who saw OOH ads for sports betting <a href="https://oaaa.org/news/out-of-home-advertising-for-sports-betting-shown-to-be-especially-effective-for-reaching-engaging-urbanites/">visited a website following ad exposure</a>. Incorporating mobile integration into your OOH strategy with QR codes on ad creatives can lead users to mobile apps or betting sites for further engagement, encouraging audiences to place bets or access exclusive rewards and offers.&nbsp;</p><figure >WynnBET&#8217;s out-of-home ad directs viewers to place bets via its online sportsbook. </figcaption></figure><p>Sports betting advertisers can also ​​create a continued content experience from physical to online screens by retargeting audiences exposed to OOH ads on their mobile devices or other digital channels. Through device ID passback, audiences exposed to DOOH ads in a geofenced area can be retargeted via mobile and digital ads, increasing brand touchpoints throughout their journey. For example, a sports betting company can initiate a cross-channel retargeting campaign, collecting device IDs of OOH ad viewers and later serving personalized ads on their mobile devices, social media, and other digital channels. This data-driven strategy provides valuable user behaviour and preferences insights, enabling data-driven decision-making in future campaigns.</p><p>When it comes to sports betting advertising, it&#8217;s not just about visibility; it&#8217;s about engaging with your audience where they live and breathe sports. As the gaming and betting industry grows, so does the potential to reach audiences in new markets. And with the Big Game fast approaching, there’s never been a better time to drive awareness and action with OOH advertising that scores big.</p><h4 ><strong>Want to build an impactful sports betting OOH campaign?</strong></h4><p>Explore our curated audiences, inventory, and contextual locations in our <a href="https://broadsign.com/auction-packages/sports-betting/">Sports Betting Package</a>!</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[A new home for OOH: Introducing The OOH Society by doohx]]><![CDATA[

Two years ago, doohx introduced its pioneering OOH certification courses at a time when the outdoor advertising sector was poised for a monumental surge in inventory, investment, and innovation. Now the fastest-growing ad medium in the world, OOH is developing more rapidly than traditional, static education models can compete with. And while our certification courses […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/a-new-home-for-ooh-introducing-the-ooh-society-by-doohxhttps://broadsign.com/blog/a-new-home-for-ooh-introducing-the-ooh-society-by-doohx<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 25 Oct 2023 09:15:10 GMT<p>Two years ago, <a href="https://www.doohx.io/">doohx </a>introduced its pioneering OOH certification courses at a time when the outdoor advertising sector was poised for a monumental surge in inventory, investment, and innovation.</p><p>Now the fastest-growing ad medium in the world, OOH is developing more rapidly than traditional, static education models can compete with. And while our <a href="https://www.doohx.io/pages/doohx-ooh-certifications">certification courses&nbsp; </a>&#8211; proudly sponsored by the team at <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign </a>&#8211; remain the industry standard for laying the foundations of OOH knowledge, there’s a clear imperative need for a more dynamic, consistent, accessible and comprehensive approach to education in OOH.</p><blockquote ><p>"Static education is dead. The future of OOH learning is as dynamic as our industry."</p><cite>Brooke Ermogenis, Founder + Head of Insight at doohx</cite></blockquote><p>And so, we’re proud to announce the launch of doohx’s <a href="https://www.doohx.io/">The OOH Society </a>– the new home of OOH.</p><p><em>"The OOH industry is evolving quickly in terms of technology and data. Education is critical to ensuring buyers and sellers take advantage of the latest advancements to maximize campaign impact. Broadsign is proud to have been the founding partner of doohx and the impact that it has made on OOH, and we look forward to this next wave of community and industry education,"</em> says Liseanne Gillham, Vice President of Marketing at Broadsign.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>What is The OOH Society?</strong></h2><p>doohx’s The OOH Society is a digital portal into the expansive world of OOH – educating and connecting our global community of media professionals like never before.</p><p>As well as acting as the gateway to our industry-leading certification programs, The OOH Society brings a dynamic, consistent, real-time approach to education. Our core curriculum revolves around our weekly, short-form Masterclass series – frequent, easily digestible content on everything from the how-tos of our industry to the discussions that will shape the future of OOH.</p><figure }</script></figure><h3 >Upcoming Masterclasses</h3><p>Here are just a few of the Masterclass series we have lined up for the next few months:</p><ul><li><strong>Comparison of mediums</strong> – can OOH learn from what other mediums get right?</li><li><strong>Redefining content</strong> – how can OOH become an extension of online content, and are we moving away from the purely ‘ad-model’ of OOH?</li><li><strong>Measuring success in OOH</strong> – methods used by inventory and trading type – OOH, DOOH and PDOOH</li><li><strong>Static OOH</strong> – digital isn’t all that’s evolving in OOH. We look at the latest innovations in Static OOH and dive into how to plan, buy, and execute campaigns utilizing the latest tech.</li><li><strong>Sustainability in OOH</strong> – the current state of sustainability in OOH, what we can do to improve, and how a greener future for OOH will look.</li></ul><figure }</script></figure><p>In addition, we have fortnightly discussions around each Masterclass series, Q&amp;A sessions, and opportunities for members to share their own educational content – whether they be blogs, podcasts, videos or case studies.</p><h3 >Every resource at your fingertips with the doohx Knowledge Base </h3><p>A membership to The OOH Society also grants access to the doohx Knowledge Base, where we will catalogue our Masterclass content and host additional resources, including case studies, platform demonstrations, Masterclass playbooks, downloadable resources and more.Whether you’re an industry veteran looking to upskill, a manager responsible for training and onboarding, or an OOH novice looking for the knowledge to succeed, The OOH Society is all you need to remain at the forefront of the outdoor industry.</p><h3 >OOH education &#8211; there’s an app for that</h3><p>The platform itself works much the same as LinkedIn, where you can like, comment, search and tag across all the content &#8211; except The OOH Society gets rid of the noise of public social platforms and acts as a specialized environment targeted to the OOH industry and the professionals learning within it.&nbsp;</p><p>And all that is available through the doohx app. Available on both the<a href="https://apps.apple.com/us/app/doohx/id6450558332"> Apple App</a> and<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.doohx.app"> Google Play</a> stores, the app is a testament to our commitment to making OOH education seamlessly accessible worldwide.</p><h3 >Native content in multiple languages</h3><p>More than that, we’re making all the content we release available in multiple languages – beginning with French, Spanish and Portuguese. Committed to inclusivity in OOH education, we’re releasing all our videos in a fully dubbed format that breaks down the learning barriers for some of OOH&#8217;s most exciting global markets.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>In the dynamic world of OOH, one principle remains steadfast &#8211; consistency is crucial in education. With The OOH Society, we are not just matching the pace of the industry but are actively striving to cultivate the conversations that will drive it forward globally.</p><p><a href="https://www.doohx.io">OOH has a new home</a>. And we look forward to welcoming you to it.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How i-Media harmonized its technology stack and increased operational efficiency by 40%]]><![CDATA[

Roadside billboards have stood the test of time, gracing our highways and byways for decades as one of the earliest formats of out-of-home advertising. Through the years, this medium has undergone significant transformations. What was once static-only inventory has evolved into a dynamic digital screen media proposition, revolutionizing the way messages are conveyed to passersby. […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-i-media-harmonized-its-technology-stack-and-increased-operational-efficiency-by-40https://broadsign.com/blog/how-i-media-harmonized-its-technology-stack-and-increased-operational-efficiency-by-40<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 18 Oct 2023 09:00:00 GMT<p><a href="https://www.dooh.ly/post/the-benefits-of-digital-roadside-billboards">Roadside billboards</a> have stood the test of time, gracing our highways and byways for decades as one of the earliest formats of out-of-home advertising. Through the years, this medium has undergone significant transformations. What was once static-only inventory has evolved into a dynamic digital screen media proposition, revolutionizing the way messages are conveyed to passersby.</p><p>MAGNA and Rapport’s global survey on out-of-home (OOH) trends for 2022 reported that roadside billboards represent over half of total revenue in OOH and expect them to remain the dominant OOH format in the next few years.&nbsp;This is because roadside digital OOH can reach huge audiences to build brand awareness and target incremental audiences in specific locations.</p><p><a href="https://i-media.co.uk/">i-Media</a>, an OOH media owner based in the United Kingdom, can testify to the popularity of its screens, which can be found throughout the Motorway Services Area (MSA) network across the UK. To support demand, they have transformed sites into a substantial digital network. This wouldn’t have been possible without the right technology stack that is capable of growing with their business.</p><p>To better understand i-Media’s success, we sat down with their Head of Digital Delivery, <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/martyn-perrie-255ab687/"><strong>Martyn Perrie</strong></a>, whose department is responsible for all campaign deliveries, on how using the Broadsign Platform &#8211; and Salesforce integrator Brysa &#8211; allowed them to increase their operational efficiency by 40%.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Providing advertisers with mass visibility to a diverse audience</h2><p>Founded in 1995, i-Media is a leader in the motorway advertising space and provides advertisers with unique, innovative and sustainable OOH solutions. Present in over 130 MSAs, advertisers can target a diverse set of audiences on the move that stop to refuel and recharge.</p><p>With extensive amenities on-site, many franchises use i-Media’s screens to drive traffic to their restaurants and shops. National and regional advertisers also benefit from their network to promote their services and products to target customers on the move.</p><p>Audiences have been growing consistently in recent years and the business is thriving. In recent months, a notable way i-Media is pioneering how advertisers can target their audiences on-the-go is by leveraging ANPR (automated number plate recognition) cameras on entry to the MSA to dynamically deliver ads to pre-selected target audiences.&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >How the Broadsign Platform allowed i-Media to rapidly scale their network</h2><p>Over the past year, i-Media went from having 50 full-motion D48 screens to 120, and soon to reach 130, a large-format screen at every location. They have also installed over 500 digital 6-sheets, large-format DOOH posters, meaning a total collective digital inventory of 650 screens.</p><p>With just 50 screens initially, campaigns were managed manually through an oversized spreadsheet. However, this was no longer feasible as the network grew significantly from 50 to over 600 screens within a year and a half. Requiring a robust system that could automate the content schedule and management of campaigns for their vast network, i-Media onboarded their full network onto the Broadsign Platform.</p><p>Primarily using Broadsign’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/campaign-planning-ad-serving">campaign planning</a> and <a href="https://broadsign.com/content-network-management">content &amp; network management</a> solutions, i-Media has been able to automate key operational processes that have not only helped them maximize the fill rates of their screens, but also optimize the use of their entire network.&nbsp;</p><p>One feature they heavily rely on is Broadsign’s <em>Dynamic Rebalancing</em> which modifies the pace at which a campaign is delivered. It will speed up or slow down campaign delivery to help under- or over-performing campaigns to stay on target to meet the campaign objective.</p><p>As Martyn Perrie, Head of Digital Delivery at i-media confirms, <em>"When our inventory was managed through a spreadsheet, we were continually reshuffling campaigns manually to try and maximize our digital inventory. With Broadsign, everything is done automatically. We add the screens and campaign parameters, and everything is organized for us at the click of a button."</em></p><p>Another useful feature they use is <em>Screen Reallocation</em>. This is particularly useful when an incoming request for an advertiser requires a screen that is already booked by another campaign. Broadsign will automatically reorganize how screens are allocated to each campaign, whilst ensuring that newly allocated screens still fit campaign requirements.&nbsp;</p><h2 >How Brysa seamlessly connected i-Media’s technology stack to boost efficiency</h2><p>Using Salesforce for its customer relationship management (CRM) system, i-Media’s sales team typically book and manage all of their customers’ campaigns directly through the Salesforce platform. Once booked, the campaigns would then have to be manually scheduled onto the Broadsign Platform. As their network grew, scheduling the campaigns manually was no longer feasible. So they enlisted the help of <a href="https://www.brysa.co.uk/">Brysa</a>, a UK-based Salesforce partner specializing in management services, to connect their CRM to the Broadsign Platform.&nbsp;</p><p>By leveraging Broadsign&#8217;s API capabilities, Brysa was able to seamlessly integrate Salesforce with i-Media&#8217;s campaign management workflow. This integration enables i-Media&#8217;s sales team to build campaigns within the CRM, which are then simultaneously booked and scheduled directly within the Broadsign Platform. Cutting down the work that previously took three people to implement, i-Media was able to increase its operational efficiency by 40%. The real-time sync between Salesforce and Broadsign also gives sales teams immediate insight into what inventory is available, allowing them to reduce turnaround time for briefs to advertisers and agencies.</p><p>While Broadsign has enabled i-Media to automate most processes, the added synchronisation between the Broadsign Platform and Salesforce has allowed i-Media to use their technology stack at its full potential. As the MSA media owner continues its transformation, it can do so with confidence as its technology stack seamlessly scales with their business.&nbsp;</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign and APPcelerate partner to unlock powerful DOOH advertising in the Spanish market]]><![CDATA[

In the fast-paced area of omnichannel marketing, precision and data-driven strategies are key to success. APPcelerate, a Spanish-based demand-side platform (DSP), recently partnered with Broadsign to bring media buyers access to premium digital out-of-home (DOOH) inventory available programmatically via Broadsign’s supply-side platform (SSP). Together, the partnership aims to reshape the landscape of DOOH advertising by […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-appcelerate-partner-to-unlock-powerful-dooh-advertising-in-the-spanish-markethttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-appcelerate-partner-to-unlock-powerful-dooh-advertising-in-the-spanish-market<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 17 Oct 2023 07:57:46 GMT<p>In the fast-paced area of omnichannel marketing, precision and data-driven strategies are key to success. <a href="https://appcelerate.ai/">APPcelerate</a>, a Spanish-based demand-side platform (DSP), recently partnered with <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a> to bring media buyers access to premium digital out-of-home (DOOH) inventory available programmatically via Broadsign’s supply-side platform (SSP). Together, the partnership aims to reshape the landscape of DOOH advertising by extending the reach of digital campaigns into the physical world with data-driven insights.</p><p>Specializing in geolocation marketing, APPcelerate provides solutions for activating and analyzing omnichannel campaigns within the vast area of digital marketing. The platform’s unique approach is grounded in understanding consumer behaviour through geolocation data. </p><p>The company&#8217;s clientele comprises media agencies, including industry giants; however, they also work with medium and smaller agencies to offer extensive segmentation capabilities, creating tailored campaigns without astronomical budgets. Its direct clients rely on APPcelerate for in-depth audience analysis, targeting, and indoor measurement services. Although its primary market is Spain, APPcelerate is currently working on expanding its footprint into Portugal and Latin America.</p><h2 >Partnering with Broadsign</h2><p>The decision to partner with Broadsign was a strategic one. As a DSP, APPcelerate can leverage its vast data to target audiences as accurately and effectively as possible. "We wanted to bring a real-world element to our clients’ omnichannel campaigns, so establishing connections with leading supply-side platforms like Broadsign became essential," says Victoria Cáceres Jiménez, Head of Digital Sales at APPcelerate.&nbsp;</p><p>From a technical standpoint, what sets the integration apart is the exceptional data enrichment capability brought by APPcelerate coupled with premium OOH inventory and expertise from Broadsign. Stemming from over 15 years of consulting experience, APPcelerate’s expertise in data management has allowed them to leverage data to meet their client&#8217;s campaign objectives &#8211; partnering with OOH experts like Broadsign to activate omnichannel campaigns precisely.&nbsp;</p><p>Moreover, with a single DSP for all campaigns, APPcelerate can seamlessly blend DOOH with mobile retargeting, providing insightful reports on metrics like brand recognition and drive-to-store traffic. DOOH campaigns can even be integrated with Connected TV (CTV) initiatives, delivering comprehensive 360-degree campaigns.</p><h2 ><strong>The Benefits for Media Buyers</strong></h2><p>APPcelerate’s integration with Broadsign offers significant benefits for media buyers, specifically the ability to reach their target audience in the physical world, creating precision even in a one-to-many medium. Through robust omnichannel campaigns, media buyers can effectively reach their desired audiences across multiple channels without engaging with each exclusivity-focused partner individually. Mobile retargeting bespoke measurement studies offer additional value and insights, including APPcelerate’s ability to conduct brand lift studies to provide clients with robust insights and assurance.&nbsp;</p><blockquote ><p><em>"We are thrilled to be working with Broadsign! As a rapidly growing startup with a strong foothold in the Iberian market, Broadsign is helping us expand our offering by bringing digital out-of-home opportunities into our platform. We look forward to continuing our growth journey together."&nbsp;</em></p><cite>Victoria Cáceres Jiménez, Head of Digital Sales at APPcelerate.</cite></blockquote><h4 >Connect with us</a>to learn more about our inventory available via 35+ DSP partners.</h4>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How H&M Portugal’s campaign boosted brand image, ad recall and purchase consideration with pDOOH]]><![CDATA[

Major international clothing retailer H&M wanted to take advantage of the warmer season with a summer fashion campaign that promoted its new clothing line. To drive brand awareness and increase sales across key Portuguese markets, the brand turned to programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH) to support its omnichannel campaign for fashion-conscious consumers. The Strategy Read the […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-hm-portugals-campaign-boosted-brand-image-ad-recall-and-purchase-consideration-with-pdoohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-hm-portugals-campaign-boosted-brand-image-ad-recall-and-purchase-consideration-with-pdooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 12 Oct 2023 09:54:00 GMT<p>Major international clothing retailer <a href="https://hmgroup.com/">H&amp;M</a> wanted to take advantage of the warmer season with a summer fashion campaign that promoted its new clothing line. </p><p>To drive brand awareness and increase sales across key Portuguese markets, the brand turned to programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH) to support its omnichannel campaign for fashion-conscious consumers.</p><h2 >The Strategy</h2><ul><li>Working with Initiative via the <a href="https://kinesso.com/">Matterkind</a> (IPG Addressable Media) agency team, the brand ran the pDOOH campaign via <a href="https://www.thetradedesk.com/us/our-platform/dsp-demand-side-platform">The Trade Desk DSP</a>, which enabled access to premium OOH inventory available on <a href="https://broadsign.com/global-programmatic-ssp/">Broadsign&#8217;s SSP</a>.</li><li>The ads ran across venue types like malls, subways, and train stations, targeting an audience of females aged 15-44 years old. </li><li>DOOH ran as part of a broader omnichannel campaign, which included other media like display, video, and CTV.</li></ul><h4 >Read the full case study to see the results and discover the benefits of implementing pDOOH into your media strategy.</h4><div ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Beyond digital boundaries: How to maximize campaign impact with DOOH and social media]]><![CDATA[

In 2023, being active across multiple channels is a top priority – and forward-thinking advertisers are embracing omnichannel strategies that activate both online and offline ads. As these types of integrations expand, the convergence of digital-out-of-home (DOOH) advertising and social media is revolutionizing how brands engage with their target audience. A new study from Ocean […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/beyond-digital-boundaries-how-to-maximize-campaign-impact-with-dooh-and-social-mediahttps://broadsign.com/blog/beyond-digital-boundaries-how-to-maximize-campaign-impact-with-dooh-and-social-media<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 20 Sep 2023 11:56:16 GMT<p>In 2023, being active across multiple channels is a top priority &#8211; and forward-thinking advertisers are embracing omnichannel strategies that activate both online and offline ads. As these types of integrations expand, the convergence of digital-out-of-home (DOOH) advertising and social media is revolutionizing how brands engage with their target audience.</p><p>A <a href="https://oceanoutdoor.com/neuroscience/digital-out-of-home-the-vital-ingredient/">new study from Ocean Outdoor</a> supports this claim; building on a decade of work with Neuro-Insight, their latest wave of neuroscience research helps establish how DOOH advertising can strengthen campaigns running on social media across KPIs like brand relevance, likeability, and authenticity. If a brand has a social media strategy in the marketing plan, it should incorporate DOOH to make it better and more effective.</p><h2 >The shifting social media advertising landscape</h2><p>Social networks, from Instagram and Facebook to Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube, have become essential tools for any company hoping to promote its product and service offerings. Social media advertising accounted for <a href="https://hootsuite.widen.net/s/gqprmtzq6g/digital-2022-global-overview-report">roughly a third of all digital ad spending</a> last year and is <a href="https://www.statista.com/outlook/dmo/digital-advertising/social-media-advertising/worldwide">projected to surpass $207 billion</a> in global ad spending in 2023. However, the rising popularity of this channel has made it more challenging for brands to stand out from the competition. With more marketers investing in social media ads, brands must allocate bigger budgets to their paid marketing strategies to remain competitive. A<a href="https://hootsuite.widen.net/s/gqprmtzq6g/digital-2022-global-overview-report"> 2022 report from Hootsuite</a> found that even though marketers were spending considerably <em>more</em> on social media ads than they were a year ago, they saw <em>fewer</em> overall impressions for their investment.</p><p>That doesn’t mean social media advertising is going away any time soon, though &#8211; far from it. Even with global economic uncertainty and the mounting pressure on marketers to deliver more with less, <a href="https://www.meltwater.com/en/blog/global-state-of-digital-april-2023">52% of </a>organizations say that social media has become more important for them in 2023, and close to half (42.62%) say they’re planning to increase their social media budget in the next twelve months.</p><p>Social media has established its place in the marketing and communications mix. But as the social media landscape continues to evolve, marketing professionals must adapt to these changes and be willing to embrace new strategies for engagement. In particular, the mix of digital out-of-home advertising and social media platforms has paved the way for compelling advertising that captivates audiences like never before.</p><h2 >The synergy of DOOH and social media</h2><p>In an era where consumers are constantly connected and forever transitioning between online and offline experiences, DOOH and social media seamlessly complement and enhance each other. In harnessing the dynamic capabilities of DOOH and the widespread reach of social media, brands can create impactful and immersive campaigns that engage consumers across multiple touchpoints.</p><p>Let&#8217;s dive deeper and explore how integrating DOOH and social media drives brand awareness, engagement, and business success.</p><h3 >Extended reach</h3><p>On top of increased competition, today’s marketers must contend with <a href="https://econsultancy.com/marketing-digital-trends-2023/#fatigue">widespread digital fatigue</a> and "<a href="https:/blog.hubspot.com/marketing/banner-blindness?__hstc=186087094.a5697252bb9d6987d32d186d80f4433d.1682534814593.1683831462199.1683916315790.6&amp;__hssc=186087094.1.1683916315790&amp;__hsfp=782629270">banner blindness</a>." When you also consider that <a href="https://www.meltwater.com/en/blog/global-state-of-digital-april-2023">almost a third of global consumers now use an internet ad blocker</a>, this significantly reduces the likelihood that your ad will reap the expected impact. Digital OOH signage, on the other hand, is unskippable and Adblock-proof in addition to being highly visible. And as consumers return to commuting and spend more time outdoors, there’s evidence that OOH advertising is <a href="https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/consumer-research-shows-heightened-receptivity-to-out-of-home-messaging-especially-in-big-urban-areas-301226044.html">becoming more effective</a>. By integrating these two mediums, media buyers can achieve an amplified presence, engaging online and offline consumers and creating a cohesive brand experience.&nbsp;</p><p>The integration of DOOH and social media advertising also allows for cross-platform amplification. Your social media campaigns can be extended beyond the digital realm by leveraging DOOH screens to promote hashtags, user-generated content, or contests. Simultaneously, your DOOH displays can encourage offline audiences to engage with your brand online, creating a continuous and immersive brand experience across channels.</p><h3 >Contextual relevance</h3><p>Another critical aspect of this synergy lies in the ability to deliver contextually relevant messages, <a href="https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200326005655/en/Study-Finds-Contextual-Ads-Are-More-Engaging-Memorable">which have been shown to increase</a> engagement, recall, and purchase intent. Social media platforms offer robust targeting capabilities based on demographics, interests, and behaviours. When combined with DOOH, media buyers can leverage data-driven insights to tailor real-time content displayed on digital screens. This enables you to deliver highly relevant and timely messages that resonate with your audience in specific locations, optimizing the effectiveness of your campaigns and enhancing overall engagement.</p><h3 >Expanded creativity &amp; storytelling</h3><p>Additionally, integrating DOOH and social media advertising unlocks new creative possibilities. DOOH allows for captivating visual storytelling, utilizing large digital screens to showcase <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home">dynamic content</a>, videos, animations, and interactive elements. By seamlessly integrating with social media, media buyers can extend the reach of these creative executions and enable deeper interactions with consumers. This combination of visually stunning displays and interactive engagement creates a memorable and impactful brand experience, driving brand recall, loyalty, and advocacy.</p><figure >Resident Evil&#8217;s 3D zombie billboard went viral on social media, with many sharing their thoughts on the ad.</figcaption></figure><h2 >Three ways to supercharge your campaigns with DOOH and social media advertising</h2><p>By combining the power of both mediums, advertisers can create truly immersive and impactful campaigns that seamlessly bridge the online and offline worlds. But as consumers become more discerning and marketing budgets tighten, standing out and engaging your target audience requires a strategic approach that leverages the strengths of both DOOH and social media channels.&nbsp;</p><p>To help you get started, we’ve uncovered three tactics that will help you maximize the impact and effectiveness of your integrated online (social) and offline (DOOH) campaigns. Whether you&#8217;re a seasoned marketer or just venturing into paid media, these tactics will provide valuable insights and practical strategies to elevate your advertising efforts.</p><h3 >1. Cross-channel promotion &amp; amplification</h3><p>According to Ocean Outdoor’s latest neuroscience research, <a href="https://oceanoutdoor.com/ocean-news/news/ocean-neuroscience-study-establishes-the-influence-of-dooh-in-building-compelling-social-media-campaigns/">DOOH primes social media content positively</a>. In other words, people are drawn more toward a brand on social media when they’ve seen the brand campaign on DOOH first. Socially amplified DOOH content shared by brands was shown to strengthen brand familiarity and relevance, and when participants saw the same piece of DOOH content in person and <em>then</em> amplified socially, there was a tangible uplift in brand perception and engagement.</p><p>The pre-release campaign for Taylor Swift’s ‘Midnights’ album is an excellent example of the power of this kind of cross-channel synergy in action. Known for her penchant for leaving breadcrumbs for fans to decode on social media, Swift once again engaged her followers in unravelling hidden messages &#8211; this time, incorporating billboards as a key element. As the album’s release date drew nearer, snippets of lyrics adorned DOOH screens in prominent locations like New York City’s iconic Times Square, amplifying anticipation and uniting #Swifites worldwide. This innovative approach exemplified how OOH advertising can simultaneously captivate mass audiences and generate widespread excitement across various platforms.</p><p>Using a cross-channel approach enables advertisers to maximize the impact of their campaigns, creating a powerful synergy that amplifies messaging, increases engagement, and ultimately drives better results.</p><p><strong>Tactics and insights:</strong></p><ul><li>Maximize the reach and engagement of your campaigns by promoting your DOOH content on social media and vice versa.&nbsp;</li><li>Encourage social media users to interact with your DOOH ads by sharing photos, videos, or experiences related to the campaign.&nbsp;</li><li>Similarly, display social media handles and hashtags on your DOOH screens to drive online engagement. This cross-channel promotion generates buzz, expands your audience, and fosters a community around your brand.</li></ul><figure >Taylor Swift&#8217;s OOH promotion for her <em>Midnights</em> album went viral across social media.</figcaption></figure><h3 >2. Interactive &amp; user-generated content</h3><p>Savvy advertisers are beginning to grasp the potential value of earned media generated through social platforms and digital out-of-home. Fortunately for brands, these channels’ integration also seems to occur at the audience level. Thanks to the new creative capabilities of digitized OOH units, today’s DOOH ads have become much more eye-catching. And with that, it’s becoming more common to see people capturing these ads in the real world and voluntarily sharing them with their social media followers.&nbsp;</p><p>As an example, Samsung’s <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0Gjx0H9wac">Galaxy S23 activation</a> turned a Brussels metro station into an immersive "botanical experience" replete with two giant LED screens, a 40m<sup>2 </sup>botanical flower mat, and a selfie wall that leveraged user-generated content to forge deeper connections with their target audience, both in-person and online.</p><p>Advertisers who understand the potential value of these types of interactions can analyze these shares to incorporate better the earned media that comes from each device.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Tactics and insights:</strong></p><ul><li>Encourage user participation and engagement by incorporating interactive elements and user-generated content into your integrated campaigns.&nbsp;</li><li>Create interactive experiences on social media platforms, such as polls, contests, or challenges, and integrate them with your DOOH displays.&nbsp;</li><li>Encourage users to share their experiences, photos, or videos related to your campaign and showcase them on social media and DOOH screens. This approach not only boosts engagement but also generates authentic user content that enhances the credibility and reach of your campaigns.</li><li>Analyze these shares to incorporate the earned media from each device better.</li></ul><h3 >3. Contextual (re)targeting &amp; conversion tracking</h3><p>One powerful tactic seen amongst today’s leading advertisers is to combine the precise targeting capabilities of social media platforms with the location-based targeting offered by DOOH. Doing so enables them to target (and retarget) audiences more effectively on mobile devices while delivering contextually relevant DOOH ads in their physical vicinity. This can be through location-based mobile research, offline metrics like footfall measurement, or cross-channel attribution.</p><p>When Samsonite wanted to improve brand awareness and consideration amongst late Gen Zs and younger millennials &#8211; a digitally-savvy audience segment that consumes content across multiple social platforms &#8211; they took a unique creative approach that extended ad messaging from online media channels to IRL. <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-samsonites-pdooh-campaign-boosted-brand-kpis-by-extending-the-reach-of-video-ads">Their omnichannel Take What’s Yours campaign</a> ran DOOH ads with other media channels, including social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Over the two months, the campaign served over 1 million ads, resulting in nearly 15 million impressions.</p><p>Advertisers can also leverage retargeting to reinforce campaign messaging and drive conversions. For example, if someone sees your DOOH ad but doesn&#8217;t convert, you can retarget them with relevant social media ads to keep your brand top-of-mind and encourage them to take action. This integrated retargeting approach maximizes campaign effectiveness and boosts ROI.</p><p><strong>Tactics and insights:</strong></p><ul><li>Leverage social media&#8217;s advanced targeting options to reach the right audience online while using DOOH&#8217;s geotargeting capabilities to display relevant ads in specific physical locations.&nbsp;</li><li>Integrate offline metrics, like footfall measurement, with online measures to see the impact of DOOH in the social space.</li><li>Utilise retargeting to reinforce your messaging and drive conversions. By tracking user interactions with your DOOH and social media campaigns, you can identify interested prospects and retarget them with personalized ads across both channels.</li></ul><figure >Samsonite&#8217;s <em>Take What&#8217;s Yours </em>campaign featured a mix of digital and offline channels.</figcaption></figure><h4 >Want to learn more about the benefits of implementing DOOH into your social and broader digital media strategies?</h4><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/contact">Contact our team</a> to get started!</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Planning your holiday retail media strategy? Here’s why you should include out-of-home advertising]]><![CDATA[

While it seems like summer has gone by in the blink of an eye, September marks the start of the back-to-school season, which could only mean one thing: the holidays are fast approaching. With Black Friday marking the unofficial start of the biggest retail season of the year, advertisers and retail marketers are preparing for […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/planning-your-holiday-retail-media-strategy-heres-why-you-should-include-out-of-home-advertisinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/planning-your-holiday-retail-media-strategy-heres-why-you-should-include-out-of-home-advertising<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 07 Sep 2023 09:00:00 GMT<p>While it seems like summer has gone by in the blink of an eye, September marks the start of the back-to-school season, which could only mean one thing: the holidays are fast approaching. With Black Friday marking the unofficial start of the biggest retail season of the year, advertisers and retail marketers are preparing for their busiest and most profitable quarter.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Like the 2022 holiday season, consumers plan to start their holiday shopping earlier this year, with over <a href="https://www.insiderintelligence.com/content/half-of-consumers-plan-start-their-holiday-shopping-before-november">half of U.S. consumers</a> expected to start making purchases before November. And despite the ongoing inflation and continuing economic challenges, the 2023 holiday season is moving full steam ahead, meaning advertisers and retailers shouldn’t wait to start their media strategy. For marketers looking to capitalize on key selling opportunities this season, digital out-of-home (DOOH) can perfectly complement your omnichannel campaign by helping boost awareness and purchase consideration and drive foot traffic to brick-and-mortar or online retailers. Thanks to <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home">programmatic digital out-of-home</a> (pDOOH) advancements, holiday retail campaigns are easier to activate than ever, making it the most wonderful time of the year for advertisers and consumers alike.</p><h2 ><strong>Ho-Ho-How much does this cost?</strong></h2><p>While no one can predict exactly how the 2023 holiday season will shape up, one thing is certain: consumers will continue to be more deliberate with their spending. That’s not to say they’ll be tucking away their wallets, though. According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), retail sales during 2022’s holiday season <a href="https://nrf.com/media-center/press-releases/nrf-says-2022-holiday-sales-grew-53-9363-billion">grew 5.3% year-over-year</a> to $936.3 billion. And despite tighter budgets, <a href="https://nielseniq.com/global/en/insights/analysis/2022/black-friday-and-cyber-monday-2022-by-the-numbers/">46% spent more on Black Friday in 2022</a> than in 2021. Bottom line: consumers are still willing to spend on holiday shopping; however, they’ll prioritize deals and savings and spend more time researching their purchases before checking out.</p><p>Inventory availability and shipping times are also factors that consumers will be paying attention to this year. After product shortages that left many shelves bare during the 2020 and 2021 seasons, 2022 saw retailers overstock with more inventory than they could clear, thanks to consumers’ inflation worries. This year, <a href="https://www.supplychaindive.com/news/Retail-inventory-2022-2023/650119/">Supply Chain Dive</a> reports that retailers will learn to live on leaner inventory levels and "prioritize cost control and margin protection over the risk of lost sales."&nbsp;</p><p>What does all this mean for marketers? With consumer spending caution and less inventory than last year, holiday shoppers will experience a shift in buying behaviour, leading to a willingness to try new brands or retailers that can better meet their needs. In turn, advertisers must focus on communicating value via their marketing strategies to prevent previous brand loyalists from switching to cheaper or more available options.</p><h2 ><strong>Leverage programmatic DOOH to drive brand awareness</strong></h2><p>In a <a href="https://insights.klarna.com/2022-holidays-unwrapped/">2022 survey by Klarna</a>, 42% of shoppers planned to purchase gifts earlier than usual, with 69% starting before Black Friday. With consumers researching and shopping earlier than ever, OOH can be a great way to capture attention in the months leading up to the holidays, especially with <a href="https://oaaa.org/news/out-of-home-ads-drive-real-world-action/">recent data</a> finding that 88% of U.S. adults notice OOH ads. There are several ways advertisers can take advantage of programmatic DOOH capabilities to activate impactful OOH campaigns ahead of the holiday season, reaching desired audiences throughout their daily journey.&nbsp;</p><p>Contextual OOH ads have been proven to capture audience attention, and pDOOH technology makes it possible to deliver data-driven ads in the physical world based on your target audience’s movements throughout the day. Advertisers can drive brand awareness by placing ads in key locations while consumers commute, run errands, eat out, and more. Depending on your target audience, certain venue types can be more impactful in reaching key demographics. A brand looking to target department store shoppers, primarily women in the 55-64 age, might want to consider activating OOH ads around retail locations like shopping centers and big-box stores or close to health and point-of-care facilities. Leveraging dayparting can also help ensure your OOH ads are seen where and when they matter by activating ads in high-traffic, high-visibility areas during certain times. For example, advertisers targeting parents with young children can maximize reach by delivering OOH ads near retailers or entertainment centres on weekends when families are out and about.</p><h2 ><strong>Promote sales and special offers with OOH messaging</strong></h2><p>According to <a href="https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/consumer-insights/consumer-journey/retail-guide/">Google’s 2023 Retail Guide</a>, 72% of consumers are more thoughtful about their spending, and 62% are more mindful about where they shop this year. Holiday shoppers looking to save money will turn to OOH ads for information on deals and special offers that resonate with them as they try to save money this holiday season. A recent study by the <a href="https://oaaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/OOH-Influeneces-Consumer-Purchase-Decisions.pdf">OAAA and Morning Consult</a> found that 42% of U.S. adults say OOH ads with special offer messaging like "buy one get one free," discount or promo codes, and free shipping have the most influence on how much they purchase in-store.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Adapting messaging based on promotions or data can ensure that ads remain contextually relevant as consumers shop for the best deals. Programmatic DOOH makes it possible to trigger real-world ads based on real-time data like weather, time of day, financial data, and more. Brands and retailers offering ski and hockey equipment might choose to trigger more ads when the temperatures drop, for example. Ads can be activated or paused based on current promotions, and campaigns can be adjusted based on consumer interests and shopping habits. A retailer with too much inventory in one location can quickly switch OOH ads from one geographic area to another, delivering promotional messaging that encourages audiences to head in-store.</p><figure >Amazon&#8217;s highly-anticipated Black Friday sale</figcaption></figure><h2 ><strong>Drive foot traffic and in-store purchases</strong></h2><p>OOH advertising can be one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to retailers. By placing ads throughout retail trade areas, OOH activations can act as a last-mile push to get consumers in-store. 68% of adults notice OOH ads on their way to a store, and nearly half say the ads impact their in-store purchase decisions, <a href="https://oaaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/OOH-Influeneces-Consumer-Purchase-Decisions.pdf">according to the OAAA</a>.&nbsp;</p><p>By placing OOH ads along the consumer path-to-purchase, brands and retailers can drive awareness and boost foot traffic with high-impact proximity targeting, delivering tailored, location-specific messaging. High-traffic, high-visibility venue types like billboards, urban panels, and transit and street furniture en route to retailers can be leveraged to provide key information like directions to a nearby retail location or special in-store promotions. Long dwell-time environments, including shopping malls, casual dining and resto-bars, and entertainment or sports complexes, can also be a great way to target priority markets. In-store or point-of-purchase (POP) displays present another great opportunity to leverage OOH as a last-minute sales push, with 75% of adult shoppers <a href="https://oaaa.org/news/over-two-thirds-of-shoppers-notice-ooh-ads-enroute-to-retailers-according-to-research-from-oaaa-morning-consult/#:~:text=Once%20inside%20a%20store%2C%20three,%2Dgrad%20degree%20(85%25).">noticing OOH messaging</a> once inside a store.&nbsp;</p><p>Brands and retailers can use programmatic DOOH technology to increase flexibility when determining and modifying campaign parameters. Ads promoting time-sensitive in-store offers can be optimized based on location, allowing advertisers to pause or play ads near certain retailers depending on product availability, promotions, and time of day. OOH displays can even be placed around competitors’ locations, switching messaging based on competing offers.</p><figure >Chanel promotes its beauty line with DOOH displays in malls</figcaption></figure><h2 ><strong>Extend the reach of your omnichannel campaigns</strong></h2><p>With consumers spending more time researching products and services before purchasing, developing a strong omnichannel strategy should be at the top of every advertiser’s list this holiday season. According to <a href="https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/intl/en-ca/consumer-insights/consumer-journey/retail-guide/">Google’s 2023 Retail Guide</a>, over 40% of shoppers use Google for researching an online or in-store purchase, with online research remaining a key resource in the consumer shopping journey. From online to in-store, a seamless brand experience is necessary to stick out amongst all the competition. Fortunately, OOH can help boost brand engagement across digital and offline channels by blending messaging and using each medium to complement the other.&nbsp;</p><p>Incorporating interactive elements into OOH messaging can be a great way to encourage action online, like visiting a website, searching for more information, or interacting with your brand’s social media profile. QR codes, hashtags, or short URLs can capture audience attention and boost engagement in a fun, frictionless way. For example, a watch and accessories brand offering an online discount might want to consider incorporating QR codes into their OOH ads and running them in transit hubs during commuting hours where they’re sure to reach business professionals. Through device ID passback, audiences exposed to DOOH ads in a geofenced area can be retargeted via mobile and digital ads, increasing brand touchpoints throughout their journey.&nbsp;</p><p>As the holiday season quickly approaches, there’s no better time to get started with out-of-home advertising to reach your target audience. With economic influences and more extended purchasing periods, consumers will seek information on deals and value-driven offers wherever possible. From driving awareness to lifting in-store traffic, integrating pDOOH into your broader omnichannel campaign is a strategic play that will ensure your brand makes the nice list this year.</p><h4 >Want to build an impactful retail OOH campaign this holiday season?</h4><p>Explore our curated audiences, inventory, and contextual locations in our <a href="https://broadsign.com/auction-packages/retail">Retail Package</a>!</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Programmatic DOOH drives a +153% uplift in purchase intention for Veet Expert in the French market]]><![CDATA[

Veet, a well-established personal care brand under parent company Reckitt, sought to boost awareness for a new hair depilatory product, Veet Expert, in the French market. With a strong presence in France, a key market for the brand, Veet turned to programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH) to deliver ads with the goal of increasing product consideration […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/programmatic-dooh-drives-a-153-uplift-in-purchase-consideration-for-veet-expert-in-the-french-markethttps://broadsign.com/blog/programmatic-dooh-drives-a-153-uplift-in-purchase-consideration-for-veet-expert-in-the-french-market<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 30 Aug 2023 11:02:17 GMT<p><a href="https://www.veet.fr/">Veet</a>, a well-established personal care brand under parent company <a href="https://www.reckitt.com/">Reckitt</a>, sought to boost awareness for a new hair depilatory product, Veet Expert, in the French market.&nbsp;</p><p>With a strong presence in France, a key market for the brand, Veet turned to programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH) to deliver ads with the goal of increasing product consideration and sales for this major product launch.</p><h2 >The Strategy</h2><ul><li>Veet launched its first pDOOH campaign in partnership with <a href="https://starcomww.com/">Starcom</a> agency, <a href="https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/display-video-360/">Google’s DV360 DSP</a>, and<a href="https://broadsign.com/global-programmatic-ssp"> Broadsign’s SSP</a>, which enabled access to premium <a href="https://www.clearchannel.fr/">Clear Channel France</a> inventory.</li><li>The ads were displayed in high-traffic retail and shopping mall locations to reach women under the age of 50 years and encourage on-the-spot purchases across major French cities.</li><li>DOOH was executed as part of a larger omnichannel campaign alongside channels including social media, online video, search and CTV.</li></ul><h4 >Read the full case study to see the results and discover the benefits of implementing pDOOH into your media strategy.</h4><div ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[What to look for in a static campaign management tool]]><![CDATA[

Managing a static out-of-home (OOH) network shouldn’t be complicated, but it unfortunately often is. Many static media owners still rely on a manual campaign management solution, like a lengthy and complex spreadsheet, to run their entire static OOH business. While this may still be feasible for smaller companies with only a couple of boards to […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/what-to-look-for-in-a-static-campaign-management-toolhttps://broadsign.com/blog/what-to-look-for-in-a-static-campaign-management-tool<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 29 Aug 2023 09:00:00 GMT<p>Managing a static out-of-home (OOH) network shouldn’t be complicated, but it unfortunately often is. Many static media owners still rely on a manual campaign management solution, like a lengthy and complex spreadsheet, to run their entire static OOH business. While this may still be feasible for smaller companies with only a couple of boards to manage, it can become difficult to manage if you have a hybrid network or plan to scale your business.&nbsp;</p><p>The bigger your business, the more complex it becomes to manage manually, increasing the chances of mistakes and lost revenue. Why opt for a manual process when dedicated platforms exist to assist you in the management of your static OOH business, streamlining nearly all aspects of running your network?</p><p>There are many software solutions out there, and deciding which is the best fit for your business can be overwhelming. What features are needed&nbsp; to run my network efficiently? Will the software grow with my business? Whether you’ve been on the market for a new solution for a while or just started looking, these are probably familiar questions.</p><p>We enlisted the help of our in-house static OOH expert and senior product manager, <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/myriam-bordeleau-a309359/">Myriam Bordeleau</a>, to put together the top features to look for in a static OOH management solution.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Automated workflows for increased operational efficiency</h2><p><strong>"</strong>Any and all processes should be automated," says Myriam. "Being able to easily and quickly build a proposal, send it to the client for approval, and manage the campaign should be key considerations for media owners when choosing a solution." By automating manual processes, such as booking confirmations, generating invoices and communications with stakeholders, you eliminate the risk of mistakes and enable your teams to concentrate on the end result, delivering the campaign.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Scalability and flexibility is key to a good static OOH management solution</h2><p>Another important feature of a good static OOH management solution is scalability and flexibility. Here’s Myriam to explain why:</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Robust asset management capabilities are non-negotiable</h2><p>The software you choose needs to have robust asset management capabilities, allowing you to centralize and easily keep track of all the data you need on your ad spaces, from specs to localization to operational information. "In addition to keeping track of active spaces," adds Myriam, "you should also be able to set inactivity periods for assets under maintenance, or retire those that no longer exist."</p><p>Depending on how you sell your inventory, the solution you choose should have the capability to build packs, which are assets that are sold together for more efficient booking and selling. For example, if you have faces in a shopping mall, you might want to sell these together so that advertisers can display their ads across that location.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Key features to help your static sales team close deals more quickly</h2><p>Without realizing it, your sales team might be losing deals due to slow turnaround times. Here’s Myriam to explain to why real-time availability is a key feature for sales:</p><figure ></div></figure><p>Another useful feature to consider for your sales team is rate cards, which are used to determine the value of the faces for the time sold, helping you keep your selling margins where they need to be. More specifically, the solution you choose should include media and additional revenue cards to help you define the rates for content creation, production, installation, fines and fees. This allows your sales team to compile a proposal more quickly, as they can easily compile and calculate the total cost with rate cards.</p><h2 >An end-to-end solution cuts down the time it takes to go from booking to posting</h2><p>"Chartists are the core of any media owner business," says Myriam. "For that reason, they should be able to access any and all relevant features that will make their work more efficient through one fully-loaded easy to navigate UI." By allowing chartists to plan and schedule campaigns in one place, including defining campaign objectives, selecting locations, setting start and end dates, and allocating budgets, they can quickly assess what a client needs to successfully execute their advertising campaign, and cut down the time it takes to go from booking to posting.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Centralize your creative asset management for full visibility into the production and delivery process</h2><p>Unlike DOOH, static OOH ads need to be printed and posted onto a billboard which makes the production and delivery process a bit more complex. For this reason, having a centralized tool to manage all your creative assets, allow users to upload, organize and associate them with specific campaigns can ensure that nothing falls through the cracks. Here’s Myriam to tell you more on creative asset management:</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Collaboration and communication features to keep internal and external stakeholders posted</h2><p>To get static OOH out the door is a team effort. You are often required to work with different departments, teams and external vendors. "Being able to have real-time information readily available is critical in making sure that campaigns are posted on time," says Myriam. "The software you choose should include collaboration and communication features so that both internal and external stakeholders, including bill posters, can provide their updates."</p><h2 >Your solution should have proof of performance reports that include pictures and posting completion dates</h2><p>Unlike DOOH, proof of performance (PoP) reports in static require photographic proof. Here’s Myriam on what your solution should include for proof of performance to advertisers and agencies:</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >You need comprehensive reporting capabilities to make data-driven decisions</h2><p>Managing a static network requires a lot of reporting capabilities to maintain a healthy and profitable business. These insights help you assess the effectiveness and return on investment of your advertiser’s campaign and monitor production and operation statuses. "Being able to analyze and compare trends in the advertising space with your own metrics is where reporting capabilities are very important for growth," says Myriam. "Sales reports are a must, and not just for the media, but for other campaign-related costs", she adds. "Your reports should be able to tell you the state of your network and its occupancy percentage, so that you may adjust your sales accordingly."</p><p>Now that you have a better understanding of what to look for when searching for a static campaign management tool, you can make an informed decision on which solution best fits your needs. And in case you didn’t know, we recently integrated robust <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-broadsign-static-campaigns">static OOH management tools</a> into the Broadsign Platform. This addition allows you to effortlessly execute static campaigns from start to finish.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How much does a billboard cost? Decoding OOH advertising pricing, from CPM to ROI-optimization tactics]]><![CDATA[

Despite the enduring presence and power of out-of-home (OOH) advertising in an increasingly digitized world, “How much does a billboard cost?” remains a common query among advertisers and entrepreneurs eager to explore this time-tested ad medium. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t straightforward, as billboard advertising costs vary and depend on several factors, including location, circulation, size, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-much-does-a-billboard-costhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-much-does-a-billboard-cost<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:50:07 GMT<p>Despite the enduring presence and power of out-of-home (OOH) advertising in an increasingly digitized world, &#8220;How much does a billboard cost?&#8221; remains a common query among advertisers and entrepreneurs eager to explore this time-tested ad medium.&nbsp;</p><p>Unfortunately, the answer isn&#8217;t straightforward, as billboard advertising costs vary and depend on several factors, including location, circulation, size, format, and audience demographics. According to <a href="https://solomonpartners.com/2023/03/29/2023-media-trends-report-ooh/">Solomon Partners’ 2023 Media Trends Report</a>, in the U.S., you can expect to pay an average of USD$2-9 per thousand impressions for an OOH bulletin, poster, transit shelter, or digital place-based ad.&nbsp;</p><figure >Solomon Partners’ 2023 Media Trends Report</a></figcaption></figure><p>This variability in pricing means it’s important to understand just where and when you want to reach people with an OOH campaign before you go to set a budget. OOH inventory is found in cities, roadside, in malls &#8211; they’re a part of our daily landscape and provide a level of visibility (and un-skippability) not available to other types of media. So what sort of pricing should you expect for your billboard campaigns when considering ROI? To start, you’ll need to understand a little more about the medium&#8217;s specifics and its unique opportunities.</p><p>In this comprehensive guide, we unravel the key determinants shaping billboard advertising cost, demystifying concepts like CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) and exploring approaches and tactics to help businesses maximize their return on investment.</p><h2 >What is a billboard? Types of OOH ad formats</h2><p>Billboards, or large out-of-home ad placements, remain one of the oldest and most iconic forms of advertising, with the first recorded leasing of a billboard dating<a href="https://oaaa.org/resources/history-of-ooh/"> back to the mid-1800s</a>. In today’s digital-dominated ad space, billboards continue to be a powerful medium for brands to showcase their messages to a wide audience. In fact, research has shown that<a href="https://oaaa.org/news/out-of-home-advertising-produces-highest-levels-of-consumer-recall-versus-other-media-channels-according-to-solomon-partners-2023-benchmark-report-estimates-for-the-u-s/"> out-of-home advertisem*nts produce significantly higher ad recall</a> with consumers versus live and streaming television, podcasts and radio, print, and online executions.&nbsp;</p><p>Typically found in high-traffic areas like dense city centers or alongside busy streets and interstate highways, these larger-than-life displays come in various formats, each catering to specific marketing needs. By understanding the distinct advantages of each OOH ad format, advertisers can craft compelling campaigns that resonate with their target audience and make the most of this enduring advertising medium in the digital age.</p><h4 >Static billboards</h4><p>Pros:</p><ul><li>100% share of voice</li><li>Always on</li><li>Long-term exposure</li></ul><p>Static, or traditional, billboards are the classic fixed displays that grace highways, cityscapes, and other strategic locations. These eye-catching structures often feature printed graphics and text, delivering a clear and memorable message to passing motorists and pedestrians.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/why-static-billboards-thrive-in-the-digital-age-insights-for-advertisers">READ ALSO: Why static billboards thrive in the digital age: Insights for advertisers</a></p><p>Static billboards are popular with big and small brands alike, particularly those with large or all-encompassing target audiences. Since billboards are so highly visible, they present an excellent opportunity for you to reach a lot of people at once, provided you’re not looking to connect with only a very specific niche audience.</p><p>And there’s no beating the longevity of a static billboard ad. It would cost significantly more to buy up a comparable amount of ad time on a digital billboard, and that ad time would be split up into many smaller slots. If you want to repeatedly hit the same audience with your message, maybe while they’re back and forth on their daily commute, a static billboard is a great choice. Despite the rising popularity of digital out-of-home advertising (DOOH) in recent years, <a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/04/27/the-power-of-static-ooh-in-the-digital-era/?sh=374ab65f2d22">static OOH remains the dominant format in this space</a>, accounting for 69% of OOH ad spend in the U.S. &#8211; proving the enduring value of this iconic media format.</p><figure >Static billboards are ideal for prolonged communication with a broad audience</figcaption></figure><h4 >Digital out-of-home (DOOH) billboards</h4><p>Pros:</p><ul><li>Flexibility to adjust creative</li><li>Support for dynamic ad formats</li><li>Data-driven measurement and targeting capabilities</li></ul><p>On the other end of the spectrum, we have digital billboards, <a href="https://www.sixteen-nine.net/2023/01/11/global-dooh-spending-up-almost-25-in-2022-led-by-us-pq-media/">which represent one of the fastest growing media sectors in the world</a>. These dynamic displays utilize LED or electronic screens to rotate through multiple ads, allowing advertisers to tailor their messages throughout the day or in response to ambient conditions or data triggers.&nbsp;</p><p>Digital billboards also afford the opportunity to get more playful with the format. Through digital, you can explore the possibility of animation and video and even incorporate interactive elements. All of these are effective ways to engage your audience through digital displays. And the bright displays don’t hurt, either. Unlike static billboards, no additional lighting is needed on a dark night. Colorful, eye-catching screens have the power to mesmerize and, more important, get the message across in a big, hard-to-miss way.</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media#:~:text=DOOH%20became%20one%20of%20the,and%20investment%20in%20the%20space.">READ ALSO: What is digital out-of-home (DOOH) media? Definition, examples, and key advantages of digital OOH advertising</a></p><figure >Digital billboards offer great flexibility and creative potential</figcaption></figure><h4 >Mobile billboards</h4><p>Pros:</p><ul><li>Extremely versatile</li><li>Highly targeted</li><li>Electronic and digital-friendly</li></ul><p>Furthermore, the evolution of technology has given rise to a unique and highly engaging form of billboard advertising: mobile billboards. These mobile units mounted on trucks or trailers navigate busy streets and events, ensuring maximum exposure to potential customers. With their ability to cover a wide area and target specific demographics according to geographic location, mobile billboards offer unparalleled flexibility and impact, allowing you to dynamically refocus your campaign in terms of location and audience.&nbsp;</p><p>Since mobile billboards can be either static or digital, they offer many of the same benefits outlined above &#8211; plus, the addition of wheels means that your message is no longer stuck in one place. Mobile billboards can go anywhere there’s a road. And geo-targeting helps advertisers strategically plan routes according to campaign goals. So instead of waiting for their target audience to walk or drive by, businesses and brands can proactively take their message directly to them.&nbsp;</p><figure >Lime Media&#8217;s digital mobile LED billboard truck</figcaption></figure><h2 >Understanding CPM for billboards</h2><p>In the world of billboard advertising, CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) plays a vital role in determining the cost-effectiveness and reach of an outdoor campaign. It’s a widely used metric that calculates an advertiser&#8217;s cost for every one thousand impressions received on a billboard.&nbsp;</p><p>Impressions represent the number of times an ad is potentially viewed by people passing by. Essentially, one impression is meant to correspond to one person viewing the billboard one time, making CPM a critical measure of an ad&#8217;s efficiency in capturing the attention of its target audience.&nbsp;</p><p>To calculate CPM rates for billboards in out-of-home (OOH) advertising, advertisers need to divide the total cost of the billboard campaign by the number of impressions it generates (in thousands). For example, if a billboard campaign costs $5,000 and generates 300,000 impressions, the CPM would be calculated as follows:</p><p>CPM = (Total Cost of Campaign / Impressions) x 1000</p><p>CPM = ($5,000 / 300) x 1000</p><p>CPM = $16.67</p><p>Though this is a good illustrative example, in reality, the average CPM for billboards tends to be much lower, especially in comparison to other media. Per a 2022 <a href="https://oaaa.org/blog-posts/ooh-delivers-greatest-audience-roi-of-most-major-media-channels/">Solomon Partners report</a>, the average CPM of a static bulletin in the U.S. market ranges between USD$3 and USD$6 per thousand impressions, with the average cost of a digital bulletin climbing to USD$8 on the higher end. Place-based digital inventory is typically a little more expensive, falling between USD$4.50 and USD$9 per thousand impressions, as advertisers often use place-based OOH for contextual advertising to reach specific audiences at specific, often peak, times.&nbsp;</p><p>For the sake of comparison, a broadcast TV ad in the U.S. can have a CPM of anywhere between USD$16-45. Online display ads seem like a relative bargain at just USD$0.80-4 per thousand impressions, but digitally fatigued audiences have largely tuned these out in recent years, making ROI a challenge.</p><figure >Billboard ad pricing is often based in part on the number of people expected to see an ad while it appears</figcaption></figure><p><strong>Want to dig into OOH metrics a little deeper? <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dooh-metrics/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Check out this blog post</a>.</strong></p><h2 >Factors affecting billboard pricing</h2><p>Understanding CPM is crucial for effective OOH campaign planning, as it enables advertisers to evaluate the cost-efficiency of their billboard ads. But there are a number of variables that impact the CPM for billboards, including the location of the billboard, its size, traffic volume in the area, and the type of audience it attracts.&nbsp;</p><p>By comprehending the factors influencing CPM and optimizing their campaigns accordingly, advertisers can strike the right balance between cost and reach, ultimately enhancing their ROI on billboard advertising.</p><h3 >Billboard location</h3><p>It should come as no surprise that one of the major elements that determine the price of a billboard is its location. After all, a prominent and highly visible location constitutes a decisive benefit for your business &#8211; the right spot means your messaging can reach thousands.</p><p>If a billboard is located in a premium area like an urban center, it’ll likely cost more than it would in other locations. Similarly, a placement installed along a major roadway will affect pricing, too. Also, the side of the road your OOH signage is located on will also have an impact, as the signage will either be directly visible to oncoming traffic or not. Additionally, market saturation might lead to more competitive pricing in areas with a high concentration of billboards as advertisers vie for limited premium spaces.</p><p>The "right" location for an ad is going to depend heavily on what is being advertised. While a fast-fashion ad will feel right at home in the heart of Times Square, you wouldn’t likely be purchasing space for the same product along a rural highway.&nbsp;</p><h3 >Billboard sizes</h3><p>Billboard size matters significantly in pricing. Larger billboards offer more prominent displays and greater visual impact, leading to higher costs compared to smaller ones. Advertisers must strike a balance between size, location, and budget to find the most effective combination for their marketing objectives.</p><p>Billboards come in many different shapes and dimensions, but we’ll break them down into basic categories to give you an idea of what to expect:</p><h4 ><strong>Spectaculars</strong></h4><p>These spectacularly large billboards are specially designed to grab attention in high-traffic areas like Times Square.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Common sizes include:</strong></p><ul><li>20’ h x 60’ w</li><li>16’ h x 60’ w</li></ul><p>Because they’re typically used by large national brands with equally spectacular advertising budgets, they can have custom dimensions and often use special effects to guarantee people will stop and take notice.</p><p>While these are, as advertised, spectacularly huge, they can also be spectacularly expensive. Luckily, most businesses probably don’t need something quite this huge to achieve their campaign goals.</p><figure >Time Square&#8217;s spectacular billboards</figcaption></figure><h4 >Bulletins</h4><p>The most popular billboard size (and likely the type most people picture when they hear the word "billboard"), bulletins are best suited for large roads and busy highways.&nbsp;</p><p>Though not quite as big as a spectacular, they’re still very large and eye-catching—and are available to rent in many more locations around the country.</p><p>Standard bulletin sizes:</p><ul><li>14’ h x 48’ w</li><li>10’ h x 40’ w</li><li>10’6" h x 36’ w</li></ul><p>Average CPM (according to the <a href="https://oaaa.org/blog-posts/ooh-delivers-greatest-audience-roi-of-most-major-media-channels/">OAAA</a>):</p><ul><li>Static: $3-6</li><li>Digital: up to $8</li></ul><p>When renting a bulletin, there are considerations beyond size and location—for example, longevity. Bulletins are also large enough that, like spectaculars, they can be customized in eye-catching ways. Just keep in mind that any kind of customization = more time and added installation and design costs.</p><figure >Chick-fil-A&#8217;s Cow Campaign bulletin</figcaption></figure><h4 >Posters</h4><p>If your goal is more targeted advertising, a poster (also called a 30 sheet) or a junior poster (also called an 8 sheet) are both options that are a bit smaller than a bulletin and better suited for smaller spaces and local roads.&nbsp;</p><p>While these placements may not be seen by as many people, by being more targeted they can prove more effective in helping you achieve certain campaign goals.</p><p>Standard poster sizes:</p><ul><li>12’3" x 24’6" w</li><li>6" x 12’ w (junior)</li></ul><p>Average CPM (according to the <a href="https://oaaa.org/blog-posts/ooh-delivers-greatest-audience-roi-of-most-major-media-channels/">OAAA</a>):</p><ul><li>Static: $2-6</li><li>Digital: up to $7</li></ul><figure >Carlsberg Advertising Campaign:&nbsp;<em>Probably The Best Poster In The World</em></figcaption></figure><h3 >Billboard traffic count</h3><p>Another consideration in the pricing of billboard advertising is circulation, since the volume of traffic passing by a billboard (i.e., its traffic count) directly affects its value. This metric tracks the number of passersby exposed to a billboard or out-of-home signage in a specific region or market. Higher traffic counts translate to more impressions and potential customer exposure, making billboards in heavily travelled areas more expensive.&nbsp;</p><p>Media owners work with local municipalities and transportation authorities to count the number of cars going by, tracking the circulation rate while considering certain elements. For example, if the vehicle is traveling past the billboard in the morning, it’s typically presumed that the driver is alone in the car as they are likely commuting to work. That means it’s a single view. Many of the newer, more technologically advanced digital billboards also include in-screen data sensors that can help provide a more accurate traffic count and aid in measuring the number of delivered impressions.</p><p>Within the industry, innovation and first-party data integration have led to improved measurement and understanding of these metrics, with a growing number of companies and third-party software providers increasingly performing deep analyses to accurately assess any particular billboard’s traffic count and circulation.</p><p>Takeaway: Higher traffic counts = more potential customer exposure and typically higher pricing.</p><figure >Circulation is yet another factor that plays into the pricing of billboard advertising.</figcaption></figure><h3 >Audience demographics</h3><p>As is the case with many different advertising formats, demographics are going to play a part in the pricing of your signage.</p><p>Demographics determine the breakdown of age, gender, purchasing habits and income bracket for potential consumers. Pooling and analyzing these metrics can help advertisers recognize who is more likely to see their ad.</p><p>An example of when audience demographics come into play is when you have a billboard that’s positioned near an affluent part of town or in an environment in which a lot of affluent people work. These billboards will be more likely to cost a little more, given that the neighbourhood’s residents probably have higher disposable income.</p><p>Takeaway: Attributes of a billboard’s audience demographics that can increase OOH ad pricing include:</p><ul><li>Affluence/higher disposable income</li><li>Strategically positioned to target a specific demographic group</li><li>Demand for proximate audience types</li></ul><h3 >Seasonal demand</h3><p>The seasonal demand for certain billboards can also influence pricing. For instance, billboards near popular vacation spots might experience increased rates during peak tourist seasons. On the other hand, some advertisers may opt for off-peak periods to secure more cost-effective campaigns.</p><h2 >Additional expenses and considerations</h2><p>Beyond the base cost of billboard advertising, there are several additional expenses and crucial considerations that advertisers must take into account to execute successful out-of-home (OOH) campaigns.&nbsp;</p><p>Billboard design plays a pivotal role in catching the attention of passersby, and investing in captivating visuals and compelling messaging is essential. However, this creative endeavor incurs its own costs, ranging from graphic design fees to high-quality printing expenses. It is vital to allocate a portion of the budget for a professional, eye-catching billboard design that effectively conveys the intended message.</p><p>If you decide to go with a static billboard, then production and installation costs are other critical factors to consider when planning your campaign. Crafting a durable billboard that can withstand various weather conditions is crucial for ensuring its longevity and message retention. The production process may involve weatherproofing materials and additional construction expenses to ensure the billboard remains in optimal condition throughout the campaign&#8217;s duration.</p><p>Additionally, advertisers must carefully review the contract details with the billboard owner or operator, as hidden or unforeseen fees might arise, impacting the overall campaign budget.&nbsp;</p><h3 >Streamline campaign creation &amp; activation to optimize ROI</h3><p>Maximizing the return on investment is the ultimate goal for any advertising campaign, and billboard advertising offers a powerful avenue to achieve just that. But in the rapidly evolving OOH landscape, mastering the art of campaign creation and activation is crucial to unlocking optimal ROI.</p><h3 >Campaign planning &amp; asset creation</h3><p>To optimize ROI with OOH billboards, businesses must begin with strategic planning. Thoroughly researching target audience demographics, traffic patterns, and competitor insights will help advertisers identify prime billboard locations that guarantee maximum visibility and engagement.&nbsp;</p><p>Crafting compelling and memorable creative content is equally crucial, as it can captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression. By aligning the billboard&#8217;s message with the brand&#8217;s identity and campaign objectives, businesses can foster stronger connections with potential customers, ultimately enhancing ROI.</p><h3 >Leveraging data to track &amp; maximize impact</h3><p>Measuring campaign effectiveness is another critical step in optimizing ROI for OOH billboard advertising. Employing tools like unique URLs or dedicated QR codes in the billboard design can help track the response and impact of the campaign. Regularly analyzing campaign performance and adjusting strategies based on the collected data can help fine-tune billboard placements, creative elements and overall messaging to deliver better results.</p><p>Additionally, leveraging digital billboards that allow dynamic content changes based on time of day or audience demographics enables advertisers to adapt their messages for maximum relevance, further boosting ROI. And while it’s not, strictly speaking, a prerequisite for running dynamic ads on digital out-of-home billboards, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home">programmatic enablement (pDOOH)</a> gives advertisers additional opportunities to launch dynamic and interactive DOOH campaigns.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home">READ ALSO: Dynamic digital OOH: Powering compelling advertising experiences through context, not cookies</a></p><h4 >Activate campaigns at scale with dedicated OOH tools &amp; software</h4><p>Beyond its dynamic ad capabilities, digital offers tons of potential for streamlined, self-serve campaign management using software like <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a>. These tools provide advertisers with full control and flexibility over their campaigns and are handy for developing impactful out-of-home and omnichannel campaigns. Furthermore, buyer-friendly tools like these facilitate the process of running a DOOH campaign, empowering advertisers to go from idea to execution in a matter of hours or even minutes, ensuring a quick, cost-effective turnaround.</p><p>Technology is also helping to simplify and streamline the turnaround for static billboards, which continue to depend on labour-intensive buying processes and typically involve a lot of back-and-forth emails and phone calls. With the introduction of <a href="https://broadsign.com/static-campaigns">dedicated static campaign management software</a>, media owners now have access to things like real-time inventory availability and streamlined scheduling tools, allowing them to create and deliver static billboard campaigns faster, which can also help you save money on overall turnaround costs.&nbsp;</p><p>By continuously refining their approach and making data-driven decisions, and by choosing a media partner or DOOH-specific DSP that’s equipped to handle any kind of billboard campaign request, businesses can unlock the full potential of OOH billboard advertising to achieve remarkable ROI and make a significant impact in the market.</p><h4 >Looking to launch your own billboard campaign?</h4><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/contact?utm_source=blog&amp;utm_medium=cta&amp;utm_campaign=how_much_does_a_billboard_cost?_(contact_us)&amp;campaign_id=701JB0000009HA7&amp;campaign_member_status=Clicked%20CTA">Connect with us </a>to learn more about getting started with the medium!</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[illumin Integrates with Broadsign to Enhance Journey Advertising Platform with Digital Out-of-Home]]><![CDATA[

Combined ad technologies consolidate multi-channel campaign transactions, making it easier to buy and execute DOOH ads alongside TV, display, native, video, and CTV ads Toronto and Montreal, Canada – August 3, 2023 – Digital ad tech company illumin (formerly AcuityAds) and leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) ad tech developer Broadsign announced today that they have teamed […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/illumin-integrates-with-broadsign-to-enhance-journey-advertising-platform-with-digital-out-of-homehttps://broadsign.com/blog/illumin-integrates-with-broadsign-to-enhance-journey-advertising-platform-with-digital-out-of-home<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 03 Aug 2023 09:00:00 GMT<p><em>Combined ad technologies consolidate multi-channel campaign transactions, making it easier to buy and execute DOOH ads alongside TV, display, native, video, and CTV ads</em></p><p><strong>Toronto and Montreal, Canada</strong> – August 3, 2023 – Digital ad tech company <a href="https://illumin.com/">illumin</a> (formerly AcuityAds) and leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) ad tech developer <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a> announced today that they have teamed up to integrate the Broadsign supply-side-platform (SSP) with illumin’s journey advertising platform.</p><p>The collaboration makes the platform a true one-stop shop for cross-channel marketing by bringing premium global DOOH inventory to illumin for the first time, just as more advertisers are doubling down on a full-funnel approach. The brands and agencies in more than 15 countries who leverage illumin can now opt to seamlessly run ads across retail, roadside, and other DOOH formats available on the Broadsign SSP alongside all of their TV, CTV, and other digital ads. The combined technologies make it easier for illumin users to target audiences at every phase of the funnel, from brand awareness to brand consideration and loyalty.&nbsp;</p><p>"DOOH has grown to become a critical part of journey marketing, so as we continue to look to the future, expanding our platform to include this important facet of programmatic advertising is crucial. The ability to plan, optimize, and measure in one place is unique to illumin, and when it comes to adding DOOH to our platform, we want to partner with the best, making Broadsign an obvious choice," said Andrey Feldman, Vice President of Products at illumin. "Our work together will enhance the illumin platform by providing marketers access to a massive pool of premium DOOH inventory in one easy-to-use, connected canvas. It&#8217;s a testament to our continued commitment to help redefine the industry’s cross-channel journey."</p><p>"Exceeding marketer objectives requires a broad but focused approach, making cross-channel advertising with DOOH a smart strategy. We’re excited to team up with illumin to bring this unique channel and all it has to offer to its media buyer base," shared John Dolan, VP, Global Head of Media Sales and Service, Broadsign. "With access to premium roadside, retail, EV charger, transit, and other OOH inventory in highly trafficked areas from the Broadsign SSP, it will be easier for illumin users to connect with target audiences and reach them as they move about their day."&nbsp;</p><h5 ><strong>About illumin</strong></h5><p>illumin is a journey advertising platform that enables marketers to reach consumers at every stage of their journey by leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms and real-time data analytics. The company’s mission is to illuminate the path for brands to connect with their customers through the power of data-driven journey advertising. Headquartered in Toronto, Canada, illumin serves clients across North America, Latin America, and Europe.&nbsp;<a href="https://illumin.com">https://illumin.com</a></p><h5 ><strong>About Broadsign</strong></h5><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over one million static and digital signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, retail centers, health clinics, transit systems, electric vehicle charging stations, and more, Broadsign reaches audiences at multiple touchpoints throughout the consumer journey. The Broadsign Platform gives marketers and agencies simpler access to premium screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Volkswagen, John Lewis, Samsung, and more, run successful programmatic DOOH campaigns.&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com">https://broadsign.com</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Why static billboards thrive in the digital age: Insights for advertisers]]><![CDATA[

While digital out-of-home (DOOH) seems to be on everyone’s mind nowadays, static OOH remains the dominant format in this space. Why is that? In a digital-dominated ad space, static OOH billboards – with their long-term exposure, eye-catching large formats, and strategic placements – can provide advertisers with a competitive edge. Unlike DOOH, where advertisers share […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/why-static-billboards-thrive-in-the-digital-age-insights-for-advertisershttps://broadsign.com/blog/why-static-billboards-thrive-in-the-digital-age-insights-for-advertisers<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 02 Aug 2023 10:40:37 GMT<p>While digital out-of-home (DOOH) seems to be on everyone’s mind nowadays, <a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/04/27/the-power-of-static-ooh-in-the-digital-era/?sh=72866da12d22">static OOH remains the dominant format in this space</a>. Why is that? In a digital-dominated ad space, static OOH billboards &#8211; with their long-term exposure, eye-catching large formats, and strategic placements &#8211; can provide advertisers with a competitive edge. Unlike DOOH, where advertisers share their brand voice with other advertisers, static provides you with a 100% share of voice.&nbsp;</p><p>In this era of digital dominance, the power and relevance of static, or traditional, out-of-home (OOH) advertising, particularly static billboards, continue to shine through. By embracing the enduring value of static billboards and integrating them into modern advertising strategies, marketers can unlock a powerful and impactful medium that complements digital campaigns, maximizes reach, and resonates with target audiences.</p><h2 >The power of static billboards &amp; traditional OOH advertising</h2><p>In addition to being one of the oldest forms of advertising, with the first roadside billboards dating back to <a href="https://oaaa.org/resources/history-of-ooh/">the beginning of the 19th century</a>, static OOH remains highly utilized to this day; according to Statista, global ad spending in the traditional OOH advertising market is <a href="https://www.statista.com/outlook/amo/advertising/out-of-home-advertising/traditional-out-of-home-advertising/worldwide">projected to reach USD$20.98 billion</a> by the end of 2023 &#8211; and investment in the channel shows no signs of slowing down. It’s fair to say that, despite the prevalence of digital devices and billboards alongside online ads, static billboards continue to command attention and hold a prominent place in OOH advertising strategies.&nbsp;</p><p>So why do static billboards persist as a powerful and effective advertising medium in today’s digital age?</p><h4 >Cut through the digital clutter</h4><p>One of the biggest reasons for the channel’s continued importance is its ability to captivate audiences and cut through the digital clutter, leaving a lasting impact on viewers. According to <a href="https://oaaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/OAAA-Harris-Poll-Consumer-Insights-and-Intent-Early-2022-Executive-Summary-FINAL.pdf">a 2022 report</a> from the Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA), over half of consumers who live in big cities notice more OOH messaging and signage today than they were pre-pandemic. And <a href="https://www.eazyads.co.za/sitepad-data/uploads/2021/12/Nielsen-OUT-OF-HOME-ADVERTISING-STUDY.pdf">a study by Neilson</a> revealed that 76% of American consumers notice traditional roadside billboards, and 47% notice static posters.</p><h4 >Influence consumer behaviour</h4><p>Research has consistently shown that static billboards have a profound influence on consumer behaviour. Studies <a href="https://www.eazyads.co.za/sitepad-data/uploads/2021/12/Nielsen-OUT-OF-HOME-ADVERTISING-STUDY.pdf">by Nielson</a> and <a href="https://oaaa.org/news/over-two-thirds-of-shoppers-notice-ooh-ads-enroute-to-retailers-according-to-research-from-oaaa-morning-consult/">the OAAA</a> reveal that 57% of American consumers notice printed advertising in venues such as retail stores, restaurants, and gas stations, and 42% report that OOH ads directly impact their in-person shopping decisions.&nbsp;</p><h4 >Target local audiences with tailored content</h4><p>Static billboards also excel at reaching specific local audiences effectively. For brands looking to target a specific geographical area or community, static billboards allow for precise localization; by placing billboards strategically in the target market, marketers can effectively engage the local audience with relevant content and tailor messages to resonate with the community. They’re also an opportunity for local businesses aiming to engage with nearby consumers, offering them a cost-effective way to connect with their target audience on a more personal level and enhancing the overall effectiveness of their advertising efforts.</p><h2 >Digital vs static billboards: Advantages of static OOH</h2><p>For those in the midst of planning an out-of-home advertising strategy, you might be wondering which will help you best achieve your campaign goals: static or digital out-of-home? The truth is that while these two forms of OOH advertising may appear similar, comparing them is akin to comparing apples and oranges. Both static and digital billboards, along with various other out-of-home media formats, have demonstrated their effectiveness in today’s diverse advertising landscape. The crucial consideration comes down to determining which type of OOH advertising best suits your particular circ*mstances, desired outcomes, and overall campaign goals.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>To help marketers decide which to use (or how to best integrate both) for a particular campaign, we’ve broken down some of the pros and cons of each channel:</p><h5 >Static billboards</h5><p>Advantages:</p><ul><li>100% share of voice</li><li>Always on, can never be subject to glitches or power outages</li><li>Long-term exposure</li><li>CPM is typically significantly lower than other formats</li><li>Generally, less expensive production costs than digital billboards</li><li>Increased creativity, as many billboard companies allow for designs and messaging that extend past hard dimensions</li></ul><p>Disadvantages: </p><ul><li>Activation/installation can be time-consuming and costly</li><li>Not easy to update or swap out an advertisem*nt (and doing so will incur additional costs)</li><li>Over time, ads may lose their novelty and impact</li><li>Static billboards may require maintenance due to environmental changes</li></ul><h5 >Digital billboards</h5><p>Advantages:</p><ul><li>Support for multiple ad formats (video, motion graphics, dynamic HTML5 content, etc.)</li><li>Quick, cost-effective turnaround</li><li>Easy to make real-time updates to ad creative</li><li>Factors such as weather, news alerts, or traffic patterns can serve as triggers to run specialized ads</li><li>Ability to be bought and sold programmatically (pDOOH)</li></ul><p>Disadvantages:</p><ul><li>Exposure time is shared amongst other advertisers</li><li>Most ads only remain visible for 8-10 seconds</li><li>Generally more expensive to purchase than static billboards</li></ul><h4 >When to use traditional out-of-home advertising: Benefits of static billboards over DOOH</h4><p>Best use cases for static OOH:</p><ul><li>Long-term branding campaigns</li><li>Local targeting</li><li>Product launches</li><li>High-impact messaging</li></ul><p>While digital out-of-home advertising (DOOH) has gained popularity in recent years, static billboards offer a unique set of advantages that set them apart from their digital counterparts. One key advantage lies in their unmatched visibility. With their large size and striking visuals, static billboards have the ability to capture the attention of drivers and pedestrians alike. Always-on messaging means that marketers are able to cast a wide net to achieve their brand awareness objectives, commanding the eye of anyone passing by throughout the duration of the campaign. Unlike digital billboards, where you’ll typically be sharing a screen with other advertisers, static billboards offer 100% share or voice and long-term exposure, making them an especially effective medium for reaching a wide audience.</p><p>Another advantage of static billboards is the ability to execute custom experiences featuring unique, eye-catching creatives, sometimes built for the exact real-world features of the location. Since static billboards are typically a long-term commitment requiring a vinyl or paper installation and manual setup, brands can leverage creative opportunities not available in digital, for example, by adding 3D extensions or embellishments.</p><figure }</script></figure><p><a href="https://www.jcdecaux.co.uk/news/marvellous-3d-creations">Cadbury and JCDecaux UK</a> used 3D embellishments to bring a touch of the marvellous to UK streets for the launch of Cadbury’s new Dairy Milk Marvellous Creations chocolate bar. The campaign, which featured five specially-moulded fibre-glass billboards made to look like giant 3D chocolate bars, recreated the wacky design and candy-striped packaging of the new chocolate line, providing an eye-catching prompt to consumers out and about shopping, snacking, and socializing. The takeaway: ads don’t always need to be flat. Go beyond the format’s dimensions and play with the idea of showing the product unwrapped (as in Cadbury’s case) or otherwise in use.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>To drive home the message of its "100% Natural" campaign, <a href="https://www.thedrum.com/news/2022/05/06/ad-the-day-sun-rays-reveal-secret-message-corona-billboard">Corona launched a foliage-adorned billboard activation at Brighton’s seafront</a>, but in order to see it in its full glory, locals needed to catch it at the right moment. The unique OOH build came to life at golden hour, when light from the setting sun created shadows on the billboard, revealing a surprise message to passers-by.&nbsp;The takeaway: explore ways in which the billboard can interact with the environment to portray its key value proposition.</p><p>Static OOH can also be installed in unique, sometimes temporary, locations or in places where digital doesn’t make sense. For example, static billboards can be creatively placed on rooftops, on prominent cliffs or mountainsides, or even underwater. This opens up further creative opportunities for advertisers to mount engaging, out-of-the-box physical installations in locations that can’t accommodate digital billboards.</p><p>Static OOH advertising offers unique capabilities and creative possibilities that digital billboards can’t match. That’s not to say that one channel is better than the other, but rather that both formats have their place in the media mix. At the end of the day, static OOH is just one more tried and tested way to engage and delight the consumer.</p><h2 >The synergy of static OOH and digital advertising</h2><p>One of the greatest things about out-of-home advertising is that you don’t have to choose between traditional OOH and DOOH or between OOH and other digital advertising. That’s because OOH, while a strong tool on its own, also plays a large role in the success of omnichannel marketing campaigns. <a href="https://oaaa.org/news/new-study-finds-ooh-amplifies-all-major-media-more-than-90-percent/">Research from the OAAA</a> has shown that out-of-home advertising initiatives can amplify efforts on other marketing channels by more than 90%.&nbsp;</p><p>By harnessing the strengths of both mediums, advertisers can achieve enhanced reach, engagement, and overall campaign effectiveness. Numerous brands have successfully utilized this strategy to achieve outstanding results. For example, as part of the multi-channel strategy for its <a href="https://known.is/case-studies/grubhub-feeling">"That Grubhub feeling" campaign</a> with the creative agency Known, the food delivery app leveraged static billboard teasers in high-traffic areas of NYC to help build anticipation.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>They then followed up their OOH campaign efforts with a mix of national video across cable, network and connected TV, as well as audio, digital radio, podcasts &amp; SiriusXM, with additional OOH creative launching in sync with the paid local tv and radio spots airing later on. This integrated approach generated a buzz around their service offering, driving foot traffic to physical stores and online conversions.</p><p>Advertisers can also choose to integrate social media and other digital channels directly into the OOH creative by including hashtags, QR codes, website URLs, and invitations to join the conversation online. Many of the most creative OOH ads also morph into online content, extending ad campaign reach, with <a href="https://oaaa.org/news/out-of-home-ads-drive-real-world-action/#:~:text=Among%20the%2030%20percent%20of,those%20visitors%20made%20a%20purchase.">one in seven viewers</a> snapping a photo and sharing it on social media. When it comes to creating a cohesive and impactful marketing campaign, the synergy of static OOH advertising and digital strategies is clearly a winning combination.</p><h2 >Overcoming challenges and maximizing results in static OOH</h2><p>Despite the undeniable advantages of static billboards, there are a number of perceived challenges around the medium, some outdated, others simply misinformed, that are holding brands’ investment back. But recent advancements are making many of these hurdles a thing of the past. By incorporating innovative technologies, brand marketers and agencies can breathe new life into static out-of-home advertising and help maximize campaign reach and impact.&nbsp;</p><h4 >Target, track, and measure campaign impact</h4><p>Measuring the effectiveness and return on investment (ROI) of static billboards has historically been seen as a challenge for marketers, especially when compared to the detailed analytics available in digital advertising. However, implementing modern tracking methods can help bridge this gap. In fact, many of the technological advancements seen in the DOOH space with respect to audience segmentation and analysis of consumer demographics, lifestyle, and behaviour are becoming more widely available to static OOH. The main difference is that data on the DOOH side can be used to trigger relevant ad content whereas the static side leverages data to strategically select locations based on the audience and owning 100% SOV.</p><h4 >Drive deeper engagements and cross-channel traffic</h4><p>Just because a billboard is static doesn’t mean it has to be any less engaging. While traditional OOH can’t support video content or other <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home">data-based dynamic ad formats</a>, augmented reality (AR), QR codes, and Near Field Communication (NFC) technology offer powerful tools to increase engagement and drive deeper brand interactions. By integrating these technologies into static billboards, advertisers can create interactive and memorable experiences for their audiences, bridging the gap between physical and digital realms.</p><h4 >Create and activate static OOH campaigns faster</h4><p>Unlike with DOOH, which can be bought and sold programmatically, static media transacting still relies on manual-heavy processes. This typically means an endless stream of back-and-forth emails and phone calls with media owners, many of whom manually manage their inventory and creatives through multiple spreadsheets. But technology is also helping to simplify and streamline the turnaround for traditional OOH campaigns, with <a href="https://broadsign.com/static-campaigns">dedicated static campaign management software</a> that offers media owners real-time inventory availability and streamlined scheduling tools to deliver and create static campaigns faster. By partnering with media owners that are equipped to handle any kind of static campaign request, marketers and agencies can ensure that their campaign gets out the door faster and is set for success.</p><h5 >Interested in supercharging your campaigns with static OOH?</h5><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/contact?utm_source=blog&amp;utm_medium=cta&amp;utm_campaign=static_billboards_thrive&amp;campaign_id=701JB0000009GAV&amp;campaign_member_status=Clicked%20CTA">Connect with us</a> to learn more about getting started with the medium! </p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Beauty & Wellness brands turn to digital out-of-home as the industry sees a rise in consumer spending]]><![CDATA[

The beauty & wellness industry is expanding globally Today’s US$ 430 billion beauty market is on an upward trajectory across all categories, with global retail sales expected to surpass US$ 580 billion by 2027. At the same time, consumers spend about US$ 1.5 trillion a year on consumer health and wellness products and services, and […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/beauty-wellness-brands-turn-to-digital-out-of-home-as-the-industry-sees-a-rise-in-consumer-spendinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/beauty-wellness-brands-turn-to-digital-out-of-home-as-the-industry-sees-a-rise-in-consumer-spending<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 31 Jul 2023 13:39:31 GMT<h3 >The beauty &amp; wellness industry is expanding globally</h3><p>Today&#8217;s US$ 430 billion beauty market is on an upward trajectory across all categories, with global retail sales expected to surpass <a href="https://www.businessoffashion.com/reports/beauty/the-state-of-fashion-beauty-industry-report-special-edition-2023-bof-mckinsey/">US$ 580 billion by 2027</a>. At the same time, consumers spend about <a href="https://www.businessoffashion.com/articles/beauty/the-state-of-fashion-beauty-report-wellness-industry-marketing-wellbeing/">US$ 1.5 trillion</a> a year on consumer health and wellness products and services, and the majority plan to spend even more in the next year.</p><p>As consumers increasingly purchase beauty products and services to look and feel good, the lines between beauty and wellness will continue blurring, with the combined opportunity to be worth nearly <a href="https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/retail/our-insights/the-beauty-market-in-2023-a-special-state-of-fashion-report">US$ 2 trillion worldwide</a>.</p><h3 >Beauty &amp; wellness brands can harness the power of DOOH to reach their target audiences</h3><p>Consumers interested in beauty and wellness are often active online, with many turning to social media and influencers for information on new products, reviews and recommendations, and special offers. Advertisers can amplify their omnichannel strategy by incorporating DOOH into their campaigns to drive product awareness, consideration, and brand engagement.</p><ul><li>88% of U.S. adults <a href="https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/out-of-home-ads-drive-real-world-action-301768057.html">notice OOH ads</a>, with 78% of those viewers saying they’ve engaged with an OOH ad in the past 60 days and 43% making a subsequent online purchase.</li><li>OOH ads extend ad campaign reach by generating online content, with <a href="https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/out-of-home-ads-drive-real-world-action-301768057.html">one in seven</a> viewers snapping a photo and sharing it on social media</li></ul><h4 >Check out our playbook for unique ways beauty &amp; wellness advertisers can leverage DOOH to drive awareness for new product launches, boost product consideration, and amplify omnichannel campaigns.</h4><div ></div><p></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Achieving Carbon Neutrality: Broadsign’s Update (Part 2)]]><![CDATA[

Earlier this year, our CEO, Burr Smith, announced that Broadsign was setting a goal to achieve carbon neutrality by the end of 2023. Since then, we finalized our internal audit and started putting our emissions reduction plan in place. Today, we’re sharing an overview of Broadsign’s emissions and a detailed plan explaining our reduction targets […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/achieving-carbon-neutrality-broadsigns-update-part-2https://broadsign.com/blog/achieving-carbon-neutrality-broadsigns-update-part-2<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 27 Jul 2023 10:33:47 GMT<p>Earlier this year, our CEO, Burr Smith, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-executive-insights-burr-smith-on-broadsigns-commitment-to-sustainability">announced that Broadsign was setting a goal to&nbsp; achieve carbon neutrality by the end of 2023</a>. Since then, we finalized our internal audit and started putting our emissions reduction plan in place. Today, we’re sharing an overview of Broadsign’s emissions and a detailed plan explaining our reduction targets along with the types of offset providers we are evaluating to make good on that commitment.</p><p>We’d like to take this moment to offer our sincere thanks to our partners at <a href="https://rwdi.com/en_ca/">RWDI</a> for working with us on this project, as well as the many Broadsigners who contributed their time and input to get this important work done. We’re delighted with the progress we have made and look forward to seeing this plan through over the months and years to come.</p><h2 >What we assessed</h2><p>Carbon footprint assessments typically look at emissions across three categories or scopes.</p><p>Scope 1: Emissions from facilities or vehicles directly owned by the company.Scope 2: Emissions from electricity, heating, or cooling directly purchased by the company.Scope 3: Emissions from indirect sources, including everything from cloud computing to employee travel to waste generation.</p><p>As Broadsign does not operate its own facilities or vehicles, we don’t have any emissions that fall into Scopes 1 or 2. Therefore, all emissions reflected in our final tally fell into the Scope 3 category.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >How we assessed it</h2><p>We undertook our carbon footprint calculation and analysis with the assistance of RWDI, a consulting engineering firm with a great deal of experience helping other companies complete similar analyses.</p><p>The calculations used during this project were based upon the Greenhouse Gas Protocol&#8217;s Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard. This is an internationally recognized standard that is used by companies worldwide as they work to calculate and reduce their carbon footprint. You can find more information about the standard <a href="http://ghgprotocol.org/corporate-value-chain-scope-3-standard">here</a>.</p><p>The project took several quarters to complete, with most of that time dedicated to calculating emissions data associated with all the moving parts of our business—things like our cloud computing, air travel, hotel stays, employee commutes, hardware and software procurement, etc.</p><p>The principal unit for our assessment is CO2e, or carbon dioxide equivalent, emissions. This unit is used because the true emissions of a company will likely include a number of different greenhouse gases of different levels of climate-changing intensity.&nbsp;</p><p>Rather than calculate the individual emissions and impact of each gas, it is standard practice to instead express the overall climate impact in terms of the equivalent amount of CO2 it would take to achieve that impact.</p><h2 >The big-picture results</h2><p>From January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, Broadsign’s emissions totaled 1,101 metric tons of CO2e.</p><p>To better contextualize this, here are a few comparisons. 1,101 metric tons of CO2e is the equivalent of:</p><ul><li>The annual electricity consumption of 214 US homes.</li><li>4,542,320 kilometers (2,822,467 miles) driven in a typical gas car.</li><li>The amount of CO2 sequestered by 1,313 acres of U.S. forests in one year.</li></ul><p><em>If you’re curious, you can do your own comparisons for other carbon emission tallies using </em><a href="https://www.epa.gov/energy/greenhouse-gas-equivalencies-calculator"><em>this calculator</em></a><em> from the United States Environmental Protection Agency.</em></p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >Breaking down our emissions</h2><p>Broadsign’s CO2e emissions can be grouped into the following five categories:</p><p><strong>Purchased Goods and Services:</strong> Includes cloud computing, other software and services, food and beverages, internet, corporate events, etc.</p><p><strong>Waste Generated in Operations</strong>: Garbage, food waste, recycling, etc.</p><p><strong>Business travel:</strong> Travel by air, train, bus, taxi, or rental car, as well as hotel stays. Hotel stays are considered optional under the GHG protocol, but we included them in our calculations to be as comprehensive as possible.</p><p><strong>Employee commuting:</strong> Any emissions arising from the transportation of employees from their residence to their workplace.</p><p><strong>Upstream leased assets:</strong> Emissions associated with power, heating, and other types of consumption from the office spaces leased by Broadsign around the world.</p><h4 >Emissions per category</h4><p>Across these five categories, here is how our emissions are concentrated. All numbers are in metric tons of CO2e.</p><p>Purchased Goods and Services 397.6Waste Generated in Operations 28.0Business Travel 583.6Employee Commuting 31.5Upstream Leased Assets 48.2TOTAL 1101.0</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >Our plan for getting to net-zero</h2><p>As we progressed in our work to understand our carbon footprint, we realized that it was within our reach to be ambitious with our targets and commit to achieving net-zero status by the end of 2023.</p><p>As part of this decision, it was agreed that the steps taken to achieve net-zero status must be substantial, must include reductions (i.e. we’re not simply throwing money at our emissions and calling it a day), and that offsets purchased as a part of our plan must be certified to be as impactful as offsets can be.</p><h4 >Our first target for reductions: Cloud computing</h4><p>The location of the computational resources used by cloud systems has a significant impact on the carbon intensity of their use. Recognizing that, we are making carbon emissions a key consideration when determining where current and future cloud computing resources used by Broadsign are located.</p><p>To start, new customers making use of our products built upon Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing services will see their services hosted in a data center based in Quebec City. More than 99 percent of the province of Quebec’s electricity production comes from renewable energy sources (the vast majority is hydroelectric, with wind and other renewable sources filling in the rest), meaning that this cloud computing will be very clean from a carbon emissions standpoint.</p><p>We will also be initiating discussions with existing customers using our Azure-based products in hopes of migrating as many of them to this data center as possible.</p><p>Those of our products built upon other cloud computing platforms are already hosted in data centers with clean energy mixes, so virtually all the improvements we can make on this front are tied to our Azure deployments.</p><h4 >The challenge of addressing business travel</h4><p>Our largest emissions category, business travel (and air travel in particular) is one of the most challenging areas to reduce emissions in. We have embraced remote work and telecommunications as an alternative to in-person meetings, but there are occasions when being face-to-face offers a distinct advantage in building relationships with our customers and partners.</p><p>While Broadsign intends to continue engaging in air travel to conduct business, we are taking steps to do so more sustainably. This includes strengthening our travel policy to prioritize options that minimize our carbon footprint where possible, with the goal of being more restrictive about travel that could be replaced with a virtual meeting. Over time, our goal is to decrease emissions associated with flights taken for our business in proportion to the size of our business.</p><p>We are also implementing a best practice of carbon budgeting across the business which will create visibility, tracking, and funding for any offsets we may require.</p><p>Finally, we are watching this category especially closely and will be seeking additional opportunities to make reductions where possible.</p><h4 >Additional steps we are taking</h4><p>We are making sustainability a priority for our business in any decisions we make. From procuring hardware to selecting software providers or locations for new cloud computing resources, we are making carbon intensity a key consideration alongside costs, local regulations, and the other factors that go into making significant purchases.</p><h4 >The offset providers we will work with</h4><p>Offsets have a bad reputation, and it is important to us that the provider we partner with offer a program that is verifiably effective and operates in a manner that maximizes the odds of long-term or permanent sequestration of captured carbon emissions.</p><p>We will be selecting an offset provider that upholds the following core principles of quality:</p><ul><li><strong>Additionality</strong>: The offsets reduce or remove emissions in addition to emission removal that would have occurred in the absence of the offset project</li><li><strong>Permanence: </strong>The reduction/removal is permanent, or at least will last for 100 years at a minimum</li><li><strong>Leakage: </strong>The offset does not merely shift emitting activities to a different place</li><li><strong>Quantifiable: </strong>The impact of the offsets can be reliably measured and quantified</li><li><strong>Verifiable: </strong>Data related to offset performance is independently verified using an established protocol or methodology</li><li><strong>Do no harm:</strong> The offset doesn’t produce other social or environmental harms</li></ul><p>In order to meet these requirements, we intend to take an approach that will see us partner with an organization that does actual carbon sequestration.</p><p>Because there are few organizations right now that do direct air carbon capture (using machines to suck carbon out of the air) in an efficient or scalable way, we will almost certainly be selecting a partner that accomplishes this through biosequestration or enhanced mineral weathering.</p><p>Biosequestration operates according to a similar principle as direct air carbon capture, only using organic matter as the tool with which carbon is captured and stored. Enhanced mineral weathering stores carbon in the form of carbonate minerals by accelerating the natural weathering of silicate rocks by grinding them up to expose more surface area to be weathered.</p><p>Because of the precarious nature of projects involving the planting of new forests—a forest fire, for example, can wipe out the results of such a project in rapid order—we will be prioritizing opportunities to work with carbon capture organizations that sequester carbon in the ground or in the soil. These should prove more durable, are often done in-situ on working farmland and are therefore likelier to result in meaningful carbon offsetting over the long term.</p><p>We will be offsetting all of this year’s emissions by the end of the year and will announce our selected offset partner at that time.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >Looking ahead: Broadsign, OOH, and carbon emissions</h2><p>Our commitment to being a net-zero business is one we intend to keep over the long term. To this end, we will be working continuously to improve our data collection, perform regular analyses, and have our work reviewed by independent experts. We want to understand the impact of our work to reduce and offset our carbon emissions, and we want to make sure our calculations and the steps we take are in line with the shifting landscape as the world and our business change.</p><p>We also intend for this project to kickstart a new level of engagement with the wider out-of-home industry in the realm of sustainability. We see an opportunity to share what we’ve learned with media owners, agencies and brands, and fellow software providers looking to make the out-of-home space cleaner and more sustainable for years to come.</p><p>We thank you for your interest in this project and invite all questions, ideas and constructive criticism you may have as we look to refine our efforts and improve our results over the months and years to come. We truly do appreciate any contributions made to help us get this more and more right.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[HP uses DOOH to drive a +27% lift in purchase consideration for its printer in South Africa]]><![CDATA[

Leading technology company HP sought to boost brand awareness for its HP Smart Tank Printers in South Africa. To do this, the brand turned to programmatic DOOH to target families looking for a reliable and cost-effective at-home printing solution. Running alongside other programmatic activations like social media and radio, the DOOH campaign was planned and […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/hp-uses-dooh-to-drive-a-27lift-in-purchase-consideration-for-its-new-printer-in-south-africahttps://broadsign.com/blog/hp-uses-dooh-to-drive-a-27lift-in-purchase-consideration-for-its-new-printer-in-south-africa<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 24 Jul 2023 12:38:42 GMT<p>Leading technology company <a href="https://www.hp.com/za-en/home.html">HP</a> sought to boost brand awareness for its HP Smart Tank Printers in South Africa. To do this, the brand turned to programmatic DOOH to target families looking for a reliable and cost-effective at-home printing solution.</p><p>Running alongside other programmatic activations like social media and radio, the DOOH campaign was planned and executed via <a href="https://www.thetradedesk.com/us">The Trade Desk DSP</a> and the <a href="https://broadsign.com/global-programmatic-ssp">Broadsign SSP</a>, which provided access to premium DOOH inventory in key markets.</p><h2 >The Strategy</h2><ul><li>HP worked closely with Broadsign to determine campaign parameters and create proposals that included audiences, locations, venue types, and more.</li><li>Parents aged 25-54 years old were targeted with video and non-video DOOH ads in strategic locations, promoting a special offer of &#8216;up to 3 years of in included in the box.&#8217;</li><li>Over a month-long period, over 95k ads were served, resulting in more than 3.7M total impressions.</li></ul><h5 >Read the full case study to see the results and discover the benefits of implementing pDOOH into your media strategy.</h5><div ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign and Groovinads DSP partner to bring innovative DOOH advertising solutions to Latin America]]><![CDATA[

Committed to innovation, Groovinads DSP specializes in providing solutions for optimizing advertising campaigns using a proprietary AI-powered platform, particularly in the digital out-of-home (DOOH) space. Founded in 2009 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the company operates across several regions in Latin America to help customers deliver relevant messages in an automated and real-time manner. Trusted by […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-groovinads-dsp-partner-to-bring-innovative-dooh-advertising-solutions-to-latin-americahttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-groovinads-dsp-partner-to-bring-innovative-dooh-advertising-solutions-to-latin-america<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 20 Jul 2023 09:44:57 GMT<p>Committed to innovation, <a href="https://www.groovinads.com/dsp/">Groovinads DSP</a> specializes in providing solutions for optimizing advertising campaigns using a proprietary AI-powered platform, particularly in the digital out-of-home (DOOH) space.</p><p>Founded in 2009 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the company operates across several regions in Latin America to help customers deliver relevant messages in an automated and real-time manner. Trusted by over a thousand advertisers and agencies like El Palacio de Hierro, Walmart, Liverpool, The Home Depot, Havas Media, Publicis Groupe, Movistar, and L&#8217;Oreal, their unique platform, developed in-house, is supported by a highly experienced team that offers full-funnel support throughout the entire campaign sales process.</p><p>Through the Groovinads platform, customers can benefit from an expanded media strategy that includes ad delivery based on segmentation variables, including personalization, dayparting, and precise targeting. Recently, they teamed up with Broadsign, a global leader in OOH technology, to deliver an integration that has resulted in a swift and seamless implementation of DOOH media for its customers.</p><h2 >Integrating with Broadsign</h2><p>To enhance its complete media solution, Groovinads was looking to establish strategic partnerships with high-quality partners that could help optimize the delivery of DOOH in the region. The company turned to Broadsign to unlock premium global DOOH inventory available via the Broadsign supply-side platform (SSP), adding to its diverse advertising presence, which includes media channels like online, mobile, and CTV. The integration was achieved quickly and seamlessly thanks to Groovinads’ Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) technology and strong synergy between both platforms.</p><p>"Our goal is to provide our clients with innovative spaces that can be intelligently integrated into their campaign strategies. We seek collaborators who share our vision and are committed to offering cutting-edge solutions in the advertising field, and Broadsign is a key partner in helping us leverage DOOH," says José Minich, CTO &amp; Co-Founder, Groovinads.</p><p>Media buyers and advertisers using the Groovinads DSP can benefit from personalized messaging, enabling them to automatically generate more precise content and adapt messaging to different audiences for more effective campaigns. Real-time messaging capabilities also offer media buyers specific opportunities to leverage current events for enhanced contextual relevance and audience engagement. Precise audience targeting variables like demographic data, user behaviour and interests help ensure advertisers reach their desired demographics more accurately, optimizing ad investments and driving campaign results.</p><h4 >Connect with us</a> to learn more about our inventory available via 35+ DSP partners.</h4>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Programmatic Digital OOH drives a 105% lift in positive brand image for Jotex home interiors]]><![CDATA[

To boost brand awareness for its homeware products, leading Scandinavian interior brand Jotex tapped into the power of digital out-of-home (DOOH) to reach fashion-forward consumers interested in stylish and modern home interiors. Founded in 1963 in Gnosjö, Sweden, the brand wanted to launch a unique campaign to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the company with […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/programmatic-digital-ooh-drives-a-105-lift-in-positive-brand-image-for-jotex-home-interiorshttps://broadsign.com/blog/programmatic-digital-ooh-drives-a-105-lift-in-positive-brand-image-for-jotex-home-interiors<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 11 Jul 2023 11:32:32 GMT<p>To boost brand awareness for its homeware products, leading Scandinavian interior brand <a href="https://www.jotex.com/">Jotex</a> tapped into the power of digital out-of-home (DOOH) to reach fashion-forward consumers interested in stylish and modern home interiors.</p><p>Founded in 1963 in Gnosjö, Sweden, the brand wanted to launch a unique campaign to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the company with eye-catching DOOH displays across the country.</p><h3 >The Strategy</h3><ul><li>The programmatic DOOH campaign was launched in collaboration with four major industry players: <a href="https://www.precisdigital.com/">Precis Digital Agency</a>, <a href="https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/display-video-360/">DV360 DSP</a>, <a href="https://broadsign.com/global-programmatic-ssp">Broadsign SSP</a>, and <a href="https://www.clearchannel.se/en/">Clear Channel Sweden</a>.</li><li>Over three weeks, 1.9M+ ads were served across Clear Channel Sweden inventory in major cities Stockholm and Gothenburg, resulting in 5M+ total impressions.</li><li>The DOOH campaign ran alongside CTV ads and various digital and social channels like YouTube, and targeted female demographics aged 25-55. </li></ul><h5 >Read the full case study to see the results and discover the benefits of implementing pDOOH into your media strategy.</h5><div ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Summit Outdoor Media is delivering OOH advertising solutions to audiences in the Philippines]]><![CDATA[

According to OOH.PH, an outlet dedicated to covering the out-of-home industry in the Philippines, outdoor advertising is a popular format among advertisers and audiences thanks to its visual and in-your-face presence. Besides being highly visible, it’s more affordable than other formats like TV and radio, leading to a rise in OOH advertising across the Philippines. […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-summit-outdoor-media-is-delivering-ooh-advertising-solutions-to-audiences-in-the-philippineshttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-summit-outdoor-media-is-delivering-ooh-advertising-solutions-to-audiences-in-the-philippines<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 28 Jun 2023 09:33:46 GMT<p><a href="https://www.ooh.ph/2022/08/5-tips-to-improve-your-out-of-home.html">According to OOH.PH</a>, an outlet dedicated to covering the out-of-home industry in the Philippines, outdoor advertising is a popular format among advertisers and audiences thanks to its visual and in-your-face presence. Besides being highly visible, it&#8217;s more affordable than other formats like TV and radio, leading to a rise in OOH advertising across the Philippines.</p><p>This popularity is driving the success of regional media owners like <a href="https://www.summitoutdoormedia.com.ph/">Summit Outdoor Media</a>, a company that operates a vast inventory of screens. Summit Outdoor Media is committed to helping brands and advertisers reach audiences "dynamically, efficiently, and consistently" by bringing innovative campaigns to life with the help of Broadsign&#8217;s suite of solutions.</p><h2 ><strong>Taking outdoor advertising to the top&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>Established in 2000, Summit Outdoor Media (formerly Summit Billboard) is a leading out-of-home service provider in the Philippines and is the outdoor advertising division of Summit Media, which owns and operates various properties in the country.</p><p>Headquartered in the city of Mandaluyong with a satellite office in Cebu, Summit Outdoor Media provides customers with ways to reach audiences through a mix of traditional and digital outdoor advertising. Nowadays, its vast inventory is strategically located and scattered across various environments like roadways, malls, and transit networks, ranging from large-screen LED video billboards to small lamp post banners. No matter the screen&#8217;s size and location, the company’s promise is firm: to offer clients the broadest possible range of outdoor ad inventory while delivering on quantity, quality, and availability. As one of the largest OOH media operators in the region, Summit Outdoor Media is making good on that promise.</p><p>In addition to offering such widespread availability, the company’s entry into the world of digital out-of-home means clients can expect to benefit from some pretty exciting capabilities,&nbsp; including anonymized data tracking that registers and analyzes audience behavior within site locations. Moreover, it’s also begun to leverage dynamic and contextual capabilities such as weather or traffic triggers to provide audiences with a more up-to-the-minute and accurate reflection of their realities.</p><p>Throughout its 20-year history, Summit Outdoor Media has partnered with some household brand names, including Jollibee, IKEA, and countless others across various industries.</p><h2 ><strong>Harnessing the power of DOOH to create compelling experiences</strong></h2><p>The Philippine outdoor advertising market is evolving, and cutting-edge LED technology and programmatic advertising capabilities are entering the mainstream. To stay current with all the latest trends in DOOH advertising, Summit Outdoor Media adopted the Broadsign suite. With these sophisticated tools, the media owner will beagle to scale and transform their offering.&nbsp;</p><p>It’s a partnership made for prosperity. "Broadsign’s industry-leading technology and Summit Outdoor Media’s extensive network of premium and iconic digital displays and traditional billboards means clients are poised to benefit from transformative executions and campaigns," says Abigail A. Pe Aguirre, Deputy Head for Outdoor, Summit Outdoor Media.</p><p>Why Broadsign? With growth on the horizon, Summit Outdoor Media sought technology to support its expanding network, so it turned to the Broadsign Platform.&nbsp;</p><p>Ultimately, partnering with the leading digital signage software is a move that puts the media owner’s clients first, providing them with user-friendly tools capable of reaching mass audiences.&nbsp;</p><p>Furthermore, it maximizes its offering, making more advanced technological solutions available to a broader range of customers.&nbsp;</p><p>"This partnership is a testament to our commitment to innovation and excellence," says Abigail A. Pe Aguirre, the Deputy Head for Outdoor at Summit Outdoor Media.&nbsp;</p><p>Onboarding Broadsign will be pivotal in helping Summit Outdoor Media manage its content and optimize ad campaigns across its broad range of OOH advertising inventory, predominantly in large-scale LED video billboards scattered across prime roadways in the country’s major cities and markets.</p><p>Besides that, Broadsign’s end-to-end solutions offer the potential for scalability. As their network blossoms, they can trust content management systems to automate workflows and ensure the right content is displayed at the right time. Then, there’s the follow-up: campaign reporting showcases to Summit Outdoor Media’s clients that partnering with them means in-depth insights into campaign performance.</p><p>Furthermore, as they continue to peddle in programmatic DOOH, Broadsign’s user-friendly supply-side platform offers a more efficient way to sell more inventory programmatically—much to the delight of the media owners and their customers, who want to&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;With a partnership with a leading digital signage solutions provider like Broadsign, there’s no telling what heights Summit Outdoor Media will reach.</p><p><strong>Want to grow your out-of-home network?&nbsp;</strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo"><strong>Schedule a live demo</strong></a><strong> to see how we can help make that happen!</strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[EV charging stations drive new OOH opportunities for advertisers]]><![CDATA[

Consumers are becoming greener – and their spending reflects their values As the world enters an age of growing activism, 82% of consumers expect businesses to step up when it comes to climate change and the environment. They’re also more sustainably-minded, with nearly half (48%) self-identifying as “climate-conscious” in their purchasing decisions. And according to […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/ev-charging-stations-drive-new-ooh-opportunities-for-advertisershttps://broadsign.com/blog/ev-charging-stations-drive-new-ooh-opportunities-for-advertisers<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 26 Jun 2023 10:53:15 GMT<h2 >Consumers are becoming greener &#8211; and their spending reflects their values</h2><p>As the world enters an age of growing activism, <a href="https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/consumer-packaged-goods/data-shows-shoppers-prioritizing-sustainability-and-values">82% of consumers</a> expect businesses to step up when it comes to climate change and the environment. They&#8217;re also more sustainably-minded, <a href="https://finance.yahoo.com/news/volta-consumer-study-reveals-climate-140000289.html">with nearly half (48%)</a> self-identifying as "climate-conscious" in their purchasing decisions. And <a href="https://www.ibm.com/thought-leadership/institute-business-value/en-us/report/2022-sustainability-consumer-research">according to IBM</a>, half of today’s consumers say they’ve paid an average of 59% more premium for products branded as sustainable or socially responsible.</p><h2 >The public EV charging market is on track for rapid growth</h2><p>Electric car markets are seeing exponential growth, and thanks to new policies in the US and the EU, EVs <a href="https://climatechampions.unfccc.int/explosive-growth-means-one-in-three-new-cars-will-be-electric-by-2030-iea-says/">are expected to account for more than one in three</a> new vehicles sold by 2030. While most of the charging demand is currently met by at-home charging, there’s a growing need for public EV infrastructure. The U.S., for example, will need almost 20 times more EV chargers than it has now if it succeeds in meeting its 2030 federal EV sales targets.</p><h2 >OOH on public EV chargers is a key opportunity for brand advertisers</h2><p>With EV charging times <a href="https://greenlots.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Retail-Insights.pdf">averaging 30 minutes or more</a>, DOOH ads on EV charging networks offer brands longer opportunities for distraction-free engagement. Advertisers can also reach high-intent consumers where they shop, dine, and go to be entertained by activating ads on chargers at retail and business locations, like supermarkets, convenience stores, and big box retailers.</p><p>Brands on EV charging stations are also more likely to be viewed positively by consumers as they’re associated with being part of meaningful change. </p><h4 >Check out our playbook for unique ways advertisers can leverage DOOH advertising across EV charging networks.</h4><div ></div><p></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[What is digital out-of-home (DOOH) media? Definition, examples, and key advantages of digital OOH advertising]]><![CDATA[

DOOH became one of the fastest-growing media sectors in the world in 2022, with the rise of programmatic DOOH helping to drive interest and investment in the space. According to recent research, 94% of media professionals plan to increase their investment in the channel in the next 18 months, and nearly one-fifth (20%) plan to […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-mediahttps://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 15 Jun 2023 10:48:01 GMT<p>DOOH <a href="https://www.sixteen-nine.net/2023/01/11/global-dooh-spending-up-almost-25-in-2022-led-by-us-pq-media/">became one of the fastest-growing</a> media sectors in the world in 2022, with the rise of programmatic DOOH helping to drive interest and investment in the space. According to <a href="https://www.thedrum.com/profile/viooh/news/plugging-in-a-chameleon-and-accelerating-change-in-dooh">recent research</a>, 94% of media professionals plan to increase their investment in the channel in the next 18 months, and nearly one-fifth (20%) plan to significantly increase their investment by doubling it.&nbsp;</p><p>DOOH, which stands for digital out-of-home, is an innovative form of media known as outdoor or out-of-home (OOH) advertising. Unlike online and other device-based digital marketing, DOOH media is found on billboards, LED screens, and digital signage placed in high-traffic public spaces people already frequent outside of their homes. It allows brands to seamlessly connect with consumers as they go about their daily lives, delivering contextually relevant content to targeted audiences at scale.</p><h2 >What does DOOH mean? Defining digital out-of-home media and advertising</h2><p><strong>Out-of-home (OOH) advertising</strong> is media found in public spaces outside of the home. In the past, OOH was synonymous with the huge splashy billboards you’d see by the sides of interstate highways—high-impact static imagery perfect for spreading awareness to a large audience for a relatively low cost-per-impression. But as the rest of the world underwent digitization in the past few years, so did OOH messaging and media.</p><p><strong>Digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising</strong>, or DOOH media, is outdoor advertising 2.0. Dynamic, data-driven, and capable of delivering measurable impact and proven results, DOOH refers to any digital media that appears in environments accessible to the public. This includes digital billboards and outdoor signage, as well as digital signage networks found <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/retail-media-networks-101">at retail stores</a>, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-signage-for-elevators-a-versatile-tool-for-communications-and-advertising">inside elevators</a>, or <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/ev-charging-stations-digital-signage-a-guide-to-ev-place-based-advertising">connected to public EV charging stations</a>.</p><p>Because it’s such a broad category, you can find examples of DOOH pretty much everywhere &#8211; from large-scale, multi-screen takeovers in Times Square to digital menu boards in fast-casual restaurants.</p><figure >Large-scale digital out-of-home billboards in Toronto&#8217;s Dundas Square</figcaption></figure><h2 >The evolution of digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising</h2><p>OOH is one of the oldest forms of advertising. But despite this channel’s legacy and all of its acknowledged benefits, traditional OOH has historically had an achilles heel: the difficulty of reliably measuring and proving its impact. As brand marketers and advertisers made the move en masse to online digital advertising, with its granular (re)targeting and attribution capabilities and data-backed reporting, their expectations for advertising channels evolved—and the exciting new world of digital OOH has risen to answer the call.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Advancements in digital signage screen tech and OOH ad-serving software have made former blockers &#8211; such as imprecise audience targeting, a lack of campaign measurement tools, and the amount of time required to launch or make changes to a campaign &#8211; things of the past. In addition to enhancing the visual capabilities of static adverts through sound and movement, today’s DOOH setups deliver full-funnel activation and measurement, enabling brands to reach their target audiences in context and at scale.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Notable capabilities of digital OOH include:</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Programmatic transacting (pDOOH)</strong> for ease of omnichannel campaign integration, audience- and moment-based targeting, and automated transacting</li><li><strong>Support for multiple content formats</strong>, including digital imagery, full-motion graphics, 4K video, and dynamic HTML5 content</li><li><strong>Real-time data integration</strong> for fast and flexible campaign scheduling and up-to-the-minute measurement and reporting</li><li><strong>Conditional and triggered playback </strong>with built-in data sensors that enable dynamic and interactive campaigns and deliver increased content relevancy&nbsp;</li></ul><p>DOOH has spread beyond the simple one-way broadcasting of information. Today, the focus is increasingly on interactivity and engagement as well as interoperability of devices and integration of content platforms for an omnichannel approach: using multiple types of screens, from desktop computers to video walls to cell phones, together to tell a unified, customer-centric story.</p><h2 >Examples of DOOH inventory and formats</h2><p>Today, you can find digital signage in almost every environment, from smart cities to cinemas, hotels to gas stations, by the sides of major roads and interstate highways &#8211; the list is nearly endless. With its many benefits, including flexibility, creativity, and scalability, DOOH and digital signage networks are popping up everywhere. To help break down this extremely broad category, let’s explore some of the most common venues and formats.</p><h4 >Large format</h4><p>Think about your daily commute to work—whether you drive, take public transit, or walk into the office, you probably pass some form of digital OOH signage. Typically aimed at pedestrians and street-level traffic, large format DOOH includes media shown on digital signage placed next to highways, on bus shelters, or on the sides of city buildings. They’re perfectly positioned to reach a huge audience of consumers from the moment they leave home in the morning to whenever they make their way back later that evening.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Examples include:</strong></p><ul><li>Roadside billboards</li><li>Transit and bus shelters</li><li>Street furniture</li><li>Spectacular displays (like Times Square)</li></ul><p><strong>Pros:</strong></p><ul><li>Delivers high-impact exposure to a wide audience</li><li>Located in strategically important and high foot-traffic locations</li><li>Ideal for cost-effective brand awareness campaigns</li></ul><figure >DOOH ads in transit locations help reach audiences across their daily commute</figcaption></figure><h4 >Place-based advertising</h4><p>Also known as location-based advertising, place-based media is designed to reach consumers where they spend much of their time outside of their homes, with targeted messages based on location. This allows advertisers to tailor their messages for added contextual relevance &#8211; for example, targeting movie goers with snack food ads, or gym users with sportswear.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Examples include:</strong></p><ul><li>Office buildings</li><li>Colleges and universities</li><li>Doctor’s and vet’s offices</li><li>Spas and beauty salons</li><li>Movie theatres</li><li>Gyms</li><li>Hotels</li><li>Bars and casual dining</li></ul><p><strong>Pros:</strong></p><ul><li>Allows for increased contextual relevance/Contextually relevant messaging</li><li>Customizable according to target audience, screen location, and display time</li><li>Ideal for reaching a captive audience as they go about their daily lives</li></ul><figure >Place-based DOOH ads reach audiences with contextually relevant messaging (Source: Vengo) </figcaption></figure><h4 >Point-of-purchase</h4><p>DOOH inventory in gas stations, grocery stores, and other retail locations is exceptionally placed to influence consumers close to the point-of-purchase. Digital end caps and screens placed on shelves or near checkouts can be used to boost a brand’s visibility to high-intent customers.</p><p><strong>Examples include:</strong></p><ul><li>Gas stations</li><li>Convenience stores</li><li>Grocery stores</li><li>Shopping malls</li><li>Parking lots and garages</li></ul><p><strong>Pros:</strong></p><ul><li>Boosts visibility close to point-of-purchase</li><li>Engages high-intent customers on the go</li><li>Perfect for CPG or other consumer-focused brands that want to increase brand visibility and sales to audiences</li></ul><figure >DOOH ads at retail locations can influence consumers close to the point-of-purchase</figcaption></figure><h2 >Advantages of DOOH media &amp; advertising</h2><p>In many ways, DOOH addresses the problems of OOH advertising while retaining the best features of conventional outdoor ads. But it also offers advantages other digital media and advertising channels simply can’t. Let’s break down some of the capabilities that DOOH enables when running on <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-platform">a dedicated digital OOH media platform</a>.</p><h4 >Bypass online ad blockers to build brand awareness</h4><p>As brands look for alternative ways to meaningfully engage with consumers amidst mounting evidence of widespread digital fatigue and "<a href="https:/blog.hubspot.com/marketing/banner-blindness">banner blindness</a>", DOOH offers them an opportunity to interact with their target audience in the context of their daily routines. Digital OOH signage is highly visible, plus unskippable and adblock-proof. And now that people in most parts of the world have returned to normal life, there’s evidence that consumers are actually more receptive to OOH messaging, especially in larger urban areas.</p><p>According to <a href="https://oaaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/OAAA-Harris-Poll-Consumer-Insights-and-Intent-Early-2022-Executive-Summary-FINAL.pdf">a 2022 report</a> from the Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA), over half (55%) of consumers who live in big cities (1 million+ population) are noticing more OOH messaging and signage today than they were pre-pandemic, compared to 41% of the population as a whole. Brands can amplify their message and build brand awareness as consumers are exposed to DOOH media at multiple touch points as they go about their daily routines. To go a step further, marketers also have the option to <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/programmatic-dooh-the-omnichannel-x-factor">retarget</a> consumers exposed to DOOH on mobile, opening even greater opportunities to reinforce their brand message.</p><h4 >Deliver compelling advertising experiences through context, not cookies</h4><p>As brands look for alternatives to a cookie-less future, the majority of global ad executives—a whopping 85%, <a href="https://www.getalfi.com/press-releases/dooh-benefit-decline-third-party-cookie/">according to market research commissioned by Alfi</a>—predict that DOOH ad spend is only going to increase in the coming years. That’s because DOOH audience tracking data is completely different to online tracking—meaning that data privacy concerns are greatly reduced, if not entirely eliminated. Rather than gathering and storing highly sensitive personal data about individual consumers, digital out-of-home targeting uses mobile location data to build a complete, yet anonymized picture of target audience movement. This makes it possible to discover patterns of consumer behaviour without collecting unique identifiers.</p><p>Contextually-relevant advertising <a href="https://www.jcdecaux.com/blog/contextual-targeting-outdoor-advertising">has been proven</a> to lift ad awareness and brand recall in addition to driving foot traffic and sales. Thanks to its mass reach and recently developed <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home">dynamic capabilities</a>, advertisers can use DOOH to serve consumers with relevant content that cuts through the cluttered digital ad landscape and leaves a lasting and meaningful impression without being intrusive.&nbsp;</p><h4 >Engage and influence consumers close to the point-of-sale</h4><p>One of the biggest advantages of DOOH is the ability to engage consumers when their intent to buy is higher than when they’re online and might be doing other things, such as working, browsing social media, or chatting with friends. Crucially, DOOH enables brands to reach consumers with digital signage while they’re on the path to purchase—<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/ev-charging-stations-digital-signage-a-guide-to-ev-place-based-advertising">at public EV charging stations</a>, in transit hubs, or with roadside billboards—and right at the point-of-purchase—<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-the-media-shop-is-using-dooh-to-create-compelling-campaigns-in-convenience-stores-beyond-in-australia">inside convenience stores</a>, malls, grocery stores, and other retail locations.&nbsp;</p><h6 ><strong>The advantages of in-store DOOH</strong></h6><p>As brick-and-mortar retail businesses rebound from the pandemic, one thing is for sure: the digitization of the physical store will radically transform retailers’ ability to provide dynamic, interactive media experiences at store shelves, end caps, cooler doors, and checkout aisles.</p><p>&nbsp;While the last few years have fueled <a href="https://www.modernretail.co/technology/the-duopoly-has-been-disrupted-why-2023-could-be-a-huge-year-for-retail-media/">massive investments</a> to support the growth of online retail media networks (RMNs), in-store retail media offers audiences<a href="https://www.insiderintelligence.com/content/in-store-retail-media-2023"> that are an average of 70% larger</a> than digital audiences for leading brick-and-mortar retailers like Walmart, Walgreens, and Target. At the same time, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/why-in-store-signage-advertising-belongs-in-every-brands-retail-media-strategy/">digital in-store signage opens up new storytelling possibilities</a> through the use of dynamic content, offering brands unique opportunities to engage with customers and leave a lasting impression.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/in-store-vs-online-retail-media-how-each-one-impacts-the-consumer-shopping-experience">READ ALSO: In-store vs. online retail media: How each one impacts the consumer shopping experience</a></p><p>In short, in-store DOOH is a type of media that not only operates as a way to reach high-intent shoppers, but also as a method of delivering a more information-rich and relevant in-store experience for consumers.</p><h4 >Maximize the effectiveness of cross-channel campaigns</h4><p>As the number of potential marketing channels grows even further, designing multi-channel marketing campaigns will continue to be key for reigning in top-tier customers. And while DOOH is a strong tool on its own, it really shines when paired with other advertising channels. <a href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2021/05/25/2235703/0/en/Verizon-Media-announces-full-funnel-DOOH-ad-suite.html">Research from Verizon Media</a> found that using digital OOH media alongside a web or mobile campaign increases audience reach by as much as 303% and lifts foot traffic by an average of 68% when combined with social messaging. Simply put, DOOH supercharges multichannel and omnichannel marketing strategies and is proven to increase the effectiveness of your entire campaign.&nbsp;</p><p>The growing opportunity to activate DOOH as part of programmatic campaigns has coincided with a rise in confidence amongst digital marketers using it. <a href="https://www.statista.com/statistics/1198619/programmatic-dooh-spending-in-the-us/">According to Statista</a>, spending on <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home">programmatically traded digital out-of-home advertising</a> (pDOOH) in the United States almost tripled in the past two years, jumping from USD$180 million in 2020 to USD$530 million in 2022. In addition to improved accessibility, programmatic DOOH offers marketers and brand advertisers the ability to measure digital OOH advertising efforts via omnichannel and multitouch attribution models—making it easier than ever to incorporate, and track the impact of, this powerful media and advertising channel.</p><h4 >Pack a punch with innovative and impactful creative</h4><p>When it comes to ensuring your campaign stands out and captures the attention of your target audience, there’s no better medium than digital out-of-home. Research shows that creative quality accounts for nearly <a href="https://www.kantar.com/inspiration/brands/why-is-agility-a-must-for-brand-growth-during-crisis">50% of campaign effectiveness</a>, making it the single largest driver of brand impact—and DOOH, with its radical evolution of the OOH industry and abundance of data, offers unmatched creative possibilities for engaging passing consumers.&nbsp;From large format screens that can’t be ignored to place-based displays that integrate seamlessly in contextually relevant environments, DOOH provides contextually relevant engagement opportunities that other media channels struggle to match. With its continuous innovation helping drive the creation of things like <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/cloudy-with-a-chance-of-awesome-campaigns-weather-moments-now-available-in-broadsign-ads">moment-based triggers</a> or environmental data activation in recent years, it’s changing how brands connect creatively with consumers—all while expanding creativity and improving ROI.</p><h5 >Want a real-world example of the power of DOOH?</h5><p>Check out how <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-foodoras-creative-targeted-programmatic-digital-out-of-home-campaign-reached-1-million-viewers/">foodora used DOOH to reach a million viewers</a> in just one month!</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[ARAGO Teams Up with Broadsign to Bridge DOOH and Digital Ad Transactions]]><![CDATA[

Omnichannel multilocal DSP and digital-out-of-home (DOOH) SSP converge,enabling the delivery of more personalized, localized omnichannel campaigns Paris, France and Montreal, Quebec (June 12, 2023) – ARAGO (formerly the Mediakeys Platform) and Broadsign today announced a technology partnership that brings all the DOOH inventory available via the Broadsign supply-side-platform (SSP) to ARAGO’s omnichannel demand-side-platform (DSP), making […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/arago-teams-up-with-broadsign-to-bridge-dooh-and-digital-ad-transactionshttps://broadsign.com/blog/arago-teams-up-with-broadsign-to-bridge-dooh-and-digital-ad-transactions<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 12 Jun 2023 03:00:00 GMT<p><em>Omnichannel multilocal DSP and digital-out-of-home (DOOH) SSP converge,&nbsp;enabling the delivery of more personalized, localized omnichannel campaigns</em></p><p><strong>Paris, France and Montreal, Quebec</strong> (<strong>June 12, 2023) </strong>– <a href="http://www.arago.com/">ARAGO</a> (formerly the Mediakeys Platform) and <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a> today announced a technology partnership that brings all the DOOH inventory available via the Broadsign supply-side-platform (SSP) to ARAGO’s omnichannel demand-side-platform (DSP), making programmatic digital-out-of-home (DOOH) purchases accessible for the first time on the ARAGO platform. With the combined technologies, retailers and brands can now access DOOH from one central location, and use it as a complement to other ad channels to personalize ads dependent upon the audience’s location.&nbsp;</p><p>The implementation is already in use to execute omnichannel campaigns by ARAGO clients&nbsp; spanning automotive, tourism, retail, and other business sectors. David Dumont, Head of Advertising at Mitsubishi Motors in France said, "We’re very happy to have access to DOOH through the ARAGO Platform, and to propose this new inventory to our local car dealers."&nbsp;</p><p>"Delivering more value and new opportunities, this integration enables our clients to maximize local omnichannel campaigns through streamlined global DOOH inventory purchasing," added Paul Cahierre, CEO, ARAGO.&nbsp;</p><p>"Broadsign is a major market player with must-have DOOH inventory, and we’re thrilled to have them as our inaugural DOOH partner. The Broadsign API made the integration simple, and because of our work together, ARAGO clients can better leverage the power of DOOH to further optimize their reach and spend," explained Jerome Carriere, CTO, ARAGO.</p><p>"ARAGO helps brands connect with audiences on a local level, an area where DOOH excels, creating a natural synergy between our technologies. Combining our DOOH SSP with ARAGO’s omnichannel DSP opens the door for advertisers to leverage DOOH to achieve better outcomes than with online and mobile advertising alone," shared John Dolan, VP, Global Head of Media Sales and Service, Broadsign.</p><h5 >About ARAGO</h5><p>ARAGO is an international full-stack DSP designed with and for retail networks to help them launch their digital advertising campaigns with ease. The tool includes multi channel &amp; multilocal activations, geocentric tool, DCO tool, tailor made packages, dynamic reporting &amp; flexible invoicing. Empower your local advertising through ARAGO! <a href="https://www.arago.com">https://www.arago.com</a></p><h5 >About Broadsign</h5><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over one million static and digital signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, retail centers, health clinics, transit systems, electric vehicle charging stations, and more, Broadsign reaches audiences at multiple touchpoints throughout the consumer journey. The Broadsign Platform gives marketers and agencies simpler access to premium screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Volkswagen, John Lewis, Samsung, and more, run successful programmatic DOOH campaigns. <a href="https://broadsign.com">https://broadsign.com</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Introducing Static Campaigns: Now available as part of the Broadsign Platform]]><![CDATA[

While digital out-of-home (DOOH) seems to be all we can talk about these days, static (or classic) OOH, still remains the dominant format in this space. Unlike with DOOH, static media owners still rely on manual-heavy processes. This often means an endless back-and-forth of emails between internal teams and customers and manually managing inventory and […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-broadsign-static-campaignshttps://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-broadsign-static-campaigns<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 06 Jun 2023 08:50:00 GMT<p>While digital out-of-home (DOOH) seems to be all we can talk about these days, static (or classic) OOH, still <a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/04/27/the-power-of-static-ooh-in-the-digital-era/?sh=2b2c913c2d22">remains the dominant format</a> in this space. Unlike with DOOH, static media owners still rely on manual-heavy processes. This often means an endless back-and-forth of emails between internal teams and customers and manually managing inventory and creatives through multiple spreadsheets.&nbsp;</p><p>If this sounds like your day-to-day, then we’re here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way anymore because <a href="https://broadsign.com/static-campaigns">Broadsign Static Campaigns</a> is finally here! Get static OOH campaigns out the door faster with access to real-time inventory availability and unified workflows. Plus, increase operational efficiency and visibility of campaign progress with your team using just our module to deliver static campaigns from start to finish.</p><p>With Static Campaigns now available as part of the <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-platform">Broadsign Platform</a>, you can manage your static inventory and workflows alongside your digital and programmatic ones, making the Broadsign Platform the one-stop-shop solution for everything out-of-home.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Close deals quicker with real-time inventory availability</h2><p>Static OOH inventory is generally managed through spreadsheets, requiring teams to manually input what’s available, held or booked.&nbsp; However, this information isn’t always accurate and updated. While you wait for a client to get back to you, another salesperson might have held or booked the inventory you planned to use. This creates significant lead times to get back to customers with a new proposal they’ll approve, which decreases operational efficiency.</p><figure > </figcaption></figure><p>With Broadsign Static Campaigns, you can see your inventory availability in real-time. Gone are the days of sales and chartists exchanging endless emails to determine the available inventory. Sales teams can input their campaign criteria and apply filters to instantly view the inventory that matches their customer&#8217;s requirements. This ensures that the inventory being offered to the customer is actually available. Giving everyone access to the same information eliminates the risk of overbooking, and deals can be finalized more efficiently.</p><h2 >Say goodbye to operational inefficiencies with unified workflows</h2><p>Similar to how inventory is managed, many static media owners manage their business operations with a multi-tab spreadsheet that every department needs to update manually. This means that every time a step is completed and updated in the spreadsheet, team members need to send an email to notify the next person to complete their task. With no centralized view, complex and manual workflows often had to be implemented for management to get visibility on the status of work orders.&nbsp;</p><p>You can onboard your entire team onto Broadsign Static Campaigns and customize their access so they only have access to the part of the module that they need. With every department working from the same up-to-date information on campaign requirements, timelines and budgets, you can focus on delivering your campaigns on time rather than fixing errors. Moreover, with all information centralized through the platform, management can get the visibility they need through dashboards, exportable lists, and reports.</p><h2 >Streamline the production and delivery process for faster campaign deployment</h2><p>One particular pain point we’ve heard from many OOH media owners is that getting visibility into the status of the production and delivery process can be challenging. Unlike DOOH, to get the campaigns up and running, posters need to be printed and then physically installed, requiring the help of multiple external vendors, like creative agencies, printing and delivery services, and bill posters to get the posters from warehouse to posting. With no centralized place for all stakeholders to communicate where they are in the posting process, multiple follow-ups by phone or email are often needed.&nbsp;</p><figure /></figure><p></p><p>For bill posters on the move, they have easy access through our mobile app, Broadsign Post (available on both the Google Play and iOS App store) so that they can be notified when an action needs to be taken. Through the app, bill posters receive their work orders for posting and maintenance tasks for the billboards. They can even upload a picture of their finished work to show that the right ad was posted to the right face. With clear visibility on posting status, you can provide customers with updates and efficient campaign deployments.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Make data-driven decisions with insightful reports and analytics tools</h2><p>With all data centralized in one place, you’ll have a clear picture of your business’ performance to identify what’s working well and what needs more energy and resources. Reports can be as broad or as granular as you want them to be, with insights down to the performance of an individual face. In addition to insightful reports, you also get analytic tools to help remove a lot of manual calculations for custom reports. With robust reporting capabilities at the tip of your fingers, you’ll have the critical insights that you need to make decisions with confidence.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Start modernizing your static OOH network today</h2><p>Learn more about Broadsign Static Campaigns <a href="https://broadsign.com/static-campaigns" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">here</a>.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Flow City and Broadsign Partner to Broaden Access to Global DOOH Advertising]]><![CDATA[

Programmatic ad tech integration unlocks new DOOH inventory, including Clear Channel, for independent agencies, small businesses, and startups; introduces growth opportunities London, England and Montreal, Canada – June 1, 2023 – Flow City and Broadsign today announced an ad tech integration that makes premium global digital-out-of-home (DOOH) screens available for purchase programmatically on Flow City’s […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/flow-city-and-broadsign-partner-to-broaden-access-to-global-dooh-advertisinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/flow-city-and-broadsign-partner-to-broaden-access-to-global-dooh-advertising<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 01 Jun 2023 04:00:00 GMT<p><em>Programmatic ad tech integration unlocks new DOOH inventory, including Clear Channel, for independent agencies, small businesses, and startups; introduces growth opportunities</em></p><p><strong>London, England and Montreal, Canada</strong> – June 1, 2023 – <a href="https://www.flow.city/">Flow City</a> and <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a> today announced an ad tech integration that makes premium global digital-out-of-home (DOOH) screens available for purchase programmatically on Flow City’s DOOH-specialty demand-side-platform (DSP).&nbsp;</p><p>The collaboration allows media buying agencies, small businesses, and startups using Flow City to plan, purchase, and execute global DOOH campaigns with optimal visibility and exposure across new inventory located in shopping centers, supermarkets, and other high-traffic areas in the UK, France, and the US. This includes premium inventory from Clear Channel&nbsp;– one of the largest OOH media owners in Europe – available on more than 4,000 screens in the UK alone through their <a href="https://www.clearchannel.co.uk/launchpad?utm_source=hubspot&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_campaign=launchpad">LaunchPAD</a> programmatic offering.</p><p>Flow City clients have already started leveraging the integration to deliver programmatic DOOH campaigns promoting commercial office space, consumer goods, and luxury offerings from private jets to perfumes, cosmetics, high-end couture, private culinary services, and beyond.</p><p>"Clear Channel LaunchPAD is an easy way for big brands and startups alike to engage with consumers through premium DOOH," says Dom Dunne, Clear Channel Europe Programmatic Commercial Lead. "Providing convenience, flexibility and scale, we know this enhancement to campaign planning and execution is a welcome addition to new and existing clients on the Flow City platform across the globe."</p><p>"Broadsign is a DOOH leader and understands the intricacies involved in the delivery of compelling programmatic DOOH ads. Naturally, we’re thrilled to team up with them to bring our clients the unique screens and real-time reporting the Broadsign supply-side-platform (SSP) offers," shared Dagmara Lacka, CEO, Flow City. "The collaboration unlocks a massive pool of highly coveted DOOH inventory previously unavailable to our clients, including a large volume of desirable screens in the UK, Europe, and the US that will open up new commercial opportunities for our business to grow by nearly thirty per cent."</p><p>"Flow City accommodates a range of OOH budgets and its unique algorithms help ensure buyers’ DOOH campaigns don’t go unnoticed, making it an ideal partner for integration with our SSP," shared John Dolan, VP, Global Head of Media Sales and Service, Broadsign. "Working with their team on the integration was seamless, and we can’t wait to see how buyers leverage the available inventory to deliver standout campaigns."</p><h5 ><strong>About Flow City</strong></h5><p>Flow City helps brands take their product to the real world using digital billboards. Brands use the platform to plan and execute their growth &#8211; both on hyperlocal, national and international level. Unique sets of algorithms built especially for tactical and hyperlocal planning offer great budget efficiency.</p><h5 ><strong>About Broadsign</strong></h5><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over one million static and digital signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, retail centers, health clinics, transit systems, electric vehicle charging stations, and more, Broadsign reaches audiences at multiple touchpoints throughout the consumer journey. The Broadsign Platform gives marketers and agencies simpler access to premium screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Volkswagen, John Lewis, Samsung, and more, run successful programmatic DOOH campaigns. <a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a></p><h5 ><strong>About Clear Channel UK</strong></h5><p>Clear Channel UK is one of the UK’s largest Out of Home media and infrastructure companies, operating more than 33,000 advertising sites nationwide and employing 600+ people in 14 locations.&nbsp;</p><p>Our mission is To Create the Future of Media, transforming our estate to the benefit of all our stakeholders, through data-driven innovations and infrastructure. Our purpose is to provide both A Platform for Brands &amp; A Platform for Good, delivering on advertisers’ media objectives whilst having a positive impact on the world around us.&nbsp;</p><p>Find out more on <a href="http://bit.ly/33OwAd9">ClearChannel.co.uk</a> and follow us @ClearChannelUK.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Ad Works Media is Shaking Up Papua New Guinea’s Media Landscape with DOOH]]><![CDATA[

There’s a lot to look out for in the southern hemisphere, with the future of digital-out-of-home (DOOH) on a promising climb in the Asia Pacific region. DOOH advertising is predicted to grow by 14.1% annually from 2021 to 2023—an increase that can be attributed to the digitization of and growing technological advancements in out-of-home advertising. […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-ad-works-media-is-shaking-up-papua-new-guineas-media-landscape-with-doohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-ad-works-media-is-shaking-up-papua-new-guineas-media-landscape-with-dooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 29 May 2023 14:56:31 GMT<p>There&#8217;s a lot to look out for in the southern hemisphere, with the future of digital-out-of-home (DOOH) on a promising climb in the Asia Pacific region. DOOH advertising is predicted to grow by 14.1% annually from 2021 to 2023—an increase that can be attributed to the digitization of and growing technological advancements in out-of-home advertising. This trend isn’t limited to major markets like Australia and New Zealand, either. Smaller markets, like Papua New Guinea for instance, have seen remarkable growth in their digital advertising output—while the majority of that comes from online marketing and <a href="https://www.statista.com/outlook/dmo/digital-advertising/papua-new-guinea">digital advertising</a>, there’s no denying that the demand for DOOH is increasing right along with it.&nbsp;</p><p>We spoke with Managing Director Lucy Maino of <a href="https://adworksmedia.com.pg/">Ad Works Media </a>to discuss Papua New Guinea’s burgeoning out-of-home industry and how this media owner is broadening out-of-home and digital out-of-home in a previously untapped market.</p><h2 ><strong>Bringing outdoor advertising to Papua New Guinea&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>Founded in 2021 and headquartered in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, Ad Works Media was established under the aim of creating meaningful, engaging experiences for its clients and their audiences. Being early adopters means Ad Works Media is favorably positioned to help DOOH grow across the country and solidify its leadership position.&nbsp;</p><p>Bringing out-of-home and digital out-of-home across Papua New Guinea is something this enterprising company is passionate about. While their network consists of just one screen, they hope to grow that figure in the near future. It all began when Australian partners reached out to the team concerning the installation of a 44 sq. metre-sized billboard which was put up in at Paga Hill, Port Moresby, a highly-trafficked destination.</p><h2 ><strong>A big billboard with an even bigger impact&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>For brands and advertisers, the Port Moresby screen is prime advertising real estate. In operation since September 2022, the large-format display sits just a stone’s throw from Port Morseby’s downtown core and overlooks the ocean, it’s no wonder that this large-format display is getting everyone talking. Visible from the road to both pedestrians and motorists, the large-format screen currently runs content catered to local audiences, including business marketing campaigns targeting all resident demographics, as well as community service and weather forecast messages.</p><p>This billboard runs roughly 20 ads per day, with advertisers benefitting from choosing their preferred slot and location for their ads to display, something competitors can’t offer.&nbsp;</p><p>", the advertising industry is still developing. But we’re proud to say that we’re the nation’s most trusted and innovative media owner," says Lucy.&nbsp;</p><p>Because the region’s local advertising industry is still maturing, Ad Works Media has entered at just the right time, hoping to not only grow its own network but help expand the availability of DOOH in the region as well. While static billboards have been around for years, and are in fact a popular advertising avenue for local businesses, DOOH is relatively new and exciting. The medium is now competing with the country’s current popular advertising channels, newspapers and TVs—but it’s picking up speed all the time.&nbsp;</p><p>Given this desirable location, it’s no wonder that this spectacular is getting everyone talking. Highly visible to both pedestrians and motorists, brands and advertisers displaying ads in this prime location benefit from undivided attention. Not to mention that this high-quality screen offers unprecedented technology and colour intensity unlike anything else currently available in Papua New Guinea.</p><p>With a little help from the <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-platform">Broadsign platform</a>, Ad Works Media can provide an improved advertising experience from both a consumer and advertiser perspective. In other words, this network is already making quite an impression.&nbsp;</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 ><strong>Broadsign and Ad Works Media&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>As a company looking to raise DOOH’s profile in Papua New Guinea, Ad Works Media sought to align itself with a premium out-of-home software provider. They selected Broadsign as a partner to deploy large-scale and more contextual outdoor advertising campaigns.</p><p>"We selected the best-in-class software and technology to ensure that we deliver on our promises as well as set ourselves up for scale, in terms of assets and abilities we’d love to explore in the future," says Lucy.&nbsp;</p><p>Operating the top-of-the-line software means that Ad Works Media’s plans for growth and scalability are well underway. The team are looking to not just scale their number of screens, but also expand their media offering to include varied assets.&nbsp;</p><p>Interactive and dynamic capabilities are on the radar, with plans to adopt advanced out-of-home technology that make campaign execution memorable and impactful. Using a digital signage software provider like Broadsign will enable Ad Works Media to take these vital steps towards growth. Other plans include expanding into commercial and retail spaces in addition to a robust roadside network. Finally, through Broadsign’s reporting capabilities, customers benefit from a detailed campaign reports highlighting the fruits of their efforts, capturing audience data that provides in-depth insights to inform future campaigns.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>Poised for greatness in Papua New Guinea&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>As one of the few DOOH providers in the market, Ad Works Media is leading the charge in helping brands and advertisers connect with audiences all across Papua New Guinea. It’s just the beginning—their number one priority is to solidify their position as the most trusted media partner in the region. There’s still a fair amount of educating clients to do—and other factors that make installing a wider network such as frequent power outages, which the team is working hard to ensure that its frequent power outages have minimal impact on operations.&nbsp;</p><p>But Ad Works Media is optimistic for the future of DOOH in the region, counting on partners like Broadsign to help expand its operations.&nbsp;</p><p>The team behind the agency saw the potential to develop it and have since grown to become the small nation’s most trusted innovative media owner.&nbsp;</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Introducing Audience Campaigns: now available as part of the Broadsign Platform]]><![CDATA[

The appearance of more digital and omnichannel buyers in the OOH advertising ecosystem has changed advertisers’ needs and expectations of media buyers. As more buyers adopt an audience-based approach, media owners need to leverage their inventory to help buyers reach target audiences at the right moment with data-driven demographic selections and contextual triggers. There is […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-broadsign-next-generation-dooh-ad-serverhttps://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-broadsign-next-generation-dooh-ad-server<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 16 May 2023 08:50:00 GMT<p>The appearance of more digital and omnichannel buyers in the OOH advertising ecosystem has changed advertisers’ needs and expectations of media buyers. As more buyers adopt an audience-based approach, media owners need to leverage their inventory to help buyers reach target audiences at the right moment with data-driven demographic selections and contextual triggers. There is also an expectation that campaign activation and delivery in OOH be as flexible and as simple as booking campaigns through other ad mediums, like digital.&nbsp;</p><p>To meet these new needs and expectations, as a media owner, you will need to look at packaging and pricing your inventory in multiple ways, operating different monetization channels, and adjusting to alternative campaign objectives and delivery methods. These new ways of working bring on new complexities, which require new tools.&nbsp;</p><p>The good news is that earlier this year, we announced our new DOOH ad server, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/modernizing-the-platform-that-powers-out-of-home-introducing-the-evolution-of-broadsign">Broadsign Audience Campaigns</a>, which gives you access to more modern ways of selling, better targeting capabilities and advanced reporting in your direct one-to-one selling environment. We are happy to announce that our next-generation ad server is now available.</p><h2 >Bringing audience-based and contextual targeting capabilities to direct selling</h2><p>While programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH) enables media owners to deliver audience-based and contextual campaigns, direct sales still represent over <a href="https://www.insiderintelligence.com/content/programmatic-ooh-ad-spending-will-double-2020-remains-experimental" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">85% of all DOOH ad spending</a>. In order for audience-based advertising to be widely adopted in OOH, it will be crucial for media owners to enable demographic and contextual targeting in their direct selling environment.&nbsp;</p><p>Advertisers oftentimes have access to better targeting tools than OOH campaign planners. We wanted to challenge that, which is why we decided to build an ad server that provided media owners with the same flexibility and comprehensive targeting capabilities. Complimenting existing direct selling tools, Broadsign Audience Campaigns will enable you to easily set audience and targeting requirements based on demographics, points of interest, weather and more, allowing you to close deals quickly.</p><h2 >Providing more flexibility than ever before for direct sales</h2><p>Direct selling has traditionally been perceived as restrictive – locking in buyers for large upfront commitments with long periods of campaign planning and activation required. While advancements have been made to incorporate more flexibility in direct sales, like providing different ways to reach a campaign goal through <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-create-more-revenue-opportunities-with-broadsigns-flexible-campaign-types" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">flexible campaign types</a>, what’s really needed is flexibility in how campaigns are delivered.&nbsp;</p><p>Now with Broadsign Audience Campaigns, your campaigns are dynamically served based on real-time inventory availability and assigned contextual triggers, like audience demographics, weather or financial market movements, ensuring that ads are delivered to the right audience at the best possible moment. With access to added flexibility and better targeting tools, you will be able to sell impression-based campaigns around your frequency ones, maximizing screen fill rates.</p><h2 >How Audience Campaigns compliments existing functionalities of the Broadsign Platform</h2><p>Adding ad serving capabilities to our platform makes it easier than ever for you to plan, execute and monitor guaranteed, programmatic and audience campaigns in one single place. Moreover, our solutions are designed to help you get the most out of your inventory. When used together, it enables you to further maximize your fill rates by selling impression-based campaigns around your frequency and programmatic ones.</p><p>Broadsign’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/campaign-planning-ad-serving">guaranteed campaign tools</a> provides traditional one-to-one sales, various fixed and flexible campaign types, like impressions and spot-based campaigns, and are guaranteed to deliver based on attributed goals, objectives, and pre-selected screens. Complimenting your direct sales strategy, our <a href="https://broadsign.com/global-programmatic-ssp">Programmatic (SSP)</a> increases your inventory’s exposure by putting your screens in front of buyers across more than 30 of the largest DSPs worldwide.&nbsp;</p><p>With Broadsign Audience Campaigns, you will now have the best of both worlds. Your direct sales team can continue to enjoy the benefits of one-to-one sales with the addition of sophisticated targeting tools like demographics, points of interest and moments, and ad serving capabilities to play campaigns in real-time based on network availability and contextual triggers.</p><h2 >Want to learn more about Broadsign Audience Campaigns? </h2><p>Visit our Audience Campaigns &amp; Ad Serving <a href="https://broadsign.com/campaign-planning-ad-serving" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">pag</a><a href="https://broadsign.com/audience-campaigns/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">e</a>. </p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Adkom, Blip, and Broadsign Announce Programmatic Adtech Integration]]><![CDATA[

Partnership opens up more premium programmatic roadside ad inventory in the US to worldwide media buyers Orem, Utah and Montreal, Quebec; May 11, 2023 – Outdoor advertising technology leaders Adkom, Blip, and Broadsign today announced a technology collaboration that brings more than 2,000 large format, roadside digital billboards located in more than 190 markets to […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/adkom-blip-and-broadsign-announce-programmatic-adtech-integrationhttps://broadsign.com/blog/adkom-blip-and-broadsign-announce-programmatic-adtech-integration<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 11 May 2023 09:00:00 GMT<p><em>Partnership opens up more premium programmatic roadside ad inventory in the US to worldwide media buyers</em></p><p><strong>Orem, Utah and Montreal, Quebec; May 11, 2023</strong> – Outdoor advertising technology leaders<a href="https://adkom.media/"> Adkom</a>,<a href="https://www.blipbillboards.com/"> Blip</a>, and<a href="https://broadsign.com/"> Broadsign</a> today announced a technology collaboration that brings more than 2,000 large format, roadside digital billboards located in more than 190 markets to the Broadsign supply-side-platform (SSP). Advertisers and media buying agencies around the world can now access the inventory via any of the demand-side-platforms (DSPs) integrated with the Broadsign SSP, including the Broadsign Ads DSP, while independent roadside media owners on the Adkom and Blip networks gain new programmatic revenue opportunities.&nbsp;</p><p>The integration, which includes Adkom and Blip’s mediation layer, unlocks US roadside inventory that may have previously been difficult to procure due to a fragmented media owner landscape, making it simple to purchase through a programmatic platform. At the same time, independent media owners on the Adkom and Blip networks can increase revenue potential through new and repeat exposure to brands transacting on DSPs integrated with Broadsign.</p><p>"We’re committed to working with brands, agencies, DSPs and SSPs to ensure that we are adding as much value as possible at every point of the programmatic transaction. Optimizing campaigns, providing real-time reporting, ensuring prompt creative approval, and offering service to our customers on both sides of the transaction is essential to this mission, and our work with Broadsign will allow us to build on that," said Andy Gotshalk, Vice President of Programmatic for Adkom and Blip. "We’ve watched and admired Broadsign’s efforts in the programmatic DOOH space and are excited to work with them to expand programmatic access to Adkom and Blip network inventory, which will ultimately serve the greater OOH industry."&nbsp;</p><p>"Programmatic DOOH is advancing at a rapid pace, and more advertisers and agencies embracing the channel want access to unique and targeted inventory via Adkom and Blip offerings," explained John Dolan, Global Head of Media Sales and Service, Broadsign. "We’re thrilled to be collaborating with Adkom and Blip to bring Broadsign-supported DSPs and media buyers a host of new roadside screens, as demand for this kind of inventory continues to surge."</p><h5 ><strong>About Adkom</strong></h5><p>Adkom is out-of-home simplified. Adkom unifies the fragmented media landscape through a single network: our technology brings together more than 350 media owners across more than 190 DMAs in one, easy-to-access platform. With a&nbsp; single RFP, agencies and advertisers can unlock outdoor inventory, offering a unique opportunity to get in front of consumers and stand out from the competition.&nbsp; For more information visit<a href="http://www.adkom.media/"> www.Adkom.media</a></p><h5 ><strong>About Blip</strong></h5><p>Founded in 2015, Blip works with Media Owners of all sizes, to fill perishable digital billboard space.&nbsp; Blip Marketplace advertisers are typically a mix of regional to national advertisers, often small to medium sized businesses, frequently non-traditional or new to the medium, and who may not have found local digital billboard inventory without the convenience of Blip’s nationwide advertiser self-serve Marketplace.&nbsp; More than 300 Media Owners utilize Blip on a daily basis for incremental, dependable revenue.&nbsp; The digital billboards on Blip’s network makes more than 50 million daily advertising impressions available to advertisers on a convenient, self-serve, cost-effective basis.&nbsp; For more information, visit<a href="http://blipbillboards.com/"> BlipBillboards.com</a>.</p><h5 >About Broadsign</h5><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over one million static and digital signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, retail centers, health clinics, transit systems, electric vehicle charging stations, and more, Broadsign reaches audiences at multiple touchpoints throughout the consumer journey. The Broadsign Platform gives marketers and agencies simpler access to premium screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Volkswagen, John Lewis, Samsung, and more, run successful programmatic DOOH campaigns.<a href="https://broadsign.com/"> https://broadsign.com</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Travel and tourism are heating up this summer – here’s how OOH can help amplify your next campaign]]><![CDATA[

Pack your bags and prepare for takeoff – travel and tourism are back in full swing this summer. After a long few years of pandemic-induced restrictions, concerns over COVID-19 have significantly decreased, and consumers are eager to get back out there and seek new experiences away from home. Recent data from the OAAA and Harris […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/travel-and-tourism-are-heating-up-this-summer-heres-how-ooh-can-help-amplify-your-next-campaignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/travel-and-tourism-are-heating-up-this-summer-heres-how-ooh-can-help-amplify-your-next-campaign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 04 May 2023 12:21:00 GMT<p>Pack your bags and prepare for takeoff &#8211; travel and tourism are back in full swing this summer. After a long few years of pandemic-induced restrictions, concerns over COVID-19 <a href="https://www.numerator.ca/coronavirus-consumer-sentiment/">have significantly decreased</a>, and consumers are eager to get back out there and seek new experiences away from home. Recent data from the <a href="https://oaaa.org/news/summer-travel-and-spending-expected-to-rise-signaling-continued-growth-in-consumer-confidence-new-oaaa-harris-poll-research-finds/">OAAA and Harris Poll</a> found that 89% of U.S. adults plan to travel this summer, up from 85% in 2022. And despite a shaky economic outlook, 32% of consumers plan on spending more on travel this year compared to 2022.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/revenge-travel-explainer/index.html">Revenge Travel</a> was a buzzword that floated around last summer, described as the effort to make up for lost time during the pandemic by ‘taking revenge’ on Covid-19 through travel. This summer, however, joy is at the forefront of consumer decision-making. The Harris Poll found that <a href="https://theharrispoll.com/briefs/america-this-week-wave-162/">people are more consciously seeking joy</a> and are willing to spend money on experiences that bring it, travel included. 79% of consumers surveyed said they’re more purposeful in spending money to bring themselves joy, and over half (54%) said they wouldn’t stop spending even if the economy worsens. What are consumers willing to give up? Rigid timelines. "While spending intent remains strong – especially in travel and experience-seeking – nearly half of all springtime shoppers are not tied to a specific timeline. Instead, they are moving week-to-week to avoid exposing their household budgets to unnecessary risk," said John Gerzema, CEO of The Harris Poll.</p><p>For advertisers, consumers’ renewed willingness to travel (and with more flexibility) presents a significant opportunity to engage audiences with relevant campaigns. Hotels, airlines, tourism boards, transport service providers, and more should consider out-of-home (OOH) ads to influence potential travellers throughout their journey. Whether the goal is to inspire people to book a trip, promote local businesses, or boost brand awareness, there’s no better way for advertisers to take advantage of increased consumer mobility than with OOH.</p><h2 ><strong>Boost brand awareness with contextual messaging</strong></h2><p>As many travel shoppers know, the travel and tourism industry has become highly competitive over the past few years with the resurgence of international and domestic travel. Low-cost airlines like U.S.-based Spirt, Canada’s Flair, and European Ryanair are capturing the attention (and wallets) of travellers looking for better deals. Hotels and booking platforms are also competing for space in the market, with companies like Airbnb, Sonder, VRBO, and more popping up frequently. The result? Consumers have more options than ever, and brands must ensure they stand out when capturing their attention.</p><p>A one-to-many medium, national and local brands can use OOH’s massive reach to drive awareness for their travel and tourism campaigns. One way for advertisers to do this is by placing DOOH ads in key locations where audiences could be thinking about travelling. For example, promoting flight packages to sunny destinations during a cold winter day can boost contextual relevance, especially if the ads are placed along your desired demographic’s daily journey, like during their commute (via billboards or transit screens), in office or residential buildings, bars, and casual dining. Showcasing seasonal promotions during certain times of the year can also be a great way to reach a specific demographic. Young families, for example, are often budget-conscious consumers who look for savings or special offers when planning a vacation. A tourism company looking to promote family day passes for a nearby ski resort may want to consider running promotional OOH ads in malls or entertainment venues during spring break or school holidays.</p><p>Brands outside the travel and tourism industry can also capitalize on the travel season. Premier luggage brand Samsonite recently ran its <em><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-samsonites-pdooh-campaign-boosted-brand-kpis-by-extending-the-reach-of-video-ads">Take What’s Yours</a></em> campaign across major U.S. cities to boost brand awareness and consideration for its luggage. The ads targeted late Gen Zs and younger millennials with DOOH placements in high-traffic locations like offices, malls, and apartment buildings, promoting Samsonite products while encouraging workers to take advantage of their PTO throughout the summer. The campaign&#8217;s contextual messaging led to a 53% increase in purchase consideration among its core audience of 25-34-year-olds &#8211; a big win for the brand.&nbsp;</p><figure /></figure><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-samsonites-pdooh-campaign-boosted-brand-kpis-by-extending-the-reach-of-video-ads">Read Also: How Samsonite’s pDOOH campaign boosted brand KPIs by extending the reach of video ads</a></p><h2 >Create an omnichannel experience to help increase bookings</h2><p>With OOH, brands can stay top-of-mind as consumers move from awareness to decision-making when booking travel. The rise in online travel platforms like Expedia and Travelocity has made it easier for consumers to search for the best deals, compare airlines and accommodations, and book their itineraries. According to <a href="https://www.statista.com/outlook/mmo/travel-tourism/worldwide">Statista</a>, 73% of the global revenue in the Travel &amp; Tourism market will be generated through online sales by 2026. Booking a trip isn’t linear, and consumers may interact with a brand several times before committing to booking travel. This is why travel and tourism marketers must ensure they create a seamless omnichannel experience with multiple touchpoints across the path to purchase.</p><p>Real-world OOH ads that display messaging for flight deals or travel rewards can encourage audiences to take action online, whether visiting a brand’s website or social media, contacting a travel agent, or booking a trip via a third-party website. Through mobile retargeting, travel brands can geofence specific areas of interest to retarget audiences exposed to OOH ads via mobile devices or other digital channels. For example, a railway company wanting to promote deals on cross-country train tours might want to geofence DOOH screens in train stations. Passersby exposed to the screens during their daily commute can then be retargeted with mobile ads later.&nbsp; Suppose the same company wanted to feature special offers for students. In that case, they can go a step further by geofencing transit screens within a certain proximity to a university. Ads can then be served via mobile devices, encouraging potential travellers to learn more through online research. Incorporating interactive messaging like QR codes into ad creatives is also a great way to drive audiences to interact with your brand, encouraging them to seize limited-time deals or claim exclusive offers.</p><h2 >Utilize OOH for location-specific messaging</h2><p>Leisure travel, in particular, will see a big increase this summer as consumers seek out new experiences. According to a survey by <a href="https://www.forbes.com/advisor/credit-cards/travel-rewards/travel-trends-predictions-2023/">GetYourGuide</a>, 90% of respondents want to experience a destination "like a local," and two-thirds of millennial respondents specifically worry about whether it’s an authentic experience. And that’s not all: consumers will go even further this year, with <a href="https://oaaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/OOH-Opportunities-Summer-Vacation-Travel-Infographic.pdf">40% of U.S. adult travellers planning to travel 500+ miles away</a> from home. As people travel to new, further locations, they’ll be interested in local attractions, entertainment, and authentic dining experiences.&nbsp;</p><p>OOH can help advertisers reach these audiences with localized content from the moment they arrive at a new destination. The <a href="https://www.thedrum.com/profile/broadsign/news/demand-for-airport-advertising-expected-to-take-off-this-summer-what-you-need-to-know">demand for airport advertising is expected to take off this summer</a>, and destination marketers shouldn’t overlook the benefits of targeting audiences from the moment they step off the plane. OOH ads featuring city information like weather or events are a great way to promote businesses as consumers seek out things to do on their trip. Using live data feeds, for example, advertisers can automatically trigger ads for tickets to a sporting event when the city’s team is doing well. Weather data can also be used to trigger messaging for nearby beaches or parks during a hot summer’s day. Airports aside, there are plenty of other locations to capitalize on to drive awareness and consideration for local brands or activities. Consider place-based venue types like malls or gas stations to capture the attention of eager travellers who may not be familiar with an area.</p><p>As consumers prepare to hit the road (and the skies) this summer, brands should act now to take advantage of this hot advertising season. Whether consumers are just starting to think about their next holiday or ready to begin the booking process, OOH can reach target audiences when they dream of being elsewhere. If you haven’t already gotten started on your campaign planning, programmatic DOOH (pDOOH) is an excellent way to deploy campaigns quickly and efficiently. The possibilities to amplify travel and tourism campaigns with real-world touchpoints are endless, and programmatic capabilities make it easy for campaigns to be modified based on changing consumer mobility.</p><h4 ><strong>Interested in getting started with programmatic DOOH this travel season? </strong></h4><p>Explore curated audiences in our Travel &amp; Tourism package <a href="https://broadsign.com/auction-packages/travel-tourism">here</a>!</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Structuring your buying team for pDOOH: What to do when worlds collide]]><![CDATA[

According to new research from JCDecaux UK, most of the people buying DOOH programmatically (58%) are part of integrated omnichannel teams, and just over half (54%) are always involved in the planning and buying of at least one other digital channel. That means most teams tasked with buying programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH) media today are […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/structuring-your-buying-team-for-pdooh-what-to-do-when-worlds-collidehttps://broadsign.com/blog/structuring-your-buying-team-for-pdooh-what-to-do-when-worlds-collide<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 03 May 2023 09:35:34 GMT<p>According to <a href="https://www.jcdecaux.co.uk/news/new-research-jcdecaux-uk-shows-majority-programmatic-digital-out-home-marketers-operate#:~:text=Further%20analysis%20of%20the%20omnichannel,%2C%20and%20video%20(50%25).">new research from JCDecaux UK</a>, most of the people buying DOOH programmatically (58%) are part of integrated omnichannel teams, and just over half (54%) are always involved in the planning and buying of at least one other digital channel. That means most teams tasked with buying programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH) media today are not made up of dedicated OOH specialists but broader digital buyers who are now including DOOH in their programmatic planning mix.</p><p>While these findings indicate the increased accessibility of programmatic DOOH, it also hints at the lack of structured buying teams for this specific media. As the global demand for pDOOH <a href="https://www.thedrum.com/profile/viooh/news/plugging-in-a-chameleon-and-accelerating-change-in-dooh">continues to grow</a>, OOH specialists, digital planners, and publishers will need to adapt to a changing media ecosystem.</p><p>So how can media buyers account for the growing demand for this format within their existing teams? Read on for our tips on structuring your buying team for success with pDOOH!</p><h2 >The case for OOH specialist teams and agencies</h2><p>For years, marketers have turned to OOH experts to help with the planning and execution of their campaigns due to the number of moving pieces to consider and the experience required to ensure successful outcomes. This hasn’t changed; while there are new tools in place to automate the planning and execution of OOH media, a trusted partner with industry expertise can save businesses time and money and reduce the headache of trying to figure it all out on their own.&nbsp;</p><p>While every buying team will have their own case of whether combining PDOOH and traditional trading works within its business structure, there’s certainly a case to be made for keeping traditional OOH buying teams separate from pDOOH. The reason for this is simple (and very similar to the reason why so many in-house marketing departments choose to consult with a dedicated OOH specialist team in the first place): there are several fundamental differences between how traditional OOH (both static and digital) is traded and how pDOOH should ideally be managed.</p><p>Examples of key differentiators OOH specialists should consider when structuring their teams for pDOOH include:</p><ul><li>The buying process for static vs. digital inventory</li><li>Frequency-based vs. impressions-based audience metrics</li><li>Fixed vs. flexible pricing strategies</li><li>Direct vs. tech-automated means of trading</li></ul><h5 >Buying process: Digital signage vs. static signage</h5><p>As a non-digital format, static inventory obviously cannot be traded programmatically—yet it remains an important aspect of many strong OOH campaigns. It also has very different metrics to digital OOH inventory in terms of share of voice, reach, engagement, length of the campaign, and so on, as well as added costs like production and installation that are mostly irrelevant when it comes to digital inventory.</p><h5 >Audience metrics: pDOOH’s data-driven approach to campaign targeting</h5><p>While traditionally traded OOH and DOOH are measured in terms of campaign frequency and reach, pDOOH uses impressions as its key metric for audience measurement. This is an important distinction for planning purposes and post-campaign reporting. The results of a pDOOH campaign will therefore stand apart from those of a traditionally booked campaign thanks to the impression-based results it yields—even if combined with traditional OOH as part of a broader campaign.</p><h5 >Pricing: Programmatic DOOH’s flexible, real-time pricing (ad cost per impression)</h5><p>Programmatic DOOH is CPM-based, meaning the cost is per thousand impressions as opposed to a set fee for a given period of activity. pDOOH pricing is also flexible—with the potential for non-guaranteed activity, and therefore, there is no "set budget" before a campaign commences. This demands a certain level of flexibility from both the buyers and sellers in terms of pricing and discounts and will be managed separately from the set-budget briefings of a traditional campaign.</p><h5 >Means of trading: The technology behind programmatic ad buying</h5><p>The technology used for trading is another key difference. While traditional OOH and DOOH buying is still a mostly manual process between buyers and publishers, pDOOH utilizes DSP and SSP platforms to facilitate the transaction process. That means the entire buying process, from briefing through to approvals, operates in an entirely different way for direct and I/O sales in comparison to pDOOH.</p><p>While every buying team will have to consider whether separating pDOOH and traditional trading works within their specific business structure, OOH specialist teams all have the advantage of existing familiarity with the outdoor advertising space. The key knowledge gap for these teams is learning how to use the technology to transact DOOH programmatically. But like anything worth knowing, a little time and dedication—<a href="https://www.doohx.io">along with the right resources</a>—is all your team needs to establish your business as an expert in all things programmatic DOOH.</p><h2 >Incorporating pDOOH in an omnichannel digital team</h2><p>DOOH’s clever combination of creativity and contextually relevant data isn’t just unlocking both new and existing audiences; the ability of pDOOH to connect with other media channels is proving to be a valuable tool in the omnichannel marketing mix, too. And thanks to the streamlined workflows of today’s demand-side platforms (DSPs), you don’t need previous experience in OOH to run amazing campaigns—the technology is more or less the same as what digital media buyers are already used to.&nbsp;</p><p>Because of this, it&#8217;s arguably simpler for hybrid digital teams to integrate programmatic DOOH into their existing planning, as they have extensive programmatic trading expertise from other formats and a broader scope from which to combine, assess, and optimize their campaigns. Still, a few key features of pDOOH are unique compared to other digital formats. The key for digital teams is not in separating buying teams but rather gaining the OOH expertise required to successfully—and productively—incorporate pDOOH into their cross-channel planning.&nbsp;</p><p>Examples of distinctive pDOOH features that hybrid digital buying teams should be made aware of include:</p><ul><li>One-to-many medium</li><li>Support for varying/unique media formats</li><li>Enhancement of other media formats</li></ul><h5 >Programmatic DOOH: A one-to-many medium</h5><p>Unlike device-based digital advertising, OOH is a one-to-many medium, meaning that every play is worth several (and sometimes hundreds of) impressions instead of just one. This is where the impression multiplier comes into play—something that <a href="https://www.doohx.io/">doohx</a> covers in detail in their <a href="https://www.doohx.io/courses/pdooh-advanced">PDOOH Advanced certification course</a>, an educational initiative presented in partnership with Broadsign.</p><h5 >Support for innovative digital ad formats</h5><p>While many other mediums offer a uniform format, DOOH comes in all different shapes and sizes—each with its unique way of reaching and interacting with audiences. Understanding the nuances of each format—how they deliver ads, the relevant buying periods, creative applications, and much more—is arguably the biggest hurdle a digital team would face when newly integrating pDOOH into their campaign repertoire.</p><h5 >pDOOH success metrics &amp; full-funnel enhancement</h5><p>While many digital formats have a very simple structure for measuring campaign success—one impression, one click, with a clear CPM—OOH is a unique beast in that there isn’t one right way to measure campaign success. Deliverables (plays, impressions, and so on) are accounted for via the DSP and SSP platforms, but what actually makes an OOH campaign successful?&nbsp;</p><p>doohx’s online learning platform dives into this in detail in <a href="https://www.doohx.io/courses/dooh-101">DOOH 101</a>, citing OOH&#8217;s measurable and immeasurable impact. But one thing is for sure: the addition of DOOH to a broader media mix is proven to enhance campaign metrics across every stage of the funnel, from consideration, to purchase intention and beyond. For example, a <a href="https://talonooh.com/better-together-the-4th-space-research-shows-23-uplift-in-brand-metrics/">study by OnDevice Research</a> found that adding DOOH to a social campaign increased campaign effectiveness across the brand funnel by an average of +23%.</p><p>Whether you decide to carve out a specialized pDOOH buying within your business or integrate this media channel within an integrated omnichannel team, there’s no doubt that the adoption of this means of trading is gaining momentum around the globe. With more buyers integrating programmatic DOOH into their campaigns than ever before, doohx is releasing a new mini-certification, "PDOOH for Buyers", that’s specifically aimed at those who have begun, or are about to begin, their pDOOH trading journey.</p><p>"PDOOH for Buyers" will be launching in Spring 2023. <a href="https://doohx.ck.page/199075ec7b">Sign up for early access</a> and be the first to learn when Doohx’s latest certification program goes live—plus get a 10% early bird discount.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Best Practices Guide: How to create DOOH campaigns that get results]]><![CDATA[

One of the fastest-growing and evolving forms of advertising, digital out-of-home is changing how agencies and brands connect with consumers while expanding creativity and improving ROI. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or considering exploring the medium, we’ve compiled a helpful list of best practices and campaign-building tips to simplify the entire DOOH process. You’ll learn […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/best-practices-guide-how-to-create-dooh-campaigns-that-get-resultshttps://broadsign.com/blog/best-practices-guide-how-to-create-dooh-campaigns-that-get-results<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 27 Apr 2023 12:18:20 GMT<p>One of the fastest-growing and evolving forms of advertising, digital out-of-home is changing how agencies and brands connect with consumers while expanding creativity and improving ROI. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or considering exploring the medium, we’ve compiled a helpful list of best practices and campaign-building tips to simplify the entire DOOH process. You&#8217;ll learn how to:</p><ul><li>Accurately define and reach target audiences with impactful messaging</li><li>Align DOOH with other media channels for full-funnel campaigns</li><li>Develop campaign creatives for the right formats</li><li>Choose the best DSP partner based on your goals</li></ul><h5 >Check out the guide to get started with an impactful campaign strategy.</h5><div ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Samsonite’s pDOOH campaign boosted brand KPIs by extending the reach of video ads]]><![CDATA[

Premier luggage brand Samsonite was looking to improve brand awareness and consideration for its high-quality luggage across major U.S cities. With fewer restrictions on air travel and an increase in consumer willingness to travel, the brand knew that more people would be on the move throughout the summer. As part of Samsonite’s Take What’s Yours […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-samsonites-pdooh-campaign-boosted-brand-kpis-by-extending-the-reach-of-video-adshttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-samsonites-pdooh-campaign-boosted-brand-kpis-by-extending-the-reach-of-video-ads<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 13 Apr 2023 10:02:47 GMT<p>Premier luggage brand <a href="https://shop.samsonite.com/home" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Samsonite</a> was looking to improve brand awareness and consideration for its high-quality luggage across major U.S cities. With fewer restrictions on air travel and an increase in consumer willingness to travel, the brand knew that more people would be on the move throughout the summer.</p><p>As part of Samsonite&#8217;s <em>Take What&#8217;s Yours</em> campaign, the ads encouraged workers to take advantage of their PTO throughout the summer months with DOOH placements in high-traffic locations like office buildings, malls, and apartment buildings.</p><h3 >The Strategy</h3><ul><li>With <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a>, Broadsign’s DOOH-specific DSP, Samsonite successfully activated DOOH ads across screens in 6 key markets to reach a target audience of late Gen Zs and younger millennials.</li><li>The brand wanted to target digitally-savvy consumers who consume content across multiple social platforms. To do this, they took a unique creative approach that extended ad messaging from online media channels to the real world.</li><li>The campaign ran over a 2-month period, serving over 1M ads that resulted in nearly 15M impressions.</li></ul><h4 >Read the full case study to see the results and discover the benefits of implementing pDOOH into your media strategy.</h4><div ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How ELAN Media is evolving digital out-of-home in Qatar and beyond]]><![CDATA[

With digital out-of-home on the rise across the globe, it’s no wonder to see it gaining traction in the Middle East, a region currently experiencing an economic boom of its own. Media owners in the region, like ELAN Media, are getting the word out about the value of DOOH—and their enthusiasm for the medium is […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-elan-media-is-evolving-digital-out-of-home-in-qatar-and-beyondhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-elan-media-is-evolving-digital-out-of-home-in-qatar-and-beyond<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 12 Apr 2023 11:23:11 GMT<p>With digital out-of-home on the rise across the globe, it&#8217;s no wonder to see it gaining traction in the Middle East, a region currently experiencing an economic boom of its own.&nbsp;</p><p>Media owners in the region, like <a href="https://www.elan.qa/">ELAN Media</a>, are getting the word out about the value of DOOH—and their enthusiasm for the medium is enticing more brands and advertisers to jump on board.&nbsp;</p><p>We recently caught up with Timothy Hufford, Media Sales Director at ELAN Group, to learn more about how this well-established media owner is transforming the DOOH landscape in the Middle East.</p><h2 ><strong>Two decades (and counting) of DOOH in Qatar&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>ELAN Media is often credited with pioneering the DOOH revolution in Qatar, operating the country&#8217;s largest outdoor and digital out-of-home media network. Founded in 2006, the company has a unique presence in the region and operates with the goal of broadening the OOH market. Its screens are now more ubiquitous than ever, located in just about every city in the country. With roots firmly planted in the region, ELAN Media works to enrich city living and beautify urban spaces with its digital displays, tools of communication and entertainment.&nbsp;</p><p>While its roadside billboards make up a significant part of its offering, in-mall assets are another major component of its network. In Qatar, malls are a big draw, attracting hundreds of thousands of locals and tourists weekly &#8211; a prime advertising opportunity for many. Installing screens in these condensed spaces was a key business move for ELAN, considering the high traffic and potential dwell time such real estate could promise. Its initial networks were unveiled in two of the country&#8217;s most prominent shopping destinations — the Mall of Qatar and Doha Festival City Mall. These two premium destinations were the perfect starting point due to their high square footage, multiple floors, and thousands of retailers.</p><p>From there, ELAN Media expanded screens into two other upscale malls, Ezdan Mall and Place Vendome. These four destinations collectively generate a high number of impressions. For example, a single ad has an estimated potential of generating 5.5 million impressions during a two-week period. In addition to their mall networks, ELAN Media counts a vast roadside inventory of screens. Recently, 3D outdoor advertising with two screens, The Cube and The Spectacular, can run 3D content. Most of their screens run ad content exclusively while occasionally opening inventory to concession partners looking to promote in-mall events, advertise Wi-Fi hotspots, and other concierge services.</p><h2 ><strong>Data-driven technology that delivers results&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>Understanding audiences is a large part of ELAN&#8217;s strategy. As pioneers, nobody in the market is more favourably positioned to advise their clients better. With a staff of OOH experts and extensive knowledge of the industry, there&#8217;s a reason why some of the most established brands in Qatar (and beyond) are turning to ELAN for outdoor advertising.</p><p>The team backs up their OOH know-how with a robust tech stack that supports the effectiveness of campaigns they help deploy. Advanced video analytics and inMotion technology enable them to analyze the vast data collected to track and measure campaign performance. Furthermore, ELAN Media&#8217;s roadside inventory gives advertisers access to in-depth insights, providing them with the data to support their decision-making and investments. The mall screen network is equipped with performance-tracking capabilities and other engaging features, like interactivity through motion-detection technology that follows gesture, movement, and sound.&nbsp;</p><p>Finally, the company&#8217;s 600+ strong screen network displays live data feeds and API triggers.&nbsp;</p><p>ELAN Media can also offer clients analytics, data feeds, and interactive campaign technology through two data sources: <a href="https://quividi.com/">Quividi</a> data for the mall screens and InMotion mobile data for capturing roadside analytics.</p><h2 >Screens seen by the world</h2><p>With such a notable presence in Qatar, ELAN Media&#8217;s wins are numerous. A recent successful pDOOH campaign for Deliveroo, a food delivery company, showcases the possibilities of the format. This was a two-fold, weeks-long KPI campaign with an impression and performance goal to increase app downloads via a QR code.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Another achievement came with a campaign for Mcdonald&#8217;s, in which ELAN Media screens curated content, like offers, running these ads hourly throughout the campaign. Even though franchises near these screens didn&#8217;t run any specific promos, nearby restaurants noticed a 35% uplift in sales whenever this content was displayed—a true testament to the value of DOOH.</p><p>The company&#8217;s most successful campaign to date is also the most high-profile. The Fifa World Cup, which Qatar hosted in November 2022, was an international event, and ELAN Media was mandated to enrich the city with digital out-of-home. In time for the global event, the team upgraded their roadside inventory from static to DOOH while installing and deploying eye-grabbing DOOH assets in markets such as Lusail, the city that hosted the finals. These large-format, large-scale screens helped bring the city to life &#8211; <a href="https://www.elan.qa/company-news/elan-media-completes-large-scale-out-of-home-advertising-network-in-lusail-ahead-of-fifa-world-cup-2022/">see for yourself</a>. During the tournament, screens were updated to feature live scores and final results and display the following day&#8217;s schedule, all updated in real-time.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>Some standout achievements from the tournament include an API trigger campaign during the team draw event. Teams were drawn randomly on stage, and every time a country&#8217;s name was chosen, the screens would update the brackets in real-time. By harnessing data fed from Quividi, ELAN Media could track engagement and learn that this particular initiative drew in numbers that nearly doubled the average amount a typical campaign would.</p><figure /></figure><h2 ><strong>Broadsign and ELAN Media, partners in powering the Middle East&#8217;s DOOH landscape</strong></h2><p>ELAN Media sought a robust and seamless platform to help manage its growing and evolving network. Considering that Broadsign is the number one CMS provider in the world, the partnership made sense. Hundreds of ELAN Media’s screens run on Broadsign, a number which is expected to grow as the company expands its inventory and engages new opportunities through pDOOH.&nbsp;</p><p>Through Broadsign, ELAN Media can manage and operate more than 600 screens directly from its state-of-the-art network control centre. The process is smooth, efficient, and almost entirely automated, thanks to Broadsign&#8217;s leading software suite. Recently, ELAN Media entered into programmatic transacting via the Broadsign SSP, enabling seamless integration so the team could migrate its existing inventory with few interruptions. Though ELAN Media considers themselves newcomers to programmatic DOOH, dipping their feet has helped them internally review their pricing and consider switching to a CPM model instead. That&#8217;s just the potential that pDOOH can afford.&nbsp;</p><p>While 2022 proved to be a milestone year for ELAN Media, they&#8217;ve got more in the works that will help elevate its business to new heights, with plans to modernize and upgrade hardware while investing in additional screen locations and hardware. Given the hype around their World Cup screens, the team has already registered numerous new opportunities and hopes to continue nurturing these in a way that aligns with ELAN Media&#8217;s big visions.</p><h4 >Want to build on your own innovative approach to OOH?</h4><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo">See how Broadsign can make it happen.</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Numbat GmbH is Bringing DOOH-enabled Hyper-Charging Stations to Germany]]><![CDATA[

In 2022, EVs accounted for 13% of global auto sales, with plug-in electric vehicles making up 17% of that figure, a trend likely attributed to several factors, including a stark increase in gas prices and concerns around climate change. Consumers who want to shop their values and cut costs at the gas tank are increasingly […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-numbat-gmbh-is-bringing-dooh-enabled-hyper-charging-stations-to-germanyhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-numbat-gmbh-is-bringing-dooh-enabled-hyper-charging-stations-to-germany<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 05 Apr 2023 09:46:43 GMT<p>In 2022, EVs <a href="https://cleantechnica.com/2022/10/31/100-electric-vehicles-13-of-new-vehicle-sales-globally/">accounted for 13% of global auto sales, with plug-in electric vehicles making up 17% of that figure</a>, a trend likely attributed to several factors, including a stark increase in gas prices and concerns around climate change. Consumers who want to shop their values and cut costs at the gas tank are increasingly turning to electric-powered vehicles.&nbsp;</p><p>Despite an obvious surge in popularity, there are still some roadblocks preventing gasoline-powered motorists from embracing electric. According to McKinsey &amp; Company, the two major <a href="https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Industries/Automotive%20and%20Assembly/Our%20Insights/ACES%202019%20survey%20Can%20established%20auto%20manufacturers%20meet%20customer%20expectations%20for%20ACES/ACES-2019-survey-vF.pdf">barriers to widespread EV adoption</a> are lengthy vehicle charging times and a need for more available charging stations. Currently, the most common public charging stations are <a href="https://chargehub.com/en/electric-car-charging-guide.html#:~:text=A%20level%202%20charger%20allows,charge%20at%20public%20charging%20stations.">Level 2 chargers</a>, which fully replenish a vehicle&#8217;s battery supply in four to five hours. While fast-charging solutions exist, they aren&#8217;t nearly as ubiquitous as they should be, considering the number of EVs on the road <a href="https://www.iea.org/reports/global-ev-outlook-2022/trends-in-electric-light-duty-vehicles">more than tripled in </a>the last three years.&nbsp;</p><p>If these factors are limiting enough to dissuade would-be drivers from going electric, there’s a greater need than ever for private companies to support the existing public charging infrastructure. Companies like <a href="https://numbat.energy/en/home-en">Numbat GmbH</a> are hoping to minimize the gap between charging stations and electric-powered cars. This cleantech start-up is on the mission to make high-powered charging an anytime, anywhere solution by developing Germany’s densest fast-charging network in support of e-mobility. They’ve got the technology to make it happen: Numbat GmbH&#8217;s charging infrastructure is capable of charging batteries to 80% in less time than it takes to get the groceries done. It&#8217;s a solution that has the potential to change how the average consumer sees EVs.&nbsp;</p><p>We sat down with Numbat GmbH&#8217;s Marketing Director, Uli Benker, to chat about what makes the company unique in EV charging and digital out-of-home spaces and how Broadsign has been instrumental in helping Numbat manage a complex network of digital screens.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Technology built for a greener future</h2><p>Numbat was founded by two engineers with an extensive background in battery technology development, Dr.-Ing Maximilian Wegener and Martin Schall. In German, the name is an acronym for the sustainable battery storage system technology used to power vehicles. Though the start-up is new to the EV charging space—Numbat officially launched in February 2021—they&#8217;re already making quite a splash in sustainable technology for their high-powered charging solutions.</p><p>The company officially began rolling out their high-powered charging ports in January of 2023, starting with supermarket parking lots. Already, their network is roughly 20 charging stations strong, and they expect to have roughly 600 in operation by the end of the year. They also hope to move beyond retail spaces, with planned expansion into hospitals, car dealerships, gas stations, and more.&nbsp;</p><p>What makes their so unique is that they combine a high-powered charging port and battery storage system in one. Numbat does not sell its proprietary hardware to others and invests in the locations where its stations are installed. This gives them an edge as it means they can mount their equipment anywhere without relying on grid issues that can arise with charging infrastructure expansion. This is because in most places, electric grids are too weak to provide the power necessary for hyper charging, which requires up to 300 kW. It’s one of the biggest challenges facing EV charging expansion,&nbsp; but a concern Numbat GmbH has been able to overcome through its patented technology and by relying on three revenue streams to make their business model more viable: vehicle charging, energy management applications, and digital out-of-home.&nbsp;</p><p>Here’s Benker on where DOOH fits into Numbat GmbH’s business model:&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><p>Numbat&#8217;s charging systems feature two 75&#8243; LED displays integrated onto the front and back of the structure. These screens mainly publish ad content but a large portion of their screens do run regional job postings from local employers. Planning and building a business model that includes <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/ev-charging-stations-digital-signage-a-guide-to-ev-place-based-advertising">place-based advertising</a> to drive sales and boost partnerships has proven to be a major revenue driver, as the screens are placed in high-frequency locations, like retail points-of-sale, to maximize visibility and reach. This offers brand partners and advertisers the opportunity to reach consumers when they&#8217;re in a purchasing mind frame right before setting foot in a store.&nbsp;</p><p>While brands looking to communicate sustainable values tend to snap up ad space, it isn’t just these purpose-led campaigns that run on Numbat GmbH’s systems: brands in food industries or the retail sector also recognize the immense value of advertising on an EV-charging network.&nbsp;</p><p>&#8220;We don&#8217;t exclude anyone,&#8221; says Benker "We’re attractive to all customer groups." Already, numerous food, beverage and retail brands are buying ad space on the network. One example of a successful campaign was Numbat&#8217;s very first, a partnership they struck up with Ritter Sport, a German chocolate producer, who ran their content on charging station screens located outside or nearby retail parking lots.&nbsp;</p><figure }</script></figure><p>Here&#8217;s Benker on that partnership, along with other types of brands the company aims to attract to their network.&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><p>For now, grocery stores serve as a sensible fit from both a charging and DOOH perspective, adds Benker. These are high-trafficked areas with little time in the store, enabling customers to plug in their cars, charge up while they run errands, then head back to a fully replenished EV.</p><p>Here’s Benker again on what sets EV charging station networks like Numbat GmbH’s apart, including creating a whole new digital out-of-home category:</p><figure > </div></figure><h2 >Powering the future of EV charging with DOOH&nbsp;</h2><p>Making HPC charging infrastructure available everywhere can be challenging and costly, but Numbat is taking matters into their hands to bring it to life. But such an initiative can be expensive, so they&#8217;ve devised a strategy that includes three different revenue streams to bring their charging to the masses. One portion of that includes installing charging stations equipped with digital screen technology. This signage will help support maintenance, troubleshooting and overall operation of the stations by running paid advertisem*nts. It&#8217;s an innovative solution to a growing problem as environmental concerns drive the demand for electric cars.&nbsp;</p><p>READ MORE: <a href="https://broadsign.com/electric-charging-stations-digital-signage">Find more tips on unlocking greater value from your digital signage network in EV charging stations here.&nbsp;&nbsp;</a></p><p>With such an attractive and in-demand offering, Numbat&#8217;s expansion is underway. But with a growing network comes a need for streamlined solutions and management, especially in a rapidly growing space such as <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/installing-public-ev-charging-stations-at-commercial-properties-faqs-tips-on-how-to-create-ev-related-revenue-streams">EV charging advertisem*nts that can bring in top dollar</a>. A partnership with industry leaders like Broadsign was a no-brainer. Broadsign&#8217;s reliable campaign management tool helps make managing an increasingly complex network more streamlined. Numbat&#8217;s various clients all have access to Broadsign, which makes access permissions, booking permissions, and share of loop permissions widely available to all. Control can handle numerous network complexities, including content partners, programmatic involvement, and more.</p><h2 ><strong>Broadsign and Numbat, a partnership leading the charge</strong></h2><p>As a company behind one of Europe&#8217;s fastest-growing EV charging solutions, Numbat needed the support of a digital signage solution that could help meet its growth targets.</p><p>For its reputation as a pioneer in programmatic DOOH and as a burgeoning force in the EV advertising technology space, a partnership with Broadsign is proving to be a formidable ally in Numbat&#8217;s expansion plans. Broadsign&#8217;s reliable campaign management solutions have offered a more streamlined approach to network operations.&nbsp;</p><p>Additionally, all of Numbat&#8217;s clients are granted access to Broadsign&#8217;s tools, thus enabling them to access booking and share of loop permissions. Though their network is not yet available programmatically, it is what the team are looking to offer in the near future.&nbsp;</p><p>Here, Benker shares his plans for dynamic content on the Numbat GmbH network:&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><p>While still in the early stages of this business, the Numbat team expects that DOOH will play a major role in the company&#8217;s evolution. While adopting dynamic content is on the horizon, it&#8217;s not in Numbat&#8217;s immediate plans—for now, they&#8217;re committed to learning and understanding the market.</p><p>While 2023 is expected to be a milestone year for Numbat, they hope to continue on this trajectory. By the end of 2024, Numbat hopes to reach 1,200 units, solidifying this enterprising company as a market leader in Germany and Europe. Numbat&#8217;s unique offering showcases the immense potential of combining revenue streams like digital out-of-home with EV charging.</p><h5 >we can help</a>.&nbsp;</h5>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[OOH Executive Insights: Maarten Dollevoet on how DOOH sales models are evolving]]><![CDATA[

In this instalment of our OOH Executive Insights series, Broadsign’s Chief Revenue Officer, Maarten Dollevoet, discusses the ongoing changes to how out-of-home (OOH) media is bought and sold, the resources and tools media owners need to adopt to support these changes, and Broadsign’s role in shaping the conversation around how OOH should be traded moving […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-executive-insights-maarten-dollevoet-on-how-dooh-sales-models-are-evolvinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-executive-insights-maarten-dollevoet-on-how-dooh-sales-models-are-evolving<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 04 Apr 2023 09:00:00 GMT<p><em>In this instalment of our OOH Executive Insights series, Broadsign’s Chief Revenue Officer, Maarten Dollevoet, discusses the ongoing changes to how out-of-home (OOH) media is bought and sold, the resources and tools media owners need to adopt to support these changes, and Broadsign’s role in shaping the conversation around how OOH should be traded moving forward.</em></p><p>The economic uncertainty brought on by COVID-19 significantly accelerated an ongoing shift in how digital out-of-home (DOOH) was being bought and sold. Faced with tighter budgets, media buyers were no longer able to meet the large upfront annual commitments and were looking for greater flexibility.</p><p>To ensure ad dollars were being spent effectively, media buyers needed a solution that provided them with the flexibility to activate and pause campaigns at a moment’s notice and advanced targeting capabilities to reach only the most relevant audiences. As we continue to recover from the lasting impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic, I’d like to leave you with some thoughts on the importance of adopting a more flexible and audience-based approach to selling DOOH, along with the steps media owners should take now to better adapt to this new selling environment.</p><h2 >Why the pandemic sped up the adoption of programmatic DOOH</h2><p>The need for flexibility during and post-pandemic accelerated the adoption of programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH). It provided media buyers with greater flexibility on how to spend ad dollars, adjust, and even pause ongoing campaigns. Furthermore, OOH demand-side platforms (DSP) have pre-integrated demographic, moment-based and location-based targeting capabilities, allowing them to create hyper-targeted audience-based campaigns.</p><p>For media owners, enabling programmatic transactions created new revenue opportunities as it opened up their network to new budgets from advertisers that traditionally purchased ad space online. By being able to sell both through programmatic and direct sales channels, media owners had more flexibility in how to sell their inventory as well as optimize fill rates. Space that was not being filled through direct guaranteed sales could now be bought programmatically, optimizing screen fill rates.&nbsp;</p><p>Despite the steady uptick in pDOOH adoption, direct sales still represent over <a href="https://www.insiderintelligence.com/content/programmatic-ooh-ad-spending-will-double-2020-remains-experimental">85% of all DOOH ad spending</a>. As buyers have come to appreciate the flexibility that pDOOH delivers, It will be crucial for media owners to evolve their direct sales channels to support flexible selling and shift to an audience-based approach to remain competitive in today’s selling landscape. However, the switch to this new selling environment won’t happen overnight, nor is it entirely up to the media owner to bear full responsibility for this change. Instead, it’s up to all players in the industry to move this trend forward, including technology partners that play a role in educating both media owners and buyers on how flexible and audience-based selling models can help them reach their respective business objectives.</p><h2 >How direct DOOH sale models are evolving</h2><p>While direct DOOH sales have traditionally been restrictive for both media buyers and media owners, the technological advancements made in recent years have enabled media owners to provide more flexibility and audience-based buying to customers. A common way media owners achieve this in direct sales is by offering alternatives to frequency-based campaign types. A campaign type determines how an ad campaign is distributed across a set of screens.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-create-more-revenue-opportunities-with-broadsigns-flexible-campaign-types">Flexible campaign types</a> enable media owners to offer customers more choices, allowing them to meet customer objectives more easily, without the operational headache of executing these campaigns. This allows media owners to effortlessly deliver frequency-based and takeover campaigns while delivering flexible campaigns, such as impression or budget-based campaigns, at the same time – something that wasn’t possible before.&nbsp;</p><p>For media owners who want to modernize their direct sales strategy, we now have ad servers that provide them with sophisticated targeting tools to plan, execute and monitor contextual digital campaigns that are delivered in real time. Complimenting existing direct selling tools, an ad server allows media owners to set fixed campaign objectives and targeting requirements to quickly close deals, while booked campaigns are dynamically served based on real-time contextual triggers. The emergence of added flexibility and better targeting tools for media owners enables them to meet their guaranteed commitments while opening up their network to respond to incoming lucrative opportunities, optimizing screen fill rates.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Data and optimization will be key to the success of audience-based campaigns</h2><p>Data will be fundamental to media owners’ success in audience-based campaigns. As the industry continues to shift towards an audience-based buying environment, it will be key for technology providers to further develop media owners’ targeting capabilities and provide reliable and accurate data on potential impressions and demographics.&nbsp;</p><p>With a more agile selling environment, new tools are required to help media owners simplify campaign planning and management. An optimization engine with sophisticated algorithms is required to automate the scheduling and management of flexible campaign types and campaigns that are dynamically delivered based on real-time contextual triggers or audience data. Moreover, with self-healing capabilities, you can ensure that your campaigns are never under or over-delivering, helping your customers stay on target and on budget.&nbsp;</p><p>While media owners still have significant headway to make toward the successful adoption of audience-based buying, those who choose to adapt their businesses today will gain a competitive edge on the new norm in selling DOOH. At Broadsign, we’ve supported our media owners by helping them adopt a flexible and targeted selling model, whether it was by entirely overhauling their selling environment or simply adapting how they currently operate.&nbsp;</p><p>In recent years, we’ve made significant advancements in automating direct sales with our ad-serving solutions. Media owners have the ability to offer guaranteed and non-guaranteed contextual campaigns while also benefiting from our optimization engine that readily provides them with the best decisions on simplifying campaign booking and management. As we continue to advance our solutions to help media owners unify their programmatic and direct sales, our goal is to further enhance our optimization capabilities to determine, in real-time, which ad to play while still being able to deliver on guaranteed commitments, in order to maximize yield for the media owner.&nbsp;</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Numbat GmbH Goes All-In on Broadsign to Power EV Charger Advertising Network]]><![CDATA[

German cleantech startup to broaden available EV charger ad inventory across Europe, advance EV charger audience experience with proven DOOH advertising platform Montreal, Canada – March 29, 2023 – Broadsign and Numbat GmbH today announced that Numbat has selected the Broadsign digital-out-of-home (DOOH) advertising platform to build, power, and scale advertising capabilities for its growing […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/numbat-gmbh-goes-all-in-on-broadsign-to-power-ev-charger-advertising-networkhttps://broadsign.com/blog/numbat-gmbh-goes-all-in-on-broadsign-to-power-ev-charger-advertising-network<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 29 Mar 2023 08:00:00 GMT<p><em>German cleantech startup to broaden available EV charger ad inventory across Europe, advance EV charger audience experience with proven DOOH advertising platform</em></p><p><strong>Montreal, Canada – March 29, 2023 </strong>– <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a> and <a href="https://numbat.energy/en/numbat-energy-eng">Numbat GmbH</a> today announced&nbsp; that Numbat has selected the <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-platform">Broadsign digital-out-of-home (DOOH) advertising platform</a> to build, power, and scale advertising capabilities for its growing network of sustainable, high-power electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. As Numbat rolls out 600 stations throughout 2023, each equipped with two advertising displays, the company is leveraging the Broadsign Platform to manage and streamline advertising operations across its network.&nbsp;</p><p>"EV charging is an incredibly exciting new space, and our goal is to establish it as a new DOOH sector in Europe. We couldn’t think of a better partner than Broadsign to embark on this journey with," said Martin Schall, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Numbat GmbH. "Broadsign is a proven leader in both the programmatic and EV advertising technology spaces with a significant global footprint. We’re thrilled to have found such a powerful technology partner to support our mission and have been impressed by Broadsign’s continuing support."&nbsp;</p><p>Numbat operates one of Europe’s most sustainable EV charging solutions, which began rolling out in the parking lots of supermarkets in Germany in January. Each charging station supports up to 300 KW of charging power, enabling charges in about 15-20 minutes, and comes equipped with two 75" displays and a battery storage that can store solar energy. The network, which presently includes 20 units, is expected to reach 600 units in Germany by the end of 2023, and with planned expansion into hospital, health clinic, car dealership, and gas station parking lots, and other locales, more than twelve hundred units across Europe in 2024. Numbat arrives at a pivotal moment as EV charging stations are in high demand in Europe, with forecasts predicting <a href="https://www.statista.com/chart/27431/ev-unit-sales-per-capita-eu-vs-us/">4.4 million EVs to be sold in E.U. countries by 2026</a>.&nbsp;</p><p>"Numbat is revolutionizing the EV charging space&nbsp; in Europe, just as retailers, advertisers, and business owners are beginning to uncover the possibilities of the convergence of mobility, sustainability, and DOOH. They’re driving new growth for this emerging DOOH medium, solving common infrastructure bottlenecks with sustainable, high-power EV charging stations featuring dynamic displays that are easy to deploy and maintain," shared Frank Vallenga, VP of SaaS Sales, Broadsign. "We’re honored that they’ve chosen the Broadsign platform to launch and scale their network, and look forward to helping them expand the available programmatic EV charging station inventory in and around Germany."</p><h4 ><strong>About Numbat GmbH</strong></h4><p>The cleantech startup Numbat combines three worlds with its patented technology: A High-Power Charger (HPC) for the trendy topic of e-mobility, an integrated battery storage for energy management solutions, and all this with an environmentally friendly approach to contribute to the energy transition, especially with the patented multi-lifecycle concept. The founders are Dr.-Ing. Maximilian Wegener and Martin Schall, both long-time managers in battery technology. The company is based in Kempten (Allgäu), Germany.</p><h4 >About Broadsign</h4><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over one million static and digital signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, retail centers, health clinics, transit systems, electric vehicle charging stations, and more, Broadsign reaches audiences at multiple touchpoints throughout the consumer journey. The Broadsign platform helps media owners efficiently manage their business operations while enabling brands and agencies to easily book OOH campaigns. The platform includes tools for content distribution, playback and proof of performance; sales inventory availability and proposal generation; automated programmatic DOOH transactions; and OOH business operations. <a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Larry H. Miller Megaplex Theatres made $6.1M in digital concession sales using the Broadsign Platform]]><![CDATA[

While the future of the film industry, specifically movie theatres, looked rather uncertain during COVID-19, we are steadily seeing an uptick in audiences returning to theatres with attendance rates almost mirroring pre-pandemic levels. As pandemic restrictions were slowly removed, people were excited to go out and re-discover small pleasures like going to the movies. Aside […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-larry-h-miller-megaplex-theatres-made-6-1m-in-digital-concession-sales-using-the-broadsign-platformhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-larry-h-miller-megaplex-theatres-made-6-1m-in-digital-concession-sales-using-the-broadsign-platform<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 28 Mar 2023 09:00:00 GMT<p>While the future of the film industry, specifically movie theatres, looked rather uncertain during COVID-19, we are steadily seeing an uptick in audiences returning to theatres with <a href="https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/research/frequent-us-movie-goers-are-back-infrequent-attendees-not-so-much">attendance rates</a> almost mirroring pre-pandemic levels. As pandemic restrictions were slowly removed, people were excited to go out and re-discover small pleasures like going to the movies.</p><p>Aside from the common desire to return to pre-pandemic life, going to the movies has always held a special place in people’s hearts. With most of us having gone to the same theatre since we were kids, a movie theatre is a library of memories for the community—it holds some of our most precious moments. For American theatre giant, <a href="https://www.megaplextheatres.com/">Larry H. Miller Megaplex Theatres</a>, a strongly community-oriented business, being a place for people to continue to create memorable experiences is what fuels them.&nbsp;</p><p>By adopting advanced technological tools, including the Broadsign platform, they were able to simplify their workflows and increase digital concession sales by integrating their back-end sales system, <a href="https://www.vista.co/">Vista</a>, through API. Furthermore, Megaplex gained dynamic capabilities that previously weren’t available, allowing them to innovate and further elevate the movie-going experience in their theatres.</p><h2 >Movie theatres centered around local communities</h2><p>Founded in 1999, Megaplex’s mission has always been to enrich lives by giving back to the community. In fact, the first Megaplex theatre was built to preserve a high school building that was a landmark in Sandy, Utah. Today, they now have 15 locations with a network of approximately 800 digital signage screens. In 2022, they welcomed 5.1 million moviegoers to their venues.&nbsp;</p><p>Their digital screens feature a wide variety of movie-related content, including movie posters, <em>My</em>MegaRewards membership content, and concession promotions. They also offer paid advertising partnerships to local businesses that want to leverage their network and audience reach. Aside from leveraging Broadsign for its ad-serving capability, one unique way Megaplex is utilizing Broadsign is by integrating the platform with its back-end sales system to increase its operational efficiency and concession sales through digital channels.</p><h2 >How improving their operational efficiency with Broadsign helped increase digital concession sales</h2><p>Before the pandemic, all concession sales at Megaplex Theatres were made on-site. Customers would come in early to purchase their snacks and drinks before heading to the auditorium. However, with everyone having the same idea of buying items before their movie, it often led to long lines at the concession stands, leaving customers worried about missing the start of their movie. To eliminate that stress, Megaplex decided to sell their concession items through digital channels, including web, mobile, and digital kiosks on-site.&nbsp;</p><p>By integrating with the Broadsign Platform, they were able to display the real-time status of orders on concession stand screens and notify customers when orders were ready for pick up. By the end of 2022, Megaplex Theatres’ concession sales through digital channels represented $6.1 million in revenue, with the success of this initiative primarily attributed to how smooth the pickup process was for customers.</p><figure >A Megaplex concession stand screen informing customers that their pick-up order is ready.</figcaption></figure><p>Megaplex Theatres also uses Broadsign to ensure that the right information is shown on the 800 screens across 15 movie theatre locations. This is particularly useful in updating concession menu boards. Prior to adopting Broadsign, if a change needed to be made to a product, a graphic designer would have to manually modify 50 variations of their menu boards, taking around a week to complete. Now, they input the product or price information in their back-end sales system the night before and by the next morning, the new information is reflected on their menu boards.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Making the customer experience at the concession stands more dynamic</h2><p>For customers that forgot to place their concession order ahead of time, Megaplex Theatres found a way to entertain customers waiting in line for concessions. Leveraging Broadsign’s dynamic capabilities, Megaplex experimented with disruptive overlays on concession menu boards, allowing them to have some of our favorite movie characters pop-up on screens to promote movies they’re featured in.&nbsp;</p><p>Collaborating with the movie studios, Megaplex Theatres would receive masked out videos of the characters which they would then upload onto Broadsign for them to run on the menu board screens at the concession stand. To promote <a href="https://www.disneyplus.com/movies/lightyear/2Pq8mtUg7ztB">Disney’s "Lightyear"</a> movie in 2022, an animated Buzz Lightyear sliced through the venire of their digital menu board, revealing characters from the film and title treatment. This allowed Megaplex to provide Disney with a fun, dynamic brand moment, while simultaneously promoting Lightyear-branded concession items on the menu.&nbsp;</p><figure >Example of the disruptive overlay created for the promotion of Disney’s "Lightyear" movie.</figcaption></figure><p>During the promotion of <a href="https://www.dreamworks.com/movies/the-bad-guys">Dreamwork’s "The Bad Guys"</a>, Megaplex Theatres had the main characters drop down from the top of the digital menu board and steal the popcorn, highlighting a small movie promotion to appear on screen afterwards. While these may seem like small touches, it provides customers with a more personalized experience and gives advertisers new creative opportunities when they advertise with Megaplex.</p><figure >Example of the disruptive overlay created for Dreamwork’s "The Bad Guys".</figcaption></figure><h2 >What’s on the horizon for Megaplex Theatres</h2><p>Larry H. Miller Megaplex Theatre’s Vice President of Digital Strategy, <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanminer/">Ryan Miner</a>, says "While the pandemic has definitely challenged theatre operators, we expect to see continued growth for our business and ultimately an improved, more convenient experience for our guests." As Megaplex continues to experiment with disruptive overlays, their network will become increasingly more valuable to advertisers that are looking to reach an audience that are in a mindset to spend. With manual operations now being automated with the Broadsign Platform, Megaplex can devote its time to building new state-of-the-art facilities so they can continue to innovate and stretch the boundaries of what can be done in a movie theatre.</p><h2 >Are you looking for a robust CMS to support your growing network?</h2><p>Learn more about Broadsign’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/content-network-management">Content and Network Management</a> solution.&nbsp;</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Platform Deep Dive: Highlights from our latest product webinar]]><![CDATA[

Out-of-home is evolving and so are we The out-of-home (OOH) industry is going through an evolution, and expectations are changing. Media owners want tools that are smarter, more comprehensive, and better connected to allow them to remain agile. As the leading OOH software provider, we are evolving with the industry to ensure that our platform […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-platform-deep-dive-highlights-from-our-latest-product-webinarhttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-platform-deep-dive-highlights-from-our-latest-product-webinar<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 27 Mar 2023 11:56:08 GMT<h2 >Out-of-home is evolving and so are we</h2><p>The out-of-home (OOH) industry is going through an evolution, and expectations are changing. Media owners want tools that are smarter, more comprehensive, and better connected to allow them to remain agile. As the leading OOH software provider, we are evolving with the industry to ensure that our platform continues to meet the needs of media owners.&nbsp;</p><p>At the start of the year, we announced the <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/modernizing-the-platform-that-powers-out-of-home-introducing-the-evolution-of-broadsign">reimagined Broadsign Platform</a> that has all the Broadsign features you know and love, just enhanced with additional capabilities and unified by a more intuitive, shared interface. We recently held a webinar that was hosted by our VP of Products, <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/francois-hechme-aaba063/">François Hechme</a>, and our Senior Director of Products, <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/seamus-hunn-6454622/">Seamus Hunn</a>, to share with customers the focus areas that are driving our evolution in 2023. For those who weren’t able to attend, we’ve summarized the key highlights of our webinar below.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Unified notion of users, inventory and audiences</h2><p>Leveraging a combination of existing and new technologies, we are moving away from the notion of separate products and consolidating them into a single platform. With a new web-based user interface and a fully redesigned user experience, you will have access to our full suite of capabilities all in one place. However, the shift towards a unified platform will not happen overnight, which is why we have strategically mapped out our evolution in separate phases to deliver value to you as quickly as possible.&nbsp;</p><p>In the first version of the Broadsign Platform, our goal is to unify the notion of users, inventory and audiences across our products. Connecting our products as modules, rather than separate products, means that users of the Broadsign Platform will now only require one single sign-on to access their guaranteed and programmatic campaigns, and have a single source of inventory and audience data for users to manage.&nbsp;</p><p>Curious to see what these capabilities look like on the actual platform? Here’s Seamus with a quick tour of the Broadsign Platform:&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Bringing static campaigns to the Broadsign Platform</h2><p>While many of our customers operate a mix of static and digital inventory, static remains the <a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/04/27/the-power-of-static-ooh-in-the-digital-era/?sh=2b2c913c2d22">dominant format in OOH</a>. To support our static customers, we’ll be bringing static asset and campaign management tools to the Broadsign Platform in late spring. Leveraging Ayuda’s rich static workflows, the static module will offer end-to-end asset, campaign and operations management features. For the first time ever, media owners will be able to manage their digital, static and programmatic workflows in one centralized place. Here’s Francois with a quick demo of what our Static Campaigns module looks like in the Broadsign Platform:&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Building the next-generation ad server</h2><p>The appearance of more digital and omnichannel buyers in the OOH advertising ecosystem is changing the needs and expectations of advertisers. As more media buyers adopt an audience-based approach, media owners can leverage their inventory to help buyers reach target audiences at the right time and place through contextual triggers. There is also an expectation from media buyers that they should be given the same flexibility as they do when booking with digital ad mediums when it comes to campaign activation and delivery.&nbsp;</p><p>As media owners, meeting these new needs and expectations bring on significant changes to your business model. This means having to package and price your inventory in multiple ways, operate different monetization channels, and offer multiple campaign objectives and delivery options. New ways of working bring on new complexities which require new tools.&nbsp;</p><p>Broadsign’s ad server will give you access to more modern ways of selling, better targeting capabilities and advanced reporting in your direct one-to-one selling environment. With access to demographics, points of interest, weather moments, and many more data points, you will be able to plan audience-based campaigns and have them delivered programmatically, ensuring that the ad is shown only at the right moment to the right audience through contextual triggers. Here’s Seamus with a sneak peek of what our ad server looks like:&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Want to learn more about our new features that will be made available soon?&nbsp;</h2><p>Contact us to learn more about the eligibility requirements to have access to these new features or to join our ongoing beta programs.&nbsp;</p><p><a >Contact Us</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How LEDDREAM is changing the face of DOOH advertising in Spain]]><![CDATA[

Advertising, like art, is at its best when it evokes an emotional response in the viewer. This is especially true for large-format digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising, which has been shown to drive strong emotional reactions that are ultimately linked to increased buying likelihood. The similarities between art and advertising are nothing new. Still, as industry […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-leddream-is-changing-the-face-of-dooh-advertising-in-spainhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-leddream-is-changing-the-face-of-dooh-advertising-in-spain<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 22 Mar 2023 08:36:26 GMT<p>Advertising, like art, is at its best when it evokes an emotional response in the viewer. This is especially true for large-format digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising, which <a href="https://oceanoutdoor.com/neuroscience/the-science-behind-the-art-of-outdoor/">has been shown</a> to drive strong emotional reactions that are ultimately linked to increased buying likelihood.&nbsp;</p><p>The similarities between art and advertising are nothing new. Still, as industry investment in the big, the bold, and the multi-sensory grows, <a href="https://leddream.es/en/">LEDDREAM</a> is taking that comparison further by leveraging the latest innovations in DOOH technology to create immersive experiences that turn LED displays into works of public art.&nbsp;</p><h2 >A commitment to innovation and digitization</h2><p>Founded in 2008, an era where digital screens (especially those with LED technology) were relatively new to the Spanish market, LEDDREAM Group is now an audiovisual engineering company with more than 15 years of experience working on projects across Europe, North America, and Africa. As the audiovisual sector evolved and the demand for innovative products grew, LEDDREAM began to introduce these new solutions to its portfolio of products and services, an investment which would provide added value to customers and partners. The company’s digital signage network has since grown to include more than 300 screens in various formats, from professional monitors in commercial chains to spectaculars in corporate buildings and large outdoor DOOH screens.</p><p>LEDDREAM is much more than a digital signage media owner, though. Today, it specializes in comprehensive technology solutions based on LED technology, providing digital content creation and lighting solutions through specialized companies <a href="https://channel4you.es">Channel4you</a> and <a href="https://www.lumalia.es">Lumalia Studio</a>. As a technological partner, they offer their clients innovative 360° solutions to give life to different spaces, helping to design and create immersive digital experiences adapted to the unique architecture of the venues involved.</p><h2 >Immersive and engaging digital art with DOOH</h2><p>By participating in all value chain phases, from consulting and design to the supply, installation, and execution of digital signage systems and other tech supports, LEDDREAM can define audiovisual solutions that best align with the client’s business objectives. Working closely with clients to design the best digitization strategy for communications campaigns, the company can leverage the most innovative tech solutions on the market to bring outdoor and architectural locations to life &#8211; all with the goal of increasing the user experience.</p><p>Through Channel4you, they design different pieces of ad-hoc visual content from an artistic perspective, always aiming to evoke an emotional response in site visitors. But many of the company’s most emblematic projects have gone even further, turning large-format LED installations into dynamic works of digital public art. For the lobby of Diagonal 123’s corporate office in Barcelona, LEDDREAM converted a giant 50m<sup>2 </sup>LED mural into a moving digital art piece, transporting visitors to the places and landscapes depicted with 3D motion graphics and close to 4K resolution.</p><figure >Diagonal 123 corporate office, LEDDREAM</figcaption></figure><p>In the reception of 86D Velázquez, an office building in the business district of central Madrid, they created an immersive digital experience featuring a 45m2 LED display turned into a modern digital painting where different digital art content is exhibited.</p><p>To enhance these immersive digital experiences, LEDDREAM also designs personalized and dynamic content templates that offer real-time weather information, directories, services, events in the area, and a cultural agenda of interest to visitors.</p><figure >86D Velázquez, LEDDREAM</figcaption></figure><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home">READ ALSO: Dynamic digital OOH: Powering compelling advertising experiences through context, not cookies</a></p><p>LEDDREAM&#8217;s creativity has no limits, they also designed, developed and executed a new concept of digital multimedia façade of more than 140m2 in the Puerto Venecia shopping centre. A large format outdoor experience in Zaragoza, the double-sided 32m2 LED screen in one of the centre&#8217;s main entrances displays entertaining digital media to visitors, promoting on-site experiences to enjoy with family and friends. </p><p>Another attractive digital element is the new facade on die-cut panels, designed and produced by Lumalia Studio, which enhances the space both technologically and architecturally, expanding the screen&#8217;s content and contrasting it with colour ranges and dynamic lighting. The resulting experience is engaging and immersive, combining 2D and 3D anamorphic content with synchronized digital effects —though they can work independently for more specific applications. The third element that completes and integrates the space is the extension of dynamic lighting along the stands. The content and video effects of the digital façade are enlarged in an immersive way following the movements, and chromatic ranges are reproduced in a natural way.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>When it comes to DOOH, LEDDREAM understands that some of the best advertising happens when engaging experiences are created. Together with Think Agency, the company displayed exciting digital canvases over the holidays that featured anamorphic 3D content to promote the new Xiaomi 12TPro smartphone from electronics company Xiaomi. With spectacular digital screens in the Diagonal Mar Shopping Center in Barcelona, and later expanded to other Spanish cities like Madrid, shoppers were delighted to watch the smartphone unbox right before them. When the phone’s accessories were revealed, the display simulated taking photos of audiences, an exciting surprise that caused a splash on social media.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Scaling its artistic vision with Broadsign</h2><p>To build on this innovative 360° approach, LEDDREAM needed to invest in scalable technology that could support various formats and devices—especially given the complex nature of their unique and large-scale projects. The audiovisual company was impressed by the intuitive interface and powerful stack of end-to-end digital signage solutions included in Broadsign’s DOOH platform. Once stakeholders at LEDDREAM discovered Broadsign’s integrated digital signage platform&#8217;s benefits, including automated campaign workflows, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-display-content-across-multiple-screens-with-broadsign">multi-screen playback</a>, and the ability to monitor and make changes to their network in real time, an exciting partnership was formed.</p><p>With Broadsign by its side, LEDDREAM has only strengthened its impressive commitment to ongoing innovation and digitization. It successfully designs and creates cutting-edge digital experiences that combine technology, artistic creativity, and dynamic DOOH to transform architectural and outdoor spaces. The company wants to continue inspiring more personal and intuitive OOH experiences that improve users&#8217; lives and contribute to a more sustainable future. By partnering with world-class leaders in DOOH solutions, like Broadsign, LEDDREAM has set itself up to make almost any idea possible.</p><h4 ><strong>Want to build on your own innovative approach to OOH?</strong></h4><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo">See how Broadsign can make it happen.</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Vistar Media and Broadsign Partner to Streamline Programmatic DOOH Transactions]]><![CDATA[

Integration of mediation layers simplifies OOH media buys across both supply-side-platforms (SSPs), unlocks access to additional demand NEW YORK – March 21, 2023 – Leading out-of-home (OOH) advertising technology developers Vistar Media and Broadsign today announced a mutual integration to their respective mediation layers. Enabling an open, fair play auction regardless of which firm’s mediation […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/vistar-media-and-broadsign-partner-to-streamline-programmatic-dooh-transactionshttps://broadsign.com/blog/vistar-media-and-broadsign-partner-to-streamline-programmatic-dooh-transactions<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 21 Mar 2023 08:00:00 GMT<p><em>Integration of mediation layers simplifies OOH media buys across both supply-side-platforms (SSPs), unlocks access to additional demand</em></p><p><strong>NEW YORK &#8211; March 21, 2023</strong> &#8211; Leading out-of-home (OOH) advertising technology developers <a href="http://www.vistarmedia.com">Vistar Media</a> and <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a> today announced a mutual integration to their respective mediation layers. Enabling an open, fair play auction regardless of which firm’s mediation layer is used, the collaboration lowers the operational burden for media owners while facilitating easier advertiser access to OOH inventory.&nbsp;</p><p>For media owners using or planning to use both companies’ SSPs, the mediation layer integration enables them to streamline their programmatic inventory allocation. They can access media buyer demand from both platforms, without having to manage each one separately. Mediation will allow media owners to have both SSPs compete in a fair auction based on price, creating a level playing field and ensuring that media owners can maximize yield on any programmatically-sold inventory.&nbsp;</p><p>"Unified auctions unlock the true value of programmatic for media owners, allowing them to benefit from centralized demand and increased competition," said Eric Lamb, SVP, Supply at Vistar Media. "We’ve already seen significant value delivered to media owners activating mediation, and are confident that this partnership and broader adoption of mediation will drive further growth for the DOOH industry."&nbsp;</p><p>"As demand for programmatic DOOH continues to grow, this type of collaboration represents a huge leap forward for the industry, making OOH transactions much simpler, while also giving media owners more flexibility with their programmatic strategies and solving for operational headaches," shared Frank Vallenga, Vice President of SaaS Sales, Broadsign. "Our work with Vistar on this integration closely aligns with our broader vision to make digital-out-of-home more accessible to modern media buyers, so that OOH can ultimately represent a larger portion of omnichannel media buys."&nbsp;</p><p>Several media owners on both platforms have already activated mediation with excellent results. For more information, please visit <a href="http://www.vistarmedia.com">www.vistarmedia.com</a> or contact <a href="mailto:info@vistarmedia.com">info@vistarmedia.com</a>.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>About Vistar Media</strong></p><p>Vistar Media is the leading global provider of programmatic technology for <a href="https://hubs.la/Q01s0C6h0">digital out-of-home (DOOH)</a>. With a mission of enhancing every OOH transaction with automation, data and measurement, Vistar has established the most comprehensive marketplace for programmatic out-of-home transactions via a demand-side platform (DSP), supply-side platform (SSP), and data management platform (DMP). Vistar also offers core infrastructure software for media owner networks, via the Vistar Ad Server and device and content management platform (Cortex). Headquartered in New York, NY, Vistar has rapidly expanded since its founding in 2012 and now partners with some of the world’s leading brand marketers and media owner networks in more than 20 countries globally. For more information, visit <a href="http://www.vistarmedia.com">www.vistarmedia.com</a> or follow us on <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/vistar-media">LinkedIn</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com/vistarmedia">Twitter</a> and <a href="https://www.facebook.com/people/Vistar-Media/100054516907346/">Facebook</a>.</p><p><strong>About Broadsign</strong></p><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over one million static and digital signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, retail centers, health clinics, transit systems, electric vehicle charging stations, and more, Broadsign reaches audiences at multiple touchpoints throughout the consumer journey. The Broadsign platform helps media owners efficiently manage their business operations while enabling brands and agencies to easily book OOH campaigns. The platform includes tools for content distribution, playback and proof of performance; sales inventory availability and proposal generation; automated programmatic DOOH transactions; and OOH business operations. <a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Sustainability initiatives in OOH: Highlights from Broadsign’s sustainability panel]]><![CDATA[

For years, scientific evidence has warned us of the many threats of climate change, notably the risk of exceeding the designated global heating limit of 1.5C, a threshold we’re expected to cross within the next ten to fifteen years. As a result, countries worldwide, especially the G7, are taking critical measures and introducing stringent policies […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/sustainability-initiatives-in-ooh-highlights-from-broadsigns-sustainability-panelhttps://broadsign.com/blog/sustainability-initiatives-in-ooh-highlights-from-broadsigns-sustainability-panel<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 20 Mar 2023 10:30:00 GMT<p>For years, scientific evidence has warned us of the many threats of climate change, notably the risk of exceeding the designated <a href="https://unfccc.int/process-and-meetings/the-paris-agreement">global heating limit of 1.5C</a>, a threshold we’re expected to cross <a href="https://news.stanford.edu/2023/01/30/ai-predicts-global-warming-will-exceed-1-5-degrees-2030s/#:~:text=Artificial%20intelligence%20provides%20new%20evidence,within%2010%20to%2015%20years.">within the next ten to fifteen years</a>. As a result, countries worldwide, especially the G7, are taking critical measures and introducing stringent policies to prevent global warming from worsening.</p><p>Of course, governing bodies aren’t the only ones demanding action. Consumers are shifting their priorities and have become more interested in their chosen brands&#8217; <a href="https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/esg/esg-environmental-social-governance/">Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)</a> efforts. Recent <a href="https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20211014005090/en/Recent-Study-Reveals-More-Than-a-Third-of-Global-Consumers-Are-Willing-to-Pay-More-for-Sustainability-as-Demand-Grows-for-Environmentally-Friendly-Alternatives">research from BusinessWire</a> found that 85% of consumers have become more eco-conscious over the past few years, and 30% of shoppers globally are willing to pay extra for sustainable products. In turn, brands are becoming more vocal with their commitments to sustainability in manufacturing, business operations, and advertising.</p><p>Broadsign recently hosted a <em>Sustainability and OOH</em> panel discussion at our Customer Summit at ISE 2023 in Barcelona, where we invited out-of-home (OOH) experts to share their insights and perspectives on overcoming current challenges and industry initiatives to reach a more sustainable future. Check out the highlights below.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >The Big Bad Wolf of Advertising?</h2><p>With the size and prominence of billboards rendering them an easy target, OOH has historically been viewed negatively in terms of sustainability. Our panellists dove right in, discussing how the industry is challenging these negative stereotypes while also tackling key focus areas head-on, like using more sustainable materials, energy sources, and evaluating current practices to offset footprints with carbon emission reduction plans.</p><p>Dr. Kai-Marcus Thäsler, Managing Director at <a href="https://faw-ev.de/">FAW</a>, shared his recent experience in Germany, where activists targeted OOH, pushing policymakers to introduce regulations requiring that <a href="https://www.digitalsignagetoday.com/news/germany-reduces-restrictions-on-digital-signage-dooh/">digital screens and signage be turned off overnight</a> to save energy as part of the <a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/08/02/energy-savings-how-eu-governments-plan-to-cut-their-consumption">European Union’s energy-saving plan</a>. These movements also impacted parts of Switzerland, with the city of Geneva working <a href="https://www.worldradio.ch/news/bitesize-news/fight-over-geneva-street-advertising-continues/">to ban billboards on the streets</a>.</p><p>"Just eighteen months ago, sustainability wasn’t even part of our conversations with media agencies, advertisers ," said Pedro Fernandez Sanz, Product Marketing Director at <a href="https://www.clearchannel.es/">Clear Channel Spain</a>. "Now, it’s at the very top of the agenda. We’re being asked about what energy we’re using, which is green energy, so it’s very top of mind for media owners."</p><p>Fortunately, the industry’s efforts are moving rapidly, and significant improvements have emerged. In Germany, Thäsler and the team at FAW have taken action to help overturn anti-OOH policies by focusing on the positive aspects of the channel. "Digital-out-of-home in Germany contains both content and advertising," he says. "That’s the reason why we, in theory, can leave it on. It has to provide safety lighting, emergency messaging, and critical community infrastructure."&nbsp;</p><p>Given that OOH is a one-to-many medium, meaning one ad can reach thousands of viewers, adjusting for reach shows that OOH can be a very Co2-efficient medium. Research by FAW showed that when compared to channels like newspapers, TV, and radio, OOH produced the lowest amounts of Co2 pollution per 1000 media consumers.</p><figure >Source: FAW</figcaption></figure><h2 ><strong>A key factor in social progress</strong></h2><p>There are many other reasons why OOH is an ally for societal progress. The medium provides value to the public and is a key infrastructure supplier for cities and municipalities. OOH displays not only bring important services to communities like political or city information, but they also contribute towards the investment of projects like transit shelters, charging stations, city wifi, public toilets, and more.&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >The future of sustainability in OOH</h2><p>Today, ESG efforts are a huge topic of conversation between agencies, media owners, tech providers and more &#8211; and this is expected to continue as more advancements are made. One way the medium has significantly improved is by using refurbished and recyclable materials for billboards and collateral. Many media owners invest heavily in renewable energy, like switching to LED displays or installing solar panels to power their screens.</p><p>"This year, we started the second stage in our objective to neutralize our footprint, which is to neutralize our power consumption. We evaluated how much power we consume, and every month we work towards subsidizing the production of local, green energy. We’re also going to be looking at our plastic consumption," says Christian Vaglio-Giors, CEO of <a href="https://www.neoadvertising.ch/fr/">Neo Advertising</a>. "These are very important initiatives to show the public that we take sustainability very seriously, and that we’re willing to innovate with new solutions to offset all the resources consumed in our business."</p><p>"There’s more demand for adding green elements to OOH," adds Eric Kip, Managing Director at <a href="https://global.com/nl/">Global Media &amp; Entertainment NL</a>. "There’s also the question of how we can use refurbished materials, which were not even part of the discussion four or five years ago when we had zero green elements. The changes are being made very rapidly, and our work will need to become bigger, more demanding, and more diverse."&nbsp;</p><p>A primary goal is to educate citizens and policymakers on how modern practices and products are becoming more sustainable and transparent than ever before. When asked if there was a difference between traditional OOH and DOOH regarding sustainability, our panellists agreed that the real distinction lies in the DNA of a company. Each company in the industry, from agencies to publishers to tech providers, is responsible for analyzing its value chain and understanding what daily changes it can make to reduce or neutralize its carbon footprint. While achieving these goals won’t happen overnight, OOH companies need to be proactive and make decisions at the management level to minimize the environmental impact of operations.&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><p>OOH media companies also face increasing pressure from advertisers to work towards more sustainable practices. Sustainable products and consumption are important to consumers, and brands are investing more in R&amp;D to meet these demands. Agencies are also getting into action with advances like using sustainable advertising materials across campaigns and certification requirements for OOH suppliers.&nbsp;</p><p>The industry is headed towards becoming more transparent about the sustainability goals they&#8217;ve achieved, including actively monitoring practices, expanding green OOH options to attract more eco-conscious clients, and promoting trends in sustainable innovations within the space. To ensure they are helping to move the needle when it comes to advocating for a better environment, media owners should continue to prioritize sustainability across all aspects of their business operations.</p><p>"We will see sustainability initiatives be a key part of daily business in less than 18 months," predicts Pedro Fernandez Sanz of Clear Channel Spain. His advice? "Create sustainability reports to structure your operations. As market demand grows, it’s important to stay one to two steps ahead of what’s being asked. The entire ecosystem is shifting, and these discussions are taking place internationally with a heavy focus on DOOH".</p><figure ></div></figure><p>With the industry rapidly evolving and the ongoing commitment to sustainability leading the charge, there&#8217;s no doubt that OOH will continue to work towards more positive practices while striving to give back to communities. To learn more about Broadsign’s commitment to sustainability, read <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-executive-insights-burr-smith-on-broadsigns-commitment-to-sustainability">a letter from CEO Burr Smith</a> on the steps we’re taking to achieve a better, cleaner future together.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Marketmedios is making an impression with DOOH in Colombia]]><![CDATA[

Out-of-home is already a well-established medium in many parts of South America. In Colombia, digital out-of-home is becoming more common, its popularity largely thanks to the support of media owners like Marketmedios, who are making it more widely accessible to the media buyers and advertisers they partner with. It’s safe to say that although digital […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-marketmedios-is-making-an-impression-with-dooh-in-colombiahttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-marketmedios-is-making-an-impression-with-dooh-in-colombia<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 08 Mar 2023 10:40:08 GMT<p>Out-of-home is already a well-established medium in many parts of South America. In Colombia, digital out-of-home is becoming more common, its popularity largely thanks to the support of media owners like <a href="https://www.marketmedios.com.co/">Marketmedios</a>, who are making it more widely accessible to the media buyers and advertisers they partner with.&nbsp;</p><p>It’s safe to say that although digital out-of-home is still an emerging channel, it’s making a big impression on audiences and advertisers alike.</p><h2 >Engaging audiences with digital out-of-home&nbsp;</h2><p>Based in Bogotá, Colombia, Marketmedios celebrated a milestone 20th-anniversary last year. Today, Marketmedios has grown to become one of the largest media and out-of-home companies operating in the region, a success the team attributes to the diversity of media formats available to advertisers.</p><p>While Marketmedios works in advertising formats beyond out-of-home—such as radio—its founders, Mauricio Prieto Uribe and Alberto Prieto Uribe, have a particular fondness for out-of-home, having worked in the industry for nearly three decades.&nbsp;</p><p>According to Alejandro Prieto, Vice President of Commercial Sales, the company’s inventory is not just limited to large-format spectaculars, but that is an essential part of their offering.</p><p>"We started with billboards, and we’re constantly looking for new mediums that we can add . That’s one of the reasons we can grow at the pace we’re going."&nbsp;</p><p>The company’s network spans roughly 300 digital displays, divided among shopping malls, airports, stadiums, parking lots, and public transportation like Bogotá’s bus transit system, TransMilenio.&nbsp;</p><p>Though headquartered in Colombia, Marketmedios operates digital screen networks in neighbouring Panama and Ecuador, and they have plans to expand into Honduras in the future. According to Prieto, the team is also working towards expanding into the retail space. The company recently teamed up with Winkel Media, an advertising and analytics agency based in Mexico, with digital displays installed in convenience store locations.</p><p>Marketmedios’ screens run ads almost exclusively, but they make some exceptions for municipal communications or messaging from law enforcement. For now, they don’t run data integration feeds—for the most part, it’s strictly business for these media owners.&nbsp;</p><figure /></figure><h2 >Driving awareness and generating demand with digital&nbsp;</h2><p>Marketmedios has seen a remarkable shift in its digital out-of-home efforts. Around three years ago, digital out-of-home media buys accounted for approximately 5% of Marketmedios’s revenue. That number has steadily increased; today, it makes up about 25% of revenue. It’s clear that the company’s emphasis on the medium is having an impact.</p><p>In addition to championing the benefits of digital out-of-home, Marketmedios books up space in a way that resembles a more traditional approach. Oftentimes, large corporations with numerous subsidiaries or products will book up screens to full capacity, sometimes for as long as a year. These brands will then fill up all available ad space with their vast portfolio of products, switching out their ads depending on the day to completely occupy one screen and maximize the investment of their ad spend.</p><p>Marketmedios also tries to reduce the volume of advertisers that can book up space on a screen at a time, limiting the number to five different advertisers apiece. This way, their customers benefit from a sense of exclusivity along with the assurance that their ads will be played in each loop. So far, this has proven to be an effective approach, as each of their screens generates an average of 21,400 impressions per month.</p><figure /></figure><h2 >A growing network with help from Broadsign</h2><p>When starting out in digital out-of-home, Marketmedios had a smaller network and made do using the CMS that came with the screens they invested in. But as they expanded and got into programmatic DOOH transacting, they knew they needed the support of software built for digital signage that could readily adapt to consumer demands.</p><p>&nbsp;"We figured that if we want to grow, we have to go with the best" says Prieto. After doing their research, Marketmedios adopted the Broadsign platform, and soon realized that this was the solution they had long been seeking.&nbsp;</p><p>The Broadsign platform enables Marketmedios to manage and oversee their out-of-home operations. Broadsign’s CMS is a user-friendly tool that facilitates automation and helps manage a rapidly growing network. With plans to begin transacting programmatically, the platform also enables them to easily integrate with multiple DSPs across the industry. When it comes time to sharing results from campaigns, Broadsign’s reporting tools offer their customers in-depth insights and data, showcasing the true value of this investment.&nbsp;</p><p>Today, approximately 50 of Marketmedios’s screens are running on Broadsign, a number the team hopes to increase to 75 by the end of this year, especially given that they are in the process of exploring installing screens in new venues and expanding into other countries.&nbsp;</p><figure /></figure><h2 >Eyes on expansion&nbsp;</h2><p>Over the past couple of years, digital billboards have become more widely available in Colombia, and they’ve seen major growth in popularity since then. That’s great news for media owners like Marketmedios, who see the massive potential to grow their DOOH offering and serve advertisers and audiences in their country and beyond its borders.&nbsp;</p><p>Interested in growing your digital out-of-home network? <a href="https://broadsign.com/contact">See how Broadsign can help</a>.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Installing public EV charging stations at commercial properties: FAQs + tips on how to create EV-related revenue streams]]><![CDATA[

Electric vehicle (EV) charging is expected to present a huge business opportunity in the coming years, with the global EV charging station market projected to reach a value of $823 billion by 2028. Even though the market is still fragmented and undeveloped, it’s not too early for companies to start positioning themselves to compete in […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/installing-public-ev-charging-stations-at-commercial-properties-faqs-tips-on-how-to-create-ev-related-revenue-streamshttps://broadsign.com/blog/installing-public-ev-charging-stations-at-commercial-properties-faqs-tips-on-how-to-create-ev-related-revenue-streams<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 08 Mar 2023 10:33:59 GMT<p>Electric vehicle (EV) charging is expected to present a huge business opportunity in the coming years, with the global EV charging station market <a href="https://www.globenewswire.com/en/news-release/2022/06/29/2471528/0/en/Electric-Vehicle-Charging-Station-Market-to-Reach-823-billion-by-2028-Investment-Worth-Over-30-Billion-on-the-way-to-Improve-Global-Charging-Infrastructure.html">projected to reach a value of $823 billion</a> by 2028. Even though the market is still fragmented and undeveloped, it’s not too early for companies to start positioning themselves to compete in it. But those interested in capitalizing on this growing demand should understand that delivering these services will likely require new business models—and start preparing accordingly.</p><p>Read on to find answers to your most pressing questions about the business potential of commercial EV charging—from startup costs and revenue models to monetization strategies and tips on how to make your emerging EV charging business as profitable as possible.</p><h2 >Rising demand and the role of public EV charging</h2><p>Thanks to factors such as falling costs, widening availability, and support from public policymakers, global electric car sales <a href="https://www.iea.org/reports/global-ev-outlook-2022">continued their strong growth in 2022</a> after breaking records last year. And the pace of development shows no signs of slowing down; in their <a href="https://bnef.turtl.co/story/evo-2022/page/1?teaser=yes">2022 Electric Vehicle Outlook</a>, Bloomberg estimates there will be 77 million passenger EVs on the road by 2025.&nbsp;</p><p>However, the growing number of EVs on the road is at odds with the gaps in the charging infrastructure necessary to support these vehicles. According to <a href="https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/public-and-social-sector/our-insights/building-the-electric-vehicle-charging-infrastructure-america-needs">a 2022 analysis of U.S. charging infrastructure by McKinsey</a>, the country will need almost 20 times more chargers than it has now if it succeeds in meeting its 2030 federal EV sales targets. While many of these chargers would be installed at residences, the analysis also estimates the need for around 1.2 million public chargers.&nbsp;</p><p>Installed at on-the-go locations and at destinations where vehicles are parked for long periods, public chargers have an important role to play in covering the remaining needs of EV owners. And as the price of EVs drops and they begin to penetrate new markets, particularly middle- and lower-income households without access to home-charging options, the role of public charging <a href="https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/automotive-and-assembly/our-insights/charging-ahead-electric-vehicle-infrastructure-demand">will likely become more crucial</a>.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Commercial EV charging stations: FAQs on the business of EV charging</h2><p>Commercial property owners have the opportunity to play an important part in expanding access to public EV charging infrastructure. But of course, as a business owner, you’re probably wondering about the profit potential of a commercial EV charging business, as well as the associated costs.&nbsp;</p><h3 >Who can install commercial EV charging stations?</h3><p>EV owners need options for charging their vehicles away from home, and business owners are in a perfect position to provide charging space and options. But what kinds of businesses and commercial properties are best suited for installing and hosting public EV charging stations?</p><p>A few examples of ideal commercial prospects include:</p><ul><li>Multifamily living spaces: In many urban centers, commercial EV charging stations are a must when it comes to attracting tenants, residents, and visitors. Installing EV chargers at apartment buildings, condos, and other multifamily buildings can increase property value and draw in new prospective clients.</li><li>Workplaces: Since people park their vehicles at work more often than almost anywhere else outside of the home, offering a charging station can be a great way to attract EV drivers as employees. According to <a href="https://afdc.energy.gov/files/u/publication/wpcc_mid-program_review.pdf">a survey from the U.S. Department of Energy</a>, 80% of employers with an on-site EV charging station say that it has helped them attract and retain more top talent.&nbsp;</li><li>Retail districts and shopping centers: Most EV owners want to be able to charge their cars somewhere convenient—somewhere they can park and plug their vehicle in to charge while they’re off enjoying themselves or running necessary errands. Shopping centers, restaurants, business districts, and malls can install EV chargers to attract these types of shoppers.&nbsp;</li></ul><p>Service locations: Hospitals, universities, and public buildings often have sustainability goals they’re working towards and installing an EV charger can help them get <a href="https://www.usgbc.org/leed">LEED</a> credits or government funding. These locations also typically have a large employee workforce, and as previously mentioned, EV chargers are an environmentally-friendly way to attract more talent.</p><figure >READ ALSO: How EV charging at retail locations increases revenue and drives a competitive advantage</a></figcaption></figure><h2 >How much does a commercial EV charging station cost??</h2><p>The cost of installing a commercial electric vehicle charging station will vary greatly depending on factors such as the type of charger, the number of chargers, and whether you want any additional features. But the first and most important thing to consider when estimating costs is the level of EV charger(s) that will be installed.&nbsp;</p><p>Basically, the higher the level of charging, the faster the charging process. It’s important to note that different EVs charge at different speeds on each level since each EV battery can accept different levels of power from the charger. Because public chargers tend to be used for shorter periods of time, as opposed to home charging, where EV owners typically leave their vehicles to charge overnight, most commercial facilities use Level 2 or DC fast chargers.</p><p>Here’s a quick breakdown of the different types of EV chargers and their associated equipment costs:</p><ul><li>Level 1 charging stations require a 120-volt, single-phase AC power outlet similar to those you have in your home. They’re the cheapest option, at a price range of $300 to $1,500, but <a href="https://www.forbes.com/wheels/advice/ev-charging-levels/">they’re also the least powerful</a>, and are generally not adequate for commercial charging enterprises.</li><li>Level 2 EV chargers also use single-phase AC power outlets but they’re much faster and more powerful, packing 208 to 240 volts and <a href="https://chargehub.com/en/electric-car-charging-guide.html">with a power rating that ranges from 3kW to a little over 20kW</a>. Depending on the specific model, you can expect to pay between $400 and $6,500 for a level 2 commercial EV charger.</li><li>Lever 3 electric charging stations, i.e. DC fast chargers (DCFC), are the fastest commercial charging option. They use a 480 to 600-volt input <a href="https://calevip.org/electric-vehicle-charging-101#:~:text=DC%20Fast%20Charging&amp;text=Most%20DC%20fast%20chargers%20on,recreational%20areas%20and%20shopping%20centers.">with a power rating between 25kW and 50kW</a>. The hardware cost for a DC fast charger ranges from $10,000 up to $40,000.</li></ul><p>Of course, there are many other factors to consider when budgeting for an EV charging station. The final budget will increase further after considering additional required expenses related to:</p><h4 >Infrastructure</h4><p>Infrastructure is a defining factor in final cost since each level of charger requires a dedicated infrastructure to provide the right voltage and power output. This infrastructure will likely include components such as a feeder and cable pole, a high amp circuit breaker, a power protection system, proper wiring, and installation labour.&nbsp;</p><p>Depending on your particular installation requirements, these infrastructure costs can range <a href="https://jointventure.org/images/stories/pdf/Best_Practices_for_Workplace_Charging.sflb.pdf">from $200 to $1,500</a> for Level 1/2 chargers, or up to $40,000 for Level 3/DCFCs.</p><h4 >Soft costs</h4><p>The term "soft costs" used for commercial EV charging stations typically refers to all of the necessary permits required for setup as well as any other expenses required to make the place suitable for a business. This can include charging parking ports, charger logos, signalization, protective bollards, and other such costs.&nbsp;</p><p>As a general rule, you should expect soft costs to account for <a href="https://afdc.energy.gov/files/u/publication/evse_cost_report_2015.pdf">about 5% of your overall EV station costs</a>.&nbsp;</p><h4 >Software</h4><p>Utility companies require that commercial EV charging stations have network subscriptions installed as well as net metering system software that provides monitoring, protection, and data analysis.&nbsp;</p><p>Software expenses for commercial electric car charging stations typically amount to <a href="https://rmi.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/RMI-EV-Charging-Infrastructure-Costs.pdf">a little less than $300 per year</a>.&nbsp;</p><figure }</script></figure><h3 >What are commercial EV charging business models?</h3><p>Commercial EV charging stations typically use one of two EV charging business models: the property owners are either owner-operators, which means they own the equipment and are responsible for all of the costs outlined above, including installation and ongoing maintenance costs, or they contract their property’s EV charging services out to a third-party service supplier, in which case they simply pay a recurring monthly service fee.&nbsp;</p><p>There are pros and cons to each of these business models, and the right choice for your commercial site will depend on a number of factors such as your site location(s), your total number of sites, and how you intend the EV charging infrastructure to be used. The main thing you should know is that being an owner-operator requires more up-front investment and financial responsibility over the long term, but it also gives you complete control over the pricing structure and customer experience. Essentially, a setup where you yourself are the owner-operator comes with some associated financial risks, but it also offers a higher profit potential.&nbsp;</p><h3 >How do EV charging stations make money?</h3><p>Installing public EV charging stations at a commercial property is a great way to attract new tenants, residents, and customers and can help boost on-site sales by increasing their average dwell time. As an added bonus, these chargers can generate direct revenue for the property. But just how much revenue do they generate? And can commercial property owners truly expect to drive significant revenue by installing EV charging stations?</p><p>The short answer is: it depends. The amount of control you’ll have as a commercial property owner will be dictated by your chosen business model, but when it comes to generating revenue directly from the chargers themselves, there are currently two main options:</p><ol><li>Usage fees: Drivers pay a subscription or fee for EV charging. This typically entails charging for the amount of energy being used or the amount of time spent plugged into a charger, with some sites offering a combination of the two charging forms as a way to reduce the hourly rate while still ensuring don’t "camp out" in a spot once their vehicle is already fully charged.&nbsp;</li><li>Place-based advertising: Chargers connected to digital screens generate revenue through the sale of digital out-of-home (DOOH) ad placements. These placements can be sold to advertisers directly according to a set frequency, location, or specific time slot, or they can be sold programmatically according to specific audience targeting and campaign goals. Check out <a href="/blog/ev-charging-stations-digital-signage-a-guide-to-ev-place-based-advertising">our guide to EV place-based advertising</a> to learn more about EV charging stations connected to digital signage.</li></ol><p>While user fees are an effective tool to offset the operational costs of your EV charging stations, implementing a fee structure designed to turn a profit from the sale of charging services alone can ultimately end up backfiring—especially since many EV owners can charge their vehicles at home at very little cost. Depending on how you intend for your charging infrastructure to be used, your business might benefit more from a fee structure that ensures a high rate of utilization and encourages longer customer dwell time.</p><p>When you look at commercial EV charging as a form of advertising, though, everything changes. In fact, advertising revenue <a href="https://atlaspolicy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Public-EV-Charging-Business-Models-for-Retail-Site-Hosts.pdf">has been shown to have the single largest impact</a> on EV charging station profitability. The revenue your business can earn from ad sales will depend on your chargers’ screen placement, location, and potential audience, but DOOH-enabled chargers set up in busy, high-traffic areas will be extremely attractive to brand advertisers looking for new ways to connect with their customers—meaning they’ll have an extremely high profit potential. Moreover, adding digital signage to your EV charging stations doesn’t mean choosing one revenue model over the other; you could feasibly charge a nominal user fee to offset your operating costs and also leverage digital place-based ad placements to generate an entirely new revenue stream.</p><h4 >Interested in adding place-based advertising for your commercial EV charging network?</h4><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/electric-charging-stations-digital-signage">Find out more here!</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Promotes Frank Vallenga to Vice President of SaaS Sales]]><![CDATA[

Montreal, Canada – March 3, 2023 – Broadsign today announced the appointment of Frank Vallenga to Vice President of SaaS Sales. In this newly formed role, Vallenga will collaborate closely with prospective and existing customers to help them build and scale their OOH media businesses while also managing Broadsign’s global SaaS sales team.Vallenga has been […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-promotes-frank-vallenga-to-vice-president-of-saas-saleshttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-promotes-frank-vallenga-to-vice-president-of-saas-sales<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 06 Mar 2023 10:24:06 GMT<p><strong>Montreal, Canada – March 3, 2023</strong> – Broadsign today announced the appointment of Frank Vallenga to Vice President of SaaS Sales. In this newly formed role, Vallenga will collaborate closely with prospective and existing customers to help them build and scale their OOH media businesses while also managing Broadsign’s global SaaS sales team.&nbsp;&nbsp;Vallenga has been an integral member of the Broadsign team and a trusted advisor to media owners leveraging the Broadsign platform since joining the company as Sales Director in 2015. Shortly after, he was promoted to Head of Sales for EMEA and APAC and quickly began working more with the North American team. A self-proclaimed OOH enthusiast, he holds a deep knowledge and innate understanding of the OOH industry, which have contributed to Broadsign’s overall achievements. Prior to Broadsign, he worked for computer hardware manufacturing company AOPEN, providing physical players to the OOH industry, among others, and other sales roles across live events and TV.&nbsp;&nbsp;"As Broadsign continues to grow and mature its offerings, strong leadership is crucial and Frank is the ideal person to shape this new role," shared Maarten Dollevoet, Chief Revenue Officer, Broadsign. "His proven ability to build meaningful relationships with customers and the internal sales team alike will help propel Broadsign further. We’re thrilled to see what the future holds with Frank at the helm of global OOH SaaS sales." &nbsp;&nbsp;"Broadsign is expanding its service slate and customer base at an incredibly rapid pace. While here, I’ve seen our customer base grow exponentially alongside the team and have enjoyed all the learning opportunities and new responsibilities this has brought," shared Vallenga. "I’m honored to be taking on a newly formed role and look forward to helping media owners continue to expand their businesses and prepare for the future."&nbsp;</p><h4 >About Broadsign</h4><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over one million static and digital signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, retail centers, health clinics, transit systems, electric vehicle charging stations, and more, Broadsign reaches audiences at multiple touchpoints throughout the consumer journey. The Broadsign platform helps media owners efficiently manage their business operations while enabling brands and agencies to easily book OOH campaigns. The platform includes tools for content distribution, playback and proof of performance; sales inventory availability and proposal generation; automated programmatic DOOH transactions; and OOH business operations.&nbsp;<a href="http://broadsign.com">https://broadsign.com</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[In-store vs. online retail media: How each one impacts the consumer shopping experience]]><![CDATA[

There’s been a lot of chatter about Amazon’s ad-heavy digital storefront in the past few months, some of it somewhat negative. While the e-commerce giant has historically been praised for being customer-centric, thanks in large part to its relevance and review-based product search rankings, things seem to be changing. If you try searching for a […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/in-store-vs-online-retail-media-how-each-one-impacts-the-consumer-shopping-experiencehttps://broadsign.com/blog/in-store-vs-online-retail-media-how-each-one-impacts-the-consumer-shopping-experience<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 27 Feb 2023 10:19:00 GMT<p>There’s been a lot of chatter about Amazon’s ad-heavy digital storefront in the past few months, some of it somewhat negative. While the e-commerce giant has historically been praised for being customer-centric, thanks in large part to its relevance and review-based product search rankings, things seem to be changing. If you try searching for a product on Amazon these days, the first page of search results will typically comprise nine sponsored listings, according to a <a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/interactive/2022/amazon-shopping-ads/?mc_cid=717d7204ee&amp;mc_eid=780ef543c0">study conducted by data firm Profitero </a>&#8211; double the number of ads used by Walmart or Target.&nbsp;</p><p>It appears that the company’s fanatical focus on advertising has come at the expense of the consumer’s online shopping experience; now, if you want to make a worthwhile purchase, you’ll have to invest extra time and energy to evaluate brands and avoid potential traps. But as online retail media is facing mounting backlash, many advertisers are realizing that in-store retail media offers similar data-backed benefits—in addition to unique advantages all its own—without negatively impacting the consumer shopping experience.&nbsp;</p><h2 >The rise of retail media: How Amazon is reshaping the advertising industry</h2><p>Following in the footsteps of search and social as digital advertising’s third big wave, retail media has already established itself as a force to be reckoned with. A <a href="https://www.groupm.com/longform/this-year-next-year-2022-e-commerce-retail-media-forecast/">recent report by GroupM</a> found that retail media already represents 10.7% of global ad spend and forecasts that this figure will grow 60% by 2027. Built on a foundation of valuable first-party purchase data, contextually relevant ad experiences, and closed-loop reporting, retail media gives consumer brands powerful new ways to reach shoppers in the environments where their customers are buying. Amazon is at the forefront of this trend; since launching its retail media network in 2012, it’s become the <a href="https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/03/amazon-has-a-31-billion-a-year-advertising-business.html">US’s third-largest digital ad platform</a>, trailing only Google and Facebook. Today, retailers like Walmart, Target, and Sephora are following Amazon’s lead by trying to build a marketing business on the back of their existing sales platform.</p><p><a href="/blog/retail-media-networks-101">READ ALSO: Retail media networks 101: Definition, best practices, and tips for building out a rock-solid RMN</a></p><p>The rise of retail media has been particularly prominent &nbsp;in the US, where <a href="https://on.emarketer.com/Webinar-20220912-Criteo-MTA_NewBusRegPage.html?Source=WEB-Events">eMarketer estimates</a> advertisers are on track to spend more than $37 billion on retail media networks this year, an increase of about a fifth from 2021. The same report found that while social media currently attracts more ad dollars (forecasting an annual haul of $65 billion), retail media is set to grow more than five times faster in 2022. Part of this growth can be attributed to the fact that many brands are shifting ad dollars they’d previously been spending with Facebook and other online media platforms to retailers—likely due to the fact retail media advertising stands invulnerable against the demise of third-party cookies, as well as <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/28/business/media/advertising-industry-research.html">increased scepticism</a> regarding the efficacy of digital ads. <a href="https://www.ft.com/content/3224a3f6-cf02-4e1f-95f9-9b90da204377">According to the Financial Times</a>, advertisers added $9.5 billion to Amazon’s global revenue in the third quarter of 2022, while ad revenues at Meta fell 3.7% during the same period.&nbsp;</p><h2 >The impact of putting advertisers ahead of users</h2><p>While Amazon’s focus on ad tech has certainly been making its shareholders happy—in 2021, the company collected $31 billion from ad sales alone—some industry analysts <a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/interactive/2022/amazon-shopping-ads/?mc_cid=717d7204ee&amp;mc_eid=780ef543c0">contend that it has come at the expense of customer-focused recommendations</a>, personalization, and discovery. Many of the sponsored posts showing up in search results are so subtle they look like organic search results. And even when the sponsored posts showing up in search results contain a tiny disclaimer label, these kinds of ads can be misleading because they fill up spaces people assume to contain trustworthy, independent information. Many other online marketplaces and retailer apps are following suit. The result is that retail media advertising is now, in many cases, more akin to dramatically altering shelf placement for specific people than a way to inform and delight consumers or prioritize their shopping experience.</p><p>It’s not just consumers who are starting to question online retail media’s resulting impact. Marketers are increasingly asking retailers to prove how much value is actually added by such advertising—especially since <a href="https://www.ft.com/content/3224a3f6-cf02-4e1f-95f9-9b90da204377">it’s not unusual for them to pay at least ten times more</a> for slots on retail media networks than they would for programmatically-sold online ads. Although the returns can ultimately be higher, one limitation of online retail media compared to online ads on the open web is that it’s easy for consumers to shop around to different retailers; there’s little friction standing in the way of a person seeing an ad in one online store and immediately hopping elsewhere to make a purchase. This means that even though online retail media has the potential to generate in-depth performance metrics for advertisers, the ability to track which ads lead to purchases can, in practice, prove to be more difficult than initially thought.&nbsp;</p><p>But the online space is only one of the arenas worthy of attention for retail media advertising; retailers are also finding ever more creative ways to turn their physical properties into space they can sell to marketers. Examples of digitized retail media placements inside brick-and-mortar stores include smart screens near the entrance, video displays on shopping carts, and digital retail end cap displays. By incorporating in-store digital media, retailers are able to give their partner brands access to customers close to the point of purchase, whether a customer is shopping on their website or inside one of their physical locations.&nbsp;</p><h2 >The advantages of in-store retail media vs. online retail media</h2><p>To clarify, advertising, particularly retail media, isn’t necessarily bad. Done the right way, retail media can inform customers about new products and help new businesses get a foot in the door. In particular, in-store retail media has managed to avoid many of the drawbacks outlined above while offering the data- and placement-based benefits that attracted advertisers to retail media in the first place—including access to first-party shopper data, improved campaign targeting, and real-time reporting.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="/blog/why-in-store-signage-advertising-belongs-in-every-brands-retail-media-strategy">READ ALSO: Why in-store signage advertising belongs in every brand’s retail media strategy</a></p><p>Aside from avoiding the negatives, in-store digital retail media offers some distinct advantages over online retail media for advertisers looking for new and effective ways to connect with their customers. Unlike online, the consumer is seeing the ad in a specific physical environment, and often the advertised product is already right in front of them. This enables brands to reach people who are ready to buy now and are in an environment that inherently introduces more friction to the price comparison process. Online, a different site is just a click away. In the real world, at best, consumers face a long walk to get to another store that may offer a slightly better price on whatever they want to buy.</p><p>In-store retail media also allows advertisers to connect with a larger audience since there are simply more people who shop in physical stores than online. While consumers relied more on e-commerce since the start of the pandemic, The <a href="https://www.npd.com/news/press-releases/2022/consumers-plan-to-do-more-holiday-shopping-in-stores-than-online-reports-npd/">NPD Group reported</a> that 2022 was the first year since COVID that consumers expected to make more of their holiday purchases in-store (46%) than online (45%). And the return to brick-and-mortar stores is a trend that extends beyond holiday shopping; <a href="https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/growth-marketing-and-sales/our-insights/how-us-consumers-are-feeling-shopping-and-spending-and-what-it-means-for-companies">according to McKinsey</a>, 20% of consumers say they are now doing all of their shopping in-store, while only 5% shop exclusively online.</p><p>And while online retail media ultimately winds up making the consumer experience worse—with online ad placements going to the highest bidder instead of delivering search results based on relevance—in-store retail media is still based on improving the in-person shopping experience. Retail media advertising in physical stores is ultimately only as disruptive as a consumer wants; the inventory displayed on the shelf is the same regardless of whether someone saw an ad or interacted with its corresponding QR code. At the same time, digital <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/why-in-store-signage-advertising-belongs-in-every-brands-retail-media-strategy">in-store signage opens up new storytelling possibilities</a> through the use of dynamic content, offering brands unique opportunities to engage with customers and leave a lasting impression.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="/blog/how-to-enhance-the-in-store-retail-experience-with-digital-signage">READ ALSO: How to enhance the in-store retail experience with digital signage</a></p><p>In short, in-store retail media offers the best of both worlds: it’s a way for retailers to generate additional revenue from brands and a method of delivering a more information-rich and relevant in-store experience.&nbsp;</p><h4 >Are you missing the most valuable piece of your retail media network marketing strategy?</h4><p><a href="/ebooks/increase-revenue-with-contextual-in-store-media">Check out our eBook</a> to learn key aspects every retailer should look for when adding in-store digital marketing to their retail media network.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Q&A with Chief Technology Officer Bryan Mongeau: Why Broadsign decided to make a major platform change]]><![CDATA[

In case you missed all the excitement, we recently announced the evolution of the Broadsign Platform, a change designed to completely revolutionize the way media owners operate in the out-of-home space. It’s the start of our next generation OOH platform, and we’re pretty excited about it. Containing all the features you know and love—not to […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/qa-with-chief-technology-officer-bryan-mongeau-why-broadsign-decided-to-make-a-major-platform-changehttps://broadsign.com/blog/qa-with-chief-technology-officer-bryan-mongeau-why-broadsign-decided-to-make-a-major-platform-change<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 20 Feb 2023 09:44:00 GMT<p>In case you missed all the excitement, we recently announced the <a href="/blog/modernizing-the-platform-that-powers-out-of-home-introducing-the-evolution-of-broadsign">evolution of the Broadsign Platform</a>, a change designed to completely revolutionize the way media owners operate in the out-of-home space. It’s the start of our next generation OOH platform, and we’re pretty excited about it.</p><p>Containing all the features you know and love—not to mention a few tweaks and enhancements to better serve our users—the reimagined Broadsign Platform provides you with the smartest and most comprehensive tools available today.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="/blog/modernizing-the-platform-that-powers-out-of-home-introducing-the-evolution-of-broadsign">READ: Modernizing the platform that powers OOH: Introducing the evolution of Broadsign</a></p><p>After all, the out-of-home industry has significantly evolved, particularly in the past few years. We needed to mature right alongside it, upping our tech in ways that go beyond what traditional CMS functions can offer. To make sense of it all, we asked our Chief Technology Officer, <a href="https://broadsign.com/who-we-are">Bryan Mongeau</a>, for his insights and to chat about what went into these changes. Give it a read.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Why did Broadsign revamp its existing platform?</h2><p>In an industry that’s increasingly focused on the value of programmatic transacting, Bryan shares the strategy and thinking behind this change and what it means for our users.&nbsp;</p><p>Here, he discusses how it benefits media owners keen on modernizing their out-of-home businesses. Instead of overseeing campaign management across several products, this shift in thinking means that our customers can holistically manage all campaign goals from one unified platform. He dives deeper in this clip:&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >What improvements does the platform bring to an average Broadsign customer’s day-to-day life?&nbsp;</h2><p>Check out the video to see how Bryan goes over what impacts this change will ultimately have on the average Broadsign customer’s day-to-day life — from providing them with a more seamless, single sign-on experience to consolidating workflows to simplify daily operations. He delves into what it means for your programmatic strategy too. Finally, he touches on the aesthetics of it all.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >What’s coming next in the not-too-distant future?</h2><p>Easy: Change is on the horizon. In this clip, Bryan hints at what&#8217;s left to come for the Broadsign Platform in 2023.&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><p>Looking for campaign management solutions? <a href="http://broadsign.com/request-a-demo">Book a live demo</a> to see how we can help you get started.</p><hr /><p>Video Transcripts&nbsp;</p><p><strong><em>Why did Broadsign revamp its existing platform, and why does this change matter for media owners?</em></strong></p><p><em>Modern media owners these days need much, much more than just a CMS to run their business effectively. They need a single campaign management tool that can holistically manage all types of buys, from direct-sold impressions to programmatic PMPs and Open Exchange deals to multi-ssp header bidders without leaving behind the industry standard OOH buy types like frequency, plays, share of voice and takeovers. What we’re seeing today is that this increased complexity cannot be effectively managed manually and requires more advanced yield optimization algorithms that can strike the right balance between maximum profit and fulfilling the guarantees buyers expect.</em></p><p><strong><em>What ultimately led Broadsign to this decision?</em></strong></p><p><em>The journey that brings us to today’s Broadsign platform started with our CMS, of course, but also, builds on the tremendous adoption we’ve been seeing for our campaign management tool, Broadsign Direct as well as our SSP, Broadsign Reach. Our acquisition of Ayuda allows us to extend this holistic campaign management to include static formats and all the required operations around that medium, like copy management and actual posting. Our acquisition of Campsite (now called Broadsign Ads) is allowing us to unlock more programmatic capabilities not only for media buyers but for media owners as well.</em></p><p><em>We’ve been working hard to integrate these products and capabilities into a single unified platform as we believe that media owners will benefit from using a single tool to access all aspects of inventory management and campaign delivery across all formats (static and digital) and all types of buys.</em></p><p><strong><em>What improvements does the platform bring to an average Broadsign customer’s day-to-day life?&nbsp;</em></strong></p><p><em>Great question. Firstly, it’s an improved user experience with a modern UI and seamless single-sign, which will remove some of the friction in your workflows. Secondly, it will save time by introducing a single unified notion of inventory, audience and user management. Lastly, it will unlock more tools to fine-tune your programmatic strategy with both finer-grained, frame-based inventory units as well as coarser-grained screen groups.</em></p><p><strong><em>What’s coming next in the not-too-distant future?</em></strong></p><p><em>Well, 2023 will be a very transformative year as the results of our unification initiatives will start to make their way into the platform. First up, we have our Adserver Campaigns coming into the platform early in the new year. Shortly after that, we’ll be adding static campaign management and operations in order to cover all the OOH formats. Looking towards the back half of the year, we’ll be introducing guaranteed campaigns and Direct’s optimization engine into the platform as well as expanding on our web-based content management workflows that are currently only available in our desktop application, Broadsign Control.</em></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[OOH Executive Insights: Adam Green on challenges and opportunities for innovation in OOH]]><![CDATA[

In this instalment of our OOH Executive Insights series, Broadsign’s SVP of Strategy, Adam Green, discusses the current state of innovation in out-of-home (OOH) and shares his perspective on some of the key challenges to innovating in the industry today. When asked to name an innovative industry, Out of Home advertising likely doesn’t land at […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-executive-insights-adam-green-on-challenges-and-opportunities-for-innovation-in-oohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-executive-insights-adam-green-on-challenges-and-opportunities-for-innovation-in-ooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 15 Feb 2023 15:37:43 GMT<p><em>In this instalment of our OOH Executive Insights series, Broadsign’s SVP of Strategy, Adam Green, discusses the current state of innovation in out-of-home (OOH) and shares his perspective on some of the key challenges to innovating in the industry today.</em></p><p>When asked to name an innovative industry, Out of Home advertising likely doesn’t land at the top of many people’s lists. Instead, that honour is often afforded to our digital brethren who spend untold billions<small><sup>1</sup></small> in attempts to disrupt adjacent industries, change society, dent the universe or, failing that, create alternate &#8211;<em>verses</em> of their own. While OOH companies may lack the show-horse ambitions of their online cousins, they actually have a great track record of work-hose innovation.</p><p>Before we go further, it’s worth defining what I mean by "innovation" because the term can mean different things to different people. The definition that resonates with me is:</p><p><em>Innovation is the arrangement of people, materials, or processes in novel ways to deliver incremental value to stakeholders.</em></p><p>I like it because it separates the dopamine hit we get from experiencing novelty with the somewhat boring bottom-line impact of real innovations and because, by this measure, I think the out-of-home has a pretty solid innovation rate.</p><h2 >The state of innovation in OOH</h2><p>One of the reasons that OOH doesn’t end up at the top of most people’s innovation hit list is that the beneficiaries of the value created by its innovations are often behind the scenes. The value derived from improvements in network monitoring, billing, lease management or ad-creative sizing is not apparent to the general public. Still, it directly impacts the bottom line of the players in our space much more so than the speculative investments in VR, self-driving cars or phallic rocketry. In fact, as of the time of writing, $1 invested in Meta (formerly Facebook) at IPO would have yielded 20% lower returns than investing the same dollar in Lamar Advertising. Clearly, the team in Baton Rouge is investing in innovations that impact their business, even if most of the population can’t see it.</p><p>For non-investors, the most obvious innovations in OOH derive from the digitization of the inventory. Digitization delivers audiences richer and more timely advertisem*nts and content experiences as well as adjunct functionality like emergency messaging, traffic updates or transit schedules. These advancements have contributed to increased interest in OOH among <a href="https://www.adweek.com/adweek-wire/why-the-marketing-specialists-increased-their-advertising-ooh-budget-in-2022/">advertisers</a> and real estate holders. I also believe that getting instant updates on when our trains will arrive adds more value to our daily lives than <a href="https://venturebeat.com/datadecisionmakers/the-problem-with-self-driving-cars/">driverless car prototypes</a> or our legless <a href="https://www.wsj.com/articles/meta-metaverse-horizon-worlds-zuckerberg-facebook-internal-documents-11665778961?mod=hp_lead_pos1">metaverse avatars forgotten in the digital void</a><small><sup>2</sup></small>.</p><p>Behind the scenes, programmatic has been the innovation buzzword in OOH for the last half-decade. Programmatic tools have delivered incremental value to ad buyers through increased labour efficiency, more flexible ad targeting and better campaign reporting. On the sell side, media owners gained access to new brands and new budgets while increasing fill rates. That said, some of the most interesting innovations of the past several years have been in the direct and static booking/charting process. Advancements in machine learning and cloud computing have made it possible to squeeze vastly more inventory out of the same screens and faces simply by juggling campaigns around faster than any human chartist could ever hope to do.</p><h2 >Challenges for innovation in OOH</h2><p>Despite these and other advancements, the global OOH industry does face certain endemic challenges to innovation, some of which are innate to the medium while others are contextual and hopefully transient. Either way, these challenges are worth understanding in turn:</p><h3 >1. Capital intensity &#8211; innate</h3><p>In the software space, users are responsible for the hardware; you bring your own computer, and someone else makes the app. But in the OOH world, the users don’t bring their own billboard. The media owner has to pay for the billboard—and they’re not cheap or easy to install and maintain.</p><p>It’s not just big format screens that pose these kinds of challenges to OOH media owners. Many of our customers who have screens in elevators are only able to access them at specific times (some only once a year) because it involves shutting down the elevator and sending out a certified elevator technician. There are good reasons why that should be hard (you want your elevators serviced by specifically trained people), but it creates a host of logistical and capital-intensive problems that network owners then have to solve. Much of the innovation in the OOH space goes into solving problems like these.</p><h3 >2. Multiple stakeholders &#8211; innate</h3><p>Unlike other media, OOH is inherently part of the public sphere, and thus, deployments of faces or screens or even changes to existing ones often require the buy-in of myriad stakeholders, from landlords to local councils and governments. It is necessary and reasonable to debate the balance between added value and the public impact that a new OOH innovation brings, but it does slow the process of rolling out new concepts. From the first addition of electric lighting for billboards to the digitization of landmarks like Times Square and Piccadilly Lights to the ongoing debate of whether video is safe for roadside signs, almost all visible innovations in OOH face considerable debate and delay of adoption and roll-out.</p><h3 >3.&nbsp;Our smaller sandbox &#8211; hopefully transient</h3><p>Out-of-home holds around 4% of the total global ad spend—in total, global ad spend was <a href="https://magnaglobal.com/magna-advertising-forecasts-june-2022/">predicted to reach $816 billion</a> by the end of 2022—while digital media accounts for about 65% of that number. Carving out 10% of the OOH budget to test a new idea often translates to a dollar amount so small as to be infeasible to conduct the test. This is exacerbated by the capital-intensive nature of deployments and the fact that it’s hard to A/B test a medium that is inherently public by nature.</p><h3 >4.&nbsp;A lack of technical standardization &#8211; definitely transient</h3><p>OOH is a local medium which makes it diverse and great but also makes it uniquely difficult to develop, implement and enforce standards across the industry globally. This pernicious problem affects many aspects of the buying and selling process, including:</p><p><strong>Screen IDs</strong>:&nbsp;Inconceivably, OOH operators in many countries still lack unique IDs for each face, which makes it unnecessarily difficult to plan and report on campaigns.</p><p><strong>Measurement</strong>: Each nation has its own measurement body that defines separate ways of measuring impressions, opportunities to see and other relevant metrics.</p><p><strong>Creative</strong>: Collectively, our clients have literally thousands of screen formats (combinations of aspect ratios, orientations, resolutions, ad durations, file types etc.), many of which are bespoke. This can make it a nightmare for creative agencies and production houses to make the assets necessary for a campaign and makes them less likely to test new things because so much of their time and budget is spent just fulfilling the requirements of a basic campaign.</p><p><strong>Transactions</strong>: Even within the standardized programmatic ecosystem, we see dozens of different flavours of oRTB implemented by DSPs around the world.</p><p><strong>View-sheds</strong>: There are substantial differences between buying and selling platforms when it comes to the polygons used to measure attributions and views. Some are painstakingly drawn and incorporate blindspots created by topography, while others are simple radiuses, some of which don’t even vary by screen size or venue type. This makes it very hard to compare apples to apples across platforms when looking at performance reports.</p><p>While there is a tonne of work to be done on standardization, there is also much reason for hope. We’ve seen several organizations taking up the mantle to drive standardization, such as the <a href="https://oaaa.org/about-us/">OAAA</a> and several of its member companies taking on changes to the oRTB protocol, efforts by the <a href="https://dpaaglobal.com/standard-ad-units/">DPAA to standardize ad units</a>, WOO <a href="https://www.worldooh.org/news/audience-measurement-global-guidelines">fostering collaboration between national measurement boards</a>, the <a href="https://github.com/Outsmart-OOH/ooh_open_direct">Outsmart team’s work on the oDirect OOHbject</a> or even the <a href="https://github.com/openooh/venue-taxonomy/blob/main/specification-1.0.md">open source venue taxonomy project</a> that Broadsign embarked on with several other tech firms.</p><p>While they can be a drag on novelty, these hurdles to innovation aren’t entirely problematic as they force the industry to focus on delivering value instead of volume. As the medium grows and evolves and the transient hurdles hopefully fall by the wayside, I actually hope that some of the innate hurdles continue to provide a filter that keeps the noise of novelty out and lets through the truly innovative ideas that drive real value and not just whizbangy garbage.</p><h2 >Opportunities for innovation in OOH</h2><p>Despite having to contend with certain challenges, our industry still has a good number of innovations on the horizon, and I’m confident that we’ll wind up in an exciting place within the next few years.</p><p>Looking forward, I would hope to see innovations that will allow out-of-home to be simultaneously <strong>more relevant</strong> and <strong>less obtrusive</strong>. That might sound strange because, generally, you want your ads to be obtrusive—you want them to grab people’s attention. But if you can make your messaging highly relevant, you don’t need to be wildly obtrusive. You can be delightful and engaging instead.</p><p>I also think <strong>sustainability</strong> will increasingly play a role in innovation moving forward. To go back to the original definition of innovation—something that delivers incremental value—it’s just a question of what your key stakeholders value. If you don’t value clean air, you can run a network by burning coal or bunker oil or asbestos (which admittedly doesn’t burn very well), but you’ll end up with a terrible environment. As soon as your users put value on sustainability—and <a href="https://www2.deloitte.com/uk/en/pages/consumer-business/articles/sustainable-consumer.html">studies have shown this is already something they do</a>—then there are many different directions you can take to deliver innovation on that topic.&nbsp;</p><p>For instance, the lighting in most OOH screens is controlled either on a timer or on a very basic light meter that adjusts to the level of sunlight. But there are also technologies that work kind of like electronic paper—so instead of trying to overpower the sun with your LEDs or LCDs, you can harness it so that it reflects back to the user’s eyes, thereby reducing your daytime power consumption. As sustainability becomes more important, we could very well see e-Ink displays becoming more commonplace in OOH.</p><p>There are a few crucial things I think Broadsign and our competitors can do right now to help with the lack of standardization. One of them is something we started doing during COVID, which is to <strong>standardize and open source certain elements of our platforms and systems</strong> that we think work really well but don’t necessarily confer a competitive advantage to us. We did this with the venue naming taxonomy within Broadsign’s SSP. If every SSP calls a venue by a different term, it vastly complicates the process of building a campaign plan.</p><p>In an effort to help streamline this process, we teamed up with Vistar, Place Exchange, TradeDesk, Hivestack, and Yahoo and made a GitHub open-source project that we’ve all agreed to adhere to. There are dozens of other aspects of the industry that are cloistered inside our proprietary platforms but confer no advantage and only add friction when buyers or sellers have to adopt unique ones. The more we can push these items outside our walls, the better we will all be.</p><p>Another thing Broadsign is uniquely positioned to do is <strong>share our experiences</strong> from around the world. There aren’t that many companies that cross a lot of markets, but Broadsign has clients in &gt;85 countries today. Because of this, I think we have an incredible opportunity to be the honey bees of the industry: we can cross-pollinate good ideas, advocate for them, and then make them easier for clients to adopt when using our systems. We can definitely do a better job within our account management team, our technical teams, and even within marketing to make heroes out of those successful use cases. This was one of the key motivations behind our <a href="https://www.doohx.io/">DOOH certification program launched in partnership with DOOHx</a> in 2020.</p><p>The future of out-of-home media is a bright one. Recent innovations in our space are helping advertisers to bring bolder, more creative concepts to life while also enabling more advanced campaign targeting and better performance data. An increasing number of brands are beginning to understand the power and potential of OOH advertising, and I only see brighter days ahead if we do the right things and continue to push the medium forward.</p><hr /><p><small><sup>1</sup>&nbsp;Google and Facebook alone spend ~30% more on R&amp;D ($46B) than the size of the OOH industry (~$35B)</small></p><p><small><sup>2</sup>&nbsp;History may yet prove me wrong on this point … but I’m waiting.</small></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Conversations: Experimentation and brand identity with EOS]]><![CDATA[

For U.S.-based beauty and skincare brand Evolution of Smooth, known as EOS, experimentation and brand identity are at the core of what they do. Perhaps the best example is the brand’s 2021 partnership with TikTok creator Carly Joy, who went viral with an NSFW post raving about EOS’ shave cream. The video quickly amassed millions […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/experimentation-and-brand-identityhttps://broadsign.com/blog/experimentation-and-brand-identity<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 02 Feb 2023 11:36:00 GMT<p>For U.S.-based beauty and skincare brand <a href="https://evolutionofsmooth.com/">Evolution of Smooth</a>, known as EOS, experimentation and brand identity are at the core of what they do. Perhaps the best example is the brand’s 2021 partnership with TikTok creator Carly Joy, who went viral with an <a href="https://adage.com/creativity/work/eos-nsfw-product-line-honors-tiktok-creator-who-taught-fans-how-shave-their-lady-parts/2326966">NSFW post raving about EOS’ shave cream</a>. The video quickly amassed millions of views, helping the brand soar into popularity with Gen Z audiences and leading to a 35x increase in traffic from TikTok to its website, along with a significant increase in sales.&nbsp;</p><p>We recently spoke with Soyoung Kang, Chief Marketing Officer at EOS, to get her insights on everything from experimentation and building brand identity to capitalizing on a viral moment and making sure it stands the test of time.</p><figure ></div></figure>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Secure new advertising dollars by enabling dynamic campaigns on your network with Broadsign]]><![CDATA[

Did you know that people are exposed to nearly 10,000 brand messages in a single day? This results in audiences that are harder to engage with, forcing brands and agencies to search for new mediums that can help them cut through the noise to reach their target audience. One particular creative medium that can deliver […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/secure-new-advertising-dollars-by-enabling-dynamic-campaigns-on-your-network-with-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/secure-new-advertising-dollars-by-enabling-dynamic-campaigns-on-your-network-with-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 31 Jan 2023 15:58:00 GMT<p>Did you know that people are exposed to nearly <a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2017/08/25/finding-brand-success-in-the-digital-world/?sh=79cfa405626e">10,000 brand messages</a> in a single day? This results in audiences that are harder to engage with, forcing brands and agencies to search for new mediums that can help them cut through the noise to reach their target audience.&nbsp;</p><p>One particular creative medium that can deliver targeted and ultimately more engaging campaigns is dynamic content, also known as Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO). DCO is dynamically enabled digital media that can adapt to environmental and contextual triggers, like changing weather conditions, breaking news, sports scores, and so on. When paired with DOOH, it becomes a powerful tool that can deliver the right creative to the right audience at the right place, in real-time.&nbsp;</p><h2 >The more relevant the content, the more likely a sales conversion</h2><p>So why is dynamic content so effective? It’s relevant. It allows brands to highlight products and services that address their target audience’s needs based on what they’re experiencing in the moment. The ad is no longer a sales pitch but rather a conversation, making it personal and relevant for the audience. But don’t just take our word for it. JCDecaux UK, Clear Channel and Posterscope’s "Moments of Truths" <a href="https://www.jcdecaux.co.uk/news/landmark-three-stage-research-moments-truth-reveals-use-contextually-relevant-messaging">study</a> showed an increase of over 16% in sales when applying a dynamic OOH campaign versus a controlled environment with no OOH.&nbsp;</p><p>Despite the effectiveness of dynamic content, we don’t see as much of it as we should in OOH campaigns. From a media owner standpoint, many of them already have the infrastructure to support dynamic creatives, and yet it is not widely promoted to their customers. To understand why, we had a conversation with our in-house dynamic content expert and EMEA Account Director, <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/savvas-tombouloglou-56a6aa1/">Savvas Tombouloglou</a>, on why that is.</p><h2 >Dynamic campaigns are not complicated, nor are they expensive</h2><p>The two biggest misconceptions of dynamic content are that it is complicated and expensive for media owners to deploy. While this was true in the past, this is not necessarily the case today.&nbsp;</p><p>Here’s Savvas on why dynamic content is often perceived as complicated and expensive:</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >You don’t need additional equipment or teams for dynamic campaigns, just a robust CMS&nbsp;</h2><p>Many publishers already have the necessary teams and equipment to support dynamic content. The most important thing is to have a robust content management system (CMS), and Savvas explains why:&nbsp;</p><p></p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >A dynamic campaign doesn’t need to be elaborate, just relevant</h2><p>A dynamic campaign doesn’t need to be elaborate for it to cut through the noise and catch your customer’s target audience. You just need to be able to deliver contextually relevant content. The most crucial piece to setting up a dynamic campaign is data, and as a media owner, you already have 2 data sets that are readily available to you: time and location.&nbsp;</p><p>To show you how easy it is to set up a dynamic campaign with <a href="https://broadsign.com/content-network-management">Broadsign</a>, below are a few examples of how our customers built simple yet effective dynamic campaigns for their customers.</p><h4 ><strong>An alcohol brand proved that you can enjoy a drink no matter the outcome of a game</strong></h4><figure /></figure><p>An alcohol brand in Europe prepared itself to both celebrate and console fans of a sporting event. Triggered by the match results, the winning team&#8217;s hometown was served with the celebratory version of the ad. Conversely, the losing team was presented with the consolation ad.</p><h4 ><strong>A taxi became a local tour guide of things to do in every neighborhood</strong></h4><figure /></figure><p>A taxi network in the United States was able to offer media buyers the ability to play different ads depending on the location of the taxi. By leveraging GPS data which fed directly into our content &amp; network management system, the ads would promote retailers and restaurants that were in the neighborhood that the taxi was driving by.&nbsp;</p><h4 ><strong>An EV charging station was able to tailor their ads to the driver‘s purchasing habits</strong></h4><figure /></figure><p>An electric vehicle (EV) charging network leveraged their stations’ ability to detect the make and model of the car plugged in. This allowed them to show ads that matched the car owner’s purchasing tendencies. If a premium electric car was charging, then ads from luxury brands were displayed.&nbsp;</p><p>While we still have some work to do until dynamic creatives become standard offerings in OOH campaigns, we’re predicting that demand for DCO will increase as advertisers seek new and innovative ways to interact with their audiences. As the media landscape continues to shift, media owners that lay the groundwork now to enable dynamic campaigns will be better positioned to win advertising dollars from existing and new customers.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Want to prepare your network to support dynamic campaigns?&nbsp;</strong></p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/content-network-management">Contact our team</a> today!&nbsp;</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Hires Veronica Ong to Lead Sales in Southeast Asia]]><![CDATA[

Experienced media sales professional joins Broadsignfollowing a year of significant local growth Singapore – January 30, 2023 – Building on a significant year of growth in Singapore and the broader Asia-Pacific region, digital-out-of-home (DOOH) marketing technology developer Broadsign today announced the addition of Veronica Ong to its team as Sales Director, Southeast Asia (SEA). Joining […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-hires-veronica-ong-to-lead-sales-in-southeast-asiahttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-hires-veronica-ong-to-lead-sales-in-southeast-asia<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Sun, 29 Jan 2023 10:46:00 GMT<p><em>Experienced media sales professional joins Broadsign&nbsp;following a year of significant local growth</em></p><p><strong>Singapore – January 30, 2023</strong> – Building on a significant year of growth in Singapore and the broader Asia-Pacific region, digital-out-of-home (DOOH) marketing technology developer Broadsign today announced the addition of Veronica Ong to its team as Sales Director, Southeast Asia (SEA). Joining Broadsign from JCDecaux Singapore, Ong brings a wealth of OOH knowledge and sales experience that will help the company further expand its SEA footprint. In the newly formed role, she will support the regional sales team in strengthening Broadsign’s partner offering and growing its portfolio of DOOH clients across the region.&nbsp;</p><p>As former team leader of JCDecaux’s strategic and airport advertising accounts, Ong collaborated with major global brands buying ad space on the OOH leader’s network. During her tenure, she also managed sales for all media platforms in the Singapore region, from street furniture to retail malls, cinema, and large format advertising. Due to her proven account service talents, Ong earned a GroupM Best Media Salesperson Award in 2018, and an internal Best Salesperson Award in 2016 for her collaboration with the Changi Airport. Before JCDecaux, she held a range of sales roles across multiple advertising mediums, including publishing at SPH Magazines in the fashion and beauty division.</p><p>&#8220;Broadsign is well established in Southeast Asia, and I’m impressed by its robust technology offering and high standard of customer service, which I experienced personally on the client side in my former role. It has built the best OOH platform available for media operators of any size, and I look forward to working with the team to continue growing the business," Ong shared. "It’s an honor and a privilege to be working with Remi Roques and the Broadsign team to help media owners unlock OOH&#8217;s full potential."</p><p>"We’re incredibly thrilled to have Veronica join the team, especially at a very exciting time when we’re expanding our platform’s capabilities to support customer growth in 2023 and beyond," commented Remi Roques, GM Broadsign APAC. "Her industry experience and passion for OOH are a tremendous asset to our team, and will help us continue reaching our goals."</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over 425,000 signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. It gives marketers and agencies access to premium screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more, run successful programmatic DOOH campaigns.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[StackAdapt Bolsters Programmatic Digital Out-of-Home Advertising Offering with Broadsign Collaboration]]><![CDATA[

Multi-channel digital advertising platform integrates with Broadsign out-of-home (OOH) SSP, broadening media buyer access to premium global programmatic OOH advertising inventory Toronto, Canada – January, 24 2023 – With demand for out-of-home (OOH) advertising continuing to surge, StackAdapt today announced a partnership with Broadsign that unlocks new OOH advertising opportunities for agencies and brands. The […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/stackadapt-bolsters-programmatic-digital-out-of-home-advertising-offering-with-broadsign-collaborationhttps://broadsign.com/blog/stackadapt-bolsters-programmatic-digital-out-of-home-advertising-offering-with-broadsign-collaboration<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 24 Jan 2023 20:01:00 GMT<p><em>Multi-channel digital advertising platform integrates with Broadsign out-of-home (OOH) SSP, broadening media buyer access to premium global programmatic OOH advertising inventory&nbsp;</em></p><p><strong>Toronto, Canada – January, 24 2023</strong> – With demand for out-of-home (OOH) advertising continuing to surge, <a href="http://www.stackadapt.com/">StackAdapt</a> today announced a partnership with <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a> that unlocks new OOH advertising opportunities for agencies and brands. The ad tech collaboration strengthens the OOH inventory available on StackAdapt’s multi-channel digital advertising platform, providing StackAdapt users access to premium international screens in highly trafficked locations that are available through the Broadsign <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach">supply-side-platform</a> (SSP).</p><p>The integration of Broadsign’s global SSP with StackAdapt’s multi-channel digital advertising platform enables media buyers to seamlessly weave global digital out-of-home (DOOH) ads spanning roadside, retail, transit, and beyond into cohesive programmatic multi-channel campaigns. The combination of two leading ad tech platforms makes it easier for media buyers to expand audience reach and drive increased activity across other digital channels. It also brings StackAdapt users new ways to enhance brand awareness, and more meaningfully connect with global audiences.</p><p>"Demand for out-of-home advertising has risen sharply in recent years and continues to grow as more marketers double down on brand-building investments amidst the current economic climate," shared Lina Wangfang, Senior Director of Inventory, StackAdapt. "Our collaboration with Broadsign significantly expands the available programmatic out-of-home inventory on our multi-channel platform for agencies who may not have previously considered the medium. Out-of-home plays well with mobile, social, and CTV, and we expect this integration will help drive new growth here at StackAdapt, and fuel the continued evolution of multi-channel."</p><p>"Programmatic is the future of out-of-home, and our latest integration with StackAdapt will drive new attention to the medium to help spur the growth of out-of-home and multi-channel," shared John Dolan, VP global media sales, Broadsign. "We’re thrilled to team with StackAdapt to bring more media buyers, including midsize agencies, access to a medium that’s proven to boost brand awareness and online activation. We look forward to building on our partnership with StackAdapt."</p><h4 >About StackAdapt</h4><p>StackAdapt is a self-serve programmatic advertising platform used by hundreds of brands and agencies around the world. StackAdapt’s data-driven platform combines state-of-the-art machine learning with a clean and intuitive user interface to provide media buyers with an easy way to plan, execute and drive the best performance across all devices, inventory and publishing partners. StackAdapt has been recognized as one of the fastest-growing technology companies in North America, &nbsp;is rated the number 1 demand-side platform (DSP) on G2, and is the highest performing and easiest to use platform. For further information, visit <a href="https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&amp;url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stackadapt.com&amp;esheet=52939090&amp;newsitemid=20221006005790&amp;lan=en-US&amp;anchor=www.stackadapt.com&amp;index=4&amp;md5=cbffdbb6b94445d2bb3da89dbc6cff9c">www.stackadapt.com</a></p><h4 >About Broadsign</h4><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over one million static and digital signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, retail centers, health clinics, transit systems, electric vehicle charging stations, and more, Broadsign reaches audiences at multiple touchpoints throughout the consumer journey. The Broadsign Platform gives marketers and agencies simpler access to premium screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Volkswagen, John Lewis, Samsung, and more, run successful programmatic DOOH campaigns. <a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Unveils the Next Generation of its OOH Platform Ahead of ISE 2023]]><![CDATA[

Unified user interface (UI), new flexible audience-targeting campaign tools, and expanded static access to help media owners work more efficiently and expand revenue opportunities Montreal, Canada – January 18, 2023 – Broadsign, the leading out-of-home (OOH) technology developer, announced its next-gen OOH platform ahead of Integrated Systems Europe (ISE), held in Barcelona, Spain, January 31-February […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-unveils-the-next-generation-of-its-ooh-platform-ahead-of-ise-2023https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-unveils-the-next-generation-of-its-ooh-platform-ahead-of-ise-2023<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 17 Jan 2023 20:12:00 GMT<p><em>Unified user interface (UI), new flexible audience-targeting campaign tools, and expanded static access to help media owners work more efficiently and expand revenue opportunities</em></p><p><strong>Montreal, Canada – January 18, 2023</strong> – Broadsign, the leading out-of-home (OOH) technology developer, announced its next-gen OOH platform ahead of Integrated Systems Europe (ISE), held in Barcelona, Spain, January 31-February 3, 2023. Designed to help OOH media owners enhance business management, operations, and scalability, the reimagined platform includes unified access to existing Broadsign product subscriptions, audience-based campaign targeting, and expanded static signage operations. ISE attendees can preview these advancements at the Broadsign ISE Stand (6H300).</p><h4 >A unified notion of inventory, audience, and campaign management</h4><p>The updated Broadsign platform boasts a new user experience that brings inventory and audience management for digital screens together and centralizes access to Broadsign product subscriptions, starting with Broadsign Direct and Broadsign Reach. With these enhancements, OOH media owners will now have one centralized hub where they can sell ad space, automate yield optimization, manage digital inventory and audience metrics, and advance their programmatic strategy. The unified platform is available today to new customers, with existing customers being onboarded throughout 2023.</p><h4 >Sell audience-based campaigns with Broadsign’s new OOH ad server</h4><p>Broadsign’s new OOH ad server lets media owners get more granular and plan campaigns based on specific audience demographics and contexts. It arrives as the demand for campaign flexibility and more sophisticated targeting continues to grow and will make it easier for media owners to serve campaigns based on real-time conditions like weather, financial market shifts, points of interest, and more. The new ad server is expected to launch February 2023 in beta.</p><h4 >One home for digital, programmatic, and static</h4><p>Building off Ayuda’s rich static OOH experience, a new enhancement coming later this year expands platform access to static operations for current customers using the Broadsign Platform. It will consolidate static operations, such as campaign charting, real-time stock levels, creative management, and scheduling work orders.</p><p>"Between OOH’s continued programmatic advancement and the increasing digitization of screens, the OOH industry has grown more complex, and we’re continuously evolving our product portfolio to ensure our clients can thrive in a dynamic landscape," shared Broadsign Director of Product Marketing Sabrina Allard. "The first update we’re showing at ISE is just the tip of the iceberg, and we’re excited to bring clients additional features that will give them more agility to launch new products and services, and unlock new revenue opportunities."</p><p>"Broadsign’s platform evolution is a game changer in that we can use the same inventory source for both direct and programmatic sales. It’s straightforward to use, provides a more holistic view of our available digital displays, and connects campaigns sold direct with our programmatic campaigns," shared Anna Ek, an early adopter of the evolved platform and commercial product owner, programmatic and ad ops for Scandinavia, Clear Channel Sweden. "We can easily add, update, and manage our inventory or set new screens live from one central hub, which saves us time and helps ensure all our data is updated at the right time."&nbsp;&nbsp;NBS Digital Manager Steve Bovey, an early adopter of the evolved platform, added, &nbsp;&#8220;As a longtime Broadsign user, we’re excited about the latest platform updates and the new advantages they bring to our business. Having all our Broadsign tools accessible from one central location will make our team’s job that much easier. Connecting all screens and audiences across all our products will help us optimize inventory management and operations, and we can’t wait to explore the future updates.&#8221;</p><p>"Broadsign has given us such a solid foundation to build our digital network on and proven a trusted adviser as we’ve scaled our business, transitioned from static to digital, and made the leap to programmatic," shared Valentin Kück, DOOH IT &amp; administration, RBL Media, also an early adopter. "Given our experiences with the Broadsign team and technology, we anticipate these new changes to the platform will only expand what’s possible here at RBL Media and for the overall OOH industry."</p><p>To learn more about the latest evolution of the platform or sign-up for Broadsign’s beta program, visit Broadsign at ISE Stand 6H300. To book an ISE appointment with Broadsign, visit the <a href="https://broadsign.com/events?&amp;utm_campaign=EM%20-%20Promotion%20-%202023-01-18%20-%20BLOG:%20ISE%202023&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_source=Promotion&amp;campaign_id=701JB00000096Xp&amp;campaign_member_status=Clicked%20CTA">Broadsign Events Page</a>.</p><h4 >About Broadsign</h4><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over one million static and digital signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, retail centers, health clinics, transit systems, electric vehicle charging stations, and more, Broadsign reaches audiences at multiple touchpoints throughout the consumer journey. The Broadsign platform helps media owners efficiently manage their business operations while enabling brands and agencies to easily book OOH campaigns. The platform includes tools for content distribution, playback and proof of performance; sales inventory availability and proposal generation; automated programmatic DOOH transactions; and OOH business operations. <a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Modernizing the platform that powers out-of-home: Introducing the evolution of Broadsign]]><![CDATA[

Every year, our platform evolves to better address the needs of OOH media owners. And today, with OOH media owners needing tools that are smarter, more comprehensive, and better connected than ever, we’re evolving yet again—just more than usual. We’re thrilled to start 2023 off by announcing a reimagined Broadsign Platform. It has all the […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/modernizing-the-platform-that-powers-out-of-home-introducing-the-evolution-of-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/modernizing-the-platform-that-powers-out-of-home-introducing-the-evolution-of-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 17 Jan 2023 18:27:00 GMT<p>Every year, our platform evolves to better address the needs of OOH media owners. And today, with OOH media owners needing tools that are smarter, more comprehensive, and better connected than ever, we’re evolving yet again—just more than usual.&nbsp;</p><p>We’re thrilled to start 2023 off by announcing a reimagined Broadsign Platform. It has all the Broadsign features you know and love, just enhanced with additional capabilities and unified by a more intuitive, shared interface.</p><p>These are some of the biggest changes we’ve ever made to how our products work together and are used. As such, we will be rolling out this new vision of the Broadsign Platform in three steps:</p><p><strong>Step One (Today!): </strong>We are uniting select Broadsign products within a single interface and standardizing how audiences and digital inventory are managed.</p><p><strong>Step Two (February): </strong>We are launching a new ad server in beta, enabling you to start planning and selling ultra-sophisticated audience-based campaigns with contextual targeting tools.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Step Three (later this spring): </strong>We are delivering static asset and campaign management tools into the Broadsign Platform.</p><h2 >Why we’re evolving our platform</h2><p>Broadsign has changed a lot over the years. We went from having a single product to offering a multi-platform solution with four unique applications: Broadsign Control (which turns 20 this year, btw), Broadsign Direct, Broadsign Reach, and Broadsign Publish. We then acquired Ayuda and the Campsite DSP, now known as Broadsign Ads.</p><p>As our offering grew, the experience for customers became increasingly fragmented. A consolidated platform is essential to not only simplify the user experience but also make our tools work together more effectively.</p><p>The united platform allows us to deliver better automation, more intelligent ad serving, and a streamlined user experience for everyone who touches our tools.</p><p>We’ll spend the rest of this blog digging into these changes in some more detail.</p><p>But before that, we want to take a moment to offer our sincere thanks to all of our clients and partners, past and present, for the role they’ve played in bringing us to this moment.&nbsp;</p><p>We are privileged to play our role in supporting some of the world’s largest and most innovative working in OOH today. Everything we do is in service to your evolving needs.&nbsp;</p><p>We can’t wait to see what you do with the new tools we’re rolling out.</p><h2 >Step One: Bringing together inventory, audience, and campaign management</h2><h3 >What you can do:</h3><ul><li>Update your digital screens and audience data through our new Inventory module</li><li>Plan, schedule, and view inventory availability in real-time with the Guaranteed Campaigns module (formerly Broadsign Direct)</li><li>Manage your private programmatic marketplace (PMP) and open exchange deals with the Programmatic Campaigns module (formerly Broadsign Reach)</li><li>View your real-time programmatic reports with the Programmatic Reporting module (formerly Broadsign Reach Reporting).&nbsp;</li></ul><div style="height:12px" aria-hidden="true" ></div><p>At the center of our platform unification is the management of digital screen inventory and audiences. Previously, you may have had to set up inventory and audiences multiple times across our products. Now you only need to do so once, via the Inventory module, to have that information accessible from within all your other Broadsign tools.</p><p>As a part of this change, we’re also making it easier to bring screens online for programmatic transactions. Now, you’ll be able to easily add and remove screens from your programmatic inventory within the Inventory module whenever you like.</p><p>We’ve also made big improvements to the look and feel of our platform and are gradually moving away from product names. Moving forward, everything we offer will be named according to the function it serves your business.</p><figure /></figure><h2 >Step Two: Introducing our new ad server&nbsp;</h2><h3 >What you can do:</h3><ul><li>Build and deliver campaigns with more refined audience-targeting tools</li><li>Incorporate contextual triggers for conditional campaign delivery</li></ul><div style="height:12px" aria-hidden="true" ></div><p>Next month, we’ll deploy step two of our platform update with the beta launch of our new ad server.</p><p>Media buyers today are increasingly interested in the flexibility behind audience-based and contextual campaigns, and it’s our goal to make it easier for you to deliver just that.</p><p>Our new ad server makes it possible to plan audience-based campaigns with the benefits of a direct one-to-one sale and the heightened ability to target specific demographics such as age, income, points of interest, etc.</p><p>Once approved, campaigns will play out in real-time based on contextual triggers like weather or financial market movements, introducing to direct OOH sales the kind of delivery flexibility you see with programmatic advertising. Whatever your best eligible inventory is for meeting a campaign’s objectives is where these campaigns will be played.</p><h2 >Step 3: Incorporating static media management</h2><h3 >What you can do:</h3><ul><li>Centralize static asset data management</li><li>Thorough and realistic static campaign charting</li><li>View stock levels in real-time</li><li>Institute total creative and production management for campaigns</li><li>Use a mobile app to handle work orders in the field</li></ul><div style="height:12px" aria-hidden="true" ></div><p>The final step of our platform launch continues on the theme of unification. Later this spring, you’ll be able to manage your digital, programmatic, and static campaigns all from within the Broadsign Platform.</p><p>The new Static Operations module is based on the rich Ayuda static workflows and will offer end-to-end asset, stock, and campaign management features to ensure the many moving pieces involved in getting a static campaign out into the world work together as smoothly as possible.</p><p>This means that, for the first time, Broadsign users will be able to manage their static inventory and workflows alongside their digital and programmatic assets—one set of tools for all things out-of-home.</p><h2 >Accessing the reimagined Broadsign Platform&nbsp;</h2><p>The Broadsign Platform isn’t some faraway thing—it exists today, and we’ll gradually be onboarding customers during the first half of the year.&nbsp;</p><p>If you’re keen to jump in, want to enroll in a beta program, or have specific questions about how your business can use our updated platform, please reach out to your account manager. They will be happy to help.</p><p>You can also drop by the Broadsign booth at the upcoming ISE show in Barcelona—book an appointment with us <a href="https://broadsign.com/events">here</a>.&nbsp;</p><p>We&#8217;re so excited about this next phase for the Broadsign Platform, and we hope you are too. We look forward to hearing from you about these improvements over the coming days.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How to create more revenue opportunities with Broadsign’s flexible campaign types]]><![CDATA[

The economic uncertainty and government-mandated lockdowns brought on by COVID-19 saw a decrease in spending in the out-of-home (OOH) advertising space for 2020. Faced with tighter budgets, advertisers had to reassess the need for large upfront commitments that come with traditional OOH media buys – e.g. frequency-based campaigns that purchase slots in a loop, and […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-create-more-revenue-opportunities-with-broadsigns-flexible-campaign-typeshttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-create-more-revenue-opportunities-with-broadsigns-flexible-campaign-types<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 11 Jan 2023 17:45:00 GMT<p>The economic uncertainty and government-mandated lockdowns brought on by COVID-19 saw a <a href="https://admatic.com/digital-out-of-home-changing-the-game-with-impact-flexibility/">decrease in spending</a> in the out-of-home (OOH) advertising space for 2020. Faced with tighter budgets, advertisers had to reassess the need for large upfront commitments that come with traditional OOH media buys – e.g. frequency-based campaigns that purchase slots in a loop, and often require media buyers to book months in advance and tie them in for long periods of time.&nbsp;</p><p>Unsure of when the next lockdown would be, media buyers needed a solution that allowed them to activate and pause campaigns when needed. While this led to many advertisers turning towards programmatic buying during the pandemic, the majority of campaigns in OOH still bought through direct sales. Flexibility in direct sales was needed now more than ever.&nbsp;</p><p>As most parts of the world began their recovery and OOH returned to pre-pandemic levels, the demand for flexibility in direct sales remained as it enabled media buyers to quickly respond to new consumer demands and expectations. By providing the same flexibility that digital advertising offers, media owners were able to create new revenue opportunities by opening their network to buyers that traditionally purchased ad space programmatically or online.</p><h2 >How media owners can adopt more flexibility in direct sales&nbsp;</h2><p>Adopting flexibility in direct sales may sound like a large undertaking, as it requires you to move away from a selling environment that you are familiar with. But this doesn’t need to be an all-or-nothing approach. The easiest way is by offering flexible campaign types in addition to the more traditional ones which are frequency, takeover or fixed share of voice. A campaign type determines how an ad is distributed across a set of screens.&nbsp;</p><p>Unlike fixed campaigns that often restrict your customers to a slot in a loop, a specific time period, or a location, flexible campaigns allow them to decide how often their ads should play based on their desired campaign goal. Similar to how digital advertising is bought, flexible campaigns are set based on the desired impression, play, budget or share of voice goal.</p><p>By offering similar campaign goals as other ad mediums, you can facilitate the creation of omnichannel campaigns for your customers while also securing new budgets from digital advertisers who are looking to incorporate DOOH in their strategies. As more advertisers adopt and expect to book flexible campaigns in direct sales, having the right tools that can automatically optimize inventory to accommodate both fixed and flexible campaigns will become a key competitive advantage for you.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Flexible campaign types hit your campaign goals, every time</h2><figure }</script></figure><p>With a more flexible direct sales strategy, media owners will need to change how they market their inventory. Offering screen packages to customers looking to buy more flexibly will be crucial. By grouping screens based on whether it meets the criteria to hit your customers campaign goal enables you to offer them more targeted advertising capabilities in direct sales.&nbsp;</p><p>However, this also doesn’t need to be an all-or-nothing approach. Media owners should be able to decide whether they want to allocate all or part of their inventory to flexible campaign types. With Broadsign, they can choose how much flexibility they would like to incorporate into their direct sales strategy with access to a wide range of fixed and flexible campaign types. Below are just a few examples of the type of flexible campaigns we support:</p><p><em><strong>Play goal</strong></em></p><p>A play goal allows you to define how many times the ad should play. Broadsign ensures that the goal is met and distributed across all selected screens in the most optimal way possible for the campaign’s duration.&nbsp;</p><p><em><strong>Impression goal</strong></em></p><p>An impressions goal lets you decide how many people you would like to see your ad. This goal is met and distributed in a similar fashion as a play goal.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><em><strong>Budget goal</strong></em></p><p>Depending on the budget provided to media owners by their customers, Broadsign will calculate the number of impressions they can guarantee and optimally deliver the ad across all desired screens throughout the campaign. This campaign type is particularly useful for customers that want their ad to be seen on as many screens in as many locations as possible, ensuring maximum visibility while respecting the defined budget.</p><p><em><strong>Share of Voice&nbsp;</strong></em></p><p>Customers can essentially buy a percentage of time on the screens. The desired share of voice can be met either by the end of the campaign, on a daily basis, or on a daily basis per screen.&nbsp;</p><h2 >A flexible network is better optimized for revenue</h2><p>An advantage to booking and managing your customers’ flexible campaigns with Broadsign is that it gives you access to our <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zx7BDPwXzbM">optimization engine</a>. Purpose-built to help you navigate and balance the need to offer more flexible campaign types, our optimization engine strategically moves booked flexible campaigns to make room for new ones.</p><p>This is something that can’t be done with fixed campaigns. Without the ability to adjust fixed campaigns to accommodate new requests, unnecessary roadblocks are created for campaign planners in direct sales. Media owners are also more likely to find gaps in their inventory that are difficult to fill. Both situations are not ideal, as they ultimately result in lost revenue.</p><p>Most media owners are already rearranging their existing campaigns to make room for new ones. This is often done manually through spreadsheets, which is time-consuming, prone to mistakes, and an inefficient process that cannot scale with your business. Why opt for a manual process when you can simply click a button and watch our optimization engine provide you with the best way to allocate your inventory to maximize screen fill rates and revenue? To learn more about our optimization engine, you can read more about it <a href="/blog/getting-the-most-out-of-your-dooh-inventory-introducing-the-optimization-engine-for-broadsign-direct">here</a>.</p><p>The shift towards more flexible campaigns is inevitable. As demand for flexible campaigns continues to grow, media owners that can offer them today will be better positioned to secure new budgets and gain a competitive start to the new norm of flexible buying in direct sales.</p><p><strong>Open your network to new revenue opportunities with Broadsign&#8217;s flexible campaign tools!</strong></p><p>Get your <a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo">Broadsign demo</a> today.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[OOH Executive Insights: Burr Smith on Broadsign’s commitment to sustainability]]><![CDATA[

In this installment of our OOH Executive Insights series, Broadsign’s CEO Burr Smith shares his thoughts on the importance of sustainability and some of the steps Broadsign is taking to become a sustainability leader in out-of-home. A little time off around the holidays, besides being a nice way to recharge, also provides a good opportunity […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-executive-insights-burr-smith-on-broadsigns-commitment-to-sustainabilityhttps://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-executive-insights-burr-smith-on-broadsigns-commitment-to-sustainability<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 10 Jan 2023 17:59:00 GMT<p><em>In this installment of our OOH Executive Insights series, Broadsign’s CEO Burr Smith shares his thoughts on the importance of sustainability and some of the steps Broadsign is taking to become a sustainability leader in out-of-home.</em></p><p>A little time off around the holidays, besides being a nice way to recharge, also provides a good opportunity for reflection on the progress we’ve made and a look ahead at the progress still to come. Fortunately, 2022 was a good year for us at Broadsign, and 2023 promises to be a special year for the business as well.&nbsp;</p><p>One reason for that is that 2023 will mark a new milestone for our company. In 2023, we are pledging to reduce and offset our carbon footprint, and we will continue to do so for every year to come. We are committed to this because we understand the climate crisis is one of the most significant challenges facing the world and we all, individuals and businesses as well as governments, must do more to make our future brighter.</p><p>I believe this is the right thing to do. I don’t think it’s fair to take actions that pollute and then do nothing to address the cost that imposes on other people. I don’t want to leave future generations, including my grandkids, worse off because nobody cared enough to try and make things better today. There are things we can do to address the climate crisis, and so we should do them, because that’s what is right.</p><p>To be fully honest, we probably should have taken this step earlier. Running a business, there are a lot of things to take care of and many significant challenges to address and overcome. The work required to make a serious commitment to sustainability just demanded more resources than we could spare until the past year or so. It is important to all of us at Broadsign, though, that we get this right, and so we are very pleased that we have finally been able to give this matter the attention it deserves.</p><p>Over the course of this year, we have been working hard with a team of experts to properly understand the carbon footprint we generate in the course of doing business, as well as which of our services and activities are responsible for most of our emissions. It takes a fair bit of time to do &#8211; and disruptions from COVID certainly made modeling more of a challenge than it would normally be &#8211; but we’ve gotten to the point where we feel quite confident in the accuracy of our numbers and are now beginning to take action.</p><p>I know talk is cheap, especially when it comes to this subject. Anyone can proclaim that they’re making their business more sustainable and then do nothing of substance to back it up. We’re still ironing out some of the details so that we can do as good of a job as possible, so I won’t share our footprint analysis or reduction plan at this time. Please expect to see more details from us in Q2, and for our plan to include a mixture of reductions in emissions where possible and the purchasing of offsets where it is not. I just wanted to take this opportunity to share some good news with you all to kick off this year.</p><p>I also know that sustainability has become a topic of importance for the out-of-home industry in general. We’re excited to share what we have learned in the course of our work on this project, to advocate for more sustainable practices, and to otherwise help other companies in our space to do more in their own right. Making out-of-home advertising more sustainable is a challenge we will all need to take on together.</p><p>I hope this news is welcome news, and I look forward to hearing from any of you who want to discuss this in more detail. On behalf of everyone at Broadsign, please accept my best wishes for a good start to the new year. We&#8217;re excited to make great things happen with you in 2023.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[OOH ads drive awareness and action for sports betting]]><![CDATA[

Sports betting revenue is climbing as it becomes legal in more markets Over 30 U.S. states have legalized sports betting as of 2022.Revenue for January-June 2022 totalled over $3 billion compared to $4.3 billion for all of 2021 and is expected to reach $7 billion by 2025, says Forbes. According to the OAAA, sports betting […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-ads-drive-awareness-and-action-for-sports-bettinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-ads-drive-awareness-and-action-for-sports-betting<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 20 Dec 2022 17:36:00 GMT<h2 }</script>&nbsp;Sports betting revenue is climbing as it becomes legal in more markets</h2><p>Over 30 U.S. states have legalized sports betting as of 2022.&nbsp;Revenue for January-June 2022 totalled over $3 billion compared to $4.3 billion for all of 2021 and is expected to reach $7 billion by 2025, says <a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/bradadgate/2022/09/15/sports-betting-is-revving-up-ad-spending-for-fourth-quarter/?sh=ecf06665dff4">Forbes</a>. According to the <a href="https://oaaa.org/news/out-of-home-advertising-for-sports-betting-shown-to-be-especially-effective-for-reaching-engaging-urbanites/">OAAA</a>, sports betting is also&nbsp;among the top 5 verticals for projected ad spend in 2023, driven by its legalization in more U.S. states.&nbsp;</p><h2 }</script>&nbsp;U.S. consumers are engaging with OOH advertising around sports betting</h2><p>Recent OAAA data found that&nbsp;54% of U.S. consumers in cities of 1M+ have noticed OOH ads for sports betting and gambling, compared to 36% of the general population.</p><p>62% of U.S. consumers who saw ads for sports betting engaged in some way after seeing the OOH ads, with sharing information word-of-mouth being the most common engagement.</p><h4 >Check out our infographic for unique ways sports betting advertisers can leverage OOH to drive awareness for platforms, increase player bets and subscriptions, and boost omnichannel campaigns.</h4><div ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Entertainment & Media advertisers turn to OOH as the industry bounces back from a pandemic-induced slump]]><![CDATA[

The entertainment industry is experiencing a global resurgence After a decline in 2020, global entertainment & media industry revenue rose by 18.4% to US$2.51 trillion in 2022, found research by PwC. The rise is expected to continue in 2023, led by global cinema revenue, which is expected to reach a new high ofUS$46.4 billion. Entertainment […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/entertainment-media-advertisers-turn-to-ooh-as-the-industry-bounces-back-from-a-pandemic-induced-slumphttps://broadsign.com/blog/entertainment-media-advertisers-turn-to-ooh-as-the-industry-bounces-back-from-a-pandemic-induced-slump<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 16 Dec 2022 17:27:00 GMT<h2 >The entertainment industry is experiencing a global resurgence</h2><p>After a decline in 2020, global entertainment &amp; media industry revenue rose by 18.4% to US$2.51 trillion in 2022, found research by <a href="https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/industries/tmt/media/outlook.html">PwC</a>. The rise is expected to continue in 2023, led by global cinema revenue, which is expected to reach a new high of&nbsp;US$46.4 billion.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Entertainment &amp; Media OOH advertising growth is expected to continue over the next decade</h2><p>According to <a href="https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2022/10/19/2537108/0/en/Analysis-of-Global-Digital-Out-of-Home-Market-Portrays-Revenue-of-USD-59-Billion-by-2033-and-a-CAGR-of-12-During-2023-2033-Kenneth-Research.html">Kenneth Research</a>, the global DOOH market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of ~12% from 2023-2033, with the entertainment &amp; media industry expected to hold the largest share of the global DOOH market by the end of the forecast period.</p><h4 >Check out our infographic for unique ways entertainment &amp; media advertisers can leverage OOH to drive awareness for new media, increase streaming subscriptions, and boost omnichannel strategies.</h4><div ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Global OOH Insights 2022]]><![CDATA[

There were many significant trends in the out-of-home industry throughout 2022. In our latest panel discussion, we highlight some key insights from leading voices in the industry. Topics covered include sustainability in OOH, EV charging and retail media networks, and the rise of 3D billboards. Speakers Adrian Cotterill – Editor-in-Chief, DailyDOOHFiona Fitzgibbon – Founder, Diversiffi […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/global-ooh-insights-2022https://broadsign.com/blog/global-ooh-insights-2022<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 16 Dec 2022 14:28:00 GMT<p>There were many significant trends in the out-of-home industry throughout 2022. In our latest panel discussion, we highlight some key insights from leading voices in the industry. Topics covered include sustainability in OOH, EV charging and retail media networks, and the rise of 3D billboards.</p><h4 >Speakers</h4><p>Adrian Cotterill &#8211; Editor-in-Chief, DailyDOOHFiona Fitzgibbon &#8211; Founder, Diversiffi MediaAutumn White &#8211; EVPDigital, Managing Partner,&nbsp; Horizon MediaAdam Green, SVP Strategy, Broadsign</p><figure ></div></figure>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Publimovil is championing the power of DOOH in Latin America]]><![CDATA[

With outdoor ad spend projected to reach $1.59 billion in Latin America by 2024, up from $960 million in 2021 (per Statistica), it’s clear that brands and advertisers have embraced out-of-home as a necessary part of an omnichannel media strategy. With good reason: Few other formats can offer the same reach and impact like out-of-home, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-publimovil-is-championing-the-power-of-dooh-in-latin-americahttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-publimovil-is-championing-the-power-of-dooh-in-latin-america<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 09 Dec 2022 17:15:00 GMT<p>With outdoor ad spend projected to reach $<a href="https://www.statista.com/statistics/429025/advertising-expenditure-in-latin-america/">1.59 billion in Latin America by 2024</a>, up from $960 million in 2021 (per <a href="https://www.billboardinsider.com/place-exchange-expands-programmatic-ooh-reach-in-latin-america/#:~:text=According%20to%20Statista%2C%20OOH%20ad,is%20taking%20place%20in%20OOH.">Statistica</a>), it’s clear that brands and advertisers have embraced out-of-home as a necessary part of an omnichannel media strategy. With good reason: Few other formats can offer the same reach and impact like out-of-home, connecting with people at key moments of their day.&nbsp;</p><p>Its growth is being encouraged by media owners in the region, like our partners at <a href="https://www.grupopublimovil.com/">Publimovil</a>, who are passionate about communicating the value of outdoor advertising to their clients. Originally, Publimovil got its foot in the out-of-home door by installing signage onto pedestrian bridges. Today, the company’s offering has grown considerably and includes multiple different formats beyond the bridges they started with.</p><p>Keep reading to learn more about Publimovil and find out how these media owners provide outdoor advertising solutions that engage, inspire, and convert.</p><h2 >Building bridges with out-of-home</h2><p>For more than 20 years, El Salvador-based Publimovil has proudly served communities in Central America. Today, they are one of Central America’s largest out-of-home companies, overseen by a team of people whose wealth of experience and expertise in outdoor advertising ensures client campaigns are in the best possible hands.</p><p>Publimovil was founded in 1999 by Max Novoa. The idea for an out-of-home-focused business came about when Max, who was the general manager of a large distribution company at the time, saw a need to advertise a broad inventory of products entering the market. In addition to buying TV, radio, and print ads, he invested a portion of his budget on small-format totems. This early effort proved successful, leading Max to start exploring out-of-home as a medium before eventually understanding its true value. Shortly after, he launched Publimovil.</p><p>The company’s first order of business? Building pedestrian walk bridges with attached signage across busy intersections in partnership with municipalities in and around their hometown of San Marcos. Today, Publimovil’s bridges are located across El Salvador and in neighboring Central American countries. While their competitors offer similar footbridges with signage displays, Publimovil currently boasts an 80% market share in the regions in which they operate.&nbsp;</p><p>Like most out-of-home businesses, somewhere along the way, the team at Publimovil began to see that the traditional out-of-home was less in-demand —&nbsp;in its place, digital signage was making waves. As much of the OOH industry began to digitize, Publimovil did too and invested in their first digital screen in 2011. Now, their inventory of over 3,200 place-based displays which includes assets like billboards, walkways, and bus shelters, all of which reach consumers at different touch points along their journey.</p><p>While their digital signage makes up only a slice of their total network, these screens account for 40% of sales come from its digital offering, a testament to DOOH’s and ability to offer a more creative and contextual experience for ad campaigns.</p><p>Publimovil’s content mix is varied, running anything from advertising campaigns to charitable organizations throughout the regions in which they operate. They also have a special program in place that offers ad space at a premium rate to entrepreneurs looking to get started and reach mass audiences.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Strategic thinking on the path to sales&nbsp;</h2><p>Publimovil is committed to making out-of-home a compelling option for customers looking to run ads across their network. Their approach differs slightly from competitors. Rather than focusing on ensuring all the maximum amount of ad space is booked up, Publimovil focuses on the strategy and intent behind campaigns. They consider the strategic value that out-of-home can deliver, working closely with customers to devise a strategy that makes sense for campaigns, rather than just filling up the next available slot. Their mission is to ensure customers get a return on their investment and work with Publimovil again in the future.&nbsp;</p><p>Besides that, this is a team that prides itself on innovation. First, Publimovil’s team recognizes the potential in not just digitizing their assets, but behind-the-scenes, they harness digital solutions for everything from sales to content creation, all in an effort to automate their workflow wherever it can create efficiency. They’ve even developed a proprietary software platform to create a more seamless sales experience and client relationship, from campaign creation to performance. The software has an algorithm that maximizes profits, delivering customers the best value for their money, down to the dollar.&nbsp;</p><p>And, to keep their customers feeling as enthused as they do about out-of-home, they’re continuing to invest in the latest tech features such as interactive and 3D-capable displays or geofencing technology to name a few. It’s all about drumming up excitement around what’s capable with DOOH.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Publimovil and Broadsign</h2><p>The ambitious team at Publimovil see immense growth on their horizons, especially as they invest in more digital products. But it’s the kind of growth that can’t be achieved without experts by their side. In particular., they needed digital signage software that could support the growth of their network and business, which is why they adopted the Broadsign platform.&nbsp;</p><p>As a company with plans to significantly scale its operations and become the go-to media owner in digital out-of-home in Central America and Latin America, they sought solutions to help streamline sales processes.</p><p>One of Publimovil’s missions is to communicate the value of out-of-home to customers, and Broadsign helps to make this aspect of the job a little easier by showing real results that speak to the true effectiveness of a campaign at meeting its targets.</p><h2 >What’s next for Publimovil&nbsp;</h2><p>Companies looking to partner with a major player in Latin America should consider the advantage of partnering with the ambitious team behind Publimovil. This team has big plans for where the future of DOOH in the region is headed, and are passionate about finding new avenues for advertisers they partner with.</p><p>Eventually, they’re looking to digitize up to 60 to 70% of their network — these plans are expected to unfold over the course of the next few years. To achieve this, they’re looking for other companies to partner with them to be a part of something bigger.</p><p>Most of all, they’re excited about what’s possible with their network in terms of growth potential, especially as they continue to invest in more digital screens and content. Not only do they feel optimistic for the future of the industry but so too do their clients, who are interested in the technological advancements that can help them create more compelling campaigns to reach their target audiences.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Book a demo today</a>!&nbsp;</strong></h2>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Let’s Talk Programmatic DOOH: Insights from The Neuron]]><![CDATA[

For agencies and SMBs, connecting with audiences at the right moment is essential when it comes to driving leads and increasing campaign results. That’s why The Neuron, a global programmatic digital out-out-home (DOOH) DSP, set out to build a platform that enables SMBs and agencies to buy, manage, and plan DOOH advertising in real time. […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/lets-talk-programmatic-dooh-insights-from-the-neuronhttps://broadsign.com/blog/lets-talk-programmatic-dooh-insights-from-the-neuron<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 06 Dec 2022 16:56:00 GMT<p>For agencies and SMBs, connecting with audiences at the right moment is essential when it comes to driving leads and increasing campaign results. That’s why <a href="https://theneuron.com/">The Neuron</a>, a global programmatic digital out-out-home (DOOH) DSP, set out to build a platform that enables SMBs and agencies to buy, manage, and plan DOOH advertising in real time. With access to premium OOH inventory, advertisers can easily integrate DOOH into wider omnichannel campaigns in a data-led, cost-effective way.</p><p>We recently spoke with Dima Nammari, COO of The Neuron DSP, to get her insights on everything from pDOOH advantages for SMBs and agencies to the future of programmatic in emerging markets.&nbsp;</p><h4 >What makes The Neuron unique?</h4><p>The Neuron is a global marketplace for buying programmatic OOH advertising. We’re proud to say that the platform is currently connected to six leading SSPs (and counting), allowing our customers to automatically access over 1.1M unique, premium screens in +85 countries.&nbsp;</p><p>Our proprietary, easy-to-use, data-led platform offers flexible, real-time campaign planning and optimization capabilities that enable SMBs and agencies to deliver targeted, hyper-contextual campaigns that engage audiences at the right time, with the right message &#8211; and for the right budget. We believe that programmatic is the future, so we set out to build a platform to democratize out-of-home so that advertisers can book an ad anywhere in the world, no matter their level of experience.&nbsp;</p><p>While a typical marketer can spend weeks building the perfect local or global campaign strategy, you only need a few minutes to book and deliver an ad on The Neuron, exactly where and when it needs to be.&nbsp;</p><h4 >What type of businesses does The Neuron work with, and what are some key platform features that clients appreciate?</h4><p>Our client portfolio is diverse and caters to users in over 20 sectors. Our SMB users appreciate the ability to geofence and handpick outdoor billboards of their choosing using our advanced search and geo-targeting functionality, which includes points of interest, all within a few easy clicks.</p><p>When it comes to agencies, The Neuron was designed with efficiency in mind. We built the platform to streamline the complexity of managing multiple client accounts and international DOOH campaigns. Agencies can plan, customize, and launch their clients’ ad campaigns in just a few steps and can then access advanced campaign performance reports that are updated in real-time, allowing them to optimize campaigns on the fly.&nbsp;</p><p>Other features that make The Neuron a unique DSP include our premium global inventory that we host through SSP integrations, the platform’s ability to ingest 1st and 3rd party data, advanced pacing and bidding algorithms, and the ability to dynamically trigger real-time campaigns based on factors like weather conditions, news, events, or any custom APIs.</p><h4 >Can you share an example of a client that successfully integrated programmatic DOOH into their omnichannel strategy?</h4><p>YouFit gyms, a personalized and accessible gym, launched a month-to-month programmatic DOOH campaign aimed at enticing audiences to take control of their well-being across major cities in Florida. With The Neuron DSP, they were able to target hyper-local digital screens around gyms, deploying new digital creatives in a fraction of the time it takes with traditional OOH providers. This allowed them to experiment with different combinations of screens, locations, creatives, and traffic patterns to find the most efficient mix &#8211; and the results were outstanding! YouFit gyms saw a 21% increase in leads and a 25% increase in conversions. According to the client, DOOH helped them grow their omnichannel strategy and is quickly becoming one of their key business development tools.</p><figure >YouFit gyms targeted hyper-local digital screens around gyms.</figcaption></figure><figure >YouFit gyms targeted hyper-local digital screens around gyms.</figcaption></figure><h4 >In your opinion, what are the most successful use cases of pDOOH for SMBs?</h4><p>OOH has always been considered a mass media channel for building brand awareness. It’s expensive, and not all SMBs could traditionally afford advertising on outdoor screens; however, that’s all changed with programmatic DOOH. You can now cherry-pick the screens that index the highest against your intended audiences, targeting them in locations they frequent at specific times and triggering creatives when they’re most relevant &#8211; all to yield the highest results and best ROI. And what’s best about it all is that there’s no minimum budget required!&nbsp;</p><p>Laderach, a Swiss chocolatier, ran a tactical campaign for 5 days in the run-up to Christmas. They used The Neuron’s POI tool to deliver ads during high-traffic hours on select screens around their stores in affluent neighbourhoods. As a result, they managed to significantly increase their exposure and sales compared to last year&#8217;s period.&nbsp;</p><h4 >What are some barriers preventing the wider adoption of pDOOH, and what can we do as an industry to make it easier for SMBs to buy DOOH?</h4><p>It’s easy to see the appeal of DOOH, as it offers tangible results to small, independent, and local businesses. According to recent <a href="https://theneuron.com/dooh-marketing-that-actually-helps-smbs-grow/#:~:text=49%25%20of%20consumers%20notice%20digital,after%20seeing%20a%20DOOH%20ad.">Nielsen research</a>, we know that 49% of consumers notice digital street-level ads per month. Programmatic DOOH has democratized access to digital display advertising, and as such, DOOH advertising is no longer reserved for those with bottomless budgets and large marketing teams.&nbsp;</p><p>Having said that, there are still a few hurdles that the industry needs to overcome. We need to standardize certain aspects with media owners and SSPs, like the classification of screens and venue types, accurate ad duration requirements, and the ability to serve dynamic creatives. Moreover, while most publishers have removed all minimum buys, some still want a minimum booking amount. Certain publishers aren’t readily available on the open exchange and still require PMP deals to access their inventory. These types of conditions make it difficult for us to automate and streamline the process for SMB clients.&nbsp;</p><p>On the other hand, If we can standardize and automate the industry-recognized attribution, I expect many more traditional agencies to adopt pDOOH.&nbsp;</p><h4 >Where do you see pDOOH heading in 2023 with the current economic climate?</h4><p>I think there will be a consistent uptake, with pDOOH making up an increasing percentage of DOOH spending. In 2022, it made up nearly 14.8% of DOOH spending compared to 3.2% in 2019 &#8211; that’s nearly a five-fold percentage increase in just a few years, and it’s a significant growth rate for relatively new technology.&nbsp;</p><p>Many big agencies are already using pDOOH or have at least been exposed to it, but we’re now seeing more and more digital agencies adopt pDOOH advertising as an extension of their client offerings. OOH is no longer a separate category; it’s now part of the digital sphere. In addition, OOH has traditionally been a conduit for building awareness and reaching mass audiences. Now, it’s also being used for tactical messaging and driving calls to action, whether it’s a QR code or directions to the closet shop.&nbsp;</p><p>Another avenue for expected growth is video ads in place-based environments. With CTV and DOOH as complimentary touch-points, brands can tell their story across multiple channels to strengthen their message.&nbsp;</p><h4 >What are some opportunities and challenges for the growth of pDOOH in emerging markets?</h4><p>The adoption of programmatic advertising by media owners is gradual. While we’re seeing a high number of digital screens on roads and in place-based environments, publishers are still apprehensive about selling their ads programmatically for fear of breaking up their networks and losing out on revenue. Many large media owners are also investing in their own automation platforms, similar to SSPs, which can further fragment the market.&nbsp;</p><p>In my opinion, the pressure needs to come from the buy side. The biggest challenge for that to happen in emerging markets is the standardization of data and collection methodologies. There should be a unified trading currency and an accredited outdoor governing body.&nbsp;</p><h4 >What’s next for The Neuron?</h4><p>We’d like to be the one-stop solution for buying any programmatically-enabled DOOH screen worldwide.&nbsp;</p><p>As the pDOOH industry’s power is unlocked and awareness increases, spending will grow too. Our main focus is scaling our SMB edition so that any client currently booking Facebook or Google Ads can equally and easily extend their advertising to include pDOOH.</p><h4 >Connect with us</a> to learn more.</h4>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Healthcare & pharma brands turn to digital out-of-home as consumers put a spotlight on well-being]]><![CDATA[

Healthcare made up 18% of the U.S. economy in 2022 According to theCenters for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the U.S. healthcare industry is estimated to reach$6.2 trillion by 2028. The healthcare advertising market has also been experiencing growth,reaching a value of US$21.3 Billion in 2021. (Source:IMARC Group) The pandemic has amplified the importance of healthcare […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/healthcare-pharma-brands-turn-to-digital-out-of-home-as-consumers-put-a-spotlight-on-well-beinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/healthcare-pharma-brands-turn-to-digital-out-of-home-as-consumers-put-a-spotlight-on-well-being<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 05 Dec 2022 16:27:00 GMT<h2 >Healthcare made up 18% of the U.S. economy in 2022</h2><p>According to the&nbsp;<a href="https://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/NationalHealthExpendData/NHE-Fact-Sheet">Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services</a>, the U.S. healthcare industry is estimated to reach&nbsp;$6.2 trillion by 2028. The healthcare advertising market has also been experiencing growth,&nbsp;reaching a value of US$21.3 Billion in 2021. (Source:&nbsp;<a href="https://www.imarcgroup.com/us-healthcare-advertising-market">IMARC Group</a>)</p><h2 >The pandemic has amplified the importance of healthcare &#8211; and people are paying attention</h2><p>Q4 2022 U.S. data from the <a href="https://oaaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/harris-poll-healthcare-copy-change.pdf">OAAA</a>&nbsp;found that&nbsp;49% of U.S. consumers are noticing OOH ads more than they did one year ago, with 58% having recently noticed OOH ads for healthcare.&nbsp;76% of those who saw a healthcare OOH ad engaged in some form of action, like searching for the product, company, or facility online (37%) or asking family and friends about the brand (34%).</p><h4 >Check out our infographic for unique ways healthcare &amp; pharma marketers can leverage OOH to drive brand awareness, lift consideration of new products or services, direct consumers to local facilities, and more.</h4><div ></div><p></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Travel & Tourism advertisers turn to out-of-home among a return to travel]]><![CDATA[

Travel and tourism are rising on a global scale Global travel and tourism sectors are projected to return to pre-pandemic levels in 2023, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council.Worldwide travel revenue is also expected to show an annual growth rate of 8.46%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$992 bn by 2026. […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/travel-tourism-advertisers-turn-to-out-of-home-among-a-return-to-travelhttps://broadsign.com/blog/travel-tourism-advertisers-turn-to-out-of-home-among-a-return-to-travel<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 28 Nov 2022 14:07:00 GMT<h2 >Travel and tourism are rising on a global scale</h2><p>Global travel and tourism sectors are projected to return to pre-pandemic levels in 2023, according to the <a href="https://www.reuters.com/world/the-great-reboot/global-tourism-recover-pandemic-by-2023-post-10-year-growth-spurt-2022-04-21/">World Travel &amp; Tourism Council</a>.&nbsp;Worldwide travel revenue is also expected to show an annual growth rate of 8.46%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$992 bn by 2026. (Source: <a href="https://www.statista.com/outlook/mmo/travel-tourism/worldwide">Statista Mobility Markets</a>)</p><h2 >Consumers are looking to travel over the holidays, even with inflation concerns</h2><p>Almost 60% of Americans plan to take a trip this upcoming holiday season, says the <a href="https://www.digitalsignagetoday.com/news/poll-finds-ooh-on-rise-as-travel-rises-oaaa-reports/">OAAA</a>.&nbsp;38% of holiday travellers will travel shorter distances this season due to inflation; however, 33% are planning to go even further than they did last year.</p><h2 >OOH is a key opportunity for travel &amp; tourism advertising</h2><p>Nearly half of U.S. consumers say that OOH ads catch their attention during special occasion trips more than they did last year, with another 45% noticing OOH more during daily travel. (Source: <a href="https://www.digitalsignagetoday.com/news/poll-finds-ooh-on-rise-as-travel-rises-oaaa-reports/">OAAA</a>).</p><h4 >Check out our infographic for unique ways travel &amp; tourism marketers can leverage OOH to drive brand awareness, lift sales, and boost omnichannel executions. </h4><div ></div><p></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[GlobalTV sees a 10x lift in viewing intent with pDOOH campaign]]><![CDATA[

Global Television Network (GlobalTV) was looking to increase awareness and viewing consideration for two new Fall 2022 TV shows that would run across its Canadian network. As part of a larger multi-media campaign with umbrella media company Corus Entertainment, GlobalTV turned to programmatic DOOH to extend the reach of ads for TV showsSo Help Me […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/globaltv-sees-a-10x-lift-in-viewing-intent-with-pdooh-campaignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/globaltv-sees-a-10x-lift-in-viewing-intent-with-pdooh-campaign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 23 Nov 2022 07:48:00 GMT<p><a href="https://www.globaltv.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Global Television Network</a> (GlobalTV) was looking to increase awareness and viewing consideration for two new Fall 2022 TV shows that would run across its Canadian network.</p><p>As part of a larger multi-media campaign with umbrella media company <a href="https://www.corusent.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Corus Entertainment</a>, GlobalTV turned to programmatic DOOH to extend the reach of ads for TV shows<em>So Help Me Todd</em> and <em>Fire Country</em> across screens in major Canadian cities.</p><figure ></div></figure><h3 >The Strategy</h3><ul><li>Using <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Ads</a>, Broadsign’s DOOH-specific DSP, GlobalTV strategically placed ads promoting the shows in key locations across Toronto and Vancouver.&nbsp;</li><li>The campaign targeted specific audiences, including&nbsp;Canadian adults aged 25-54, streamers, and cable viewers.</li><li>Over 1M ads were delivered, resulting in +11.5M impressions across&nbsp;targeted venue types like&nbsp;Train Stations, Movie Theatres, Malls, Bus Shelters, and Billboards.</li></ul><h5 >Download the full case study to see the results and discover the benefits of implementing pDOOH into your media strategy.</h5><div ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Purpose-driven advertising is key as consumers shift towards more intentional spending]]><![CDATA[

The past few years have been filled with social, economic, and environmental changes that have caused a significant shift in consumer shopping habits. People of all ages have been re-evaluating how they spend and save their money, and it’s only expected to amplify as we head toward a recession. In fact, two-thirds of U.S. consumers […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/purpose-driven-advertising-is-key-as-consumers-shift-towards-more-intentional-spendinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/purpose-driven-advertising-is-key-as-consumers-shift-towards-more-intentional-spending<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 15 Nov 2022 15:32:00 GMT<p>The past few years have been filled with social, economic, and environmental changes that have caused a significant shift in consumer shopping habits. People of all ages have been re-evaluating how they spend and save their money, and it&#8217;s only expected to amplify as we head toward a recession. In fact, two-thirds of U.S. consumers said their biggest concern right now is rising inflation, according to a <a href="https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/growth-marketing-and-sales/our-insights/the-great-uncertainty-us-consumer-confidence-and-behavior-during-inflationary-times">McKinsey study</a>.</p><p>But these changing consumer trends aren’t all due to doom and gloom. A <a href="https://f.hubspotusercontent20.net/hubfs/304927/THE%20GREAT%20REEVALUATION%20-%20Publicis.pdf">2021 study</a> from Publicis Groupe found that 77% of people went through a major life change over the past few years, achieving milestones like purchasing a home, changing careers, or having kids &#8211; and with changing lifestyles come changing habits, values, and buying needs.</p><p>These shifts in behaviour are forcing brands and advertisers to adapt more quickly, and they need to be more responsive to consumer needs, especially in terms of brand values and sustainability. As a result, more and more marketers are turning to purpose-driven advertising to win back the conscious consumer.</p><h2 >Shoppers are more willing to switch brands over supply chain and price concerns</h2><p>Empty shelves were common throughout the early days of the pandemic, and while supply chain shortages caused havoc for many brands and retailers, they also created an opportunity for consumers to sample products that they normally wouldn’t have purchased. Consumers who were used to purchasing one specific brand were suddenly unable to access it, forcing them to try something else in its place. &nbsp;As a result, many realized they could use similar products and brands at a fraction of the price. Take toilet paper, for example; shoppers who consistently purchased Charmin or other brand names had no choice but to switch to a generic version when supply chain disruptions led to major shortages. Today, many consumers who sampled other brands during the pandemic have yet to switch back, largely due to inflation concerns and the need for more efficient spending.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Consumers care about brand values, and they’re demanding transparency</h2><p>As consumers develop higher expectations and become more selective over where they spend, brands must respond by getting even more intentional with their messaging. <a href="https://www.retailtouchpoints.com/topics/consumer-trends/harris-poll-82-of-consumers-want-a-brands-values-to-align-with-their-own">New research</a> from Harris Poll commissioned by Google Cloud found that 82% of U.S. consumers want a brand’s values to align with their own, and over three-quarters of surveyed shoppers have parted ways with a brand over a conflict in values.</p><p>From environmental and political concerns to social action, consumers are more likely to support brands that invest in the issues they care about. In a recent conversation at Digiday’s annual fall <a href="https://digiday.com/media/media-buying-summit-day-1-harnessing-tech-to-better-reach-a-changed-consumer/">Media Buying Summit</a>, Brent Poer, Global Client Lead and President of Publicis Imagine discussed the need for brands to connect with consumers in a meaningful way by focusing on their values and purpose. The past few years have allowed people to reflect on what’s important to them, and brands need to go beyond "slapping a logo" on a cause or idea to truly reach conscious consumers. "Take a stand on it. Brands are going to have to drive longer-term relationships," he said.</p><p>A <a href="https://www.pwc.com/us/en/services/consulting/library/consumer-intelligence-series/trust-new-business-currency.html">2022 Consumer Intelligence Series Survey</a> by PwC echoed this, finding that only 30% of consumers trust companies compared to 87% of business leaders who believe their organization is highly trusted.&nbsp;</p><h2 >The return of purpose-driven advertising</h2><p>For consumers to truly feel seen and understood by brands, authenticity and relevance must be at the forefront of an organization’s communications. Leveraging purpose-driven advertising creates the opportunity to drive long-term relationships by establishing an emotional connection with the consumer.</p><p><em>But what exactly is purpose-driven advertising?</em></p><p>Purpose-driven advertising goes beyond occasional social media posts covering a current event; &nbsp;it&#8217;s defined by a value-focused strategy used by an organization to communicate its alignment with certain values or initiatives. Authenticity is the key to success when it comes to purpose-driven advertising, and brands need to ensure they don’t over-promise or embellish their actions. For example, many brands make big claims over their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) efforts, which can often be cases of <a href="https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/10946-greenwashing.html">greenwashing</a> &#8211; and today’s consumers are more intelligent and savvy when it comes to spotting false claims. In fact, <a href="https://consumergoods.com/new-research-shows-consumers-more-interested-brands-values-ever">Harris Poll</a> found that 77% of shoppers remain skeptical over brand promises, believing that the majority of brands overstate their efforts on initiatives like sustainability.&nbsp;</p><figure >IKEA encourages a better world by promoting its sustainably-sourced cotton.</figcaption></figure><p></p><figure >Ingredient transparency is an integral part of Chipotle&#8217;s brand values.</figcaption></figure><figure >Scotiabank&#8217;s messaging highlights the importance of family values and traditions.&nbsp;</figcaption></figure><p>Patagonia is perhaps one of the best-known examples of purpose-driven branding, integrating its core values into every aspect of the business and becoming known for its social and environmental activism. The brand is so committed to its purpose that it actually encourages consumers to buy less, with anti-consumerism at the <a href="https://thestrategystory.com/2021/09/14/patagonia-marketing-strategy-mix/">core of its marketing strategy</a>. From social media to outdoor advertising, Patagonia’s message remains consistent, embracing its brand purpose in everything it does. And it works &#8211; the brand is considered one of the most socially responsible companies in the fashion industry and has a loyal customer base that spans generations. The embodiment of its values extended to the point that founder Yvon Chouinard recently gave away ownership of the brand, <a href="https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/14/patagonia-founder-donates-entire-company-to-fight-climate-change.html">donating the entire $3 billion company</a> to fight climate change.&nbsp;</p><figure }</script></figure><p>Understanding your audience base will help you deliver meaningful messaging that creates brand loyalty even as consumers tighten their belts. There’s a perception that brands should scale back brand-building in favour of more performance-driven marketing in a tough market, but capturing customer loyalty is essential, even with reduced budgets. Prioritizing the lifelong customer over short-term gain is more profitable in the long run, and brands should take advantage of the fact that competitors may be spending less on advertising to capture a larger share of the story. Certain ad mediums, like <a href="/blog/out-of-home-advertising">Out-of-Home (OOH)</a>, are also great for boosting awareness while delivering content that’s relevant to certain communities or demographics. As one of the oldest channels, it’s no surprise that OOH is also the most trusted among audiences. It provides a canvas to communicate messages in the most creative and impactful way, transcending the small screens and amplifying other channels as part of a multi-touch marketing strategy.</p><p>In a rapidly changing world, brands are also increasingly pressured to keep up to date with current events, trends, and initiatives. Thanks to programmatic capabilities, creatives can be updated in real-time, ensuring the most relevant messaging is delivered to target audiences and helping keep brands agile. The same ads can be delivered across multiple media channels, like mobile, Connected TV, and social media, driving your message home and creating a full brand experience for consumers.&nbsp;</p><p>While establishing a purpose-driven ad strategy doesn’t happen overnight, understanding who your consumers are, what they stand for, and how your values connect with their lifestyles is the key to driving profitable, long-term growth in the most authentic way possible.</p><h5 >How purpose-led brands win customers and stand the test of time</a></u></h5>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Gawk Outdoor is making OOH accessible to local businesses of all sizes in southeastern Australia]]><![CDATA[

There’s a misconception that out-of-home is extremely costly, and that it’s a media format strictly reserved for large advertisers and blue-chip companies. But, businesses of all sizes would certainly benefit from the visibility and reach out-of-home affords. Teaming up with media owners that have a brand’s best interest at heart means they can hop on […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-gawk-outdoor-is-making-ooh-accessible-to-local-businesses-of-all-sizes-in-southeastern-australiahttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-gawk-outdoor-is-making-ooh-accessible-to-local-businesses-of-all-sizes-in-southeastern-australia<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 14 Nov 2022 10:55:00 GMT<p>There’s a misconception that out-of-home is extremely costly, and that it’s a media format strictly reserved for large advertisers and blue-chip companies. But, businesses of all sizes would certainly benefit from the visibility and reach out-of-home affords. Teaming up with media owners that have a brand’s best interest at heart means they can hop on the outdoor advertising bandwagon and increase profits and drive awareness.</p><p>This is the message that the team operating <a href="https://gawk.com.au/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Gawk Outdoor</a> is looking to get across in their home state of Victoria in Australia. In fact, they’re doing it with a growing network of both static and digital billboards across southeastern Australia catered in large part to local businesses, all to ensure that fellow Regional Victorians have their chance to stand out and be seen.</p><h2 >The brothers behind Gawk Outdoor</h2><p>Just a few years ago, the OOH landscape in Victoria was scarce — which presented Luke and James Course, the brothers behind Gawk Outdoor, with opportunities to bring their big ideas for the format to their market. In 2018, the siblings teamed up to launch what was then called Regional Billboard Co., later renaming the company to Gawk Outdoor. The company’s first billboard was installed in the city of Portland, soon followed by an additional seven later that same year. Gawk Outdoor is the largest independent outdoor advertising company operating across the southeastern state, as well as New South Wales. Most of their inventory is static, but their network also includes six digital screens (and counting). As of September 2022, the number of Gawk Outdoor sites has reached 80 locations across Victoria and is expected to continue to grow in the near future.</p><p>What started out with a simple mission – to make out-of-home more available and widespread in Victoria — now includes another layer. Regional Victoria lies at the heart of their efforts, and they strive to ensure that local businesses have the same advertising opportunities and access to OOH as international players. In fact, about three-quarters of its clientele are brands and advertisers who are relatively new to outdoor advertising, and that’s just how the Gawk Outdoor team likes it. A wide range of advertisers work with Gawk Outdoor, from national advertisers to hyper-local businesses. Across their network, you might find locals like Swipe Pest Control running campaigns on the same billboard that McDonalds or Liquorland advertised on in the previous month. They enjoy working with companies who might not have previously considered billboard campaigns in their media budgets.</p><p>The advertisers Gawk Outdoor partners with are often wowed by their attractive pricing and the highly coveted locations of their billboards, which offer great visibility and reach. What’s more, Gawk Outdoor’s inventory is made up of high-quality, recently-built billboards along highly-trafficked roads and streets.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >A straightforward approach to digital outdoor advertising</h2><p>DOOH and programmatic DOOH are on the rise, becoming essential parts of the out-of-home industry, and Gawk Outdoor is working towards including them in their offering. For now, they’re proud to provide their customers with streamlined solutions for out-of-home, supporting their efforts by offering a price-conscious alternative to competitors and choosing to install billboards in the most ideal locations for desired campaigns.</p><p>Though Gawk Outdoor teams up with businesses across various industries, tourism and agriculture companies have notably seen their share of success on this network. One such example is a campaign launched by the Halls Gap Zoo in the Grampians. This initiative helped the zoo reach tourists who were driving to the Grampians National Park, an audience that is near impossible to reach without a medium as visible as out-of-home.</p><p>Another example is Queensland-based Pioneer Seeds, a business that supplies farmers with various types of seeds. With Pioneer Seeds’ outdoor efforts, they’ve been successful in boosting brand awareness and fostering a sense of trust among farmers in key areas that wouldn’t otherwise have been possible without the reach that out-of-home affords.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >Broadsign and Gawk Outdoor</h2><p>Though Gawk Outdoor is still a relatively new player, this ambitious team has their sights set on growth. With scaling their organization comes a need for more efficient operations. The team had already invested heavily in premium fixtures and the best locations in the region, and when it became necessary, therefore turned their attention to software to help make the process of operating an expanding inventory of billboards easier. In 2021, the team adopted the Broadsign Ayuda software to better streamline their workflow and better serve their customers. As Gawk Outdoor’s volume of transactions and contracts increased, they needed to leverage software that could eliminate the risk of human error, making Ayuda the perfect choice.</p><p>With Ayuda, the Gawk Outdoor team saves time, more efficiently centralizes their assets, and helps them book campaigns with greater ease. The platform can help Gawk Outdoor’s clients, many of whom are themselves newcomers to out-of-home, see rate cards for static media bookings and get insight into inventory availability.</p><p>Tasks that were once performed manually suddenly became much more foolproof. Now, both sales and operations teams use Ayuda, resulting in a more timely contract process. Notably, Gawk Outdoor is running the Juice and Splash programs independently to manage their digital and static networks.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >Gearing up for what’s next</h2><p>Well on their way to becoming OOH leaders in the region, Gawk Outdoor has big plans for where they’ll take their business next. They’re working towards growing their already robust network, a vision that will include adding 20 new billboard sites to their roster in the coming months. Beyond that, they hope to expand to about 150 billboards within the next two or three years.</p><p>For this up-and-coming OOH agency, helmed by a driven team passionate about the industry, the potential for where they’re headed next knows no bounds. While serving Regional Victoria remains core to their business, there’s no telling what parts of Australia you might soon spot a Gawk Outdoor billboard.</p><h3 >Book a demo</a></u> with Broadsign today!&nbsp;</strong></h3>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Digital signage for elevators: A versatile tool for communications and advertising]]><![CDATA[

Most elevator rides aren’t especially memorable. They usually represent a forced pause in the midst of a busy day, and offer little besides mirrors or plain walls to look at for the duration of a ride. But time spent in an elevator shouldn’t be wasted—in fact, it’s the perfect opportunity to engage with a uniquely […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-signage-for-elevators-a-versatile-tool-for-communications-and-advertisinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/digital-signage-for-elevators-a-versatile-tool-for-communications-and-advertising<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 10 Nov 2022 16:01:00 GMT<p>Most elevator rides aren&#8217;t especially memorable. They usually represent a forced pause in the midst of a busy day, and offer little besides mirrors or plain walls to look at for the duration of a ride. But time spent in an elevator shouldn’t be wasted—in fact, it’s the perfect opportunity to engage with a uniquely captive audience via in-elevator digital signage.&nbsp;</p><p>From sharing real-time news and updates to running relevant advertising and entertainment, you can use digital displays in and around elevators to dramatically improve the tenant and guest experience in your building and enhance internal communication. Elevator advertising is also a great option for business marketers looking to target office workers or shoppers as they go about their daily lives, and can be a smart tool for promoting your brand.</p><p>Read on to learn about the benefits of implementing an elevator digital signage network as well as some of the different ways that digital screens in and around elevators can be used to improve communication and generate additional revenue through digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising.</p><h2 >Elevate your messaging and improve communication with elevator digital signage&nbsp;</h2><p>Effective communication is all about delivering the right message, in the right place, and at the right time. An elevator is an excellent place to share targeted content such as news, entertainment, or advertising because it enables you to interact with a captive audience as they go about their day-to-day lives. And digital displays, <a href="https://www.screenfluence.com/blog/2020/11/17/27-digital-signage-statistics-for-2021-infographic/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">which capture 400% more views than their static counterparts</a>, are an excellent way to ensure your messaging is seen by elevator users.&nbsp;</p><p>In addition to supporting motion graphics, video, and <a href="/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">other attention-grabbing content formats</a>, digital signage is far easier to update than static posters. And without the costs associated with repetitive print production and the labour required to manually change multiple and/or large printed signs, digital signage is a cost-effective messaging medium that can help you save money in the long run. Even more crucially, elevator digital signage can generate additional revenue for your business via third-party advertising (more on that later).</p><p>Want more proof that elevators are the perfect place to reach people via digital signage? <a href="https://nationalelevatorindustry.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Fact-Sheet.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">According to the National Elevator Industry</a>, the average elevator in the United States carries 20,000 people per year, with each elevator user making an average of 4 floor-to-floor trips per day. For business owners, that’s an average of 4 opportunities to engage these users with in-elevator digital signage every single day. Additionally, it’s an average of 4 opportunities to communicate an important message or upsell a service or product. In short, digital signage in elevators presents a fantastic opportunity for brands to connect with a large number of people—and advertisers will be happy to pay a premium to gain access to this space.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Elevator digital signage system uses and applications</h2><p>Elevator digital signage is an extremely versatile tool that lets you communicate with consumers in a uniquely captive setting. Display screens installed in elevators can be used to display building and safety messages, real-time news and weather updates, and creative ad campaigns—turning every ride into an informative and entertaining experience for elevator passengers.&nbsp;</p><p>If you’re thinking of investing in an elevator digital signage system, here is a look at some top use cases that will help ensure you take full advantage of your investment.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Display building-related information</h2><p>Displaying helpful information on elevator screens helps building tenants and visitors alike. To help people—especially visitors—find what they’re looking for faster, an easy-to-understand building directory can be a powerful wayfinding tool. And <a href="/blog/interactive-digital-signage" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">you can even make your digital signage interactive</a> by employing a touchscreen. Interactive kiosks in elevator halls and lobbies, for example, allow users to search the directory while they wait their turn to board.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>In addition to general building information, you can also display emergency information to help put the minds of elevator passengers at ease. Provide emergency contact info on the digital screens inside your elevators and illustrate the pre-planned escape routes and location of the building’s nearest emergency exits. Knowing that there are protocols in place in case there’s an emergency will inspire confidence in visitors and tenants alike.</p><h2 >Improve internal communication</h2><p>In today’s competitive commercial real estate market, savvy property owners and managers know that prioritizing tenant experience and communication is crucial for attracting new tenants and retaining existing ones. Elevator digital signage is the perfect medium for internal communications in the office or apartment block, enabling property owners to increase their tenants’ satisfaction, recruit new tenants, and command premium rental prices.</p><p>A transparent way to share information with everyone at the same time, digital signage is more engaging and less intrusive than email, and it replaces the old-school notice board with a dynamic digital messaging solution that lets you update content in real time. Elevator screens can be used to display the rules and guidelines that might apply to tenants and visitors. And you can use elevator digital signage to announce upcoming events for the building and let people know about service interruptions.&nbsp;</p><p>Whether it’s a scheduled maintenance run for the elevators or a rooftop barbecue for the tenants, in-elevator signage is a much better alternative than going around handing out paper flyers.</p><h2 >Provide value-added entertainment/Create a new experience</h2><p>With digital signage, you can transform every elevator ride into an informative and entertaining one. Whether you are installing screens inside the cabins or in the hallway next to the elevator doors, you can use digital signage to create a unique experience for all of the elevator users in your building.&nbsp;</p><p>Picture this: you step into the elevator in your office building after a long day of work and encounter current weather reports, sports scores, and news headlines on a digital screen above the elevator buttons. Maybe you even see live traffic updates that will impact the route you take and save you time on your end-of-day commute. Not only does this digital content offer a welcome distraction for you and the other passengers as you travel between floors, it also provides you with relevant information that improves your elevator experience and is actually, genuinely helpful.&nbsp;</p><figure }</script></figure><p>By creating and uploading the right content, you can inform and entertain your elevator users via digital signage. In the end, though, it’s all about adding real value to the user. Truly effective elevator digital signage content will grab passengers’ attention at the same time as it adds value by providing meaningful insights.</p><h2 >Harness place-based advertising</h2><p>In-elevator digital signage is a powerful advertising tool that opens the door to exciting new opportunities for digital media placements. Why? Because digital displays allow you to create immersive, memorable, and sometimes even interactive advertising campaigns that reach highly targeted audiences where they already spend their time throughout the day.</p><p>Depending on the passenger demographic of your elevators, these unique ad campaigns can reach a wide range of people, from affluent office workers to consumers inside a shopping mall. And as mentioned earlier, the average elevator user takes the elevator multiple times per day; this makes elevators excellent advertising spaces because the repeated exposure will lead to greater recall. And with the elevator serving as a liminal space with minimal outside distractions, there’s a greater chance that elevator passengers will actually look at an advertisem*nt. Similarly, without any distractions, the target audience can more easily and readily digest the content of your ad.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >Monetize your elevator screens with DOOH advertising</h2><p>While you certainly can (and definitely should!) harness your new digital channel to display your own promotional materials, elevator digital signage can also be used to generate additional revenue through the sale of third-party ad placements. That’s right, we’re talking about turning your elevators into vehicles for digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising.&nbsp;</p><p>With the impending end of third-party cookies forcing marketers to rethink their digital engagement strategies, demand for place-based DOOH advertising opportunities is only growing: DOOH ad spend in the US <a href="https://www.insiderintelligence.com/topics/category/dooh" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">grew 19.1% in 2021</a> and is <a href="https://www.statista.com/statistics/272951/global-digital-out-of-home-advertising-expenditure-since-2000/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">predicted to reach $10.3 billion USD globally by 2023</a>. And with the advent of <a href="/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home">programmatic DOOH</a> (pDOOH)—an automated form of buying and selling that enables better, data-driven targeting—many brands that were previously unfamiliar with DOOH are now incorporating it in their multichannel ad campaigns. In short, a growing number of brands are willing to pay a premium for highly visible and effective DOOH ad placements, and your elevators—with their captive audience, minimal distractions, and large number of daily passengers—are uniquely positioned to meet this demand.&nbsp;</p><p>Elevator advertising has the potential to be one of the most impactful forms of DOOH advertising because it helps combine the reach of traditional OOH advertising with the targeting and technology of digital advertising—all while enabling brands to reach audiences in a unique space that sees a lot of traffic. So if you have digital signage in your elevators and haven’t thought about how to incorporate DOOH advertising yet, you’re leaving potential money on the table. DOOH elevator advertising is a huge opportunity, both for you and for third-party brands, so capitalize on elevator advertising’s growing demand!</p><h2 >How elevator digital signage works: Setup and software requirements</h2><p>There are multiple different options and placements when it comes to implementing elevator digital signage. You’ll definitely want to place your signage in high-traffic areas to increase the potential audience and number of impressions, but the right height and size of your screen placements will depend on the desired outcome and the specifications of the space itself. For example, if you’re looking to really "wow" your passengers, then large-format digital signage placed prominently in the back of the elevator is a great choice. If you want more visibility, then signage placed near the elevator buttons is another highly-effective placement option.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>The types of screens and corresponding hardware components will depend on your chosen installation location (i.e., inside the cabin of the elevator or in the hall near the elevators), but an elevator digital signage system typically consists of:</p><ul><li>A high-res digital display or screen</li><li>A digital signage media player&nbsp;</li><li>A digital signage content management software (CMS)&nbsp;</li><li>The content itself</li></ul><p>Whatever setup (or setups) you decide to install in and around your elevators, one thing you’ll definitely want to prioritize investing in is a <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">powerful CMS that’s purpose-made for digital signage</a>. With an automated DOOH CMS like Broadsign’s, you can make real-time content updates, manage display content remotely, and distribute content and ads across a network of any size with automated content scheduling.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software">READ ALSO: Choosing the best digital signage software: Top features to look for in 2022</a></p><p>Beyond the necessary components outlined above, there’s digital signage software available on the market today that covers a range of roles in the management of your digital signage network—many of which include powerful tools to optimize effectiveness and efficiency. For example, <a href="https://broadsign.com/global-programmatic-ssp" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">a supply-side platform (SSP) built for DOOH</a> will enable you to generate new revenue programmatically. And <a href="https://broadsign.com/campaign-planning-ad-serving" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">intelligent sales and campaign management tools</a> specifically designed for OOH can help maximize your revenue with smarter sales.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Why Broadsign’s digital signage software is your best choice for elevator signage&nbsp;</h2><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-platform" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign’s industry-leading DOOH platform</a> of integrated tools can help you unlock the full value of your elevator digital signage network through automation, business optimization, and support for programmatic transactions.&nbsp;</p><p>Leave content scheduling and delivery to an intelligent, automated CMS built specifically for digital out-of-home, so you can focus on the bigger picture of running your business.</p><p>Connect your elevator digital signage network with whatever sensors, data feeds, analytics platforms, or other software you need to drive your business forward.</p><p>Open your elevator digital signage network up to targeted campaigns from around the world—and generate new revenue programmatically—with a self-serve platform for programmatic DOOH advertising.</p><p>Optimize your direct ad sales with real-time inventory availability and intelligent campaign management tools specifically designed for out-of-home.</p><p>Facilitate local content creation with an HTML5 template-based tool that’s easy enough for anyone to use and keeps content in line with your brand.</p><h3 >Contact </a>our team to get started!</h3>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Loop Media is leveraging video-centric DOOH channels to help businesses thrive]]><![CDATA[

With the lifting of pandemic restrictions, there’s been renewed interest in the power of place-based out-of-home advertising and the potential for digital media displayed in stores, gyms, restaurants, office buildings, and other businesses. The thing is, while many large companies may have the resources to build their own place-based media networks, they may not have […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-loop-media-is-leveraging-video-centric-dooh-channels-to-help-businesses-thrivehttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-loop-media-is-leveraging-video-centric-dooh-channels-to-help-businesses-thrive<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 04 Nov 2022 21:53:00 GMT<p>With the lifting of pandemic restrictions, there’s been renewed interest in the power of place-based out-of-home advertising and the potential for digital media displayed in stores, gyms, restaurants, office buildings, and other businesses. The thing is, while many large companies may have the resources to build their own place-based media networks, they may not have the time and/or expertise to execute an endeavor this large and complex. Similarly, smaller mom- and-pop shops might not have the necessary capital, or know-how, to implement a similar setup on their own but that’s where Loop Media comes in.</p><p>A digital media company that provides curated music videos and branded entertainment channels for businesses, Loop offers companies of all kinds free digital signage solutions—as well as free access to their licensed streaming content—in exchange for premium video ad placements in their brick-and-mortar locations. Committed to offering its customers quality video content and an easy way to create and manage digital messaging in their businesses, Loop TV is helping small companies harness the power of digital signage to entertain and inform customers with video-centric DOOH content.</p><h2 >A music-forward approach to digital out-of-home content</h2><p>Loop Media’s roots as a company stretch back more than 30 years, originally starting off as a business that supplied background music for retail stores and during telephone calls when placed on hold. When the current company’s founders took over, they were more interested in creating a dynamic audio and visual environment for their customers—and in 2016, Loop Media Inc. was born. Since then, the company has grown into a leading multi-channel streaming platform that provides curated digital video content for a range of businesses throughout the United States.</p><p>Although DOOH has historically treated audio as an afterthought, it’s a central focus for Loop Media, whose team includes a number of management staff with a background in, and passion for, the industry. Thanks to its "music-forward" approach, the company currently boasts the largest music video library licensed for business use, with content that dates back to the start of TV and film. In addition to music videos, Loop Media has established licensing and partnership deals to offer a wide range of non-music video content that can fit the needs of almost any vertical, from FailArmy viral videos and 4K drone footage to first-person action shots from GoPro World Surf League and branded entertainment content from The Wiggles.</p><h2 >Helping small businesses leverage digital signage &amp; DOOH</h2><p>Today, Loop Media works with customers of all sizes, but the company has retained its commitment to small- and mid-sized businesses—the brick-and-mortar locations that were most impacted by the pandemic.</p><p>"We want to help businesses that got crushed by the pandemic," says Bob Gruters, Chief Revenue Officer at Loop Media. "Our model lets businesses leverage free content—pre-cleared, fees paid, licenses paid—and also push out promotional and informational content via an intuitive CMS, at no cost to them."</p><p>The recent introduction of a rewards program also allows business owners to benefit from the sale of ads shown on-site—enabling them to grab a piece of the DOOH, and in some cases retail media, pie for themselves.</p><p>"So not only did we eliminate a cost," says Gruters. "We actually helped to unlock a new revenue stream."</p><h2 >Meeting the demand for contextual, place-based advertising</h2><p>Loop Media’s approach is well-positioned in the context of the current advertising landscape. As third-party cookies are being phased out, marketers are searching for new ways to meaningfully engage with consumers. Place-based out-of-home advertising—particularly in locations with a captive audience—is gaining favor as an appealing alternative to online media.</p><p>A forward thinking-company, Loop Media has its eye on transforming the digital out-of-home market into another arena for digital video. Investing in technology to ensure success in both spheres has proven a smart strategy. In addition to designing its own plug-and-play hardware to complement its API-driven software, Loop embraced programmatic transactions early on.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>"In the world of digital video, nine cents out of every ten cents is being transacted programmatically," says Gruters. "That’s not been the case in out-of-home. So, we’re future- proofing our business because we know that once digital video catches up, digital out-of-home transactions are going to be led through programmatic."</p><p>This has also meant ongoing investment in technology designed to improve the customer experience for people who are exposed to their content on an out-of-home display. Anonymized data sources built into the Loop Player provide real-time audience insights, while integration with third-party data solutions will soon enable contextual targeting capabilities for ad buyers. By adopting a programmatic-first approach and investing in future-friendly technology solutions, Loop is well-positioned to adapt and act on exciting new possibilities as they arrive moving forward.</p><h2 >Building a flexible, future-proof business with Broadsign</h2><p>To meet its ambitious DOOH expansion goals and bring as much potential revenue as possible to its customers, Loop Media also needed to invest in a supply-side platform (SSP) that could connect them with digital media buyers worldwide. Our programmatic OOH platform Broadsign</p><p>Reach was an attractive option to Loop because of Broadsign’s established relationships with many leading OOH and omnichannel demand-side platforms (DSPs), including Broadsign Ads. "Having a partner like Broadsign who can help us understand what’s going on at that DSP level and quickly initiate a dialogue with key DSP stakeholders is paramount," says Gruters. "We can reach the DSPs faster to better determine actions we can take or pull back on to improve."</p><p>Broadsign Reach not only helps to automate programmatic revenue generation but also provides Loop with accurate insights into network performance and offers real-time visibility on programmatic inventory. As Loop Media continues to grow its network of digital properties inside and outside the US, Broadsign’s DOOH solutions will scale alongside it and ensure that, whatever the future may hold, Loop is well-equipped to succeed.</p><p>Gruters concludes, "From the beginning, we wanted to build a business that can play on trends as they surface and evolve, is technologically innovative, and can constantly adapt. With Broadsign on our side, we have all the right resources to do just that."</p><p><strong>Want to build your own pioneering DOOH business?</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo">See how Broadsign can make it happen</a>.</strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How EV charging at retail locations increases revenue & drives a competitive advantage]]><![CDATA[

Brick-and-mortar retail stores are constantly looking for new ways to drive revenue, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift to online shopping. And there’s been a lot of talk about the revenue potential of retail media networks in recent years— for good reason! But retail site owners are also uniquely positioned to capitalize on […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-ev-charging-at-retail-locations-increases-revenue-drives-a-competitive-advantagehttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-ev-charging-at-retail-locations-increases-revenue-drives-a-competitive-advantage<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 03 Nov 2022 13:07:00 GMT<p>Brick-and-mortar retail stores are constantly looking for new ways to drive revenue, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift to online shopping. And there’s been a lot of talk about the revenue potential of retail media networks in recent years— for good reason! But retail site owners are also uniquely positioned to capitalize on another trend that was accelerated by the pandemic: the need for public EV charging infrastructure.</p><p>Retail sites that host EV charging infrastructure can attract a new customer base, increase the amount of time and money consumers spend on site, and benefit from positive corporate branding, customer loyalty, and new advertising opportunities. All this, plus the potential to add new revenue streams from direct sale of charging to customers or advertising revenue from on-charger displays. Read on to learn more about the unique opportunities and business benefits available to retailers with public EV charging infrastructure.</p><h2 >Benefits of EV charging stations for retail</h2><p>In today’s competitive retail landscape, businesses must find creative ways to attract customers while also boosting the value of each transaction. Transforming your a retail location into an EV charging destination is one of the simplest ways to do just that. Below are a few examples of how hosting public EV charging stations can benefit retailers, as well as become a new revenue stream all on its own.</p><h3 >Attract valuable new customers</h3><p>EV drivers are a highly desirable market segment for brands to interact with. They’re innovators and early adopters, have higher disposable incomes, and are generally very receptive to new products and innovations. By hosting charging stations on your retail site, you can boost your brand visibility on platforms that help drivers locate nearby charging stations—putting your location, quite literally, on the map for this covetable demographic. Plus, once these drivers know a location offers this valuable service, they’re likely to turn into loyal, repeat customers.&nbsp;</p><figure }</script></figure><h3 >Increase time spent at your location</h3><p>In addition to attracting new EV customers, charging stations can increase the amount of time your existing customers spend inside nearby store(s) while they wait for their vehicles to charge. Data analysis by Atlas Public Policy supports this claim, showing average charging times of more than two hours at retail locations—a number considerably higher than the 30 to 40 minute average store dwell times reported by InMarket for several large warehouse club chains, department stores, and grocery stores without on-site EV charging.&nbsp;</p><h3 >Enhance your brand reputation</h3><p>Consumers today prefer to shop at, and employees prefer to work for, environmentally conscious businesses; according to a recent survey, more than 50% of the general population would be more interested in doing business with a company that commits to sustainability efforts. Hosting EV charging stations at your retail site can signal your company’s commitment to sustainability goals and contribute to an environmentally conscious or "green" reputation.</p><p><a href="/blog/ev-charging-stations-digital-signage-a-guide-to-ev-place-based-advertising" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">READ MORE: EV charging stations &amp; digital signage: A guide to EV place-based advertising</a></p><h2 >How retail sites can monetize EV charging stations</h2><p>Attracting new climate-conscious customers, improving your corporate image, and increasing the amount of time (and money) spent at your location are all excellent examples of how hosting public EV charging stations can help drive profitability. But there’s another key way EV charging can boost profits for retail site owners: the revenue earned from the stations themselves. &nbsp;</p><p>The revenue model(s) available to your network will depend on the EV charging business model you choose, but you should also consider factors such as site location, intended use, and average dwell time when creating your monetization strategy. For example, the sky-high demand charges and competition from utility companies in some parts of the US have made offering EV charging services unprofitable for convenience stores, but these fees can be less significant for EV operators with a high volume of customers.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>As an alternative to (or in combination with) EV charging usage fees, presenting digital out-of-home (DOOH) ads on chargers equipped with digital screens can be a great way to defray these operational costs while generating an entirely new direct revenue stream.</p><p>In short, retail site hosts can seize a huge opportunity by hosting EV charging infrastructure, but they also need to be strategic when it comes to monetization tactics and goals.&nbsp;</p><h2 >EV charging business models for retail site operators</h2><p>EV chargers installed at retail locations typically use one of two primary business models: owner-operator or third-party owned and operated. Before getting into the different revenue models and monetization strategies that are possible, it’s important to understand which EV charging station business model is the best fit for your retail business, as this will impact the amount of control you have over fees and setting a pricing structure.</p><p>In the third-party owned and operated business model, the location’s owner leases space to a third-party EV charging service supplier and typically has limited or no control over the price customers are charged for use of the EV charging stations. But, this means they’re also not responsible for station installation or maintenance, utility coordination, or other operational costs. The owner-operator, on the other hand, has complete control over pricing but is also often responsible for coordinating station maintenance, working with their electric utility company, and covering any operating costs associated with the EV charging infrastructure.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>There are pros and cons to each of these business models, and the right choice for your retail site will depend on a number of unique factors, including the total number of sites you have, your site location(s), and how you intend the EV infrastructure to be used. To help potential retail site hosts understand the circ*mstances under which different business models are financially viable, we’ve outlined each of them in more detail below.</p><h3 >Third-party owned and operated</h3><p><strong>Pros:</strong></p><ul><li>Limited exposure to operational cost overruns</li><li>Protected from unexpected maintenance costs</li></ul><p><strong>Cons:</strong></p><ul><li>Reduced control over customer experience</li><li>No say in charging fee structure and pricing</li><li>Limited profit potential from the stations themselves</li></ul><p>In the third-party owned and operated business model, the site owner leases space to a third-party who then installs and operates the charging infrastructure. The site owner is not responsible for station maintenance, utility coordination, or other operating costs, but has limited or no control over the prices or pricing structure.&nbsp;</p><p>Depending on the leasing agreement, rental income from the charging stations can provide a consistent stream of revenue. And on-site retail stores are still able to reap the benefits of additional sales revenue from new customers or customers spending more time in stores. However, site owners that rely on a third-party charging service provider may give up control over the customer experience and relinquish the opportunity to realize the full amount of revenue from the charging station’s operation. In short, retail site hosts relying on third-party owner-operators limit financial risks, but they also limit their profit potential.</p><figure }</script></figure><h3 >Owner-operator model</h3><p><strong>Pros:</strong></p><ul><li>Direct relationship with consumers&nbsp;</li><li>Full access to charging data (who, when, how long, how much)</li><li>Control over charging income model and customer experience</li></ul><p><strong>Cons:</strong></p><ul><li>Responsible for station maintenance and operating cost</li></ul><p>Owner-operators purchase EV charging equipment from an EV charging service supplier and have complete control over the pricing structure and customer experience. But with more control comes additional responsibilities. After installation, the operation, maintenance, utility interconnection, and any other considerations for operating the charging station are the responsibility of the, though charging service providers offer warranties that cover repair and replacement of parts and assistance with common problems encountered when coordinating with utilities.&nbsp;</p><p>Well-situated charging stations have the potential to bring significant financial benefits to the owner-operator. But if owner-operators locate their chargers in unfavorable markets or pursue fee structures that negatively impact utilization or dwell time, then the costs of operating stations can exceed the benefits. Essentially, business models where the retail site owner is the owner-operator offer high profit potential but come with some associated financial risks.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >Potential revenue sources and EV charging monetization tactics</h2><p>The amount of decision-making power you’ll have as a retail site host will depend on your chosen EV charging station business model. But regardless of whether you’re an owner-operator with complete control or you’ve decided to lease space to a third-party charging service provider, it’s helpful to have a clear understanding of the different revenue models that are used to monetize EV charging stations.</p><p>When it comes to generating revenue directly from the chargers themselves, you currently have two main sources/options:&nbsp;</p><h3 >Charging a fee for EV charging</h3><p>There is some obvious value that can be derived from direct sources of revenue, like drivers paying a subscription or fee for EV charging. This typically entails charging for the amount of energy being used (i.e., $0.25/kWh) or the amount of time spent plugged into a charger (i.e., $5.25/hr). Some sites offer a combination of the two charging forms (i.e., $0.75/kWh + $0.45/hour) as a way to reduce the hourly rate while still ensuring guests don’t "camp out" in a spot when their car is fully charged. Others charge a flat rate or membership fee for use of their EV charging.&nbsp;</p><p>Billing structures like these offer a simple and effective way to offset the cost of operating your charging stations. However, charging higher fees could discourage use or limit the amount of time customers spend charging. Depending on how you intend for your charging infrastructure to be used, fees designed to turn a profit from the sale of charging services could end up backfiring. Your retail site might be better served by a fee structure aimed at increasing customer dwell time, such as session-based fees or even free charging—especially since a recent financial analysis of common business models for retail site hosts found that ensuring high initial utilization was critical for achieving profitability in the long term.</p><figure }</script></figure><h3 >Place-based advertising</h3><p>An alternative EV monetization strategy that’s been gaining traction in recent years leverages increased demand for digital out-of-home (DOOH) and retail media network (RMN) ad placements. That’s right, we’re talking about place-based EV charging station advertising.&nbsp;</p><p>When you look at EV charging as a form of advertising, everything changes. Digital screens on EV charging stations placed in busy retail sites have the potential to reach a huge audience of on-site consumers, not just EV owners—making them highly valuable advertising opportunities for marketers seeking new ways to meaningfully engage with their customers.</p><p>While user fees are an effective tool to mitigate the risk of unprofitability, advertising revenue has been shown to have the largest impact on EV charging station profitability. Adding digital signage to your EV charging stations opens up exciting new possibilities for monetization through ad sales. Plus, you can save some of your DOOH inventory to run digital messaging of your own.&nbsp;</p><figure }</script></figure><p><a href="/blog/how-chargeeuropa-is-powering-poland-and-croatia-with-dooh-enabled-ev-charging-stations" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">READ ALSO: How ChargeEuropa is powering Poland and Croatia with DOOH-enabled EV charging stations</a></p><h2 >3 reasons retail sites should incorporate EV charging stations with digital signage</h2><p>Offering EV charging services while customers are shopping is only the beginning. The real opportunity is to steer EV drivers to selected retail sites and influence customers close to the point of purchase. And the best way to do that? Expand your retail media network to the parking lot with EV charging stations that come equipped with digital signage.</p><p>The main reasons why retailers should prioritize EV charging stations with digital signage can be summarized as follows:</p><h3 >Consumer expectations are evolving</h3><p>In an era of widespread digitization and personalization, today’s consumer expects to be served contextually relevant and engaging content, whether they’re shopping from their computer or mobile device or pulling up to a brick-and-mortar store. At the same time, people are becoming more climate conscious and want to spend their money at retailers who share similar values. In fact, studies have shown <a href="https://info.voltacharging.com/the-rise-of-the-climate-conscious-consumer-report-sign-up-form" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">there are millions of consumers</a> who would be more likely to engage with a brand that puts sustainability front and center.&nbsp;</p><figure }</script></figure><p>As consumers return to in-person shopping, the most successful retailers are bridging the gap between digital and physical shopping to create a unified, customer-centered shopping experience that moves seamlessly across channels and devices—and one of the best ways to bring the digital experience to brick-and-mortar retail stores is through digital signage. EV charging stations equipped with digital screens offer retail sites a uniquely effective way to meet evolving consumer expectations, helping to improve the in-person shopping experience and creating a positive perception of on-site brands amongst climate-conscious consumers.</p><p><a href="/blog/how-to-enhance-the-in-store-retail-experience-with-digital-signage" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">READ ALSO: How to enhance the in-store retail experience with digital signage</a></p><h2 >Influence shoppers close to the point of purchase</h2><p>Aside from generating direct revenue through ad sales, retailers can (and definitely should!) use digital signage attached to on-site EV charging stations to engage consumers with their own messaging. Being able to reach the consumer before they get out of their car is a valuable opportunity that will provide a brand equity lift, but also eventually a sales lift in store; research has shown that digital signage at a retail location can help increase the average purchase amount by nearly 30%. Essentially, it’s an opportunity to influence customers’ purchasing decisions before they even walk through the door.</p><h2 >Leverage your most valuable asset to attract CPG ad spend</h2><p>New privacy regulations and the eventual elimination of cookie-based targeting are forcing marketers to rethink how they acquire, retain, and engage customers. This presents a timely opportunity for retailers; unlike many consumer brands and consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies, retailers typically "own" their own customer relationships and thus have access to large amounts of rich first-hand data. This data can be used to create personalized, hyper-targeted digital experiences without the need to rely on third-party data collection, making it highly valuable to retailers and highly desirable to CPG and other consumer brands.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>Brick-and-mortar retail is also a prime location for place-based DOOH—a fast-growing advertising medium that hasn’t been affected by the cookie issue—and forward-thinking retailers are leveraging their customer data to build out robust retail media networks (RMNs) and command an advertising premium for major brands seeking new ways to reach consumers close to the point of purchase. With the impending end of third-party cookies, CPG marketers will be looking to shift their ad dollars elsewhere, and retail locations that host DOOH-enabled EV chargers will have a competitive advantage when it comes to attracting their ad dollars.</p><p><strong>Interested in place-based advertising for your retail location’s EV charging network?<a href="https://broadsign.com/electric-charging-stations-digital-signage">Make it happen with Broadsign</a>!</strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Four tips for handling changing energy restrictions with Broadsign]]><![CDATA[

Surging energy prices are hitting global markets hard—and it’s not just households that are feelingthe pain. As the present international energy supply crisis intensifies, many European countries are implementing usage restrictions alongside temporary regulatory measures to help mitigate the impact. These new regulations have caused great uncertainty in the digital signage and DOOH spaces, as […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/four-tips-for-handling-changing-energy-restrictions-with-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/four-tips-for-handling-changing-energy-restrictions-with-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 20 Oct 2022 16:43:00 GMT<p>Surging energy prices are hitting global markets hard—and it’s not just households that are feeling&nbsp;the pain. As the present international energy supply crisis intensifies, many European countries are implementing usage restrictions alongside temporary regulatory measures to help mitigate the impact. These new regulations have caused great uncertainty in the digital signage and DOOH spaces, as network owners struggle to adapt to changing rules and limitations on non-essential digital signage operation.&nbsp;</p><p>To help ensure that your DOOH network continues to run smoothly, we’ve put together a list of Broadsign features and automation tools that can help you easily adapt to new energy-saving measures, and are also useful if you simply want to reduce your energy usage in general.&nbsp;</p><p>Read on to learn how Broadsign can help!</p><h2 >Europe’s energy crisis hits DOOH industry</h2><p>The origins of the current global energy crisis <a href="https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/covid-center-world-energy-crunch-cascade-problems-fuel-rcna2688">can be traced back to the economic slowdown that took place during the COVID-19 pandemic</a>; power plants that had been shut down could not ramp up in time to meet the renewed and rebounding demand. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February of last year significantly worsened the situation, with Russian retaliation to European sanctions crimping supplies of Russian natural gas. In an effort to reduce both the risks and costs for Europe in case of further disruption, EU member states <a href="https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2022/08/05/council-adopts-regulation-on-reducing-gas-demand-by-15-this-winter/">have agreed to voluntarily reduce their natural gas demand by 15%</a> this winter, and several EU member countries have already effected a series of energy-saving measures designed to help them meet this reduction target.&nbsp;</p><p>While necessary, the energy restrictions that have been put in place in Germany and some other EU countries have caused great uncertainty in the digital signage and DOOH industry. In addition to limiting the use of indoor heating in public buildings, these new measures also prohibit the operation of digital signage for non-essential purposes during certain hours. Spanish shops and government offices <a href="https://www.avinteractive.com/news/digital-signage-and-dooh/spain-bans-use-of-retail-digital-signage-displays-after-10pm-04-08-2022/">must turn off digital signage displays and lighting after 10 p.m</a>. And Germany’s Energy Saving Ordinance is even more restrictive; it <a href="https://www.avinteractive.com/news/digital-signage-and-dooh/germany-makes-digital-signage-ban-less-restrictive-29-09-2022/#:~:text=An%20energy%2Dsaving%20ban%20on,period%20in%20the%20initial%20regulations.&amp;text=The%20German%20government%20has%20cut,designed%20to%20curb%20energy%20usage.">prohibits the operation of any DOOH and digital signage screens between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m</a>. This means that displays, LED screens, and projections used as advertising systems can only be operated for six hours a day. Digital signage consultancy Invidis <a href="https://invidis.de/2022/08/green-signage-spaniens-stores-bleiben-nachts-dunkel/">predicts that similar measures are likely to be adopted</a> more widely across Europe.</p><h2 >Broadsign’s energy-saving features and tools</h2><p>Although the current circ*mstances may present some uncertainty for our clients in EU countries, we at Broadsign want to ensure that running your network remains as painless as possible. With that in mind, we’ve put together a list highlighting a few of the automation tools we offer that might help relieve some of the pressure.</p><h2 >1. Dayparting</h2><p>Define a site’s/display unit’s "opening hours" to adjust bookable airtime and control when content plays on your screens. This means you can easily set up a schedule that respects new regulations—and change it at a moment’s notice.</p><ul><li>Automatically halts content playback during mandated "off" hours</li><li>Adjusts available airtime for campaign bookings</li><li>Note: Doesn’t actually turn off/de-power screens</li></ul><p>Broadsign’s Day Parts feature lets you assign a defined set of playback characteristics to your digital signage display(s) during set hours. In addition to controlling things like frame layout, day parts can be also used to define a display’s "opening hours"—i.e., the available airtime when scheduled content will play. Essentially, the start and end times of a day part make up the maximum bookable airtime for any displays it has been assigned to.&nbsp;</p><p>You can assign multiple day parts to a single display unit to have different frame layouts at various times of the day or to associate different criteria values with each day part. However, while it’s possible to define a site’s opening hours by using multiple day parts with different start and end times, we’ve come up with an even easier way to set opening hours that adhere to your area’s new energy saving regulations: a dedicated Opening Hours tab in the Day Parts editor.</p><p>Defining a site’s opening hours by creating a single all-day day part in the Opening Hours tab is simpler, and it ensures that a site will be automatically excluded (or included, as the case may be) if its opening hours change over the course of a campaign. So you can easily set up a schedule that adheres to your area’s new energy saving regulations, and effortlessly make changes if you need to.</p><p>For more details, and to learn how to set up Opening Hours in Broadsign Control, <a href="https://docs.broadsign.com/broadsign-control/latest/day-parts.html">check out our Day Parts technical documentation</a>.</p><h2 >2. Remote device management</h2><p>Suspend/resume screen(s) according to a display unit’s predefined opening hours. That way, your players will automatically send your screens into standby mode in addition to halting content playback.</p><ul><li>Further reduces energy use by sending screens into standby mode</li><li>Automatically suspends screen activity according to opening hours</li></ul><p>Dayparting is a great way to ensure your digital screens aren’t running (or booking/selling) content during mandated off hours. However, the Opening Hours feature won’t actually turn off the display(s) it’s been assigned to. To go the extra kilowatt when it comes to reducing your energy consumption, you should suspend screen activity in addition to halting content playback. Don’t worry, Broadsign has a built-in solution for that, too!</p><p>In combination with Opening Hours, it’s also possible to suspend and resume screen activity remotely. This feature can be activated from within the Day Parts editor by selecting Suspend/Resume screen(s) according to opening hours. When outside of opening hours, your player(s) will automatically send a "no signal" message that will put your screens in standby mode. Conversely, the players can also send "wake-up" messages, turning your screens back on at the start of your site’s designated opening hours.&nbsp;</p><p>Powering down your screens in accordance with your opening hours will help you further reduce your DOOH-related energy use—and it will also save you time and effort by automating the entire process!</p><p>For more details, scroll down to the "Opening Hours" section of <a href="https://docs.broadsign.com/broadsign-control/latest/day-parts.html">our Day Parts technical documentation for Broadsign Control</a>.</p><h2 >3. RS-232 screen controls</h2><p>Remotely control RS-232-attached screens at a granular level with settings that allow you to do things like lowering the brightness of your screens to consume less energy.</p><ul><li>Makes granular adjustments to your device settings to help save energy</li><li>Remotely executes any device operation that’s defined in Broadsign Control Administrator</li></ul><p>Device control operations in Broadsign give you finer-grained control over a screen’s device settings; they’re commands sent to a display by the Broadsign Control Player to verify its status or perform an action. Crucially, they can be used to do things like lowering screen brightness to consume less energy and powering the display completely off (or back on). If your screens have a RS-232 connection to the player, ​​you can use<a href="https://docs.broadsign.com/broadsign-control/latest/rs-232-action.html"> the RS-232 action</a> (via the Broadsign Control Player API) to remotely execute any device operation that you have defined within Broadsign Control Administrator. This means you can make granular adjustments to screen settings that have an impact on energy consumption, from anywhere.&nbsp;</p><p>RS-232 commands can also be sent automatically based on the display unit’s pre-defined opening hours. For example, you could schedule an operation to set the screen brightness back to 10% every five minutes in case someone happens to adjust it. You can do this by <a href="https://docs.broadsign.com/broadsign-control/latest/devices-triggers-section.html#">configuring the RS-232 commands on a player’s assigned configuration profile</a> and setting up the rules on the configuration’s Device Control tab to execute on opening and closing hours. This way, the commands will continue to be sent at the correct time even if you adjust the opening hours on your networks as the situation evolves.&nbsp;</p><p>For more details, and to learn how to set up device control operations in Broadsign Control, <a href="https://docs.broadsign.com/broadsign-control/latest/devices-triggers-section.html#">check out our Device Control technical documentation</a>.&nbsp;</p><h2 >4. System-on-chip player</h2><p>Power down your network’s smart display screens remotely with our System-on-Chip player.</p><ul><li>Makes it easy to power down ALL of your network’s display screens by bringing smart screens into the Broadsign fold.</li></ul><p>Additionally, if you’re operating smart displays, you can also turn screens on and off remotely with <a href="https://broadsign.com/system-on-chip">Broadsign for System-on-Chip</a>, our digital signage player made specifically for smart screens.&nbsp;</p><p>Our system-on-chip solution lets you centrally manage all of the screens in your network and saves you time by streamlining your DOOH management tasks. In particular, it can be used to turn your smart display screens on and off remotely—making it easy for you to power down all of your network’s digital displays in accordance with new energy-saving regulations.</p><p>For more details, and to learn how to set up our System-on-Chip player, <a href="https://docs.broadsign.com/broadsign-control/latest/broadsign-control-soc.html#microcontent3">check out our Broadsign Control for System-on-Chip technical documentation.</a></p><h4 >To <strong>learn more </strong>about these features, reach out to us at services@broadsign.com</h4>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Digital Out-of-Home for Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs)]]><![CDATA[

Restaurant & fast food industries are among the largest OOH players The QSR industry was a top revenue performer based on its share of ad spend, observing a 20% increase in consumer spending compared to last year.(Source: OAAA) Additionally, restaurants were among the top 5 industry categories for January-June 2022 OOH expenditure in the U.S, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-out-of-home-for-quick-service-restaurants-qsrshttps://broadsign.com/blog/digital-out-of-home-for-quick-service-restaurants-qsrs<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 17 Oct 2022 18:22:00 GMT<h3 >Restaurant &amp; fast food industries are among the largest OOH players</h3><p>The QSR industry was a top revenue performer based on its share of ad spend, observing a 20% increase in consumer spending compared to last year.&nbsp;(Source: <a href="https://oaaa.org/AboutOOH/Factsamp%3BFigures/AnnualQuarterlyRevenue.aspx">OAAA</a>)</p><p>Additionally, restaurants were among the top 5 industry categories for January-June 2022 OOH expenditure in the U.S, representing a 7.7% increase year-over-year.</p><h3 >Consumers pay attention to QSR OOH ads</h3><p>According to the <a href="https://20337516.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20337516/OAAA_Harris%20Poll%20QSR%20Infographic%20Final.pdf">OAAA &amp; The Harris Poll</a>, 6 in 10 U.S adults recall seeing OOH QSR ads recently, particularly younger and urban Americans, like Gen Zs and millennials.&nbsp;</p><p>70% of fast-food consumers recall seeing a QSR OOH ad in the last month. Consumers who have spent more than $100 on fast food in the past 30 days are 13% more likely to notice QSR OOH ads compared to the total population. (Source: <a href="https://oohtoday.com/super-sizing-ooh/">QSR &nbsp;Magazine</a>)</p><h3 >QSR OOH ads drive action</h3><p>Almost 9 in 10 recent viewers of QSR OOH ads engaged with the brand: 67% made in-store purchases, 39% ordered from the restaurant via the mobile app, and 39% visited the advertiser’s website. (Source: <a href="https://20337516.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20337516/OAAA_Harris%20Poll%20QSR%20Infographic%20Final.pdf">OAAA &nbsp;&amp; The Harris Poll</a>)</p><h5 >Check out our infographic for unique ways QSR advertisers can boost awareness, drive restaurant visits, and direct consumers to web and mobile delivery apps.</h5><div ></div><p></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Digital Out-of-Home for Telco & Tech]]><![CDATA[

OOH ad spend is increasing across the Telco & Tech sector 31% of 2022’s top 100 OOH spenders in the US were technology or direct-to-consumer brands, including AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile. (Source: OAAA) According to a 2022 survey, 52% of senior advertising officials believe that the telecom industry will increase DOOH spend over the next […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-out-of-home-for-telco-techhttps://broadsign.com/blog/digital-out-of-home-for-telco-tech<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 14 Oct 2022 17:59:00 GMT<h2 >OOH ad spend is increasing across the Telco &amp; Tech sector</h2><p>31% of 2022’s top 100 OOH spenders in the US were technology or direct-to-consumer brands, including AT&amp;T, Verizon and T-Mobile. (Source: <a href="https://specialreports.oaaa.org/sales-tip-ooh-ad-spends-jumps-40-5-in-q1-2022/">OAAA</a>)</p><p>According to a <a href="https://newdigitalage.co/advertising/digital-out-of-home-dooh-entertainment-media-alfi/">2022 survey</a>, 52% of senior advertising officials believe that the telecom industry will increase DOOH spend over the next 12 months.&nbsp;</p><h2 >OOH generates better results than other media channels</h2><p>Frequent OOH users see a 47% increase in sales activations vs. non-users. (Source: <a href="http://www.everymomentcounts.no/ooh-telecoms/p/1">IPA &amp; Rapport, 2018</a>)</p><p>When it comes to driving consumer action, OOH is more impactful than other channels based on its share of ad spend, with 41% of consumers using a search engine and 33% searching social media or visiting a website following ad exposure. (Source: <a href="https://specialreports.oaaa.org/sales-tip-ooh-drives-online-activation-at-5x-6x-above-the-expected-rate/#:~:text=by%20Steve%20Nicklin-,Sales%20Tip%3A%20OOH%20Drives%20Online%20Activation%20at%205x,6x%20Above%20the%20Expected%20Rate&amp;text=In%20new%20OAAA%20and%20Comscore,%2C%20banner%2C%20and%20print%20ads.">OAAA &amp; Comscore</a>)</p><h5 >Check out our latest infographic to see how Telco &amp; Tech advertisers can leverage OOH to generate subscriptions,drive in-store visits and mobile phone sales, and gain a competitive advantage.</h5><div ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Financial Services advertisers turn to OOH in a changing economic landscape]]><![CDATA[

The financial services industry is growing positively, even in times of economic uncertainty U.S. financial and consumer banking revenue increased by 36% in Q2 2022.Financial Services also led the top 10 U.S product industry categories that experienced double-digit growth in Q1 2022. (Source: OAAA) Financial Services advertisers are spending more on OOH ads Financial Services […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/financial-services-advertisers-turn-to-ooh-in-a-changing-economic-landscapehttps://broadsign.com/blog/financial-services-advertisers-turn-to-ooh-in-a-changing-economic-landscape<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 13 Oct 2022 18:58:00 GMT<h2 >The financial services industry is growing positively, even in times of economic uncertainty</h2><p>&nbsp;U.S. financial and consumer banking revenue increased by 36% in Q2 2022.&nbsp;Financial Services also led the top 10 U.S product industry categories that experienced double-digit growth in Q1 2022. (Source: <a href="https://oaaa.org/StayConnected/Press/tabid/327/id/6496/Default.aspx">OAAA</a>)</p><h2 >Financial Services advertisers are spending more on OOH ads</h2><p>Financial Services brands were among the top 10 U.S OOH ad spenders for January-June 2022. In Q2 2022,&nbsp;financial ad expenditure increased by 57% year-over-year. (Source: <a href="https://oaaa.org/AboutOOH/Factsamp%3BFigures/AnnualQuarterlyRevenue.aspx">OAAA</a>).&nbsp;</p><h2 >Consumers find OOH ads relevant</h2><p>80% of consumers say they’ve made a purchase after seeing an OOH ad in a post-pandemic era, and 77% said they frequently learn about new brands or products via OOH ads. (Source: <a href="https://finance.yahoo.com/news/80-consumers-made-purchase-seeing-120200374.html">Yahoo Finance</a>).&nbsp;</p><h5 >Check out our infographic for unique ways financial services marketers can drive awareness, increase customer loyalty, and boost account sign-ups.&nbsp;</h5>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How The Media Shop is using DOOH to create compelling campaigns in convenience stores & beyond in Australia]]><![CDATA[

Beyond just being a flexible and cost-effective advertising format, one of the main reasons digital out-of-home is a favourite among media buyers and advertisers is its ability to create meaningful, lasting impressions among audiences and get brands noticed. These reasons and more drive The Media Shop’s growth. Founded in 2007, The Media Shop (TMS) is […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-the-media-shop-is-using-dooh-to-create-compelling-campaigns-in-convenience-stores-beyond-in-australiahttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-the-media-shop-is-using-dooh-to-create-compelling-campaigns-in-convenience-stores-beyond-in-australia<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 12 Oct 2022 16:23:00 GMT<p>Beyond just being a flexible and cost-effective advertising format, one of the main reasons digital out-of-home is a favourite among media buyers and advertisers is its ability to create meaningful, lasting impressions among audiences and get brands noticed.</p><p>These reasons and more drive The Media Shop&#8217;s growth. Founded in 2007, The Media Shop (TMS) is a team of influential OOH specialists in the Australian outdoor advertising space, offering brands and advertisers the opportunity to reach audiences with their dynamic screen options in various environments. No matter what format is at their disposal, The Media Shop&#8217;s underlying goal remains the same: to ensure their customers have the best possible experience from their out-of-home investments.&nbsp;</p><p>TMS is currently focused on building a network of digital panels in local and hyper-local environments. We recently sat down with General Manager Greg Power to hear more about this offering, the factors that set The Media Shop apart from its competition, and what role Broadsign has played in helping the business evolve.&nbsp;</p><h2 >A broad network with myriad opportunities&nbsp;</h2><p>For almost two decades, TMS has worked hard with its partners to create compelling outdoor advertising campaigns. Before launching the company, founder and CEO Ronni Navani had been building a career for himself in the OOH industry. In the mid-aughts, he saw the potential to move away from the traditional formats and into the digital space. He launched The Media Shop to bring digital screens to the mainstream.</p><p>Here, Greg shares what it is about digital out-of-home that the TMS &nbsp;team is most excited about:</p><figure ></div></figure><p>From billboards to retail signage and roadside digital trailers to mobile signage solutions, The Media Shop specializes in creating local and hyper-local messaging to reach the masses. Over the years, the team has hit numerous milestones, including launching Australia&#8217;s first small-format digital screen network in convenience and petrol station environments in 2012. In 2019, The Media Shop took on the representation rights to operate screens in the 7-Eleven network all over Australia. More recently, they secured the exclusive rights to deploy small format screens in Coles Express, a network of 500-screens with a further 250 locations ready for deployment. Such a diverse media mix means The Media Shop&#8217;s partners benefit from access to an eclectic mix and broad network, able to reach people in local, everyday environments.</p><p>By investing in state-of-the-art digital signage technology with dynamic and full-motion video capabilities, The Media Shop&#8217;s offering means advertisers can flex their creative muscles and make memorable impressions wherever their content is published. Their network also offers the possibility of running real-time content and data feeds.</p><p>More than anything, the people working behind the scenes to create meaningful experiences for brands and their customers distinguish The Media Shop from its competitors. What&#8217;s driving The Media Shop&#8217;s success is a team passionate about digital out-of-home and dedicated to providing the best possible experience for all customers.</p><p>Here&#8217;s Greg on the business&#8217;s unique value.&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Igniting audiences with digital screens&nbsp;</h2><p>One of The Media Shop&#8217;s most notable DOOH networks is its IGNITE network, deployed at and in exclusive partnership with nationwide Coles Express stores, one of Australia&#8217;s leading convenience store chains.&nbsp;</p><p>IGNITE&#8217;s 500+ digital displays are the customers&#8217; first interaction with Coles Express, as the screens are installed right in front of the store, just beside the doorway. These screens create a valuable opportunity to connect with customers and influence purchasing decisions, as they&#8217;re already in a buying mindset. IGNITE presents an excellent opportunity for advertisers to launch dynamic or programmatic campaigns to reach people with hyper-specific and contextual advertising based on variables like weather or gas prices, to name a few.&nbsp;</p><p>IGNITE is not just a solution for fast-moving consumer goods, though. This network reaches an average of 3.3 million shoppers per month at a national level, the IGNITE screens provide a fantastic opportunity for advertisers of all stripes.&nbsp;</p><p>This is what Greg had to say on the benefits of their small-format digital network and why advertisers are drawn to it:&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >The Media Shop and Broadsign, partners in growth&nbsp;</h2><p>As a company that’s grown rapidly since its founding, TMS understood the need for the best possible software solution in out-of-home. Partnering with globally-recognized leaders in OOH solutions such as Broadsign was the natural fit. The team operates the full-suite of Broadsign products, offering a convenient and efficient solution while helping to satisfy the needs of their partners.&nbsp;</p><p>As the industry trends towards programmatic digital out-of-home, The Media Shop is ready to meet the demands from new and existing customers alike. With plans to evolve in the programmatic space, the team felt it was imperative to have tech leaders like Broadsign on board.&nbsp;</p><p>Here’s Greg on what sets Broadsign apart:&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><p>For The Media Shop, digital out-of-home provides the opportunity for flexibility, and that&#8217;s the true advantage to its clientele. Since its early days, The Media Shop has had its sights set on being considered a tier one OOH media provider. With numerous loyal partnerships, a growing inventory, and new customers recognizing the value in partnering with The Media Shop, it&#8217;s safe to say they&#8217;ve reached that goal. The only way left to go is up.</p><p><strong>Put your own OOH network on the path to greater success</strong></p><p><strong>Get <a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo">your Broadsign demo</a> today!</strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Desjardins Insurance drives significant brand uplift and consideration with DOOH]]><![CDATA[

Desjardins Insurance was looking to increase market brand awareness and consideration for its insurance offerings. As part of its larger omnichannel campaign, the brand turned to programmatic digital out-of-home to reach key audiences in major cities. Along with agency partner Glassroom, Desjardins Insurance wanted to measure the impact and effectiveness of DOOH in creating a […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/desjardins-insurance-drives-significant-brand-uplift-and-consideration-with-doohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/desjardins-insurance-drives-significant-brand-uplift-and-consideration-with-dooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 10 Oct 2022 07:54:00 GMT<p><a href="https://www.desjardins.com/on/en/insurance.html">Desjardins Insurance</a> was looking to increase market brand awareness and consideration for its insurance offerings. As part of its larger omnichannel campaign, the brand turned to programmatic digital out-of-home to reach key audiences in major cities.</p><p>Along with agency partner <a href="https://www.glassroom.ca/">Glassroom</a>, Desjardins Insurance wanted to measure the impact and effectiveness of DOOH in creating a positive brand image and consideration amongst its target audience compared to other competitors in the market.</p><h2 >The Strategy</h2><p>Turning to <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a>, Broadsign’s DOOH-specific DSP, the brand activated key programmatic capabilities like audience and geolocation targeting to display ads in venues with the highest concentration of the desired audience.&nbsp;</p><h5 >Download the full case study to see the results and discover the benefits of implementing pDOOH into your media strategy.</h5><div ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[OOH ads capture consumer attention and drive activation in the automotive industry]]><![CDATA[

Advertisers are spending more on OOH automotive ads Automotive dealers & services were among the top 10 industry categories for January-June 2022 OOH expenditure in the U.S, representing an 11.7% increase year-over-year. (Source: Kantar, OAAA) Consumers find automotive OOH ads relevant Over 50% of US adults in cities with populations of +1M plus have recently […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-ads-capture-consumer-attention-and-drive-activation-in-the-automotive-industryhttps://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-ads-capture-consumer-attention-and-drive-activation-in-the-automotive-industry<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 05 Oct 2022 19:21:00 GMT<h2 >Advertisers are spending more on OOH automotive ads</h2><p>Automotive dealers &amp; services were among the top 10 industry categories for January-June 2022 OOH expenditure in the U.S, representing an 11.7% increase year-over-year. (Source: <a href="https://specialreports.oaaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/2ND-QUARTER-CHARTS-2022-and-January-June-YTD.pdf">Kantar, OAAA</a>)</p><h2 >Consumers find automotive OOH ads relevant</h2><p>Over 50% of US adults in cities with populations of +1M plus have recently noticed automotive OOH ads.</p><p>Ads for new model releases, fuel economy and limited-time special pricing are most likely to drive engagement. (Source: <a href="https://specialreports.oaaa.org/sales-tip-ooh-drives-automotive-category-activation/">OAAA</a>)</p><h2 >Automotive OOH ads drive action</h2><p>In a recent survey conducted by OAAA &amp; The Harris Poll, 43% of adults in cities of +1M who noticed an automotive OOH ad took action following exposure:</p><ul><li>38% visited the dealer or brand website, and 38% did online research about the dealer or brand.</li><li>23% visited the dealer/brand showroom, and 19% purchased a vehicle.</li></ul><h5 >Check out our infographic for unique ways automotive advertisers can promote new vehicle models, drive audiences to dealerships, boost omnichannel campaigns, and more.</h5><div ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Retailers turn to Digital OOH to drive foot traffic and boost sales as consumers return to in-store shopping]]><![CDATA[

Retail OOH ads are getting noticed The retail sector is doubling down on its OOH investment, with a 29% increase in US OOH media spend in Q2 2022 vs. last year. And for good reason: 42% of consumers notice OOH ads more than pre-pandemic levels, with 63% finding retail ads most relevant.(Source: OAAA via Media […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/retailers-turn-to-digital-ooh-to-drive-foot-traffic-and-boost-sales-as-consumers-return-to-in-store-shoppinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/retailers-turn-to-digital-ooh-to-drive-foot-traffic-and-boost-sales-as-consumers-return-to-in-store-shopping<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 28 Sep 2022 18:15:00 GMT<h2 >Retail OOH ads are getting noticed</h2><p>The retail sector is doubling down on its OOH investment, with a 29% increase in US OOH media spend in Q2 2022 vs. last year. And for good reason: 42% of consumers notice OOH ads more than pre-pandemic levels, with 63% finding retail ads most relevant.&nbsp;(Source: <a href="https://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/376806/out-of-home-advertising-essentially-recovers-appr.html">OAAA via Media Post</a> &amp; <a href="https://specialreports.oaaa.org/ooh-is-highly-relevant-with-consumers/">The Harris Poll Insights</a>).</p><h2 >Back-to-school shoppers are spending more</h2><p>75% of 2022 BTS shoppers plan to spend more than they did last year, and 68% say they’ll be looking at OOH ads regarding special offers and sales to make purchasing decisions.&nbsp;(Source: <a href="https://specialreports.oaaa.org/sales-tip-ooh-influences-back-to-school-purchasing-decisions/">OAAA</a>).</p><h2 >OOH generates better results than other media channels</h2><p>When it comes to driving consumer action, OOH is more impactful than other channels based on its share of ad spend, with 41% of consumers using a search engine and 33% searching social media or visiting a website following ad exposure.&nbsp;(Source: <a href="https://specialreports.oaaa.org/sales-tip-ooh-drives-online-activation-at-5x-6x-above-the-expected-rate/#:~:text=by%20Steve%20Nicklin-,Sales%20Tip%3A%20OOH%20Drives%20Online%20Activation%20at%205x,6x%20Above%20the%20Expected%20Rate&amp;text=In%20new%20OAAA%20and%20Comscore,%2C%20banner%2C%20and%20print%20ads.">OAAA &amp; Comscore</a>)</p><h4 ><strong>Check out our infographic for unique ways retail marketers can leverage OOH to drive brand awareness, lift sales, and boost omnichannel executions.</strong></h4><div ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How 8Infini is Innovating Outdoor Advertising in Indonesia with DOOH]]><![CDATA[

While out-of-home media is a popular advertising format across Indonesia, dynamic digital out-of-home is still only rising in popularity. That’s expected to change as more of the country’s OOH companies begin to harness the power of DOOH. One of the factors driving this shift is likely the creative freedom the format affords, its potential to […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-8infini-is-innovating-outdoor-advertising-in-indonesia-with-doohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-8infini-is-innovating-outdoor-advertising-in-indonesia-with-dooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 26 Sep 2022 16:15:00 GMT<p>While out-of-home media is a popular advertising format across Indonesia, dynamic digital out-of-home is still only rising in popularity. That&#8217;s expected to change as more of the country&#8217;s OOH companies begin to harness the power of DOOH.&nbsp;</p><p>One of the factors driving this shift is likely the creative freedom the format affords, its potential to reach broad audiences and the numerous data and analytics capabilities that are becoming more widely available thanks to technological advancements. <a href="https://infiniooh.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">8Infini</a> is a media owner on the mission to shape the future of outdoor advertising in Indonesia with a network of prominently-located digital screens in some of the country&#8217;s biggest and most bustling cities.</p><h2 >Bringing bright, digital screens to Indonesia’s cities</h2><p>Named for the seemingly infinite possibilities that digital screens can offer advertisers, 8Infini was founded in 2019 by a team of out-of-home experts. Though the company is a newcomer to Indonesia&#8217;s OOH space, they&#8217;ve already made quite an impression among advertisers in its three years of existence.&nbsp;</p><p>The company&#8217;s network comprises static and dynamic large-format LED &#8220;videotron&#8221; screens. These are found in prime spots throughout Jakarta, one of Southeast Asia&#8217;s most populous cities. With six digital and two static screens in Jakarta and five digital screens in Bandung, these screens are predominantly located along roadways and at the heart of busy intersections, catering to pedestrians and motorists alike. Besides these screens, a portion of their business model is also focused on traditional transit media, where their business started. The OOH media operator will soon be deploying an additional four digital screens in Bogor, another two in Bandung, as well as one digital and three static screens in Jakarta.&nbsp;</p><figure }</script></figure><p>8Infini’s preferred technology partner, Broadsign, are enabling the OOH media provider to further enhance flexibility, advancement in their operations, improved performance and increased screen capabilities. &nbsp;Expansion plans are imminent and underway: the business hopes to significantly increase its network in the coming months, adding another ten screens to its roster by the end of 2022. These additions to the network are expected to be installed in Jakarta, and, eventually, the team hopes to bring their screens to other large cities such as Bogor.&nbsp;</p><p>With its inventory&#8217;s strong presence in prime locations, it&#8217;s only fitting that 8Infini&#8217;s network attracts a wide range of advertisers from various industries. Their screens have previously run ad campaigns spanning virtually every category, such as entertainment and cinema, fashion, brands, start-ups, logistics, insurance and banks.&nbsp;</p><p>Besides its network in highly-visible locations, offering interactive and dynamic capabilities makes 8Infini&#8217;s inventory popular among all types of media buyers and brands. Slowly but surely, they&#8217;re noticing that increasingly brands are moving towards the more interactive features available with their offering, partly due to the in-depth analytics and insights thanks to their <a href="https://www.admobilize.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Admobilize</a> integration.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>One of the more popular trends in OOH advertising is 3D creatives. As more advertisers are looking to experiment with interactive and dynamic content on screens to build compelling and exciting campaigns, 8Infini is able to make that happen and hope to continue making interactive content more widely available in the country.&nbsp;</p><p>8Infini&#8217;s team takes great pride in and is passionate about the medium and its network. They emphasize the importance of maintenance and upkeep, with a team ready to resolve any issues in case of network outages.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >The first robotic LED in Southeast Asia&nbsp;</h2><p>Their latest project is one of the first of its kind in Jakarta—an impressive LED screen located on the outside facade of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, luxury hotel located in the city&#8217;s financial district. The luxurious hotel is a popular destination for tourists visiting the region, welcoming guests from all over, with the large-format screen positioned on the hotel&#8217;s exterior.</p><p>Because of its location in the city&#8217;s financial district, the hotel tends to cater to an upscale clientele, making this a prime location for the massive screen, which spans 614 square meters and is made up of 512 robotic panels, each one capable of moving independently.</p><p>This is the first robotic Videotron screen of its kind in Indonesia, the largest screen in Southeast Asia, and one of just three in the world.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Since its unveiling, the screen has already played some fairly attention-grabbing and internationally acclaimed campaigns, running ads from Samsung, Spotify, Permata Bank, Disney Studio, and Disney+.&nbsp; Ultimately, its strategic location in Jakarta&#8217;s bustling commercial district makes it an ideal choice for businesses looking to increase brand visibility.</p><h2 >Broadsign and 8Infini, a platform built for scalability</h2><p>Given that there are a number of out-of-home players in Indonesia, the team behind 8Infini knew that to stay competitive, it needed to onboard the support of an industry-leading digital signage software.</p><p>Initial plans to develop its own CMS were abandoned, and instead, the team implemented the only platform suited for its specific needs: Broadsign Control. Partnering with Broadsign means that 8Infini can compete with some of the major OOH media operators in the region and keep up with the latest trends in out-of-home. Moreover, Broadsign is built for scalability — which aligns perfectly with 8Infini&#8217;s strategies. &nbsp;</p><p>While the team doesn&#8217;t necessarily envision 8Infini becoming the largest outdoor billboard player in Indonesia, by operating the Broadsign suite, they can offer their customers a complete offering for OOH advertising investments. &nbsp;</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >Big plans, infinite possibilities</h2><p>Infini OOH wants to add ten new screens to its inventory in the coming months. Building up the network was always in its goal, but like so many businesses worldwide, the pandemic slowed its growth strategy. These days, 8Infini&#8217;s team feels more confident than ever about where they&#8217;re headed next. Behind the scenes, they&#8217;re busy masterminding other exciting projects as exciting and innovative as the Mandarin Oriental Hotel LED Videotron screen.&nbsp;</p><p>Until then, 8Infini is showcasing all that’s possible with DOOH over traditional OOH, by tapping into the power of digital screens to bring brighter and bolder experiences to the Indonesian market.</p><p><strong>Want to power your own OOH network with the world&#8217;s leading solution?</strong></p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo"><strong>See what Broadsign can do for you</strong></a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[OOH ads are highly relevant for CPG shoppers when making purchase decisions]]><![CDATA[

CPG shoppers trust OOH ads more than any other media channel 53% say they trust OOH ads more than any other single medium, and 50% say they truly believe the messaging shown in OOH ads. (Source: OAAA) Consumers pay attention to promotional OOH ads 42% are noticing OOH ads more than pre-pandemic levels, with another […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-ads-are-highly-relevant-for-cpg-shoppers-when-making-purchase-decisionshttps://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-ads-are-highly-relevant-for-cpg-shoppers-when-making-purchase-decisions<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 20 Sep 2022 19:10:00 GMT<h2 >CPG shoppers trust OOH ads more than any other media channel</h2><p>53% say they trust OOH ads more than any other single medium, and 50% say they truly believe the messaging shown in OOH ads. (Source: <a href="https://oaaa.org/StayConnected/OAAAOutlookNewsletter/tabid/867/id/5776/Default.aspx">OAAA</a>)</p><h2 >Consumers pay attention to promotional OOH ads</h2><p>42% are noticing OOH ads more than pre-pandemic levels, with another 42% of consumers saying OOH ads for special offers and promotions are the most useful. (Source: <a href="https://specialreports.oaaa.org/ooh-is-highly-relevant-with-consumers/">OAAA &amp; The Harris Poll</a>)</p><h2 >OOH generates a higher consumer action rate than other channels</h2><p>Compared to other media channels, OOH ranks higher in driving consumer action based on its share of ad spend.</p><h4 ><strong>Check out our infographic for unique ways CPG marketers can drive brand awareness, lift purchase consideration, and boost the performance of other media channels with OOH.</strong></h4><div ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Maximize your smart screens: Broadsign for System-on-Chip is here]]><![CDATA[

In the last few years, a significant number of digital signage hardware manufacturers have transitioned into making “smart” screens, or displays with a “system-on-chip” (SoC). These all-in-one devices eliminate the need for an external media player, making SoC a relatively inexpensive and streamlined solution for digital signage. At Broadsign, we want to help you monetize […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/maximize-your-smart-screens-broadsign-for-system-on-chip-is-herehttps://broadsign.com/blog/maximize-your-smart-screens-broadsign-for-system-on-chip-is-here<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 07 Sep 2022 12:24:00 GMT<p>In the last few years, a significant number of digital signage hardware manufacturers have transitioned into making "smart" screens, or displays with a "system-on-chip" (SoC). These all-in-one devices eliminate the need for an external media player, making SoC a relatively inexpensive and streamlined solution for digital signage.</p><p>At Broadsign, we want to help you monetize and centrally manage your low-cost smart screens. That’s why we’re excited to launch <a href="https://broadsign.com/system-on-chip/">Broadsign for System-on-Chip (SoC)</a>, a sophisticated content and campaign management solution with a robust media player that enables the delivery of campaigns across any smart screen.&nbsp;</p><p>Built specifically for out-of-home advertising on smart screens, this new solution promotes revenue growth and scalability with intelligent playlist generation, proof-of-play reporting, and dynamic campaign delivery.</p><h2 >Manage system-on-chip displays—the Broadsign way</h2><p>In talking to our customers, SoC compatibility has consistently ranked as one of the top-requested new Broadsign capabilities.</p><p>That&#8217;s because the appeal of SoC displays is partly offset by the limitations of the native software. With SoC devices, a chipset included within the display itself plays host to the digital signage software that will deliver content to the screen. Because of this, SoC displays require tailored software to operate, and are typically limited in their out-of-the-box content and campaign management capabilities.</p><p>We heard your feedback, and our new SoC player aims to please. It doesn’t just introduce Broadsign’s industry-leading DOOH software to system-on-chip devices; it aligns all of our ad-based content management capabilities to help you manage your entire network more efficiently.</p><h2 >How it works</h2><p>Unlike native SoC content management systems, Broadsign for system-on-chip includes powerful advertising capabilities and enables streamlined campaign management across mixed-screen networks.&nbsp;</p><p>Want to get a SoC screen up and running on your existing Broadsign network? Simply install our Broadsign for SoC player app onto a smart screen and register it in your Broadsign Control. After that, the SoC player polls the Broadsign servers and downloads ad content to play on its connected display. Once registered, the SoC player also reports incidents and proof-of-play statistics back to Broadsign servers.</p><h2 >What are the benefits of Broadsign for SoC?</h2><p>Broadsign for System-on-Chip brings the power of <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/">Broadsign’s industry-leading digital signage software</a> to SoC devices and other high-efficiency smart screens. Still wondering what that means? Here are some of the ways Broadsign for SoC helps you maximize your network of smart screens:</p><h4 >Access advanced content management capabilities</h4><p>Get more out of your smart screens with the most powerful CMS in out-of-home. The new Broadsign for System-on-Chip offers many of the same ad-serving capabilities you’ve come to expect from Broadsign Control, our automated digital signage software.</p><p>The following is a quick summary of the major Broadsign Control features that are currently supported by Broadsign for SoC:</p><ul><li><strong>HTML packages</strong><ul><li>Display still images, video, and even complex HTML content without worrying about latency during playback</li></ul></li><li><strong>Filler content</strong><ul><li>Automatically fill up any unbooked space with filler content</li></ul></li><li><strong>Leader-follower synchronization</strong><ul><li>Synchronize campaigns with leader-follower capabilities</li></ul></li><li><strong>Custom geometry</strong><ul><li>Easily set up complex custom screen geometry</li></ul></li><li><strong>Scheduled Conditions&nbsp;</strong><ul><li>Use conditions to control when and where content plays</li></ul></li><li><strong>Proof-of-play</strong><ul><li>Generate detailed proof-of-play reports with custom fields for dynamic content; proof-of-plays are locally cached to accommodate patchy network connections&nbsp;</li></ul></li><li><strong>Audience data management (.csv)</strong><ul><li>Integrate your first-party data and deliver meaningful audience insights to buyers</li></ul></li><li><strong>Missing in Action alerts</strong><ul><li>Detect when a player disconnects from the server with MIA alerts</li></ul></li><li><strong>Automatic integration</strong><ul><li>Integrate with Broadsign Direct and Broadsign Reach to unlock additional revenue</li></ul></li></ul><p>*<em>Support for scheduled conditions only</em></p><h4 >Simplify your network</h4><p>Generally speaking, system-on-chip displays are at least as powerful as Smart TVs and modern smartphones—which means they can easily handle one display per SoC unit, but could struggle with some of the demands common to larger networks or more complex campaigns. For example, if you want to drive multiple displays (or two 4K displays) from a single machine, then nothing can beat the superior performance of the Broadsign Control Player running on an external media player built for graphics.</p><p>The future-friendly solution? Build a flexible network with software that’s capable of supporting almost any multi-screen setup. With Broadsign for SoC, you can bring your smart screens into the fold as part of a larger mixed-screen network. By centrally managing all of your inventory through Broadsign Control you’ll save time and simplify your DOOH management tasks.&nbsp;</p><h4 >Unlock additional revenue</h4><p>Today’s digital signage software is capable of covering a range of roles in the management of your DOOH network, and if your smart screen’s out-of-the-box software doesn’t enable programmatic selling or has limited campaign management capabilities, then you’re missing out on potential revenue.</p><p>With this release, you can now open your system-on-chip screens to ad-based revenue, either with direct or programmatic OOH channels. Broadsign for SoC supports automatic integration with <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/">Broadsign Direct</a>, our intelligent sales and campaign management tool specifically designed for OOH campaigns. It can also be used to connect your SoC screens to our supply-side programmatic platform, <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/">Broadsign Reach</a>.&nbsp;</p><h4 >Grow the way you want to</h4><p>Moving from one platform to another every time you outgrow a solution makes for a lot of additional work. But it’s equally exhausting when workflows and content management tasks start to overwhelm your existing tools.&nbsp;</p><p>Broadsign helps you avoid all that by providing DOOH software that scales with you. Our automated workflows enable you to grow your network without bounds. And if you already use Broadsign Control, you don’t have to change your content management workflows or processes in order to incorporate your SoC displays.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Got questions? We’ve got you covered.</h2><p>If you want to learn more about what Broadsign for System-on-Chip can do for you, please reach out to your Broadsign rep or <a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/">request a free demo</a> to see what it’s all about!</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[EV charging networks are here: What they mean for DOOH advertising]]><![CDATA[

With more electric vehicle (EV) drivers than ever before, EV charging networks are appearing rapidly across the globe. In fact, the EV charging station market is projected to reach $823 billion by 2028, with emerging companies like ChargeEuropa, Swiftmile, and Revolt leading the charge. And while charging stations have been around for a while, especially […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/ev-charging-networks-are-here-what-they-mean-for-dooh-advertisinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/ev-charging-networks-are-here-what-they-mean-for-dooh-advertising<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 24 Aug 2022 15:40:00 GMT<p>With more electric vehicle (EV) drivers <a href="https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a39998609/electric-car-sales-usa/">than ever before</a>, EV charging networks are appearing rapidly across the globe. In fact, the EV charging station market is projected to <a href="https://www.globenewswire.com/en/news-release/2022/06/29/2471528/0/en/Electric-Vehicle-Charging-Station-Market-to-Reach-823-billion-by-2028-Investment-Worth-Over-30-Billion-on-the-way-to-Improve-Global-Charging-Infrastructure.html">reach $823 billion by 2028</a>, with emerging companies like <a href="/blog/how-chargeeuropa-is-powering-poland-and-croatia-with-dooh-enabled-ev-charging-stations">ChargeEuropa</a>, <a href="/blog/swiftmile-selects-broadsign-ooh-technology-to-deliver-global-programmatic-micromobility-ad-network">Swiftmile</a>, and <a href="/blog/how-revolt-is-using-dooh-to-bring-sustainable-mobility-into-the-future">Revolt</a> leading the charge. And while charging stations have been around for a while, especially in urban areas, many EV businesses are starting to equip them with digital ad displays similar to those of urban panels, street furniture, or gas stations.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Offering countless benefits for both the environment and drivers, these premium charging stations are also a promising new way to help advertisers reach highly sought-after audiences. Let’s take a look at some of the top reasons why advertisers shouldn’t ignore this huge opportunity.</p><h2 >Create a positive brand association</h2><p>Overall, the electric vehicle industry is well-regarded by communities thanks to its social, environmental, and economic advantages. As a result, brands advertising on EV charging stations are more likely to be viewed in a positive light when they’re associated with being part of a meaningful change. Advertisers can use this opportunity to elevate their brand by showing consumers that they’re contributing to a cleaner, more sustainable environment and a better future.</p><p>This is particularly important to younger consumers, like millennials and Gen Zs, who are more <a href="https://www.pewresearch.org/science/2021/05/26/gen-z-millennials-stand-out-for-climate-change-activism-social-media-engagement-with-issue/">environmentally conscious and interested in sustainability</a>. According to Deloitte, 50% of Gen Z has <a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescommunicationscouncil/2022/06/01/gen-z-and-environmental-issues-how-to-earn-young-consumers-trust/?sh=46dd311a33ab">reduced how much they buy</a>, making them more conscious of how they spend their money. Advertisers should therefore ensure that their brand messaging aligns with consumers’ values if they hope to capture their shopping dollars. And with significant buying power, reaching these young consumers is highly desirable for brands, even if they’re not the main drivers of electric vehicles.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Target audiences beyond EV drivers</h2><p>With the new wave of charging stations built as part of larger urban installations or retail trade areas, advertisers have the potential to target audiences beyond the traditional affluent, tech-savvy EV driver. Similar to bus or transit shelters, charging stations placed in key areas can display messaging that&#8217;s visible to virtually anyone in the vicinity, extending ad reach to a wider audience.</p><p>What makes charging stations unique from other types of DOOH advertising, like billboards, is that they’re typically installed in a variety of high-traffic areas, helping advertisers reach many different verticals. They’re almost always at eye-level with both drivers and passersby, making them an attention-grabbing medium that can’t be ignored. Since these screens are relatively new, they’re sure to capture the interest of audiences, creating a perfect opportunity for advertisers to deliver their brand’s message in a captivating way.&nbsp;Screen synchronization, for example, enables multiple screens to deliver the same ad, giving advertisers the unique opportunity to tell stories that can be displayed in a creative, eye-catching way. Playing an ad from one screen to another adds a WOW factor to your messaging, making both drivers at the screen level and extended audiences more attentive to what’s playing on-screen.</p><figure >EV charging stations create a great opportunity to get your ad noticed (Source: Revolt)</figcaption></figure><figure >EV charging stations create a great opportunity to get your ad noticed (Source: Zevv)</figcaption></figure><figure >EV charging stations create a great opportunity to get your ad noticed (Source: ChargeEuropa)</figcaption></figure><figure >EV charging stations create a great opportunity to get your ad noticed (Source: ChargeEuropa)</figcaption></figure><h2 >Lift engagement &amp; boost sales with interactive ad content</h2><p><a href="https://www.fuelsinstitute.org/Research/Reports/EV-Consumer-Behavior/EV-Consumer-Behavior-Report.pdf">Studies have shown</a> that today’s consumers want charging stations near more of their daily activities and destinations, like grocery stores, malls, restaurants, and gyms. These are all venues where audiences are likely to spend long periods of time, considering it can take drivers an <a href="https://pod-point.com/guides/driver/how-long-to-charge-an-electric-car#:~:text=Summary,with%20a%207kW%20charging%20point.">average of 30 minutes</a> to top up the charge of an electric vehicle, depending on the make and model. To fully charge using a public charging station can take drivers <a href="https://ecocostsavings.com/electric-car-charge-times/">at least an hour</a>. So how can advertisers take advantage of these long dwell times?&nbsp;</p><p>One way is to utilize interactive content in DOOH messaging. QR codes or other interactive content can encourage audiences to engage with a brand while they wait for their cars to charge, like visiting a website or social media page. A popular point of interest for advertisers, retail trade areas like malls and shopping centers are increasingly common locations for charging stations. Advertisers can run DOOH ads that promote their brand, encouraging viewers to head in-store and spend more time shopping while their cars charge. When placed in proximity to businesses, brands can also utilize charging station screens to influence late-stage buying decisions by highlighting promotions or drive-to-store messaging. A brand can target screens in a mall parking lot, for example, delivering messaging that promotes a 20% off sale happening nearby. This also adds an attribution factor to a campaign if a brand can observe an increase in sales across a particular retail trade area where screens are located.</p><p>With many screens available for programmatic transactions, advertisers can easily select where and when they want to run their dynamic DOOH campaigns, delivering highly-targeted, real-time impressions. Data triggers like weather, for example, can be leveraged to reach audiences with contextual messaging, like running ads for winter tires when it starts to snow. Some screens also feature built-in cameras or sensors that can enable different ads to be displayed based on factors like the type of car that pulls up. For example, an advertiser may choose to run different messaging depending on whether a Tesla Model X or Nissan Leaf is at the charging station. This level of personalization helps advertisers ensure that their ads are relevant and reach the right audience.&nbsp;</p><p>Some screens require users to input their information in order to access the charging station, giving advertisers access to first-party data that enables them to leverage DOOH advertising as part of an omnichannel campaign. For example, audiences who spent time charging their vehicles at a specific location can be retargeted later on with similar messaging via mobile ads.&nbsp;</p><p>While we’re only at the beginning of the EV charging network expansion, being an early adopter is highly beneficial when it comes to DOOH advertising on these premium screens. With locations in high-traffic areas and the ability to reach audiences beyond drivers, delivering ads across these networks is a key way to elevate your brand today and in the future.</p><h4 >Want to learn more about advertising across EV charging networks?</h4><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/launch-pdooh-campaign#contact">Book a discovery call</a> with one of our campaign experts.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Create detailed and flexible DOOH campaign reports with Broadsign Ads Reporting]]><![CDATA[

It’s no secret that data is king in today’s world, and keeping track of it all is essential when it comes to evaluating the overall effectiveness of a digital out-of-home (DOOH) campaign. With the new, advanced Broadsign Ads reporting tools, you can create customized reports that meet all of your tracking needs, giving you more […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/create-detailed-and-flexible-dooh-campaign-reports-with-broadsign-ads-reportinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/create-detailed-and-flexible-dooh-campaign-reports-with-broadsign-ads-reporting<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 22 Aug 2022 15:35:00 GMT<p>It’s no secret that data is king in today’s world, and keeping track of it all is essential when it comes to evaluating the overall effectiveness of a digital out-of-home (DOOH) campaign.&nbsp;</p><p>With the new, advanced <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a> reporting tools, you can create customized reports that meet all of your tracking needs, giving you more transparent and granular details on how your campaign is performing &#8211; and how your ad spend is coming in. With this key information, you can make better decisions and adjust campaigns accordingly.</p><h2 >No more manual reporting</h2><p>Generating reports should be an easy and automated process! With the new reporting tools in Broadsign Ads, all data can be summarized into one grand report, providing campaign visibility and insights at the organizational level. Reports can be summarized and consolidated by options like advertiser or media type, delivering a complete view across all your campaigns. Automated, flexible scheduling also delivers streamlined information without requiring any manual work.</p><p>Reports can be customized by selecting fields like time of day and dimensions, letting you choose how you want to view the breakdown of each campaign. You can also select which data you want to export, like impressions, screen ID, latitude and longitude, or spend. To generate reports that map with your internal systems, simply input your Campaign External ID, Advertiser External ID, and Line External ID when creating a campaign. Then, simply run and download the report for a full look into your campaign.</p><p>Once you have your report, data can be imported into specialized software, like analytics or finance software, making it easy to incorporate DOOH results into your general campaign reporting and analysis.</p><h2 >Improved insights for all your advertising needs</h2><p>Sure, generating custom reports is an important part of painting the larger picture when it comes to campaign performance. Still, there are several other benefits to getting more granular with your data.</p><h3 >Gather useful data for deal negotiations</h3><p>For larger agencies and advertisers, the platform’s new reporting capabilities are a key part of evaluating ad spend, helping break it down per media owner. Advertisers can easily review what they spent in the previous year and adjust for the upcoming one. For example, they can leverage previous data to try to negotiate commercial aspects for upcoming deals.</p><h3 >Get a 360 post-campaign analysis</h3><p>For many advertisers, OOH only represents a portion of their entire campaign spend. The medium will oftentimes be combined with other channels like digital, mobile, or CTV ads, and advertisers will try to evaluate if there’s been an increase in traffic, sales, or other metrics. By generating reports per advertiser or media type, users can get an aggregated view of how their OOH campaign is performing relative to other channels.</p><h3 >Streamline financial reporting</h3><p>Broadsign Ads users can also generate campaign reports for finance purposes. With the ability to add their own ID on campaign, line, and advertiser to map to their own internal finance system, our reporting capabilities allow users to keep track of their spending easily.&nbsp;</p><h3 >Capture audience data around specific screen locations</h3><p>No matter where your campaign is running, Broadsign Ads’ reporting capabilities make capturing data around specific locations easy. Media buyers can export a list of locations where their campaign has played and use a third-party service to collect data around these locations. With the new update, reports can be automated, enabling advertisers to automatically send locations to third-party services throughout the duration of a campaign. This data can be used for mobile retargeting, for example, where advertisers can use device IDs to deliver additional campaign messaging.</p><h4 >Want to see Broadsign Ads Reporting in action?</h4><p><a href="https://buy.broadsign.com/">Log into your Broadsign Ads account</a> to try it out!</p><p>To learn more about reporting or any other Broadsign Ads capabilities, <a href="https://broadsign.com/book-demo">book a demo</a> with one of our campaign experts.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How to enhance the in-store retail experience with digital signage]]><![CDATA[

In-store retail media is suddenly one of the hottest spaces around. Brands and agencies are keen to find new ways to connect with the audiences retailers have cultivated, and so forward-thinking retailers are building out robust retail media networks that enable just that, often in coordination with other offerings online. But aside from the opportunity […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-enhance-the-in-store-retail-experience-with-digital-signagehttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-enhance-the-in-store-retail-experience-with-digital-signage<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 17 Aug 2022 15:21:00 GMT<p>In-store retail media is suddenly one of the hottest spaces around. Brands and agencies are keen to find new ways to connect with the audiences retailers have cultivated, and so forward-thinking retailers are building out robust retail media networks that enable just that, often in coordination with other offerings online. But aside from the opportunity to make some more money off of ads targeting shoppers in their stores, what’s in it for retailers? Why does this retail media revolution really matter?</p><p>There are really several reasons, but here’s one of the most critical: consumer expectations are evolving. In an era of digitization and personalization, today’s consumer expects to be served contextually relevant and engaging content—and in-store retail media has fallen behind. Promos, ads, and other messaging that make it into the brick-and-mortar environment are typically static, dull, and unresponsive. Compare that with the contextual messaging people see with digital ads each day, and you can see that in-store media is in need of a major revamp.</p><p>The solution: take that digital experience and bring it to digital screens inside retail stores / bring that digital experience inside retail stores with digital signage. Suddenly, you can access all the benefits of timeliness, relevance, and vibrance of digital ads all along the path to purchase. This means being better able to influence shopper behaviour, creating more robust offerings for buyers, and improving the in-store experience, all at once.</p><p>Let’s walk through what this looks like.</p><h2 >Why today’s static in-store retail media falls short</h2><p>There are a few reasons why static in-store retail media misses the mark. For starters, the content needs to be purchased well in advance, which means that only fairly superficial relevance to the context in which it will eventually be displayed is possible. And relevancy matters. Research has shown that using contextually relevant media in out-of-home campaigns <a href="https://the-media-leader.com/programmatic-oohs-strength-lies-in-content-canvas-and-context/">actually increases advertising awareness by 18%</a>.</p><p>The delay time between content creation and its deployment in store also makes it difficult to properly adapt to changing circ*mstances, such as those caused by supply chain disruptions and stocking fluctuations. Imagine you just put up an end-cap display for a new soda, but then shipping delays prevent you from actually having that product in stock. Not only will you find yourself dealing with confused and potentially angry customers, but you’ll also be wasting prime in-store advertising space while you scramble to find another piece of content to take its place.</p><p>In addition to messaging inaccuracies, static content’s inherent inability to adapt quickly can result in lost revenue for retailers. In grocery stores, where pricing and promotions can change daily, there’s a ton of time-consuming manual work involved in updating static in-store signage regularly. Plus, there’s no easy way to make granular adjustments related to the best time of day, location, and environment in which to display a particular piece of content. And if you can’t feasibly implement data-backed optimizations like these across your in-store signage system, then you’re leaving potential money on the table.</p><p><a href="/blog/digital-grocery-store-signage-drives-business">READ ALSO: How to use digital grocery store signage to drive more business</a></p><p>With many consumers returning to in-person shopping, there’s a huge opportunity for retailers to market to their customers at the point of purchase via in-store retail media. But if the content and messaging that are being delivered aren’t timely, engaging, and relevant, then you’re missing out on the chance to make a big impact on a highly motivated buying audience.</p><h2 >Evolving the in-store retail experience with digital displays</h2><p>Today’s consumer expects personalized digital experiences and relevant content, whether they’re shopping from their computer or mobile device or in a brick-and-mortar store. In response, the most successful retailers are fusing digital and physical shopping to create a unified, customer-centred buying experience. And one of the best ways to bridge that gap and bring the digital experience into brick-and-mortar stores is through in-store digital signage.</p><p>Digital signage can help solve for common customer pain points by doing the following:</p><ul><li>Quickly capturing attention</li><li>Providing up-to-date, real-time information</li><li>Creating a memorable in-store experience</li></ul><p>The use of digital displays has revolutionized the way retailers communicate with their customers and has been proven to provide a wide range of benefits to businesses, from higher levels of engagement to increased profits. There’s evidence that digital signs <a href="https://www.databeat.net/databeatblog/15-surprising-statistics-about-digital-signage">capture 400% more views</a> than static signs and create a <a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.screenfluence.com/blog/2020/11/17/27-digital-signage-statistics-for-2021-infographic/&amp;sa=D&amp;source=docs&amp;ust=1660770476242068&amp;usg=AOvVaw1S3cZOB_dPEuWkWNtwvOwd">46% increase in customer satisfaction</a>. Research has also shown that digital signage in a retail store can help <a href="https://www.screenfluence.com/blog/2020/11/17/27-digital-signage-statistics-for-2021-infographic/">increase the average purchase amount by nearly 30%</a>. These statistics explain why many retailers are eager to try using digital screens in stores as a way to influence consumers closer and closer to the point of sale.</p><p><a href="/blog/how-starlite-media-elevates-the-shopping-centre-experience-with-dooh">READ ALSO: How Starlite Media elevates the shopping centre experience with DOOH</a></p><p>To truly stand out in today’s competitive retail landscape, you need digital and operational strategies that work in tandem to form a holistic, user-friendly shopping experience. Retailers must assess their current operating models, digital capabilities, and audience engagement strategies, then make bold moves to transform themselves—and digital displays for in-store retail media offer an excellent way to optimize processes and create more enduring customer experiences.</p><h2 >Solving retail challenges with in-store digital media</h2><p>In addition to grabbing customers’ attention with more engaging formats, such as eye-catching graphics or full-motion video, digital displays can provide a wealth of data that help make operations more efficient and match the right content with the right moment and contextual environment.&nbsp;</p><p>The use of digital in-store retail media can help solve some of the retailers’ top challenges thanks to:</p><ul><li>The ability to centrally manage retail media campaigns</li><li>More flexible content scheduling capabilities</li><li>Seamless integration with other data sources and back-end tools</li><li>Support for programmatic transactions</li></ul><p>One of the key operational advantages of using digital displays in a retail setting is the ability to centrally manage campaigns from company headquarters. A big box retailer with hundreds of stores all across the country, for example, can push out a new promotional campaign to every location in just a few minutes. Faster, more flexible content scheduling can make your in-store environment a part of the current moment by allowing you to implement or change promotional campaigns at a moment’s notice. &nbsp;It also helps you avoid locking in campaigns for products experiencing disruption for some reason—which is especially crucial in our current post-pandemic climate.</p><p>At the same time, digital screens make it easier to tailor in-store retail media so that it’s contextually relevant. Let’s say the big box retailer’s promotional campaign includes items that might not be appropriate for certain areas; there’s not much point in promoting flip-flops and coolers in an area that’s still snowy, and Red Sox jerseys won’t sell very well in New York. Digital in-store retail media allows you to incorporate local content and in-store data to add a local flavour to national campaigns, thereby improving the customer experience and avoiding missteps that could end up hurting sales.</p><p>Digital in-store media can also be used to solve stocking challenges and maximize sales of products that are already present in a store. This can be accomplished through automation—tying your display CMS to your PoS and stocking systems so that retail media messaging automatically changes in response to stocking data—and via manual changes made on the local level. While digital signage can be centrally managed from company headquarters, you can also grant your store managers and merchandisers the ability to manually turn messaging on and off as needed to either move products faster or stop boosting products that you’re running out of in that store.</p><p>By leveraging your existing first-party data and generating a wealth of new data points that can be used to optimize content delivery and better measure its impact, digital in-store retail media opens up new possibilities for retailers to create a deeper connection with customers and drive sales.</p><h2 >Building an effective in-store digital content offering/strategy</h2><p>It’s clear that digital signage offers several advantages over static signage in a retail setting—that’s why many retailers are rapidly taking to digital in-store retail media. But there’s more to a successful deployment than simply swapping out your static signage; to make the most of what digital in-store retail media has to offer, you need a strategy for your digital in-store content offering.</p><p>Here are some things to keep in mind when building out your digital in-store content strategy:</p><ol><li>Balance first-party and third-party content</li><li>Plan for the unexpected</li><li>Enable programmatic transactions</li><li>Leverage first-party data</li></ol><h3 >1. Balance first-party and third-party content for in-store experience</h3><p>The right content is key to creating a great in-store experience for your customers. As you start planning a content schedule for your digital displays, make sure you incorporate a mix of content that balances first-party and third-party content for in-store experience.&nbsp;</p><p>From the customer’s POV, the best content is relevant to them and adds value—think in-store promotions that can help them save money, information about new products they may want to try, or messaging about upcoming store changes and events. Similar to the "<a href="https:/blog.hubspot.com/marketing/banner-blindness?__hstc=186087094.2d1c5c3659fd1b8bfa6c382e922e26cf.1649687430559.1651176827912.1651601983325.16&amp;__hssc=186087094.1.1651601983325&amp;__hsfp=1754500191">banner blindness</a>" seen in oversaturated online spaces, if customers feel like they’re being spammed with ads instead of being educated and informed, they’ll simply stop paying attention. That’s why it’s a good idea to limit the amount of third-party advertisem*nts displayed in stores and ensure that display content, whether yours or a third-party’s, is relevant to the context in which it’s being shown.</p><h3 >2. Plan for the unexpected</h3><p>From shifts in your customers’ shopping habits to sudden supply chain disruptions and everything in between, the one thing every retailer can be sure of is change. That’s why a certain level of content flexibility for in-store retail media is crucial: it ensures you’re well-positioned to adapt to unexpected changes when they happen.</p><p>One of the biggest reasons to make flexibility a cornerstone of your in-store retail media strategy is relevancy. <a href="https://www.accenture.com/nl-en/blogs/insights/the-i-in-experience-how-to-engage-your-customers">According to Accenture</a>, 67% of consumers believe it’s important for companies to change content based on a person’s current context. If a store is prominently displaying a promotion for popsicles in the middle of an unprecedented snowstorm, that will definitely detract from a customer’s in-store shopping experience because the content they’re being shown isn’t relevant or helpful. Retailers that have factored content flexibility into their in-store digital media strategy will be better prepared to adapt to contextual changes caused by weather, world events, and inventory levels.</p><p>Content flexibility is also key to maximizing third-party ad sales. Retailers that can easily accommodate dramatic takeover-style campaigns and other complex scheduling requests will have a leg up on the competition. And if you connect your displays to <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct">an in-store digital media campaign management tool</a>, that content flexibility allows you to rebalance and optimize your inventory to accept bookings you wouldn’t otherwise have been able to accept.</p><h3 >3. Enable programmatic transactions</h3><p>One of the best ways to optimize your media sales process and open your retail business up to new revenue streams is by enabling programmatic transactions.</p><p>Integrating your in-store digital displays with a <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach">supply-side platform (SSP) built for programmatic advertising for in-store media</a> opens your retail media network up to targeted campaigns from around the world. With programmatic advertising, the sale and delivery of ad content is automated in a similar way to what you see with most online advertising. This means it’s more accessible to brands and agencies that might be new to advertising on in-store digital displays but are interested in incorporating it into their multichannel campaigns. Programmatic transactions also allow you to set specific conditions, based on external data, that will trigger the purchase of an in-store digital ad slot. This opens the door to all kinds of creative campaign opportunities and enables more granular and precise ad targeting.&nbsp;</p><p>While you can accomplish a lot of the same things/similar results with direct selling, the biggest difference programmatic makes is in terms of speed and efficiency; you can deliver relevant messaging much more quickly with the help of automation.</p><h3 >4. Leverage first-party data</h3><p>With third-party cookies set to crumble, <a href="/blog/why-in-store-signage-advertising-belongs-in-every-brands-retail-media-strategy">marketers are looking for new ways to deliver messaging that feels personalized and contextually relevant</a>. As a result, retailers’ first-party data relationships have become more valuable than ever—and many of the most forward-thinking retailers have been quick to take advantage of this growing opportunity.</p><p>Retailers today are able to collect a rich set of permissions-based first-party data about their customers both online and in physical stores. This data gives them insight into what their consumers want, when they want it, and how they want to buy it, and can be used to garner paid advertisem*nts from brands they sell in their stores or line. Of course, retailers can (and should!) also leverage this data to deliver more relevant, and thus impactful, messaging to their customers, as well.</p><p>Digital screens build on the value of retailers’ first-party data by making it easier to buy and sell retail media inside of physical stores and also by themselves acting as data sources that can be harnessed for <a href="/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home">dynamic digital campaigns</a>. Anonymous audience analytics software, which uses built-in camera sensors and video analysis algorithms to identify distinguishing characteristics of the people passing in front of a display, can change the display content based on the user. Other options, including partnerships with consumer data specialists like Catalina, Criteo, and Inmar, can either enhance first-party data gathered by other sources or act as a substitute altogether, and offer detailed audience information that retailers can provide to buyers interested in their in-store environments. In-depth metrics from digital displays also enable more precise ad targeting capabilities and impressions-based selling.</p><p>In short, retailers with digital in-store signage are at an advantage and should leverage their first-party data to deliver highly impactful messaging that can be directly linked to an increase in sales.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Revolt is using DOOH to bring sustainable mobility into the future]]><![CDATA[

The Netherlands is at the forefront of the electric vehicle revolution, thanks in part to an ambitious national climate agreement that aims to realize a 49% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. Part of the agreement entails a ban on selling new fuel-driven vehicles by 2030. Starting in 2025, several major […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-revolt-is-using-dooh-to-bring-sustainable-mobility-into-the-futurehttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-revolt-is-using-dooh-to-bring-sustainable-mobility-into-the-future<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 11 Aug 2022 16:44:00 GMT<p>The Netherlands is at the forefront of the electric vehicle revolution, thanks in part to <a href="https://www.government.nl/topics/climate-change/climate-policy">an ambitious national climate agreement</a> that aims to realize a 49% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. Part of the agreement entails a ban on selling new fuel-driven vehicles by 2030. Starting in 2025, several major cities in the Netherlands, including Amsterdam and Rotterdam, will introduce Zero Emission Zones: urban areas where fuel-powered delivery vans and trucks will be banned.&nbsp;</p><p>To meet these sustainable mobility and climate goals, the use of affordable and innovative electric vehicle charging facilities will be essential—and <a href="https://www.revoltincharge.com/english/home">Revolt</a> is leading the movement to create more, and smarter, charging infrastructure at business and destination locations.</p><h2 >A pioneer in the electric mobility industry</h2><p>Nowadays, people want to be able to charge their electric cars at places where they already spend time, such as hotels, sports clubs, movie theatres, and the office. Revolt provides smart, all-in-one charging solutions to businesses at locations like these—enabling them to offer EV charging services to their visitors or employees without the need to make a large investment. Instead, Revolt takes responsibility for the investment, as well as the installation and maintenance of the charging stations, in exchange for a monthly subscription fee or one-time payment.&nbsp;</p><figure }</script></figure><p>Offering Revolt as a subscription-based service makes sense for a number of reasons. " we saw that the occupancy rate of charging stations was getting lower because everybody needs to work from home," says Jeroen van de Ven, Revolt’s Co-founder. "That’s why we thought: okay, how can we make our revenue model robust so that when these kinds of things happen, we’re not overly reliant on charging costs? So it was a little bit inspired by the pandemic, and also finding a revenue model that can add value and create value for our customers, for EV drivers who charge their cars at our stations, and for Revolt as a company."</p><p>By simplifying the installation process and shouldering most of the upfront investment and ongoing maintenance costs, Revolt is facilitating the creation of additional, smarter charging infrastructure—something that will be crucial to ensuring the Netherlands meets its aggressive climate goals. Already, <a href="https://www.cbs.nl/en-gb/news/2021/41/pev-fleet-keeps-growing">fleets are already becoming more sustainable at a rapid pace</a> and <a href="https://www.pwc.nl/en/insights-and-publications/services-and-industries/automotive/ban-on-sale-of-new-fuel-driven-vehicles-by-2030-is-achievable.html">PwC predicts that there will be more than 1.9 million electric cars</a> in the country by 2030. With their easy and affordable charging solutions for businesses, Revolt is contributing to the radical transition needed to bring sustainable mobility into the future.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><h2 >Turning EV chargers into a powerful communication tool with DOOH</h2><p>After validating Revolt’s charging subscription service with installations at a number of businesses throughout the Netherlands and Belgium, the company is now focusing on a truly innovative addition to their EV charging stations: an integrated digital out-of-home media offering. The company currently has 20 active charging stations with DOOH-enabled screens, with plans to expand to the rest of Europe—and triple the size of their DOOH network—by the end of this year.&nbsp;</p><p>The inspiration for adding DOOH advertising to their charging stations wasn’t a random thought. Members of Revolt’s leadership team come from digital marketing and technology backgrounds, and van de Ven says they were inspired by "the fragmentation of digital channels, consumer behaviour, and advertising." With the impending demise of third-party cookies, it’s become increasingly difficult for brands to reach their target audience across channels and as they go about their daily lives. Revolt’s charging stations are placed in high-traffic locations where they have the potential to be seen by a large number of EV drivers, climate-conscious consumers and other passers-by. "With our media proposition, you’re reaching the same audience, the audience you want to reach, and you’re making an impact because your message has been seen in a sustainable and climate-conscious context."</p><p>The additional revenue generated from DOOH advertising allows Revolt to offer its EV charging service at a lower cost, while the digital signage brings additional value to the businesses that host the chargers. "From their perspective, I think you can do a lot of amazing stuff with digital out-of-home," says van de Ven. "For hotels, for example, you don’t have to wait for someone to come to reception. If you put the charging station with a display on it, you can start talking to your customers with digital messaging when they’re still in the parking garage."&nbsp;</p><p>In short, businesses that host Revolt’s EV chargers with built-in screens can leverage DOOH to offset their charging service costs and also gain a powerful communication tool for guests, customers, and employees.</p><h2 >Partnering with Broadsign to expand their reach</h2><p>In order to meet its aggressive expansion goals, Revolt needed to invest in scalable technology that could maximize potential ad revenue and help support its growth. <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-platform">Broadsign’s industry-leading digital signage platform</a> came highly recommended and offered the ease-of-use they were looking for.&nbsp;</p><p>"That was the most important thing: easy to use, easy to manage campaigns and the network," says van de Ven. "Not having to think about the functionality, or the CMS, so we can concentrate on delivering the promise of DOOH to our customers."</p><p>In addition to using <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control">Broadsign Control</a> to automate their network’s content management and delivery, Revolt has started selling DOOH ad space on their EV charging network programmatically with <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach">Broadsign Reach</a>. The leadership team’s prior experience in digital marketing meant they were already familiar with the process, and power, of programmatic ad selling. However, the process of building a programmatic DOOH campaign is different from what most people are used to online. A programmatic SPP specifically built for DOOH, like Broadsign Reach, leverages automation to generate new revenue programmatically and opens your network up to targeted campaigns from around the globe. Since implementing Broadsign Reach at the end of last year, Revolt has already found success complementing their direct sales with highly-targeted programmatic transactions.</p><p>&#8220;More and more, I’m convinced we made a good choice when we rolled out Broadsign Reach in Q4 of last year," says van de Ven. "Moving forward, I believe our inventory will be a very healthy mix of direct sales that we generate campaigns from, partnerships with our existing customer base, and sales generated by the programmatic use of our network through Broadsign Reach."</p><p>As Revolt continues to expand its network of digital EV charging stations, Broadsign’s DOOH solutions will provide them with the capabilities and insights they need to optimize their ad revenue at scale. And as they continue to enhance their EV charging media offering and incorporate new data sources, Broadsign’s platform can also connect Revolt’s DOOH network with external sensors, data feeds, analytics platforms, and even EV charging station software—opening the door to exciting new creative and campaign targeting possibilities.</p><p>&#8220;We purchased the Rolls Royce of digital signage software and are currently driving it on a bicycle lane—so I think we chose the right tool, with opportunities that we haven’t even discovered yet," says van de Ven. "With Broadsign, we have a platform that we can build on for the future."</p><p>Reach audiences in innovative, electrifying ways by deploying an advertising network with a greater purpose. <a href="https://broadsign.com/electric-charging-stations-digital-signage">Get in touch</a> with us today!</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[IG Wealth Management boosts brand funnel metrics with programmatic DOOH]]><![CDATA[

IG Wealth Management wanted to increase brand awareness and consideration for its financial services across Canada. With Broadsign Ads and the OMD agency team, the brand ran a successful programmatic DOOH campaign that positively impacted its position in the Canadian financial services market. Strategy Download the full case study to see the results and discover […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/ig-wealth-management-boosts-brand-funnel-metrics-with-programmatic-doohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/ig-wealth-management-boosts-brand-funnel-metrics-with-programmatic-dooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 09 Aug 2022 07:57:00 GMT<p><a href="https://www.ig.ca/en">IG Wealth Management</a> wanted to increase brand awareness and consideration for its financial services across Canada. With <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a> and the <a href="https://www.omd.com/">OMD agency</a> team, the brand ran a successful programmatic DOOH campaign that positively impacted its position in the Canadian financial services market.</p><h2 >Strategy</h2><ul><li>The Broadsign Ads DOOH-specific DSP was used to plan and execute IG Wealth’s campaign, leveraging programmatic capabilities like unique audience and venue targeting.&nbsp;</li><li>The campaign ran for a two-month period, targeting specific demographic segments like business professionals, high-income individuals, and those between the ages of 35-65.&nbsp;</li><li>Over 1.5M ads were served across highly-targeted environments, resulting in approximately 20M quality impressions.</li></ul><h5 >Download the full case study to see the results and discover the benefits of implementing pDOOH into your media strategy.</h5><div ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How to monetize your EV charging stations with digital place-based advertising]]><![CDATA[

The charging environment is still very new, but it’s not too early for companies to position themselves to compete in it. Sales of electric passenger vehicles have surged in recent years, and there’s an undeniable, and growing, need for public EV charging infrastructure. With digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising already proving itself to be an effective […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-monetize-your-ev-charging-stations-with-digital-place-based-advertisinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-monetize-your-ev-charging-stations-with-digital-place-based-advertising<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 08 Aug 2022 16:38:00 GMT<p>The charging environment is still very new, but it’s not too early for companies to position themselves to compete in it. Sales of electric passenger vehicles have surged in recent years, and there’s an undeniable, and growing, need for public EV charging infrastructure. With digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising already proving itself to be an effective alternative to third-party cookie-based customer engagement tactics, digital signage attached to EV charging stations is a powerful pairing and a smart, future-friendly EV charging monetization strategy.</p><p>EVcharging stations equipped with DOOH displays offer site hosts an opportunity to produce new revenue streams or expand on existing ones while also advancing broader efforts to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. If you’re thinking about starting an EV charging station business—or you’re considering adding on-site public EV chargers to an existing business location—read on to learn why you should leverage DOOH for monetization along with tips to help you maximize your profits.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Business benefits of public EV charging</h2><p>Public charging stations for electric vehicles come with a number of business benefits for both site hosts and network owners (or, site hosts that are owner-operators). They help attract a new, ‘greener’ customer base that’s <a href="https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328040925_Environmental_Attributes_of_Electric_Vehicle_Ownership_and_Commuting_Behavior_in_Maryland_Public_Policy_and_Equity_Considerations">valuable to on-site businesses</a>, instantly <a href="https://atlaspolicy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Public-EV-Charging-Business-Models-for-Retail-Site-Hosts.pdf">enhance a retailer’s reputation</a> while reducing transportation greenhouse gas emissions, and increase the amount of time (and money) customers spend at a location. But the most obvious way EV charging can boost profits is the revenue earned from the stations themselves.&nbsp;</p><p>Depending on the business model you choose, there is some value that can be derived from direct sources of revenue, like drivers paying a subscription or fee for charging. But while your customers might be fine with paying something for your charging services, <a href="https://www.fuelsinstitute.org/Research/Reports/EV-Consumer-Behavior/EV-Consumer-Behavior-Report.pdf">convenience appears to have the greatest influence</a> on choice of charging location. That’s why <a href="https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/energy-efficiency/spotlight-energy-efficiency/2021/04/18/electric-vehicle-chargers-the-basics/23564">over 80% of EV owners</a> charge at home. So how can you balance customer convenience and affordability with your desire to actually turn a profit? The answer is DOOH advertising.</p><h2 >Why leverage DOOH to monetize EV charging?</h2><p>If you look at your EV charging stations as potential advertising platforms, everything changes. With the end of third-party cookies forcing marketers to rethink their digital engagement strategies, the ability to reach consumers as they go about their daily lives is more valuable than ever. Ad placements attached to EV charging stations offer brands access to a captive audience that’s <a href="https://www.ibm.com/downloads/cas/EXK4XKX8">highly desirable for third-party advertisers</a>. And with global spending on DOOH <a href="https://www.statista.com/statistics/272951/global-digital-out-of-home-advertising-expenditure-since-2000/">expected to reach $15.9 billion by 2027</a>, adding place-based digital advertising to your EV chargers is a great way for your business to capitalize on this demand.&nbsp;</p><p>Byincluding DOOH as part of your business model, you can give customers convenience without asking for anything in return—which is a great way to start attracting EV drivers to your location—and you can also boost your company’s profits with additional income from ad revenue. It’s a win-win-win situation, bringing benefits to you, your customers, and third-party advertisers.</p><h2 >How to make money from EV charging stations with DOOH</h2><p>In<a href="https://atlaspolicy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Public-EV-Charging-Business-Models-for-Retail-Site-Hosts.pdf">a recent study</a>, advertising revenue was found to have the largest impact on EV charging station profitability of all the modeled revenue sources. Of course, this revenue would be entirely dependent on the value advertisers see in using a particular location as well as the way you choose to manage ad sales, programming, and placement.&nbsp;</p><p>Ifyou want to successfully monetize your EV network with DOOH, there are a few things you need to consider. These best practices will set your business up for future success and ensure each charging station brings in as much new revenue as possible.</p><h2 >Location, location, location</h2><p>Thepotential DOOH revenue an EV charging station can generate is contingent on the value advertisers ascribe to its location. Owners that place charging stations in high-traffic areas, like the entrance to a shopping mall, can expect higher revenue from advertising due to the large potential audience and higher number of impressions. Chargers placed in convenient locations with high dwell times are also desirable to brands and thus likely to bring in more ad revenue.&nbsp;</p><h2 >EV driver behavioral insights</h2><p>Anotherway to grow profits is through data-backed behavioral analysis. The retail industry thrives on hard data and customer analytics, relying on shopper insights to make smarter decisions around everything from pricing models to supply chain management. Today’s DOOH platforms deliver similar reporting and insight analysis to help you gain a deeper understanding of customer EV charging behaviour—such as the most popular times of day to charge or your customers’ average dwell time—and determine potential areas of growth.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Programmatic selling</h2><p>In 2022, <a href="https://www.insiderintelligence.com/insights/programmatic-digital-display-ad-spending/">over 90% of all digital display ad dollars</a> will transact programmatically. Tap into this market by enabling programmatic transactions across your EV charging network’s digital screens. This data-backed approach saves you time and opens the door to all sorts of measurable, highly-targeted, and <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home/">dynamic DOOH campaigns</a> that can be activated in real-time based on consumer behaviour and current audience demographics. All of these advantages make programmatic selling a surefire way to maximize your revenue from ad sales.</p><h2 >The right DOOH software</h2><p>The&nbsp;easiest way to monetize your EV charging station investment through DOOH advertising is to partner with a technology solution provider like <a href="https://broadsign.com">Broadsign</a>. Today’s digital signage software covers a range of roles in the management of your DOOH network and includes powerful tools to optimize effectiveness and efficiency. In addition to managing content and serving ads to your digital signs, digital signage software can help you maximize your network’s efficiency and revenue by enabling programmatic selling, optimizing the direct selling process, and integrating with your EV charging management software.</p><h2 >Choosing the best digital signage software to monetize your EV charging stations: Key features to look for in 2022</h2><p>Whetheryou’re planning to build a DOOH-enabled EV charging network from the get-go or looking to upgrade your existing network with new digital signage, your choice of software is going to play a big role in determining your business’s success.&nbsp;</p><p>There are a few different companies that can provide these types of services, so to help you assess which DOOH solution is the best fit for your business, we’ve outlined some key software features that will help you maximize the ad revenue from your EV charging stations.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Support for SoC</h2><p>In&nbsp;the past few years, "system-on-chip" (SoC) displays have become increasingly popular as a relatively inexpensive and streamlined solution for digital signage. But the appeal of these all-in-one "smart" screens is partly offset by the limitations of the native software. Because SoC displays are typically limited in their out-of-the-box content and campaign management capabilities, you should look for <a href="https://broadsign.com/system-on-chip/">a digital signage solution that includes support for SoC</a>. This will allow you to roll out lower-cost displays across your network without compromising on potential revenue or efficiency.</p><h2 >Extensibility</h2><p>Some of the coolest content in digital out-of-home is created by integrating data feeds, audience analytics tools, and other capabilities that aren’t generally included in digital signage software by default. If you want to be able to deliver great advertising, gain insights into the demographic makeup of your audience, or attract&nbsp; potential media buyers, make sure your digital signage software will be able to integrate with all the tools and data you need. With <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/">an automated digital signage solution</a>, you can even connect with your charging station software to trigger dynamic content playback based on the information your charger is reading.</p><h2 >Scalability</h2><p>Electric vehicles are <a href="https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/automotive-and-assembly/our-insights/a-turning-point-for-us-auto-dealers-the-unstoppable-electric-car">on track to account for 53% of passenger-car sales</a> in the US by 2030—and EV charging networks will have to scale quickly in order to meet the resulting demand. An industry-leading DOOH solution like Broadsign’s makes it easy to run advertising across your whole network with only a small team to manage your scheduling and screens. The right solution will scale with you, letting you manage 5, 50, or 5,000 screens with just about the same ease. That means you don’t have to stress about growing the way you want to.</p><h2 >Smarter sales</h2><p>If your digital signage software has limited campaign management capabilities or doesn’t enable programmatic selling, then you’re missing out on potential revenue. <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/">A sales and campaign management tool</a> specifically designed for out-of-home can help you optimize your ad sales with real-time inventory availability, intelligent content redistribution, and support for a variety of campaign types. Investing in <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/">an SSP built for DOOH</a> will open your network up to targeted campaigns from around the world and help you generate new revenue programmatically. And with <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-platform/">an integrated DOOH platform like Broadsign’s</a>, you can connect all of your tools so that booked campaigns, whether they’re sold directly or programmatically</p><p><strong>Want to unlock the full value of your EV charging network with DOOH?</strong></p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/electric-charging-stations-digital-signage">Contact</a> our team to get started!</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How ChargeEuropa is powering Poland and Croatia with DOOH-enabled EV charging stations]]><![CDATA[

With gas prices and concerns around climate change at all-time highs, more car buyers are looking to make the switch to electric vehicles. A recent study conducted by Ernst & Young revealed that 52% of the worldwide population is actively looking to own an EV. There’s been talk of it for quite some time, but […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-chargeeuropa-is-powering-poland-and-croatia-with-dooh-enabled-ev-charging-stationshttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-chargeeuropa-is-powering-poland-and-croatia-with-dooh-enabled-ev-charging-stations<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 08 Aug 2022 14:31:23 GMT<p>With gas prices and concerns around climate change at all-time highs, more car buyers are looking to make the switch to electric vehicles. A recent <a href="https://www.ey.com/en_gl/news/2022/05/tipping-point-reached-as-more-than-half-of-global-car-buyers-see-electric-vehicle-for-the-first-time">study</a> conducted by Ernst &amp; Young revealed that 52% of the worldwide population is actively looking to own an EV. There’s been talk of it for quite some time, but it seems as though consumers are finally ready for the electrification of the automotive industry.</p><p>But as more EVs hit the open road, the fact remains that these automobiles rely on electricity to get from A to B — and proper charging stations aren’t always the easiest to come by. As of right now, the industry is still in its infancy, though burgeoning, meaning that many municipalities haven’t yet included installation in their budgets or have the resources yet to justify building the infrastructure.&nbsp;</p><p>Fortunately, pioneering companies like <a href="https://chargeeuropa.com/">ChargeEuropa</a> are stepping up to the plate by bringing free EV charging to two countries in the beginning stages of EV infrastructure development, Poland and Croatia. Through a small-but-mighty network of DOOH-enabled, ad-supported charging stations in premium locations, ChargeEuropa is able to provide EV drivers with accessible charging where they shop, work, or eat. At a time when more businesses across various industries are focusing efforts on green initiatives, ChargeEuropa is showcasing how DOOH can contribute to sustainable living.</p><h2 >Sparking change in Poland and Croatia&nbsp;</h2><p>Headquartered in Poland, ChargeEuropa was co-founded by Matt Tymowski, an entrepreneur with a background in clean energy. He teamed up with Euan Wheatley, whose past experience was instrumental in bringing the DOOH advertising component of the business to life. When the electric vehicle industry’s growth in other European countries was starting to find its footing, Tymowski wanted to do the same in his home country. And so, with the goal of installing ad-based charging stations across the country, ChargeEuropa was born in 2017.&nbsp;</p><figure }</script></figure><p>ChargeEuropa’s network now consists of 10 charging stations strategically deployed in high-trafficked areas such as shopping centre parking lots, in front of restaurants, or office buildings. Each of its Level 2 charging stations are outfitted with 65" touch-enabled, interactive screens that for now run exclusively ad-based content. Equipping its totems with DOOH screens fits neatly into ChargeEuropa’s broader vision of sustainability, given that digital out-of-home is also a more sustainable platform than traditional out-of-home.</p><p>For many companies, choosing to advertise on ChargeEuropa’s network showcases support for and commitment to sustainable initiatives. Not only do their ads help sponsor free EV charging and promote cleaner transportation, but they reach a wide swath of the population, both pedestrians and EV drivers. For the team, joining forces with exciting brands means the company can leverage these partnerships to expand its network. While this system benefits both media owners and advertisers, it’s ultimately the drivers who take home the most, given that ChargeEuropa is offering free charging to more people.&nbsp;</p><h2 >The misconceptions about EV charging stations</h2><p>While still in its early stages, ChargeEuropa has already seen early success. While plans to incorporate a variety of messaging are on the horizon, for the time being, its network runs strictly on ads. Because many brands are looking to boost ESG (environmental, societal, and governance) efforts, organizations that embrace sustainability are a natural fit for partnering with ChargeEuropa, but really, all types of brands and ads are welcome to fill up ad space.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>That’s likely because the company doesn’t target EV drivers exclusively and delivers messaging that caters to foot traffic too. This is one major misconception around its DOOH-slash-EV charging station model — brands might be hesitant to jump on board, thinking that the charging station only reaches one set of eyes at a time. But in reality, retailers and fast-moving consumer goods can all benefit from this positioning as ChargeEuropa’s stations are typically located in retail parking lots and can influence last-minute purchasing decisions as a result.&nbsp;</p><p>Another goal of ChargeEuropa is to emphasize the power of using touch screen technology. Tymowski cites a recent example in which an EV manufacturer ran an ad campaign as a lead generation tool. Passersby were invited to fill out a form, and a nearby dealership would contact them to encourage them to take out an EV car for a test drive. This campaign and others like it demonstrate what’s possible with using interactive digital signage to drive interest.&nbsp;</p><h2 >ChargeEuropa and Broadsign&nbsp;</h2><p>One thing’s for sure, ChargeEuropa has its sights set on growth. To help support its big plans for expansion, the EV charging network operator looked to digital signage solutions that could help them bring their vision for free charging to life. Ultimately, the team went with Broadsign because they sought a gold-standard solution. CEO Matt Tymowski explains what went into that decision here.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>For now, the company is still young and hasn’t yet leveraged dynamic capabilities, but it’s definitely in the cards. Currently, ChargeEuropa’s goals are to expand its network. Their ultimate goal? To be seen as more than just an EV charging network, but as a team with a pioneering vision, ChargeEuropa will keep evolving and stay in-the-know with market demands. With programmatic transacting becoming an increasingly important element for players in the DOOH space, the team eventually plans to onboard its network to Reach. For now, steady and sustainable growth is how ChargeEuropa is gaining traction in the domain. &nbsp;The company intends to expand its offering, focusing its efforts on early-adopter countries that are relatively new to the EV space. By leveraging the power of DOOH, ChargeEuropa plans to monetize EV charging networks in cities that need it the most while providing their investors with a healthy ROI.&nbsp;</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >What’s next&nbsp;</h2><p>As ChargeEuropa carries on its mission of powering vehicles, they’re showcasing how integrating DOOH with charging stations can serve many purposes, among them helping to promote cleaner transportation. Demand for EVs is picking up speed, so brands looking to meet consumers where they are can turn to pioneering companies like ChargeEuropa.&nbsp;</p><p>Reach audiences in innovative, electrifying ways by deploying an advertising network with a greater purpose. <a href="https://broadsign.com/electric-charging-stations-digital-signage">Get in touch</a> with us today!</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How media agency Frontier Australia puts a pDOOH spin on omnichannel campaigns with Broadsign Ads]]><![CDATA[

To watch the full interview, click here. For media and marketing agency Frontier Australia, performance is key. Founded in 1998, the Sydney-based agency strives to deliver measurable and effective results for clients while helping drive brand awareness and recognition. With its data-centric approach, the agency focuses on maximizing campaign performance through cross-platform advertising, helping clients […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-media-agency-frontier-australia-puts-a-pdooh-spin-on-omnichannel-campaigns-with-broadsign-adshttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-media-agency-frontier-australia-puts-a-pdooh-spin-on-omnichannel-campaigns-with-broadsign-ads<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 04 Aug 2022 12:14:00 GMT<p><em>To watch the full interview, click <a href="https://youtu.be/IGUpSauqUfo">here</a>.</em></p><p>For media and marketing agency <a href="https://www.frontieraustralia.com.au/">Frontier Australia</a>, performance is key. Founded in 1998, the Sydney-based agency strives to deliver measurable and effective results for clients while helping drive brand awareness and recognition. With its data-centric approach, the agency focuses on maximizing campaign performance through cross-platform advertising, helping clients plan, create, launch, and measure media campaigns.&nbsp;</p><p>We recently caught up with Denver Rego, Head of Biddable Media at Frontier Australia, to get his thoughts on balancing performance with brand-building, measuring campaign success, and working with <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a> (formerly Campsite) to launch exciting pDOOH campaigns for clients.</p><h2 >The balance between brand-building and performance marketing</h2><p>As Head of Biddable Media, Denver’s role supports agency teams in delivering their best digital strategies while integrating them within a wider marketing mix. With KPIs being a primary focus of Frontier, Denver also ensures that all digital activities are planned and executed in line with client expectations. The team works with clients to achieve KPIs beyond traditional metrics, ensuring that any planned or bought media can correlate to business outcomes like leads, website traffic, or revenue-based goals. And as today’s media landscape shifts in a post-pandemic world, the agency is focusing on optimizing specific channels that are experiencing a resurgence as consumer behaviour changes.</p><p>We’re now seeing an influx in channels like out-of-home (OOH), cinema, and streaming services like CTV as advertisers resume spend that was scaled back or paused during lockdowns. According to Denver, this demonstrates that the media landscape is constantly changing, and there needs to be more flexibility in distributing content where consumers are spending time. As a result, advertisers must diversify their marketing efforts to include campaigns that drive brand awareness. Striking a balance between brand-building and performance advertising is essential, and this topic is a big focus of conversation for Frontier and its clients, particularly around KPIs and how to measure brand-building. "We want our clients to grow," he says. "If the focus is only on short-term performance goals, there’s a long-term growth element that gets left on the table." With the current economic conditions around the world, it’s not surprising that many brands are prioritizing short-term sales, but as Denver tells us, it’s important to have a complete view of what the next couple of years will look like and not neglect the importance of brand awareness.</p><p>Transparency is also a hot topic in the programmatic media market. More education is needed throughout the industry, and Denver explains that agencies working on behalf of advertisers need to be transparent with clients on fees and how media is being bought. "We need to make sure we’re constantly having those conversations with clients and acting as true business partners. Being transparent is probably the best thing we can do for our client relationships," he says.</p><h2 >Where does pDOOH fit within an omnichannel media plan?</h2><p>Frontier’s clients have more options available now that the OOH market is growing again. "In terms of the role of OOH, I still see the medium as a brand-building and contextual channel in its simplest form," says Denver. Many of the agency’s fashion clients rely on OOH during the year when they’re launching a new season or collection. "With pDOOH, we have additional flexibility to be more tactical while complimenting the wider media mix."&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><p>Typical buys are usually done based on format, with many clients going after large-format providers. According to Denver, audience-based buys are always a consideration, particularly when it comes to reach and frequency, but the shining star of programmatic is the ability to adjust campaigns based on data triggers. "Where we can get nuanced is using <a href="https://broadsign.com/resources/blog/cloudy-with-a-chance-of-awesome-campaigns-weather-moments-now-available-in-broadsign-ads">triggers</a>, particularly if it’s raining, if it’s hot or cold, or if certain news is prevalent. If we want to focus on one or two particular locations within a specific market, we can do that as well," he says.</p><p>Frontier’s advertising clients will typically lean on the agency for information on purchasing ads programmatically. "We take the opportunity to have discussions with clients around how we plan and buy DOOH ads programmatically because it is different than traditional OOH. There are a few nuances, and we just need to educate our clients around the pros and cons of each way of buying media," Denver explains. In terms of KPIs, the agency focuses on ensuring that they’re delivering in terms of budget and reach perspective, delivering on the impression multiplier goals, and in terms of costs. As reporting becomes more granular, they expect to be evaluating changes in impressions when ads are served on a day-by-day or weekly basis. For example, impressions spike in retail environments on a Saturday when people are out and about. "We look at the overall big picture, but we also look at micro trends to see if we can uncover anything as well," says Denver.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>As we get closer to living in a cookieless world, Denver predicts that the nature of pDOOH will continue to evolve, making it easier to plan and buy ads. As such, advertisers will need to lean into the experience and focus on the role that context plays in a successful campaign. Advertisers will need to have multiple strategies to diversify their media, and one of those strategies is making sure they’re placing brand messaging in the right contextual environments to reach the right audiences. As a newer medium compared to other channels, the steep learning curve can be a big hindrance but also the biggest opportunity for many advertisers. "You’ve got a bit of a roadblock when there are traditional marketers that are a little hesitant to jump into a new environment," says Denver. "There’s an education factor needed for a wider adoption of pDOOH in a changing media landscape."</p><h2 >Planning and executing pDOOH campaign with Broadsign Ads</h2><p>Before turning to Broadsign Ads to plan and execute client campaigns, the team at Frontier would contact each media owner individually to ask what inventory and specs they had. Broadsign Ads helped to standardize the process of buying ad space, explains Denver, eliminating the need to talk with multiplier media owners which takes time when you have to look at availability, negotiate rates, and consider the nuances of different types of client advertising, like alcohol for example.</p><p>"With Broadsign Ads, is very straightforward. That time is saved when you can jump into the platform because you don’t really need to have a lot of those conversations. The ease of which you can saves you a lot of time effectively, then you can spend more time optimizing campaigns and measuring effectiveness."&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><p>On a usability level, the team appreciates the fact that campaign proposals can be created and shared with clients immediately. "From an ease of use perspective, Broadsign Ads ticks that box. For transparency, clients can see exactly what they’re going to be buying and where, particularly with the location group that’s available. If there are particular inclusions or exclusions, we can do that as well." They also find it extremely easy to use the platform compared to other digital platforms. "The design and user interface allow for someone at all levels of experience to use it. Anyone can jump in and plan an OOH campaign," Denver tells us.</p><figure ><small>With Broadsign Ads, users can select exactly which environments to include in their campaigns</small></figcaption></figure><p>The platform’s dynamic location grid makes it easy for the team to select inventory based on the clients’ campaign parameters, featuring images of actual formats within those locations. This is especially useful for Frontier when their clients have particular location preferences. Denver gives the example of a client who wanted to ensure that no ads were displayed in any gas stations. Using the location grid, the agency was able to remove all gas stations in the agreed-upon locale. "It makes the conversation with the client much more productive because you’re both on the same level of understanding. You can show them exactly what can be done in real time, and they can change whatever they want in terms of campaign parameters. The flexibility is the best thing within Broadsign Ads."</p><blockquote ><p>"I really like the ease of use of Broadsign Ads, and the user interface is extremely user-friendly. The planning tools and the ability to chop and change proposals within a matter of seconds are a huge benefit to agencies. The platform is easy to learn as the workflows are largely similar to other digital platforms, and the ability to layer multiple targeting strategies like location triggers and data triggers is a huge strength."</p><p><em>Denver Rego, Head of Biddable Media at Frontier Australia</em></p></blockquote><h3 >Learn more about running creative and impactful DOOH campaigns with Broadsign Ads.</h3><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/book-demo">Book a demo </a>with one of our experts to plan your next campaign.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[EV charging stations & digital signage: A guide to EV place-based advertising]]><![CDATA[

Electric charging stations are becoming big business, and while there is ample opportunity available today, a steep increase in competition and a need to differentiate from other players in the space are key challenges for new and established networks alike. To succeed, charging networks must find ways to draw in new customers and gain their […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/ev-charging-stations-digital-signage-a-guide-to-ev-place-based-advertisinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/ev-charging-stations-digital-signage-a-guide-to-ev-place-based-advertising<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 01 Aug 2022 07:45:33 GMT<p>Electric charging stations are becoming big business, and while there is ample opportunity available today, a steep increase in competition and a need to differentiate from other players in the space are key challenges for new and established networks alike. To succeed, charging networks must find ways to draw in new customers and gain their loyalty, and one of the best ways to do so is to layer additional functionality on top of the chargers themselves.</p><p>Increasingly, the route taken by forward-looking EV charging businesses is to pair their charging stations equipped with digital displays that can display ads and other visual content. These displays offer the perfect place to advertise to climate-conscious consumers, and <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">digital out-of-home (DOOH) media</a> is proving to be an increasingly effective form of advertising in the face of <a href="https:/blog.hubspot.com/marketing/banner-blindness" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">diminishing online display ad returns</a>. Buyer demand for DOOH is only going up.</p><p>Whether the advertisem*nt is for a partner brand, retail stores in the surrounding area, or the company that owns the charging station, digital signage on EV charging stations creates the potential for increased revenue and can be used to offer audiences a personalized guest service experience from the moment they step out of their car. Consumers today expect to be served a constant stream of fresh, contextually-relevant content on-demand—and outdoor signage on EV charging stations provide the perfect opportunity to accomplish this.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>In this article, we’ll explain why EV charging stations are desirable locations for outdoor ad placement and how digital displays can be used to further monetize your network of chargers. That way, you can get up to speed on this exciting opportunity and start leveraging everything this powerful pairing has to offer.</p><h2 >Are EV charging stations profitable? The challenges of monetizing electric charging stations</h2><p>With electric vehicles taking over the world of mobility, the race is on to build a network of conveniently-located charging stations to keep those cars running. But while the environmental benefits of "going electric &#8221; are clear, the economic benefits related to installing (and maintaining) charging stations are less obvious.&nbsp;</p><p>For starters, there’s often not a whole lot of money to be made purely from selling electricity to drivers. Most EV owners tend to charge their vehicles at home, where overnight electricity costs <a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/bradtempleton/2021/01/25/can-electric-car-charging-be-a-business/?sh=708af5e971e9" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">can dip as low as 2 to 4 cents</a> per mile of driving, or at their place of work. In other words, they tend to choose charging locations based on convenience. Because of this, EV charging companies vying for these drivers’ business need to offer convenient charging locations and relatively low prices in order to stay competitive. Similar to gas stations, <a href="https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/economics-gas-station-rcna19516" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">which actually make most of their profits in their on-site convenience stores</a>, EV charging stations must contend with low profit margins on the sale of their (supposedly) primary product.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Another reason monetization of EV charging stations has historically been challenging: many of the policies designed to drive EV adoption to date <a href="https://www.iea.org/reports/global-ev-outlook-2021/policies-to-promote-electric-vehicle-deployment" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">have relied on significant fiscal incentives</a> to sell customers on the concept and convince them to take the plunge. In addition to instituting purchase subsidies and tax rebates for EV owners, many governments are subsidizing the creation of EV infrastructure to ensure the availability of convenient and affordable publicly accessible chargers.&nbsp;</p><p>While this type of government intervention can help offset one-time equipment and installation costs, it doesn’t cover maintenance and other incidental costs of ownership. Commercial chargers are typically self-service devices, meaning they require services—network connection, payment processing—that come with additional costs. In short, owners of commercial EV chargers must eventually find a self-sustaining way to generate a profit.</p><p>That being said, with more and more electric vehicles on the road, there’s now so much demand for the service that opening a new EV charging station is easier than ever. But <a href="https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/files/energyconsortium/files/rwp18-026_lee_1.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">in the midst of many unresolved regulatory and public policy issues</a>, savvy business owners are realizing that the true money-making potential of EV charging stations lies not in the transactional delivery of electricity, but in their ability to reach a wide audience and engage meaningfully with consumers as they go about their daily lives.</p><h2 >The promise of advertising on EV charging stations</h2><p>At the same time that EV adoption rates are thriving and the number of EV charging stations is rising, marketers are looking for new ways to engage consumers with contextually relevant ad content.&nbsp;</p><p>Cutting through the clutter of highly trafficked digital channels is more challenging than ever, and the demise of third-party cookies will soon put an end to the highly personalized digital ads many marketers have come to rely on. In response, brands are turning to alternative channels like DOOH placements to reach their target audience. One such out-of-home placement that’s proving to be exceptionally promising is electric vehicle charging stations.</p><p>EV charging stations equipped with full screen digital displays offer new opportunities for reaching consumers where they shop, dine, and go to be entertained. Not only are EV owners a highly desirable demographic in terms of disposable income—<a href="https://www.fuelsinstitute.org/Research/Reports/EV-Consumer-Behavior/EV-Consumer-Behavior-Report.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">according to a 2021 survey</a>, most EV owners have an average household annual income of $125,000 to $150,000—but consumers at large have become ‘greener’ in their purchasing in recent years, with <a href="https://info.voltacharging.com/the-rise-of-the-climate-conscious-consumer-report-sign-up-form" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">more than 50% of the general population</a> saying they’d be more interested in doing business with a company that commits to sustainability efforts.&nbsp;</p><p>Brands see advertising on EV charging stations as an opportunity to engage with a large audience of potential customers as they go about their day-to-day; moreover, the placements can lead to a positive association by any climate conscious consumers who are exposed to the ads, whether they’re EV owners or simply mall patrons walking past one of the chargers in the parking lot.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Benefits of using EV charging stations for out-of-home advertising</h2><p>At the same time as brands are seeking out new methods for engaging with a progressively climate-conscious consumer audience, the increasing popularity of electric vehicles has created a unique opportunity for companies to innovate around the infrastructure that will power them.&nbsp;</p><p>By leveraging EV charging stations’ convenient locations, place-based digital media can benefit brands and local businesses alike by:</p><ul><li>Reaching consumers in their communities as they go about their day-to-day</li><li>Encouraging EV owners to spend time inside businesses in the surrounding area</li><li>Positively impacting climate-conscious consumers’ perception of advertisers and (brand perception)</li><li>Generating data-backed insights for partner brands&nbsp;</li></ul><h3 >1: Influence customers close to the point-of-purchase</h3><p>One of the biggest challenges faced by marketers today is finding a way to reach their potential customers closer and closer to the point of purchase. Electric vehicle charging stations with digital displays can be used to engage with shoppers at retail and essential business locations shortly before they make a purchase decision. Because of this, ad placements on EV chargers are very valuable to CPG marketers and advertisers looking for new and innovative ways to connect with consumers in a buying mindset.</p><p>Advertising on EV charging stations also benefits retailers and other businesses in the surrounding area. <a href="https://info.voltacharging.com/the-rise-of-the-climate-conscious-consumer-report-sign-up-form" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">In a recent survey</a>, climate-conscious consumers were asked what they would spend more time doing if they knew they were charging their vehicle conveniently: 64% of people said they would spend more time shopping at retail stores and 56% said they would spend more time grocery shopping.&nbsp;</p><p>Conveniently-placed EV charging stations can help attract a new, ‘greener’ client base; connecting a digital display to a charging station builds on this benefit, helping drive traffic to nearby businesses by suggesting somewhere to eat or showing an ad for a cold drink on a hot sunny day. Depending on the software setup, you could even surface relevant content based on the amount of charge time required for a specific vehicle—so if a driver connects an EV with an estimated thirty minutes of charge time, they might see a message proposing they spend that time in a nearby café.</p><h3 >2: Leave a lasting, and positive, impression</h3><p>Studies have shown <a href="https://info.voltacharging.com/the-rise-of-the-climate-conscious-consumer-report-sign-up-form" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">there are millions of consumers</a> who would be more likely to engage with a brand that puts sustainability front and center. At the same time, it’s become more difficult to get customers’ attention, with the already oversaturated online space seeing a decrease in the effectiveness of display ads due to "<a href="https:/blog.hubspot.com/marketing/banner-blindness" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">banner blindness</a>" and digital device burnout. Advertising on EV charging stations can be used to address both of these realities: first, by enabling attention-grabbing digital content formats; and second, by creating a positive perception of the brand amongst climate-conscious consumers.&nbsp;</p><p>While it’s become easier for consumers to ignore the constant stream of online ads they’re exposed to each day, out-of-home advertising <a href="https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/consumer-research-shows-heightened-receptivity-to-out-of-home-messaging-especially-in-big-urban-areas-301226044.html" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">is actually becoming more effective</a>. People are spending more time commuting—with more workers now doing so via electric vehicles—and are continuing to seek outdoor dining and activities. In a world already cluttered with advertisem*nts, digital outdoor ads provide an opportunity to meaningfully connect with consumers and leave a lasting impression. And with Deloitte predicting that <a href="https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/focus/future-of-mobility/electric-vehicle-trends-2030.html" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">32% of global new car sales will be electric by 2030</a>, brands that reach consumers on EV charging stations are setting the stage for long term engagement.</p><p>In addition to establishing a connection, climate-conscious consumers will have a positive perception of brands that choose to advertise on EV charging stations. Unlike so many other things that can influence ad performance today, such as the weather, the news, and trending social media hashtags, climate change is not a temporary concern; this means that consumers are looking for brands that demonstrate a consistent commitment to long-term positive climate action. Advertising on electric vehicle charging stations creates a unique opportunity for brands to connect with climate-conscious consumers while contributing to an electric future—thus becoming an active part of the climate solution.</p><h3 >3: Maximize profits and defray operational costs&nbsp;</h3><p>Remember when we said there’s not a ton of money to be made from the sale of electricity alone? Well, with the rise of digital out-of-home and place-based advertising—and as more CPG and other marketers realize the benefits of advertising on EV charging stations—network owners are now in a unique position to capitalize on this demand. Charging stations with digital displays can bring in additional revenue by serving as a vehicle for advertising; this opens up new opportunities for profitability beyond the sale of electricity, turning EV charging station networks into a real <em>business</em> as opposed to a public utility trying to offset operational and maintenance costs.</p><p>The digital displays on the market today are a far cry from the static billboards first seen along interstate highways. In-screen sensors capable of recognizing gesture, environmental changes, and WiFi-enabled mobile devices act as data sources, making it possible to measure the effectiveness of digital out-of-home ads with more accuracy than was previously possible. Anonymized audience data can also be used to deliver messaging that’s tailored to the demographics of the environment in which the charger sits; these types of campaigns offer more granular audience-targeting capabilities, something many advertisers are willing to pay more for because it usually results in better ROI.&nbsp;</p><p>In short, today’s digital displays enable engaging consumer interactions with dynamic content and are crucial for enabling programmatic transactions—all factors that help make advertising on EV charging stations more appealing to CPG marketers and other brands.&nbsp;</p><p>And if you power your displays with <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-platform/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">a cloud-based software solution specifically designed for digital outdoor advertising</a>, you can use automation to simplify scheduling, enable programmatic selling, and rebalance inventory to accommodate more campaigns—helping you maximize ad profits and optimize messaging delivery across your entire EV charging station network.</p><p><strong>Interested in place-based advertising for your EV charging network?</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/electric-charging-stations-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Find out more here!</a></strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Discover Broadsign Reach Header Bidder, the smarter way to work with multiple programmatic partners]]><![CDATA[

There’s been an industry-wide shift and pDOOH adoption is on the rise. This is in large part due to how the format facilitates and automates the buying and selling of programmatic ads. We’re seeing more media owners embracing pDOOH transacting and incorporating programmatic platforms like Broadsign Reach (and other SSPs) into their revenue mix, a […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/discover-broadsign-reach-header-bidder-the-smarter-way-to-work-with-multiple-programmatic-partnershttps://broadsign.com/blog/discover-broadsign-reach-header-bidder-the-smarter-way-to-work-with-multiple-programmatic-partners<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 27 Jul 2022 16:49:28 GMT<p>There’s been an industry-wide shift and pDOOH adoption is on the rise. This is in large part due to how the format facilitates and automates the buying and selling of programmatic ads. We&#8217;re seeing more media owners embracing pDOOH transacting and incorporating programmatic platforms like <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/">Broadsign Reach</a> (and other SSPs) into their revenue mix, a move that usually equals greater profits.</p><p>The catch? Usually, to work with multiple supply-side platforms (SSPs), media owners must split their ad slots between different SSPs. But this can be an inefficient way to go about things, and sometimes different SSPs don’t always work well together. Besides, media owners shouldn&#8217;t have to run their programmatic business across three different SSPs or block inventory from guaranteed buys. To minimize complications, Broadsign is introducing a smarter way for media owners to work with multiple programmatic partners.</p><p>The Broadsign Reach Header Bidder acts as an ad exchange between multiple SSPs and a single host SSP. So rather than sticking to the current (and clunky) process, which sees media owners reserving a dedicated slot for each SSP partner, Broadsign Reach Header Bidder offers a one-to-many programmatic solution. It’s all backed by our fair play auction, so the highest bid wins.</p><p>Check out the video below to see how it works:</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 ><strong>Why this solution?&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>With programmatic growth on the rise, increased efficiency and optimization yield management is only going to help fuel the pDOOH wave taking over the industry. As the saying goes, it takes a village and in order to stimulate programmatic growth — our ultimate goal — industry-wide collaboration needs to happen.&nbsp;</p><p>That’s where Broadsign Reach Header Bidder comes in. This solution is especially beneficial because we’re seeing more media owners work with multiple SSPs —but to do so, they are required to reserve a separate HTML wrapper or container in an ad loop for reach, thus reducing the overall yield on their inventory. The Header Bidder combines pDOOH demand from multiple SSPs into one slot and chooses the winning bid to play based on Broadsign’s fair play auction logic. Furthermore, it&#8217;s natively integrated with Broadsign Control creating a smoother ad viewing experience for audiences. Broadsign media owners can enjoy features like gapless playback, screen synchronization, preemptible campaigns, and pre-caching for faster ad loading and optimization.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>Who benefits?&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>Media owners running Broadsign Reach who are looking to consolidate their programmatic demand will undoubtedly benefit from this solution. Not only does it help streamline the process, but it also removes the need to work with multiple HTML5 wrappers. It frees up more ad space to create more guaranteed ad opportunities. It’s yet another way we’ve got media owners’ best interests in mind.</p><p>All sounds pretty great, right? Contact us today to <a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/">schedule a demo</a> and see how Broadsign can help open your inventory available to new buyers across the globe.&nbsp;</p><div style="height:100px" aria-hidden="true" ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How INEO is using location-based advertising to offer loss prevention to retailers, for free]]><![CDATA[

Now that most pandemic restrictions have been lifted, brick-and-mortar stores are faced with the need to adapt to new consumer habits and expectations while also trying to recover lost revenue. There’s a lot at stake; and with shrink recently found to be at an all-time high in the US, accounting for 1.62% of a retailer’s […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-ineo-is-using-location-based-advertising-to-offer-loss-prevention-to-retailers-for-freehttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-ineo-is-using-location-based-advertising-to-offer-loss-prevention-to-retailers-for-free<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 26 Jul 2022 07:00:00 GMT<p>Now that most pandemic restrictions have been lifted, brick-and-mortar stores are faced with the need to adapt to new consumer habits and expectations while also trying to recover lost revenue. There’s a lot at stake; and <a href="https://cdn.nrf.com/sites/default/files/2020-07/RS-105905_2020_NationalRetailSecuritySurvey.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">with shrink recently found to be at an all-time high in the US</a>, accounting for 1.62% of a retailer’s bottom line and costing the industry an estimated $61.7 billion, it’s small wonder that loss prevention has become more of a priority for the majority of retailers.</p><p><a href="https://www.ineosolutionsinc.com" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">INEO Solutions Inc.</a>, a provider of location-based digital advertising, analytics, and loss prevention solutions for retailers, has come up with a creative solution to help brick-and-mortar retail stores address this problem. Combining industry-leading loss prevention technology with digital screens, INEO’s patented in-store advertising platform leverages rising demand for DOOH so they can offer their devices to retail stores, for free.</p><h2 >Solving an existing security need with DOOH</h2><p>Six years ago, INEO’s founder, Greg Watkin, set out to develop a loss prevention pedestal for retailers that also included a digital display. He’d noticed that many retail stores weren’t taking advantage of their most valuable real estate—the front entrance—and saw an opportunity to turn the loss prevention devices that were typically placed there into digital signage for OOH advertising.&nbsp;</p><p>The concept behind the resulting device is simple: retailers get a free loss prevention and self-promotion media tool in exchange for running DOOH advertisem*nts in their store. Since its founding in 2016, INEO has grown its network of digital loss prevention pedestals to 150 locations, with plans to increase to 225 by the end of 2022.</p><h2 >Equipping retailers with the technology they need to succeed</h2><p>INEO’s ambitions were never just to display DOOH advertising. Part of what makes the company’s approach unique in the DOOH space is its continued focus on loss prevention and the benefits they’re committed to offering small business owners.&nbsp;</p><p>Rather than simply adding digital signage to locations where it didn’t exist before, INEO’s pedestals address security concerns with cutting-edge loss prevention technology—then layer the advantages of in-store digital retail media on top of it. And the best part for retailers, especially the small brick-and-mortar stores that were hit hardest by the pandemic, is there’s no cost to them.</p><p>"The pitch is basically that they get a loss prevention device at no charge," says Frank Halbach, Managing Director at INEO. "And most retailers are extremely happy about that. What we get in return is access to the advertising inventory that’s on those devices."</p><p>INEO gives each retail location between 10 and 15% of that inventory to use for themselves, and does all of the creative for them. So in addition to the loss prevention aspects, retailers are getting free digital signage that can be used to promote in-store specials and communicate company updates. A lot of the stores INEO works with are also happy to use some of their space for public service announcements.&nbsp;</p><p>"During the height of COVID we had a lot of messaging regarding distancing and mask wearing," says Halbach. "We also have a big campaign for MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) that’s constantly running and the stores are very happy with that."</p><p>INEO’s loss prevention device also provides access to anonymized data and analytics that help retailers better understand their customers. This audience data provides information about each location’s customer demographics and foot traffic that store owners can use to improve the in-store experience for their customers.</p><h2 >Partnering with Broadsign to optimize ad revenue</h2><p>To support this innovative approach—where retail stores gain access to an advertising, data analytics, and theft detection media platform, free of charge—and also meet its ambitious expansion goals, INEO needed to maximize its revenue from ad sales. The leadership team understood that programmatic selling would open up INEO’s network inventory to new digital media buyers around the globe, and were impressed by the <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Reach</a> programmatic OOH platform.</p><p>In addition to automating content delivery and programmatic transactions, Broadsign Reach offers benefits like real-time inventory availability, accurate insights into network performance, and flexible programming options. All of this made our self-serve SSP a good fit for INEO, which wanted more than a new place to showcase their inventory.</p><p>"What’s really important for me is that we have a partner going forward," says Halbach. "I don’t just want programmatic to be something that’s running alongside our other sales methods because I think we have an opportunity to actively drive the business."</p><p>As INEO continues to expand its network of digital loss prevention pedestals, Broadsign’s DOOH solutions will provide them with the visibility they need to continuously optimize their ad sales and scale up their revenue from programmatic selling.&nbsp;</p><p>"I don’t want to be passive," says Halbach. "And with Broadsign, we have a partner that can help us understand what we need to do to improve and how we can become better at programmatic."</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Request your personalized demo today! </a></p><div style="height:100px" aria-hidden="true" ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Extends Programmatic Ecosystem with Broadsign Reach Header Bidder]]><![CDATA[

Solution helps media owners maximize monetization opportunities by consolidating demand from multiple supply-side partner. Montreal, Canada– July 19, 2022 – Broadsign, the leading out-of-home (OOH) advertising platform, today released Broadsign Reach Header Bidder, a solution for Broadsign Reach users that enables media owners to consolidate and manage programmatic bids from multiple third-party supply-side-platforms (SSPs). Rather […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-extends-programmatic-ecosystem-with-broadsign-reach-header-bidderhttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-extends-programmatic-ecosystem-with-broadsign-reach-header-bidder<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 19 Jul 2022 08:00:00 GMT<p><em>Solution helps media owners maximize monetization opportunities by consolidating demand from multiple supply-side partner.</em></p><p>Montreal, Canada– July 19, 2022 – <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a>, the leading out-of-home (OOH) advertising platform, today released <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/">Broadsign Reach Header Bidder</a>, a solution for <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/?utm_term=broadsign&amp;utm_campaign=Omni+Lab+%7C+SEM+%7C+Brand+%7C+EXT+%26+PHR+-+North+America&amp;utm_medium=ppc&amp;utm_source=adwords&amp;hsa_acc=8791005547&amp;hsa_ad=601598646452&amp;hsa_net=adwords&amp;hsa_cam=17382995409&amp;hsa_src=g&amp;hsa_grp=137284309356&amp;hsa_ver=3&amp;hsa_mt=p&amp;hsa_tgt=kwd-682624834292&amp;hsa_kw=broadsign&amp;gclid=Cj0KCQjwtvqVBhCVARIsAf*ckcRvI7_usK8mkTCm3HqCWF-1xQKOKdGqF35b6Pate3vXLpiPfZCdz6IIaAnuuEALw_wcB">Broadsign Reach</a> users that enables media owners to consolidate and manage programmatic bids from multiple third-party supply-side-platforms (SSPs). Rather than the current practice of reserving a one-to-one slot for each SSP partner, the solution enables a one-to-many approach that allows media owners to simplify ad operations, maximize yield value, and increase fill rates regardless of the SSP handling the transaction.&nbsp;</p><p>Broadsign Reach Header Bidder arrives as more media owners are increasingly working with multiple SSPs &#8212; typically reserving a separate HTML wrapper or container in an ad loop for each, which reduces the overall yield on the available inventory across all channels. The new solution provides an alternative, streamlined approach, combining pDOOH demand from multiple SSPs into one slot in the ad loop and choosing the winning bid to play based on Broadsign’s fair play auction logic. Native integration with Broadsign Control also translates to a smoother, more immersive ad viewing experience for audiences, with media owner access to features like gapless playback, screen synchronization, preemptible campaigns, and pre-caching for faster ad loading and optimization.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>As part of a closed beta program, several OOH media owners spanning North America, Europe, and Australia have already begun to leverage Broadsign Reach Header Bidder to streamline programmatic transactions, including early adopter and leading Australian DOOH operator QMS. "The Broadsign Reach Header Bidder is a big step in the right direction. pDOOH continues to be an enhancer to OOH and with its ongoing growth and demand from existing and new spenders in the category, this solution helps our business continue to focus on delivering client campaigns with precision, context, and impact," shared David Sutherland, QMS General Manager of Programmatic.</p><p>"Continued programmatic DOOH growth is essential to the future of OOH but requires industry-wide collaboration and innovation. The Broadsign Reach Header Bidder aligns with our mission of making it easy for media owners to tap into all available revenue streams, even if from a different platform," shared Edith Gagne, Vice President, Programmatic Success, Broadsign. "Consolidating programmatic demand from multiple SSPs into one environment will drive increased efficiency and optimized yield management, helping to fuel programmatic DOOH momentum overall."&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Pricing and Availability</strong>Broadsign Reach Header Bidder is available today at no additional cost to Broadsign Reach customers with an active contract. Activating the solution is as simple as reaching out to your local account representative.</p><p><strong>About Broadsign</strong>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over 1 million static and digital signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, retail centers, health clinics, transit systems, electric vehicle charging stations, and more, Broadsign reaches audiences at multiple touchpoints throughout the consumer journey. The Broadsign Platform gives marketers and agencies simpler access to premium screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Volkswagen, John Lewis, Samsung, and more, run successful programmatic DOOH campaigns.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[TVM DOOH serves up engaging ad experiences in bars and restaurants]]><![CDATA[

To watch the full interview, click here. For most consumers, bars are a place to drink, socialize, and be entertained. But for one Stockholm-based media owner, bar networks represent an immense opportunity for reaching audiences with engaging digital out-of-home advertising campaigns. Enter TVM DOOH, a DOOH media company lighting up screens with eye-catching ad experiences […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/tvm-dooh-serves-up-engaging-ad-experiences-in-bars-and-restaurantshttps://broadsign.com/blog/tvm-dooh-serves-up-engaging-ad-experiences-in-bars-and-restaurants<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 06 Jul 2022 10:21:23 GMT<p><em>To watch the full interview, click <a href="https://youtu.be/taQW689Mcm8"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">here</span></a>.</em></p><p>For most consumers, bars are a place to drink, socialize, and be entertained. But for one Stockholm-based media owner, bar networks represent an immense opportunity for reaching audiences with engaging digital out-of-home advertising campaigns. Enter <a href="https://www.tvmdooh.com/">TVM DOOH</a>, a DOOH media company lighting up screens with eye-catching ad experiences across bar scenes in Sweden and the United States.</p><p>We recently spoke with Tom Yates, Chief of Product at TVM DOOH to get his insights on everything from the company’s expansive OOH network to how programmatic advertising is helping create the most engaging ad experiences for audiences.</p><h2 ><strong>A pioneer in bar advertising</strong></h2><p>Founded in 2017, the company quickly became an integral part of Sweden and the USA’s OOH market with strategically-placed digital signage in over 2500 venues. Today, TVM DOOH is expanding throughout the United States with over 6000 screens across both markets, earning them over 1.5 billion impressions per month. Describing the company as a fast-growing ‘scale-up’, Tom’s role ensures the successful implementation of screens in venues, which can now be up to 200 new locations per month.&nbsp;</p><p>According to Tom, a key factor that sets TVM DOOH apart from other publishers is its ability to add a layer of entertainment to advertising environments in its network. Once the DOOH screens are installed, bar owners are given an application that allows them to use the screens as a digital marketing platform for their bar. Bar owners can upload personalized content to the app, which is then displayed on DOOH screens in real-time. Content can include food and beverage promotions, sports news, live Twitter feeds, and more, creating a fun and interactive environment for audiences that doesn’t feel like traditional advertising.&nbsp;</p><div ><figure >Bar owners can use TVM DOOH screens to display their own content and promotions.</figcaption></figure></div><p>As Tom explains, these interactive screens are very compelling from a bar owner’s perspective as they can display fun content that adds to the overall atmosphere of a venue. "We want our visitors to love our screens," he says. On the buy-side, advertisers can ensure that screens are always on and well-positioned in an age-gated environment. As bars are prime social settings with long-dwell times, the ads that run across TVM DOOH’s screens capture audience attention for more extended periods compared to subway screens, for example, resulting in good, high-quality display impressions.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>Creating ad experiences with pDOOH</strong></h2><p>One medium contributing to the company’s growth is programmatic DOOH, with programmatic ad spend across their network reaching tens of thousands of dollars per day. "We’re very passionate about programmatic," says Tom, "I believe this is the future of advertising." For Tom, what sets pDOOH apart from traditional OOH is its ability to deliver targeted, contextual impressions. "Today, people are looking at impressions and want to know that those impressions are real," he says. All of TVM DOOH’s screens are individually rated, giving buyers confidence when it comes to impression metrics.&nbsp;</p><p>Additionally, pDOOH ads can be adjusted based on factors like inventory, events, time of day, and more. The team at TVM DOOH can communicate with venues to find out if a particular product, like a certain alcohol brand, is in stock. If the venue has inventory, it can automatically be targeted through pDOOH platforms, and the advertiser can display ads in that particular bar within minutes. When it comes to campaign success, the company has evaluated several brand lifts for alcohol and iGaming campaigns. "We’ve found up to a 400% brand lift and up to 400% more deposits for gaming companies," says Tom. "We’ve been told that has been 5x more effective than other channels for an iGaming campaign that ran in Sweden."&nbsp; With beverage sales in bars specifically, the company has observed a 200% increase in sales for a major alcohol brand.&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><p>In the U.S., the publisher also works with iGaming companies in 21 states. Media buyers can choose their ad spend by state and can make changes on a day-by-day basis, adjusting spend per location based on how well each campaign is doing. "The good thing about programmatic is that the buyer can change their creatives themselves based on each campaign or location. For us, we can start earning revenue from day zero. Inventory is uploaded to the platform and we, along with advertisers, can start earning money right away" says Tom.&nbsp;</p><p>Entertainment giants such as Live Nation and Madison Square Garden have also worked with TVM DOOH to run programmatic campaigns that allow them to change ad spend based on ticket sales, availability, and other factors. Additionally, the company has worked with US government agencies to deliver anti-drinking and driving messaging in bars, displaying a live map of available taxis or Ubers in the area.&nbsp;</p><div ><figure >Sports betting and iGaming feeds can be displayed in real-time across bar screens.</figcaption></figure></div><h2 ><strong>The future of programmatic DOOH</strong></h2><p>With the looming elimination of third-party cookies, Tom predicts that new privacy regulations will push ad spend onto other channels. "I see the future going 100% programmatic," he says. Geolocation, and the analysis methods that rely on geolocation, will be extremely important when it comes to measurement as it will allow advertisers to analyze targeted groups of people on a macro level.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>According to Tom, there are also some skill and tech barriers that the industry as a whole needs to overcome to support the wider adoption of pDOOH. There need to be improvements in data analysis, for example, so buyers and media owners alike can better understand which venues have the best impressions and which venues are the best to target.&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 ><strong>Working with Broadsign Reach SSP</strong></h2><p>To help with the company’s rapid expansion across Sweden and the USA, TVM DOOH turned to <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/">Broadsign Reach SSP</a> to scale its network of strategically-placed digital screens. "Quite often, media buyers and brands will want to choose their own programmatic platforms, so we allow them to do that by ensuring that we’re available on the biggest DSPs and SSPs," says Tom.&nbsp;</p><blockquote ><p><em>"We’re very proud to be one of the first place-based publishers in Europe to be integrated onto Broadsign. Broadsign is a name that I’ve wanted to cross off my list for several years because it&#8217;s always been its own player, which is an awesome business model. Now we have access via API, we are excited to jump on board!"</em></p><cite>Tom Yates, Chief of Product at TVM DOOH</cite></blockquote><p></p><figure ></div></figure><p>As TVM DOOH continues to create advertising experiences across bar networks, the Broadsign platform will help ensure that the company can fully leverage programmatic capabilities while working with advertisers to create engaging and impactful campaigns for both advertisers and audiences.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="https://youtu.be/taQW689Mcm8"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Click here</span></a> to watch the full interview.</p><h5 ><strong>Get started with programmatic DOOH</strong></h5><p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="https://broadsign.com/dsp-partners/#contact">Contact us</a></span> today to learn more about incorporating pDOOH into your media strategy.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Programmatic DOOH: A Team Sport? | AdTech Toronto 2022 Panel]]><![CDATA[

OOH remains the last category of media to go programmatic. What’s holding it back from agency-wide adoption? In this panel recording from our discussion at AdTech Toronto 2022, we examine how legacy agency structures are hindering agencies from embracing the potential of pDOOH, and thus truly innovating for their clients. We also take look at […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/programmatic-dooh-a-team-sport-adtech-toronto-2022-panelhttps://broadsign.com/blog/programmatic-dooh-a-team-sport-adtech-toronto-2022-panel<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 05 Jul 2022 10:09:31 GMT<p>OOH remains the last category of media to go programmatic. What’s holding it back from agency-wide adoption? In this panel recording from our discussion at AdTech Toronto 2022, we examine how legacy agency structures are hindering agencies from embracing the potential of pDOOH, and thus truly innovating for their clients. We also take look at how inter-agency politics are impacting the wider adoption of pDOOH from a patchwork offering to a scalable solution.</p><h4 >Panellists:</h4><p>Gah-Yee Won, Head of Innovation at <a href="https://www.intuit.com/ca/">Intuit</a>Jordan Smart, Director of Business Development at <a href="https://www.thetradedesk.com/us">The Trade Desk</a>Travis Hall, Senior Programmatic Trader at <a href="https://www.beklever.com/">Klever</a>Moderated by Alexie Lopez, Director of DSP Partnerships at <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a></p><figure ></div></figure><h4 >Get started with programmatic DOOH</h4><p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="https://broadsign.com/book-demo/">Book a discovery call</a></span> with one of our experts to start planning your next campaign.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Rajawali Media is changing Outdoor media in Indonesia]]><![CDATA[

In the Indonesian market, digital out-of-home is still a relatively new offering. Most operators are still operating static networks, so any media owner exploring the possibilities of digital screens, audience targeting, or automated buying is pushing the boundaries of innovation. Rajawali Media believes growth is only possible and sustainable by embracing change, and for this […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-rajawali-media-is-changing-outdoor-media-in-indonesiahttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-rajawali-media-is-changing-outdoor-media-in-indonesia<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 04 Jul 2022 12:26:18 GMT<p>In the Indonesian market, digital out-of-home is still a relatively new offering. Most operators are still operating static networks, so any media owner exploring the possibilities of digital screens, audience targeting, or automated buying is pushing the boundaries of innovation.</p><p><a href="https://www.rajawalimedia.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Rajawali Media</a> believes growth is only possible and sustainable by embracing change, and for this reason, the company has partnered with Broadsign to power an aggressive shift into a digital era of Indonesian OOH.</p><h2 >How Rajawali Media is leading OOH advertising in the Indonesian market</h2><p>Founded in 2012, Rajawali Media started by building a network of static billboards across Indonesia, focusing on Jakarta. Plans changed in 2018 when the government of Jakarta banned static and digital roadside advertising, but Rajawali Media was well prepared. The company converted a portion of its inventory to a digital media screen network and invested exclusively in premium locations throughout the Jakarta market to comply with government guidelines.</p><p>Today, Rajawali Media&#8217;s inventory type comprises ten static and digital screens in vertical and horizontal formats. The wide-ranging network displays content from local and regional advertisers across all industries, including Grab, KFC, Heinz, TikTok, YL, Indosat telecommunications, BCA banking, and Tokopedia for e-commerce. Recently, the company has integrated <a href="https://www.admobilize.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Admobilize</a> to access its vast audience data and create improved audience analytics and capture system. By making accurate audience data core to its mission, Rajawali is creating a more compelling offering for its buyers in the Indonesian market.</p><figure >Audience data is key to delivering greater value for Rajawali&#8217;s customers</figcaption></figure><h2 >Exploring the opportunities of DOOH</h2><p>Rajawali Media&#8217;s entry into the DOOH space marks a significant step forward for the company, as it&#8217;s a new opportunity for advertisers to catch audiences&#8217; attention, especially with video content. With Broadsign Control, DOOH is more accessible than ever before, and will allow Rajawali’s buyers to be more flexible and to react to real-time changes to market conditions.</p><p>Some of the future projects Rajawali Media is planning include adding more inventory, to the point of doubling their current network by 2023. The company is also looking to incorporate pDOOH into its network to future-proof operations for its business and clients.</p><figure >Programmatic DOOH will be a key expansion area for Rajawali Media in the future</figcaption></figure><h2 >Rajawali Media and Broadsign</h2><p>Rajawali has partnered with Broadsign to help manage its inventory and digital screen networks flawlessly while maximizing efficiency and keeping tabs on the expansion of OOH in the region. Its goal is to use these as the foundation of its work toward building a technology-driven and data-informed future.</p><p>By focusing on technology-based solutions, Rajawali has become one of the leading OOH media companies in the Indonesian market. Moving forward, the company&#8217;s vision is to have screens anywhere its target audience is, and Broadsign’s solutions will be at the core of its buildup.</p><p>&#8220;Broadsign technology allows us to operate and monetize our inventory more efficiently. It&#8217;s the perfect complement to our innovative outdoor advertising network and can help shepherd us through our move to programmatic and a new phase of growth,&#8221; shared Herman Tasmin, Director of Rajawali Media.</p><figure >Broadsign&#8217;s DOOH solutions have been instrumental to Rajawali Media&#8217;s success in DOOH</figcaption></figure><p>For Rajawali Media, one of the most attractive features in the meantime is the ability to manage OOH inventory efficiently, streamline changes to DOOH networks, and make changes to campaigns in real-time.</p><p>With Broadsign, Rajawali Media is staying ahead of its competitors in the Indonesian market, including by jumping on the programmatic DOOH trend with <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Reach</a>. Operating this platform will also help streamline the company&#8217;s transition into the world of programmatic and help support increased demand from both brands and media buying agencies.</p><p>By 2023, Rajawali Media aims to grow its network by 100%, digitize its locations, and double its available programmatic inventory. The company also plans on adding Broadsign Reach programmatic technology to its entire DOOH network. It’s an exciting, forward-thinking plan that is sure to produce great results as Rajawali secures its leadership in the Indonesian market.</p><p><strong>Learn more about how Broadsign can help your OOH business succeed</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/">Request your personalized demo today!</a></strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How kanawai MEGA SCREENS is modernizing out-of-home in Switzerland with DOOH]]><![CDATA[

For years, digital out-of-home has been a big draw in many larger European countries like Germany or France. In neighbouring Switzerland, the format only more recently seems to have found its footing, and this DOOH revolution in Switzerland is led by companies such as kanawai MEGA SCREENS, a media owner helping drive the medium’s growth […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-kanawai-mega-screens-is-modernizing-out-of-home-in-switzerland-with-doohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-kanawai-mega-screens-is-modernizing-out-of-home-in-switzerland-with-dooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 30 Jun 2022 12:17:04 GMT<p>For years, digital out-of-home has been a big draw in many larger European countries like Germany or France. In neighbouring Switzerland, the format only more recently seems to have found its footing, and this DOOH revolution in Switzerland is led by companies such as <a href="https://kanawai.ch/unternehmen/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">kanawai MEGA SCREENS</a>, a media owner helping drive the medium’s growth in the country by championing its myriad benefits.</p><h3 ><strong>Delivering DOOH to the Swiss market&nbsp;</strong></h3><p>kanawai MEGA SCREENS was founded in 2007, an era when digital screens were relatively new to the market but were gaining traction among advertisers and media owners alike. As other European markets began to invest more heavily in DOOH, kanawai MEGA SCREENS followed suit and began to introduce roadside screens along some of the country’s major road networks, growing its inventory steadily.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Today, kanawai MEGA SCREENS specializes in offering premium roadside locations, with a network spanning 70 screens and counting. The company oversees a mixed network of both displays they own and ones they operate, selling ad space to interested customers.&nbsp;</p><p>Of the signage that does belong to kanawai MEGA SCREENS, roughly 95% of its ads come from paid advertisers, with the remaining slice a mix of real-time traffic updates, weather data, live news, local event information, and, on occasion, internal job openings. Once, kanawai MEGA SCREENS posted a new position to one of its screens, and a curious applicant applied after seeing the posting when driving by—a great example of how the out-of-home medium helps companies stand out.</p><h3 ><strong>For kanawai MEGA SCREENS, the future of DOOH is programmatic</strong></h3><p>While digital out-of-home is relatively new to many in Switzerland, the kanawai MEGA SCREENS team already has its sights set on making programmatic DOOH a much more mainstream means of transacting in the market. So far, only a few of its screens are programmatically enabled, with Kanawai working closely with <a href="https://www.twmedia.ch/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">TWmedia Basel</a> to bring these campaigns to life.&nbsp;</p><p>kanawai MEGA SCREENS cites a recent partnership campaign as an example of programmatic&#8217;s power. The brand was looking to drive meat product sales during barbecue season, and pitched an idea to run their ads on warm, sunny Friday afternoons — the right time of day to inspire passersby to stop off at the supermarket on the way home and pick up some grill-ready goods for the weekend. It’s just this type of campaign that other brands have already begun to express interest in, and something the kanawai MEGA SCREENS team is more than ready to support.&nbsp;</p><figure }</script></figure><h3 ><strong>Broadsign and kanawai MEGA SCREENS&nbsp;</strong></h3><p>Before 2017, uploading content and visuals to its displays was challenging and labour-intensive as these tasks could only be performed manually using inefficient digital signage software. But this was all streamlined upon integrating the Broadsign platform. Investing in this upgraded solution was a key component of kanawai MEGA SCREENS’ plans for growth in its market.&nbsp;</p><p>Operating the Broadsign platform has helped make the teams&#8217; jobs much more manageable while reducing any potential for error. kanawai’s team has found the solutions from Broadsign intuitive and user-friendly, which has made getting new employees on the software a straightforward process. Currently, two employees handle all content scheduling, a process made seamless with a bit of help from <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Control</a>.&nbsp;</p><p>Currently, the company operates both Control and <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/">Broadsign Reach</a> to offer their premium roadside inventory through programmatic channels. Finally, they are also looking into <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-publish/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Publish</a> to help clients and teams more efficiently deliver local messaging across their displays.</p><h3 ><strong>Up next: Steady, sustainable growth&nbsp;</strong></h3><p>For now, kanawai MEGA SCREENS remains focused on building up its roadside network across Switzerland. While being in a multilingual country can present its own unique set of challenges for media owners looking to grow — largely because different cities and regions require specialized permits – the team is optimistic about the role digital out-of-home will play in all markets across the country.</p><p>kanawai MEGA SCREENS’ outright passion for DOOH is helping drive its success: From the endless opportunities it affords customers—such as same-day booking to creative potential — kanawai is a team excited about where DOOH is headed in its market. The team sees plenty of possibilities for growth and development in the space on the horizon, especially given how accessible the medium can be made through programmatic.</p><p>Growing consistently and sustainably is how the business plans to expand, especially in a market that’s still in an overall expansion phase with digital out-of-home. But with a medium like DOOH, it’s safe to say that the future is bright.</p><p><strong>Broadsign is the world&#8217;s leading solution for digital signage software. </strong></p><p><strong>Want to power your screens with the right tools? </strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/contact/"><strong>Get in touch with us today!</strong></a></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Intersection Expands Premium pDOOH Offering with Broadsign Reach Integration]]><![CDATA[

Activation unlocks access to thousands of Intersection screens located in high-density areas across the U.S. on Broadsign-supported DSPs. New York, New York and Montreal, Canada– June 28, 2022 – Brands and media buying agencies around the world can now easily plan and execute ad campaigns on Intersection’s premium digital out-of-home (DOOH) inventory in top U.S. […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/intersection-expands-premium-pdooh-offering-with-broadsign-reach-integrationhttps://broadsign.com/blog/intersection-expands-premium-pdooh-offering-with-broadsign-reach-integration<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 28 Jun 2022 08:00:00 GMT<p><em>Activation unlocks access to thousands of Intersection screens located in high-density areas across the U.S. on Broadsign-supported DSPs.</em></p><p><strong>New York, New York and Montreal, Canada– June 28, 2022 –</strong> Brands and media buying agencies around the world can now easily plan and execute ad campaigns on Intersection’s premium digital out-of-home (DOOH) inventory in top U.S. DMAs, courtesy of an expanded partnership between experience-driven out-of-home (OOH) media and technology company <a href="http://www.intersection.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Intersection</a> and OOH ad technology developer Broadsign. The two OOH leaders have teamed up to onboard more than 5,500 Intersection displays to the Broadsign Reach programmatic DOOH (pDOOH) platform.</p><p>With the Intersection network now available on more than 30 Broadsign-integrated DSPs, including <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-expands-programmatic-dooh-portfolio-in-the-u-s-and-australia/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Ads</a>, media buyers can target and reach populations with dynamic creative advertising and content in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, and other top markets via Intersection’s <a href="https://www.intersection.com/success-story/link/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">LinkNYC</a>, rail, transit, and other streetside displays. The integration builds on a <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/intersection-selects-broadsign-to-power-ads-on-expansive-nationwide-digital-signage-network/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">longstanding relationship</a> through which Intersection uses the Broadsign platform to manage and distribute advertising across its network, which delivers more than 3.5B monthly gross impressions. Intersection’s expanded use of the full Broadsign platform unlocks new buyer capabilities such as programmatic guaranteed, preemptible campaigns, more flexible scheduling, and support for HTML5 content. It will also enable Intersection to take full advantage of <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/yield-optimization-is-for-everyone-with-broadsign-director-of-product-seamus-hunn/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign’s yield optimization engine</a>, of which it has been an early charter customer.</p><p>"Our goal is to make our premium inventory even more widely available to marketers so they can reach their target audiences in major US cities," said Sheri Ham, VP of Programmatic Partnerships &amp; Sales. "Our longstanding partnership with Broadsign is one of the many reasons we’re excited to add Reach to our SSP portfolio."</p><p>"Intersection is an industry innovator with prime inventory spanning some of America’s busiest street corners, so we’re honored to collaborate on their first external programmatic DOOH SSP activation," shared John Dolan, VP and Global Head of Media Sales, Broadsign. "As the ad industry transitions to a cookieless world, the value of OOH is becoming clearer than ever to brands and agencies alike, and this activation makes it easier for media buyers to broaden the funnel and reach audiences with contextually relevant OOH ads."</p><p><strong>About Intersection</strong>Intersection is an experience-driven Out of Home media and technology company that delivers programming, consumer amenities, and advertising to cities. From free internet access to wayfinding to real-time information, our products make city life easier and more sustainable. We further enrich cities with experiential programming that inspires and engages people throughout their day. With valuable, diverse audiences in America’s top cities, we provide innovative, data-driven solutions for brands to reach urbanites at scale. For more information, visit www.intersection.com</p><p><strong>About Broadsign</strong>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over 300,000 digital signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign Platform gives marketers and agencies simpler access to premium screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Volkswagen, John Lewis, Samsung, and more, run successful programmatic DOOH campaigns. https://broadsign.com</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Introducing dynamic screen selection, your right hand in campaign planning, management, and delivery]]><![CDATA[

The good news? Demand for digital out-of-home is forecasted to grow in 2022. But greater demand can sometimes result in a lack of space, which ultimately means media teams can’t accommodate every incoming campaign. Inventories fill up quickly, so media owners are obliged to make adjustments to ensure minimal interference with prior campaign commitments, but […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-dynamic-screen-selection-your-right-hand-in-campaign-planning-management-and-deliveryhttps://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-dynamic-screen-selection-your-right-hand-in-campaign-planning-management-and-delivery<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 22 Jun 2022 18:16:36 GMT<p>The good news? Demand for digital out-of-home is<a href="https://specialreports.oaaa.org/sales-tip-top-2022-ooh-trends-growth-projected-at-11/"> forecasted to grow</a> in 2022. But greater demand can sometimes result in a lack of space, which ultimately means media teams can’t accommodate every incoming campaign. Inventories fill up quickly, so media owners are obliged to make adjustments to ensure minimal interference with prior campaign commitments, but this process can be tricky, time-consuming and lead to mistakes, sometimes costly ones at that.</p><p>But, it doesn&#8217;t have to be this way! We&#8217;re thrilled to unveil dynamic screen selection, a freshly-launched feature for Broadsign Direct engineered to make campaign management smoother. Together with the yield optimization function <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/getting-the-most-out-of-your-dooh-inventory-introducing-the-optimization-engine-for-broadsign-direct/">launched earlier this year</a>, dynamic screen selection is an algorithm that will help you best manage screen occupancy and availability by selecting the most optimal screens available from a given pool while respecting campaign goals and parameters.</p><p>Are you ready to find out how dynamic screen selection can help you? Let&#8217;s jump in.</p><h3 ><strong><strong>What are the overall benefits of dynamic screen selection?</strong></strong></h3><p>Before we get into the nitty gritty of how the system can widen your pool of buys, first, we&#8217;ll take a look at some of its overall benefits:</p><ul><li><strong>It promotes inventory flexibility:</strong> Rather than blocking new campaigns by locking up screens or space, the system dynamically selects screens based on what&#8217;s available while adhering to the parameters established at the time of building the campaign.</li></ul><ul><li><strong>It reduces the need to manually reschedule: </strong>Another benefit is that you&#8217;ll no longer have to scour your inventory from A to Z to find another screen if one is at occupancy. Dynamic screen selection does this automatically for you—seamlessly, might we add.&nbsp;</li><li><strong>It allows media owners to say yes to more campaigns more regularly: </strong>This feature means campaigns can move between screens, freeing up space to make room for any new incoming activity.</li></ul><p></p><p>As media teams seek solutions for more convenient campaign planning, dynamic screen selection arrives at the right moment. This feature&#8217;s capabilities enable users to book a campaign built on specific criteria giving them peace of mind knowing that the campaign will run and meet its requirements, such as play-per-loop.</p><h3 ><strong>The lowdown on dynamic screen selection</strong></h3><p>Dynamic screen selection is a selection flow initiated when building a proposal. Instead of booking specific screens, campaign planners can target a pool of screens. For example, if a brand wishes to run a campaign about dish soap but only wants its ads to appear on screens near pharmacies, this feature in Direct enables media teams to do so.</p><p>At this point, most campaign planners won&#8217;t normally be too concerned about running the ads on very specific screens. What counts most is that the digital signage is near a pharmacy and that the campaign both fulfills its targets and adheres to established parameters. Because they haven&#8217;t cherry-picked screens, dynamic screen selection has the freedom to be more flexible with distribution. Once enabled, the system will run the campaign on the pool of screens located near pharmacies based on availability and display ads on these screens.&nbsp;</p><h3 ><strong>Frequency-based buys, improved</strong></h3><p>Before, frequency-based buys were widely deemed rigid and immovable. With dynamic screen selection, campaign planners can benefit from some fluidity. We&#8217;ll show you how.</p><p>To demonstrate its true power, here&#8217;s a scenario of a user who wants to book a campaign that will run across six 24-hour active screens daily. The campaign has the following rules:&nbsp;</p><ul><li>They want to run the campaign on three out of six screens daily&nbsp;</li><li>They would like the campaign to run 24 hours a day for three days straight at a frequency of one play per loop</li></ul><p>Before, frequency-based buys were widely deemed rigid and immovable. With dynamic screen selection, campaign planners can benefit from some fluidity. We&#8217;ll show you how.</p><p><em>Quick note: You&#8217;ve probably noticed that six screens is a relatively small number compared to most inventories operating today. Well, you’re right about that. But in order to simplify this complex feature, we opted to go with smaller numbers. Though not a true reflection of most media teams&#8217; realities, we felt it was the right move to introduce this complex feature to you. But whatever size of inventory you’re working with, dynamic screen selection is a helpful tool.</em>&nbsp;</p><p>Here&#8217;s our pool of six screens in its initial state, with three screens (S1, S3, and S6) at 100% occupancy and thus, entirely unavailable for the three-day campaign&#8217;s duration.&nbsp;</p><p>The user then initiates the campaign creation flow with dynamic screen selection. The feature locates the best screen options from the reserved pool of screens in the specified timeframe, ideally searching for openings on consecutive days and running on the same screens (S2, S4, S5). Because at least one screen was fully booked each day, dynamic screen selection was able to work its magic, reallocating the campaign to new, available screens.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>What&#8217;s especially unique about this feature is that it will do its best to minimize jumps and deliver campaigns as smoothly as possible. It will prioritize running ads over three screens on consecutive days. Once the system determined that S2, S4, and S5 were wide open for the flight duration, it ran its ads on eligible screens instead. Because the initial parameters only specified digital signage near pharmacies and not specific locations, it doesn&#8217;t matter which screens are playing the ads so long as the play-per-loop goal is achieved.</p><h3 ><strong>What about if 100% Fixed Share of Voice is requested?&nbsp;</strong></h3><p>Here&#8217;s another example of the system&#8217;s effectiveness and flexibility. On days 2 and 3, domination is requested on Screen S3 and S4 for 100% Fixed Share of Voice. Here, the dynamic screen selection dish soap campaign will allocate the Screen 4 selection to Screen 6 on the second day and then to Screen 1 on Day 3.Ultimately, all the media planner did was choose the pool (screens near pharmacies) and the number of screens (three per day) for the campaign. As for you? You didn&#8217;t even have to lift a finger! With the support of dynamic screen selection, the algorithm moved the campaign over to the unused screen, maintaining its one-play-per loop commitment. While it may need to jump from one screen to another to meet its target, it will always behave in a manner that honours the parameters established from the outset.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>Keep in mind that the ad cannot jump from one screen to another on the same day — to keep it simple, dynamic screen selection will always run the same ad on the same screen over the day.&nbsp;</p><p>There are a few other rules to consider: screens must be available for the entire day and will always respect the campaign goal. In our six-screen scenario, three screens near pharmacies were chosen initially, and the system fulfilled this goal.&nbsp;</p><h3 ><strong>What about other types of buys, such as Campaign Average Share of Voice, etc.?&nbsp;</strong></h3><p>We&#8217;ve demonstrated how dynamic screen selection works for Frequency-based buys, but what about other types of buys? The convenience just keeps on coming, as the feature applies to various use cases beyond frequency-based buys.</p><h3 ><strong>Who benefits from dynamic screen selection?</strong></h3><p>With dynamic screen selection, everybody wins. Media owners, campaign planners, media teams and ad op teams benefit for many reasons, but ultimately a more flexible network that&#8217;s less restrictive with availability and occupancy amounts to increased revenue. This opens up greater opportunities, like saying yes to large-scale, contextual campaigns such as takeovers without losing out on revenue from existing deals. Meanwhile, brands and agencies can readily pull off creative campaigns aligned with their vision.&nbsp;</p><p>Moreover, the feature really shines when the occupancy rate is almost at capacity, but a new campaign enters the picture. Without this tool, accommodating a new campaign requires you to reshuffle your inventory manually—which, as you probably know, can be a tedious process, especially when your network consists of hundreds, even thousands, of screens. Dynamic screen selection works for you, filling up available screens while helping you to achieve every campaign’s targets!&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Ready to harness the power of our smart digital signage software to improve campaigns? </strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/">Contact us today for a demo</a> to see how Broadsign Direct can help you get the most out of your network.&nbsp;</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[WATCH: Best Practices for Running a DOOH Campaign]]><![CDATA[

Programmatic DOOH is taking up an increasing portion of media spend for many brands and agencies – and for good reason. Thanks to the medium’s efficiency, flexibility, and advanced targeting capabilities, advertisers can easily plan and launch DOOH campaigns in minutes. Check out the recording of our recent webinar where we provide an in-depth look […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/watch-best-practices-for-running-a-dooh-campaignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/watch-best-practices-for-running-a-dooh-campaign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 22 Jun 2022 15:53:16 GMT<p>Programmatic DOOH is taking up an increasing portion of media spend for many brands and agencies &#8211; and for good reason. Thanks to the medium&#8217;s efficiency, flexibility, and advanced targeting capabilities, advertisers can easily plan and launch DOOH campaigns in minutes.</p><p>Check out the recording of our recent webinar where we provide an in-depth look at <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads/">Broadsign Ads</a>, Broadsign&#8217;s DOOH-specific DSP. We also share some campaign ideas and tips for running your best DOOH campaign yet. </p><figure ></div></figure><h4 >Get started with Broadsign Ads </h4><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/book-demo/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Book a discovery call</span></a> with one of our experts to plan your next campaign.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Cartology Advances Retail Media Network with Broadsign]]><![CDATA[

Australian retail media pioneer Cartology taps out-of-home (OOH) advertising platform to advance content management and delivery for digital displays across Woolworths retail locations Sydney, Australia – June 15, 2022 – Cartology, one of Australia’s leading retail media businesses, powered by Woolworths Group, and out-of-home (OOH) ad tech leader Broadsign today announced a new partnership designed […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/cartology-advances-retail-media-network-with-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/cartology-advances-retail-media-network-with-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 14 Jun 2022 18:00:00 GMT<p><em>Australian retail media pioneer Cartology taps out-of-home (OOH) advertising platform to advance content management and delivery for digital displays across Woolworths retail locations</em></p><p><strong>Sydney, Australia – June 15, 2022 – </strong><a href="https://www.cartology.com.au/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Cartology</a>, one of Australia’s leading retail media businesses, powered by <a href="https://www.woolworthsgroup.com.au/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Woolworths Group</a>, and out-of-home (OOH) ad tech leader Broadsign today announced a new partnership designed to enhance Cartology’s retail media network (RMN). The collaboration makes it easy for Cartology to schedule, manage, and deliver compelling content and advertisem*nts across retail media displays located in over 1,400 Woolworths food and everyday needs stores throughout Australia and New Zealand.</p><p>Retail media <a href="https://www.emarketer.com/content/rise-retail-media-one-2022-top-5-retail-trends" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">is expected to exceed $50 billion by 2023</a> and account for nearly 20 percent of digital ad spend, with the in-store experience a key factor. Reaching shoppers with compelling content at the point of purchase can make for a more positive in-store experience, which has been shown to <a href="https://www.raydiant.com/blog/state-of-consumer-behavior-2021/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">increase the chances of higher consumer spending in-store</a>, and return visits.</p><p>With Broadsign at the heart of its in-store display network, Cartology can now create more engaging in-store shopping experiences and attract brands looking to reach audiences on both the path to and at the point of purchase with omnichannel messaging. Cartology has already begun on-boarding screens to the Broadsign platform, including front of store digital totems, behind-the-counter displays, and other screen types.</p><p>"Cartology holds a deep understanding of customer attitudes and behaviours and that’s invaluable to brands," shared Stacey Lawson, Head of Campaign Operations and Delivery, Cartology. "As our business and the sector continues to evolve, partnering with Broadsign to leverage their content scheduling and management tools across our network provides media buyers with greater flexibility and enhances our internal operations here at Cartology. This ensures we can focus on creating the best in-store experience for Woolworths shoppers and drive sales overnight and customers over time for our valued clients."</p><p>"RMNs are gaining traction with brands, and Cartology is leading the way in Australia. It’s established a powerful group of targeted omnichannel advertising solutions, and we’re thrilled to partner with them," shared Maarten Dollevoet, Chief Revenue Officer, Broadsign. "Together, our partnership will help showcase the power of in-store advertising, strengthen the in-store experience for customers, and unlock opportunities for advertisers as part of the growth of retail media."</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[The Impression Multiplier: What is it, and how does it apply to DOOH?]]><![CDATA[

Unlike most formats within the digital spectrum which operate on a one-to-one basis (meaning one play equals one impression), digital out-of-home (DOOH) requires a slightly more unique approach when determining audience figures. As a one-to-many medium, one play not only equals multiple impressions, but the amount of impressions usually differs depending on the hour, day, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/the-impression-multiplier-what-is-it-and-how-does-it-apply-to-doohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/the-impression-multiplier-what-is-it-and-how-does-it-apply-to-dooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 09 Jun 2022 11:47:21 GMT<p>Unlike most formats within the digital spectrum which operate on a one-to-one basis (meaning one play equals one impression), digital out-of-home (DOOH) requires a slightly more unique approach when determining audience figures. As a one-to-many medium, one play not only equals multiple impressions, but the amount of impressions usually differs depending on the hour, day, and many other factors in the OOH space.</p><p>To cater to this unique audience structure in the advancing world of <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/">programmatic DOOH</a>, the impression multiplier was introduced to account for the broader reach of any given play on a DOOH screen.</p><p>So, what exactly is an impression multiplier, and how is it applied to DOOH?</p><h2 ><strong>What is the impression multiplier?</strong></h2><p>Before we get into the impression multiplier, its important to understand audience impressions in general. An impression refers to the point at which an ad is viewed by an individual person, or played back within an OOH display. A core metric for many forms of advertising including digital, mobile, and OOH, impressions are important as they often determine how much an ad will cost.</p><p>The impression multiplier is effectively a DOOH-specific multiplication index applied to each play on every individual screen, giving advertisers an idea of how many impressions are delivered in a single ad play. Because each impression can reach multiple viewers, a multiplier is needed to estimate how many viewers saw the ad, helping advertisers understand the reach of a particular inventory space.&nbsp;</p><p>Contrary to popular belief, the impression multiplier is not one formula applied across all publishers. The index is implemented on a screen-by-screen basis to turn each play into the number of impressions represented by the audience data supplied by each media owner. This means, unlike online and mobile formats, 1000 plays do not equal 1000 impressions. A play can have anywhere from a couple to hundreds of impressions, depending on the format being used.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>What does it look like in practice?</strong></h2><p>Determining the impression multiplier requires the collection data to give an idea of how many people were around an ad display at a given time. This data can be collected through mobile phone signals, GPS data, camera sensors, ticket sales at an event or stadium, and more. With this information, the amount of people in an ad’s geographic area at a given time can be determined, and the impression multiplier for a particular screen can be calculated.</p><p>The cost per mille (or CPM) is a common metric used to purchase advertising based on the number of impressions, known as cost per thousand impressions. With the CPM model, advertisers pay a pre-determined amount to media owners for every 1000 impressions they want their ad to obtain. Without the impression multiplier, the CPM would need to fluctuate throughout the day to better represent the value (and audience) offered by a particular screen. Inevitably, this would mean inventory is underpriced and/or overpriced throughout the day.&nbsp;</p><p>To prevent CPMs from becoming unaffordable at high traffic times, we instead use the impression multiplier to adjust the impressions per play, giving a more accurate representation of the audience delivery and pricing.</p><p>Where possible, audience numbers are provided hourly by DOOH media owners. This means that a unique index can be applied to every hour of every day to illustrate the audience in front of a screen at any given time &#8211; as per the example below:</p><figure }</script></figure><p>In short, audience (or impressions) = play x impression multiplier.</p><h2 ><strong>Why is the impression multiplier so important?</strong></h2><p>Not only does the impression multiplier offer the most effective and efficient means of translating plays into multiple impressions, it also offers a level of flexibility for media owners to stay on top of their audience offerings as and when those figures are effected by external factors. Take COVID for example, where audience numbers plummeted around the world as lockdowns kicked in. Less drastically, other examples could include seasonal changes, changes to the financial markets, or holiday periods. By obtaining the right information on views per screen, media owners can continue to ensure that their inventory remains fairly priced.&nbsp;</p><p>The ability to adjust the impression multiplier by applying realtime, or relatively realtime, percentages to audience figures as they fluctuate ensures that media buyers can take comfort in knowing that they are only paying for the impressions they are actually receiving. With the proper impression data, advertisers can also choose to modify campaigns based on changing external factors, like the ones mentioned above.&nbsp;</p><p>The impression multiplier is a fantastic innovation in the realm of Programmatic DOOH that allows DOOH to align itself with the impression-based buying model while remaining true to the greatest strength of the medium &#8211; its capacity for mass reach.</p><p>Sebastian Op Vet Held from <a href="https://myadbooker.com/">MyAdbooker</a> gives an amazing, detailed and easily digestible overview of the impression multiplier and its implementation in our latest certification course &#8211;&nbsp; PDOOH Advanced. If you’d like to take part, <a href="https://www.doohx.io/enroll/1920679?price_id=2616977&amp;coupon=doohx20">you can use this link for a 20% discount on our new advanced certification</a>.</p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Expands Programmatic DOOH Portfolio in the U.S. and Australia]]><![CDATA[

Ad tech company rebrands Campsite DOOH demand-side-platform (DSP) as Broadsign Ads, extends platform to support new regional markets New York, NY and Sydney, Australia – June 1, 2022 –Out-of-home (OOH) ad tech leader Broadsign today announced Broadsign Ads – formerly known as Campsite, a Canadian programmatic digital-out-of-home (pDOOH) DSP acquired by Broadsign in 2019 – […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-expands-programmatic-dooh-portfolio-in-the-u-s-and-australiahttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-expands-programmatic-dooh-portfolio-in-the-u-s-and-australia<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 01 Jun 2022 07:48:11 GMT<p><em>Ad tech company rebrands Campsite DOOH demand-side-platform (DSP) as Broadsign Ads, extends platform to support new regional markets</em></p><p><strong>New York, NY and Sydney, Australia – June 1, 2022</strong> –Out-of-home (OOH) ad tech leader <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a> today announced <a href="http://www.broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a> – formerly known as Campsite, a Canadian programmatic digital-out-of-home (pDOOH) DSP acquired by Broadsign in 2019 – with extended market reach in the U.S. and Australia. The pDOOH-specialty demand side platform (DSP) helps agencies and brands plan and execute impactful DOOH campaigns with a streamlined workflow that resembles online and mobile DSPs.&nbsp;</p><p>An established market leader in Canada, Broadsign has been working with a number of early adopter agencies and brands throughout the U.S. and Australia to launch campaigns via Broadsign Ads in each market. Sharing her experience, Keri Thomas, Media Supervisor at Cheil Worldwide said, "Executing large scale OOH campaigns requires a DSP that can deliver on ease of use and transparency, and Broadsign Ads has performed above and beyond our expectations, thanks to its numerous capabilities and capacity to streamline the DOOH-specific workflow. Furthermore, access to Broadsign’s team of programmatic digital-out-of-home experts means seamless execution from start to finish."</p><p>Frontier Australia Head of Biddable Media, Denver Rego, also shared, "As an outcome focused media &amp; marketing agency, DOOH helps bridge gaps between online and real-world advertising. Broadsign Ads allows us to plan, execute and measure DOOH campaigns quickly, easily, and autonomously, while collaborating with the experienced Broadsign team."</p><p>With the Broadsign Ads rebrand and geographic expansion, media buyers in the U.S. and Australia can now access the platform’s intuitive, powerful campaign workflows, which helped pave the way for pDOOH in Canada. Platform advantages include:&nbsp;</p><ul><li><strong>Access to premium DOOH inventory with complete screen transparency: </strong>Set campaign parameters and select screen types based on data points like audience, environment, or proximity to points of interest. Get full visibility into screen-level data to maximize campaign performance with optimal inventory.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li></ul><ul><li><strong>Flexible, targeted campaign planning and delivery within budget:</strong> Buy and activate DOOH inventory that meets your budget and audience goals using Broadsign Ads’ smart bidding algorithm, ensuring cost-efficient delivery of targeted impressions.&nbsp;</li></ul><ul><li><strong>Robust real-time audience targeting:</strong> Target intended audience segments in real-time with captivating DOOH ads that reach them at the right time and place. Access to dynamic mobile data makes it easy to target venues with the highest concentration of the desired audience segment.</li></ul><ul><li><strong>Contextual targeting:</strong> Leverage current events and real-time conditions to deliver more impactful campaigns with triggers like <a href="http://broadsign.com/blog/cloudy-with-a-chance-of-awesome-campaigns-weather-moments-now-available-in-broadsign-ads">Weather Moments</a> and <a href="http://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-ads-financial-moments-sync-campaigns-and-adapt-your-creatives-based-on-market-conditions">Financial Moments</a>.</li></ul><p>"Between increasing consumer screen fatigue and the target on the cookie’s back, DOOH is approaching a new era of growth. Broadsign Ads makes DOOH ad buying more transparent and as accessible as online and mobile. It combines the core functionality of Campsite with Broadsign best practices and technology," shared John Dolan, VP and Global Head of Media Sales, Broadsign. "The Broadsign Ads rebrand and expansion into the U.S. and Australia represents a crucial next step in DOOH’s evolution, enabling new and seasoned digital marketing agencies, brands, and local businesses to realize the full potential of OOH."</p><p>For more details, visit: <a href="http://www.broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">www.broadsign.com/broadsign-ads</a>.&nbsp;</p><h3 ><strong>About Broadsign</strong></h3><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over 300,000 digital signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign Platform gives marketers and agencies simpler access to premium screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Volkswagen, John Lewis, Samsung, and more, run successful programmatic DOOH campaigns. <a href="https://broadsign.com">https://broadsign.com</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Interactive digital signage: The future of DOOH advertising]]><![CDATA[

There has never been a more exciting time for the digital out-of-home industry. From new emerging formats to the accelerated adoption of dynamic DOOH, the innovation taking place in digital out-of-home advertising isn’t slowing down. As digital signage makes its way into new places and spaces, advertisers need to find new ways of catching the […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/interactive-digital-signagehttps://broadsign.com/blog/interactive-digital-signage<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 27 May 2022 16:09:00 GMT<p>There has never been a more exciting time for the digital out-of-home industry. From new emerging formats to the accelerated adoption of <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">dynamic DOOH</a>, the innovation taking place in digital out-of-home advertising isn’t slowing down. As digital signage makes its way into new places and spaces, advertisers need to find new ways of catching the attention of their target audience.</p><p>That’s where interactivity can make a real difference. For marketing teams, interactivity presents an opportunity to differentiate their brand with effective and engaging stories. For media owners, supporting interactive content can mean more exciting and engaging content across their network, higher premiums associated with booking this sort of complex campaign, and the opportunity to make a splash with delighted social media posts showing off the campaign in action.</p><h2 >What is interactive digital signage?</h2><p>While personalization has been a hot topic in digital marketing the past few years, the interactive element is what’s really rising to the forefront. These days, you can find interactive ads on desktop, tablet, and—perhaps most frequently—mobile devices. But online isn’t the only place that you can go wild with the level of interactivity; features like advanced audience targeting and anonymized real-time sensors make DOOH uniquely well-suited to creating powerful interactive experiences.</p><p>Put simply, interactive digital signage turns traditional advertising into a participatory activity: it invites consumers to physically engage with the display content and find information that’s relevant to them. Whereas traditional digital signage broadcasts information in a single direction, displaying content regardless of whether or not viewers are paying attention, interactive digital signage turns viewers into users.&#8217;</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> This campaign for Dancing with the Stars Australia invited passers-by to push a button on the digital billboard and follow the interactive video tutorial that appeared on the screen. It’s a fun and engaging campaign, and a great example of the potential offered by interactivity.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >A brief history of interactive digital signage</h2><p>The origin of today’s interactive displays can be traced back to the first commercial appearance of touchscreen technology in the early 1980s. Interactive kiosks in the form of the automated teller machine (ATM) were also coming into widespread use at that time, and the ability for customers to interact in that way laid the foundations for the interactive digital signage technologies still emerging today.</p><p>While early advancements in digital signage were focused on improving the hardware—with big leaps in the industry being driven by the advent of thinner, brighter displays, improved graphics, and better overall reliability—the significance of those developments in display technology eventually impacted the content and software side. As responsive and dynamic display technology became more affordable and easily available, the market was flooded with digital signage solutions all competing for consumers’ attention. In response, marketers and network owners have started turning to contextualized, dynamic, and perhaps most importantly, interactive content in order to cut through all the noise and preserve the effectiveness of commercial messaging in the DOOH space.</p><p><strong>Watch:</strong> An interactive DOOH campaign pulling content from social media</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Why make digital signage interactive?</h2><p>The average city-dweller today probably passes by a good number of digital displays on any given day, and most aren’t interactive. With interactive capability generally requiring additional technology and setup, it tends to come at an additional cost. This is both for the media owners who need to outfit the signage and the buyers looking to purchase more intricate campaigns. Is the added expense of investing in interactive signage justified?</p><p>The answer largely comes down to memorability in a crowded advertising landscape. <a href="https://www.magnaglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Tremor-IPG-Media-Trial.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">According to a report from MAGNA</a>, interactive video ads get 47% more viewing time than non-interactive ones and are more memorable to consumers, regardless of whether or not they choose to interact. <a href="https://info.innovid.com/2020-consumer-attitudes" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">People are also more willing to share</a> personal information in exchange for personalization and value; by displaying content that’s relevant and engaging, your audience is more likely to feel comfortable with sharing their data and your buyers can gain insight into customer behaviors which can help inform their future strategies.</p><p>Perhaps most crucially for network owners is the fact that <a href="https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Ion_CMI_InteractiveContent_Final.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">potential ad buyers are convinced of interactivity’s effectiveness</a>: 81% of marketers agree that interactive content grabs attention more effectively than static content and 79% believe that it enhances retention of brand messaging when combined with traditional marketing tactics. With high-end buyers seeking ways to make their campaigns stand out, only those DOOH networks that are capable of the interactivity they desire will be in contention to run their campaigns.</p><p><strong>Watch: </strong>An interactive AR campaign from JCDecaux and BBC Earth</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >What you need for interactive digital signage</h2><p>Good interactive content takes a bit of work to bring to life. Network owners will need to secure hardware capable of powering the interactive content, and also drive that hardware with software that can connect all the right pieces together for the content to run flawlessly. </p><p>Extensible software offering an open API will generally be <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank">the best choice for interactive signage projects</a>, though it is important too to ensure the solution is secure and reliable. Interactive displays within arm’s reach could become targets for tampering by troublemakers, so it’s particularly important that they are secured.</p><p>Finally, the signage needs content to be interacted with. This content takes various forms, dependent on the nature of the display. Interactive billboards, for instance, are likely going to display interactive content provided by a media buyer looking to place a particular promotional campaign. For an indoor display, such as a wayfinding terminal in a mall, the interactive content is likely a concern to be handled by the network owners themselves. This isn’t to say that the content must be created in-house. A number of digital signage content providers specialize in providing interactive content that can be tailored to the specific needs of a given network.</p><h2 >Interactive activation for digital signage</h2><p>"Interactive digital signage" is a broad category, uniting many very different kinds of projects. Here is an overview of some of the most common types of interactivity that are used.</p><h4 >Touch</h4><p>One of the most common ways digital signage is made interactive is by deploying a touchscreen. The ubiquity of touchscreens today makes this a safe bet for interaction, as there are unlikely to be many barriers to most individuals simply walking up and engaging with the installation. Touch is commonly employed to let audiences browse information on a screen or manipulate on-screen elements.</p><p><strong>Common uses:</strong> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="/blog/why-digital-wayfinding-is-better-for-business">Wayfinding</a>, <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-kiosks/" target="_blank">self-serve kiosks</a>, special ad campaigns</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> The LinkNYC network of touch-enabled kiosks gives people in New York City access to phone calls, WiFi, directions, and more, all paid for by advertising on the kiosk.</p><p>Check out how Intersection bettered the lives of New Yorkers using dynamic DOOH.</p><figure ></div></figure><h4 >Gesture/motion tracking</h4><p>Gesture control is a lot like touch with a lot more style and a bit less precision. People can walk up and move their hands in the air in front of the sign, with cameras connected to the installation registering the types and speed of the movements being made and triggering corresponding reactions on-screen. This isn’t a particularly common form of interactivity in the digital signage space, though advances in gesture control and greater awareness of hygiene concerns post-pandemic are seeing it become more common.</p><p><strong>Common uses:</strong> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-pop-displays/" target="_blank">In-store virtual browsing or shopping</a>, interactive advertising</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> This campaign by Swarovski uses motion and gesture tracking to turn onlookers into participants in an interactive game.</p><figure ></div></figure><h4 >Social media</h4><p>Social media has been a mainstay of interactive digital signage campaigns for years now, thanks largely to social being such a great tool both for driving engagement and generating onscreen content. The specific implementation of social interactivity varies depending on the campaign. A typical example involves users posting to their own social accounts using a specific hashtag and having their post appear onscreen, sometimes after a moderation process is completed.</p><p><strong>Common uses:</strong> Advertising</p><p><strong>Example: </strong>The #SendingLove campaign, facilitated by the World Out of Home Organization, promoted user-submitted messages of love in cities around the world during the fight against the COVID-19.</p><figure ></div></figure><h4 >Mobile</h4><p>Increasingly, campaigns are making use of the capabilities of mobile phones to deliver some really interesting interactive content. Special applications or mobile websites are created to grant audiences the ability to manipulate onscreen elements or objects, with audiences prompted to visit or download by visiting a site displayed on the billboard. This can be a fun way to put games up on the screen and encourage mass participation in a campaign delivered to a nearby digital billboard.</p><p><strong>Common uses:</strong> Ad-supported games, interactive advertising, augmented reality</p><h4 >RFID/NFC</h4><p>RFID (radio frequency identification) and NFC (near field communication) are often spoken about interchangeably, as they achieve similar things with only minor differences. They involve the use of passive chips that interact with a frequency emitted by a powered device, like a smartphone, to deliver information or trigger a reaction. The technology is becoming more common thanks to contactless payment apps promoted by major cellphone companies but might be a bit of a risky choice for an interactive advertising campaign. Many phones today still do not support these technologies.</p><h4 >Augmented reality &amp; visual recognition</h4><p>Some of the best interactive DOOH campaigns are also some of the simplest. Installing cameras near a digital display and hooking them up to a suitable PC can allow for some really neat augmented reality campaigns. This can be a fun way to bring onlookers and the world around them right into a fun new experience. Other uses include using cameras to do basic visual identification and have campaigns deliver messaging tailored to whoever they see standing by. Different content, for instance, could be delivered depending on whether the onlooker is an adult or a child.</p><p><strong>Common uses:</strong> AR, <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home" target="_blank">dynamic campaigns</a></p><p><strong>Example:</strong> JCDecaux and Telia Estonia promoted the launch of a new TV channel, called ‘Inspira’, with Estonia’s first outdoor AR campaign. With 10% of the Estonian population tuning in to the new channel during the first month, we think it’s safe to say this campaign had a positive impact.</p><figure ></div></figure><h4 >QR Codes</h4><p>QR codes are a fairly passive form of interactivity, offering passers-by the ability to use their phone to receive information or navigate to a website by scanning a code with a capable app. It is generally used to accomplish similar things to NFC campaigns, but is more accessible. Where phones need to include specific hardware to access NFC content, they just need a QR reader application on their smartphone to access codes.</p><p><strong>Common uses:</strong> Directions, information and website sharing</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> This campaign by Google Play and oOh! Media offered users the choice of both NFC and QR codes to access media promoted by the campaign.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Key software capabilities for interactive digital signage</h2><p>Good interactive content takes a bit of work to bring to life. In addition to securing hardware capable of powering the interactive content, network owners will need to <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">select the best digital signage software</a> to connect all the right pieces together and ensure the content runs flawlessly.</p><p>Here’s a look at some of the specific features we think you should keep in mind when shopping for digital signage software.</p><h2 >Extensibility</h2><p>Many interactive DOOH campaigns require real-time integration with external data feeds, audience analytics tools, and other capabilities that generally aren’t included in digital signage software by default.</p><p>Extensible software offering an open API will generally be the best choice for interactive signage projects, though it is important too to ensure the solution is secure and reliable. You don’t want to go to the trouble of integrating a service into your network only to have your players fail to play your interactive content.</p><h2 >Dynamic content playback</h2><p>Since interactive digital signage is a subset of dynamic DOOH, your digital signage software needs to have the ability to change on-screen content in response to external data or triggers. But even though <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">the number of brands demanding dynamic ad capabilities is growing</a>, not all software is capable of displaying this type of content.</p><p>To make sure your network doesn&#8217;t miss out on great opportunities, check that your digital signage software supports dynamic playback more generally, and is capable of supporting the specific aspects (touchscreen, gesture control, etc.) of your interactive campaigns.</p><h2 >Mobile device integration or coordination</h2><p>Thanks to advancements in mobile and DOOH advertising technology, it’s easier than ever for brands to create seamless omnichannel campaigns across platforms. Geofencing and scannable QR codes let users engage with digital kiosks and other touchscreen displays without making physical contact, and can help bring interactivity to projected content, displays behind windows, and large video wall displays.</p><p>Less direct methods of interactivity have been gaining traction in the wake of COVID-19, so we recommend choosing a digital signage software that supports this type of approach via mobile device integrations.</p><p>As interactive technology gets cheaper and more widespread, it’s likely that interactivity will increasingly be seen as a must-have for many networks operating in the digital space. Investing in the right tech today will put network owners and their businesses on the most productive path in the years to come.</p><p><strong>Do you want to build an interactive digital signage network?</strong><strong><a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/" target="_blank">Request your demo of Broadsign</a> to see how our software can help!</strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Highlights from our latest panel discussion: pDOOH in 2022]]><![CDATA[

Across the entire digital out-of-home industry, there’s one term that keeps coming up over and over again: programmatic DOOH. From more players entering the space to a rise in omnichannel media plans, there’s a lot going on in the world of pDOOH – and it’s showing no signs of slowing down. We recently spoke with […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/highlights-from-our-latest-panel-discussion-pdooh-in-2022https://broadsign.com/blog/highlights-from-our-latest-panel-discussion-pdooh-in-2022<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 17 May 2022 10:28:29 GMT<p>Across the entire digital out-of-home industry, there’s one term that keeps coming up over and over again: <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/">programmatic DOOH</a>. From more players entering the space to a rise in omnichannel media plans, there’s a lot going on in the world of pDOOH &#8211; and it&#8217;s showing no signs of slowing down.</p><p>We recently spoke with an exciting panel of industry experts, in collaboration with <a href="https://www.doohx.io/">doohx</a>, to get a global perspective on some of the key trends we’re seeing.</p><p>Meet our panellists:</p><figure }</script></figure><h3 ><strong>What’s the current state of pDOOH in your market?</strong></h3><p>Our panellists agree that a big uptick in programmatic trading comes with a need for more education in the space. "In the last 3-4 years, the U.S. market has really dove into programmatic," says Ian. "As we began to educate buyers, brands, and omnichannel markets, we found that there was a lot of confusion on what is automation and what is programmatic."&nbsp;</p><figure ></video></figure><p>For Hannah at UK-based Scoota, the past few years have been spent looking at how they can educate clients in moving away from a display mentality and incorporating OOH into their traditional campaigns.</p><figure ></video></figure><p>Alexie agrees that more education is needed for various stakeholders in the OOH industry, from publishers and DSPs to agencies and brands. With more education, these technology players will be able to answer questions like:</p><ul><li>Do publishers understand how to use programmatic as a revenue channel, and how they can incorporate it into their direct sales efforts?</li><li>Are DSPs equipped to understand and articulate the differences in OOH compared to other traditional channels, and how can they navigate conversations with agency stakeholders?</li><li>Are agencies and brands understanding the benefits of pDOOH and how to incorporate it into their larger programmatic strategies?</li></ul><h3 ><strong>What are some future trends and opportunities that you expect we’ll see in the year ahead</strong>?</h3><p>Our panellists predict that we’ll be seeing a rise in <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/programmatic-dooh-the-omnichannel-x-factor/">pDOOH trading as part of omnichannel strategies</a> in the year ahead, with many omnichannel DSPs having already entered the space over the past few years. &#8220;When you combine their inertia with the next wave of new omnichannel DSPs entering the space, I expect there to be a great buzz for programmatic OOH in the industry,&#8221; says Alexie.</p><p>According to Dorota, efficiency and optimization are key factors contributing to the success of programmatic in Germany. "The OOH market has made big progress globally, and one of the first milestones is more digitization. More and more screens are becoming digitized with many media owners investing heavily in this.&#8221; This digitization is going hand in hand with the acceleration of programmatic in the European market.</p><figure ></video></figure><p>For Hannah, now that clients have a more widespread base knowledge of programmatic OOH, the focus can shift towards innovation and cross-channel plans. "Programmatic OOH won’t be the exact same as display advertising. It doesn’t translate like for like, but you can still run campaigns in the same platform and split that budget across different channels."&nbsp;</p><p>In the U.S. market, Ian tells us that a lot of the success of the medium can be attributed to its reach and frequency. Check out what he has to say:</p><figure ></video></figure><h3 ><strong>How are agencies managing the internal structure and ownership of pDOOH vs. their online programmatic or outdoor-specific teams?</strong></h3><p>For Alexie, this all depends on the brand and agency on how they take direction from clients.</p><figure ></video></figure><h3 ><strong>With limited standards of DOOH, how can ad tech, ad server, or measurement platforms prepare to support pDOOH?</strong></h3><p>"It’s really about ensuring that the tech partners, alongside agency stakeholders and publishers, push for standardization," says Alexie. "One challenge we have is the fragmentation of ad sizes. This is a barrier for brands who are trying not to spend a lot of money on producing tons of sizes. Stakeholders need to work together for data, creative sizes, etc."</p><p>Ian agrees that there have been significant strides in the adoption of pDOOH from both publishers and DSPs. "We’ve also made some significant strides in things like latency. When I bid and buy, I want to have real-time bidding. I want to know that when I bid on an ad, it&#8217;s displayed. Those are the standards that are beginning to come together in the US."</p><h3 ><strong>How does planning for effective reach and frequency differ from pDOOH and traditional OOH, and what must the planner consider?</strong></h3><p>According to Dorota, context, audiences, and targeting are everything. When it comes to traditional OOH, buyers aren’t always able to select the certain screens that they’d like, typically buying networks instead. These networks are part of a larger group of frames distributed across a whole city, representing some general target audience group. In terms of driving reach and frequency, Share of Voice, or the percentage of time an ad is displayed within a loop, is important to consider.</p><figure ></video></figure><h3 ><strong>Where should those new to pDOOH begin, and why is gaining knowledge around the evolution of DOOH so vital for businesses?</strong></h3><p>"I would advise people just getting into the space to start simple," says Hannah. "Get a good base understanding of what you’re trying to do and what success would look like from there and then gradually start to build out a strategy and plan." Alexie adds that it’s important for brands to understand the ‘why’. For most brands, pDOOH helps improve their digital campaign performance, and including OOH is a great accelerant for other digital campaigns.</p><figure ></video></figure><h3 ><strong>How can we encourage programmatic spend in smaller or new markets?</strong></h3><p>When trying to open up programmatic trading in a new market, Hannah tells us that it&#8217;s important to first understand if there are any barriers that are preventing players from entering the market. </p><figure ></video></figure><h2 ><strong>A look at doohx’s new certification course, PDOOH Advanced</strong></h2><p>There are many areas of pDOOH that experts are predicting will evolve over the next few years. In the latest <a href="https://www.doohx.io/courses/pdooh-advanced">certification course</a> from doohx, Head of Insight Brooke Ermogenis, along with industry experts from around the world, dig deeper into the exciting technology advancements that we’re seeing.</p><p>Topics include:</p><ul><li>Inventory management and yield optimization</li><li>Internal campaigns</li><li>Maintaining prices and deal strategies</li><li>pDOOH campaign planning and integrations</li></ul><p>&#8230; and much more!</p><p>You can learn more about the course <a href="https://www.doohx.io/courses/pdooh-advanced"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">here</span></a>.</p><h4 >A huge thanks to our panellists and moderator!</h4><p>Want to check out the whole conversation? Click <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMj3ZE5-Msk" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">here</span></a> to view the full recording.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Swiftmile goes the distance with DOOH-enabled micromobility charging stations]]><![CDATA[

Miami may be best known for its gorgeous beaches and bumping nightlife, but the city is also determined to make itself into one of America’s prime tech destinations. It has been making overtures to startups and crypto ventures to make Miami their new home, and it’s working. There’s an incredible wealth of tech players setting […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-swiftmile-goes-the-distance-with-dooh-enabled-micromobility-charging-stationshttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-swiftmile-goes-the-distance-with-dooh-enabled-micromobility-charging-stations<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 12 May 2022 15:26:00 GMT<p>Miami may be best known for its gorgeous beaches and bumping nightlife, but the city is also determined to make itself into one of America’s prime tech destinations. It has been making overtures to startups and crypto ventures to make Miami their new home, and it’s working. There’s an incredible wealth of tech players setting up shop within Miami’s tech scene. As this new identity is forged, the ways people live and work and move within the city are changing too.</p><p>A key example of this is the growth of electric micromobility in Miami. The city has become one of the key US homes of this transit revolution, with electric scooters and eBikes increasingly popular both as owned transportation and as a rental or membership option for getting around the city.</p><p><a href="https://swiftmile.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Swiftmile</a>, a pioneer in this growing micromobility field, is making this new type of transit more accessible by providing ad-supported charging hubs that bring together urban mobility and DOOH within the city. And with each new initiative, it’s working towards fulfilling its vision of a network that connects people on the go with clean transportation and relevant messaging all through Miami and beyond.</p><h2 >Charging ahead, one station at a time</h2><p>Swiftmile Co-Founder and CEO Colin Roche was a mobility novice until he won an e-bike at a charity raffle – he was hooked after just one ride. Within a few years, the micromobility industry exploded with shared e-bike and e-scooter systems appearing in cities worldwide.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>But there were early pain points to address. Micromobility operators often used gas-guzzling vans to charge e-scooters, resulting in unnecessary congestion and emissions. Tipped scooters and sidewalk clutter were also common city concerns. For this industry to continue its rapid growth, it needed an infrastructure solution.&nbsp;</p><p>So in 2015, Swiftmile was born. Their answer was to create universal, solar-powered charging hubs where users could park and charge micromobility vehicles after their ride. Their hubs are brand-agnostic, accommodating bikes and scooters of all kinds, and now even e-mopeds. This flexibility lends Swiftmile the ability to support both shared and personally-owned micromobility vehicles that are quickly becoming popular among city dwellers.&nbsp;</p><figure >Swiftmile&#8217;s chargers enable micromobility users to travel more freely throughout their cities</figcaption></figure><p>And, to cap it off, the hubs include the option of a high-quality 55-inch display for the delivery of targeted advertising content.</p><p>Though Swiftmile currently operates in places other than Miami, including elsewhere in the United States and also Germany, it sees the strength of its core Miami business as lying primarily in hyperlocal targeting for brands looking to reach users via ads on its charging displays. The Miami network accounts for approximately six million impressions a month from car and foot traffic alike.</p><h2 >Real-time, localized content for audiences on the go</h2><p>Swiftmile hubs leverage DOOH to help local businesses reach their target audiences in fun and interactive ways, like providing directions to nearby restaurants and businesses and equipping them with discounts via QR code.</p><p>Swiftmile also provides multimodal transit information through its partnership with <a href="https://transitscreen.com/">Transit Screen</a>, which feeds real-time arrivals data customized to each screen’s locations. The screens also share weather data and public service announcements and include space for advertisers to fill with 15-second or 30-second spots. Ad revenue from these screens will effectively mean the docking stations and the rides can more or less pay for themselves, helping cities scale up micromobility with much less up-front investment.&nbsp;</p><p>Additionally, depending on Swiftmile’s market locations, audience-tracking data can be implemented to help local businesses discover more about the user demographics.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Beyond charging hubs: introducing Swiftmile Digital</h2><p>Swiftmile’s primary focus continues to be supporting the transition to sustainable transportation, but that doesn’t mean that its sole installations are tied to electric charging. Instead, Swiftmile has been building out additional out-of-home inventory, usually tied to mom-and-pop retail, to extend its reach and create a more complete offering for connecting brands and audiences, wherever they happen to be.</p><p>Service businesses like beauty salons and barbershops, gift shops, convenience stores, and others are the prime candidates for the retail displays Swiftmile is deploying, typically in the front windows of the locations. Often, the businesses will also want to install charging infrastructure at their locations, which can help lead micromobility users to their doorstep. This tends to result in a split installation between different locations at the business. In these cases, the chargers will go behind the building while the screens are in front. This helps Swiftmile and its retail partners to achieve the best outcome, putting the ads in front of a larger audience comprised of pedestrians and drivers who are also making use of the business’ services. Crucially, retailers working with Swiftmile are also given access to tools that allow them to share custom messaging with their clientele &#8211; some nice added value to the screens placed in their locations.</p><figure >Swiftmile Digital puts mom-and-pop DOOH advertising within reach for businesses across Miami</figcaption></figure><p>Another initiative, sponsored food delivery lockers for apartment buildings, promises to deliver yet more reach for Swiftmile, and ties nicely to its overall mission of connecting brands with people across Miami, whether they’re outdoors and on the go or indoors and looking for a convenient meal.</p><h3 >Broadsign and Swiftmile</h3><p>Swiftmile is a business on the move. It’s partnering with rail players like DB Trains,, and Brightline to deliver media outside their stations and looking to expand its footprint of charging stations and other urban panels. It’s also looking to find new opportunities to enhance its community with access to digital messaging. To contribute to pandemic recovery, it has given away advertising space to nonprofits and small businesses that needed help finding support.</p><p>In order to continue supporting its growth, and to drive its vision of a brighter, cleaner, more accessible future of transportation and associated media, Swiftmile needed an intelligent, scalable DOOH solution for all its displays, and Broadsign was just the solution for the job.</p><p>Moving forward, each station delivered by Swiftmile will run on Broadsign Control. This will enable streamlined but powerful scheduling capabilities to maximize the effectiveness of delivered advertising, and will also enable Swiftmile to integrate with data feeds to power dynamic content and advertising.&nbsp;</p><figure >Broadsign powers data-driven content distributed across Swiftmile&#8217;s Miami network</figcaption></figure><p>Broadsign Control’s scalability also ensures that no matter what size Swiftmile’s business attains, the company will be able to efficiently manage and monitor its installations without much more effort than it takes today.</p><p>The Broadsign Reach SSP will also be a standard offering, allowing cities to benefit immediately from programmatically purchased and delivered advertising across their screens. Finally, Broadsign Direct and Broadsign Publish will allow for the efficient sale and creation of advertising and other content, respectively.</p><p>As Miami presses on toward a more connected and intelligent kind of city-based living, Swiftmile’s OOH-powered micromobility stations are positioned to be an important fixture. In offering the growing crowd of light e-vehicle users a more convenient solution to navigate cities and park their rides, it’s presenting a great example of DOOH as not just an ad medium, but as a key driver of the sustainable transportation the world so badly needs.</p><p><strong>Power your own DOOH network with the world&#8217;s leading solution</strong></p><p><a data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/contact/" href="https://broadsign.com/contact/"><strong>Get in touch</strong> with Broadsign today!</a></p><p></p><p><strong>Connect with Swiftmile:</strong></p><p><a href="http://swiftmile.com" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Swiftmile.com</a><a href="https://swiftmile.com/swiftmile-digital/">Swiftmile Digital</a><a href="https://swiftmile.com/advertisers/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Advertise with Swiftmile</a></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Announces Support for System-on-Chip Smart Screens and Solutions]]><![CDATA[

OOH ad-based CMS and player for SoC signage debuts ahead of ISE 2022; streamlines the delivery of campaigns across a range of popular smart screens Montreal, Canada – May 9, 2022 – Ahead of ISE 2022, out-of-home (OOH) advertising technology leader Broadsign today announced the availability of Broadsign for System-on-Chip (SoC) beta. Designed to help […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-announces-support-for-system-on-chip-smart-screens-and-solutionshttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-announces-support-for-system-on-chip-smart-screens-and-solutions<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 09 May 2022 03:00:00 GMT<p><em>OOH ad-based CMS and player for SoC signage debuts ahead of ISE 2022; streamlines the delivery of campaigns across a range of popular smart screens</em></p><p><strong>Montreal, Canada – May 9, 2022</strong> – Ahead of ISE 2022, out-of-home (OOH) advertising technology leader <a href="https://broadsign.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign</a> today announced the availability of Broadsign for System-on-Chip (SoC) beta. Designed to help new and existing OOH media owners monetize cost-efficient smart screens, the new Broadsign solution supports the LG webOS and Samsung® Tizen smart screen operating systems, as well as the BrightSign® OS, to enable intelligent OOH ad playlist generation, proof-of-play reporting, and dynamic campaign delivery utilizing Broadsign’s industry-leading OOH advertising platform.&nbsp;</p><p>Broadsign for SoC arrives as advertiser interest in OOH continues to surge, making it easier for media owners to expand their networks with SoC solutions to advance monetization efforts. It includes a host of powerful capabilities from the Broadsign OOH advertising platform to help users streamline campaign management across mixed screen networks spanning environments from transit to banks, cinema, educational institutions, healthcare, hotels, retail, smart cities, EV charging stations, and more.&nbsp;</p><p>Early Broadsign for SoC adopters have already begun to express enthusiasm for the technology:&nbsp;</p><p>Adapt Media DOOH Media Manager Tatiana Abondano says, "Adapt Media is excited about Broadsign SoC as it will greatly simplify our digital signage setup, allowing us to expand our DOOH networks more rapidly and cost-efficiently. We will only have to invest in one device and we will have our screen and player needs taken care of simultaneously, reducing our deployment time, efforts, and overall costs."</p><p>Enmedio Comunicación Digital CEO Sebastián Obregón Londoño shares, "We believe Broadsign for SoC presents a great opportunity to expand digital signage networks faster and offer new products to our customers."</p><p><strong>Broadsign for SoC highlights include:</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Streamlined network operations:</strong> Manage all inventory from one central location and support nearly any mixed-screen network.</li><li><strong>Smart screen optimization: </strong>Harness the most powerful OOH advertising platform to get the most out of smart screen inventory.</li><li><strong>New revenue opportunity</strong>: Unlock ad-based revenue by opening up SoC-equipped screens, either from direct or programmatic OOH channels.</li><li><strong>Advanced network scalability:</strong> Reliable, scalable, and automated workflows make it easy to grow networks without bounds.</li></ul><p>"SoC represents the next big opportunity for Broadsign customers to expand their OOH footprint and reduce their hardware investment," says Maarten Dollevoet, Chief Revenue Officer, Broadsign. "We’re thrilled to bring all the automation, inventory optimization, and monetization opportunities that the Broadsign platform offers to SoC solutions from major industry players like LG, Samsung and BrightSign via this launch."</p><p>"The BrightSign OS runs as an SoC via BrightSign Built-in and also via an affordable, reliable, and compact media player. We’ve prioritized partnerships so that our customers have the choice of using the very best software in the industry, and we are very excited to partner with Broadsign to that effect," comments Jeff Hastings, CEO of BrightSign.</p><p>"The potential for SoC in out-of-home is unending, and we’re thrilled to be working with Broadsign to bring support for some of its widely-used features to our SoC screens. The integration opens up a host of new monetization opportunities for LG webOS Signage display owners interested in attracting a growing audience of advertisers looking to reach their unique OOH audiences," shares Gianni Restaino, LG Business Solutions USA’s’ vice president of engineering.</p><p>"SoC is providing a new, more efficient way to create, run, manage, and monetize digital signage networks, and we’re excited to team with Broadsign to bring Tizen users support for a robust CMS solution with proven benefits that both new and seasoned OOH media owners can take advantage of," shares Stephen Choi, Vice President, Head of North America Display Office (NADO), Samsung Electronics.&nbsp;</p><p>For more details about Broadsign for SoC, please click <a href="https://broadsign.com/system-on-chip/?utm_source=press_release&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=Broadsign_system_on_chip_LP">here</a> or visit Broadsign in the LG Electronics Stand 3K200 at Integrated Systems Europe from May 10-13 in Barcelona. Broadsign partner solutions will also be on display at the BrightSign Stand 6H420 and the Samsung Stand 3F600.</p><p><strong>About Broadsign</strong></p><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering more than 300,000 digital screens in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign advertising platform gives marketers and agencies access to premium digital screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more, run successful programmatic DOOH campaigns.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Turnadon is building a forward-looking OOH business in France]]><![CDATA[

Historically, out-of-home advertising has been a one-way medium, broadcasting content in a particular context. Whether that audience connected with the content—or whether they even glanced at it—was, for a long time, unknown. But today, advances in technology and OOH analytics are changing that, and Turnadon is leading the way. Dedicated to offering its customers guaranteed […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-turnadon-is-building-ooh-francehttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-turnadon-is-building-ooh-france<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 05 May 2022 11:03:12 GMT<p>Historically, out-of-home advertising has been a one-way medium, broadcasting content in a particular context. Whether that audience connected with the content—or whether they even glanced at it—was, for a long time, unknown. But today, advances in technology and OOH analytics are changing that, and <a href="https://www.turnadon.com" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Turnadon</a> is leading the way. Dedicated to offering its customers guaranteed impressions and CPM campaign pricing, Turnadon is helping change the perception of DOOH by showing what kinds of deals are possible.</p><h2 >A fresh DOOH offering in Paris</h2><p>When Turnadon set up shop in 2017, it was one of the first DOOH players in Paris. Founded by two engineers set on disrupting the outdoor advertising space, the company has since grown its digital signage network to 120 screens positioned throughout the capital city’s liveliest neighborhoods.</p><p>In addition to exposure in high-traffic areas, the French DOOH supplier’s partner companies also benefit from unparalleled precision on the market. Turnadon’s network of screens are equipped with sensors that provide strategic data and measurable feedback on campaigns, such as the number of unique impressions and the average exposure time. These engagement insights open up new possibilities for personalization and audience segmentation and allow advertisers and agencies to better reach their target audience with as much transparency as possible.</p><figure /><figcaption>Good engagement data helps Turnadon&#8217;s clients deliver more effective campaigns</figcaption></figure><h2 >Adopting an audience-based DOOH sales approach</h2><p>Turnadon’s data-driven approach reflects <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/the-shift-towards-audience-based-dooh-buys/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">a larger shift in the way that digital out-of-home media is being bought and sold</a>. While marketers have relied on audience-based buying tactics in the online advertising space for a while now, delivering the same kind of hyper-targeted ads has previously been a challenge in the OOH industry. However, through the use of advanced technologies and contextually relevant messaging, that perception is changing.</p><p>One of the most important factors driving the move towards audience-based DOOH buys is the rise of programmatic trading. With browsers like Safari and Google Chrome phasing out third-party cookies, contextual advertising with DOOH is taking on a larger role in many brands’ digital campaign planning. Programmatic selling is helping ease that transition by opening the door to new digital media buyers and making it easier to incorporate DOOH as part of an omnichannel marketing strategy.</p><p>For Turnadon, the benefits of opening its network to programmatic selling were immediately apparent. In addition to making their inventory available to new buyers, their sensor-equipped digital OOH locations could serve as the foundations to planning and audience discovery, retargeting, and proximity marketing. With the power of programmatic on its side, Turnadon plans to expand its network to 1,000 digital screens and establish a presence in the 20 largest cities in France by 2023.</p><figure /><figcaption>Big plans for expansion will help Turnadon&#8217;s data-driven network reach many more people by 2023</figcaption></figure><h2 >Unlocking additional revenue with Broadsign</h2><p>To drive new revenue and meet its ambitious expansion goals, Turnadon needed to invest in an SSP built for digital out-of-home advertising. The out-of-home supplier had already adopted the Broadsign platform—it relied on <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Control’s CMS</a> to facilitate content distribution and scheduling across its growing DOOH network—so Broadsign’s integrated programmatic platform, <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Reach</a>, was a natural fit. Our self-serve SSP solution is built specifically for digital out-of-home advertising, with built-in proof-of-play reports that make it easy for Turnadon to show partner companies the true value of its network.</p><p>As Turnadon continues to evolve its network and increase its digital properties in France, Broadsign’s scalable DOOH solutions will grow with its network and help it reach its full potential. Even more importantly, its reliance on Broadsign’s software will ensure it’s always able to deliver on its mission to create impactful DOOH campaigns in the best neighborhoods and storefronts of Paris while providing accurate and reliable data to advertisers.</p><p><strong>Unlock programmatic revenue for your own DOOH network</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/contact/">Reach out to our team</a> today to get started</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Two Broadsigners share what makes our company a top employer]]><![CDATA[

A couple of weeks ago, Broadsign was named one of Canada’s Top Small & Medium Employers, a competition that recognizes small and medium-sized Canadian businesses that foster a positive workplace culture through progressive human resources policies. It’s an achievement we would of course be proud of anytime, but it feels especially rewarding in light of […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/two-broadsigners-share-what-makes-our-company-a-top-employerhttps://broadsign.com/blog/two-broadsigners-share-what-makes-our-company-a-top-employer<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 26 Apr 2022 12:40:31 GMT<p>A couple of weeks ago, Broadsign was named one of <a href="https://www.canadastop100.com/sme/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Canada&#8217;s Top Small &amp; Medium Employers</a>, a competition that recognizes small and medium-sized Canadian businesses that foster a positive workplace culture through progressive human resources policies.</p><p>It’s an achievement we would of course be proud of anytime, but it feels especially rewarding in light of some of the great new programs we’ve rolled out over the past year. We’ve made improvements to our employee benefit programs &#8211; in particular with regards to supporting mental health &#8211; have committed to a flexible work schedule, and are making employee learning and training a bigger priority than ever.&nbsp;</p><p>Caring for our employees is something we take extremely seriously and have a great deal of pride in. But in order to more fully capture for you the workplace culture we’re continuously working to build and improve, we wanted to share the perspectives of two long-standing Broadsigners, Ramin and Kseniya. Below, they’ve shared what it is about Broadsign that has made their time with our team a positive experience.</p><h3 ><strong>Ramin Rahimee, Senior Software Engineer/Squad Lead</strong></h3><p>When Broadsign acquired Ayuda Media Systems in 2019, it onboarded some new teammates in the process—that&#8217;s where Ramin&#8217;s journey with our team begins. Previously, Ramin worked as a software engineer for several years. While with Ayuda, he was based in Berlin, but once the acquisition took place, he expressed to his new employers his desire to cross the Atlantic and live in Canada. Soon, he relocated to Toronto, where he is now based, working remotely full-time.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Moving to a new country and working for a new employer undoubtedly comes with its share of hurdles, but Ramin says the transition was relatively smooth sailing.&nbsp;</p><p>&#8220;Broadsign supported me with everything, from my visa sponsorship, to moving expenses and relocation costs. They did everything to help me relocate,&#8221; Ramin says. A new continent and three years later, he&#8217;s just as enthusiastic about working here as in those early days.&nbsp;</p><p>Before officially joining the Broadsign ranks, Ramin&#8217;s resume included nearly a decade of experience in software engineering.With Broadsign, he became familiar with an all-new industry: out-of-home.&nbsp;</p><p>&#8220;Working in OOH is like discovering a new world. It has its own technologies and vocabulary, &#8221; he says. But, through Broadsign&#8217;s knowledge-sharing philosophy, Ramin quickly learned its intricacies, working on its different products on both the Broadsign and Campsite platforms.&nbsp;</p><p>Since his hiring, he&#8217;s taken on new responsibilities as a senior software engineer/squad leader. In this role, he hopes to foster the same environment of collaboration, support, and open exchange of ideas that made him feel at home when he first started.</p><p>As a parent of two, Broadsign&#8217;s flexible work schedule has also been a game-changer for Ramin. With remote work a part of the new reality, he says that Broadsign&#8217;s hybrid work solutions are an added benefit. His team quickly adapted to this new dynamic while the company provided them with the technology and tools needed to continue to stay productive. When uncertainty was a given, he said he appreciated Broadsign&#8217;s open communication channels and how the company helped make the work-from-home set-up easier through allowances, health benefits, tech equipment—everything with no questions asked.&nbsp;</p><p>Besides that, he says his department has been able to flourish in other ways. The WFH requirement has opened up new opportunities for hires around the world. Ramin says his team has hired people from Spain, Turkey, and Brazil—all that matters now is that you&#8217;re good at what you do.&nbsp;</p><p>The company never bats an eyelash when setting up its employees for success. Ramin adds that he&#8217;s attended conferences and pursued training and development in the past three years, all funded by Broadsign.</p><h3 >Kseniya Baluk, Full-Stack Software&nbsp; Developer III&nbsp;</h3><p>When Kseniya Baluk first immigrated to Canada, she worked as a translator. But upon arriving at her new home, there was a lack of demand in her domain, so she completely switched gears and pursued software and web development instead.&nbsp;</p><p>Why the change?&nbsp;</p><p>&#8220;I enjoy spending time on the Internet,&#8221; Kseniya says, &#8220;so this move seemed logical.&#8221; She joined the Broadsign software dev team as a junior software developer and quickly moved through the ranks after completing her studies. To help broaden her professional trajectory, Broadsign encouraged her to attend certification courses or networking events to enhance her skills. Now, she works on <strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Direct</a>,</strong> a campaign management tool designed to help businesses manage and sell out-of-home inventory more efficiently. But she says that what makes her role here so enjoyable is the culture fostered by the team.&nbsp;</p><p>&#8220;Broadsign has an excellent company culture, and you notice that right away,&#8221; she says. Her department, she says, thrives on constant collaboration and a pair-programming technique that fosters a sense of teamwork and ensures no developer is left behind. She adds that the software dev team is acutely focused on removing silos, instead opting for open collaboration.&nbsp;</p><p>This collaborative mindset has continued as employees have predominantly worked from home since March 2020. It&#8217;s since become more of a &#8220;work where you like&#8221; approach appreciated by employees who live far away from Broadsign&#8217;s head office (or, in the case of Ramin, in another city). At this point, Kseniya says that she and her team have more or less adapted to this new work environment, adding that the team is now quite comfortable connecting via video chat. She adds that she feels like she&#8217;s even been more productive in some ways!&nbsp;</p><p>&#8220;In general, the company has been supportive during this transition,&#8221; says Kseniya. Moreover, she feels that Broadsign goes beyond what&#8217;s expected from employers, offering fitness allowance, mental health initiatives, yoga classes, and yoga sessions. &#8220;It shows us that Broadsign cares about our well-being,&#8221; she says.&nbsp;</p><p>Besides that, Kseniya says she&#8217;s felt supported in ways that exceed expectations. An example she cites details how the Director of HR, Meghan Hastings, reached out to her to speak about the recent conflict in Ukraine.&nbsp;</p><p>&#8220;I&#8217;m from Belarus, and so Meghan called me up to speak to me to ask how I was doing given the situation. I feel extremely looked after and taken care of here.&#8221;</p><h4 >Find yours here</a>.</strong></h4><p></p><p></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Choosing the best digital signage software: Top features to look for in 2023]]><![CDATA[

The best digital signage software makes it easy to distribute and manage content across a DOOH network of any size. And with digital out-of-home ad spending expected to reach new heights in the coming months and years, the success of your business will depend on choosing software that’s capable of supporting your network’s growth. Whether […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-softwarehttps://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 21 Apr 2022 10:45:00 GMT<p>The best digital signage software makes it easy to distribute and manage content across a DOOH network of any size. And with digital out-of-home ad spending expected to reach new heights in the coming months and years, the success of your business will depend on choosing software that’s capable of supporting your network’s growth.</p><p>Whether you’re looking to build or upgrade a digital signage network, your choice of software is going to play a big role in determining how well you do. To help you assess which digital signage solution is the best fit for your business, we explore some of the key features common to today’s top DOOH software.</p><h2 >What is digital signage software?</h2><p>Before diving into specific features and functionality, you first need to understand the digital signage ecosystem. Every digital signage network requires hardware—consisting of the displays themselves and typically one <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-signage-player-guide/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">quality digital signage player</a> per screen—and software. A crucial component, the software is what pushes content to your digital signage and controls which media appears on-screen at any given time.</p><figure >Digital signage software handles content delivery and scheduling for one or more displays</figcaption></figure><p>Digital signage software is comprised of a content management system (CMS), which allows you to easily manage and run the entire network from one central location, and a playback software that is installed on each display’s player. The CMS is the brains of the digital signage system; it’s the central platform that enables you to manage, deploy, and update content on your digital screens. Because of this, the terms "digital signage software" and "content management software" are sometimes used interchangeably. However, the capabilities and features included within a given digital signage software package will vary, and conflating the two can be misleading.</p><p>Today’s digital signage software covers a range of roles in the management of your digital signage network and includes powerful tools to optimize effectiveness and efficiency.</p><h2 >Top digital signage software use cases</h2><p>Here are some of the ways that digital signage software can help you manage your DOOH network:</p><ul><li>Managing content and digital signage devices: Software that operates as a content management system (CMS) delivers control over the actual content and settings on the digital signage itself.</li><li>Serving ads to your digital signs: If you’re selling ad space on your digital signs, ad server software can help you serve up those ads in a manageable way by directing your advertising content to the appropriate devices at the appropriate time.</li><li>Enabling programmatic selling: A supply-side platform (SSP) makes your inventory available as a service in a more direct way to potential customers. This allows you to open your network up to targeted campaigns from around the world and generate new revenue programmatically.</li><li>Optimizing the direct selling process: Sales tools specifically designed for OOH campaigns offer access to real-time inventory availability and rebalance campaigns to optimize yield.</li></ul><p>Some DOOH software providers sell all-in-one integrated solutions while other offerings only cover one or some of the roles outlined above. Whatever your DOOH management goals, your digital signage software should be able to deliver maximum impact for your business.</p><figure >Dedicated OOH sales tools can unlock more value for an out-of-home business</figcaption></figure><h2 >Top 20 key features of the best digital signage software</h2><p>The best digital signage software is open, helps streamline your workflow, and makes it easy to integrate the tools you need to succeed. In other words, it makes your life a whole lot easier.</p><p>Here’s a look at some of the specific features we think should go on your shopping list for digital signage and digital-out-of-home software in 2023.</p><h2 >Basic features for digital signage</h2><p>If you’re just looking to run a good digital signage network, you may not need all the fanciest, newest features of leading digital signage platforms. At minimum, here are some of the important things we think you should look out for.</p><h3 >Support for important media formats</h3><p>If you’re just looking to share static images on a digital display, any digital signage software should be able to handle your JPG or PNG files for you.</p><p>But if you want to display moving content, you’re going to need to make sure your software can support it. For non-dynamic video, MP4 is a standard format that most software can likely play. Note that if you want to play 4K content, you should double-check that the software supports that specifically. If you want to display dynamic content, you need to make sure your software supports HTML5 and is able to render the creative correctly.</p><p>These are just the standards. If you’re working with a format other than those listed above, be sure to check in with prospective software providers to make sure they can deliver what you need.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> This campaign for Oreo used video content that lined up with a solar eclipse to create a truly memorable moment.</p><figure ></div></figure><h3 >Great platform stability</h3><p>Digital signage and digital out-of-home are meant to be seen. This means that crashes, errors, and other accidents are very noticeable and very annoying, both for publishers and their customers.</p><p>For that reason, we strongly recommend making software stability one of your core concerns when evaluating your options. A good platform will have near-perfect uptime and let you focus on big-picture elements of your business, not mundane concerns of whether your software has crashed again.</p><h3 >Top-notch security</h3><p>Hacking incidents involving digital signage can be amusing &#8211; unless it’s your displays that are the victims.</p><p>The fact is, when you have digital displays out in public spaces, there are sometimes mischief-makers or bad actors who will try to hack into them. While taking measures to physically limit the ability of these people to gain access to your systems is a great place to start, make sure that your software solution can also lock out any unauthorized individuals who manage to get into your system.</p><p>SOC I and SOC II security are considered standard for business-critical software, so be on the lookout for solutions that meet those standards.</p><div ><figure >Your digital signage software should be secure enough to protect the integrity of your displays</figcaption></figure></div><h3 >Scalability</h3><p>Some common digital signage software will work just fine for smaller networks (around 1-20 or so screens). Try to expand beyond that, though, and often the workflows become time-consuming, or the content management gets overwhelming.</p><p>Moving from one platform to another every time you outgrow a solution makes for a lot of additional work. Avoid that by selecting digital signage software that can scale up with you. The right solutions will let you manage 50, 100, or 1,000 displays with just about the same ease, meaning you won’t have to stress about growing the way you want to.</p><h3 >Remote monitoring + control features</h3><p>It really pays to be able to run your business remotely. It’s just plain faster and easier to be able to keep track of your displays from one centralized location, and to make emergency changes or last-minute content updates from wherever you are.</p><p>If you want to succeed in DOOH in the 2020s, remote monitoring and control of DOOH assets is really a baseline requirement, so make sure your chosen DOOH software supports it.</p><div ><figure >Being able to run your digital signage network from anywhere is more important than ever</figcaption></figure></div><h2 >Advanced features: Digital signage software for DOOH advertising</h2><p>If you have higher ambitions for your digital signage network than just putting up content on a schedule, there are a handful of features you should make sure your digital signage platform can support. For networks looking to leverage the power of advertising, these are some advanced software features to watch out for.</p><h3 >Targeted ad serving</h3><p>Targeted campaigns are more effective, more relevant, more economical for buyers, and can be sold at a higher relative cost for DOOH media owners. They truly do offer benefits across the board.</p><p>That&#8217;s why software selected by ambitious DOOH businesses today ought to include granular targeting capabilities allowing for specific audiences to be advertised to with out-of-home ads. The best ones make it dead simple to define audience criteria like age and location, and even incorporate other factors, such as weather conditions, financial market data, and more, to pick the perfect time to deliver the perfect message to the audience a buyer wants to connect with. </p><h3 >Proof-of-play reporting</h3><p>If you have commitments to playing content on your digital signage, it’s important that you can see that you’re actually meeting those commitments. That’s why it’s worthwhile to invest in a platform that includes good proof-of-play reporting.</p><p>PoP reports can tell you when content was played, where it was played, how many impressions it likely got, and other kinds of information that you and any customers or partners will want to know. Prioritize this capability if you want to truly understand how content is performing on your network.</p><h3 >Automated content scheduling + delivery</h3><p>Especially for larger networks, manually scheduling content can be a real time suck. It also leaves a lot of room for error. For instance, you might have to make sure ads for competing brands are kept separate, or accommodate advertisers’ demands not to have their ads appear in the same loop as particular products or industries. And if there’s a last minute change requested for one campaign, you might have to do a lot of work rescheduling a bunch of others to make everything fit.</p><p>With <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">automated DOOH management software</a>, all of this goes away. You enter the parameters under which a piece of content should be played and the system handles scheduling and delivery automatically. And if something changes, the system will take care of everything for you &#8211; no need to go back and change the entire schedule by hand.</p><p>The amount of time you save is truly life changing.</p><div ><figure >An automated digital signage CMS will give you more time to focus on big-picture work</figcaption></figure></div><h3 >Expandability (for data feeds, other integrations)</h3><p>Some of the coolest content in digital signage and digital out-of-home is created by integrating data feeds, audience analytics tools, and other capabilities that generally aren’t included in digital signage software by default.</p><p>If you want to be able to deliver great advertising, provide useful live information, or just better understand the demographic makeup of your audience, make sure your digital signage software will be able to integrate with all the tools and data you need.</p><h3 >Multi-screen &amp; synchronization capabilities</h3><p>One screen is great, but using multiple digital displays to present your content can make for a better, or even memorable, experience. This could mean having one piece of creative use multiple displays as a larger canvas, or have multiple screens display mirrors of the same content, all playing in sync.</p><p>You’ll need hardware that is capable of driving content to all of these displays at the same time &#8211; it takes more juice than is needed with a single display &#8211; but you’ll also need to make sure your software is up to the task. If multi-display or synchronized playback are important to you, be sure to double-check that your software can handle it.</p><h3 >Content caching for later delivery</h3><p>Theoretically, truly live content delivery is nice &#8211; the right content arrives to the right screen at exactly the right time. In practice, however, this can lead to problems. A slow or unstable connection could lead to screens blanking, or loading content unacceptably slowly.</p><p>Remote content delivery is ideal, but only if your system supports caching the content a few minutes in advance and then playing it back at the right moment. You get to avoid connection issues messing with your content playback while still maintaining the relevance that near-live scheduling can offer</p><h2 >Features for better digital signage content</h2><p>Digital signage and DOOH content can go well beyond the basics of scheduling images or videos on a loop. If you want to deliver more relevant, more exciting, and more timely information across your network, here are some of the features to look for.</p><h3 >Content targeting capabilities</h3><p>Sure, you can just put up any old content in a loop and call it a day &#8211; but why settle for that? Today, it’s possible to target the content that appears on a screen so that it is a good match for the demographics that are in a given location.</p><p>Being able to understand a screen’s audience and deliver appropriate content to that audience is a baseline for modern digital signage content in 2023, so don’t settle for less.</p><div ><figure >Good targeting capabilities can help you deliver the right content to the right screens on your network</figcaption></figure></div><h3 >Dynamic content playback</h3><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Dynamic content</a> is content that changes in response to external data. The applications can include displaying different creative based on weather, traffic levels, lottery jackpot size, and just about anything else you can think of.</p><p>It’s a great way to grab audience attention, so many big buyers want to create dynamic campaigns. Trouble is, not all software is capable of displaying this type of content. Make sure your digital signage software supports dynamic playback so that you don’t miss out on great opportunities.</p><h3 >Support for interactivity</h3><p>One of the most fun developments in digital signage in the past few years is that <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/interactive-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">interactive digital signage</a> has become more common. Touchscreen kiosks are popping up everywhere, non-touch gesture control is making inroads, and even less direct methods of interactivity, like social media and mobile device integrations, are being used to great effect.</p><p>Interactive content is great at catching the eye, and some of the most memorable campaigns of recent years have included interactivity in some capacity. If you want your network to be eligible for these kinds of campaigns, make sure you select digital signage software that will support interactive campaigns.</p><div ><figure >Interactive capability is something buyers increasingly look for from signage networks</figcaption></figure></div><h3 >Managed local messaging tools</h3><p>Sometimes, it’s helpful to have on-location teams update elements of the digital signage content mix directly. Maybe the hours are changing at just one branch of a larger business, or a particular item has just sold out. Empowering the local team to reflect those changes on their digital signage themselves is a great way to speed up turnaround time for important information.</p><p>Look for a managed local messaging feature to ensure your brand guidelines are adhered to when your teams are making adjustments, as well as to ensure anyone can make necessary modifications, regardless of their design ability.</p><p><strong>Example</strong>: See how <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-publish/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Publish</a> makes local messaging easy to edit and schedule for delivery</p><figure ></div></figure><h3 >Emergency messaging features</h3><p>In good times and bad, digital signage is a great way to share important messages. That’s why it can be a good idea to ensure your digital signage software includes emergency messaging capabilities.</p><p>With built-in emergency messaging, you can quickly override regular programming to share instructions for audiences, or directions to exits or other points of safety. It’s the kind of feature you hope to never have to use, but is great to have if ever you do.</p><h2 >Features for digital signage ad sales optimization</h2><p>Not all digital signage networks rely on sales, but for those that do, it’s important to adopt intelligent tools that will empower the sales team to make great deals quickly. Here are some of the key features to look out for.</p><h3 >Real-time access to availability information</h3><p>If you sell advertising on your signage, it helps a great deal for your chosen digital signage software to make the sales process as easy as possible.</p><p>Some sales tools, like our own <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Direct</a>, sync with live inventory availability to help your teams make deals faster, and with fewer errors. If you want your team to spend less time on busy work and more time actually selling, you need a dedicated OOH sales tool.</p><h3 >Support for programmatic sales &amp; delivery</h3><p>Another important feature for ad-based networks is support for programmatic transactions. This will allow you to sell advertising slots on your displays automatically, with slots going to the highest bidder who meets whatever requirements you want for advertisers on your network.</p><p>Programmatic is taking off in the DOOH space, so ensuring your network supports it is important for maintaining success into the future.</p><p><strong>Example</strong>: This campaign from foodora demonstrates how programmatic transactions can work on a digital signage network</p><figure ></div></figure><h3 >Automatic yield optimization + rebalancing</h3><p>Selling advertising is rarely as straightforward as we want it to be. You make one deal, you make a few more, and then suddenly an amazing opportunity comes along that conflicts with your existing deals.</p><p>If your software supports yield optimization and automatic rebalancing, you won’t have to miss out. Instead, the system will automatically shuffle your schedule around to produce the optimal outcome for your changing priorities. If you want to get absolute top dollar for ad inventory, these features are crucial.</p><p>Learn how <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/yield-optimization-is-for-everyone-with-broadsign-director-of-product-seamus-hunn/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Direct’s new optimization engine</a> allows you to accept more campaigns while accepting commitments and parameters for existing campaigns.</p><figure ></div></figure><h3 >Support for different kinds of sales</h3><p>If you’re selling advertising, it’s important to be able to sell in the way that your buyers want to buy. And buyers want to buy in a bunch of different ways! Some want to buy based on a particular number of impressions, some want to buy a share of voice of the inventory, others may want to purchase a set number of appearances in a screen’s loop.</p><p>The more kinds of purchase you can support, the better your odds of making sales, so make this a big consideration when evaluating your digital signage software.</p><h3 >Integration with a good CRM</h3><p>CRM tools like Salesforce are the beating heart of millions of businesses worldwide, and companies selling digital signage ad inventory are no exception.</p><p>If you want to be able to run your business through Salesforce, or any other CRM, you should make sure that it integrates properly with your digital signage sales solution. Whether this is accomplished through a native integration or an API, having these important tools talking to each other will make life much easier for you.</p><p><strong>Want to check out the leading software solutions for OOH?</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/">Request your free Broadsign demo</a> today!</strong></p><h2 >Digital signage software FAQs</h2><p>Got questions about digital signage software? We’ve got answers. We’ve rounded up some of the top questions we get from clients and laid them out for you along with some helpful guidelines so you can select the best digital signage software for your network.</p><h3 >How does digital signage software work?</h3><p>Digital signage software operates through some form of client-server communication, where the software either runs via an on-premises server (on-prem) or is offered through a cloud-based service (SaaS). End users interact with the software by issuing commands through a web-based or installed client application to the server, which then passes these instructions onto the digital signage devices themselves. Each digital signage display is connected to a digital signage player, a small computer running its own software that communicates with the server about the state of the device and receives instructions and content to display.</p><h3 >What are the benefits of digital signage software?</h3><p>Digital signage software can help DOOH media owners achieve a number of goals, including:</p><ul><li><strong>Increased flexibility:</strong> Digital signage software allows you to change your OOH display content as desired.</li><li><strong>Remote access and control:</strong> Cloud-based digital signage solutions also let you monitor and make customizations remotely.</li><li><strong>Automation:</strong> Intelligent DOOH software can help you save time by automating content scheduling and delivery.</li><li><strong>Smarter selling:</strong> Digital signage sales tools can help you optimize OOH ad sales with real-time inventory availability and intelligent campaign rebalancing.</li></ul><h3 >Should you opt for cloud-based digital signage software?</h3><p>While there are still a number of great on-premises digital signage systems, cloud based options like <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-platform/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign’s industry-leading DOOH software</a> are becoming increasingly popular due to lower upfront costs, increased flexibility, and the ability to update signage remotely.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How programmatic agency Fidelitix amplifies client campaigns with DOOH]]><![CDATA[

Programmatic advertising is hardly a new concept for Montreal-based agency Fidelitix. Founded in 2015, Fidelitix works with brands and advertisers to manage all aspects of

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-programmatic-agency-fidelitix-amplifies-client-campaigns-with-doohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-programmatic-agency-fidelitix-amplifies-client-campaigns-with-dooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 19 Apr 2022 17:08:29 GMT<p>Programmatic advertising is hardly a new concept for Montreal-based agency <a href="https://fidelitix.ca/">Fidelitix</a>. Founded in 2015, Fidelitix works with brands and advertisers to manage all aspects of their digital advertising strategy, from paid SEM campaigns to conversion tracking. As a member of <a href="https://360.agency/en/">360.Agency</a>, the company leverages programmatic advertising with data insights to create effective campaigns that reach audiences with the right message at the right time.</p><p>To help bridge the gap between online and offline advertising, Fidelitix began introducing DOOH into its programmatic offering. We spoke with Cynthia Belanger, Director of Product Development at Fidelitix to learn more about expanding into the world of DOOH and the role <a href="http://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a> (formerly Campsite) plays in client media strategies.</p><h2 ><strong>Why expand into DOOH?</strong></h2><p>As an agency that focuses on data and technology advancements, expanding into the world of PDOOH was a natural step in continuing to meet the needs of clients. With more brands and agencies adopting omnichannel marketing strategies to reach consumers, Fidelitix began incorporating programmatic DOOH as part of clients’ cross-media campaigns.&nbsp;</p><p>OOH in general is a completely new realm for many of the agency’s clients, many of which are smaller brands, agencies, and car dealerships. More familiar with digital, newspaper, and radio advertising, many of Fidelitix’s clients held the assumption that billboard advertising was out of reach. According to Cynthia, these brands and agencies typically associate OOH with significant investments, which is not necessarily true with programmatic advertising. As Cynthia explains, demonstrating how client campaigns can be optimized with DOOH is a key factor in getting clients to adopt the medium. "DOOH is such a natural extension to any campaign execution," she says &#8211; and there are many benefits to convey.&nbsp;</p><p>DOOH offers prime visibility thanks to its brand awareness and mass reach capabilities, as many of the agency’s clients use the medium to optimize full-funnel journeys. For others, like Fidelitix’s car dealership client base, DOOH is a way to promote sales, oftentimes running in conjunction with digital campaigns. Cynthia gives the example of a brand running ads through Spotify: a potential consumer could be listening to a podcast via their mobile device and get served Spotify ads. Thanks to mobile geofencing capabilities, that same consumer can then be retargeted with DOOH ads for the same brand as they go about their day.</p><p>There are also financial benefits to incorporating DOOH in an omnichannel campaign. In terms of CPMs, DOOH is a cost-effective medium, a benefit for clients who plan advertising budgets on a month-to-month basis. It’s also easier for smaller advertisers to adapt the creatives used online to be formatted for DOOH, making it more accessible for clients who have limited budgets or resources to create multiple creatives for each channel.</p><h2 ><strong>The power of programmatic advertising</strong></h2><p>With programmatic DOOH, Fidelitix’s clients can optimize and extend the reach of any digital campaign quickly and effectively. As Cynthia tells us, PDOOH enables many advertisers to access inventory at more reasonable costs compared to other forms of advertising like radio, TV, and print. Brands and agencies are utilizing programmatic capabilities like mobile geo-fencing to run display campaigns within certain targeted areas, so adding another type of media like DOOH allows them to reach audiences with more contextual targeting capabilities. In fact, one car dealership working with the agency was able to create a highly-contextual campaign using location-based targeting to reach audiences around DMV locations.&nbsp;</p><p>"Our clients love how contextual they can be with DOOH. It’s a lot of fun to create these strategies with them", says Cynthia. "They also value how tangible DOOH is compared to online impressions. There’s something unique and exciting about seeing your brand on a billboard."</p><p>For automotive dealerships, DOOH presents an opportunity to stand out as traffic returns and consumers spend more time in their cars. </p><blockquote ><p><em>&#8220;DOOH is a great way to create brand awareness while enhancing the storytelling opportunities of automotive dealerships. Dealerships need to be involved in the communities to win, and DOOH is a great way to get the message out and be an active member in helping the community shine. It&#8217;s also a great way to get our client involved with the creatives and messaging of each campaign that goes live on the big screen.&#8221;</em> </p><cite>Mike Chalut, Media Director at 360 Agency</cite></blockquote><h2 ><strong>The Broadsign Ads experience</strong></h2><p>Fidelitix aims to make programmatic advertising accessible to clients who would normally find it intimidating or out of reach. As a programmatic digital agency, introducing clients to the world of PDOOH is simple and straightforward thanks to Broadsign Ads. For Cynthia, Broadsign Ads&#8217; power-user at Fidelitix, finding new technology to help clients get their message out is a primary focus. Broadsign Ads assists in the day-to-day process of planning client campaigns, uploading creatives and generating proposals for brands and agencies.&nbsp;</p><p>First, Cynthia builds the campaign proposal and shares the link directly with the client or advertiser. The client can then personalize and customize it to their needs, like selecting specific locations and billboards. "We really enjoy how the tool allows you to save proposals for your campaigns and share the link with clients," she says. "Clients can look at everything you’ve included in their strategy and pick what they want in terms of the location while excluding the screens that are not within a primary market area." Once the client is happy and signs off on the proposal, the user can directly convert the proposal to a campaign, upload creatives, and be live within minutes.&nbsp;</p><figure >Broadsign Ads&#8217; campaign proposals can be shared directly with the client to communicate campaign details</figcaption></figure><p>Fidelitix also works with clients to run through strategies like dayparting and budget planning, adapting campaigns based on time of day or other data triggers. For example, a brand may decide to maximize its budget by only running a billboard campaign during morning and afternoon rush hours. With Broadsign Ads, the user simply inputs their parameters and can instantly launch flexible, tailored campaigns. The agency runs both online and offline strategies in parallel, using DV360 for digital display advertising and Broadsign Ads to run DOOH campaigns with the same creatives that have been adapted for the medium.</p><p>As far as usability goes, Cynthia and the team at Fidelitix appreciate the fact that Broadsign Ads is a self-serve platform with a workflow that was built with DOOH in mind first. The entire process from planning to execution is flawless and very similar to online ad platforms.</p><blockquote ><p><em>"We love that we can log into Broadsign Ads, set parameters, change campaigns, and play around with the platform completely on our own while having Broadsign Ads support available if we have any questions. It’s completely independent and easy to use."</em> </p><cite>Cynthia Belanger, Director of Product Development at Fidelitix.</cite></blockquote><h3 ><strong>Learn more about running creative and impactful DOOH campaigns with Broadsign Ads.</strong></h3><p><a href="http://broadsign.com/book-demo">Book a demo</a> with one of our experts to plan your next campaign.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How to display content across multiple screens with Broadsign]]><![CDATA[

As digital out-of-home continues to gain traction, media buyers are looking for even more exciting ways to reach their audience through context-based dynamic advertisem*nts. And while one screen is great, using multiple screens to present campaign content can create a truly immersive experience. This could mean displaying one piece of creative across multiple displays, using […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-display-content-across-multiple-screens-with-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-display-content-across-multiple-screens-with-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 14 Apr 2022 15:58:29 GMT<p>As digital out-of-home continues to gain traction, media buyers are looking for even more exciting ways to reach their audience through context-based dynamic advertisem*nts. And while one screen is great, using multiple screens to present campaign content can create a truly immersive experience.</p><p>This could mean displaying one piece of creative across multiple displays, using multiple displays as a larger, cohesive canvas, or having multiple screens display related content in sync with one another.</p><p>For any of these scenarios, you’ll need hardware that’s capable of driving content to multiple screens at the same time. But you’ll also need to make sure that your digital signage software supports multi-screen and synchronized playback. Fortunately, the Broadsign platform makes deploying these kinds of campaigns very straightforward, and actually offers a number of options for getting the job done.</p><p>Here’s a quick look through the different kinds of multiscreen content that Broadsign enables, as well as the hardware requirements and the specific features for bringing them to life.</p><h2 >What does "multi-screen playback" mean in OOH?</h2><p>Before we dive into some of the different scenarios that are possible with Broadsign’s digital signage software, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page. When we talk about displaying content on multiple screens, there’s a few different things that could mean:</p><ul><li>Targeting multiple pieces of content to multiple screens</li><li>Duplicating a single piece of content across multiple screens</li><li>Synchronizing playback of a single campaign across screens</li></ul><p>Just playing content such as video, sound, graphics, animation, and more on a display isn’t that big of a challenge for your average digital signage software. Incorporating multiple displays for content delivery, though, is something a bit more specialized. For most multiscreen deployments, you’ll need an ad server powering content delivery behind the scenes.</p><p>Just using an ad server, though, won’t necessarily mean the content will play across the target displays in sync with each other. And if you want to show a common message across many screens, the impact will be greater if the display content is synched, especially if the display layout means there are multiple screens within the audience’s field of vision. If the content is even slightly off on each screen, you won’t achieve an effect that audiences will enjoy or that buyers will appreciate.</p><p>So how do you make sure content plays back in perfect unison across multiple devices? For that, you need digital signage software that supports synchronization: a feature that lets computers communicate with one another in real-time.</p><h2 >Why synchronize digital signage players?</h2><p>Individual media players in a digital signage network typically operate independently of one another; each player receives media files and scheduling information from a back-end server, then pushes the content out to your connected digital signage display.</p><p>While every media player in your network communicates with the server at regular intervals, these content updates don’t necessarily happen at the exact same intervals. To further complicate things, leading digital signage and digital out-of-home solutions like Broadsign don’t typically operate in a way where a specific campaign will be scheduled to play on a specific display at a specific time. Instead, ads are assigned playback rules and the scheduling software has the flexibility to play the same ad at different times on different screens, provided those times and screens match the ad’s criteria. This means that you can’t rely on basic scheduling to synchronize playback; you need additional functionality to get the job done.</p><p>But, why? When you install many screens in the same area, you need to think about how content across those screens might be viewed by a viewer at any given moment. If the content is meant to be replicated or coordinated across all screens and the timing for changing the onscreen campaign is slightly off, it will detract from the potential impact of a multi-screen installation. Synchronization is crucial for running dynamic campaigns spanning multiple screens and display units (in fact, without it such campaigns wouldn’t even be possible), but it also helps ensure the end result meets your expectations.</p><p>To put it simply: If your audience can see more than one of your screens at the same time and you’re trying to coordinate content across those screens, you’ll need to invest in a solution that has dedicated playback sync functionality.</p><figure }</script><figcaption>If you want to display content in sync across a number of displays, you&#8217;ll need specialized software</figcaption></figure><h2 >Synchronizing multi-screen playback with Broadsign</h2><p>With Broadsign’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-platform/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">industry-leading digital out-of-home software</a>, you can configure the content of one screen (or one section of a screen) to trigger playback of content in another screen (or another section of a screen) by using a leader/follower configuration. That way, you can ensure that the same content is playing on multiple screens or sections of screens.</p><p>Broadsign offers you the possibility to perform several types of synchronization. Choosing the right features or strategy will depend on a number of factors, including the campaign capabilities you want to enable, the hardware configuration of your multi-screen setup, and whether the players you want to sync are on the same Wifi/LAN network.</p><h3 >Frame synchronization</h3><p>When you need to:</p><ul><li>Sync two sections of the same screen</li><li>Sync two screens connected to the same player</li></ul><p>If you need to sync two parts of the same screen, or, if you need to sync two screens that are connected to the same player, then frame synchronization in Broadsign Control has got you covered.</p><p>Frame synchronization lets you configure the content of one frame to trigger playback of content in another frame, a feature that’s also known as "triggering". The triggering content (i.e., the content displayed on the "Leader" frame) can be the same as the content that appears on the "Follower" frame(s), or it can be frame-specific. This synchronization technique can be applied anytime you want to divide a larger screen into separate sections.</p><p>For example, imagine that you have a digital bus shelter with two frames on a single screen: a main frame, and a sidebar. When an ad for McDonalds’ daily drink deal appears on the main frame, you want directions to several of the nearest locations, along with estimated walking times, to appear on the sidebar. With frame synchronization, you can configure your display so that when the McDonalds ad appears, it triggers playback of the nearest location information at the same time.</p><p>While a frame is generally a section of a single screen, there are certain scenarios where you can use frame synchronization to drive frames that live on different screens (where one frame is on one screen, and the other frame is on the other screen). This setup is common to standalone totems that have screens on two sides, such as those used by EV charging networks and smart city installations. The main requirement here is that all of the frames you want to synchronize need to be connected to the same digital signage player.</p><p><strong>Read: </strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-swiftmile-goes-the-distance-with-dooh-enabled-micromobility-charging-stations/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><strong>How Swiftmile goes the distance with DOOH-enabled micromobility charging stations</strong> <strong>powered by Broadsign</strong></a></p><figure }</script></figure><p>Frame synchronization is relatively inexpensive (since it only requires one digital signage player), and is an easy way to display basic 1080p video content across multiple sections of a single display. But it’s not well-suited to every situation where multi-screen playback is required. While one media player can typically run one large display or many small frames in sync, many players may need to be used when running many large displays. In fact, you’ll generally want to have a quality digital signage player for every digital display in your network.</p><p>Multi-frame layouts that use dynamic content, such as HTML5 animations, will also put more of a strain on most player hardware on the market today. If you want to run dynamic, 4K content on both frames, you’ll need a more powerful player that’s specifically equipped to handle a higher resolution.</p><figure }</script><figcaption>Frame-sync is a good, inexpensive way to display multiple blocks of media across one or more displays</figcaption></figure><h3 >Multi-player synchronization</h3><p>When you need to sync two screens connected to different players:</p><ul><li>If they’re on the same wifi/LAN network: Network synchronization</li><li>If they’re on different wifi/LAN networks: 3G synchronization</li></ul><p>Multi-screen installations can be used to create amazing digital signage video walls and dramatic location takeovers that are perfect for when an advertiser wants to make a big impact. With network synchronization and 3G synchronization in Broadsign Control, you can seamlessly sync campaigns across multiple digital signage players and screens.</p><p>"Regular", or same network player synchronization, enables synchronized playback between Broadsign players that are on the same LAN network, and 3G sync does the same for Broadsign players on different LANs. Both strategies build on Broadsign’s existing trigger feature, which uses a leader/follower configuration similar to the mechanism used in frame synchronization: one screen/player is designated as the "Leader" and sends triggers to the "Follower" player(s). Synchronized content can be identical or screen-specific, but ideally, the followers have the same loop length, slot length, hardware, and clock settings as the leader.</p><p>Multi-player synchronization is necessary any time you want to sync content across multiple displays within your field of vision that are being run by more than one player. This situation is often seen in place-based setups in restaurants, train stations, and retail stores, but the same technique is also used for larger format video walls and immersive outdoor displays. Imagine an advertiser wants to mount a full-scale location takeover that involves multiple digital billboards all displaying content in sync. In a situation like that, you’d definitely want to be able to enable multi-player sync.</p><p>Network synchronization and 3G synchronization are basically alternate methods for achieving the same goal; the main difference to note here is that playback on same-network setups occurs when the trigger is received, whereas on 3G sync networks, the trigger arrives with a timestamp and playback occurs at that time.</p><figure }</script><figcaption>Multi-player sync allows you to synchronize media across multiple DOOH players</figcaption></figure><h3 >Synchronization with third-party player software</h3><p>When you need to sync two or more screens connected to different players &amp; at least one player uses non-Broadsign software to play content</p><p>What if you want to enable multi-screen campaigns, but your network includes a mix of Broadsign players and players running third-party software? For situations where you might need a bit more hardware flexibility but don’t want to sacrifice on software features, <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-air/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Air, our intelligent cloud-based ad server</a>, can help you make it happen.</p><p>Broadsign Air lets you add non-Broadsign players to your network and brings the same ad-serving capabilities of Broadsign Control to third-party players. Air-connected players can be centrally managed through the Broadsign Control administrator tool and will be able to benefit from most of the same great features as full-fledged Broadsign players. One limitation to note, however, is that Broadsign Air <strong>does not</strong> support multi-frame playback or synchronization.</p><p>It’s also important to note that Broadsign Air isn’t standalone software capable of playing content on its own; it needs to be connected to separate player software that can play the content it serves. You’ll also need a Broadsign Control license in order to access its scheduling and ad-serving capabilities on your third-party player. But once you’re set up, you’ll still be able to sync content and campaigns between all of your networked players with ease.</p><p><strong>L<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-broadsign-air/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">earn more about our intelligent cloud-based ad server: Broadsign Air</a></strong></p><figure }</script></figure><h3 >Duplicating a single input across multiple screens</h3><p>When you need to:</p><ul><li>Display duplicate content on two screens</li><li>Run a basic, single-screen campaign on multiple screens</li></ul><p>There’s another, more basic, option we haven’t discussed yet, and that’s because it technically doesn’t involve synchronization. While all of the strategies outlined above can be used to display either duplicate or screen-specific content across multiple screens, there are some situations where you might not need both capabilities. If you simply want to display duplicate content across more than one screen, it’s sometimes possible to do so with the help of a video splitter: a device with several output signals that connects to a digital signage player and transmits the same content to multiple screens.</p><p>You might see a video splitter setup used in a hotel lobby or the atrium of a movie theater—places where multiple screens are installed in the same area, and each screen is displaying the exact same thing. Another common use case for a video splitter is when retail stores like Best Buy or Costco display duplicate video content across multiple TVs in order to show buyers the difference in quality. Video splitters might make sense for straightforward setups like these, where a single, basic piece of content is simply being duplicated across multiple screens; since only one player is required to provide output, video splitters can help smaller networks save on licensing costs.</p><p>Outside of very specific scenarios, however, video splitters aren’t generally a suitable option for digital signage networks. For one thing, they’re quite limiting in terms of the content you can duplicate and display, since they can only handle static images, text, and basic 1080p video. Even then, the video signal degrades slightly each time it’s split, resulting in loss of video quality. Network owners looking to capitalize on the rising demand for dynamic DOOH amongst ad buyers should instead invest in the technology required to meet this demand.</p><p><strong>Want to make multi-screen content playback easier?</strong></p><p><strong>Get your <a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/">Broadsign demo </a>to see how it&#8217;s done</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Samsung’s programmatic campaign went big in Texas]]><![CDATA[

Samsung was looking to increase brand awareness, consideration, and purchase intention for its Samsung Galaxy S21 smartphone in this booming region of the U.S. To increase exposure, the brand turned to Broadsign to leverage the power of out-of-home for its Texas campaign. Joining forces with Samsung’s agency Cheil, Broadsign helped develop a programmatic digital-out-of-home strategy […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-samsungs-programmatic-campaign-went-big-in-texashttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-samsungs-programmatic-campaign-went-big-in-texas<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 13 Apr 2022 13:16:00 GMT<p><a href="https://www.samsung.com/us/">Samsung</a> was looking to increase brand awareness, consideration, and purchase intention for its Samsung Galaxy S21 smartphone in this booming region of the U.S. To increase exposure, the brand turned to <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a> to leverage the power of out-of-home for its Texas campaign. Joining forces with Samsung&#8217;s agency <a href="https://us.cheil.com/">Cheil</a>, Broadsign helped develop a programmatic digital-out-of-home strategy that would target specific audience segments at scale.</p><h3 >The objective</h3><p>Samsung wanted to track, measure, and get a better sense of DOOH’s impact on drive-to-store metrics. The objective was to target specific audience segments, leveraging mobile data signals, with high reach and frequency across multiple DOOH publisher networks, making this campaign a perfect candidate for programmatic execution.</p><hr /><h3 >The solution</h3><p>The <a href="http://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads (formerly Campsite) DOOH channel-specific DSP</a> was used to plan and create the campaign in partnership with Cheil. To track and measure the DOOH campaign’s full-funnel impact, two other partners were included: MFour to measure brand impact and PlaceIQ for footfall traffic tracking.</p><h5 ><strong>MILLIONS OF QUALIFIED IMPRESSIONS DELIVERED</strong></h5><p >Thanks to the scale, flexibility, and control of Broadsign Ads, the campaign delivered highly-targeted impressions to on-the-go tech and photo enthusiasts at the most relevant times and places. Exposed devices were passed to the DV360 data marketplace for retargeting.</p><h5 ><strong>TARGETED AUDIENCE-BASED BUYS</strong></h5><p >The audience targeting capabilities of the Broadsign Ads platform led to a more efficient media spend compared to traditional location-based buys, resulting in significantly stronger campaign reach and frequency.</p><h5 ><strong>SEAMLESS OMNICHANNEL EXPERIENCE</strong></h5><p >Audiences exposed to the DOOH campaign (identified via mobile device IDs) were reached with similar creatives across various online channels for additional reach and engagement, creating a seamless omnichannel experience.</p><hr /><h3 >The results</h3><h3 ><strong>Positive Ad Recall</strong></h3><p >Programmatic DOOH was instrumental in the success of this campaign thanks to the short lead time and flexibility needed in the planning and execution phases.</p><p>Increased ad recall with:</p><ul ><li>50% of exposed audiences recalling seeing the ads</li><li>86% of audiences found the ad likeable</li><li>67% said the campaign gave them a more favourable opinion of the brand and product</li></ul><h3 ><strong>Positive Impact on Brand Metrics</strong></h3><ul ><li>6% lift in brand consideration</li><li>7% lift in purchase intent</li><li>1.75x lift in in-store visitation</li></ul><p><strong><em>2021 OMMA Award Finalist Campaign</em></strong></p><blockquote ><p>To execute a campaign of this magnitude, we needed a DSP that could deliver on ease of use and transparency &#8211; and Broadsign Ads performed above and beyond our expectations thanks to its numerous capabilities and capacity to streamline the DOOH-specific workflow. Furthermore, collaborating with the Broadsign Ads team of programmatic digital-out-of-home experts meant seamless execution from start to finish.</p><cite>Keri Thomas, Media Supervisor at Cheil</cite></blockquote><figure }</script></figure><h3 >Ready to get started with programmatic digital out-of-home?</h3><p>Our team of experts is on hand to assist you with planning, execution, and post-campaign reporting. <a href="https://broadsign.com/book-demo/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Book a discovery call</span></a> to connect!</p><div style="height:50px" aria-hidden="true" ></div><div ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[OOH Rebound: A look at 2022’s spring and summer trends]]><![CDATA[

It’s been a rough few years for the out-of-home (OOH) industry. According to the Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA), OOH ad spend in the US hit a high of $8.6 billion in 2019 before falling 29% to 6.1 billion in 2020 as a result of pandemic shutdowns. Are we finally starting to […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-rebound-a-look-at-2022s-spring-and-summer-trendshttps://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-rebound-a-look-at-2022s-spring-and-summer-trends<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 13 Apr 2022 12:01:02 GMT<p>It’s been a rough few years for the out-of-home (OOH) industry. According to the Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA), OOH ad spend in the US hit a high of <a href="https://oaaa.org/AboutOOH/Factsamp;Figures/HistoricalRevenue.aspx" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">$8.6 billion in 2019</a> before falling 29% to 6.1 billion in 2020 as a result of pandemic shutdowns.&nbsp;</p><p>Are we finally starting to see a comeback? All signs point to yes. The OOH industry began its recovery in 2021 and is expected to continue throughout 2022 as industries bounce back and more consumers return outdoors. According to <a href="https://www.placeiq.com/2022/02/sdt-traffic-patterns-indicate-consumer-enthusiasm-is-returning/">PlaceIQ’s Social Distance Tracker</a>, foot traffic and consumer enthusiasm is returning following the reemergence patterns we saw in 2021. These patterns included a big increase in foot traffic to social venues like restaurants, stores, bars, and movie theatres.</p><p>So what does this mean for OOH? If expert predictions are right, the industry is gearing up for a big rebound that will continue throughout the year and into 2023. Let’s take a look at some of the trends that are helping pave this road to recovery.</p><h2 ><strong>Consumer trends for spring and summer 2022</strong></h2><h5 ><strong>Seasonal Holidays &amp; Events</strong></h5><p>For many brands, the warmer months come with big selling and revenue opportunities. According to a recent study conducted by the OAAA and The Harris Poll, OOH is driving awareness for <a href="https://specialreports.oaaa.org/sales-tip-ooh-is-highly-relevant-for-special-occasions-shopping/">seasonal holiday and event gift purchases</a> like Mother&#8217;s Day, Father’s Day, graduations, and weddings. Advertisers can capitalize on key spring events by running contextual OOH ads that help influence purchasing decisions for these holidays.</p><div ><ul><li><strong>55% in cities of 1M+ population find OOH ad messages useful when shopping for these special occasions</strong></li><li><strong>66% of Millennials in cities of 1M+ population&nbsp;</strong></li></ul></div></div><h5 >Commuting</h5><p>Commuting is on the rise as workers begin their return to the office. The same survey found that <a href="https://specialreports.oaaa.org/sales-tip-2022-ooh-growth-fueled-by-increased-consumer-engagement-and-mobility/">80% of American workers expect to commute</a> through the spring of 2022 &#8211; and this number jumps throughout the summer months. Americans are also increasingly comfortable travelling by all forms of transportation, including public transit. Advertisers should use these trends in mobility to target audience segments in high-value venue types with long dwell times, like transit stations or office buildings.</p><div ><ul><li><strong>80% of American workers expect to commute through the spring of 2022</strong></li><li><strong>84% expect to commute throughout the summer months</strong></li><li><strong>58% in cities of 1M+ population feel safe travelling by subway</strong></li></ul></div><figure }</script></figure></div><h5 ><strong>Travel</strong></h5><p>Consumers are also looking forward to<a href="https://specialreports.oaaa.org/sales-tip-ooh-opportunities-increased-summer-travel-in-2022/"> travelling this spring and summer</a>, creating an opportunity for OOH ads in venues like airports. Brands can take advantage of this by serving ads for vacation-related goods and services.</p><div ><ul><li><strong>85% of Americans plan to take a vacation this summer</strong></li><li><strong>48% will take two weeks or more, up from 41% in summer 2021</strong></li></ul></div></div><h5 ><strong>Automotive</strong></h5><p>Automotive OOH ads will be prominent throughout the spring and summer as the industry begins to bounce back from supply chain shortages that affected markets throughout 2021. With these issues expected to improve in 2022, many predict that there will be a big boom in automotive advertising &#8211; and consumers will be paying attention. Nearly half of the audiences surveyed <a href="https://specialreports.oaaa.org/sales-tip-ooh-drives-automotive-category-activation/">recalled seeing an OOH ad for an automotive brand</a>, with many engaging with the brand by either visiting the website, sharing information, or visiting a dealership.</p><div ><ul><li><strong>Nearly 4 in 10 Americans recall seeing an automotive OOH ad recently</strong></li><li><strong>Over 43% who viewed an automotive OOH ad took action following exposure</strong></li></ul></div><figure }</script></figure></div><h2 ><strong>OOH has the spotlight</strong></h2><p>Today’s internet users are exposed to more ads than ever before, and digital marketers are facing a challenge in getting consumers to notice them. After spending the past two years working, studying, and socializing from behind a screen, many audiences have simply become desensitized to digital ads, oftentimes skipping or ignoring them completely. In fact, the study found that nearly <a href="https://specialreports.oaaa.org/sales-tip-2022-ooh-growth-fueled-by-increased-consumer-engagement-and-mobility/">8/10 of Americans are annoyed by online ads </a>that interrupt their browsing or viewing experiences. There’s also an increasing number of <a href="https://backlinko.com/ad-blockers-users">internet users who use ad blockers</a> to stop these interruptions.</p><blockquote ><p><strong>42.7% of internet users worldwide use ad-blocking tools at least once a month</strong></p><p><strong>27% of American internet users block ads</strong></p><cite>(Source: Hootsuite)</cite></blockquote><p>With digital fatigue and a cookieless future on the horizon, marketers have the opportunity to shift ad spend towards OOH, delivering more relevant and contextual content to audiences. Audiences are being exposed to OOH ads more and more as they travel, commute, and socialize, and <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8uS-zGk-Rs">57% of them said they’ve engaged with an OOH ad</a> in some way. Retail, fast food, and food &amp; beverage ads are being noticed the most, with 63% of consumers agreeing that retail ads are the most relevant.&nbsp;</p><p>Urban dwellers and younger generations are even <a href="https://specialreports.oaaa.org/sales-tip-2022-ooh-growth-fueled-by-increased-consumer-engagement-and-mobility/">noticing OOH at higher levels</a> than pre-pandemic, creating an opportunity for advertisers to connect with these highly desirable audience segments. Brands and shopper marketers should take advantage of this rise in consumer attention by <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-cpg-brands-are-transforming-shopper-marketing-with-dooh/">engaging with them through OOH</a>, targeting them with interactive experiences like QR codes to drive brand awareness while creating a positive brand impact for the viewer.&nbsp;</p><blockquote ><p><strong>43% of adult consumers say they notice OOH ads more compared to before the pandemic</strong></p><cite>(Source: OAAA)</cite></blockquote><h2 ><strong>More adoption of programmatic DOOH</strong></h2><p>Programmatic innovations and advancements are also contributing to OOH’s rebound. According to the OAAA, <a href="https://specialreports.oaaa.org/sales-tip-top-2022-ooh-trends-growth-projected-at-11/">programmatic DOOH is projected to grow by 56% in 2022</a>. PDOOH offers flexibility and agility, allowing advertisers to quickly target audiences based on data triggers like weather, season, special events, and more. Take Mother’s Day for example: a CPG brand can run an OOH campaign across a designated retail area reminding consumers to pick up some of mom’s favourite perfume. Thanks to programmatic, that same brand can quickly serve ads for a different campaign once the holiday is over, like promoting sunscreen for the upcoming summer vacation season.&nbsp;</p><p>As more and more marketers incorporate PDOOH into their omnichannel campaigns, we also predict a rise in OOH as part of full-funnel marketing plans. With programmatic, campaigns can quickly be adapted and delivered across both channels through DSPs. Using the same parameters and contextual triggers, advertisers can enable seamless messaging that reaches consumers wherever they are. Advertisers looking to focus on brand-building advertising can leverage PDOOH as part of their omnichannel media mix, allowing them to target large portions of a population in an impactful and less-fragmented way than digital advertising.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Hires John Dolan as VP, Global Head of Media Sales]]><![CDATA[

Montreal, Canada – April 7, 2022 – Following an exceptional year of growth, out-of-home (OOH) marketing technology developer Broadsign today announced the expansion of its programmatic team with the appointment of John Dolan as Vice President, Global Head of Media Sales. Bringing more than a decade of programmatic martech experience to the newly formed role, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-hires-john-dolan-as-vp-global-head-of-media-saleshttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-hires-john-dolan-as-vp-global-head-of-media-sales<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 07 Apr 2022 09:03:34 GMT<p>Montreal, Canada – April 7, 2022 – Following an exceptional year of growth, out-of-home (OOH) marketing technology developer<a href="https://broadsign.com/"> Broadsign</a> today announced the expansion of its programmatic team with the appointment of John Dolan as Vice President, Global Head of Media Sales. Bringing more than a decade of programmatic martech experience to the newly formed role, Dolan will oversee Broadsign’s global sales team in identifying new growth opportunities and amplifying revenue with a data-driven approach – largely focusing on Broadsign’s OOH demand side platform (DSP) as well as its supply side platform (SSP) via third party DSP partnerships.</p><p>Dolan joins Broadsign with a comprehensive understanding of the ad tech landscape spanning the demand side (DSP), data management (DMP), ad serving, dynamic creative and verification. He comes to Broadsign from Integral Ad Science, where he spearheaded agency and programmatic development for the company as Global VP. Prior, he served as VP of National Sales at Sizmek, developer of an independent buy side ad server, and various sales roles at Rocket Fuel, a global&nbsp; programmatic marketing platform. Dolan holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Rhode Island.</p><p>"More media buyers are looking to programmatic DOOH (pDOOH) to broaden their portfolio, and with an ad tech industry vet like John on our team, we’re well positioned to meet the demand," shared Maarten Dollevoet, Chief Revenue Officer, Broadsign. "John’s affable personality, leadership expertise, and longstanding relationships with key players in the programmatic space will prove invaluable in showcasing the value of programmatic to our existing customers while also helping us attract new buyers to the medium and accelerate industry wide growth."&nbsp;</p><p>"Broadsign has built tools for nearly every imaginable facet of the OOH journey, including its programmatic evolution, and that foundation will help drive the medium into the future as more omnichannel advertisers explore all it has to offer," noted Dolan. "OOH has a place in every campaign, and when combined with CTV, mobile, social, and online advertising, provides a total powerhouse for advertisers; I look forward to helping more buyers capitalize on that, and am thrilled to be a part of a company and team with such deep roots in OOH."</p><h2 ><strong>About Broadsign</strong></h2><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering more than 200,000 digital screens in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign platform gives marketers and agencies access to premium digital screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more, run successful programmatic DOOH campaigns.<a href="https://broadsign.com/"> https://broadsign.com</a></p><div style="height:44px" aria-hidden="true" ></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Addressability is Killing Mass Marketing. So What Do We DOOH About It?]]><![CDATA[

The so-called “glory days” of quick and easy online customer acquisition saw many brands allocating a disproportionate share of their marketing budgets towards direct response advertising and in doing so, neglecting the importance of brand advertising. But the pendulum is swinging back towards brand advertising; driven by the growing appreciation for the role that it […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/addressability-is-killing-mass-marketing-so-what-do-we-dooh-about-ithttps://broadsign.com/blog/addressability-is-killing-mass-marketing-so-what-do-we-dooh-about-it<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 01 Apr 2022 13:52:00 GMT<p>The so-called &#8220;glory days&#8221; of quick and easy online customer acquisition saw many brands allocating a disproportionate share of their marketing budgets towards direct response advertising and in doing so, neglecting the importance of brand advertising. But the pendulum is swinging back towards brand advertising; driven by the growing appreciation for the role that it plays in building brands, widening the funnel and attracting new customers.</p><p>While brand advertising is back in vogue for many brands, mass mediums such as TV are being consumed in an increasingly addressable fashion, which is creating some major headaches for mass brands.</p><p>In an increasingly fragmented media landscape, does Out-of-Home stand as the last true mass medium? Check out the webinar recording from Broadsign&#8217;s Head of Sales &#8211; ANZ, Ben Allman who explores this question along with why more brands should be &#8216;doing the DOOH&#8217; in 2022.</p><figure ></div></figure><h4 >Get started with programmatic DOOH</h4><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/book-demo/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Book a discovery call</span></a>with one of our experts to plan your next campaign.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[The shift towards audience-based DOOH buys]]><![CDATA[

There’s a global shift happening in the way that digital out-of-home (DOOH) is being bought and traded. What was once a standalone medium planned by specialists is quickly becoming a staple in media plans for every type of buyer. With this shift comes a different perspective on the medium, like how it will be shaped […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/the-shift-towards-audience-based-dooh-buyshttps://broadsign.com/blog/the-shift-towards-audience-based-dooh-buys<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 31 Mar 2022 10:55:17 GMT<p>There’s a global shift happening in the way that digital out-of-home (DOOH) is being bought and traded. What was once a standalone medium planned by specialists is quickly becoming a staple in media plans for every type of buyer. With this shift comes a different perspective on the medium, like how it will be shaped moving forward and how advertisers are planning and executing their campaigns.</p><p>One of the most important factors in this shift is the move towards audience-based buys. For many advertisers, audience-based buying is already an integral part of of their digital strategies, with personalized, data-driven ads being delivered online and via Connected TV (CTV) channels. Delivering the same kind of hyper-targeted ads has previously been a challenge in the OOH industry, which has traditionally been regarded as lacklustre in terms of measurement and audience insights. New technologies, like geofencing and device ID tracking, however, are providing marketers with access to this information, resulting in a whole new wave of engagement insights. After all, OOH isn’t about the size of the screens or the splashiness of the ads, it’s about the audiences.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>Audience-based buying</strong></h2><p>Audience-based buying allows advertisers to run ads based on specific audience characteristics, buying patterns, or behavioural trends, enabling targeted campaigns that run in a more ‘real-time’ sense than ever before. Traditionally, OOH would need to be bought in networks, cities, or set time frames, with advertisers trying to reach as many people as possible within these networks. Thanks to audience-based buying, there’s now a new level of freedom for buyers to curate campaigns more true to the audience they’re trying to target.</p><p>The <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/programmatic-dooh-the-omnichannel-x-factor/">rise in programmatic trading</a> gives planners the opportunity to focus on true audience-based buys, and thanks to advancing tech from DSPs, SSPs, and audience data providers, all of this can take place through a single platform &#8211; trading across formats, markets and publishers utilizing unified data sets.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Less about formats, more about data</h2><p>OOH has long been a medium that places weight on the ‘premium’ nature of screens and formats, with each format being bought for what it brings to the equation. If you want frequency, for example, you’ll likely purchase a high foot traffic medium like street furniture or transit. If you want impact, you’re buying up key large-format sites. If you’re looking for context, place-based media comes into the mix.</p><p>But with the advancements of programmatic trading, including the incorporation of more sophisticated targeting, triggers and audience data, factors like screen size or publisher are becoming less relevant compared to what this more intelligent level of trading can offer buyers.</p><div }</script><figcaption>Audience-based buying helps advertisers target buyer segments based on behavioural patterns</figcaption></figure></div><p>By using data sources integrated into DSP and SSP platforms, buyers can curate campaigns that are more focussed on the consumer journey rather than aligning with the locations of a particular publisher or format. Not only can you select your screens on an individual level based on the audience category associated with each venue type, but you can also get more granular in your approach in terms of timing &#8211; often down to the hour. This is giving buyers the ability to follow their audiences as they go about their day-to-day lives, providing multiple touchpoints that react in real-time to any changes in traffic flow or behaviour-altering events, like the weather.</p><p>The death of the cookie also presents the need for advertisers to seek out new sources of audience insights, like contextual information. In today’s landscape, they must dive deeper into who their audience is, and more importantly, what their behavioural patterns look like. With this information, they can ensure they’re delivering the most contextual and relevant ads that connect with consumers based on their tendencies.</p><h2 ><strong>The importance of mobile data</strong></h2><p>Thanks to mobile data, advertisers can target venues with the highest concentration of their desired audiences. This works by gathering data from the mobile devices in proximity to a point of interest, allowing advertisers to measure factors like demographics and interests to create buyer personas.&nbsp;</p><p>First, mobile data is collected from smartphones once audiences have entered the boundaries of a specified location. Types of data collected include device IDs, languages, app IDs, age, gender, and more. From there, advertisers can gain a better understanding of what their desired groups look like based on factors like age, income, life stage, or intent, for example. By knowing who their audience is and what exactly they’re looking for, buyer personas can be created that go beyond demographics to include segments based on interests &#8211; like pet owners, movie buffs, or new parents. These personas can then be mapped out across OOH venue types, so advertisers know exactly who is passing by these locations and can deliver targeted ads to the right people at the right time.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>Cross-channel targeting</strong></h2><p>It’s been well established that targeting audiences across different channels, both real-world and digital, <a href="https://www.thedrum.com/industryinsights/2021/03/12/piecing-together-the-omnichannel-puzzle">yields better results than reaching them through a single channel</a>. By running ads that focus on audiences rather than locations, advertisers can gain insights that allow them to continuously retarget consumers across entire omnichannel campaigns. For example, gym enthusiasts who frequent a training facility can be served digital ads for a brand of protein powder later in the day via their mobile devices. By identifying patterns of behaviours along with mobile ID tracking to determine who’s viewed an OOH ad, marketers can deploy precise ads that perfectly complement other channels.</p><p>There’s no doubt that this shift in buying is allowing marketers to engage with desired audiences in a highly-targeted way while positioning DOOH as a medium that can be incorporated into omnichannel campaigns. It also represents an entirely new value proposition for the medium that will inevitably lead to more investment in the industry. With audience-based buying, advertisers can get their message across to the right people while ensuring audiences are only exposed to the ads they want to see &#8211; a true win for everybody.&nbsp;</p><p>If you and your team are ready to level up your programmatic DOOH knowledge ahead of another record year for the channel, you can use <a href="https://www.doohx.io/courses/pdooh-101?coupon=broadsignwebsitereferral15">this link for a 15% discount on doohx’s foundational PDOOH 101 certification course</a>.<em>Already a Broadsign customer? Contact your account manager for more information.</em></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Let’s Talk Programmatic DOOH: Insights from Pladway]]><![CDATA[

In 2018, a group of advertising experts set out to develop a solution that would help bridge the gap between media owners and buyers in the Italian market through programmatic advertising. A first of its kind in the Italian advertising space, the Pladway DOOH platform helped expand programmatic media trading from online to out-of-home advertising. […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/lets-talk-programmatic-dooh-insights-from-pladwayhttps://broadsign.com/blog/lets-talk-programmatic-dooh-insights-from-pladway<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 22 Mar 2022 08:44:23 GMT<p>In 2018, a group of advertising experts set out to develop a solution that would help bridge the gap between media owners and buyers in the Italian market through programmatic advertising. A first of its kind in the Italian advertising space, the <a href="https://www.pladway.com/">Pladway DOOH platform</a> helped expand programmatic media trading from online to out-of-home advertising.</p><p>We spoke with Marco Orlandi, CEO of Pladway to get his insights on programmatic DOOH (pDOOH) trends, omnichannel media strategies, DOOH measurement, and more.</p><h4 ><strong>What are some 2022 pDOOH trends to watch based on your observations and requests from brand advertisers?</strong></h4><p>Programmatic DOOH is recovering at a much faster pace than traditional OOH advertising following the pandemic. The lockdown has digitized us even further, and media owners, brands, and agencies are more receptive to automated ways of working. Media owners are investing in components that offer campaign flexibility and control to buyers while audience targeting is becoming more sophisticated.&nbsp;</p><p>Our customer base is also widening, with different types of advertisers wanting to expand into pDOOH. Everyone wants to obtain data for their own campaigns, like mobile retargeting or drive-to-store metrics, so our market shares are increasing and the nature of our customer base is changing. We are no longer only talking to media buying agencies, but also smaller brands and store managers who want to manage campaigns for their stores. These campaigns are more local and simple, with a focus on collecting data to accurately measure effectiveness. In fact, there is a growing demand for data transparency among media buyers, and we also help give visibility into inventory information like audiences, location, and technical specifications.&nbsp;</p><p>Buyers are increasingly demanding open deal types, which have traditionally been requested by big agencies and advertisers for reasons like optimizing operating and decision-making processes. However, open deals are now becoming fundamental to other media buyers, like independent or digital agencies, to make media owners’ DOOH inventory more visible and integrable into campaigns. Thanks to open deals, the pDOOH offer is becoming broader and more accessible to small and new agencies, even in digital planning.</p><p>Finally, there is more demand for high-quality inventory in the programmatic space. High-quality players with premium inventory locations are entering the space, and in the eyes of media buyers, pDOOH continues to be viewed as a high-value channel.</p><figure ></video></figure><h4 ><strong>pDOOH is becoming a powerful part of omnichannel strategies for CPG brands looking to drive demand along the consumer path to purchase. Why do you think this is?</strong></h4><p>With pDOOH, brands decide on the campaign planning conditions, like scheduling and pacing, and external conditions related to sales systems (like competition or promotion periods). From the DSP perspective, we give brands the tools to refine their strategy as the end client. Brands are looking to DOOH to impact sales, and programmatic is allowing us to speak with them directly versus going through intermediary media agencies.&nbsp;</p><p>Brands are also turning towards pDOOH as part of their omnichannel strategies, and we expect to see more and more campaigns and ads based on triggers. Thanks to programmatic, brands can deliver more contextual, sales-related communications by surgically targeting audiences, determining planning conditions, and activating omnichannel campaigns without an intermediary.</p><p>Among our recent campaigns, an interesting case point is Suzuki via Changee. The campaign combines pDOOH and mobile retargeting, and also embodies the need for buyers to activate targeted campaigns in retail areas to help drive sales.</p><figure ></video></figure><h4 ><strong>What do you think needs to happen at the agency level to ensure DOOH is a staple in every omnichannel media plan?</strong></h4><p>While there is very clear potential for DOOH and pDOOH to be adopted across agencies, much still needs to happen for this to be realized. This is due to the misalignment between the online and OOH world. As a key player in the programmatic market, our role at Pladway is to educate media buyers and help demonstrate how data can flow between the two mediums. We need to show digital advertisers the value of DOOH, and DOOH specialists need to know that the digital model is one to follow as it opens up the door to new possibilities for increasing campaign effectiveness.</p><figure ></video></figure><p>Though OOH and digital advertising are two different channels that are often siloed, they still need to work together to allow agencies to create fully-functioning media plans. All of Pladway’s DSP developments help make it easier for digital planners to access DOOH inventory by providing useful information around locations, facility information, and audience sources. The more data digital planners have at their disposal, the better the link between the two mediums will be.</p><h4 ><strong>How important is it for your agency partners to measure the brand impact of their pDOOH campaigns?</strong></h4><p>Agencies are starting to receive requests from brands to measure brand lift, and these agencies are turning to Pladway for help in measuring how digital advertising and OOH connect. With traditional ad buying, agencies and brands only have partial data regarding campaign performance and execution, and they only have access to these analytics a week or so after the campaign is completed. Programmatic platforms provide insights on real-time campaign performance through mobile ID tracking or geofencing for example, and brands can add their own consumer data to evaluate how the campaign is driving people to store or impacting brand lift.</p><h4 ><strong>How would you summarize the key differences between pDOOH and other digital channels?</strong></h4><p>DOOH communication is typically more effective in terms of visibility and driving emotion compared to purely digital channels. It’s a more transparent and brand-safe medium compared to digital display, however, there are still some technical issues that need to be solved due to its nature as a one-to-many media channel.</p><figure ></video></figure><h4 ><strong>What role does Broadsign Reach SSP play in your supply?</strong></h4><p>To help us expand Pladway’s global footprint, we decided to connect Pladway’s DSP with <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/">Broadsign Reach</a> to allow buyers to access new screens from other countries in a quick and easy way. Thanks to the integration, we had the opportunity to expand our offer with locations abroad, and we can now manage media buyers’ requests for global planning of ‘Made in Italy’ brands.&nbsp;</p><p>Although we were born as a full-stack solution, having alliances with global players allows us to follow the natural evolution of the programmatic market. By making integration agreements with partners, our customers can continue to expand their businesses and make their own choices in terms of technology and partnerships.</p><h4 ><strong>There’s a lot ahead for pDOOH in the next few months. What are you most excited about?</strong></h4><p>We are excited to continue expanding our customer base, and we plan to add intuitive and visual tools to help us reach small and medium-sized businesses. The goal is to create access to different SSPs while collecting and normalizing data for the market, so we can develop new interface capabilities to run small campaigns that can be accepted by media owners if we focus on automation.&nbsp;</p><figure ></video></figure><p>We also need all media owners and buyers to work together on expanding the programmatic market. All platforms need to tell the same story if we want to enlarge the footprint of the market, making it simple to understand, buy, and execute campaigns.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[The path to purchase: How CPG brands are transforming shopper marketing with DOOH]]><![CDATA[

Retail Media Networks (RMNs) have been experiencing significant growth over the past few years, especially in the digital realm. Digital RMNs enable retailers to create advertising opportunities for brands across their online channels, allowing marketers to reach consumers by placing ads on a retailer’s website or along various online touchpoints. As consumer mobility begins to […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/the-path-to-purchase-how-cpg-brands-are-transforming-shopper-marketing-with-doohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/the-path-to-purchase-how-cpg-brands-are-transforming-shopper-marketing-with-dooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 17 Mar 2022 10:00:00 GMT<p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/retail-media-networks-101" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Retail Media Networks (RMNs)</a> have been experiencing significant growth over the past few years, especially in the digital realm. Digital RMNs enable retailers to create advertising opportunities for brands across their online channels, allowing marketers to reach consumers by placing ads on a retailer’s website or along various online touchpoints. As consumer mobility begins to bounce back post-pandemic, these networks are expanding to include digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising – and it’s starting to transform shopper marketing for brands.</p><h2 >Why are CPG brands turning to DOOH?</h2><p>With consumers now spending more time outside of their homes, extending campaign reach beyond digital advertising is key. DOOH is helping bridge the gap between digital and offline channels by allowing brands to extend their messaging along the entire path-to-purchase, a necessary move as consumers increase the amount of time they spend interacting with a brand throughout their buying journey.</p><p>Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why brands are incorporating DOOH into their shopper marketing strategies.</p><h4 >1. <strong>Brand awareness and impact on purchase consideration&nbsp;</strong></h4><p>A primary reason why DOOH is making waves in shopper marketing is its ability to build brand awareness while also helping influence buying decisions along the path to purchase. As one of the last remaining mass media channels, DOOH reaches audiences in a way that can’t be blocked, skipped, or ignored – and it does so in a brand-safe way that captures attention while establishing more trust than online channels.</p><p>For shopper marketers, DOOH is becoming more specific in terms of retailer activation. Let’s say Tide wants to run a promotion for laundry detergent at all Walmart stores across Toronto. It can strategically activate DOOH screens in close proximity to the retail stores, promoting special offers designed to drive consumers to store. In this case, DOOH is being used to influence consumer decisions.&nbsp;</p><figure >Boost brand awareness while impacting footfall traffic with OOH advertising.</figcaption></figure><h4 >2. The amplification of omnichannel campaigns</h4><p>With DOOH, brands are amplifying their omnichannel campaigns along the consumer path to purchase, displaying eye-catching creatives across screens in premium locations and subsequently retargeting audiences via their mobile devices. This creates the ability to deliver more branded impressions while reaching consumers at every digital and offline touchpoint.</p><p>CPG brands are also extending their omnichannel reach by running DOOH ads with special offers or promotions that can be delivered via mobile devices. QR codes are proving to be highly effective in helping <a href="https://www.digitalsignagetoday.com/news/pandemic-driving-consumer-qr-code-usage/">drive consumer engagement and in-store visits</a>. For example, a brand can place ads on screens distributed throughout the retail location that display QR codes. Consumers can then scan these dynamic codes to immediately access special offers via their mobile devices. Each dynamic QR code can drive the consumer to a webpage or offer a coupon that’s unique to the location of a screen, leading to a brand activation that’s specific to each retail location or other variables.</p><p>Aside from increasing consumer engagement and creating a positive brand experience, cross-channel promotions are also helping brands gain measurable insight into purchase intention and campaign performance.</p><h4 >3. Last-touch marketing push</h4><p>In-store, DOOH can act as a last-touch marketing push to influence consumer decisions at the point of purchase. Brands can run ads across screens in a retailer’s trade area, like roadside or transit, to boost brand awareness while also activating in-store screens that convey decision-making information such as product features or pricing.</p><p>CPG brands can also run DOOH ads to help push time-sensitive offers. Let’s look at malls in particular. Advertising in this retail landscape can be very promotional, and DOOH ads delivering ‘limited time only’ messaging inside the mall itself can push consumers to make their way into a store to make that purchase decision.</p><figure >Advertising in a retailer’s trade area offers a great opportunity to influence in-store purchase decisions.</figcaption></figure><h4 >4. <strong>Increasing access to shopper data</strong></h4><p>With rapidly changing online privacy laws and the <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-the-end-of-third-party-data-means-for-ooh-according-to-svp-of-strategy-adam-green">move towards a cookieless future</a>, having the right data around consumer insights is more important than ever for marketers. Retailers can provide brands with first-party data, like purchasing or loyalty information sourced from their networks, that gives visibility to how and where consumers are making purchase decisions following ad exposure. With this insight, brands can get an accurate picture of how their campaigns are performing and can contextually target consumers with DOOH screens along the path to purchase. In doing so, brands can adapt campaigns and shift ad spend towards reaching prime audiences with screens in high-performing locations.&nbsp;</p><h4 >5. The rise of programmatic DOOH</h4><p>Traditionally, activating brand promotions within retail networks has been static with long lead times and a lack of flexibility. Thanks to the rise in programmatic DOOH, many brands are starting to shift the way in which they buy ads, now having the ability to activate campaigns instantaneously – and the benefits are endless.</p><p>First off, brands can tailor their messaging based on contextual data triggers that range from weather (like promoting ice cream on a warm summer’s day), market data, or even inventory at a specific retail location. Programmatic DOOH enables brands to trigger campaigns on the fly, creating more operational efficiency by allowing them to quickly and autonomously launch campaigns across a retail media network without going to each publisher individually.</p><p>In the past, brands and agencies looking to purchase digital signage in specific departments or areas of a retailer were calling up media owners individually to activate screen space. With programmatic DOOH, brands can simply input their campaign parameters to trigger ad buys whenever conditions are met, simplifying the ad buying process across entire retail media networks. This also allows for more agile brand messaging, keeping it relevant to each retail location and allowing brands to customize their campaigns by running ads contextually to a product category. For example, activating an in-store ad for salsa when taco kits are on sale at a grocery store. Programmatic DOOH is also making it easier for brands to buy these in-store ad slots in conjunction with other channels like digital and mobile, delivering a full-funnel brand experience for the consumer.</p><p>It’s important to note that programmatic DOOH isn’t just benefiting brands. On the retailer side, the programmatic trading of digital screens is increasing ad loads for retailers, offering up additional revenue screens. For example, activating screens in a retailer area to promote a certain brand of bathroom tissue when there’s an overstock is beneficial to both the brand and retailer and creates a more collaborative network.</p><p>The rapidly changing shopper marketing landscape isn’t expected to slow down anytime soon, if ever, and brands have no choice but to adapt their marketing strategies to keep up or risk losing their share of voice. Gone are the days of simply relying on one channel to reach consumers, and competition between brands is at an all-time high. Adding DOOH to the marketing mix is proving to be highly beneficial for CPG brands in terms of both brand awareness and influencing consumer purchasing decisions, and by amplifying the ability to reach consumers wherever they are, brands can be sure they’re staying top-of-mind in this highly competitive landscape.</p><h5 ><strong>Want to learn more about adding DOOH to your shopper marketing strategy?</strong></h5><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/"><u>Book a call</u></a> with our team of experts to plan your next campaign.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How to run a more efficient DOOH business]]><![CDATA[

The future of out-of-home is looking really good. We’re seeing some great advancements in digital out-of-home technology, changes to consumer buying habits, and a cookieless future on the horizon. A new year has arrived and OOH is officially having “a moment”. As more brands and agencies recognize out-of-home’s value and influence, expect its demand to […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-run-a-more-efficient-dooh-businesshttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-run-a-more-efficient-dooh-business<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 16 Mar 2022 13:17:53 GMT<p>The future of out-of-home is looking really good. We’re seeing some <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/getting-the-most-out-of-your-dooh-inventory-introducing-the-optimization-engine-for-broadsign-direct/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">great advancements in digital out-of-home technology</a>, changes to consumer buying habits, and a cookieless future on the horizon. A new year has arrived and OOH is officially having "a moment".</p><p>As more brands and agencies recognize out-of-home’s value and influence, expect its demand to increase, especially given how strong it has been throughout the pandemic recovery. But with increased demand comes new responsibility, and if you’re a digital-out-of-home media owner, your traditional way of doing things might just not cut it anymore.</p><p>In fact, if you’re intent on scaling, you’re going to need to look inward first to ensure you’ve taken every step towards operational efficiency. Having the right processes and tools in place will help you drive sales, boost revenue, and stay ahead of your competitors and meet the moment heading into the future of DOOH.</p><p>Not sure where to start? We’ve compiled a few ideas to help your business adapt to the anticipated increase in demand for DOOH while ensuring you’ve got everything in place for smooth and successful operations.</p><h2 >Streamline ad content scheduling and delivery with an automated CMS</h2><p>Efficiency starts with having the right tools and resources in place. For digital out-of-home businesses operating medium to large ad-based networks, automation should be your best friend, and it all starts with automating your content management.</p><p>Managing a large ad-based network manually can be a time-consuming and tedious endeavour, not to mention one that can leave plenty of room for human error. But running an automated CMS means you’ll be able to minimize the potential for careless mistakes and get the job done quickly and more efficiently. Simply put, you’ll save time and money, and probably have fewer headaches as well.</p><p>And on the subject of mistakes? They happen. But they happen much less frequently when a computer is handling scheduling instead of a person. With a proper rules-based scheduling system, you can pretty much entirely avoid the potential of scheduling awkward conflicts—for example, including an advertiser’s ads in the same loop as competitors. And not only can you prevent negative outcomes, but you can also maximize the potential for positive outcomes as well. You can use a solution like <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Control</a> to schedule your customers’ ads for the exact right time to reach as much of their target audience as possible. This translates to happier customers, but also to your being able to charge higher prices &#8211; if you can show you’re delivering better results for them, advertisers will be happy to pay higher rates to work with you.</p><figure }</script><figcaption>Smarter content scheduling can help you unlock additional OOH inventory value</figcaption></figure><h2 >Create a smoother sales process by coordinating sales and scheduling</h2><p>Beyond supporting content distribution efforts, automation can bring added value to your sales teams, too. Many sales teams are set in their ways, using spreadsheets, third-party apps, or other sales tools to manage sales. While these solutions may have been effective in the past, or work just fine for smaller ad networks it might be time to consider other avenues if scalability is your goal.</p><p>Instead of relying on clunky spreadsheets, which can inevitably lead to mistakes, Consider the value of a <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">sales and campaign management tool</a> like Broadsign Direct, which synchs up with both your CMS and ad server to ensure your bookings are automatically accounted for in your content scheduling. This saves you from having to do repeated manual work, and also allows for total transparency for your entire team. Shared visibility makes for a more streamlined process from start to finish.</p><figure }</script><figcaption>A coordinated sales and scheduling system built for OOH will save your business time</figcaption></figure><h2 >Speed up proposals and responses with a dedicated OOH sales tool</h2><p>According to <a href="https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/technology-media-and-telecommunications/our-insights/the-social-economy" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">McKinsey</a>, the average employee spends roughly 27% of their workweek focused on email. That amounts to precious time focused on drafting cold emails or awaiting replies, and also additional friction in the OOH buying process. The longer it takes to close a deal, the greater the likelihood of something coming up to prevent the deal from being made at all.</p><p>In an increasingly tech-focused industry like OOH, there are many alternatives to email that can help you speed up the process of drafting proposals. For example, your business might benefit from software that can create client-ready proposals in just a few clicks. These can include necessary campaign components and specifications such as audience demographics, a detailed number of available screens and their locations, flight duration, and budget overview. And, better still, solutions like Broadsign Direct will tie these proposals directly to bookings in your scheduling software and update you inventory availability automatically.</p><p>There are some impressive benefits to be realized by adopting this sort of workflow, and even greater benefits still if you combine this type of tool with a customer relationship management solution like Salesforce. Do so, and you’ll have a powerful system with which to nurture relationships with your buyers and provide them with the promptest possible service when they are ready to book a campaign.</p><figure }</script><figcaption>Empower your sales team to work smarter with a solution built for OOH sales</figcaption></figure><h2 >Improve how you manage inventory</h2><p>Yet another key way to improve your processes is with streamlined inventory management. Instead of relying on spreadsheets to keep track of your campaigns, you’ll be able to see, in real-time, how your inventory is booked.</p><p>This makes it much easier for your sales team to make deals that are actually possible, as dictated by what inventory has been sold and what is available. And making this information available live, whenever your team needs it, will ensure that they can work at peak efficiency. No need to wait on multiple internal checks to confirm that something can be sold; no need to apologize to customers for double-booking a slot, and then having to figure out how to reschedule.</p><h2 >Get in-depth analysis with reporting tools</h2><p>One of the more time-consuming aspects of executing a digital out-of-home campaign is analysis and reporting. Manually measuring a campaign’s performance eats hours of the day, but with an automated reporting tool at the ready, you benefit from immediate access to vital campaign information like proof of play, so you can see how and where your ads played to give you to inform your return on investment.Just make sure to select a solution with reporting tools that have been validated by an third-party, as this will help you ensure that the results you see are accurate. And the more information that can be collected by such a system, the better. If you intend to make use of audience analytics services to collect high-quality data relating to your network’s audience, you’ll need to make sure your chosen software is able to play nicely with the services you choose.</p><p>Pro tip: Choose a solution with an open API, and you’ll be able to connect to just about any service you can think of.</p><figure }</script><figcaption>Extensible DOOH solutions with deep reporting are essential for success in today&#8217;s market</figcaption></figure><h2 >Start building a programmatic sales business now</h2><p>As you look into ways to boost productivity and create smoother processes with your out-of-home operations, you need to make programmatic DOOH a consideration. In 2022 and beyond, programmatic DOOH ad spend is expected to sharply increase. One of the drivers of this increase: Programmatic transactions are hugely efficient for buyers and media owners alike.</p><p>If you aren’t familiar, programmatic DOOH is the buying, selling, and delivery of out-of-home ads using an automated sales process. The difference? With traditional transactions, new deals need to be set up fresh every single time. With pDOOH, you’ll work with a buyer to establish the parameters of a campaign, and then their ads will run when the campaign’s parameters are met. What’s great, however, is that you can enable ongoing access to your inventory for this type of campaign. The buyer can turn on and off their campaign as needed, and the original targeting parameters of the ads will be respected whenever the campaign is live.</p><p><strong>Hear from a buyer: Why programmatic DOOH is an effective channel for driving business</strong></p><figure >https://youtu.be/aFfnV8HLC7Q</div></figure><p>This self-serve model really resonates with buyers, and it also offers some real efficiency benefits to you and your team. Your sales team can work on building the relationship with a programmatic buyer and encouraging further purchases rather than having to spend a bunch of time creating proposals, negotiating new agreements, etc.</p><p>Programmatic DOOH campaigns are also seen as much more <a href="https://oaaa.org/NewsEvents/PressReleases/tabid/327/id/4244/Default.aspx" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">favourable</a> in the eyes of many buyers because of how precise the targeting can be. Rather than casting a wide net the way they might do with a generic DOOH campaign, they’re instead running a very specific and targeted campaign that only runs when the conditions are most favourable for reaching their targe audience. More targeted campaigns for specific audiences = a more efficient way to spend resources.</p><figure }</script><figcaption>Programmatic DOOH sales can be more efficient for buyers and media owners alike</figcaption></figure><p>If you’re interested in pursuing programmatic, be sure to check out our guide to <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/7-things-to-consider-ssp-for-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">selecting the right SSP partner</a> for getting your inventory connected to a global community of buyers.</p><p>Building or optimizing a DOOH business is a large endeavour, but it’s much easier when you empower yourself with the right tools for the job. Plan carefully, adopt automation wherever possible, and prioritize the new technologies that will help you connect with the next generation of OOH buyers. You’ll be amazed at the results you will see.</p><p><strong>There’s no time like the present to unlock the full value of your digital out-of-home network.</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/contact/">Reach out!</a> Our team of experts will be happy to show you how we can help</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[One-on-one with Savvas Tombouloglou, DOOH expert and Broadsign’s new account director]]><![CDATA[

Out-of-home is an industry brimming with some of the brightest and most creative thinkers working in tech today. Here at Broadsign, we consider ourselves fortunate to have such top talent on our team, including one of the most recent people to join us, Savvas Tombouloglou. Savvas is an out-of-home veteran of nearly 20 years, and […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/one-on-one-with-savvas-tombouloglou-dooh-expert-and-broadsigns-new-account-directorhttps://broadsign.com/blog/one-on-one-with-savvas-tombouloglou-dooh-expert-and-broadsigns-new-account-director<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 10 Mar 2022 09:00:00 GMT<p>Out-of-home is an industry brimming with some of the brightest and most creative thinkers working in tech today. Here at Broadsign, we consider ourselves fortunate to have such top talent on our team, including one of the most recent people to join us, Savvas Tombouloglou. Savvas is an out-of-home veteran of nearly 20 years, and joins us now as an account executive for EMEA.</p><p>Before becoming a Broadsigner, Savvas held high-profile positions at a number of prominent OOH businesses. Most recently, he served as the Director of Creative and Delivery at the content production and network management company Voodooh. Before that, he was Head of Digital Innovation and Head of Digital at JCDecaux, and he got his start in OOH in leading one of the first digital-out-of-home design teams at Avanti.&nbsp;</p><p>More than an expert and thought leader, Savvas is something of an out-of-home evangelist—he lives and breathes the medium, and one of the things he&#8217;s most passionate about is helping others discover its creative potential.</p><p>We sat down with Savvas to hear his perspective on where out-of-home is headed next, what inspires him most about working in this industry, and all he hopes to accomplish in his new role at Broadsign.</p><h2 ><strong>Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your history working in the DOOH space?</strong></h2><p>I was attracted to the DOOH space because I came from a TV and film background—there&#8217;s a connection between moving screens, engaging content, special effects, and advertising. At the time, out-of-home was a new market. Nobody in the UK was doing digital screens at that point, so when an opportunity came up, I went for it.&nbsp;</p><p>I started at Avanti, and they were doing everything from media sales to installation and even had their own CMS. We knew early on that the out-of-home space was evolving, and we were what that meant. There was a debate about whether screens should feature TV ads or transform what was traditionally paper onto digital displays. From a technical and creative perspective, the start of digital out-of-home was a journey into the unknown, and that was the beauty of it.</p><p>Back then, Avanti ran a content department, allowing us to create specific content for our clients. One such client was a UK-based retailer—we installed screens in their stores showing products and displaying prices, becoming one of the first instances of this technology being deployed. This retailer was a great project; it had a fantastic set of screens and helped brands build audiences. Though the company ultimately folded, we had a lot to show from this experience, including an uplift in sales and powerful creative messaging. That was a big lightbulb moment—we realized we were onto something. From there, I worked on campaigns that were considered &#8220;out there" and began looking into data-driven content—one of the first projects we did was installing a real-time newsfeed onto a screen.</p><p>My time at JCDecaux was about supporting companies who knew where they wanted to go. By this point, I was working on projects I could put my heart and soul into. It was about making sure agency ideas were brought to life.</p><p>Voodooh was perhaps my most significant step, which meant showing people what could be done with OOH on a global scale and that you didn&#8217;t have to be a big brand name company to invest in the medium. Showing clients that campaigns didn&#8217;t have to be overly complicated was a huge breath of fresh air.</p><h2 ><strong>How do you think your experience in OOH will inform the work you do as an account executive?</strong></h2><p>I hope to bring my experience, stories, ideas, and relationships to the team. I want to be able to preach out-of-home. I want my clients to see me as the person to ask out-of-home questions and get an honest answer. I want to help them develop ideas and guide them in the right direction for their campaigns.&nbsp;</p><p>Whether I&#8217;m working with an experienced media owner or someone starting, I want to communicate how out-of-home is about stories and experiences. I also believe you engage more with a client with whom you have a relationship with, someone who you can honestly share with them, &#8220;That campaign went well.&#8221;</p><h2 ><strong>How would you describe Broadsign&#8217;s role in the OOH industry, and is there anything in particular that you find exciting about joining our team right now?</strong></h2><p>The beauty about Broadsign is that we&#8217;re not new players in this industry, and we’ve got a good track record for being capable and reliable. In the past, whenever a company told me that they were using Broadsign, I breathed a sigh of relief—because when you&#8217;re running this platform, you&#8217;re in good hands. Broadsign <em>is</em> digital out-of-home.</p><p>Besides that, everyone working here comes from so many different backgrounds, and they&#8217;re all bringing fresh ideas to the table. We&#8217;ve got such a cool company that can push this medium forward. I&#8217;ve always loved the CMS and that Broadsign was the foundation behind so many screens. Now, I have the opportunity to work with the people that I&#8217;ve always worked with, but I have Broadsign behind me.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>What do you find most compelling about OOH as a medium?</strong></h2><p>What makes out-of-home such a compelling medium is that it is constantly evolving and pushing boundaries. That, and the creative possibilities with this format are endless.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>What needs to be done to encourage more buyers to deploy dynamic or otherwise technically complex OOH campaigns?</strong></p><p>Brands need to be brave and dare to experiment with campaigns. I also believe that some of the best dynamic campaigns are those that are simplest—after all, as Leonardo Da Vinci once said, &#8220;Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.&#8221;&nbsp;</p><p>If you have an idea, never be afraid to talk to your publisher or media owner about it because they will appreciate having that conversation. They&#8217;ve got the resources and the team to help guide you. I think it&#8217;s about the idea and the notion. These screens are alive; they&#8217;re not just static billboards. They should be treated as intelligent screens. If you can create a campaign that has a hook, you&#8217;re telling a story, then you&#8217;re using out-of-home to its full potential.&nbsp;</p><p>Lastly, I always try to keep the following DOs in mind: Do be relevant to your audience, do not cost the earth, and do deploy effortlessly.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>What has been a major pain point as DOOH has developed to become more creative and dynamic?&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>The biggest pain point with OOH is its cost. That, and the fact that in the early days, clients were only booking DOOH because it was part of a media plan—no consideration was given to it as its own format. Even if it&#8217;s a part of an omnichannel campaign, I encourage clients to think about out-of-home in its own right and see how it links up with everything else and consider out-of-home as important as Facebook or TV ads.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>What are the OOH trends you&#8217;re most excited about?</strong></h2><p>One of the trends I&#8217;m most excited about is that we&#8217;re starting to see that the use of data is becoming increasingly important in this space. And that more brands and agencies are coming to recognize the benefits of OOH in omnichannel campaigns.</p><p>If you&#8217;re ready to take up new challenges in an exciting and evolving industry, we&#8217;re hiring. Head to our careers page to browse <a href="https://broadsign.com/careers/">all </a><a href="https://broadsign.com/careers/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">available</a><a href="https://broadsign.com/careers/"> openings</a>.</p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Yield optimization is for everyone: with Broadsign Senior Director of Product Seamus Hunn]]><![CDATA[

Recently, we unveiled the optimization engine, an all-new feature for Broadsign Direct. It’s safe to say we’re excited about it and its potential to assist media owners looking to more efficiently manage campaigns, generate the most possible value from their network, and satisfy client needs. To help you better understand what yield optimization does and […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/yield-optimization-is-for-everyone-with-broadsign-director-of-product-seamus-hunnhttps://broadsign.com/blog/yield-optimization-is-for-everyone-with-broadsign-director-of-product-seamus-hunn<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 07 Mar 2022 10:36:26 GMT<p>Recently, we unveiled the optimization engine, an all-new feature for <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Direct</a>. It’s safe to say we’re excited about it and its potential to assist media owners looking to more efficiently manage campaigns, generate the most possible value from their network, and satisfy client needs.</p><p>To help you better understand what yield optimization does and why it could be game-changing for your DOOH business, we spoke to Broadsign’s Senior Director of Product, Seamus Hunn, to help demystify the tool, responding to some of the most frequently asked questions around the topic.</p><p>Scroll all the way down to find transcribed questions and answers from this discussion.</p><h2 >What is an optimization engine, anyway?</h2><p>We’ll start with the basics. The optimization engine is the term we’ve given to this algorithm—it&#8217;s technology that handles content redistribution efficiently and intelligently. By reshuffling and optimizing your inventory, you’re able to accept more campaigns than ever before. Here’s Seamus offering a brief overview of the optimization engine:</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >What are the benefits of optimization beyond more revenue?</h2><p>You might think that the optimization engine&#8217;s sole purpose is to drive revenue, but, as Seamus explains, there&#8217;s more to it than that. In the below clip, he discusses how flexibility is a major perk. Ultimately, the goal is to give media owners more opportunity to say &#8220;yes&#8221; to a higher volume of campaigns by stripping away any technological barriers and other limitations. Seamus expands on that point here:</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >What if I only sell plays per loop?</h2><p>Seamus explains why even if you only sell plays per loop, you’ll still reap the benefits of the optimization engine. Loop-based selling often results in undesirable holes inyour scheduling, with no good way of rescheduling to accomodate new campaigns when you want to. In this clip, Seamus elaborates on how the feature kicks in to fill up unused space by shuffling around existing campaigns. Take a look.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >What if I don’t have a high fill rate, but have plenty of available space?</h2><p>Even though your network may not have a high fill rate, there are numerous reasons why the optimization engine may work in your favour. Sometimes, making decisions and moving around your inventory to accommodate incoming campaigns can get complicated—and it’s something that can lead to human error without the support of technology. The optimization engine automates decision-making to free up space sensibly. Here’s Seamus again on why anyone can benefit from the optimization engine.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >What if I have a smaller network?</h2><p>Remember, it’s not the size of your network that counts, but how you yield it. Even if you don’t have the largest number of screens in your network, you still want to ensure the ones you do have are making the most of your yield, because you’re operating on a more scarce resource. Watch the below clip to hear more from Seamus.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>By the way, if you’re looking for helpful insights for managing and operating your DOOH network, check out <a href="https://www.youtube.com/c/Broadsignofficial" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">our YouTube channel</a> for more handy videos!</p><hr /><h2 >Video transcripts</h2><h3 >What is an optimization engine?</h3><p>So an optimization engine typically is a very special black box where magic happens.But in all seriousness, it&#8217;s typically a piece of technology that can often use quite complicated mathematical solvers to address the problem of the balance between the supply of out-of-home inventory, particularly on digital, and demand. </p><p>The optimization engine should take away the guesswork that has traditionally been associated with trying to plan quite complex campaigns. It takes you on that path towards automation, whereby you can more readily and more quickly, get the best decisions in terms of how you allocate your inventory and address the ever-changing needs of our advertisers. What you ideally want to be able to do is create the best allocation of screens that delivers as many campaigns as possible for advertisers. That&#8217;s ultimately the goal that we&#8217;re trying to achieve for the media owners that we&#8217;re working with. </p><p>The best results for both advertiser and media owner will therefore look to create the strongest partnerships and ultimately the best growth in our medium, which is essentially what we&#8217;re trying to do at Broadsign.</p><h3 >What if I don’t have many screens?</h3><p>So even though you don&#8217;t have many screens you still typically want to be able to make the most of what you have. So we look at things like yield management or yield optimization within that. And actually the smaller number of screens you have the more important that becomes because you have a much more scarce kind of resource. </p><p>Now, traditionally people have tended to use spreadsheets or excel to manage those distributions. And that has typically worked well particularly if you&#8217;re using things like plays per loop. However, with the level of complexity that&#8217;s increasing in that, that comes with digital out-of-home typically any screen can be delivering you know eight and a half thousand plus10-second ads every day. You don&#8217;t have to have many screens to make that level of complexity far more than any human can kind of compute. So what we&#8217;re looking to do with optimization and the optimization we&#8217;re building is to use quite complex mathematical solvers to make those best decisions. </p><p>So ultimately, what we&#8217;re looking at here is that manual is good and possibly very good, automated and optimized is best.</p><h3 >What if I have a high fill rate</h3><p>Even though you might not have a very high fill rate, there&#8217;s an argument to be said that you could still benefit quite significantly from an optimization tool. That comes into play when you may need to move a campaign that exists to accommodate an incoming campaign. That can happen at any time depending on your level of penetration of your inventory. And having lots of campaigns further enhances the complexity of those kind of decisions and how you can make those kind of movements within your inventory. </p><p>It&#8217;s further complicated when you get into a concept called cascading. Cascading is where to accommodate an incoming campaign you need to move one but to move that one you need to move another and you can imagine that carries on and gets more complex as you go. That in itself is really difficult for a human to comprehend. We can generally go down to one, possibly two levels, but anything beyond that it gets really complex. That&#8217;s where optimization comes in, because what we&#8217;re looking to do with that is to automate those decisions to help free up space and ultimately deliver the best decision for that. The best combination of those parameters of campaigns to make the use of the space that you&#8217;ve got available. </p><p>Optimization provides us with the wherewithal to be able to make intelligent redistribution decisions of existing campaigns to be able to accommodate those new ones and essentially deliver the best permutation of all.</p><h3 >Do I need an optimization engine if I only sell plays per loop?</h3><p>So if I only tend to sell plays per loop, those types of campaigns can often lead to holes within the inventory. You could think of an example of being a big piece of swiss cheese and there tend to be holes in the places you don&#8217;t really want them to be. That can be driven particularly when customers demands are changing such that they might want to have day part targeting or potentially combining day part targeting with a smaller selection of screens.</p><p>If you had several hundred screens in your portfolio a customer has come along and said they just want a small section of those and only a certain type of day. Now, traditionally, that creates some headaches for media owners and can generally lead to them having to say no to customers particularly because they don&#8217;t want to leave these big unsold pieces of inventory available to fix around them. Especially if you&#8217;ve tended to be doing a big network on a place plays per loop basis. </p><p>Optimization helps with that because it can help plug those holes by reshuffling the inventory wherever possible and possibly even being able to be combined with different types of mechanisms like dynamic screen selection. Such that you can create a larger group of screens that a customer is happy to use and reallocate your plays per loop within those screens to help free up space for other campaigns to come in. An example being that you might have identified 60 screens that a customer is happy to use, you allocate the campaign to 50 that leaves you 10 that you could use if you wanted to swap out some of those screens to make space for other campaigns.</p><h3 >What are the benefits of optimization?</h3><p>So ultimately it&#8217;s about happy customers. The happier a customer is, the stronger the relationship that they will build with a media owner, and that helps media owners to evolve and build their business and make them successful. Ultimately resulting, you would hope, in more revenue but that&#8217;s not the main agenda behind this. </p><p>Really what we&#8217;re looking at is the ability to provide our media owners with an opportunity to say yes more often to their customers and their ever more complex requirements that their campaigns are delivering. So ultimately, what we&#8217;re trying to do is remove some of those technological barriers that were in place in the early days of digital out-of-home. And have potentially, kind of, limited the amount of growth that we will be able to see. </p><p>Typically you expect more revenue to be coming in from, let&#8217;s say, online customers. People who have experience working in and spending their media in online. They tend to enjoy much more flexibility in the ways that they can buy, and the ways that they can deliver those campaigns. Plays, impacts, that kind of stuff. Traditionally for out-of-home it was around the one in six or frequency because those were much easier for media owners to manage. Much easier for customers to understand in terms of the delivery, the scheduling, and the reporting that came against those campaigns. But we&#8217;re looking to take that a step further now, so we can provide our media owners with the abilities to blend together all types of different buys. </p><p>So frequency, impacts, plays, share of voice, to ultimately offer their customers the choice about how they want to plan and execute their campaigns.</p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Dynamic digital OOH: Powering compelling advertising experiences through context, not cookies]]><![CDATA[

Digital out-of-home is one of the fastest growing spaces in advertising, and that will only intensify in the coming months and years. Key to this growth will be the rise of dynamic ads, which are more vibrant, engaging, and responsive than traditional OOH or even most DOOH ads that are out there. With third-party cookies […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-homehttps://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 03 Mar 2022 14:01:16 GMT<p>Digital out-of-home is one of the fastest growing spaces in advertising, and that will only intensify in the coming months and years. Key to this growth will be the rise of dynamic ads, which are more vibrant, engaging, and responsive than traditional OOH or even most DOOH ads that are out there.</p><p>With third-party cookies set to crumble, advertisers are seeking new ways to find the right person with the right message at the right time—and many see dynamic DOOH as the future-friendly (and privacy-friendly) solution. DOOH can be combined with first-party data to create and target audiences in the real world, opening up exciting new possibilities for engaging storytelling with dynamic and contextual advertising. Learn why dynamic DOOH appeals to today’s ad buyers and what capabilities and features they look for when choosing DOOH networks to partner with.</p><h2 >What is dynamic digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising?</h2><p>Out-of-home advertising has come a long way since the first roadside billboards came into use. Today, it’s possible to have digital out-of-home (DOOH) displays automatically change content in response to all manner of data triggers, enabling engaging real-time interactions with the people standing in front of them. This type of advertising is called dynamic DOOH, and it’s been gaining traction with advertisers in the past few years due to advances in technology, increased availability with DOOH media owners, and the need for new customer (re)engagement tactics.</p><figure >Thanks to new tech and increased demand, dynamic DOOH is in a growth period</figcaption></figure><p>Dynamic content is content that uses data to create a more impactful and relevant experience for audiences. As a general category, this can include motion or video content, though these are basic examples. More impressive dynamic content will offer static, moving, or video imagery that changes in response to a preset trigger or condition. For example, if it’s a cold rainy day and someone walks by a DOOH billboard, they might see an ad for a Starbucks hot chocolate. But as soon as the rain clears up and the sun comes out, a passerby would be served an ad for Starbucks iced coffee instead.</p><p>The potential triggers for a dynamic DOOH campaign are essentially limitless. Everything from weather data to financial marketing data, to sports results, to on-location visual sensors can be used to trigger changes to on-screen content; whatever the data source, the goal is always to draw on that data to provide a more appealing, more relevant content experience. If a creative team can imagine a dynamic DOOH campaign that they want to run, there’s probably a way to make it happen &#8211; provided media owners have the right tech powering their networks.</p><h2 >Why dynamic DOOH appeals to ad buyers today</h2><p>Over the last two decades, companies have proven that personalization and one-to-one marketing tactics work; <a href="https://www.epsilon.com/us/about-us/pressroom/new-epsilon-research-indicates-80-of-consumers-are-more-likely-to-make-a-purchase-when-brands-offer-personalized-experiences" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">according to Epsilon</a>, 80% of consumers say they’re more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalized experiences. But while consumers today have developed high expectations during the cookie-dominated years, they’re also clamoring for better protection of their personal data. With new restrictions set to phase out third-party cookies by 2023, brands must find an alternative to meet these expectations—and many advertisers will be looking to use context, not 1:1 targeting, to create compelling advertising experiences moving forward.</p><p>This is going to be a big adjustment in the online space, which has already seen a decrease in the effectiveness of display ads due to "<a href="https:/blog.hubspot.com/marketing/banner-blindness" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">banner blindness</a>" and digital device burnout. Out-of-home advertising, on the other hand, <a href="https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/consumer-research-shows-heightened-receptivity-to-out-of-home-messaging-especially-in-big-urban-areas-301226044.html" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">is actually becoming more effective</a> as consumers increase their time commuting, use more contactless technologies, and seek outdoor dining and activities. In a world already oversaturated with advertisem*nts, the ability to meaningfully connect with consumers and leave a lasting impression is at an all-time premium—and dynamic DOOH ads in particular promise to deliver high-quality results.</p><p>Research from Virtuo City out of Leeds University revealed that using contextually relevant (i.e., dynamic) DOOH campaigns <a href="https://mediatel.co.uk/news/2017/06/27/programmatic-oohs-strength-lies-in-content-canvas-and-context/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">increases advertising awareness by 18%</a>. Dynamic ads stand out because they feel personalized and relevant; they’re more engaging for customers because they feel like a back-and-forth conversation instead of a sales pitch. Dynamic DOOH enables brands to capitalize on the power of personalization while reaching a more engaged audience through contextual conversations with technology.</p><p>Given all of these advantages, it’s no wonder the number of brands demanding dynamic ad capabilities is growing. Figures included in <a href="https://iabaustralia.com.au/resource/attitudes-to-programmatic-dooh-report-2021/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">IAB’s latest report</a> suggest the number of media buyers at least trying dynamic DOOH in their campaigns will double in 2022. Network owners looking to capitalize on the huge growth of dynamic DOOH should invest in meeting this demand.</p><figure >More buyers than ever want to run contextually relevant dynamic DOOH campaigns</figcaption></figure><h2 >Making dynamic DOOH more accessible to advertisers</h2><p>With consumers researching, browsing, and purchasing on multiple channels and devices, marketers are adopting an omnichannel approach to advertising. Their goal is to create an experience that delivers relevant messaging at every stage of the buyer’s journey &#8211; whether someone is using their computer or mobile device, or walking around outside their home. That’s why today’s savvy network owners aren’t just investing in dynamic DOOH capabilities; they’re also making it easier for their customers to buy dynamic DOOH campaigns that can integrate seamlessly into a multichannel or omnichannel ad campaign.</p><p>Because dynamic content is essentially any content that makes use of data to increase contextual relevance, there are several different approaches to content that buyers might want to employ.</p><p>Some common examples:</p><ol><li>A buyer books a dynamic campaign with a media owner (i.e., DOOH/digital signage network). The campaign has set creative, and will only run when specific conditions are met.</li><li>A buyer books a campaign with a media owner (again, paid for in advance) and delivers ads that change copy or creative in response to data signals (weather, financial information, sports scores, etc.)</li><li>A buyer makes a deal for a programmatic campaign through a DSP. Every time specific conditions are met, a transaction is completed and the buyer’s ad appears on the media owner’s screen. The ad creative may or may not change depending on the data.</li></ol><p><strong>Watch: How Intersection bettered the lives of New Yorkers using dynamic DOOH</strong></p><figure ></div></figure><p>Because there are different ways buyers might want to launch dynamic content, it&#8217;s important for media owners to set themselves up to accommodate as many of these options as possible. Adopting a content management system that allows for easy integration of external data feeds for creating and scheduling dynamic content is essential. Support for programmatic transactions, too, will enable additional opportunities for buyers to launch dynamic campaigns. It will also open up the media owner&#8217;s network to a global community of buyers looking to reach audiences across premium DOOH inventory all around the world.</p><p>We’ll note that programmatic selling isn’t a prerequisite for making dynamic DOOH ad capabilities available to buyers. But improved access to dynamic campaigns is one of the many factors driving consideration of programmatic DOOH usage. Others include more flexible buying options, increased operational efficiency, enhanced reach, and increased data and targeting capabilities. As adoption rates of programmatic DOOH continue to rise, forward-thinking media owners are <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/5-ways-to-prepare-your-dooh-network-for-pdooh/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">preparing their networks for PDOOH trading</a> to meet the growing demand.</p><p>Moving forward, media networks that offer advertisers the ability to easily incorporate dynamic DOOH as part of an omnichannel marketing strategy will have an edge on the competition.</p><h2 >Common dynamic content triggers</h2><p>The data streams that can be used to trigger dynamic content delivery are effectively limitless. If there’s a data source, a digital out-of-home network can probably integrate it to drive dynamic content. Here are a few examples of common data sources that can be harnessed for dynamic DOOH:</p><ul><li>Anonymous audience video analytics: This software uses camera sensors and video analysis algorithms to identify the age, gender, and other distinguishing characteristics of individuals passing by DOOH displays, then changes content based on the user. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEJs8puLPX0" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">An interactive campaign by GMC</a> used facial recognition to deliver different messages to different demographics passing by the screen. It’s important to note that this type of trigger can only be used to trigger content on a demographic level. Visual information is semi-anonymized in the DOOH space, meaning there is no 1:1 targeting of individuals done with this technology.</li><li>Mobile location data: Many DOOH networks look at mobile location data from ad exchanges and data brokers to get a sense of audience demographics and dwell time around their displays. But for an added layer of context, some networks use WiFi-detection and camera sensors within the display itself to offer a real-time look into who is currently in the area. With <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">programmatic DOOH</a>, the data can then be used to trigger a campaign when the corresponding conditions are met.</li><li>Environmental data: Real-time environmental data from displays with temperature gauges, accelerometers, and air quality sensors can be used to trigger contextual ads that capture a consumer’s attention. The <a href="https://grandvisual.com/mcdonalds-weather-reactive-dooh-summer/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">weather-reactive McDonalds McCafé campaign</a> from 2019 used real-time weather data to advertise seasonal drinks.</li><li>Integrated third-party data streams: DOOH software platforms that integrate with other data streams &#8211; such as <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-pop-displays/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">point-of-sale and inventory systems</a>, social media feeds, and sports scores &#8211; allow advertisers to display dynamic, real-time content that’s pertinent to their target audience. As part of its <a href="https://shortyawards.com/4th-socialgood/beauty-mark-2" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Beauty Mark social media campaign</a> in 2020, CVS partnered with beauty brands and influencers to bring unedited selfies bearing the hashtag #BeautyUnaltered to DOOH signage in Times Square.</li></ul><p><strong>Watch: See GMC&#8217;s dynamic campaign powered by facial recognition</strong></p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Capabilities networks need to enable dynamic DOOH</h2><p>It takes more than will and a good idea to bring a dynamic DOOH campaign to life. <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Selecting the right digital signage software</a> and providing access to key technological capabilities will allow network owners to do a better job of appealing to buyers.</p><h3 >Support for diverse content formats</h3><p>For content to be dynamic, it needs an element of dynamism. Network owners should therefore ensure their digital signage or DOOH software supports the delivery of formats like the following:</p><ul><li><strong>Video content:</strong> <a href="https://oceanoutdoor.com/neuroscience/appropriation-amplification/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">A study from Ocean Outdoor and Neuro-Insight</a> showed that full-motion DOOH campaigns have an impact 2.5 times greater than content on static displays, delivering a powerful emotional experience comparable to tv advertising at a fraction of the cost.</li><li><strong>HTML5 media:</strong> With <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-html5-can-up-your-digital-out-of-home-game/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">HTML5 content</a>, audience data can be used to change campaign text, images, or animation in real-time based on contextual triggers. A piece of DOOH content created in HTML5 is essentially a mini-webpage; it offers interaction potential that wouldn’t be possible with predefined content.</li><li><strong>Live feeds:</strong> Ever heard of "show don’t tell"? In 2020, British supermarket chain Waitrose <a href="https://grandvisual.com/work/waitrose-live-stream/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">launched a dynamic DOOH campaign that featured live-stream footage</a> from their farms. Instead of telling audiences about the quality of their food and the treatment of their farm animals, people could see for themselves.</li><li><strong>Multi-screen and synchronization capabilities:</strong> One screen is great, but using multiple digital displays to present your content can make for a better, or even more memorable experience. <a href="https://www.jkrowling.com/harry-potter-and-the-cursed-child-takes-over-times-square/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">The Times Square takeover for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child</a> required coordination of a single ad across many different displays.</li></ul><p>By supporting these kinds of content, networks open the door for all kinds of eye-catching, truly dynamic campaigns.</p><h3 >Real-time data integration</h3><p>Dynamic DOOH campaigns often rely on external data feeds either to trigger changes in onscreen content or to trigger campaign delivery outright. By including support for a variety of data feeds, you can ensure your signage has the necessary flexibility to accommodate all sorts of creative campaigns.</p><p>Some of the common data integrations today’s advertisers will ask for include:</p><ul><li>Time of day</li><li>Weather</li><li>Audience measurement</li></ul><p>Note that just because there is advertiser demand for these types of data feed, it does not mean that you should maintain an ongoing connection with that data at all times. Rather, it means that it is important for your business to have the internal skills and knowledge required to find quality data feeds and integrate them into campaigns as needed. Some DOOH businesses, like QMS Media, have even collaborated with external parties to create new data feeds when a required source did not already exist. Being able to go the extra mile in this way can also do wonders for attracting repeat business from advertisers.</p><p><strong>Watch: See how foodora used live weather data to power a dynamic campaign that increased food pick-up orders</strong></p><figure ></div></figure><h3 >Conditional and triggered playback</h3><p>Being able to adapt to changing circ*mstances is what dynamic DOOH content is all about. For that reason, it’s important that networks make it possible for screen content to change in response to ambient conditions or triggers.</p><p>Some common conditions and triggers include:</p><ul><li>The presence or predominance of a particular audience demographic</li><li>Local, national, or international special events</li><li>A particular piece of content last played on the screen</li></ul><h3 >APIs for Third-party software integrations</h3><p>Incorporating third-party software can be a good way to deliver familiar, personal, and powerful features or services to a DOOH network’s audience. Enabling at least some of the more common types of third-party software integrations can be a good way to attract big campaigns to a network.</p><p>Some common integrations include:</p><ul><li>Social media feeds (often using hashtags)</li><li>Mobile (remote control, QR codes)</li><li>Audience measurement software</li></ul><p><strong>Watch: This creative execution relied on integrating some unusual data for a dynamic and interactive DOOH campaign</strong></p><figure ></div></figure><h3 >Interactivity</h3><p>Some of the most fun dynamic campaigns invite audience members to interact with a display to manipulate or trigger content on the screen. Particularly in smaller settings where an individual may turn to a digital screen for extra information or entertainment, interactivity is great to have.</p><p>Some common interactive features include:</p><ul><li>Touchscreen control of on-screen elements</li><li>Gesture control to manipulate screen images</li><li><a href="/blog/why-digital-wayfinding-is-better-for-business" rel="noreferrer noopener">Wayfinding or information services</a> for a business, building, or area</li><li>Geo-targeting to market to nearby mobile devices</li></ul><p>Dynamic content is one of the key differentiators that makes <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">digital out-of-home media</a> such an exciting alternative to third-party cookies for advertisers. By taking steps to add the most common and popular dynamic features to your network, you’ll instantly make your network more appealing to big buyers with big ideas they’re looking to implement.</p><p><strong>Want to make your DOOH network more dynamic?</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/contact/">Contact our team</a> to get started!</strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Getting the most out of your DOOH inventory: Introducing the optimization engine for Broadsign Direct]]><![CDATA[

Spring is finally on the way, so perhaps the spirit of the season can inspire you to breathe new life into campaign management. To help you in that mission, we’re pleased to unveil the optimization engine, a new feature for Broadsign Direct. This new feature enables your business to accept more campaigns than it previously […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/getting-the-most-out-of-your-dooh-inventory-introducing-the-optimization-engine-for-broadsign-directhttps://broadsign.com/blog/getting-the-most-out-of-your-dooh-inventory-introducing-the-optimization-engine-for-broadsign-direct<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 25 Feb 2022 16:39:46 GMT<p>Spring is finally on the way, so perhaps the spirit of the season can inspire you to breathe new life into campaign management. To help you in that mission, we’re pleased to unveil the optimization engine, a new feature for <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Direct</a>.</p><p>This new feature enables your business to accept more campaigns than it previously could, working in the background to redistribute new and existing campaigns in ways that make optimal use of your inventory while still respecting targeting parameters.</p><p>Let’s walk you through how it works.</p><p><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">R</span><strong>eady to get started with the optimization engine (also known as &#8220;Reallocation&#8221;)? </strong><a href="https://docs.broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/reallocation.html" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Check out our documentation</a><strong>!</strong></p><h2 >Solutions for DOOH management</h2><p>The OOH industry’s digital transformation is expected to continue on its growth trajectory in 2022. Given the format’s momentum, media owners who are looking to meet the increased demand for digital campaigns may want to consider solutions for more efficient network management. As we’re seeing more media buyers allocate a greater share of their budgets to DOOH campaigns, manual solutions like spreadsheets can’t cut it for handling the complexities and specificities of campaign goals.</p><p>This is where the optimization engine shines. Sometimes, multiple campaigns are vying for the same slot in your inventory. But they can’t all fit, and as a result, you might be forced to say "no" to a customer even though your inventory hasn’t entirely sold out. This leads to gaps in scheduling, which amounts to missed revenue opportunities for you.</p><p>The optimization engine resolves issues like this by reallocating ads to different slots, while respecting targeting parameters, so that you can maximize network yield. Best of all, it does it all for you &#8211; no need to lift a finger. Even if your juggling skills are second to none, rebalancing network availability can be a complex and daunting task, but it’s something that you’ll find our intelligent algorithm can accomplish with ease.</p><h2 >How the optimization engine delivers on what it promises</h2><p>The optimization engine intelligently analyzes your network&#8217;s inventory to check for availability. All priority settings and parameters are considered in this process. Designed to make inventory management smoother and more efficient, the tool is continuously running in the background, even overnight, to optimally organize the following day’s schedule.</p><p>Let’s say, for example, you have four screens in your network and are looking to book some campaigns. The first campaign (campaign A) is currently booked to play on all four screens from the 5th and 10th of the month, with a goal of 288,000 impressions. This booking totals a 50% fill rate on all four screens. Then, at the same time, the sales team is busy negotiating a new deal (Campaign B) and to see if there&#8217;s space for a second campaign, they run an availability check on the network.</p><p>Campaign B is also expected to run the same month as campaign A but between the dates of the 1st to the 7th on your first and third screens. The buyer is looking to obtain a 70% fixed Share of Voice on those screens. The dilemma? Together, campaigns A and B exceed the max fill rate on their shared screens on the days they overlap. Without the optimization engine running, the availability check would generate a result of being partially or completely unavailable. But when the algorithm kicks in, it redistributes campaigns wherever possible to make enough space for both.</p><p>In this scenario, campaign A&#8217;s 288,000 impressions will be redistributed in a way that also allows campaign B to run on the days with overlap. This is something that couldn&#8217;t have been achievable without the optimization engine.</p><h2 >What about fixed campaigns?</h2><p>For now, the optimization engine can only shuffle permissible campaigns, or when the system deems there is potential to increase or decrease saturation. Fixed campaigns won’t budge.</p><h2 >Who benefits?</h2><p>Everyone! Ultimately, this feature&#8217;s goal is to help maximize revenue for media owners by filling up as much used space as possible. But advertisers equally benefit, as the algorithm always considers campaign parameters before making adjustments to scheduling. It’s all about maximizing opportunities.</p><p></p><p><strong>Questions? We&#8217;ve got you covered.</strong></p><p><strong>Want to learn more? Reach out to your Broadsign rep to <a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/">schedule a personalized demo</a>.</strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Clear Channel Europe and Broadsign Scale Partnership in the UK To Bolster Clear Channel LaunchPAD Programmatic Offering]]><![CDATA[

Extended collaboration unlocks programmatic media buyer access to 3000+ premium digital Out of Home screens across the UK via Clear Channel LaunchPAD, broadening available European pDOOH inventory LONDON and MONTREAL — February 24, 2022 — Clear Channel Europe and Broadsign today announced an extended partnership to enable media buyers to tap into Clear Channel’s 3000+ […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/clear-channel-europe-and-broadsign-scale-partnership-in-the-uk-to-bolster-clear-channel-launchpad-programmatic-offeringhttps://broadsign.com/blog/clear-channel-europe-and-broadsign-scale-partnership-in-the-uk-to-bolster-clear-channel-launchpad-programmatic-offering<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 24 Feb 2022 05:00:00 GMT<p><em>Extended collaboration unlocks programmatic media buyer access to 3000+ premium digital Out of Home screens across the UK via Clear Channel LaunchPAD, broadening available European pDOOH inventory</em></p><p>LONDON and MONTREAL — February 24, 2022 — Clear Channel Europe and Broadsign today announced an extended partnership to enable media buyers to tap into Clear Channel’s 3000+ digital Out of Home screens in the UK via Clear Channel <a href="https://www.clearchannel.co.uk/launchpad" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">LaunchPAD</a>. Clear Channel’s premium UK Out of Home (OOH) inventory is now available via more than 30 omnichannel and OOH demand-side-platforms (DSPs) integrated with the <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Reach</a> supply-side-platform (SSP).</p><p>Enabling one of the largest pDOOH activations in the region to date, the UK partnership bolsters Clear Channel’s programmatic offering as part of Clear Channel LaunchPAD, a pan-European advertising platform offering programmatic, automated, and direct buying channels.</p><p>Advertisers will gain access to the UK’s largest digital Out of Home network <a href="https://www.clearchannel.co.uk/advertising/formats/adshel-live" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Adshel Live</a> (over 2500 screens) and the <a href="https://www.clearchannel.co.uk/advertising/formats/malls-live" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Malls Live</a> premium digital screen network in the UK’s leading shopping malls (over 500 screens), adding to the current Clear Channel LaunchPAD offering in the UK with existing SSP partners.</p><p>Building on the success of similar activations in Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, and other European regions, it also vastly expands available pDOOH inventory across Europe via Clear Channel LaunchPAD, opening up more unified pan-regional advertising opportunities for global brands. With Channel LaunchPAD being data-fuelled by real-world audience insights from Clear Channel RADAR® data platform, this development will create unprecedented possibilities for brands to run targeted, programmatic campaigns at scale.</p><p>"This is a huge milestone for Clear Channel Europe as we have focused on accelerating the growth of Clear Channel LaunchPAD over the past 12 months. More brands and advertisers can now take advantage of prime OOH real estate in the region, with more than 9,000 digital screens in eight European markets," shared Andy Stevens, Chief Data Officer at Clear Channel Europe. "Our ambition is to make it as easy as possible to access our inventory via multiple SSP’s and this partnership with Broadsign marks the next step in implementing that strategy across the whole of Europe."</p><p>"Given the current advertising climate and shifting consumer behaviors, pDOOH is evolving at a breakneck pace, and brands, agencies, and DSPs all want in on the action," shared Maarten Dollevoet, Chief Revenue Officer, Broadsign. "Strengthening our partnership with a prominent media brand like CCE helps to advance pDOOH for the overall industry. Media buyers across the globe can now take full advantage of OOH’s unique value proposition in the UK and add the geography to pan-regional campaign plans, which will all help drive the medium’s continued evolution."</p><p>Clear Channel LaunchPAD was rolled out last year, with Broadsign as an SSP partner in Switzerland, Spain, Netherlands, Finland, Italy and Belgium, and an additional SSP partner in the UK, as part of Clear Channel’s strategic efforts to drive pDOOH growth and offer advertisers more targeted campaign planning solutions.</p><h3 >About Clear Channel Europe</h3><p>Clear Channel Europe is a division of leading global Out of Home media company, Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CCO).</p><p>The Clear Channel Europe portfolio spans 17 markets with 16,000 digital and 400,000 non-digital displays. Clear Channel Europe has 2,900 dedicated employees. Our Mission is To Create the future of media. Transforming our estate, to the benefit of all our stakeholders, through data-driven innovations and infrastructure. Our Purpose is to provide both A Platform for Brands &amp; A Platform for Good. Delivering advertisers’ media objectives whilst having a positive impact on the world around us.</p><p>Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CCO) is one of the world’s largest outdoor advertising companies with a diverse portfolio of approximately 500,000 displays in 22 countries across North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia, reaching millions of people monthly. Comprised of two business divisions – Clear Channel Outdoor Americas (CCOA), the U.S. and Caribbean business division, and Clear Channel International (CCI). CCO employs approximately 4,800 people globally. Find out more on <a href="https://www.clearchannelinternational.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">clearchannelinternational.com</a>.</p><h3 >About Broadsign</h3><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering more than 200,000 digital screens in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign platform gives marketers and agencies access to premium digital screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more, run successful programmatic DOOH campaigns.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[7 things to consider when choosing your digital out-of-home SSP]]><![CDATA[

With more brands and agencies buying out-of-home media programmatically, enabling programmatic transactions across DOOH networks presents an opportunity for media owners to access new revenues and gain a bigger portion of total ad spend. But how should media owners get started with programmatic? The first step is to make inventory available to media buyers through […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/7-things-to-consider-ssp-for-digital-out-of-homehttps://broadsign.com/blog/7-things-to-consider-ssp-for-digital-out-of-home<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 22 Feb 2022 11:44:14 GMT<p>With more brands and agencies buying out-of-home media programmatically, enabling programmatic transactions across DOOH networks presents an opportunity for media owners to access new revenues and gain a bigger portion of total ad spend. But how should media owners <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/5-ways-to-prepare-your-dooh-network-for-pdooh/">get started with programmatic</a>?</p><p>The first step is to make inventory available to media buyers through a <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/">supply-side platform (SSP)</a>. However, not all SSPs are created equal &#8211; and many are lacking features that are crucial to meet the particular nuances of the DOOH industry. Let’s examine some of the most important things to consider before jumping into a partnership with an SSP.</p><h3 ><strong>The more SSPs you connect to, the greater your visibility</strong></h3><p>As a media owner, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to lock yourself into a single SSP. A good SSP will have integrations with many different DSPs, which are each accessed by many different advertisers. Connecting to multiple SSPs can give your inventory a big boost in visibility. And of course, increased visibility means previously unused ad space is more likely to be sold.</p><h3 ><strong>Where is the SSP active, and what inventory do they have?</strong></h3><p>More inventory connected in your region should correspond with higher demand, so you should always consider whether the SSP is active in your market and whether they have a large number of publishers connected. It’s also good to consider whether the SSP will help generate demand for your inventory from media buyers within their market. Ask them questions like &#8216;<em>do they have a local team in the market</em>&#8216;? Do they have existing relationships with buyers, and can they offer insights as to the interest in your inventory? Do they have strong relationships with their integrated DSPs, and are they willing to put you in touch with the contacts they see potential in for your network?</p><h3 ><strong>How will your inventory be represented?</strong></h3><p>It’s important to understand how the SSP will represent inventory and what the options are for customization. Making sure your inventory is properly categorized and tagged will dictate how effective the connected DSPs can be with their targeting capabilities. Ultimately, the more information you can make visible to your buyers, the more parameters they have to work with to include your inventory in their planning.</p><p>Media owners should also ensure that the SSP is properly equipped with as much detail as possible regarding inventory, as it will dictate how the SSP will pitch the inventory to DSP and buying partners. Creating short-form collateral that can be easily presented and shared while giving buyers relevant information on screen location, costs, and venue types will all help ensure that your network and offerings are being presented in the best possible light.</p><h3 ><strong>What are the integration capabilities?</strong></h3><p>Integration capabilities are some of the most important factors to consider when evaluating an SSP. Ensuring your network’s CMS and technical capabilities can integrate with an SSP without any problems is essential. For example, a custom or proprietary CMS may be more difficult to integrate than a CMS that’s already connected to an SSP, like <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/">Broadsign Control</a> and <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/">Broadsign Reach</a>.</p><p>The SSPs’ creative capabilities should also be considered, as you want to make sure you’re integrating with a platform that can facilitate dynamic campaigns. <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-html5-can-up-your-digital-out-of-home-game/">HTML5 and Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO)</a> are becoming increasingly important to media buyers looking to launch impactful campaigns, so ensuring your SSP has the technical capabilities to support this should be a requirement.&nbsp;</p><h3 ><strong>What kind of fees do they charge?</strong></h3><p>Evaluating the SSP’s fees compared to market standards is an important step to take before any integration. Some SSPs may offer different fees for different deal types, so it’s important to cover these basics before engaging in negotiations. While they fluctuate between providers and services, SSP fees can range anywhere from around 10% up to 25%, so it’s important to understand each SSP’s value proposition along with the fees they charge to see if they align with your goals.</p><h3 ><strong>Audience measurement and the impression multiplier</strong></h3><p>How the SSP handles audience measurement, the type of data integration, and what the options are for DSPs should all be considered. Given the broad reach of DOOH, views can’t be tracked on an individual basis. Instead, audience measurements are tracked based on totals and averages.&nbsp;</p><p>When getting started with an SSP, you should make sure that audience measurements are displayed in a way that both media owners and buyers can understand. Media owners can analyze screen location and use an SSP’s measurement tools to determine each screen’s reach and audience at a given time.</p><h3 ><strong>Does the SSP understand the intricacies of DOOH?</strong></h3><p>An SSP that’s specialized in DOOH is likely to have more capabilities that cater to the complexities of DOOH and have a greater focus on innovating in the area. With online and mobile advertising, programmatic campaigns are priced on a one-to-one impression basis where one ad is served to one viewer. With DOOH, however, one ad can be viewed by thousands of people at any given time. When integrating with an SSP, it’s important to ensure that audience metrics represent the true reach of each screen, otherwise, you may be at risk of undervaluing the medium by selling inventory on a one-to-one basis. Just imagine if an ad displayed in Times Square was priced for one view.&nbsp;</p><p>OOH publishers curate their traditional audience metrics of reach and frequency using many different methodologies and tech, from pedestrian and traffic counts to mobile data, wifi sniffers, and facial recognition. DOOH SSPs have systems in place, namely, the impression multiplier, that allow media owners to translate those audience numbers into impression figures per play, ideally on an hourly basis.</p><p>To benefit from programmatic, media owners should work with an SSP that will maximize the value of inventory. When programmatic started to make waves in the DOOH industry, many were concerned that <a href="https://oohtoday.com/addressing-digital-out-of-home-real-time-bidding/">Real-Time Bidding (RTB)</a> would negatively impact the value of their inventory. Fortunately, given the quality associated with DOOH, this issue can be addressed. DOOH inventory is generally only deployed in high-impact or high-traffic areas that yield big results in terms of audience impressions, so there’s no reason to worry about low CPMs if your SSP understands the impact and value of DOOH.&nbsp;</p><h4 ><strong>Ready to get started with programmatic?</strong></h4><p>Given its benefits and revenue-generating potential, programmatic will continue to grow in the DOOH industry for the foreseeable future. Despite increasing adoption, there’s still a great need for education in the space for both media owners and buyers. It’s important to integrate with an SSP that will not only help you generate revenue from your network but will also open doors to new buyers around the world while allowing you to stay in control of your network.&nbsp;</p><p>To learn more about getting your network started with programmatic, contact us for more information and a personalized demo of our SSP, <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/">Broadsign Reach</a>.</p><p>If you and your team are ready to level up your programmatic DOOH knowledge ahead of another record year for the channel, <a href="https://www.doohx.io/courses/pdooh-101?coupon=broadsignwebsitereferral15">you can use this link for a 15% discount on doohx’s </a><em><a href="https://www.doohx.io/courses/pdooh-101?coupon=broadsignwebsitereferral15">foundational certification course PDOOH 101</a>.Already a Broadsign customer? Contact your account manager for more information.</em></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[We’ve been named one of Montreal’s Top Employers—here are some of the big reasons why]]><![CDATA[

It’s that time of year again. The complete list of finalists from the 17th annual Montreal’s Top Employers competition has been unveiled, and for the third consecutive year, we’ve made the grade. So what is it about Broadsign that makes us among the city’s best employers? We asked our Human Resources Director, Meghan Hastings, to […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/weve-been-named-one-of-montreals-top-employers-here-are-some-of-the-big-reasons-whyhttps://broadsign.com/blog/weve-been-named-one-of-montreals-top-employers-here-are-some-of-the-big-reasons-why<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 15 Feb 2022 10:44:02 GMT<p>It&#8217;s that time of year again. The complete list of finalists from the 17th annual <a href="https://www.canadastop100.com/montreal/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Montreal&#8217;s Top Employers</a> competition has been unveiled, and for the third consecutive year, we&#8217;ve made the grade.</p><p>So what is it about Broadsign that makes us among the city&#8217;s best employers? We asked our Human Resources Director, Meghan Hastings, to weigh in. Meghan shared some insights on what it is about Broadsign that makes it such a great place to work, what steps the leadership team is taking to support its employees, and what she hopes people can expect from a career at Broadsign.</p><h2 >About Montreal&#8217;s Top Employers</h2><p>Before we dive in, a primer on the competition. The Montreal&#8217;s Top Employers competition launched in 2006 to award businesses demonstrating innovation and leadership in their respective industries. Finalists are decided on by a team of editors from Canada&#8217;s Top 100 Employers magazine. This panel looks at different criteria, including:</p><ul><li>A company’s physical workspace</li><li>Its work and social atmosphere</li><li>The health, financial and family benefits it offers</li><li>Vacation and time off</li><li>Employee communications, performance management, training and development, and community engagement</li></ul><p></p><p>Earning this recognition is something the executive team is extremely proud of, Meghan says. That’s because Broadsign strives to provide its employees with a positive work environment that continuously reinforces their value within the organization. She adds that the team is always looking to improve and rethink the way that the company works, adding that Broadsign&#8217;s success in the OOH industry is the result of the company’s dedication to putting employees and customers first.</p><h2 >A focus on workplace flexibility</h2><p>According to Meghan, a sizable portion of what makes Broadsign such a great place to work is that the company recognizes and understands that today&#8217;s workforce values having options.</p><p>Broadsign understood that being a flexible employer would mean more than just giving employees the option to work from home. It&#8217;s an understanding that sometimes, life happens — and things don&#8217;t always go as planned during work hours.</p><p>"The number one thing for us has been making the focus on flexibility," says Meghan. In light of the pandemic and the many curveballs we’ve collectively faced in the past year, the leadership team has made it a point to rethink the traditional workday and better support Broadsigners. For this reason, employees are free to attend appointments or handle unplanned obligations at home with no issue or questions asked.</p><p>Besides that, she says that the leadership team recognizes employees&#8217; needs differ from one to the next. Some Broadsigners feel office life is stimulating, while others say they&#8217;re more productive from home. A hybrid work model is currently in place that caters to each employee’s needs and desires, giving them the power to decide on where they work.</p><p><strong>Watch: See what the team thinks of Broadsign in this video shot at the 2021 employee summit</strong></p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Making wellness a priority</h2><p>With the COVID-19 virus still a part of our realities—not to mention other unexpected life events—Meghan reinforces another differentiating factor: at Broadsign, time off is a given. &#8220;If people do catch COVID-19 or have to go on leave, we make sure that the employee does what they have to do to get healthy,&#8221; she says. In addition, the company made sure to send out rapid tests to everyone based in Quebec during a time when it was difficult to get access to them.&nbsp;</p><p>As teams have been forced to work remotely, instilling a sense of community has been important, and Meghan says the company has successfully accomplished through several initiatives during the pandemic. For example, Meghan outlines that if another employee were to feel sick or catch COVID-19, there&#8217;s a program in place in which a colleague can safely drop off groceries or run other errands, if needed.&nbsp;</p><p>Another area in which the leadership team has made a strong commitment is with regards to nurturing mental health. New initiatives include an employee assistance program offering increased access to mental health services, including support covering the costs of talk therapy, as well as an increased paramedical budget and new company-wide training on mental health awareness.</p><h2 >Professional development opportunities</h2><p>More than just focusing on employee satisfaction and well-being, another critical component of its employee-centric culture means investing in its team from a career development perspective.</p><p>&#8220;Once we do hire talent, we continue to invest in them so that they see themselves growing in their careers,&#8221; she says, underlining the importance of cultivating a workplace that cares about how its team is progressing. &#8220;We want them to see that their next career step is here, with us.&#8221;</p><p>Some ways in which Broadsign’s executive team has made this a priority is by rolling out a competency matrix and offering support and training wherever possible. These steps towards career development progression are in place to ensure that employees are motivated by their work at Broadsign and all of the projects they are undertaking.</p><p>&#8220;We want employees to see their development in their career over time from the time that they started here to where they&#8217;re at now,&#8221; says Meghan.</p><h2 >What’s in the works</h2><p>For the next calendar year, Broadsign&#8217;s executive team will keep on examining how to provide its employees with the very best workplace available. And, as in-person gatherings resume once more, the plan is to host an employee summit right before summer to get all employees from across the world together.</p><p>&#8220;We hired 50% of our employees during the pandemic, so our Employee Summit will be the first time many will have the chance to meet one another face to face,&#8221; says Meghan.</p><p>This week-long event will feature workshops, speakers, and training to help to build and unite the team, no matter where in the world they call home. With remote work here to stay and a geographically-dispersed workforce, Meghan says this is one way to help bring the team a little closer and create a positive work environment. The goal is to ensure everyone feels that sense of belonging vital to the Broadsign mission.</p><h2 >Together, we make great things happen.</h2><p>If you&#8217;re on the search for a workplace that pushes, challenges, and supports you, then Broadsign wants to hear from you. </p><p><strong>Browse all our job openings <a href="https://broadsign.com/careers/">here</a></strong>.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How RZK Digital is bringing DOOH to São Paulo’s busy bus stations]]><![CDATA[

Back in 2007, officials in São Paulo, Brazil, instituted the Clean City Law, effectively banning billboards and outdoor advertising across the city. Today, the ban remains in effect, forcing digital and media agencies to come up with creative ways to reach audiences in offline settings. Looking to create new opportunities in the DOOH space, RZK […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-rzk-digital-is-bringing-dooh-to-sao-paulos-busy-bus-stationshttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-rzk-digital-is-bringing-dooh-to-sao-paulos-busy-bus-stations<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 08 Feb 2022 09:00:00 GMT<p>Back in 2007, officials in São Paulo, Brazil, instituted the Clean City Law, effectively banning billboards and outdoor advertising across the city. Today, the ban remains in effect, forcing digital and media agencies to come up with creative ways to reach audiences in offline settings.</p><p>Looking to create new opportunities in the DOOH space, RZK Digital has come up with an innovative solution for bringing digital out-of-home media to the masses. In the absence of large billboards and bulletins, RZK Digital operates a network of place-based DOOH screens displayed in the city’s bus terminals, which are seen by thousands of commuters daily.</p><h2 >About RZK Digital</h2><p>RZK Digital was founded on the belief that digital is the future of the out-of-home industry. Launched in October 2021, RZK is an entirely digital OOH business, and makes use of the latest tools for audience measurement for ad targeting. By integrating its data into its advertising network, it is able to deliver targeted campaigns based on customized audiences all across its inventory.</p><p>The business&#8217; small-but-growing team is made up of about 15 data science-focused employees who work on the company&#8217;s robust network of 200 LED vertical screens, located in the bus stations of different transit routes across São Paulo. Generally, the large-format vertical screens measure about two metres high and are installed in hard-to-miss locations or suspended from the ceilings of the bus shelters. Advertisers benefit from enviable coverage—the bright displays are seen by around 600,000 people a day and generate approximately 2.3 million impressions weekly.</p><p>As a result of its innovative approach to DOOH, RZK has already attracted many of the majoradvertisers in the Brazilian market. These come from a wide range of products and services,including global brands like McDonald’s, Burger King, and Santander.</p><div ><figure >RZK&#8217;s network, though young, has already attracted campaigns from prominent brands</figcaption></figure></div><h2 >A focus on data</h2><p>This focus on digital data extends not just to RZK Digital’s network but is part of the brand&#8217;s ethos. This is true right down to the team level, with most of the brand’s employees coming from a data science or technical background. In fact, RZK Digital doesn&#8217;t necessarily consider other OOH companies as its direct competitors—rather, it finds itself operating in the same ecosystem as online advertisers and sees them as its peers.</p><p>Part of what informed this trailblazing company’s decision to operate exclusively as a DOOH provider, rather than adding static billboards as well, is that it wanted to bring something new to the market in Brazil. And despite being newcomers to the playing field, RZK Digital is proud of its early successes. So far, the overall response to the digital signage offering has been very positive.</p><p>As might be expected when building up a new offering, though, there remains education to be done to help buyers explore the medium. The team is confident that once there&#8217;s a better understanding around the possibilities of what sort of media buys are available with DOOH—for example, that ads can be purchased based on demographics or via programmatic digital-out-of-home—there’s going to be a surge in demand, and this company has everything in place to meet it.</p><p>To provide advertisers with comprehensive metrics, RZK Digital works with Everywhere Analytics, a start-up that uses sensors to measure how long people are staying in terminals, along with Quividi to compare numbers from one station to the next. The team also relies on data supplied by the public transportation board for access to even more insights, including rider demographics, economic profiles, and the times of day different groups are most likely to be boarding the buses. RZK Digital’s team of data scientists looks over the first-party data collected and uses it to build contextual, relevant campaigns with its buyers. Beyond that, the company even operates its own proprietary app to measure the results and impact of its campaigns.</p><div ><figure >RZK&#8217;s thoughtful buildup has ensured it will be ready for a surge in demand for its inventory</figcaption></figure></div><h2 >Broadsign and RZK Digital</h2><p>It’s fair to say that RZK Digital&#8217;s vision is ambitious. To help them bring these visionary efforts to life, the company wanted to enlist the support of a software platform with a global reputation, and one that could provide scalable solutions and detailed campaign analytics.</p><p>Early on, RZK Digital adopted the Broadsign platform, recognizing the software’s power to create more efficient operations and support campaign management from end to end. Currently, RZK operates Broadsign Control to facilitate content distribution and Broadsign Direct to help manage sales, with plans to bring on the Broadsign Reach SSP to facilitate programmatic transacting as well as Broadsign Publish to help its partners develop highly interactive ads.</p><p>Up next for RZK Digital is continued work to improve on its offerings, integrating more solutions and applications with Broadsign and RZK’s network. Eventually, RZK Digital hopes to expand its offering to shopping malls, but for the foreseeable future, it has its sights set on expanding its screens into even more bus terminals, planning to double its existing presence of 13 stations by 2022.</p><p>To RZK Digital, being a digital company doesn&#8217;t just refer to the number of screens in its inventory—it’s a mindset. By harnessing the power of digital screens and data to fuel new, exciting opportunities, this forward-thinking company is setting its sights on big possibilities in Brazil.</p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Leveraging your omnichannel media mix with DOOH and CTV]]><![CDATA[

Connecting with consumers in today’s landscape goes beyond reaching them through a single channel. With changing consumer habits and new privacy regulations affecting an already complex digital environment, it can be difficult for advertisers to successfully reach their audiences without developing a diverse media mix. Fortunately, today’s marketers have more tools at their disposal than […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/leveraging-your-omnichannel-media-mix-with-dooh-and-ctvhttps://broadsign.com/blog/leveraging-your-omnichannel-media-mix-with-dooh-and-ctv<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 31 Jan 2022 09:36:06 GMT<p>Connecting with consumers in today’s landscape goes beyond reaching them through a single channel. With changing consumer habits and new privacy regulations affecting an already complex digital environment, it can be difficult for advertisers to successfully reach their audiences without developing a diverse media mix.&nbsp; Fortunately, today’s marketers have more tools at their disposal than ever before.&nbsp;</p><p>Two media channels continuing to grow rapidly are Connected TV (CTV) and digital out-of-home. CTV devices like Smart TVs, gaming consoles, Apple TV or Roku, allow viewers to access internet content over top of their traditional screens. Though CTV is hardly a new concept, the pandemic has played a part in fueling its growth as people stayed confined indoors. The OOH industry has also been experiencing significant growth that’s projected to continue throughout 2022 thanks to increased mobility and a certain level of digital fatigue that consumers are experiencing.</p><p>So what does this changing landscape mean for advertisers? For many, it highlights the importance of telling a brand’s story across multiple channels. Increasing marketing touchpoints to bridge the gap between building brand awareness and driving consumer action, as is the case with OOH and CTV, can help maximize campaign effectiveness as a whole.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>But first, why are digital marketers buying CTV?</strong></h2><p>According to a 2021 study conducted by the Leichtman Research Group, over <a href="https://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/363911/study-almost-40-of-adults-watch-video-daily-on-c.html?utm_source=newsletter&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_content=headline&amp;utm_campaign=122609&amp;hashid=TsRZn6dDSnqjRoJq8VpHvA">80% of US TV households have at least one Connected TV device</a> with this number expected to grow as more viewers cut the cord on traditional cable services. As a result, advertisers are turning to CTV to deliver impactful, highly targeted campaigns that reach intended audiences in their homes.&nbsp;</p><p>The rise of programmatic advertising capabilities is a key factor driving advertisers’ adoption of CTV. Programmatic CTV enables specific parameters to be established via DSPs, delivering effective, well-placed ads while improving the efficiency and agility of a campaign. These programmatic platforms also provide data-driven insights that allow brands to identify specific audience segments, further connecting with them by delivering ads that are relevant to their TV programming.&nbsp;</p><p>The ability to reach broader audiences is another reason why marketers are choosing to run CTV ad campaigns. Premium inventory, thanks to programmatic platforms, coupled with audience-based targeting capabilities ensure ads are reaching the intended audience in a contextual way.</p><h2 ><strong>Strengthening brand messaging with DOOH and CTV</strong></h2><p>We know the advantages of including CTV in a campaign, but where does DOOH fit in? According to a 2020 <a href="https://www.omnisend.com/resources/reports/omnichannel-marketing-automation-statistics-2020/">marketing automation report</a> published by Omnisend Research, marketers are observing a growing performance gap between single-channel and omnichannel campaigns. The report also found that brands using 3 or more marketing channels have a <strong>287% higher purchase rate</strong> compared to campaigns that focus on a single channel. The shift to full-funnel marketing is highlighting the importance of taking a holistic approach to marketing, dedicating media spend to both brand awareness and performance channels.&nbsp;</p><figure >Brands using multiple marketing channels have a higher purchase rate than single-channel campaigns.</figcaption></figure><p>Extending the reach of a campaign to include both CTV and DOOH can ensure that audiences are continuously targeted as they once again frequent locations outside of their homes. An omnichannel mix of DOOH and CTV helps marketers maximize advertising impact and effectiveness with sequential messaging that creates a strong brand experience. Let’s take a look at a <a href="https://digiday.com/marketing/theres-only-so-much-low-hanging-fruit-why-advertisers-are-ramping-up-more-full-funnel-marketing-strategies/">recent campaign</a> from fashion and accessories brand Claire’s, for example. Targeted towards GenZ audiences, the retailer’s ‘Be the Most’ campaign features a full-funnel marketing plan that includes several media channels like eCommerce, OOH, and CTV. With a goal of increasing touchpoints to reach consumers wherever they are, Claire’s placed OOH ads in major cities with corresponding CTV ads displayed through streaming services like Hulu and Twitch.</p><p>With both channels known for their premium inventory that can’t be skipped or ignored, extending a campaign’s reach from CTV to DOOH (or vice versa) increases ad recall, brand recognition, and awareness. Data triggers like location data or mobile device proximity enable advertisers to identify which audiences were exposed to DOOH ads. These consumers can then be retargeted with ads via their connected TV devices, reinforcing the brand’s message both outside and inside the home.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>The rise of programmatic omnichannel campaigns</strong></h2><p>The acceleration of programmatic advertising across DOOH and CTV is enabling advertisers to create seamless omnichannel experiences automatically. Thanks to these platforms, both DOOH and CTV ads can target specific audiences by following the same parameters set by DSPs. If a marketer wants to target an audience segment through DOOH, they can also look at the contextual signals in CTV programming to deliver ads that match the content of both the TV programming and the DOOH campaign. Advertisers can even repurpose the same video creatives for both channels, furthering the continuous messaging and increasing ad recall with consumers. By looking at contextual targeting data like CTV application type or show information, advertisers can tailor their strategy to reach the exact audiences they want to with their omnichannel campaigns.</p><p>As programmatic advertising becomes the norm, along with changing consumer patterns, we predict that more and more marketers will implement popular channels like DOOH and CTV. By extending reach both offline and online, advertisers can help bridge the gap between digital and real-world experiences in a measurable, agile way.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Click </strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/dooh-for-media-buyers/"><strong>here</strong></a><strong> to learn more about Broadsign’s 35+ omnichannel DSP partners.&nbsp;</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[5 ways to prepare your DOOH network for PDOOH]]><![CDATA[

DOOH’s growth trajectory has been one of the strongest and most exciting across the media landscape – and the year ahead in 2022 is looking no different. With a higher demand than ever for flexibility, buying efficiency, and greater targeting and creative capabilities, the rise of programmatic trading in digital out-of-home shows no sign of […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/5-ways-to-prepare-your-dooh-network-for-pdoohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/5-ways-to-prepare-your-dooh-network-for-pdooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 27 Jan 2022 09:35:07 GMT<p>DOOH’s growth trajectory has been one of the strongest and most exciting across the media landscape &#8211; and the year ahead in 2022 is looking no different. With a higher demand than ever for flexibility, buying efficiency, and greater targeting and creative capabilities,<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/"> the rise of programmatic trading</a> in digital out-of-home shows no sign of slowing down.</p><p>As the adoption of programmatic DOOH grows amongst agencies and brands, OOH publishers around the world are looking to prepare their networks to offer more robust PDOOH trading to meet rising global demand.</p><p>But, as a publisher, how can you make sure your network is primed to take full advantage of this new revenue opportunity? Let’s take a look at five ways you can prepare your DOOH network for what’s sure to be a record year for PDOOH.</p><h2 ><strong>Standardize inventory where possible</strong></h2><p>Whether you’re just starting your DOOH network or performing ongoing maintenance of your existing inventory, standardizing your hardware wherever possible should be a key pillar for any publisher. Different screens and players come with their own unique capabilities and limitations which can determine whether your entire DOOH portfolio is eligible for PDOOH trading, or if you’ll be forced to reduce your offering to compensate for the variety of manufacturers used. Finding a reliable combination of screens, players, and connectivity &#8211; and sticking to the formula &#8211; will make any ongoing maintenance and integration with PDOOH tech players a much more streamlined process.</p><p>Connectivity is also key here, with a wired connection providing better stability and results. In order to facilitate the shift towards RTB, as well as greater creative capabilities like HTML5, having a reliable connection across your locations will set you up for advancing your PDOOH offering.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>Get granular with your audience figures</strong></h2><p>OOH has long operated off the key metrics of reach and frequency, which are usually calculated across a campaign period of multiple weeks. With the advent of programmatic trading comes the shift towards a new, more agile, and universal metric &#8211; impressions. Depending on the SSPs you integrate with, those impressions numbers can be broken down into specific categories across a number of demographics, as well as a more granular level of timing.</p><p>Providing audience impressions that show an ebb and flow of traffic by the hour or day of the week, for example, will go a long way towards more productive conversations with buyers who want to see that OOH is becoming more flexible and accurate in terms of audience measurement. Further demographic categorization, like gender and age bracket splits, will establish a foundation for more comprehensive reporting for buyers, as well as more effective targeting capabilities through integrated DSP platforms.</p><h2 ><strong>Dedicate resources to PDOOH sales, locally and internationally</strong></h2><p>For many publishers, the majority of revenue will continue to come from traditional sales (at least for now). Creating a dedicated team tasked with generating PDOOH sales will allow your business to establish a new network of potential buyers in the form of digital agencies and trade desks. Another benefit of a dedicated PDOOH sales team is the possibility of creating a closer working relationship with the SSPs and DSPs your network is using &#8211; on both a local and international level.&nbsp;</p><p>Beyond the local market that your sales team is accustomed to serving, PDOOH trading opens up a whole new world of buyers in the form of international agencies, DSPs, and brands looking to purchase your inventory. With greater visibility for local networks across the global portfolio DSPs that their SSPs are integrated with, there’s an opportunity for sales teams to venture beyond their local market to find new sources of revenue looking to trade on an international scale.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>Expand your creative capabilities</strong></h2><p>Being able to trade programmatically is one thing, but offering all the benefits that go with it is another. For many clients, it’ll be important to know that they can run dynamic creative optimization campaigns that generate hundreds of creatives at the click of a button or be able to adapt their HTML5 creative from other online mediums directly onto your screen.&nbsp;</p><p>The standardization of screens and resolutions also goes a long way towards minimizing the need for multiple creative sizes wherever possible. Connectivity is another important factor &#8211; knowing that your network will be able to adapt to and play whatever creatives might come your way. Some networks have complicated security and networking structures that prevent these types of creatives from being served in real-time, so establishing what’s needed to simplify and streamline your network to capitalize on new innovations in creatives is key.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>Integrate with a global SSP</strong></h2><p>Depending on your network, like how it’s structured and the number of inventory types, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/7-things-to-consider-ssp-for-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">integrating with an SSP</a> can vary from a relatively simple process to a complicated one that involves third parties and requires more time and resources.</p><p>When starting out with PDOOH, it’s important to ensure each integration counts so your team can get started on growing your offering in the market. Here are a few key things to look for in your partners:</p><h4 ><strong>Compatibility</strong></h4><p>Some SSP integrations can be easier than others depending on the CMS you use for your network. Most global SSP players have processes in place to align with the major CMS systems and media players, but it’s an important conversation to have upfront to see how your system might change the integration process.</p><h4 ><strong>Existing integrations</strong></h4><p>There are two levels to consider when it comes to existing integrations. One is the SSP’s integration with other publishers, as the centralization of inventory makes it easier for the DSPs and therefore buyers when trying to plan their campaigns. The second is the SSP’s integrations with DSPs from both local and international markets. The more DSPs they’re connected to, the broader the visibility your network will have amongst buyers from global markets.</p><h4 ><strong>DOOH capabilities</strong></h4><p>With programmatic campaigns traditionally priced on a one-to-one impression basis, DOOH is unique in operating on a one-to-many basis, as one ad can be viewed by hundreds or even thousands of people at any given time. When integrating with an SSP, it’s important to ensure that the SSP can accurately support DOOH audience measurement by reflecting the reach of each screen &#8211; usually via the use of an impression multiplier. If the impressions are not accurately communicated, media owners risk undervaluing the medium by selling their inventory on a one-to-one basis.&nbsp;</p><p>As PDOOH continues to grow into an established advertising channel, more and more OOH publishers will make their digital inventory available programmatically to meet media buyer demand. From selling targeted impressions to trading on an international scale, PDOOH is giving publishers more control over their network than ever before &#8211; provided they take the necessary steps to ensure they’re ready to dive into the world of programmatic trading.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>To learn more about getting your network started with programmatic, contact us for more information and a personalized demo of our programmatic solution,</strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/"><strong> Broadsign Reach</strong></a><strong>.&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>If you and your team are ready to level up your programmatic DOOH knowledge ahead of another record year for the channel,</strong><a href="https://www.doohx.io/courses/pdooh-101?coupon=broadsignwebsitereferral15"><strong> you can use this link for a 15% discount on doohx’s foundational certification course ‘PDOOH 101’</strong></a><strong>.</strong><em>Already a Broadsign customer? Contact your account manager for more information.</em></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[OOH Executive Insights series: Remi Roques on OOH in APAC in 2023]]><![CDATA[

In this instalment of our OOH Executive Insights series, Broadsign’s GM for Asia Pacific (APAC), Remi Roques, discusses recent challenges in the Asian OOH space, key trends that will shape OOH in the region, and the role Broadsign will take in helping Asian media owners grow outdoor advertising to the next level. 2023 is the […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-executive-insights-series-remi-roques-on-ooh-in-apac-in-2023https://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-executive-insights-series-remi-roques-on-ooh-in-apac-in-2023<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 25 Jan 2022 16:42:00 GMT<p><em>In this instalment of our OOH Executive Insights series, Broadsign’s GM for Asia Pacific (APAC), Remi Roques, discusses recent challenges in the Asian OOH space, key trends that will shape OOH in the region, and the role Broadsign will take in helping Asian media owners grow outdoor advertising to the next level.</em></p><h2 >2023 is the year APAC OOH recovers and grows</h2><p>The story of OOH in APAC is still greatly influenced by the pandemic. COVID had a much heavier impact in APAC than probably any other region of the world, with certain areas in China still in complete lockdown for much of 2022. This has significantly delayed the growth and maturation of the out-of-home market in the region. However, as public health guidelines continue to ease, we expect a strong recovery in 2023.&nbsp;</p><p>With that in mind, I would like to share some trends that will define OOH in APAC over the new year.</p><h2 >This will be a big year for innovation</h2><p>In 2023, we will see parts of Asia catch up very quickly with some of the more advanced digital networks found in markets like Europe and North America. Already, media owners in Hong Kong and Japan are quite innovative and interested in adopting the latest technology. More OOH businesses in the rest of the region are no doubt eager to make their own moves to introduce exciting new technologies and processes to their businesses.</p><p>For just one example, we have seen a great deal of interest from buyers and sellers in delivering dynamic content, allowing for things like live display of the score of a sports game or the use of a live data feed to influence what kind of message appears onscreen. Common triggers for this kind of content include things like the time of day, current weather conditions, or the state of traffic. With advertisers demanding more audience-based targeting capabilities across all advertising channels, including DOOH, it will become increasingly important for media owners to support dynamic content as it provides highly personalized and relevant content for audiences facing a digital signage screen.&nbsp;</p><p>Asia has also been at the forefront of the anamorphic billboard trend, also known as 3D billboards, which have exploded in popularity over the past couple of years. With these displays, brands and agencies have the ability to push impactful campaigns that often draw strong social media exposure for their creativity. We will see more brands and agencies leverage this creative medium in the coming year, and there is a clear interest by many out-of-home media owners in the region to deploy more assets to meet the growing demand.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Audience data will improve to fuel more programmatic transactions</h2><p>As it has been in recent years, programmatic remains a hot topic in APAC, but there are some challenges to be addressed to increase regional adoption. One, in particular, relates to audience data.&nbsp;</p><p>Asia does not have an industry body coordinating audience measurement standards across the entire region. Therefore, media owners can have a bit of a challenge in providing brands and agencies with accurate impression data, which is key to fair and effective programmatic transactions in OOH. This has created a demand from brands and agencies for increased transparency on the accuracy of audience data and impression multipliers.&nbsp;</p><p>For now, it’s difficult to say with certainty what the ultimate solution will be, although many of Asia&#8217;s leading media owners do seem to be partnering with innovative third-party providers to improve the quality of the data they offer their buyers. Standardization may not quite be here, but I do expect the level of quality of audience data to improve in the coming year.</p><h2 >Security and transparency take on greater importance</h2><p>Related to transparency, we also see a demand in Australia for third-party verified proof of play data. Regardless of how accurate your reporting and proof of data may be, a growing number of brands and agencies no longer want the data to come straight from the media owner. Technology providers can address this concern by providing raw incoming data to a third-party data verification company, helping to meet this new need for external validation of proof-of-play data. The data verification company would then create the report dashboards and segregate the data accordingly for agencies.</p><p>In addition to data transparency, cyber security remains top of mind for all players in the industry. For media owners, this means ensuring that their media schedules aren’t disrupted and displays remain online in order to deliver on advertising commitments. Media owners that ensure their network is secure and reliable by leveraging software solutions that meet third-party certification standards for security will likely have a competitive advantage over others.</p><h2 >Broadsign in APAC in 2023</h2><p>During the pandemic, when OOH businesses in APAC and the rest of the world were hurting from lockdowns, we at Broadsign ensured that our partners, and the industry in general, remained as healthy as possible, even though it meant taking on additional efforts ourselves. We don’t think our job ends at just providing OOH software.</p><p>As APAC begins to recover in 2023 and demand continues its return to pre-pandemic levels, we will help advertisers and media owners grow their demand for OOH by equipping them with the industry’s most secure and reliable OOH software to grow their programmatic capabilities and deliver targeted, highly personalized dynamic content. We will also continue to work with local technology providers and address challenges around data accuracy and transparency, and cyber security. All of this requires collaboration and a good deal of work, but we’re excited to take on the challenge with the rest of the APAC OOH community to bring our industry to new heights.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Retail media networks 101: Definition, best practices, and tips for building out a rock-solid RMN]]><![CDATA[

The rise of retail media networks has been a hot topic these past couple of years, and for good reason! According to Forrester’s Predictions 2022 report, retail media spend will grow to $50 billion globally in 2022. The growth is partially attributable to an increase in ecommerce spending, with brands devoting ad dollars to connecting […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/retail-media-networks-101https://broadsign.com/blog/retail-media-networks-101<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 18 Jan 2022 09:19:23 GMT<p>The rise of retail media networks has been a hot topic these past couple of years, and for good reason! According to <a href="https://www.forrester.com/blogs/predictions-2022-advertising/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Forrester’s Predictions 2022 report</a>, retail media spend will grow to $50 billion globally in 2022. The growth is partially attributable to an increase in ecommerce spending, with brands devoting ad dollars to connecting with shoppers in the online environments where their buyers are purchasing. One of the benefits of this is an improved ability to connect shopper behavioural data with actual sales, something which is of immense value to the brands that are advertising.</p><p>This is not a new trend, but it is one that is currently accelerating. Since Amazon launched its media network in 2012, retailers large and small have followed suit—from big-box giants like Walmart and Target to specialty retailers like Sephora and even app-based delivery services like Instacart. Now, we’re poised for an explosion of growth in this space, as retailers seek to capitalize on growing demand.</p><p>But the online space is only one of the arenas worthy of attention for retailers seeking to build up robust retail media networks. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of retail media networks—what they are, how they’re evolving to meet changing consumer and brand partner expectations, and best practices for retailers to consider when creating an RMN strategy—so you can get up to speed quickly and ensure you’re maximizing the potential of your full retail presence to generate additional revenue.</p><h2 >What is a retail media network?</h2><p>Before we go any further, let’s start with the basics.</p><p>Retail media means different things to different people, but here’s a simple definition: retail media is a vehicle to market to your customer at the point of purchase or the point of choice. This isn’t a new concept. Retail media can include everything from product sampling, to in-store displays, to featured placements within the glossy paper catalogs mailed to customer homes. Retail media in the digital world is similar: brands pay to have their products shown at or near the point of sale, which increases the likelihood of a customer actually buying.</p><figure >An online RMN allows brands to pay to have their products shown at or near the point of sale</figcaption></figure><p>A retail media network (RMN) is the delivery and management system for the different retail media opportunities a retailer has to offer. In essence, it’s an advertising platform maintained by a single retail entity and set up across their owned channels and digital properties, both online and in store Retailers use RMNs to manage ad inventory and control the placement of ads at various points throughout the buyer journey. This enables a retail brand to give their partner brands access to customers close to the point of purchase, whether a customer is shopping from their computer or in a brick-and-mortar store. This means, for example, that a brand (like Doritos) can advertise on a retailer’s (such as Walmart’s) website, or can advertise to customers walking around inside a Walmart store.</p><h2 >Shopper marketing for the digital age: The evolution of the modern RMN</h2><p>The retail media space has undergone rapid evolution in recent years, creating exciting new opportunities for advertisers and retailers alike.</p><p>The first retail media networks were mainly focused on increasing shopper engagement and sales, but retailers quickly found new ways to leverage their retail media investments. Now, they have become important tools for securing additional revenue from brands looking to advertise across the retailer’s offerings. RMNs can also incorporate vast amounts of first-party customer data, including shopping habits and buying patterns, all sourced from the retailer’s owned brick and mortar and digital ecosystems.</p><figure >In-person and online shopper data can be used to create more powerful RMN offerings</figcaption></figure><p>There are a few key factors that led to retailers leveraging customer data to expand their media networks’ monetization tactics. Most notably, <a href="https://www.ibm.com/industries/retail" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">the pandemic accelerated the shift towards online shopping</a> at the same time that technological advancements enabled increasingly sophisticated data collection and highly targeted advertising. With more consumers shopping online, investment in digital media advertising has soared. According to Forbes, brands spent at least $5 billion on retail media in 2020 to influence the customer at the digital point of sale and better measure performance from their investments.</p><p>At the same time, we now have the technology and expertise available to make media networks profitable for retailers of all sizes. As a result, retail media networks have been gaining a lot of traction amongst retailers looking to create new revenue streams and benefit from the post-pandemic increase in digital ad spend. After watching the big retail players demonstrate the revenue-generating potential of an RMN, now the smaller and midsize retailers are following suit in creating their own.</p><h2 >Best practices for building a modern retail media network</h2><p>The recent influx of retail media networks means that advertisers have more options to choose from when deciding where to spend their shopper marketing and brand advertising budgets. Even if many retailers have some sort of media network in place, an out-of-date model isn’t enough to keep pace in today’s rapidly evolving and competitive digital landscape. Now is the time to build a strong retail media network and refine your RMN strategy.</p><p>So what distinguishes the modern retail media network from the model of the past? We’ve put together a list of best practices to keep in mind when creating or optimizing your retail media network strategy.</p><h3 >1: Build the value of first-party data for partner brands</h3><p>As the cookie crumbles, brands believe the modern retail media network can offer strategic change in the commerce experience (both online and offline) by:</p><ul><li>Influencing customers at the "digital shelf" point of consideration</li><li>Offering lower-funnel advertising opportunities to fill the gap left by cookies</li><li>Delivering performance insights to improve their return on media investment</li></ul><p></p><p>Impending changes to third-party cookie policies are forcing marketers to rethink how they acquire, retain, and engage with customers. Losing the ability to automatically gather third-party data means that customer insights won’t be as readily available and will complicate the creation of hyper-targeted online ad campaigns. But while this upset is causing a seismic shift for marketers, it presents a timely opportunity for retailers, who should expect to see an increase in the value of their first-party data.</p><figure >Retailers that do a good job of capturing 1st-party data are well-positioned for RMN success</figcaption></figure><p>Consumer brands and consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies like Nestlé and PepsiCo tend to have less first-party data at their disposal; it’s their retailers and e-commerce partners that typically handle most of the transactions and "own" the customer relationship. With the soon-to-be decreasing value of third-party cookie-related platforms, CPG marketers will be looking to shift their ad dollars elsewhere—and retail media networks (RMNs) are poised to step in.</p><p>Through their owned and operated digital platforms, RMNs have access to large amounts of first-party data—gathered over long periods of time and encompassing different customers’ shopping histories related to a number of different products—that can be broken down and analyzed at a granular level. But brands want more than access to retailers’ brand experience and audience data; they also need a measured outcome. That means a successful retail media network requires a long-term strategy that keeps brand partners invested with deep performance insights and addressable advertising opportunities that fit the needs of brands and CPGs.</p><h3 >2: Incorporate in-store digital media to provide omnichannel access to your shoppers &amp; enhance your in-store experience</h3><p>As omnichannel retail strategies gain traction, the modern RMN leverages digital technologies to reach consumers across channels and devices. It does so by:</p><ul><li>Creating a complete network that seamlessly connects all channels and properties</li><li>Offering partner brands access to customers near the point of sale, whether that’s in-person or online</li><li>Incorporating digital in-store media to deliver contextual messaging and dynamic content</li></ul><p>Any marketer worth their salt knows that an omnichannel approach is the best way to achieve results in today’s marketplace. Whether a customer is shopping from their computer or mobile device, by telephone, or in a bricks-and-mortar store, the shopping experience across all channels should be seamless, from product discovery to final purchase. And that’s where digital in-store media comes in.</p><p><strong>WATCH: How to influence add-to-cart moments with an in-store digital media channel</strong></p><figure ></div></figure><p><a href="https://www.inmar.com/sites/default/files/Inmar%20Intelligence%20RMN%20Survey%20Overview%20-%20April%202021_0.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">According to Inmar survey data</a>, 24% of marketers want retail media networks to add digital in-store media (or digital out-of-home/DOOH) to their solutions, and roughly the same percentage would like to see RMNs incorporate additional in-store signage and media options. In-store signage differs from other ad formats in its ability to deliver brand messaging and storytelling in context, when the customer is already in a buying mindset. At the same time, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/why-in-store-signage-advertising-belongs-in-every-brands-retail-media-strategy/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">digital in-store signage opens up new storytelling possibilities</a> through the use of dynamic content, offering brands unique opportunities to engage with customers and leave a lasting impression. It’s a type of media, in other words, that not only operates as a way to generate additional revenue from brands, but also as a method of delivering a more information-rich and relevant in-store experience.</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-doohyoulike-uses-dooh-to-bring-merchants-closer-to-clients/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">READ ALSO: How DoohYouLike uses DOOH to bring merchants closer to shoppers</a></p><figure >In-store digital media provides value for retailers, brands, and shoppers alike</figcaption></figure><p>Marketing teams understand that contextual in-store ads can be combined with other retailer-centric activity—like in-store promotions or advertising in apps or out of home—and work in concert with online ads deployed across online channels. Moving forward, the most successful retail media networks will be those that can offer brand partners a range of ad mediums and channels—including in-store signage and other digital out-of-home advertising opportunities. After all, even in 2025, it’s expected that <a href="https://www.euromonitor.com/article/the-future-of-the-store" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">about 76% of goods will continue to be purchased in stores.</a></p><h3 >3: Optimize on-site retail media strategies</h3><p>Retail sites are a major pre-shop touchpoint for online buyers and are where a lot of consumers conduct product research; almost 7 out of 10 online shoppers actually bypass search engines and go directly to a retail site when they want to purchase a product. This means that retail websites are a valuable part of the product purchase journey, especially for brands looking for new ways to stand out on the digital shelf. Any retailer thinking of building their own retail media network should start with by looking at their on-site retail media offering.</p><p>To maximize spend from brands, retailers need to help them address the entire shopper journey—from brand awareness to product purchase. This requires retailers to offer a wide array of ad formats on-site, ranging from retail display ads, which are ideal for upper funnel strategies geared towards awareness and consideration, to sponsored product ads, which are great for lower-funnel strategies like driving conversion. Display formats that are custom built for retail are another useful addition, as they enable advertisers to incorporate retail-specific elements, personalization, and a more seamless experience.</p><figure >An on-site RMN is a great component in an overall strategy for connecting brands with buyers</figcaption></figure><p>Done right, on-site retail media brings a lucrative new revenue stream to retailers without compromising or disrupting the shopper journey.</p><p>Some of the key points to address when optimizing your on-site offering:</p><ul><li>Offering partner brands a wide array of on-site ad formats that address the entire shopper journey</li><li>Incorporating dynamic display formats that enable brands to personalize each ad to the store and the page the shopper is browsing on</li><li>Providing on-site retail media offerings that blend seamlessly into the shopping experience</li><li>Ensuring you have adequate capability to capture user information and provide it to buyers looking to do granular targeting &amp; produce detailed campaign performance reports.</li></ul><p></p><h2 >4. Think outside owned channels to maximize reach</h2><p>While many retail media networks prioritize on-site monetization, today’s retail media networks also need to build site traffic by:</p><ul><li>Using off-site advertising to expand your reach and generate demand</li><li>Optimizing on-site tactics by improving the user experience and incorporating personalization</li><li>Connecting off-site advertising to on-site advertising to drive a bigger audience</li></ul><p></p><p>There’s nothing wrong with starting your RMN strategy with on-site tactics. But unless you’re Amazon, you need to look beyond your own backyard and think outside owned channels if you want your retail media network to be a success. <a href="https://www.forrester.com/report/Retailers-Youre-The-Next-Media-Moguls/RES143841" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">A recent Forrester report</a> found that even the retailers best poised to launch their own retail media networks only have 50 million monthly site visitors on average. That’s a decent amount of site traffic, but it’s a far cry from Amazon’s almost 200 million average monthly users.</p><figure >Ecommerce behemoths like Amazon will be difficult to compete with purely via on-site retail media</figcaption></figure><p>For the vast majority of retailers, owned properties won’t be enough; today’s retail media networks need to build their site traffic in order to succeed. One of the easiest and most effective ways for retailers to reach customers and prospects at scale is with off-site advertising that connects to their on-site advertising. Off-site advertising expands your reach by providing you with more customers and visitors to monetize and off-site programmatic helps drive new and more site traffic to your website.</p><p>It takes effort to build a solution that connects the reach and efficiency of off-site ads to the on-site experience—but it’s well worth your while and will pay off in the long term. When done right, on-site advertising and off-site advertising complement one another to create exponential monetization growth. In short: a successful RMN strategy requires a network that includes both on-site and off-site tactics.</p><p><strong>Want to add in-store digital to your RMN strategy?</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/ebook-increase-revenue-with-contextual-in-store-media/">Check out our eBook</a> to see everything you&#8217;ll need to know!</strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Making direct sales more flexible: A conversation with Simon Property Group & Broadsign]]><![CDATA[

In December 2021, we were proud to sponsor the DPAA Town Hall Members Meeting. Every year, this event brings together DPAA members to discuss what lies ahead for the OOH industry. As a part of the event, Karim Kanji, one of our North American sales directors, took part in a fireside chat with Simon Property […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/making-direct-sales-more-flexible-a-conversation-with-simon-property-group-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/making-direct-sales-more-flexible-a-conversation-with-simon-property-group-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 13 Jan 2022 10:02:09 GMT<p>In December 2021, we were proud to sponsor the DPAA Town Hall Members Meeting. Every year, this event brings together DPAA members to discuss what lies ahead for the OOH industry. As a part of the event, Karim Kanji, one of our North American sales directors, took part in a fireside chat with Simon Property Group Senior Vice President Chip Harding. The discussion centered on how Simon was able to adopt a more flexible approach to business and how this helped it to survive the restrictions and uncertainty presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.</p><p>The world&#8217;s largest retail real estate company, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-simon-property-groups-dooh-network-fuels-consumer-brand-connections/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Simon Property Group</a> owns more than 200 shopping centres and premium retail outlets. It also operates a DOOH network in its locations, which runs ads from retailers, financial institutions, and CPG brands. With retail particularly hard-hit in the early waves of the pandemic, Simon knew it needed to adapt, and do so quickly. The discussion between Chip and Karim highlights how Simon Property Group was able to introduce greater flexibility to its business, in part by leveraging the capabilities offered by programmatic digital-out-of-home. Just as importantly, it delves into the ways that programmatic’s pandemic-era growth is likely to shape direct sales in OOH moving forward.</p><p>You can watch the full video here, or read on for our recap of some of the key takeaways from the conversation.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Closed doors, open windows</h2><p>Two years in, it’s worth the reminder that the changes forced by the first wave of the pandemic were beyond just about anything seen since the end of the second world war. In retail, businesses were suddenly forced to rethink and restructure operations almost entirely, from the ground up.</p><p>On March 18, 2020, Simon Property Group decided to close all of its 250 shopping malls across North America. This was something which, up until that point, had never happened before. While Chip stressed that this was the right decision to make, temporarily shuttering all properties and keeping doors closed for about three-and-a-half months—or 11,000 working days—further reinforced a need to adapt how Simon ran its OOH network. At the time, Chip said the company had 5,000 agreements with advertising and promotional partners running at that time that still required managing and nurturing. More of its advertisers were looking to pivot messaging, too, focusing on health and safety rather than some of their existing campaigns.</p><p>For an industry like retail, which is still fairly traditional in many ways, stepping out of the comfort zone and embracing the unfamiliar was a big, necessary step. To name just one trend, many retailers took the opportunity to invest in developing their e-commerce or BOPIS (buy online, pick up in store) offerings.</p><p>For Simon Property Group, the key idea was simply to take steps to improve its ability to operate flexibly. This meant investing in new technology and processes, such as adopting programmatic sales for its network of DOOH displays, and undertaking a rethink of how it did in-mall OOH media entirely.</p><h2 >The programmatic difference</h2><p>Chip explained that tailoring Simon’s new approach required the team to change its operational workflow and bring on more employees to work on the back-end. So, at the start of lockdown, Simon Property Group brought on Broadsign Reach and began laying the groundwork for launch in 2021 by investing in employees and resources. Then, in 2021, with all properties open to the public, the team went live again. These efforts have been quite successful, going from zero dollars to seven figures of revenue generated by the end of last year. Chip shared that back in January 2021, Simon Property Group had just one programmatic campaign running across its entire DOOH network. By November, the number had grown to 600 in total.</p><p>He attributes its growth and success to the fact that programmatic can provide insights, learnings, data, and impressions to help them run campaigns that audiences respond to. This is in addition to programmatic’s ability to attract new clients, provide access to omnichannel campaigns, and help create more compelling advertising experiences. Towards an ultimate end goal of driving sales, programmatic has been a key instrument for Simon’s success.</p><h2 >How programmatic will reshape direct OOH sales</h2><p>As Karim points out early on in the conversation, direct sales still account for the lion’s share of transactions in the OOH space. While that’s likely to continue, at least for some time, it’s also likely that the rise of programmatic will drive interesting changes in the way that direct sales are conducted.</p><p>For starters, the greater flexibility offered by programmatic is something that is also going to become the norm in direct sales. It’s the kind of thing buyers crave, and while it does present a few additional challenges for sellers, media owners ultimately must meet the demand of their customers.</p><p>Another key area where programmatic is likely to have outsized influence is in reporting metrics. Programmatic transactions demand extensive reporting capabilities on the part of the media owner. It’s what allows a buyer to plan and execute campaigns that reach their desired audience, and without it, programmatic wouldn’t be much of anything. But buyers who prefer direct purchasing agreements want that level of data and transparency, too. Organizations with programmatic programs will be well-positioned to give it to them, but it’s also likely that it will become a standard ask made of any reputable OOH business.But it’s flexibility and reporting together, ultimately, that are going to create the kind of package that buyers want to see. And there’s real benefit in it for media owners, as well. If media owners can create predictable KPIs on a campaign by campaign basis, he says, the end result should be significant revenue growth.</p><h2 >Opportunities and challenges ahead</h2><p>Today, Chip said that Simon is investing in training its entire sales team on programmatic transactions. The goal is as much to ensure everyone knows the vernacular of programmatic and understands the potential outputs as it is to continue growing the programmatic business. The lessons learned will be invaluable assets as Simon looks to continue down the path of a more flexible and data-rich direct sales operation.</p><p>If there are challenges ahead, they’re largely in the sphere of yield management. Greater flexibility will require a fairly extensive rethink of what it means to manage yield in DOOH effectively. While Simon has some ideas it is trying out, the issue remains one to be settled.</p><p>Still, with the world mostly open once again and with much progress towards a reimagining of DOOH made in 2021, Chip and the Simon team are excited to see what the future holds for its new, more flexible approach to DOOH.</p><p><strong>Want to add additional flexibility to your own DOOH sales operation?</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/ebook-optimize-ooh-sales-through-automation/">See how Broadsign Direct can help</a></strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Board of Directors Welcomes AMI Entertainment CEO Michael Maas]]><![CDATA[

Industry veteran’s diverse perspective and expertise to help guide Broadsign business strategies in 2022 and beyond Montreal, Canada – January 12, 2022 – Out-of-home (OOH) marketing technology developer Broadsign today announced that AMI Entertainment CEO Michael Maas has joined its Board of Directors, and will play an influential role in conversations that shape the future […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-board-of-directors-welcomes-ami-entertainment-ceo-michael-maashttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-board-of-directors-welcomes-ami-entertainment-ceo-michael-maas<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 12 Jan 2022 07:50:00 GMT<p><em>Industry veteran’s diverse perspective and expertise to help guide Broadsign business strategies in 2022 and beyond</em></p><p>Montreal, Canada – January 12, 2022 – Out-of-home (OOH) marketing technology developer Broadsign today announced that AMI Entertainment CEO <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/mgmaas/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Michael Maas</a> has joined its Board of Directors, and will play an influential role in conversations that shape the future of the business. The appointment comes as Broadsign prepares for a year of significant growth in line with overall OOH industry projections.</p><p>In addition to his role on the Broadsign Board of Directors, Maas currently sits at the helm of AMI and its subsidiary NSM Music, Ltd., and chairs the board of Vengo Labs. He previously served on the Board of Directors for the Digital Place-based Advertising Association (DPAA). Maas brings a wealth of knowledge to Broadsign, with experience spanning advanced computing; mergers and acquisitions; marketing and communications; and OOH advertising via AMI’s global network of OOH inventory spanning 30,000 locations. Previously, Maas has held senior leadership roles at Microsoft and IBM, consulted for technology firms, and been CEO at gaming companies in both the US and UK. He holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from University of Notre Dame and an MBA from Harvard Business School.</p><p>"I’m a huge believer in the power of out-of-home advertising. Through continued programmatic transformation and technical innovation, it’s a force that I expect will only grow stronger and more relevant in today’s changing world," Maas shared. "Broadsign has an enormous role to play in that narrative, as it’s quickly becoming the glue that holds all the major players and technologies in the OOH industry together. Burr and team have built a world-class company, and I am honored to join them to help chart future success."</p><p>"I’ve known Mike for years, and always admired his ability to steer companies in the right direction before they even realize it’s where they should be heading. He’s a strategic player, whose input and expertise in OOH will help drive us to a more prosperous future," shared Burr Smith, CEO and Chairman of the Board, Broadsign. "Maas is incredibly well-versed in the OOH industry, and its programmatic maturation, and brings a unique perspective to the team that will challenge us to think differently. We’re thrilled to welcome such an incredible asset to the board."</p><h3 >About Broadsign</h3><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over 425,000 signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign Reach Supply Side Platform gives marketers and agencies access to premium screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more, run successful programmatic DOOH campaigns. Additionally, Broadsign’s OOH ad buying platform, Campsite, enables agencies and brands to easily launch impactful DOOH campaigns in minutes. With descriptive screen environments, detailed demographic data and real-time delivery information, Campsite gives buyers full control over their campaigns.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Create interactive consumer experiences and measure OOH ad exposure with dynamic QR codes]]><![CDATA[

The OOH industry is projected to grow in 2022 as consumers become more optimistic and spending begins to pick up. According to the latest insights report from the OAAA and Harris Poll Consumer Insights and Intent for Early 2022, 47% of consumers in major cities are noticing OOH ads compared to pre-pandemic levels. The study […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/create-interactive-consumer-experiences-and-measure-ooh-ad-exposure-with-dynamic-qr-codeshttps://broadsign.com/blog/create-interactive-consumer-experiences-and-measure-ooh-ad-exposure-with-dynamic-qr-codes<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 21 Dec 2021 15:11:33 GMT<p>The OOH industry is projected to grow in 2022 as consumers become more optimistic and spending begins to pick up. According to the latest insights report from the OAAA and Harris Poll <a href="https://oaaa.org/Portals/0/Public%20PDFs/Press/The%20Harris%20Poll-OAAA%20Q4%202021%20Consumer%20Intent%20-%20Winter%20Travel%20.pdf">Consumer Insights and Intent for Early 2022</a>, 47% of consumers in major cities are noticing OOH ads compared to pre-pandemic levels. The study found that 85% of viewers think OOH ads are useful, with a further 42% saying they pay the most attention to ads that feature promotions or special offers.</p><p>As OOH comes back, there are some changes in trends that are occurring throughout the industry. QR codes are making a comeback thanks to their touch-free technology and ability to provide brands with measurable consumer data. In fact, one study found that the number of QR code coupons that will be redeemed by a mobile device in 2022 is <a href="https://www.marketingdive.com/news/qr-code-coupon-redemption-to-exceed-53b-by-2022-study-says/514046/">expected to </a>reach 5.3 billion &#8211; more than triple the 1.3 billion redemptions reported in 2017. With today’s consumers more accustomed to scanning QR codes than ever before, brands are increasingly including them in their campaigns to provide personalized offerings like product information, promotions, and coupons.&nbsp;</p><p>With <a href="http://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a>&#8216; (formerly Campsite) recent partnership with <a href="https://www.actv8me.com/">ACTV8me</a>, brands and advertisers can create interactive experiences through the use of dynamic QR codes incorporated into creatives. The partnership enables brands to increase engagement while adding a layer of attribution measurement that helps evaluate OOH ad performance with real-time consumer data.</p><h2 ><strong>Collect valuable insights while creating a one-to-one customer experience</strong></h2><p>By incorporating dynamic QR codes into any OOH creative, advertisers can create a direct-to-consumer experience through contextual offerings like coupons and promotions, adding a transactional layer to their campaigns. Consumers can access valuable information that enhances their brand experience by easily scanning and transacting through their mobile devices, helping drive converted sales that can be directly attributed to each campaign.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>How it works</strong></p><ul><li>Viewers scan a participating QR code via their mobile device’s camera.&nbsp;</li><li>They are redirected to a microsite where they can immediately redeem offers or save them to mobile wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay.</li><li>Once saved, they are sent reminders and notifications when promotions are set to expire or when approaching an activated point of interest.</li><li>Engagement data is collected, saved, and delivered to the advertiser.</li></ul><div /></figure></div><p>QR codes can be easily embedded into the campaign’s creatives. Once campaigns are live, advertisers can access real-time campaign performance data like total unique devices that have scanned codes, number of impressions, total number of QR code scans, and number of offers redeemed. Peak engagement times can also be tracked to give insight into when and how consumers are interacting with a brand.</p><h2 ><strong>Stay top-of-mind by continuously reconnecting with consumers</strong></h2><p>Incorporating QR codes into OOH campaigns has many benefits for both consumers and advertisers. For brands and agencies, different messaging can be displayed based on factors like time of day or a viewer’s location. This helps to extend the brand’s reach and marketing efforts to new locations, like retail environments, which can help drive sales and foot traffic. When a consumer enters an activated area, they can automatically be prompted with specific notifications and messaging, helping advertisers create an ongoing personalized experience.&nbsp;</p><p>Advertisers can also track every interaction and collect data in real-time to create targeted and contextual messaging. Enabling push notifications that deliver additional offers based on the campaign puts the brand in a top-of-mind position for the consumer. QR code-based offers can also help increase digital ad effectiveness by driving brand awareness and interaction without overexposing the consumer to ads. Campaigns can be optimized by A/B testing different offers and messaging in real-time, helping to close the sales loop and prove media marketing attribution.</p><h2 ><strong>Increase customer engagement across an entire campaign</strong></h2><p>The CPG and Retail industries are already familiar with the use of QR codes, though they’re way more prominent today than they were in the past. Many of the world’s biggest brands and retailers incorporate QR codes into their OOH campaigns to connect with consumers while helping drive impressions.&nbsp;</p><div ><div ><div /></figure></div></div><div ><div /></figure></div></div></div><p>Let’s take a look at an example of an alcohol brand that launched a QR code activation campaign to promote its proprietary wine. The campaign ran across 12,000 screens in the US in 1600 building lobbies and elevators for a 2 month period, resulting in over 16 million impressions per month. When scanned, the brand’s QR offer displayed various bottles and wine packs in different sizes and prices ranges. Measurable data collected from this campaign showed a 10% week-to-week increase in customer engagement throughout the duration of the campaign.&nbsp;</p><p>Changing an ad’s call-to-action to a QR code can also help increase engagement, even if there is no promotion attached to the campaign. A cinema media company recently conducted a test with a popular movie release to measure the engagement of a <strong>QR code versus a vanity URL or text-to-screen CTA</strong>. They placed a dynamic QR code on-screen and invited viewers to scan it to unlock a short clip with additional content. The QR code was found to pull <strong>6x more engagement than a vanity URL</strong> and <strong>3x more than text-to-screen</strong>. For a moviegoer, scanning a QR code is easier and faster as most people have their cell phones with them during previews. For brands and advertisers, simply changing an OOH ad’s CTA from a URL or a 1-800 number can help yield big results in terms of engagement while also allowing them to reach larger and wider audiences.&nbsp;</p><div ><figure >QR codes pull 6x more engagement than a vanity URL and 3x more than text-to-screen.</span></strong></p></blockquote></figure></div></div><p>Making the comparison between different types of CTAs is critical for marketers and advertisers in evaluating the success of a campaign when it comes to measuring engagement levels. While QR codes can help drive sales or foot traffic, it can be difficult to attribute them to total consumer spend as it ultimately comes down to how good the offer is. If the goal is to drive engagement or create a unique brand experience, QR codes are a great option to turn any campaign into an interactive one.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>To learn more about incorporating QR codes into your Broadsign Ads campaign, <a href="http://broadsign.com/book-demo"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">book a call</span></a> with one of our experts.&nbsp;</strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Salt XC approaches DOOH as a digital channel, as part of its unique agency model]]><![CDATA[

Salt XCis a North American agency, headquartered in Toronto. Their agency is built around a unique model – Experiential Commerce™, breaking down the walls between the online and offline worlds using first party data, media and memorable moments to drive an action or transaction for brands.With an approach to marketing that seeks to earn attention […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-salt-xc-approaches-dooh-as-a-digital-channel-as-part-of-its-unique-agency-modelhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-salt-xc-approaches-dooh-as-a-digital-channel-as-part-of-its-unique-agency-model<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 16 Dec 2021 15:13:00 GMT<p><a href="https://www.saltxc.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Salt XC</a>&nbsp;is a North American agency, headquartered in Toronto.&nbsp; Their agency is built around a unique model &#8211; Experiential Commerce™, breaking down the walls between the online and offline worlds using first party data, media and memorable moments to drive an action or transaction for brands.&nbsp;With an approach to marketing that seeks to earn attention and drive action, Salt XC stands out from other agencies thanks to its focus on a hybrid of marketing and tech as opposed to just traditional services.</p><p>We sat down with Alex Buckby, Managing Director &#8211; Media at Salt XC to discuss how his agency explores DOOH as a digital channel and the role programmatic OOH plays in their media mix. &nbsp;We also learn about his experience working with <a href="http://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a> (formerly Campsite) to launch&nbsp;<a href="http://broadsign.com/blog/customer-spotlight-how-cardoor-is-using-broadsign-ads-to-reach-car-shoppers" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">CarDoor’s OOH campaign</a>, focused on extending a data-driven digital approach into the real world.&nbsp; Using POI and location-based data to target high-value audiences in environments that could allow the creative treatment to earn attention and drive impact contextually, ultimately creating personalization with their core targets.</p><figure ></div></figure><h3 ><strong>Want to learn more about running creative and impactful OOH campaigns?</strong></h3><p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="http://broadsign.com/book-demo"><u>B</u>ook a call</a></span> with one of our experts to plan your next campaign.&nbsp;</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How CarDoor is using Broadsign Ads to reach car shoppers]]><![CDATA[

For the majority of drivers, buying a car (especially secondhand) can be overwhelming and filled with frustration. Enter CarDoor, the Toronto-based company making it easy to buy and trade-in vehicles online. With CarDoor, shoppers can purchase high-quality, certified vehicles from the comfort of their own home – no dealership required. Their mission is simple: to […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-cardoor-is-using-broadsign-ads-to-reach-car-shoppershttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-cardoor-is-using-broadsign-ads-to-reach-car-shoppers<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 16 Dec 2021 15:12:48 GMT<p>For the majority of drivers, buying a car (especially secondhand) can be overwhelming and filled with frustration. Enter <a href="https://www.cardoor.ca/">CarDoor</a>, the Toronto-based company making it easy to buy and trade-in vehicles online. With CarDoor, shoppers can purchase high-quality, certified vehicles from the comfort of their own home &#8211; no dealership required. Their mission is simple: to make car shopping an easy, convenient, and enjoyable experience.&nbsp;</p><p>What makes CarDoor different from other car buying companies is the extensive inventory they have available thanks to their two-sided marketplace model. The platform can facilitate an entire buy or trade-in process for the consumer while also partnering with dealerships that sell their inventory on the CarDoor website. This allows the company to build a relationship with the customer over time and eventually have them purchase on their own terms.</p><p>We sat down with Matt McKenzie, Founder and CEO of CarDoor to discuss everything from CarDoor’s unique car buying platform to launching creative and impactful out-of-home campaigns with <a href="http://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a> (formerly Campsite).&nbsp;</p><p>Here’s a recap of our discussion. You can also check out the full video <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBJJzROSNGw"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.</p><h2 ><strong>The misconceptions of DOOH</strong></h2><p>In the initial stages of planning CarDoor’s marketing strategy, they were unsure if they could afford to focus on building brand awareness through out-of-home. As Matt explains, there was a misconception that running DOOH campaigns would be too costly and wouldn’t reach the right audience. They initially thought that their marketing budget would be most impactful if spent on targeting high-intent customers, or customers who were very far advanced in the car buying process.&nbsp;</p><figure ></video></figure><h2 ><strong>Turning to DOOH for creative and impactful messaging</strong></h2><p>To help create a marketing strategy that would reach a bigger audience, <a href="http://broadsign.com/blog/how-salt-xc-approaches-dooh-as-a-digital-channel-as-part-of-its-unique-agency-model">CarDoor began working with Salt XC agency</a> to run creative and impactful campaigns that focused on building brand awareness. In an effort to reach potential car buyers in the right place and at the right time (when they’re looking for a new car), CarDoor and Salt Xc decided to focus on targeting audiences in a contextual, location-based way.&nbsp;</p><p>In doing research, they wanted to figure out how to target potential buyers in high-density areas. They found that people often decide they want a new car when they start to experience problems like noises and warning signals while driving their current vehicle. With this information, the idea of placing DOOH ads with specific creatives in areas near auto repair shops was presented.</p><figure ></video></figure><h2 ><strong>Using Broadsign Ads to launch CarDoor’s DOOH campaigns</strong></h2><p>Going a step beyond placing ads close to repair shops, CarDoor and Salt XC then decided to buy DOOH space in very close proximity to traditional dealerships &#8211; sometimes even buying space on their rooftops.&nbsp;</p><p>Using Broadsign Ads, they were able to locate the radius of billboards and target audiences with creative and impactful messaging. These large, strategically placed billboards helped the company focus on building brand awareness while reaching the right people to convey their message of ‘car shopping made easy.’</p><figure ></video></figure><p>They were also able to use Broadsign Ads to purchase ad inventory in test centers as a way to target Gen Zs waiting to take their driving tests. This strategy of running DOOH ads allowed them to reach an audience who’s already comfortable with shopping online in a contextual location.&nbsp;</p><figure ></video></figure><p>Click <strong><a href="https://youtu.be/kBJJzROSNGw"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">here</span></a></strong> to watch the full video.</p><h3 ><strong>Want to learn more about running creative and impactful DOOH campaigns?</strong></h3><p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="http://broadsign.com/book-demo">Book a demo</a></span></strong> with one of our experts to plan your next campaign.&nbsp;</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Simon Property Group’s DOOH Network Fuels Consumer-Brand Connections]]><![CDATA[

It’s no secret that mall-based digital out-of-home advertising packs a significant punch when it comes to efficiently driving brand awareness, engagement, and sales. With Simon Property Group — the world’s largest retail real-estate company — the reach of its media network empowers brands to make the right impressions at the right times. Where Real-Estate and […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-simon-property-groups-dooh-network-fuels-consumer-brand-connectionshttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-simon-property-groups-dooh-network-fuels-consumer-brand-connections<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 14 Dec 2021 09:59:31 GMT<p>It’s no secret that mall-based digital out-of-home advertising packs a significant punch when it comes to efficiently driving brand awareness, engagement, and sales. With <meta charset="utf-8"><a href="https://business.simon.com/advertising">Simon Property Group</a> — the world’s largest retail real-estate company — the reach of its media network empowers brands to make the right impressions at the right times.</p><h3 ><strong>Where Real-Estate and Media Converge</strong></h3><p>Renowned for bringing the biggest and best shopping destinations to life, Simon Property Group owns over 200 locations consisting of luxury malls, regional shopping centres, and premium outlets. Its properties, which house the most sought-after brands and provide unparalleled lifestyle experiences, collectively generate over 2 billion visits per year from crucial shopper segments.&nbsp;</p><p>Driven by quality, location accuracy, and innovation, Simon Property Group’s elaborate place-based DOOH network offers the ideal medium through which brands get noticed. Though retailers make up its most significant client segment, the group also caters to automotive, wine and spirits, banking and finance, travel, tech, telecommunications, and entertainment brands. By partnering with Simon, its advertisers instantly benefit from high-profile, efficient, and scalable programmatic advertising displayed across its many properties. For example, CPG brands have noticed considerable success in advertising with Simon Property Group as parents — in particular, moms — tend to visit grocery stores shortly after their mall visits.&nbsp;</p><h3 ><strong>Best-In-Class Hardware that Creates Impactful Experiences</strong></h3><p>The company clearly understands the value of investing in the right locations and brands to create world-class shopping environments, and it applies this same logic to its DOOH network. Simon’s programmatic inventory consists of state-of-the-art HD digital spectaculars and HD digital ad panels. From size and brightness to general architectural aesthetics, every one of its screens makes a statement.&nbsp;</p><p>Both digital screen types can accommodate full-motion video, allowing media clients to extend the value of their assets beyond the online sphere. While digital spectaculars display large-scale premium video content, digital ad panels come equipped with proximity awareness technology, digital assistants, universal search, mobile connectivity, and of course, integrated advertising. Additionally, all of Simon’s screens boast two cameras, providing elevated onscreen experiences and precise audience measurement.</p><h3 ><strong>Location, Location, Location</strong></h3><p>Not only is Simon Property Group’s DOOH network present in the most popular shopping destinations across the U.S., but the company owns all of these locations as well. Unlike other media network operators or owners, this gives the group the added advantage of maintaining full control over screen placement. As such, its teams position each screen purposefully, in the most high-profile locations, to ensure maximum visibility.&nbsp;</p><h3 ><strong>Innovation at its Core</strong></h3><p>After experimenting with digital out-of-home in the early 2000s, the company opted for a "slow and steady" approach, waiting until the market was ready before making its next move. Starting with a single LED spectacular in the Houston Galleria in 2013, Simon began adding spectaculars and eventually, digital ad panels, mall by mall. It has since grown its network from a single screen to over 60 digital spectaculars and over 1,175 digital ad panels, with plans to integrate additional screens into more properties beginning in 2022.</p><figure >https://youtu.be/Ay4IHX92fsg</div></figure><p>From an analytics standpoint, the company has recently partnered with Geopath — a leading audience location measurement provider — making Simon the first shopping centre-based media network whose assets will all be Geopath-rated.&nbsp;</p><p>On the real-estate front, not only is the company actively entering new markets through new acquisitions, but it also makes significant annual investments in renovations and expansions. From hotels and office towers to condominiums and fitness facilities, its ultimate goal is to extend traditional 12-hour shopping centre experiences into 24-hour experiences.&nbsp;</p><h3 ><strong>Simon Property Group &amp; Broadsign</strong></h3><p>To ensure that its DOOH network runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible, and is accessible to the right buyers and advertisers, Simon relies on a powerful combination of solutions. <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/">Broadsign Control’s CMS</a> provides the flexibility and scalability the company requires to maintain full control of content distribution and scheduling across its vast and growing network. <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/#buyers/">Broadsign Reach</a> enables the right kind of network access, allowing programmatic clients to better target and tap into key audience segments in real-time.&nbsp;</p><p>As <a href="https://business.simon.com/advertising">Simon Property Group</a> continues to expand its properties in the years to come, its reliance on Broadsign’s solutions and integrations will ensure that its DOOH network continues to foster the most valuable connections between brands and shoppers.</p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Updates on the log4j security vulnerability and Broadsign]]><![CDATA[

Update December 13: At this time, we have no reason to believe any Broadsign systems are at risk from the log4j/Log4Shell vulnerability. We have conducted an in-depth audit and have detected no vulnerabilities. We will, however, continue to monitor our systems closely as an extra precaution and will update this blog post with any new […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/updates-on-the-log4j-security-vulnerability-and-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/updates-on-the-log4j-security-vulnerability-and-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 13 Dec 2021 13:40:51 GMT<p><strong>Update December 13:</strong> At this time, we have no reason to believe any Broadsign systems are at risk from the log4j/Log4Shell vulnerability. We have conducted an in-depth audit and have detected no vulnerabilities. We will, however, continue to monitor our systems closely as an extra precaution and will update this blog post with any new information.</p><h2 >Log4j &amp; Broadsign in more detail</h2><p>In early December, a vulnerability in the log4j open-source logging library, called "Log4Shell," was detected. Log4j is a library used widely by technology companies around the world, and Log4Shell enables bad actors to exploit this library to execute remote code on vulnerable servers with relative ease.</p><p>Upon the announcement of this vulnerability, our team immediately performed a review of our systems. Based on this review, we can say the following:</p><ul><li>We have no reason to believe that any components of the Broadsign platform are at risk</li><li>Log4j is not in use in any of our products or internal systems</li></ul><p>We will continue to monitor this situation as it evolves and make any additional updates to this post whenever new information arises.</p><h2 >The log4j vulnerability &amp; Broadsign API services</h2><p>While Broadsign’s core services do not appear to be impacted by this vulnerability, we encourage you to verify any integration projects you have created using the Broadsign API services.&nbsp;</p><p>In the event that you are making use of Broadsign API services and have used Java/Log4j in any integration projects with any part of the Broadsign Platform, we strongly encourage you to perform an in-depth analysis to make sure that you are not exposed to this vulnerability. Remote attackers could use this as a point of entry to potentially gain access to your API keys.</p><p></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Let’s talk DOOH education: A Q&A with doohx]]><![CDATA[

For many marketers and advertisers, OOH is becoming an integral part of their marketing mix. Despite the increasing adoption of OOH, there’s still a need to educate marketers and advertisers and help them understand how to succeed in the OOH space. We recently spoke with Brooke Ermogenis, Head of Insight at doohx, to discuss the […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/lets-talk-dooh-education-a-qa-with-doohxhttps://broadsign.com/blog/lets-talk-dooh-education-a-qa-with-doohx<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 09 Dec 2021 09:41:15 GMT<p>For many marketers and advertisers, OOH is becoming an integral part of their marketing mix. Despite the increasing adoption of OOH, there’s still a need to educate marketers and advertisers and help them understand how to succeed in the OOH space.</p><p>We recently spoke with Brooke Ermogenis, Head of Insight<strong> </strong>at <a href="https://www.doohx.io/">doohx</a>, to discuss the evolution and future of DOOH, as well as her market-leading<a href="https://www.doohx.io/courses/pdooh-101"> online learning platform</a> proudly sponsored by Broadsign. doohx is a series of courses developed to teach media buyers and publishers everything they need to know about DOOH and PDOOH.&nbsp;</p><p>Check out Brooke’s insights:&nbsp;</p><h5 ><strong>Brooke, you recently launched doohx &#8211; your industry education initiative sponsored by Broadsign. Why do you think education should be a priority for DOOH, and why is now the right time to launch doohx?</strong></h5><p>The future of DOOH is going to look a lot different than the OOH industry has in previous years. That’s not speaking to the format that’s being bought &#8211; digital in OOH is hardly a new medium &#8211; but rather, it’s the who and how that are drastically shifting thanks to programmatic DOOH coming into the fold.&nbsp;</p><p>What was once a siloed and ‘specialized’ medium is now becoming more mainstream in terms of the buyers, with digital agencies, trading desks, and brands now looking to integrate DOOH into their overall media buys. It’s also becoming more dynamic in terms of creative, and in terms of the kind of data that can be used for targeting and triggering campaigns in an intelligent and agile way. That means that everyone who worked in OOH before has a new world of programmatic trading to explore in order to pace with the exponential growth and momentum of the industry. It also means that every media trader out there is more curious than ever to understand DOOH and its possibilities in more depth. Plugging that knowledge gap for OOH specialists to learn more about programmatic OOH and for digital traders to better understand DOOH is what doohx is here to do.&nbsp;</p><h5 ><strong>How do you see the OOH industry evolving over the next few years?</strong></h5><p>People seem to be underestimating what’s happening in OOH at the moment. The introduction of programmatic trading and the accessibility and visibility it brings to DOOH at large is going to completely revolutionize the medium.&nbsp;</p><p>More DOOH inventory is becoming available. Add to that the fact that programmatic trading opens up the world of potential DOOH buyers to anyone with DSP access and foundational knowledge of the medium, and you can see how quickly OOH is going to start chewing away at that 5-6% media share &#8211; which grossly underestimates the value DOOH brings to the table for brands.</p><p>The ability for DOOH to so brilliantly bridge the gap between online and offline, driving online action more effectively than any other medium, is something brands will start to take more advantage of now that it’s so much easier to integrate the medium within their broader strategies. The ability to buy DOOH in a way that allows for cross-platform targeting, use of audience data, and creative executions is truly going to change the game for OOH.</p><p>As an industry, we’re always speaking of the ‘holy grail’ of omnichannel activation, and I believe 2022 will bring with it the biggest shift yet into making that a reality as we see PDOOH really come into its own.</p><h5 ><strong>Education has been a hot topic in OOH over the years. How have doohx courses been received by the industry as a new form of education coming into the market in a meaningful way?</strong></h5><p>To be honest, the support has been pretty overwhelming. If you read any study or report on OOH, the elephant in the room in terms of what’s preventing progress has always been education.</p><p>When I first started structuring the curriculum, I knew I wanted to partner with industry experts (which so far includes oOh! Media, MiQ, and Awarion to name a few) to get a really robust and well-rounded perspective on the topics. Beyond that, I wanted doohx to be able to make an impact on a global scale, and that’s where our partnership with Broadsign came into play.&nbsp;</p><p>The whole team was such huge supporters right off the bat. They came on as our key sponsors early and acted as a sounding board of sorts to really help me define my vision for these certifications. The team also valued my wish to keep doohx independent so that we could offer market and player-agnostic education, which is hugely important to maintain the integrity of the certifications, and have given doohx global visibility through long-established partnerships around the world. </p><p>All that seems to have culminated in these fantastic resources that the industry has really responded to. Everyone has been longing for centralized, accessible, robust education that can be used to bring internal teams up to speed, as value-adds to their clients, or as an introduction to the medium for those as yet uninitiated. And that’s exactly what we do at doohx.</p><h5 ><strong>There’s been a lot of excitement in the industry over the launch of PDOOH 101. Tell us a bit more about this course.</strong></h5><p>Having traded PDOOH for the past 5 years across European markets from the publisher side, it always felt like we were fighting a bit of an uphill battle. Luckily for us, it was relatively straightforward to build a robust PDOOH offering very early on. The issue we faced was that the market just wasn’t ready, and we found that the majority of our time was spent educating on the technology at large &#8211; what is PDOOH, how does it work, why should you care &#8211; rather than our own product.</p><p>I don’t believe that people were resisting change, countries like Germany, where I was based,&nbsp; were really ahead of the curve in pushing for adoption. The issue was that there just wasn’t enough information out there, and there was only so much we could offer in each one-hour PDOOH workshop session. Not only that, but people were getting a lot of conflicting information about PDOOH. Every publisher or tech partner used different or contradictory terminology and it wasn’t helping the matter of widespread adoption.</p><p>I wanted to create a resource that was scalable, accessible to anyone willing to learn and focus on the medium and technologies themselves. Not ‘what X offers or what Y is capable of’, but what is this programmatic technology, what can it offer, and how does the future look for DOOH on an industry level?</p><p>PDOOH 101 is our first certification-grade course that covers the foundations &#8211; what is PDOOH, how it works, who the players are, benefits, creating or responding to briefs, deal types and how they’re used, and so on. It’s not only a great introduction for the uninitiated, but a way for active traders to ensure their knowledge aligns on an industry level, and gain insight into how PDOOH is approached in other markets around the world.</p><h5 ><strong>What’s next for DOOH? Can you tell us about your new courses?</strong></h5><p>Our next program, <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="https://www.doohx.io/courses/dooh-101">DOOH 101</a></span>, is live! This course is designed to give a foundational understanding of DOOH to those not familiar with the medium. What the formats are, how they are bought, targeting and measuring your audience, the benefits DOOH brings to your overall media strategy, the possibilities PDOOH brings, and some exciting content on the creative side of things.Check out the preview: </p><figure ></video></figure><p>Then comes our most exciting launch &#8211; PDOOH Advanced &#8211; in early 2022. This is the course I originally wanted to create to start the kind of conversations needed to move the industry forward. Ultimately, the priority became getting the foundations right for as many people as possible globally, but this course will take things to the next level. It will challenge how things are done, start new discussions around how things could evolve in the future, and really dive deep into the technology and what it’s capable of. I’m really excited to share that one!</p><h5 ><strong>click here to receive a 15% discount&nbsp;</strong></a></h5><p><strong><em>doohx is an educational platform dedicated to demystifying the world of DOOH through certification-grade courses, to drive growth and adoption on an industry level.</em></strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How to influence add-to-cart moments with an in-store digital media channel]]><![CDATA[

The rise in retail media networks creates new opportunities for retailers to reach customers and rethink the customer experience. Our recent webinar, How to Influence Add-to-Cart Moments with an In-Store Digital Media Channel, offers strategies on how an omnichannel marketing mix that includes an in-store digital media channel can influence customers at a high-intent moment […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-influence-add-to-cart-moments-with-an-in-store-digital-media-channelhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-influence-add-to-cart-moments-with-an-in-store-digital-media-channel<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 08 Dec 2021 08:00:00 GMT<p>The rise in retail media networks creates new opportunities for retailers to reach customers and rethink the customer experience. Our recent webinar, <a href="https://youtu.be/sRS55cB7h0U" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">How to Influence Add-to-Cart Moments with an In-Store Digital Media Channel</a>, offers strategies on how an omnichannel marketing mix that includes an in-store digital media channel can influence customers at a high-intent moment in the customer journey, as well as influence buying behaviour and create monetization opportunities. Hosted by Broadsign&#8217;s Director of Sales, North America, Karim Kanji, this discussion provides recommendations and ideas for retailers to drive sales by creating a compelling customer experience in offline spaces.&nbsp;</p><p>If you were unable to attend the webinar, we&#8217;ve compiled a few key takeaways from Karim&#8217;s presentation to help inform your in-store media channels strategy.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>Why should retailers jump on retail media?&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>In this first section of the webinar, Karim illustrates the breadth of opportunity that exists in the retail media landscape, along with some of the changes taking place that create new urgency for investing in this space. First, and perhaps most enticingly, there&#8217;s the money: in 2022, retail media revenue is forecasted to balloon to about $50 billion globally, representing significant opportunities to reach customers. Other factors to consider, like the fast-approaching cookieless future that&#8217;s likely to interfere with digital advertising efforts, means retailers, brands, and marketers, may have previously unexplored opportunities for reaching customers. It&#8217;s all explained in this clip:&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 ><strong>Looking at retail media network data&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>Here, Karim parses the data to demonstrate where the bulk of consumer packaged goods (CPG) ad spend is going, and how the breakdown of this spend is evolving over time. He also explains that there is a key opportunity available for retailers who invest in evolving their offerings.&nbsp; Almost half of CPGs are looking for innovative advertising solutions.&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 ><strong>In-store digital marketing: Areas of interest for retail professionals&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>As <a href="https://adage.com/article/YouGov/new-study-us-shoppers-signals-return-confidence/2341386" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">three out of five adults still prefer to shop in-store</a>, retailers continue to seek out innovative ways to create a more impactful, information-rich in-store experience. And this is just one of the reasons why in-store digital media is becoming a more critical offering for retail leaders. Karim explains some of the advantages in-store digital media can offer in the realm of shopper experience &#8211; and also some of the ways that implementing this can produce new monetization opportunities for the retailer.&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 ><strong>Reimagining the customer experience</strong></h2><p>One of the drivers of success in the online retail space has been retailers’ ability to hyper-target customers. This experience is creating new expectations in shoppers that the in-store experience, too, should put them at the center. Karim discusses ways that brick and mortar retailers can rethink the consumer experience, leaning in part on the capabilities of in-store digital to create a better-tailored experience that customers crave.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 ><strong>What value can an in-store channel bring?&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>In the below clip, Karim delves deeper into the unique advantages of implementing a retail media network that includes contextual in-store messaging capability. Factors such as the online cookie crumbling (cookies are expected to be fully phased out by 2022) and increased user disengagement with online advertising place new importance on being able to reach audiences with messaging tailored for the environment in which they are displayed.</p><p>Beyond that, there&#8217;s added advantage in leveraging first-party data and building relevant, contextual storytelling to drive business. More here:&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 ><strong>Contextual storytelling to boost sales&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>In-store messaging is nothing new. What is new, however, is how it&#8217;s done. In the past, brands and retailers have invested in visual merchandising, product placement, store design, and other formats to attract customers. And that&#8217;s where in-store digital media networks enter the chat.&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><p>With in-store digital, retailers can provide opportunities to create meaningful moments that connect with consumers—for example, advertising refreshing ice-cold beverages on a scorcher of a day. This presents a way for brands to not only stimulate sales of their products, but also to improve ad recall, and make a lasting impression with customers. Karim discusses further how relevant moments and content can lead to a positive response and sales lift.&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 ><strong>Success stories&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>Here, Karim shares an example of successful in-store digital media from Albert Heijn in the Netherlands. It launched a retail media network composed of various consumer touchpoints, including digital in-store signage, and saw remarkable results. Hear their story:&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><p>Karim concludes his presentation on an optimistic note, saying that despite the numerous challenges the retail industry has faced, reinventing the in-store strategy with a retail media network is an innovative solution. These channels can help brands and retailers target consumers at the final phase in their purchasing journey, using contextual storytelling and dynamic content to drive home a point or sale.&nbsp;</p><p>Watch the complete presentation on our <a href="https://youtu.be/sRS55cB7h0U" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">YouTube channel</a>.</p><p>Dive deeper into the subject by downloading our <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebook-increase-revenue-with-contextual-in-store-media/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">e-book</a> here.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Ready to start harnessing in-store digital to evolve your retail media offerings?&nbsp; <a href="https://broadsign.com/contact/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Contact our team</a> and we’ll help get the ball rolling! </strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How DTC meal kit provider Cook it uses Broadsign Ads for contextual Digital OOH advertising]]><![CDATA[

For Quebec-based Cook it, enjoying easy, high-quality meals at home should be fun and accessible. Founded in 2014 by Montrealer

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-dtc-meal-kit-provider-cook-it-uses-broadsign-ads-for-contextual-digital-ooh-advertisinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-dtc-meal-kit-provider-cook-it-uses-broadsign-ads-for-contextual-digital-ooh-advertising<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 03 Dec 2021 19:53:04 GMT<p><em>To read the article in French, click <a href="https://broadsign.com/fr/blogue/comment-lentreprise-d2c-cook-it-utilise-broadsign-ads-pour-ses-campagnes-daffichage-numerique-contextuelles/">here</a>.</em></p><p>For Quebec-based <a href="https://chefcookit.com/en/">Cook it,</a> enjoying easy, high-quality meals at home should be fun and accessible. Founded in 2014 by Montrealer Judith Fetzer and partners, Cook it led the wave of meal kits in Canada and is now one of the largest providers of ready-to-cook meals in the country. The company’s mission is to bring the enjoyment of cooking back into Canadian homes by helping save time in the evening while eliminating the stress of meal planning.</p><p>After transitioning to a subscription model in 2016, Fetzer continued to find success in the meal kit market when she signed a deal with key investors on Dragon’s Den in 2017. The company then acquired competitor Kuisto followed by Miss Fresh in 2019. In 2020, Cook it experienced exponential growth with the pandemic and has shown no signs of slowing down since. Between shutdowns and the rise of online grocery shopping, they hired over 600 workers to keep up with the increased demand. Today, Cook it has over 700 employees and counting. On December 2nd, 2021, they announced their acquisition of assets of ready-to-eat meal company Locaal.</p><p>With continuous efforts to be greener, Cook it is committed to the environment through initiatives like reducing food waste, ethical sourcing, and encouraging a vegetarian lifestyle. They’re also invested in supporting Quebec’s economic growth by working with local chefs, producers, and organizations.&nbsp;</p><p>Cook it understands the importance of a strong marketing mix thanks to its growing share of the meal kit market. We recently sat down with Alexandre Cholette, Media Placement Manager at Cook it, to discuss everything from partnering with a popular Quebec TV show to running creative OOH campaigns with <a href="http://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads </a>(formerly Campsite).</p><h2 ><strong>The meal-kit market</strong></h2><p>With the rise of online retailing, consumers have been changing the way they purchase, prepare, and eat their meals over the past few years. Meal kit demographics have expanded beyond young professionals and foodies to now include busy families, and Cook it has met this demand by appealing to Canadian families with quick, practical and ready-to-eat recipes. With their personalized approach to meal planning, customers can modify kits based on their preferences, allowing the company to gather the information that can then be used for marketing purposes.</p><p>Cook it’s marketing team emphasizes a targeted and profitable approach. They want their meal kits to be as affordable as possible for the customer, so they try to be as strategic and efficient as they can with how they spend their budget. With so much competition between meal kit services, many of which rely on marketing with coupons and discount tactics, Cook it focuses on reaching specific audiences and providing value to avid meal kit consumers as opposed to targeting deal shoppers.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>Driving the omnichannel campaign effectiveness with fine-tuned Digital OOH</strong></h2><p>To help create excitement and drive awareness for its meal kits, <a href="https://chefcookit.com/en/elimination-dinner/">Cook it partnered with the popular Quebec reality show Occupation Double</a> to sponsor the contestants’ weekly meals showcased throughout the series. Thanks to the partnership, customers could select the <a href="https://m.facebook.com/occupationdouble/videos/un-od-challenge-gourmand/686533765641894/">same recipes as their favourite TV candidates</a> and cook the meals at home. With corresponding OOH campaigns that ran across the province, the company promoted their recipes using creatives that were based on what was happening on the show.</p><p>Cook it’s goal with this campaign was to reach its target audience through contextual advertising that created a connection with every episode. Creatives were modified each week to tailor the messaging around the show, helping Cook it drive brand awareness and recognition while providing a preview of each week’s recipes to audiences.</p><figure /></figure><p>As part of an omnichannel mix that also included TV, radio, and digital campaigns, Cook it’s digital OOH campaign reached around 3,000,000 people in a creative and impactful way. The campaign ran on approximately 300 outdoor digital screens that included <a href="https://www.campsiteproject.com/inventory/dooh-street-level-specs-audiences-and-inspiration">urban panels, bus shelters</a>, and <a href="https://www.campsiteproject.com/inventory/dooh-billboards-specs-audiences-and-inspiration">billboards</a> in 24 specifically-selected geographic areas throughout the province. With tens of thousands of ads served throughout the duration of the campaign, Cook it was able to reach a wide variety of demographics that resulted in millions of impressions.&nbsp;</p><p>They even turned to OOH to promote <a href="https://chefcookit.com/classe-de-maitres/episode-1-francis-blais-camilo-nascimento/">Cook it’s Chef’s class</a>, an exclusive service that allows subscribers to prepare chef-curated gourmet meals at home while following along with online classes.&nbsp;</p><figure /></figure><h2 ><strong>The Broadsign Ads difference</strong></h2><p>With Broadsign Ads, Cook it was able to quickly switch or adapt creatives based on factors like recipe changes or the latest reality show content, to create contextually relevant messaging that drove stronger ad and brand recalls. According to Alexandre, the ease of use and functionality made the platform especially beneficial and efficient for the marketing team.&nbsp;</p><p>From creatives and screens selection to specific dayparting, the Cook it team was able to easily schedule each week&#8217;s campaign flights in minutes. The Broadsign Ads team supported a flawless execution that helped Alexandre and team optimize their campaign results.</p><blockquote ><p><em>"What used to take hours to plan and execute was reduced to minutes with Broadsign Ads. The ease of use, which mimics online ad buying platforms, and its powerful DOOH targeting and scheduling features were a game-changer for us."&nbsp;</em></p><cite>Alexandre Cholette, Media Placement Manager at Cook it</cite></blockquote><h4 ><strong>Learn more about running creative and impactful OOH campaigns with Broadsign Ads.</strong></h4><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/book-demo/">Book a call </a></strong>with one of our experts to plan your next campaign.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Ask the Experts: Projecting programmatic DOOH growth with Pattison]]><![CDATA[

From the increase in programmatic trading to the upcoming elimination of third-party cookies, the OOH industry is rapidly changing and is expected to grow significantly over the next few years. Programmatic platforms are enabling a whole new wave of advertisers to look at OOH as an important part of their marketing mix thanks to advancements […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/ask-the-experts-projecting-programmatic-dooh-growth-with-pattisonhttps://broadsign.com/blog/ask-the-experts-projecting-programmatic-dooh-growth-with-pattison<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 02 Dec 2021 13:10:43 GMT<p>From the increase in programmatic trading to the upcoming elimination of third-party cookies, the OOH industry is rapidly changing and is expected to grow significantly over the next few years. Programmatic platforms are enabling a whole new wave of advertisers to look at OOH as an important part of their marketing mix thanks to advancements in technology and a more contextual understanding of where audiences are moving.&nbsp;</p><p>We recently sat down with Jessica Littlejohn, Director of Innovation at <a href="https://www.pattisonoutdoor.com/">Pattison</a>, to get her thoughts and insights into the projected growth of DOOH along with the barriers and need for more education in the industry. </p><figure ></div></figure><p><strong>We&#8217;d like to thank Jessica for taking the time to discuss programmatic DOOH with us. </strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Ask the Experts: The Power of Place-Based DOOH with Vertical Impression]]><![CDATA[

Vertical Impression is an elevator advertising network with a story like no other. The co-founders were in class together at university when one of them had their car towed for missing a notice that was posted on the building’s bulletin board. The experience led them to question if there was a way to improve how […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/ask-the-experts-the-power-of-place-based-dooh-with-vertical-impressions-nicolette-leonardishttps://broadsign.com/blog/ask-the-experts-the-power-of-place-based-dooh-with-vertical-impressions-nicolette-leonardis<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 29 Nov 2021 13:19:05 GMT<p><a href="https://www.verticalimpression.com/">Vertical Impression</a> is an elevator advertising network with a story like no other. The co-founders were in class together at university when one of them had their car towed for missing a notice that was posted on the building’s bulletin board. The experience led them to question if there was a way to improve how buildings communicate with tenants. From there, the idea of putting screens in elevators to display important, targeted messaging was created.</p><p>Today, Vertical Impression is the largest residential elevator network in Canada with over 1700 screens across 30 major markets. With rapid growth in Quebec, Southwestern Ontario, and across Canada’s east coast, the company is showing no signs of slowing down as they project a network of over 2000 screens by the end of the year.</p><p>We sat down with Nicolette Leonardis, Vice President and Co-founder of Vertical Impression, to get her insights on the role place-based DOOH has on reaching the right audience at the right time with contextual messaging.</p><h2 ><strong>How digital marketers can adopt DOOH in their campaigns</strong></h2><p>What sets Vertical Impression apart from other out-of-home networks is the fact that its screens are powered by privacy-by-design certified AI, enabling ads to be served in real-time based on who&#8217;s looking at screens or riding in an elevator. This provides valuable information by allowing the company to capture first-party data on their audience&#8217;s engagement. </p><p>There are a lot of metrics that can be acquired when running a digital campaign. Marketers often prefer digital advertising thanks to its flexibility, targeting, and measurement capabilities, but OOH is quickly becoming a more popular channel as technology advances. The ability to purchase OOH programmatically is enabling more and more marketers to include it in their strategies, but as Nicolette explains, there’s still a lot of education missing to get advertisers to look at OOH as a strong data capturing method:</p><figure ></video></figure><h2 ><strong>DOOH as a location-based performance channel</strong></h2><p>According to Nicolette, marketers who include OOH in their campaigns should shift their focus towards measuring actual engagement over exclusively looking at impressions. Going beyond measuring how many people saw your ad to really evaluate the quality of an impression is important in understanding if audiences can recall what they saw.</p><p>For Nicolette, large format out-of-home messaging is the best route to take if a marketer’s goal is to drive mass reach and impact. For a more targeted approach, or to reach more segmented audiences, indoor ad space like elevator screens should be considered.&nbsp;Check out what she has to say:</p><figure ></video></figure><h2 ><strong>The evolution and future of DOOH&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>Thanks to increasingly sophisticated and innovative advertising technology, DOOH has evolved extensively in the past 5 years and will continue to do so in the future. With the looming elimination of third-party cookies, digital marketers will have less data available to them than they’re used to, amplifying the importance of capturing contextual data through OOH channels.&nbsp;</p><figure ></video></figure><p><strong>We&#8217;d like to thank Nicolette for taking the time to chat OOH with us. </strong></p><p>To watch the complete interview, click <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="https://youtu.be/Uqu3_gJ-1TA">here</a></span></strong>.</p><p>Want to learn more about incorporating DOOH into your next omnichannel campaign? Check out our eBook&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/ebook-media-buyers-guide-to-programmatic-dooh/">The Media Buyer’s Guide to Programmatic Digital-Out-of-Home</a>.&nbsp;</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Let’s Talk Programmatic DOOH Success: The Media Buyer’s Perspective]]><![CDATA[

With the goal of developing a better understanding of our customers, our VP of Programmatic Success Edith Gagné recently connected with four of our buy-side clients across different locations and types of organizations to get their thoughts on how they evaluate out-of-home: We thought we’d share some of their valuable insights as they dove into […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/lets-talk-programmatic-dooh-success-the-media-buyers-perspectivehttps://broadsign.com/blog/lets-talk-programmatic-dooh-success-the-media-buyers-perspective<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 11 Nov 2021 11:03:53 GMT<p>With the goal of developing a better understanding of our customers, our VP of Programmatic Success Edith Gagné recently connected with four of our buy-side clients across different locations and types of organizations to get their thoughts on how they evaluate out-of-home:</p><figure }</script></figure><p>We thought we’d share some of their valuable insights as they dove into how to reach the right audiences, capturing data through OOH, measurement challenges, and the future of programmatic DOOH.</p><p>Let&#8217;s dive in!</p><h5 ><strong>How do publishers pitch to you, and what makes them interesting to work with?</strong></h5><p>Data is crucial in any publisher’s pitch. What data and insights do they have around their network, and how can it be utilized to drive greater performance for a buy? "What makes a publisher pitch stand out is robust data points that help optimize audience reach and frequency," says Akama.&nbsp;</p><p>Asset diversity is another factor to consider when evaluating a publisher. How diverse is the range of DOOH assets available and will it be easy for teams to access the publishers’ inventory? By leveraging qualitative and quantitative data, and a wide range of inventory, media buyers can tailor a strategy to their client’s specific audiences and objectives.&nbsp;</p><p>This group of media buyers agrees that publishers can struggle with providing something tangible to show media buyers. It can be difficult to pitch to clients if they can’t see what the end result will be.&nbsp;</p><p>"Our clients don’t have that additional money to just spend, so they want more detail to say ‘yes, it makes sense for me to spend this money on OOH,’" says Marcie.</p><h5 ><strong>How important is the venue specifically vs. the audience it delivers?</strong></h5><p>For many media buyers, location is still the foundation for OOH principles. As Kirsty explains, "data and measurement are increasingly important, and we do see movements to these types of data-driven buys, however, location is still the most important in our market."&nbsp;</p><p>For others, like Samantha in the CPG space at OMD, audience and venue are equally important when planning a campaign. "If we want you to pick up a beverage at a grocery store and drink it at home, then it’s all about the audience," says Samantha. When the strategy is to increase sales of a brand’s beverage in specific restaurant locations, OOH helps maximize reach. "On the other hand, we have to be careful with the venue when placing ads by a restaurant. It can be difficult when we have to check pouring rights at every restaurant in the ad’s vicinity to make sure they’re not just carrying our competitor."</p><h5 ><strong>How do you decide whether or not to include OOH in a campaign? Under what circ*mstances would you include it or expressly exclude it?</strong></h5><p>If the goal is brand awareness and staying top-of-mind, OOH is an easy sell for the client. When OOH is contextually relevant, with the correct artwork and placement, it can increase ad recall and sales while delivering on impact, reach, and frequency. The media buyers also agree that OOH provides beneficial meaning and effectiveness to a campaign by creating trust between the consumer and the brand.&nbsp;</p><p>"We need to expand beyond the fixed approach to what OOH ‘ought’ to be used for", says Akama. "Once we do, we’ve seen it unlock a wealth of potential with different markets and clients taking a range of approaches to utilizing OOH. Some are leveraging OOH as a brand-safe, cost-effective premium reach while others as last-mile sales-driving."</p><p>According to Samantha, trying to get clients to understand that OOH can communicate very specific contextual messaging can sometimes be a challenge. "We want our clients to understand that they can buy that audience and venue types that will get their message across properly. It’s a struggle we’re still facing."</p><h5 ><strong>What’s something you wish OOH publishers knew or appreciated more about how agencies and advertisers operate?</strong></h5><p>A common theme here is the pressure agencies face to deliver within short time frames. Despite quick deadlines, the quality of work must remain high and agencies have to ensure that campaigns are delivered on time to not lose out on possible OOH spending.&nbsp;</p><p>Reporting is also key in ensuring that agencies are able to deliver what was planned and committed to the client. "Vendors can sometimes focus on getting the bookings but lack focus on understanding the impact of reporting", says Kirsty.&nbsp;</p><h5 ><strong>Does the fact that out-of-home is now available programmatically affect your buying process in terms of workflow and efficiencies?</strong></h5><p>For Marcie, whose entire team is trained on programmatic OOH, programmatic makes it easy to pitch to clients and show them that buying OOH isn’t complicated.&nbsp;</p><p>In Samantha’s experience, buying OOH programmatically brings a change in who’s planning and activating the campaigns. Individual groups are well-versed in data and numbers, making it easy for them to understand and use programmatic buying platforms. Audience groups that focus more on location and traffic data have a very different set of knowledge, which can create friction when connecting dots through a strategist who has to pitch to the client. Programmatic OOH training sessions for strategy and agency groups, as well as pitching pOOH to the client in terms of efficiency, are ways to help bridge the gap.</p><h5 ><strong>What do you think is the most challenging part of advertising and out of home?</strong></h5><p>For Marcie, whose agency specializes in the contractor industry, getting a client to understand the importance of capturing certain audiences can be a challenge. "When you’re dealing with a marketer and an owner of a business, sometimes they just want to see the billboard where they are. It’s not as important that they themselves see it, it’s all about the audience that we’re targeting."&nbsp;</p><h5 ><strong>DOOH aside, what is the hardest part of being an agency today? What would make it easier?</strong></h5><p>As Samantha explains, the hardest part is sorting through large amounts of data and trying to pick out what answers what the campaign is trying to accomplish. Being able to distill down from huge excel sheets to a single key insight is what’s going to improve future plans.&nbsp;</p><h5 ><strong>What are some of the best parts of OOH?</strong></h5><p>There are many benefits to OOH, but the buyers we’ve spoken with here agree that showing clients the data behind OOH is one of the best parts. Capturing audience data through OOH and retargeting them elsewhere helps position OOH as an integral part of any omnichannel campaign, all enabled through programmatic platforms. And as these buyers can attest, providing educational material and summarized reports showcasing campaign measurement outcomes helps agencies convince clients who were less familiar with OOH or not convinced of its efficacy that it’s a worthy investment.</p><p><strong>We’d like to thank this group of media buyers for taking the time to share their thoughts and ideas with us.</strong></p><p>To learn more about incorporating DOOH into your next omnichannel campaign, check out our eBook <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebook-media-buyers-guide-to-programmatic-dooh/">The Media Buyer’s Guide to Programmatic Digital-Out-of-Home</a>.&nbsp;</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Hires Jonny Richardson to Lead the Australian Rollout of its DOOH Ad Buying Platform, Campsite]]><![CDATA[

Experienced media sales professional joins Broadsignfollowing a year of significant local growth Sydney, Australia – November 11, 2021 – Digital-out-of-home (DOOH) marketing technology developer Broadsign, today announced the hire of Jonny Richardson as Director of Business Development, APAC. Joining Broadsign from Living Image Media, where he was Sales Director, Richardson brings a wealth of experience, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-hires-jonny-richardson-to-lead-the-australian-rollout-of-its-dooh-ad-buying-platform-campsitehttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-hires-jonny-richardson-to-lead-the-australian-rollout-of-its-dooh-ad-buying-platform-campsite<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 10 Nov 2021 10:49:16 GMT<p><em>Experienced media sales professional joins Broadsign&nbsp;following a year of significant local growth</em></p><p>Sydney, Australia – November 11, 2021 – Digital-out-of-home (DOOH) marketing technology developer <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a>, today announced the hire of Jonny Richardson as Director of Business Development, APAC. Joining Broadsign from Living Image Media, where he was Sales Director, Richardson brings a wealth of experience, expertise, and relationships across both media agencies and publishers. In the new role, Richardson will help drive Broadsign’s programmatic DOOH (pDOOH) strategy forward, with a particular focus on the local rollout of <a href="https://broadsign.com/campsite/">Campsite</a>, Broadsign’s DOOH ad buying platform.&nbsp;</p><p>Richardson’s hire caps an exceptional 18 months of growth for Broadsign ANZ, who has partnered with a number of new and existing OOH media owners, including Australian Outdoor Sign Company (AOSCo,) EiMedia, Gipps Outdoor, Globox, JOLT, Motio, Primo Ads, Stream Outdoor, Total Outdoor Media (TOM), Vast Billboards, and Work Place Media. Richardson brings experience in both agency and sales environments, having held investment roles at PHD and IKON, before leading agency sales teams within Adshel and latterly oOh! Media. Most recently he was responsible for growing Living Image Media’s digital screen network across Australia.</p><p>&#8220;Broadsign is uniquely positioned to guide and accelerate the pDOOH agenda in the region, especially given its continued customer and partner successes, as well as educational initiatives like Programmatic University and DOOHX," Richardson shared.&nbsp;</p><p>"2022 should be an incredible year for programmatic DOOH and I’m excited to be a part of a team whose goal is to make it easier for advertising agencies and publishers across the region to embrace pDOOH. I can’t wait to get out and have meaningful conversations and build innovative campaigns with brands that push the boundaries of what’s previously been possible within the medium," he added.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>As part of the changes, Broadsign’s Sales Director for APAC, Ben Allman has been promoted to Head of Sales for ANZ. Allman commented, "We’re incredibly excited about Campsite’s impending arrival on Australian shores, along with the addition of Jonny to the local team. Jonny has the rare combination of OOH and online experience across both media sales and agencies and will play an integral role in supporting and growing the programmatic arm of our business."&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><strong>About Broadsign</strong></p><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over 425,000 signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign Reach Supply Side Platform gives marketers and agencies access to premium screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more, run successful programmatic DOOH campaigns. Additionally, Broadsign’s OOH ad buying platform, Campsite, enables agencies and brands to easily launch impactful DOOH campaigns in minutes. With descriptive screen environments, detailed demographic data and real-time delivery information, Campsite gives buyers full control over their campaigns.&nbsp;</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Keep your static workflow more centralized and efficient with Ayuda]]><![CDATA[

The holidays are just around the corner, so we thought this was the perfect time to offer you some festive new features and highlight additional tools that were released in the last couple of months. We’ve been hard at work to make Ayuda your one-stop shop for static OOH, everything you need, all in one […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/keep-your-static-workflow-more-centralized-and-efficient-with-ayudahttps://broadsign.com/blog/keep-your-static-workflow-more-centralized-and-efficient-with-ayuda<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 08 Nov 2021 14:43:36 GMT<p>The holidays are just around the corner, so we thought this was the perfect time to offer you some <em>festive</em> new features and highlight additional tools that were released in the last couple of months. We’ve been hard at work to make Ayuda your one-stop shop for static OOH, everything you need, all in one platform. That’s why we’ve made it easier to access business operations, made it possible to create campaign purchase orders, improved the UI, and made a bunch of other improvements that should help you work more efficiently.</p><p>Want to know more? Get nice and cozy and let us show you the latest from the Ayuda Platform.</p><h2 ><strong>Create purchase orders at the campaign level</strong></h2><p>Once your campaign has been fully charted and you know what materials you’ll need, you can create, manage, and edit purchase orders right from your campaign. Need fifty posters from your printing vendor? Make a PO in minutes that is linked to your campaign and keep your work centralized.</p><p>Along with POs, it is now possible to produce purchase order reports. You can use these to send service requests to your vendors and keep track of campaign-specific documentation. It’s also possible to customize your purchase order report footers. For example, users could choose to include a delivery address, contact information, or any other information useful to their vendors. This custom footer enhancement can be enabled with a Broadsign Services representative.&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 ><strong>A faster way to access Operations&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>Running day-to-day operations shouldn’t be a headache for media owners. That’s why we’ve added access to Operations directly from the Splash Admin navigation menu. Gone are the days of working through the BMS System Administrator Connector. Now, it’s just one click away. Mac users out there will also be pleased to hear that the Operations Tab is available in HTML5, unlike the connectors, which only run on Windows OS.</p><p>We’re also pleased to introduce Vendor Types to the roster of Operations functionalities you’re used to. This new feature allows you to categorize your vendors under different types, making it easier to track them. Create your own custom types such as printing companies, maintenance companies, and so on.&nbsp;</p><figure ></video></figure><h2 ><strong>Better UI and documentation to improve usability</strong></h2><p>The way you find data in the platform or documentation should be easy.&nbsp; That’s why we’ve made some small, but mighty, enhancements to face information, site information, and our documentation portal. A face’s details will now show a picture of the specific face, as well as a map of its location. Similarly, when you look up a particular site’s information, you’ll be shown a map. Both the face image and the face and/or site lat/long coordinates must be provided for these features.</p><figure ></video></figure><p>The Ayuda<a href="https://docs.broadsign.com/broadsign-ayuda/?utm_source=broadsign_website"> documentation portal</a> has been rearranged to make navigation easier. You can now search by topic, such as static, digital, designs, etc. We’ve also added a brand new section on static proof-of-play. It includes an introduction to static POP, guides to using the BMS POP connectors, and anything else you might need. Lastly, we’ve improved colour contrast and readability, we can all appreciate something that’s a little easier on the eyes!</p><figure ></video></figure><p><strong><em>Take a look at some of the great features that might’ve flown under your radar:</em></strong></p><h2 ><strong>Free up space by retiring obsolete designs</strong></h2><p>Retiring designs can be useful if you have a lot of advertising content on your instance, especially obsolete media files and static copies. Retired designs will be filtered out, which means fewer designs to sort through, saving you time. There are a couple of things to keep in mind before you retire a design:</p><ul><li>If a design is allocated to a face on a &#8220;Sold&#8221; or &#8220;Contracted&#8221; campaign, you’ll be able to retire it only after the work orders are completed.&nbsp;</li><li>If the campaign is not &#8220;Sold or Contracted&#8221;, you cannot retire the design until it is allocated.</li></ul><figure ></video></figure><h2 ><strong>Additional Revenue was upgraded with more fields</strong></h2><p>If needed, the upgraded fields allow a user to capture more details about the additional revenue associated with the campaign, which was not being captured before. These fields help break out the details of the additional revenue costs, so they can be further assessed. The new fields include:</p><ul><li>Quantity</li><li>Artwork Due Date</li><li>Unit Cost</li><li>Face Size</li><li>Brand&nbsp;</li></ul><figure ></video></figure><h2 ><strong>Eliminate unnecessary work orders and lower operational costs&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>The Rides feature allows you to extend postings from an initial segment or booking. This means you can eliminate the need to duplicate work orders, or to reorder and reprint copy, when you’re just looking to extend the runtime of a campaign that will already be up. The most common use of Rides is when one design is used throughout a static campaign that uses consecutive segments. When you use Rides to extend a design from your first segment to the next consecutive segments, it signals that no copy changes are required.&nbsp;</p><p>One of the largest benefits of this feature is that you will have lower operational costs, as you are not sending out bill posters to a location where no changes are needed. The feature automatically eliminates the work orders that would have been generated, saving on operational costs, as well as extra unnecessary data in the system.&nbsp;</p><p>Rides can span one segment to another, and even link two different static campaigns from the same advertiser. The following conditions must be met to use Rides:</p><ul><li>The media must be static.</li><li>The design must be the same.</li><li>The copy must be posted on exactly the same faces as the initial booking.&nbsp;</li><li>The periods must be consecutive.</li></ul><p>Once the conditions are met, Rides can be useful in a number of circ*mstances. Watch the demo for a more in-depth look:</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 ><strong>Save editing time and avoid repetitive tasks</strong></h2><p>The Bulk Copy Change feature allows you to schedule copy changes to some or all static faces in a campaign. It’s no longer necessary to individually edit each design on a booking if an advertiser wants to change their posters. This should save your chartists or static copy managers a lot of editing time. Now, you can use this feature to bulk edit designs on multiple bookings in a few simple steps.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 ><strong>Easier sorting, searching, and filtering in work orders</strong></h2><p>We’ve added some extra columns to work orders to make it simpler to find what you’re looking for. You can now sort, filter, or search using the following attributes:&nbsp;</p><ul><li>Site Category</li><li>Order on Site</li><li>Posting Note</li><li>General Note</li></ul><p>These new columns can also be included in exported CSV reports.</p><h2 ><strong>Added security with SSO</strong></h2><p>Weak or repeated passwords can leave an account vulnerable to hacking. Single sign-on, also known as SSO, is widely used and considered to be more secure than manually typing your username and password. We’ve now enabled the option of using SSO across the Ayuda platform, adding an extra layer of security when logging in.&nbsp;</p><p>To prevent others from accessing your account, we’ve activated automatic logout for users who are idle after a certain period of time. We’ve also enabled the system data to refresh whenever a user logs in to the platform, which means no one will be missing out on any new features that were recently released.</p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Ads Financial Moments: Sync campaigns and adapt your creatives based on market conditions]]><![CDATA[

Following the success of Weather Moments, we’re excited to offer our second moment trigger within Broadsign Ads (formerly Campsite) – Financial Moments! Moment targeting uses dynamic triggers that sync data and context within Broadsign Ads, helping marketers run their most creative and impactful campaigns yet. With Financial Moments, marketers can use data surrounding the current […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-ads-financial-moments-sync-campaigns-and-adapt-your-creatives-based-on-market-conditionshttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-ads-financial-moments-sync-campaigns-and-adapt-your-creatives-based-on-market-conditions<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 04 Nov 2021 19:01:25 GMT<p>Following the success of <a href="http://broadsign.com/blog/cloudy-with-a-chance-of-awesome-campaigns-weather-moments-now-available-in-broadsign-ads">Weather Moments</a>, we’re excited to offer our second moment trigger within <a href="http://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a> (formerly Campsite) &#8211; Financial Moments!&nbsp;</p><p>Moment targeting uses dynamic triggers that sync data and context within Broadsign Ads, helping marketers run their most creative and impactful campaigns yet. With Financial Moments, marketers can use data surrounding the current state of the financial market to directly target consumers based on what they care about the most &#8211; their money.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>Financial Moments for brand safety</strong></h2><p>Avoiding negative advertising situations can be just as important as capitalizing on the good ones. When it comes to advertising based on the market, Financial Moments offers brands the flexibility to run (or choose not to run) campaigns during specific financial times.&nbsp;</p><p>For companies like banks and investment services, avoiding bad associations when the market is down is a form of brand safety that shouldn’t be ignored. With Financial Moments, businesses can choose to play or pause ads based on the real-time performance of the market, like preventing certain ads from running during a dip.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>Financial Moments for investment opportunities</strong></h2><p>On the flip side, running ads for banks and financial services when the market has dipped can be a strategic move in getting consumers to invest their money. Brands should appeal to the emotional aspect of consumers potentially losing money to promote the value of their services when the market fluctuates.&nbsp;</p><p>Marketers should also tailor their creative messaging to encourage consumers to take a look at their portfolios when there’s a dip in the market. Let’s take a bank for example: YoYo Bank could use a period of market uncertainty to run ads along the lines of "Keep Your Money Safe by Investing with YoYo Bank". This creative can be rotated in amongst other product lines when the TSX doesn&#8217;t drop more than 3%. Alternatively, advertising certain services like mortgages or car loans when the market is up can also be beneficial as consumers are more likely to spend on these types of investments.</p><div /><figcaption>An example of a bank advertising their investment services through out-of-home during a market dip.</figcaption></figure></div><h2 ><strong>Financial Moments for Forex</strong></h2><p>Another great use case for Financial Moments is advertising around the value of currency trading, or Forex. Based on the value of local and foreign currency, marketers in industries like tourism and travel agencies can easily run ads that target people looking for vacation deals. Creative messaging can also be adapted to highlight the affordability of local commodities, activities, and lodging.&nbsp;</p><p>If you want to go a step further into building a high-impact campaign, we suggest combining Financial Moments with Broadsign Ads Weather Moments to create the perfect messaging around a vacation. Why not run an ad promoting tickets to an affordable, sunny destination while it’s snowing outside and the currency is strong?</p><h2 ><strong>Financial Moments for high-value commodities</strong></h2><p>Any marketer should be looking at financial markets when it comes to running campaigns around big-ticket commodities. For example, electric vehicles are often associated with high price tags that can leave consumers going back and forth on if purchasing one is the right move for their wallets.&nbsp;</p><p>Recent increases in crude oil prices, however, can be beneficial when it comes to advertising for these businesses. Oil price is tracked and made available as a financial moment within Broadsign Ads, helping brands to increase their advertising and share of voice when there’s an oil price hike. It’s important to remember that businesses shouldn’t only advertise during these oil hikes, but rather they should use these moments as a way to increase their advertising and SOV.&nbsp;</p><div /><figcaption>Electric car brands can increase their advertising when the price of crude oil increases (Brent Crude: Change % Over 3% for the last 1M)</figcaption></figure></div><h2 ><strong>Financial Moments for Cryptocurrency investment</strong></h2><p>As cryptocurrency is volatile and price fluctuations commonly occur over any period of time, dips in the market present a good opportunity for marketers to advertise investment opportunities for crypto investors.&nbsp;</p><p>Investment services and crypto buying platforms like <a href="https://www.coinbase.com/">Coinbase</a> can use Financial Moments to promote their offerings when the right opportunity arises, in this case when the market dips relative to the rolling average. Newer crypto companies can also use these financial triggers to advertise and increase their SOV.</p><h2 ><strong>Financial Moments for online shoppers</strong></h2><p>A growing number of online retailers are using real-time currency conversion to create a more seamless buying experience for shoppers. With financial moments, advertisers can adapt creative messaging to trigger a direct consumer response and encourage them to shop when the local currency is strong.&nbsp;</p><p>Let’s take hobby shoppers for example: running ads that promote bulk buying online can be a smart marketing strategy when the value of local currency is high.&nbsp;</p><h3 ><strong>Start experiencing Financial Moments within Broadsign Ads&nbsp;</strong></h3><p>As digital programmatic out-of-home becomes more sophisticated, advertisers should use financial moments to trigger creative and impactful campaigns that reach consumers wherever they are. It’s important to note that advertising around the state of the market shouldn’t be looked at as a way to capitalize on financial hardships, but rather to appeal to consumers during high-emotion moments to enable contextual and relevant advertising.&nbsp;</p><p>Need a summary of this new Broadsign Ads feature? We’ve got you covered. <a href="https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/297064/One-pager%20-%20Finance%20Moment.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Click here to download it</span></strong></a><strong> </strong>or log in to<a href="https://buy.campsiteproject.com/login?redirect=%2F&amp;t=1"> </a><strong><a href="http://buy.broadsign.com" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">your Broadsign Ads account</span></a> </strong>to try it out today!</p><p>To learn more about moment triggering, <strong><a href="http://broadsign.com/book-demo"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">book a call</span> </a></strong>with one of our campaign experts.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[10 great resources for teaching media buyers about programmatic DOOH]]><![CDATA[

The DOOH industry is attracting new buyers all the time, with programmatic DOOH in particular a great driver for newcomers to our space. The thing is, media buyers don’t always understand programmatic DOOH right away. They often need a little help learning just why adding DOOH to their marketing mix is so beneficial, and what […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/10-great-resources-for-teaching-media-buyers-about-programmatic-doohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/10-great-resources-for-teaching-media-buyers-about-programmatic-dooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 04 Nov 2021 09:53:36 GMT<p>The DOOH industry is attracting new buyers all the time, with programmatic DOOH in particular a great driver for newcomers to our space.</p><p>The thing is, media buyers don’t always understand programmatic DOOH right away. They often need a little help learning just why adding DOOH to their marketing mix is so beneficial, and what they can actually accomplish with the medium.</p><p>We hear from our partners all the time that they have to do a lot of education with their customers, and we wanted to help out.</p><p>With this handy list of resources from ourselves and some of our favourite partners, you’ll have lots to share to help explain what programmatic DOOH is and what its benefits are. We also included some cool examples of programmatic DOOH campaigns to help you "wow" your audience.</p><h2 >Get your buyers pDOOH certified with DOOHX</h2><figure }</script></a></figure><p>If you only look at one of these resources, this should be it. Created in collaboration with our own team, the pDOOH 101 course delivered by DOOHX is the very best way to dig deep into programmatic DOOH. Participants even get a certificate of completion at the end, which can be shared on LinkedIn or wherever else you might like to show it off.</p><p>Some of the topics enrollees learn about include:</p><ul><li>What programmatic DOOH is</li><li>How pDOOH works</li><li>The cross-channel opportunity pDOOH offers</li><li>How to launch a campaign</li></ul><p></p><p>Whether for your buyers or for yourself, there’s a lot of value to be had here. And, if you’re interested in getting started right away, you can click on through and get a special early bird discount of 15% off. Happy learning!</p><p><a href="https://www.doohx.io/courses/pdooh-101?coupon=broadsignwebsitereferral15" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Access pDOOH 101, by DOOHX</a></p><h2 >Teaching the basics of pDOOH</h2><p>If you’re not ready to hop in with a full certification program, we’ve still got you covered. Here’s a collection of some of our favourite entry-level content to share with buyers looking to learn more about programmatic DOOH.</p><h3 >Blog: What is programmatic DOOH?</h3><figure }</script></a></figure><p>Another one from us, this blog post offers a digestible but thorough overview of programmatic DOOH and what it has to offer media buyers. Among other things, it digs into why programmatic DOOH campaigns are effective, the different kinds of data that can be accessed to build and measure campaigns, and the different kinds of programmatic deals that can be made.</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Read more</a></p><h3 >Blog: OOH Advertising Can Amplify the Effectiveness of Your Entire Media Mix</h3><figure }</script></a></figure><p>Brought to you by our friends at AdQuick, this blog post focuses on the benefits that OOH advertising can deliver to your omnichannel marketing efforts. It’s not specifically about pDOOH, but since programmatic trading is one of the best ways to incorporate DOOH alongside your other channels, we thought it was worth including here.</p><p><a href="https://www.adquick.com/blog/out-of-home-advertising-can-amplify-the-effectiveness-of-your-entire-media-mix/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Read the blog</a></p><h3 >Video series: Programmatic DOOH University</h3><figure ></div></figure><p>If you love videos but aren’t quite ready to dig into something as meaty as a DOOHX certification, our Programmatic DOOH University series is the thing for you. We’ve got streams both for media buyers and media owners to learn more about how programmatic DOOH works to varying degrees of complexity. It’s a really great intro package and a low-commitment way for anyone to get their feet wet with pDOOH.</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/programmatic-u/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Watch the series</a></p><h2 >Getting buyers inspired with great pDOOH case studies</h2><p>A good case study sheds light on a solution while also getting the audience excited and inspired. If you want your buyers to learn a little something about pDOOH, make sure you send one of these their way.</p><h3 >Video: Kylie Skin uses pDOOH for the largest billboard campaign ever</h3><p>This campaign was everywhere when it launched, and for good reason: It was really dang impressive in its scale.</p><p>The team at Kyle Skin were able to use pDOOH to simultaneously advertise on billboards in 1,100 cities across the US, including in Times Square and on Las Vegas Boulevard. This was all done with our pals over at Adomni, who put together this video showing off the campaign. Really cool stuff!</p><figure ></div></figure><h3 >Video: Foodora uses programmatic for more relevant DOOH campaigns</h3><p>This campaign ran a few years ago and we still think it’s a great example of what programmatic DOOH has to offer.</p><p>Foodora was able to deliver advertising that changed creative based on the location where the ad was showing, and the call to action based on the weather. The campaign was hugely effective and is a great example of how programmatic makes for more relevant campaigns for buyers.</p><figure ></div></figure><h3 >Blog: How Wokyo Noodle Bar increased sales by 54% using digital billboards</h3><figure }</script></a></figure><p>Wokyo Noodle Bar has a couple of locations in Dubai, and it set itself the mission of increasing the number of delivery orders it received.</p><p>Working with the folks over at TPS Engage, Wokyo was able to target specific displays, deliver dynamic creative that changed based on location and schedule, and deployed the campaign only during times when footfall was highest. The result: 54% month-on-month growth &#8211; in the middle of the pandemic!</p><p><a href="https://tpsengage.com/wokyo-noodle-bar-digital-billboards-sales/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Read the story</a></p><h2 >Going deeper into programmatic DOOH</h2><p>For buyers who already know the gist of what programmatic DOOH can do, we’ve rounded up some choice content that gets a little deeper in explaining the ways pDOOH can be harnessed to generate real results.</p><h3 >eBook: The Media Buyer’s Guide to Programmatic Digital Out-of-Home</h3><figure }</script></a></figure><p>This is a pretty meaty eBook that collects knowledge and wisdom from experts from TheTradeDesk, Xaxis, Pattison Outdoor, Kinetic Worldwide, Adform and Scoota. It’s a great exploration of the unique capabilities of programmatic DOOH as a type of buy, and one that does a great job of bringing to light both the business and creative implications of the space.</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/ebook-media-buyers-guide-to-programmatic-dooh/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Get the guide</a></p><h3 >Blog: Three reasons why you should marry digital OOH and mobile advertising</h3><figure }</script></a></figure><p>Mobile and DOOH are at least as good a combo as peanut butter and chocolate, which is why we love this blog post so much. It’s a great primer on what is possible when combining mobile data and advertising with DOOH, especially when DOOOH is transacted programmatically.</p><p><a href="http://broadsign.com/blog/three-reasons-why-you-should-marry-digital-ooh-and-mobile-advertising">See the blog</a></p><h3 >eBook: How to extend the reach of your next campaign with digital out-of-home</h3><figure }</script></a></figure><p>We really like this eBook from <a href="http://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a> (formerly Campsite), which offers a deep dive into the ways that the DOOH-specific DSP can help media buyers extend the reach of their campaigns. A nice, practical look at how buyers can get their start with OOH.</p><p><a href="http://broadsign.com/blog/ebook-digital-advertising-real-world-agency" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Download the eBook</a></p><p><strong>Looking for more great DOOH-related content?</strong></p><p><strong>Check our <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">blog</a> and <a href="https://broadsign.com/resources/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">resources</a> pages!</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Pearl Media is lighting up Nashville’s Fifth + Broadway]]><![CDATA[

One of DOOH’s best qualities is how compelling it can be. The right messaging and creative can stop a person in their tracks, using this medium to produce these kinds of results is exactly the philosophy that drives Pearl Media….and it’s why buyers looking to make a splash in Nashville turn to this marketing and […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-pearl-media-is-lighting-up-nashvilles-fifth-broadwayhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-pearl-media-is-lighting-up-nashvilles-fifth-broadway<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 28 Oct 2021 10:06:52 GMT<p>One of DOOH&#8217;s best qualities is how compelling it can be. The right messaging and creative can stop a person in their tracks, using this medium to produce these kinds of results is exactly the philosophy that drives Pearl Media….and it’s why buyers looking to make a splash in Nashville turn to this marketing and advertising company for the help they need.</p><h2 >In the heart of the action</h2><p>Founded in 2006, the Montclair, New Jersey-based Pearl Media began in OOH by transforming massive buildings into outstanding wallscapes and empty storefronts into immersive digital experiences. Still a leader in that business, Pearl has grown its capabilities by partnering with best-in-class real estate assets within major cities in the U.S to create effective, experiential digital signage networks. The team has developed a reputation for being visionaries in the digital space, creating unique networks that are curated specifically for each unique real estate asset. Their latest venture is a digital &amp; static signage network at Nashville&#8217;s esteemed Fifth + Broadway development, which opened to the public in early 2021.</p><figure }</script><figcaption>Pearl Media operates OOH installations at Fifth and Broadway in Nashville</figcaption></figure><p>Located in downtown Nashville, Fifth + Broadway is an urban revitalization project with plenty to offer. The location includes a food hall, live entertainment venue, shops upon shops, luxury apartments, and a walkable indoor and outdoor mixed-use destination. Delivering all at once on shopping and dining elements downtown Nashville was missing, Fifth + Broadway has become a hugely popular destination for crowds of locals and tourists alike, right in the heart of Downtown. That means it&#8217;s a prime location for a digital network to thrive.</p><p>Currently, Pearl Media&#8217;s Fifth + Broadway digital network includes 15 displays: a large-format &#8220;Welcome to Nashville&#8221; LED display that overlooks the Lower Broadway strip, the L Street Live LED sign that sits above a wide corridor where people can gather, two large format LED screens at the district&#8217;s National Museum of African American Music, and 11 street-level kiosks, each of which is a 55-inch display. Partnering with Pearl Media in such an exciting destination hub allows advertisers the opportunity to reach an estimated 255,000 visitors weekly, who have an average dwell time of about 70 minutes in the district.</p><figure }</script><figcaption>Fifth and Broadway enables brands to connect with a large audience with a lengthy dwell time</figcaption></figure><h2 >An experience like no other</h2><p>In helping to bring Fifth + Broadway to life, Pearl Media served as a consultant to Brookfield Properties, advising their team on all the necessary hardware, placement, back-end systems, manufacturers, and other items needed to develop a premier digital network. "One of our main objectives in the development of this network was to utilize the LED displays not just for advertising but to serve as a complement to and extension of the Fifth + Broadway experience, engaging and entertaining visitors while they enjoyed the many other benefits of this exciting new property, " said Jen Almeida, COO of Pearl Media.</p><p>The large-format L Street Live screen and supporting street-level screens can complement whatever activities are happening in the area. Some notable live events screened here recently include National Hockey League playoff games and the Fourth of July celebration.</p><figure }</script><figcaption>The Fifth and Broadway installation is used to hype up local events</figcaption></figure><p>While events are being streamed on the "Live" screen the supporting screens keep ads running to ensure advertisers are continuing to get plays. Beyond that, the kiosk level screens also offer touchscreen capabilities which can be used for custom interactive experiences.</p><h2 >Pearl Media &amp; Broadsign</h2><p>To run this installation and other forthcoming ventures, Pearl Media needed the support of a software partner nimble enough to sync content and offer advertisers heightened interactivity. Given that this network contains several screens, all located a stone&#8217;s throw from one another, the team and its clients sought continuity with the ad rotation and displays, making room for cohesiveness.</p><p>For its ease-of-use and ability to make operating a large-scale digital network a cinch, Pearl Media entrusted Broadsign to handle this project. Beyond the software&#8217;s ability to meet all of their creative and technical needs, the team at Pearl Media appreciates Broadsign&#8217;s availability where customer service is concerned.</p><figure }</script><figcaption>Broadsign&#8217;s solutions and support greatly simplified building out the Fifth + Broadway installations</figcaption></figure><p>"We have ambitious plans for our Fifth + Broadway installations, and Broadsign offered us the flexibility to build out our network as we needed it, and the flexibility to adjust and grow as our needs change in the future. We have several screens all synchronized, and regularly livestream huge events to a custom resolution for public watch parties on our displays. I was able to build everything out by myself using Broadsign, and I’m excited to continue adding new technology to our network to bring more creative ideas to life in the future," said Larry Curran, Digital Content Manager at Pearl Media.</p><p>Driven by the early successes of their Fifth + Broadway property, Pearl Media hopes to see similar results with their forthcoming 5 Manhattan West project, another Brookfield Property set to run entirely on Broadsign in New York City. This development features five interior LED displays, and one exterior media mesh over 100 ft. long and 15 ft. high. This plot is sitting over a large, heavily-activated, public plaza, a relatively new destination for outdoor space in the Hudson Yards neighborhood of Manhattan. This project aims to showcase a combination of third party ads and unique artistic content, and, together, Broadsign and Pearl Media have partnered up and plan to deliver some exciting work!</p><p><strong>See how Broadsign can help your DOOH projects shine</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/contact/">Contact us </a>to get started</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Induvallas is pioneering DOOH in Ecuador]]><![CDATA[

In Ecuador, digital out-of-home advertising is still in the early stages of development. But technological change is happening fast in this Latin American country, and Induvallas is leading the charge. With 24 digital billboards nationwide and counting, this out-of-home pioneer is changing the Ecuadorian advertising landscape while making outdoor advertising more accessible to smaller businesses […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-induvallas-is-pioneering-dooh-in-ecuadorhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-induvallas-is-pioneering-dooh-in-ecuador<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 21 Oct 2021 16:46:56 GMT<p>In Ecuador, digital out-of-home advertising is still in the early stages of development. But technological change is happening fast in this Latin American country, and <a href="https://induvallas.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Induvallas</a> is leading the charge. With 24 digital billboards nationwide and counting, this out-of-home pioneer is changing the Ecuadorian advertising landscape while making outdoor advertising more accessible to smaller businesses and budgets.</p><h2 >Innovators in out-of-home advertising</h2><p>Induvallas has a history of being ahead of the curve. The family-run business, which recently celebrated its 35-year anniversary, was the first company in Ecuador to enter the out-of-home advertising market. Starting off with small billboards, street signs, and other static OOH formats, Induvallas has since grown into a market leader that controls 50-60% of the out-of-home market in Ecuador and has 600 static billboards and 24 digital billboards nationwide.</p><p>In Ecuador, the size and number of outdoor advertising spaces are tightly regulated by each city, and static billboards still make up the vast majority of out-of-home ad spaces. But Induvallas has been making headway with digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising since introducing the country’s first LED ad screens ten years ago. Today, its network is the largest in the country.</p><figure /><figcaption>Induvallas has 24 digital displays &#8211; and counting &#8211; in its Ecuadorian network</figcaption></figure><h2 >Bringing DOOH to smaller businesses and budgets</h2><p>Traditionally, Induvallas’s clients have been big enterprises such as banks, credit cards, or multinational brands like Coca Cola. This is mostly because static billboards, which still make up a large part of its inventory, require significant financial investment.</p><p>"For the company, it’s amazing to have digital out-of-home because in one static billboard we only have one client," says Martin Oña, Marketing Manager at Induvallas and the grandson of its original founder. "In digital, we can have 15-16 clients. So it’s much more interesting as a business for us to have digital screens."</p><p>&#8220;Because buying a single ad slot in DOOH is significantly less expensive than renting a static billboard for weeks, Induvallas&#8217; digital displays have also attracted new buyers. Smaller brands interested in incorporating out-of-home media into their campaigns are now more easily able to do so, just buying up as many slots as they want with the budget they have.</p><p>The results from its first few LED screens were enough to convince Induvallas that DOOH is the future of out-of-home advertising. The company intends to strategically expand its digital locations, with plans to convert some of its more desirable billboards into digital screens. Aside from the opportunity to rent coveted ad space to more than one client, DOOH presents exciting new opportunities for creativity and engagement.</p><figure /><figcaption>Induvallas intends to continue expanding its digital presence in Ecuador</figcaption></figure><h2 >Partnering with Broadsign to turn vision into reality</h2><p>In order to meet its aggressive DOOH expansion goals, Induvalas needed to invest in scalable technology that could help support its growth. The company had outgrown the software system that came with the LED screens it had purchased. Programming options were limited, and information had to be input and managed manually using Excel spreadsheets.</p><p>"It was pretty basic," says Ona. "The only thing we could do was put a customer for the whole time or put it for half the day. We couldn’t put something like: I want this customer to be from 4pm to 8pm, or I want this customer Monday, Tuesday, Friday."</p><p>Once key stakeholders at Induvallas understood the benefits Broadsign offered—including flexible programming options, automated content delivery, and real-time inventory availability—they decided to make the switch. The company has been using Broadsign’s platform to manage content delivery for the past few months, and are already seeing noticeable improvements.</p><figure /><figcaption>After just a few months, Broadsign has already made a big impact</figcaption></figure><p>"Before, we’d have to manually input the ad content and then manually take it away. With Broadsign, it’s easy because you can just put the start date and end date, and it automatically runs the campaign," says Ona. "There are a lot of functions that help focus on other things that are more important, and that’s better for everyone."</p><p>While the sales team is still in the process of onboarding, Ona is optimistic about the impact Broadsign’s platform will have once the entire end-to-end system is up and running. And he expressed pride that Induvallas is continuing to live up to its legacy as a pioneer in out-of-home advertising and technological innovation. Next on the agenda: programmatic selling.</p><p>"With LED screens, we were the first. With billboards, we were the first. Now, with platform and with programmatic selling, we will be the first," says Ona. "That feels great."</p><p><strong>See how Broadsign can help optimize your DOOH business</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/contact/">Contact our team</a> to get started</strong>!</p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Do detailed work more easily with Broadsign Control 14.2]]><![CDATA[

We’re freshly into fall, so what better time than now for a bunch of great Broadsign Control features to fall into your lap? We’ve got improvements to our search functionality, a precise way to create shares of loops, and an upgrade to our Monitor Sync feature all available to you now in Broadsign Control, along […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/do-detailed-work-more-easily-with-broadsign-control-14-2https://broadsign.com/blog/do-detailed-work-more-easily-with-broadsign-control-14-2<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 11 Oct 2021 08:00:00 GMT<p>We’re freshly into fall, so what better time than now for a bunch of great Broadsign Control features to <em>fall</em> into your lap? We’ve got improvements to our search functionality, a precise way to create shares of loops, and an upgrade to our Monitor Sync feature all available to you now in Broadsign Control, along with some other improvements that should allow you to accomplish many detailed tasks more easily than before.</p><p>Want a closer look? Well, grab yourself a pumpkin spice latte and follow along as we walk you through the latest additions in Control 14.2, as well as a couple of features we want to highlight from our 14.1 release back in May.</p><h2 >You can now break loops up by milliseconds as well as percentages</h2><figure }</script></figure><p>If you need to break your loops up to maintain specific content ratios (ex: advertising vs. editorial), you can now do so either by percentage or by length in milliseconds. With these options, you can now get as granular as you need to ensure the right content breakdown on your displays.</p><p>This feature offers additional benefits for users of Broadsign Direct. Because Broadsign Direct only recognizes primary shares, creating a secondary share in a Broadsign Control loop will enable you to block off that time for content only bookable outside of Broadsign Direct. It’s a convenient little trick to help you better manage special content whenever you need.</p><h2 >We added support for cookies to Monitor Sync</h2><p>If you have configured your Broadsign Control Players to retrieve files from third-party data sources (ex: lottery results, weather feeds, etc.), you can now use cookies to simplify some elements of your work.</p><p>A couple of useful possible applications include:</p><ul><li>Easier validation of which players are accessing specific content or feeds (session management)</li><li>Establishing rules-based distribution of externally-sourced content to your players</li></ul><p>There’s a lot of potential for creativity with this feature, and we look forward to seeing what you all come up with.</p><h2 >You can see Events in your Loop Snapshot Report</h2><figure }</script></figure><p>In Broadsign Control, campaigns designated as Events tend to be of high importance. To improve visibility of this content, we’ve now made Events visible in loop snapshot reports.</p><p>Not only will this make it easier for you to confirm for your advertisers when and where their event content will play, it will also improve the accuracy of your reports, since events are now included.</p><h2 >Advanced search functionality has gotten an upgrade</h2><p>The intention of our advanced search functionality is to make it easier for you to find specific resources, like ad copies, display units, etc. However, previous iterations of this feature tended to surface more resources than desirable.</p><p>Because of an adjustment to the way search terms are handled by the system, results in search should be much more intuitive than before, and make it easier to find the specific resources you’re after.</p><h2 >Archaic terminology has been updated throughout the UI and Docs</h2><p>We support the ongoing movement to replace the archaic terms "master" and "slave" in software. As of the 14.2 release, all instances of these terms have been updated to "leader" and "follower" in both the user interface and documentation for Broadsign Control.</p><p>This is a necessary correction to promote a more inclusive and thoughtful user experience, and we are pleased to align ourselves with other progressive technology leaders that have taken similar steps.</p><h2 >We made campaign performance reports easier to use (14.1 &amp; 14.2)</h2><figure }</script></figure><p>Issuing month-by-month invoices should involve as little work as possible. To help with that, we added new filters to our Campaign Performance Report set-up wizards.</p><p>You can now generate performance reports:</p><ul><li>By week, with the option to pick which day starts your week</li><li>And by custom date range</li></ul><h2 >We also added display unit addresses to campaign performance reports (14.1 &amp; 14.2)</h2><p>When you’re evaluating campaign performance, the details matter. That’s why we added Display Unit addresses to our Campaign Reports. Now, it’s easy to get an at-a-glance, granular view of where a campaign has run.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Introducing DOOHX: Learn about programmatic DOOH straight from the pros]]><![CDATA[

The emergence of programmatic is an exciting step forward for the outdoor advertising industry, a channel that’s redefining how ads are transacted on both the buying and selling side while helping advertisers create the most contextual campaigns possible. Despite the buzz around pDOOH in recent years, programmatic still feels like something of a new phenomenon […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-doohx-learn-about-programmatic-dooh-straight-from-the-proshttps://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-doohx-learn-about-programmatic-dooh-straight-from-the-pros<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 07 Oct 2021 08:46:45 GMT<p>The emergence of programmatic is an exciting step forward for the outdoor advertising industry, a channel that&#8217;s redefining how ads are transacted on both the buying and selling side while helping advertisers create the most contextual campaigns possible.</p><p>Despite the buzz around pDOOH in recent years, programmatic still feels like something of a new phenomenon in the out-of-home world. At first, understanding the channel and its numerous capabilities can feel a bit like learning a new language. But like anything worth knowing, a little time and dedication—along with the right resources—is all you need to establish yourself as an expert in all things programmatic DOOH.</p><p>To help, Broadsign is proud to sponsor DOOHX, an industry-first online learning platform dedicated to teaching industry professionals, media buyers, and publishers everything they need to know about digital out-of-home and pDOOH. An extension of our existing Programmatic U series, DOOHX offers comprehensive video lectures delivered by an industry expert, all designed to teach professionals how to launch dynamic DOOH campaigns.</p><p>For a better idea of what participants can expect from each class, check out this sample:</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Learning the basics from Brooke Ermogenis</h2><p>Classes are led by DOOHX&#8217;s Head of Insight, seasoned OOH authority Brooke Ermogenis. Brooke&#8217;s expertise and near-decade of experience working in OOH on both the buy-side and sell-side mean you&#8217;ll be tackling all the basics of programmatic with someone who knows the industry inside and out. Throughout her years working in the field, Brooke has forged solid connections with other influential OOH movers and shakers—and she&#8217;s invited some of them to participate in classes and share their insights with DOOHX participants. Not only will you be exposed to what&#8217;s possible through programmatic ad buying, but you&#8217;ll hear from those who&#8217;ve helped shape the industry by successfully harnessing this channel, thus allowing you to make more informed media buying decisions.</p><h2 >PDOOH 101 is now in session</h2><p>With a topic as intricate as programmatic DOOH, there’s a lot of ground to be covered—so we’ve structured each class to be a digestible, self-paced series of videos. The introductory course, PDOOH 101, is broken up into 10 different modules, which are each divided into separate sections. The different modules start with an overview, continue with training videos, and culminate in a content review and assessment. But the learning doesn&#8217;t stop there! Every participant will also be granted access to a private and exclusive DOOHX Slack channel, connecting them with Brooke and Broadsign experts to enjoy additional content, take part in Q&amp;As, or access ongoing support when it comes time to launch campaigns.</p><h2 >The course syllabus</h2><p>In addition to the video lectures, which you can access at your leisure, the PDOOH 101 lessons get into the nitty-gritty of programmatic DOOH. To assess your learning, the curriculum also requires students to test their knowledge through a handful of challenging (but fun!) pop quizzes. For the introductory PDOOH 101 lesson, some of the topics you can expect to cover include:</p><ul><li>A general overview of programmatic DOOH and how the technology works;</li><li>A glossary of terms and definitions, so you can talk the programmatic talk on top of walking the walk at your next pitch meeting ;</li><li>An exploration of the different types of campaigns achievable with programmatic DOOH ad buying;</li><li>Examples and ideas of creative campaign opportunities your business, agency, or brand can explore by leveraging programmatic trading in DOOH;</li><li>Audience measurement and success metrics;</li><li>Some best practices for both buyers and publishers</li></ul><p></p><p>Beyond that, registration for the class comes with a few extra bonuses straight from the experts themselves, including answers to FAQs, bonus material, and downloadable takeaway sheets.</p><p>Upon completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate of completion and a badge for their LinkedIn profile and other social media platforms. Not only will you be able to tell the world that you’re a programmatic DOOH expert, you’ll have the certification to back it up.</p><p>More classes will be made available shortly to help broaden your profile, improve your career prospects, and solidify your status as an expert in pDOOH.</p><h2 >How to register</h2><p>Both for its flexibility and dynamic capabilities, programmatic is becoming an increasingly in-demand solution for companies operating in the digital out-of-home space. Understanding and demystifying some of the more complex aspects of this platform is a huge stepping stone towards improving your professional profile and scaling your business. Plus, you’ll be helping you and your teams become proficient in one of advertising’s emerging and powerful trends.</p><p>Ready to hit the books? Sign up for DOOHX’s inaugural certification course, <a href="https://www.doohx.io/courses/pdooh-101?coupon=broadsignwebsitereferral15">PDOOH 101</a>, and take advantage of early bird savings. See you in class!</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign and DOOHX Launch Programmatic DOOH Advertising Certification Program]]><![CDATA[

Sponsored education initiative to drive new DOOH industry growth with comprehensive training curriculums for digital advertisers, agencies, and media owners Montreal, Canada – October 7, 2021 – Building on its Programmatic University (Programmatic U) education initiative, digital-out-of-home (DOOH) marketing technology developer Broadsign has joined forces with DOOHX, an online learning platform dedicated to DOOH education, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-doohx-launch-programmatic-dooh-advertising-certification-programhttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-doohx-launch-programmatic-dooh-advertising-certification-program<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 06 Oct 2021 23:59:00 GMT<p><em>Sponsored education initiative to drive new DOOH industry growth with comprehensive training curriculums for digital advertisers, agencies, and media owners</em></p><p>Montreal, Canada – October 7, 2021 – Building on its <a href="https://broadsign.com/programmatic-u/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Programmatic University</a> (Programmatic U) education initiative, digital-out-of-home (DOOH) marketing technology developer Broadsign has joined forces with <a href="https://www.doohx.io/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">DOOHX</a>, an online learning platform dedicated to DOOH education, to launch a new programmatic DOOH training and certification program for advertisers, media buying agencies, and media owners. Sponsored by Broadsign, the program offers self-paced learning tracks, which feature robust curriculum comprising video lectures, reviews, and quizzes that demystify the rapidly evolving worlds of DOOH and programmatic DOOH (pDOOH).</p><p>Now available, the first track <a href="https://www.doohx.io/courses/pdooh-101" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">pDOOH 101</a> is broken down into ten modules, each featuring up to four separate sections. Every module begins with an overview, which is followed by a series of training videos, and wraps with a content review and assessment. Participants who have finished and passed each track will receive additional ongoing support and resources via DOOHX’s Slack channel, which includes exclusive access to FAQs, Q&amp;As, community discussion boards, and insight from real-world DOOH experts in the form of blog posts and podcasts. They’ll also walk away with a certificate of completion, a digital badge for use across social platforms, and a foundational understanding of the basics of pDOOH, including:</p><ul><li>How pDOOH works and the associated terminology</li><li>Key pDOOH players, challenges, and opportunities</li><li>Types of campaigns and planning</li><li>Creative executions and possibilities</li><li>Targeting, triggering, and data tactics</li><li>Best buy and sell practices</li></ul><p></p><p>In addition to pDOOH 101, DOOHX also plans to launch a DOOH 101 certification program later this year for digital marketers and media buyers with a previous understanding of programmatic trading who are looking to expand their expertise into DOOH. Additional coursework and certifications that dive deeper into advanced DOOH contexts are currently in development and anticipated to launch in 2022.</p><p>"Advertiser interest in DOOH is surging, especially with the future of third-party targeting up in the air and DOOH’s programmatic transition rapidly progressing. Yet barriers to adoption, largely educational in nature, have prevented the ad industry from realizing the medium’s full potential," shared Edith Gagne, vice president, programmatic success, Broadsign. "With initiatives like Programmatic U and DOOHX, we’re working to give professionals all the tools they need to understand and make the most out of a powerful medium and to help grow DOOH’s role in the larger digital advertising ecosystem."</p><p>"Working with Broadsign, we’ve designed our DOOH and pDOOH 101 courses to serve a range of industry players – from OOH professionals who recognise the growing need to upskill in programmatic DOOH, to brands, agencies, and publishers working to hone their pDOOH offering," shared Brooke Ermogenis, head of insight, DOOHX. "Whether you are just getting started or are an experienced out-of-home expert looking to scale your programmatic business, DOOHX provides a simple way to become an industry expert, and we’re excited to get it into the hands of the community with the help of Broadsign."</p><p><strong>Pricing and Availability</strong></p><p>pDOOH 101 is accessible today for €279.00/$324.00 USD from DOOHX. As a special launch promotion, customers can receive 15% off <a href="https://www.doohx.io/courses/pdooh-101?coupon=broadsignwebsitereferral15">with this special link</a>.</p><p><strong>About Broadsign</strong>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over 425,000 signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign platform helps publishers more efficiently manage their business operations while enabling brands and agencies to easily book OOH campaigns. The platform includes tools for content distribution, playback and proof of performance; sales inventory availability and proposal generation; automated programmatic DOOH transactions; and OOH business operations. <a href="https://broadsign.com">https://broadsign.com</a></p><p><strong>About DOOHX</strong>doohx is an online learning platform dedicated to providing an industry standard in DOOH education on a global scale. Launching with the foundational course ‘PDOOH 101’ in collaboration with Broadsign, doohx will bring certification grade programs to industry professionals looking to upskill and enhance their knowledge by joining the global conversation around DOOH. </p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Why in-store signage advertising belongs in every brand’s retail media strategy]]><![CDATA[

Raise your hand if you’ve ever set foot in a grocery store and picked up a few extras that weren’t on your grocery list. Maybe you were tempted by a tasty-looking bag of chips at checkout or remembered to grab the dish soap because some in-store signage reminded you it was on sale. Impulse purchases […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/why-in-store-signage-advertising-belongs-in-every-brands-retail-media-strategyhttps://broadsign.com/blog/why-in-store-signage-advertising-belongs-in-every-brands-retail-media-strategy<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 29 Sep 2021 12:33:41 GMT<p>Raise your hand if you’ve ever set foot in a grocery store and picked up a few extras that weren’t on your grocery list. Maybe you were tempted by a tasty-looking bag of chips at checkout or remembered to grab the dish soap because some in-store signage reminded you it was on sale. Impulse purchases happen all the time, even when we’ve got a plan when heading into a store. After all, we’re much more likely to snap up a few add-ons on a whim if we’re already shopping. The temptation can be harder to resist.</p><p>Consumer packaged goods brands know that capitalizing on these moments of impulse are great opportunities to give sales a boost, not to mention stay top of mind with customers while they’re out and about. But the world is oversaturated with messaging, so how do you stand out against the competition and create a memorable experience that stays with your customer? There are many ways to go about this, but one of the most pivotal steps you can take is by including in-store signage messaging as part of your omni-channel strategy, using helpful, handy in-store displays to drive sales. Delivering unique, compelling ads to consumers while they’re on site and ready to spend means you get to be a part of the consumer experience every step of the way.</p><h2 >Reaching a receptive audience inside the store</h2><p>By and large, when people are out shopping, they’re focused on the task at hand: getting what they need, and preferably efficiently. It’s part of why shoppers tend not to look at their phones much in the store unless for a price comparison or to check the shopping list. The action unfolds in real-time, and that demands a level of presence that makes checking your phone inconvenient. For brands, this makes the brick and mortar retail environment an exciting opportunity to reach customers who are undistracted.</p><figure >Brick and mortar retail offers a great opportunity to reach a receptive audience with ads</figcaption></figure><p>Changes to buying habits have demonstrated that now, more than ever, a little extra push is sometimes needed to complete the sale. Several factors brought on by the pandemic have led to major changes in the ways people shop—mainly where they’re shopping.</p><p>For instance, in our pre-pandemic lives, waltzing into a grocery store to grab what we needed was the standard. But that changed with the introduction of coronavirus rules around hygiene, capacity limits, and physical distancing requirements. Suddenly, shopping for groceries was a more stressful experience, one that involved a greater time commitment and even a wait in line before getting into the store.</p><p>While this was happening, shoppers sought out more convenient options, with many turning to the internet. Instead of blocking off an excessive amount of time to go get the groceries, people making use of e-commerce didn’t have to leave home and, often, could take advantage of same-day delivery to boot.</p><p>All this means that in order to entice people to go back to shopping in stores, it’s important to try and deliver a more convenient and information-rich experience, similar to what is found online. And while in-store signage and point-of-purchase displays have always been used to attract and target audiences shopping in-store, digital displays in particular offer new opportunities to brands looking to get their content in front of buyers at the right moment.</p><figure >A more information-rich experience helps to drive in-store shopper satisfaction</figcaption></figure><h2 >In-store advertising and the death of the cookie</h2><p>Another change to buying habits is coming thanks to restrictions on how advertisers can target their messaging in the online space. For privacy reasons, big tech companies and web browsers have begun to move away from <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-the-end-of-third-party-data-means-for-ooh-according-to-svp-of-strategy-adam-green/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">the use of third-party cookies</a> to collect consumer data. Some web browsers have already ceased gathering third-party data, and a full phase-out is expected to come into full effect by 2022. This will mean consumers will have to opt in if and when they want to share their data with brands. For marketers, media buyers, agencies, and brands, that means customer insights won’t be as easily available, and so creating hyper-targeted campaigns may become even more challenging.</p><p>But the absence of third-party data means now is the time for in-store advertising strategies to really shine. In-store advertising gives your brand the potential to reach consumers right when they are likeliest to spend. When partnered with other omnichannel marketing strategies like digital marketing or shelf placement, a compelling message delivered on in-store digital signage can deliver a big push to turn visitors into buyers.</p><h2 >Rethinking retail with omnichannel advertising</h2><p>The pandemic’s impact on retail is no longer news—now, it’s time to analyze the ways that brands intend to incorporate the past couple of years of learnings into a new vision of what retail should be.</p><p>A key finding from <a href="https://www.inmar.com/blog/thought-leadership/breaking-research-reveals-retail-media-networks-are-vital-not-niche" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">a recent survey</a> by Inmar Intelligence is that more retailers will be investing in on-site media offerings in the coming years. The main reasons? A desire to drive sales and diversify revenue. As brands start to develop their own digital messaging apparatus, this opens up a world of possibility.</p><figure >More retailers are creating opportunities to advertise in their brick and mortar locations</figcaption></figure><p>Say a customer was exposed to an ad prior to their arrival at a store. Through in-store signage, brands can build content that reinforces that message while the shopper is on premises. Digital displays will usually be installed at high-intent locations throughout a store, in order to optimize the effectiveness of the messaging.</p><p>By coordinating these in-store ads with ads deployed across online channels, it’s possible to create a unified message that drives improvement to both online and brick and mortar sales. It’s a chance to build stronger campaigns, in other words, by placing your brand in front of people in a high-value, high-trust environment.</p><h2 >Delivering contextual media with in-store displays</h2><p>In-store signage has an advantage over other ad formats for its capacity to open the door for more contextual opportunities. What resonates most with CPG brands and their buyers is messaging that tells a story, creating a more favourable perception of your brand in the mind of consumers.</p><p>Launching an effective digital retail signage campaign directly in-store isn’t just a powerful way to reach customers when they’re in a buying mindset. It’s also a way to create a lasting moment that connects them to the brand. The right contextual storytelling has the power to make a lasting impression and positively influence buyer behaviour.</p><p>Customers are savvy, and by working in a contextual component to your advertising, you can help give them an experience that strikes a chord. Beyond that, contextual digitized in-store signage can work in concert with other marketing assets, such as in-store product shelf placement, flyer ads, coupons, or even digital ads, thus helping to create a more cohesive customer journey, moving from one message to the next depending on their location.</p><figure >Digital in-store ads mesh well with shelf-placement and other retail marketing tactics</figcaption></figure><p>Digital signage advertising also gives brands the added opportunity to harness audience data for better relevance and more creativity. For example, demographic data can give you a better sense of who’s shopping and when. Messaging can then be adapted to suit, say, the stay-at-home parent crowd during the daytime, while catering ads during evenings and weekends to young professionals. Being able to track how these data change with the seasons, as holidays approach, and in response to current events can help you to flex your creative muscle and always keep your messaging up-to-date and relevant to different audiences at different times in a single location.</p><h2 >The power of dynamic content</h2><p>While you’re at it, digital signage gives you the tools you need to take the storytelling aspect of your campaigns even further. Unlike other traditional ad formats, digital signage opens up the possibility to run dynamic content that takes the storytelling even further.</p><p>Through programmatic ad buying, the process of using contextual triggers like the weather, sports, or traffic can create a memorable moment in the eyes of your customers, thus influencing them to move forward with a purchasing decision. For example, a drop in temperatures is an opportune moment to market hot chocolate or soup, while running an ad before a big sports event might encourage you to offer a promo on chips and other gameday goodies. There’s really no limit to what can be accomplished with the dynamic capabilities offered by in-store signage.</p><figure >Dynamic content can allow brands to promote different offerings based on things like weather or current events</figcaption></figure><h2 >Comparing in-store signage media costs to other channels</h2><p>One of the most concrete reasons why more brands are turning to in-store signage is that, unlike other ad formats, it can be a fairly marketing-budget-friendly solution. The CPM, or cost per thousand impressions, is fairly low in DOOH as compared with online channels, television, etc.</p><p>Given the high costs surrounding digital advertising, media buyers and agencies are thinking about ways to reallocate some of the marketing budgets to best reach out-of-home audiences. With a high-exposure medium such as in-store signage, an advertising campaign can reach a wide audience for less.</p><h2 >Quick recap: Why you should start in-store digital ad campaigns</h2><p>Already, we’re starting to witness a change to retail, as stores try to get buyers back in their stores and shift away from competitors in e-commerce. In the coming months, we’re expecting to see CPGs continue to make these changes by investing in in-store content as a way to modernize the shopping experience and create a more enjoyable and tailored experience for shoppers.</p><p>By investing in digital in-store signage advertising:</p><ul><li>You signal to consumers that your CPG business or media buys are adapting your omnichannel campaign strategy to suit the changes taking place in retail.</li><li>You’ll overcome some of the major obstacles faced by brick-and-mortar retail given the rise in popularity of e-commerce.</li><li>You can reach customers through an innovative and creative channel, one that can be tailored to suit the time of day and enhances a customer’s relationship to your brand through contextual storytelling.</li><li>You put your marketing dollars towards a more cost-effective solution than many other advertising channels.</li></ul><p>The world is changing quickly, and those in the retail sector have seen the lasting impact of a changing world, even in just the last year. These changes are only going to continue, as brick-and-mortar shopping evolves to keep up the pace with the increasing convenience of online shopping. For this reason, meeting your consumers where they are by using an innovative solution like digital retail signage is a necessary component of adapting to the changing times in retail.</p><p>Including in-store signage messaging as a part of an omnichannel strategy is pivotal in driving revenue and taking steps towards building lasting and nurturing loyal relationships with consumers, as well as in ensuring your CPG business stays relevant in consumers’ minds.</p><p><strong>Supercharge your next campaign with in-store digital advertising</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/dooh-for-media-buyers/">Get started with Broadsign!</a></strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Teams Up with Gable, SageNet, and Seneca to Deliver In-Store Marketing Platform for Multi-brand Retailers]]><![CDATA[

Custom solution enables retailers to deploy, manage and monetize in-store digital marketing networks to enhance the shopper experience and attract omnichannel ad spend MONTREAL, SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 — Broadsign, developer of the leading out-of-home (OOH) marketing platform, today announced a joint effort with visual solutions company Gable; managed network services, cybersecurity, and digital signage solutions […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-teams-up-with-gable-sagenet-and-seneca-to-deliver-in-store-marketing-platform-for-multi-brand-retailershttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-teams-up-with-gable-sagenet-and-seneca-to-deliver-in-store-marketing-platform-for-multi-brand-retailers<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 21 Sep 2021 09:30:36 GMT<p><em>Custom solution enables retailers to deploy, manage and monetize in-store digital marketing networks to enhance the shopper experience and attract omnichannel ad spend</em></p><p><strong>MONTREAL, SEPTEMBER 21, 2021</strong> —<strong> </strong>Broadsign, developer of the leading out-of-home (OOH) marketing platform, today announced a joint effort with visual solutions company<a href="https://www.gablecompany.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"> Gable</a>; managed network services, cybersecurity, and digital signage solutions provider <a href="https://www.sagenet.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">SageNet</a>; and digital signage hardware developer <a href="https://www.senecadata.com" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Seneca</a> (an Arrow Electronics company) to provide an end-to-end in-store digital marketing platform for multi-brand retailers. The combination of Broadsign&#8217;s OOH marketing technology with Gable’s visual communications, SageNet&#8217;s digital signage expertise, and Seneca&#8217;s displays and media players, provides a comprehensive offering to help retailers improve the shopper experience and unlock new revenue from omnichannel advertisers eager to extend audience messaging to the point of purchase.</p><p>Retailers can harness the solution’s robust toolset to automate the delivery of tailored messaging across in-store displays, extend omnichannel messages into the store, and use customer loyalty and other data to inform contextual storytelling that influences consumer purchases. Localized content and stock-level triggering are supported, as well as personalization on a per-screen basis to serve ads at the point of sale. Integrated programmatic advertising technology opens up new monetization opportunities by making in-store display inventory easily accessible to brands and CPG companies via a broad range of supported global demand-side platforms (DSPs).&nbsp;</p><p>Tailored to each retailer’s specific needs, the custom solution, at its core, comprises:</p><ul><li>The complete Broadsign OOH marketing platform – including the <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Control</a> CMS, <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Direct</a> sales tool, and <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Reach</a> supply-side-platform (SSP)</li><li>Design, fabrication, and project management provided by Gable Services</li><li>&nbsp;SageNet SageVIEW<sup>TM</sup> for design, deployment, connectivity, content management, 24/7 monitoring, maintenance, and support&nbsp;</li><li>Seneca displays and media players with built-in Verizon 4G connectivity, Intel processors, and 4K graphics capabilities&nbsp;</li></ul><p>"Retailers often have untapped in-store space that’s prime for digital displays and access to customer data that can be used to make the shopping experience more dynamic. At the same time, in-store marketing networks have become increasingly attractive to brands looking to extend omnichannel messaging to the point of purchase," said Karim Kanji, Broadsign’s Sales Director leading the initiative. "We’ve teamed with Gable, SageNet, and Seneca to deliver an in-store marketing platform that’s easy to deploy and manage. Retailers can use it to drive more innovative shopping experiences and new revenue, while brands can take advantage of in-store display inventory to reach their core audiences."</p><p>"Retail brands today are constantly looking for ways to create a seamless integration of digital during the purchase process in the aisle. Together, Broadsign, Seneca, and Gable create a sustainable and maintainable solution while allowing retailers and brands to focus on the outcome, not on the individual pieces or how to support the technology," says IV Dickson, VP of Digital Experience for SageNet. "Brands want and need to focus on their business objectives, and this ecosystem provides them with a deployment-ready arrow in their quiver, to create immediate value for the end customer."</p><p>For more information on the new in-store marketing solution, visit: <a href="https://broadsign.com/retail-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://broadsign.com/retail-digital-signage/</a></p><p><strong>About Broadsign</strong></p><p>Broadsign is making it easier than ever for publishers, agencies, and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering 187,000 digital screens in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign platform enables marketers and agencies to easily book screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more launch successful programmatic DOOH campaigns.</p><p><strong>About Gable</strong></p><p>Gable provides end-to-end visual solutions that inspire, inform and influence consumers at the point of decision in the built environment. Gable specializes in developing custom solutions based on our extensive design background and technical expertise in both digital and static signage. Our customers include the likes of Starbucks, USPS, Simon Property Group, and MGM Resorts.</p><p><strong>About SageNet</strong></p><p>SageNet is a leading managed services provider specializing in connectivity, cybersecurity and digital signage. The company connects, manages and protects technologies and devices across widely distributed enterprises. SageNet’s people, processes and technologies, coupled with its collaborative approach, empowers customers to achieve their core business objectives.&nbsp;</p><p>With a three-decade track record in managed services, SageNet boasts a long-term customer base that includes the nation’s largest retail, financial, healthcare, utilities and energy organizations. SageNet manages communications for more than 220,000 endpoints. Headquartered in Tulsa, SageNet has regional offices in Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Philadelphia, Chicago and Toronto.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>About Seneca</strong></p><p>Seneca, an Arrow Electronics company, offers media players to support projects ranging from low-profile single displays to interactive kiosks, digital menu boards and 4K video walls. With the ability to integrate a variety of products and services, custom solutions are available to suit each network’s needs.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How DoohYouLike uses DOOH to bring merchants closer to shoppers]]><![CDATA[

In France, many major grocery chains and supermarkets have already hopped on the digital out-of-home signage trend. It isn’t as common, though, to see digital screens displayed across the country’s smaller food markets, called proxi alimentaires. But DoohYouLike is a company that’s looking to change that. They’re making the case for digital screens in smaller […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-doohyoulike-uses-dooh-to-bring-merchants-closer-to-clientshttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-doohyoulike-uses-dooh-to-bring-merchants-closer-to-clients<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 16 Sep 2021 08:10:13 GMT<p>In France, many major grocery chains and supermarkets have already hopped on the digital out-of-home signage trend. It isn’t as common, though, to see digital screens displayed across the country’s smaller food markets, called <em>proxi alimentaires</em>. But <a href="https://doohyoulike.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">DoohYouLike</a> is a company that’s looking to change that. They’re making the case for digital screens in smaller shops, leveraging the power of DOOH to drive sales and leave lasting impressions with shoppers.</p><h2 >Better retail marketing through DOOH</h2><p>Founded just over two years ago by Fabrice Guez and Jérome Lalou, DoohYouLike&#8217;s mission is to innovate the experience of shopping at proximité alimentaire stores. These are hybrids of grocery markets and convenience stores that are roughly 400 square metres in size.</p><p>For the most part, DoohYouLike’s customers aren&#8217;t franchises. Rather, they’re independently-owned businesses under the umbrella of large retail brands like Carrefour, Franprix, Intermarché, Système U, Auchan and others. Most are located in cities across France.</p><figure }</script><figcaption>DoohYouLike&#8217;s displays are found in independently-owned businesses across France</figcaption></figure><p>Shoppers that frequent these locales tend to be professionals with higher-incomes, whose busy lives mean they’re more likely to drop in several times a week, rather than buying groceries in bulk once or twice a month. While proxi alimentaires are easily accessible on busy streets in bustling neighbourhoods, their location means they are sometimes housed in older buildings, making it somewhat tricky or costly to upgrade to newer technology.</p><p>Despite this challenge, DoohYouLike saw a lack of digital signage as a welcome opportunity to get its inventory up and running in these shops. In 2018, the company started its digital screen roll out in Paris, France&#8217;s largest market. Starting out in Paris helped put DoohYouLike on the map and allowed it to gain recognition in other French cities too. In 2020, they expanded nationally, growing to become the leading provider of DOOH in small food markets.</p><p>Today, DoohYouLike&#8217;s inventory includes about 1,000 screens across approximately 600 stores all over the country.</p><h2 >Benefitting store owners and their customers alike</h2><p>DoohYouLike&#8217;s inventory generates over 15 million qualified impressions each month. Part of this success can be attributed to food buying habits in France, with customers tending to visit and revisit shops several times per week. While some prefer to trek outside city limits to buy groceries in bulk a handful of times each month, many city dwellers prefer the convenience of visiting their local food market two to three times per week on average.</p><p>Another piece of DoohYouLike&#8217;s winning strategy is the company’s approach to screen installation. Typically, the company places one screen by the entrance and, on occasion, a second one near the cash registers and other enticing impulse goods like alcohol or candy. So while the customer may not purchase something they see advertised the first time around, they&#8217;re more likely to follow through at a later visit, as the messaging may be fresh in their minds.</p><figure }</script><figcaption>Thoughtful screen placement helps DoohYouLike reach shoppers throughout the store</figcaption></figure><p>Working with local shops means DoohYouLike can maintain a positive relationship with its merchant client base. That&#8217;s because shop owners also use the screens for other types of communications that go beyond promoting items in-store. Health and safety guidelines, opening hours, and additional handy information for clients are all displayed on the screens, which warms clients to them, seeing them as a tool for communicating rather than a means of advertising.</p><p>To the store owners&#8217; advantage, DoohYouLike also sends out a newsletter regularly, communicating which ads are set to be displayed. Such symbiosis allows merchants to plan accordingly by adapting their merchandising or ensuring they have enough inventory to increase sales.</p><h2 >DoohYouLike and Broadsign</h2><p>DoohYouLike wanted to continue scaling its network and find new ways to help merchants connect with in-store audiences who were ready to make purchase decisions. To make this happen, DoohYouLike needed the support of the Broadsign Reach supply-side platform.By integrating its homegrown DOOH players with Broadsign Reach, DoohYouLike’s team of experts has enabled its customers to better reach a highly-captive and ready-to-spend audience with relevant programmatic ad campaigns. Because Broadsign Reach connects to a large number of demand-side platforms, integration also opens up DoohYouLike’s inventory to new buyer demand from all over the world.</p><figure }</script><figcaption>Programmatic transactions via Broadsign Reach will connect DoohYouLike to global demand</figcaption></figure><h2 >Hungry for more</h2><p>DoohYouLike plans to continue its growth across France, looking to install an additional 200 to 400 screens in stores by 2022. The company is also looking to get its entire inventory programmatic-ready. While the food industry has been their bread and butter since day one, DoohYouLike’s founders have also begun exploring the potential of expanding into other areas, having already published ads from non-food businesses, including telecommunications and credit card companies. In other words, this ambitious company is hungry for more, and it’s only getting started.</p><p><strong>Ready to deploy better in-store digital media?</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/">See how Broadsign can help</a></strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign and Sightcorp Team Up to Deliver Data-Driven Audience Reporting Solution for DOOH Campaigns]]><![CDATA[

Montreal, Canada and Amsterdam, Netherlands – September 9, 2021 – Broadsign, developer of the leading digital-out-of-home (DOOH) marketing technology platform, and Dutch computer vision firm Sightcorp, today announced that Sightcorp’s DeepSight Toolkit anonymous facial analysis solution is now fully integrated with the Broadsign Control content management system (CMS) and Broadsign Reach supply-side-platform (SSP). The combined […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-sightcorp-team-up-to-deliver-data-driven-audience-reporting-solution-for-dooh-campaignshttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-sightcorp-team-up-to-deliver-data-driven-audience-reporting-solution-for-dooh-campaigns<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 09 Sep 2021 08:00:00 GMT<p>Montreal, Canada and Amsterdam, Netherlands – September 9, 2021 – <a href="https://broadsign.com">Broadsign</a>, developer of the leading digital-out-of-home (DOOH) marketing technology platform, and Dutch computer vision firm <a href="https://sightcorp.com">Sightcorp</a>, today announced that Sightcorp’s DeepSight Toolkit anonymous facial analysis solution is now fully integrated with the Broadsign Control content management system (CMS) and Broadsign Reach supply-side-platform (SSP). The combined technologies make real-time audience data more accessible, allowing publishers to report more accurate audience reach numbers and demographics for DOOH campaigns and enhance the end-to-end media buyer experience.</p><p>Via the latest integrations, DOOH media owners can easily provide media buyers with more meaningful audience insights and data visualizations based on live analysis captured anonymously on-camera, including age, gender, impression and viewer counts, and attention and dwell times. To ensure privacy, the Sightcorp DeepSight Toolkit blurs all faces by default and is built to process all data offline and locally. Integrated deep learning technology ensures that estimations are generated with the highest level of data accuracy. Sightcorp provides connectors and reporting templates for several popular business intelligence (BI) platforms, which give users the flexibility to import the audience data into their platform of choice via an API. The company also offers a full end-to-end reporting dashboard for new users within the ecosystem.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>"A key element to driving DOOH industry growth is more accurate audience targeting, measurement, and reporting, and these integrations with Sightcorp add significant value. They offer invaluable audience insights that can be used to optimize creative and media buying decisions," said Adam Green, SVP of Strategy, Broadsign. "We believe that this collaboration will help advance the industry, as advertisers can deepen their understanding of each audience for campaigns and adjust their media buys accordingly."</p><p>"We are aligned with Broadsign’s vision for programmatic DOOH and excited to bring to market these integrations that can be easily retrofitted onto existing networks without needing additional players as well as included by default on new networks." said Joyce Caradonna, CEO at Sightcorp. "The next big step in DOOH’s evolution is to bring media buyers more meaningful audience reporting that they can leverage for real-time decision-making and comprehensive ROI measurement. Together, the DeepSight Toolkit with Broadsign Control and Broadsign Reach are moving the needle forward, helping DOOH reporting more closely resemble the online and mobile display ad analytics that digital advertisers are accustomed to use to understand the effectiveness of their ad spend."</p><p><strong>About Broadsign</strong></p><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over 425,000 signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign platform helps publishers more efficiently manage their business operations while enabling brands and agencies to easily book OOH campaigns. The platform includes tools for content distribution, playback and proof of performance; sales inventory availability and proposal generation; automated programmatic DOOH transactions; and OOH business operations. <a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a></p><p><strong>About Sightcorp</strong></p><p>The anonymous audience analytics intelligence specialist for Digital Signage, DOOH, Out of Home Media, and In-Store Analytics.</p><p>Making lightweight AI edge software solutions that bridge the gap between the online and real world. Providing anonymous in-store analytics to Retailers and powering the DOOH ecosystem with ad performance metrics for Advertisers, real-time audience reach for Media network owners, and an industry-recognized impression-based currency for programmatic advertising.</p><p>As an AI spin-off from the University of Amsterdam, we have R&amp;D in our DNA and are constantly transforming the latest computer vision and deep learning research into our products. Focusing on creating easy-to-use, low CPU intensive, and affordable audience measurement software solutions that provide our customers with accurate and actionable insights into their audiences.</p><p>For more information visit:<a href="http://www.sightcorp.com/"> www.sightcorp.com</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Lamar Advertising is an enduring brand with a modern outlook thanks to programmatic DOOH]]><![CDATA[

There’s a reason why Lamar Advertising has been in business for 120 years. While years of rolling out successful outdoor advertising campaigns doesn’t hurt, one of the big reasons why Lamar has been so successful in the OOH space for over a century has to do with the company’s eagerness to do things differently. It […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/lamar-advertising-is-an-enduring-brand-with-a-modern-outlook-thanks-to-programmatic-doohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/lamar-advertising-is-an-enduring-brand-with-a-modern-outlook-thanks-to-programmatic-dooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 30 Aug 2021 11:08:39 GMT<p>There’s a reason why Lamar Advertising has been in business for 120 years. While years of rolling out successful outdoor advertising campaigns doesn’t hurt, one of the big reasons why Lamar has been so successful in the OOH space for over a century has to do with the company’s eagerness to do things differently. It doesn’t want to just keep up with the trends, but rather to help establish them. That’s how it has built its legacy of OOH success to this point, and that’s how it’s going to continue that tradition as we head deeper into the digital and programmatic future of the industry.</p><h2 >Then and now</h2><p>Founded in 1902, Baton Rouge-based Lamar is one of the longest-standing out-of-home businesses in the world. The company provides local and national advertisers with a variety of advertising formats including billboards, roadside advertising, transit, airport signage and more. In 1992, Lamar took the business public, giving them increased visibility and more capital to spur growth and development. This helped to drive Lamar to become the largest global out-of-home company.</p><figure >Lamar has a long history of success in OOH</figcaption></figure><p>Currently, their inventory includes roughly half a million screens in two countries, Canada and the United States. This includes the largest large format digital network, comprising 4,000 screens in the U.S. and accounting for roughly 4 billion impressions weekly across 170 designated markets. Recently, it began investing in <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">programmatic DOOH</a>, motivated by the creative potential and programmatic’s unmatched ability to facilitate targeted ad sales.</p><h2 >In pursuit of programmatic DOOH</h2><p>The vast majority of Lamar’s screen inventory is roadside, with about 99% of their signage placed along major streets, highways, and interstates. The content fed by these screens mainly consists of advertisem*nts—on average, alternating a rotation of six to eight different advertisers—but it also works in other types of content, too, such as weather updates, local event information, sports scores, and even obituaries &#8211; whatever adds value for the audience.</p><p>Lamar was the first in the large-format space to successfully launch programmatic DOOH and, over time, the company has seen tremendous success in capturing revenue using this offering. It has also used programmatic to spur technical innovation and to make it easier for customers to explore available inventory. Overall, it’s been an asset in helping the company come up with better rates, more options, and a streamlined buying experience.</p><figure >Programmatic has helped Lamar drive innovation across its business</figcaption></figure><p>By coupling programmatic with their expertise in traditional OOH, Lamar has been able to gain a competitive edge by connecting with several SSPs, allowing it to conduct business with a wide variety of DSPs and offer different ad buying options while looking at how to better expose inventory.</p><p>Part of Lamar’s long-standing success comes from a relationship-first approach. Right now, one of the company’s big initiatives is to nurture existing client relationships and build new ones through education about programmatic. Lamar takes care to show the brands and agencies it partners with the myriad ways that campaigns can be successfully optimized through programmatic DOOH. This includes sharing appropriate tools, resources, and data to showcase why programmatic DOOH can be useful in delivering <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">dynamic, targeted campaigns</a>—as well as why this is a one-to-targeted medium that deserves attention and a line in the media budget. Through this, they’re able to help business owners and media planners make informed decisions regarding their outdoor campaigns.</p><figure >Lamar works closely with buyers to help them realize the benefits of programmatic DOOH</figcaption></figure><h2 >Lamar and Broadsign</h2><p>Lamar onboarded the <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Reach SSP</a> a few years ago. Currently, all of Lamar’s inventory is available on Broadsign Reach, and in the near future, the company intends to onboard a large majority of its airport screens to Broadsign Control players as well.</p><p>A recent campaign with Walmart offers a strong example of how Broadsign Reach has helped Lamar to meet and exceed client demands and expectations. For the campaign, Walmart turned to Lamar to help them promote their grocery pick-up services during the pandemic. With the Broadsign Reach platform, the retailer was able to create hyper-local campaigns in approximately 120 different stores. Because only specific stores offered grocery pickup, the campaign needed to be versatile and dynamic, only targeting locations where the message applied. Reach was able to help the retail giant achieve just that.</p><p><strong>See how Broadsign can help your programmatic OOH business thrive</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/">Request your personalized demo</a> today!</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Programmatic DOOH: The omnichannel X factor]]><![CDATA[

In 2021, digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising is capturing a bigger slice of brand marketing budgets than ever before. But why? For one, DOOH inventory has become much, much easier to buy programmatically than in the past, with more DSPs including DOOH in their media mix. On the flip side, this increase in demand has made […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/programmatic-dooh-the-omnichannel-x-factorhttps://broadsign.com/blog/programmatic-dooh-the-omnichannel-x-factor<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 12 Aug 2021 08:00:00 GMT<p>In 2021, digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising is capturing a bigger slice of brand marketing budgets than ever before. But why?</p><p>For one, DOOH inventory has become much, much easier to buy programmatically than in the past, with more DSPs including DOOH in their media mix. On the flip side, this increase in demand has made more publishers join the programmatic DOOH revolution, and more screens are being onboarded to SSPs on a daily basis.</p><p>In addition, more brand marketers have realized that DOOH offers an attention-grabbing alternative to digital display and social ads, which consumers find easy to ignore and filter out of their attention.</p><p>Most importantly, DOOH is delivering measurable performance uplifts for brands when incorporated as an element of omnichannel advertising campaigns.</p><p>Recent research suggests that DOOH advertising can:&nbsp;</p><ul><li>increase reach by as much as 303% when added to mobile or web messaging (<a href="https://www.mediaupdate.co.za/marketing/103564/adding-ooh-can-increase-reach-by-up-to-300#:~:text=Adding%20billboards%20to%20a%20social,a%202013%20Posterscope%20USA%20study.&amp;text=The%20Feel%20the%20Real%20campaign,out%20to%20establish%20two%20points.">Posterscope</a>);&nbsp;</li><li>drive four times more online search and social media activity per ad dollar spent than TV, radio, or print <a href="https://omac-website.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Nielsen-OOH-Online-Activation-Study-2017.pdf">Nielsen</a>;&nbsp;</li><li>make it 46% more likely for consumers to engage with a brand on mobile (<a href="http://omac-website.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Nielsen-OOH-Online-Activation-Study-2017.pdf">Nielsen</a>).&nbsp;</li></ul><p></p><h2 ><strong><em>A buyers’ market</em></strong></h2><p>When it comes to accessing programmatic digital OOH inventory, there are two main options for sophisticated digital marketers or digital buyers.&nbsp;</p><p>Firstly, there are bespoke digital OOH DSPs, which provide UI, UX, and workflows dedicated specifically to digital OOH. Alternatively, there are omnichannel DSPs, with workflows that include multiple media formats, powerful targeting, attribution, and identity management. Healthy competition between ad tech providers is helping to drive continuous innovation within the DOOH space.&nbsp;</p><p>Despite this, and perhaps because of the ongoing popularity of traditional OOH media, some media buyers fail to separate out the special capabilities of digital OOH from OOH in general. However, the reality is that DOOH is a digital channel, with the capability to leverage audience data for targeting purposes, and should be factored into your digital media plans.&nbsp;</p><p>There are three key approaches to planning omnichannel experiences when executing a programmatic DOOH campaign.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>Planning and audience discovery&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>First is the ‘planning and discovery’ approach. Here, you create personas based on the commonly shared traits of your ideal customers — for example, are they food lovers, parents-to-be, outdoor goers, or sports fanatics? DOOH screens that are more likely to be seen by people matching those personas can then be targeted.&nbsp; What’s more, you can apply geographic filters such as state, city, and even point-of-interest to further target your ideal audience.&nbsp;</p><p>To add a little context to your campaign, moment targeting can be used to only display your creatives when the moment is right. For example, a sunscreen brand might want to advertise only when the sun is out.You can also specify venue types such as transit, bus shelters, restaurants, stadiums, and so on, further refining the context of where your ad is shown. Our sunscreen brand, for example, might prefer to have their campaign displayed outdoors rather than in shopping malls or movie theatres. All this filtering enables you to hone in on your audience and apply programmatic audience targeting principles to a ‘traditional’ form of media.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>Retargeting approach</strong></h2><p>The ‘retargeting’ approach gives you the ability to reach audiences that have been exposed to your programmatic digital OOH ads and retarget them across other addressable formats like mobile, digital audio, and CTV.&nbsp;</p><p>To give this some colour, let’s take Sally as an example. Sally needs some healthy food and, on the way to the grocery store, she&#8217;s exposed to your ad on a roadside billboard. Upon entry into the grocery store, she&#8217;s also exposed to an in-store digital OOH screen featuring an ad from the same brand. Further, upon returning home, Sally might see an ad from the same brand while watching a show on her streaming platform and be exposed to another ad the following day while playing her fav game. As those of us in digital marketing know, this is no coincidence. The frequency of brand exposures through various engagement points within a short period of time has proven to be very effective in creating memorable brand experiences.</p><h2 ><strong>Proximity triggering</strong></h2><p>The ‘proximity triggering’ approach triggers mobile ads based on mobile device IDs that have opted in and are close to an OOH screen that is part of a campaign. Let’s take Sally again for example. She needs to buy some healthy food and heads to the grocery store. As she&#8217;s entering, she sees a beautiful, full-motion DOOH ad. While in the store, Sally decides to also browse the ingredients of a recipe or check the weather on her phone, and an ad is triggered with a complimentary message to the one she saw when she first entered the store.</p><h2 ><strong><em>DOOH prime time</em></strong></h2><p>Given the upcoming <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-the-end-of-third-party-data-means-for-ooh-according-to-svp-of-strategy-adam-green/">withdrawal of third-party cookies</a> from many tech providers, contextual advertising with DOOH is taking on a larger role in digital campaign planning.</p><p>As a result, digital OOH locations look set to increase in importance as the foundations to planning and audience discovery, retargeting, and proximity marketing. DOOH is no longer a media outlier but rather a crucial component of any digital omnichannel ad campaign.&nbsp;</p><p>Discover the possibilities of our own DOOH channel-specific buying platform by <a href="https://www.campsiteproject.com/#contact">contacting us</a> for a strategy discussion. Alternatively, reach out to us and we can connect you with one of our <a href="https://broadsign.com/dooh-for-media-buyers/">35+ omnichannel DSP partners</a>.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[“Welcome to the New Normal” – Research findings [video]]]><![CDATA[

For marketers and media buyers, navigating our unprecedented times has definitely been challenging, both professionally and personally. Long gone are the days when we could plan months in advance. And, if you work for an agency, client pressure is at an all-time high. You’re likely being asked to react to rapid changes and back up […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/webinar-welcome-to-the-new-normal-research-findingshttps://broadsign.com/blog/webinar-welcome-to-the-new-normal-research-findings<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 10 Aug 2021 10:52:18 GMT<p>For marketers and media buyers, navigating our unprecedented times has definitely been challenging, both professionally and personally. Long gone are the days when we could plan months in advance. And, if you work for an agency, client pressure is at an all-time high. You’re likely being asked to react to rapid changes and back up your media plan recommendations with local insights that are often difficult to find.&nbsp; It’s a lot, but don’t worry &#8211; we’ve got your back!</p><p>In our <strong><a href="https://youtu.be/T_NbSgwImFk">Welcome to the New Normal</a></strong> webinar, we go over the results of a national survey of over 1,000 Canadians that we, in collaboration with <a href="https://askcaddle.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Caddle</a>, ran in July. The objectives were to better understand Canadians’ changing attitudes regarding the pandemic, returning to the office, activities they look forward to doing, back-to-school shopping, and much more. We also surveyed consumers on media fatigue, as well as on OOH-specific questions.</p><p>The goal is to provide you with valuable insights that you can use to better inform your last-minute fall marketing and media plans. Enjoy the on-demand version of the webinar we hosted on August 19, 2021 below. If you would like an editable copy of the presentation, please don&#8217;t hesitate to <a href="http://broadsign.com/book-demo" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><strong>reach out.</strong></a></p><figure ></div></figure><p>Caddle regularly takes the pulse of the marketplace and provides its partners with access to recent, relevant and robust insights through reports and events. <a href="https://askcaddle.com/newsletter/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Sign up for its newsletter</a> to regularly stay in the know, and get access to exclusive reports, events and content.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[What’s new in Broadsign Publish]]><![CDATA[

We believe that managing your digital signage network should be as effortless as possible. That’s why our team has been hard at work to make Broadsign Publish even easier to use! A bunch of great new features have been added to the roster over the past few months to improve the way you navigate, create […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/whats-new-in-broadsign-publishhttps://broadsign.com/blog/whats-new-in-broadsign-publish<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 29 Jul 2021 13:04:35 GMT<p>We believe that managing your digital signage network should be as effortless as possible. That’s why our team has been hard at work to make <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-publish/"><strong>Broadsign Publish</strong></a> even easier to use!</p><p>A bunch of great new features have been added to the roster over the past few months to improve the way you navigate, create and manage messages in Broadsign Publish. Here’s where you can get to know them.</p><h2 >Full visibility on user activity with Insights </h2><p>Ever wonder if your templates are being used? Or how many messages a particular user is creating? The new Broadsign Publish Insights dashboard is here to give you full visibility into how your users are using Broadsign Publish. With Insights, you’ll have access to all of this in only a few clicks:</p><ul><li>The number of messages created by each user</li><li>How many messages were created per asset type</li><li>How often each of your asset types is used</li><li>A trend line of messages created over a period of time</li><li>Detailed and downloadable data of your message history</li><li>A list of inactive users</li></ul><figure ></div></figure><p>Using the data provided from the Insights dashboard you will be able to evaluate which assets are working and which aren’t. You’ll be able to know which of your local users might need additional training. Insights will provide you with actionable data to make informed decisions about your network and its users.</p><h2 >Easier navigation with a new <strong>grid view</strong> option</h2><p>You probably have better things to do than endlessly scroll through your assets. Our new grid view option is here to free up some of your time.&nbsp; Available for both your inventory of screens and your library, finding what you need is now a cinch.&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><p><strong>Easily find your screens</strong></p><p>Grid view lets you perform actions directly via the tiles. For your screens, this includes renaming, sharing, moving, and deleting, all in one convenient spot. There’s also a useful little information bubble that will tell you everything about your screen. All you need to do is hover over it to see XYZ screen’s details.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Organize your library</strong></p><p>When you use grid view in your library, you can preview, comment, share, rename, move and delete content right from the tile. If you need to, you can also download your assets with a single click. Similar to screens, you’ll also find an information bubble providing additional asset details.</p><h2 >Create multiple messages in a flash with <strong>asset collections</strong></h2><p>Let’s say your screens are in pharmacies and you’re planning on ramping up messages on proactive allergy tips and tricks because it’s pollen season. The thing is, your marketing team has provided about 10 different images that need to be added to Broadsign Publish, which means 10 messages.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>Nobody likes repeating the same task over and over again. Your time is precious; we’re here to give it back. We’ve now made it possible to create asset collections, allowing you to upload multiple images packaged together in a zip file that can be published to multiple screens. This means you can save time by creating bundled messages all in one easy step.</p><h2 >User-friendly enhancements</h2><p>We’ve made some upgrades to offer you and your clients a better overall in-platform experience.&nbsp;</p><p>Have you seen that when a new version of Broadsign Publish is available you’ll get a notification at the top right of your screen? All you need to do is refresh your browser and you’ll automatically get the updates.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Gone are the days where you need to manually type in a URL to get to your administrator tools. You can now access it simply by using the new button at the top of your navigation bar.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>There’s a new and easier way to organize when your messages play on a screen. The drag and reorder feature lets you move messages right in the playlist. You can also randomize them if having a particular order isn’t important to you. Lastly, if you’re looking for more specifics on certain messages, you can now sort based on criteria which include:&nbsp;</p><ul><li>Owner</li><li>Duration</li><li>Create date</li><li>Associated screens</li><li>Start and end dates</li><li>Size</li></ul><figure ></video></figure><p>On the user management side of things, if you need to remove someone from the system, you can now permanently delete a user in lieu of deactivation. Having a clean database is always a good thing. Say goodbye to clutter.&nbsp;</p><p>Lastly, the Broadsign Publish you know and love is now available in Dutch. (Fantastisch!)</p><p><strong>Itching to know more about Broadsign Publish?</strong></p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo">Get your personalized demo!</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Are your out-of-home ads working? Measuring ROI in OOH]]><![CDATA[

One more time for the people in that back row: in terms of advertising spend, digital out-of-home (DOOH) is one of the fastest-growing media channels right now, with more brands than ever turning on to the unique capabilities of the format. When we speak to advertisers who are considering incorporating DOOH into their media plans, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/are-your-out-of-home-ads-working-measuring-roi-in-oohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/are-your-out-of-home-ads-working-measuring-roi-in-ooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 28 Jul 2021 09:46:51 GMT<p>One more time for the people in that back row: in terms of advertising spend, digital out-of-home (DOOH) is <a href="https://www.warc.com/data">one of the fastest-growing media channels</a> right now, with more brands than ever turning on to the unique capabilities of the format.&nbsp;</p><p>When we speak to advertisers who are considering incorporating DOOH into their media plans, we’re often asked how the effectiveness of DOOH campaigns is measured.&nbsp;</p><p>Many brands approach DOOH expecting a measurement standard equivalent to the online impression or Gross Rating Point (GRP).&nbsp;However, DOOH media is different: it doesn’t just play in a browser, on TV or on an app, but appears across different types of displays around the world from escalators to roadside billboards, wayfinding kiosks to airport lounges, making it more difficult to establish fully standardized metrics.&nbsp;</p><p>Another key difference is that when you load a web page, ads are served in a one-to-one environment, so ‘one ad served’ equals ‘one impression’. By contrast, DOOH advertising is served in a one-to-many environment. A single OOH ad has the potential to achieve hundreds of impressions.&nbsp;</p><p>But how can we really know that? And what does a DOOH impression look like anyway?</p><p>Fortunately, there are several reliable and rigorous methods of measurement available to help make a strong case for DOOH and these have been bolstered even further in recent years through the growth of programmatic transactions in the DOOH space.&nbsp;</p><h1 >The basics of DOOH audience measurement</h1><p>An OOH impression is defined by the total number of times people are likely to notice an ad on an out-of-home display. However, DOOH can draw upon a range of different data sources for measurement purposes, depending on a screen’s individual environment.</p><p>For example, in relation to auto traffic, media owners can work with local municipalities and transport authorities to attribute the number of cars to specific ad faces. Many organizations take it a step further with location and movement data that helps us understand how, why, and where people are travelling when they are passing DOOH screens.&nbsp;</p><p>This data allows us to qualify exposure metrics like proximity, dwell time and establish robust ‘opportunity to see’ (OTS) zones by environment.&nbsp;</p><p>In addition, many media owners are partnering with companies that deploy AI and recognition technology to provide even more information on the cars and/or pedestrians passing their screens, while maintaining viewer anonymity.&nbsp;</p><p>Drawing on statistical analysis, independent research firms like Neilsen and GeoPath can also accurately estimate the number of eyes on a designated screen at any particular day, time or location.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Impacts on brand and performance metrics</h2><p>OOH is fundamentally a brand awareness medium. There’s lots of evidence that OOH campaigns can have a significant positive impact on metrics such as brand awareness and brand recall.&nbsp;</p><p>But in some cases, marketers also want to measure the impact on performance metrics of adding DOOH to their other channels. For example, location data pulled from opt-in audiences can be used to measure the impact of an OOH exposed audience on footfall traffic to a specific store location. A similar technique can be used to measure impact on sales, by comparing point-of-sale data from stores near a campaign screen location to POS data from other stores.</p><p>In many ways, the full ROI of DOOH is still emerging, however, it is already clear that when utilized as a part of an omnichannel campaign, DOOH can significantly amplify the impact of other campaign channels. Recent research suggests:&nbsp;</p><ul><li>DOOH can increase reach by as much as 303% when added to mobile or web messaging;&nbsp;</li><li>DOOH drives four times more online search and social media activity per ad dollar spent than TV, radio, or print;&nbsp;</li><li>DOOH ads make it 46% more likely for consumers to engage with a brand on mobile.&nbsp;</li><li>nearly 4 in 10 adults surveyed (38%) in the US say they have visited a Facebook Page or posted on Facebook after seeing an OOH ad, and 25% have posted to Instagram.</li></ul>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Let’s talk programmatic DOOH: Insights from Adform]]><![CDATA[

For a long time, Adform has extolled the virtues of digital out-of-home. This company believes firmly in the medium’s power to communicate brand messaging to broad audiences and its capabilities in delivering precise audience metrics. Adform, a global advertising platform headquartered in Copenhagen, is known across the industry for providing a flexible solution that services […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/lets-talk-programmatic-dooh-insights-from-adformhttps://broadsign.com/blog/lets-talk-programmatic-dooh-insights-from-adform<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 27 Jul 2021 09:19:00 GMT<p>For a long time, Adform has extolled the virtues of digital out-of-home. This company believes firmly in the medium&#8217;s power to communicate brand messaging to broad audiences and its capabilities in delivering precise audience metrics.</p><p><a href="https://site.adform.com/">Adform</a>, a global advertising platform headquartered in Copenhagen, is known across the industry for providing a flexible solution that services the whole campaign lifecycle. With its fully integrated advertising platform, Adform FLOW, and global reach – it’s easy to see why customers continue to gravitate towards the company’s unique offering.</p><p>How does DOOH fit into the business&#8217;s media plans? Adform&#8217;s Partner Development Manager Vittorio Capasso has some thoughts on the subject. We reached him in London to discuss this and why he thinks digital out-of-home needs to be a fixture in the media budgets for businesses of all sizes.</p><p><strong>What do you think are some of the barriers or challenges that a digital marketer faces as they start exploring, planning and integrating DOOH in their omnichannel campaigns?</strong><strong></strong></p><p>One of the main challenges is that clients don&#8217;t realize the scale of DOOH, which impacts how they plan their campaigns. Reach, screen availability, where screens are located, types of screens and the environment where the ad will be displayed—if it&#8217;s in a mall, highway, or supermarket, this can all make a difference.We also notice that clients wonder how they can reach their audiences through DOOH. I think marketers are also used to running traditional campaigns with third-party cookies available, and it&#8217;s pretty easy nowadays to pick and choose their audiences. With DOOH, the story&#8217;s different, and we find that it&#8217;s more about educating clients, agencies, advertisers on how audiences can be reached through DOOH and the best ways they can achieve that.And the third part is the measurement. Clients can measure the impact of their campaigns. Traditional campaigns require specific tools to measure many aspects of the campaign but with DOOH, how you measure your campaign is a little different, and I think there&#8217;s more education that needs to be done here as well.</p><p><strong>What do you think is DOOH&#8217;s role in a media plan? Has it changed over the last couple of years?</strong></p><figure ></div></figure><p><strong>As we settle into this &#8220;new normal,&#8221; there seems to be an evident appetite for OOH media and programmatic DOOH. What would you say are the main drivers of that?</strong></p><p>With restrictions being lifted in many countries, we&#8217;re starting to see an increase in demand for DOOH. In the next few years, we think DOOH is a channel that needs to always be on media plans. In every campaign, a DOOH piece should be included because it can make a difference. For brand campaigns, this needs to be there—it&#8217;s so impactful as a channel. You can reach many people at the same time and have the opportunity to be creative with campaigns you run, campaigns that have the potential to grab people&#8217;s attention and stay with them.</p><p><strong>In light of the upcoming withdrawal of third-party cookies and the renewed attention on contextual advertising, what do you see the role of programmatic DOOH being?&nbsp;</strong></p><p>For several years, we&#8217;ve been working on proposing solutions for our clients, enabling them to run campaigns similarly, without third-party cookies. I think clients are used to talking about first-party data and thinking about the world without third-party cookies, but I think this will help boost the DOOH and allow it to stand out from the other channels. With Google recent announcement regarding the withdrawal of third-party cookies being pushed to 2023, the industry will have more time to adapt and DOOH can help the transition as it is a cookie-less environment by nature.</p><p><strong>Knowing that there are more strict privacy policies and fewer opt-in location-based users and mobile data, how do you think this will impact DOOH execution and is this a concern?&nbsp;</strong></p><figure ></div></figure><p><strong>Do you think marketers fully understand the programmatic DOOH opportunity? Is more education needed?&nbsp;</strong></p><p>In general, I think there is a good understanding of the basics, but it depends on the specific markets and clients. Some markets are advanced in DOOH because it&#8217;s already been a part of the landscape, while some still need to be educated on the basics. But I believe a good portion of the market needs to learn about the real opportunities and capabilities of DOOH, such as measurement and audience-targeting, which needs to be made more clear to clients, and that&#8217;s one of Adform&#8217;s goals. Marketers want to run sophisticated campaigns, and DOOH needs to adapt to that. DOOH has made progress in recent years, with many capabilities that I don&#8217;t think are fully used by clients.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Do you see more clients wanting to leverage dynamic creative?</strong></p><p>That&#8217;s something we see more of lately, though this is something clients are requesting as I don&#8217;t think dynamic capabilities are being used as broadly as they should be. But I believe in the future that dynamic creative campaigns will be increasingly deployed in the DOOH channel, as programmatic makes it even easier. But the market needs to be educated. Clients want to be reassured that their campaigns are going to be executed with no issue.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>What is essential for you when choosing a DOOH supply-side platform (SSP), and where do you think the opportunities are from an SSP perspective?&nbsp;</strong></p><figure ></div></figure><p><strong>What role does </strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/"><strong>Broadsign Reach SSP</strong></a><strong> </strong><strong>play in your supply?&nbsp;</strong></p><p>I think Reach is a great tool. It gives us the flexibility to get the information and details that we need whenever we need them. I think about it from the planning perspective so that I can secure the info easily. Troubleshooting is one key differentiator of Reach as we can troubleshoot things much quicker with your SSP and of course, the great support offered by the team at Broadsign makes everything much easier.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Clear Channel International and Broadsign are making yield optimization possible in OOH]]><![CDATA[

The issue of yield optimization is a difficult puzzle to solve. How exactly can media owners achieve the best possible outcome for their network while meeting increasingly complex client needs? Recently, Ola Reppling, CTO at Clear Channel International (CCI), and Broadsign’s Senior Director of Product, Seamus Hunn, were invited by The World Out-Of-Home Organization (WOO) […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-clear-channel-international-and-broadsign-are-making-yield-optimization-possible-in-oohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-clear-channel-international-and-broadsign-are-making-yield-optimization-possible-in-ooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 22 Jul 2021 10:47:37 GMT<p>The issue of yield optimization is a difficult puzzle to solve. How exactly can media owners achieve the best possible outcome for their network while meeting increasingly complex client needs?&nbsp;</p><p>Recently, Ola Reppling, CTO at Clear Channel International (CCI), and Broadsign&#8217;s Senior Director of Product, Seamus Hunn, were invited by The World Out-Of-Home Organization (WOO) to address this question and share how CCI is tackling the optimization challenge head-on.</p><p>It’s a complicated concept, but our two experts were able to deconstruct it. Here’s a rundown of everything from the optimization challenges to solutions that were covered.</p><p>If you&#8217;re a more visual person, you can jump into the full webinar below. If not, keep going for the highlights!</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Understanding the yield optimization challenge</h2><p><strong>Managing thousands of opportunities with infinite permutations</strong></p><p>Here’s an example that’s probably familiar to most media owners:&nbsp;</p><p>Let’s say we’re looking at one screen over the course of a single week. That screen is live for 20 hours per day so can run over 7,000 10-second ads per day.&nbsp; You add in client needs and now things are getting tricky. Every campaign will have unique parameters, from different creatives, time-specific particular days, and weather triggers to impression targets, and so on. It’s almost not humanly possible to manage so many moving parts &#8211; and that’s just for a single screen.</p><p>Fully understanding the complexity of this challenge is the first step to creating a solution. The following is a visual representation of the yield optimization conundrum:</p><figure ></div></figure><p></p><h2 >Optimizing your network’s yield</h2><p><strong>Automatic rebalancing of supply and demand&nbsp;</strong></p><p>Powered by algorithms that maximize inventory, Broadsign&#8217;s next-generation optimization engine automatically optimizes a network&#8217;s yield with content redistribution so smart that it could never be done by hand.</p><p>The system dynamically makes room for incoming campaigns during an availability check based on incoming demand and the available supply. It is the optimization engine’s way of considering potential rebalancing outcomes when determining whether a brand-new incoming campaign can or cannot be booked given the criteria and goals. The result is that you have the power to say yes more often to campaigns and customer goals.</p><p>Regardless of the amount of planning that is done, things can still go wrong. If your screens go offline, there’s an electrical problem, or any one of many potential issues, those campaigns shouldn’t be lost. The optimization engine will work to reallocate those campaigns and continue delivering on their goals wherever possible.</p><p>And let&#8217;s not forget event-driven campaigns, such as weather triggers or sports updates. Since there typically isn’t much forewarning for these, the ability to shuffle things around in the blink of an eye without compromising other campaigns is vital.</p><p>Reducing the operational burden and giving you more time for value-added activities with clients is the ultimate goal.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>Our new optimization engine is currently in beta with Clear Channel International. We expect it to be released for general use later this year. The optimization engine will be included in <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/">Broadsign Direct</a>.</p><p><strong>Want to know more? </strong></p><p><a href="https://youtu.be/_SXO8jBEqIw"><strong>Watch the full webinar</strong>!</a> </p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Swiftmile Selects Broadsign OOH Technology to Deliver Global Programmatic Micromobility Ad Network]]><![CDATA[

Technology integration gives way to new international fleet of electric bike, moped,and scooter docking/charging stations offering programmatic ad display inventory San Carlos, CA and MONTREAL — July 15, 2021 — Swiftmile, the pioneer in micromobility charging infrastructure and technology, announced today that it has enlisted Broadsign, developer of the leading out-of-home (OOH) marketing platform, as […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/swiftmile-selects-broadsign-ooh-technology-to-deliver-global-programmatic-micromobility-ad-networkhttps://broadsign.com/blog/swiftmile-selects-broadsign-ooh-technology-to-deliver-global-programmatic-micromobility-ad-network<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 15 Jul 2021 08:00:00 GMT<p ><em>Technology integration gives way to new international fleet of electric bike, moped,&nbsp;and scooter docking/charging stations offering programmatic ad display inventory</em></p><p>San Carlos, CA and MONTREAL — July 15, 2021 — <a href="https://swiftmile.com/swiftmile-geopath-press-release/">Swiftmile</a>, the pioneer in micromobility charging infrastructure and technology, announced today that it has enlisted <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a>, developer of the leading out-of-home (OOH) marketing platform, as the technology partner for its new global micromobility advertising network.&nbsp;</p><p>Swiftmile is working with the public sector, real-estate developers, and mobility operators to roll out charging hubs for micromobility vehicles like e-bikes and e-scooters across the globe. Media buyers looking to reach audiences on-the-go can now access Swiftmile’s signage inventory via more than 30 omni-channel and OOH specialty demand-side-platforms (DSPs) integrated with Broadsign’s programmatic supply-side-platform (SSP) for OOH, Broadsign Reach.</p><p>In June, Swiftmile deployed its latest network of charging hubs <a href="https://swiftmile.com/press-release-swiftmile-brings-micromobility-charging-to-miami/">throughout downtown Miami</a>, which will eventually scale to 100+ locations in high-visibility sites managed by the Miami Parking Authority. Swiftmile’s charging hubs are also present in cities like Washington, DC, Pittsburgh and Berlin, Germany, with additional deployments to be announced this summer. Their growing advertising network expands and simplifies international media buyer access to urban audiences on-the-go and arrives as the use of micromobility continues to boom worldwide.&nbsp;</p><p>Advertisers and media buying agencies can now easily harness Swiftmile’s inventory and use real-time triggers such as weather, traffic, transit delays or other data to reach audiences with contextually relevant and hyperlocal messages as they move throughout their days. All programmatic transactions across the network are managed by Broadsign Reach, with the complete stack of Broadsign OOH marketing solutions also helping to streamline ad sales and network management. In addition to supporting programmatic advertising, Swiftmile’s network of displays will also share transit information and public service announcements, as well as promotions from local businesses in the vicinity.</p><p>"Swiftmile is helping cities embrace sustainable micromobility options like e-bikes and e-scooters with fewer pain points by charging and organizing vehicles at our universal hubs. At the same time, we’re helping local governments and businesses tap into new ad-supported revenue," shared Joel Martin, Vice President of DOOH at Swiftmile. "Broadsign Reach, and the full stack of Broadsign solutions, are crucial to achieving our mission of advancing sustainable mobility, and we look forward to working together to benefit cities, travelers and media buyers alike."</p><p>"In a screen-fatigued world, fresh ad inventory like that offered by Swiftmile is attractive, providing an engaging medium for advertisers to deliver content that speaks to the audience in the moment and at a time when more populations are getting outside and taking note of OOH ads. The integration with Reach and full stack of Broadsign solutions makes Swiftmile’s inventory much more accessible to international media buyers while simultaneously streamlining operations for Swiftmile publishers," shared Adam Green, SVP of Strategy at Broadsign. "Collaborating with the Swiftmile team on the integration has been an exciting journey, and we can’t wait to continue our work with them as they grow."&nbsp;</p><p><strong>About Swiftmile</strong></p><p>Swiftmile is the pioneer and market leader in LEV charging, offering a new class of green infrastructure that will set the foundation for "gas stations of the future." We build and operate Mobility Hubs to charge and organize e-scooters, e-bikes and e-mopeds, at little or no cost to cities thanks to an on-Hub advertising screen. Swiftmile’s infrastructure is driving battery and charging standardization for the global micromobility sector, with Hubs across North America and Europe. Swiftmile is based in San Carlos, CA. For the latest updates and information on Swiftmile, visit https://swiftmile.com/&nbsp;</p><p><strong>About Broadsign</strong></p><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over 425,000 signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign platform helps publishers more efficiently manage their business operations while enabling brands and agencies to easily book OOH campaigns. The platform includes tools for content distribution, playback and proof of performance; sales inventory availability and proposal generation; automated programmatic DOOH transactions; and OOH business operations.</p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[What the End of Third-Party Data Means for OOH]]><![CDATA[

The phasing out of third-party data has many marketers asking what the effects will be on digital advertising. The changes are already evident. Tech providers continue to prioritize privacy protections, and browsers like Firefox and Safari have moved away from the use of third-party cookies, with Google to follow in early 2023. It’s clear that […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/what-the-end-of-third-party-data-means-for-ooh-according-to-svp-of-strategy-adam-greenhttps://broadsign.com/blog/what-the-end-of-third-party-data-means-for-ooh-according-to-svp-of-strategy-adam-green<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 08 Jul 2021 08:00:00 GMT<p>The phasing out of third-party data has many marketers asking what the effects will be on digital advertising. The changes are already evident. Tech providers continue to prioritize privacy protections, and browsers like Firefox and Safari have moved away from the use of third-party cookies, with Google to follow in early 2023. It&#8217;s clear that this movement will forever change how consumers are targeted but it leaves many wondering what impact it will all have on the OOH industry?&nbsp;Adam Green, Senior Vice-President of Strategy at Broadsign, addressed this topic during his presentation titled &#8220;As the cookie crumbles, will context take the cake?&#8221; at the recent <a href="https://oaaa.ooh2021.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Future. Proof. OOH Media Conference</a>. We gathered up a few clips of his presentation to share his thoughts on changes in digital marketing today and how these can inform DOOH strategies down the line.</p><h2 ><strong>Are we being followed? Kind of</strong>.</h2><p>Adam asked a question we&#8217;ve all surely wondered about: Have you ever felt like the Internet was watching you?&nbsp;</p><p>It can feel that way sometimes. It seems like just a casual mention of a random topic can trigger a targeted ad the next time you&#8217;re scrolling Facebook or Instagram. This tends to be a little unsettling and has led consumers to ponder what other information these companies might have about us, interests, and activity.&nbsp;</p><p>According to Adam, the notion that we&#8217;re being listened to is sometimes based on confirmation bias—but it&#8217;s also not entirely a product of our imaginations. He explained that by using unpaid apps or even browsing specific websites, whether you&#8217;re aware of it or not, you&#8217;re participating in a third-party data ecosystem that sucks up a bunch of information.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 ><strong>Change is imminent</strong></h2><p>Though ad-supported data has been widely accessible to advertisers in the past, a change of heart from big tech companies marks a step towards a less intrusive advertising experience, one focused on data protection and privacy. Such a move encourages a more regulated browsing experience and can ease the worries of users concerned with what information is already out there—and what’s being tracked, shared, and potentially exploited for advertisers’ gain. Here, Adam explains how this shift began and what this means for digital marketing moving forward:</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 ><strong>Why should OOH companies care?</strong></h2><p>The two main reasons why those in the OOH industry should care about these changes to third-party cookies, the first of which is, understandably, money. Adam explained that the programmatic digital ad market is roughly seven times as large as DOOH as a whole, and of that, between one-fifth to a half of the market relies on third-party data, representing a significant amount of potential revenue.</p><p>He added that a second reason OOH companies should care is that not having third-party data will affect how they operate, given that many OOH providers rely on third-party data to structure media plans and build customer profiles. Ultimately, the end of third-party data means that the OOH industry will need to explore new, cost-effective ways to reach audiences.&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 ><strong>Where it’s headed (and why that spells opportunity for OOH)&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>While the future of data collection remains uncertain, it&#8217;s not likely to be going anywhere anytime soon. Adam discussed all that consumers can expect in light of the third-party data phase-out, including that companies and brands may find other ways to deepen their ties by leveraging first-party data metrics like newsletter sign-ups or website opt-in forms. Another significant factor will see context playing an even greater role in the OOH space. By that, Adam explained that when planning content or campaigns, media owners and publishers will need to think about what specific scenarios and what context will help make inventories shine. He shared a few examples, citing that location, demographics, weather or traffic tracking, or live-data feeds will all be vital in guiding future DOOH campaigns. Adam breaks it down here:&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 ><strong>The responsibilities of tech providers</strong></h2><p>Finally, Adam looked at the changes in the third-party data ecosystem and what opportunities await OOH companies. He expressed how, as tech providers, it&#8217;s in our hands to make the possibilities with DOOH scalable and accessible while ensuring tools that provide greater context, like real-time weather or data feeds, are made more readily available. Companies should also consider that it shouldn&#8217;t take months of data analysis to pull off effective campaigns—the process needs to be quick and efficient. In the end, what the OOH industry needs to do moving forward is rally together and seize the unprecedented opportunity to get a bigger slice of the pie in this post-third-party data ecosystem.&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><p>A big thank you to the OAAA and Geopath for hosting such an illuminating event and inviting Adam to speak.</p><p><strong>Want to partner with us?</strong></p><p><strong><a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://broadsign.com/contact/" target="_blank">Contact Broadsign today!</a></strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Cloudy with a chance of awesome campaigns – weather moments now available in Broadsign Ads]]><![CDATA[

Weather – it’s everyone’s go-to topic for small talk. But in the digital out-of-home advertising industry, it’s part of a much larger conversation: moment targeting. Moment targeting allows for greater flexibility, out-of-the-box creativity and overall, more impactful campaigns. How? By using current events and real-world environments to determine when and how creatives should be displayed. […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/cloudy-with-a-chance-of-awesome-campaigns-weather-moments-now-available-in-broadsign-adshttps://broadsign.com/blog/cloudy-with-a-chance-of-awesome-campaigns-weather-moments-now-available-in-broadsign-ads<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 06 Jul 2021 14:30:20 GMT<p>Weather – it’s everyone’s go-to topic for small talk. But in the digital out-of-home advertising industry, it’s part of a much larger conversation: moment targeting.&nbsp;</p><p>Moment targeting allows for greater flexibility, out-of-the-box creativity and overall, more impactful campaigns. How? By using current events and real-world environments to determine when and how creatives should be displayed.&nbsp;</p><p>We’re happy to now offer weather as our first moment trigger in <a href="http://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a> (formerly Campsite)! &nbsp;</p><h2 >Weather for improved campaign impact</h2><p>The first way to use weather in your programmatic DOOH campaigns is by using it to alter creatives based on your business goals or the products you sell. This can be particularly impactful for brands in the food, entertainment and travel industries.</p><p>Delivery company, foodora, ran a great dynamic campaign that used weather, as well as time-of-day and location, to promote their two different offerings: delivery and pickup. As you might imagine, pickup is not a popular option when it’s raining, but by delivering that version of their creatives when it’s sunny, they saw an increase in in-store customers.&nbsp;</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Weather for smarter ad-spend</h2><p>Unlike the example above, your campaign might only be relevant in some weather instances. Not a problem – this is a great way to extend your budget and only deliver your creatives when most relevant to the audience.</p><p>Skincare brand Dermalogica <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/skin-care-brand-dermalogica-goes-dynamic-temperature-digital-gerisch/">did just this</a>. Using low temperatures as a trigger, the campaign aimed to educate audiences about the stress skin undergoes when exposed to cold weather.</p><figure /></figure><h2 >Weather for brands who don’t care about weather&nbsp;</h2><p>Some of the most obvious use cases for weather moments are any brands in the entertainment and leisure categories. But even if your brand has nothing to do with weather, it doesn’t mean it can’t play a role in your campaign – and as a matter of fact, it should!</p><p>The most successful marketing campaigns are those that connect with the audience. By using weather to adjust your campaign creatives, you’re adding to the context in which your audience sees it, as Google did in <a href="https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/google-takes-summer-campaign-to-dooh-with-location-and-weather-triggered-creative">this campaign</a>.</p><figure /></figure><h2 >Weather for social impact</h2><p>As markers in the DOOH space, we often look at ROI, brand lift, and other KPIs, but it’s also nice to take a step back and look at how digital signage can be used for social good.</p><p>Weather moments can be leveraged by not-for-profits, social causes and other companies looking to make an impact, as we see in <a href="https://archive.curbed.com/2019/1/7/18171041/stockholm-digital-billboards-homeless-shelters">this campaign</a> from Clear Channel and local government bodies.&nbsp;</p><p>Using 19 degrees F as a trigger, the campaign would display the closest shelters for those seeking refuge in freezing temperatures.&nbsp;</p><figure /></figure><h3 >Weather moments now available in Broadsign Ads</h3><p>So weather (ha) you’re a brand whose success is directly linked to sunny days, or one that’s relevant rain or shine, our new moment trigger can successfully increase the impact of your digital out-of-home campaign.</p><p><a href="https://buy.broadsign.com">Log into your Broadsign Ads account</a> to see how it works or <a href="https://broadsign.com/book-demo/">book a call</a> with one of our campaign experts.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How to use digital grocery store signage to drive more business]]><![CDATA[

Of all the OOH locations out there, grocery stores may have fared the best during the COVID-19 pandemic. They were, after all, one of the only places people all over could consistently shop at through 2020 and the beginning of 2021. Unsurprisingly, they became hot locations for advertisers looking to connect with audiences who were […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-grocery-store-signage-drives-businesshttps://broadsign.com/blog/digital-grocery-store-signage-drives-business<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 29 Jun 2021 07:18:00 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Of all the OOH locations out there, grocery stores may have fared the best during the COVID-19 pandemic. They were, after all, one of the only places people all over could consistently shop at through 2020 and the beginning of 2021. Unsurprisingly, they became hot locations for advertisers looking to connect with audiences who were otherwise difficult to reach outside their homes.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">That doesn’t mean grocery stores didn’t change, though. While grocery store sales were up pretty significantly, McKinsey &amp; Company reports that </span><a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/retail/our-insights/redefining-value-and-affordability-in-retails-next-normal" target="_blank"><span style="font-weight: 400;">shoppers are shopping at them less frequently, and at fewer stores</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">. Overall, this means fewer opportunities for brands to reach these buyers when they are in the store and at their most receptive.</span></p><figure >McKinsey &amp; Company</a></figcaption></figure><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Fortunately, there’s a solution: digital signage. Deploying digital displays in strategic locations throughout a grocery store location can help create a compelling, contextual shopping experience that speaks to shoppers and leads them to take immediate action.</span></p><h2 >Boost impulse purchases with digital signage</h2><p>According to a survey by Slickdeals.net, the average US consumer spends close to $5,400 each year on impulse purchases. About 71% of that money is spent on food and groceries.</p><figure >Slickdeals</a></figcaption></figure><p>These purchases aren’t only spurred on by shoppers seeing something sweet near the register. The majority, in turns out, are in response to sales spotted while in store.</p><p>The typical strategy of using stickers and static posters near the goods to advertise a sale can work passably, but it won’t achieve the same level of results as digital signage. <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-pop-displays/" target="_blank">Digital point-of-purchase displays</a> have been found to have about 2.5 times as much emotional resonance as static media, making them an influential advertising medium. With food already evoking strong emotional reactions in many people, introducing digital signage is likely to have a notable impact in driving sales.</p><p>What’s more, with digital signage placed around a grocery store, deals for sale products can be more widely shared. Where typical in-store sales notices tend to be located close to the on-sale products themselves, digital displays can easily cycle through great deals located all through the establishment. For convenience, they can even include details like an aisle number or store section where shoppers should go to find them.</p><h2 >Integrate digital signage and your PoS system to influence sales momentum</h2><p>Research from the National Resources Defense Council found that grocery stores waste in the range of 43 billion tons of food each year, representing about 10% of the US food supply. As the global green movement gathers steam, there’s increased scrutiny on this kind of waste, and increased pressure on grocery stores to take action to reduce wastage.</p><p>Digital signage presents an ideal solution for meeting this challenge. By integrating the signage system with the point-of-sale solution, it’s possible to automatically shift content to promote products that need to move and stop advertising products that are on the verge of selling out, or have sold out.</p><p>Implemented correctly, this type of system can do a great job of nudging sales when needed and reducing the odds of expirable goods going unpurchased. It’s a great tool for reducing food waste, both for environmental purposes and for the bottom line.</p><figure /><figcaption>Digital signage can help influence sales momentum to minimize wastage</figcaption></figure><h2 >Go digital (almost) everywhere to maximize impact</h2><p>In addition to typical digital displays, grocery stores are deploying digital end cap and shelf-edge screens along their aisles, introducing a new level of dynamism and pop right alongside the products people are buying.</p><p>Other types of displays are also beginning to make a splash. Stores like Walgreens have rolled out coolers that include digital displays instead of clear glass doors. The screens offer advertising tailored to nearby individuals, can include special messaging inviting shoppers to perform certain actions (like follow the store on social media) automatically grey out options that are out of stock, and more.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>Of course, grocery stores can’t go digital for all of the media they sell. Checkout belt advertising, ads on the handles of grocery carts, branded checkout dividers, and other similar items are unlikely candidates for digitization. For grocery stores looking to monetize their inventory most effectively, opting for digital wherever possible and supplementing with static will yield the best results. These stores should be sure to employ inventory and sales management tools that allow all of these assets to be managed together.</p><h2 >Build up a steady stream of programmatic ad revenue</h2><p>Online ads are typically delivered programmatically, which means they are sold whenever the conditions of a prearranged deal are met. It’s a powerful process that helps buyers maximize the relevance of their ads with creative messaging or diverse products. For instance, Lipton could decide to run a programmatic campaign on grocery store signage that automatically puts up ads for iced tea whenever the weather is hot and sunny, but displays ads for chicken noodle soup when it’s cold and rainy.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> Though not a grocery store, Foodora used programmatic DOOH to deliver different ads to its audience depending on whether it was sunny or rainy.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>Grocery stores that introduce programmatically enabled digital signage enjoy some other important benefits as well, such as being open for inclusion in big, omnichannel campaigns. Brands today are increasingly hungry for opportunities to deliver their ads across online, social, and out-of-home media at the same time. Programmatically enabled signage appears available for purchase inside the same demand-side platforms media buyers use to buy their other digital media. This makes it possible to include them in these kinds of campaigns.</p><p>Programmatic advertising is widely considered to be a key technology for the future, and indeed the present, of DOOH. By delivering that functionality to their grocery store signage, network owners can open up their business to all that that future holds.</p><h2 >Cater to specialty audiences with ads and content</h2><p>According to <a href="https://www.specialtyfood.com/news/article/new-research-state-specialty-food-industry-2018/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">research by Specialtyfood.com</a>, specialty products saw an increase in sales of 12.9% for the year 2017, versus just 1.4% for regular food. Grocery stores that embrace this trend and push for new ways to cater to specialty shoppers could quickly find themselves in an enviable position.</p><p>There is an abundance of types of specialty foods, with everything from artisanal cheeses, chocolates, organic products, fermented foods, and plant-based options in increasing demand among rapidly expanding fanbases.</p><p>Using digital signage to promote a grocery store as a destination for one or more of these types of foods can go a long way to attracting those same fanbases to frequent the store. Content that promotes these foods, advertises new services or events relating to them, or shares fun facts that customers might enjoy can go a long way to grabbing the attention of would-be buyers.</p><figure /><figcaption>Delivering signage content about specialty foods can help connect with niche shoppers</figcaption></figure><p>Thanks to its dynamic nature and flexibility, digital signage is quickly becoming a standard for in-store media. Grocery stores looking to connect with brands and customers, advertise their services, and increase impulse purchases will do well to get on board and reap the benefits today.</p><p><strong>See <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-starlite-media-elevates-the-shopping-centre-experience-with-dooh/">how Broadsign customer Starlite Media uses digital out-of-home</a> to drive grocery store and retail sales.&nbsp;</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How to use digital POP displays to transform the retail experience]]><![CDATA[

In retail stores, bars, restaurants and many other kinds of establishments, research shows that a good point-of-purchase, or POP display, can be key to capturing customer attention and driving greater revenue. According to a Popspots report titled “Why the checkout line is retail’s next gold mine”, 62% of shoppers said they would be more likely […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-pop-displayshttps://broadsign.com/blog/digital-pop-displays<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 28 Jun 2021 21:40:00 GMT<p>In retail stores, bars, restaurants and many other kinds of establishments, research shows that a good point-of-purchase, or POP display, can be key to capturing customer attention and driving greater revenue. According to a Popspots report titled "Why the checkout line is retail’s next gold mine", 62% of shoppers said they would be more likely to look for a product advertised at the point of purchase on a future visit. What’s more, 43% said they would be likely to purchase the advertised product right away.</p><div ><figure >Popspots</figcaption></figure></div><p >Unsurprisingly, POP displays have become common fixtures of retail environments. However, there’s greater opportunity beyond the typical static display, particularly now that we find ourselves in the midst of a post-pandemic rethinking of the retail experience. Creating POP displays from digital screens can go a long way towards taking advantage of these opportunities. </p><h2 ><strong>Use digital POP displays to fuel post-COVID success</strong></h2><p>Across much of the world, we&#8217;re seeing an easing of the COVID-19 containment measures that have been in place for many months. It&#8217;s welcome news for retailers, but it doesn&#8217;t mean a return to the way things used to be.<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/4-post-covid-19-retail-dooh-trends-to-watch/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"> Habits and preferences developed during the pandemic</a> are expected to last, and it&#8217;s up to retailers to adapt. Digital POP displays can help.</p><p>For instance,<a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://www.mintel.com/blog/covid-19/beyond-theater-the-demand-for-cleanliness-post-covid" target="_blank"> according to Mintel</a>, it&#8217;s likely that there will be an ongoing demand for reassurance that cleanliness standards are being observed in retail. Including messaging in your POP displays&#8217; content loops to explain cleaning frequencies, or even just that keeping a clean store is a priority, is an easy step to take to keep visitors happy.</p><figure >DOOH is a great tool for communicating sanitation policies at a retail location</figcaption></figure><p>Another trend, the ongoing increase in the adoption of buy-online, pick up in store (BOPIS) shopping, could be enhanced with displays placed near the pick-up counter. Using these to promote compelling sales or other promotions might entice the people waiting in line to make an additional buy while they are already in store.</p><p>These are just a couple of examples of the possibilities that digital screens can offer to enhance your post-pandemic recovery, and many of the other points in this article can also contribute to this goal. Digital displays, in other words, are a smart investment for putting retail businesses back on track over the rest of this year and beyond.</p><h2 >Create lasting impact with moving content on POP displays</h2><p>POP displays are meant to draw consumer attention to products in a sales environment. However, they often take the form of simple, static imagery and messaging. Examples might include posters, cardboard stands, and so on.</p><p>Research demonstrates that these forms of POP display are suboptimal. A report titled "<a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://oceanoutdoor.com/ocean-news/news/new-ocean-outdoor-study-reveals-the-brand-building-power-of-full-motion-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank">A neuroscience view of full motion in DOOH</a>" conducted by Neuro-Insight for Ocean Outdoor demonstrated that moving digital signage imagery is 2.5 times as effective at creating an emotional response than static images are. This also corresponded to greater recall of the viewed imagery later on.</p><div ><figure >Ocean Outdoor</a></figcaption></figure></div><p>For retailers looking to go digital, deploying screens at the checkout and in carefully selected locations throughout the rest of the store will produce a more noticeable and compelling shopping experience that drives new sales.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> These ads presented on Primesight’s network use motion to attract greater attention.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Digital signage allows for adaptable promotions</h2><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p>An additional pitfall of the static POP display is that it cannot adapt to ambient conditions. With digital POP screens, ads can get much smarter.</p><p>Leading digital signage software platforms have extensible APIs that enable the integration of other data streams. For retailers, this can allow the integration of point-of-sale and inventory systems, weather feeds, sports scores, etc. By connecting these platforms, it becomes possible to tie the deals presented on an establishments signage to ambient conditions. If it is cold outside, shoppers in a store may be presented with more ads for coats or sweaters. If a star player is on a hot streak, their jersey may be featured more prominently. Similarly, if a location runs out of an advertised product, its screens can automatically display different promotions instead.</p><p>Digital retail displays are meant to encourage impulse purchases. By ensuring ads are always relevant and for available products, retail locations can better capitalize on this potential.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="http://mmdmedia.nl/en" target="_blank">MMD Media</a> ties POS data into digital POP displays located in and around its network of gas stations, ensuring advertised promotions are always available.</p><h2 >Digital POP displays enhance the effectiveness of membership programs</h2><p>The modern consumer has demonstrated that they are willing to exchange data for greater access and better deals, and little proves this better than the enormous popularity of loyalty and membership programs.</p><p>According to Bond Brand Loyalty’, 77% of consumers say loyalty programs make them more likely to be a repeat customer of the associated brand. About 63% of consumers go so far as to say that they will alter their spending just to get the greatest possible benefit from their loyalty program.</p><p>Digital point-of-purchase signage offers a great opportunity to highlight membership and loyalty programs—as well as related promotions—in-store and in a visually appealing way. They can also, however, tie into loyalty program data to create even more compelling retail experiences.</p><p>By integrating digital POP signage with membership program data, retailers can trigger the delivery of creative relevant to individual consumers whenever they scan their card in the store. This can have a big impact, as <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="http://www.adlucent.com/blog/2016/71-of-consumers-prefer-personalized-ads/" target="_blank">research by Adlucent</a> shows that 71% of consumers want ads tailored to their interests and shopping history. For retailers invested in both digital POP displays and loyalty programs, this approach can help unlock the most value from both channels.</p><div ><figure >Integrating loyalty programs with a store&#8217;s POP displays can help with delivering personalized content for shoppers</figcaption></figure></div><h2 >Digital displays can entertain with interactive experiences</h2><p><a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https:/blogs.gartner.com/jake-sorofman/gartner-surveys-confirm-customer-experience-new-battlefield/" target="_blank">Research by Gartner</a> found that 89% of companies expect to compete mostly on the basis of customer experience. To stand out for customer experience in the competitive retail environment, it’s important to look beyond friendly smiles and knowledgeability. Instead, it’s best to look for ways to deliver a compelling store experience that customers won’t be able to find elsewhere.</p><p>Toward this end, digital POP screens can help retailers build interactive, highly visual experiences that delight and inform. From options to try on clothes virtually to on-demand assistance and well beyond, there are many ways that touchscreen technology can be used to drive greater engagement and leave customers with a strong, positive connection with a retailer.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> An IGA grocery store in Canada rolled out a temporary "Live Harvesting" installation that allowed customers to select rooftop produce to be hand-picked and delivered to them in the store within minutes. It’s a great example of the kind of unique, memorable experience made possible with a digital POP display.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Digital displays put granular data at your fingertips</h2><p>How many people look at the average POP display? How long do they look? What are the demographic breakdowns of people who look at different promotions? These are questions that few retailers would be in a position to answer with accuracy, but that need not be the case.</p><p>Digital POP displays can easily integrate analytics tools that enable retailers to get a much clearer picture of who among their customers are looking at their displays. With cameras and <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-out-of-home-and-privacy/" target="_blank">anonymous data collection</a> functionality, they can help create detailed reports that reveal which promotions most appeal to which segments of a customer base.</p><p>Other potential uses, including things as simple as getting reports that compare the number of promotion plays with the total sales for the promoted goods, are also easy to accomplish with a good digital POP solution. The result for the retailer is a system that provides ample data for continuous improvement over time, helping ensure maximum effectiveness of POP displays over time.</p><p><strong>Do you want to bring digital POP displays into your retail environment?</strong><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/">See how Broadsign can help make it happen!</a></strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Prime Media & Entertainment leads the way for DOOH in Guatemala]]><![CDATA[

In bustling urban centres, digital out-of-home signage has proven to be one of the most powerful tools that businesses, governments, and other entities can use to reach a mass audience. More companies than ever are beginning to explore the medium, harnessing its potential in ways traditional media simply can’t match. While some are just now […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-prime-media-entertainment-leads-the-way-for-dooh-in-guatemalahttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-prime-media-entertainment-leads-the-way-for-dooh-in-guatemala<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 23 Jun 2021 13:14:15 GMT<p>In bustling urban centres, digital out-of-home signage has proven to be one of the most powerful tools that businesses, governments, and other entities can use to reach a mass audience. More companies than ever are beginning to explore the medium, harnessing its potential in ways traditional media simply can’t match.</p><p>While some are just now learning about DOOH&#8217;s capabilities, Prime Media &amp; Entertainment is ahead of the curve. Having helped kick off the digital trend over a decade ago, Guatemala-based Prime Media &amp; Entertainment are DOOH pioneers in their country, with a vast — and continually-growing — digital network to their credit. Their mission is to help brands and agencies recognize and benefit from all of digital media’s capabilities.</p><h2 >Digital from day one</h2><p>Prime Media installed their first digital billboards in 2007, the first business in Guatemala to do so. Their pioneering vision meant they could secure prime advertising real estate in high-traffic areas, helping them solidify their position as market leaders in their region.</p><p>Over the years, Prime Media&#8217;s operations have grown considerably. Starting out with nine large-format spectaculars and operating under the name Tedimedia S.A., Prime Media soon solidified its leadership position in Guatemala with the acquisition of Ongoing S.A., the number two OOH business in the country.</p><p>Just recently, Prime made yet another big acquisition, buying up Color Media and, in the process, becoming the largest DOOH company in Guatemala. It now operates a circuit of the country’s most impressive spectacular displays, reaching more than 4.8 million daily impressions across some of the country’s most premium locations.</p><figure >Prime Media&#8217;s network generates impressions across Guatemala&#8217;s most premium locations</figcaption></figure><p>Prime M &amp; E also offers content creation and digital marketing services to companies looking for help bringing their digital signage ideas to life. This comprehensive range of services has helped the 200 or so local and international brands they partner with reach new audiences in and around Guatemala City.</p><p>From specific advertisem*nts to sustained partnerships, Prime Media&#8217;s content mix is wide-ranging. They have also partnered with humanitarian and emergency agencies, enabling their screens to broadcast life-saving content when it’s most needed, such as during the coronavirus outbreak in early 2020.</p><p>When COVID-19 changed the world almost overnight, early adopters of digital screens like Prime Media found themselves better positioned to safely and efficiently reach audiences while using screens to amplify important messaging around health, safety, and other government communications. More brands were reluctant to spend on print during the pandemic, which gave companies who invested in DOOH a competitive edge.</p><h2 >Plotting the next steps</h2><p>When you&#8217;re already at the top of your game the way Prime Media is, the only place to go is even higher. Looking ahead at the new year and beyond, Prime Media hopes to increase their already dominant presence, adding another 15 billboards to their inventory, increasing their total number to 40 by 2022.</p><p>With this, Prime aims to build the most robust DOOH network in the region, one that is capable of delivering high-impact impressions for any advertiser.</p><figure >Prime Media is building a network to deliver results for any advertiser</figcaption></figure><h2 >Broadsign &amp; Prime Media</h2><p>To achieve their expansion goals, Prime Media needed to partner with industry leaders. Broadsign’s scale, size, and unparalleled experience made it the logical choice of software provider.</p><p>As a first step, Prime Media wants to improve the level of data it pulls in across its network, and the Broadsign platform’s support for audience analytics tools will allow them to do that. Prime will also use Broadsign Direct to improve its sales process, empowering its sales team and customers alike to transact more easily and put data at the heart of more of the campaigns they make. They also look forward to serving their client base with more personalized strategies and higher-impact content by making use of Broadsign&#8217;s dynamic content scheduling and playback.</p><p>Finally, Broadsign’s detailed campaign performance reports promise a significant upgrade for Prime Media, and offers to their clients a clearer understanding of the results of their spending. Prime’s mindset isn&#8217;t just to encourage their customers to migrate to DOOH but also to showcase how buyers can intelligently invest their budgets in the digital space.</p><p>In a region that still relies on print billboards and has been reluctant to get started with digital, Prime Media is excited to work with Broadsign tol usher in a new era and help sow a sense of confidence in digital outdoor media.</p><p><strong>Want to partner with the leading name in DOOH software?</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/contact/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/contact/">Contact Broadsign today!</a></strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Digital OOH drives huge growth for home improvement marketing agency]]><![CDATA[

Competition can be fierce in the world of home improvement and renovations. With hundreds of contractors to choose from, standing out from the crowd can be a challenge. And as the demand for contractors increases every year, finding time to market services and recruit people to do the work gets pushed to the back-burner. Contractor […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-ooh-drives-huge-growth-for-home-improvement-marketing-agencyhttps://broadsign.com/blog/digital-ooh-drives-huge-growth-for-home-improvement-marketing-agency<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 17 Jun 2021 19:47:07 GMT<p>Competition can be fierce in the world of home improvement and renovations. With hundreds of contractors to choose from, standing out from the crowd can be a challenge. And as the demand for contractors increases every year, finding time to market services and recruit people to do the work gets pushed to the back-burner.&nbsp;</p><p>Contractor Nation is a network made up of hundreds of contractors, ranging from roofing and insulation systems, to basem*nt finishing and junk removal. The organization helps contractors achieve success through dealership opportunities, business coaching and training, marketing and sales expertise, and team building tools. <a href="https://www.treehousemarketing.com/">Treehouse Marketing</a>, the marketing division of Contractor Nation, helps contractors cut through the noise to have their message heard by the right people, at the right time, in the right place. Through its BrandBlaster program, the Treehouse provides marketing expertise with proven results to contractors within the network, including more recently through programmatic digital out-of-home (DOOH). This partnership gives contractors the support they need to build brand awareness and bring qualified leads, with tremendous success.</p><h2 ><strong>Recruitment campaign results in huge growth</strong></h2><p>For many local service providers working with Treehouse Marketing, recruiting skilled employees to fully meet their growing demand can be a big challenge. When the organization started advertising using the <a href="http://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a> (formerly Campsite) network of DOOH screens, it saw an <strong>1100% increase</strong> in visits to recruitment pages amongst its clients.&nbsp;</p><p>Because of its unique target audience, Treehouse Marketing is not your typical 21st-century digital advertiser, especially when it comes to recruitment. Television advertising remains a strong performer for the organization, as well as standard billboards and paid search. When they started working with Broadsign Ads on DOOH advertising, the results were clear.</p><blockquote ><p>&#8220;Brand lift over the last year has been the biggest we have ever seen, alongside our TV ads&#8221;</p><cite>Marcie Cerillo, BrandBlaster Manager with Treehouse Marketing</cite></blockquote><h2 ><strong>Easy-to-use platform is key</strong></h2><p>For Treehouse Marketing, finding a Digital OOH buying platform that was easy-to-use, with outstanding customer service was key for their team to help contractors get campaigns up and running quickly.&nbsp;</p><blockquote ><p>The availability of screen-level data allows us to tailor each campaign for maximum impact. It is easy to onboard any team member to the Broadsign Ads buying platform, fast to roll out a new campaign or modify a current one, and the dedicated team support and service are just beyond amazing."</p><p></p><cite>Marcie Cerillo, BrandBlaster Manager with Treehouse Marketing</cite></blockquote><h2 ><strong>Impressed by the results?</strong></h2><p>Curious how you can see results like Treehouse Marketing? Even if you’ve never tested out the waters in the DOOH space, <a href="https://broadsign.com/book-demo/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">book a demo</span></a> with one of our experts to discuss your needs and plan your next campaign.&nbsp;</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Let’s talk programmatic DOOH: Insights from Xaxis]]><![CDATA[

We recently spoke with Akama Davies, Director of Global Solutions at digital media company Xaxis, to hear his thoughts and insights on the role of DOOH and programmatic in our changing media landscape. As we settle into this “new normal”, there seems to be an obvious appetite for OOH media and programmatic DOOH. What would […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/lets-talk-programmatic-dooh-insights-from-xaxishttps://broadsign.com/blog/lets-talk-programmatic-dooh-insights-from-xaxis<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 16 Jun 2021 14:59:57 GMT<p>We recently spoke with Akama Davies, Director of Global Solutions at digital media company Xaxis, to hear his thoughts and insights on the role of DOOH and programmatic in our changing media landscape.</p><h5 ><strong>As we settle into this "new normal", there seems to be an obvious appetite for OOH media and programmatic DOOH. What would you say are the main drivers of this?</strong></h5><figure ></div></figure><h5 ><strong>From your perspective, has DOOH made the shift from "traditional" media format to digital format? For example, do you think&nbsp; DOOH is increasingly being included in digital omnichannel campaign plans and digital budgets</strong>?</h5><p>Outdoor ads are a powerful, one-to-many medium that brands have been utilizing for centuries. Many more digital placements have become available programmatically, catalyzing another evolution in OOH: Programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH), spurring more investment for omnichannel and digital budgets.&nbsp;</p><p>We typically see two distinct profiles of marketers investing in DOOH. Outdoor first and digital-first, each with their distinct use cases and expectations for their respective campaign plans. It’s increasingly imperative to provide expert guidance and solutions that serve both of these types of marketers equally.&nbsp;</p><h5 ><strong>In light of the upcoming withdrawal of third party cookies and the renewed attention to contextual advertising, what role do you see programmatic DOOH taking?</strong></h5><figure ></div></figure><h5 ><strong>What do you think are some key barriers to advertisers incorporating DOOH as part of their campaigns?</strong></h5><p>As with any channel, there are a range of challenges that need to be navigated in DOOH. Our DOOH solutions address complexity, single scalable buying points, consistent metrics, and robust attribution among the critical barriers.&nbsp;</p><p>For digital-first marketers specifically, we must make DOOH have the same hallmarks from a buying, targeting, and measurement perspective as other digital channels.&nbsp;</p><p>Programmatic can solve several barriers for advertisers by making DOOH easier and more accessible to buy. In conjunction with bringing forward all kinds of new capabilities and opportunities in OOH, including enhanced targeting, performance optimization, responsive creativity, omnichannel integration, and outcome-driven strategies.</p><h5 ><strong>And what do you think the role of DOOH is in a media plan? Has that changed recently?</strong></h5><p>The role of DOOH has always been primarily to drive awareness for a brand using a rich, high-impact canvas, as this is still set to be the case. However, as the channel becomes increasingly programmatic, we can use data and technology to quantify the impact of DOOH as a stand-alone channel and, in combination with others, to demonstrate both the brand medium&#8217;s tangible and sometimes intangible benefits.&nbsp;</p><p>We&#8217;re also seeing an increased diversity of agency teams and brands utilizing DOOH, which opens up even more innovation and use cases for DOOH on a media plan. DOOH presents a significant opportunity for brands as consumers hold a newfound appreciation for outdoor spaces gradually being reclaimed as the market recovers from the pandemic.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Our interview with OMA CEO Charmaine Moldrich]]><![CDATA[

The Outdoor Media Association has represented Australia’s out-of-home industry and its members since 1939, guiding it during a time of impressive growth during the post-war period and on through the recent challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. In recent years, the association has helped drive the adoption of audience measurement data and technology, helping […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/our-interview-with-oma-ceo-charmaine-moldrichhttps://broadsign.com/blog/our-interview-with-oma-ceo-charmaine-moldrich<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 14 Jun 2021 15:34:37 GMT<p>The Outdoor Media Association has represented Australia’s out-of-home industry and its members since 1939, guiding it during a time of impressive growth during the post-war period and on through the recent challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.</p><p>In recent years, the association has helped drive the adoption of audience measurement data and technology, helping OOH adapt to the changing times and remain both relevant and incredibly effective.</p><p>That adaptability is also proving critical in promoting the ongoing adoption of programmatic transactions, which has transformed OOH into a dynamic advertising medium with the flexibility, accessibility, and targeting of online ads.</p><p>To get the OMA’s perspective on recent trends, we talked to the organization&#8217;s CEO, Charmaine Moldrich, to discuss the pandemic&#8217;s effect, the continued investment in the advancement of the medium, the progress of programmatic and the latest on audience measurement with MOVE 2.0 in Australia.</p><figure >Charmaine Moldrich, CEO of the OMA</figcaption></figure><h2 >On OOH rebounding after the pandemic</h2><p><strong>The OOH industry has felt the impact of the pandemic, resulting in a 39.4 per cent decrease in net media revenue in 2020. How fast do you anticipate revenue to recover, and what will it take for the industry to bounce back?</strong></p><p>The great news is that the OOH industry in Australia is on the road to recovery, and we are seeing revenue bounce back in line with rising audience volumes.</p><p>Australia has moved into positive economic growth faster than expected and OOH’s rapid recovery is proof of that trend. Our most recent quarter one results show that revenue was down just over 24 per cent year-on-year, which compared to the 65 per cent decrease seen in quarter two 2020 is a significant rebound.</p><p>While there is still a way to go, we are invigorated by new ideas and a new business plan which will serve as our roadmap for navigating out of this slump faster.</p><h2 >Discussing the power of the DOOH medium</h2><p><strong>In Australia, Digital OOH (DOOH) continues to play a key role in the growth of OOH overall. Why has DOOH been so powerful and how do you see it grow in the future?</strong></p><p>OMA members have invested hundreds of millions of dollars to build a dynamic digital network that offers advertisers scale, impact, context, and immediacy.</p><p>In 2014, a little over 17 per cent of OOH revenue was attributed to digital signs. Six years on in 2020, that figure has more than tripled to 56 per cent.</p><p>OOH continues to grow because its creative canvas is now scalable, adaptable, and nimble. This gives advertisers the opportunity to amplify their messages by being in the right location at the right time.</p><p>In the future, I see DOOH being used in more data-driven, insightful, and creative ways, as the way brands engage with their audiences becomes more integrated and seamless.</p><h2 >The progress of programmatic DOOH</h2><p><strong>Programmatic DOOH has been rolled out around the world, adding a new dimension to the advertising medium. In your view, how does programmatic fit into the DOOH offering?</strong></p><p>Many advertisers are already using DOOH in clever ways to deliver timely and contextually relevant messages to their customers.</p><p>The promise of programmatic is that it can extend this value by streamlining the planning, buying, and selling process by having everything in one automated platform. Targeting capabilities can also be enhanced, as granular audiences, locations and moments can be bought with the click of a finger.</p><p>We are only just seeing the tip of the iceberg of what programmatic can do in the OOH space, and as more and more OMA members develop their programmatic offerings, we will see the impact of these capabilities play out.</p><h2 >Audience measurement and MOVE 2.0</h2><p><strong>Audience measurement is always a hot topic in OOH. You recently announced a new audience measurement system with MOVE 2.0. Tell us how it works, how it compares to other systems around the world and who will benefit from it?</strong></p><p>Our digital signs have reached critical mass—with more than half of OOH revenue coming from digital signs in 2020—making it imperative for the OMA to invest further in the solid foundation that is MOVE and make it fit for the digital age.</p><p>The industry is currently upgrading the MOVE system to measure the impact of digital signs as well as all OOH formats across the nation including regional signs, and it will also have the capability to report seasonal and monthly audience variations. The new system is being developed by Ipsos and the test-and-learn stage is underway.</p><p>Just as MOVE was a world-class OOH audience measurement system when it was launched, the upgraded system will too be developed with the same rigour. By incorporating the best thinking from around the world, the upgraded system will be built in accordance with international best practice, with the best elements cherry picked from outstanding systems elsewhere in the world.</p><p>The biggest winners out of the upgrade to the industry’s audience measurement currency will be advertisers and agencies who will benefit from having all OOH formats measured in one place, in addition to gaining a greater understanding of the impact and effectiveness of their OOH campaigns.</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/resources/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/resources/">Get more insights from the world of OOH</a></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How data is helping to deliver personalized digital out-of-home advertising]]><![CDATA[

Programmatic digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising has emerged as one of the fastest growing media channels around and is at the helm of the post-pandemic bounce-back. For us, a DOOH SaaS company, this is exciting news! We actually saw a 30% increase in programmatically transactable screens on our platform, with 75,000 now available worldwide. But why […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-data-is-helping-to-deliver-personalized-digital-out-of-home-advertisinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-data-is-helping-to-deliver-personalized-digital-out-of-home-advertising<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 10 Jun 2021 18:26:47 GMT<p>Programmatic digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising has emerged as<a href="https://www.warc.com/data"> one of the fastest growing media channels around</a> and is at the helm of the post-pandemic bounce-back.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>For us, a DOOH SaaS company, this is exciting news! We actually saw a 30% increase in&nbsp; programmatically transactable screens on our platform, with 75,000 now available worldwide.</p><p>But why is this news exciting for marketers?</p><p>One of the most promising things about DOOH is the ability to use data triggers to boost the relevance of your outdoor campaigns. And with more DSPs offering access to this dynamic functionality, a growing number of brands are exploring the creative possibilities for the first time!</p><p>So what are data triggers? In simple terms, it’s using moments to better contextualize a DOOH campaign. For example, if it’s snowing in Montreal, you can set your creatives to go live on screens with travel ads displaying the temperature in sunny Miami and the time of the next flight out of town.&nbsp;</p><p>Ready to start using data to enhance the creativity and effectiveness of your DOOH ad campaigns? We have a few insights and tips for you:</p><h3 ><strong>Breaking down data in DOOH</strong></h3><p>Programmatic DOOH may not offer the same kind of one-to-one targeting you might be used to with online and mobile advertising, but there’s still lots of data available to help you deliver a more relevant message based on the local context and conditions.</p><p>When considering what data can be fed into your DOOH campaigns, there are four key categories.</p><h4 >Your audience</h4><p>Many DOOH networks integrate with mobile data providers to get a historical view of audience demographics and movement around their displays. You can use this data to help decide which screens are the best fit for your campaign.</p><p>But for an added layer of context, some DSPs offer a real-time look into who is currently in the area. This can be done with camera sensors that detect things like audience demographics, dwell times, engagement, and more.&nbsp;</p><p>The data can then be used to trigger your campaign, should the right conditions be met. For example, a razor company may want to only run their campaign when there is a higher percent of men in the area.</p><h4 >The date and time</h4><p>This is a fairly simple one, but using the time of the day or the day of the week can significantly improve your campaign’s ROI. Rather than having your campaign run at all times, you can select only moments relevant to your audience and your business.&nbsp;</p><p>You can also have different creatives ready depending on the time. For example, a restaurant can display an add for breakfast from 6 AM to 11 AM, a lunch promotion at noon, and an after-work drinks special at 4 PM.</p><h4 >The world</h4><p>By looking at current world events, you can add a human touch to your campaigns. These triggers can be almost anything that can be delivered by a data feed in real-time, like the weather, stock prices, sports scores, train schedules, and more!</p><p>Campbells, for example, used the weather falling below a certain temperature to trigger their hot soup campaign. Flonase purchased OOH inventory when pollen levels rose in particular geographic areas.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>&nbsp;</p><h4 >Your context</h4><p>While the previous section looked at external events, you can also use internal events to trigger your campaign, as some DSPs offer the ability for you to import your unique data. This can be used to not only deliver a better experience to your audience, but can also be used to optimize your campaign spend.</p><p>Supermarket brand Aldi, for example, has used footfall, store sales data and stock availability to refresh and optimize its outdoor creative.</p><h3 >Putting it all together&nbsp;</h3><p>There are virtually no limits to the kinds of data that can be used to trigger content. By overlaying multiple triggers it becomes possible to get granular with your DOOH targeting in ways that simply weren’t possible until now.</p><p>One or more of these data triggers can provide the spark for creative and engaging DOOH ads that not only succeed on their own, but also help<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wt4mFnhnZ0" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"> boost the performance</a> of your wider omnichannel campaigns.</p><p>To find out more about programmatic DOOH, check out our<a href="https://broadsign.com/programmatic-u" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"> Programmatic U short educational video series</a> and, then, put your newly acquired knowledge to the test with our free Programmatic U certification program.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Primedia Outdoor is paving the way with programmatic in South Africa]]><![CDATA[

When it comes to lighting up skies and cities with attractive digital signage, no one in South Africa is doing it quite like Primedia Outdoor. With more than two decades of experience in the out-of-home landscape to their credit, today Primedia Outdoor is proudly the country’s largest wholly owned outdoor advertising media specialist. It offers […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-primedia-outdoor-is-paving-the-way-with-programmatic-in-south-africahttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-primedia-outdoor-is-paving-the-way-with-programmatic-in-south-africa<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 26 May 2021 10:22:40 GMT<p>When it comes to lighting up skies and cities with attractive digital signage, no one in South Africa is doing it quite like<a href="https://primediaoutdoor.co.za/"> Primedia Outdoor</a>.</p><p>With more than two decades of experience in the out-of-home landscape to their credit, today Primedia Outdoor is proudly the country’s largest wholly owned outdoor advertising media specialist. It offers state-of-the-art digital out-of-home solutions across 300 displays, and is now expanding its offering with programmatic DOOH, elevating the digital display experience with increased measurement, audience analysis, external data feeds and beyond.</p><h2 >Leading the way in South Africa’s DOOH space</h2><p>Roodepoort-based Primedia Outdoor has a national network that spans 1,100 square metres of roadside digital displays, 200 digital mall screens and 77 Rank TV screens in major urban centres and rural regions. Additionally, the company has a high-reach in eight markets across Africa.</p><p>With such wide-reaching coverage, the company is best-suited in the market to provide opportunities for creating memorable out-of-home experiences. Beyond that, its technological assets harness the latest technology, creating opportunities for weather-based applications, live sports score updates, real-time event streaming, integration with social media platforms, and more.</p><p>In addition, Primedia Outdoor offers a radio-to-road multi-channel solution that enables audio and visual channel synchronicity along with features that track anonymous vehicle and video analytics, beneficial for creating targeted, specific messaging.</p><p>All this means that companies looking to create more intelligent campaigns can turn to Primedia Outdoor for its knowledge and experience in the field. Tracking, monitoring, and understanding audience behaviours are par for the course for this team.</p><h2 >Making moves with programmatic in malls</h2><figure >An example of Primedia Outdoor&#8217;s digital mall displays in action</figcaption></figure><p>Among its rich inventory, Primedia Outdoor counts more than 200 screens in malls across three major metropolitan centres—Johannesburg, Pretoria, and Cape Town. Over a quarter of the company’s screens have incorporated programmatic capabilities, helping to enhance audience analysis tracking for advertisers.</p><p>A growing emphasis on mall spaces is something that the Primedia Outdoor team has been hard at work on for the last few years, a project that has entailed the development and implementation of unique audience data in mall settings using passive WiFi nodes. The goal here is to better understand the habits of a shopper in the presence of digital displays. Ultimately, this system has proven to be beneficial at feeding audiences with targeted impressions using data collected regularly—hourly, daily, or weekly—which helps advertisers produce relevant and refreshing content for viewers.</p><p>Ultimately, Primedia Outdoor offers advertisers the ability to use their programmatic buys more effectively by reaching consumers when they’re at the mall and likely ready to make a purchase. This way, advertisers get greater flexibility over their campaigns and can be more strategic—and thus, more cost-effective—where buys are concerned.</p><figure >A 13-metre high LED screen in Fourways Mall in Sandton, South Africa</figcaption></figure><h2 >Broadsign and Primedia Outdoor</h2><p>Primedia Outdoor and Broadsign’s partnership first began almost a decade ago with the powering of screen content via<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/"> Broadsign Control</a>. In 2020, the company expanded on this relationship by integrating the <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/">Broadsign Reach</a> supply-side platform. While the move had been in the cards for quite some time, the COVID-19 pandemic wound up serving as the catalyst, springing the team into action.&nbsp;</p><p>First, the company introduced a test phase in August 2020. Then, it went live with its first successful launch shortly thereafter. The inaugural pDOOH campaign was set in motion on 12 roadside LED screens across the country in September, which then expanded into two airport LED screens later on in the year. Today, they count 27 roadside LED screens in large South African markets like Johannesburg, Pretoria, Cape Town, East London, and Durban.</p><blockquote ><p>&#8220;Introducing programmatic DOOH was the next natural step in our digital evolution and speaks to our ongoing efforts to offer value, innovation and ease of access to our inventory.&#8221;</p><cite>Dave Roberts, CEO of Primedia Outdoor</cite></blockquote><p>All in all, this launch has yielded positive results for Primedia Outdoor, offering advertisers heightened opportunities to make more intelligent and effective decisions regarding how and where their campaigns operate.</p><blockquote ><p>&#8220;Primedia Outdoor&#8217;s successful implementation of Broadsign Reach showcases the SSP platform&#8217;s ability to streamline ad buying, optimize the process from end-to-end and drive real incremental revenue . Their achievements demonstrate the true power of programmatic.&#8221;</p><cite>Frank Vallenga, Head of sales EMEA &amp; APAC at Broadsig</cite></blockquote><p>Through programmatic DOOH, Primedia Outdoor has further reinforced its position as pioneers in South Africa&#8217;s digital out-of-home space, a company that stands out from the competition by offering greater value, a promise of innovation, and ease-of-use where its inventory is concerned.</p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Clear Channel Europe and Broadsign Extend Partnership to Transform the DOOH Sales Experience]]><![CDATA[

Expanded strategic alliance brings the full stack of Broadsign OOH marketing solutions to CCE’s network, sets the stage for new innovation and optimization across DOOH transactions LONDON and MONTREAL — May 25, 2021 — Clear Channel Europe (CCE) and Broadsign today announced an expanded partnership through which the full stack of Broadsign’s digital-out-of-home (DOOH) marketing […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/clear-channel-europe-and-broadsign-extend-partnership-to-transform-the-dooh-sales-experiencehttps://broadsign.com/blog/clear-channel-europe-and-broadsign-extend-partnership-to-transform-the-dooh-sales-experience<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 25 May 2021 03:00:00 GMT<p><em>Expanded strategic alliance brings the full stack of Broadsign OOH marketing solutions to CCE’s network, sets the stage for new innovation and optimization across DOOH transactions</em></p><p>LONDON and MONTREAL — May 25, 2021 — Clear Channel Europe (CCE) and<a href="https://broadsign.com/"> Broadsign</a> today announced an expanded partnership through which the full stack of Broadsign’s digital-out-of-home (DOOH) marketing technology solutions will be deployed across CCE’s DOOH network spanning Europe. The collaboration aligns with CCE’s strategic plans to optimize media selling and buying across its global network of inventory using technology from Broadsign, Microsoft and Salesforce. Working closely with Broadsign, CCE’s commercial innovation team is developing new solutions that automate and advance the DOOH transaction experience and provide enhanced precision and control in campaign planning.</p><p>The expanded partnership also standardizes the use of Broadsign’s full stack of technology across all CCE business units, including new deployments in the UK, Italy and France. As part of the engagement,<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/"> Broadsign Direct</a> and<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/"> Broadsign Reach</a> will be extended to all CCE regions to enhance sales operations for both direct sales and programmatic transactions. The synergy of the full stack will also enable CCE to offer media buyers more diverse inventory and more flexible DOOH products due to automated optimization of inventory between guaranteed and non-guaranteed buys.</p><p>"Increasing flexibility across DOOH transactions is key to the advancement of the medium and its programmatic evolution. Like a game of Tetris, however, it requires a strategic approach and smarter working, which is why we’re collaborating with technology partners like Broadsign, Microsoft and Salesforce. We have thousands of screens in our portfolio, and together with our partners we’ll be able to push the boundaries of what’s technically feasible, to give buyers the ultimate flexibility to adapt to market shifts," said Ola Reppling, Chief Technology Officer, CCE. "This partnership is establishing a new precedent for the industry and aligns with Clear Channel’s broader digital transformation journey and our newly launched programmatic strategy, Clear Channel LaunchPad."&nbsp;</p><p>"Not only is Clear Channel’s global inventory footprint expansive, with the media network housing some of the most sought-after ad space in the world, but the company has also quickly become a technology pioneer. Together, our teams are building a dynamic optimization engine that will maximize yield by fitting in more campaigns that might not otherwise be possible," shared Maarten Dollevoet, Chief Revenue Officer, Broadsign. "It’s a landmark development for the industry that we’re thrilled to be a part of. With it, media buyers will easily be able to tap into all the advantages that DOOH has to offer and incorporate DOOH buys into omnichannel campaign planning, both of which will drive new attention to the medium."&nbsp;</p><p><strong>About Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings (CCOH)</strong></p><p>Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CCO) is one of the world’s largest outdoor advertising companies with a diverse portfolio of 450,000 print and digital displays in 31 countries across Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America, reaching millions of people monthly. A growing digital platform includes over 13,500 digital displays in its international markets and more than 1,200 digital billboards across 28 markets in the U.S.</p><p>Comprised of two business divisions &#8211; Clear Channel International (CCI), covering markets in Asia, Europe and Latin America, and Clear Channel Outdoor Americas (CCOA), the U.S and Caribbean business division – CCO employs 5,600 people globally.</p><p>For more information, visit: www.investor.clearchannel.com, www.clearchannelinternational.com and<a href="http://www.clearchanneloutdoor.com"> www.clearchanneloutdoor.com</a>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>About Broadsign</strong>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over 425,000 signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign platform helps publishers more efficiently manage their business operations while enabling brands and agencies to easily book OOH campaigns. The platform includes tools for content distribution, playback and proof of performance; sales inventory availability and proposal generation; automated programmatic DOOH transactions; and OOH business operations.<a href="https://broadsign.com"> https://broadsign.com</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Exciting staff updates with a new CTO, SVP of Strategy & VP of Programmatic Success]]><![CDATA[

As we’re sure it has been for many companies, this past year has been a time for reflection and evolution at Broadsign. While an incredibly challenging year for our industry, it gave us the opportunity to advance a number of priorities that we have been talking about for years. In particular, we focused on two […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/exciting-staff-updates-with-a-new-cto-svp-of-strategy-vp-of-programmatic-successhttps://broadsign.com/blog/exciting-staff-updates-with-a-new-cto-svp-of-strategy-vp-of-programmatic-success<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 20 May 2021 09:28:41 GMT<p>As we’re sure it has been for many companies, this past year has been a time for reflection and evolution at Broadsign.&nbsp;</p><p>While an incredibly challenging year for our industry, it gave us the opportunity to advance a number of priorities that we have been talking about for years.&nbsp;</p><p>In particular, we focused on two main areas:</p><ul><li>Advancing our thinking and roadmap planning to achieve a unified product platform&nbsp;</li><li>Preparing for the recovery and adoption of programmatic trading across the advertising ecosystem</li></ul><p>To ensure that we continue to advance on both of these priorities, we’ve made some changes to our organizational structure, and we’re happy to announce three new roles:</p><h2 >Bryan Mongeau promoted to CTO</h2><p>A Broadsign veteran, Bryan has been with us since our humble beginnings. His deep knowledge in the OOH industry paired with his background in software development – and of course his passion for Broadsign – make us truly excited about his promotion!&nbsp;</p><p>In his new role, he will oversee the engineering and product departments to implement an agile and strategic approach to delivering outstanding user experiences and an exciting product roadmap across all our products.&nbsp;</p><h2 >Adam Green to head up strategy</h2><p>Adam joined us three years ago as the general manager of our fledgeling programmatic platforms business and quickly grew it from a team of three employees to an entire powerhouse group. The startup-like team has now merged with the rest of the Broadsign team to further our path towards a unified vision.&nbsp;</p><p>Having successfully strategized a path to success with programmatic, Adam is taking on a new role as SVP of Strategy for the broader company. He will be heading the search for innovative areas to expand in today, tomorrow and beyond!</p><h2 >Edith Gagné to take on programmatic success</h2><p>In Edith’s new role as VP of Programmatic Success, she will work with publishers, DSPs and advertisers to ensure that all are set up, that campaigns are delivering as they should, and that all our partners are ready to excel with programmatic DOOH.&nbsp;</p><p>We’ve heard it time and time again: the need for education in the programmatic space is evident in order for both publishers and buyers to succeed with DOOH.</p><p>Edith has nearly twenty years of experience in out-of-home, with one of her first roles actually being a manager of training and competency development. Her path has come full circle – a mandate of her new role is to ensure proper training and education of our partners!</p><h3 >Congratulations Bryan, Adam and Edith on your new roles and we can’t wait to see what the future holds!</h3>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Pladway and Broadsign Agreement: Reach Inventory Now Available on Pladway for Next-Gen Programmatic Out-of-home]]><![CDATA[

Integration of Broadsign’s Reach SSP with Pladway’s DSP will enable high-impact, measurable global planning for brands and media buyers MONTREAL and MILAN, May 19, 2021 – Pladway, the programmatic advertising platform of Voilàp Holding, today announced a major agreement with Broadsign, the leading international platform for digital out-of-home (DOOH) solutions with the broadest global coverage […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/pladway-and-broadsign-agreement-reach-inventory-now-available-on-pladway-for-next-gen-programmatic-out-of-homehttps://broadsign.com/blog/pladway-and-broadsign-agreement-reach-inventory-now-available-on-pladway-for-next-gen-programmatic-out-of-home<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 19 May 2021 03:00:00 GMT<h1 >Integration of Broadsign&#8217;s Reach SSP with Pladway&#8217;s DSP will enable high-impact, measurable global planning for brands and media buyers</h1><p><strong>MONTREAL and MILAN, May 19, 2021</strong> – <a href="https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&amp;rls=en&amp;q=pladway&amp;ie=UTF-8&amp;oe=UTF-8">Pladway,</a> the programmatic advertising platform of Voilàp Holding, today announced a major agreement with <a href="https://broadsign.com">Broadsign</a>, the leading international platform for digital out-of-home (DOOH) solutions with the broadest global coverage available today in 82 countries reaching a total of 76 billion impressions per month.</p><p>Under the terms of the agreement, the integration of the <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/">Broadsign Reach SSP</a> and Pladway&#8217;s DSP marks a step forward in the Italian company&#8217;s global vision, giving brands and agencies access to a programmatic campaign planning solution that will now reach more than 80,000 premium screens globally.&nbsp;</p><p>By integrating the two platforms and supporting always-on deals through the OpenRTB protocol, digital advertisers can seize and exploit the full potential of digital out-of-home programmatic, easily reaching a global audience with the right message at the right time.</p><p>Broadsign Reach is the supply-side (SSP) platform that provides the widest and most diverse global inventory of screens, including some of the most trafficked displays in the world spanning retail, transit, roadside, event venues and more."With the impending death of the cookie, advertisers are looking for an alternative to third-party targeting, and DOOH is quickly proving a viable option, especially as the medium moves toward programmatic maturation. Teaming with DSPs like Pladway to integrate with Broadsign Reach helps improve media buyer accessibility to DOOH inventory, so that they can take advantage of the dynamic format to deliver contextually relevant campaigns," shared Adam Green, SVP and GM, Broadsign Reach. "Pladway is a widely used and respected DSP in Italy, and we’re excited to see the integration come to fruition."&nbsp;</p><p>With this agreement, Pladway aims to both benefit the business of the outdoor advertising industry and foster a more widespread culture of out-of-home programmatic: &#8220;The connection with Broadsign Reach&#8217;s inventory expands opportunities for the ‘Made in Italy’ brands to reach audiences in the world&#8217;s most iconic locations &#8211; from New York to Sydney, Australia &#8211; from Italy, increasing the exposure of brand messages,&#8221; said Marco Orlandi, CEO, Pladway in conclusion, pointing out Pladway&#8217;s desire to continue to support DOOH as the ideal channel for creating effective and high-impact advertising campaigns by leveraging the centrality of data and the value that it can bring to the revitalization of the global economic and social system.</p><p></p><p><strong>About Pladway</strong></p><p>Pladway is a programmatic advertising platform operating in Digital Out Of Home and In-Store Radio. Its technology allows Buyers to buy outdoor audiences from Publishers in real-time and in an automated way. Founded in 2018, Pladway now holds the largest Italian portfolio of outdoor digital advertising that can be purchased in programmatic. In synergy with the companies of the Voilàp group, of which it has been part since 2020, Pladway is a recognised enabler of the digital transformation in the Italian and foreign OOH advertising market. <a href="http://www.pladway.com" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">www.pladway.com</a></p><p><strong>About Broadsign</strong></p><p>Broadsign is making it easier than ever for publishers, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering 187,000 digital screens in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign platform enables marketers and agencies to easily book screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more, launch successful programmatic DOOH campaigns. <a href="http://www.broadsign.com" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">www.Broadsign.com</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Adomni Spotlight – Insights into the world of digital OOH]]><![CDATA[

Grown from a simple idea in 2015 to advertise everywhere, Adomni (a mashup of “advertise omnipresent”) is driven to find ways to make digital out-of-home advertising easy for everyone – from Fortune 500 agencies to regional ad buyers. Through partnerships with supply-side platforms like Broadsign Reach, Adomni DSP (demand-side platform) has access to more than […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/adomni-spotlight-insights-into-the-world-of-digital-oohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/adomni-spotlight-insights-into-the-world-of-digital-ooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 05 May 2021 16:42:52 GMT<p>Grown from a simple idea in 2015 to advertise everywhere, <a href="https://www.adomni.com/">Adomni</a> (a mashup of "advertise omnipresent") is driven to find ways to make digital out-of-home advertising easy for everyone &#8211; from Fortune 500 agencies to regional ad buyers. Through partnerships with supply-side platforms like <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/">Broadsign Reach</a>, Adomni DSP (demand-side platform) has access to more than 450,000 screens globally, and is on target to reach 600,000 screens by the end of 2021. We spoke with co-founder and CEO Jonathan Gudai about Adomni’s mission and services, how to best use DOOH in your next advertising campaign, and the future of digital OOH advertising.</p><h3 ><strong>Making digital OOH networks accessible for all</strong></h3><p>Adomni primary goals are: to make digital OOH ad networks accessible and purchasable to digital marketers, to help them achieve better outcomes for their brands. Their co-founders have experience in e-commerce and software for major brands, with a passion for customer service.</p><figure ></div></figure><h3 ><strong>Be everywhere, be unmissable</strong></h3><p>Since day one, Adomni has focused on working with as many supply partners as possible. Working with more than 150 unique media owners and publishers with inventories on the platform, Adomni can target almost half a million screens around the world, with 80-90% of those screens in the US. Their inventory spans 40 different screen formats, from small screens in your local convenience store to Times Square mega screens.</p><p>"Wherever you can imagine a high traffic area, whether it’s a store, a roadway, train station or airport, we have screens that we can access through our partners," explains Jonathan.&nbsp;</p><p>This vast inventory allows Adomni to work with advertisers who are looking to advertise in one specific location, or global clients like UFC looking to launch their next pay-per-view campaign.&nbsp;</p><p>Recently, Adomni partnered with Uber to create a unique opportunity for drivers to have a new revenue stream. "Uber OOH," the company’s new advertising network, launched in Atlanta, Dallas and Phoenix in 2020. Similar to taxi tops in Chicago or New York, the car-top ads are powered by Adomni’s cloud-based technology and can help brands achieve 360-degree penetration in a market. Uber OOH recently launched in New York City, giving brands exposure to more than 18 million eyes on this innovative platform.</p><p>"Someone gets picked up by an Uber OOH and there’s an ad on the car. That ad is driving through the city, exposing vehicles and pedestrians to that ad. That same ad can be shown on an urban panel and billboards, providing further exposure for your message," says Jonathan.&nbsp;</p><p>"It’s allowing brands to reach audiences everywhere, in an unmissable way."</p><h3 ><strong>Brand marketing or performance marketing?</strong></h3><p>Marketers may often wonder if digital OOH is a brand marketing channel or a performance marketing channel. Jonathan’s answer might surprise you. As he explains in the clip below,&nbsp; it’s time for the industry to "re-contextualize how people think about performance marketing to focus more on results as opposed to performance reports."</p><figure ></div></figure><h3 ><strong>Demonstrating what’s possible</strong></h3><p>For demand-side platforms like Adomni, there is an important education process that needs to happen with marketers and media buyers over the next 24 months.&nbsp;</p><p>"There is a major gap in understanding with the digital programmatic buyers," says Jonathan. "They don’t know about Adomni or Broadsign Reach as a channel that can be bought and sold like their mobile and other programmatic digital."</p><p>For Adomni, this opens doors for the ultimate growth potential. Through education, the industry can pull back the curtain, showing both digital programmatic buyers and traditional advertising buyers that digital OOH is available to them now, and it is easy to incorporate into current or future campaigns.&nbsp;</p><p>"Whether customers already have experience with audience targeting or proximity radius, or they want to do their digital OOH buying all in one place, or they want to evolve their offerings, once they realize what is possible, it’s hard to go back to the old way."<strong></strong>(PS: Time for a little plug: If you want to level up your programmatic DOOH skills, check our our <a href="https://broadsign.com/programmatic-u/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Programmatic U for buyers</a> and test your skills with our <a href="https://broadsign.com/programmatic-u-lite-certificate/media-buyers/">l</a><a href="https://broadsign.com/programmatic-u-lite-certificate/media-buyers/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">ite certification quiz</a>)</p><h3 ><strong>Is it easy? Does it work?</strong></h3><p>For years, buying digital OOH ads was a process. Advertisers had to contact a salesperson to book the campaign, you didn’t know when it was going to go up or when it was going to come down, and the process was very cumbersome. Additionally, it was also hard to measure results. With the introduction of programmatic digital OOH, things have changed.&nbsp;</p><ul><li>Accessibility: Advertisers now have easy access to the buying platform or website, and the ability to start, modify or finish a campaign at their fingertips, 24/7.&nbsp;</li><li>Targetability: The amount of data available to target a campaign has grown exponentially, allowing advertisers to optimize when and where to show an ad, based on content consumed, and with location data to understand a consumer’s history of where they have been.</li><li>Measurability: Up until now, OOH was sold on estimated impressions or spots sold, and typically wasn’t considered a measurable performance channel. Partnering with Adomni or Broadsign Reach allows agencies and advertisers to add digital OOH into their media mix, look at click-through rates and conversion rates, or even add on an attribution report that will show the exposed audience and the impact that audience had on the campaign.&nbsp;</li></ul><p></p><p>Ultimately, it boils down to two questions: Is it easy? Does it work? According to Jonathan, OOH couldn’t really answer these two questions convincingly, but in the last 18 months that has changed, "and we can now compete on a level of the other big platforms with the accessibility, the targetability, and the measurability."</p><h3 ><strong>The recipe for success = relevance</strong></h3><p>As with any great ad campaign, marketers are trying to be in the right place, at the right time, to reach an audience with the right message. But where to start?&nbsp;</p><p>Figure out the goals of your campaign, as well as your typical customer and their characteristics. How can you use digital OOH screens most optimally? Jonathan explains that you need to find the places and times where your audiences are present &#8211; where does your audience spend their time (e.g., sports bars, shopping centers, convenience stores)?&nbsp;</p><p>Once you’ve figured that out, you can build your creatives for those times and locations. If it’s not working, you can switch the creative out or customize it for specific locations, to ensure you remain relevant to the audience at all times.&nbsp;</p><p>Think about it: it’s Friday at 5 p.m. The big game is on tonight. And you want to get your new sports betting app in front of men aged 18-45. Throw up some ads in the liquor store or convenience store, where he will be buying some snacks and beverages for his friends while they watch the game. Include the game time and the teams playing, as well as recent stats, and those men will be more likely to download your app when they get home.</p><p>It’s all about being contextually relevant.&nbsp;</p><h3 ><strong>What’s next for the industry?</strong></h3><p>2020 was a year of change for the advertising industry. But it was a year in which media owners became stronger, and operations became more efficient. For the programmatic marketers, the industry is coming out on top and more resilient than ever.</p><figure ></div></figure><h3 ><strong>What about privacy?</strong></h3><p>And what about <a href="https://www.thedrum.com/news/2021/03/04/how-google-s-new-found-love-privacy-impacts-adtech-media-buyers-and-publishers" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Google’s recent announcement</a> for a ‘privacy-first web’ that will stop third-party tracking cookies and or other trackers in the Chrome web browser? Or the new Apple IOS 14.5 update with IDFA changes, in which apps must now request user permission "if an app collects data about end users and shares it with other companies for purposes of tracking across apps and websites"</p><p>According to Jonathan, attribution has always been difficult for digital marketers. The announcement does hurt programmatic and digital buyers who are looking at reports and trying to make intelligent decisions from the data supplied. Now more than ever, marketers will need to trust the location intelligence providers that the data supplied is accurate.&nbsp;</p><p>"Consumers are still opting in, and they will continue to opt-in because they know they won’t have the best experience with an app if they don’t," he says. "This is especially true for online millennials. Generally, there isn’t a severe concern from the data providers, and we take our cues from them."</p><figure ></div></figure><p>But what does it all boil down to? It pushes us, as marketers, to do good marketing.&nbsp;</p><p></p><p><em>This is the first of a series of interviews that we are going to be conducting with DSP and agency partners. We hope you enjoyed our premiere edition with Adomni!</em></p><p><em>If you&#8217;re interested to learn more about programmatic DOOH, we&#8217;ve recently made available on-demand our <a href="https://broadsign.com/resources" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">recorded webinars</a> from our OOH from Home series.</em></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Direct updates are here with new customization tools]]><![CDATA[

Spring is finally here and there must be something in the air (besides pollen) because we’ve been hard at work building new features in Broadsign Direct to support your sales efforts. In this latest release, we’ve added a handful of features to apply best practices throughout the proposal creation process. From improved interoperability with the […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-direct-updates-are-here-with-new-customization-toolshttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-direct-updates-are-here-with-new-customization-tools<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 30 Apr 2021 16:50:18 GMT<p>Spring is finally here and there must be something in the air (besides pollen) because we’ve been hard at work building new features in <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/">Broadsign Direct</a> to support your sales efforts.&nbsp;</p><p>In this latest release, we’ve added a handful of features to apply best practices throughout the proposal creation process. From improved interoperability with the latest version of Broadsign Control 14.0 to supporting your approval process, this release puts flexible customization tools at your fingertips.</p><h2 ><strong>Supporting your internal approval processes with "Hold Requests"</strong></h2><p>Broadsign Direct was built for sales teams to sell OOH inventory in a smart and efficient way while supporting your business rules and sales strategies.&nbsp;</p><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p>For many businesses, this includes following an approval process, which is why you can now put hold requests in place so that inventory can only be reserved when the right requirements are met and have been signed off by all stakeholders.</p><h2 ><strong>A stronger association between Broadsign Direct proposals and Broadsign Control campaigns &#8211; without having to do extra work.&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>To improve the interconnection between Broadsign Control and Broadsign Direct, we added two new features that enable you to search your Direct proposals, contracts, and line items in Broadsign Control 14.0.</p><h3 ><strong>Keep track of contract and proposal lifecycles with "Contract ID"</strong></h3><p>Coming up with a proposal name can sometimes be challenging. Now try to search for a specific proposal in Broadsign Control. Given that proposal names can sometimes be common, users should also have the capability to search for proposal line items associated with a proposal using a unique identifier.&nbsp;</p><p>That’s why we’re giving you the option to require a Contract ID for every new proposal created in Direct.&nbsp;</p><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p>Quick tip: Imposing this field exposes traceability, meaning you can keep track of a contract or proposal lifecycle across your entire sales ecosystem; from your CRM all the way to your favourite CMS, Broadsign Control.</p><h3 ><strong>Improve searchability by standardizing proposal line item naming</strong></h3><p>Let’s face it, we’ve all been there at some point; blankly staring at our screen, trying to come up with a descriptive title for our document.&nbsp;</p><p>Following a naming convention simplifies this process, which means no more wasted time. It also keeps documents organized, meaning they’re much easier to find, especially when you can triage to search at a glance.&nbsp;</p><p>When a Broadsign Direct user creates a new proposal, they may want to separate their selected inventory into different proposal line items to better categorize them. In this case, the system will generate a generic name for each proposal line item.</p><p>In this latest release, Direct removes the hassle of inconsistent PLI names by enabling an option to create a domain-wide naming template. Enabling this feature will not only make it easier to search for a specific proposal line item in Broadsign Direct but will also help quickly surface PLI’s using the advanced search function in Broadsign Control.</p><p><strong>Want to learn more about Broadsign Direct?</strong> </p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo">Request your personalized demo today!</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Bonjour-santé Media powers a better waiting room experience with Broadsign]]><![CDATA[

A healthcare waiting room isn’t normally anybody’s idea of a good time – they’re usually kind of boring. But with Bonjour-santé, waiting rooms across Quebec are delivering the engaging content and useful information that patients crave when waiting for their turn to meet with the doctor. And that’s thanks to the power of DOOH. Doing […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/bonjour-sante-media-powers-a-better-waiting-room-experience-with-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/bonjour-sante-media-powers-a-better-waiting-room-experience-with-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 29 Apr 2021 08:53:57 GMT<p>A healthcare waiting room isn’t normally anybody’s idea of a good time &#8211; they’re usually kind of boring. But with <a href="https://bonjour-sante.ca/LandingPage/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://bonjour-sante.ca/LandingPage/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Bonjour-santé</a>, waiting rooms across Quebec are delivering the engaging content and useful information that patients crave when waiting for their turn to meet with the doctor. And that’s thanks to the power of DOOH.</p><h2 >Doing waiting rooms better</h2><p>Bonjour-santé’s mission is to use innovative ideas and technology to drive a more efficient and pleasant experience in healthcare. Core to that mission is a booking system that allows patients to book consultations with family physicians, as well as for "walk-in" patients to book appointments with doctors and specialists. The goal is to greatly reduce the amount of time actually waiting in a waiting room, and eliminate the early-morning rush that sees would-be patients arrive in a flood and all wait around until it’s their turn to be seen.</p><p>It’s once patients are waiting for their appointment that the next phase of the Bonjour-santé experience, driven by the Bonjour-santé Media division, begins. In clinics and doctors’ offices, screens display updating information about which patient number is up and notices regarding local policies or, during the pandemic, COVID guidance. These are placed alongside useful information regarding health and nutrition, as well as advertising content delivered by relevant brands looking to connect with a health-conscious audience.</p><p>It’s the kind of friendly and useful information that makes a wait time feel a little nicer, and it’s proving popular with doctors and specialists across Bonjour-santé’s home province of Quebec, and beyond.</p><figure >Bonjour-sante&#8217;s screens deliver useful information alongside advertising</figcaption></figure><h2 >And improving virtual waits, too</h2><p>Among the many changes COVID introduced in the healthcare space was a reduction in in-person clinic visits, which of course had an effect on demand for in-clinic advertising. Unwilling to wait out the pandemic, Bonjour-santé instead rolled out a tool for booking virtual appointments with doctors &#8211; something that patients indicated they wanted. And they took their existing approach to content and advertising and brought it to the online space.</p><p>Wanting to both manage online content from the same tool that they used for their in-clinic displays, as well as to provide a consistent experience to patients no matter where they were, Bonjour-santé Media elected to work with Broadsign to create a custom solution.</p><p>As with their on-location displays, content delivered to Bonjour-santé’s digital waiting rooms is scheduled with the <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank">Broadsign Control</a> CMS. It is delivered, however, by <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-air/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-air/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Air</a>, Broadsign’s ad server for non-Broadsign players. Instead of serving the content to a digital signage player attached to a display, Air instead produces content playlists that sync with a system developed in-house by Bonjour-santé. This allows Bonjour-santé’s web solutions to pull up the same content that would appear on real displays in the clinic, placing it right there in the browser for the patients to see while they wait for their virtual appointment to start.</p><p>It’s an interesting implementation of a tool designed for digital out-of-home, one that offers a good example of how to solve new challenges for delivering content and advertising to users in virtual spaces just as you would in traditional OOH environments.</p><figure >With Broadsign Air, Bonjour-sante Media has extended its ads and content to the virtual waiting room</figcaption></figure><h2 >Empowering clinics to communicate with patients</h2><p>Medical establishments are nothing if not busy, and with a constant flow of newcomers needing to ask similar questions throughout the day, there’s a real opportunity to improve efficiency and patient-friendliness with intelligent messaging tools. Offering its customers access to <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-publish/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-publish/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Publish</a>, a template-based content and messaging system, has allowed Bonjour-santé to do just that.</p><p>At a basic level, the system is useful for delivering messages relevant to the people there in the clinic at a given time. There might be a message regarding the on-site pharmacy’s hours or holiday hours, for example, or an occasional reminder to go and pay up the parking meter. And because all of the content is template-based, it’s easy for local users without specialized training to update content while preserving the desired look and branding.</p><figure >Broadsign Publish&#8217;s templates allow local teams to easily create messages for display on their screens</figcaption></figure><p>But in circ*mstances that call for special attention, such as the COVID pandemic, the tool can take on even greater usefulness. Local or government policies can easily be updated and shared as required, and special health tips can be shared to educate patients who are waiting. Even simpler messages, such as to outline the entrance and exit areas for the room to minimize crowding, can be great candidates for this sort of system.</p><p>For medical coordinators tasked with keeping patients informed and engaged and also keeping the location efficient, these kinds of capabilities work wonders to reduce the workload and maintain high-quality service for patients.</p><h2 >Bonjour-santé Media and Broadsign</h2><p>To build a distributed network of real-world and virtual waiting room displays, Bonjour-santé required a software solution that would allow centralized management of a large number of screens. Given the sensitive nature of the environments in which its displays are found, Bonjour-santé also needed to ensure the solution would have top-notch security to safeguard the information. And, of course, the solution needed to be able to accommodate all kinds of content, including video, advertising, and locally generated messaging.</p><p>Bonjour-santé Media found exactly what it was looking for with Broadsign. Broadsign Control and Broadsign Air ad server streamline the content scheduling and delivery processes for all of its content needs, and Broadsign Publish empowers local teams to share important information specific to their locations. Perhaps best of all, the extensibility and flexibility of the solutions mean that innovative ideas like Bonjour-santé’s digital waiting rooms are well within reach whenever Bonjour-santé comes up with its next big idea.</p><p><strong>Want to make your waiting room screens smarter with Broadsign?</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/contact/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/contact/">Contact us</a> to get started</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Why now is the best time to advertise with digital out-of-home]]><![CDATA[

If you’re an advertiser or marketer, the past year has probably been one of the most unpredictable of your career. Consumer behaviours have changed, new privacy regulations have been put into place, and advertising channels have evolved. But as Sir Winston Churchill said: “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/why-now-is-the-best-time-to-advertise-with-digital-out-of-homehttps://broadsign.com/blog/why-now-is-the-best-time-to-advertise-with-digital-out-of-home<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 27 Apr 2021 11:38:32 GMT<p>If you’re an advertiser or marketer, the past year has probably been one of the most unpredictable of your career. Consumer behaviours have changed, new privacy regulations have been put into place, and advertising channels have evolved.&nbsp;</p><p>But as Sir Winston Churchill said: "To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often."&nbsp;</p><p>And one channel that has had a particular amount of change over the past few years is out-of-home, and it’s a great option for you to shake things up in your upcoming marketing campaigns.</p><h2 >DOOH is ready to bounce back</h2><p>As you might imagine, with lockdowns in place, the number of people outside their homes drastically decreased. With the exception of healthcare- and essential retail-based screens, the OOH industry undoubtedly had a rough year.</p><p>But just like individuals who took the time to learn new skills, OOH media owners also took this period to work on themselves.</p><p>Many invested in the product development and training necessary to make their ad space easier and more flexible to buy by making their inventory available programmatically.</p><p>Others participated in community service and public information campaigns, proving that OOH is a good option for brands looking to make a large-scale impact.</p><p>Not only did these initiatives help keep DOOH relevant during the lockdown, but the learnings and elements put in place will make the channel even easier for you to buy in the months and years to come.</p><h2 >DOOH buying made easy with programmatic</h2><p>Prior to the first lockdown of 2020, digital out-of-home was the fastest-growing advertising channel globally in terms of market share growth, outperforming channels like radio, newspapers and magazines.</p><p>A reason for this growth is, unlike these other traditional channels who are in direct competition with digital alternatives, DOOH offers a unique reach and impact that other online digital doesn’t. People need a break from their digital devices, and DOOH extends your campaign to these moments.</p><p>This, added with the fact that the industry has brought online-friendly buying to the outdoor space through programmatic, makes DOOH the perfect addition to any digital campaign.&nbsp;</p><p>Here are just a few ways you can benefit from this pivot as a media buyer:</p><h3 >DOOH is contextual</h3><p>With the withdrawal of third-party cookies fast approaching and data privacy of even more importance, you may soon be left without many of your go-to targeting options. Turning to context is a great alternative.</p><p>Context in DOOH campaigns can be fairly simple, like selecting the right city or venue type for your campaign. However, with many publishers and DSPs, you can get much more creative and much more relevant than ever before with the help of triggers.</p><p>These triggers can range from sports scores, stock prices, and even your own custom data source.&nbsp;</p><p>Take this campaign from delivery service, foodora. Using weather as a trigger, they were able to deliver two versions of the campaign: pickup when it was sunny, delivery when it rained.</p><figure >https://youtu.be/oeJiFG2Du2k</div><figcaption >How Foodora got creative with programmatic digital out-of-home</figcaption></figure><h3 >DOOH is flexible&nbsp;</h3><p>If we learned anything this year, it’s to expect the unexpected!</p><p>While we hope we won’t be adjusting campaigns due to a global shutdown again any time soon, brands encounter their own unique situations that will impact delivery. And these reasons don’t have to be bad!&nbsp;</p><p>Perhaps the product you were advertising is sold out, or a celebrity was recently seen eating at your restaurant and you want to show off.</p><p>No matter the reason, when DOOH inventory is bought programmatically, it&#8217;s easy to change a campaign to deliver at a different frequency, to switch out creatives, or even to stop a campaign without incurring penalties.</p><h3 >DOOH is accessible</h3><p>With more and more DSPs offering DOOH, including leading omnichannel DSPs, buying a campaign is easier than ever.</p><p>This is especially true if you or your campaign fit into any of these situations:</p><ol><li>A large DOOH campaign across multiple publishers or areas</li><li>No special needs – no static OOH part of the campaign, no location takeovers, etc.</li><li>An omnichannel campaign and want to see reporting in one place&nbsp;</li><li>A DOOH campaign with a budget that might not pique the interest of publisher salespeople</li><li>No ongoing business relationship with DOOH publishers</li></ol><p>Of course, direct sales are and will remain an important part of DOOH for the long haul, but with programmatic, the possibilities are now truly endless.We actually <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/#buyers" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">partner with 35 DSPs</a> and counting.&nbsp;</p><h3 >Ready to shake things up with DOOH?</h3><p>Have you worked with digital out-of-home before? If you haven’t, now is a good time to start. The coming months will mark a new era for advertisers, and DOOH can add a well-deserved, fresh boost to your marketing campaigns.</p><p>And to close off, here’s another Sir Winston Churchill quote we saw fitting: &#8220;Personally I&#8217;m always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught.&#8221;</p><p>So if you’re looking for one final covid-self-learning activity, check out <a href="https://broadsign.com/programmatic-u/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Programmatic U</a> where you’ll find a short series of videos to get you caught up with everything DOOH for media buyers. There’s even a certificate up for grabs at the end.&nbsp;</p><p>Happy learning!</p><div ></div></div><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How IDS Media uses DOOH to transform the waiting room experience]]><![CDATA[

It turns out waiting rooms don’t have to be boring. In healthcare practices, companies like IDS Media are innovating the waiting room and reception area experience by introducing digital signage to the mix. Creating and displaying educational content with these screens has helped doctors across France keep their patients informed while modernizing their medical practice […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-ids-media-uses-dooh-to-transform-the-waiting-room-experiencehttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-ids-media-uses-dooh-to-transform-the-waiting-room-experience<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 14 Apr 2021 09:58:38 GMT<p>It turns out waiting rooms don’t have to be boring. In healthcare practices, companies like <a href="https://www.ids-media.fr/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://www.ids-media.fr/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">IDS Media</a> are innovating the waiting room and reception area experience by introducing digital signage to the mix. Creating and displaying educational content with these screens has helped doctors across France keep their patients informed while modernizing their medical practice in a manner suited to today’s world.</p><h2 >A DOOH network with a mission</h2><p>Based in France was founded in 1993 with the mission of helping people take their health into their own hands through informative content. In the nineties and early-to-mid 2000s, the company sourced traditional media like pamphlets, wall-mounted displays and posters to build a reputation in the space. In 2015, IDS Media shifted its focus towards establishing a robust digital signage network in clinics across France, capitalizing on opportunities that traditional media couldn’t match.</p><figure >IDS turned to digital displays to create experiences and opportunities that static media can&#8217;t match</figcaption></figure><h2 >The digital signage advantage</h2><p>For both healthcare providers and their patients, the arrival of digital screens in waiting spaces has been a welcome change. For doctors, it has meant extra support, allowing them to connect and share important information with their community and reinforce their expertise. Meanwhile, prominent digital signage offers patients an opportunity to learn and absorb useful information about their health through compelling content like videos, quizzes, tips, and more.</p><p><strong>Example</strong>: This video distributed by IDS Media provides advice to help patients with sedentary lifestyles find little ways to be active throughout the day.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>France’s rural regions, areas with a larger proportion of senior citizens, are home to a large portion of IDS Media’s DOOH inventory. This demographic has perhaps benefitted the most from these digital screens, as they can supply helpful information intended on improving seniors’ quality of life.</p><p>Digital has also proved beneficial to IDS’ business. The vibrant nature of digital content makes IDS’ locations more attractive to customers, and is also helping to create a shift in the conception of what healthcare media can be. In the past, with static inventory, the space was thought to be good primarily for medical content. With digital, healthcare DOOH is increasingly becoming a venue for advertisers to engage with health-conscious consumers at the audience level. This makes for a larger, more diverse pool of potential buyers for IDS.</p><h2 >IDS Media’s response to COVID-19</h2><p>DOOH use quickly became a matter of public health and safety in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak in early 2020. The IDS Media team halted its regularly-scheduled content, replacing it instead with guidance on how to control the spread of the virus courtesy of public health agencies and the minister of health. With full control over its network, IDS Media could update information in real-time, staying up-to-speed on the continually-evolving situation.</p><p><strong>Example</strong>: This video was distributed by IDS Media to inform audiences about COVID-19.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>During France’s initial lockdown, IDS Media noticed a drop in traffic and, as such, prioritized messaging from charitable organizations to help the communities weather this unprecedented storm.</p><p>An additional benefit of DOOH has been its role in providing a more sanitary solution for distributing information out of home. The exchange of physical media can present vectors for contagion, but with DOOH, content can be changed remotely across an entire network. In a post-COVID 19 world where patients and healthcare practitioners alike are more conscious than ever of the possibility of contagion, digital signage is a valuable asset in getting messages out in a safe and hygienic way.</p><h2 >A look at what’s next</h2><p>IDS Media has big plans for aggressive expansion, hoping to triple its network size and reach more clinics across France. Additionally, the company wants to continue broadening its technological offering to create more interactive experiences and help healthcare providers share their expertise with patients. Over time, they hope to roll out even more screens across their vast network and continue with their awareness efforts to ensure the best, most informative patient experience possible.</p><p><strong>Watch</strong>: IDS&#8217; audience offers their thoughts (in French) on the content they&#8217;ve seen on IDS&#8217; waiting room displays.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>Another exciting upcoming move is IDS Media’s entry into the programmatic DOOH space. It is currently onboarding Broadsign Reach, which will open its network to a global community of digital advertisers who can then access IDS’ inventory from more than 30 DSPs. It’s a great way to unlock an entirely new market of buyers used to operating in a typically digital environment, plus will make it much easier for all kinds of buyers to deploy omnichannel and multichannel campaigns that incorporate IDS’ DOOH inventory.</p><h2 >IDS Media and Broadsign</h2><p>In order to increase their digital presence in clinics across France, IDS Media needed a reliable partner, one that could empower them to create and customize their content without any limitations. They also sought an affiliate that would offer technical support and provide them with superior network security features — critical where sensitive medical information is concerned. With Broadsign, they found the solution to support their ambitions and help scale their operations while delivering on required security.</p><p>Since launching their DOOH network in France, IDS Media has implemented <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank">Broadsign Control</a> and <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-publish/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-publish/" target="_blank">Broadsign Publish</a> to empower their clients to push, schedule and modify their content as needed. These platforms have proven to be game changers for healthcare professionals, many of whom are doctors who have just launched their medical practices. With Broadsign, healthcare providers have control over the type of content they produce and spotlight and have the freedom to schedule and monitor it as needed. With additional features, IDS Media can create customizable content based on the specific needs of the end-user.</p><p><strong>Looking for a great healthcare messaging solution?</strong></p><p><strong>Broadsign can help! <a href="https://broadsign.com/contact" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/contact">Contact us today</a> to see how</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Pikasso Moves into Programmatic DOOH with Broadsign]]><![CDATA[

Outdoor Advertising Provider Joins Reach Platform to Broaden Media Buyer Access to OOH Inventory in the Middle East LEBANON and MONTREAL — April 12, 2021 — Pikasso and Broadsign today announced that they’ve teamed to bring Pikasso’s network of premium digital-out-of-home (DOOH) displays to the Broadsign Reach programmatic DOOH supply-side-platform (SSP). With Pikasso’s DOOH inventory […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/pikasso-moves-into-programmatic-dooh-with-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/pikasso-moves-into-programmatic-dooh-with-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Sun, 11 Apr 2021 23:59:00 GMT<p><em>Outdoor Advertising Provider Joins Reach Platform to Broaden Media Buyer Access to OOH Inventory in the Middle East</em></p><p>LEBANON and MONTREAL — April 12, 2021 — <a href="https://www.pikasso.com/Countries/en/Home" data-type="URL" data-id="https://www.pikasso.com/Countries/en/Home" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Pikasso</a> and Broadsign today announced that they’ve teamed to bring Pikasso’s network of premium digital-out-of-home (DOOH) displays to the Broadsign Reach programmatic DOOH supply-side-platform (SSP). With Pikasso’s DOOH inventory on-boarded to Reach, which is integrated with more than 30 omnichannel and DOOH demand-side platforms (DSPs), media buyers can now easily opt to incorporate Pikasso’s highly-trafficked roadside, shopping mall and transit inventory into their campaigns to expand audience reach across the Middle East, and more specifically the regions of Levant, North and West Africa, and the Caucasus.</p><p>An outdoor advertising pioneer in the region, Pikasso introduced the first network of advertising billboards in Beirut and started digitizing its static assets in 2010. Its move into programmatic via the Reach integration is an extension of the company’s commitment to evolving its out-of-home (OOH) offering. Now that Pikasso’s digital inventory is available programmatically via Reach, media buyers can harness it to execute targeted DOOH and omnichannel campaigns to regional audiences, with triggers based on real-time conditions and mobile location data. Via Reach’s robust network of DSPs, Pikasso also gains exposure to new digital media buyers from around the world.</p><p>"Pikasso takes every ad campaign to heart and strives for outstanding results. We recognize that programmatic is part of the future, which is why we’ve taken our first step into it with Broadsign," shared Antonio Vincenti, CEO of Pikasso. "With our inventory on Reach, buyers can now seamlessly plan and execute campaigns that deliver more contextually relevant messaging to audiences in the region via multiple consumer touchpoints. We did a lot of research prior to signing on with Broadsign, and ultimately determined that with Reach’s unprecedented flexibility and global recognition, it was the perfect fit for our foray into programmatic."</p><p>"Consumers are more eager today than ever before to get outside, and advertisers looking to tap into this captive audience are seeing new value in programmatic omnichannel strategies that include DOOH. To keep pace with the demand, Broadsign is aligning with leading providers like Pikasso to bring more prime inventory from highly-sought after regions to the Reach platform," shared Adam Green, SVP and GM, Broadsign Programmatic Platforms. "We’re thrilled to be working alongside the Pikasso team on this initiative and look forward to seeing how advertisers take advantage of it in the future."</p><p><strong>About Pikasso</strong></p><p>Pikasso is the number one Out-of-Home advertising company across the Levant (Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq), leader in North Africa (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco), West Africa (Ivory Coast, Senegal, Mali) and the Caucasus (Armenia).With more than 13,000 advertising faces, 450 digital screens, 73 exclusive concessions, with a presence in 434 cities of 10 countries, and 300 highly qualified professionals, the Group operates in all the segments of Out-of-Home &amp; DOOH: Billboards, Street Furniture, Transport advertising, and Malls.Pikasso places quality and innovation at the heart of its development to constantly meet its clients&#8217; needs. Our focus is on ensuring audience engagement in prime locations and delivering creative opportunities to our advertisers while remaining at the forefront of technology.</p><p><strong>About Broadsign</strong></p><p>Broadsign is making it easier than ever for publishers, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering 187,000 digital screens in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign platform enables marketers and agencies to easily book screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more, launch successful programmatic DOOH campaigns.</p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Pikasso has the recipe for lasting OOH success across the MEA region]]><![CDATA[

A little over 35 years ago, when Pikasso first set up shop in Beirut, Lebanon, even the company’s traditional static billboards were a novelty in its region. Now, after decades of operation, Pikasso continues to drive OOH innovation in its home country of Lebanon, and on through much more of the Middle East, North and […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/pikasso-has-the-recipe-for-lasting-ooh-success-across-emeahttps://broadsign.com/blog/pikasso-has-the-recipe-for-lasting-ooh-success-across-emea<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Sun, 11 Apr 2021 23:00:00 GMT<p>A little over 35 years ago, when Pikasso first set up shop in Beirut, Lebanon, even the company’s traditional static billboards were a novelty in its region.</p><p>Now, after decades of operation, Pikasso continues to drive OOH innovation in its home country of Lebanon, and on through much more of the Middle East, North and West Africa, and the Caucasus. The goal, always, is to provide new opportunities for customers to create successful campaigns in the OOH space.</p><h2 >An ever-expanding footprint</h2><p>Despite its founding in the midst of the Lebanese Civil War, Pikasso’s business was well received by a Lebanese public eager for new opportunities to advertise in the out-of-home space. Soon, demand began to greatly outstrip the young company’s supply, with pre-bookings stretching on far into the future and Pikasso doubling its revenue every couple of months.</p><p>After the war concluded in 1990, Pikasso’s business took off even more, driving a growing out-of-home industry in the country continually forward. Even Lebanon’s one year ban in 1995 on billboard advertising mid-decade was unable to halt the company’s ambitions. Instead, Pikasso re-established its business when the law allowed and then set out to broaden its interests to other countries. After years of acquisitions and expansion, Pikasso now operates static and digital OOH inventory in 10 countries across the middle east, North Africa, West Africa, and the Causasus. Its assets are concentrated largely in premium outdoor and mall locations.</p><figure >Pikasso has expanded its presence to many countries outside of Lebanon</figcaption></figure><h2 >Blazing a trail for programmatic</h2><p>Over its years in the OOH industry, Pikasso has set itself the mission of delivering exceptional OOH experiences for audiences, and has been at the forefront of many innovative touches to its local OOH industry. Examples include augmented reality, QR codes, and indeed digital out-of-home generally, which it began deploying in 2010.</p><p>Next up for Pikasso is the rollout of programmatic DOOH, powered by Broadsign Reach, across its network. The company is eager to open its inventory up to digital buyers who are likely to be tempted to add OOH advertising to their campaigns alongside their other programmatic digital advertising.</p><figure >Soon, all of Pikasso&#8217;s inventory will be available programmatically via Broadsign Reach</figcaption></figure><p>Just as appealing, though, is the way programmatic opens doors to more targeted and better integrated multichannel campaigns. It’s something Pikasso is eager to get going for its customers, as campaigns coordinated across multiple channels, and which include programmatic DOOH, are exceptionally positioned to resonate with audiences. Though the process will undoubtedly involve a fair amount of educating customers in the potential and excitement on offer with programmatic, these are both challenges that Pikasso is excited to tackle.</p><h2 >Driving better data and attribution in its region</h2><p>In the years leading up to the pandemic, Pikasso made a concerted effort to acquire and expand, rapidly entering new markets with a digital-first, innovation-heavy mentality. While expansions may be on hold for a time as the OOH industry rejuvenates, Pikasso is eager to continue driving innovation in its markets and to build a healthy market for its programmatic DOOH inventory.</p><p>A key piece for this effort is Pikasso’s dedication to accumulating more and better data regarding audiences and impressions. This is something which is absolutely essential to programmatic DOOH, which needs the information to be able to purchase ads targeting specific audiences or triggered based on ambient conditions.</p><figure >Pikasso&#8217;s deep audience data will help it grow its programmatic business</figcaption></figure><p>But the push to get more data has also led to opportunities to transact with major multinational brands that require precise data for reporting, and is also becoming a selling point with advertisers and planners very interested in getting a more detailed understanding of how well campaigns perform on Pikasso’s network.</p><p>It’s a great example of the company’s smart approach to getting things done. By taking the time to build up correctly, Pikasso is giving itself a leg up on many global competitors who are approaching the future of DOOH less carefully.</p><h2 >Broadsign and Pikasso</h2><p>It’s a difficult thing to manage digital out-of-home installations across several countries, roll out innovative technology, and introduce an entirely new business model in programmatic. Fortunately, the Broadsign platform has everything Pikasso needs in order to propel its business forward and make its vision for a more innovative and accessible DOOH space a reality.</p><p>Broadsign Control offers centralized command over large numbers of distributed displays &#8211; exactly what Pikasso needs to stay on top of its international DOOH business. Its extensibility and support for detailed reporting, meanwhile, ensure that Pikasso can integrate whatever data sources it likes and ensure customers get a great understanding of how their campaigns are performing. Finally, dynamic content and content featuring innovative tech, like augmented reality, are fully supported by Broadsign Control. This makes Pikasso’s imaginative and boundary-pushing approach to DOOH possible.</p><figure >Broadsign enables Pikasso to run its boundary-pushing DOOH network effectively</figcaption></figure><p>Perhaps more important, though, is the way Broadsign Reach will power Pikasso’s programmatic ambitions. By connecting all of Pikasso’s inventory with an international community of digital buyers, Broadsign Reach can help the business unlock new revenue and new opportunities. With over 30 global DSPs connected and counting, switching on Broadsign Reach will introduce Pikasso to a great many buyers likely to be interested in their premium inventory.</p><p>Thanks to the scalability of Broadsign’s solutions, as Pikasso grows, they’ll be able to incorporate new displays, expand to new countries, and grow their programmatic business without much extra demand on the team running the show. The company just gets to focus on what it wants to do and less on how it will get done. Broadsign handles the rest.</p><p><strong>Learn how Broadsign can help your OOH business grow</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/contact" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/contact">Contact our team today</a> to get started</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Global Extends Digital Outdoor Advertising Network with Broadsign]]><![CDATA[

LONDON and MONTREAL — April 8th, 2021 — Global, the Media and Entertainment group, and Broadsign, developer of the leading out-of-home (OOH) marketing platform, today announced that Global has chosen the Broadsign platform to accelerate the expansion of its digital-out-of-home (DOOH) network, which has grown to include 3,000 displays. The integration of the Broadsign Control […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/global-extends-digital-outdoor-advertising-network-with-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/global-extends-digital-outdoor-advertising-network-with-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 08 Apr 2021 08:00:00 GMT<p>LONDON and MONTREAL — April 8th, 2021 — <a href="https://global.com/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://global.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Global</a>, the Media and Entertainment group, and Broadsign, developer of the leading out-of-home (OOH) marketing platform, today announced that Global has chosen the Broadsign platform to accelerate the expansion of its digital-out-of-home (DOOH) network, which has grown to include 3,000 displays.</p><p>The integration of the <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Control</a> content management system (CMS) into Global’s growing network of roadside, Underground, airport and shopping centre screens throughout the United Kingdom will allow the media owner to scale its operations throughout 2021 and beyond.</p><p>Broadsign’s ability to synchronise multiple screens enables Global to serve digital outdoor campaigns across multiple formats, while robust reporting provides media buyers with assurance that their campaigns are running as expected. Coupled with the scalable nature of the Broadsign platform, these capabilities will allow Global to optimize operations as it extends its network and will also enhance the media buyer experience.</p><p>The new agreement builds on a six-year history with Broadsign and follows the launch of more than 115 new premium digital screens and the re-launch of London&#8217;s iconic double-sided digital screens, Hammersmith Towers, within the past year.</p><p>David Henderson, Chief Technology Officer at Global, commented, "Broadsign is a proven solution for DOOH marketing that is helping us to streamline the way we distribute content and ads across our network alongside our Digital Advertising Exchange, <a href="https://global.com/dax/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://global.com/dax/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">DAX</a>. Our partnership with Broadsign will not only help us to grow and diversify our DOOH portfolio, but will also give media buyers more flexibility and transparency when they book campaigns."</p><p>"Global runs the largest DOOH network in the UK and we’re thrilled to extend our partnership with them as they prepare for this new phase of growth," shared Maarten Dollevoet, Chief Revenue Officer, Broadsign. "In the last year, DOOH leaders around the world have reevaluated their long-term business strategies with a keen eye on partnerships that will help them in their evolution. We’re proud to have been identified as one of those partners for Global and look forward to deepening our relationship with them and exploring how our expanded partnership can bring new benefits to DOOH media buyers across the UK."</p><p><strong>About Global</strong></p><p>Global is one of the world’s leading Media &amp; Entertainment groups.</p><p>Europe’s largest radio company, Global is home to respected, national market leading media brands broadcasting across the UK on DAB &amp; FM and around the world on Global Player, including Capital, Heart, Classic FM, LBC, LBC News, Global’s Newsroom, Smooth, Radio X, Capital XTRA and Gold. Global Player allows listeners to enjoy all of Global’s radio brands, award-winning podcasts, and expertly curated playlists, in one place in app, on web and on smart speakers.</p><p>Global is also one of the leading Outdoor companies in both the UK &amp; Europe, with over 253,000 sites reaching 95% of the UK population. Global’s extensive and diverse outdoor portfolio encompasses Transport for London’s Underground network, almost all major UK airports including Gatwick, the UK’s largest portfolio of roadside posters and premium digital screens in prime locations, as well as the UK’s largest network of buses including all major cities.</p><p>On-air, on Global Player and with our outdoor platforms combined, Global reaches 51 million individuals across the UK every week, including 25 million on the radio alone.</p><p>Global created and operates DAX (Digital Ad Exchange), the market leader in digital audio advertising and a pioneering platform in programmatic outdoor advertising.</p><p>The company headquarters is in London’s iconic Leicester Square. Ashley Tabor-King OBE is Founder &amp; Executive President, Stephen Miron is Group CEO, Lord Allen is Chairman and James Rea is Director of Broadcasting. Ashley Tabor-King created Global in 2007.</p><p><strong>About Broadsign</strong></p><p>Broadsign is making it easier than ever for publishers, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering 187,000 digital screens in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign platform enables marketers and agencies to easily book screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more, launch successful programmatic DOOH campaigns.</p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How we keep our culture alive as one of Canada’s top employers]]><![CDATA[

This year, we celebrate our eighteenth anniversary. But as our company grows older, we’re happy to say our energetic, entrepreneurial spirit remains. This is why we’re honoured to have been named one of Canada’s Top Small- and Medium-sized Employers for the second year in a row! One thing that has kept us on pace in […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-we-keep-our-culture-alive-as-one-of-canadas-top-small-and-medium-employershttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-we-keep-our-culture-alive-as-one-of-canadas-top-small-and-medium-employers<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 06 Apr 2021 08:37:56 GMT<p>This year, we celebrate our eighteenth anniversary. But as our company grows older, we’re happy to say our energetic, entrepreneurial spirit remains. This is why we’re honoured to have been named one of<a href="https://reviews.canadastop100.com/top-employer-broadsign#sme"> Canada’s Top Small- and Medium-sized Employers</a> for the second year in a row!&nbsp;</p><p>One thing that has kept us on pace in maintaining our culture is our values. Last month, we shared stories about three of our values for our <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/a-look-back-at-the-past-year-as-were-named-one-of-montreals-top-employers-2021/">Montreal’s Top Employer announcement</a>:</p><p>Value 1: We empower</p><p>Value 2: We do the right thing</p><p>Value 3: We treat everyone with dignity and respect.</p><p>Today, we pick up where we left off and explore our two remaining values:</p><h3 >Value 4: We make great things happen</h3><p>In our weekly all-hands, we hear many stories of wonderful projects our team and clients have worked on. From complex product launches across departments or someone closing a new customer deal, there’s never a lack of wins from individuals and workgroups.</p><p>But an exciting example of the entire company rallying to create something truly amazing was when our social responsibility committee put together a fundraiser benefiting food banks around the world.</p><p>A member of the committee, Rob, shares how our team surpassed expectations:"We set an initial goal of $1,000 and wound up blowing past it within an hour of announcing the initiative. By the end, because of the amazing generosity of everyone at Broadsign we raised over $7,500. It was touching to see how excited everyone was to give back and help out people who really needed it. We have a great team."</p><h3 >Value 5: We do what we say</h3><p>Something we’re very proud of at Broadsign is that everyone is encouraged to share ideas and drive them from start to finish, no matter their job title. This has helped us create better products, more streamlined processes and overall stronger employees.&nbsp;</p><p>But with great power over their own work, comes great responsibility. To accommodate this environment, trust is needed, and that’s why we always do what we say we will do.&nbsp;</p><p>For team leads like Remi, this makes his team more productive, not to mention allowing him to focus on his own projects:</p><p>&#8220;I have complete trust that my team will deliver the features and enhancements in the timeline we established together. Also, they won&#8217;t hesitate to bring up issues and make sure we make the right choice even if it&#8217;s not always the easiest solution.&#8221;</p><h3 >Want to be part of our team?</h3><p>If you’ve got a curious mind and love sharing new ideas, we want to hear from you!&nbsp;</p><p>Check out our open positions, which we have many for developers and business people alike, <a href="https://broadsign.com/careers/">take a look at our career page</a> and be sure to follow us on LinkedIn for future opportunities.</p><p>And if you haven&#8217;t watched it yet, for a glimpse into what office life at Broadsign is like, check out a little video we put together last year before we started working from home.</p><figure ></div></figure>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[The sky’s the limit for Enmedio, Colombia’s DOOH leaders]]><![CDATA[

Enmedio Comunicacion Digital understood the immense possibilities presented by digital out-of-home advertising, seemingly before anyone else in their market. Though their operations launched with a modest inventory of screens, Enmedio has since grown by leaps and bounds, now operating the most extensive digital signage network in their home country and serving customers across a diverse […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/the-skys-the-limit-for-enmedio-colombias-dooh-leadershttps://broadsign.com/blog/the-skys-the-limit-for-enmedio-colombias-dooh-leaders<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 31 Mar 2021 08:57:04 GMT<p><a href="https://enmedio.com/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://enmedio.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Enmedio Comunicacion Digital</a> understood the immense possibilities presented by digital out-of-home advertising, seemingly before anyone else in their market. Though their operations launched with a modest inventory of screens, Enmedio has since grown by leaps and bounds, now operating the most extensive digital signage network in their home country and serving customers across a diverse range of industries.</p><p>With two divisions under their umbrella, Enmedio credits their foresight with helping them transform the advertising space in Colombia. Before other businesses did so, Enmedio understood and harnessed the power of DOOH. Their competition is still playing catch up.</p><h2 >Breaking new ground in Medellin</h2><p>Founded in 2006, Colombia-based Enmedio Comunicacion Digital was born out of a trip to Shanghai, China. The founders, three university friends, headed there in search of business ideas to bring back home. In China, they were struck by the ubiquity of digital signage. In restrooms, elevators and office buildings, on roadways and inside malls, digital signage was virtually everywhere. The three saw a massive opportunity to bring this technology back home, where traditional media was very much the standard.</p><p>The company started small, installing their first displays in popular bars and restaurants around Medellin, placements that garnered interest from businesses looking to install or begin advertising on digital screens. As excitement around their technology grew, Enmedio&#8217;s presence and inventory also increased and they began installing more screens in higher-traffic areas like fitness clubs, office buildings, shopping centres, hotels, spas, and universities.</p><p>Within three years, their network climbed to more than 300 screens. Next came upgrades. Older displays were replaced by sleeker models, and new capabilities were introduced, like campaign reporting and audience measurement tools such as facial recognition crowd detection.</p><figure >Over the years, Enmedio&#8217;s network of digital displays grew to include many premium locations</figcaption></figure><h2 >New horizons in Colombian DOOH</h2><p>The improvements proved incredibly appealing to Enmedio’s expanding client base. Looking to expand further, it began offering consulting and integration services to companies interested in pursuing the medium but lacking the resources to invest fully. Through this branch of their business, they can help other companies leverage the power of digital in a manner more cost-effective to them.</p><p>Today, Enmedio is split into two separate business units, Enmedio Advertising Network and Enmedio Corporate Network. Each offers a unique set of services tailored to the needs of their diverse and growing clientele.</p><p>On the advertising side, Enmedio oversees its own network of screens in many different locations, selling attractive ad space to clients who want to connect with consumers through digital. They even recently launched a proprietary advertising platform, Enmedio Direct, allowing advertisers to buy ad space directly tand bring their digital campaigns to life in minutes, similar to buying ads through Facebook.</p><figure >Enmedio makes it easy for customers to purchase its premium inventory</figcaption></figure><p>And on the corporate side, Enmedio serves as a full-service digital signage operator and integrator, helping these companies create their own digital signage networks. For a monthly fee, they provide the hardware, software, remote management of screens along with content production and management.</p><p>Such a comprehensive offering of services means Enmedio is able to give a wide variety of clients exactly what they need from digital signage, all while reinforcing the company’s leadership position in the space.</p><p>In 2020, Enmedio reached an important milestone: the company’s inventory surpassed 5,000 screens &#8211; 3,000 with the corporate business and 2,000 screens on the advertising side. Across its business, the company generates over 80 million monthly impressions across the six countries it operates out of.</p><figure >Enmedio has thousands of screens across its two business units</figcaption></figure><h2 >A brighter (and bigger) future</h2><p>Over 15 years and countless satisfied customers later, Enmedio has built an impressive reputation for themselves — they now operate the largest digital outdoor screen in Colombia and count the most square-metres of LED screens in the country.</p><p>As the future quickly approaches, Enmedio hopes to focus its attention on sizing up: large format screens and spectaculars are on the horizon. In the months and years to come, they will also be focusing on expanding their coverage. While the company&#8217;s inventory currently spans over 5,000 screens, they hope to double that number over the next few years. With three offices in Medellín, Bogota, and Mexico City in Mexico, Enmedio is looking to broaden its operations into new markets with countries such as Peru, Guatemala, and Chile in its sights.</p><figure >Enmedio&#8217;s premium DOOH presence is set to grow even more in the years to come</figcaption></figure><h2 >Enmedio &amp; Broadsign: Over a decade of delivering results</h2><p>After several years on the market, in 2009, Enmedio’s team knew they wanted the support of a platform that could meet their business&#8217; needs and skyrocket them to the next level. To manage its large and growing network, they turned to Broadsign.</p><p>Given the company’s reach and the fact that it produces thousands of pieces of content per month, efficiency was the top priority. The team would need something that would let it juggle numerous different projects and tasks seamlessly. Today, thanks to the powerful automation and optimization capabilities within Broadsign Control, a team of just three individuals is responsible for programming content for the company&#8217;s over 5,000-strong screen network.</p><p>Soon, Enmedio will begin offering its inventory programmatically via Broadsign Reach as well, offering greater convenience to buyers and opening up its offerings to a global community of digital buyers. Together, all these different platforms combine to ensure Enmedio can provide the businesses they work with comprehensive solutions and help them effectively reach more people.</p><p><strong>Want to see what Broadsign can do for your OOH business?</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/free-trial">Request your free trial today!</a></strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Three reasons why you should marry digital OOH and mobile advertising]]><![CDATA[

Combining mobile and digital OOH is the perfect match, offering invaluable benefits to marketers. Let’s take a closer look at three reasons why.

https://broadsign.com/blog/three-reasons-why-you-should-marry-digital-ooh-and-mobile-advertisinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/three-reasons-why-you-should-marry-digital-ooh-and-mobile-advertising<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 25 Mar 2021 15:57:19 GMT<p>If you’re reading this, you’re likely well-versed in the world of digital marketing. You’ve used paid ads (whether on social, display or mobile) and you may have tested the waters of digital out-of-home advertising. But have you ever thought of combining the two?&nbsp;</p><p>A <a href="https://billboardinsider.com/nielsen-ooh-most-effective-in-driving-online-activity/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Nielsen study</a> showed that OOH advertising delivered more search activity per ad dollar spent than radio, TV or print. Almost half of adults searched for information after hearing or seeing an ad on a billboard, bus shelter or other OOH medium. With results like that, it’s no wonder companies like Netflix, Google, Facebook, Twitter and Amazon have increased their OOH advertising budgets over the last few years.</p><p>The marriage of digital OOH and mobile advertising is a sweet one. While advertising on mobile feels a bit more personal, digital OOH allows you to reach a broader audience, wherever they are. Digital OOH can create brand awareness, and adding the personal touch of mobile helps move your customer through the buying funnel, ending with sales and recommendations to friends.&nbsp;</p><p>Combining mobile and digital OOH is the perfect match, offering invaluable benefits to marketers. Let’s take a closer look at three reasons why.</p><h2 >Mobile data unlocks better targeting for Digital OOH</h2><p>See that little device sitting on the desk next to you? It’s filled with valuable information for marketers. Using non-personally-identifiable information from mobile devices allows advertisers to gather profiles of potential customers moving past a digital OOH screen. Yes, the concept of audience targeting is a real thing in OOH, even if it is not a "one-to-one" medium (such as online, social or mobile advertising), but rather "one-to-many." </p><p>But don’t worry, we don’t get as creepy as the individual level targeting we’ve all had enough of, which, as it turns out, is going away with the <a href="https://thehustle.co/03092021-Google-ads/?utm_campaign=Coursera+IPO&amp;utm_content=03092021-Google-ads&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_source=daily" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">death of the cookie</a>.&nbsp;Through our partnership with our mobile partner <a href="https://nativetouch.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Native Touch</a>, you can then target out-of-home screens that are over-indexing on more than 180 specific personas for demographic profiles, interests and activities, as well as intent-to-buy groups. After selecting your targeting criteria, our algorithm will go to work and identify for you the screens with higher concentrations of those personas in proximity to the digital OOH screens.</p><div >Unsplash</a></figcaption></figure></div><h4 >How granular can we get?</h4><p>With <a href="http://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a> (formerly Campsite), you can access the standard demographic profile targeting (gender, age and income), as well as life-stage targeting, such as business owners, pet owners, mom- and dads-to-be, and so on. You can target specific interests and activities such as avid runners, gamers, and home and garden enthusiasts for example, plus specific intent, such as planning to buy a home or a car soon. No matter who your target audience is, we’re confident we can help you get your message in front of them, on the big screens. But remember, this is a one-to-many medium so it is not a perfect science. Regardless, adding digital OOH to your next campaign, especially ones that are in proximity to your target audience, should be one of the tactics you use. </p><p>Of course the fundamentals of targeting the screens within selected environments such as outdoor (billboards), place-based (e.g. retail, restaurants,&#8230;) or at proximity to specific points of interest (such as parks, pharmacies, grocery stores, etc) should remain at the core of your campaign planning. As we say, "Context is Queen in OOH!". And with Broadsign Ads, both audience and environment targeting is easy.</p><h2 >From big screens to screens in your pocket</h2><p>You likely already know that you can advertise on mobile devices to consumers within a specific area (geo-fencing) and that you can refine that audience even further with geo-targeting (yes, <a href="https://www.seekmomentum.com/blog/internet-marketing/geofencing-vs-geotargeting" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">there’s a difference</a>). Using location data, you can run a geo-fenced or geo-targeted mobile campaign in real-time, targeting the mobile devices in areas around the screen locations of your digital OOH campaign. So cool!</p><p>With Broadsign Ads, it’s possible to take that even further with mobile retargeting. Using <a href="https://youtu.be/yBcJNmx-fKk" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">our platform</a> and a mobile partner (<a href="https://nativetouch.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Native Touch</a> or your preferred mobile vendor), you can create a new audience segment of mobile device IDs in proximity to the screens in your DOOH campaign.</p><p>Once that data is compiled, you have an audience primed for retargeting with a mobile ad campaign. This strategy will allow your organization or product to remain top of mind, with a second touch point, even if they are miles away from your OOH campaign screens.&nbsp;Mobile retargeting of anonymous and aggregated groups of mobile users exposed to your DOOH ad allows you to increase relevance, reinforce brand recognition, and extend your reach.</p><hr /><p >recent IOS14 release</a> gives mobile users the ability to choose to block the sharing of their unique identifier (IDFA). What that means is more control in the hands of mobile users allowing them to decide at the app level (and in general) if they want to share information about their device including location. Therefore, ad targeting, including retargeting to users will no longer work for users that opt-out of sharing their IDFA. Same goes for ad measurement: We’ll likely see a reduction over the next year in the fidelity of data available to measure performance across mobile campaigns. </p><p>But like Kolin Kleveno, SVP of Addressable Audiences at Tinuti said, "The advertising industry will rally together and develop new, alternative methods for delivering targeted advertising. We will see a wave of new measurement solutions and identifiers emerge in a collective effort to set new privacy-compliant industry standards." So buckle your seatbelt and get ready for a wave of changes in the next 12 to 18 months around mobile (and display) advertising changes! </p><hr /><p>Having said that, the relationship between digital OOH and mobile is legit, with <a href="https://oohtoday.com/new-study-on-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">research showing</a> that an OOH audience is more likely to engage with their mobile devices than any other audience (think about what you’re doing when you’re waiting for the bus), and<a href="https://billboardinsider.com/the-2019-nielsen-out-of-home-advertising-study/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"> one-third of OOH ad viewers</a> looked up an advertiser in a search engine after viewing an OOH ad.&nbsp;</p><p>What’s not to like with those results?</p><h2 >Measurement made easy</h2><p>History has shown that measuring OOH campaigns isn’t easy. But the moment you combine digital OOH with mobile will change your measurement game forever. In collaboration with your mobile partner, mobile location data can be used to measure how many people were in proximity to your OOH ad during a specific time frame, and by comparing OOH-exposed to non-exposed audiences, you can measure increases in foot traffic, sales, app events, online activities and much more.&nbsp;</p><p>At Broadsign Ads, one of our goals is to help you answer the primary question: "Have I reached the right people with my digital OOH campaign?"</p><p>With our demographic report, you can review not only where your ads played, but also what audiences were reached. More specifically, we break down campaign results using our 180+ demographic profiles to better understand who saw your DOOH ads. This information becomes very valuable&nbsp; for you to improve your future campaigns.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >What’s not to love?</h2><p>Simply put, combining mobile and digital OOH allows you to reach more people. While digital OOH allows you to be present at many touch points in your customer’s life, mobile devices can deliver personalized messages while collecting valuable engagement and visitation data. Combining your messages across both channels, segmenting your audience, and retargeting for ultimate recall can increase your impact and engagement, which looks great for your bottom line.</p><p>Want to learn more? <a href="http://broadsign.com/book-demo"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Book a discovery call</span></a> to chat with one of our experts.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[The new Broadsign Control (14.0) has arrived]]><![CDATA[

We’re all about making life easier for our customers. That’s why we’re extremely excited to announce the release of Broadsign Control 14.0, which comes packed with new features meant to give you more power over your network and easier access to the tools you love. We’ve also made major updates to our player software and […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/the-new-broadsign-control-14-0-has-arrivedhttps://broadsign.com/blog/the-new-broadsign-control-14-0-has-arrived<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 24 Mar 2021 15:43:13 GMT<p>We’re all about making life easier for our customers. That’s why we’re extremely excited to announce the release of <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Control</a> 14.0, which comes packed with new features meant to give you more power over your network and easier access to the tools you love.</p><p>We&#8217;ve also made major updates to our player software and improved integration with Broadsign Direct.</p><p>Check out some of the most notable new Broadsign Control goodies right here.</p><h2 >Workflow improvement highlights</h2><h3 >We’ve made it easier to create and adjust complex campaigns</h3><p>More and more buyers want to run complex campaigns, and we’re making it easier for you to bring those campaigns to life. With our new advanced ad copy criteria assignment feature, you can manage schedules, bundles, and ad copies all in a single location &#8211; no more spending a bunch of time dealing with popup after popup.</p><p>If you often create or adjust campaigns with multiple day parts, bundles, or ad copy and frame formats within a single venue, this new feature should save you a lot of time.</p><figure ></div></figure><h3 >We also made the file transfer process much smoother</h3><p>Before, you could only work on a single upload at a time in our transfer manager, and when something failed, you had to find the ad copy and retry the upload all over again.</p><p>Now, it’s as easy as right-clicking the item and retrying right from within the transfer manager. And if you want to work on multiple items at once, you can multi-select the items you need.</p><figure ></div></figure><h3 >Control now automatically matches ad copy dimensions to display resolutions</h3><p>It used to be that if you wanted to match your ad copy to displays with specific resolutions, you had to do it manually. Now, the Broadsign Control player’s got the smarts to handle that for you, eliminating the need to manually tag your ad copy with "dimension" criteria.</p><h3 >It’s now dead simple to find exactly what you need</h3><p>If you’re working with a great many assets, it can be tough to find exactly the criteria, folder name, ad copy, or other item that you are looking for. At least, it was. With 14.0, we’ve introduced a universal typeahead to allow you to filter for exactly the resource you are after without needing to scroll through an enormous list.</p><h3 >New audit log features can help you keep your business safe</h3><p>We’ve always logged user API activity in Broadsign Control. Now, we’re making it easier to search the logs to see just what has been going on whenever you need to.</p><p>The new search function can help you pick out activities based on operation type, the operation performed, user IDs, and by time stamp. Best of all, it’s all available right from within Broadsign Control. Whether you’re keeping an eye for security purposes or just to keep an eye, it’s never been more convenient to do so than it is in 14.0.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Player improvement highlights</h2><h3 >Support for the latest, most complex HTML5 content</h3><p>Buyers are tapping into the potential of DOOH by requesting more complex campaigns.With the latest version of Broadsign Control, you also get Chromium v80. That means your network can handle more complex HTML content with better resource management than before &#8211; just what your buyers will be looking for.</p><h3 >A new presentation layer offers better playback and transitions</h3><p>Before, preparing media and transitions could be pretty demanding on your player hardware. With 14.0, we’ve decoupled the presentation layer from the underlying scheduling, logic, playlist management, and other features that make Broadsign Player so useful.</p><p>The new presentation pipeline lets the presentation layer work more quickly and efficiently while reducing strain on your players and reducing the likelihood of artifacts.</p><h2 >Integration Highlights</h2><h3 >See your Broadsign Direct proposals, contracts, and line items in Broadsign Control</h3><p>With this release, we wanted to improve the interconnection between Broadsign Control and <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/" data-type="URL" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Direct</a>.</p><p>That’s why, when you use Broadsign Direct to create Contract IDs, Proposal IDs, and Proposal Line Item IDs associated with Proposal Line Items, you’ll now be able to see and search for those items over in Broadsign Control.</p><p>You’ll now be able to see a stronger association between Direct proposals and Control campaigns without having to do extra work.</p><h3 >Create Display Unit Groups in Control and sell them in Broadsign Direct</h3><p>Ever want to sell a batch of displays as a single unit, but get frustrated by having to manually select all the displays you want to include in the deal? 14.0 has you covered.</p><p>You can now easily build Display Unit groups in Broadsign Control, bundling together whichever displays you would like to be able to sell as a single item. Within Broadsign Direct, you’ll then be able to add the items to your proposals as a single unit. No more hunting for a bunch of screens and hoping you didn’t accidentally forget one.</p><p><strong>Want to learn more about Broadsign Control? </strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/" data-type="URL">Request your personalized demo today!</a></strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[OUTFRONT Media Drives OOH Network into the Future with Broadsign Deployment]]><![CDATA[

NEW YORK and MONTREAL — March 23, 2021 — OUTFRONT Media Inc. and Broadsign today announced that they’ve teamed to deploy Broadsign’s out-of-home (OOH) marketing platform as part of OUTFRONT’s OOH network. As the Broadsign Direct inventory and sales management system and Control content management system (CMS) are onboarded for OUTFRONT’s in-car displays, the company […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/outfront-media-drives-ooh-network-into-the-future-with-broadsign-deploymenthttps://broadsign.com/blog/outfront-media-drives-ooh-network-into-the-future-with-broadsign-deployment<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 23 Mar 2021 07:59:50 GMT<p>NEW YORK and MONTREAL — March 23, 2021 — <a href="https://www.outfrontmedia.com/">OUTFRONT Media Inc.</a> and <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a> today announced that they’ve teamed to deploy Broadsign’s out-of-home (OOH) marketing platform as part of OUTFRONT’s OOH network. As the Broadsign Direct inventory and sales management system and Control content management system (CMS) are onboarded for OUTFRONT’s in-car displays, the company will be able to streamline media sales and operations across this inventory while also improving the media buyer experience.&nbsp;</p><p>Simplifying operations on the backend, the new deployment will make tasks previously only possible in an OUTFRONT office accessible remotely. The open-ended nature of Broadsign’s solution also sets the stage for OUTFRONT to advance workflow automation across sales and operations, as well as improve proof of performance reporting.&nbsp;</p><p>"Broadsign’s approach to scheduling, robust sales toolset, and proven track record of supporting large-scale deployments made it an ideal fit to help us transform our offering. It will give us a huge amount of out-of-the box functionality and allow us to spend less time on the minutia and focus on improving both the customer and audience experience," shared Lowell Simpson, EVP Chief Information Officer, OUTFRONT Media.</p><p>"A longtime innovator in DOOH, OUTFRONT is propelling OOH advertising into the future with a burgeoning network that supports dynamic creative in top localities around the U.S. We’re excited to be a part of that journey and can’t wait to see how their OOH offering evolves as they unlock new possibilities with Broadsign," shared Maarten Dollevoet, Chief Revenue Officer, Broadsign.</p><h2 ><strong>About OUTFRONT Media Inc.</strong></h2><p>OUTFRONT leverages the power of technology, location and creativity to connect brands with consumers outside of their homes through one of the largest and most diverse sets of billboard, transit, and mobile assets in North America. Through its technology platform, OUTFRONT will fundamentally change the ways advertisers engage audiences on-the-go.</p><h2 ><strong>About Broadsign</strong></h2><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over 425,000 signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign platform helps publishers more efficiently manage their business operations while enabling brands and agencies to easily book OOH campaigns. The platform includes tools for content distribution, playback and proof of performance; sales inventory availability and proposal generation; automated programmatic DOOH transactions; and OOH business operations. <a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[WATCH: How Main and Local promoted their city-themed products with digital out-of-home]]><![CDATA[

When your products are inspired by a city’s unique culture, what better way to promote them than getting right back out in the city?

https://broadsign.com/blog/watch-how-main-and-local-promoted-their-city-themed-products-with-digital-out-of-homehttps://broadsign.com/blog/watch-how-main-and-local-promoted-their-city-themed-products-with-digital-out-of-home<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 18 Mar 2021 14:16:00 GMT<p>When your products are inspired by a city&#8217;s unique culture, what better way to promote them than getting right back out in the city? </p><p>With social media advertising and newsletters going strong, <a href="https://mainandlocal.com/">Main and Local</a> were looking for an additional way to reach their audience. So they turned to the <a href="http://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a> (formerly Campsite) platform to launch their campaign on digital out-of-home screens, reaching their ideal local audience in a highly contextual way.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>Want to try it out for yourself? <a href="https://broadsign.com/book-demo/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Book a call</span></a> with one of our experts to get started.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[A panel discussion with some of the OOH industry’s top female leaders]]><![CDATA[

A panel discussion with some of the OOH industry’s top female leaders In honour of International Women’s Day, we had the privilege of hosting an all-star female panel at our company all-hands. Since we loved what our industry leaders had to say, we thought we’d share our internal chat with the rest of the OOH […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/a-panel-discussion-with-some-of-the-ooh-industrys-top-female-leadershttps://broadsign.com/blog/a-panel-discussion-with-some-of-the-ooh-industrys-top-female-leaders<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 16 Mar 2021 10:16:52 GMT<h2 >A panel discussion with some of the OOH industry’s top female leaders</h2><p>In honour of International Women’s Day, we had the privilege of hosting an all-star female panel at our company all-hands. Since we loved what our industry leaders had to say, we thought we’d share our internal chat with the rest of the OOH world!Before we get into the content, here are the women who shared their thoughts, challenges and triumphs with us:Amanda Dorenberg – President of <a href="https://www.commb.ca/">COMMB</a> (panelist)&nbsp;</p><p>Michele Erskine – CEO of <a href="https://www.outfrontmedia.ca/">Oufront Canada</a> (panelist)&nbsp;</p><p>Natalia Rojas – Director of account management at Broadsign (panelist)</p><p>Edith Gagné – VP of programmatic sales operations at Broadsign (moderator)</p><h2 >Let’s start with some context: The gender gap</h2><p>To put things into perspective, we looked at the <a href="https://www.weforum.org/reports/gender-gap-2020-report-100-years-pay-equality">2020 gender gap report</a> by the World Economic Forum and thought this chart was of particular interest for the out-of-home industry: one where a large portion of the roles available fall into the categories listed as having the largest gender gaps.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>So how can both women and OOH companies overcome this gender gap? Our panelists weigh in.</p><h2 >The OOH industry needs more female CEOs</h2><p>Last year, <a href="https://oohtoday.com/timesup-for-ooh-too/">OOH Today declared Times Up for the OOH industry</a>, stating that in the US, there were no CEOs in the entire OOH industry.</p><p>As one of the only female OOH CEOs in Canada, Michelle explains that she attributes her success to having a boss without gender-lenses who was able to recognize her talent and give her the necessary exposure to gain the right skills and experience.</p><figure ></video></figure><h2 >Encouraging women in tech to pursue emerging roles</h2><p>As the OOH industry continues to evolve, more and more focus will be placed on a holistic approach to data. Women who are technically inclined are primed to success in data analytics.Amanda, with her complimentary background in tech and marketing, says as we solve the current data privacy issues, the next phase will be focused on data research and related technology.&nbsp;</p><figure ></video></figure><h3 >And encouraging women to develop the skills needed for leadership roles</h3><figure ></video></figure><h2 >How to balance parenting and work (and stay sane), especially during the pandemic</h2><p>There’s no doubt that the pandemic threw a curveball at many people’s careers, with parents suddenly taking on a second full-time role as a teacher and caretaker for their kids.What really helped Natalia get through it all was building a solid support from her employer, friends, family and even customers.</p><figure ></video></figure><p>At Outfront, Michelle actually saw a higher number of men on paternity leave this year than women on her team. She and Edith explain that a more balanced share of responsibilities is a positive for all.</p><figure ></video></figure><h2 >Why are there more women leading industry associations than publisher companies?</h2><p>Amanda suspects the reason more women tend to lead associations is because these leaders often require skills that are more common to marketing careers, a field that as we saw in the above chart, has a larger proportion of women.</p><figure ></video></figure><p>Michelle also weighs in to explain that the definition of leadership is changing, with more traditionally ‘female qualities’ playing a greater importance in the roles’ success.This is especially true in leading OOH organizations, as collaboration between members is a core part of the job.</p><figure ></video></figure><h2 >What are some ways we can improve the gender gap in OOH in the future?</h2><p>Natalia believes that organizations have a responsibility to build a working environment that gives women the tools and opportunities needed to grow their careers.</p><figure ></video></figure><p>Michele adds that this also extends to recruitment and HR policies to&nbsp; make sure there are no preconceived blockers restricting the amount of women who are hired or promoted.</p><figure ></video></figure><h4 >A huge thanks to our panelists and moderator! </h4><p>The <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sr5WX_2O_Uk">full conversation is available</a> on our YouTube page to hear more about how these women succeeded in their careers.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How to start a digital out-of-home business]]><![CDATA[

The digital out-of-home (DOOH) space has grown at an impressive rate in recent years, accounting for 28.3% of all out-of-home (OOH) ads in 2019. With predictions showing these numbers up to 38.3% by 2023, the rise of DOOH shows no signs of slowing. And as DOOH technologies continue to advance, the doors for more affordable, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-start-a-digital-out-of-home-businesshttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-start-a-digital-out-of-home-business<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 25 Feb 2021 10:55:22 GMT<p>The digital out-of-home (DOOH) space has grown at an impressive rate in recent years, accounting for <a href="https://www.emarketer.com/chart/230866/share-of-digital-out-of-home-ad-spending-worldwide-2013-2019-2023" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">28.3% of all out-of-home (OOH) ads in 2019</a>. With predictions showing these numbers up to 38.3% by 2023, the rise of DOOH shows no signs of slowing. And as DOOH technologies continue to advance, the doors for more affordable, flexible campaigns open wider.</p><p>If all the excitement surrounding DOOH has piqued the interest of your inner entrepreneur, you might be considering how you can get in on the action. These next few sections will cover what it takes to start your own digital out-of-home business.</p><h2 >Understanding startup costs</h2><p>First, you will need to consider the startup costs. There’s a lot of expense involved in acquiring the screens, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-signage-player-guide/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-signage-player-guide/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">digital signage players</a>, cables, and even the mounting brackets required for building out your network. On top of that, there will also be additional costs for the actual installation.</p><p>It is important to thoroughly research the best hardware options to match your budget and needs, including those dictated by your environment. For example, besides the technical specifications of your screens, you may also have to consider weather conditions — a digital screen on a frigid roadway up north needs to be able to handle different conditions than an indoor screen at the mall.</p><figure >Select hardware that will stand up to weather conditions in your locations</figcaption></figure><p>Once you’ve selected your screens, the next costs to consider will be <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-signage-player-guide/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">your digital signage player</a> — the computer that is attached to or embedded within the signage display. One of the most important factors when choosing your player will be software compatibility. You’ll want to ensure your hardware choice doesn’t restrict the software option <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">that best meets your needs</a>.</p><p>Aside from these initial expenses, you must also keep in mind the continued costs of services like internet connectivity, upgrades, software licenses, real estate, remote access, monitoring, and support.</p><h2 >Preparing for a new kind of selling</h2><p>If you are already familiar with selling inventory for out-of-home, you may find DOOH to be an entirely new ballgame. With options to sell based on deeper audience insights, the demand and expectations from media buyers will deepen too. You and your sales team need to try and understand the different deals that are possible in DOOH in order to most effectively meet the needs of your customers and generate revenue for your business.</p><h3 >Support many types of buyers</h3><p>Media buyers may have a variety of criteria they want met when they purchase ad space. Some may purely want to achieve a specific number of impressions, while others may want to target specific audience demographics in specific locations. The more types of buy that you are able to offer, the more sales you will be able to make. To start, some common types of buys you should support include:</p><p>· audience-based;· location-based;· share-of-voice; and· loop frequency.</p><p>This is where your digital signage players and software choices come into play. It is important for you to be able to support these types of buys in order to deploy a campaign that best supports the media buyer’s target.</p><figure >Help your buyers reach their target audience in the way they want to</figcaption></figure><h3 >Selling with more accuracy</h3><p>The more accurate you can be when reporting on audience data and impressions, the more money you can potentially sell ad space for. For example, if you know that there are mostly college-aged people passing by one of your particular screens, you can sell that space to a college recruitment campaign for a premium. This brings more value to both you and the media buyers, as they’ll likely better reach their audience with the target screen than they would with others.</p><p>Offering accurate targeting capabilities for media buyers to meet their goals is becoming an essential part of selling DOOH inventory. Digital can rely on OOH audience measurement and intelligence tools to fully understand the audience that is currently in front of a screen at any given time (often, in real time).</p><p>Furthermore, some of these technologies are able to dive even deeper, breaking down audience demographics of those present when particular ads were playing. This level of transparency provides media buyers with a greater level of accuracy when measuring the success for campaigns. The greater the insights you can offer, the more ways you can sell inventory.</p><figure >With good data, you can charge buyers a premium to connect with specific audiences</figcaption></figure><h3 >Equip your sales team</h3><p>With more complex metrics and pricing used to sell DOOH inventory, it is vital you have a sales team that is ready for the particulars of DOOH. If your sales team comes from a traditional OOH background, getting them up to speed with DOOH will require time and training to ensure they are adept at selling digital campaigns.</p><p>Where a traditional OOH ad might sit up on a billboard or a sign for days or weeks at a time, digital ads tend to run in slots measured only in seconds. This means your sales team will need to be prepared for a likely increase in the volume of bookings, as well as to sell according to the different kinds of campaign pricing models mentioned above. Dedicated OOH sales software like Broadsign Direct can be a big help in helping your team manage the new sales process, and can also help eliminate double bookings and otherwise reduce human error.</p><h2 >Planning for programmatic sales</h2><p>If you’re planning on starting your own digital signage business, it’s important to know how programmatic has been shaking up the industry. But what is programmatic?</p><p>Programmatic DOOH refers to the automated buying, selling, and delivery of out-of-home advertising. In other words, transactions are automated by computers in response to external triggers or targeted at a specific audience. Buyers are able to set their own conditions under which they want to buy media. If their campaign is approved and the targeting conditions are met, ads are purchased automatically. For example, an advertiser selling umbrellas may only wish to run their ads when the forecast is calling for rain.</p><p><strong>Example: </strong>This programmatic ad for Foodora played different content depending on the weather</p><figure ></div></figure><p>Because programmatic campaigns can be sold in such a targeted manner, media owners can charge a premium for the more efficient spend. What’s more, programmatic DOOH campaigns are often purchased as part of larger multichannel buys that include online, mobile, and other kinds of advertising that are also purchased programmatically. Buyers like the convenience of being able to make DOOH a part of their existing digital advertising spend.</p><p>Finally, programmatic offers a dead simple way for large brands to put a message out to large local, national, or even international audiences just by changing the targeting conditions of their campaign. Newcomers to the DOOH space who want their inventory to be selected for campaigns run by the biggest companies around will have much better odds if they support programmatic selling of their inventory.</p><h2 >Other things to keep in mind</h2><p>While starting a digital signage business may sound as simple as purchasing the hardware and software and selling to media buyers, there is a lot more that goes into the business of DOOH. Here are a few more things to keep in mind as you look into starting up.</p><h3 >Building your team</h3><p>We recommend you start out small and slowly begin to build your business up to minimize risk. If you expand too quickly, you may run into unforeseen technical or economic troubles that leave you reeling. But this doesn’t mean your operation should be a one-man show. In fact, you’ll improve your odds of success by bringing in some key individuals to help you manage the different aspects of the business.</p><p>· CFO/Financial advisor: someone to help evaluate your financial goals and create a plan as you gradually build up your business.· Project manager: someone who sets up display installations, makes technical arrangements, and takes care of the details while you focus on the ‘big picture.’· Software engineers: someone in house to oversee deployment and ensure everything is running smoothly on a day-to-day basis.· Salespeople: someone to sell your DOOH inventory (see, "Selling to Media Buyers" above for more).· Legal assistance: someone familiar with the different bylaws regarding OOH generally and DOOH specifically.</p><figure >You&#8217;ll need a good team with varied skills to create a successful DOOH business</figcaption></figure><h3 >Local laws</h3><p>Speaking of the law, there are many different laws and bylaws that you may need to consider when it comes to DOOH. It is important you are familiar with these laws as you begin to set up your business.</p><p>There are many different kinds of laws pertaining to OOH, but some of the most common ones include:</p><p>· Size and height of screens· Locations (ex. Restricted on certain roadways)· Separation between signs· Type of content displayed (ex. local governments may prohibit advertisem*nts for alcohol in public spaces where youth exposure is made possible)· Illumination levels</p><p>Be sure to thoroughly research local government regulations and restrictions on digital signage before making any purchasing decisions.</p><figure >Local laws can restrict your DOOH business &#8211; make sure you stay compliant</figcaption></figure><h3 >Selecting Locations</h3><p>Where you choose to place your digital signage is one of the most important pieces in the success of your business. So where do you start? Here are a few things to consider when selecting a location for your screens:</p><p>· Where is the screen most useful for the intended audience?· Will lighting affect the viewability of the screen?· Where is the nearest power source?· Is there internet connectivity?· Does the venue have rules or regulations for digital signage?</p><p>Keep in mind, too, that choosing your location will likely involve working out a rental agreement with a landlord or delivering signage in specific locations to fulfil a government contract. You’ll need to put some legwork in to bring either kind of network to life.</p><figure >DOOH can be a great fit for many different locations &#8211; find the ones right for your business</figcaption></figure><h3 >Security</h3><p>Finally, you’ll want to consider security as you begin setting up. In a digital space, comes the threat of digital security. As more stories continue to dominate headlines regarding hackers, it is vital to have a digital security plan.</p><p>Be sure you take the time to research security protocols of the software solutions you have in place and make sure the solution you choose meets your needs. This is especially important in sensitive environments, like the healthcare space, where it is especially important that troublemakers can’t take over your displays. Our solution, for instance, holds <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-completes-soc-ii-isae3402-service-auditor-reports/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-completes-soc-ii-isae3402-service-auditor-reports/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">SOC II Type 1 certification</a>, effectively meaning it’s as secure as online banking. This level of security should be more than adequate for just about any DOOH environment you can think of.</p><p><strong>Want to dig deeper?</strong></p><p><strong>Download <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/guide-to-building-a-successful-digital-signage-network" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/guide-to-building-a-successful-digital-signage-network">your complete guide to building a successful digital signage network</a></strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Captivate and Broadsign Partner on New Programmatic DOOH Channel]]><![CDATA[

Extensive digital signage network converges with the Broadsign Reach programmatic DOOH platform, opening new doors for advertisers TORONTO and MONTREAL — February 16, 2021 — Captivate and Broadsign today announced a collaboration that will expand programmatic access to Captivate’s far-reaching network of elevator and large format displays in highly-trafficked office buildings via the Broadsign Reach […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/captivate-and-broadsign-partner-to-deliver-new-programmatic-dooh-channelhttps://broadsign.com/blog/captivate-and-broadsign-partner-to-deliver-new-programmatic-dooh-channel<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 16 Feb 2021 07:30:00 GMT<h2 ><em>Extensive digital signage network converges with the Broadsign Reach programmatic DOOH platform, opening new doors for advertisers</em></h2><p>TORONTO and MONTREAL — February 16, 2021 — <a href="https://www.captivate.ca/">Captivate</a> and <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a> today announced a collaboration that will expand programmatic access to Captivate’s far-reaching network of elevator and large format displays in highly-trafficked office buildings via the Broadsign Reach supply-side-platform (SSP). More than 1,800 of Captivate’s displays across Canada have been onboarded and are now available to more than 30 demand-side-platforms (DSPs) globally that are integrated with Reach, with Captivate’s U.S. inventory to follow. The integration is allowing media buyers to tap into Captivate’s premium audience of high household income earners in a simpler, more flexible and measurable manner.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Building on Captivate’s long standing partnership with Campsite, which was acquired by Broadsign in 2019, the partnership reinforces Captivate’s commitment to evolving how digital out-of-home (DOOH) is bought and sold, and diversifies its ability to grant media buyers on-demand access to key audiences during their consumer journey. </p><p>With Captivate’s network now accessible via Broadsign Reach, the company can better service the North American market by connecting it to new digital media buyers via Broadsign’s extensive network of omnichannel and DOOH specialty DSPs. In turn, media buyers have a wider pool of programmatic DOOH inventory to select from when targeting their intended audience, as well as greater flexibility to adapt ad creative and timing for greater relevancy and to maximize reach.</p><blockquote ><p>"The ad space is incredibly dynamic and continues to develop alongside technological advances and shifting audience behaviors. This collaboration with Broadsign will help us reach digital buyers looking for new ways to target audiences with impactful messaging while also improving campaign performance. Programmatic has long been a priority for Captivate and this integration helps further diversify our offering to media buyers looking to harness the many benefits that DOOH has to offer."&nbsp;</p><cite>Barb Huggett, General Manager at Captivate Canada</cite></blockquote><blockquote ><p>"We are extremely excited to expand our work with Captivate to surface their inventory to new buyers through our extensive network of DSP partners. We expect their unique inventory will continue to be of keen interest to programmatic media buyers looking for effective ways to connect with their target audiences today and in a post-pandemic world."&nbsp;</p><cite>Adam Green, SVP and GM, Broadsign Programmatic Platforms</cite></blockquote><h4 ><strong>About Captivate</strong></h4><p>For nearly 25 years, Captivate has been the leading location-based digital video office network. Known for its vast network of elevator and large format displays throughout North America, Captivate engages millions of modern professionals with timely news, actionable information and relevant advertising placement. Captivate is now leveraging this expertise beyond the office and extending its reach to valuable audiences where they work, live and play. </p><p>Whether it’s at home or in a ridesharing vehicle, Captivate continues to deliver a premium, brand safe advertising experience in a 100% viewable and fraud free captive environment. Founded in 1997, Captivate is owned by Generation Partners. For more information, please visit <a href="http://www.captivate.ca/">www.captivate.ca</a>.</p><h4 ><strong>About Broadsign</strong></h4><p>Broadsign empowers publishers, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over 425,000 signs along roadways and in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. </p><p>The Broadsign platform helps publishers more efficiently manage their business operations while enabling brands and agencies to easily book OOH campaigns. The platform includes tools for content distribution, playback and proof of performance; sales inventory availability and proposal generation; automated programmatic DOOH transactions; and OOH business operations. <a href="https://broadsign.com">https://broadsign.com</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Why programmatic DOOH is the winning strategy for success in 2021]]><![CDATA[

Want to hit this year’s marketing campaigns out of the ballpark? Read our blog to find out why is a must in your media strategy.

https://broadsign.com/blog/programmatic-dooh-winning-strategy-success-2021https://broadsign.com/blog/programmatic-dooh-winning-strategy-success-2021<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 10 Feb 2021 13:37:21 GMT<p>We’re now just over a month into 2021, which is undoubtedly a year that we’re collectively hoping will be better than the last. Whether it’s currently on the right track is somewhat questionable, but for the most part, the <em>interesting</em> events we’ve encountered so far are out of our control.&nbsp;</p><p>Yet as a marketer or media buyer, one thing that can directly make or break your coming year, and one that you have full control of, is how solid your media plan is. And for fully flexible and creative campaigns, digital out-of-home should not be overlooked. Here’s why:</p><h2 >People are itching to get outside and DOOH is ready</h2><p>Put your hand up if you spend all day at your computer, take your breaks scrolling through your phone and spend your evenings watching Netflix on yet another screen.&nbsp;</p><p>Without the opportunity to see friends and family, or even to join an in-person meeting, many of us have seen a significant increase in screen time this past year. This created a unique challenge for advertisers: screen fatigue.&nbsp;</p><p>Even with some venues closed, we began to search for a much-needed break, and the <a href="http://oaaa.org/Portals/0/Public%20PDFs/Marketing/HarrisPollInfographics.pdf?ver=2020-10-22">rate at which people spent their time outside began to rise</a>. Now, as vaccines begin to be distributed and we’re all eager for life to return to ‘normal’, we expect to see an even greater increase in the amount of time people spend away from their homes.</p><p>As for digital out-of-home, screens in venues like supermarkets and healthcare offices saw the greatest surge in traffic at the heart of the pandemic, while airports, cinemas and other non-essential businesses struggled. Yet as restrictions are lifted, entertainment, leisure and travel activities will surely see a surge in traffic.</p><p>The key here is to be ready to jump when trends change. Just imagine the impact of having your ad displayed to the visitors at a cinema’s opening week, or on campus as students finally get to go to school fully in person again.&nbsp;</p><p>When bought programmatically through a buying platform like <a href="http://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a> (formerly Campsite), digital out-of-home is extremely flexible and will allow you to quickly adjust your strategy as consumer behaviour changes.</p><figure /></figure><h2 >DOOH provides flexibility for any surprises</h2><p>Of course, most markets aren’t fully open right now, and there’s still significant ebb and flow of consumers as restrictions are still being put in place.</p><p>Not only does digital out-of-home allow for you to easily start, pause and end campaigns, but you also have the flexibility to adjust as needed.&nbsp;</p><p>Did the government just extend the evening curfew for another month? No problem, you can adjust the campaign settings to deliver more impressions in the afternoon. Are retail stores opening back up with very little notice? Great, set up and launch a new DOOH campaign in minutes.</p><p>By booking your DOOH campaign programmatically, you also have a direct and easy way to adjust creatives based on the social climate and world events. With this, you can be more creative, extremely relevant and also avoid any potentially insensitive messaging.&nbsp;</p><p>For example, with the recent SuperBowl, you could have created two versions of your campaign and launch the right one depending who won – though let’s be honest, we had no doubt that Tom Brady and the Buccaneers would win.</p><p>By staying on your toes and being ready to adjust as needed, your DOOH budget will never go to waste and your messaging will be received by people at the right time and in the right place.</p><h2 >The outlook on 2021 is a bright one for DOOH</h2><p>From circus announcements to posters of Uncle Sam recruiting young men for WWI, out-of-home is one of the oldest marketing channels. Since then, and especially since digital came into the picture, it has seen steady growth, with <a href="https://billboardinsider.com/magna-sees-16-decline-in-ooh-in-2020-followed-by-9-increase-in-2021/">OOH expected to recover from the pandemic quicker than any other traditional media</a>.</p><p>While this statistic is based on revenues, many OOH media owners have also taken the unusual year to streamline their processes, modernize their technology and even <a href="https://www.emarketer.com/content/out-of-home-advertising-becoming-more-digital-driven">turn some of their static assets into digital billboards</a>.</p><p>What does this mean for your ad campaigns? They’re easier to buy and more impactful than ever. With this digital transformation and a surge in the number of screens available for purchase programmatically, DOOH campaigns are as agile as ever.</p><p>But even so, with some companies seeing smaller marketing budgets as they themselves recover from the pandemic, is DOOH really the right place to spend money on in 2021?</p><p>Absolutely yes!</p><p>Digital billboards and screens are bright, bold and impactful, and as we said above, people will be flocking outside as soon as they have the chance.</p><p>What’s more, consumers have a positive outlook on OOH ads, and it is <a href="https://thoughtleadership.oaaa.org/why-ooh-is-the-most-trusted-influencer/">one of the most effective marketing channels at building brand trust</a>.&nbsp;</p><p>And after the year we’ve had, <a href="https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/marketing-and-sales/our-insights/the-great-consumer-shift-ten-charts-that-show-how-us-shopping-behavior-is-changing#">three-quarters of consumers have said to have changed their shopping habits during the pandemic</a>. So if aren’t the Pelotons and bread yeast companies of this world, quickly reestablishing brand loyalty is critical as consumer spending picks back up.</p><h2 >DOOH is a perfect pairing for your other marketing channels</h2><p>It goes without saying that DOOH isn’t the only marketing channel you need for a successful 2021 media strategy, but it should definitely be included.</p><p>It allows you to extend the reach of your marketing campaigns by reaching your audience while they’re away from their personal devices – something that’s unique to more traditional mediums.</p><p>But that doesn’t mean DOOH doesn’t fit right into a modern digital strategy right alongside your other channels. Actually, <a href="https://oaaa.org/Portals/0/Public%20PDFs/Take%20Your%20Message%20Further.pdf">online and social campaigns tend to perform significantly better when paired with DOOH</a>.</p><p>And while a few adjustments need to be made to prepare your campaign for OOH screens, your creatives can easily be retrofitted to work across all your digital platforms, maximizing on cohesion for a clear and consistent message across touchpoints.</p><figure /></figure><h2 >Why programmatic is the driving force behind brands’ success with DOOH</h2><p>Some marketers have likely bought DOOH before, but programmatic provides just that much more flexibility. It’s easier to adjust creatives, shuffle budgets and react to any unforeseen events. Not to mention it is a one-stop-shop to manage your campaign across multiple publishers.</p><p>And while we hope for an amazing 2021, I’m sure most of us aren’t betting our life savings on it quite yet. So if you want to set up a campaign that is ready for whatever the future holds, <a href="https://broadsign.com/book-demo/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">book a demo</span></a> with one of our experts to get started.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Looking back as we’re named a top Montreal employer in 2021]]><![CDATA[

It feels like just yesterday that we were packing up our favourite coffee mugs and desk trinkets while saying quick goodbyes to our friends and colleagues. Needless to say, we weren’t expecting a few weeks at home to last what’s now coming up on a year. And while our office plants might not have faired […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/a-look-back-at-the-past-year-as-were-named-one-of-montreals-top-employers-2021https://broadsign.com/blog/a-look-back-at-the-past-year-as-were-named-one-of-montreals-top-employers-2021<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 09 Feb 2021 07:45:00 GMT<p>It feels like just yesterday that we were packing up our favourite coffee mugs and desk trinkets while saying quick goodbyes to our friends and colleagues. Needless to say, we weren’t expecting a few weeks at home to last what’s now coming up on a year.</p><p>And while our office plants might not have faired very well, our teams, on the other hand, shifted and grew into productive, remote powerhouses.&nbsp;</p><p>We’ve launched incredible products, features and business projects, and found a way to conquer any blockers that came our way. For the most part, we’ve managed to do so by remaining true to our core values.</p><p>Now, having been named one of Montreal’s Top Employers for the <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-makes-its-first-appearance-on-montreal-top-employers-list/">second year in a</a><a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-makes-its-first-appearance-on-montreal-top-employers-list/" target="_blank"> </a><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-makes-its-first-appearance-on-montreal-top-employers-list/">row</a>, we’re sure some of you might be reading this as potential future members of the Broadsign family – we’re in the middle of <a href="https://broadsign.com/careers/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">a very active hiring period</a>, after all – so we wanted to share some stories that make us proud to be Broadsigners, and hopefully encourage you to send a resume our way.</p><figure }</script></figure><h3 >Value 1: We empower</h3><p>We’ve now shifted to a digital-by-default company, with the future office not having assigned desks. There are of course a few downsides to this (re. our mugs and trinkets) but overall we’re excited about the flexibility this will offer our teams.</p><p>For this to work, we needed a booking system to keep track of everything, and who better to ask than our talented team of developers. A fully self-driven project, this app encouraged inter-team collaboration and allowed our devs to step out of their daily routines.</p><p>Software engineers, like Tomas, were excited to dip their toes into a new project:</p><blockquote ><p>Engineering is always innovating and trying to keep up with the industry. This was an excellent training and experimentation opportunity for the team, and we decided to encourage participation from anyone, regardless of experience or position. We also had several training sessions and group programming sessions for those unfamiliar with technologies or practices.</p></blockquote><h3 >Value 2: We do the right thing</h3><p>Doing the right thing is likely one of the most engrained of our values, with countless stories over the years of how this has helped us grow as a company. And while these choices make us feel good about ourselves, it’s also good business, as it promotes strong and long-lasting business relationships!&nbsp;</p><p>As we each faced our own challenges of being home this past year, the Broadsign team did their best to be flexible, understanding and most importantly, human. In our weekly all-hands meeting, our CEO, Burr, reiterates the importance of taking care or ourselves and our families, which for parents of young children, like Khadija, was a huge help:</p><blockquote ><p>Winter, in Montreal, during a pandemic… not the easiest on the morale. When the Broadsign team put together a &#8216;<em>health at home</em>&#8216; challenge, I went to pick up my daughter from daycare by foot. Since then, this is my routine every Wednesday afternoon, and it gives me some time to refresh and take care of myself.</p></blockquote><h2 >Value 3: We treat everyone with dignity and respect</h2><p>Broadsign has always been a very people-based company, with conversations, comradery and even friendships building the culture we know and love. We knew this wouldn’t be easy to maintain with fully remote work, especially so when welcoming new teammates.&nbsp;</p><p>Our teams stepped up to make new members feel welcome and ensure they have all the tools, resources and support needed for a smooth onboarding, which for Faiz, was definitely the case:</p><blockquote ><p>I was a bit nervous about how well a remote onboarding would go, but it was a better experience than I’d anticipated! From meeting the team to receiving hardware on time, it was all very smooth. I really enjoy Broadsign’s &#8216;<em>d</em>onut time&#8217; which randomly groups three employees together for a short call on a weekly basis. It is a great way to get to know my new coworkers.</p></blockquote><p>We hired some great new team members in the past few months and we’re grateful for the trust they’ve put in us in making a career leap in the craziest year most of us have encountered.</p><h4 >And if you want a little peak into how life once was&#8230;</h4><p>One day we&#8217;ll get to work and play in person again, and here&#8217;s some of what you can expect:</p><figure ></div></figure><h3 >Want to be part of our 2021 story?</h3><p>This is just a quick look into our past year and we’re looking forward to what 2021 will bring.&nbsp;</p><p>We actually have two other values: we make great things happen and we do what we say, but we’ll save those stories for another day.</p><p>To check out our open positions, which we have many for developers and business people alike, <a href="https://broadsign.com/careers/">take a look at our career page</a> and be sure to <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/broadsign">follow</a><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/broadsign" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"> </a><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/broadsign">us on LinkedIn</a> for future opportunities. We hope to have you onboard!&nbsp;</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[The GameStop investment saga meets outdoor advertising]]><![CDATA[

If you haven’t seen the news, an online community of retail investors from Reddit is in an investment war with hedge funds over GameStop stock (NYSE: GME). As this movement has grown, the community has gotten more creative in calling for its members to hold the stock, and not to sell until the stock value […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/gamestop-stock-billboardshttps://broadsign.com/blog/gamestop-stock-billboards<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 02 Feb 2021 14:40:57 GMT<p>If you haven’t seen the news, an online community of retail investors from Reddit is in an investment war with hedge funds over GameStop stock (NYSE: GME). As this movement has grown, the community has gotten more creative in calling for its members to hold the stock, and not to sell until the stock value of the company has grown to previously unthinkable heights.</p><p>Recently, that creativity has left the online space and entered the real world, with members buying up billboards and other outdoor advertising to broadcast the message, the meme, louder than ever before: Hold your stocks ; GME to the moon .</p><p>This online movement entering mainstream spaces has made for big news, but it’s really just the latest example of a longstanding trend. As brands and movements grow, they turn to OOH advertising to make more noise than they could ever achieve with online ads alone. Buying out-of-home advertising is, to many, surprisingly affordable, and easier than ever thanks to <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">programmatic buying platforms</a>. An OOH ad can be created, purchased, and displayed in a matter of hours. Pretty much anyone can do it, and as we’ve seen from this movement, it makes an impact.</p><p>Whether the larger movement is right or wrong, we think the enthusiasm for promoting the movement on billboards is exciting to see. That’s why we rounded up some of the ads delivered as a part of this decentralized, voluntary campaign. They’re interesting examples of the new, more open era of OOH we now find ourselves in.</p><h2 >GME go BRRR &#8211; Times Square, New York City</h2><p>Times Square is one of the more famous environments for OOH advertising, so it was only a matter of time before this movement’s turn to OOH made its way to this locale.</p><p>For the meme illiterate, "GME go BRRR" effectively means the stock is printing money.</p><figure ><blockquote ></script></div></figure><h2 >We’re not leaving &#8211; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma</h2><p>For a while, there seemed to be an understanding that the wild activity around GameStop would cease on January 29, as the investment hive mind seemed convinced that the value would peak on that date. It didn’t, leading many in the movement to call for everyone to sit tight until the stock rose in value. </p><p>This billboard ad displayed in OKC is very much in keeping with that message.</p><figure ><blockquote ></script></div></figure><h2 >$GME to the moon &#8211; Malta, Tennessee, Florida, Oregon, New Zealand</h2><p>One of the more powerful elements of this retail investment movement is that it has gone international. People on every continent (with the possible exception of Antarctica) are getting in on the action, buying up stocks to be a part of the movement.</p><p>Case in point: These ads, all variations on the same theme, in Malta, Tennessee, Oregon (x2), and New Zealand.</p><figure ><blockquote ></script></div></figure><figure >Posted to Reddit by u/msander</figcaption></figure><figure ><blockquote ></script></div></figure><figure ><blockquote ></script></div></figure><figure ><blockquote ></script></div></figure><figure ><blockquote ></script></div></figure><h2 >Tenez la ligne (Hold the line) &#8211; Montreal, Canada</h2><p>Another example of an international campaign supporting the online cause, this ad began playing in Montreal on Monday, purchased programmatically and displayed on bus shelters around the city.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >Buy GameStop &#8211; Miami Beach/The skies</h2><p>Sure, it’s not out-of-home the way we usually think of it, but there have been some interesting airborne ads these past few days hawking GME and encouraging folks to buy and hold. As decentralized multichannel ad campaigns go, this one has been pretty good about diversifying its efforts at getting the word out.</p><figure ><blockquote ></script></div></figure><h2 >We like the stock &#8211; Baltimore, Md. + Wichita, Kansas</h2><p>Another meme phrase from the online movement, "We Like the Stock" became the tagline for these ads outside of Baltimore and Wichita this week.</p><figure ><blockquote ></script></div></figure><figure ><blockquote ></script></div></figure><h2 >Bonus: AMC &amp; Dogecoin</h2><p>GameStop isn’t the only meme investment out there. Blackberry, Blockbuster, and Nokia are all in the mix as well, though AMC and the Dogecoin cryptocurrency seem to have the most enthusiasm from online retail investors. Since the latter two both got billboards of their own this week, we thought we’d include them here on the list as well.</p><figure ><blockquote ></script></div></figure><figure ><blockquote ></script></div></figure><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Convergencia Digital Signage makes premium digital signage more affordable and convenient]]><![CDATA[

Too often, new businesses in the digital out-of-home space have to compromise on their vision. They want to adopt the latest technologies and deliver an innovative and memorable experience for their audiences, but they don’t have the money to invest in the software that will let them do so. They may be forced to choose […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-convergencia-digital-signage-makes-premium-digital-signage-more-affordable-and-convenienthttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-convergencia-digital-signage-makes-premium-digital-signage-more-affordable-and-convenient<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 28 Jan 2021 10:11:30 GMT<p>Too often, new businesses in the digital out-of-home space have to compromise on their vision. They want to adopt the latest technologies and deliver an innovative and memorable experience for their audiences, but they don’t have the money to invest in the software that will let them do so. They may be forced to choose a lesser platform, deploy a less exciting product, and hope that they can someday build the network they dream of.</p><p>In Latin America, there’s a better option available to newcomers to the DOOH space. By collaborating with Convergencia Digital Signage, a digital signage integrator in the region, it’s possible to build a DOOH network that makes use of the most advanced technology currently available. This, at a cost that is far less than it would be to build this kind of network alone.</p><h2 >Partner details</h2><p>Convergencia Digital Signage<a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="http://convergenciads.com/" target="_blank">convergenciads.com</a>Region: Latin AmericaLanguage of service: Spanish</p><h3 >Services</h3><ul><li>Digital signage network management</li><li>Spanish-language technical support</li><li>Spanish-language content creation</li></ul><figure }</script><figcaption>Convergencia Digital Signage offers services for every stage of building and operating a DOOH business</figcaption></figure><h2 >The cost advantage with Convergencia Digital Signage</h2><p>With digital signage, you’ll often get the best value from software when managing networks of larger scale. For newcomers to the space, unfortunately, it isn’t always easy to achieve this scale right away.</p><p>This is where Convergencia can provide a lot of value. Because the company manages many screens across Latin America, it is able to add new displays to its network for relatively little cost. It passes these savings on to customers who choose to have Convergencia run their networks, allowing them to start out with relatively few screens that run on premium software they otherwise may not be able to afford.</p><h2 >Technical experts close to home</h2><p>Convergencia also has a lot to offer to LATAM businesses that run their own networks. Many of the top choices for digital signage software are based in other regions, and may not be able to offer customer support in Spanish to the degree that some businesses may require.</p><p>Thanks to its experience in the industry and a team that includes a variety of technical experts, Convergencia can help digital signage businesses build their networks, harness the full capabilities of their chosen digital signage software, and perform maintenance and troubleshooting when necessary.</p><figure }</script><figcaption>In-house technical experts at Convergencia can help build and manage world-class DOOH networks</figcaption></figure><h2 >Quality content for quality networks</h2><p>Yet another service offered by Convergencia is content creation, something essential to the success of any good digital signage network. Convergencia works together with brands and network operators on everything from advertising content to local messages to live updates for weather and other useful information.</p><p>Especially for those businesses just starting out in the digital signage space, content can be a time-consuming and tricky thing to get right. Working together with Convergencia can help ensure that you fuel your business with the best content to maximise a return on your investment.</p><h2 >Featured project: The Medellin Metro digital signage network</h2><p>A recently launched digital signage network in the Medellin Metro system in Colombia is a standout example of the difference Convergencia makes. The network owner, iCo Medios, brought in Convergencia to help with building out the network from a technical standpoint, provide Spanish-language training and support for its team, and to create content for the network on an ongoing basis.</p><p>This network is the largest transit DOOH network in Colombia, and is set to expand further over the coming months and years.</p><figure }</script></figure><p><strong>Read more about the project in <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-ico-medios-is-redefining-transit-dooh-in-colombia/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">our spotlight on iCo Medios</a></strong></p><h2 >Working with Broadsign &amp; Convergencia</h2><p>For Latin American companies that are new to out-of-home or who are looking to give their business an upgrade, partnering with Broadsign and the Convergencia team is an ideal arrangement.</p><p>Broadsign’s top-class software for OOH will provide your business with automated content management, intelligent sales capabilities, and the ability to scale your business as quickly and efficiently as you want. Convergencia, meanwhile, can help speed up your adoption of Broadsign, as well as cut licensing costs, deliver Spanish-language training and support, and assist with creating and distributing premium content.</p><p>It doesn’t matter what size your business is or how much experience you have in OOH. With Broadsign and Convergencia, you can flip the switch on a world-class DOOH business more quickly and for less money than starting out alone.</p><p><strong>Want to see our software in action?<a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/">Request your personalized Broadsign demo</a> today!</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Spotlight on Broadsign Direct]]><![CDATA[

We often talk about optimizing your out-of-home sales, but what exactly does that mean, and how complicated is it? Recently, our own Cécile Roney, Product Owner and Thomas Okeke, Sales Director, hosted a webinar laying out the many ways you can evolve your sales process and empower sales teams to work smarter and more efficiently […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/spotlight-on-broadsign-directhttps://broadsign.com/blog/spotlight-on-broadsign-direct<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 21 Jan 2021 12:39:28 GMT<p>We often talk about optimizing your out-of-home sales, but what exactly does that mean, and how complicated is it?</p><p>Recently, our own Cécile Roney, Product Owner and Thomas Okeke, Sales Director, hosted a webinar laying out the many ways you can evolve your sales process and empower sales teams to work smarter and more efficiently than ever before &#8211; all while generating more revenue options.</p><p>It’s a big topic with a lot to cover, but it’s luckily all very manageable, and there’s no better time than the start of the year to equip your sales team with the right tools to maximize revenue.</p><p>Here’s a look at some of the main challenges and solutions that were covered, all in bite-sized chunks.</p><h2 >Selling to more OOH media buyers</h2><h3 >Challenge: Keep up with the competition and sell to more media buyers</h3><p>One OOH media owner’s needs are going to be different from another’s. Network size plays into this, as does the nature of the assets up for sale (digital or traditional) and the markets in which the owner operates.</p><p>And then there are the customers. What the customers demand is going to have a big impact on what any OOH media owner needs to do and prioritize. Unfortunately, though, different customers often want very different things. That means a "one size fits all" sales model can make it harder to expand beyond the regulars and attract new customers. If your business has limitations on how its inventory can be sold, new buyers with different needs will just go to competitors flexible enough to do things their way.</p><h3 >Solution: Offer variety in your product packaging</h3><p>By diversifying your product offering, you open the door to new types of media buyers. Take a look at some of the ways you can diversify your product offering in the snippet below:</p><figure ></div></figure><p>To summarize, media owners should broaden their product offering to attract all types of media buyers by:</p><ul><li>Speaking your customer’s language through different types of OOH buys &#8211; such as impression based, frequency or audience based</li><li>Accommodating all types of media budgets, even if that means day-parting, strategic packaging, or offering "half spots" that reach a smaller target audience</li><li>Showcasing your network’s competitive edge &#8211; things like take-over capabilities, the power to run real-time dynamic content or audience screen interactivity should be highlighted and at the forefront of your media kits</li></ul><h2 >Improving efficiency with automation</h2><h3 >Challenge: Selling out-of-home media is time consuming and labor intensive</h3><p>Without an automated OOH sales tool to help schedule campaigns and sell inventory, you’re looking at lots of manual work, which is extremely time consuming and can result in errors or obsolete information (we’re looking at you, spreadsheets and faxes).</p><p>Some media owners today still use spreadsheets to manage their inventory because it offers a modular way of managing products and flight duration. Spreadsheets, however, are not a scalable solution. They are also not tools designed for inventory management &#8211; even less so for OOH inventory.</p><p>As an alternative, some businesses build their own in-house tool. But because software development takes resources and time and isn’t a media owner’s core business, it’s pretty costly to keep these solutions up-to-date, and the difficulty in scaling with these solutions can hinder business growth.</p><h3 >Solution: Adopt a turn-key OOH sales software that does the work for you</h3><p>This is where an automated sales tool that is specifically designed for OOH comes into play. Using OOH sales software managed externally, by a vendor, allows a business to dedicate its resources to focus on selling. You can also rely on the vendor to maintain and innovate on your behalf so that the solution grows as you do.</p><p>Here’s what you should look for in an ad sales tool:</p><figure ></div></figure><p>To summarize, look for a tool that:</p><ul><li>Provides access to real-time updates on inventory availability and audience calculations</li><li>Enables multiple team members to work simultaneously to maximize productivity, especially for those who are putting in holds, creating bookings and checking availability</li><li>Grows with you and allows you to scale without any limitations&nbsp;</li><li>Works harmoniously with your existing CRMs, such as Salesforce or Boostr, and your content management system</li></ul><h2 >Increasing your OOH network&#8217;s yield</h2><h3 >Challenge: Yield optimization is complex and a constant challenge</h3><p>Increasing your network’s yield can seem daunting, and there are certain roadblocks that prevent media owners from getting the full value out of their network.</p><h4 ><strong>Booking visibility</strong></h4><p>It&#8217;s difficult to adapt offerings accordingly when you don’t know where your occupancy levels are their highest. In order to efficiently balance inventory occupancy, you need to have the right data in front of you to be able to reschedule or readjust bookings.</p><h4 >Pricing complexity</h4><p>Each customer has a different budget, different audience and a unique set of campaign goals, making it almost impossible for humans to manually figure out the very best screens or faces to add to a proposal.</p><h3 >Solution: Automate your inventory management</h3><p>OOH is no longer about filling spots within a loop. It’s important that your sales tools give you the right data and enable you to define clear objectives. Using an automated inventory management system removes the guesswork, allowing sales to provide the best proposal meeting their customer’s campaign goals.</p><p>Cécile dives into the details in the following snippet:</p><figure ></div></figure><p>To summarize, look for an automated inventory management system to help you:&nbsp;</p><ul><li>Define clear business objectives and prioritize them according to your market and competitive landscape</li><li>Automate your sales process as much as possible to remove the guesswork for your sales team and other departments</li><li>Tackle more complex business models without worrying about how to maintain them</li></ul><h2 >How does Broadsign Direct solve these problems?</h2><h3 ><strong>Flexible and adaptable business models</strong></h3><p>Broadsign Direct supports a wide (and growing) range of buying options for all types of media buyers. Plus, it’s one system for both traditional and digital networks, streamlining the creation of cross-channel campaign proposals.</p><h3 ><strong>Improve sales efficiency</strong></h3><p>With real-time visibility into how your network is operating, you can quickly identify the best available inventory options to meet your buyer’s campaign criteria and close deals.</p><figure }</script><figcaption>Broadsign Direct gives you clear insight into inventory usage</figcaption></figure><h3 ><strong>Support business growth</strong></h3><p>We believe that software should never limit your business growth, which is why we built an ad sales tool that grows with you. With Broadsign Direct, you can scale your business vertically or horizontally. Increase performance and cross-department collaboration by allowing complementary departments to connect to one solution.</p><p>Want to invest in new assets to expand your network? Direct can handle multiple users simultaneously searching your inventory database &#8211; no matter how big your network.</p><h3 ><strong>Connect campaign bookings with automated scheduling</strong></h3><p>Broadsign Direct is fully integrated with Broadsign Control, our content management system. Giving sales and operations access to the same live data fills the communication and information gap. When you remove the manual work in syncing campaign bookings and campaign scheduling, it’ll result in speedier transactions.</p><h3 ><strong>Your trusted OOH technology partner</strong></h3><p>If there’s one thing we at Broadsign know, it’s out-of-home. Working with us, you can trust in our team to do the hard work of innovating for you, further developing the tools and workflows that can help drive your business’ growth.</p><figure }</script><figcaption>Broadsign Direct is gaining new features all the time to help you sell smarter</figcaption></figure><h3 ><strong>An intelligent optimization engine</strong></h3><p>Sometimes there are some things that computers can do better than humans, which is where Broadsign Direct’s optimization engine comes into the picture. There are two ways our optimization engine works: it will minimize your yield loss and maximize the use of your inventory.&nbsp;</p><h3 >How does Broadsign Direct minimize yield loss?</h3><p>The system will automatically rebalance campaigns that are over or under-delivering by readjusting the campaign play rates to ensure the campaign goals are properly met in a pragmatic manner.&nbsp;</p><p>Take a closer look at this functionality in the snippet below:</p><figure ></div></figure><h3 >And how does it maximize inventory?</h3><p>Think Tetris blocks &#8211; every time inventory availability is checked, Broadsign Direct will calculate the most optimal way it can make room for a new campaign. That means our system is smart enough to create wiggle room and squeeze in a new campaign by moving other campaigns around while still meeting campaign objectives.</p><p>Check out a few example use cases:</p><figure ></div></figure><p>Broadsign Direct not only helps sales teams work faster, smarter and more efficiently, but it secures real-time inventory and generates proposals to make deals more quickly &#8211; all while the solution automatically optimizes bookings and revenue.</p><p>Want more detail? You can watch the entire Out-of-Home from Home webinar recording <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slesn6snha0&amp;list=PLb8ZzcZFhksGplrXlPggQUo6xg53pezKN&amp;index=8" data-type="URL" data-id="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slesn6snha0&amp;list=PLb8ZzcZFhksGplrXlPggQUo6xg53pezKN&amp;index=8">right here</a>.</p><p>And if you want to see Broadsign Direct in action, <a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/">book your personalized demo today</a>!</p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Ebook: Add a real-world kick to your digital advertising]]><![CDATA[

Online and mobile advertising is great, but what happens when your audience is away from their personal device? With Broadsign Ads (formerly Campsite), launching a targeted and impactful digital campaign outside is easier than you think. In this guide, you’ll learn how to: 👉 Augment your other marketing channels with digital out-of-home 👉 Build a […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/ebook-add-a-real-world-kick-to-your-digital-advertisinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/ebook-add-a-real-world-kick-to-your-digital-advertising<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 15 Jan 2021 14:52:00 GMT<p>Online and mobile advertising is great, but what happens when your audience is away from their personal device? With <a href="http://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a> (formerly Campsite), launching a targeted and impactful digital campaign outside is easier than you think. In this guide, you’ll learn how to: Augment your other marketing channels with digital out-of-home Build a strategic campaign using the Broadsign Ads audience segments Create a more impactful campaign using the Broadsign Ads environments Easily build and launch an efficient DOOH campaign<meta charset="utf-8">And more!</p><p><strong>Instantly download the (ungated) ebook:</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/297064/eBooks/Campsite_Ebook_Digital_Advertising_Real_World_Agency.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Agency version</a></strong> <strong>|</strong> <strong><a href="https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/297064/eBooks/Campsite_Ebook_Digital_Advertising_Real_World_SMB.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Small and medium-sized version</a></strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How DSP Sage+Archer leverages DOOH to its full potential]]><![CDATA[

Though the COVID19 pandemic has had quite the impact on out-of-home advertising, if you ask Amsterdam-based DSP Sage+Archer, the value of a programmatic approach has never been more apparent. From the flexibility it affords those working with limited budgets to the speed at which it targets the right audiences at the right places and times, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-dsp-sagearcher-leverages-dooh-to-its-full-potentialhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-dsp-sagearcher-leverages-dooh-to-its-full-potential<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 18 Dec 2020 10:51:47 GMT<p>Though the COVID19 pandemic has had quite the impact on out-of-home advertising, if you ask Amsterdam-based <a href="https://sage-archer.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">DSP Sage+Archer,</a> the value of a programmatic approach has never been more apparent.&nbsp;</p><p></p><p>From the flexibility it affords those working with limited budgets to the speed at which it targets the right audiences at the right places and times, it’s no surprise why a growing number of brands and agencies view programmatic DOOH as their strategy of choice.</p><p></p><h2 ><strong>From tech-driven media agency to self-serve platform partner</strong></h2><p></p><p>Launched by the Dutch mobile-first media agency MobPro, Sage+Archer was born out of a growing need amongst marketers to establish added control over their campaigns.&nbsp;</p><p>While the DSP was originally used internally by MobPro experts (and self-proclaimed data geeks), after a user-friendly overhaul, the powerful technology was rebuilt into an intuitive, easy-to-use self-serve media buying platform.&nbsp;</p><p></p><p>Today, Sage+Archer’s solution provides its clients with the technology they need to activate, manage, and monitor dynamic mobile, DOOH, and multichannel campaigns. This has enabled them to broaden their scope of clients, and also puts them in a better position to fulfil their international ambitions.&nbsp;</p><p></p><h2 ><strong>Harnessing the power of programmatic&nbsp;</strong></h2><p></p><p>Though their solution consists of a DOOH engine and a separate mobile engine, its underlying technology allows advertisers to seamlessly combine the two. The majority of Sage+Archer’s clients, which run the gamut from small local businesses to agencies and holding groups, use the platform to run high-impact multichannel campaigns.&nbsp;</p><p></p><p>What really sets Sage+Archer apart is their keen eye for leveraging data to help their clients create unique and impactful campaigns.&nbsp;</p><p></p><p>At a basic yet always relevant level, day-parting and location-based data is used to play DOOH ads at the right time and place, however, Sage+Archer uses almost any type data-stream to add context, flexibility and creativity to campaigns.</p><p></p><p>From a local museum’s use of live ticket sales to optimize foot traffic to a bank’s use of HTML5 to thank individual customers for their loyalty, Sage+Archer’s runs campaigns that are as creative as they are strategic.</p><p></p><p><strong>Check out more from Sage+Archer in this interview with their co-founder, Diederick Ubels:&nbsp;</strong></p><figure ></video></figure><p></p><p>The company attributes much of its success in running such impactful campaigns to their mobile advertising roots, applying their in-depth knowledge of the medium to the larger DOOH landscape. From how they generate dynamic creatives to the ways they leverage mobile data to optimize campaigns that achieve both awareness and performance goals, Sage+Archer continuously pushes technological boundaries and tests their findings to see what works best.</p><p></p><h2 ><strong>Programmatic DOOH in an uncertain world</strong></h2><p></p><p>Although Holland wasn’t subject to the stricter lockdowns experienced by other European countries, changes in the market brought on by the pandemic’s first wave was felt across all digital aspects of their business. By summer, however, they noticed a considerable uptick in first-time users to their platform.&nbsp;</p><p></p><p>The added autonomy, flexibility, and control inherent to programmatic advertising and, by extension, Sage+Archer’s solution, allows marketers to be far more strategic about campaign spending. Clients working with tighter budgets can be far more selective about the types of inventory and data triggers they use, allowing them to pause, adjust, and optimize campaigns instantly, should they need to.&nbsp;</p><p></p><p>As the second wave of the pandemic looms closer, the company has seen an influx of programmatic campaigns being run through their platform.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p></p><h3 ><strong>Sage+Archer and Broadsign</strong></h3><p></p><p>Through its integration with the Broadsign Reach supply-side platform, Sage+Archer provides its clients instant access to a rich network of DOOH inventory that extends across the globe. What’s more, owners and publishers on the supply side are being introduced to valuable new markets.&nbsp;</p><p>In this way, the company’s partnership with Broadsign is helping them to establish a stronger international presence. No longer restricted to a single local market, Sage+Archer’s DSP acts as a springboard from which brands and agencies alike can launch targeted campaigns that connect them to international audiences in the freshest, most impactful, and contextual ways.</p><p></p><p>If you haven&#8217;t already, be sure to check out our blog post from last week where we showcase <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/4-creative-uses-of-dooh-to-inspire-your-next-campaign-featuring-sage-archer/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">4 awesome campaigns</a> Sage+Archer helped their clients put together.</p><p></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[4 creative uses of DOOH to inspire your next campaign – featuring Sage + Archer]]><![CDATA[

There’s no question about it – today’s digital out-of-home landscape is both rich and dynamic. Even so, out-of-home is often overlooked when planning digital media campaigns, which is quite frankly, a huge missed opportunity. DOOH can be as personalized, agile, and relevant as digital, mobile and online marketing, and is a strong complement to these […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/4-creative-uses-of-dooh-to-inspire-your-next-campaign-featuring-sage-archerhttps://broadsign.com/blog/4-creative-uses-of-dooh-to-inspire-your-next-campaign-featuring-sage-archer<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 10 Dec 2020 09:00:17 GMT<p>There’s no question about it – today’s digital out-of-home landscape is both rich and dynamic. Even so, out-of-home is often overlooked when planning digital media campaigns, which is quite frankly, a huge missed opportunity.</p><p></p><p>DOOH can be as personalized, agile, and relevant as digital, mobile and online marketing, and is a strong complement to these channels!</p><p></p><p>To showcase its strengths, we caught up with one of our most creative DSP partners, <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://sage-archer.com/" target="_blank">Sage + Archer</a>, and explored some of their most recent programmatic DOOH campaigns.</p><p></p><h2 >A simple data trigger maintains foot traffic at Amsterdam’s Moco Museum</h2><figure }</script></figure><p></p><p>As is the case with many local services, the natural ebb and flow of visitors to the Moco Museum makes maximizing capacity levels tricky. Advertise when the museum is full? Unhappy customers waiting in line. No ads running when the museum is empty? A missed opportunity.</p><p></p><p></p><p>To consistently fill the museum to capacity, Moco turned to a simple data source: their ticket register sales. By feeding visitor counts to the Sage + Archer platform in real-time, mobile and DOOH campaigns were dynamically triggered.&nbsp;</p><p></p><p>When ticket sales were down, the campaign was delivered to nearby tourists, inviting them to come visit their collection of modern pieces.&nbsp;</p><p></p><p>While the concept seems simple, the impact behind fully automated smart campaign delivery is substantial. By spending only when it mattered most, the Moco Museum was able to maximize impact while minimizing any wasted spend.&nbsp;</p><p></p><p>Though the campaign was launched prior to the coronavirus outbreak, the ability to manage crowds is more relevant now than ever before.&nbsp;</p><p></p><p>As brick-and-mortar businesses, both big and small, navigate ever-changing rules and adjust to the new normal, having the ability to link marketing spend directly to store foot traffic is extremely interesting.</p><p></p><h2 >Albert Heijn uses mobile insights to optimize its DOOH efforts</h2><figure }</script></figure><p></p><p>Like the Moco Museum, Dutch grocery store giant Albert Heijn was looking to maintain a steadier flow of customers to its stores, and also turned to a DOOH and mobile campaign duo.</p><p></p><p>To develop their campaign creative strategy, they looked at their two types of shopper: the regulars who visit on a daily or weekly basis, and the deal seekers who visit only when the price is right.&nbsp;</p><p></p><p>To increase visitors, they focused their messaging and outreach on their infrequent shopper audience, and developed a campaign using one of the Netherlands’ true treasures: Heineken beer!&nbsp;</p><p></p><p>The campaign was delivered to DOOH screens using mobile insights that identified screens with a larger concentration of Albert Heijn’s deal seeking audience.</p><p></p><p>Mobile was also used to track campaign success. Sage + Archer tracked the uptick in new or infrequent visitors to continuously adjust the campaign as it ran, really pinpointing the locations that had the most impact.</p><p></p><h2 >Knab Bank takes customer experience to a new level with personalized billboards</h2><figure }</script></figure><p></p><p>Every year, Knab Bank sends out a video via email thanking customers for their continued loyalty. This year, they wanted to take their customer appreciation efforts to a whole new level, so they asked customers to confirm their interest in their name appearing on a billboard.&nbsp;</p><p></p><p>To their surprise, nearly 15,000 of its customers said yes!</p><p></p><p>Using a simple list of customer first names and HTML5 technology to display them on screens, the campaign ran across screens in 15 different Dutch cities. What’s more, an automated email campaign was sent out notifying customers about where and when their personalized ad would air.</p><p></p><p>Excited to see their names appear on billboards for all to see, Knab customers flooded social media with selfies and posts, causing significant public relations buzz for the bank. Knab Bank successfully pushed the boundaries of DOOH to achieve its goal of executing a highly personalized, national customer appreciation campaign.&nbsp;</p><p></p><p>Sage + Archer&nbsp; actually recently accepted a Dutch Interactive Award for its participation in the campaign!</p><p></p><h2 >Heineken uses intelligent location targeting to connect with university freshmen&nbsp;</h2><figure }</script></figure><p></p><p>Every year, Dutch universities host an Introduction Week for first-year students, which includes guided campus tours, city sightseeing, information sessions and of course, great parties.</p><p>Wanting to connect with students new to Amsterdam, Heineken ran a city-wide campaign promoting its beer delivery app. </p><p></p><p>However, to maximize their budget, Heineken used the university’s schedule of events.</p><p></p><p>As students headed across town, ads were targeted to the screens near their events. When the event was over, the creative moved onto the next relevant screens. By matching time and locations with event schedules, Heineken was able to reach students throughout their entire day without breaking the bank.</p><p></p><h3 >Ready to try one of these creative and strategic approaches out for yourself?</h3><p></p><p>Whether your goal is to increase brand awareness or generate direct responses, integrating programmatic DOOH into your marketing strategy is certainly worth the time and effort. These cases illustrate just how effective data-driven digital-out-of-home is at helping brands reach their target audiences with relevant content, regardless of budget size or type of data available.</p><p></p><p>We hope this blog got your creative juices flowing! <a href="https://broadsign.com/work-with-us-media-buyers/">Get in touch if you want to chat about launching your very own DOOH campaign.</a></p><p></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Ad Tech Leaders Unite to Establish New Programmatic DOOH Standards]]><![CDATA[

Adomni, Broadsign, Place Exchange, Verizon Media, VIOOH, and Vistar Media join forces to deliver parameters for defining DOOH inventory in programmatic transactions NEW YORK — December 8, 2020 — Six leading digital-out-of-home (DOOH) technology platforms – Adomni, Broadsign, Place Exchange, Verizon Media, VIOOH, and Vistar Media, announced that they are coming together to bring standardization […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/ad-tech-leaders-unite-to-establish-new-programmatic-dooh-standardshttps://broadsign.com/blog/ad-tech-leaders-unite-to-establish-new-programmatic-dooh-standards<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 08 Dec 2020 07:30:00 GMT<h2 >Adomni, Broadsign, Place Exchange, Verizon Media, VIOOH, and Vistar Media join forces to deliver parameters for defining DOOH inventory in programmatic transactions</h2><p><strong>NEW YORK</strong> — December 8, 2020 — Six leading digital-out-of-home (DOOH) technology platforms &#8211; <a href="https://www.adomni.com">Adomni</a>, <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a>, <a href="https://www.placeexchange.com">Place Exchange</a>, <a href="https://www.verizonmedia.com/">Verizon Media</a>, <a href="https://www.viooh.com">VIOOH</a>, and <a href="https://vistarmedia.com/">Vistar Media</a>, announced that they are coming together to bring standardization to digital-out-of-home venue (DOOH) data and help drive programmatic DOOH forward. Today, the consortium of ad tech innovators released a new set of recommendations, aligned with OpenRTB2.5, for labeling DOOH inventory in programmatic marketplaces based on screen type, audience and environment. Ensuring a mutual understanding between the DOOH buyer and seller in the bidstream and during the media transaction, these standards open up new inventory discovery opportunities, improve targeting, and promote greater knowledge equality within the programmatic DOOH industry.</p><p>A range of naming conventions are used across DOOH transactions today to classify the same type of screen and venue. For example, "Retail" and "Mall" have historically been used interchangeably. In a programmatic marketplace, this nomenclature variation introduces challenges for DOOH transactions, which typically involve inventory from multiple publishers selling via different supply-side-platforms (SSPs). The new set of recommendations aims to bridge that gap, and reduce fragmentation. It provides DOOH publishers and SSPs with a common set of specifications for identifying DOOH venues and screens by specific geospatial and physical parameters and describing the associated conditions, environment and/or surroundings. "Retail," for instance is classified as a "Parent" account with "Mall" considered a "Child" account underneath it along with other "Child" accounts such as "Gas Station," "Pharmacy," or "Grocery Store."</p><p><a href="https://github.com/openooh">Available here</a>, this new set of standards represents the first in a series of ongoing collaborations from the consortium aimed at developing and delivering a global taxonomy and standards that can help propel DOOH into the programmatic ad tech mainstream.</p><h2 ><strong>About Adomni</strong></h2><p>Adomni is a programmatic advertising platform that easily connects brands and agencies with on-the-go consumers via real-world digital screens. Advertisers can target audiences via mobile location data and launch campaigns in minutes by using one of the fastest growing DOOH networks in the world. Currently, the Adomni platform offers access to over 60 billion monthly impressions on hundreds of thousands of digital screens across the U.S., Canada, Europe and Australia. </p><h2 ><strong>About Broadsign</strong></h2><p>Broadsign is making it easier than ever for publishers, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering 187,000 digital screens in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign platform enables marketers and agencies to easily book screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more, launch successful programmatic DOOH campaigns.</p><h2 ><strong>About Place Exchange</strong></h2><p>Place Exchange is the leading SSP for programmatic out-of-home and place-based media. Integrated with omnichannel DSPs, Place Exchange’s patented technology uniquely offers agencies and advertisers the opportunity to fully unify buying and measurement of OOH media with other digital channels, leveraging the same workflow, creatives, reporting, and attribution as for online and mobile advertising. Place Exchange’s unmatched supply ecosystem adheres to its PX Clear program that delivers buyers quality, consistency, transparency, and compliance. For OOH media partners, Place Exchange offers the opportunity to access programmatic ad spend with full transparency and control.&nbsp;</p><h2 ><strong>About Verizon Media</strong></h2><p>Verizon Media, a division of Verizon Communications, Inc., houses a trusted media ecosystem of premium brands like Yahoo, TechCrunch and HuffPost to help people stay informed and entertained, communicate and transact, while creating new ways for advertisers and media partners to connect. From XR experiences to advertising and content technology, Verizon Media is an incubator of innovation and is revolutionizing the next generation of content creation in a 5G world.</p><h2 ><strong>About VIOOH</strong></h2><p>VIOOH is a leading global digital out of home marketplace. Launched in 2018 and with headquarters in London, VIOOH’s platform connects buyers and sellers in a premium marketplace, making OOH easily accessible.&nbsp;</p><p>Led by a team of digital OOH tech experts, VIOOH is pioneering the transformation of the OOH sector, championing its role in enhancing omni-channel digital campaigns through the use of programmatic. VIOOH is live in 17 markets globally and trading programmatically in eleven markets, with more to come.</p><h2 ><strong>About Vistar Media</strong></h2><p>Vistar Media is the world’s leading end-to-end programmatic ecosystem for digital out-of-home (DOOH). Vistar Media’s demand-side platform (DSP) and supply-side platform (SSP) empower buyers and sellers to easily transact on DOOH inventory while applying intelligent data insights that improve media performance. Vistar’s SaaS solutions (unified ad server and Cortex for device and content management) deliver enterprise-grade solutions for monetizing and operating digital signage networks at any scale. Through its global reach, direct platform integrations, data partnerships, and complete technology stack, Vistar Media continues to power innovation and growth across the digital signage industry. Founded in 2012, Vistar Media is headquartered in New York City and has offices across the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Managing programmatic yield with Broadsign Reach]]><![CDATA[

Managing network yield is a perennial issue, a nut that owners are anxious to crack in order to maximize inventory revenue. We know that transacting programmatic in an open bidding process, rather than just sticking with private deals, is one big step to take. What else? Our Broadsign Reach product owner, Matthew Mercuri, laid out […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/managing-programmatic-yield-with-broadsign-reachhttps://broadsign.com/blog/managing-programmatic-yield-with-broadsign-reach<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 24 Nov 2020 15:31:54 GMT<p>Managing network yield is a perennial issue, a nut that owners are anxious to crack in order to maximize inventory revenue. We know that transacting programmatic in an open bidding process, rather than just sticking with private deals, is one big step to take. What else?</p><p>Our Broadsign Reach product owner, Matthew Mercuri, laid out the process in a recent talk. Have a watch, or else read on for the details below.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Step 1: Ask yourself these questions</h2><p>Before making any moves to upgrade your network or make significant changes to your programmatic strategy, it’s important to take stock of where things stand. Ask yourself a few questions to get a better picture of the current state of your business. Better still, write the answers down in a document you can reference in the future.</p><h3 >Why do buyers purchase my screens?</h3><p>If you’re selling media on your network (and we’ll presume that you are), it’s because you’re meeting somebody’s needs. Who are they? Are you appealing primarily to buyers in a particular industry &#8211; healthcare, automotive, technology &#8211; or to buyers with broad target audiences? And what is it about your screens that makes them desirable to your buyers</p><p></p><p>Don’t just go with your gut &#8211; check your actual sales numbers. It’s possible you’ll be surprised by what you uncover.</p><p></p><h3 >What’s my fill rate?</h3><p>Depending on your fill rate, you’ll want to approach developing your programmatic business a little differently. Is your fill rate a stone’s throw from 100%, or is it hanging out closer to 50%, or even lower? Take a note. We’ll have tailored advice for your specific position down below.</p><h3 >How do I price my non-programmatic deals?</h3><p>Pricing can already be a complex thing in direct sales, and programmatic has the potential to make things a little more complicated just by its nature. That’s why it’s important to lay out exactly how you price your non-programmatic inventory and use that as kind of a guideline for what comes next.</p><p></p><p>What is your floor price? What are your CPM rates? What are some other factors that might influence your pricing? This is a critical question, so make sure you spend some time thinking about it.</p><h3 >Who is part of my audience?</h3><p>One of the core concepts behind programmatic is that it allows the buyer to target audiences rather than just screens. For buyers, it’s a chance to reduce "wasted" spend on unintended audiences. For sellers, it presents an opportunity to charge a slight premium for a more targeted buy. Everybody wins.</p><p>Who sees your screens? Does it vary substantially by location, time of day, or other factors? Take the time to determine who your network reaches.</p><figure >Understanding your audience is a key element of identifying the strengths of your network</figcaption></figure><h2 >Step 2: Go for the "easy yield money"</h2><p>Quick wins are a great way to build some momentum and start making the best use of your inventory sooner. To help you achieve a few of these, we’ve identified some of the key areas that publishers can quickly improve to bring in more revenue.</p><h3 >Speed up your content approval process</h3><p>Through the first three quarters of 2020, more than 83 million loss notifications were fired in Broadsign Reach. These notifications are indicators to the DSP of why it is losing a bid, and had just half of them actually been successful bids, each publisher could have made an additional $12,000. Not a huge amount, but every little bit helps.</p><p>Close to 40% of all these loss notifications came because the creative was not approved, and with an average time to approval of about 5 hours and 30 minutes, that’s no surprise. Buyers may just shift their bids to a different screen where the creative is approved, just to get their ad out there. These typically won’t be your screens.</p><p>The way to staunch this bleeding is to lower your approval times. This can can done by setting up auto-approval for trusted DSPs, seats, or advertisers, allowing certain types of media to be auto-approved, or even auto-approving any creative that your team doesn’t review within a certain time frame.</p><p>These can be pretty significant actions to take, but they can also make a big difference in driving down content approval time. Only adopt any measures you are comfortable with having on your network.</p><figure >Finding ways to peed up your content approval can help you snag more deals</figcaption></figure><h3 >Use your screen’s fill rate to inform programmatic strategy</h3><p>Your fill rate is a great, simple tool to gauge current supply and demand for your network, so be sure to use it to guide your next steps in programmatic.</p><p>If a screen’s fill rate is over 80%, it’s a good sign that you’d benefit from increasing programmatic supply to take advantage of demand. Alternatively, you might think about raising floor prices to capitalize on that demand instead.</p><p>On the flip side, if a screen’s fill rate is consistently below 50%, it’s probably time to consider reducing programmatic supply, or else dropping floor prices. Just be sure to keep your programmatic floor price at or above the same level as your direct floor pricing, or else you risk significantly devaluing your inventory.</p><h2 >Step 3: Take a look at bid range and adjust if needed</h2><p>By and large, DSPs want to pay the lowest price possible, and they’ll use strategies like bid shading to arrive at a cheap, accurate price for a given bid. Our own <a href="https://www.campsiteproject.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Campsite DSP</a> is an example of one DSP that employs this strategy.</p><p>If the bid ranges are small, you have a good opportunity to move your deal floors higher. The algorithms should follow your pricing up quite easily.</p><p>Alternatively, if your bid ranges and bid density are wide, you’ll need to be a bit more careful about moving floors. Moving the floor upwards could price some of the buyers on the lower end out of the inventory, ultimately reducing density and CPM both.</p><figure >Review your bid ranges and ensure they&#8217;re set to maximize the value of your inventory</figcaption></figure><h2 >Step 4: Make use of the waterfall</h2><p>Smart automation is key to success in programmatic, and the waterfall is a great way to use automation to your advantage. The waterfall allows you to assign different levels of priority to different kinds of deals, and then give preferential access to programmatic inventory based on the types of deals "competing" for a slot. For example, you might have a lucrative private marketplace deal targeting specific screens set to your top priority level, followed by slightly less lucrative private deal targeting all screens, and then maybe a relatively low-CPM open auction deal targeting remnant screens at the bottom of your waterfall.</p><p>Right now, about 70% of all publishers in Broadsign Reach only use one type of deal for their programmatic transactions. Nobody in Reach is using the waterfall just yet.</p><p>It’s a big missed opportunity. In addition to establishing general rules for what should constitute P1, P2, etc. deals in Broadsign Reach, you can also create parameters to promote different kinds of deals over the others if it is to your advantage to do so. For instance, a P1 PMP deal might be worth a guaranteed $80,000, but if you’re presented with a P2 private programmatic offer valued over $100,000, that P2 deal can automatically be promoted to top priority.</p><p>Take the time to communicate with buyers to make sure they understand what is possible. Ideally, you should tailor your offerings to your buyers’ preferences and needs, and find creative ways to price your media to everyone’s mutual benefit. It will maximize the value of your inventory and keep your buyers coming back for more.</p><figure >Work with buyers to find creative pricing arrangements that work for everyone</figcaption></figure><h2 >Step 5: Act Like a DSP</h2><p>DSPs are useful for picking out good screens and then triggering a transaction whenever the conditions a buyer is looking for are met. If a DSP is unable to do this job for a given transaction and you step up, that’s added value that should be accounted for when pricing the deal.</p><p>Broadsign Control’s preemptible slots, which allow ad spots to appear within a loop under specified conditions, are a good example of a tool that can help you deliver on the kind of targeting a DSP would offer. Additionally, you could sell by data signals like the presence of analytics technology, information about visibility based on where screens are compared to the direction of the sun at a given time, or just the specific venues a buyer might want to reach.</p><p>These kinds of offerings are the kinds of things that buyers crave. If you opt to offer them up, you can charge a premium on your inventory for doing so.</p><figure >Give buyers additional tools for reaching their audience and you can charge a premium</figcaption></figure><h2 >Step 6: Get DSPs to support features that enhance your business</h2><p>There are a bunch of features within Broadsign Reach that can make life easier and more lucrative for your business. Trouble is, not all DSPs have adopted them on their side. By taking some time to convince them to onboard some of our APIs, you can unlock hidden value in your programmatic business.</p><p>Here’s a look at some of the benefits that can be realized:</p><ul><li>Publisher API: DSPs that use this API include 40% more publishers in their campaigns, dispersing money more evenly</li><li>Screens API: Leads to a 12% higher CPM floor vs DSPs who don&#8217;t use the API</li><li>Audience API: Offers a 20-30% greater likelihood of the DSP hitting the original spend goal</li><li>Deals API: Creates a 35-40% higher change of a campaign activating on time</li></ul><p>Communicating the value of these integrations is an ongoing process for us at Broadsign, and a little help never hurts. If you’re interested in realizing these types of benefits through your DSP, talk to them and help convince them to bring all of our features to life. There’s a lot to be gained in doing so.</p><p><strong>Looking to get a great start transacting DOOH programmatically?</strong></p><p><strong><a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/" target="_blank">Request a free demo</a> to see how Broadsign Reach can help!</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Unpacking the data: Open RTB does 3x the revenue of private programmatic deals]]><![CDATA[

This has been a year of highs and lows in programmatic. Demand evaporated in the early days of the pandemic, then surged back to record highs. Accessibility has never been better, and more and more buyers understand the value of adding DOOH to their existing digital campaigns. In the midst of all this topsy-turviness, we […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/unpacking-the-data-open-rtb-does-3x-the-revenue-of-private-programmatic-dealshttps://broadsign.com/blog/unpacking-the-data-open-rtb-does-3x-the-revenue-of-private-programmatic-deals<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 16 Nov 2020 11:04:23 GMT<p>This has been a year of highs and lows in programmatic. Demand evaporated in the early days of the pandemic, then surged back to record highs. Accessibility has never been better, and more and more buyers understand the value of adding DOOH to their existing digital campaigns.</p><p>In the midst of all this topsy-turviness, we found really encouraging data. This year, our customers who transacted programmatically on open deals were delivering about 3x the gross revenue as those who primarily transacted only in private deals.</p><p>There’s a lot to unpack there. It’s encouraging, because it validates our entire approach to programmatic and the way we have built our platform around that approach. It also gives us a great place to start for creating a blueprint for programmatic DOOH success.</p><p>Watch our SVP and GM of Programmatic Platforms, Adam Green, walk through why Open RTB is outperforming private deals, or read on for the details below.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Open RTB brings in the money</h2><p>Let’s take a look at programmatic sales data representing the period of September and October of 2020. </p><figure }</script></figure><p>The line in white represents customers with open deals with DSPs. This means the DSPs, on any given day, can just go in and trade via RTB &#8211; no calls or other communications required. They have an always-on connection.</p><p>The line in blue represents customers who we’ll call "closed." This means they do not have this open programmatic arrangement. Someone has to get in contact with this network and work with them to manually set up a programmatic sale.</p><p>The trend’s been consistent: On average, networks with open programmatic arrangements are making three times as much money as those that primarily use private deals.</p><p>We verified these numbers to see how true the correlation is. Without naming names, here’s a comparison of two customers with very similar profiles: similar size, inventory, audience, and so on. The biggest difference is that one takes the open approach to programmatic and the other takes a closed approach.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>What’s even more interesting is that the business employing the open approach has a smaller staff dedicated to programmatic &#8211; fewer people handling ops, finance, charting, scheduling, etc. That means that on top of making more money from programmatic, they’re also keeping a much greater proportion of that money as profit.</p><h2 >Why it’s important to prioritize programmatic</h2><p>There’s another key ingredient we’ve seen associated with top performance by programmatic businesses: prioritizing programmatic transactions.</p><p>Here we have another set of comparable media owners.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>The line in white represents the media owner that makes a priority of programmatic transactions. By default, their inventory is available for programmatic purchase, and if a direct sale is made, the relevant inventory is taken out of the pool.</p><p>The line in blue represents a media owner that only makes programmatic inventory available when it hears there is demand for it.</p><p>Over time, the benefit of prioritizing programmatic stacks up in a big way. Across the board, it leads to about a 6x benefit vs. just making supply available when people are asking for it.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >A final key point: Dedicated programmatic sales staff boosts programmatic sales</h2><p>Still today, there’s concern that programmatic takes away jobs from folks doing the work of direct OOH sales. But digging into the data, we see that dedicated sales teams are key to success in programmatic.</p><p>In this image, the white line represents publishers that either have a dedicated programmatic sales team or incentivize their regular sales team to build relationships and help put together programmatic deals. The blue line represents publishers who don’t.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>Throughout the programmatic recovery, publishers who did incentivize or actively pursue programmatic sales made 1.4 times the sales as publishers that didn’t. None of this is meant to suggest that devoting sales resources to programmatic is a must. Just that if you want to get the most value possible out of programmatic, it’s the strategy that is likeliest to bear fruit.</p><p></p><p><strong>Want to succeed with programmatic DOOH sales?</strong><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/">See how Broadsign can help</a></strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[The ultimate guide to out-of-home advertising]]><![CDATA[

What is out-of-home advertising? Check out our guide that covers everything from the basics to executing your first campaign.

https://broadsign.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-out-of-home-advertisinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-out-of-home-advertising<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 12 Nov 2020 20:54:00 GMT<h2 >First things first: what is out-of-home advertising?&nbsp;</h2><p>OOH stands for out-of-home advertising, which as you might guess, is any advertising you see in public spaces. You might picture billboards when thinking of out-of-home advertising, and while that is a big piece of it, it’s actually much broader than that, with signage in parks, taxis, bus shelters, shopping malls, gas stations and more.&nbsp;</p><h2 >What about digital out-of-home advertising?</h2><p>As you might guess, digital out-of-home (DOOH) is a digital subset of out-of-home advertising. It’s commonly seen in transit spaces like airports and train stations, retail and restaurant locations and outdoors, like in Times Square.</p><p>While both static and digital OOH have some similarities, like bold creatives, high visibility and are generally well perceived by the audience, there are a few ways DOOH stands out from its more traditional counterpart.</p><p>For one, DOOH allows for dynamic content including video and HTML5 files, and some screens even support interactivity with the audience and audio capabilities. This makes for a much more contextual and attention grabbing campaign.</p><p>DOOH campaigns can also be bought programmatically similar to the way social media and digital media is bought, This means buyers set up campaign parameters like audience, budget, and location, and automated systems will buy the DOOH inventory only when the requirements are met. This enables a more flexible approach to OOH buying, as it requires no upfront commitment and can be adjusted on the go.</p><p><strong>Learn more:</strong> for a deeper look into programmatic DOOH, watch the video below or check out this <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/">comprehensive blog post covering everything you need to know about programmatic DOOH</a>.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >4 common questions about out-of-home advertising</h2><h3 >Do out-of-home campaigns actually work?</h3><p>You may have initial doubts about the effectiveness, especially for goals other than brand awareness. Actually, digital out-of-home can perform well for a large range of metrics and KPIs, however, it is a little tricky to track results.</p><p>Benchmarking studies have been conducted that prove the power of OOH. Here are some key findings:</p><ul><li>According to a study led by Ad Age and Unidays, <a href="https://p.corporate.myunidays.com/get-gen-z-decoding-the-digital-generation?utm_campaign=Gen%20Z%20Insights%20presented%20by%20UNiDAYS&amp;utm_source=GZI-US&amp;utm_medium=blog&amp;utm_content=Gen-Z-ooh-advertising">84%</a><a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://p.corporate.myunidays.com/get-gen-z-decoding-the-digital-generation?utm_campaign=Gen%20Z%20Insights%20presented%20by%20UNiDAYS&amp;utm_source=GZI-US&amp;utm_medium=blog&amp;utm_content=Gen-Z-ooh-advertising" target="_blank"> of Generation Z-ers</a> pay more attention to out-of-home ads than any other types of advertising.</li><li>Consumers are <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://www.outfrontmedia.com/resources/-/media/files/mediakits/national-media-kit.ashx" target="_blank">48% more likely to engage with a mobile ad</a> after seeing the same ad in an out-of-home campaign first.&nbsp;</li><li>The Out-of-home Advertising Association of America (OAAA) found that for every dollar spent on OOH advertising, businesses see <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://oaaa.org/StayConnected/PressReleases/tabid/327/id/4923/Default.aspx" target="_blank">an average revenue of $5.97</a>. In comparison, the ROI of a PPC campaign will yield on average $3.00 for every dollar invested. This suggests that you can essentially double your sales with an OOH campaign.&nbsp;</li></ul><h3 >How can I target the right audience with an OOH campaign?</h3><p>An out-of-home campaign is similar to any advertising campaign when it comes to identifying an audience. Once you’ve determined the basic demographic characteristics for your campaign, like age, occupation and interests, you need to ask one last question: where does my audience spend time? Are they business people who work downtown, where taxis drive by and billboards are more present? Are they suburban youth who rely heavily on public transportation?&nbsp;</p><p>Don’t forget to also think of the social life your audience lives. Do they hang out in trendy bars and restaurants? Are they more likely to be found in shopping malls or at a festival? These questions are important because location plays a large role in the impact an out-of-home campaign will have.&nbsp;</p><p>When using a demand-side platform (DSP) like <a href="http://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a> (formerly Campsite) to book a DOOH campaign, you don’t need to think as heavily about screen location. Mobile location data is built right into the platform’s buying algorithm, so once audience targeting is set up by the buyer, the platform automatically selects the best screens for the job.</p><p>Broadsign Ads uses over 150 demographic data points to define audiences and allows you to target them in contextual environments<a href="https://www.campsiteproject.com/inventory">, like offices, resto-bars and residential areas</a>, across screens in major Canadian and American cities.&nbsp;</p><h3 >How much does an OOH campaign cost?</h3><p>Traditionally, out-of-home advertising campaigns were priced on a per-play basis – that is, how many times your OOH ad plays in a given hour or day.&nbsp;</p><p>Yet in more recent times, publishers have adjusted their pricing to match digital ads, with many now offering cost-per-mille (CPM), or cost per thousand impressions. For an OOH campaign, the CPM calculated based on the average foot traffic recorded in the sign’s location at a given time.&nbsp;</p><p>The advantage of a DOOH campaign, however, is its potential to be more targeted. While a static poster is generally up for 24/7 for weeks at a time, a digital campaign can be turned on or off based on&nbsp; audience segments, more precise geolocation, the time of day and specific audience requirements. These factors all contribute to maximizing the ROI of your campaign.&nbsp;</p><p>As with any marketing channel, the cost of an OOH campaign varies across locations, publishers and timing. According to the Out-of-home Advertising Association of America (OAAA), many studies have shown that <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://oaaa.org/Portals/0/Public%20PDFs/Take%20Your%20Message%20Further.pdf" target="_blank">out-of-home advertising costs are significantly lower than other media</a>. For example, a CPM for online campaigns can reach about $17, $21 for magazines and $25 for a TV spot. In comparison, a billboard campaign will cost between $3.38 and $8.65 per thousand impressions.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Learn more: </strong>For a more detailed explanation of what determines the price of outdoor advertising, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-much-does-a-billboard-cost/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">read this blog post to see what a billboard costs</a>.</p><h3 >How do I launch my own out-of-home advertising campaign?&nbsp;&nbsp;</h3><p>To get a static out-of-home advertising campaign love, there are a few logistical steps to go through. From requesting RFPs and negotiating rates with multiple publishers, to printing the billboard and having it installed, the lead time between your ideation to creation is quite long.</p><p>That’s where digital out-of-home gains an edge over traditional OOH. While some steps can&#8217;t be skipped, digital distribution across your campaign screens saves some time.</p><p>For an even quicker execution, programmatic DOOH is the fastest of them all. Using a DSP like Broadsign Ads, you have access to multiple publishers’ screens all in one platform, rates are based on current CPMs, and all campaign details are available at the click of a button.</p><p>Check out this video to see how Broadsign reached 400,000 climate activists with only a few minutes to spare.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >What makes a successful out-of-home advertising campaign?</h2><h3 >Location, Location, Location</h3><p>Just like the golden rule of real estate, the right location has a huge impact on the success of an out-of-home advertising campaign – another word for OOH is location-based advertising, after all.&nbsp;</p><p>Location not only helps you reach the right audience but it also adds context to your OOH campaign.&nbsp;</p><p>Say you want to reach young adults for a new sportswear line campaign. You’ll find a large concentration of this audience during peak times in suburban transit systems and it is a great option for a campaign. However, you could also display the same OOH ads in local gyms, where gym-goers can look down at their worn-out clothes and be inspired!&nbsp;</p><h3 >An awesome design</h3><p>It goes without saying, a poorly designed OOH ad will fall flat, as with any other channel. Don’t forget, you’re competing with the other OOH ads, people, cars and lots of other stimuli in the area, so making sure yours stands out is very important.&nbsp;</p><p>It’s important to not only catch their initial attention, but the design must also deliver your message quickly and efficiently.&nbsp;</p><p>Here’s a classic example of <a href="https://www.thedrum.com/news/2018/03/04/mcdonald-s-golden-arches-ads-lead-drivers-the-nearest-restaurant">creative OOH design from McDonalds</a>, created by marketing agency, Cossette. The campaign is a perfect example of great design and great use of location.&nbsp;</p><div /><figcaption>McDonald’s out-of-home advertising campaign by Cossette</figcaption></figure></div><p>While we said delivering a message quickly was important, sometimes it’s good to break the rules. Dating-app, Hinge, did just that and launched <a href="https://www.globaldatinginsights.com/news/hinge-launches-new-billboard-ad-campaign-in-new-york-city/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">a series of lengthy billboards across New York City’s trendy neighbourhoods</a>, like SoHo and Williamsburg. The brand used real questions from the app in a user-generated OOH approach.&nbsp;</p><div >Adweek</a>)</figcaption></figure></div><div >Adweek</a>)</figcaption></figure></div><h3 >The right technology</h3><p>According to an eMarketer report, <a href="https://www.emarketer.com/content/us-digital-out-of-home-ad-spending-2020">DOOH ad spending will grow in 2020 and traditional OOH will shrink</a>. In the US, DOOH is expected to account for about one-third of all OOH spending.&nbsp;</p><p>To leverage DOOH to its fullest, getting familiar with a programmatic buying platform is a must to build a campaign that is the ideal fit for your marketing goals. Making sure your team knows what audience capabilities the platform has, a broad idea of where their screens are located and from what publishers, and an overall understanding of the campaign workflow will enable you to launch a great campaign in a few clicks.</p><p>What’s great about a buying platform like this is smaller companies can also get into DOOH. People’s Pint, a local brewery located in Toronto, <a href="http://broadsign.com/blog/how-a-craft-brewer-launched-his-own-community-focused-digital-billboard-campaign">used Broadsign Ads to launch a hyper-targeted campaign</a> to reach beer lovers in their community. With a 200$ budget, People’s Pint increased its foot traffic by 12.8% during the campaign period.</p><h2 >Ready to launch your first DOOH campaign?</h2><p>Of course, this article is just a brief overview of the world of OOH, but we think there’s no better way to learn than to jump right in. To get started, <a href="http://broadsign.com/book-demo"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">book a demo</span></a> with one of our experts.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How iCo Medios is redefining transit DOOH in Colombia]]><![CDATA[

Reliable public transportation to work, to shops, to friends and family, opens up cities to new sources of revenue and new possibilities for growth and development. But transit networks also offer great opportunities for organizations to connect with people. Done right, a digital out-of-home network built for transit users can do a wonderful job of […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-ico-medios-is-redefining-transit-dooh-in-colombiahttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-ico-medios-is-redefining-transit-dooh-in-colombia<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 05 Nov 2020 09:13:22 GMT<p>Reliable public transportation to work, to shops, to friends and family, opens up cities to new sources of revenue and new possibilities for growth and development.</p><p>But transit networks also offer great opportunities for organizations to connect with people. Done right, a digital out-of-home network built for transit users can do a wonderful job of delivering entertaining, appealing, and educational content to a wide variety of people all through the day.</p><p>It’s why iCo Medios was quick to take advantage of the opportunity to run the OOH network for the metro system in Medellin, Colombia. By building out an intelligent DOOH network around the transit system, the company would be able to help connect transit users with brands and other entities in an exciting way unlike anything else in the country.</p><h2 >A business built on transit DOOH</h2><p>The Medellin metro project is far from iCo Medios’ first foray into transit media. Back when the company was founded in 2013, it first focused on advertising opportunities in toll areas. From there, the business diversified to bus media, and then on to a wide range of other formats, including airports, roadside, street furniture, below the line activities, and special projects.</p><p>From the outset, iCo Medios set its sights on becoming one of the biggest names in Colombian DOOH, wanting to position itself as a great partner for brands looking to tell compelling stories to audiences at the right time and place outside the home. From planning to implementation, iCo Medios helps ensure its buyers are able to achieve the results they’re looking for with the campaigns they buy.</p><figure >iCo Medios helps its partners maximize value from their OOH media spend</figcaption></figure><h2 >Doing something really big</h2><p>With its Medellin Metro project, iCo Medios has control of the first large-format transit DOOH network in the country. For now, the network consists of 10 screens, each designed specifically for the environment in which it is being placed, and capable of reaching about 20% of Medellin’s metro users.</p><p>Advertising will make up a large proportion of the content displayed, intermixed with additional information that will be of interest to transit users. This will include operational information for the metro, real-time weather and currency exchange rates, and more.</p><p>Sure to be of special interest to advertisers is the positioning of the metro DOOH network as the centerpiece of a 360 degree out-of-home marketing offering that also includes traditional OOH media, interior and exterior vehicle branding options, and below-the-line activities conducted inside and outside of the stations. Altogether, these offerings present brands with powerful opportunities to deliver coordinated messaging to riders all along their journey.</p><figure >The OOH network operated by iCo Medios is central to a larger media offering in Medellin</figcaption></figure><h2 >And more big things to come</h2><p>Looking forward, the preliminary metro network in Medellin is just the first stage of a larger plan to build out an exciting DOOH offering in Colombia. More screens will be added to the metro network, helping iCo Medios to better reach metro riders along their journeys through the city.</p><p>This company is also in the process of evaluating new technologies to deliver enhanced data, detailed analytics, and new tools for interactive and dynamic experiences. These include WiFi, geotargeting capabilities, augmented reality, and the ability to transact programmatically across its displays.</p><p>The goal for all of the tools and technologies being added to iCo Medios’ expanding network is to improve the quality and capabilities of its touchpoints to deliver a truly special out-of-home experience. It’s an approach that will continually grow the appeal of the metro network and make it into an exceptional buy for brands looking to reach audiences in Medellin.</p><figure >New screens and new capabilities will help iCo Medios deliver ever-greater value to buyers</figcaption></figure><h2 >iCo Medios, Convergencia Digital Signage, and Broadsign</h2><p>In order to build a boundary-pushing DOOH network, it’s important to get the right tools for the job. But if you can also get the assistance of a veteran team with deep knowledge of those tools, it’s much easier to hit the ground running.</p><p>That’s why iCo Medios partnered with Convergencia Digital Signage, a digital signage integrator based in Argentina, to adopt Broadsign.</p><p>With Broadsign, iCo Medios has the tools it needs to manage a high-profile DOOH network securely and efficiently. Automated scheduling, easy integration of dynamic content, and a platform built to maximize usage of ad inventory all help to ensure iCo Medios gets the most value from its time and investment in its metro network. In future, it will enable programmatic transactions via Broadsign Reach, opening up its premium inventory to top programmatic buyers from around the world.</p><figure >Programmatic sales will offer a powerful new way to engage with iCo Medios&#8217; audience</figcaption></figure><p>Convergencia, meanwhile, plays a pivotal role in making the Medellin Metro network the standout it deserves to be. The company has deep experience with the Broadsign platform, and has partnered with a number of other companies in Latin America to bring their networks on board with Broadsign. Providing Spanish-language training and support, as well as ongoing content creation services, Convergencia has expedited and enhanced the whole process of getting the metro network up and running.</p><p>Altogether, iCo Medios’ vision, Convergencia’s expertise, and the power of the Broadsign platform have made for a powerful package to drive an exciting new DOOH offering in Colombia. It’s a partnership that is sure to serve iCo Medios well as it expands its footprint further and develops its DOOH network into a true powerhouse in the region.</p><p><strong>Want to see what Broadsign’s OOH solutions can do for you?</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/">Contact us for a personalized demo!</a></strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Introducing our intelligent cloud-based ad server: Broadsign Air]]><![CDATA[

When we envision the future of out-of-home, we envision an industry free to deliver amazing content in all sorts of contexts. We envision a space that allows for boundless creativity, and the ability for just about any OOH business to access powerful tools that save them time and maximize the value of their inventory. To […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-broadsign-airhttps://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-broadsign-air<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 26 Oct 2020 15:56:53 GMT<p>When we envision the future of out-of-home, we envision an industry free to deliver amazing content in all sorts of contexts. We envision a space that allows for boundless creativity, and the ability for just about any OOH business to access powerful tools that save them time and maximize the value of their inventory.</p><p>To get to that place a little sooner, we created <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-air/">Broadsign Air</a>, an intelligent cloud-based ad server that brings all the power of the Broadsign Control CMS to non-Broadsign players. With Broadsign Air, players running Android, or other architectures previously unsupported by our platform, can be added to networks alongside Broadsign Players.</p><p>If you want to build a network with a great deal of hardware flexibility but don’t want to sacrifice on software features, now’s your chance. Broadsign Air can help you make it happen.</p><h2 >How Broadsign Air Works</h2><p>Broadsign Air is basically the ad-serving capabilities of <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/">Broadsign Control</a>, just uncoupled from the Broadsign player software used by PC players to handle incoming media.</p><p>With Air, when content is uploaded to the Control CMS, the content also gets uploaded into an Amazon Web Services S3 repository. The URL indicating the location of the piece of content within the repo is then sent by Broadsign Air to your third-party player of choice.</p><p>Upon receipt of the URL, your Air-connected player will need to download the associated media file and then render the content for the display.</p><p><strong>Note: Broadsign Air alone will not be capable of playing media on your network. You must connect Broadsign Air to separate software that can play the content it serves.</strong></p><h3 >What does all of this mean?</h3><p>For day-to-day use, using Broadsign Air will be basically the same as using Broadsign Control normally. Users will log in to the Broadsign Control administrator tool and be able to enjoy all the great features it has to offer. That means automated scheduling and delivery, industry-leading security, and a virtually unlimited ability to scale your business while maintaining a streamlined workflow.</p><p>You will be able to use players connected through Broadsign Air both on their own or as part of a larger network that includes full Broadsign Players, giving you increased flexibility and choice when building out your network.</p><p>And, finally, you can also make full use of the <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/">Broadsign Direct</a> sales solution, and will be able to connect any players running on Broadsign Air to the <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/">Broadsign Reach</a> supply-side programmatic platform.</p><p>The main complication is just that it takes some time and development resources to establish the connection between Broadsign Air and your player of choice.</p><h2 >What do I need to use Broadsign Air?</h2><p>Because Broadsign Air does not make use of the native connection between the Control Administrator tool and the Control Player, you will need to do some development work to establish the connection between the Broadsign Air ad server and your players of choice.</p><p>We will provide REST API endpoints for your team to connect your client application. This will allow your client to send POST requests. Your developer or team of developers therefore will need to know how to work with Postman, CURL, or some other development environment suitable for working with a REST API to make the connection.</p><p>Note that this project can be complex, and so it is not the kind of thing that can be handed off to the average intern. A dedicated, experienced developer, either in-house or outsourced, can likely achieve the required connection with a couple of months of work (assuming you already have a player ready/selected).</p><h2 >Limitations of Broadsign Air</h2><p>Broadsign Air was built to deliver everything you know and love about Broadsign’s intelligent scheduling and ad serving capabilities to a wider array of players. There are, however, a few important details to keep in mind when selecting this software to power your content scheduling.</p><h3 >Broadsign Air does not handle playback</h3><p>We’ve mentioned this above, but it’s a point worth repeating: Broadsign Air allows you to connect the Broadsign Control scheduling and ad-serving capabilities to a non-Broadsign player. It will not provide content playback, incident reports, or network monitoring for your network. It will only generate content playlists based on campaign conditions and creatives, and then make media available for download by your third-party player accordingly.</p><p><strong>Note: Proof-of-play functionality powered by Broadsign Air is supported. It is up to your third-party player to report successful playback back to Broadsign Air so that it can be included in proof-of-play reports.</strong></p><h3 >Broadsign Air must be used with Control as the CMS</h3><p>Broadsign Air is not a totally standalone product. Rather, it requires that you adopt Broadsign Control as your CMS and use it to schedule content to Air-connected displays. Without the use of Broadsign Control as the CMS, Broadsign Air will not function.</p><h3 >Currently incompatible with Broadsign Publish</h3><p>At launch, Broadsign Air will not support custom HTML5 content managed through our local messaging service, Broadsign Publish.</p><h3 >Got questions? We’ve got answers</h3><p>If you want to learn more about what Broadsign Air can do for you, please reach out to your Broadsign rep or <a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/">request a free demo</a> to see what it’s all about!</p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[TAPTAP Digital Teams with Broadsign to Extend Programmatic Omnichannel Offering to Digital-Out-of-Home]]><![CDATA[

MADRID and MONTREAL — October 13, 2020 — TAPTAP Digital and Broadsign today rolled out a new ad tech integration that opens up Broadsign Reach’s global network of programmatic digital-out-of-home (DOOH) inventory and dynamic creative capabilities to media buyers using the Sonata suite of omnichannel advertising solutions. The move combines the Broadsign Reach Supply Side […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/taptap-digital-teams-with-broadsign-to-extend-programmatic-omnichannel-offering-to-digital-out-of-homehttps://broadsign.com/blog/taptap-digital-teams-with-broadsign-to-extend-programmatic-omnichannel-offering-to-digital-out-of-home<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 13 Oct 2020 06:53:17 GMT<p>MADRID and MONTREAL — October 13, 2020 — <a href="https://www.taptapnetworks.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">TAPTAP Digital</a> and <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a> today rolled out a new ad tech integration that opens up Broadsign Reach’s global network of programmatic digital-out-of-home (DOOH) inventory and dynamic creative capabilities to media buyers using the Sonata suite of omnichannel advertising solutions. The move combines the Broadsign Reach Supply Side Platform (SSP) with TAPTAP’s Sonata Demand-Side-Platform (DSP) and Data Management Platform (DMP), delivering a full suite of solutions that connects DOOH to other digital channels and uses data to inform DOOH and omnichannel ad planning and measurement.</p><p>By combining Sonata’s geospatial intelligence with Broadsign Reach’s rich set of Application Programming Interfaces (API), which offers a more diverse publisher set, detailed screen insights, faster creative upload speeds and more, TAPTAP can deliver an enhanced DOOH experience. TAPTAP clients can now harness Sonata’s extensive data ecosystem for more precise DOOH planning and buying, as well as improved measurement of DOOH coverage and on-target reach. For example, media buyers can use location intelligence, which merges location data with other audience and point of interest dimensions, to make more informed DOOH advertising decisions.</p><p>Unlocking new creative opportunities, the combined technologies also allow buyers to incorporate new factors into DOOH activations such as audience analyses and proximity, as well as real-time triggers, including weather, traffic patterns and the time of day, among others. With Broadsign Reach and the introduction of Sonata tools for DOOH buyers such as AI optimization and business intelligence insights, media buyers can also now implement highly efficient DOOH and truly omnichannel campaigns from start to finish.</p><p>&#8220;Our partnership with Broadsign is a great match for several reasons &#8211; all of which lead to more possibilities and better results for our clients. Broadsign has extensive DOOH global supply which is critical for TAPTAP, as we serve media buyers around the world – a large number of whom are based in Europe, South America, North America and Africa," said Alvaro Mayol , CPO and CTO, TAPTAP Digital. "Additionally, Broadsign’s tools and APIs simplify inventory analysis, audience analysis and creative approval, which very much streamline the process. We are really looking forward to what we can do together.&#8221;</p><p>"TAPTAP has developed an incredibly robust global omnichannel media buying platform with data and location capabilities that extend far beyond that of traditional DSPs, making it an ideal partner for Broadsign as we expand the Broadsign Reach footprint," shared Adam Green, SVP and GM, Broadsign Reach. "Advertisers can now harness their incredible technology to deliver more targeted and compelling ads based on real-time conditions, while DOOH publishers on the Broadsign network gain new exposure to omnichannel media buyers who otherwise might not have considered DOOH."</p><h3>About TAPTAP Digital</h3><p>TAPTAP Digital is a global advertising technology company with presence in Europe, Africa, North America and South America. Through its proprietary platform, Sonata, TAPTAP leverages geospatial technology and artificial intelligence for multidimensional audience planning, omnichannel media activation and advanced online and offline measurement. TAPTAP drives transparent, objective and tangible results for global brands and agencies in more than 85 countries.</p><p><a href="https://www.taptapnetworks.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">www.taptapnetworks.com</a></p><h3>About Broadsign</h3><p>Broadsign is making it easier than ever for publishers, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering 187,000 digital screens in transit systems, health clinics, shopping malls, airports, and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign platform enables marketers and agencies to easily book screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more, launch successful programmatic DOOH campaigns.</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com">broadsign.com</a></p><p></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Five reasons you should advertise your small business with digital out-of-home]]><![CDATA[

October is Canadian small business month, and this year, it seems to have an even more profound meaning. It’s no secret that along with the usual challenges small businesses face, 2020 has thrown business owners even more unforeseen curveballs. With this in mind, being strategic with budgets, in particular marketing budgets, is crucial. If you’re […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/five-reasons-you-should-advertise-your-small-business-with-digital-out-of-homehttps://broadsign.com/blog/five-reasons-you-should-advertise-your-small-business-with-digital-out-of-home<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 07 Oct 2020 10:34:23 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">October is Canadian small business month, and this year, it seems to have an even more profound meaning.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">It’s no secret that along with the usual challenges small businesses face, 2020 has thrown business owners even more unforeseen curveballs. With this in mind, being strategic with budgets, in particular marketing budgets, is crucial.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If you’re looking to boost your sales, book more appointments, increase your online presence, or have any other marketing goal, you should give digital out-of-home a try.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Before we hop into the five reasons why, we’re actually awarding a Canadian business with their very own billboard campaign worth $10,000. So as you read, be sure to keep your own business in mind, and submit an application for our award at the end – or <a href="https://campsiteproject.com/big-voice">now if you’re impatient</a>!</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Now let’s get into it.</span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital out-of-home is affordable</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Historically, out-of-home campaigns were reserved for big companies with deep pockets. With the manual labour required by out-of-home companies to negotiate, prepare and schedule OOH campaigns, smaller businesses were often overlooked.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Now, with automated and self-serve buying platforms, the manual labour required for publishers to schedule a campaign is removed, giving small businesses their time to shine.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The digitization of OOH also added another benefit: the ability to buy only on select screens at select times. Gone are the days where you needed to buy a four-week billboard campaign.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Instead, you can pick and choose the screens that will have the most impact on your business, and only spend when the time is right.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Put yourself in the shoes of a brunch restaurant owner with a fairly small marketing budget.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To make the most bang for their buck, they could only choose screens within a 3KM radius of their restaurant. They could also advertise only during times that their restaurant is less busy, like weekdays or only between 7AM and 10AM on weekend.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Our friends at People’s Pint actually ran a successful campaign. Check out the video to see how they did it:</span></p><p>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFfnV8HLC7Q</p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital out-of-home is targeted</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">There’s a misconception that digital out-of-home is a faceless channel, not truly knowing who’s seeing the ads. While we may not know the individuals in front of the screens, data actually tells us a lot about the audience each screen reaches.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The most common way screen owners collect data is by partnering with mobile data companies. They provide anonymized demographic data like age, gender, interests, life stage and more.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Booking a DOOH is actually quite similar to how you would book one on social media. Rather than manually selecting your desired screens, you instead identify your desired audience. The platform then analyzes the screen inventory and selects the right screens for your campaign.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Unlike our restaurant example, whose service is highly linked to location, this is a great option for online businesses or those in more niche markets.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A new mobile phone game might be ideal for gamers and young adults. The system would then find screens around which this audience is located. It might be on campuses during the school week, or by city parks on the weekend.</span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital out-of-home is creative</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital out-of-home screens are bright, eye-catching and are central to people’s days outside the home. As much as they could try, people can’t help but notice the ads on Time Square.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Yes, these are the world’s most famous screens, but there’s more to it: the marketing agencies that build campaigns for locations like these put a lot of thought into the creatives.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As a small business, you might not have the resources to pay a prestigious NYC advertising agency, so here are the secrets to making a great DOOH creative:</span></p><ol><li style="font-weight: 400;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Use impactful colours &amp; good contrast</span></li><li style="font-weight: 400;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Keep words to a minimum</span></li><li style="font-weight: 400;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Make your offer clear &amp; concise</span></li><li style="font-weight: 400;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Have a clear call to action</span></li><li style="font-weight: 400;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Have fun with it</span></li></ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Besides being a beautiful, bold marketing channel, the data behind DOOH can push your creativity even further.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The brunch restaurant might consider building a ‘meal of the day’ campaign and showcase a different menu item every day of the week. This not only keeps their creatives fresh but is a great incentive for customers to swing by more than once.</span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital out-of-home is flexible</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Another great aspect of digital out-of-home is that campaigns can be as flexible as your business. Other than the budget and creative flexibility we mentioned earlier, there is overall campaign flexibility with DOOH that was not possible a few years ago.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">When booking a DOOH campaign, you aren’t signing your marketing budget away. Instead, you’re investing in a medium that can keep up with the ebbs and flows your business goes through.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Take a local handmade furniture shop. Sometimes, sales might be great and you’re scrambling to keep up with orders. Great, pause your campaign! Maybe your signature maple wood is on backorder. No problem, change your campaign to display your mahogany models! Suddenly have overstock of one item, promote that!</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With DOOH, you can start, pause or adjust your campaign in minutes, giving you full control of your campaign delivery.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We actually ran a very last-minute campaign after having a wild idea to advertise to people participating in Montreal’s Climate March. Check out how we pulled it together in a matter of hours:</span></p><p>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUdo2V1PEtc</p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital out-of-home is powerful</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">All forms of advertising have their strengths and weaknesses, but digital out-of-home is a particularly powerful tool.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">When compared to online, DOOH doesn’t need to deal with some common challenges like ad blockers or ad blindness. DOOH ads are also perceived as more reliable and are generally less invasive on a person’s experience. A DOOH ad doesn’t make you wait to watch your favourite YouTuber’s most recent video, after all.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Now let’s compare to social. While these channels claim to know a person’s interest, liking a specific page doesn’t necessarily mean a person is actually in the market for a related item. Someone who follows many cat accounts on Instagram might not own a cat, but someone in the pet food aisle at the grocery store is much more likely to!</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We aren’t necessarily saying to stop marketing on these channels – if you have something good going for your business, keep it up! DOOH is shown to be a strong complement to other channels and only adds to the reach and frequency of your campaign.</span></p><h3><span style="font-weight: 400;">Win your own billboard campaign</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Ready for your business to take advantage of these benefits? Your first campaign may be on us!</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If you’re a Canadian business, entrepreneur or SMB, <a href="https://campsiteproject.com/big-voice">apply for our LOCAL BUSINESS, BIG VOICE award</a>!</span></p><p /></a></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How to choose the best digital signage players for your business]]><![CDATA[

A digital signage player is a computer attached to or embedded within a digital signage display. The player is responsible for feeding images, video, or interactive content onto the screen, and may need to complete more complex processes as well, depending on the type of media it is displaying. Nearly always, digital signage players will […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-signage-player-guidehttps://broadsign.com/blog/digital-signage-player-guide<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 18 Sep 2020 09:20:45 GMT<p>A digital signage player is a computer attached to or embedded within a digital signage display. The player is responsible for feeding images, video, or interactive content onto the screen, and may need to complete more complex processes as well, depending on the type of media it is displaying.</p><p>Nearly always, digital signage players will handle media with the help of digital signage software that will do the scheduling, playback, content delivery to the player, and more. It is therefore important when developing a digital signage project to account for both the hardware capabilities and the software features needed to bring your network to life.</p><p>To help you out, we put together this guide outlining the major pros and cons for many of the most popular kinds of signage players.</p><p><em>+ Building a new network? Don’t miss our guide to <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">must-have features of the best digital signage software</a></em></p><h2 >Evaluating digital signage players: Specs, software compatibility, and form factor</h2><p>There is a lot to consider when comparing digital signage players, but most of the differences you see with the various kinds of signage players correlate to two qualities: hardware specifications and software compatibility.</p><h3 >Hardware specifications</h3><p>Digital signage players tend to follow the same rule as other computers, which is that higher cost correlates to better hardware specs and performance. In order to run complex advertising campaigns, ultra-high-definition content, or incorporate <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">interactivity and dynamically changing content</a>, you’ll need somewhat more expensive players to power everything.</p><p>For startups, this can present a dilemma. Is it better to grow more slowly, with more impressive installations, or to go big right away with cheaper, less powerful hardware? It’s a question to consider carefully, as what&#8217;s most cost effective for one DOOH business might be a costly mistake for another. It may be easier to achieve scale with less costly players, but if ever you decide you want to deliver more exciting, demanding content, it’s going to cost you a lot of money (and take a lot of time) to move to the new hardware and software you’ll need.</p><p>Other issues with lower-cost, weaker players can include getting locked into working with a specific software provider, or using players with outdated operating systems that are more vulnerable to tampering. The low-cost option, in effect, is often not best.</p><div ><figure >Ad-heavy networks like the one operated by Grandi Stazioni require more powerful hardware</figcaption></figure></div><h3 >Software compatibility</h3><p>The other big factor to consider when choosing your player is whether or not it can run the right software for your business’ needs.</p><p>PC-based signage players can take their pick of top-of-the-line digital signage software solutions. Systems running on Android, Chrome OS, or other operating systems associated with cheaper devices, though, won’t have access to some really great software.</p><p>Great software can help you save time, maximize the value of your ad inventory, and ensure your network runs smoothly. It’s important that you make sure your choice of hardware doesn’t restrict you to software options that aren’t optimal for your business.</p><h3 >Form factor</h3><p>Everyone likes a nice, clean setup, but not all digital signage installations have the room to hide away the player and cables necessary to bring content onto the screen. For cases where this is a problem, some digital signage owners will specifically choose their player based on how easy it is to hide the thing from view of the audience. Things like HDMI sticks or small boxes that can be attached to the back of a display are likely to be the top picks in these cases.</p><p>Form factor doesn&#8217;t need to be too restrictive, as you can find all sorts of players &#8211; including some pretty powerful PCs &#8211; that come in small enough packages that they&#8217;re easy to hide away. If this is a large concern for you, just be careful to verify the dimensions and form factor of the device to ensure that it will fit your intended setup.</p><div ><figure >Some digital signage installations may require players that are easily hidden away</figcaption></figure></div><h2 >Comparing the most common types of digital signage players</h2><p>If you have a basic idea of what you need and are ready to look into specifics, here are some of the most common types of digital signage player and the applications they’re most suitable for.</p><h3 >Windows or Linux-based PCs</h3><h4 >Best applications</h4><p><em>Digital signage networks with 25 screens+Ad-based &amp; extensible networks4K &amp; 8K signage content delivery</em></p><div ><figure >Arrow Seneca</a> offer the most customizability and can handle the most demanding content</figcaption></figure></div><h4 >Pros</h4><p>In terms of sheer capability, there’s no other type of player that can match what a PC can do.</p><p>One of the main reasons for this is that PCs are as powerful as you want them to be. While many hardware companies offer premade, PC-based digital signage players, there’s nothing stopping a network owner from piecing together a custom solution with whatever specs they need to run their network. Running an uncomplicated digital signage network? Pick less expensive components. Need to be able to cycle through 4K creative, integrate external data feeds, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/interactive-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">or enable interactivity</a>? Shell out a little extra for more power.</p><p>PCs also offer unmatched familiarity and extensibility. PC operating systems like Windows and Ubuntu are supported by most of the leading digital signage software companies. Likewise for supporting entities that offer cloud computing or audience measurement functionality that network owners may require. This is especially important for networks that intend to run advertising. Data tracking and reporting capabilities are vital to unlocking the true value of those networks’ inventories.</p><p>Finally, an important plus for PC-driven networks is that they don’t lock owners into one particular platform. If a network operator doesn’t like the digital signage software they’ve chosen, it’s possible to switch to something different. Proprietary players running other operating systems don’t always allow this.</p><h4 >Cons</h4><p>The main drawbacks to PCs are cost and complexity. High-end signage players require expensive components, a fact which makes large networks that require lots of computing power very expensive to build and maintain. Relatively speaking, it also takes more work to install and connect players to screens on a network as opposed to installing integrated systems.</p><p>Additionally, maintenance can be a little trickier with PCs. Network operators will need to devote attention to ensuring operating systems are kept up-to-date for the latest features and security fixes. On the hardware side, it’s not uncommon for manufacturers to cease producing older components. If one component of a PC player fails after a few years of use, it’s possible that it won’t be possible to find a compatible replacement. A substantial rebuild, or a full replacement, could be required.</p><h3 >Android players</h3><h4 >Best applications</h4><p><em>Small, very simple digital signage networksSimple content demandsBudget digital signage projects</em></p><div ><figure >Consumer Android TV boxes like the Shield TV are popular, flawed digital signage players</figcaption></figure></div><h4 >Pros</h4><p>It doesn’t cost a lot to get a pretty capable Android player &#8211; you can get some usable players for under $100. Their ease of use, too, makes it simple for owners to just plug in, load their digital signage software of choice, and start delivering their content. It’s little wonder, then, that Android players have long been a top pick for digital signage startups looking to go big in a hurry.</p><h4 >Cons</h4><p>On the negative side, the Android operating system is not really designed for use with digital signage. Existing digital signage players based upon Android usually have custom modifications to the OS to make the devices work for signage. This takes extra time and resources, and most manufacturers therefore don’t bother updating their products. Look online for available Android-based digital signage players and you’re likely to find that they’re 3-4 versions of Android behind the latest operating system release. This could mean higher security risk for the players.</p><p>Android players also tend to be nothing more than rebranded consumer products running modified OSs and applications. They tend to be more prone to failure, potentially resulting in greater maintenance costs over time as compared to other player options. Their hardware is also not at the pinnacle of computing power, meaning they won’t be right for demanding networks.</p><h2 >System on a Chip/SoC (players within the displays)</h2><h4 >Best applications</h4><p><em>Simplified signage setupsMinimal extensibility requirementsAny network size</em></p><div ><figure >Samsung</a> are increasingly popular choices for digital signage</figcaption></figure></div><h4 >Pros</h4><p>With "systems on a chip" displays, also sometimes called "IoT digital signage," a chipset included within the digital sign itself plays host to the digital signage software that will deliver content to the screen.</p><p>Since SoC allows network owners to buy one device and have their screen and player taken care of at the same time, it can be a relatively inexpensive and streamlined solution for digital signage. It could even reduce the complexity of troubleshooting problems that arise, as the hardware within an SoC signage line will be standardized.</p><h4 >Cons</h4><p>The main knock against SoC is that this option is less flexible than an external player would be. A system on a chip may work fine for most digital signage projects, but could struggle with some of the demands common to larger networks or more complex campaigns. Before purchasing, network owners should ensure that SoC signage supports all of the functionality they need now and will need in the future.</p><h3 >Amazon Fire TV Stick</h3><h4 >Best applications</h4><p><em>Simple signage setupsLow-budget networksSmall networks</em></p><div ><figure >Fire TV Sticks can be okay players for simple digital signage installations</figcaption></figure></div><h4 >Pros</h4><p>Fire TV Sticks are surprisingly powerful little media players that plug right into a display’s HDMI input. Depending on the version, they’re capable of streaming 1080p or 4k media, browsing the web, running apps, and more. For streaming video at home, they’re surprisingly powerful little things.</p><p>By the standards of digital signage players, they’re incredibly inexpensive &#8211; you can get them for $50, and for much less when discounted. And digital signage applications can be found in the Fire TV app store, meaning it’s a fairly easy thing to set up a display and connect it to your compatible solution of choice.</p><h4 >Cons</h4><p>For digital signage applications, Fire Sticks aren’t quite as impressive &#8211; they just don’t have the power to match a full-on computer or higher-specced media player. Still, they can get the job done for simpler networks that don’t need to push large files or complex campaigns.</p><p>Large or complex media will likely not be supported. You’ll likely need to build content playlists manually, which is a huge demand on your time (especially for large or ad-based networks). You’ll need to ensure you have an ongoing WiFi connection to keep your signage in sync.</p><h2 >Chrome OS Devices</h2><h4 >Best applications</h4><p><em>Digital signage networks with fewer than 25 screensBasic image or video content (1080p or lower)Budget digital signage projects</em></p><div ><figure >Chrome OS devices are fairly popular options for running digital signage</figcaption></figure></div><p>Pros</p><p>There’s a reason why Chrome OS devices were a hot story in the digital signage world. Devices running Chrome offer native support for HTML5 media, which supports animation, responsive sizing, and other benefits for digital signage.</p><p>Key to their usefulness for digital signage is Chrome OS’ "single app kiosk mode." This opens a window that fills the display and locks away access to the OS menus and options. It represents ready-made signage functionality that is sorely missing in platforms like Android. It means you can build a signage network on Chrome OS and enjoy regular updates, better security, and new features over time. Note that to access this feature requires paying a licensing fee. An additional licensing fee is required to access remote management features. These allow users to control their internet-connected Chrome OS devices from anywhere in the world.</p><h4 >Cons</h4><p>Chrome devices, once upon a time, were really inexpensive. That’s changed. You can find Chrome OS computers that run all along the pricing spectrum, from cheap $100 sticks to full-on computers costing well over $1,000.</p><p>Theoretically, this leaves more room for selection &#8211; you can choose the Chrome OS device that best meets your needs. But some of the biggest and most powerful digital signage software offerings out there are not designed to run natively on Chrome OS devices. If you’re spending a lot of money on your players, you might as well just pay for a similarly-specced PC and the ability to access the marketing-leading solutions.</p><h3 >Raspberry Pi</h3><h4 >Best applications</h4><p><em>Low-budget networksSmaller networksNetworks run by patient techies</em></p><div ><figure >Raspberry Pi can power digital signage, but will likely take some work</figcaption></figure></div><h4 >Pros</h4><p>The Raspberry Pi isn’t just for retro gaming emulators or hacky little tech projects you cook up in the basem*nt &#8211; it’s increasingly a device being used to drive digital signage projects.</p><p>Various iterations of Raspberry Pi are available, with bundles that include storage and other useful added features generally going for well under $100. If you want to buy up a bunch of devices to run digital signage for cheap, Raspberry Pi can fit that bill.</p><h4 >Cons</h4><p>Raspberry Pi is the opposite of a "plug and play" device. The whole point of the thing, originally, was to offer hobbyists a cheap and customizable computer that they could mould to their liking. That means that unless you buy a device that’s pre-programmed for digital signage &#8211; something which likely negates at least some cost benefit here &#8211; it’s going to take some time to get your signage up and running.</p><p>As with other low-cost devices, you’re also going to make it difficult to scale your network, and you likely won’t have access to the market-leading digital signage solutions to actually power your displays. Still, if all you need is to display simple images or small video files, you can probably get the job done with a Raspberry Pi.</p><p><strong>Are you building a digital signage network?</strong><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Request your free trial</a> of our digital signage software today!</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How LUMO digital is building a DOOH business that stands out]]><![CDATA[

A lot of people see billboards in their day-to-day life, but just seeing a billboard isn’t anything special. The magic happens when billboards become an experience. That’s what New Zealand’s LUMO Digital is after. And with large format billboards in high-impact locations, innovative approaches to marketing, and an ambitious plan to drive a big shift […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-lumo-digital-is-building-a-dooh-business-that-stands-outhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-lumo-digital-is-building-a-dooh-business-that-stands-out<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 02 Sep 2020 07:30:56 GMT<p>A lot of people see billboards in their day-to-day life, but just seeing a billboard isn’t anything special. The magic happens when billboards become an experience.</p><p>That’s what New Zealand’s LUMO Digital is after. And with large format billboards in high-impact locations, innovative approaches to marketing, and an ambitious plan to drive a big shift in the way we think about outdoor advertising, the company is doing all the right things to fulfill its mission.</p><h2 >Born at happy hour</h2><p>LUMO found its beginnings in 2016, in a time when many more brands and business owners were beginning to understand the exciting possibilities presented by a good DOOH network.</p><p>It was in the midst of that excitement that LUMO’s founders gathered together and, over drinks, conceived of the idea for their business. The vision: A new OOH business focused entirely on large-format digital billboards, one that would use smart technology to set a new standard for transparency and accountability in the industry.</p><p>Just months later, the business opened its doors, and LUMO was on its way, concentrating its efforts, at first, into building a presence in the critical Auckland market. It set out with a focus not on competing with top players in the region, but rather in delivering interesting new features that would set the brand apart. Today, thanks to those unique offerings, it has itself become one of the area’s dominant media brands.</p><div ><figure >LUMO&#8217;s unique approach to DOOH has helped it become a significant media player in New Zealand</figcaption></figure></div><h2 >A fresh approach to DOOH</h2><p>In its attempt to rethink the way a DOOH business should operate, LUMO has come up with a number of unique flourishes that enhance the presentation and value of its inventory. All displays, for instance, are captured in drone footage, rather than the standard of static photography. It’s more dynamic, and it’s also more informative to potential buyers looking to assess a screen and location.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>The displays are live-streamed for buyers, so that they can check in whenever they like and ensure that campaign requirements are being met. They are also connected to real-time audience analytics services to help ensure buyers get an accurate picture of who they are reaching and how campaigns are progressing against goals.</p><p>And all of it comes alongside a solid foundation of top-quality hardware and premium locations that help customer content really shine. The result is that LUMO’s network feels like the promise of DOOH fulfilled: a premium media offering that can really wow an audience.</p><h2 >Next up: More cool campaigns, more displays, and programmatic</h2><p>It’s no surprise that LUMO’s network has attracted great content from high-profile customers. In the midst of the global COVID pandemic, it became home to dynamic campaigns that delivered a bit of lightness, fun, and support to audiences across New Zealand. One notable example pulled social media data to tie into a Burger King competition where the winner would receive free food and other prizes for a year. The content updated live to represent the current results, arranging contestants by results from highest to lowest.</p><div ><figure >This dynamic Burger King campaign is a great example of the kind of work LUMO Digital attracts</figcaption></figure></div><p>Alongside Pitchblack Partners, a creative agency, the brand also developed its own campaign, "<a href="https://stoppress.co.nz/news/39687/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Up and Running</a>." The goal was to provide as many small and medium-sized businesses as possible with assistance creating a DOOH campaign and then delivering the campaign across LUMO’s network. The result: Hundreds of businesses were helped, more than 1,500 ads were displayed, and LUMO was able to provide some valuable assistance to a community in need.</p><div ><figure >LUMO&#8217;s &#8220;Up and Running&#8221; campaign was a great help to small and medium-sized businesses</figcaption></figure></div><p>Looking ahead, LUMO hopes to continue to deliver this kind of valuable and compelling content across an even larger network. Where today LUMO has a network of 24 large-format displays, it hopes to increase that count to as many as 40 by the end of 2021.</p><p>New investments in real-time audience analytics, as well as the introduction of programmatic transactions, are also in the cards for the near term. The goal, as ever, is to help more buyers deliver relevant advertising to their desired audience, and to ensure that the process remains as transparent and effective as possible.</p><h2 >LUMO and Broadsign</h2><p>It takes time to come up with and execute on big ideas, but the day to day work involved in running a high-flying DOOH operation can make finding that time a challenge.</p><p>It’s for that reason that LUMO went looking for a platform that could help streamline its network and content management, as well as the detailed reporting that is so central to the business’ identity. It found its solution in a combination of the Ayuda platform and the Broadsign Reach programmatic SSP.</p><div ><figure >LUMO Digital&#8217;s network benefits from greater efficiency through the Ayuda Platform and the Broadsign Reach SSP</figcaption></figure></div><p>With Ayuda, LUMO has an integrated platform for managing all its OOH assets, as well as a streamlined solution for scheduling media across its network. This represents a substantial benefit in its own right, but it’s through the integration with Broadsign Reach that the business will gain the biggest advantage.</p><p>Transacting programmatically via Reach will allow LUMO to automate delivery of content to the best screens, at the best times, to fulfill the buyer’s needs. Near-live reporting through Reach, meanwhile, will help LUMO ensure that it is delivering on its obligations, as well as continually improve on its pricing and deal priorities to the mutual benefit of LUMO and its customers.</p><p>For LUMO, it’s an exciting prospect to be able to offer access to its premium inventory to customers in near-real time. It allows for on-demand purchasability whenever a campaign can deliver the best results, as well as the option for buyers to optimize their campaigns on the fly. These are the kinds of capabilities that are sure to help LUMO fulfill its goal of making its network as high-impact and high-value as possible.</p><p><strong>See how Broadsign&#8217;s products can help your OOH business shine</strong></p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><strong>Request your free live demo today</strong></a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Verizon Media teams with Broadsign to extend programmatic omnichannel offering]]><![CDATA[

Integration expands Verizon Media’s global programmatic DOOH footprint, enhances the omnichannel media buying experience In honor of our partnership with Verizon Media, we sat down to discuss the impact digital out-of-home has on omnichannel buys. Check out Broadsign Reach’s SVP & GM, Adam Green, and Verizon Media’s Marketplace Partnerships VP, Greg MacDonald, chat about what […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/verizon-media-teams-with-broadsign-to-extend-programmatic-omnichannel-offeringhttps://broadsign.com/blog/verizon-media-teams-with-broadsign-to-extend-programmatic-omnichannel-offering<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 01 Sep 2020 07:30:27 GMT<h2 >Integration expands Verizon Media’s global programmatic DOOH footprint, enhances the omnichannel media buying experience</h2><p>In honor of our partnership with Verizon Media, we sat down to discuss the impact digital out-of-home has on omnichannel buys. Check out Broadsign Reach&#8217;s SVP &amp; GM, Adam Green, and Verizon Media&#8217;s Marketplace Partnerships VP, Greg MacDonald, chat about what the partnership brings to the table for media buyers.</p><h3 >The rise of DOOH and unification of omnichannel premium inventory</h3><figure ></video></figure><h3 >Broadsign &amp; Verizon Media partnership benefits</h3><figure ></video></figure><h3 >What&#8217;s next in the evolution of DOOH?</h3><figure ></video></figure><h2 >For more on this partnership, check out our press release:</h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">NEW YORK and MONTREAL — </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">September 1, 2020 </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">— </span><a href="https://www.verizonmedia.com/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Verizon Media</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> and </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> today announced an extended partnership </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">to directly integrate Verizon Media’s programmatic demand-side-platform (DSP) with the Broadsign Reach programmatic DOOH supply-side-platform (SSP). Using the combined solutions, Verizon Media advertisers can now easily access Broadsign’s global programmatic DOOH (pDOOH) inventory as part of their omnichannel buys.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The partnership is another step in Verizon Media’s continued expansion into DOOH, as more advertisers recognize the value of the medium in omnichannel campaigns, and a growing number of consumers note DOOH’s ability to capture their attention. Eighty percent of consumers recall DOOH advertising, with highway, retail, grocery store and gas stations as the top venues, according to a recent research study</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"></span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> commissioned by Verizon Media and Toluna.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Integrating the Verizon Media DSP with Broadsign Reach allows buyers to better tap into consumer audiences and combines Verizon Media&#8217;s powerful DOOH planning, targeting and measurement suite with Broadsign Reach’s expansive global network of roadside, transit, retail and place-based digital screens. In addition to expanding Verizon Media’s DOOH footprint in the Latin American and European regions, the collaboration provides buyers with enhanced dynamic creative capabilities and transparency, as well as support for programmatic guaranteed deals, among other advancements. Verizon Media currently offers DOOH measurement and attribution through its relationships with third-party measurement parties, and will be rolling out a new proprietary solution leveraging its verified first-party data.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"DOOH premium campaign placements add a unique value to advertisers’ programmatic omnichannel buys," said Greg MacDonald, VP, Marketplace Partnerships at Verizon Media. "Together, we’re making it easier for our customers to optimize their creative when planning and delivering campaigns, as well as expand their audience reach. We’re pleased to deepen our relationship with Broadsign and continue to bring Verizon Media DSP customers the most diverse and expansive omnichannel opportunities at scale."</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"Programmatic DOOH is following a similar trajectory to display advertising, but at the speed of light. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">The past year has seen programmatically-available screen inventory reach critical mass</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> with the next steps in the evolution of the industry being enhanced forecasting, decisioning and dynamic optimization. The integration between Broadsign Reach and Verizon Media will help deliver on that vision," shared Adam Green, SVP and GM, Broadsign Reach. "Verizon Media is an omnichannel trailblazer, and one of the first DSPs to have recognized the inherent value that pDOOH brings to the table, and this collaboration marks a huge step forward for omnichannel advertising and pDOOH, bringing benefits to buyers and media owners alike."</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</span></p><h2 ><b>About Verizon Media</b></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Verizon Media, a division of Verizon Communications, Inc., houses a trusted media ecosystem of premium brands like Yahoo, TechCrunch and HuffPost to help people stay informed and entertained, communicate and transact, while creating new ways for advertisers and media partners to connect. From XR experiences to advertising and content technology, Verizon Media is an incubator of innovation and is revolutionizing the next generation of content creation in a 5G world.</span></p><h2 ><b>About Broadsign</b></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign is making it easier than ever for publishers, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering 187,000 digital screens in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign platform enables marketers and agencies to easily book screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more, launch successful programmatic DOOH campaigns.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"></span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> Verizon Media and Toluna Research Study, August 2020</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Maarten Dollevoet Promoted to Chief Revenue Officer at Broadsign]]><![CDATA[

As we approach the end of summer and look forward to a busy fall and winter, we’re delighted to announce the promotion of our (now former) SVP of Global Sales, Maarten Dollevoet, to Chief Revenue Officer at Broadsign. As CRO, Maarten will continue to oversee Broadsign sales activities around the world. He will also contribute […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/maarten-dollevoet-promoted-to-chief-revenue-officer-at-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/maarten-dollevoet-promoted-to-chief-revenue-officer-at-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 27 Aug 2020 10:55:44 GMT<p>As we approach the end of summer and look forward to a busy fall and winter, we’re delighted to announce the promotion of our (now former) SVP of Global Sales, Maarten Dollevoet, to Chief Revenue Officer at Broadsign.</p><p>As CRO, Maarten will continue to oversee Broadsign sales activities around the world. He will also contribute his deep product and industry knowledge to our product strategy, helping ensure we meet the needs of clients both today and in the future.</p><p>Maarten originally joined Broadsign in 2008 as the company’s European Sales Director, and developed a consistent track record of revenue growth and a knack for landing strategic accounts.</p><p>In 2017, he was promoted to global VP, and then SVP, of sales, and proceeded to both completely rebuild our North American sales organization and help land some of the biggest accounts on the company roster. North American businesses now account for more than half of Broadsign’s revenue.</p><p>On behalf of Broadsign, we would like to congratulate Maarten on his well-deserved promotion. We look forward to seeing what you’ll do next!</p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[We released new features for Broadsign Direct so you can have more fun in the sun]]><![CDATA[

The team here at Broadsign wants you to enjoy this weird summer as much as you can. That’s why we’re so pleased to announce the release of some powerful new features for our sales tool, Broadsign Direct. With this release, we’re empowering you and your sales team to work faster, smarter, and more efficiently than […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/we-released-new-features-for-broadsign-direct-so-you-can-have-more-fun-in-the-sunhttps://broadsign.com/blog/we-released-new-features-for-broadsign-direct-so-you-can-have-more-fun-in-the-sun<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 13 Aug 2020 08:00:18 GMT<p>The team here at Broadsign wants you to enjoy this weird summer as much as you can. That’s why we’re so pleased to announce the release of some powerful new features for our sales tool, <a href="https://broadsign.com/campaign-planning-ad-serving" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Direct</a>.</p><p>With this release, we’re empowering you and your sales team to work faster, smarter, and more efficiently than ever. That means saving you some extra time you can use to get outside, play games, or do whatever other fun (and safe) stuff you’re allowed to do this summer. Tell your boss we said it’s okay.</p><p>Here’s a run through all the stuff you should check out.</p><h2 >We enhanced the inventory page</h2><p>There was room for improvement with the way we used to handle our inventory page, so we improved it. The new version got a performance boost and an interface that better reflects the sales workflow. You should be able to select screens and create proposals more quickly than before.</p><div ><figure >Our updated interface should help speed up the sales process for your team</figcaption></figure></div><h2 >You can now select "Play Goal" as a type of buy</h2><p>Sometimes, buyers want to have their campaign play a specific number of times on specific screens over a specific time period. Our new type of buy, "play goal," was specifically designed to make that happen.</p><p>Choose the play goal type, set the number of repetitions that a campaign should play, and let Direct take care of the rest. It will handle all the calculations needed to hit the goal while spreading the play count across all selected screens as nicely as possible.</p><div ><figure >Play Goals can help buyers reach their audience in a new way</figcaption></figure></div><h2 >And there’s a new availability stat to help you book smarter</h2><p>Check out the inventory page and you’ll be able to see the remaining slots available per loop for each screen. It’s a little tweak that should offer a big improvement to the visibility of your inventory.</p><h2 >We also made some big improvements to the hold function</h2><p>Sometimes, it helps to give yourself and your customer a little extra time. To that end, you can now customize the hold duration and expiration time in your Direct domain settings. This should help ensure your customers have all the time they need to evaluate the proposals you send to them.</p><div ><figure >Proposal holds have great new customization features in Direct</figcaption></figure></div><p>Some of the neat things you can do:</p><ul><li>Automatically include or exclude weekends when setting a universal hold duration for new proposals</li><li>Adjust proposal expiration times</li><li>View and filter statuses on held proposals, including via expiration date and time</li></ul><div ><figure >Change expiry settings to automate key hold functions in Direct</figcaption></figure></div><p>And, if your customer needs even more time, you can also renew the hold duration right from within the held proposal.</p><p>If any of these additions sound good to you, here’s some good news: all of this is available to check out in <a href="/campaign-planning-ad-serving">Broadsign Direct</a> today! Check it out and let us know what you think.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Quebecor’s out-of-home advertising inventory now even more accessible via Broadsign Reach and Campsite programmatic purchasing platforms]]><![CDATA[

MONTREAL, August 11, 2020 – Quebecor Out of Home, proud partner of local businesses, continues to support Quebec companies by offering advertisers its digital street furniture inventory via Broadsign Reach and Campsite programmatic purchasing platforms. The use of the two platforms extends the existing partnership between Quebecor and Quebec-based Broadsign. “We wanted to afford our […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/quebecors-out-of-home-advertising-inventory-now-even-more-accessible-via-broadsign-reach-and-campsite-programmatic-purchasing-platformshttps://broadsign.com/blog/quebecors-out-of-home-advertising-inventory-now-even-more-accessible-via-broadsign-reach-and-campsite-programmatic-purchasing-platforms<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 11 Aug 2020 10:18:38 GMT<p><strong>MONTREAL, August 11, 2020</strong> – Quebecor Out of Home, proud partner of local businesses, continues to support Quebec companies by offering advertisers its digital street furniture inventory via Broadsign Reach and Campsite programmatic purchasing platforms. The use of the two platforms extends the existing partnership between Quebecor and Quebec-based Broadsign.</p><p>"We wanted to afford our agency partners and customers across Canada greater buying flexibility," says Patrick Jutras, SVP and Chief Advertising Officer of Quebecor and TVA Group. "The Broadsign Reach and Campsite platforms stand out by virtue of their ease of use. Adding them to our offering harnesses innovation to broaden our programmatic buying proposition and enable our advertisers to build effective campaigns with peace of mind."</p><p>Broadsign Reach&#8217;s features and its compatibility with more than 30 programmatic buying platforms will let Quebecor customers perform transactions easily, using the tool of their choice. Campsite complements the service with its self-serve marketplace and robust suite of highly strategic segmentation and targeting tools.</p><p>"With the largest bus shelter screen network in Quebec, Quebecor gives buyers a way to reach their audiences effectively and often," says Édith Gagné, Vice President, Programmatic Sales Operations at Broadsign. "We are very pleased to partner with Quebecor and help them offer advertisers an easy way to run great campaigns."</p><p>Programmatic ad buys are now available on Quebecor’s network of 133 digital screens in Montreal, Laval, Sherbrooke, Lévis and South Shore Montreal. The modern structures are centrally located in their neighbourhoods and harmoniously integrated into their surroundings, while attracting the attention of a diverse, receptive audience and generating 3.7 million impressions per day.</p><h2 ><strong>About Broadsign </strong></h2><p>Broadsign is making it easier than ever for publishers, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering 187,000 digital screens in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives.</p><p>The Broadsign platform enables marketers and agencies to easily book screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more launch successful programmatic DOOH campaigns.</p><p>The Campsite self-serve platform makes it easy for North American agencies to launch powerful DOOH campaigns in minutes. The descriptive environment, detailed demographic data and real-time information give buyers full control over their campaigns.</p><h2 ><strong>About Quebecor </strong></h2><p>Quebecor, a Canadian leader in telecommunications, entertainment, news media and culture, is one of the best-performing integrated communications companies in the industry. Driven by their determination to deliver the best possible customer experience, all of Quebecor’s subsidiaries and brands are differentiated by their high-quality, multiplatform, convergent products and services.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign selected by Italian OOH market leader Media One to power its digital transformation]]><![CDATA[

MONTREAL, Canada and ROME, Italy— August 5, 2020 — Broadsign, the leading out-of-home (OOH) platform, has been selected by Media One, a leader in Italian out-of-home advertising, to drive business enhancements and power a digital transformation of their key commercial signage assets. Media One’s network reaches millions of people every day with thousands of static […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-selected-by-italian-ooh-market-leader-media-one-to-power-its-digital-transformationhttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-selected-by-italian-ooh-market-leader-media-one-to-power-its-digital-transformation<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 05 Aug 2020 06:00:27 GMT<p><strong>MONTREAL, Canada and ROME, Italy— August 5, 2020 —</strong> Broadsign, the leading out-of-home (OOH) platform, has been selected by <a href="https://www.media-one.it/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Media One</a>, a leader in Italian out-of-home advertising, to drive business enhancements and power a digital transformation of their key commercial signage assets.</p><p>Media One’s network reaches millions of people every day with thousands of static and digital displays located in Italian train stations, along national highways, in bus shelters, and the Rome Fiumicino airport. The company is adopting Broadsign’s Ayuda platform to streamline static and digital operations, enhance sales capabilities, and power digital displays across Italy. The digital displays will also integrate with the Broadsign Reach supply-side platform (SSP) to enable programmatic ad sales on the network.</p><p>"Broadsign is the ideal partner for helping us manage all of our static and digital signage assets as efficiently as possible," said Riccardo Parigi, CEO, Media One. "And we’re excited to get on board with Broadsign Reach to offer advertisers more flexibility and the ability to deliver more relevant content than ever through programmatic."</p><p>"We’re delighted to work together with the team at Media One to help them maximize the value of their assets and expand into an exciting new era of programmatic digital media. The addition of Media One’s digital out-of-home inventory to our programmatic supply is exciting, and a great opportunity for all our DSP partners to reach new audiences on the move in Italy." shared Maarten Dollevoet, SVP Sales, Broadsign.</p><h3>About Broadsign</h3><p>Broadsign is making it easier than ever for media owners, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over 425,000 signs in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives.</p><p>The Broadsign platform helps media owners more efficiently manage their business operations while enabling brands and agencies to easily book OOH campaigns. The platform includes tools for content distribution, playback and proof of performance; sales inventory availability and proposal generation; automated programmatic DOOH transactions; and OOH business operations. For more info, visit <a href="https://Broadsign.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign.com</a></p><h3>About Media One</h3><p>Media One is one of the most dynamic players in the Italian OOH and DOOH market. The company is focused on passenger advertising, with more than 4,700 premium static and digital signs located in train stations, highways, and airports across Italy. For more information, visit: <a href="https://www.media-one.it/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">https://www.media-one.it/</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[4 post-COVID-19 retail DOOH trends to watch]]><![CDATA[

The world is opening back up, but it is not going back to the way things were. Changes made over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic are expected to stick around, including in the world of retail. New conveniences and preferences may be too appealing or important to let slip away. This new dynamic in […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/4-post-covid-19-retail-dooh-trends-to-watchhttps://broadsign.com/blog/4-post-covid-19-retail-dooh-trends-to-watch<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 28 Jul 2020 11:16:32 GMT<p>The world is opening back up, but it is not going back to the way things were. Changes made over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic are expected to stick around, including in the world of retail. New conveniences and preferences may be too appealing or important to let slip away.</p><p>This new dynamic in retail will carry a number of important implications for DOOH operators and their retail partners. To maximize success in the years ahead, a few changes may need to be made.</p><h2 >Curbside pickup is here to stay, and DOOH should be there too</h2><p>Curbside pickup has been around for years. Originally, it was deployed as part of a push towards "buy-online, pickup in-store" (BOPIS) services by retailers looking to compete with the convenience of online-only shopping.</p><p>But it’s during the pandemic that curbside really took off. <a href="https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/marketing-and-sales/our-insights/survey-canadian-consumer-sentiment-during-the-coronavirus-crisis" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">A McKinsey survey</a> of Canadian consumer sentiment showed that 18% of respondents had tried curbside pickup for the first time during the pandemic, with a further 11% continuing prior use throughout.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>It’s likely to continue. For one thing, it’s likely to take some time before we fully recover from life under COVID-19. For another, there are indications that <a href="https://www.capgemini.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Covid-19-Consumer-Behaviour-in-CPR.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">consumers will continue to prioritize hygiene and cleanliness</a> even after the pandemic’s end. Both suggest that options to shop hands-off will remain in demand for some time.</p><p>This will require some strategic rethinking of how to communicate with customers. <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-pop-displays/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Indoor point-of-purchase displays</a>, after all, will not be suitable for providing messaging for an increasing cohort of customers who choose to remain in their cars. Depending on the manner in which curbside pickup is managed at a store, even the common approach of placing digital displays near the entrance to a retailer may not suffice.</p><p>Addressing this new reality could be a great opportunity. Curbside pickup, like other BOPIS offerings, <a href="https://www.retaildive.com/news/study-in-store-pickup-not-necessarily-time-saver/348396/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">is not faster</a> than regular in-store shopping. Buyers who go this route, whatever their reasons for doing so, will be sitting in their vehicles, waiting. Deploying larger displays that are visible from a larger portion of the parking lot, or several smaller DOOH displays distributed throughout a parking lot, could be valuable for reaching this audience while they have nothing else to do.</p><figure >MMD Media&#8217;s</a> gas stations could help reach customers in parking lots</figcaption></figure><p>And for better odds of capturing these people’s attention, media owners should ensure that their selected DOOH platform offers the ability to display <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">dynamically changing content and messaging</a>. This can allow advertisers to deliver different creative based on external triggers, like weather. It can also allow for advertising to display up-to-the-minute information of interest &#8211; traffic, weather, news, etc &#8211; alongside advertising.</p><p>Having these kinds of dynamic content playing around the pickup area will help the screens deliver messaging that better meet the needs and interests of consumers. This will maximize the value for the retailer, the consumer, and the advertiser all at once.</p><h2 >Shift to value-for-money bodes well for relevant DOOH messaging</h2><p>As you might expect of the economic downturn caused by the pandemic, consumers are demonstrating increased value consciousness in their buying decisions.This will demand that brands change tactics in order to appeal to a different buying mindset, but it also presents an interesting opportunity for media owners with DOOH assets in and around retail environments.</p><p>Network owners can use DOOH installations positioned in and around shopping centres, malls, and other retail environments to promote sale items, special promotions, and other kinds of value-focused offerings related to nearby businesses. It’s an easy way to connect buyers with products they want at prices they like, and a good opportunity to leverage the contextual power of location-based DOOH.</p><figure >Starlite Media</a> connects brands with buyers on location via shopping centre DOOH</figcaption></figure><p>Even better, the power of the sale-assisted impulse buy extends beyond just people walking into stores to start their shopping. <a href="https://www.retaildive.com/news/most-bopis-shoppers-make-additional-purchases-in-store/549068/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">A survey by Doddle (via Retail Dive)</a> found that 85% of people who go to a store to pick up an online order will make additional purchases while there.</p><p>This means that displaying compelling sales content on displays positioned near the entrance to a location, just inside the entrance, or even in parking lots (to appeal to the aforementioned curbside crowd) could go a long way towards generating additional revenue from all kinds of shoppers. There’s stronger immediate appeal in seeing an ad for products purchasable on location, after all, than in seeing an ad for something you would need to purchase later on.</p><h2 >Touchscreens won’t go away, but the way they’re used needs to evolve</h2><p>We’re big fans of <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/interactive-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">interactive digital signage</a> as a method of delivering ad-supported content and tools to audiences. Interactivity just <a href="https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Ion_CMI_InteractiveContent_Final.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">drives more eye-catching experiences</a>, which is exactly what media buyers and network owners alike want to achieve.</p><p>Touch, of course, is the primary type of interactivity deployed across many digital signage installations, and it had its share of detraction even before COVID. Cleanliness has long been a concern, especially after notable stories of harmful bacteria <a href="https://www.kioskmarketplace.com/articles/mcdonalds-bacteria-covered-kiosks-give-rise-to-safety-concerns-2/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">found to be prevalent on touchscreen kiosks</a>. Thanks to COVID, there’s more attention than ever being paid to what we all touch, how clean those things are, and how we can improve hygiene in a bid to stop the spread of harmful bugs.</p><figure >Because of COVID-19, touchscreen kiosks are under increased scrutiny</figcaption></figure><p>With all of this said, there’s nothing to suggest that touchscreen interactivity will disappear anytime soon. Now that virtually everyone on the planet has a touchscreen in their pockets at all times, touch has become our default method of interaction, and it’s something more people expect to be able to do with public displays. What’s more, the fact that viruses like COVID-19 <a href="https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/deciding-to-go-out.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">tend to spread during interaction with others</a> means that interacting with touchscreens can actually be preferable to many people who would rather avoid speaking to a stranger.</p><p>Early data from Perch Interactive seem to back this up, suggesting that engagement with public-facing touchscreens had already rebounded to better-than-pre-COVID levels by late June.</p><figure >Perch Interactive</a></figcaption></figure><p>Since touch is unlikely to disappear, the priority becomes finding ways to make the touch experience safer or more palatable to the audience. Simple measures, like offering touchless access to hand sanitizer next to screens, or wipes to clean the display before use, can go a long way to increasing user confidence.</p><p>It’s also worth considering changing the manner in which users are expected to interact with a touchscreen. Providing a QR code to send on-screen information to a user’s mobile browser can help limit the amount of time users are expected to interact with a screen to get the info they need. This might draw more users to engage with the screen in the first place, and make a habit of turning to interactive displays for timely and relevant information they can take on the go.</p><p>There are many ways to improve on the touch experience, and media owners would do well to explore the various options and see which ones can be incorporated across their networks. It will likely prove a worthwhile use of time.</p><figure >It will pay off to reconsider the ways people should engage with touchscreens</figcaption></figure><h2 >Additional forms of interactivity are maturing and can help reach more customers</h2><p>Alternatives to touch interactivity have emerged as increasingly viable options in the past few years. While they may not serve as total replacements for touchscreens, they may be beneficial as options for retail establishments wanting to err on the side of caution, or as a tool for engaging with a cohort of customers who are now reluctant to engage with public touchscreens.</p><p>Hand tracking and mid-air haptics technology from companies like <a href="https://www.ultraleap.com/company/news/press-release/cen-ultraleap-touchless-tech/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Ultraleap</a>, or voice-controlled interaction (another technology seeing huge increases in popularity thanks to mobile) seem to be strong early contenders for touch alternatives in retail DOOH.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>It’s important to note, of course, that these options are not perfect replacements. Mid-air gesture control just isn’t quite as mainstream as tapping on a screen. Voice control is notoriously imprecise in noisy environments, and <a href="https://hbr.org/2019/05/voice-recognition-still-has-significant-race-and-gender-biases" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">can struggle particularly</a> in correctly registering the words spoken by women, racial minorities, and people speaking with different accents or in different dialects. In other words, it’s a difficult thing to get right in a retail environment with diverse consumers.</p><figure >Voice activation isn&#8217;t perfect in controlled environments, and will likely struggle in busy retail locations</figcaption></figure><p>Still, incremental improvements are to be expected with these technologies, and deploying one, two, or several different types of interactivity will likely help appeal to a wider range of customers and provide redundancies in instances where a given option is either unpalatable or non-viable.</p><p>For media owners with the means, offering multiple options for interaction may prove best in coming out a winner on the other side of the pandemic. In order to successfully take this approach, however, it will be necessary to carefully consider the digital signage platform underpinning the supported functionality. The right choice should help streamline content delivery, integrate easily with all the technologies you want to use, and allow you to leverage your solutions at whatever scale you need, now and in the future.</p><p><strong>Want to put your retail DOOH network ahead of the pack?</strong></p><p><strong>We can help! <a href="https://broadsign.com/contact/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Contact us</a> to get started</strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Why budget fluidity is a must in 2020 – and why DOOH needs to be part of your plan]]><![CDATA[

Calling the current climate an interesting time for marketers would be an understatement. Determining the right message to convey, via the right channels, at the right time – all while working with reduced budgets – is no easy undertaking. The key to navigating all this? Agility. Budget fluidity, the heart of an agile campaign Budget […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/why-budget-fluidity-is-a-must-in-2020-and-why-dooh-needs-to-be-part-of-your-planhttps://broadsign.com/blog/why-budget-fluidity-is-a-must-in-2020-and-why-dooh-needs-to-be-part-of-your-plan<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 16 Jul 2020 10:19:13 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Calling the current climate an </span><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">interesting</span></i><span style="font-weight: 400;"> time for marketers would be an understatement. Determining the right message to convey, via the right channels, at the right time – all while working with reduced budgets – is no easy undertaking.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The key to navigating all this? Agility.&nbsp;</span></p><h2 >Budget fluidity, the heart of an agile campaign</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Budget fluidity is a framework many media buyers have been working into their client agreements since the rise of programmatic. The basic concept is that overall audience goals and brand messaging are at the core of the strategy and the total budget is free to flow as the campaign progresses.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">What’s important here is that a budget isn’t locked into one publisher or even one channel, and gives buyers the flexibility to adjust campaign delivery based on current events, performance or even client-specific requests, right as they arise.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This flexibility enhances the omnichannel approach most media buyers know and love, by further breaking down the silos between channels. And as more channels move to programmatic, the agility budget fluidity ads to a campaign only grows.&nbsp;</span></p><h3 >Flexible digital out-of-home campaigns</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Until recently, digital out-of-home (DOOH) wasn’t really part of the budget fluidity conversation, still being treated as a separate silo by digital media buyers and OOH specialists alike. Even adjusting campaigns quickly within the DOOH channel could be quite cumbersome, having to call and negotiate with all publishers individually.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">However, </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">programmatic digital out-of-home</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> has gained significant traction in the past few years. Most of the largest DOOH publishers have made their inventory available via DSPs, opening up significant flexibility for media buyers across the globe.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The channel now has a strong, albeit still somewhat unknown, seat at the omnichannel table. And this couldn’t have come at a better time.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With the next chapter in the COVID saga somewhat unknown, and social movements creating an increasingly important need for brand safety, DOOH has a significant role to play in advertisers’ 2020 marketing strategy.&nbsp;</span></p><h2 >The importance of flexibility in your COVID strategy</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Flexibility between channels is a must in your 2020 media strategy, as being locked into any particular campaign is likely not the best approach in these uncertain times. We may be unsure what the future holds for economies, both local and global, but there will certainly be an ebb and flow in consumer habits. This is where DOOH plays an important role.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In the past few months, many of us experienced some form of "media overload", with reports even showing that </span><a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/petersuciu/2020/05/01/too-much-time-spent-on-social-media-is-taking-mental-health-toll-on-users-during-coronavirus-pandemic/#7ebf717847a7" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">social media usage had a significant impact on mental health</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> during the crisis. More than ever, people are eager to put down their personal devices and head into the real-world.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">What does that mean for all your current digital campaigns? DOOH allows you to follow your audience outdoors. With buying workflows similar to online, mobile and social channels, and potentially even the ability to use the same creatives, the transition can be very smooth.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Actually, many omnichannel DSPs now offer DOOH inventory, and as different cities and environments open up, budgets can simply be moved from one channel to the other within the same interface.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Yet as we know, people might be a bit </span><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">too</span></i><span style="font-weight: 400;"> eager to head outside, and a second wave is possible. If that happens and restrictions are put back in place, programmatic DOOH is entirely flexible, and you can easily transition your budget back to social and web advertising.</span></p><p><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">For more on this topic, be sure to check out our on-demand webinar: <a href="https://broadsign.com/webinars/ooh-from-home/why-programmatic-dooh-is-a-must-in-your-crisis-recovery-marketing-strategy?from=blog" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Why programmatic DOOH is a must in your crisis recovery marketing strategy</a>.</span></i></p><h2 >Manoeuvering budgets in the brand safety era</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Brand safety has always been a concern for digital marketers yet in the current times, being involved, whether directly or by proxy, in any mishap has a fairly significant punch.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Take the </span><a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/29/business/dealbook/facebook-boycott-ads.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">current Facebook boycott</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">. Whether you and your clients chose to move away from advertising on this channel or not, one thing is clear: it’s an extremely interesting case study on how brands are protecting themselves. If a channel is deemed unsafe, the budgets are removed.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">It’s more important than ever to have a few tricks up your sleeve, not relying on one particular channel to carry your marketing strategy. And while there are of course many brand-safe channels, DOOH scores particularly well in this area.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For one, there is no user-generated content accompanying your ads. All media is controlled directly by the publisher. Each piece of content is approved by their team, which leaves you in good hands – brand safety is also extremely important to publishers, as inappropriate content aired in public spaces can be very damaging to their reputation.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">DOOH tech companies also add additional layers of brand safety to their platform. For example, our SSP, Broadsign Reach, has algorithms in place to prevent ads from the same industry playing back-to-back and also prevents certain brand-types from playing on particular screens, just to name a few.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">So if you’re looking for an alternative channel to invest your campaign budget in, DOOH is a great choice. As a matter of fact, integrating OOH can increase campaign reach by up to 303% when used alongside mobile and web, and make it </span><a href="https://www.xaxis.com/insights/digital-out-of-home-realizing-the-potential/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">46 percent more likely</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> for consumers to engage with a brand on their mobile device.&nbsp;</span></p><h3 >Is your budget truly fluid?</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Working fluidity into budgets opens up significant flexibility and is an important element to your omnichannel strategy, but if you aren’t quite there yet, not to worry, there’s no time like the present to get started.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For a look into how easy it is to include DOOH in your omnichannel campaigns, </span><span style="font-weight: 400;"><a href="http://broadsign.com/book-demo">book a demo</a> to get started</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">.&nbsp;</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign selected by leading communications and media company, Quebecor, to power its digital out-of-home division]]><![CDATA[

Partnership enables Quebecor to more effectively service advertisers across the province MONTREAL, Canada – July 6, 2020 – Broadsign, the leading out-of-home (OOH) platform has been selected by Quebecor, Quebec’s leading communications, media and entertainment company, to power it’s digital out-of-home (DOOH) division. The partnership enables Quebecor to easily sell, manage and distribute content across […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-selected-by-leading-communications-and-media-company-quebecor-to-power-its-digital-out-of-home-divisionhttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-selected-by-leading-communications-and-media-company-quebecor-to-power-its-digital-out-of-home-division<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 06 Jul 2020 07:44:47 GMT<h3 >Partnership enables Quebecor to more effectively service advertisers across the province</h3><p><strong>MONTREAL, Canada – July 6, 2020</strong> – Broadsign, the leading out-of-home (OOH) platform has been selected by Quebecor, Quebec’s leading communications, media and entertainment company, to power it’s digital out-of-home (DOOH) division. The partnership enables Quebecor to easily sell, manage and distribute content across its fleet of premium bus shelter screens from one centralized platform, significantly streamlining their DOOH workflows.</p><p>The integration includes a complete digital out-of-home platform, with <a href="https://www.quebecor.com/en/">Quebecor</a> to utilize <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/">Broadsign Control</a> for robust content management and distribution and <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/">Broadsign Direct</a> and its Salesforce plugin for streamlined sales.</p><p>"Our priority when selecting our software provider was how the partnership would ultimately benefit our customers. That’s why we chose to partner with Broadsign, the clear industry leaders in digital signage. We quickly developed a strong relationship with their experienced team and were fully supported during every step of the integration. We are excited to see our offerings improve with a robust software that enables us to easily manage content scheduling and playback" said Claude Foisy, Vice President, Quebecor out-of-home</p><p>As the leading digital street furniture network in the province, Quebecor reaches nearly two million on-the-go students and business professionals, giving brands a direct and creative opportunity to reach these busy audiences. With many exposed to the screens at the same time every day, advertisers can use these daily routines to optimize campaign frequency and messaging.</p><p>Broadsign’s platform enables Quebecor to streamline and enhance their entire DOOH operations, providing their advertising partners with quicker RFP and campaign turnaround times, more data-based triggering capabilities, and additional creative support for HTML5.</p><p>"We’re especially excited about the partnership with Quebecor, their screens are important fixtures in our home city of Montreal," said Maarten Dollevoet, SVP of sales at Broadsign. "With more efficient operations and sales, and enhanced campaign creative capabilities, we’re confident that advertisers will find even more value in working with Quebecor."</p><p>Quebecor has screens in the busiest regions of the province including in Montreal, Laval, Montreal’s South Shore, Sherbrooke and Lévis.</p><h3 >About Broadsign</h3><p>Broadsign is making it easier than ever for publishers, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering 187,000 digital screens in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives.</p><p>The Broadsign platform enables marketers and agencies to easily book screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more, launch successful programmatic DOOH campaigns.</p><h3 >About Quebecor</h3><p>Quebecor, a Canadian leader in telecommunications, entertainment, news media and culture, is one of the best-performing integrated communications companies in the industry. Driven by their determination to deliver the best possible customer experience, all of Quebecor’s subsidiaries and brands are differentiated by their high-quality, multiplatform, convergent products and services.</p><p>Quebec-based Quebecor (TSX: QBR.A, QBR.B), employs more than 10,000 people in Canada.</p><p>A family business founded in 1950, Quebecor is strongly committed to the community. Each year, it actively supports more than 400 organizations in the vital fields of culture, health, education, the environment and entrepreneurship.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Join the Total Recovered campaign and spread good news we can all use]]><![CDATA[

We’ve had a steady stream of upsetting events over the past several months, which makes it especially important to remind ourselves of the good things that we can celebrate. That’s why we were so pleased to lend our support to the Total Recovered campaign conceived by Orb, produced by Creative Conscience and L&Co, developed by […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/covid-19-total-recovered-dooh-campaignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/covid-19-total-recovered-dooh-campaign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 10 Jun 2020 14:00:38 GMT<p>We’ve had a steady stream of upsetting events over the past several months, which makes it especially important to remind ourselves of the good things that we can celebrate.</p><p>That’s why we were so pleased to lend our support to the Total Recovered campaign conceived by <a href="http://orbscreen.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Orb</a>, produced by <a href="https://www.creative-conscience.org.uk/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Creative Conscience</a> and <a href="https://landco.studio/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">L&amp;Co</a>, developed by <a href="http://voodooh.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Voodooh</a> and <a href="https://www.nicoleyershon.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Nicole Yershon</a>, and designed by recent Leeds Arts University creative advertising graduate <a href="https://meg27williams.myportfolio.com/work" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Megan Williams</a>.</p><p>The campaign provides a running tally of people known to have recovered from COVID-19 worldwide, and it pulls forth a doubly inspiring message by refocusing some of the grim language so often associated with the disease. Campaign creative dynamically updates, drawing live global recovery data sourced from Johns Hopkins University, the World Health Organization, and the Centers for Disease Control.</p><p>The campaign creative is free to use across any DOOH network. If you would like to feature it, <a href="http://www.voodooh.com/CovidRecovery" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">head over to this page</a> to access the dynamic files. Common screen sizes will be available to access immediately. Custom sizes will be produced by Voodooh and delivered to you within 24 hours.</p><p>Join in, and follow along with us for a little more of the good news we all need.</p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[I’m so proud of the Broadsign team]]><![CDATA[

Earlier this year, Broadsign was named one of the top employers in Montreal. Today, we were named one of the top small and medium employers in Canada. Both awards reflect an analysis of a number of corporate qualities, including office culture, employee benefits, and growth trajectory. These qualities have also taken on new significance in […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/im-so-proud-of-the-broadsign-teamhttps://broadsign.com/blog/im-so-proud-of-the-broadsign-team<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 05 Jun 2020 07:00:18 GMT<p>Earlier this year, Broadsign was named one of the <a href="http://broadsignposts.wpengine.com/broadsign-makes-its-first-appearance-on-montreal-top-employers-list/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">top employers in Montreal</a>. Today, we were named one of the top small and medium employers in Canada.</p><p>Both awards reflect an analysis of a number of corporate qualities, including office culture, employee benefits, and growth trajectory. These qualities have also taken on new significance in our current moment.</p><p>It’s no secret that the whole out-of-home industry, including our company, has been greatly affected by distancing policies implemented around the world. We’ve had to make some difficult decisions and take dramatic steps to change the way we work across the company.</p><p>I hope you’ll excuse my bias when I say that I think the organization has done an exceptional job of this. Transitioning everyone to remote work has gone better than I could have hoped, and all our teams have stepped up to maintain the same high standards we hold ourselves to even in these unfamiliar and uncertain times. Everyone has come together with enthusiasm and determination to support our colleagues, customers, and partners as best we can.</p><p>One thing I&#8217;ve taken away from this experience: It has demonstrated the strength of the core values that influence everything we do at Broadsign.</p><p>A shared dedication to honouring our commitments, treating everyone with respect, and always doing what is right are what allow us to continue to do great things in the face of difficulty. They’re key qualities we look for in our team, and seeing them represented so well by everyone in the company leaves no doubt in my mind that it is truly our people who make Broadsign such a great place to work.</p><p>My congratulations and thanks to everyone on our team for shaping our company into what it is today. Getting to work with you is one of the great joys of my life.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[With our OOH From Home webinars, we’re bringing OOH right to you]]><![CDATA[

These past weeks have shown us some shining examples of the creativity and utility of OOH, with businesses from around the world helping spread guidance and messages of thanks when we need them most. While this situation will likely continue for some time, it heartens us to know that we can be proud of how […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/with-our-ooh-from-home-webinars-were-bringing-ooh-right-to-youhttps://broadsign.com/blog/with-our-ooh-from-home-webinars-were-bringing-ooh-right-to-you<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 27 Apr 2020 12:11:41 GMT<p>These past weeks have shown us some shining examples of the creativity and utility of OOH, with businesses from around the world <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/a-few-of-the-ways-ooh-has-stepped-up-to-fight-covid-19/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">helping spread guidance and messages of thanks</a> when we need them most. While this situation will likely continue for some time, it heartens us to know that we can be proud of how our industry has responded.</p><p>As we look forward to a broader return to life outside the home, we at Broadsign wanted to do our part to help anyone with an interest in out-of-home use this time to the fullest. While business as we normally think of it may not always be possible to conduct at the moment, this shared time in seclusion can still be a good time to learn, adapt, and get ready to grow once life is back on track.</p><p>And so, we’re pleased to introduce a new webinar series: <a href="https://broadsign.com/resources" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">OOH From Home</a>. Our goal is for these webinars to help media owners and media buyers alike re-examine our industry, enhance efficiency, and develop strong strategies for the months and years ahead.</p><p>This series was put together by members of our team and with the help and participation of friends from across the industry. We offer our wholehearted thanks to all of them for their assistance.</p><p>Our first webinar in the series, <strong>7 key steps to modernize your OOH business</strong>, will be delivered Wednesday, April 29, at 10 ET. You can find the link to this webinar, as well as all the others in this series, <a href="https://broadsign.com/resources" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">available here</a>. We will be adding additional webinars to this series over time.</p><p>Stay healthy and stay safe. We hope to have you join us for a webinar soon.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Publish updates are here to help you work anywhere]]><![CDATA[

Though things have been a little strange and stressful of late, the Broadsign team has been hard at work to continue improving functionality for our users. With Broadsign Publish proving to be an invaluable tool to all kinds of public-facing locations in our current climate, we’re particularly excited to announce the official launch of several […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-publish-updates-are-here-to-help-you-work-anywherehttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-publish-updates-are-here-to-help-you-work-anywhere<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 16 Apr 2020 14:29:31 GMT<p>Though things have been a little strange and stressful of late, the Broadsign team has been hard at work to continue improving functionality for our users. With <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-publish/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Publish</a> proving to be an invaluable tool to all kinds of public-facing locations in our current climate, we’re particularly excited to announce the official launch of several new features that will make a big difference to the way our users engage with this tool.</p><p>Check out our video for a walk through the new features with the product owner for Broadsign Publish, or just scroll down to take a look through a list of everything we&#8217;ve added.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Download our free COVID-19 creatives</h2><p>We wanted to contribute to the <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/a-few-of-the-ways-ooh-has-stepped-up-to-fight-covid-19/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">great work being done by OOH businesses</a> to fight COVID-19, so we released a set of HTML5 templates that are free to download, edit, and publish wherever you like. Check them out and <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/download-our-free-covid-19-html5-templates-for-dooh/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">download them here!</a></p><h2 >Check out our new mobile-friendly design!</h2><p>Some of the locations where Broadsign Publish is most useful &#8211; think supermarkets, clinics, etc. &#8211; are also places where users are often on the go for most of the day. In recognition of this, we’re excited to announce that a mobile-friendly version of Broadsign Publish is now available.</p><p>With this new design, users can log into Publish from mobile devices and push or update messages right in the palm of their hand. Even better, users can use their device’s camera to snap photos and upload them to their library for addition in a message template. It’s a great way to announce snap sales, feature a standout individual or moment of the day, or send out a critical update right away, with imagery from right on the ground.</p><h2 >Take our new UI for a spin</h2><p>We thought it was time to make a little update to our interface to make it more friendlier and more intuitive &#8211; when’s better than Spring for a little makeover? Publish power users, we think you’ll like what you’ll see.</p><p>Some of the highlights to keep your eyes peeled for:</p><ul><li>Pagination is here! By making it so that things don’t all load on the same page,rendering within Publish will be faster than ever</li><li>A larger and more obvious "Create a New Message" button has been added to the top to help you get things done faster</li><li>We’ve introduced larger icons + more legible text, just to make your eyes happy</li><li>Comment buttons, which open the comment panel, have been added to each message</li></ul><h2 >Activate emergency messaging remotely</h2><p>Sometimes, situations arise when you might need an emergency message delivered across your screens quickly. Now, Publish is making it easier to rise to those occasions with support for remote triggering of emergency messages by non-Publish users.</p><p>Delivered by SMS and featuring two-step authentication, this feature can be used by security guards, complex owners, or other non-Publish users to trigger emergency messaging without requiring a login. In critical, time-sensitive moments, this feature will likely be a big help.</p><h2 >Access Google Drive and Dropbox from within Publish</h2><p>We love the cloud, so we brought it right into Publish for you. Now, you can access creative assets, templates, and other files you keep in Google Drive and Dropbox, right from within Publish. No more need to switch tabs or screens, or to have to download assets locally, to do what you’re trying to do.</p><h2 >Get organized with Screen Groups</h2><p>Do you regularly need to deliver messaging to particular groups of screens? It’s easier than ever with the new Screen Groups feature in Publish &#8211; and no need to worry anymore about accidentally unselecting a screen.</p><p>Just add individual screens to whatever groups you like and you’ll be able to deliver messages &#8211; synchronized or unsynchronized &#8211; to the groups as though they were individual screens.</p><h2 >Optimize your Broadsign Control storage space with Quota Management</h2><p>Bumping up against your storage limits in Broadsign Control? You could pay a little extra for some more space, or you can try the new Quota Management feature in Publish to see which of your messages take up the most space and potentially remove them to free things up.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Download our free COVID-19 HTML5 templates for DOOH]]><![CDATA[

We’re now weeks into our shared isolation, and while some parts of the globe are finding opportunities to make slight reductions in preventative measures, it’s clear that we have to wait a while longer before we get back to normal. That’s one reason why we’re such fans of the ongoing efforts by the OOH community. […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/download-our-free-covid-19-html5-templates-for-doohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/download-our-free-covid-19-html5-templates-for-dooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 15 Apr 2020 14:31:50 GMT<p>We’re now weeks into our shared isolation, and while some parts of the globe are finding opportunities to make slight reductions in preventative measures, it’s clear that we have to wait a while longer before we get back to normal.</p><p>That’s one reason why we’re such fans of <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/a-few-of-the-ways-ooh-has-stepped-up-to-fight-covid-19" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">the ongoing efforts by the OOH community</a>. Around the world, businesses are using screen space to spread useful reminders, updates, and encouragement to audiences all over the world. It’s going to be a big help over the long haul, and we decided we wanted to do our part to further this cause.</p><p>That’s why we put together the following HTML5 templates, which are free to modify and use wherever you like. We hope you find them useful.</p><p>Stay safe and stay healthy, everyone. We’re in this together.</p><p><span >Download the image + HTML5 files here (landscape + portrait)</a></span></p><figure }</script></td></tr></tbody></table></figure><p><span >Download the image + HTML5 files here (landscape + portrait)</a></span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[A few of the ways OOH has stepped up to fight COVID-19]]><![CDATA[

It’s now been a couple of months since social distancing began and the OOH industry is continuing to surprise us with its creativity and resilience. Although some regions have begun to loosen restrictions and we have seen some uptake in outdoor activities, we aren’t out of the woods yet. Settling in for the long haul […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/a-few-of-the-ways-ooh-has-stepped-up-to-fight-covid-19https://broadsign.com/blog/a-few-of-the-ways-ooh-has-stepped-up-to-fight-covid-19<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 03 Apr 2020 12:23:20 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">It’s now been a couple of months since social distancing began and the OOH industry is continuing to surprise us with its creativity and resilience. Although some regions have begun to loosen restrictions and we have seen some uptake in outdoor activities, we aren’t out of the woods yet.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Settling in for the long haul and preparing for a "new" normal, whatever that might be, is stressful and full of uncertainty. That’s why keeping a positive outlook is more important than ever. We want to continue highlighting the great work that out-of-home companies around the world have been putting out to help meet this need.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Our thanks to the companies behind the following examples, and to all the others trying to help us all through this trying time. </span></p><h2 >Thanks to our heroes &#8211; Clear Channel, Intersection, PATTISON Outdoor, Outsmart, and more</h2><p>The world might feel like it has ground to a halt, but essential services like groceries, transportation, shipping, and others that are key to our survival and relative comfort have kept going. Little wonder that many of us have a new appreciation for the people who work to provide these things, which many people took for granted previously.</p><p>In that spirit, <a href="http://clearchanneloutdoor.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Clear Channel Outdoor</a>, <a href="https://www.intersection.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Intersection</a>, <a href="https://www.pattisonoutdoor.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">PATTISON Outdoor</a>, <a href="https://www.outsmart.org.uk/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Outsmart</a>, and other OOH businesses and associations have put together campaigns that thank key workers for keeping things going while everyone else withdraws and attempts to wait things out. Hopefully it and other campaigns like it help these workers understand just how much we appreciate what they are doing for us.</p><div ><figure >ClearChannel Outdoor&#8217;s message of support to essential workers</figcaption></figure></div><div ><figure >ClearChannel UK&#8217;s ad in support of the NHS</figcaption></figure></div><div ><figure >Intersection&#8217;s message of thanks to everyone keeping society going</figcaption></figure></div><div ><figure >PATTISON Outdoor&#8217;s thanks to everyone working on the frontlines</figcaption></figure></div><div ><figure >A thank-you campaign from UK OOH organization Outsmart</figcaption></figure></div><h2 >#NationalDoctorDay OUTFRONT Media, Branded Cities, others</h2><p>Social isolation isn’t an option for the doctors and nurses working to diagnose and treat those of us who come down with COVID-19. Naturally, that’s led to the regular feelings of gratitude felt by many of us toward our healthcare workers taking on a new dimension during this crisis.</p><p>To show a little appreciation for everything our medical pros do and have done for us, <a href="https://www.outfrontmedia.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">OUTFRONT Media</a>, <a href="https://brandedcities.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Branded Cities</a>, and other OOH networks put up a number of ads across their network, and then shared them online for the rest of us to see. We love them.</p><figure ></div></figure><div ><figure >Branded Cities&#8217; National Doctor Day message to healthcare workers</figcaption></figure></div><h2 >#StayConnected &#8211; JCDecaux Australia, R U OK?</h2><p>Social and physical distancing might be keys to beating COVID-19, but they’ve also proven to be big asks of many of us. Being forced to abandon routines and stay away from friends and family are taking an added toll on the mental and physical health of many vulnerable people around the world.</p><p>To help address this, <a href="https://www.jcdecaux.com.au/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">JCDecaux Australia</a> and <a href="https://www.ruok.org.au/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">R U OK?</a>, an Australian suicide prevention organization, teamed up to remind communities to stay connected and help each other through this trying time. Reaching out to offer help, or even just a friendly ear, is a small action we can each take, and could make a big difference in the life of someone who needs help.</p><div ><figure >#StayConnected, by JCDecaux Australia and R U OK?</figcaption></figure></div><h2 >Stay Safe, Be Kind &#8211; Edmonton Oilers, PATTISON Outdoor</h2><p>Understandably, there’s a lot of tension and frustration floating around these days. Being stuck with the same people all the time can wear on you. Even worse, when tempers flare, there’s not really anywhere to go.</p><p>That’s why we really appreciate the reminder from the Edmonton Oilers (via <a href="https://www.pattisonoutdoor.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">PATTISON Outdoor</a>), to stay safe and be kind throughout this whole ordeal. We’ll do a lot better if we take care of each other.</p><div ><figure >The Stay Safe, Be Kind campaign from the Edmonton Oilers</figcaption></figure></div><h2 >We are the Countervirus &#8211; DPAA</h2><p>"Flatten the curve" has become both a rallying cry and a critical mission for countries around the world hoping to avoid overloading their healthcare systems. For most of us, it means staying home, or at least away from others, as much as possible.</p><p>To help spread that message, as well as to explain some of the "why" behind ongoing social and physical distancing, DPAA and the Madwell creative advertising agency put together a great-looking campaign called &#8220;<a href="https://wearethecountervirus.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">We Are the Countervirus</a>.&#8221; It&#8217;s freely available for OOH businesses to download and display, and is a great initiative that we were delighted to see.</p><div ><figure >Stay Home &#8211; a message from the DPAA&#8217;s &#8220;We Are the Countervirus&#8221; campaign</figcaption></figure></div><h2 >PSAs, Alone Together, United we Stand Apart, American Humane &#8211; OAAA</h2><p>In this same vein of providing guidance to businesses that need it, the OAAA has revamped <a href="https://oaaa.org/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">its whole home page</a> to provide a bunch of resources that OOH businesses can benefit from. News, insights, industry guidelines, and more are all available at the OAAA website.</p><p>The OAAA is also backing four campaigns geared towards helping spread useful information and messages of encouragement.</p><p>The first, in partnership with the CDC, advises audiences to wash their hands, avoid touching their faces, to stay home when sick, and to follow other important health directives. <a href="https://oaaa.sharefile.com/d-s77a533df1e848298" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Files available here</a></p><div ><figure >An example from the DPAA and CDC&#8217;s COVID-19 campaign</figcaption></figure></div><p>The second, "#AloneTogether," which was put together by the Ad Council, the CDC, and The White House, reminds audiences to stay home as much as possible in order to slow the spread of the disease. <a href="https://oaaa.sharefile.com/d-s63f4ba99466459fb" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Files available here</a></p><div ><figure >The #AloneTogether campaign being promoted by the OAAA</figcaption></figure></div><p>The third, "United we Stand Apart" is a clever campaign aimed at reminding people to stand far enough away from each other to greatly reduce the likelihood of COVID-19 spreading from person to person. <a href="https://oaaa.sharefile.com/d-seb4cf9a14ce4e1ea" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Files available here</a></p><div ><figure >The United We Stand Apart campaign promoted by the OAAA</figcaption></figure></div><p>The fourth is in collaboration with the American Humane Society, and is dedicated to raising support for animals that might be suffering in the midst of the economic and societal turmoil we now find ourselves in. <a href="http://americanhumane-covid19.tvaccess.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Files available here</a></p><div ><figure >The American Human Society campaign supported by the OAAA</figcaption></figure></div><p>They’re all important messages that OOH businesses are free to distribute across their own networks, should they wish to do so. <a href="http://americanhumane-covid19.tvaccess.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Files available here</a></p><h2 ><strong>#WarOnCOVID19 &#8211; Engine UK</strong></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We’re all in the fight against COVID-19 together, but it seems that getting the message across to some people is proving harder than it should be. We all need to respect the recommendations from our health authorities to win the battle.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">That’s why we loved this clever and relevant adaptation of vintage wartime posters. The clever creatives from Engine UK include basic guidelines for handwashing and distancing, but then take it a step further by reinforcing the social faux pas that are still sometimes being ignored.</span></p><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">These designs were free to use for anyone wanting to donate some screen time for an inventive take on COVID-19 PSAs. Unfortunately, they&#8217;re no longer available.</span></p><h2 ><strong>#MyHeroe(s) &#8211; Kinetic &amp; DOOH.com&nbsp;</strong></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This campaign from DOOH.com and Kinetic shines a light on individual essential workers. Their stories and pictures come straight from the public, who participate in the campaign by sharing personal experiences with essential workers and including the #MyHeroes hashtag.</span></p><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This initiative helps keep morale up for essential frontline workers who are putting themselves at risk everyday. This collaborative OOH effort with Boomerang Media, Clear Channel UK, DOOH.com, Hi! Street Digital Media &amp;, Kinetic UK, Ocean Outdoor and Open Media.is a touching way for the UK to say thanks all across the country.&nbsp;</span></p><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Get the full story </span><a href="https://www.thedrum.com/creative-works/project/doohcom-myheroes" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><b>here.</b></a></p><h2 ><strong>#Thankyou &#8211; Outfront Media Canada</strong></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">These widespread messages across Canada offer thanks to all that have been doing what they can to help flatten the curve and keep things running. This includes, of course, healthcare workers who are tirelessly fighting to save lives, but also celebrates essential workers and other Canadians joining the fight.&nbsp;</span></p><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">From delivery drivers, to grocery store workers, to healthcare workers, to just regular&nbsp; people helping people; this campaign makes sure our country’s efforts don’t go unnoticed.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">You can check out this great initiative </span><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/posts/outfrontmedia_thankyou-activity-6661639471177441280-UhCe" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">here</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> or at the Outfront Media Canada </span><a href="https://www.outfrontmedia.ca/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">website</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p><h2 ><strong>Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) from billboard vinyl &#8211; Lamar Advertising &amp; Louisiana State University</strong>&nbsp;</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We’ve seen some extraordinary creativity emerge from this pandemic, and what Lamar Advertising has done with LSU is a prime example of this.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The company is donating used billboard vinyl to Louisiana State University, which is able to use the material to create personal protective equipment (PPE), which is in short supply across the globe.</span></p><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"></span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Wayne Newhauser, Director of LSU’s Medical Physics Program, came up with this brilliant idea and made the first batch in his garage. Now, with over 40 people working on the project, this innovative collaboration is churning out heavy-duty reusable gowns at a rate of 1,000 per day!&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Take a look at this amazing initiative </span><a href="http://www.lamar.com/About/NewsandEvents/lamar-teams-with-lsu-to-convert-billboard-material-into-ppe-for-la-healthcare-workers-041620" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">here.</span></a></p><h2 ><strong>Total recovered &#8211; Orb Screen</strong></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">From the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, it seems like we’ve been seeing new discouraging statistics everyday. Although these numbers are vital in understanding how the pandemic is progressing, they are a source of anxiety and sadness for many.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">That’s why Orb Screen took it upon themselves to showcase a more positive set of numbers. Pulling data from the WHO, Johns Hopkins, and other reputable sources, they have created a dynamic figure of the total number of people who have recovered from the virus.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">They hope this climbing number will be a source of hope and encouragement as efforts to fight the virus continue globally.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The HTML file for this campaign is freely available to anyone looking to share some good news across their DOOH network.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Get it </span><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O5k4VKSmXtTRaRRcpqha6ao8W1m8OYze/view" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">here</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><h2 ><strong>#SendingLove &#8211; Grand Visual, Talon outdoor, Plexus OOH &amp; WOO</strong></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We all have family &amp; friends we wish we could visit right now, but who knows when things will get back to normal. Texting, calling or video chats can help, but it’s just not the same as seeing someone in person.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Grand Visual, Talon Outdoor, Plexus OOH and the World Out of Home Organization have teamed up to connect people around the world in a big way. The campaign is simple: take a picture of yourself making a heart shape with your hands, upload it, and select where you’d like to send the message, with choices of over 150 cities across 40 countries. Then, you can see your message of love take center stage on DOOH screens across the globe. It’s an impressive and memorable way to let your loved ones know you miss them!&nbsp;</span></p><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This campaign is accessible to anyone, from anywhere in the world &#8211; start spreading the love </span><a href="https://sendinglove.to/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">here</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> &lt;3</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Appreciating the little things: stories from Broadsign parents settling into working from home with kids]]><![CDATA[

With schools closed and parents at home, companies around the world have suddenly inherited a group of new interns. But while these interns are darn cute, having them around 24/7 can be quite the challenge, especially when trying to get work done. As all of us are adjusting into week three of our work from […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/appreciating-the-little-things-stories-from-broadsign-parents-settling-into-working-from-home-with-kidshttps://broadsign.com/blog/appreciating-the-little-things-stories-from-broadsign-parents-settling-into-working-from-home-with-kids<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 01 Apr 2020 10:54:43 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With schools closed and parents at home, companies around the world have suddenly inherited a group of new interns. But while these interns are darn cute, having them around 24/7 can be quite the challenge, especially when trying to get work done.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As all of us are adjusting into week three of our work from home situation, here are a few takeaways some Broadsign parents had to share.</span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Get your kids involved in the cause</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This is a confusing time for many kids, but if they’re old enough, getting involved can give them a sense of empowerment during this uncertainty. In many countries, kids are finding ways to connect with other kids, like by setting up teddy bears in windows in Australia or placing rainbows in windows in Montreal.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">One of our coworker’s daughter really got into it:</span></p><p><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">My daughter was so excited when she found out about the rainbow trend and wanted to get involved right away. We got her paint and she started with our living room, but then we couldn’t stop her! Every one of our front-facing windows will soon be covered in her artwork.</span></i><span style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</span></p><p><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Do what you can to maintain boundaries</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">When possible, set boundaries, either physical or using schedules, for work versus play. Help your kids to set up their own work stations and schedules, and try to maintain the boundaries both ways. For example, if it’s dance time on their schedule, try to not have lunch ready at the same time.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Though as our one of our salespeople explained, it doesn’t necessarily work our as planned:</span></p><p><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">I’ve been hiding out in the bathroom to take important calls. This generally works well, except sometimes my kids find me and bang on the door like a SWAT team about to break in. You’d think they needed something important. Nope. "Daddy we just wanted to check in on you to see if you needed anything."&nbsp;</span></i></p><p><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">In the long run, it doesn’t matter</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If you find yourself struggling to get your school-aged children to focus on their school work, or to stop your teenagers from spending all of their waking time on their devices, while also trying to get your own work done, try to remember that in 10 years, when your children are grown and out of school, this period will be nothing but a blip in their educational experience.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Here’ what one Broadsigner and dad of four (!!!!) had to say:&nbsp;</span></p><p><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">My wife and I have read dozens of articles, taken advice from multiple teachers, and listened to all the "experts" in our attempts to get our four kids to be productive and give us time to get our own work done. We’ve created schedules, tried to set boundaries, ensured the kids took enough breaks, and even tried rewards (read: bribes). Needless to say, all of these strategies haven’t worked out as well as we had hoped. But over the last few days, we’ve learned to stress less and accept that in the long run, this won’t indelibly negatively affect our kids.&nbsp;</span></i></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Teach your kids new things</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">School is out, but kids are eager to keep learning. This can be either following along with school material, learning new skills or introducing them to new hobbies. You’ve probably seen countless resources for tips, online classes and workshops, so we won’t list them here.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Instead, one of our colleagues leaves you with this advice:</span></p><p><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">Be careful about what you choose to teach your kids! I taught my 5-year-old to gamble but once she started winning, she got addicted and started cheating at dice! My four-year-old now also pretends to be drunk after she eats toast made of the beer bread we baked together.&nbsp;</span></i></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Appreciate the little things</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Most parents are more than a bit overwhelmed with this whole thing, and that’s ok, but this makes it easy to overlook the small wins. Taking a moment to enjoy a few moments with your kids can build your bond and also see them in a new light – a light you can hopefully remember when they are being little terrors.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Most Broadsigners are based in Montreal, and with our crazy weather, a few things parents have mentioned appreciating is shovelling the deck with their kids, or watching their daughters build a snowman from the window of the home office.</span></p><p><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Celebrate the big things</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With most people experiencing more stress and worry than usual, celebrating special moments is more important than ever. This is especially true for kids, who might not fully understand why they can’t see their friends or why their favourite park is closed.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">One of our VP’s son turned 12 last week, and she made sure his day was full of little surprises:&nbsp;</span></p><p><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">My son was really brave and didn’t blink an eye about the lack of a party, but deep down we knew he was disappointed – and heck, you only turn 12 once! To make the day special, we blew up balloons the night before to have a festive scene in the morning, which we paired with presents and breakfast in bed. Throughout the day, I organized facetime calls with his friends. And for the grand finale, we ordered takeout from his favorite burger joint followed by his favorite cake. It wasn’t your traditional birthday, but I think he felt very loved!</span></i></p><p><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">And if all goes to hell, try to see the humour in it</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Things will inevitably go wrong, and when they do, it’s best not to sweat it. Don’t forget, most parents are in the same boat as you!&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Here’s a tip on how to make the best of any situation, from another one of our VPs:</span></p><p><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">For a good laugh, try telling the story of something your kids did, but replace "kids" with "colleague". For example, this just happened to me: I just had to try to keep my cool after my colleague decided to come into my room during a video call with a very important client, swinging one of my bras around in the air.</span></i></p><p>&nbsp;</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[COVID-19 Update from the Broadsign Team]]><![CDATA[

No doubt about it, this is a difficult time for all of us, both in our business and personal lives. The OOH industry will adapt over the coming weeks, but we’re here for you. To ease the burden on our business partners and our communities, we have taken proactive measures to keep our people healthy […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/covid-19-update-from-the-broadsign-teamhttps://broadsign.com/blog/covid-19-update-from-the-broadsign-team<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 17 Mar 2020 08:35:06 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">No doubt about it, this is a difficult time for all of us, both in our business and personal lives. The OOH industry will adapt over the coming weeks, but we’re here for you. To ease the burden on our business partners and our communities, we have taken proactive measures to keep our people healthy and ensure full business continuity and services at the highest level.</span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Our team</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As a global company, we have been following the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), along with regional health authorities, and preparing for the possibility of a remote work environment for several weeks now. To help flatten-the-curve and reduce the risk to our workforce, our teams have begun the transition to remote work. This operation started late last week and over 90% are ready, with the rest following shortly once remote QA, support &amp; test environments are fully set up.&nbsp;</span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Operations and services</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Our global team of product and industry experts remains fully operational, and we can confidently and securely continue to deliver product and service updates to you through all our available channels. We are well prepared to ensure full business continuity over this challenging period of time and remain committed and available.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If you have any questions, please reach out to your business or support representative. We will continue to keep you updated as the situation evolves.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Our thoughts are with all of you and anyone who has been directly impacted by COVID-19.</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Media City turns early adoption into lasting out-of-home success]]><![CDATA[

It’s well established that DOOH today is the primary driver of activity and revenue in the out-of-home space, but you don’t have to look back that far to get a different story. The introduction of DOOH wasn’t heralded by all as the next big thing, but was something of a curiosity. What, exactly, were buyers […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-media-city-turns-early-adoption-into-lasting-out-of-home-successhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-media-city-turns-early-adoption-into-lasting-out-of-home-success<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 04 Mar 2020 08:00:24 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">It’s well established that DOOH today is the primary driver of activity and revenue in the out-of-home space, but you don’t have to look back that far to get a different story. The introduction of DOOH wasn’t heralded by all as the next big thing, but was something of a curiosity. What, exactly, were buyers going to do with it?</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">It’s thanks to the foresight of companies like Media City that the category has found the success that it did. Building its inventory and its name off of non-traditional OOH media assets, the company offers a great example of the value to be had in blazing a trail in innovative media formats.</span></p><h2 >Posters, wraps, and Canada’s first digital billboards</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Founded in 2002, Media City’s original business focused almost exclusively on static posters in office buildings. Expansion, and an eventual acquisition of most of the assets of a company called Media Alternatives, saw Media City diversify </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">into elevator wraps, wall dominations, revolving door ads, specialized executions and outdoor assets.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Notably, this acquisition brought with it an important legacy in DOOH. Some of Canada’s earliest digital billboards came to be managed by Media Alternatives in 1999, with most of those locations still in use to this day. As years have passed, the digital outdoor portion of the business has naturally taken on greater importance, with Media City’s other assets rounding out its diverse offerings for buyers.</span></p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >A non-traditional approach to OOH</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">From the beginning, Media City’s approach to out-of-home has been fairly unique, thanks to its offering </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">of non-traditional assets that were unlike other OOH companies</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">This has occasionally led to a disconnect between the potential of one of Media City’s assets and the advertisers capability to execute.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> In 1999, for example, there wasn’t much of an understanding of how to take advantage of the full-motion capabilities of a digital outdoor billboard.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Through dedication to a vision of unique opportunities to reach audiences with OOH, along with a willingness to support its buyers in realizing the benefits of somewhat unusual media, Media City has turned its old reputation for non-traditional media into a badge of honour. Today, if the company sees an opportunity to jump into an interesting new vertical first, it does so, seeing this as key to </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">helping its customers connect with audiences in novel and impactful ways.</span></p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >Looking ahead to bigger and brighter things in DOOH</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As more technology and more investment transform the world of out-of-home, Media City sees the space becoming more collaborative, richer in information, and better able to prompt immediate action by audiences.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To succeed in this dynamic, Media City plans to continue converting priority locations to digital, where possible, as well as to invest in a new mobile partnership for deeper data and better attribution. It also foresees much more importance being placed on programmatic transactions over the next several years.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Perhaps most importantly, Media City sees in OOH a sector that, though it is undergoing dramatic change, is here to stay </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">and is excited to help lead what comes next for the space.</span></p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >Media City and Broadsign</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To successfully run and expand a digital out-of-home network requires strong software at the heart of the business. The platform needs to be easily scaled, with a large quantity of screens easily managed by small teams, and it also needs to be able to integrate with external data sources for analytics and other uses. Finally, deep support for programmatic transacting is important, and will only become more important as time goes on.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In order to meet its needs, both today and in the future, Media City has chosen the Broadsign platform. Recognizing Broadsign’s leadership role in the industry, Media City feels confident that moving ahead with Broadsign will ensure that its network keeps up with the latest features. Better still, Broadsign is scalable, extensible, and comes ready for programmatic transacting, setting Media City up for success for years to come.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As an added bonus, Broadsign’s Campsite platform, which makes creating and delivering programmatic campaigns exceptionally easy, is also integrated into the network. This is yet more assurance for Media City that as demand for programmatic grows, its network will be able to meet it.</span></p><p><strong>Do you want to see how Broadsign&#8217;s solutions can help fuel your OOH ambitions?</strong><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/">Request your free, personalized demo</a> today!</strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign partners with CAASie by Heurist to offer small businesses programmatic dooh in Australia]]><![CDATA[

YDNEY, Australia — Tuesday, February 18, 2020 —Broadsign, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform, and Brisbane-based branding agency, Heurist, have announced an integration between Broadsign’s supply-side platform (SSP) Broadsign Reach and Heurist’s demand-side platform (DSP) CAASie. This new integration provides CAASie’s user base of local advertisers with access to premium DOOH screens across Australia […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-partners-with-caasie-by-heurist-to-offer-small-businesses-programmatic-dooh-in-australiahttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-partners-with-caasie-by-heurist-to-offer-small-businesses-programmatic-dooh-in-australia<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 17 Feb 2020 16:00:14 GMT<p><b>YDNEY, Australia — Tuesday, February 18, 2020 —</b><span style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</span><a href="https://broadsign.com/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform, and Brisbane-based branding agency, Heurist, have announced an integration between Broadsign’s supply-side platform (SSP) Broadsign Reach and Heurist’s demand-side platform (DSP) CAASie. This new integration provides CAASie’s user base of local advertisers </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">with access to premium DOOH screens across Australia </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">and brings Broadsign Reach DSP integrations to over thirty, making it one of the most widely accessible DOOH supply sources globally.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Taryn Syratt, GM at Heurist, stated, "The most amazing thing that digital marketing has achieved is giving anyone and everyone the ability to advertise – regardless of budget. This created opportunities and accessibility for big and small brands alike."</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"It’s thanks to the ease, flexibility and trackability that online advertising brings, that traditional media has been left behind. Small businesses don’t necessarily know how to value or make use of the top-of-funnel and brand-building media. CAASie is our stepping-stone in the direction to make out-of-home more valuable, accessible and easily available to the little guys – the ones who have never had the opportunity or inclination before. Our partnership with Broadsign makes this possible. We’re really excited by the opportunities that Broadsign will bring for CAASie and its users,"&nbsp; Syratt added.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"Most demand-side platforms do a great job in servicing the bigger agencies and advertisers. CAASie is different in that it has been built with small businesses in mind. These businesses can now get their brand on a billboard in just a few clicks and from the publisher’s perspective, a lot of the friction often associated with transacting the long tail of advertisers is removed. Integrating our supply-side platform, Broadsign Reach, with CAASie makes a lot of sense as it connects our publisher partners with an even broader range of advertisers," explained Ben Allman, Sales Director for Australia &amp; New Zealand at Broadsign.</span></p><h2 ><b>About Broadsign</b></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign is making it easier than ever for publishers, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering 187,000 digital screens in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Broadsign platform enables marketers and agencies to easily book screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more, launch successful programmatic DOOH campaigns. For more information please visit <a href="https://broadsign.com">broadsign.com</a></span></p><h2 ><b>About CAASie</b></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Built by advertisers for advertisers – Heurist’s home-grown demand-side platform, CAASie, boasts an exceptionally user-friendly interface that breaks down the barrier to entry and expands the out-of-home market in Australia.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As a cross-supplier marketplace that enables real-time bidding for out-of-home assets, CAASie creates an un-tapped avenue for Australian media vendors to increase their revenue whilst simultaneously levelling the playing field for direct buyers and small-medium sized enterprises, who currently don’t have a strong footing in the Australian out-of-home market. For more information, visit <a href="https://www.heurist.com.au/">heurist.com.au</a>.</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How a craft brewer launched his own community-focused digital billboard campaign]]><![CDATA[

See how they increased store visits by 12.8% with a shoestring billboard budget.

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-a-craft-brewer-launched-his-own-community-focused-digital-billboard-campaignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-a-craft-brewer-launched-his-own-community-focused-digital-billboard-campaign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 13 Feb 2020 15:02:27 GMT<p>Owning a small business often starts with a&nbsp;new or exciting idea&nbsp;on how to create an&nbsp;amazing product&nbsp;or&nbsp;standout service. But once that part of the equation is settled comes an important step: sales.</p><p>Peter Caira&#8217;s dream of becoming an entrepreneur came true when he founded <a href="https://peoplespint.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">People&#8217;s Pint</a>, a neighbourhood pub focused on community involvement and engagement.&nbsp;However two years&nbsp;after its opening, Peter found that many in the neighbourhood were still unaware of People&#8217;s Pint.</p><p>So Peter turned to <a href="http://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a> (formerly Campsite) to launch his own campaign&nbsp;on local digital billboards. See how he increased store visits by 12.8%:</p><figure ></div></figure>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Public Mobile used real-time digital out-of-home to increase brand awareness and recall]]><![CDATA[

The Challenge By never charging overages and hidden fees nor adding unwanted features to packages, Public Mobile sees things differently. They believe that affordability doesn’t mean compromising on performance and that everyone should have access to quality mobility services. Customers are at the heart of their offerings, services and brand. But these values weren’t being […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-public-mobile-used-real-time-digital-out-of-home-to-increase-brand-awareness-and-recallhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-public-mobile-used-real-time-digital-out-of-home-to-increase-brand-awareness-and-recall<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 06 Feb 2020 08:30:50 GMT<h2 >The Challenge</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">By never charging overages and hidden fees nor adding unwanted features to packages, Public Mobile sees things differently. They believe that affordability doesn’t mean compromising on performance and that everyone should have access to quality mobility services. Customers are at the heart of their offerings, services and brand.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">But these values weren’t being perceived as intended by consumers. So <a href="https://www.publicmobile.ca/en/qc/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Public Mobile</a> set off on a mission to be seen differently, rethinking their branding and messaging to better represent their core beliefs and customer benefits.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With a refreshed strategy in hand, Public Mobile worked with marketing and communications agency, <a href="https://www.cossette.com/en">Cossette</a>, to launch a national marketing campaign across Canada.</span></p><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><h2 >The Solution</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Public Mobile wanted to reach as much of their target audience as possible. With its strong campaign reach and recall, and capability to boost other channel success, the team knew they wanted to include digital out-of-home in the strategy. Yet with a fairly limited budget shared across multiple channels, each dollar needed to be spent as efficiently as possible.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">So rather than booking digital out-of-home screens traditionally, with multiple large buys, Cossette used the <a href="https://www.atedra.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Atedra DSP</a> to programmatically buy their ad space across select DOOH screens in Canada’s major markets: Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver and Calgary, by accessing Broadsign Reach SSP&#8217;s national inventory.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To do so, the media buying team used Atedra’s audience personas, like "discount shoppers", and geolocation, like proximity to Public Mobile’s retail partners, to really hone in on their target audience across a wide variety of environments. Bidding on screens in real-time, the campaign creatives were delivered on screens only when the right audience was in the vicinity.</span></p><h2 >The Results</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The RTB digital out-of-home portion of the campaign reached just over 7 million impressions in four months.</span></p><blockquote ><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"As we did not have a massive budget, digital out-of-home provided us with multiple touchpoints, scale and reach.&nbsp;We were able to achieve efficiencies across all major markets and we were very happy with the ease that programmatic DOOH offered us."</span></p><cite>Bianca Cirinna, media planner at Cossette</cite></blockquote><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Along with digital screens and billboards, the campaign also ran on the web, Spotify, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and radio stations, for a complete multichannel campaign.&nbsp;</span></p><div ><figure }</script></figure></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign and AdMobilize Partner to Provide AI to DOOH Networks]]><![CDATA[

New partnership enables integrated ad campaign performance analysis and audience reporting Miami, FL and Montreal, CA — February 5, 2020 — AdMobilize, the world’s #1 audience intelligence company powering DOOH networks with real time, fully-anonymous AI, and Broadsign, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing technology platform today announced a partnership to provide DOOH networks with […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-admobilize-partner-to-provide-ai-to-dooh-networkshttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-admobilize-partner-to-provide-ai-to-dooh-networks<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 05 Feb 2020 08:00:24 GMT<h2 >New partnership enables integrated ad campaign performance analysis and audience reporting</h2><p><strong>Miami, FL and Montreal, CA — February 5, 2020 —</strong> <a href="https://www.admobilize.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">AdMobilize</a>, the world’s #1 audience intelligence company powering DOOH networks with real time, fully-anonymous AI, and Broadsign, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing technology platform today announced a partnership to provide DOOH networks with integrated audience measurement solutions. With this integration, media owners and their advertisers are now able to access more granular data related to the specific audiences exposed to their campaigns.</p><p>The integration with Broadsign allows AdMobilize audience data to be passed to Broadsign in real time. It is now a core feature within the AdMobilize platform enabling media owners to report audiences for specific campaigns across relevant inventory. This new capability can be used to help advertisers better understand campaign performance and how to optimize creative over time. For instance, the aggregated insights generated by the AdMobilize system can help all parties optimize campaigns by analyzing audience viewership down to each ad copy served. Anonymous, aggregated metrics such as total impressions, attention time, gender, age, emotion analysis and gaze thru rate, with more are available as part of the audience reporting module.</p><p>"AdMobilize and Broadsign have collaborated on a number of client projects over the past few years. Access to high quality audience measurement data is a critical driver of DOOH industry growth. We are thrilled to advance our relationship and to offer an innovative integration to media owners and advertisers alike," said Francois Hechme, VP Products at Broadsign.</p><p>Accurate, high confidence audience data is an important element for enabling digital media buyers to measure campaign performance and transact programmatically. AdMobilize audience analytics data can be fed live into Broadsign Reach, which grew 460% in 2019 following a breakthrough year for programmatic DOOH.</p><p>With its cutting edge computer vision and industry’s only patented AI software AdMobilize can provide data regarding high value audience impressions, vehicle volume/speed and other key KPIs across a large set of DOOH formats in real time and 100% anonymously. Mike Neel, Global Head of Marketing/Sales at AdMobilize says, "Partnering with Broadsign to integrate their marketing platform and AdMobilize AI solutions creates immense value for DOOH networks of all types, while also helping advertisers optimize their campaign performance."</p><h2 ><strong>About AdMobilize</strong></h2><p>AdMobilize, headquartered in Miami, FL, with offices in London, UK, Bogota, Colombia, Sao Paulo, Brazil is a venture-backed AI company with seamless solutions for implementing advanced computer vision technologies in the brick and mortar world. The company has one clear mission; connecting the physical world to the online grid. Our "drop in" solutions yield to each customer’s hardware/software needs. AdMobilize’s suite of analytics and engagement products are designed to be &#8220;Plug and Measure", enabling real-time audience analytics and intelligence to be instantly activated at scale on any software/hardware platform. AdMobilize offers the industry’s most complete and accurate analytics/engagement solution for digital signage, OOH, DOOH, retail, live events, small business, malls, restaurants, and beyond. For more information, please visit <a href="http://www.admobilize.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">www.admobilize.com</a>.</p><h2 ><strong>About Broadsign</strong></h2><p>Broadsign is making it easier than ever for media owners, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over 425,000 signs in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign platform helps media owners more efficiently manage their business operations while enabling brands and agencies to easily book OOH campaigns. The platform includes tools for content distribution, playback and proof of performance; sales inventory availability and proposal generation; automated programmatic DOOH transactions; and OOH business operations.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Named to Montreal Top Employers List]]><![CDATA[

MONTREAL, Canada—January 30, 2020—Broadsign today was named one of Montreal’s Top Employers (2020) in the annual competition organized by the editors of Canada’s Top 100 Employers. This is the first time Broadsign has been listed. With rapid growth over the last five years, Broadsign is now the global market-leading out-of-home marketing platform. In 2019, Broadsign […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-makes-its-first-appearance-on-montreal-top-employers-listhttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-makes-its-first-appearance-on-montreal-top-employers-list<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 30 Jan 2020 07:50:20 GMT<p><strong>MONTREAL, Canada—January 30, 2020—</strong>Broadsign today was named one of Montreal’s Top Employers (2020) in the annual competition organized by the editors of Canada’s Top 100 Employers. This is the first time Broadsign has been listed. With rapid growth over the last five years, Broadsign is now the global market-leading out-of-home marketing platform. In 2019, Broadsign doubled in size when it acquired Ayuda and Campsite, two Montreal-based companies with complementary products and services.</p><p>"I like to say that we empower success," said Broadsign CEO Burr Smith. "Having low turnover was a good indication that we are doing something right, and being recognized as offering a progressive and forward-thinking work environment for our employees, as compared to other companies in Montreal, is exciting."</p><p>Broadsign offers several unique employee support and engagement programs, including a generous vacation offer, an open working space, a healthy lifestyle program, and a culture where anyone can bring forward suggestions to make the products and organization better. Some of the benefits Broadsign employees enjoy include:</p><ul><li>Encourages employees to support community and charitable initiatives with up to two paid volunteer days annually and matching charitable donations of up to $500.</li><li>Promotes health &amp; fitness with fitness subsidies, a scheduled health week with daily speakers, a well-stocked kitchen with healthy snacks, and weekly yoga or fitness classes.</li><li>A social committee manages a busy social calendar for its employees, with past events including a diversity week, movie nights, employee soccer games, wine and cheese tastings, game nights, a charity hockey game, catered office lunches, team go karting, a spring sugar-shack outing, summer barbecue, Bixi bike rides across Lachine Canal, and much more.</li><li>Encourages employees to continue their education with lunch &amp; learns, opportunities to attend international conferences and training courses, and possible tuition subsidies.</li></ul><p>Broadsign’s Montreal head office of 175 full-time employees received 4,000 resumes in the last year as a sign of their employee-focused reputation.</p><p>The Canada’s Top 100 Employers competition recognizes employers with exceptional human resources programs and forward-thinking workplace policies. Starting with an initial list of more than 90,000 employers, Mediacorp graded those selected on eight criteria, which have remained constant since the project’s inception: Physical Workplace; Work Atmosphere &amp; Social; Health, Financial &amp; Family Benefits; Vacation &amp; Time-Off; Employee Communications; Performance Management; Training &amp; Skills Development; and Community Involvement.</p><h2 ><strong>About Broadsign</strong></h2><p>Broadsign is making it easier than ever for media owners, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over 425,000 signs in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives.</p><p>The Broadsign platform helps media owners more efficiently manage their business operations while enabling brands and agencies to easily book OOH campaigns. The platform includes tools for content distribution, playback and proof of performance; sale inventory availability and proposal generation; automated programmatic DOOH transactions; and OOH business operations.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Publicartel Blazes a Trail for Better OOH in Uruguay]]><![CDATA[

The DOOH space is heating up all over the world, with established players and newcomers alike expanding their networks and introducing new technologies for bigger, better buys. In Uruguay, nobody exemplifies these trends better than Publicartel. The country’s largest OOH player and its first to transact programmatically, it uses its diverse media portfolio to help […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-publicartel-blazes-a-trail-for-better-ooh-in-uruguayhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-publicartel-blazes-a-trail-for-better-ooh-in-uruguay<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Sun, 15 Dec 2019 12:55:53 GMT<p>The DOOH space is heating up all over the world, with established players and newcomers alike expanding their networks and introducing new technologies for bigger, better buys.</p><p>In Uruguay, nobody exemplifies these trends better than Publicartel. The country’s largest OOH player and its first to transact programmatically, it uses its diverse media portfolio to help buyers reach their intended audiences.</p><h2>A series of firsts</h2><p>Founded in 1967, Publicartel has succeeded over the decades not only in becoming the dominant OOH player, but in continually pushing the local industry to adapt to the latest possibilities and technologies.</p><p>In the late 2000s, the company became the first in Uruguay to add LED displays to its network, and more recently it has incorporated real-time audience measurement to make it easier for buyers to reach the people they want. With Publicartel now leading the way for the dawn of programmatic DOOH in Uruguay, it’s set to once again drive its business and the local industry into a new and exciting era.</p><figure id="attachment_34830" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-34830" style="width: 900px" >Publicartel has been Uruguay&#8217;s dominant OOH player for decades</figcaption></figure><h2>Some static, some digital, all premium</h2><p>Publicartel’s footprint extends across Uruguay, with static and digital displays in at the side of major roads, on building murals, and at malls, including Punta Carretas shopping, one of the highest-profile malls in the city of Montevideo. It has also become a strategic partner of Antel, providing continuous support to the displays that company operates in Antel arena. This arena is used to host home games for Uruguay’s national basketball team, and was central to the country’s past bid to host the FIBA World Cup.</p><p>The company sees the diversity of its business as essential to meeting the needs of virtually any client, and continues to evaluate new opportunities for expansion based on the audience it expects to reach and on the needs and recommendations of its stakeholders.</p><figure id="attachment_34832" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-34832" style="width: 900px" >Increasing business diversity has helped Publicartel deliver greater value to its customers</figcaption></figure><h2>Technology for a more creative future</h2><p>Publicartel sees DOOH as a great vehicle for creative messaging by advertisers, and has made it a priority to acquire technology that enables more complex and interesting work to be made and displayed.</p><p>Together with strategic partners, the company developed SmartSpots that can measure OOH and DOOH audiences both outdoors and in retail stores, as well as establish geofences for targeted content delivery. Looking ahead, it plans to use its stable base of OOH media revenue to continue to develop its digital inventory and capabilities over time, opening the door to more creative campaigns and new ways of delivering messages for the advertisers and charitable organizations it works with.</p><figure id="attachment_34831" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-34831" style="width: 900px" >New technology will help Publicartel push the local industry forward</figcaption></figure><h2>Publicartel and Broadsign</h2><p>With a network that includes more than 500 static faces and 30 high-profile digital displays across Uruguay, Publicartel needs a streamlined workflow that allows it to automate much of the nitty-gritty and focus more on the big picture. To accomplish its goal, the company turned to Broadsign.</p><p>Thanks to the rules-based content management and delivery present in the Broadsign platform, Publicartel can work more efficiently to meet its obligations to advertisers. The ease of scaling within the Broadsign platform, meanwhile, will allow the company to continue growing quickly, while still retaining flexibility and agility in delivering on its commitments. Additionally, the unparalleled security of the platform helps ensure that Publicartel can operate its prominent screens with peace of mind.</p><p>Finally, it’s the open nature of the Broadsign platform that will help Publicartel continue to push the envelope and explore new technologies for DOOH. Whether its audience measurement, programmatic transactions, or some other technology that catches the company’s eye, Publicartel will be able to develop a business that matches its vision and ambition.</p><p><strong>Do you want to see how the Broadsign platform can help fuel your OOH ambitions?</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/">Request your free, personalized demo</a> today!</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign and Lemma Partner to Expand Programmatic DOOH Offering in APAC]]><![CDATA[

MONTREAL, CANADA and SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA — December 11, 2019 — Broadsign, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform and programmatic DOOH platform Lemma have partnered to integrate the Broadsign Reach programmatic supply-side platform (SSP) with Lemma’s demand-side platform (DSP). The partnership will greatly expand Lemma’s DOOH screen inventory while enabling Broadsign’s global network of programmatically-enabled […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-lemma-partner-to-expand-programmatic-dooh-offering-in-apachttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-lemma-partner-to-expand-programmatic-dooh-offering-in-apac<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 10 Dec 2019 16:45:14 GMT<p><b>MONTREAL, CANADA and SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA — </b><b>December 11,</b><b> 2019 — </b><a href="https://broadsign.com/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform and </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">programmatic DOOH platform </span><a href="https://lemmatechnologies.com/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Lemma</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> have partnered to integrate the </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign Reach</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> programmatic supply-side platform (SSP) with Lemma’s demand-side platform (DSP). The partnership will greatly expand Lemma’s DOOH screen inventory while enabling Broadsign’s global network of programmatically-enabled publishers to reach new digital buyers throughout the APAC region.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The integration is part of Broadsign’s international growth strategy, bringing the number of demand-side platforms that Broadsign Reach supports internationally to more than 30. With 50,000 programmatically-enabled screens accessible via Broadsign Reach globally, this integration will enable Lemma’s digital buyers to tap into a greatly expanded pool of roadside, retail, transit and other unique place-based DOOH screens across Australia, New Zealand and other international locations &#8211; all from within Lemma’s easy-to-use DOOH specific ad buying platform.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"We are excited to be partnering with a forward-thinking DOOH company like Broadsign not just in the Australian market but globally to help create a more liquid marketplace for both the buy and sell sides to transact programmatically. The world of OOH is at a tipping point and everyone involved needs to work hand in hand to push this market towards achieving scale and value to both media publishers and brands. We think partnerships such as this will hasten the right steps in that direction,</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">" said </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Sanjaya Molligoda, Managing Partner at Lemma.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"Lemma are pioneers in the programmatic DOOH space and their data driven, transparent approach makes for a great fit with our supply side platform, Broadsign Reach. Lemma’s technology enables advertisers and media buyers to integrate their DOOH &amp; Online campaigns and amplify their message beyond personal devices. By joining forces with new demand sources such as Lemma, our publisher partners’ audiences and inventory are more accessible than ever before" explained Ben Allman, Sales Director at Broadsign ANZ.</span></p><p><b>About Broadsign</b></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign is making it easier than ever for publishers, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering 187,000 digital screens in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign platform enables marketers and agencies to easily book screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more, launch successful programmatic DOOH campaigns. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For more info, visit </span><a href="http://www.broadsign.com/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">broadsign.com</span></a> <span style="font-weight: 400;">or contact:</span></p><p><b>Ben Allman</b></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Sales Director &#8211; ANZ</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">ben.allman@broadsign.com</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">+61439 771 377</span></p><p><b>About Lemma</b></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Lemma are Pioneers in the Programmatic DOOH space in APAC&nbsp;with a vision of transforming the DOOH industry to a mainstream digital medium rapidly. Formed in the year 2017, Lemma is a future forward company focused on building platforms and solutions that suit the requirement of modern-day media agencies that look for integrated as well as innovative solutions for an omni-channel approach.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As a successful start-up in the programmatic DOOH realm, we connect media buyers to a dynamic network of DOOH screens, data &amp; audiences, thereby enabling them to harness the full potential that DOOH has to offer.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We are now operating across several countries outside of India. Namely Australia, New Zealand, USA, Malaysia, Indonesia and a couple of countries in the Middle East.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For more information please visit </span><a href="https://lemmadooh.com/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">lemmaDOOH.com</span></a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign and Adform Streamline Global Programmatic Omnichannel Media Buys]]><![CDATA[

New ad tech integration gives brands and agencies a one-stop shop for planning and executing global programmatic campaigns across online, mobile and digital-out-of-home MONTREAL and COPENHAGEN — December 5, 2019 — Broadsign, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform, and the integrated advertising technology company Adform have joined forces to integrate the Broadsign Reach programmatic […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-adform-streamline-global-programmatic-omnichannel-media-buyshttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-adform-streamline-global-programmatic-omnichannel-media-buys<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 05 Dec 2019 05:45:58 GMT<p>New ad tech integration gives brands and agencies a one-stop shop for planning and executing global programmatic campaigns across online, mobile and digital-out-of-home</p><p><b>MONTREAL and COPENHAGEN — </b><b>December 5, 2019 </b><b>— </b><a href="https://broadsign.com/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform, and </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">the integrated advertising technology company </span><a href="https://site.adform.com"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Adform</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> have joined forces to integrate the </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign Reach</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> programmatic supply-side platform (SSP) with Adform’s demand-side platform (DSP). Digital buyers can now tap into Adform’s highly intelligent targeting and retargeting capabilities to reach desired audiences around the world using online, mobile and digital-out-of-home channels.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The integration gives media buyers access to 50,000 roadside, transit, retail, and place-based digital screens located throughout the world directly via Adform. Using the combined platforms, brands and agencies can now leverage their own data easily through Adform’s integrated advertising platform (IAP) to inform purchasing strategies across omnichannel campaigns based on real-time conditions.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"Momentum for DOOH has built rapidly over the last year, as advertisers look to extend their message effectively across channels and reach consumers with more dynamic creatives. With consumers increasingly showing a strong preference for highly engaging visuals for the discovery and education phase, DOOH is an ideal platform for video which is where we currently see the biggest budgets for programmatic spend allocated," shared Filippo Gramigna, VP Global Commercial Partnerships, Adform. "Brands are looking at direct access to out-of-home inventory as a key component for their digital omnichannel strategies and we are very excited to support them via this new partnership.&#8221;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"Bringing together Adform’s DSP and Broadsign Reach represents a major opportunity to expand programmatic DOOH globally. It delivers new creative opportunities and impressive audience reach for online and mobile buyers running video and other display campaigns, and puts DOOH in front of digital buyers who might otherwise have to seek it out as a separate purchase," shared Adam Green, SVP and GM of Broadsign Reach. "Partnering with a global platform such as Adform opens up new doors for Broadsign publishers looking to expand international markets and advertiser reach."&nbsp;</span></p><h2 ><b>About Broadsign</b></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign is making it easier than ever for publishers, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering 187,000 digital screens in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign platform enables marketers and agencies to easily book screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more, launch successful programmatic DOOH campaigns. For more info, visit: </span><a href="http://www.broadsign.com/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">www.broadsign.com</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p><h2 ><b>About Adform</b></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Adform provides an integrated Software as a Service platform for the buying, managing and serving of digital advertising. The company’s software consist of a Data Management Platform, a Demand Side Platform and an Ad Serving Platform with advanced analytics, reporting and creative tools that drive high impact digital advertising campaigns globally. Founded in Denmark in 2002, Adform services a client portfolio that includes the world’s leading agencies, advertisers, consultancies, and publishers. To learn more, visit us at </span><a href="http://www.adform.com"><span style="font-weight: 400;">www.adform.com</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Tis the Season for Updates to the Broadsign and Ayuda Platforms]]><![CDATA[

It’s the time of year for fresh snow, bad pop covers of classic holiday songs, and foot-tapping anticipation of a little time off to enjoy with family. Know what’s even better than all of that? The announcement of a ton of updates to the Broadsign and Ayuda OOH platform. Consider them our gifts to you, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/tis-the-season-for-updates-to-the-broadsign-and-ayuda-platformshttps://broadsign.com/blog/tis-the-season-for-updates-to-the-broadsign-and-ayuda-platforms<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 02 Dec 2019 15:54:54 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">It’s the time of year for fresh snow, bad pop covers of classic holiday songs, and foot-tapping anticipation of a little time off to enjoy with family. Know what’s even better than all of that? The announcement of a ton of updates to the Broadsign and Ayuda OOH platform. Consider them our gifts to you, the good boys and girls of the Broadsign family.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"><a href="https://broadsign.com/webinar-winter-2019-platform-update/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Check out our webinar</a> for a walkthrough of everything new across our platform, or read on to get a look at the highlights.</span></p><h2 >Coming soon to Broadsign Control</h2><p>For our Broadsign Control users, we’re announcing the gifts of enhanced content management, easier report customization, and performance and security enhancements. Here’s what you can look forward to early next year:</p><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><h3 >Improved SmartFeed</h3><p>Our SmartFeed is getting even smarter, and will be able to store any type of historical data and automatically trigger content based on any changes made to that stored data. This can allow you to manage complex campaigns with much less manual work. For example, if you need to run a campaign where different creative is triggered based on changes to the live score of a hockey game.</p><h3 >Custom proof-of-play</h3><p>We’re making it easier for advertisers to calculate their return on investment by enabling you to add custom lines in your proof-of-play report. Additional fields can be added both after a PoP report has been generated and in real time, helping you to fine-tune the transparency of your network and deliver more of the information your buyers want.</p><h3 >Improved programmatic functionality</h3><p>We’re also deepening the programmatic support within Broadsign Control to make it easier to optimize buys made on your network.</p><h4 >Just-in-time bidding</h4><p>With just-in-time bidding, the auction process for programmatic slots is only triggered 30 seconds before an ad starts playing. This helps to minimize the risk of timeouts and revenue loss, and lets buyers enjoy a reduced wait time.</p><h4 >Real-time audience API</h4><p>Bid requests will be able to be made using real-time audience data. This will allow bidders to target their campaigns using metrics pulled mere seconds before the ad slot, increasing the likely and perceived value of the buy.</p><h3 >General performance &amp; security enhancements</h3><p>As always, we’re taking steps to improve the security and performance of our software to better serve the networks we power.</p><p>Some of the highlight improvements include:control</p><h4 >Hardware acceleration</h4><p>By offloading video decoding and rendering from CPUs to specialized hardware, we&#8217;re improving overall performance of video transitions on Linux systems. This will help to smooth animations for heavy 4k video transitions.</p><h4 >Monitor sync via HTTPS</h4><p>Broadsign Control users will be able to use HTTPS to transfer files and folders to the player. This is a more modern protocol, and provides greater security to you and your network. Note that FTP transfer will continue to be supported as well.</p><h4 >Enhanced security audit trail for AWS</h4><p>Our recent migration to AWS has opened the door to improved authentication auditing through Amazon’s Security Trail Audit (SQS) tool. Soon, you will be able to have all login attempts and API calls delivered to you in real-time for enhanced transparency and security.</p><h2 >New in Broadsign Reach</h2><p>For our Broadsign Reach users, we’re giving the gifts of enhanced visibility of who is bidding on inventory, some handy new notifications, and some useful new API fields for DSPs. Here’s what you can look forward to:</p><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><h3 >Personalized bidstream reports</h3><p>We’ve added customizable reporting features will let you take deeper dives into your analytics and pull out key information about your network’s performance.</p><h3 >Loss notifications</h3><p>We’re big fans of transparency, which is why we added loss notifications that will appear onscreen when a bid participates in an auction but does not win, or when a bid does not participate because of an invalid response or auction characteristics.</p><h3 >Screen API fields</h3><p>We wanted to make it easier for advertisers to spend their money efficiently, and on the right screens, so we added a couple of key Screen API fields for our DSP partners to work with.</p><h4 >Floor CPM</h4><p>Will allow publishers to assign a minimum bid price for their inventory, which helps inventory retain proper value and lets advertisers plan their budgets more easily.</p><h4 >Average weekly impressions of screens</h4><p>This field helps users understand how many impressions a screen will get per week, going beyond the data provided for the programmatic slot in the loop.</p><h2 >New in Broadsign Direct</h2><p>For our Broadsign Direct users, we’re giving the gifts of streamlined sales, synchronized screens, and a handy dandy Salesforce plugin (coming soon). Here&#8217;s what you can look forward to:</p><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><h3 >Category exclusions within Broadsign Direct</h3><p>With the latest update, Direct users can create category exclusion lists to prevent ads from being shown on screens that they should not. For example, a campaign for a liquor brand could be made ineligible to play on screens inside or near schools or hospitals.</p><h3 >Packaged, synchronized screens</h3><p>Want to sell several screens &#8211; and synchronize their playback &#8211; in a single location? It’s now as easy as selecting the synchronization option in Broadsign Direct and choosing which screens to include in the package. Broadsign Direct and Control will take care of the rest.</p><h3 >Salesforce plugin</h3><p>We’re excited to announce that we will soon launch a plugin to integrate Broadsign Direct with Salesforce. Users will be able to check real-time inventory availability and automatically hold and book inventory from within Salesforce. Proposals will automatically be saved in Salesforce as Opportunities, historical interaction will all be tracked, and users will be able to download opportunities as a PDF, again from within Salesforce.</p><p>Altogether, this new plugin will remove a lot of existing friction for Salesforce users, letting you work faster and get more done.</p><h2 >New in Broadsign Publish</h2><p>For our Broadsign Publish users, we’re giving the gifts of enhanced communication, streamlined productivity, and deeper message management options. Here’s what you can look forward to:</p><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><h3 >Better notifications, in Broadsign Publish or your email inbox</h3><p>Staying on top of the content approval process is important, so we’re adding a couple of useful options to make sure you can get important messages the way you want.</p><h4 >Email notifications</h4><p>Content approvers can now receive email notifications for the following:</p><ul><li>Pending approvals</li><li>Comments made on a specific message</li><li>Updated graphics</li></ul><p>And as a bonus, the types of email notifications you receive and the frequency at which they are received can both be customized.</p><h4 >Notification center</h4><p>You can now also read pending notifications in the new notification center within Broadsign Publish, as well as get notified instantly when someone leaves a comment on your assets.</p><h3 >New features for better productivity</h3><p>We’ve added a bunch of new capabilities to Publish to let users spend less time on busywork and more time on what matters.</p><h4 >Custom links</h4><p>Need your users to be able to quickly access documents for brand guidelines or company policies? Publish now supports the creation of a custom information tab that will let you put the information your team needs just a click away.</p><h4 >Batch operations</h4><p>Want to make a lot of updates within Publish? You no longer have to make them one at a time. With our new support for batch operations, the process of sharing, deleting, and reorganizing several messages just got a lot quicker and easier.</p><h3 >Go deeper with message creation options</h3><p>We’ve made a couple of small tweaks to the ways messages can be created and distributed, making network management more convenient.</p><h4 >No end time</h4><p>You no longer need to schedule an end time far out in the future, and can instead select a "no end time" option. This makes it easier for long-running messages &#8211; relating to opening hours, for example &#8211; to be scheduled more flexibly.</p><h4 >Play messages in order or randomly</h4><p>Want to reduce the repetitiveness of your messaging and mix things up a little? With a new randomization feature, it’s now possible to play your non-ad content in random order.</p><h2 >New to the Ayuda Platform</h2><p>For our Ayuda users, we’re giving the gifts of Broadsign Reach integration, new scheduling groups, enhanced blueprints, and PowerPoint export. Here’s what you can look forward to:</p><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><h3 >Broadsign Reach + Ayuda Splash integration</h3><p>We’re delighted to announce that an integration between Broadsign Reach and Ayuda Splash is nearly complete. This will allow you to add your digital assets to our growing programmatic platform, giving you access to new demand sources and a new kind of revenue.</p><h3 >Scheduling groups</h3><p>Streamline the process of booking complex campaigns with our new scheduling groups feature. This allows you to define specific subsets of faces, based on market locations and schedules, and use them to target content. Think of these groups as advanced filters that can save you a ton of repetitive scheduling work.</p><h3 >Dynamic blueprint management</h3><p>Need to change the locations or details of faces within given location? With our new dynamic blueprint management, you can now drag, drop, and edit faces to reflect their most current locations, statuses, and details, all within Splash.</p><h3 >Sales contract export to PowerPoint</h3><p>Want to quickly put together compelling presentations? Juice now supports the export of sales proposals directly to PowerPoint format.</p><h2 >DON’T MISS OUR WEBINAR!</h2><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/webinar-winter-2019-platform-update/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Watch our webinar</a> to see our platform in action and learn more about how your network can benefit.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How digital restaurant signage can serve up better content and experiences for diners]]><![CDATA[

In 1955, restaurants represented approximately 25% of US spending on food. By 2019, that number had risen to 51%. Why? Explanations vary, but it seems to be partly convenience, partly the fun of dining out. There’s also the greater access afforded by food delivery services from foodora, Uber, DoorDash, and many others. It also helps […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-restaurant-signagehttps://broadsign.com/blog/digital-restaurant-signage<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 25 Nov 2019 12:38:03 GMT<p>In 1955, restaurants represented approximately 25% of US spending on food. By 2019, <a href="https://www.restaurant.org/Downloads/PDFs/Research/SOI/restaurant_industry_fact_sheet_2019.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">that number had risen</a> to 51%.</p><p>Why? Explanations vary, but it seems to be partly convenience, partly the fun of dining out. There&#8217;s also the greater access afforded by food delivery services from foodora, Uber, DoorDash, and many others. It also helps that the range of options today hits a huge variety of price points and dietary options.</p><p>Appealing to such a diversity of preferences means the "restaurant industry" represents enormous variety, many unique approaches taken to meet customer demand. What unites all players in the space is a need to communicate effectively with diners and establish the atmosphere they are looking for.</p><p>Here’s how digital signage makes that easier.</p><h2>Sell more (and smarter) with dynamic digital menus</h2><p>The old way of using static menus has quickly been overtaken, at least by most major players in the QSR and fast casual spaces, by digital menu boards. Brighter, with more vivid color, and capable of displaying moving imagery, digital menus are more attractive on a visceral level. The research bears that out, with <a href="https://oceanoutdoor.com/neuroscience/appropriation-amplification/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">a study by Ocean Outdoor</a> finding that moving content on signage is 2.5 times as effective at driving an emotional reaction as static content.</p><figure id="attachment_34773" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-34773" style="width: 900px" >The enhanced visuals of digital menu boards are more effective at selling to diners</figcaption></figure><p>This improvement is just the baseline, though. With intelligent software powering menu displays, it’s possible to add dynamism and automation for better sales and a more fluid customer experience.</p><h3>Sell upgrades and combos with flashier advertising</h3><p>It’s easier to sell more to an existing customer than to sell to a new customer, so doing a good job of upselling is a key task restaurants should take on. With digital menu boards, it’s easy to create animated videos that showcase different combos or upsell options and demonstrate the value that they offer.</p><h3>Highlight the day’s deals for a little extra enticement</h3><p>Special time-limited products are a big draw (#szechuansauce, anyone?) and there’s no better way to draw attention to special menu items than to give them prominent placement on a bright, beautiful display.</p><h3>Automatically stop promoting items that have sold out</h3><p>It’s bad enough when regular menu items sell out, but when time-limited specials with cult followings and fever-pitch excitement sell out, you can have something of a PR crisis on your hands (#szechuansauce, anyone?)</p><p>Modern digital menu solutions can integrate the digital menu system with point-of-sale software to track the status of items being sold and remove sold-out foods from being displayed on menus. It’s a way to help manage guest expectations and prevent disappointment from spiralling into a newsworthy story.</p><h2 >Put your guests in control with touchscreens</h2><p>Digital screens aren’t just a passive medium through which to deliver menus and other content, or at least they don’t have to be. Interactive displays have made major inroads in the restaurant industry in the past several years, and in multiple different forms.</p><p>The McDonald’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-kiosks/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">touchscreen kiosks</a> are a prominent example, and <a href="https://www.fool.com/investing/2018/06/22/mcdonalds-diy-plan-to-boost-sales.aspx" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">have boosted sales</a> from 3-9 % in many of the regions in which they have been deployed, but they aren’t the only example. Many sushi restaurants, for instance, handle ordering with screens installed or otherwise attached to tables. Information screens in all manner of restaurants, meanwhile, can be used to provide a more self-directed and informative avenue toward discovering more detailed ingredient lists or allergen warnings.</p><div ><figure >Interactive displays have helped McDonald&#8217;s boost sales in many regions</figcaption></figure></div><p>Best of all, when touch screens are not in use, they can also be used to deliver informational or promotional content to people who are in the vicinity, just like regular screens do.</p><h2 >Deliver informative or attractive content to your customers</h2><p>Digital displays can be used for purposes other than just menus and advertising. Audiences in many restaurants appreciate having ambient content to accompany their coffee, lunch, or after work meal.</p><p>For QSRs, coffee shops, and other casual locales, things like news headlines, weather, and general diversions are likely to grab guests’ attention and entertain them for the duration of their stay. For sports pubs, screens could be used to run interesting stats or trivia about teams playing in that day’s game. But even more upscale environments can make use of digital signage. Digital signage can be used to display modern artwork that creates a unique ambiance and provokes conversation among patrons.</p><p><strong>Example:&nbsp;</strong>While this media wall is not from a restaurant, it provides a striking demonstration of the artistic potential offered by digital signage.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>It’s worth noting that this content and the screens it appears on can all be run through the same digital signage platform as any other menu boards, advertising displays, or interactive screens on your network.</p><h2 >Use screens to flaunt your cred and get social</h2><p>Restaurant-goers are highly self-directed nowadays, with many spending a fair amount of time researching their options before ever setting foot in the door. According to Trip Advisor’s "<a href="https://www.tripadvisor.com/ForRestaurants/r3227" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Influences on Diner Decision-making</a>" report, about 94% of US diners claim to be influenced by reviews when going to a restaurant, with ratings websites like Trip Advisor, Yelp, Google Maps. and others taking the top spot for most influential.</p><p>Achieving a great rating takes hard work, a good product, dedication to customer service, and a bit of luck. If you’re proud of your score on one or more of these services, why not put them up for all to see inside of your restaurant? It’s a little extra proof that your establishment has become a destination to return to for continued enjoyment.</p><p>As a bonus, the reviews can be accompanied by appeals to diners inside of the restaurant to take the time to leave their own reviews &#8211; a good way to keep growing your online influence.</p><p>It bears mentioning, too, that social media posts about your brand can do a lot of good inside of your establishment, not just inside of an app. It’s like unleashing an endless team of great amateur photographers to bring your menu to life. Showcase selected posts tagged at your restaurant, or that display a particular hashtag, and you can create a sense of community while simultaneously marketing your offerings more creatively and compellingly than you likely could otherwise.</p><div ><figure >Digital signage can be a great prompt to get people to write reviews or create social media posts about your restaurant</figcaption></figure></div><h2 >Show off your loyalty program to bring more customers in</h2><p>Loyalty programs are good for business. <a href="https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/352767/Loyalty%20Report%202018%20Files/Bond_TheLoyaltyReport%202018%20US_Exec%20Summary.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">According to research</a> by Bond Brand, 70% of loyalty program members say that the program makes them more likely to recommend the brand to others. About 77% say that the program makes it more likely for them to do business with the brand, and 63% say that they plan their spending around loyalty program benefits.</p><p>With digital displays inside of a restaurant, the brand can easily promote the steps necessary to achieve membership, or advertise special promotions uniquely available to members. Taking this a step further, with displays that can be interacted with through touch, NFC, or QR codes, is another good way to boost engagement with your guests and create more tailored, memorable experiences.</p><p><strong>Do you want to drove more profits and create better restaurant experiences?</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Get your free Broadsign demo</a> to see how digital signage can help!</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Clear Channel Outdoor, Broadsign Partnership Expands Access to U.S. Programmatic Digital Out-of-Home Inventory]]><![CDATA[

MONTREAL, Canada and New York, NY — November 5, 2019 — Broadsign, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform and Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO), one of the world’s largest OOH providers, today announced a new partnership that enables brands to tap CCO’s U.S. DOOH inventory via Broadsign’s programmatic supply-side platform (SSP) Broadsign Reach. Several […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/clear-channel-outdoor-broadsign-partnership-expands-access-to-u-s-programmatic-digital-out-of-home-inventoryhttps://broadsign.com/blog/clear-channel-outdoor-broadsign-partnership-expands-access-to-u-s-programmatic-digital-out-of-home-inventory<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 05 Nov 2019 07:50:49 GMT<p><strong>MONTREAL, Canada and New York, NY — November 5, 2019 —</strong> <a href="https://broadsign.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign</a>, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform and <a href="http://www.clearchanneloutdoor.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Clear Channel Outdoor</a> (NYSE: CCO), one of the world’s largest OOH providers, today announced a new partnership that enables brands to tap CCO’s U.S. DOOH inventory via Broadsign’s programmatic supply-side platform (SSP) Broadsign Reach. Several brands, from sports entities to leading healthcare companies, have already tapped the integration to extend the reach, impact and efficiency of online and mobile campaigns using DOOH bought <a href="http://web.clearchanneloutdoor.com/programmatic" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">programmatically across CCO’s roadside digital media</a>.</p><p>With the integration, Broadsign Reach’s U.S. inventory now tops 35,000 screens. Digital buyers using Broadsign partner demand-side platforms (DSPs) can now access CCO’s U.S. network, which comprises 1,600 digital bulletins, posters, spectaculars and transit shelters spanning 26 markets across the country, including highly coveted regions in California, Florida, Massachusetts, the Midwest and New York City’s Times Square. In addition, fifty of Clear Channel’s premier international and regional airports can be purchased in a real-time biddable fashion, offering a mix of both display and video-capable ad formats.</p><p>Media planning agency MDG recently tapped the integration to weave targeted DOOH ads into a digital campaign across Florida for one of its clients in the healthcare industry. "For brands, differentiating your business from the competition has never been more important than in today’s digital age," shared Jill Calefate, Media Director, MDG. "Including DOOH as an offering has opened up incredible creative opportunities for how our clients reach their target audiences across digital platforms, helping them stand out and drive both new and repeat business. Having access to CCO’s screens through this integration helps us further extend our client’s message to a broader audience."</p><p>"Broadsign’s Reach platform has integrated with an impressive number of DSPs both domestically and internationally, allowing us to partner with new ad tech players and their buyers through our shared Reach connection," said Wade Rifkin, SVP/GM, Programmatic, Clear Channel Outdoor. "Brands are recognizing the value programmatic brings to OOH via enhanced targeting, speed-to-market and flexibility, and the space is scaling quickly because of it. We’re excited to see this growth continue as our partnership with Broadsign evolves into next year."</p><p>"DOOH inventory fragmentation has become a massive barrier to the industry’s growth, so partnering with a market leader like Clear Channel Outdoor to bring more premium inventory into a centralized solution like Reach represents a step in the right direction," said Adam Green, GM and SVP, Broadsign Reach. "It helps cut out a lot of the clutter typically involved in integrating DOOH buys into omnichannel campaigns, while expanding the audience that media buyers can reach."</p><p><strong>About Broadsign</strong></p><p>Broadsign is making it easier than ever for publishers, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering 187,000 digital screens in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives.</p><p>The Broadsign platform enables marketers and agencies to easily book screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more, launch successful programmatic DOOH campaigns. For more info, visit <a href="https://broadsign.com">www.broadsign.com</a>.</p><p><strong>About Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc.</strong></p><p>Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc., (NYSE: CCO) is one of the world’s largest outdoor advertising companies, with more than 450,000 displays in over 31 countries across five continents, including 43 of the 50 largest markets in the United States. Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings offers many types of displays across its global platform to meet the advertising needs of its customers. This includes a growing digital platform that now offers over 1,200 digital billboards across 28 U.S. markets. Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings’ International segment operates in 22 countries across Asia and Europe in a wide variety of formats. More information is available at <a href="https://clearchanneloutdoor.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">www.clearchanneloutdoor.com</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Use digital stadium signage to boost revenue and audience engagement]]><![CDATA[

Stadiums are big business in every sense of the word. When you’re operating a big building that houses tens of thousands of guests and a huge number of staff besides, you’re going to have a big opportunity to make money – and big-time costs to cover, too. It’s why those operating multi-purpose stadiums are so […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-stadium-signagehttps://broadsign.com/blog/digital-stadium-signage<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 31 Oct 2019 10:18:06 GMT<p>Stadiums are big business in every sense of the word. When you’re operating a big building that houses tens of thousands of guests and a huge number of staff besides, you’re going to have a big opportunity to make money &#8211; and big-time costs to cover, too.</p><p>It’s why those operating multi-purpose stadiums are so focused on developing supplemental revenue streams, promoting concessions and merchandise sales, and encouraging more engagement between fans and whatever entertainment they’re watching.</p><p>While multi-pronged approaches are necessary for all of these goals, stadiums that deploy good digital signage systems will enjoy a few significant advantages in driving more revenue and connecting with the public.</p><h2>Supercharge concession sales with digital signage</h2><p>Something’s up in the world of merchandise and concessions sales.</p><p>The playbook, at least in North America, has long prioritized dramatic markups on basics like hot dogs, soda, and popcorn. Recent years have seen a shift away from this tactic, with interesting results. In 2017, the Mercedes-Benz stadium in Atlanta announced "Fan-First Pricing," which saw prices for soda, hot dogs, pretzels, and popcorn all dropping to $2, and beer going for just $5 a glass. In the year following the pricing change, the company made 16% more in revenue. Other US stadiums have since followed suit in dropping their prices.</p><figure id="attachment_34760" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-34760" style="width: 900px" >Concession prices are trending down in many stadiums, driving up sales</figcaption></figure><p>In other markets, things are a little different. Canada, for instance, has trended more toward introducing higher-end offerings like Asian-fusion snacks, premium burgers, seafood tacos, and other foods that go beyond typical ballpark fare, justifying high prices with corresponding quality.</p><p>Both these tactics signify a need for stadiums to respond to shifting demands of patrons by offering up new food. But just changing what’s on the menu isn’t going to do all the work of getting more food into more hands. To make the biggest impact, the menus themselves need to change as well.</p><p>One of the immediate benefits of switching to digital menus is that they’re just more enticing. Moving imagery catches the eye much better than static images ever could. You also get far brighter, far more colourful images with digital &#8211; again offering more visual appeal.</p><div }</script><figcaption>Digital displays&#8217; vibrancy can help sell more concessions in stadiums</figcaption></figure></div><p>These are just the tip of the iceberg, though. <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Extensible digital signage software platforms</a> can tie into the other systems a stadium uses throughout its facilities to serve up more relevant promotions.</p><p>For example, if the point-of-sale and inventory management software register that a particular item has sold out, the display can automatically update to remove the item from the visible menu. Or, if there’s a particular item available, like ice cream or coffee, that is typically more popular when the weather is a specific temperature, the menus can pull local weather information and trigger featured placements for those items when the conditions are right.</p><p>Whether there’s a menu overhaul in the works or a stadium is sticking with business as usual, the benefits of good digital signage will remain the same. It’s a virtual guarantee that they’ll drive more sales and help connect visitors with the goods they’re looking for.</p><h2 >Make merch fly off the shelves with dynamic advertising</h2><p>Whether it’s the star player’s jersey, a favourite band’s tour t-shirt, or any of the other souvenirs people like to pick up, stadiums tend to have a lot of merch to move. The trick is to connect with the right customers, at the right time, and in the right way to get them to pull the trigger.</p><p>Digital signage has a lot of interesting tools to help make this happen.</p><p>During a game, for instance, a digital signage system in the merch store could tie into a stat feed from the current game. This could let the store’s screens automatically promote jerseys from the player who just scored, or who is racking up a huge number of points in the game, or who is shutting out the opposition.</p><div }</script><figcaption>Dynamic ad delivery can celebrate great performances during or after a game</figcaption></figure></div><p>With concert merchandise, there’s likely less technically interesting work to be done, but digital displays throughout the venue can be used to display messaging that encourages concert-goers to visit their nearest merch store to pick up a shirt or souvenir. The number of appearances of this messaging in the content loop, or even the duration of the message remaining onscreen, could be made to increase around select times, like intermission or toward the end of the show. Little tweaks like these could help with prompting the audience to treat themselves to something when they leave their seats.</p><div }</script><figcaption>Contextual digital signage ads harness the energy of the crowd to sell merch</figcaption></figure></div><h2 >Increase revenue with relevant digital out-of-home advertising</h2><p>Stadiums are places of high emotion. People are out to have a good time, to share in the thrill of supporting the home team, or to spend a couple of hours being entertained by a favourite performer.</p><p>They’re in the perfect mood to be sold to, in other words. Better still, the nature of a given event will help stadium owners and the media buyers they work with to identify the demographics of the audiences that will be in the house.</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Digital-out-of-home messaging</a> is the ideal tool to employ to take full advantage of this opportunity. The high visibility of bright, colourful screens makes it likely that people will take notice of the ads they see, wherever they see them.</p><p>What’s more, the wide array of digital display formats makes DOOH a great fit for all sorts of environments. Large displays hanging over an archway, smaller displays on the walls, and even little screens above urinals can all deliver great opportunities to connect brands with their ideal customers. And, of course, there are the displays within the stadium itself: huge screens hanging above or standing to the side of the action, perimeter walls composed of digital displays that show advertising, etc. Screens like these pack an unmatched visual punch within the stadium environment.</p><div }</script><figcaption>Digital signage inside of stadiums has a big visual impact, and can provide a great revenue stream</figcaption></figure></div><p>Finally, leading DOOH content management systems automate the distribution of advertising ideal for appealing to audiences that will be in and around a stadium at any given time. Maximizing ad revenue is as easy as uploading creative and allowing the system to deliver the ads when and where they will produce the most value.</p><h2 >Help people get around more easily with interactive wayfinding</h2><p>Sure, most venues will have helpful somebodies standing around to point lost visitors in a generally correct direction, but that doesn’t quite go far enough when navigating to the other side of a large, complicated complex.</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/interactive-digital-signage/" data-type="URL" data-id="https://broadsign.com/blog/interactive-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Interactive displays</a> scattered throughout a stadium, on the other hand, can do a great, thorough job of helping users find exactly what they’re looking for. The interface might offer users the ability to input section and seat numbers and receive turn-by-turn navigation instructions, or to receive similar assistance finding concession stands, merchandise stores, bathrooms, and other facilities.</p><p>When not in active use, these same screens can be put to additional purpose. They could display advertising, either for products available on-site or from sponsors of the event or team. Or, they could also display up-to-the-minute scores, or even a video feed from a performance from the main stage. Digital displays, including those meant to serve specific purposes, can easily be multifunctional, and great ways to generate extra revenue or enhance the customer experience as needed.</p><p><strong>Want to generate more revenue for your stadium?</strong></p><p><strong>Request <a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/">your free Broadsign demo</a> to see how we can help!</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign and AdQuick partner to deliver expanded DOOH campaigns driven by audience data]]><![CDATA[

New integration expands AdQuick’s campaign effectiveness model to more than 46,000 additional programmatically-enabled digital screens MONTREAL, Canada and Los Angeles, CA — October 23, 2019 —Broadsign, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform, andAdQuick.com, the out of home (OOH) advertising software company backed by Reddit co-founder, Alexis Ohanian, have partnered to integrate the AdQuick platform […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-adquick-partner-to-deliver-expanded-dooh-campaigns-driven-by-audience-datahttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-adquick-partner-to-deliver-expanded-dooh-campaigns-driven-by-audience-data<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 23 Oct 2019 08:01:42 GMT<h2><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">New integration expands AdQuick’s campaign effectiveness model to more than 46,000 additional programmatically-enabled digital screens&nbsp;</span></i></h2><p><b>MONTREAL, Canada and Los Angeles, CA — October 23, 2019 —</b><span style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</span><a href="https://broadsign.com/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform, and&nbsp;</span><a href="http://www.adquick.com"><span style="font-weight: 400;">AdQuick.com</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">the out of home (OOH) advertising software company </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">backed by Reddit co-founder, Alexis Ohanian, have partnered to integrate the AdQuick platform with the </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign Reach SSP</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">The integration allows media buyers to easily plan and execute</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> hyper-targeted campaigns, giving them access to </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">AdQuick proprietary audience intelligence data, and Broadsign’s Reach APIs, which specify the audience per publisher and screen, in a single solution.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The integration supports programmatic private marketplace buying and open real-time bidding (RTB), enabling campaign budget to be spent only when the desired audience criteria is met. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">AdQuick customers will also be able to </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">tap into triggers that respond to the weather, traffic and other conditions</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> to launch even more contextual campaigns to maximize ROI.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"With this integration, AdQuick customers now have access to Broadsign&#8217;s expansive publisher network of over 46,000 programmatically-enabled digital screens and it’s another step in connecting the demand and supply side of DOOH to make it easy for our customers to execute a DOOH campaign," said Chris Gadek, VP Growth &amp; Marketing of AdQuick. "When combined with our easy to use buying platform and proprietary audience intelligence data, this partnership will help bring the power of OOH to media buyers who may not have previously considered the medium. "</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Together, the platforms give media buyers access to Broadsign’s extensive inventory of digital billboards and screens spanning four continents. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">The AdQuick software, </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">powered by machine learning algorithms, </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">enables buyers to create custom packages of screens, spanning multiple regions and publishers, for buyers to easily categorize and book their preferred DOOH inventory.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">AdQuick focuses on performance-based OOH, providing media buyers with strategies and tools to run effective campaigns across static OOH, direct DOOH and programmatic DOOH. The platform also offers extensive post-campaign analytics for buyers to truly understand the impact of their campaign.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"AdQuick is reimagining OOH planning and measurement, and we’re excited to team with them to give media buyers more power to optimize their budgets and deliver great results," said Adam Green, SVP &amp; GM of Broadsign Reach. "Our partnership will help accelerate the transformation of DOOH as a medium and strengthen its position in the digital advertising ecosystem."&nbsp;</span></p><p><b>About Broadsign</b></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign is making it easier than ever for publishers, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering 187,000 digital screens in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Broadsign platform enables marketers and agencies to easily book screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more, launch successful programmatic DOOH campaigns.</span></p><p style="width:100%;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">For more info, visit </span><a href="/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">broadsign.com</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p><p style="width:100%;"><b>About AdQuick.com</b></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">AdQuick.com’s </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">software </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">is the easiest way to purchase and measure outdoor advertising, and is modernizing the once antiquated OOH industry.&nbsp; It is the first company to allow anyone to complete the full cycle of booking outdoor ads online, and connects</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> advertisers and agencies to OOH media owners anywhere in the U.S.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Founded in Los Angeles by former Instacart executives, AdQuick.com’s mission is to make OOH advertising more transparent, easier and effective through advanced machine learning-driven, high-touch campaign building technology. Brands such as Turo, Mizzen + Main, Squarespace and Compass among many other next generation marketers use AdQuick.com to make OOH a key part of their marketing-mix.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For more info, visit</span> <a href="https://www.adquick.com"><span style="font-weight: 400;">www.adquick.com</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Getica OOH uses Ayuda to complete sales 4x faster]]><![CDATA[

One of Romania’s largest OOH companies, Getica OOH’s products include media on billboards, free-standing street-level displays, bus shelters, and other static inventory. The company has enjoyed a prime position in Romanian DOOH since its founding in 1997. The Challenge Getica OOH prides itself on the strength of its relationships with buyers and agencies, helping them […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-getica-ooh-uses-the-ayuda-platform-to-complete-sales-4x-fasterhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-getica-ooh-uses-the-ayuda-platform-to-complete-sales-4x-faster<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 22 Oct 2019 14:44:15 GMT<p>One of Romania’s largest OOH companies, Getica OOH’s products include media on billboards, free-standing street-level displays, bus shelters, and other static inventory. The company has enjoyed a prime position in Romanian DOOH since its founding in 1997.</p><h2>The Challenge</h2><p>Getica OOH prides itself on the strength of its relationships with buyers and agencies, helping them maximize the value of their buys. The company wanted to build on its success in static OOH, increase business efficiency to better serve its customers, and set itself up for future growth.</p><h2>The Solution</h2><p>Getica adopted the Ayuda platform to manage all of its OOH assets. Ayuda Splash’s strength in managing static OOH networks made it a natural fit for Getica, which dealt with static media exclusively for years. The Ayuda Juice sales tool also lets Getica quickly respond to queries and send proposals. Finally, because Ayuda supports digital out-of-home as well as static, Getica is in a good position to expand its business down a new avenue.</p><h2>The Results</h2><p>Getica has seen dramatic improvements to its sales process, completing sales four times more quickly than they did before adopting the Ayuda Juice sales tool. The company is also set to start its first expansions into DOOH, and will use Ayuda Splash to manage its new digital assets alongside its existing static faces.</p><h1>Get to know Getica OOH</h1><p>Founded as Exclusiv Media in 1997 and acquired by Newscorp in 2000, Getica OOH quickly found itself a part of a high-profile media landscape. The company built up over the years, developing strong relationships with top brands drawn to the company’s premium inventory across Romania’s OOH landscape. In 2012, the company was bought out by management and rebranded as Getica OOH.</p><p>Since then, the company has continued to deliver strong advertising opportunities across billboards, pillars, large-format and special installations, and other formats that make great, creative advertising larger than life. National and international beverage, retail, fashion, telecom, and other premium brands are among the company’s regular customers.</p><figure id="attachment_34737" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-34737" style="width: 900px" >Getica operates a variety of static OOH media across Romania</figcaption></figure><h2>On to DOOH</h2><p>Until recently, the return on investment for DOOH in Romania was not high enough to justify much investment in that area. Now that the numbers have shifted into the positive, Getica is preparing to make its first steps into the digital space.</p><p>To start, the company is focusing on a pilot project that will see about 50 ad-based displays placed inside a number of supermarkets owned by a large chain operating in Romania. The displays will include advertising for the supermarket’s own goods, as well as goods from buyers that have products sold in those same stores. Provided all goes well, the project could expand to as many as 500-1,000 displays in Romania, or more if the customer elects to widen the scope to include locations in other countries, too.</p><p>Once the supermarket project is underway, Getica also intends to look to its existing static assets, and upgrade select locations where it anticipates the new capabilities offered by DOOH could generate the most value.</p><figure id="attachment_34738" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-34738" style="width: 900px" >After its pilot project, Getica will evaluate other opportunities to digitize its assets</figcaption></figure><h2>Getica &amp; Ayuda</h2><p>Entering the DOOH space is exciting, but comes with new challenges as Getica adapts to selling new media formats, working with different kinds of media scheduling, and providing new kinds of technical support to media buyers. For a company that prides itself on delivering top value to all of its customers and partners, it’s especially important to Getica that the transition be handled well.</p><p>That’s why, for both its static assets and its upcoming DOOH project, Getica has trusted in the Ayuda platform. With Ayuda Splash, the company is able to manage all of its static and digital assets from a single location, helping it to stay on top of all its inventory and contracts with ease. With the Juice sales tool, the company is able to respond to RFPs and send proposals to customers in a quarter of the time that it took them prior to adopting the system, and the system has the support for both static and digital OOH sales that Getica needs.</p><p>Getica has also integrated the platform with its accounting tool for a fully automated invoicing system that saves a huge amount of time and minimizes the potential for human error.</p><p>With 3,000 static faces and tens or hundreds of digital displays on the way, having these systems in place will help Getica remain efficient and reliable as its network grows.</p><p><strong>Want to manage your OOH network more efficiently?</strong></p><p><strong>See how <a href="https://broadsign.com/ayuda/">the Ayuda platform</a> can help</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How ATA Outdoor connects small OOH markets for big results]]><![CDATA[

Running a transit advertising operation is hard work, and that can leave smaller transit organizations that want to monetize their inventory struggling to optimize their business. The solution? Bring a larger entity in, one that sells and manages ad inventory for a number of similar transit companies, and reap the rewards of well-monetized inventory quicker, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-ata-outdoor-connects-small-ooh-markets-for-big-resultshttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-ata-outdoor-connects-small-ooh-markets-for-big-results<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 10 Oct 2019 17:56:21 GMT<p>Running a transit advertising operation is hard work, and that can leave smaller transit organizations that want to monetize their inventory struggling to optimize their business. The solution? Bring a larger entity in, one that sells and manages ad inventory for a number of similar transit companies, and reap the rewards of well-monetized inventory quicker, without compromising other operational duties.</p><p>In northeastern United States (New England), the region’s leading transit advertising company, ATA Outdoor, is providing these benefits to local transit authorities, with an eye on future expansion that will see its influence grow and diversify.</p><h2>One-stop shop in the Northeast</h2><p>Founded in 1992, ATA quickly began to make a name for itself by dramatically increasing ad revenue for its first transit partners. Contracts were secured in New Hampshire and Maine , the company steadily increasing its footprint across the northeastern US into Massachusetts and Vermont. Each added anywhere from 10 to 50 buses to ATA’s network.</p><p>Today, the company manages advertising for approximately 600 buses, along with about 20 billboards and other out-of-home products. Customers can enjoy full management of everything from creative services and printing to installation and graphics removal by the team at ATA. The result is an extremely efficient and painless process for buyers looking to get OOH campaigns out the door and on the road.</p><figure id="attachment_34720" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-34720" style="width: 899px" >ATA Outdoor helps buyers get their campaigns live with a variety of OOH media</figcaption></figure><h2>Better together</h2><p>ATA counts 18+ different transit networks as partners, spanning a range of cities in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts. While federal and state funding and grants provide much of the resources necessary for operating these networks, all rely heavily on advertising revenue to keep their transit systems running.</p><p>Some markets had previously operated their own ad sales, though found selling and managing media,on top of the existing work of running a transit network, prohibitively time-consuming. In forming a partnership with ATA, these companies found they could enjoy all the benefits of well-managed and monetized out-of-home without the additional demands on their time. They also experienced other benefits, such as increased visibility and greater appeal to clients who might want to advertise across multiple regional transit networks.</p><p>Now, media buyers looking to secure transit advertising in northern New England will likely partner with ATA. It’s a strong position to be in, and one that few other companies around the US have been able to establish.</p><figure id="attachment_34721" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-34721" style="width: 900px" >ATA Outdoor works with a number of transit networks across New England</figcaption></figure><h2>The power of transit</h2><p>Vermont and Maine are both no-billboard states, which leads some buyers to dismiss them entirely when planning out-of-home buys. This is a mistake. Streets and roadsides uncluttered by billboards make transit inventory managed by companies like ATA even more effective at drawing the eye.</p><p>For example, Northeast Delta Dental chose to buy space with ATA in Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire for a large campaign aimed at driving awareness of their insurance offerings. The campaign helped Northeast Delta Dental to reach many businesses and individuals who might want to sign on, no billboards required.</p><figure id="attachment_34722" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-34722" style="width: 900px" >ATA Outdoor&#8217;s inventory helps buyers reach audiences in no-billboard states</figcaption></figure><p>And, of course, in states where ATA’s transit media coexist with billboards, the two combine to make a powerful impact above and along a region’s streets, further enhancing brand awareness.</p><p>Looking ahead, ATA is eyeing digital opportunities as the next avenue for expansion, with bus shelters and billboards the first candidates for conversion. And, even as new networks come on board and ATA’s business expands, the company intends to preserve its core goal of making transit advertising easier and more efficient for buyers and transit companies alike.</p><h2>ATA and Ayuda</h2><p>For many years, ATA’s operations were run through a maze of Excel spreadsheets that required a great deal of time and attention to manage. As ATA scaled up its operations, the complexities of selling transit media made it impossible to work with the efficiency the company demanded of itself. They worked for several years with a remote access inventory management software company, but it didn’t quite check all the required boxes.</p><p>In order to make operations both inside the office and out in the field more efficient, ATA Outdoor turned to the Ayuda platform. With the Juice sales tool, ATA can check available inventory, build proposals, and generate reports with just a few clicks. The Splash inventory management platform, meanwhile, allows them to view and manage all contracts, inventory, and rate cards from within a single program. They also intend to soon use the Ayuda Ops Tool to connect the sales and production department with the teams out in the field. This will ensure the right media gets posted to the right place at the right time.</p><p>With this combination, ATA Outdoor is poised to improve its operational efficiency in selling and deploying media across its hundreds of faces. It’s a winning recipe for preserving the standard of service that has helped ATA expand over the years, and will hopefully provide the streamlining necessary for continued growth.</p><p><strong>Looking to optimize ad sales for transit OOH media?</strong></p><p><strong>Learn how <a href="https://broadsign.com/ayuda/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">the Ayuda platform can help</a>!</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign announces partnership with Australia’s leading health and wellbeing network – Tonic Health Media]]><![CDATA[

SYDNEY, Australia — Wednesday October 9, 2019 — Broadsign, the leading out-of-home (OOH) platform for media owners proudly announces the renewal of a successful partnership with Tonic Health Media, Australia’s leading OOH Health and Wellbeing Network with a five year contract. The partnership will see Tonic Health Media continue to employ Broadsign’s powerful DOOH marketing […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-announces-partnership-with-australias-leading-health-and-wellbeing-network-tonic-health-mediahttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-announces-partnership-with-australias-leading-health-and-wellbeing-network-tonic-health-media<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 08 Oct 2019 19:00:57 GMT<p><strong>SYDNEY, Australia — Wednesday October 9, 2019 —</strong> Broadsign, the leading out-of-home (OOH) platform for media owners proudly announces the renewal of a successful partnership with <a href="http://www.tonichealthmedia.com.au/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Tonic Health Media</a>, Australia’s leading OOH Health and Wellbeing Network with a five year contract.</p><p>The partnership will see Tonic Health Media continue to employ Broadsign’s powerful DOOH marketing platform for all campaigns across more than 5300 medical practices, pharmacy and allied health environments.</p><p>Tonic’s place-based media and digital assets are positioned in trusted, contextually relevant environments where the audience is making decisions about their health and wellbeing, reaching over 16 million Australians every month.</p><p>Tonic Health Media will utilise Broadsign Control to enable campaign automation and content delivery across their digital signage network. Broadsign’s digital signage automation software enhances content and ad distribution process at scale.</p><p>Tonic Health Media will also introduce programmatic capabilities to their DOOH network utilising Broadsign Reach, Broadsign’s supply side platform (SSP). Broadsign Reach is designed to connect DOOH publishers with new types of digital media buyers, making their inventory available across the globe and delivering incremental advertising sales.</p><p>CEO of Tonic Health Media, Dr. Matthew Cullen commented: &#8220;We’ve been working with Broadsign for a few years now. Our valued partnership enables advertisers and sponsors to deliver geo-targeted messages that activate the audience at a time when they are most engaged with their health and lifestyle, &#8221;</p><p>"Broadsign’s platform is an end-to-end automated digital signage solution, enabling our place-based media to reach current and new media buyers to maximise our advertising revenue as we seek to connect to more people in the health &amp; wellbeing market" he added.</p><p>"By integrating with Broadsign Reach, Tonic Health Media’s inventory is now available to over 28 different DPSs (demand side platforms), opening them up to new advertiser categories, new brands and previously untapped digital ad dollars. It’s exciting to see their extensive network becoming available to a larger number of media buyers wanting to reach a captive audience seeking health advice," explained Ben Allman, Sales Director at Broadsign ANZ.</p><p>Broadsign’s programmatic solution is built specifically for DOOH, opening up the opportunity to a wider reach of media buyers, making it easier than ever to buy, sell and deliver successful campaigns and maximise advertising revenue.</p><p><strong>About Tonic Health Media</strong></p><p>Tonic Health Media is Australia’s leading health &amp; wellbeing network, created by Health Professionals in collaboration with Out of Home (OOH) and Digital Media Specialists. Tonic’s place-based media and digital assets are positioned in trusted, contextually relevant environments where the audience is making decisions about their health and wellbeing, interacting with 16 million people per month.</p><p>Their multi-channel network of TV, Digital Panels and Brochure Boards are featured in 5,300+ GP Practices, Hospitals, Pharmacies and Allied Health waiting areas across the country. Tonic also owns Australia’s most popular direct to consumer health website, myDr.com.au which has over 2 million visitors a month searching over 5,500 pages of evidence based medical and wellbeing articles, news and video content.</p><p>Tonic’s digital network allows them to reach more Australians than ever before through exclusive partnerships with leading Australian healthcare websites and content suppliers. Their investment in digital assets has increased the volume of evidence-based health content available on the network to improve the experience available to patients while enriching clinician environments.</p><p>Tonic connects with more people in the health and wellbeing market than any other media. The network enables advertisers and sponsors to deliver geo-targeted messages that activate the audience at a time when they are most engaged with their health and lifestyle.</p><p><a href="http://www.tonichealthmedia.com.au" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">www.tonichealthmedia.com.au</a></p><p><a href="http://www.myDr.com.au" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">www.myDr.com.au</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How our Climate March DOOH messaging went from a simple idea to live on screens in two hours]]><![CDATA[

The Climate March is happening today right outside our Montreal and Toronto offices, and with walking shoes in hand, the Broadsign team was ready to go. But with an early-morning creative spark, one Broadsigner thought we could do a little more: why not use outdoor screens to further promote the cause? The Challenge We had […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-our-climate-march-dooh-messaging-went-from-a-simple-idea-to-live-on-screens-in-two-hourshttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-our-climate-march-dooh-messaging-went-from-a-simple-idea-to-live-on-screens-in-two-hours<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 27 Sep 2019 20:19:43 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Climate March is happening today right outside our Montreal and Toronto offices, and with walking shoes in hand, the Broadsign team was ready to go. But with an early-morning creative spark, one Broadsigner thought we could do a little more: why not use outdoor screens to further promote the cause?</span></p><figure ></div></figure><h4 >The Challenge</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We had only a few hours before people started to head downtown for the march, but other than an exciting idea, we had nothing ready&#8230;no creative concept, no messaging, no screen time booked. So with rushed 8 AM phone calls and a Slack channel that wouldn’t stop buzzing, we set to work!&nbsp;</span></p><h4 >The solution&nbsp;</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For rushed campaigns, social media is usually the way to go. But what many don’t realize is that programmatic DOOH can have a very similar result.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">So once the marketing team had our creatives ready, we logged into the <a href="http://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a> (formerly Campsite) DSP to check out what inventory was available. At this point, we only had about 20 minutes until we wanted the messaging to go live.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">By comparing screen locations with the demonstration routes on both Montreal and Toronto, we booked every screen from publishers who had available inventory along the Climate March path.&nbsp;</span></p><figure }</script></figure><h4 >The Results</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With an estimated 300,000 people taking part in the march, the message definitely had decent reach. We’re pleased to have been able to execute the campaign in time to support the marchers who showed up for this important cause.</span></p><figure }</script></figure><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">But there’s an extra reason we’re really excited about this campaign: this is what programmatic DOOH is all about.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">From concept to execution, launching a DOOH campaign doesn’t need to be a laborious task. Instead, it can be a nimble and flexible process, resulting in timely and creative campaigns – even when an idea sparks with nearly no time to spare.</span></p><figure }</script><figcaption>Our product owner, Matthew Mercuri, posing with the final result of his bright idea!</figcaption></figure>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How to modernize your static OOH business]]><![CDATA[

At a glance, static billboards look the same today as they have for decades. In reality, though, a lot of little updates have driven big improvements to how the billboard game is played. A little thought and investment can upgrade everything from the physical infrastructure of billboards to the systems that run sales and operations […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-modernize-static-ooh-businesshttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-to-modernize-static-ooh-business<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 19 Sep 2019 12:34:51 GMT<p>At a glance, static billboards look the same today as they have for decades. In reality, though, a lot of little updates have driven big improvements to how the billboard game is played. A little thought and investment can upgrade everything from the physical infrastructure of billboards to the systems that run sales and operations for outdoor advertising companies and unlock new value for network owners.</p><p>Want to take the step of modernizing a static out-of-home business? Here’s what you need to do.</p><h2>Upgrade your sales and deployment processes</h2><p>As a piece of general-purpose, customizable office software, we have nothing against Microsoft Excel. As the backbone of a modern out-of-home advertising business, it leaves a lot to be desired. Yet still today, many businesses operating in the OOH space rely on many lengthy and complex spreadsheets to manage everything from sales to installation across billboard networks of all sizes.</p><p>Honestly, this isn’t a bad setup for small companies only managing a couple of boards, but graduate to the point where you have several boards and the difficulty compounds. Suddenly, you have to juggle several contracts, several design and print jobs, several posting and maintenance schedules. With a jumbled mess of spreadsheet cells as the main tool for dealing with these demands, it’s likely that details will be missed, mistakes will be made, and the business will lose money.</p><p>There’s a better way. Dedicated platforms for out-of-home business management exist, and can help to streamline pretty well everything that goes into running an OOH business. With the Ayuda platform, for example, users can access real-time inventory information and pricing details to generate proposals and complete sales with just a couple of clicks. In response, printing schedules and work orders are automatically generated and entered into the business’ calendar, synchronized to the field teams’ installation schedules. And when there’s an update to be made, it’s a simple task to find the existing project and insert the new creative, change the schedule, or make whatever other alteration needs to be done.</p><figure id="attachment_34622" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-34622" style="width: 900px" >From sales to posting, all an OOH business&#8217; tasks can be managed through a single, integrated platform</figcaption></figure><p>Having this kind of convenience and synchronization reduces the mental load of completing a task, not to mention speeds it up significantly as compared with manually finding and entering information in several different locations. For medium and large OOH businesses looking to modernize their business, adopting this sort of platform is likely the single most impactful step that can be made.</p><h2>Introduce proof of posting to meet new buyer demands</h2><p>In the world of traditional digital advertising (online, mobile, etc.), it’s a given that a buyer can see proof that an ad they paid for went up in the place it was supposed to at the time it was supposed to. The same is true in the digital out-of-home space. For static OOH, however, the picture is often murkier, as there’s no automatic, auditable process possible for helping buyers see that purchases are getting displayed as they should be.</p><p>That doesn’t mean OOH operators can’t do their best to get a little closer. Some slick solutions exist to replicate the proof-of-play experience in the static world, with so-called "proof of posting" information tailored to the specifics of the outdoor industry.</p><p>Today, leading proof of posting solutions tend to work as follows: the field team responsible for posting the billboard will use a smartphone with a specialty app to snap a picture of the newly installed media. The photo serves as visual proof that the media was posted, and the app can also tag the photo with other useful information, most notably:</p><ul><li>The geographic coordinates of where the photo was taken</li><li>The date and time that the photo was taken</li></ul><p>With this information synced up automatically with the campaign and work order in the OOH company’s system, it becomes a simple thing to provide proof of posting to the advertiser whenever they would like to see it. This type of feature isn’t especially common in the industry, so adopting it can help a static OOH business stand out as especially reliable to potential buyers. Particularly for buyers accustomed to buying digital advertising, it’s the kind of thing that can be a big selling point.</p><h2>Keep all your operations well coordinated</h2><p>One of the biggest challenges in the static OOH space is the complexity behind getting a submitted campaign delivered. With billboards, for instance, creative needs to be translated into physical media, which often must then be warehoused ("lean" or "just in time" manufacturing can only go so far), before then being picked up, driven over to the correct location, and then installed. With each step comes an additional risk of process breakdown, and that’s only for a basic campaign. What about those campaigns where three billboards that stand near to each other need to display three images in a particular sequence?</p><p>And that’s to say nothing of more mundane concerns, like optimizing the route that a team of installers takes to get from site to site in a given day, which can also be tricky things to figure out.</p><p>Dedicated operations tools made for the OOH space can make a world of difference, helping to synchronize information and schedules so that all people and teams involved in getting an ad up on a billboard always know the current status of a project and what is meant to come next. The best tools will cover campaigns every step of the way, letting users know when an ad is off getting printed, when it is in storage, when it is due to be picked up, when it has been posted, and when it is supposed to be taken down.</p><figure id="attachment_34625" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-34625" style="width: 900px" >Dedicated operations tools can help OOH businesses coordinate the many steps involved in getting OOH media up.</figcaption></figure><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Here again, an Excel spreadsheet or five can technically get the job done. However, given the number of steps and the fact that they all repeat across every board in a network, business owners are likely to enjoy much more peace of mind (and likely some substantial increases in operational efficiency) by going with a dedicated tool.</span></p><h2>Upgrade &amp; monitor your static assets</h2><p>One of the most visible ways to modernize your static OOH is to make sure your locations look great. Visibly aged or rundown installations, as well as installations that are difficult to see, are less appealing to audiences and buyers alike. A little investment can go a long way toward fixing the problem.</p><p>The precise nature of possible upgrades will of course depend on what existing infrastructure is present at a given installation. Some likely possibilities include:</p><h3>Lighting</h3><p>Not all lights are made equal, and the quality of a billboard’s illumination can have a big impact on how well received its ads will be.</p><p>When upgrading lighting, special attention should be paid to:</p><ul><li><strong>Evenness</strong>: Lighting should be as even as possible so viewers enjoy the full colouring and detail of posted images</li><li><strong>Colour temperature</strong>: Cool lighting is generally best for maximizing the visibility of outdoor media. That means lighting tending more toward blue and white end of the spectrum.</li></ul><figure id="attachment_34626" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-34626" style="width: 900px" >Light tending toward a white/blue colour temperature is generally best for OOH advertising</figcaption></figure><h3>Framing</h3><ul><li><strong>Materials</strong>: Steel or other metals tend to look the most modern and professional, though they could run close to twice the cost of wood, so budget and the location in which a piece of media will be kept should guide your decision here. Indoors, durable plastic can also be a good choice.</li><li><strong>Branding</strong>: It’s also advisable to find places on your structure &#8211; typically on the bottom of the frame &#8211; to place a visible (but not distracting) logo, to ensure passers-by who are interested in renting space will know who your assets belong to.</li></ul><figure id="attachment_34629" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-34629" style="width: 900px" >Metal billboard structures tend to look the most modern and high-end</figcaption></figure><h3>Digitizing</h3><p>Another option that many companies are choosing is to <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/guide-to-building-a-successful-digital-signage-network" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">shift to digital</a> in order to upgrade their offerings. Though this won’t inherently solve issues relating to the structure on which the screen will need to be mounted, you’ll get the best lighting capabilities here. The images with digital can be remarkably bright and colourful. It’s a bigger investment, but one that does come with big benefits in targeting media, reducing operational costs, and more.</p><h3>Tracking your upgrades &amp; repairs</h3><p>Modifications to the physical structure of OOH installations are inevitable. Leaving aside upgrades, there is still maintenance work due to age, wear and tear, accidental damage, and even intentional sabotage that will need to be completed over the course of an installation’s life.</p><p>It’s important to keep track of these kinds of modifications, but as with all things in business, it happens too often that records get outdated, messy, and difficult to read. For business owners looking to get the whole history of their locations, or even to create reliable projections of when installations will need maintenance, simply tracking receipts or using a spreadsheet won’t suffice.</p><p>Instead, OOH businesses should centralize upgrade and repair details in a dedicated enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform. By associating descriptions, costs, and dates of repairs and upgrades with a given installation, business owners can easily look back and get a historical view of the material costs of their OOH business. It’s the best way to understand these sorts of costs, all contained within the same software the business uses to manage its assets anyway.</p><figure id="attachment_34627" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-34627" style="width: 900px" >A dedicated OOH ERP is the best way to track repair and upgrade costs</figcaption></figure><h2>Invest in sustainability</h2><p>An unfortunate truth of the static OOH space is that most businesses are not exactly environmentally friendly. Billboards run through significant amounts of material to put up advertising, not to mention the carbon emissions that arise from driving to and from installation and removal jobs when it comes time to change media.</p><p>Among today’s increasingly environmentally conscious buyers, this is, at best, not ideal. <a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/solitairetownsend/2018/11/21/consumers-want-you-to-help-them-make-a-difference/#25f1654a6954" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Consumer research by Futerra</a> found that 88% of consumers want brands to help them be more environmentally friendly in daily life. That’s going to leak over into the business sphere, and influence the decisions buyers make as to which outdoor advertising companies to work with.</p><figure id="attachment_34628" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-34628" style="width: 960px" >Forbes</a></figcaption></figure><p>Choosing to invest in more sustainable practices can give modern OOH businesses a good additional selling point with many of today’s buyers, but it can also lead to some substantial monetary savings over time. <a href="http://report.businesscommission.org/uploads/Executive-Summary.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">A report</a> from the Business and Sustainable Development Commission estimates that businesses worldwide could realize $12 trillion in savings by 2030 by adopting measures that improve sustainability by reducing carbon consumption.</p><p>For static OOH business owners who are so inclined, there are many opportunities to make changes toward more sustainable business practices. Some examples include:</p><ul><li>Donating old billboards to charities or local businesses that can repurpose polyvinyl</li><li>Installing recyclable polyethylene billboards instead of polyvinyl billboards</li><li>Replacing fluorescent lighting with LEDs</li><li>Installing solar-powered lighting</li><li>Investing in electric or hybrid vehicles for field teams</li><li>Tracking &amp; attempting to reduce energy consumption on an ongoing basis</li></ul><p>As the global environmental movement continues gathering momentum over the next few years, it’s likely that these kinds of measures will become more desirable among buyers looking to minimize the impact of their advertising activity. Taking the time to invest in sustainability now could pay off big down the road.</p><h2>Analyze expenses with a dedicated OOH ERP</h2><p>Optimizing an out-of-home business can be a complicated affair of balancing revenues against costs for, potentially, a large number of locations. This can make it unnecessarily difficult to get an accurate reading of just how healthy any given location is, which regions might be ripe for expansion, and which locations it might be good to retire.</p><p>It needn’t be so difficult. The solution is to adopt an OOH ERP that lets you track costs for each individual location and compare that with incoming revenue.</p><figure id="attachment_34630" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-34630" style="width: 900px" >An OOH ERP can provide useful data for optimizing a business</figcaption></figure><p>With such a system in place, it becomes much easier to get an accurate accounting of the value of your assets. You might uncover that some locations wind up requiring far too much maintenance to be worth operating over the long haul, or that revenue in a particular region justifies rapid expansion to take advantage of a surprisingly lucrative market. This type of tool can also be hugely valuable in tracking ongoing expenses, like energy costs, and using that information to help gauge the success of sustainability or other initiatives.</p><p><strong>Do you want to modernize your static OOH business?</strong></p><p><strong>Learn <a href="https://broadsign.com/ayuda/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">how the Ayuda platform can help</a></strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[What does the industry need to do to make DOOH a mainstream media buy?]]><![CDATA[

If you’re at all involved in the DOOH industry, you’ve most likely heard the word “programmatic” being used on a daily basis. This newer method of buying is the hottest industry trend right now, and it presents many opportunities and challenges for media owners and digital media buyers alike. To see what both the buy- […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/what-does-the-industry-need-to-do-to-make-dooh-a-mainstream-media-buyhttps://broadsign.com/blog/what-does-the-industry-need-to-do-to-make-dooh-a-mainstream-media-buy<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 17 Sep 2019 12:00:16 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If you’re at all involved in the DOOH industry, you’ve most likely heard the word "programmatic" being used on a daily basis. This newer method of buying <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">is the hottest industry trend right now</a>, and it presents many opportunities and challenges for media owners and digital media buyers alike.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To see what both the buy- and sell-sides have to say about this, we partnered with the IAB and PwC to sponsor a comprehensive study to better understand what needs to happen across the industry for programmatic DOOH to realize its full potential.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The PwC team spoke to media agencies, tech companies and out-of-home publishers from the US and Canada, and three trends emerged:&nbsp;</span></p><h2 >Education will grow media buyers’ adoption of DOOH</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Until recently, OOH was a traditional medium, not really associated with more modern digital advertising channels – the channels that digital media buyers are familiar with – and this is a major blocker in its adoption as part of the ‘programmatic’ world.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">And the study confirmed this, with a nearly unanimous opinion that education on the creative benefits, campaign impact and ease of purchase is needed for media buyers to include DOOH in their media plans.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Similarly, publishers and traditional DOOH buying teams are also craving education. While they know the benefits of the medium, they are often unaware of how programmatic trading can have a positive impact on their DOOH strategy, overall budget and how it compliments their direct transactions.&nbsp;</span></p><p><b>So what does the industry need to do?&nbsp;</b></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The sell-side (publishers, DSPs and related tech companies) need to focus on educating buyers on the benefits of programmatic DOOH. This will require significant legwork at first, but as more companies knock on doors for meetings, share quality content online, and generally preach the medium, we all expect more buyers to hop on board.</span></p><h2 >Reducing fragmentation will further bring DOOH out of its silo</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">One of the main drivers of programmatic DOOH is the opportunity to streamline the media buying process for multi-publisher campaigns. Even with the many impressive steps the industry has taken towards this, 62% of respondents still identified a lack of inventory consolidation as being a major problem.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With multiple SSPs and DSPs in the game, and many not offering the same DOOH inventory, media buyers continue to find themselves having to use multiple platforms to book their campaigns. Furthermore, not all media owners are programmatically enabled.</span></p><p><b>So what does the industry need to do?</b></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital media buyers need a more centralized buying workflow to add DOOH to their digital campaigns, so while it seems contradictory at first, cooperation amongst competitors is needed to help DOOH break out of its silo once and for all.</span></p><h2 >Standardization will streamline programmatic media spend</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The way a view is attributed in DOOH varies from one publisher to another, and many believe a standardized approach is needed. But audience data standardization is a tricky topic in DOOH.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital buyers are used to one click simply equating to one view. Even with the possibility of bots and ad-fraud, they understand exactly what this data entails and where it&#8217;s coming from.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">All participants in the study agreed that there is a lot of audience data available. So it isn’t a lack of data in DOOH that is causing issues, rather, there is a lack of standardization of the data that is available and how it’s collected, with each vendor using their own preferred metrics and partners to determine the quantitative and qualitative data of their audience.&nbsp;</span></p><p><b>So what does the industry need to do?</b></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Associations like the IAB, OAAA and the DPAA are working with the industry to address this issue, and are hoping to reach a conclusion in how to efficiently and effectively standardize data in DOOH.</span></p><h3 >The future is bright for programmatic DOOH</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We’ve started to see massive national campaigns being bought via DSPs, many showcasing the power and flexibility possible with programmatic buying, and adoption is growing. It will be exciting to see how the industry evolves, and while there are still many things to work on, programmatic DOOH is definitely here to stay.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To further explore these findings, the IAB hosted a webinar, featuring our own Adam Green, SVP &amp; GM of Broadsign Reach, Sam Tomlinson, partner at PwC, and Ross Krentzman, senior director of SMB sales at Intersection. </span><a href="https://primetime.bluejeans.com/a2m/events/playback/44dcaa27-26fc-4424-a45d-ea1796b73bae?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTnpjMk5EVmpZVEJsWkRKaCIsInQiOiJiNFhscFF1ZG5ZdFhGRUMzcUlJWmkxNVpoNVwvd1B6U2pNZjI3NnN4RmdWSFJQYlVGRVNyeFQydnJuajF4eGlORnNJQ05ld2srNGlkY2VYR1RDRjZtcnN3NXlcL0ZnZlIzcDhkXC94Y2ViNEwrT3lhU2pLS0VCRDh6NFJTb1pjaDhXMCJ9"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Listen to the webinar here</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Advanced demographic data and campaign analytics]]><![CDATA[

Have a deeper understanding of your campaign ROI and better plan future campaigns.

https://broadsign.com/blog/advanced-demographic-data-and-campaign-analyticshttps://broadsign.com/blog/advanced-demographic-data-and-campaign-analytics<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 29 Aug 2019 13:31:51 GMT<p>We’ve just added new features to our platform! With these updates, you can now more effectively launch mobile retargeting ads, have a deeper understanding of your ROI and better plan future campaigns.</p><h2 ><strong>Advanced campaign data metrics</strong></h2><p>With deeper insight into campaign metrics, like impressions per hour per screen, venue type, latitude and longitude, you can now easily target your mobile campaigns to audiences exposed to your DOOH ads.</p><p>Our newest update now enables you to export data in CSV format to be integrated with your mobile buying platforms and analytics tools.</p><h2 ><strong>Detailed demographic reporting</strong></h2><p>To more accurately calculate ROI and know how to improve for future campaigns, it’s important to know not only where your ads played but also what audiences were reached.</p><p>With our new demographic report, you can now further break down campaign results using our 150+ demographic profiles to better understand who saw your DOOH ads.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Brapex Publicidad exterior delivers innovative DOOH across Lima]]><![CDATA[

As the lines blur between out-of-home and online digital advertising, publishers are increasingly fielding demands for greater immediacy and pressure to create more innovative offerings for buyers. Investment in new tech can take a company so far in meeting these demands, but it takes careful planning and a dedication to service to take these aspirations […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-brapex-publicidad-exterior-delivers-innovative-dooh-across-limahttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-brapex-publicidad-exterior-delivers-innovative-dooh-across-lima<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 14 Aug 2019 12:29:41 GMT<p>As the lines blur between out-of-home and online digital advertising, publishers are increasingly fielding demands for greater immediacy and pressure to create more innovative offerings for buyers. Investment in new tech can take a company so far in meeting these demands, but it takes careful planning and a dedication to service to take these aspirations to their fullest conclusions.</p><p>From its origins introducing new DOOH formats to Lima in 2014 through to today, Brapex Publicidad Exterior has achieved those goals. Today, it is known for offering a standout experience and excellent results to&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-can-i-buy-digital-out-of-home-media-programmatically/">agencies looking to make a splash with DOOH</a>.</p><h2>DOOH in motion</h2><p>Starting with just two screens in 2014, Brapex made a name for itself in large part through its support of full-motion video content and location-based media selling. The competition, by contrast, sold static images in circuits until Brapex redefined the standard for DOOH in Lima.</p><p>The company maintains, however, that its backbone as a business lies in its dedication to quickly responding to customers and offering them the flexibility to truly buy according to their needs. Key to this undertaking is offering 24/7 customer service, something that none of its competitors do &#8211; and something its customers greatly appreciate.</p><h2>Ads that Sell and Ads that Save</h2><p>The main driver of business for Brapex is advertising for national and international brands looking to connect with consumers. This includes prominent airline, beverage, toy, and car brands, as well as large musical and cultural events in Lima and elsewhere in Peru.</p><p>Brapex also looks to put its screens to good use by supporting charity work that it believes in, typically offering screen time and assistance to a different charity each month. One significant example is the Kusimayo institution’s Warmth for Puno program, which insulates homes and distributes warm clothing to help vulnerable populations better cope with cold weather. The ads took a simple concept, comparing the temperatures in Lima with regions experiencing the coldest temperatures, and used it to encourage donations to assist people living in those areas. The campaign drove an increase in donations of more than 20% in 2018, at a time of year when the funds were badly needed.</p><p><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2>Continued Innovation</h2><p>As the market develops and Brapex’s network continues to grow, the company is seeking opportunities to build on its past successes by developing useful new products for its customers. Its Brapex interactive initiative looks to increase the development of&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/interactive-digital-signage/">interactive DOOH media</a>&nbsp;for display on Brapex’s screens.</p><p>Meanwhile, buyers are also being granted the opportunity to supplement their DOOH advertising with Brapex’s location ads. These ads appear on Facebook and Instagram, geotargeted to users who have been in proximity to Brapex’s screens. It’s an ideal complement to the out-of-home advertising that buyers are distributing across Brapex’s screens, and is an offering that none of Brapex’s competitors can currently match.</p><p><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><p>Looking forward, Brapex is eager to jump into&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/">a programmatic future</a>, something which will be key to unlocking a new level of immediacy for its buyers.</p><h2>Brapex and Broadsign</h2><p>It takes&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/">a good software platform</a>&nbsp;to power an innovative, snappy, customer-first business model. This is especially true when the network is responsible for delivering 95,000 ads to as many as 45 million people each month, with more screens planned for deployment in the months and years ahead.</p><p>Seeking not only to set itself apart from the pack in Peru, but also to gain the capabilities required to run a world-class network, Brapex chose Broadsign.</p><p>With&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/">Broadsign Control</a>, Brapex has the foundation for delivering many kinds of media to its screens, with scheduling and delivery automated by the system.&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/">Broadsign Direct</a>, meanwhile, provides the real-time inventory management and proposal generation tools that allow Brapex to achieve the highest level of synchronization and efficiency possible. Finally, Broadsign’s position as a world leader in programmatic DOOH means that as soon as the region is&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-can-i-buy-digital-out-of-home-media-programmatically/">ready to start transacting programmatically</a>, Brapex will be ready to jump in with the world’s best solution.</p><div ><div ></div><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Partners With Place Exchange to Seamlessly Extend Digital Campaigns to DOOH]]><![CDATA[

Broadsign Reach and Place Exchange Integration Addresses DOOH Publisher and Digital Media Buyer Demand to Add Out-of-Home Inventory to Existing Digital Ad Buys MONTREAL, Canada and New York, NY — July 30, 2019 — Broadsign, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform for media owners and Place Exchange, the only true programmatic exchange for out-of-home […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-partners-with-place-exchange-to-seamlessly-extend-digital-campaigns-to-doohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-partners-with-place-exchange-to-seamlessly-extend-digital-campaigns-to-dooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 06 Aug 2019 17:16:12 GMT<h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign Reach and Place Exchange Integration Addresses DOOH Publisher and Digital Media Buyer Demand to Add Out-of-Home Inventory to Existing Digital Ad Buys</span></h2><p><strong>MONTREAL, Canada and New York, NY — July 30, 2019 —</strong> <a href="https://broadsign.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign</a>, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform for media owners and <a href="https://www.placeexchange.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Place Exchange</a>, the only true programmatic exchange for out-of-home and place-based media, announced an integration to enable digital buyers to transact DOOH programmatically as a simple add-on to existing digital media buys. The combined platforms enable DOOH media owners and advertisers, to utilize a single set of digital creative assets that can be easily adapted to suit a variety of digital, mobile and DOOH destinations.</p><p>"Broadsign has led the charge in digital out of home for many years, and has access to an incredibly robust global inventory of signage in some of the most highly trafficked locations in the world. We’re excited about the possibilities this integration brings to our vast network of digital media buyers," said Dave Etherington, Chief Commercial Officer, Place Exchange.</p><p><a href="https://lightboxooh.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Lightbox OOH Video Network</a> (formerly Adspace) which owns and operates 4500 video screens with sound throughout premium retail centers is one of the first media owners to leverage the integration between Place Exchange and Broadsign on the integration. The company has already benefited by tapping into previously unavailable digital campaigns for brands such as Mastercard and Navy Federal Credit Union. "For Lightbox, the Place Exchange and Broadsign Reach integration further enables access to digital campaigns and incremental revenue streams. It makes it very easy for digital marketing teams to discover, and buy DOOH media alongside other channels," said Peter Krieger, President and Chief Operating Officer, Lightbox.</p><p>"Place Exchange has taken a novel approach to adapting the programmatic digital workflow to DOOH and we are excited to partner with them to grow the programmatic DOOH market. This integration will allow digital buyers to easily extend their campaigns onto thousands of DOOH screens across the Reach network and media owners to access thousands of digital buyers around the world." said Adam Green, SVP and General Manager, Broadsign Reach.</p><p><strong>About Broadsign</strong></p><p>Broadsign is making it easier than ever for publishers, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering 187,000 digital screens in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives.The Broadsign platform enables marketers and agencies to easily book screens and has helped brands like Pepsi, Turkish Airlines, The UFC, Unilever, Volkswagen, John Lewis and more, launch successful programmatic DOOH campaigns. For more info please visit <a href="http://www.broadsign.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">www.broadsign.com</a>.</p><p><strong>About Place Exchange</strong></p><p>Place Exchange is the first true programmatic exchange for out-of-home and place-based media. Integrated with leading DSPs, Place Exchange’s patent-pending technology offers agencies and advertisers the opportunity to fully unify buying and measurement of out-of-home media with other digital channels, leveraging the same workflow, creatives, reporting, and attribution as for online and mobile advertising. For out-of-home media sellers, Place Exchange offers the opportunity to monetize the full spectrum of their inventory, from billboards to video screens. Across the entire out-of-home media ecosystem, Place Exchange makes everything Click into PlaceTM. For more information, visit <a href="http://www.placeexchange.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">www.placeexchange.com</a>.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Oriental Sunrise pushes the envelope with giant digital displays]]><![CDATA[

One of the best qualities of out-of-home media is its unmatched ability to catch attention. Large format billboards and digital displays draw the eye in a way that online and mobile advertising can’t, and offer an amazing canvas on which creative work can be shared with the world. And that’s just in general. The largest […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-oriental-sunrise-pushes-the-envelope-with-giant-digital-displayshttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-oriental-sunrise-pushes-the-envelope-with-giant-digital-displays<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 23 Jul 2019 10:00:43 GMT<p>One of the best qualities of out-of-home media is its unmatched ability to catch attention. Large format billboards and digital displays draw the eye in a way that online and mobile advertising can’t, and offer an amazing canvas on which creative work can be shared with the world.</p><p>And that’s just in general. The largest displays take the concept even further, offering true spectacle for all to enjoy. Oriental Sunrise Media Group, which operates a network that includes one of these ultra-large screens, sees them as a special opportunity for connecting with large sections of the population through outdoor media.</p><h2>sky-high dooh ambitions</h2><p>Formed in 2011, Oriental Sunrise set its sights on becoming an influential player in the fast-expanding&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/">digital out-of-home space</a>&nbsp;in China. Pursuing large-format displays,&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/interactive-digital-signage/">audience interactivity</a>, and prominent public locations for its screens, Oriental Sunrise has succeeded in achieving high audience traffic near its screens and attracting top brands to display advertising on its network, including names like Audi, Lancôme, Dyson, and Samsung.</p><h2>asia’s largest outdoor digital display</h2><p>The jewel of Oriental Sunrise’s network is found in Chongqing, a city in China’s south. Its display there is an enormous two-sided, 3,788 square metre screen wrapped around the side of the Chongqing Guanyin Bridge Carnival Building. It’s about the size of nine basketball courts put together, and typically plays host to stunning video content delivered by its advertisers.</p><p>Its prominent location, facing Guanyinqiao Square, Jialing Park, and the entrance to an underground pedestrian passage, drives a fair bit of foot traffic by its screens every day, with about 500,000 pedestrians walking by daily. It also faces the city’s busiest main road, with about 350,000 vehicles passing by each day.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2>eyes forward to the future of dooh</h2><p>As Oriental Sunrise focuses on building its network further, it continues to make premium real estate in bustling business sectors, as well as high levels of local visibility, key requirements for locations where it deploys new screens. Soon to come are new experiments to push the network with new kinds of integrations. This includes projects like synchronizing campaign playback with the performance of nearby fountains and LED lighting, connecting the screens to mobile devices, and other projects that increase the already considerable impact of the screens.</p><p><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2>oriental sunrise media group &amp; broadsign</h2><p>Screens as prominent as Oriental Sunrise Media Group’s largest can’t afford to go down, and what’s more, they come with specific technical challenges that not every software platform is equipped to manage. Synchronizing media across the panels of the screen must be completed flawlessly every time in order to create truly stunning visuals. Meanwhile, integrating outside data feeds, as is required for complex campaigns involving synchronization with fountains and lighting, demands a platform that is able to reliably connect with those services.</p><p>To accomplish these tasks, Oriental Sunrise has adopted Broadsign. The Broadsign platform’s unmatched reliability and extensibility make it the perfect solution for managing huge displays and the exciting campaigns that run on them. The open nature of the platform, meanwhile, places practically no limits on the creativity of Oriental Sunrise and its advertisers, allowing the owners to focus on growing their network and delivering the innovative DOOH experience that will build their profile all across China. It’s an ideal pairing, and one likely to lead to exciting things for the Chinese DOOH market.</p><p><strong>Ready to kick off your own large-scale DOOH project?<a href="https://broadsign.com/contact/">Contact us today</a> to learn how Broadsign can help!</strong></p><p><div ></div></div></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[5 months of Broadsign Reach data, 3 programmatic findings]]><![CDATA[

Programmatic DOOH is about data. We’ve reached the point in our little island of the advertising game where intuition needs to lead to testable hypotheses, and where real decisions can be made based on the findings. With this in mind, the Broadsign Reach team has been profiling, compiling and aggregating information based on the billions […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/5-months-of-broadsign-reach-data-3-programmatic-findingshttps://broadsign.com/blog/5-months-of-broadsign-reach-data-3-programmatic-findings<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 09 Jul 2019 10:54:23 GMT<p>Programmatic DOOH is about data. We’ve reached the point in our little island of the advertising game where intuition needs to lead to testable hypotheses, and where real decisions can be made based on the findings.With this in mind, the <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Reach</a> team has been profiling, compiling and aggregating information based on the billions of data points in our platform. We looked at trends in actual transactions for the first five months of 2019 and found some insights that we thought were worth sharing.As a disclaimer, this data has been scrubbed of any identifiers and is displayed without specific volumes, and we’re looking at mid-nine-figure ad requests. These insights are also only trends we’ve found in our platform, and overall industry trends may vary.</p><h2>HTML5 is being trafficked more than images in Europe and roughly equal to images in North America</h2><p>In Europe, HTML5 creatives make up 8.8% of all creative types trafficked, with JPEGs representing 4.5% and PNGs 1% respectively. In North America, HTML5 creatives account for 11.4% of the advertisem*nts, compared to 6.9% for JPEGs and 3.9% for PNGs.What does this tell us? Contextual targeting appears to be more than just wishful thinking. The growth of HTML5 as a means of targeted communication has taken off. As DSPs and agencies gain technical and educational experience overcoming the challenges of <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-html5-can-up-your-digital-out-of-home-game/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">working with HTML5</a>, the creative friction for various sets of screens can and should be reduced.We’d even wager that the costs of running an HTML5 campaign will soon be much less than creating a full-fledged video production, further cutting into video’s dominance at the top of the creative-type pyramid.</p><p><figure id="attachment_31014" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-31014" style="width: 1320px" >Contextual HTML5 campaigns are quickly becoming more popular on both sides of the pond</figcaption></figure></p><h2>1080p portrait is the dominant resolution; higher resolutions aren’t significantly impacting DOOH networks programmatically</h2><p>Unsurprisingly, 1080&#215;1920 is the most common resolution being trafficked. It accounts for 94.9% of all ad plays in Europe and 85.8% of ad plays in North America. Single screen setups remain the dominant force in the programmatic marketspace.Multi-screen or higher resolution programmatic setups are far less common, with 2160&#215;3840 representing 0.5% of plays in North America and 0.4% in Europe. These video walls are available programmatically, but you need to go looking for them. We’re curious to see whether these exotic resolution setups retain an additive value for media buyers, much like how spectaculars transact.The interesting morsels of information appear when stripping out the dominant resolution. In North America, a significant portion (6.2%) of the programmatic traffic is 1080p landscape, but in Europe, it’s roughly 0.05% – not even in the top 10 most transacted resolutions. Regardless, in terms of creative friction, you can achieve the highest playout efficiency by hitting the dominant resolutions in each region. Or, frankly, set up some HTML5.</p><p><figure id="attachment_32764" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-32764" style="width: 900px" >1080p portrait displays remain the most common selections for programmatic</figcaption></figure></p><h2>CPMs by venue type are higher in Europe, likely due to a more mature programmatic market, more sophisticated buyers and better audience data</h2><p>Great debates rage within programmatic DOOH as to what will happen to the value of inventory and its ability to index against experienced direct sales teams. Broadsign remains the Switzerland of the world for our publishers. We believe direct sales teams and programmatic sales teams are symbiotic in nature, and that particular mix between direct sales and programmatic remains the sole prerogative of our esteemed publishers.What we can say quite conclusively from this data is that the CPMs being trafficked provide significant flexibility to each publisher to determine what that mix is. This long preamble goes to say, the CPMs are good, but we can’t share a comprehensive DOOH CPM list here – sorry!However, we pieced together a discernable pattern by analyzing venue types. "Airports" within the transit segment is an especially good example.In North America, the average CPM in these locations is $12 flat. In Europe, it’s $15.02. Why? Airports are a great equalizer in terms of audience – Jackson, JFK, LAX and O’Hare retain quite similar demographic and psychographic profiles compared to Heathrow, de Gaulle, Schiphol and Frankfurt.For all intents and purposes, the audiences are no less wealthy or no less international than any airport across the pond. Most international airports have quite similar screen profiles as well. So, why is there a 3.02$ (22.35%) difference in CPM? A few hypotheses.</p><p><figure id="attachment_32748" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-32748" style="width: 900px" >Audience differences don&#8217;t explain differences in airport CPMs between North America and Europe</figcaption></figure></p><p>First, we suggest that the market in Europe is more mature. European publishers have taken it upon themselves to programmatically evangelize their inventory. They’ve educated buyers for longer.Second, there are more active buyers, which means there are higher thresholds for CPMs.Third, buyers in Europe are far more sophisticated with programmatic DOOH, even while contending with GDPR. They willingly pay those dollar values for audiences that they truly understand. Whether that understanding comes from the buyer, or is provided by the publisher is a debate for another day.We see this replicated in other venues as well. Retail CPMs in Europe? 86.72% higher than in North America. What about roadside CPMs? In Europe, 52% higher. Corporate spaces? 50% higher in Europe. This is not a fluke. This is a market pattern that we think is deterministic for NA programmatic DOOH to catch up, and for the Europeans to forge ahead.</p><p><strong>Do you want to dig deeper into programmatic buying?</strong></p><p><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/ebook-dooh-playbook-for-programmatic-buyers/">Check out our eBook</a>!</strong></p><p><div ></div></div></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Starlite Media elevates the shopping centre experience with DOOH]]><![CDATA[

Across America, shopping centres anchored by grocery stores, big box stores, pharmacies, and other businesses draw tens of millions of consumers each day. These consumers are a group prepared to transact on location, but who are likely also growing accustomed to information-rich shopping experiences in the online space. For brick and mortar stores, one of […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-starlite-media-elevates-the-shopping-centre-experience-with-doohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-starlite-media-elevates-the-shopping-centre-experience-with-dooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 26 Jun 2019 09:24:22 GMT<p>Across America, shopping centres anchored by grocery stores, big box stores, pharmacies, and other businesses draw tens of millions of consumers each day. These consumers are a group prepared to transact on location, but who are likely also growing accustomed to information-rich shopping experiences in the online space.</p><p>For brick and mortar stores, one of the keys to maintaining or establishing strong connections with this audience is to meet, in real time, its demand for information on available products and services. With its growing network of intelligent&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/">digital out-of-home screens</a>&nbsp;placed at and around shopping centres, Starlite Media believes it has found a solution that will do just that.</p><h2 >Toward a digital future</h2><p>Since starting out in the out-of-home space in 2003, Starlite has built up a strong stable of static inventory and locations at outdoor shopping centres. Around 2014, however, the company began to focus on the future of digital and the opportunities that could come from replacing static inventory with dynamic, intelligent tools for communicating with audiences. Beginning in 2019, Starlite began replacing signs in its most prominent locations with digital screens.</p><p>A test conducted with the help of Nielsen has shown this migration to digital to be an excellent choice. In mid-2019, Starlite placed digital and static advertising for a national cereal brand in Starlite’s locations, comparing resulting sales lift between the formats. Where static achieved a solid 8% lift, digital’s lift reached even higher, to 14.5%. According to Nielsen, both outperformed in-store, TV, radio, and online advertising.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>With an expected count of 500 screens deployed in New York and other critical markets within the next 12 months, and several thousand more on the way within the next couple of years, the company is eager to build on its early success in digital and deliver new opportunities to retailers at its locations.</p><h2 >There where people transact</h2><p>Every one of Starlite’s screens is at a shopping centre that includes <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-grocery-store-signage-drives-business/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">a grocery store</a>, as well as pharmacies, restaurants, and other sorts of retail establishments. With Starlite’s screens given prominent placement at these shopping centres, it offers media buyers an enhanced ability to connect with shoppers right before they go to make a purchase. The screens are a great way to deliver valuable information about products and services through a compelling medium, making it easier to raise awareness and even fuel impulse purchases.</p><p>Better still, with the vast majority of shoppers heading directly home after going to the grocery store, memorable advertising on Starlite’s displays can lead to a quick turnaround for at-home searches, or even online transactions. Brands around the world are seeking out multichannel marketing opportunities that incorporate&nbsp;both DOOH and mobile&nbsp;or online advertising, and Starlite’s unique market means it is in a good position to benefit.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >The sights and sounds of DOOH success</h2><p>With its move into digital, Starlite is hard at work ensuring its network delivers on all the features advertisers want. The company’s screens all offer full-motion video, some up to 4k, and audio playback capability. It’s a feature set that holds a great deal of appeal for advertisers of all kinds, but the company also foresees the entertainment industry, and particularly companies in the film space, being particularly drawn to the multimedia potential of these screens for trailers and other ads that incorporate sound.</p><p>For all the benefits of that sort of flashiness, it’s the potential beyond the display that Starlite finds the most exciting about the DOOH space. Audience analytics features and detailed campaign reporting are must-haves for the national and global brands that typically advertise on the company’s displays. By ensuring its data are accurate and third-party verified, the company is seizing its opportunity to provide the data-driven insights that advertisers crave, and to build a sterling reputation within the industry.</p><p>Given time, they believe that this approach will help win them and other forward-thinking DOOH networks a large slice of the ad budgets commonly devoted to online advertising today.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >Starlite and Broadsign</h2><p>Wanting to ensure its entry to the DOOH space was done correctly, the company spent years evaluating software options before settling on adopting the complete Broadsign platform. This includes&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/">Broadsign Control</a>&nbsp;for content management,&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/">Broadsign Direct</a>&nbsp;to manage sales and inventory,&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/">Broadsign Reach</a>&nbsp;to enable programmatic transactions,&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-publish/">Broadsign Publish</a>&nbsp;to enable local content management and Broadsign Control Live for instant control over network health and playback.</p><p>By adopting this suite, Starlite is enabling putting in place all the pieces it needs for a successful, aggressive DOOH expansion. Critically, intelligent playback will help ensure the right content is played on the right screens at the right times, while integrated sales and inventory through Broadsign Direct drastically reduce time spent on RFPs and inventory management. The company will also be able to attract new buyers and different kinds of campaigns by enabling data-driven,&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/">programmatic transactions</a>&nbsp;through Broadsign Reach.</p><p>Finally, Broadsign’s compatibility with a wide array of services, like the Quividi audience analytics platform, ensures Starlite can bake all the intelligence and features they want into their network. As the company’s network grows, it will be empowered to maintain the high levels of efficiency and quality that will set it apart.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Edith Gagné weighs in on the future of programmatic DOOH]]><![CDATA[

Edith Gagné, VP of development, is just one of the many smart and talented people that have joined the Broadsign team with our recent acquisition of Campsite.Edith has been working in the DOOH industry for 15 years, and it’s with this experience that she helped lead the creation of Campsite. Since it’s launch in 2016, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/edith-gagne-weighs-in-on-the-future-of-programmatic-doohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/edith-gagne-weighs-in-on-the-future-of-programmatic-dooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 13 Jun 2019 09:23:05 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Edith Gagné, VP of development, is just one of the many smart and talented people that have joined the Broadsign team with our </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/and-even-brighter-we-shine-broadsign-campsite"><span style="font-weight: 400;">recent acquisition of Campsite</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Edith has been working in the DOOH industry for 15 years, and it’s with this experience that she helped lead the creation of Campsite. Since it’s launch in 2016, the DOOH ad-exchange has become the largest in Canada, with top national and international brands running successful campaigns on screens across the country. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">You may also recognize her from many speaking sessions and panels across the industry, where she shares her knowledge and expertise on the current state and future trends of programmatic DOOH. In today’s interview, she weighs in on why everyone should get started with programmatic digital out-of-home ASAP.</span></p><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><h2 >DOOH media owners need to adopt programmatic (and it isn’t as scary as they think)</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Most of my background is working with DOOH publishers on the sales and ad ops side of things, and I became familiar with the realities of keeping up with trends and adopting new products. These steps are necessary for growth, but making the leap to try new things is often quite challenging – as we know, people are often resistant to change.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">But change isn’t a bad thing, just as programmatic isn’t a bad thing for DOOH media owners. It’s an opportunity for them to grow their business, reach new buyers, and improve the efficiency of their network. Embracing <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">programmatic DOOH</a> now, in its beginnings, is the ideal time for media owners to prepare for the future of the industry.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Understandably, &nbsp;many media owners are still unsure how programmatic fits into their business, with the direct sales teams being particularly concerned. Yet, programmatic doesn’t mean the end of one-on-one relationships between buyers and sellers. <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebook-optimize-ooh-sales-through-automation/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sales teams will still need to demonstrate the benefits of their screens</a>, differentiate themselves from the competition and work with advertisers to launch great DOOH campaigns. It’s not about replacing this relationship, but simply enhancing it with the newest tech enhancements, an unavoidable evolution of the industry.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Our job, as leaders in programmatic DOOH, is to help media owners through this transition. We work closely with our publisher partners to implement best practices in business strategy, operations, sales and more, to prepare them for the programmatic shift our industry is undergoing.</span></p><h2 >The same goes for media buyers: they should get started with programmatic DOOH too</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Media buyers are also feeling this transition. This is a new marketing channel for digital media buyers, and a significant change to a traditional channel for out-of-home media buyers.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> Our main objectives here lie in demonstrating the benefits of DOOH where it is a new channel, and also demonstrating benefits of a more efficient transaction for those looking to test and understand the evolution of an established industry. Over the next 12 months, I think we’ll see adoption take off, with things like increased scale and ever-improving measurement technology being some important next steps.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">At Campsite, we’ve seen that landing the first campaign with a brand or agency is the biggest challenge, but once a campaign is run, they quickly see the benefits DOOH brings them. It’s cost-effective, highly targeted, contextual, and audiences are very receptive to this kind of messaging. This has lead to triple-digit year-on-year growth for us, and is the reason why over half our accounts are recurring users.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We’re seeing more budget coming from purely digital media companies, adding DOOH to their online and digital strategies. Agencies and brands that get on board now will benefit from first-mover advantage and can set themselves apart as leaders in omnichannel programmatic campaigns. </span></p><h2 >Working with Broadsign opens up more opportunities for buyers and sellers</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We’re thrilled to be able to bring our Canadian customers to Broadsign. Their global presence will add to our business by helping media buyers reach more global audiences, and media owners reach more buyers. We’re also excited to see how existing Broadsign and Ayuda relationships will help us grow. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We’re also seeing more associations come together to work to improve our space. The DPAA, IAB and more are really pushing for the betterment of DOOH. The industry as a whole is growing, the Campsite and Broadsign partnership is only one piece of the puzzle. </span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[PATTISON Outdoor Advertising Chooses Broadsign for Network Optimization]]><![CDATA[

Partnership to enable dynamic content delivery, yield optimization, and programmatic capabilities across PATTISON’s 4,000 screens. Versions française ci-dessous. MONTREAL, June 12, 2019 — Broadsign International Inc., the leading out-of-home (OOH) marketing solution, today announced that it has been selected by PATTISON Outdoor Advertising, a leader in Canadian OOH media, to provide a suite of software […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/pattison-outdoor-advertising-chooses-broadsign-for-network-optimizationhttps://broadsign.com/blog/pattison-outdoor-advertising-chooses-broadsign-for-network-optimization<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 12 Jun 2019 00:00:13 GMT<h2>Partnership to enable dynamic content delivery, yield optimization, and programmatic capabilities across PATTISON’s 4,000 screens.</h2><p><i>Versions française ci-dessous.</i>MONTREAL, June 12, 2019 — <a href="https://www.broadsign.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign International Inc.</a>, the leading out-of-home (OOH) marketing solution, today announced that it has been selected by <a href="https://www.pattisonoutdoor.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">PATTISON Outdoor Advertising</a>, a leader in Canadian OOH media, to provide a suite of software tools designed to optimize operational efficiency and yield on more than 4,000 programmatically-enabled screens across PATTISON’s network.The project will center on Broadsign’s ad-serving solution to automate the delivery of targeted content to PATTISON’s screens. <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Broadsign Direct</a> will also be incorporated to enable real-time inventory availability and booking for sales teams and to help optimize network yield. Finally, all screens, which are currently connected to Broadsign’s <a href="https://www.campsiteproject.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Campsite digital OOH exchange</a>, will also integrate with the <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Broadsign Reach</a> programmatic platform. Together, the programmatic platforms will enable PATTISON to attract new advertisers from a wide variety of both national and international demand sources."Optimizing our digital assets and amplifying our programmatic capabilities are key missions for us over the coming years. We’re confident that the experienced team at Broadsign will provide the solution we need to continue to stand out as a leader in Canadian out-of-home," said Cam Milne, Vice President/General Manager, PATTISON Onestop."PATTISON is a force in the Canadian OOH space, and we’re excited to see how Broadsign’s experience in network optimization, automation, and programmatic selling can help them further realize their network’s potential," said Maarten Dollevoet, SVP of sales, Broadsign.<strong>About Broadsign</strong>Broadsign is making it easier than ever for media owners, agencies and brands to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences across the globe. Powering over 425,000 signs in airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems and more, Broadsign is at the heart of people’s lives. The Broadsign platform helps media owners more efficiently manage their business operations while enabling brands and agencies to easily book OOH campaigns. The platform includes tools for content distribution, playback and proof of performance; salesinventory availability and proposal generation; automated programmatic DOOH transactions; and OOH business operations. For more info please visit <a href="https://www.broadsign.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">www.broadsign.com</a>.<strong>About PATTISON Outdoor Advertising</strong>PATTISON Outdoor Advertising is the leader in the sales and operations of digital place-based media and digital large format in Canada. Offering brands the opportunity to create and deliver uniquely engaging experiences through innovative digital strategies, PATTISON implements a data-enriched approach to identifying target audiences. With a dynamic and flexible platform, PATTISON leverages industry-leading technologies to connect with consumers across transit, office, airport, residential and retail markets. Our latest strategic output, LINK, enhances the reach of OOH campaigns through a mobile integration that delivers new levels of engagement for brands by amplifying their message across both mediums. Unmatched reach and coverage allow PATTISON and its affiliates to continue providing the most revolutionary advertising solutions in Digital Out-Of-Home.</p><h2>PATTISON Affichage choisit Broadsign comme partenaire d’optimisation de réseau</h2><p>MONTRÉAL, le 12 juin 2019 – <a href="https://broadsign.com/fr/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign International inc.</a>, le chef de file en solutions marketing d’affichage extérieur, a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’il a été sélectionné par <a href="https://www.pattisonoutdoor.com/?lang=fr" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">PATTISON Affichage</a> afin de fournir une série d’outils logiciels conçus pour optimiser le rendement de plus de 4 000 écrans programmatiques du réseau PATTISON.Broadsign offrira sa solution de diffusion publicitaire afin d’automatiser la diffusion de contenu ciblé sur les écrans PATTISON. Broadsign Direct sera également intégrée afin de rendre l’inventaire disponible en temps réel et de permettre les réservations par les équipes de vente pour optimiser le rendement du réseau. De plus, tous les écrans, qui sont aujourd’hui connectés à la plateforme d’échanges publicitaires d’affichage extérieur Campsite de Broadsign, seront également intégrés à la plateforme programmatique Broadsign Reach. Avec cette combinaison, PATTISON pourra attirer des annonceurs nationaux et internationaux branchés sur ces plateformes.« L’optimisation de nos actifs numériques et l’amplification de nos capacités programmatiques sont des objectifs clés pour nous au cours des prochaines années. Nous sommes certains que l’équipe chevronnée de Broadsign nous offrira la solution qui nous permettra de continuer de nous démarquer en tant que leader canadien en affichage extérieur », a affirmé Cam Milne, vice‑président et directeur général de PATTISON Onestop.« PATTISON possède un déploiement remarquable dans le paysage canadien et nous sommes emballés d’offrir les services d’optimisation et d’automatisation du réseau ainsi que les ventes programmatiques afin qu’elle réalise son plein potentiel », a déclaré Maarten Dollevoet, vice-président principal des ventes chez Broadsign.<strong>À propos de Broadsign</strong>Grâce à Broadsign, il est plus facile que jamais pour les éditeurs, les agences et les marques d’exploiter le potentiel de la publicité extérieure numérique et de communiquer avec le public à l’échelle de la planète. En animant notamment les aéroports, les centres commerciaux, les cliniques et les coins de rue grâce à plus de 425 000 écrans, Broadsign propulse les écrans au cœur de la vie des gens. La plateforme Broadsign permet aux éditeurs de mieux gérer les opérations de leur entreprise tout en aidant les marques et agences à réserver des campagnes d’affichage extérieur en toute facilité. La plateforme comprend notamment des outils de diffusion de contenu, de lecture et de preuve de performance. Elle offre aussi des solutions pour la connaître la disponibilité de l’inventaire et la générer des propositions ainsi que des fonctionnalités permettant les transactions programmatiques automatisées d’affichage extérieur numérique et des solutions d’affichage extérieur pour les opérations d’entreprise. Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, visitez le <a href="https://broadsign.com/fr/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">https://broadsign.com/fr/</a>.<strong>À propos de PATTISON Affichage</strong>PATTISON Affichage est le chef de file dans la vente et l’exploitation de médias numériques ciblés et de solutions numériques grand format au Canada. PATTISON offre aux marques la possibilité de créer et d’offrir des expériences uniques et engageantes grâce à des stratégies numériques innovantes. Elle utilise une approche qui repose sur des données afin de mieux cerner les publics cibles. Grâce à sa plateforme dynamique et flexible, PATTISON s’appuie sur les technologies de pointe de l’industrie afin de cibler les consommateurs dans les milieux de transport collectif, les bureaux, les aéroports, les réseaux résidentiels et les commerces de détail. Notre plus récent produit stratégique, LINK, augmente la portée des campagnes d’affichage extérieur à l’aide d’une intégration mobile qui offre aux marques de nouveaux niveaux d’engagement en amplifiant leur message sur les deux supports. La portée et l’étendue inégalées de PATTISON et de ses sociétés affiliées continuent d’offrir des solutions publicitaires révolutionnaires en matière d’affichage extérieur numérique.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[5 essential ways to use digital signage in cannabis dispensaries]]><![CDATA[

The movement to legalize cannabis for recreational use has picked up steam in the past couple of years, with multiple states decriminalizing or outright legalizing the practice and Canada legalizing cannabis across the country. Hundreds of entrepreneurs have seized the opportunity to set up their own shops where legal. From general pot shops to establishments […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/cannabis-dispensary-signagehttps://broadsign.com/blog/cannabis-dispensary-signage<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 30 May 2019 12:52:55 GMT<p>The movement to legalize cannabis for recreational use has picked up steam in the past couple of years, with multiple states decriminalizing or outright legalizing the practice and Canada legalizing cannabis across the country. Hundreds of entrepreneurs have seized the opportunity to set up their own shops where legal. From general pot shops to establishments specializing in particular products, dispensaries are becoming increasingly common fixtures where legal.In this competitive environment, dispensary operators can use digital signage to boost efficiency and provide extra value to customers. Here’s how.</p><h2>Use digital dispensary signage to inform your clientele</h2><p>Public perception of cannabis has changed incredibly rapidly. In the US, support for cannabis legalization <a href="https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/10/08/americans-support-marijuana-legalization/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">consistently tops 60 percent</a>, which is close to a 180 from the favourability numbers in 2000.<figure id="attachment_32573" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-32573" style="width: 310px" >Pew Research</figcaption></figure>This trend has sparked interest in cannabis among people who had never consumed it before. <a href="https://www.ctvnews.ca/lifestyle/legalization-led-to-people-trying-cannabis-for-the-first-time-ever-1.4379207" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">According to CTV</a>, one shop owner in Vancouver estimates that 15-20 percent of her customers are baby boomers who had never tried cannabis but turned to it for health purposes. Much of this interest is concentrated in the non-psychoactive compound CBD, which <a href="https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/40-percent-of-us-adults-interested-in-trying-cbd-high-yield-insights-study-finds-300818424.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">a 2019 survey</a> said 40 percent of US adults were willing to try.There is, however, also plenty of interest in the many pills, oils, edibles, buds, and other products that deliver the psychoactive goods. This is including among people who may have been against the idea of cannabis in recent years. Therefore, for dispensaries with a wide selection of products, a key mission is to connect shoppers, both experienced with, and new to, cannabis, with the right products to achieve desired effects.<figure id="attachment_32574" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-32574" style="width: 900px" >Educating customers should be a big concern for dispensary owners</figcaption></figure>There is, however, also plenty of interest in the many pills, oils, edibles, buds, and other products that deliver the psychoactive goods. This is including among people who may have been against the idea of cannabis in recent years. Therefore, for dispensaries with a wide selection of products, a key mission is to connect shoppers, both experienced with, and new to, cannabis, with the right products to achieve desired effects.An informed staff is an ideal place to start, but digital signage in the dispensary is a wonderful supplement that can ease the burden on that team. Dispensaries can use displays placed around the store to provide information about strains and their origins, the concentrations of CBD and THC in different products, general experiential details or warnings about particular methods of consumption, facts about local laws regarding possession and consumption, and other useful information.</p><h2>Go digital for smarter cannabis dispensary menus</h2><p>For all the appeal of chalkboards and retro-themed static menus, digital menus are the way to go in today’s retail space. They’re brighter, more colourful, and can include moving visuals, which <a href="https://oceanoutdoor.com/neuroscience/appropriation-amplification/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">has been shown</a> to create more emotional appeal than static imagery.Establishments that opt for digital have enjoyed quick and impressive results. For example, in the UK, the burger chain Prime Burger <a href="https://www.sixteen-nine.net/2016/05/10/projects-uk-burger-chains-switch-to-digital-menus-sees-50-sales-boost/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">saw sales jump by 50%</a> after deploying digital menu boards in its locations.For cannabis dispensaries looking to maximize their revenue, installing and operating digital menus is, therefore, an obvious choice. They offer a smart, space-saving way to run through the long list of strains and products that many dispensaries have, and a great way to use big visuals to draw attention to new additions that repeat customers might like.In addition to the heightened visual appeal, digital menus can let dispensaries present dynamically changing menus. Products featured on the board could change based on time of day, or in response to external conditions like weather, holidays, or other events. It’s a good way to make menus a little more interesting and a lot more relevant to customers.Finally, digital menus have the advantage of allowing integration with point of sale systems. This means that menus can adapt to current stock levels on the fly, automatically changing promotions or outright removing items from display when they are sold out. Particularly given that some areas have experienced supply shortages in the wake of legalization, this feature of digital menu boards could be a big help to dispensary workers.</p><h2>Get interactive with touchscreen kiosks in your dispensary</h2><p>For even greater benefit when investing in digital signage, it’s worth expanding into interactive displays. Retailers and many other kinds of businesses have begun installing digital kiosks both to streamline their in-store sales process and to enable customers to explore product, subject, or safety information in a self-directed way.Given the confusion and misinformation that exists around cannabis, this kind of installation could be particularly useful for dispensaries. Topics like safety tips, recommendations or warnings specific to different methods of consumption, information about the history of different strains or cannabinoids, and more are all likely to be welcomed by curious customers.<figure id="attachment_32575" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-32575" style="width: 900px" >Touchscreen kiosks are a great tool for customers to learn about cannabis products</figcaption></figure>Kiosks can also provide a great method of improving store sales efficiency. By including a self-ordering function, you can enable customers to use a touchscreen to browse your products and make purchases to be fulfilled by your team. <a href="https://www.fool.com/investing/2018/06/22/mcdonalds-diy-plan-to-boost-sales.aspx" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">McDonald’s has found</a> that users of digital kiosks actually purchase more product than the average consumer, likely because kiosks enable more thorough exploration and examination of the products that are sold.Not all digital signage software offers the extensibility and stability necessary for kiosks to be operated alongside other digital signage in a dispensary. The best choice will have reliable uptime, offer top-tier security, and include the ability to integrate with point-of-sale software.</p><h2>Create point of purchase displays that sell</h2><p>Menu boards are all well and good for helping customers understand the stock in a dispensary, but it’s also worth using digital displays geared toward advertising. Setting up <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-pop-displays/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital point of purchase (POP) displays</a> can help dispensaries prompt impulse purchases of products or accessories that customers might find interesting. It’s a good way to boost sales, and offers the opportunity to establish an ad revenue stream as well.<figure id="attachment_32576" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-32576" style="width: 900px" >Point of purchase displays in the dispensary can help promote impulse purchases</figcaption></figure>It’s important to note that the types of advertising that can be placed on these kinds of screens will depend heavily on local, regional, or national laws governing the sale of cannabis. Many states include restrictions on portraying of cannabis products as "healthy" or "safe." Others may strictly prohibit advertising that seems geared toward youth.Working in favour of POP advertising in dispensaries, however, is the fact that outdoor and online advertising of cannabis is generally prohibited by either state or national law. This means that rare opportunities for impactful visual ads, such as the one presented by in-dispensary stores, likely carry premium value. Stores that offer this type of ad inventory will probably enjoy hot demand.</p><h2>Make it easy to update each dispensary&#8217;s local content</h2><p>When it comes to efficiently operating digital signage, controlling the overall content strategy from a centralized, even remote location is generally the way to go. It can be important, however, for local teams to be empowered to alter content on the fly as well. Dispensaries might find this useful in the event that a particularly popular product gets sold out and customers need to be notified, or if there are special promotions, events, or other notices that need to be shared.To keep screen content on-brand, it’s a good idea to minimize the amount of design work that needs to be done whenever local content needs to be updated. Some digital signage platforms offer <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-publish/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">template-based content solutions</a> that make only select portions editable by users. This can allow the team at a dispensary to quickly get out necessary information without compromising on the business’ branding.<strong>Want to deck your dispensary out with great digital signage?</strong><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Request your free demo</a> to see how Broadsign can help!</strong><div ></div></div></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Our London Digital Signage Week Q&A with Adrian Cotterill]]><![CDATA[

Another London Digital Signage Week (LDSW) has come and gone, and we thought we’d check in with one of the organizers, DailyDOOH’s editor-in-chief Adrian Cotterill, to get his take on how it all went. Check out our Q&A below for his take on the event, its place in the industry, and things to watch as […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/london-digital-signage-week-adrian-cotterillhttps://broadsign.com/blog/london-digital-signage-week-adrian-cotterill<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 23 May 2019 11:15:01 GMT<p>Another London Digital Signage Week (LDSW) has come and gone, and we thought we’d check in with one of the organizers, <a href="http://dailydooh.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">DailyDOOH</a>’s editor-in-chief Adrian Cotterill, to get his take on how it all went. Check out our Q&amp;A below for his take on the event, its place in the industry, and things to watch as the OOH space continues to develop.</p><h2>I’d like to start with getting a quick impression from you about this year&#8217;s (2019) LDSW. What’s your take on how it went? What do you think were the standout events?</h2><p>Probably not as big as usual, the week, mainly because we’ve had a lot of consolidation in the year with the three big media owners here in the UK. And then the other big media owners have been focusing on other things, either joining the stock market or, as in Clear Channel’s case, divorcing from a parent, joining the US stock market, and then rearranging their European region. So, I think the in the outdoor media space, the big boys have had other things to occupy themselves, so from that perspective, it meant that the week was a little bit quieter than it has been.Our own event, which is a standout, is the AdTECH event, AdTECH: OOH London. We’ve run that conference three times now, once in Amsterdam and twice in London. It’s always sold out. I think that says a lot about AdTECH, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">programmatic buying</a>, automation, ad exchanges, etc. Certainly, that’s the hottest topic in our space by a long way.</p><h2>Which lessons or ideas shared at this year’s events did you think were the most insightful or thought-provoking?</h2><p>I think our data panel at the AdTECH conference was probably the standout session of the week. It’s pretty much because, if you like, there’s the old guard which have measured <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/out-of-home-advertising/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">out-of-home</a> on one hand, and then there’s all these new, or new to us, data startups that are measuring our world in a completely different way. So that particular panel, which took place at the AdTECH conference on the Wednesday was… let’s say it was lively. Everybody enjoyed it, but it was the most lively panel, the most interesting panel as the two worlds collide.It’s interesting; I think the data panel at that AdTECH conference can sum up our industry. It’s very much old and new meeting in the middle. Because we all know we can <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dooh-metrics/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">measure things in a completely different way</a>, don’t we now?</p><h2>You&#8217;ve noted that there were several big announcements, including our acquisitions of Ayuda and Campsite, that dropped just prior to LDSW this year. What do you think those big stories say about the current state of the OOH/DOOH space?</h2><p>Consolidation is key. It says everything about consolidation. Not only did <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/united-we-shine-broadsign-ayuda/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign buy Ayuda</a> in the software space; Beaver Group, which is a UK-based but European-in-nature digital content agency, was acquired by a Spanish company with €60 million revenues in a year. Last year they bought another reseller in the space. Big consolidation, and these are big companies. You know, people are creating €50-60 million turnover businesses. So consolidation is key on the software and services side.And then on the other side, we had to deal with all the consolidation going on in the out-of-home world as well. Obviously Global has acquired Primesight, Outdoor Plus, and Exterion Media, and the Exterion Media deal was given the green light by the competitions authority literally the week before London Digital Signage Week. And then there’s obviously big things happening with Clear Channel in the US, which has affected Clear Channel in the UK and Europe. So, consolidation both on the software and services side and in the media owner space.</p><h2>As an observer of the industry, what is your opinion on this consolidation? What is your opinion of how it affects our industry?</h2><p>Consolidation is good, I would say. We’ve got almost a thousand software vendors. We don’t need a thousand software vendors, we need four or five, and we need a couple competing in each vertical sector.I think, if you look at any other mature industry, there will be two or three dominant players in that industry, and that’s what we need. So consolidation is good, and it’s only going to mean that our industry is going to become more mature, and it’s going to look more mature to the outside world, which helps us as well. The software thing of Ayuda being bought by Broadsign is one of the best things ever. We’ve now got, probably, four or five big groups with multi-million dollar revenue in a year, and that’s the position we need to be in.</p><h2>London Digital Signage Week has origins in a remark at the 2013 DailyDOOH Gala Awards. Dirk Hülsermann suggested the event would be a good idea, and said "London is the place to be for media." Six years on, do you think that statement about London holds up?</h2><p>No. Dirk’s call to arms at the Black Tie Gala Awards in December was a reaction to the fact that we had one in New York and didn’t have one in London, and he said that we should have one in London the next May, which we did, in 2014. But it’s not as big as North America. There are lots of reasons for that. I think North Americans by their very nature probably enjoy open-house co*cktails, networking, talking, doing small presentations, pop-up events… It’s more in their DNA, perhaps, than it is for European people.</p><h2>What about your event? How would you describe its evolution over that time, and what role do you see LDSW playing in the London or global OOH space today?</h2><p>That’s a good question, and we’ve covered some of that. I think the two things go hand in hand. London Digital Signage Week would be nothing if we didn’t have New York Digital Signage Week. I think what role they play is in the fact that they allow people to get together, network, and put on their own events for little or no cost. That’s the key thing. Our big issue is at trade shows. You’re going to spend, you know, $50,000 minimum if you do something at a big trade show. With the week, you can do a pop-up event for little or no cost. You can hire out a hotel room. I think that’s where it plays a role.I will say, one surprising thing is that 50% of our audiences in London are international. Well over half of the people who attend the events are non-UK-based people. You’re not just meeting the same old names you know. This year, we had people from Iceland, Jordan, Israel, Turkey, Lebanon, Croatia, Sweden, Australia &#8211; some pretty far-flung places. If you go back to Dirk’s statement, "London is the place to be," I would say that a lot of Europeans do see London as the place to be. They come to London, they want to network with people there, they want to see what’s on offer, they want to learn. It’s an easy place to go, it’s a fun place to go. From that perspective, Dirk made a statement that was a correct prediction.</p><h2>What are some of the OOH industry advancements you foresee that you’re most excited for?</h2><p>Data, I think, has to be the most exciting thing. It’s also the most problematic, hence all the <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-out-of-home-and-privacy/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">privacy concerns</a> and all the face recognition stuff. Being able to slice and dice massive amounts of data, I think, is the most exciting thing for our industry. Not only does it allow us to measure things we’ve never been able to measure before, but it also allows us to target things that we’ve never targeted before. I would say that’s the most exciting thing.And then one thing that we sort of foresee, the one trend that is going to have to come, is a thing called revenue management. So although everybody has been talking about programmatic buying and marketplaces, automation, and AdTECH in general, very few people are thinking about revenue management software that figures out how you make the most money from the inventory you’ve got. Global here in the UK have got a really good platform called DAX, because they have inherited it from their radio systems. A lot of the best revenue management software is coming from the radio side of the industry. But again, that only works because it’s a way to analyze the data that you’ve got. It’s the next stage, really.</p><h2>You provide a service on Twitter in correcting hashtags for seemingly all industry events, not just your own. Firstly, thank you. It’s helpful. Secondly, can you tell us a little bit about what’s behind this hobby?</h2><p>We’re the hashtag police. You’re right, it’s our hobby. It’s a funny one. Our technical director and myself actually designed our sister site, called aka.tv. <a href="http://aka.tv" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Aka.tv</a>, minute by minute, takes in tweets with hashtags and analyzes them. We keep them all in a database, and we figure out what might be trending hashtags, who the most tweeted users are, etc.My father was a policeman, maybe I get it from him. I think it’s all about having one voice. It annoys me when people are lazy with their marketing. People just throw things onto Twitter without thinking about it. You know, if you’re going to have a show and you’re going to talk on social media, then talk with one, single, unified voice. Make it as easy as possible for people to follow that conversation. You do that with a hashtag. So, basically, don’t be lazy.We try to be as polite as we can. Sometimes we get annoyed, sometimes we’re humourous, but I think it’s helpful. A few people have told us off, but I think 99% of the world believe that it’s helpful to be corrected.</p><h2>What&#8217;s next now that LDSW is in the bag? Are you giving yourself a bit of a break, or are you throwing yourself right into planning your New York and Amsterdam events?</h2><p>I wish. New York Digital Signage Week is our next big week of events, and we do plan quite well in advance. If you don’t book some of your keynote speakers early, you won’t get them, because the top CEOs of these companies are booked up months in advance. So certainly our big event is New York Digital Signage Week, and we are doing a lot of work for that. But we’ve announced over the last couple of weeks that we’re doing AdTECH Sydney. This is our first foray at an event in Australia. It’s going to happen in September. September’s not very far away, only a couple of months away, so AdTECH Sydney is at the moment our top priority.</p><h2>This one is unrelated to digital signage and DOOH. I understand you’re working on a book about drinking gin. Any quick tips to share?</h2><p>Well, the book is a work in progress. It’s called "How to Drink Gin" and the subtitle, which I think is humourous, is "I Drunk 300 Bottles so You Don’t Have to." If there’s a tip you want to share with anybody, it’s "Don’t overpay for a bottle of gin." Most people can’t tell the difference between an expensive bottle and a cheap bottle.<em>Answers were edited for length.</em></p><h4>About Adrian</h4><p><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script>Over the past 30 years Adrian has worked for IBM, Intel, Bertelsmann and a number of investors and business angels in positions such as Chief Technology Officer, Head of Internet Technology, Business Development Director, Head of Strategy and Interactive Marketing Manager.His work over the last ten years has involved industry analysis, market research, commercial and technical due diligence, software and hardware review, product design, branding and market entry strategy.As well as chairing ‘The DailyDOOH Investor Conference’ in New York each October, Adrian is a much in demand speaker at events around the world and a familiar face on the judging / award circuit.He is also chairman of the OpenSplash Steering Group, a member of MENSA, the High IQ Society and a member of the National Union of JournalistsHe is the author of several books including DOOH INSIGHTS: 2008 To 2012 | Five Years Of Executive Thought (published October 2012), DOOH INSIGHTS: 2013 | The Best of 2013 (published October 2013) and co-author of ‘How MicroTiles Made An Impact At The London Stock Exchange’, co-author of ‘The Technical Guide to Windows’ and co-author of DOOH INSIGHTS: 2014 | The Best of 2014 (published October 2014).<span style="font-weight: 400;"><div ></div></div></span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How location data can predict interests better than online data – and what this means for out-of-home]]><![CDATA[

When discussing out of home, we often hear about the difficulties of targeting. “I can serve my ad only to people who have dogs on Facebook, how can we possible target this accurately in digital out-of-home?” But is online data really that accurate? According to Facebook, I am a huge Kardashians fan – including the […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-location-data-can-predict-interests-better-than-online-datahttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-location-data-can-predict-interests-better-than-online-data<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 16 May 2019 11:13:29 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">When discussing out of home, we often hear about the difficulties of targeting</span><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">. "I can serve my ad only to people who have dogs on Facebook, how can we possible target this accurately in digital out-of-home?" </span></i><span style="font-weight: 400;">But is online data really that accurate?</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">According to Facebook, I am a huge Kardashians fan – including the whole Jenner crew. Well, I can tell you with certainty, I&#8217;m not. Do I occasionally land on one of their insta posts and have a giggle? Sure. Would I ever show real interest in their lives or buy one of their products? No.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This isn’t the only issue I’ve encountered with online data, and I’m sure you each have your own stories to share. So, this begs the question: why do brands seem to trust this data so much, but have so little trust in OOH data?</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">While you might open a link you weren’t that interested in and get retargeted for weeks, how often do you accidentally end up aspt a business you weren’t interested in? Most places we visit, we do so because of our needs and hobbies (or those of our loved ones). This makes locations strong indicators of the products and services we are actually interested in. And this is where digital out-of-home can play a significant factor in leveraging location data. </span></p><h2 >Marketing in the heart of a location</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Of course, online audience data is not always wrong, and can indeed be a great way for brands to target their campaigns. But our online interests are often exaggerations of what we’re really in the market to purchase.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Think of how many automobile enthusiasts watch luxury car reviews on YouTube. An online campaign targeted to this audience can definitely reach a few potential buyers, but will likely be displayed largely to daydreaming gearheads.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Now think of the people who head to luxury car dealerships in their city. While the overall size of the audience might be smaller than the online campaign, they are definitely more likely to be influenced by a well-placed ad beside the dealership.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">And this is exactly why DOOH is more than just the brand awareness channel it is often perceived as. At its core, DOOH is a location-based medium, with screens in malls, street corners, and convenience stores, right near the products they could potentially be advertising. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A DOOH campaign can easily be targeting using simple geofencing, only displaying the campaign in locations relevant to the audience and brand. </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-xite-reached-250000-festival-goers-with-a-multichannel-programmatic-campaign/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">This is how music brand, XITE, reached their audience</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> during festival season in the Netherlands, displaying their campaign only in train stations near the festival venues.</span></p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >DOOH location data is about more than longitude and latitude</span></h2><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Location data in DOOH is also more than just the proximity of a screen to a store. Working with third-party companies, DOOH publishers can use aggregated mobile and vehicle location data to gather behaviour patterns on travelled routes and popular destinations. With this, audience data and areas of interest can be extrapolated.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For example, a billboard on the side of a highway can use vehicle data to understand where cars are going to and coming from. At rush-hour, there might be many cars that head from the suburbs to park at an expensive lot in the heart of downtown – ideal placement for that luxury car ad. At other times, there might be a high percentage of cars heading to the mall midday – perhaps the right time to advertise Keeping Up with the Kardashians? </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Ads can also be triggered using SDK data in the same way mobile campaigns are, only displaying if people with a specific interest are in the area. This is made especially possible with automated programmatic buying, as </span><a href="/blog/how-pepsi-max-used-programmatic-digital-out-of-home-to-retarget-fans"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Pepsi MAX did with their recent campaign</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As part of their multichannel campaign, the brand retargeted fans who participated in taste tests at booths across the country. Rather than booking every mall screen, the digital out-of-home campaign was triggered only when one of these taste testers walked into the mall using SDK data.</span></p><h2 >Is more data better data?</span></h2><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">At the end of the day, data is never wasted </span><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">if used properly.</span></i><span style="font-weight: 400;"> Combining data sources provides a more complete view of the audience and lets brands better target their ads and better understand ROI. Location data is an important piece of the puzzle, and should definitely be considered when planning a marketing campaign.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Of course, convincing marketers that DOOH has targeting capabilities similar to that of online and mobile is still a bit of a hard sell. But this challenge is one that our industry has been tackling slowly but surely, and it’s only the beginning. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">So if you are a brand or agency reading this, consider location targeted DOOH in your next campaign. Because remember, Facebook can only guess if a 40-year-old biker dude likes the Spice Girls… but his presence at one of their concerts tells a whole different story. </span></p><h3 >UPDATE! Kylie turned to DOOH</h3><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p>A week after this article was posted, Kylie Jenner and her crew launched the <a href="https://www.adweek.com/programmatic/kylie-jenners-latest-billboard-campaign-shows-the-power-of-programmatic/">largest programmatic digital out-of-home campaign of all time</a> with our DSP partner <a href="https://www.adomni.com/">Adomni</a>. Many of our publishers&#8217; were included in the campaign, which was targeted to notorious US screens like Times Square and in the heart of Las Vegas.</p><p>Still not convinced? <a href="https://broadsign.com/dooh-for-media-buyers/">Here are 10 more reasons you should add digital out-of-home to your next campaign.</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[And even brighter we shine – Broadsign & Campsite]]><![CDATA[

There’s no doubt that it’s an exciting time for us, with the recent addition of Ayuda to the Broadsign family. Well, the excitement continues, and we’re pleased to announce the acquisition of another amazing Montreal-based company: Campsite. Over the past few years, we’ve been on a mission to drive the growth of programmatic throughout the […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/and-even-brighter-we-shine-broadsign-campsitehttps://broadsign.com/blog/and-even-brighter-we-shine-broadsign-campsite<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 08 May 2019 00:12:22 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">There’s no doubt that it’s an exciting time for us, with the <a href="/blog/united-we-shine-broadsign-ayuda/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">recent addition of Ayuda</a> to the Broadsign family. Well, the excitement continues, and we’re pleased to announce the acquisition of another amazing Montreal-based company: </span><a href="https://www.campsiteproject.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Campsite</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Over the past few years, we’ve been on a mission to drive the growth of programmatic throughout the industry – and so has Campsite. Both of our companies’ products and vision have played a significant role in shaping how digital out-of-home is transacted, and together, we’re confident that we can have an even bigger impact.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Campsite’s web-based platform, designed to easily enable media buyers and sellers to transact DOOH inventory, has a strong presence here in Canada, and is an excellent complement to Broadsign Reach. The combination of our businesses will further automate DOOH transactions, making it even easier for </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">agencies and media buyers to find, plan, and book digital screens in their advertising campaigns.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For more details on the acquisition, <a href="/blog/broadsign-acquires-leading-canadian-digital-out-of-home-programmatic-exchange-campsite-to-improve-buyer-access-to-dooh-inventory/">read our press release</a>.</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign acquires leading Canadian digital out-of-home programmatic exchange Campsite to improve buyer access to DOOH inventory]]><![CDATA[

Combined offering to further streamline automated buying and selling of DOOH inventory Versions française ci-dessous. MONTREAL, May 8, 2019 — Broadsign, the leading out-of-home marketing platform, today announced that it has acquired Campsite, the innovative Canadian digital out-of-home (DOOH) ad exchange that automates the buying and selling of DOOH inventory. This news follows the recent […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-acquires-leading-canadian-digital-out-of-home-programmatic-exchange-campsite-to-improve-buyer-access-to-dooh-inventoryhttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-acquires-leading-canadian-digital-out-of-home-programmatic-exchange-campsite-to-improve-buyer-access-to-dooh-inventory<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 08 May 2019 00:02:55 GMT<h2><b>Combined offering to further streamline automated buying and selling of DOOH inventory</b></h2><p><i>Versions française ci-dessous.</i>MONTREAL, May 8, 2019 — Broadsign, the leading out-of-home marketing platform, today announced that it has acquired Campsite, the innovative Canadian digital out-of-home (DOOH) ad exchange that automates the buying and selling of DOOH inventory. This news follows the recent announcement that Broadsign has acquired the industry’s premier out-of-home enterprise business solution, Ayuda Media Systems. Both transactions have closed.</p><p>For DOOH media owners, the combination of Broadsign and Campsite will further automate the buying and selling of media inventory making it easier for agencies and media buyers to find, plan, and book DOOH advertising campaigns. According to <a href="https://www.emarketer.com/content/more-than-80-of-digital-display-ads-will-be-bought-programmatically-in-2018" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">eMarketer</a>, programmatic buying represented more than 80% of US digital media transactions in 2018, highlighting the need to modernize buying in the $40 billion global out-of-home industry to drive future growth.</p><p>"Broadsign’s goal is to make buying and selling of out-of-home as easy as possible and adding Campsite’s strengths to our open platform will greatly help with that mission," said Adam Green, SVP and GM of Broadsign Reach. "We look forward to working with the Campsite team and all of our mutual customers to build on our collective vision for open programmatic DOOH trading around the world."</p><p>Campsite, founded in 2016 by Newad but run as an independent company, has partnerships with many of Canada’s major digital out-of-home companies and agencies, among them Pattison Outdoor, Captivate, IDS Canada and Astral. "Campsite’s easy to use web-based application has made it an early favourite amongst Canadian media buyers. The combination of our exchange with Broadsign’s extensive network of publishers will be a huge win for media buyers and agencies, who are eager to get started with programmatic DOOH," said Edith Gagné, vice-president of development at Campsite.</p><p>Gagné, along with the entire Campsite team, has joined Broadsign. For the time-being, Campsite will operate as an independent division of Broadsign. However, Campsite’s extensive UX and buy-side experience will be immediately tapped to help develop new offerings and features for Broadsign’s open SSP, Broadsign Reach.</p><p>"This transaction was the best avenue to continue Campsite’s national growth and success while ensuring that it had the resources to expand internationally," said Michael Reha former President of Campsite.</p><p>For out-of-home (OOH) media owners who have an increasingly complex mix of digital and classic inventory, the combined power of Broadsign and Ayuda will enable them to streamline business operations across all of their inventory. The Campsite acquisition complements Broadsign and Ayuda’s offerings by further building on Broadsign’s existing programmatic foundation and making it easier for media owners and buyers to conduct business. All three companies are headquartered in Montreal. Future acquisitions will play an important role in Broadsign’s strategic plans, complementing organic growth and further enhancing its position as the market leader in OOH/digital signage software.<b></b></p><h3><b>About Broadsign</b></h3><p>Broadsign is the leading out-of-home (OOH) marketing platform that enables brands, agencies and OOH media publishers to buy, sell, and deliver OOH campaigns efficiently, reliably and securely. The Broadsign platform powers 425,000 signs around the world, including more than 180,000 digital screens. The platform includes Broadsign Reach, a customized SSP for programmatic digital out-of-home transactions. Broadsign Reach is integrated with 17 DSP partners and has delivered campaigns in nine countries, for brands such as: foodora, John Lewis, Pepsi, Unilever, Peugeot, SEAT, Volkswagen, UFC, XITE Networks, and many more. With the acquisitions of Ayuda and Campsite, the company now employs 240 people globally.<b></b></p><h3><b>About Campsite</b></h3><p>Campsite offers premium digital out-of-home inventory through a self-serve programmatic platform. Launched in 2016, Campsite’s core mission is to connect buyers and suppliers in an environment specifically designed for DOOH.</p><h2><b>L’offre combinée vise à simplifier davantage le processus automatisé de vente et d’achat dans le domaine de l’affichage extérieur numérique</b></h2><p>MONTRÉAL, le 8 mai 2019. —<a href="https://broadsign.com/fr/">Broadsign</a>, la principale plateforme marketing d’affichage extérieur numérique, a annoncé aujourd’hui l’acquisition de Campsite, un réseau d’échange canadien novateur dans le milieu de l’affichage extérieur numérique qui automatise le processus d’achat et de vente des médias. Cette nouvelle fait suite à l’annonce récente selon laquelle Broadsign a acquis Ayuda Media Systems, une entreprise de premier ordre spécialisée dans les solutions d’entreprise d’affichage extérieur. Les deux transactions ont été conclues.</p><p>La fusion de Broadsign et de Campsite permettra d’automatiser davantage le processus d’achat et de vente de médias pour les agences et les acheteurs d’affichages extérieurs numériques. Ils pourront ainsi trouver, planifier et réserver plus facilement des campagnes publicitaires. Selon <a href="https://www.emarketer.com/content/more-than-80-of-digital-display-ads-will-be-bought-programmatically-in-2018"> eMarketer</a>, les achats programmatiques ont représenté plus de 80 % des transactions de médias numériques aux États-Unis en 2018. C’est pourquoi il est nécessaire de moderniser le processus d’achat dans le milieu de l’affichage extérieur, une industrie mondiale de 40 milliards de dollars, afin de stimuler la croissance future.</p><p>« Comme Broadsign a pour objectif de faciliter autant que possible l’achat et la vente de campagnes d’affichage extérieur numérique, l’ajout des atouts de Campsite à notre plateforme ouverte contribuera grandement à cette mission », a déclaré Adam Green, premier vice-président et directeur général de Broadsign Reach. « Nous sommes impatients de travailler avec l’équipe de Campsite et tous nos clients mutuels afin de mettre à profit notre vision collective d’un système programmatique ouvert, et ce, pour l’échange d’affichage extérieur numérique partout dans le monde. »</p><p>Fondée en 2016 par Newad, mais gérée comme une entreprise indépendante, Campsite a noué des partenariats avec bon nombre des principales entreprises et agences d’affichage extérieur numérique du Canada, notamment PATTISON, Captivate, IDS Canada et Astral. « La convivialité de l’application Web de Campsite en a fait l’une des préférées des acheteurs de médias canadiens. L’association de notre plateforme d’échange avec le vaste réseau d’éditeurs de Broadsign constituera un avantage considérable pour les acheteurs et les agences de médias, qui sont impatients de se lancer dans le domaine de la technologie programmatique pour l’affichage extérieur numérique », a déclaré Edith Gagné, vice-présidente du développement, Campsite.</p><p>Mme Gagné, ainsi que toute l’équipe de Campsite, s’est jointe à Broadsign. Pour le moment, Campsite est gérée comme une division indépendante de Broadsign. Cependant, la vaste expérience acquise par Campsite dans les domaines de l’expérience utilisateur et de l’achat sera immédiatement mise à profit afin de développer de nouvelles offres et fonctionnalités pour Broadsign Reach, plateforme PPS ouverte.</p><p>Pour les propriétaires de médias d’affichage extérieur, qui possèdent des stocks de plus en plus complexes, cette nouvelle représente une occasion d’optimisation, tant en matière de publicité numérique que de publicité classique. L’acquisition de Campsite vient compléter l’offre de Broadsign et d’Ayuda en s’appuyant sur la base programmatique existante de Broadsign et en facilitant la conduite des affaires pour les propriétaires et acheteurs de médias. Les trois entreprises ont leur siège social à Montréal. Les futures acquisitions contribueront grandement aux plans stratégiques de Broadsign et viendront complémenter la croissance interne de l’entreprise en renforçant encore davantage sa position dominante sur les marchés de l’affichage extérieur et des logiciels d’affichage numérique.<b></b></p><p><b>À propos de Broadsign</b></p><p>Broadsign est la principale plateforme marketing d’affichage extérieur numérique qui permet aux marques, agences et éditeurs de médias d’acheter, de vendre et de livrer des campagnes d’affichage extérieur numérique de manière efficace, fiable et sécuritaire. La plateforme Broadsign alimente 425 000 enseignes dans le monde, dont plus de 180 000 enseignes numériques. Elle comprend Broadsign Reach, un PPS personnalisé conçu pour les transactions programmatiques en matière d’affichage extérieur numérique. Broadsign Reach s’est associé à 17 partenaires du domaine des processeurs de signaux numériques et a ainsi livré dans neuf pays des campagnes pour des marques comme Foodora, John Lewis, Pepsi, Unilever, Peugeot, SEAT, Volkswagen, UFC, XITE Networks et bien d’autres. À la suite de l’acquisition d’Ayuda et de Campsite, l’entreprise emploiera 240 personnes dans le monde.<b></b></p><p><b>À propos de Campsite</b></p><p>Campsite offre une plateforme programmatique libre-service de premier ordre en matière d’affichage extérieur numérique. Lancée en 2016, l’entreprise a pour mission principale de mettre en relation acheteurs et fournisseurs dans un environnement spécialement conçu pour l’affichage extérieur numérique.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[The Most Effective Ways for Airports to Use Digital Signage]]><![CDATA[

As the global middle class continues to grow, so too does the proportion of people taking to the skies in search of adventure and opportunity. In 2018, the International Air Transport Association announced that annual passenger numbers exceeded 4 billion in 2017, with Asia, Europe, and North America representing the top three markets for flights, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/the-most-effective-ways-for-airports-to-use-digital-signagehttps://broadsign.com/blog/the-most-effective-ways-for-airports-to-use-digital-signage<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 02 May 2019 10:26:56 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As the global middle class continues to grow, so too does the proportion of people taking to the skies in search of adventure and opportunity. In 2018, the International Air Transport Association announced that annual passenger numbers exceeded 4 billion in 2017, with Asia, Europe, and North America representing the top three markets for flights, respectively. This number is likely to increase.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">With this increasing volume of travellers, there are both new opportunities to generate more revenue and greater challenges for delivering a good experience to travellers. By making extensive use of digital signage installations throughout the airport, airports can take an important step toward addressing both.</span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Improve the travel experience with digital signage</span></h2><p><a href="https://www.finavia.fi/en/newsroom/2018/stressed-airport-three-main-causes-airport-stress-and-how-helsinki-airport-tries"><span style="font-weight: 400;">According to Finavia</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, the biggest sources of stress for most fliers are travellers feeling unsure about what to do at the airport, travellers feeling rushed, and the crowds and noise at busy airports. While digital signage can’t do much about crowds, it does offer a good tool for helping to deal with the other two stressors.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">In answer to both, airports can incorporate digital directional signs, signs offering helpful tips and reminders, or even </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-kiosks/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">interactive kiosks </span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">with wayfinding or other on-demand services. Particularly in large airports where trams, buses, and other forms of transportation are required to ferry passengers from one end to another, these kinds of installations can be a great help in getting people on their way.</span><b>Example: </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Hamburg airport adopted a digital wayfinding system that includes personalized directions, a directory of shops and restaurants, and other useful features. The installations resulted in a better user experience and increased sales at the airport’s stores.</span>https://youtu.be/fkexki0P2EQ<span style="font-weight: 400;">Even for those signs that are meant to be non-interactive, there is real benefit to going with a digital option over static signage. Digital is brighter, and can be more colourful or even incorporate animations to better highlight the information that is being delivered. They are also more easily adaptable to changing circ*mstances. In an emergency, for example, digital displays can be made to display directions to emergency exits or other special messaging that travellers need.</span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Go big with advertising across the airport</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Fliers are often adventurous, eager to find great new experiences or products that speak to their needs or interests. This makes them ideal candidates for a range of advertisers. What better place to reach them than in the airports they have to travel through?</span><b>Watch</b><span style="font-weight: 400;">: This video from </span><a href="https://www.jcdecaux.com/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">JCDecaux</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> is a nice, quick runthrough of some of the opportunities that digital signage advertising can offer in airports. Take a look!</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">The transitory nature of airports makes for truly diverse opportunities for media sales. In the short term, passengers might be moved to buy snacks or drinks available in one of the airport’s shops or restaurants. Ads for longer-term products or experiences, like tours, attractions, or even destinations for future trips, might also appeal. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Whatever the buyer’s needs or desires, airports also make it easy to use advertising to specific purposes. For a highly targeted buy, such as for specific activities or destinations, it’s easy to automatically place ads on screens near gates serving particular destinations. Why not put an ad up for a Jamaican snorkeling trip on a screen right near where fliers heading to Jamaica are gathered? For broader buys by big, popular brands that want to make a splash, it’s also easy to do takeover campaigns that deliver the same ad all across a terminal or airport all at once.</span><b>Example: </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">This campaign for Schweppes ran on several digital screens owned by </span><a href="http://mmdmedia.nl"><span style="font-weight: 400;">MMD Media</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> in Eindhoven Airport, including one huge one, concurrently, making a big impact.</span><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Entertain and inform with onscreen content</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Being bored in an airport is almost as much a part of the experience of flying as actually being in the air. Travellers often find themselves waiting for hours without much to do and nothing to hold their attention, just hoping their flight home won’t be delayed.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital signage content can make a world of difference. Content providers like </span><a href="https://www.screenfeed.com/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Screenfeed</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> are ideal tools for putting news, weather, sports, and all kinds of infotainment right in front of audiences who will likely appreciate it.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Here again, an airport can use its unique position to go beyond the basic and deliver truly engaging content. It would be a simple thing, for instance, to deliver news and infotainment relating not just to the area in which the airport is found, but to the eventual destination. On screens located in a waiting area for passengers headed to Madrid, for instance, the airport could display images of popular tourist sites, weather updates for Madrid, or even useful Spanish phrases that travellers might like to know.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Every destination offers its own unique mix of attractions that can inspire content, meaning there are virtually no limits to the creative content ideas that can be shared here.</span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Explore new horizons with programmatic</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The big story in digital out-of-home advertising today is </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">programmatic transactions</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">. With programmatic, buyers are able to purchase advertising based on external data triggers. This does a great job of maximizing relevance and impact.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Once again, airports offer many tantalizing opportunities for leveraging this capability. Rainy weather outside? Airlines might want to put up ads for tropical island vacations. Flight just pulling in? They might want to have an ad for a destination similar to the flight’s origin go up on the screens when the passengers are entering the terminal.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Programmatic digital signage advertising is often a part of a larger omnichannel campaign that includes web, social media, and mobile advertising, and is quickly becoming popular with larger brands. Choosing a digital signage platform that enables programmatic could help airports get a piece of that growing omnichannel pie.</span><figure id="attachment_32490" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-32490" style="width: 2450px" >Programmatic transactions can create exciting new demand for airport ad inventory</figcaption></figure><b>Do you want to build a topflight airport signage network?</b><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/"><b>Request your free demo</b></a><b> and see how Broadsign can help!</b><span style="font-weight: 400;"><div ></div></div></span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[United we shine – Broadsign & Ayuda]]><![CDATA[

It’s no secret that Broadsign and Ayuda have had an interesting history. Founded around the same time, virtually just down the road from each other in Montreal, our two companies have had quite the rivalry. Yet as time went on, we found ourselves taking slightly diverging paths, focusing on different features and markets as our […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/united-we-shine-broadsign-ayudahttps://broadsign.com/blog/united-we-shine-broadsign-ayuda<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 23 Apr 2019 05:00:04 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">It’s no secret that Broadsign and Ayuda have had an </span><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">interesting </span></i><span style="font-weight: 400;">history. Founded around the same time, virtually just down the road from each other in Montreal, our two companies have had quite the rivalry.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Yet as time went on, we found ourselves taking slightly diverging paths, focusing on different features and markets as our products evolved. This led to our platforms being extremely complementary, and as more media owners find themselves managing an ever-changing mix of static faces and digital screens, across a growing number of countries, it is time to combine our strengths.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The power of a unified Broadsign and Ayuda will enable out-of-home media owners to manage, sell, and deliver all of their advertising content from one single solutions provider. Together we can better serve our customers, deliver more exciting projects, and build a future on our combined foundations. United we are stronger. </span><b>United we shine.</b></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For more details about the acquisition agreement, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-announces-agreement-to-acquire-ayuda/">read our press release</a>.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign announces agreement to acquire Ayuda]]><![CDATA[

Versions française ci-dessous. Combined company will offer a unified out-of-home media inventory, marketing and sales management solution, streamlining static and digital OOH operations for media owners. MONTREAL, April 23, 2019 — Broadsign, the leading digital out-of-home marketing platform, today announced that it has reached an agreement to acquire the industry’s premier out-of-home enterprise business solution, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-announces-agreement-to-acquire-ayudahttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-announces-agreement-to-acquire-ayuda<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 23 Apr 2019 01:00:58 GMT<p><i>Versions française ci-dessous.</i></p><h3><b>Combined company will offer a unified out-of-home media inventory, marketing and sales management solution, streamlining static and digital OOH operations for media owners.</b></h3><p>MONTREAL, April 23, 2019 — Broadsign, the leading digital out-of-home marketing platform, today announced that it has reached an agreement to acquire the industry’s premier out-of-home enterprise business solution, Ayuda Media Systems. Both companies are headquartered in Montreal. For out-of-home (OOH) media owners who have an increasingly complex mix of digital and classic inventory/locations, the combined power of Broadsign and Ayuda will enable them to streamline business operations across all of their inventory, digital and classic. The transaction is expected to close in the second quarter of 2019.</p><p>The OOH industry delivered US $38.6 billion of advertising in 2018, and for the first time 50% of revenue came from digital signage locations. As OOH media owners continue to drive forward, each needs a more unified solution for managing, selling and delivering all of their OOH advertising, regardless of format type.</p><p>"This is a tremendous opportunity to bring together two market leaders in OOH software. Together we can help media owners drive greater efficiency in their business while at the same time realize the full potential of the industry as it becomes increasingly digital," said Burr Smith, President and CEO of Broadsign. "The OOH industry has never been in a better place. However, to accelerate growth even more, media owners and their advertisers need access to the most innovative capabilities available, such as tools for revenue optimization and the ability to sell via programmatic buying channels — both of which we can help them access."</p><p>Ayuda was recently recognized by Deloitte Canada as one of the 50 fastest growing companies in Canada, with 647% revenue growth since 2014. Their impressive client roster includes AdShel (Australia), Astral (Canada), OUTFRONT Media (Canada), Rouge Media (Canada), Ströer (Germany), VGI Global Media (Thailand), VMO (Australia), and Vyoma (India). We are delighted that Ayuda’s present CEO, Luc Filiatreault, and all of the talented members of the development, operations, sales and services leadership team members of Ayuda have agreed to join Broadsign.</p><p>"The historical coming together of Broadsign and Ayuda makes so much sense," said Andreas Soupliotis, Founder of Ayuda Media Systems. "The combined offering of both companies creates an unprecedented best-ever offering for out-of-home media owners. I am thrilled to see these two powerhouse teams unite. The future of our industry is brighter than ever."</p><p>"Ayuda’s robust business operations, financing, and ad delivery management system is a terrific fit with Broadsign’s market leading digital out-of-home marketing platform," said Mark Boidman, Managing Director at PJ Solomon, which acted as Broadsign’s financial advisor on this transaction. "We are tremendously excited by the opportunity for the industry to take advantage of the combined strength of these two companies."</p><p>This news comes after a record year for Broadsign. In 2018, the company evolved from a content management system to a DOOH marketing platform and launched three new products, including its market leading programmatic DOOH solution, Broadsign Reach. Seven months after its launch, Broadsign Reach has integrated with 17 DSP partners and has delivered campaigns in nine countries, for brands such as: foodora, John Lewis, Pepsi, Peugeot, SEAT, UFC, XITE Networks, and many more. With the acquisition of Ayuda Media Systems, the company will employ 230 people globally, and power over 425,000 signs around the world, including more than 180,000 digital signs. This transaction represents the first acquisition in Broadsign’s 15 year history. Future acquisitions will play an important role in Broadsign’s strategic plans, complementing organic growth and further enhancing its position as the market leader in OOH/digital signage software.</p><h5>About Broadsign</h5><p>Broadsign is the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform that enables brands, agencies and DOOH media publishers to buy, sell, and deliver DOOH campaigns efficiently, reliably and securely. Lighting up airports, shopping malls, health clinics, street corners and more, the Broadsign platform powers screens at the heart of people’s lives and delivers more than 13 billion ads and 52 billion impressions per month. The Broadsign marketing platform includes Broadsign Control for content distribution, playback and proof of performance, Broadsign Direct for sales inventory availability and proposal generation, and Broadsign Reach, a customized SSP for programmatic DOOH transactions.</p><h5>About Ayuda Media Systems</h5><p>Ayuda is an advertising technology and operations software company specializing in out-of-home business optimization. The Ayuda Platform is used globally by some of the world’s largest out-of-home media owners to manage day-to-day business operations. It includes an end-to-end ERP specially built for out-of-home, a fully native ad-based digital signage platform, and partner integrations that enable out-of-home media companies to tap into new digital revenue streams and modernize their trading models.<strong>Broadsign and Ayuda are proud members of the DPAA, OAAA, FEPE, DSF, and IAB.</strong></p><h3><b>L’entreprise offre désormais la solution de gestion des inventaires et de marketing </b><b>la plus complète au Canada en matière d’affichage extérieur numérique et statique.</b></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">MONTRÉAL, le 23 avril, 2019 </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">—</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign International inc.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">, la première plateforme marketing d’affichage extérieur numérique mondiale, annonce aujourd’hui la conclusion d’une entente en vue d’acquérir Ayuda Media Systems au deuxième trimestre de 2019. Ayuda Media Systems est une entreprise de premier ordre spécialisée dans les solutions d’affichage extérieur pour les entreprises. Les deux compagnies ont leur siège à Montréal. C’est une excellente nouvelle pour les propriétaires qui possèdent un inventaire de médias extérieurs varié en format et en emplacements.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">En 2018, l’industrie de l’affichage extérieur a généré pas moins de 38,6 milliards de dollars américains dont 50 % proviennent des emplacements à affichage numérique. Cette transition numérique requiert une solution unifiée pour gérer, vendre et livrer l’ensemble de leurs publicités, et ce, peu importe le format.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">« C’était l’occasion exceptionnelle de réunir deux chefs de file du marché des logiciels pour affichage extérieur. Ensemble, nous pouvons offrir un potentiel optimal à une industrie en pleine transformation numérique tout en améliorant la productivité des propriétaires de médias », a déclaré Burr Smith, président et chef de la direction de Broadsign. « Jamais l’industrie de l’affichage ne s’est retrouvée dans une position aussi favorable. Nous pouvons désormais accompagner les propriétaires de médias et leurs annonceurs en offrant des solutions efficaces pour optimiser les revenus qui permettent une plus grande précision grâce aux canaux d’achat programmatique. »</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Ayuda a récemment été désignée par Deloitte Canada comme l’une des 50 entreprises canadiennes à la croissance la plus rapide. Elle enregistre en effet des revenus en hausse de 647 % depuis 2014. Son impressionnante liste de clients inclut AdShel (Australie), Astral (Canada), OUTFRONT Media (Canada), Rouge Media (Canada), Ströer (Allemagne), VGI Global Media (Thaïlande), VMO (Australie) et Vyoma (Inde). Nous sommes très heureux que Luc Filiatreault, actuel directeur général d’Ayuda, et tous les talentueux membres de ses équipes opérationnelles, de développement, des ventes et des services, aient accepté de rejoindre Broadsign.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Pour Andreas Soupliotis, fondateur d’Ayuda Media Systems, « la rencontre historique entre Broadsign et Ayuda était à prévoir ». D’après lui, « l’offre combinée de ces deux entreprises crée de nouvelles occasions jamais vues pour les propriétaires de médias d’affichage extérieur. Quelle joie que d’assister à l’unification de ces deux équipes formidables ! Les perspectives d’avenir pour notre secteur sont plus prometteuses que jamais ».</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">« Ayuda compte sur un solide système de gestion des activités, des finances et de la diffusion du contenu publicitaire. Ce système s’intègre parfaitement à la plateforme marketing d’affichage extérieur numérique de Broadsign, véritable chef de file en la matière », a déclaré Mark Boidman, directeur général de PJ Solomon et conseiller financier de Broadsign dans le cadre de cette transaction. « Nous sommes extrêmement enthousiastes à l’idée que l’industrie puisse profiter de la force combinée de ces deux entreprises. »</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Cette nouvelle fait suite à une année record pour Broadsign. En 2018, l’entreprise est passée d’un système de gestion de contenu à une plateforme marketing d’affichage extérieur numérique. Elle a lancé trois nouveaux produits, dont Broadsign Reach, une solution de pointe pour l’organisation de campagnes de publicité extérieure numérique programmatique. Sept mois après son lancement, Broadsign Reach s’est associé à 17 partenaires du domaine des processeurs de signal numérique et a ainsi livré des campagnes pour des marques comme Foodora, John Lewis, Pepsi, Peugeot, SEAT, UFC, XITE Networks et bien d’autres, dans neuf pays.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Grâce à l’acquisition d’Ayuda Media Systems, l’entreprise emploiera 230 personnes aux quatre coins du monde et alimentera plus de 425 000 enseignes, dont plus de 180 000 enseignes numériques. Cette transaction représente la toute première acquisition de Broadsign en 15 ans d’existence. Les futures acquisitions contribueront grandement aux plans stratégiques de Broadsign et viendront complémenter la croissance interne de l’entreprise en renforçant encore davantage sa position dominante sur les marchés de l’affichage extérieur et des logiciels d’affichage numérique.</span></p><p><b>À propos de Broadsign</b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign est la principale plateforme marketing d’affichage extérieur numérique qui permet aux marques, aux agences et aux éditeurs de médias d’acheter, de vendre et de livrer des campagnes d’affichage extérieur numérique de manière efficace, fiable et sécuritaire. En animant notamment les aéroports, les centres commerciaux, les cliniques, les coins de rue et plus encore, la plateforme Broadsign alimente les écrans au cœur de la vie des gens. L’entreprise diffuse plus de 13 milliards de publicités et génère plus de 52 milliards d’impressions chaque mois. La plateforme marketing comprend Broadsign Control pour la distribution du contenu, la lecture et la preuve de rendement ; Broadsign Direct pour la disponibilité des stocks des ventes et la génération de propositions ; et Broadsign Reach, un PPS personnalisé pour les transactions programmatiques d’affichage extérieur numérique.</span><b></b></p><p><b>À propos d’Ayuda Media Systems</b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Ayuda est une entreprise de technologie publicitaire et de logiciels d’exploitation qui se spécialise dans l’optimisation des activités d’affichage extérieur. La plateforme Ayuda est utilisée à l’échelle internationale pour la gestion des activités commerciales quotidiennes de certains des plus importants propriétaires de médias d’affichage extérieur au monde. Elle intègre un PGI spécialement conçu pour la gestion de bout en bout de l’affichage extérieur, une plateforme d’affichage publicitaire numérique entièrement native et des intégrations avec des partenaires qui permettent aux entreprises de médias d’affichage extérieur d’accéder à de nouvelles sources de revenus et de moderniser leurs modèles d’échanges commerciaux.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign et Ayuda sont fiers d’être membres de la DPAA, de l’OAAA, de la FEPE, du DSF et de l’IAB.</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Why digital kiosks are essential tools for engaging audiences]]><![CDATA[

Inside and out, and all around the world, digital kiosks are taking over. Typically incorporating touch-enabled screens, these kiosks represent an ideal intersection of appeal and functionality. For all manner of businesses and other entities, it’s possible to create a much better user experience by installing kiosks in key locations. You can increase sales with […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-kioskshttps://broadsign.com/blog/digital-kiosks<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 18 Apr 2019 12:09:10 GMT<p>Inside and out, and all around the world, digital kiosks are taking over. Typically incorporating touch-enabled screens, these kiosks represent an ideal intersection of appeal and functionality. For all manner of businesses and other entities, it&#8217;s possible to create a much better user experience by installing kiosks in key locations.</p><h2 >You can increase sales with self-service kiosks</h2><p>For retailers and restaurants, a couple of the key benefits of deploying digital kiosks are the associated boosts to efficiency and sales. McDonald’s offers perhaps the highest-profile example of this effect. The company has <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.fool.com/investing/2018/06/22/mcdonalds-diy-plan-to-boost-sales.aspx" target="_blank">observed boosts to sales</a> in locations with its interactive digital kiosks, which it expects is related to increased dwell time at the screens and to customers getting an up-close look at all the menu items and customizations on offer.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>Other benefits associated with introducing interactive kiosks include reducing service time, minimizing errors in ordering, and more effective upselling. Where under-engaged employees may not upsell as they should, kiosks can incorporate upselling as a matter of course, encouraging customers to purchase additional items that would go well with what they have searched for or selected.</p><h2 >Kiosks deliver information conveniently</h2><p>For many businesses, there is a pressing demand to share information efficiently. In quick-service restaurants, for instance, any number of patrons may have questions about nutritional and allergy information. In medical establishments, patients may be curious about terminology, tests, or general health practices.</p><p>Without any obvious place to turn to, people are likely to bring their questions or concerns to staff. While assisting with these concerns is an important way for an establishment to build stronger ties, interpersonal interaction alone is a suboptimal solution. For one thing, assisting with many basic questions can quickly add up to a significant demand on one’s time. For another, some questions may only be answerable by individuals with a particular level of expertise. Finally, relying solely on a team of employees may disadvantage visitors who genuinely need information, but don’t want to interrupt a busy team with questions.</p><p>Digital kiosks are just about perfect as a supplement to, if not an outright replacement for, many of the unofficial Q&amp;A sessions that many businesses have to deal with. Info kiosks placed in lobbies, waiting rooms, or even exam rooms can put company or expert-approved messages just a couple of taps away. It’s a great way to not only free up staff that might otherwise get distracted by questions, but to allow people to self-direct their info-seeking journey.</p><figure >Kiosks can help businesses deliver information more efficiently</figcaption></figure><h2 >Digital kiosks offer superior navigation features</h2><p>Self-service kiosks are also taking off outside of the retail space, employed by cities, shopping centres, hospitals, and other establishments to help people find their way.</p><p>Unlike the confusing static maps that used to be the standard, digital kiosks are intuitive, and can provide specific directions that allow individuals to get personalized directions. Rather than the old standby of "You are here," the directions can assume the user’s perspective, showing the path forward as it would appear to the person standing at the kiosk.</p><p>Better still, kiosks can integrate multiple data feeds to provide multiple kinds of directions that an individual might want. A navigation kiosk on the sidewalk, for example, could offer directions and travel times for people travelling by car, bicycle, walking, or transit. It might even include information about the next upcoming departure by whatever modes of transit are nearby.</p><p><strong>Example</strong>:<a href="https://www.link.nyc/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">LinkNYC</a> kiosks across New York City allow users to find their way with free access to Google Maps. This offers access to the full set of directions included in the regular Google Maps app, allowing users to get the right directions for their transportation method of choice.</p><figure >While smartphones may make these sorts of features seem redundant, good kiosks are sure to be appreciated by people caught out with low battery, who are visiting without access to much mobile data, or who are in areas that do not offer navigation through popular map applications.</figcaption></figure><h2 >Kiosks are ideal for delivering advertising</h2><p>If kiosks deliver good services and are deployed well, people are going to look to them, and seek them out for help completing whatever task they’re looking to accomplish. This makes these kiosks ideal for delivering advertising in a number of interesting and exciting ways.</p><p>A kiosk owner might, to start, sell the opportunity to place ads on the wait screen that displays when a kiosk is not in use. Other opportunities can also be explored depending on the nature of the business. A mall might allow stores to pay for access to a featured position in a directory, or for a buyer to pay to brand the look of that directory on a temporary basis. A clinic might allow a wellness or health brand to promote a new product or service of interest to its patients.</p><figure >Kiosks draw a lot of attention, making them ideal locations for ads</figcaption></figure><p>Because they are so effective at drawing attention, any owners who do not implement advertising on their kiosks are typically leaving a significant amount of money on the table. Some kiosks, such as the LinkNYC Links that offer WiFi, directions, and other services to people on the streets of New York City, fund themselves entirely through advertising, leaving users to enjoy access to useful services for free without emptying the coffers of the owners.</p><h2 >People really like digital kiosks</h2><p>It seems that it doesn’t matter which environment they’re in; people love using digital kiosks to find information and complete transactions themselves. <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.retaildive.com/news/shoppers-want-more-in-store-tech-tools/444830/" target="_blank">A survey by Bouncepad</a> found that 61% of consumers wanted self-service as an option when interacting with businesses. The trend seems to be extending even to restaurants, where reception to self-service options was mixed early on. <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.emarketer.com/content/mcdonald-s-is-betting-on-a-self-service-future-again" target="_blank">A Market Force Information survey</a> found that where just 30% of respondents had recently used tech-enabled ordering in 2015, that number climbed to 62% by 2018.</p><p>In other words, the benefits of incorporating kiosks goes beyond the various enhancements to functionality and to the heart of meeting shifting consumer demands. Investing in good kiosks now can help set you up for a future in which self-service and on-demand access are the norm.</p><p><strong>Do you want to deploy profitable kiosks that people love?</strong><strong><a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/" target="_blank">Learn how Broadsign can help</a>!</strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How independent billboard operators can succeed with digital out-of-home]]><![CDATA[

As of 2016, Billboard Insider estimated that there were as many as 1,000 independent billboard operators in the United States, and many thousands more exist around the world.These networks may only represent a handful of faces or displays each, but operate some of the hidden gems of the out-of-home world. For many independent operators, finding […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/independent-billboard-operatorshttps://broadsign.com/blog/independent-billboard-operators<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 04 Apr 2019 11:16:42 GMT<p>As of 2016, <a href="https://billboardinsider.com/how-many-independent-outdoor-companies-are-in-the-us/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Billboard Insider</a> estimated that there were as many as 1,000 independent billboard operators in the United States, and many thousands more exist around the world.These networks may only represent a handful of faces or displays each, but operate some of the hidden gems of the out-of-home world.</p><p>For many independent operators, finding ways to attract big brands, improve operational efficiency, and future-proof their networks are top concerns. Networks that transition to digital can start addressing these issues by choosing the right digital signage software.</p><h2 >Increasing revenue by enabling dynamic campaigns</h2><p>Creatively, the <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home (DOOH) medium</a> offers a lot more possibility than static billboards and posters. DOOH can include motion and brighter colours, but also offers the opportunity to use data for impressive campaigns. Data integration opens the door to <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">dynamic content</a>, which is content that can change in response to external conditions. This means that an ad can change in response to the developing score in the home team’s game, that different creatives for a single ad campaign can be played depending on the time of day, etc. This provides a more interesting and relevant experience for audiences.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> This J.C. Decaux video demonstrates examples of dynamic campaigns run on a screen in Chicago. The ads themselves change in response to a number of external conditions.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>Enabling dynamic campaigns takes a bit more technical setup than just displaying static imagery up on a screen, but there’s an upside. Networks that support dynamic creative can charge an increased rate for those kinds of campaigns. They&#8217;re also in higher demand for large brands with big ideas they hope will make a splash. In other words, there’s a good financial incentive for independent network operators to ensure their screens have what it takes to do dynamic.</p><p>The first step in providing broad support for dynamic campaigns is for network operators to get the right software. Choosing an extensible platform with an open API will make it possible to deliver on all sorts of dynamic campaigns buyers may want to run.</p><h2 >Integrating static and digital inventory in a single system</h2><p>Digital out-of-home (DOOH) is an exciting space, but it&#8217;s an expensive process to transition to digital. Just one digital billboard can cost tens of thousands of dollars to buy and install, and hundreds or thousands to maintain each year. Understandably, many independent outdoor advertising companies are making the transition gradually.</p><p>This creates a bit of an operational challenge, in that the management and sales processes differ. Static media sales involve a single entity buying inventory for a prolonged period, priced according to the likely number of impressions. Digital, however, typically involves many entities buying up ad slots on one or more displays. The <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/modernize-dooh-sales-broadsign-direct/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">pricing models</a> for these media can be diverse. Some buyers prefer to buy according to audience or the type of screen, or just whatever they can fit in their budget.</p><div ><figure >DOOH buyers may prefer one of several pricing models</figcaption></figure></div><p>The old industry standard of Excel is not ideal for managing these sorts of mixed demands. Outdoor advertising companies can instead find the solution they need in <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/modernize-dooh-sales-broadsign-direct/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">dedicated sales tools</a> for the OOH space. These help to streamline the sales process by offering instant access to booking data. Users can quickly check availability and build proposals for digital and static inventory, or mixtures of the two, in real-time.</p><p>It’s also worth noting that media buyers today often look to buy both static and digital inventory as part of larger, multichannel advertising campaigns. Media owners that integrate all of their inventory into a common system will make it easier for themselves to book and deliver these sorts of campaigns for buyers.</p><h2 >Getting on board with the programmatic future</h2><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Programmatic transactions</a> are becoming more common in the DOOH industry. These automate the transaction and delivery of ads so that they only appear before specific audiences or under specific conditions. Similar to dynamic campaigns, programmatic can help achieve greater relevance and impact.<strong>Example:</strong> In order to promote its pick-up service, Foodora used programmatic DOOH as part of a multichannel, targeted campaign that reached more than a million impressions.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>Independent outdoor ad networks that adopt programmatic can realize a few key benefits.First, the enhanced targeting and relevance of programmatic campaigns justify a higher price. Operators can easily increase revenue on their inventory with programmatic.</p><p>Second, programmatic can widen the pool of potential buyers. Many national and international brands look for opportunities to incorporate DOOH into their campaigns. Having programmatic access to unique inventory held by independent companies can be very attractive.</p><div ><figure >Large brands around the world may look to buy programmatic DOOH</figcaption></figure></div><p>Finally, it provides a convenient way to optimize yield. Networks can automatically fill unsold slots with media from high bidders or trusted buyers with pre-arranged pricing.</p><p>To achieve these benefits, networks should adopt a programmatic platform that connects with a variety of demand-side platforms (DSPs) used by buyers. Opting to go with a closed system will allow programmatic sales only through a smaller, single source of demand. This might lock out major buyers who choose to work through major DSPs that connect to many digital screens around the world.</p><h2 >Ensuring networks deliver strong proof-of-play reporting</h2><p>The DOOH medium is getting more capable and being used for more interesting and complex campaigns. At the same time, media buyers are demanding firm proof that the campaigns they book are actually being delivered. In order to secure a bright future for a digital network, independent operators need to meet this demand.</p><p>Fortunately, proof-of-play (PoP) functionality is not hard to come by. Leading digital signage software platforms today typically bake in some sort of PoP feature. It is important to note, however, that few platforms have <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-updates-soc-ii-isae3402-reports-now-include-proof-play-campaign-performance/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">conducted independent audits</a> to confirm that their data are accurate. When selecting digital signage software, evaluating proof-of-play functionality specifically is advisable.</p><p>Having strong proof-of-play capability is effectively a prerequisite for many of the other opportunities in the DOOH space, such as delivering dynamic or programmatic campaigns. It&#8217;s also particularly important for landing opportunities with big-name buyers. Select <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">the right digital signage software</a> to ensure you get data of a quality that opens doors.</p><div ><figure >Good proof-of-play capability can be just the thing to attract great deals</figcaption></figure></div><h2 >Optimizing DOOH networks for efficiency</h2><p>One of the beauties of DOOH is that, with the right setup, it’s easy to manage even large networks of screens with minimal effort. For independent DOOH networks operating with small teams, finding ways to achieve this efficiency is a big benefit.</p><p>The critical step is to use content management software (CMS) to automate as much scheduling as possible. Playlist-based software can handle scheduling, but is inefficient and leaves room for user error. Buyers often want to keep their ads separate from competitors&#8217;, or want a quick correction made to media that was previously submitted. Addressing these concerns completely can be quite time consuming when working with multiple playlists.</p><div ><figure >An automated CMS makes scheduling content much easier.</figcaption></figure></div><p>An automated CMS, on the other hand, simplifies the process. Network operators can establish rules about which content should be played when, along with any exceptions. Once these rules are established, all content is scheduled and delivered appropriately. Given the complexities of scheduling outdoor advertising, this leads to significant time savings that compoundthe larger a network gets.</p><p><strong>Do you want to learn what the Broadsign platform can do for your digital signage?</strong><strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/request-a-demo/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Book your personalized demo</a> today.</strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Fresh spring updates to our digital signage software]]><![CDATA[

Spring is the time for all things fresh and new – trees budding, flowers growing, birds flying back home…and an update to our entire platform! We’ve been working on lots of features over the past while and we’re excited to finally share them with you. We’ll be hosting a webinar on April 11 to dive […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/fresh-spring-updates-to-our-digital-signage-softwarehttps://broadsign.com/blog/fresh-spring-updates-to-our-digital-signage-software<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:55:42 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Spring is the time for all things fresh and new – trees budding, flowers growing, birds flying back home&#8230;and an update to our entire platform! We’ve been working on lots of features over the past while and we’re excited to finally share them with you. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">We’ll be hosting a webinar on April 11 to dive into the details and show you what’s new in the Broadsign platform. Register here – and read on for a few highlights! </span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">What’s new in Broadsign Control </span></h2><h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">Simplified login with enterprise authentication</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Say goodbye to the dreaded </span><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">forgot password.</span></i><span style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;With our new single sign-on approach, your Broadsign Control users can now log in using their usual business credentials. With this system, they’re less likely to forget their password, and it also gives your IT team the ability to manage their database and quickly enable or disable access to Broadsign Control. </span></p><h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">Expanded automation with APIs</span></h4><p><b>Pre-buffering player API – </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Weather or traffic data unavailable? Ensure gapless playback by using intelligent buffering to skip a data-driven piece of dynamic content should the data feed be unavailable. </span><b>Open API enhancements – </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Want to see if all players are online or check if there have been any playback errors on your screens? You can now easily filter all incidents and only report on the type you’re currently looking for.</span></p><h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">Newest Ubuntu support</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As usual, we’re keeping up with the latest version of Ubuntu, 18.04, to give your network access to their improved security, hardware support and new 10-year vendor support. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">If you missed our last Broadsign Control update, </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-broadsign-control-live-and-broadsign-control-13-0"><span style="font-weight: 400;">here’s what we were up to</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">. </span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">What’s new in Broadsign Direct</span></h2><h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">More flexibility with proposal amendments </span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As a campaign evolves, so does its goals, budget and requirements. Users can now edit proposals in a few simple clicks. They can also quickly cancel booked proposals to free up space should a campaign be cancelled.</span></p><h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">Easier booking with campaign renewal</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For your loyal customers, clone a current or pre-existing proposal to easily renew a campaign.</span></p><h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">Improved support for static scrolling posters</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">When booking a campaign on a scrolling poster, you can now see exactly which slots are available on which faces, giving them real-time data into availability. </span></p><h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">Automated price adjustments with dynamic rate cards</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If your network generally offers discounts during slow times, or surge pricing during more popular times, you can now associate seasonal pricing to rate cards, making the RFP process even simpler for your sales team.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Missed our last Broadsign Direct update? </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/simplify-your-ooh-and-dooh-campaign-booking-with-broadsign-direct"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Check out the details here</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">What’s new in Broadsign Publish </span></h2><h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">More template customization options</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">No one knows their audience more than the users: receptionists, private practice owners, office managers and more. Text-based templates are a good start, but with this latest addition to Broadsign Publish, you can now give local users more creative capabilities by with a series of pre-approved images and audio for added template customization.</span></p><h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">Help local users from afar with new administrator tools</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Sometimes remote support can be a hassle, particularly when done over the phone or email. To better understand local users’ needs and provide quicker assistance, you can now log in as the user in question, and troubleshoot any issues directly from their account. </span></p><h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">Maintain your network with content approval workflows and strict privileges</span></h4><p><b>Content approval workflow – </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Standardize your content approval process and ensure quick turnaround with email notifications when there is a template pending approval.</span><b>Site organization and privileges – </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Give each user only access to what they need with user profiles, keeping your site organized and users aware of their roles.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">For more about Broadsign Publish, </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-broadsign-publish"><span style="font-weight: 400;">read this</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">What’s new in Broadsign Reach</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A big step of making programmatic DOOH truly take off is transforming the DOOH workflow into processes that digital media buyers are used to working with. By doing so, DOOH inventory is more attractive to buyers, and gives you, the network operator, the opportunity to tap into a marketing budget previously reserved for online, mobile and social media. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;"></span><span style="font-weight: 400;"></span><span style="font-weight: 400;">With this in mind, we have made enhancements to Broadsign Reach that will allow you to make inventory more attractive to media buyers.</span></p><h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">HTML5 support for added dynamic capabilities and responsiveness</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With HTML5 now supported in Broadsign Reach, programmatic media buyers can now deploy data-driven creatives, adding context and relevancy to their campaign. What’s more, mobile and online ads currently created in HTML5 can easily be modified for different sizes, making DOOH screens an accessible medium for a multichannel campaign. </span></p><h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">Augmented VAST capabilities</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">VAST is an online video support standard, created by the Interactive Advertising Bureau, that helps advertisers serve their video ads on various channels and formats. This is a standard that programmatic media buyers work with daily, and will give advertisers a familiar way to book videos on DOOH screens.</span><b>Geo-targeted VAST – </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Advertisers buying via VAST tags can now geo-target their content and serve different versions based on your screen location. </span><b>DoubleClick for Publishers VAST tag support –</b><span style="font-weight: 400;"> With new support for DoubleClick VAST buyers, reach even more advertisers and agencies using Google’s ad stack.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">To better understand why VAST support is important for the DOOH industry, </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/vast-support-broadsign-reach"><span style="font-weight: 400;">read this breakdown</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">. </span></p><h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">Don’t miss our webinar!</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> Join our webinar&nbsp;on April 11 to see our platform in action, learn more about how your network can benefit, and ask our team of product specialists any questions you may have. We have different time slots available and are also hosting one in French.</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Landmark Cinemas uses targeted DOOH to make movie magic]]><![CDATA[

With today’s moviegoers increasingly eager for premium experiences, enhancing the guest experience while maintaining optimal operational efficiency is critical for delivering sustained growth in the cinema industry. a standout cinema experience From its origin as a single-screen movie house in 1965, today Landmark Cinemas, part of the international cinema exhibition chain Kinepolis Group, is Canada’s […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-landmark-cinemas-uses-targeted-dooh-to-make-movie-magichttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-landmark-cinemas-uses-targeted-dooh-to-make-movie-magic<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 01 Apr 2019 10:39:56 GMT<p>With today’s moviegoers increasingly eager for premium experiences, enhancing the guest experience while maintaining optimal operational efficiency is critical for delivering sustained growth in the cinema industry.</p><h2>a standout cinema experience</h2><p>From its origin as a single-screen movie house in 1965, today Landmark Cinemas, part of the international cinema exhibition chain Kinepolis Group, is Canada’s second-largest motion picture theatre exhibition company operating 319 screens across 45 cinemas.</p><p>Landmark’s growth has been fueled by the company’s focus on enhancing the movie-going experience through its introduction of luxury recliner seating, free reserved seating, and additional guest-first initiatives.<div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2>targeted dooh to make the movies more special</h2><p>A key component of Landmark’s movie-going experience is its pre-show feature presented prior to each film. Containing editorial and advertising content, the pre-show is packaged to be age-appropriate and relevant to the audience for each film. Landmark recognizes that its captive, and receptive audience, view the pre-show as a valuable component of the movie-going experience and curates national, regional, and hyper-local content to ensure the pre-show’s relevancy.</p><p>Landmark’s strategy is enabled by Broadsign Control, the automated CMS at the heart of Landmark’s pre-show. The software allows Landmark to establish clear rules that determine the content to be played where, and when, and then automatically builds and distributes the correct content to each of Landmark’s screens prior to the movie. It’s an elegant solution that saves Landmark the arduous work of manually creating pre-show content mixes for each movie, while preserving the high level of relevance the brand desires.</p><h2>solving a time crunch with broadsign’s professional services</h2><p>Selecting the Broadsign platform ensured Landmark was able to meet the needs of its content delivery strategy, and by enlisting the expertise of Broadsign’s professional services team Landmark was able to quickly, and seamlessly, integrate the platform in their operations across the circuit.</p><p>Working with Landmark’s IT, marketing, and national sales teams, the Broadsign professional services team helped ensure the necessary preparations were completed for the platform to be integrated and operated in the most efficient way and enabled Landmark’s 319 screens to be up and running smoothly on the Broadsign platform in just three months.</p><div >Since launch, the relationship has continued, with weekly calls held between Landmark and the Broadsign services team to review network health and operational enhancements.</div><div ><p><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2>looking ahead</h2><p>The Broadsign Control CMS has enabled Landmark Cinemas to successfully realize its strategy to deliver a curated, audience relevant pre-show unique to each film, and Broadsign Control CMS presents additional opportunities for Landmark’s to enhance its guest experience.</p><p>The system’s scalability, flexibility, and stability enable Landmark endless opportunities to explore different ways to incorporate digital content and advertising across their growing network. From continuing to build on its on-screen experience, to enhancing additional guest touchpoints, including digital signage, Broadsign Control offers Landmark a system with the capability to accomplish future DOOH-related goals.</p></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Landmark Cinemas standardizes on Broadsign to power its cinema pre-show]]><![CDATA[

Montreal, Quebec. March 28, 2019 – Broadsign, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform, today announced that its technology will power dynamic pre-show experiences across Landmark Cinemas, Canada’s second-largest motion picture theatre exhibition company with 319 screens spanning 45 cinemas. Landmark will also utilize Broadsign in its two new theatres opening in 2019, Market Mall […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/landmark-cinemas-standardizes-on-broadsign-to-power-its-cinema-pre-showhttps://broadsign.com/blog/landmark-cinemas-standardizes-on-broadsign-to-power-its-cinema-pre-show<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 27 Mar 2019 19:00:05 GMT<p><strong>Montreal, Quebec. March 28, 2019 &#8211;</strong> Broadsign, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform, today announced that its technology will power <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">dynamic pre-show experiences</a> across Landmark Cinemas, Canada’s second-largest motion picture theatre exhibition company with 319 screens spanning 45 cinemas. Landmark will also utilize Broadsign in its two new theatres opening in 2019, Market Mall in Calgary and Aurora in Regina.</p><p>Using Broadsign’s content management system (CMS), <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Control</a>, Landmark will automate scheduling and distribution of advertising, behind-the-scenes footage, and other pre-show content to screens across its network. The technology enables Landmark to quickly and easily distribute targeted national, regional, and hyper-local content as part of its pre-show, with Broadsign’s CMS automatically scheduling content based on movie genre, film rating, audience profile, and more when serving content to Landmark’s estimated 12 million annual moviegoers.</p><p>"A great pre-show experience is a part of what consumers love when they go to the movies, which presents a fantastic opportunity for content providers and advertisers looking to reach a captive, receptive audience," said Bill Walker, CEO Landmark Cinemas. "Standardizing on Broadsign’s platform makes it easier for us to deliver an engaging pre-show for our customers, while providing us with the platform to scale and attract advertisers to increase our revenue stream."</p><p>"Landmark Cinemas’ growth is a testament to its consumer appeal. With the Broadsign platform, they will be able to deliver a more relevant pre-show cinematic experience for its guests, while appealing to a wide range of advertisers," said Maarten Dollevoet, Sr. VP Sales, Broadsign.</p><h4 >About Broadsign</h4><p>Broadsign is the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform that enables brands, agencies and DOOH media publishers to buy, sell, and deliver DOOH campaigns efficiently, reliably and securely. Lighting up airports, shopping malls, health clinics, street corners and more, the Broadsign platform powers screens at the heart of people’s lives and delivers more than 13 billion ads and 52 billion impressions per month. The Broadsign marketing platform includes Broadsign Control for content distribution, playback and proof of performance, Broadsign Direct for sales inventory availability and proposal generation, and Broadsign Reach, a customized SSP for programmatic DOOH transactions.</p><h4 >About Landmark Cinemas</h4><p>A subsidiary of Kinepolis Group NV, Belgium, Landmark is Canada’s second largest motion picture, theatre exhibition company. From a single screen in 1965, Landmark Cinemas welcomes Movie Lovers to share their love of movies and enjoy a perfect movie-going experience in 45 cinemas and 319 screens throughout Western Canada, Ontario and the Yukon Territory. We are connected to the communities we serve, and our Cast and Crew are proud to support Kids Help Phone. As a National Sponsor of the Walk, through promotional support and fundraising initiatives in our theatres, we are committed to support the mental health and well-being of both our youth Guests and Cast &amp; Crew. Landmark’s corporate headquarters is in Calgary, Alberta. For additional information: <a href="http://landmarkcinemas.com" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">landmarkcinemas.com</a>.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How QMS Media delivers a dynamic DOOH experience]]><![CDATA[

It’s not easy to stand out when up against larger competition, but it’s not impossible. In the DOOH space, creative ideas and clever technical execution can create the kind of experience that make people – and advertisers – take notice. In Australia and New Zealand, QMS Media offers a perfect example of this approach in […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-qms-media-delivers-a-dynamic-dooh-experiencehttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-qms-media-delivers-a-dynamic-dooh-experience<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 20 Mar 2019 15:06:42 GMT<p>It’s not easy to stand out when up against larger competition, but it’s not impossible. In the DOOH space, creative ideas and clever technical execution can create the kind of experience that make people &#8211; and advertisers &#8211; take notice.</p><p>In Australia and New Zealand, QMS Media offers a perfect example of this approach in action. Combining smart technical execution with an innovative approach to building creative campaigns, the company offers a strong example of the power of good ideas done well.</p><h2 >Focus on quality</h2><p>Though other networks in the region may boast more total displays, QMS is confident that its portfolio of premium quality digital screens and street furniture set it apart as a network of choice for discerning buyers. Since its formation in 2015, the company has prided itself on taking full advantage of its locations through quality hardware, data integration,&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home">dynamic content</a>, and a can-do spirit. If its clients have a will to get an interesting campaign off the ground, QMS will figure out how to make it happen.</p><p>Among its prized assets are large format roadside displays, sports media screens, and exclusive coverage of Canberra Airport and Gold Coast bus shelters. Each format provides high-visibility canvases for the approximately 3,200 pieces of creative shown by the network each day.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >A dynamic business</h2><p>Compelling dynamic DOOH campaigns like the ones run by QMS are rooted in good ideas and careful planning. For QMS, both are often born in the company’s Digilab. A dedicated technology hub comprised of an interactive video wall and large portrait screens, the Digilab serves as a space where QMS can run tech demos or brainstorm with clients to get the next big idea rolling. Also included as part of Digilab, is a series of operational screens used for monitoring ongoing campaigns and testing out new ideas.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>The functionality of the Digilab has led to the successful implementation of a number of standout dynamic campaigns. One notable example was a campaign for Claratyne, who wanted to promote its antihistamine with a DOOH ad that dynamically updated to deliver the current pollen count. Surprisingly, Australia did not have a data feed available for same-day pollen counts. Rather than give up the idea, QMS commissioned Melbourne University to create the required feed. The data was secured, the campaign was able to go live, and the country as a whole benefited from a new source of useful data promoted across QMS’ digital network.</p><p>Looking ahead, QMS intends to push its dynamic model even further, and regularly integrate multiple data streams into campaigns to connect with people with a greater degree of precision and relevance. The goal is to use&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.2.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644">digital out-of-home</a>&nbsp;to tell stories that audiences will remember and that will generate results for its clients.</p><h2 >Harnessing data to the fullest</h2><p>To power its innovation in out-of-home, QMS devotes a fair bit of energy to creating useful new tools for itself and its clients. A recent example is its Portal project, which combines its booking data and media play data to highlight any discrepancies that need to be addressed. Examples include things like playback errors, mismatches between booked inventory and content scheduling, prohibited content scheduled to play when or where it shouldn’t, etc.</p><p>The Portal is the first step on the road to providing full post-campaign analysis for QMS’ clients, a goal QMS sees as an important next step for their dynamic campaigns. The better the quality of the data the company can provide, the better it can meet its obligations to clients, and the more appealing its services will be to data-hungry media buyers.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >QMS and Broadsign</h2><p>As the foundation for its dynamic, data-driven work and ambitions for the large majority of its screens, QMS trusts Broadsign. The platform’s open nature is ideal for integrating all manner of external data feeds to trigger campaigns, and the extensive reporting functionality built into Broadsign will help drive the success of the company’s Portal project. Better still, the growing capabilities of the Broadsign platform is opening up new avenues, such as&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.2.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644">programmatic transactions</a>, that QMS is actively progressing.</p><p>QMS sees the platform as ideal both for simple, everyday tasks and for the kinds of complex campaigns that are becoming its hallmark. The company likens using Broadsign to its fullest potential to driving a Ferrari at top speed, something that requires skill to pull off to the fullest extent, but is so worth it for whoever is in the driver’s seat.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Why do so many DOOH campaigns still fall short?]]><![CDATA[

“DOOH needs to break free from its traditional roots.” While we in the industry know that digital out-of-home has become so much more than the traditional print roadside billboard, it would seem that many creative agencies, brands and media buyers have yet to get the memo. Oskar Op de Beke, creative lead at Kinetic Worldwide, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/why-do-so-many-dooh-campaigns-still-fall-shorthttps://broadsign.com/blog/why-do-so-many-dooh-campaigns-still-fall-short<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 14 Mar 2019 09:31:37 GMT<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">"DOOH needs to break free from its traditional roots."</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400;">While we in the industry know that digital out-of-home has become so much more than the traditional print roadside billboard, it would seem that many creative agencies, brands and media buyers have yet to get the memo. Oskar Op de Beke, creative lead at <a href="https://kineticww.com/">Kinetic Worldwide</a>, is on a mission to change this.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Oskar moderated our Broadsign Summit creative panel at ISE this year, where he, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/qa-keith-nilsen-voodooh/">Keith Nilsen</a> from <a href="https://www.voodooh.com/">voodooh</a>, and <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/recipe-great-dooh-campaign/">Ric Albert</a> from <a href="https://grandvisual.com/">Grand Visual</a>, discussed the importance and future of dynamic and creative campaigns in the digital out-of-home industry. If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out their panel, and read our Q&amp;A below, where we turned the tables and asked Oskar a few questions of our own.</span></p><h1><span style="font-weight: 400;">Q&amp;A with Oskar Op de Beke</span></h1><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">In a nutshell, what makes a successful DOOH campaign?</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A good digital out-of-home campaign is one that has a strong effect in the moment, and has an impact on people who walk by. But a great DOOH campaign is one that also has a second life. This can be through different channels, like social media, but if it’s really interesting, it can be through more standard media types like TV, newspapers or creative awards.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">This is usually acheived when the ad evokes an emotional impact on the audience. A great example of this is a recent campaign by the NHS health services, where the screens showed the location of local blood donation centers and what blood types they’re currently low on, in real-time. The fact that this had an impact on the neighbourhood made this campaign extremely sharable. This campaign was beautiful because it had an actual impact on the people on the streets, and this drove its second life online.</span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">What are some of the main creative tactics that brands should use to make a great campaign?</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">I think the key thing to remember when creating a DOOH campaign is context. It’s what turns a DOOH campaign into an experience rather than just an ad. Out-of-home has so many variables and diverse contexts going on. When a campaign takes these variables into account, it has it’s greatest effect.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">With DOOH, we have the tools available to create a unique and contextual ad for every screen and every location. This means more relevant ads for the audience, and gives brands more opportunities to make a true connection with the audience. And adding quality context to campaign doesn’t need to be difficult. Easy data integrations are simple with the tech available.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">This can be done in a really simple way, as Dove did with their Times Square campaign. It’s elegant, extremely timely and had a true impact on the people who were in the streets at the time. </span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Given that it’s so easy to create great DOOH content, why do so many campaigns still fall short?</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">It&#8217;s a mystery that I think a lot of us in the out-of-home world are trying to solve, especially those of us who are directly connected to the big agencies and clients. In the end, I think it&#8217;s because digital out-of-home has undergone quite a quick renaissance in terms of switching from static to digital. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">While this brought about many advantages and creative opportunities, DOOH is still very much seen as a traditional media type. It’s just the way it’s categorized in people’s minds and in the minds of creative agencies. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">It can also be linked to the way the medium is bought. DOOH has many of the creative capabilities digital online has, yet it is mainly bought in traditional ways. All this together frames DOOH as a traditional channel, and in the minds of creative agencies, traditional is not very exciting. They want to stay away from boring and usually prefer to focus on online and social. This is why many creative agencies define themselves as digital-first. This means traditional channels, like DOOH, are often not top-of-mind when designing a campaign.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Luckily, this trend seems to be changing. More and more, digital out-of-home is being seen as a digital media type. &nbsp;</span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">How has programmatic made it easier to deliver amazing DOOH campaigns? </span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Programmatic is all about increased campaign efficiency. Not only can we create relevant content for the audience, but we can now also make sure it’s served at a relevant time. It’s all about being in the moment. Even a simple data feed, like current traffic, can really transform a campaign by serving different creatives given the data, or making the budget more efficient by only playing the ad when a certain criterion is met. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Programmatic is about developing a relationship with the audience by delivering contextual content, while also producing the least budget waste possible. </span></p><h3><span style="font-weight: 400;">About Oskar</span></h3><p><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script><span style="font-weight: 400;">I have always had a passion for stellar advertising. Having worked in OOH now for about three years, I continue to appreciate the potential for OOH to deliver brilliant brand experiences on a daily basis for audiences on the move. I am half American and half Dutch, born and raised outside of Washington D.C. My studies delved into the world of human psychology and communication sciences, after which I entered OOH through the realm of innovation. I continue to find my place there, today, as the Creative Lead for the Benelux innovation team. &nbsp;</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Starlite Media Takes its Retail Ad Displays Digital, Ramps Up for Programmatic with Broadsign]]><![CDATA[

New York, New York. March 11, 2019 – Broadsign, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform, and OOH advertising service provider Starlite Media are teaming up to transform out-of-home advertising in grocery stores and retail centers. Starlite has begun deploying the complete Broadsign Platform to convert its growing network of 6000 static outdoor ad displays […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/starlite-media-takes-its-retail-ad-displays-digital-ramps-up-for-programmatic-with-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/starlite-media-takes-its-retail-ad-displays-digital-ramps-up-for-programmatic-with-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 11 Mar 2019 19:24:05 GMT<p><strong>New York, New York. March 11, 2019</strong> – Broadsign, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform, and OOH advertising service provider <a href="http://starlitemedia.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Starlite Media</a> are teaming up to transform out-of-home advertising in grocery stores and retail centers. Starlite has begun deploying the complete Broadsign Platform to convert its growing network of 6000 static outdoor ad displays to free-standing digital units and scale quickly with programmatic capabilities. Spread throughout prime in-person transaction areas in grocery-anchored retail centers across the U.S., Starlite’s digital network is expected to reach 500 screens by the year’s end with 2000 more screens planned for 2020.Already underway, the conversion will transform Starlite’s existing network of static signs into intelligent, digital kiosks running on large format screens with video analytics, remote management and proof-of-play capabilities. Future advancements by Starlite and its other partners, driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI), will also augment Starlite’s retailer executions and consumer relevancy. With Broadsign <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Reach</a>, <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Control</a> and <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Direct</a> powering the network, Starlite will support programmatic transactions to simplify how it distributes and manages content. As the company integrates with dynamic content platforms, it also plans to leverage the Broadsign API extensively."By partnering with and standardizing on Broadsign for our digital transformation, we are opening new creative possibilities for advertisers, such as dynamic content with full motion and sound, to reinvent and personalize the customer experience. This will help our retail inventory generate more revenue, all while streamlining our backend," Dave Kelshaw, Chief Digital Officer, Starlite Digital. "Broadsign is helping us to modernize the look of our inventory and showcase the great digital advertising opportunities that they enable. With real time-analytics, a rules-based content engine, and programmatic buying, Starlite’s network brings increased advertising ROI and greater peace of mind to advertisers who are confident that the right ad content is shown to the right audience at the right time.""Retail centers are prime real estate for advertisers to reach their target audience close to the point of sale. By taking advantage of the Broadsign platform, Starlite will be able to extend its network of screens and appeal to more advertisers and consumers. This will in turn open up a new revenue stream while helping to give its locations a more modern look," said Maarten Dollevoet, Sr. VP Sales, Broadsign.</p><h4>About Broadsign</h4><p>Broadsign is the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform that enables brands, agencies and DOOH media publishers to buy, sell, and deliver DOOH campaigns efficiently, reliably and securely. Lighting up airports, shopping malls, health clinics, street corners and more, the Broadsign platform powers screens at the heart of people’s lives and delivers more than 13 billion ads and 52 billion impressions per month. The Broadsign marketing platform includes Broadsign Control for content distribution, playback and proof of performance, Broadsign Direct for sales inventory availability and proposal generation, and Broadsign Reach, a customized SSP for programmatic DOOH transactions.</p><h4>About Starlite</h4><p>Starlite Media is a privately held, out-of-home signage solutions and Shopper Marketing company with over 6,000 large format static signs strategically located at high traffic outdoor shopping centers, anchored with supermarkets, big box retailers, and drug stores. With a focus on digital transformation that is now underway, Starlite Digital is already delivering over 40 million monthly impressions, and on the path to over 1 billion. Digital and static clients include CPG, retail, financial, telecom, entertainment and local products and services. Starlite Digital has also partnered with a world-wide leader in advancing AI’s application in the DOOH world, and advancements will be made public after appropriate testing.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[International Women's Day interview with three product powerhouses]]><![CDATA[

Happy International Women’s Day, ladies! Today, we celebrate all the creative, passionate, hardworking women in our lives, and take the time to appreciate all the achievements they have accomplished. Here at Broadsign, we’re lucky enough to have three product powerhouses on our team, each a driving force behind much of our product development and roadmap. […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/international-womens-day-interview-with-three-product-powerhouseshttps://broadsign.com/blog/international-womens-day-interview-with-three-product-powerhouses<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 08 Mar 2019 09:27:27 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Happy International Women’s Day, ladies! Today, we celebrate all the creative, passionate, hardworking women in our lives, and take the time to appreciate all the achievements they have accomplished. Here at Broadsign, we’re lucky enough to have three product powerhouses on our team, each a driving force behind much of our product development and roadmap.<div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Alexandra Lapointe (left) and Khadija Chaabouni (right) are our product owners for Broadsign Control and Broadsign Direct respectively. They work closely with customers to determine their needs, collaborate with stakeholders from nearly every internal department, and each guide a team of developers to create products that lead the digital out-of-home industry. Saaniya Shaikh (center) is our senior UX designer, who is working on refreshing the end-to-end journey of our products, considering our customers’ needs, usage habits and UX industry best practices.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">We sat down with each driven woman to see how they built their career, and how they think other women can follow in their path.</span></p><h3><span style="font-weight: 400;">Was there a specific time in your life where you decided you wanted to work in tech?</span></h3><p><b>Alexandra</b><span style="font-weight: 400;">I was actually in finance when my friend, who he himself had made the move to tech, invited me to join him. I didn’t have any experience in the field, but I took the jump anyways and completely fell in love with it. It’s funny to think that I didn’t even know how to install software using a CD at the time, and now I’m pursuing my master’s degree in software engineering! </span><b>Khadija</b><span style="font-weight: 400;">It all started when I was 11, and I stumbled upon Formula 1 racing on TV. It was all so fast – the cars, the pit crew – and I was hooked. That’s when I knew I wanted to become an engineer. Going the software route of engineering was pure luck, with my first internship being in a development position. I loved the team spirit between colleagues, and how we all worked so closely together to reach our goals.</span><b>Saaniya</b><span style="font-weight: 400;">I got completely entrenched into the world of AI and smart home during my time in Silicon Valley. For me, it hasn&#8217;t been only about tech, but also about creating end-to-end experiences, be it for physical or digital products.</span></p><h3><span style="font-weight: 400;">What was one of your most exciting career achievements?</span></h3><p><b>Alexandra</b><span style="font-weight: 400;">All of my happiest achievements were because I said yes to things I was scared of. Taking risks has led me to opportunities in which I am challenged, can work my hardest and continue learning along the way.</span><b>Khadija</b><span style="font-weight: 400;">My proudest moments have been when I was able to join a new group, one that was facing a bit of hardship, and turn the tables on the situation. I love the feeling of working with my peers to work hard, grow together and turn a negative situation into a positive one. </span><b>Saaniya</b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Getting to the point in my career where I was able to lead and mentor others has been extremely rewarding. When working, it’s often easy to forget that people have different levels of experience, and many are looking for someone to help them achieve their goals. With that mindset, I started <a href="https://www.meetup.com/WomenofProductMontreal/">Women of Product,</a>&nbsp;a community here in Montreal that encourages women leadership across different product verticals.</span></p><h3><span style="font-weight: 400;">What’s one of the most important lessons you’ve learned in your career so far?</span></h3><p><b>Alexandra</b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Believe in yourself. You’ll never be perfect and you’ll never please everyone – and that’s okay! I always stick to my values and do what I think is right. This has lead me to confidently share my ideas in order to lead and inspire my teams.</span><b>Khadija</b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Always work in an environment that inspires and challenges you. Learn as much as you can. The beauty of tech is that it’s always changing. Every two weeks, there’s something new to work on, a new challenge to tackle. You’ll never settle and never be bored. </span><b>Saaniya</b><span style="font-weight: 400;">One of the most important things I’ve learned is if you’re in a leadership position, hire someone who is better than you at the craft. You’re looking for the best candidate to bring their expertise to the team. I think a lot of people forget this sometimes and may even feel threatened. But hiring someone more talented than you gives you an opportunity to bring more to the table.</span></p><h3><span style="font-weight: 400;">What advice do you have for women looking to start a career in tech?</span></h3><p><b>Alexandra</b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Build a strong network of people and listen to feedback from those you trust. In your career, in school or in life, find people that motivate and improve you. Go to conferences, meetups, and talk to people, especially those outside your direct circle. Find people to guide you, challenge you and can remind you of who you are if ever you’re lost.</span><b>Khadija</b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Just follow your dreams. If you’re inspired by something, learn about it. For tech in particular, go to contests, meetups, workshops. And this can be at any age! There are great programs for kids to learn about coding, science and technology. Following your passion is the best way to a successful career.</span><b>Saaniya</b><span style="font-weight: 400;">My mom actually gave me a great piece of advice: "you need to work hard, but you need to work smart". Our family always believed in perseverance, but in a way that takes into account your time, resources and what you actually want to achieve. </span>&nbsp;</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Neo Advertising enables programmatic transactions through Broadsign Reach across its entire DOOH network]]><![CDATA[

Neo Advertising integrates all of its digital advertising inventory with the Broadsign Reach supply-side platform (SSP), the first programmatic platform specifically developed for digital out-of-home (DOOH). In connecting its digital signage inventory with the Broadsign Reach supply-side platform, Neo Advertising has become the largest programmatically enabled DOOH network in the Swiss market. With more than […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/neo-advertising-enables-programmatic-transactions-through-broadsign-reach-across-its-entire-dooh-networkhttps://broadsign.com/blog/neo-advertising-enables-programmatic-transactions-through-broadsign-reach-across-its-entire-dooh-network<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 07 Mar 2019 10:17:58 GMT<h3><strong>Neo Advertising integrates all of its digital advertising inventory with the Broadsign Reach supply-side platform (SSP), the first programmatic platform specifically developed for digital out-of-home (DOOH).</strong></h3><p>In connecting its digital signage inventory with the Broadsign Reach supply-side platform, Neo Advertising has become the largest programmatically enabled DOOH network in the Swiss market. With more than 8,000 DOOH displays available to demand-side platforms (DSPs) connected to<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Reach</a>; as well as enhanced targeting options such as demographics, date and time, and contextual criteria; Neo Advertising enables advertisers to plan, purchase and distribute complex campaigns in a simple and transparent process.Christian Vaglio-Giors, CEO of Neo Advertising, said: &#8220;It is clear that programmatic buying is playing a central role in the growth of the <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/out-of-home-advertising/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">outdoor advertising market</a>. As a complement to our traditional sales, this new channel expands our market and geographic reach by offering new targeting capabilities and instantaneous transactions.&#8221;&#8220;Neo Advertising continues to demonstrate innovation and market leadership by becoming the first Swiss outdoor advertising company to make its advertising inventory available to programmatic digital media buyers through Broadsign Reach,&#8221; says Adam Green, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Broadsign Reach. &#8220;This exciting new initiative allows us to provide buyers in Europe and North America with new opportunities in the Swiss media landscape.&#8221;Neo Advertising&#8217;s entire DOOH inventory is available via DSPs connected to Broadsign Reach today.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Blending tech and creativity for better dynamic DOOH]]><![CDATA[

“Double your tech teams.” It’s as much sound advice as it is a long-running plea by Keith Nilsen, co-founder of the digital out-of-home (DOOH) creative, development and technical operations company Voodooh. As the DOOH industry has developed, media owners have met an increasing need to incorporate analytics, external data feeds, and various other services into […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/qa-keith-nilsen-voodoohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/qa-keith-nilsen-voodooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 06 Mar 2019 09:35:34 GMT<p>"Double your tech teams."</p><p>It’s as much sound advice as it is a long-running plea by Keith Nilsen, co-founder of the digital out-of-home (DOOH) creative, development and technical operations company <a href="https://www.voodooh.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Voodooh</a>. As the DOOH industry has developed, media owners have met an increasing need to incorporate analytics, external data feeds, and various other services into their basic out-of-home setups. Keith sees increased investment in technical know-how as essential for network owners to keep up with the changing industry.</p><p>At Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) 2019, Keith participated in a creative panel at the Broadsign Customer Summit. There, he shared his perspective on the increased technical demands of the industry, as well as the opportunities and challenges ahead as buyers and owners delve deeper into the world of dynamic content.</p><p>Check out the video of the panel here, and don’t miss the Q&amp;A below, where we get a few more of Keith’s thoughts on <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">dynamic content and digital out-of-home</a>.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Q&amp;A With Keith Nilsen</h2><h3 ><strong>As a concept, what does dynamic DOOH mean to you?</strong></h3><p>Dynamic is basically anything involving intelligence, so not a JPEG or linear content. It’s possible to create dynamic elements within linear content, but for the most part, dynamic is fundamental intelligence that takes account of the screen itself, its location. By the fact that you know a screen’s location, you know its audience, you know its environmental conditions &#8211; is it raining, is it windy, is it hot, whatever &#8211; you therefore also know what’s around it. You know what retailers are around it; if it’s a bus shelter, you know when your next bus is coming. Dynamic is anything that brings intelligence and increased advertising relevance to what is fundamentally a <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital OOH screen</a> at a very specific location.</p><h3 ><strong>What does a good dynamic DOOH campaign look like?</strong></h3><p>Anything that taps elegantly into existing data sets, that makes that content more than the sum of its parts.</p><p>There are three types of content, predominantly, in Digital out-of-home. There’s the standard linear content; the file goes out and it’s treated the same as traditional out-of-home, an image goes up or a video goes up and it’s not doing anything. That’s the standard linear content. The opposite extreme is the likes of the British Airways "Look up." That is experiential content that requires, invariably, peripheral devices, cameras, sensors, buttons, etc. They tend to be complex, expensive, and one-off. In the middle, the golden area that we focus on, is just simply integrating data feeds to deliver increased campaign intelligence.</p><p>The data feeds all exist &#8211; environmental data feeds, traffic data feeds &#8211; all these data feeds exist out there, along with audience data and client’s own data. If you can mix those together, the result is absolutely beautifully relevant campaigns targeted to that screen, to that audience, delivered at the right time in an intelligent way.</p><div ><figure >created a dynamic campaign</a> that displayed an ad for Justin Bieber&#8217;s album whenever his songs were playing on the radio</figcaption></figure></div><h3 ><strong>For buyers hoping to do dynamic content development, what would you say is the most important thing they understand or think about going into the process?</strong></h3><p>That’s very easy: Do not assume that the production process is the same as online. Clients, production companies, etc. come into this space and they see what they see, which is the fact that a network consists of screens which have <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-signage-player-guide/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">players driving them</a> and which are linked to a remote connection of some sort. With those three elements, you’re talking about the same basic tech ecosystem as online. But the realities couldn’t be more different between online and out-of-home, so when you’re considering Digital OOH production, be aware that you’re talking about different realities.</p><h3 ><strong>What about for publishers? What should they think about for dynamic content?</strong></h3><p>Drill to the why. What is the client trying to do creatively on the screen? What are they trying to achieve, and how do they intend to execute that idea? We know some production companies who have run an EXE file, which on an out-of-home network is nothing short of catastrophically dangerous. As a media owner, as a media operator, be very clear about what your clients and their production companies are trying to do, why they are trying to do it, and how they’re going to achieve that campaign objective. And test thoroughly!</p><h3 ><strong>What can you say about the state of data collection and analysis in the industry? Are most networks even ready for targeted dynamic DOOH?</strong></h3><p>I believe the answer to that is yes. The networks are ready for it. The networks are ready for it by the fact that there is a screen, a network, and a connection. However, I believe that the clients are not fully aware of either the wealth of data that they hold, or the value of deploying that into out-of-home campaigns, or even whether they can do it. Many clients that we speak to have no idea that you can integrate data into the out-of-home campaigns to the level that is possible.</p><h3 ><strong>What are your thoughts on programmatic DOOH, now and looking forward, as it relates to dynamic content?</strong></h3><p>The challenge with out-of-home is that many networks are running legacy systems. <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Programmatic is well-established</a>, well-proven, well-developed within the online space. The problem, the challenge, has been that people have looked at digital out-of-home and again made that assumption that because there’s a screen and a connection, therefore it must be the same as online. And so there’ve been a number of players come into the market believing they have solutions to the conundrum but without really understanding what the media owner operational realities are.</p><p>Is there a place for programmatic? Absolutely, there’s no question of it. However, Programmatic starts with automation &#8211; we need to get the automation conversation underway and established first, and it needs to be rock-solid. Programmatic is a natural evolution from automation; dynamic content and capabilities simply feature naturally within that wider intelligent conversation.</p><h3 ><strong>Any other thoughts?</strong></h3><p>I think that for a long time, there was a resistance to adoption of common platforms in our industry. A <a href="https://broadsign.com/content-network-management" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">common CMS platform</a> at least is a critical start point in Digital OOH and the fact that Broadsign has become so widely adopted by many global media owners has been a huge help in standardising digital OOH operations and therefore dynamic solutions.</p><p>As a production company, previously when you were developing a dynamic campaign, you had to accommodate for any number of <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">various CMS platforms</a>. I believe that having Broadsign as a common platform across most network-based media owners globally has simplified the production process, or certainly should have simplified the production process, at least for those production companies who are on top of their game and appreciate the realities of Digital OOH. In truth, there is zero excuse for dynamic campaign failures in this day and age.</p><h2 >About Keith</h2><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p>Keith launched his first screen in 1999 and was immediately struck with the intelligent and creative potential of screen-based media. he has been involved in the tech, operations, creative, and delivery aspects of the digital ooh industry since its inception, working closely with suppliers, clients, creatives, agencies and media owners to continue to unlock the capabilities of the medium.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[The recipe for a great DOOH campaign]]><![CDATA[

“Tell an amazing story.” To get people engaged, and to give your campaign another life, Ric Albert, creative director at Grand Visual, thinks a solid story is a must. This is how a piece of digital out-of-home content goes from a simple advertisem*nt to having a true impact on people’s lives. Ric took part in […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/recipe-great-dooh-campaignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/recipe-great-dooh-campaign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 28 Feb 2019 09:57:59 GMT<p><strong><em>"Tell an amazing story."</em></strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">To get people engaged, and to give your campaign another life, Ric Albert, creative director at <a href="https://grandvisual.com/">Grand Visual</a>, thinks a solid story is a must. This is how a piece of digital out-of-home content goes from a simple advertisem*nt to having a true impact on people’s lives.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Ric took part in our Broadsign Summit Creative Panel this year at ISE, along with Keith Nilsen from <a href="https://www.voodooh.com/">voodooh</a>, and Oskar Op de Beke from <a href="https://kineticww.com/">Kinetic Worldwide</a>, to chat about how creativity and dynamic content are the building blocks of a successful digital out-of-home campaign. If you haven’t done so yet, be sure to watch the panel, and check out our Q&amp;A with Ric below, where we pick his brain to see why he thinks is a creative DOOH campaign is important for brands to tell their stories.</span></p><h1><span style="font-weight: 400;">Q&amp;A with Ric Albert</span></h1><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Why should a brand add DOOH to their marketing mix?</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital out-of-home has a different type of reach than any other medium at the moment. With digital signage, we&#8217;re able to create real-life experiences and interactions that aren’t quite possible in the world of print and online. Out-of-home can evoke emotions and can add contextuality and relevancy, much of which is lost with other channels.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital out-of-home is still a fairly new medium and is showing impressive growth. It’s less saturated than other media channels and has yet to encounter the same ad-blindness and scroll-past effect that online channels are currently struggling with. Out-of-home is a great tool to cut through ad clutter and is a smart addition to a multi-channel campaign.</span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">What is the recipe for a great digital out-of-home campaign?</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">There is one main ingredient for a DOOH campaign to be amazing, and that’s a great creative concept. The technology or anything else involved in the campaign is merely a tool to build a story that will truly engage the audience. They are what help the story come to life.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">At Grand Visual, we craft stories that lead to a valuable end-experience for the user, and that’s whether we’re working on a campaign for a few people walking by or a group of people gathered in Times Square. No matter the screen, the goal is to create something that the audience wants to interact with.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">We often see DOOH campaigns that are too focused on the tech aspect, not really thinking about how the creative concept will fit in. For a campaign to be a success, you need to first consider the story that needs to be told. Then you need to think of how the technology will bring you there.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Now once you have your story settled, another ingredient necessary for a successful campaign is collaboration between all different media partners. This can be a large list, from screen media owners to in-house creative agencies to developers, so it is important to select partners that are all aligned with the campaign vision. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">The best campaigns are those where you don’t necessarily notice how it’s built or why it’s built – they just leave you with a smooth, creative and interactive campaign. And if you have a campaign that engages people, you’ve done what you needed to do. </span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">How do brands determine the goal of their digital out-of-home campaign?</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As with any channel that doesn’t provide a clickable link, having purely quantitative numerical results can be a bit difficult with digital out-of-home. While the launch of a campaign can definitely be correlated to values like sales uplift, an increase in store foot traffic or website visits, it’s also important to have goals based on how successful the campaign was at storytelling or audience engagement. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">As one of the media channels showing the most growth, brands clearly understand the value DOOH brings. With its reach and storytelling potential, DOOH is particularly strong for brand awareness and retention campaigns.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Of course, campaign goals have an impact on the type of story you want to tell with a DOOH campaign. Do you want to use your DOOH campaign to create social media buzz? Do you want participants to interact with the screen in the moment? Do you want to amplify a multi-channel campaign? These will all influence the storytelling approach you take.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">The main thing brands need to do here is work closely with their DOOH creative agency or team to determine the appropriate messaging for their needs. DOOH is definitely not one size fits all and each campaign should be unique in its strategy and resulting campaign creative.</span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">How does digital out-of-home work in a multichannel campaign?</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">What’s interesting about DOOH is that it can be a bit of a chicken and the egg situation. Which comes first? A great DOOH campaign that gets shared on social media or makes the news? Or a cool social campaign that drives dynamic DOOH content?</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">At Grand Visual, we’ve worked on campaigns from both of these angles. Whether we’re creating an original piece for DOOH, or working with existing content from TV or online, the key here is to make sure messaging is consistent across all channels, but at the same time tailoring it for DOOH.</span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">What are some of your favorite digital out-of-home campaigns?</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">I love campaigns that can evoke a reaction or some sort of emotion. As an industry, we should collaborate and celebrate everyone who pushes the creative limits of the medium, from media owners to tech platforms to creative agencies. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">One of my favourite campaigns in the last year was by Spotify. The campaign was dynamic, clever and used user-generated data.l. They were able to create a story that was completely localized in each country, and delivered to DOOH screens around the world ensuring a global impact.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">I also loved the campaign for Spider-Man, Into the Spider-Verse, where visitors at Times Square were able to transport themselves into the movie’s animation style in real-time. There’s something so exciting about thousands of people interacting with a campaign. An advertisem*nt that really becomes part of someone’s life is one that truly has strength. </span></p><h4>About Ric</h4><p><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script>Ric Albert is the Creative Director of Grand Visual, an award-winning production and creative technology company that is driving dramatic evolution across the Digital Out of Home Landscape.Ric has been the driving creative force behind many of Grand Visual’s ‘Media First’ campaigns which have gone on to win Cannes Lions, D&amp;AD’s and Creative Circle awards. Ric has directed AR tigers along London’s Oxford Street for Pepsi, orchestrated a dance-off with Mickey Mouse for Disney Parks, ensured the Oreo eclipse was the stand-out celestial event of the year and delivered large-scale Digital Out of Home campaigns for over 45 Warner Bros. films globally.<span style="font-weight: 400;"><div ></div></div></span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[We love these 14 outdoor Valentine’s Day campaigns]]><![CDATA[

Let’s be honest: Valentine’s Day is kind of a mixed bag of emotion. In the advertising world, though, Valentine’s Day seems to bring out a ton of creativity. Every year, there are some great out-of-home campaigns that help people and brands proclaim their love for all to see. We’re big fans of a good Valentine, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/valentines-day-outdoor-advertisinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/valentines-day-outdoor-advertising<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 13 Feb 2019 13:44:01 GMT<p>Let&#8217;s be honest: Valentine&#8217;s Day is kind of a mixed bag of emotion. In the advertising world, though, Valentine&#8217;s Day seems to bring out a ton of creativity. Every year, there are some great out-of-home campaigns that help people and brands proclaim their love for all to see.We&#8217;re big fans of a good Valentine, and we thought we&#8217;d put together a list of some of the best examples of what the OOH world has brought us at this time of year. Check out our picks.</p><h2>Dove/London’s Victoria Station Valentine’s Day Tweet screen (2012)</h2><p>Yes, 2012 feels like it was several lifetimes ago, and DOOH has progressed a lot since then. Still, there were some neat campaigns running back then, including a sweet Valentine’s Day promotion by Dove.For about a week, the brand displayed questions about love on a large <a href="http://jcdecaux.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">JCDecaux</a> screen in London’s Victoria station, inviting viewers to share their take on the subject by via Tweet or SMS. Select responses were then displayed.Social media integration is a great way to augment a DOOH campaign, but Dove didn’t stop there. Each day, they also had a team at the station to hand out flowers and other gifts to people in the station. A nice, human touch that helped augment an already sharp DOOH campaign.<div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2>Spotify Wrapped &#8220;Sorry&#8221; Billboard (2016)</h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This one might be cheating, but we think there’s an important lesson to be learned here. Spotify’s annual year-end "Wrapped" campaign is always entertaining for the way it exposes the weird and fun listening habits of its users for the world to see (anonymized, of course). In 2016, one funny billboard asked about a mildly concerning listening habit that one user had on Valentine’s Day of that year.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Was this a "Valentine’s Day" ad in the traditional sense? No. What it was, though, was an ad that tapped into our collective sense of humour and shared empathy for someone who was probably not having a great day and so turned to music. Who among us, after all, hasn’t played a sad (or &#8220;Bieber sad&#8221;) song when feeling down?</span><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Clear Channel&#8217;s Valentine’s Day Gift Guide (2018)</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Valentine’s Day isn’t always the easiest from a gift-giving standpoint, and even though a significant other might say they don’t care much about the day, odds are decent that they’ll be happiest if you give them a thoughtful something to mark the occasion.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Our sincere thanks to the folks at <a href="https://www.clearchannel.co.uk/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Clear Channel</a>, then, who had the sharp idea of sharing a Valentine’s Day gift guide on their digital screens to help last-minute shoppers pick out the right gift for their special someone. Suggestions included items from Gordons Pink and COTY Mark Jacobs and were probably just the things to save Valentine’s Day. A small example of how digital out-of-home can deliver valuable important to people when they need it most.</span><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Eve Sleep Pillow Customization Ad (2017)</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If you’re the kind of person who likes being cuddled up with the person you love, Valentine’s Day is as good a day as there is for doing that. Fitting, then, that Eve Sleep put together a campaign that allowed users to create customized pillows with their and their significant other’s initials paired together. The pillows weren’t real, of course; they appeared on a digital billboard, as well as in a live stream delivered to the company’s website, but they were cute and they advertised the company’s limited edition alphabet pillows.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">The theme here, as well as in multiple other entries on this list and in the DOOH space generally, is that audience interaction is a great way to set your campaign apart. Smart move, too, for the company to put the audience-created messages both on their billboard and online. The bold statement of out-of-home and the convenience of online all in one.</span><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Snickers/Primesight Valentine’s Day cards (2017)</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In a list full of great Valentine’s Day ads, this one might just be our favourite. Combining digital out-of-home with an incredibly inventive out-of-home billboard, this campaign tied into Snickers’ long-running "You’re not you when you’re hungry" campaign for a little bit of Valentine’s Day delight. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">With this campaign, a large billboard in a high-traffic pedestrian area offered out free Valentine’s Day cards to those who had forgotten them. Digital screens nearby, meanwhile, directed the audience toward the board with directions and an invitation to get a little help that Valentine’s Day. Viewers were free to walk up and pick a card off of the board. All of the cards were arranged in letters that said "You’re Forgetful When You’re Hungry."</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Interactivity is always great, but it’s so much more powerful when it comes with something tangible. We just love everything about this campaign.</span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Matt’s Coworkers’ billboard (2016)</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Sure, you’ve probably wanted to intervene in a friend’s or family member’s failing love life, but have you ever bought them a billboard to do so? Matt’s coworkers did with a little sponsorship help from Lark Lawn &amp; Garden, putting the rest of us to shame and creating one of the funnier Valentine’s Day billboards we’ve seen.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">The design is probably most generously described as a noble effort, but Matt does at least look like a decent, presentable guy. What’s more, the ad apparently drew a fair number of texts and emails from interested parties, proving that when you really want to get a message out there, out-of-home is the way to go. Here’s hoping Matt found love.</span><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">OKCupid DTF campaign (2018)</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Here at Broadsign, we’re always down to find creative inspiration from the out-of-home space, and this campaign by OKCupid is a fun example of how a simple idea, executed well, is sometimes all you need.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Playing off the online dating world’s ubiquitous abbreviation "DTF" (we’re not going to define it here, so ask Google), the brand bought up billboard space that redefined the term with meanings that are a little more wholesome. It was a nice way to latch onto a term with popular appeal, yet spin it into something that is both safer and more representative of the brand’s identity. We also love the artwork. Kudos to the creative team.</span><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2>Teleflora #LoveOutLoud (2018)</h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Teleflora knows it’s no fun to have a secret crush you’re too scared to confess your feelings to, and they decided that a grand gesture was needed to fix that problem. That&#8217;s why they invited real people to #LoveOutLoud and announce their real feelings up on a billboard in Times Square for all to see.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Big ups to anyone who was brave enough to actually do it, and to Teleflora for coming up with such a fun concept. It was a great way for the brand to get its name out there, and for something we&#8217;d argue is a public service. You have to imagine some confessions sparked a romance, and for those that ended more awkwardly, getting rejected after making a billboard confession can’t feel worse than being left on "Read."</span><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Adomni $10 Valentine’s Day Billboards (2019)</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Shout out to the folks at <a href="https://www.adomni.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Adomni</a> for bringing the magic of Valentine’s Day billboards to the masses. This year, they’re offering everybody the chance to buy 10 ad plays on a digital billboard for just $10. Would-be buyers can head to their website for the creation wizard, which offers a selection of locations, start times, and customizable templates to choose from.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">What we love about this campaign is that it accomplishes so much with a simple idea. It builds goodwill and media attention for Adomni, it showcases how easy the company makes it to buy billboard space, and it also offers regular people the chance to share express their love for a cost that is squarely in "impulse buy" territory. Great stuff.</span><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2>Deadpool&#8217;s Valentine&#8217;s Day Ruse (2016)</h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This is definitely the funniest Valentine’s Day billboards, and it’s probably one of the funniest billboards period. To take a film like Deadpool, a bloody, irreverent, R-rated comedy, and advertise it like it’s some soppy love story is a clever bit of advertising comedy. Bonus points for the publicized antics of Ryan Reynolds running with the gag and trying to convince his wife, Blake Lively, to see the film with him as a romantic date on Valentine’s Day. Lucky thing for the marketing team that the film was scheduled for release around Valentine’s Day, and lucky thing for us that they came up with this idea.</span></p><blockquote ><div style="padding: 16px;"><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></div></blockquote><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Goa’s Pet adoption billboard (2016)</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In a phenomenon that mystifies and enrages good pet owners, former pets are abandoned all the time by people and families who no longer want them. Given how much love those cuddly critters have to give, there’s a special place in our hearts for the Valentine’s Day campaign run by Goa Billboards to find the animals a forever home.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Run on digital billboards around Brisbane, the ads shared a call to the audience to adopt a homeless animal from their local shelter. We like the selflessness of the act &#8211; there was no particular affiliation, so all shelters in the area might have benefited from the ad &#8211; and we would love to see a similar concept tried again in future with even more data integrated. How cool would this type of message be if billboards in different parts of town advertised for the shelters nearest them?</span><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">A Valentine from Afghanistan (2014)</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Whatever one’s feelings on military action generally, it’s well understood that deployment can be a difficult, lonely thing both for the service member and their loved ones back home.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">That’s why, even though <a href="https://www.signsbyadventure.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Adventure Signs</a> had previously offered digital billboard space for Valentine’s Day messages, our favourite iteration was its 2014 campaign where a husband on deployment and his wife each independently reached out to place love messages to the other on a billboard. Valentine’s Day could do with more sweet stories like these.</span><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Flower council of Holland flower boxes (2014)</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital displays are what we love most, and we can appreciate a good billboard, too. Still, the outdoor advertising game is so much bigger than just those categories, and we thought we’d shine a light on one particularly inventive Valentine’s Day campaign that we loved.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">The cute idea comes courtesy of The Flower Council of Holland, which installed 1,500 little emergency rose boxes around Paris. Within each box was a rose, and on the outside, a message saying "In case of love at first sight, break glass."</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Big points for originality, and bonus points for the "glass" actually being plastic wrap. Safety first.</span><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Massage Envy Valentine’s Day Tweets (2014)</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">It seems Twitter is a popular vehicle for smart, user-generated Valentine’s Day campaigns in the DOOH space. In addition to the others we’ve covered, we really like the campaign by Massage Envy spa, which let the audience tweet out Valentine’s Day messages to loved ones for display on a roadside billboard. The campaign led to some fun back-and-forth messages between audience members, and each individual got pictures of their tweet sent to them digitally as a keepsake.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">We like the more straightforwardly "Tweetish" design of this campaign, and we like that the brand thought ahead and took pictures so that participants could enjoy their message for years to come. It doesn’t match seeing the real thing in the moment, but a snapshot of one’s own billboard message is still nice to have.</span><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script><strong>Want to ensure your out-of-home advertising is as good as can be?</strong><strong>Avoid common creative pitfalls with the help of <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebook-5-common-mistakes-in-digital-signage/">our eBook</a>!</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"><div ></div></div></span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Check out some of our favourite digital signage in Amsterdam]]><![CDATA[

Amsterdam’s got extensive canals, beautiful architecture, and some of the tallest people you’ll ever meet. When it comes to digital signage, it’s also home to some of the most forward-thinking networks around.From impressive installations to early adoption and exploitation of programmatic DOOH transactions, there’s a lot to admire in the way Amsterdam, and the Netherlands […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/explore-the-wide-world-of-amsterdam-doohhttps://broadsign.com/blog/explore-the-wide-world-of-amsterdam-dooh<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 04 Feb 2019 11:30:57 GMT<p>Amsterdam’s got extensive canals, beautiful architecture, and some of the tallest people you’ll ever meet. When it comes to digital signage, it’s also home to some of the most forward-thinking networks around.From impressive installations to early adoption and exploitation of programmatic DOOH transactions, there’s a lot to admire in the way Amsterdam, and the Netherlands more generally, has adopted DOOH.</p><p>With everyone headed to Amsterdam to take part in ISE this week, we thought we’d take the occasion to share some of our favourite examples here.</p><h2 >Some of the installations we love</h2><h4 >Amsterdam Central Station screens (Exterion Media)</h4><p>About 250,000 people pass through Amsterdam Central station every day, making use of one of the city’s many trams, buses, ferries, or trains to get around the city. If you find yourself passing through this location, keep your eye out for some of <a href="https://www.exterionmedia.com/nl" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Exterion Media’s</a> screens.</p><p>About 70" in size, these screens put big, bright advertising right at eye level throughout the station. Supporting full motion, they’re top targets for brands hoping to connect with the huge number of passengers the station sees each day.</p><div ><figure >Exterion&#8217;s screens offer a flashy welcome to travelers in Amsterdam&#8217;s Central Station.</figcaption></figure></div><h4 >Highway billboards (Interbest)</h4><p>Amsterdam is probably best known for its trams, bikes, and ferries, but if you’re the kind of person who drives into the city, you might admire some of the cool roadside billboards along its highways. Geeks that we are, we’re fans of the aspect ratio on <a href="https://interbest.nl" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">the Interbest screens</a>, and North American visitors might also be struck by the low height of the screens as compared to billboards back home.</p><div ><figure >We like the format and the height of the Interbest billboards, along with the great ads they display.</figcaption></figure></div><h4 >The IJ "Giant Flow" screen, Amsterdam Central Station (Ngage Media)</h4><p>We’re double-dipping on Central Station, but we think there’s good reason for that. The station’s main entrance, known as IJ Hall, is home to a massive and extremely impressive screen operated by <a href="http://ngagemedia.nl" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Ngage Media</a>. Here, viewers can see a mix of advertising and beautiful images of city sights. It’s an impressive welcome for new arrivals to the city, and one of our favourite DOOH installations in Amsterdam.</p><div ><figure >We love the impact that this giant screen makes in Amsterdam&#8217;s Central Station.</figcaption></figure></div><h4 >Public transportation screens (CS Digital Media)</h4><p>Digital signage and public transportation are frequently paired, but not always this beautifully. <a href="https://csdm.online/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">CS Digital Media’s</a> screens, which can be found in Amsterdam’s metro system and, yes, also in Central Station, are bright and bring ads to stunning life the way good screens should. That’s not the main reason we love them, though. Where so many screens look generically screenish, these ones have a beautiful, simple design that makes them stand out all on their own, never mind what they’re playing. It’s rare that smaller screens catch our eye quite like these ones do.</p><div ><figure >We love the design of the CS Digital Media screens in Amsterdam&#8217;s transportation network.</figcaption></figure></div><h2 >Some of our favourite programmatic campaigns from the Netherlands</h2><p>For a little while now, we’ve been noticing that the Netherlands has been ahead of the pack when it comes to programmatic DOOH. Networks are throwing their support behind it, creative teams are coming up with great programmatic campaigns, and we can’t get enough. Here are a few of our favourite programmatic DOOH campaigns from the Netherlands.</p><h4 >The Pepsi MAX Challenge</h4><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p>Pepsi wanted to reinvent its Pepsi challenge for 2018 and extend the reach of its campaign beyond the head-to-head soda showdown between Pepsi Max and its biggest rival. The solution: Pepsi incorporated programmatic DOOH to retarget participants with ads later on. The campaign was a hit, and allowed PepsiCo to maximize results without their having to spend huge amounts.</p><p><a href="/blog/how-pepsi-max-used-programmatic-digital-out-of-home-to-retarget-fans" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Read the full case study here</a></p><h4 >XITE’s Multichannel DOOH &amp; Mobile Festival Campaign</h4><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p>XITE is the Netherlands’ home for music videos and the people who love them, and it wanted to build on that connection by reaching music festival attendees across the country. With programmatic DOOH and mobile, the brand was able to effectively and affordably deliver a multichannel campaign that reached 250,000 festival-goers over the course of the summer.</p><p><a href="/blog/how-xite-reached-250000-festival-goers-with-a-multichannel-programmatic-campaign" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Read the full case study here</a></p><h4 >Peugeot drove stronger sales with roadside billboards</h4><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p>One of the great strengths of programmatic DOOH is the way it helps target media spend to those moments where each dollar will have the biggest effect. In 2018, Peugeot ran a programmatic campaign in the Netherlands that exemplified that idea. It delivered DOOH ads for corporate minivans only when small and medium-sized business owners were most likely to be on the road. It was a flexible, intelligent solution that helped the company reach more of its audience than it would have with a typical DOOH campaign.</p><p><a href="/blog/how-kinetic-outmoove-and-beyond-outdoor-successfully-drove-peugeots-data-powered-programmatic-dooh-campaign" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read the full case study here</a></p><p><strong>If you’ll be in Amsterdam for ISE this week, be sure to stop by booth #8-G280 to meet the Broadsign team and talk DOOH and digital signage!</strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Boomerang Media connects niche audiences with top brands]]><![CDATA[

The digital out-of-home space is so much more than giant billboards lighting up the sides of our roads. Enterprising networks are popping up in environments of all kinds. They’re entering the places we work and play and helping foster stronger connections between us and the brands we love and trust. Exemplifying this approach to DOOH […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-boomerang-media-connects-niche-audiences-with-top-brandshttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-boomerang-media-connects-niche-audiences-with-top-brands<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 24 Jan 2019 10:59:36 GMT<p>The digital out-of-home space is so much more than giant billboards lighting up the sides of our roads. Enterprising networks are popping up in environments of all kinds. They&#8217;re entering the places we work and play and helping foster stronger connections between us and the brands we love and trust.</p><p>Exemplifying this approach to DOOH is Boomerang Media. The company operates DOOH networks across the UK, each with a focus on a specific group of people.</p><h2>postcards, posters, and dooh</h2><p>Boomerang Media has come a long way since its beginnings in 1994. Starting out, it delivered postcard marketing in bars, clubs, and universities. From there, the company began its gradual transformation to where it is today. It began working with posters first, and then, as the technology developed, shifted to&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.staging.wpengine.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/">digital out-of-home</a>.</p><p>The company has entered many verticals throughout its run. These include shopping malls, children’s playcentres, cinemas, leisure centres, schools, and health clubs. To Boomerang, one of the benefits of being in these spaces is the opportunity to foster connection with young people and families. They&#8217;re desirable demographics which, at times, can prove difficult for brands to reach.</p><h2>engaging content for fun places</h2><p>Many of the niches in which Boomerang Media operates have a strong focus on leisure. For Boomerang, this means they not only reach desirable audiences, but reach them at their most relaxed and receptive.</p><p>Advertising content makes up the bulk of the media mix, with static images and full-motion videos both supported by Boomerang’s screens. The company does regular, in-depth research into what kinds of content do, and are likely to do, well with each environment’s specific audience. This helps to ensure ads that get delivered remain as relevant as possible.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><p>Many of the locations on Boomerang’s network also use the screens to get important messaging to their visitors. For announcements, bulletins, and other important messaging, the digital signage run by Boomerang is a perfect fit.</p><h2>delivering ads at showtime &amp; play time</h2><p>Boomerang Media’s biggest news these days is its return to the cinema space, as the company recently started managing digital signage in Vue Cinemas’ UK cinemas. Boomerang sees it as a great chance to return to work they love, and to reconnect with brands they once collaborated with. There are also several blockbuster films coming in 2019—like Avengers: Endgame, Star Wars: Episode IX, and Frozen 2. With them comes blockbuster advertising demand, making Boomerang’s homecoming all the sweeter.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><p>To take full advantage of this opportunity, Boomerang’s mission will be to deliver targeted, compelling advertising to big, bright new screens in the foyers and hallways all over the cinemas on their network. Their goal is to create a more engaging experience for visitors and a more valuable opportunity for advertisers.</p><p>This return to cinema also intersects nicely with Boomerang&#8217;s work in other recreational areas. Notable examples include its health club and gym network; which includes screens in Pure Gym, David Lloyd, and Nuffield Health; and its network of screens in children’s playcentres—another environment in which Boomerang is a market leader.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>These locations are all big draws for young families, meaning that as Boomerang’s reach grows, it becomes a more and more compelling choice for brands trying to reach this valuable demographic.</p><p></p><h2>boomerang media and broadsign</h2><p>Boomerang’s presence in many unique verticals is great for ad buyers and their customers. It does, however, create unique demands from a network management perspective. All told, Boomerang maintains about 1,750 screens across their network, with plans to expand to perhaps twice that over the next year.</p><p>After trialing a number of digital out-of-home solutions, Boomerang Media found that Broadsign presented the best answer for their needs. With Broadsign Control, Boomerang has centralized access to screens and campaigns in all their different verticals. This greatly simplifies the planning and screen management process. It’s a benefit that will only prove itself more valuable as the company scales up over the coming years, helping them to maximize their return with minimal extra demands on time and attention.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Adomni and Broadsign partner to enhance and simplify digital out-of-home advertising]]><![CDATA[

Adomni advertisers can now easily access and purchase ads on marquee DOOH screens globally via Broadsign Reach Las Vegas. January 22, 2019 – Adomni, an open online platform to find and buy DOOH advertising, and Broadsign, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform for media owners, are now working together to make buying, selling and […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/adomni-and-broadsign-partner-to-enhance-and-simplify-digital-out-of-home-advertisinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/adomni-and-broadsign-partner-to-enhance-and-simplify-digital-out-of-home-advertising<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 23 Jan 2019 09:00:58 GMT<h3>Adomni advertisers can now easily access and purchase ads on marquee DOOH screens globally via Broadsign Reach</h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Las Vegas. January 22, 2019 – </span><a href="https://www.adomni.com/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Adomni</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, an open online platform to find and buy DOOH advertising, and </span><a href="https://broadsign.com"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform for media owners, are now working together to make buying, selling and launching DOOH campaigns easier than ever before. The Broadsign Reach supply-side platform (SSP) which currently has over 33,000 digital screens is now seamlessly integrated into Adomni’s demand-side platform (DSP).</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Within the first week of the Adomni-Broadsign integration, several campaigns were launched from advertisers such as UFC, LiveNation and the Puerto Rico Board of Tourism.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">"It was a natural choice for us to partner with Broadsign," said Jonathan Gudai, CEO of Adomni. "Broadsign’s vast inventory of premium DOOH screens are a great addition to the Adomni online marketplace. We are excited to team up with Broadsign and enable advertisers to more readily access Broadsign&#8217;s supply of DOOH publishers via our programmatic online buying platform."</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">"We’re excited to connect our publishers to Adomni’s roster of national advertisers, giving brands an additional channel to reach their audiences," said Adam Green, SVP Broadsign Reach. "We look forward to seeing all the great campaigns this partnership will bring."</span></p><h4><b>About Broadsign</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign is the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform that enables brands, agencies and DOOH media publishers to buy, sell, and deliver DOOH campaigns efficiently, reliably and securely. Lighting up airports, shopping malls, health clinics, street corners and more, the Broadsign platform powers screens at the heart of people’s lives and delivers more than 13 billion ads and 52 billion impressions per month. The Broadsign marketing platform includes Broadsign Control for content distribution, playback and proof of performance, Broadsign Direct for sales inventory availability and proposal generation, and Broadsign Reach, a customized SSP for programmatic DOOH transactions.</span></p><h4><b>About Adomni</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Adomni is a self-service online platform that makes digital-out-of-home advertising easy, fast and affordable for everyone. Advertisers of all sizes and budgets can launch campaigns in minutes, using one of the fastest growing DOOH networks in the world. Currently, the Adomni platform has over 50,000 digital screens available across the U.S., Canada, Europe and Australia.</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Why you should add programmatic DOOH to your mobile campaign]]><![CDATA[

Mobile campaigns are a wonderful way for brands to reach their audiences. They can be highly targeted and can link straight to an online store. Yet while consumers do spend a large amount of time looking down at their phones, there are certainly times when this isn’t the case. What if you could extend your […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/why-you-should-add-programmatic-digital-out-of-home-to-your-mobile-campaignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/why-you-should-add-programmatic-digital-out-of-home-to-your-mobile-campaign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 17 Jan 2019 11:01:47 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Mobile campaigns are a wonderful way for brands to reach their audiences. They can be highly targeted and can link straight to an online store. Yet while consumers do spend a large amount of time looking down at their phones, there are certainly times when this isn’t the case. What if you could extend your campaign reach to these moments as well?</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Adding digital out-of-home to a mobile campaign will do just that. Digital out-of-home actually has a better recall than mobile adds, and combining the two makes for an impactful multi-channel campaign. And with the medium <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">now available programmatically</a>, it can be bought and sold in a similar way to other channels in your campaign.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As an advertiser, whether in-house or at an agency, the goal is fairly straight-foward: reaching the right audience with the right message at the right time. Yet, as we know, this is easier said than done. Luckily, advancements in audience targeting and situational awareness enable advertisers to add a level of context to a campaign that was previously impossible.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With programmatic digital out-of-home, as with mobile, campaigns can be triggered only when certain criteria is met. With automation guiding the bidding process, advertisers have complete control over how and when their budget is spent. Timing of the campaign, location and custom criteria can be set, resulting in contextual, accurate and creative messaging. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A recent programmatic campaign by music video brand, </span><a href="http://www.xitenetworks.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">XITE</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, combined mobile, online and digital out-of-home for an </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-xite-reached-250000-festival-goers-with-a-multichannel-programmatic-campaign/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">eye-catching and highly contextual campaign</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Why programmatic digital out-of-home is right for your mobile campaign</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">There are many advantages for running a multichannel campaign with digital out-of-home and mobile:</span></p><h3 >1. More creative flexibility with large-format screens</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Mobile campaigns are extremely targeted and can be customized for each individual, yet the small screen provided a fairly limited canvas. A digital billboard, on the other hand, can lead to much more exciting content. Pairing both mobile and digital out-of-home screens is a two-pronged approach that combines personalization and large-format impact.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This screen on Harmon Corner, which is larger than a football field, is probably one of the best examples of the visual impact a digital out-of-home screen can have. And as a matter of fact, it is available for programmatic purchase! </span></p><figure ></div></figure><h3 >2. Similar creatives</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">When designing an ad for a mobile campaign, it is fairly easy to also make digital out-of-home creatives. Exact dimensions will depend on which screens your DSP integrates, yet many screens size are similar proportions to mobile ads. What’s more, video and </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-html5-can-up-your-digital-out-of-home-game" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">HTML5 content</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> used in mobile ads can also be used on digital screens.</span></p><p>Similar to mobile ads, data can be used to make a campaign more dynamic and relevant to the viewer, as British Airways did in their classic #lookup campaign.</p><figure ></div></figure><h3 >3. Driving consumers to mobile with digital signs</span></h3><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Mobile campaigns often include great CTAs that lead right to an app or online store, and the more traffic an ad gets, the more leads, downloads or sales a brand will get. Digital screens can entice people to look at their phones, either with a simple CTA, a clear web link or even a discount code, triggering mobile interaction. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Some campaigns even use mobile as a way for people to interact with the screens. As seen in the <a href="https://www.digitalsignagetoday.com/articles/mobile-controlled-minions-drive-dooh-campaign-for-despicable-me-2-video/">Dispicable Me 2 campaign featured above</a>, or </span><a href="https://oceanoutdoor.com/ocean-news/digital-competition/wcrs-sky-ocean-rescue-reveal-biggest-threat-to-our-seas/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">this campaign for Sky Ocean Rescue</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, mobile and digital out-of-home are a great pair to get people involved with a campaign.</span></p><h3 >4. Retarget mobile users with digital out-of-home</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A recent programmatic campaign by <a href="http://www.pepsico.nl/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Pepsi MAX </a></span><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-pepsi-max-used-programmatic-digital-out-of-home-to-retarget-fans/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">retarget their mobile fans with digital out-of-home</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">. Using beacons, the campaign triggered screens when fans entered malls across the Netherlands. </span></p><blockquote ><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"With programmatic digital out-of-home, we were able to be extremely relevant to our audience without having to spend huge amounts. We’re definitely going to continue to innovate with this type of campaign going forward." </span></p><cite>Michiel Otten, brand manager beverages, PepsiCo</cite></blockquote><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><h3 >5. Increased reach with geotargeting </span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Using location to deliver a mobile campaign works well to retarget those who have been in a given area, but is fairly limited when it comes to triggering campaigns in real time. Even if someone walks into a geofenced area, there is no guarantee that people are looking at their phones at the given moment. With digital out-of-home, advertisers have the opportunity to catch a viewer’s eye when they enter an area, whether they are looking at their phone or not.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This programmatic campaign by food delivery service, </span><a href="https://www.foodora.de/en/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">foodora</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, used restaurant location to bid on screens in nearby offices, encouraging people to order pick-up from their app.</span></p><figure ></div></figure><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">All in all, adding digital out-of-home to your mobile campaign gives you access to more inventory and more opportunities to reach your audience. If you’d like to know more about working with digital out-of-home, <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebook-dooh-playbook-for-programmatic-buyers/">download our playbook for everything you need to get started.</a></span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[T-Rex releases Broadsign and all Broadsign clients from digital out of home patent suit]]><![CDATA[

MONTREAL, Canada — January 17, 2019 — Broadsign International LLC today announced that T-Rex Property AB has officially released Broadsign, along with Broadsign’s past, present, and future clients, from the T-Rex industry-wide patent infringement campaign. In response, Broadsign has agreed to dismiss its counter lawsuit against T-Rex. T-Rex acquired patents in 2006 relating to the […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/t-rex-releases-broadsign-and-all-broadsign-clients-from-digital-out-of-home-patent-suithttps://broadsign.com/blog/t-rex-releases-broadsign-and-all-broadsign-clients-from-digital-out-of-home-patent-suit<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 17 Jan 2019 09:01:01 GMT<p><strong>MONTREAL, Canada — January 17, 2019 —</strong> Broadsign International LLC today announced that T-Rex Property AB has officially released Broadsign, along with Broadsign’s past, present, and future clients, from the T-Rex industry-wide patent infringement campaign. In response, Broadsign has agreed to dismiss its counter lawsuit against T-Rex.T-Rex acquired patents in 2006 relating to the use of technology for remote control of display information on outdoor public screens. In 2012, T-Rex started an aggressive infringement campaign by filing 59 lawsuits across the digital out-of-home industry. While Broadsign was never targeted by T-Rex, some of its clients were, and Broadsign chose to challenge T-Rex by filing a counter lawsuit on behalf of its customers."From the onset, we saw this type of aggressive patent trolling as a threat to the industry and were not willing to stand by while our clients opened their wallets to groundless intimidation," said Burr Smith, Chairman and CEO of Broadsign, who led the countersuit against T-Rex. "We decided to take immediate action and are delighted with this outcome which favors our clients and the industry,"The lengthy two-year legal process concluded this week with T-Rex dismissing all cases against Broadsign clients and releasing Broadsign and its clients from any future claims.</p><h3>About Broadsign</h3><p>Broadsign is the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform that enables brands, agencies and DOOH media publishers to buy, sell, and deliver DOOH campaigns efficiently, reliably and securely. Lighting up highways, airports, shopping malls, health clinics, street corners and more, the Broadsign platform powers screens at the heart of people’s lives and delivers more than 13 billion ads and 52 billion impressions per month. The Broadsign marketing platform includes Broadsign Control for content distribution, playback and proof of performance, Broadsign Direct for sales inventory availability and proposal generation, and Broadsign Reach, a customized SSP for programmatic DOOH transactions.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[5 impactful ways to use digital public transit signage]]><![CDATA[

We’re on the precipice of a transit revolution, with autonomous vehicles and alternative forms of transportation coming to change the way we get from place to place. That isn’t the whole story, though; existing transit networks will be undergoing transformations of their own. A big part of this transformation will involve incorporating digital media and […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/making-transit-networks-do-more-with-digital-signagehttps://broadsign.com/blog/making-transit-networks-do-more-with-digital-signage<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 10 Jan 2019 10:11:57 GMT<p>We’re on the precipice of a transit revolution, with autonomous vehicles and alternative forms of transportation coming to change the way we get from place to place. That isn’t the whole story, though; existing transit networks will be undergoing transformations of their own.</p><p>A big part of this transformation will involve incorporating digital media and information technology to make transit smarter, more efficient, and more adaptable to everyday challenges. Already around the globe, digital signage has proven a useful tool in this transition toward better transit services.</p><h2 >Digital signage can provide up-to-the-minute service updates</h2><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p>Who in the transit-using public has not had to deal with unexplained and unexpected delays or adjustments while on a given route? Big city transit networks are vast webs of intersecting transit lines, and a given passenger will likely understand that delays and breakdowns will occur sometimes. That doesn’t mean that transit networks can’t do more to take some of the stress out of these moments when they happen.</p><p>In-station, in-shelter, and in-vehicle signage all offer great opportunities for taking the sting out of surprise service alterations or outages. Networks can use screens to display instant service updates, or even convenient alternatives that passengers might find useful. Not only might this type of move be helpful to passengers, but it might even help alleviate congestion once the affected line is back in motion.<strong>Example:</strong> Washington’s Metro Rail system uses digital signage to distribute messages about current and upcoming service alterations, helping passengers better plan their travels.</p><h2 >It can help passengers board more efficiently</h2><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p>Along train and subway platforms, crowds often group to wait for and board their vehicles unevenly. As this process repeats station after station, the result can be dramatic differences in the fullness and comfort of cars along the vehicle. There can even be delays as waiting boarders discover their nearest car is full and have to go down to a car with more free space.</p><p>Some transit networks have brought digital signage into the mix to solve this problem. On-vehicle sensors gauge the fullness of individual cars, information which is then presented to those waiting to board on a screen that runs the length of the train. With this notice, passengers have added time to find a more comfortable and efficient place to board the train.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> In the Netherlands, ProRail installed signage that indicated train fullness and the locations of embarking points when trains come to a start, helping to promote more comfortable rides and more efficient boarding.</p><h2 >Digital signage is great for delivering interesting content</h2><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p>Yes, these days, just about everybody has access to on-demand audio and video everywhere they go—as long as there’s WiFi or data, and enough battery to see them through their commute. Still, enough people are standing idle, or enjoying audio content only, that delivering some quality video content can be a welcome diversion. Besides, larger screens such as those found in bus shelters, subway stations, and train terminals deliver the kind of <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/out-of-home-advertising/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">visual impact that turns heads</a>, phones or not.</p><p>What kinds of content are transit networks displaying? News, weather, and sports are common fixtures, but it’s easy to branch out into more diverse kinds of content, too. Box office info, lifestyle tips, and trivia and other games are all fun additions that can capture attention and make transit a little livelier. Best of all, content providers like Screenfeed make it easy to get high-quality, locally relevant content onto digital screens. It doesn’t take much work to make commuters’ trips a little more engaging.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> Vancouver’s TransLink network uses digital signage to deliver news, weather, and diverting content to passengers waiting for their ride.</p><h2 >Digital out-of-home ads in transit connects riders with brands they love</h2><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p>Advertising is an important revenue stream for many transit networks, and digital displays grant unique flexibility to pursue this revenue. Between playing different ads at different times of day, triggering content in response to conditions like weather or platform-crowdedness, or delivering takeover campaigns across all the displays in an area, more can be done with digital advertising for transit networks.</p><p>Particularly now that <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">programmatic advertising</a> is catching on in the out-of-home space, there’s more demand among advertisers for opportunities to reach masses of people using DOOH. Enabling <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dynamic-digital-out-of-home" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">dynamic content delivery</a> by connecting digital signage to external data feeds and audience measurement tools can help transit networks unlock the full value of their screens and deliver ads audiences want to see.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> JCDecaux maintains digital displays in Waterloo Station (UK), which can be used to display advertising for media and brands that passers-by enjoy.</p><h2 >Interactive signage enables far better wayfinding</h2><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p>For visitors, infrequent travellers, and people taking a new route for the first time, it’s not always apparent which direction of a line is the right one to take. The results are often stress, missed connections, and frustration with the lack of clarity of the transit network’s signage.</p><p>Digital signage offers the chance to take this confusion out of a passenger’s day. By implementing interactive wayfinding terminals at transit shelters and stations, transit networks can put personalized directions in the hands of individual passengers who need to know. Smart little tweaks of design, like using the passenger’s current point of view to orient the onscreen directions, and offering multiple connection options to assist in getting to the destination, can help turn direction seeking from something frantic to something that delivers immediately useful information.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> In Philadelphia’s Suburban Station, Intersection delivers personalized wayfinding, along with free WiFi, device charging, and information services through interactive digital signage kiosks.Going forward, the trend is toward more mass transit networks adopting technology to connect with passengers and deliver a better transit experience. Thanks to strong visual appeal, diversity of uses, and intuitive operation, digital signage is likely to play an important role in this ongoing shift.</p><p><strong>Are you looking for a platform to power better transit signage?</strong><strong>See how Broadsign can <a href="https://broadsign.com/transit-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">transform your network</a>.</strong></p><p><em>Featured image: Oslo Station, Norway. Part of JCDecaux&#8217;s digital signage network.</em></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How can I buy digital out-of-home media programmatically?]]><![CDATA[

Did you know you can buy digital out-of-home programmatically? Do you have a vague idea how it works? If not, read this. Once you’ve got the basics down, you might be interested in actually adding digital out-of-home to your programmatic campaign. It’s a powerful medium, and automated bidding gives you the opportunity to create efficient […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-can-i-buy-digital-out-of-home-media-programmaticallyhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-can-i-buy-digital-out-of-home-media-programmatically<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 20 Dec 2018 10:16:29 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Did you know you can buy digital out-of-home programmatically? Do you have a vague idea how it works? If not, </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home"><span style="font-weight: 400;">read this</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Once you’ve got the basics down, you might be interested in actually adding digital out-of-home to your programmatic campaign. It’s a powerful medium, and automated bidding gives you the opportunity to create efficient and targeted campaigns. Triggers can be set up based on weather, time-of-day, day-of-week – any data feed, really – to only run the campaign when it’s relevant to the audience.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A recent campaign by </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-xite-reached-250000-festival-goers-with-a-multichannel-programmatic-campaign/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">music video brand XITE</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> did just that, combining mobile, online and digital out-of-home for a creative, efficient and memorable campaign. </span></p><figure ></video></figure><blockquote ><p >"With programmatic digital out-of-home and mobile, we were able to carefully target our campaign to serve our specific target audience in a creative and contextual way, all without having to spend huge amounts of money. We’re happy with how innovative it all was and we will definitely be running this type of campaign again."</span></p><p >– Moa Afzal – PR and communications manager, XITE</span></p></blockquote><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">More and more advertisers are embracing digital out-of-home, adding bright, impactful screens to their mobile and online offerings. Are you the next?</span></p><h2 >Defining audience in digital out-of-home</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Before getting started, there is one important way digital out-of-home differs from traditional online and mobile programmatic: the way audience is measured. Given that one screen can be seen by thousands of viewers, audience is not calculated on a one-to-one basis – just imagine the viewership of a digital billboard ad in Times Square! Instead, audience is calculated based on a variety of research and data methods to determine the number of impressions a screen will get.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>First-party data</strong> – the venue owner has a tally of the number of people in their establishment. This could be done via a ticketing system, like at a cinema or in a public transport network, or by analyzing sales.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Second-party data</strong> – the venue owner hires a company to conduct research on who is present, through surveys, a counting system or other anecdotal research. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Third party data</strong> – an independent third-party research firm like Geopath or Nielsen conduct a statistical analysis of the likely views that a screen will get using anonymous location data from mobile phones and cars, and custom data resources like traffic statistics and pedestrian count.</span></p><p>Video data – this third-party research uses cameras and sensors integrated with a DOOH analytics platform like Quividi or Linkett to collect views data on an ongoing basis.</p><p>For an even more in-depth analysis, OOH audience data can also be broken down by demographics like age, gender, purchasing habits and more. This enables you to better understand who will see your ad, and to ensure you hit your target audience.</p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">These demographics also have an impact on price, as some audiences are more interesting to advertisers than others. For example, a billboard in a wealthy and established neighborhood will likely cost more than one in a less affluent area of the city, as this audience is presumed to have a higher level of disposable income.</span></p><h2 >How to price digital out-of-home</span></h2><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Once these metrics are found, a multiplier is used to determine the CPM for a given screen, very similar to other programmatic media. As with any product or service, supply and demand play a large role in determining </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-much-does-a-billboard-cost"><span style="font-weight: 400;">the cost of a billboard</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">. The more attractive it is to advertisers, the higher the price, with factors like location, audience impressions and demographics, and the type of sign affecting the final cost.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital signs have an average CPM of nine to 32 dollars, making this medium slightly more expensive than its online partners. However, digital out-of-home offers creative flexibility and budgeting options that are otherwise impossible.</span></p><h2 >Adding programmatic digital out-of-home media to your mobile or online campaign</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">While adding digital out-of-home to your campaign is quite simple, it differs slightly from traditional programmatic. Here’s what you need to do:</span></p><h3 >1. Decide where you want to buy</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The main this here to consider if digital out-of-home inventory screens are located where your target audience is. Some DSPs offer a global inventory of screens, while others are more focused in smaller geographical regions.</span></p><h3 >2. Decide on your DSP partner</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Once you’ve determined where your campaign needs to run, select a partner to work with. Depending on the DSP, some are are hands on, and will guide you through initial setup and campaigns, while others are more self-serve. Given that it’s a fairly new medium in programmatic and there a slight differences between digital out-of-home and traditional programmatic, it’s suggested to get a bit of help on your first campaign.</span></p><h3 >3. Understand your audience multiplier </span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As mentioned earlier, audience in digital out-of-home is not calculated in quite the same way as traditional programmatic. Working with the DSP, you will need to determine how their audience statistics for digital out-of-home translate to their other metrics. It’s important to really understand the nuances of digital out-of-home to truly know where your campaign dollars are going.</span></p><h3 >4. Define your audience demographic and environment targeting</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For a digital out-of-home campaign to be a success, targeting criteria should be set. This can be as simple as using screen location to determine a given audience. However, other criteria like time of day, the day of the week, or feeds like weather, traffic or even custom data, can be used to further add context to a campaign. Most DSPs already have some form of targeting available, while others will even help you set up custom data feeds for your campaign.</span></p><h3 >5. Set up a procedure for creatives</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital out-of-home assets are fairly similar to online and mobile, yet generally need to be of higher quality to look great on large screens. In many cases, creatives can be reformatted from mobile and online. However, be sure to consider text size and graphics to ensure your creatives are impactful on large screens. Given it’s public nature, digital out-of-home publishers may also require an initial creative before a campaign can go live.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital out-of-home is one of the newer mediums to join the programmatic realm, and as more brands run amazing campaigns, we’re excited to see what the future holds. Who knows, maybe your programmatic campaign will be the next to dazzle on screens around the world.</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[XITE reached 250,000 festival-goers with multichannel programmatic ads]]><![CDATA[

If you’re Dutch and into music, you probably know XITE. The media brand is known for its innovative ways to bring music videos to consumers through their television channels and their interactive personalized music TV product. The challenge XITE is a firm believer that music videos have the power to shape the lives, culture and […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-xite-reached-250000-festival-goers-with-a-multichannel-programmatic-campaignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-xite-reached-250000-festival-goers-with-a-multichannel-programmatic-campaign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 03 Dec 2018 11:17:43 GMT<p>If you’re Dutch and into music, you probably know XITE. The media brand is known for its innovative ways to bring music videos to consumers through their television channels and their interactive personalized music TV product.</p><h2>The challenge</h2><p>XITE is a firm believer that music videos have the power to shape the lives, culture and fashion of young adults, and their mission is to be a central part of setting these trends. While the brand has no problem influencing their audiences’ lives while they are at home, XITE wanted to be part of their entire musical journey, which includes staying top of mind when their audience is away from their living room.</p><h2>The solution</h2><p>Working with mobile-first media agency, MobPro (now Sage + Archer), XITE developed a highly-targeted and contextual campaign to run during the Netherland’s busy music festival season. Using location triggers, MobPro targeted festival goers, an ideal match for XITE’s target audience, with mobile ads as they were in the vicinity of a festival. However, they wanted to take the campaign a step further.</p><blockquote><p>"We’ve always used location to target our mobile campaigns, and we knew we could do more with this data. Displaying our ads on digital out-of-home screens was a great addition to the campaign as we were able to reach the audience even when they aren’t looking at their smartphones, resulting in a much more impactful campaign."</p><p ><b>Diederick Ubels</b> – &nbsp;CEO, MobPro</p></blockquote><p>Through an integration between Broadsign Reach and MobPro’s DSP, XITE purchased Exterion Media screens in train stations across the Netherlands. Yet instead of buying every screen at all times, programmatic targeting criteria was used to only serve ads when relevant to the target audience:<b>Day of the week</b> – To ensure the creatives only ran when the target audience was nearby, the campaign triggered when there was a festival happening that day.<b>Time of day </b>– To maximize the budget and only spend when festival-goer reach was at its highest, the campaign played only in the early afternoon and late evening as people were coming to and from the festival.In addition to reaching consumers during the festival, mobile retargeted was also used to further establish XITE as a leader in all things music, culture and lifestyle.</p><h2>The results</h2><p>The campaign reached 250,000 festival-goers over the course of the summer, 150,00 of which were reached with digital out-of-home and 200,000 of which were then retargeted after the festival.</p><blockquote><p>"With programmatic digital out-of-home and mobile, we were able to carefully target our campaign to serve our specific target audience in a creative and contextual way, all without having to spend huge amounts of money. We’re happy with how innovative it all was and we will definitely be running this type of campaign again."</p><p ><b>Moa Afzal</b> – PR and communications manager, XITE</p></blockquote>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign and MobPro (now Sage + Archer) form partnership to enable programmatic digital out-of-home and mobile campaigns]]><![CDATA[

MobPro has since rebranded to Sage + Archer Brands and agencies can now run hyper-targeted location-based multichannel campaigns via Broadsign’s global network of screens and MobPro’s mobile expertise Montreal, Canada. December 3, 2018 – Broadsign, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform, and MobPro, innovative mobile-first media agency, have integrated the Broadsign Reach supply-side platform […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-mobpro-form-partnership-to-enable-programmatic-digital-out-of-home-and-mobile-campaignshttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-mobpro-form-partnership-to-enable-programmatic-digital-out-of-home-and-mobile-campaigns<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 03 Dec 2018 10:48:50 GMT<p><em>MobPro has since rebranded to <a href="https://sage-archer.com/">Sage + Archer</a></em></p><h2 >Brands and agencies can now run hyper-targeted location-based multichannel campaigns via Broadsign’s global network of screens and MobPro’s mobile expertise</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Montreal, Canada. December 3, 2018 – Broadsign, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform, and MobPro, innovative mobile-first media agency, have integrated the Broadsign Reach supply-side platform (SSP) with MobPro’s demand-side platform (DSP) to enable integrated mobile and digital out-of-home campaigns to be purchased programmatically. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In the partnership’s inaugural campaign, XITE, the Netherland’s top music video brand, used mobile and digital out-of-home to strategically reach their target audience, young adults with a passion for music, during the busy Dutch festival season.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"We pride ourselves on innovation and creativity and we look for partners who share this passion," said Diederick Ubels, CEO at MobPro. "Working with Broadsign to add programmatic digital out-of-home to our campaign plans enables us to think outside the box and reach audiences in new, exciting and contextual ways."</span></p><h3 >Hyper-targeting with location-based digital out-of-home </span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Using MobPro’s mobile location data, digital out-of-home screens can be purchased only in the areas that are most relevant to the target audience. Screens in train stations close to music festivals across the Netherlands were targeted for the XITE campaign, reaching festival-goers as they headed to the venues. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">"We’re extremely happy with how the campaign turned out," said Moa Afzal, PR and communications manager at XITE. "We were able to really be part of the festival experience, ensuring our brands is a true source of inspiration for all things music."</span></p><h3 >Programmatic digital out-of-home for contextual campaigns</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Through the partnership, both mobile and digital out-of-home ad space can be purchased programmatically, enabling data to be used to display content only when relevant. Virtually any data feed can be used to trigger the campaign using MobPro’s integration with Broadsign’s open API. In the XITE campaign, time of day was used to trigger the campaign in the afternoon and late evening as people come to and from the festival.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"Digital out-of-home and mobile both have great potential to reach audiences with smart messaging while they are away from their homes, and programmatic adds a layer of targeting that would otherwise be impossible," said Vince Banks, VP of programmatic sales operations at Broadsign. "We’re excited to partner with MobPro to enable brands and agencies to deliver their stories to audiences at optimal times in optimal locations."</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">More details about the campaign can be found </span><a href="/blog/how-xite-reached-250000-festival-goers-with-a-multichannel-programmatic-campaign"><span style="font-weight: 400;">here</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p><h3 >About Broadsign</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign is the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform that enables brands, agencies and DOOH media publishers to buy, sell, and deliver DOOH campaigns efficiently, reliably and securely. Lighting up airports, shopping malls, health clinics, street corners and more, the Broadsign platform powers screens at the heart of people’s lives and delivers more than 11 billion ads and 30 billion impressions per month.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Broadsign marketing platform includes Broadsign Control for content distribution, playback and proof of performance, Broadsign Direct for sales inventory availability and proposal generation, and Broadsign Reach, a customized SSP for programmatic DOOH transactions.</span></p><h3 >About MobPro</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">MobPro is the mobile-first media agency in The Netherlands. MobPro develops digital media strategies for top brands. With years of experience in both mobile and digital marketing and its in-house build DSP, they help brands engage with the mobile-first consumer. The focus is on brand growth as well as influencing behaviour, rather than just short-term performance. This way MobPro helps brands grow in a sustainable way.</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Pepsi Max used programmatic digital out-of-home to retarget fans]]><![CDATA[

the challenge Tesla and Edison, Sherlock and Moriarty, Star Wars and Star Trek; the world is packed with epic rivalries, but perhaps none as iconic as Pepsi and a certain red rival. Wanting to settle things once and for all, Pepsi MAX needed a marketing campaign that truly set them apart. In a two-step campaign,Pepsi […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-pepsi-max-used-programmatic-digital-out-of-home-to-retarget-fanshttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-pepsi-max-used-programmatic-digital-out-of-home-to-retarget-fans<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 12 Nov 2018 10:40:52 GMT<h2>the challenge</h2><p>Tesla and Edison, Sherlock and Moriarty, Star Wars and Star Trek; the world is packed with epic rivalries, but perhaps none as iconic as Pepsi and a certain red rival. Wanting to settle things once and for all, Pepsi MAX needed a marketing campaign that truly set them apart.</p><p>In a two-step campaign,&nbsp;<a href="http://www.pepsico.nl/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Pepsi MAX</a>&nbsp;started by setting up stations across the Netherlands where people were encouraged to take a blind taste test comparing two beverages. This classic and immersive campaign was a hit and great for brand awareness. Yet Pepsi MAX wanted to extend their reach and push their creativity a step further.</p><h2>the solution</h2><p>Using their innovation budget and working with&nbsp;<a href="http://www.omnicomgroup.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">international marketing agency Omnicom</a>, Pepsi devised a plan to retarget taste testers using&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.7.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home</a>. The campaign ran on&nbsp;<a href="https://www.exterionmedia.com/nl" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Exterion Media</a>&nbsp;screens in six malls in Amsterdam, Utrecht, the Hague and Rotterdam. These locations were specifically selected because the malls had a supermarket in them, increasing the relevance of the ad and the likelihood of triggering a purchase.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>However, rather than booking every mall screen at all times, the brand tapped into Broadsign DSP partner,&nbsp;<a href="https://platform161.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Platform 161</a>, for a hyper-targeted and contextual&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.7.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">programmatic digital out-of-home</a>&nbsp;approach. When people participated in the tasting challenge, a unique ID was logged from several apps using&nbsp;<a href="https://reso.no/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Resono beacon technology</a>. The digital out-of-home campaign was then triggered instantly when one of these taste testers walked into the mall.</p><p>As this took place programmatically, Pepsi MAX only paid for the ad placement when the creative played, making it a targeted and extremely efficient media buy. The moment the ad was triggered, the entire mall network displayed a Pepsi MAX ad for an impactful takeover view.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><blockquote><p>"The flexibility provided by buying digital out-of-home programmatically enabled us to look at retargeting in a whole new way. &nbsp;The screens were a fresh and creative addition to Pepsi MAX’s campaign." – Danique Steur, senior programmatic specialist, Omnicom</p></blockquote><p>&nbsp;</p><h2>the results</h2><p>The result was a highly effective campaign that caught viewers’ attention.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><blockquote><p>"With programmatic digital out-of-home, we were able to be extremely relevant to our audience without having to spend huge amounts. We’re definitely going to continue to innovate with this type of campaign going forward." – Michiel Otten, brand manager beverages, PepsiCo.</p></blockquote><p>&nbsp;</p><p>While mass awareness digital out-of-home campaigns are still an important part of a brand’s marketing strategy, data-driven programmatic campaigns are becoming more frequent, as buyers look to find more efficient and creative ways to share their brand stories.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Plaxma Visual Networks uses digital signage for better internal communications]]><![CDATA[

There is value in creating a lively office environment. Offices should be a place that gets people excited to work and that inspires the very best efforts from each employee. Today, finding ways to boost energy, build excitement, and loop more employees in on office happenings are important priorities. Achieving these goals is easier said […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-plaxma-visual-networks-uses-digital-signage-for-better-internal-communicationshttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-plaxma-visual-networks-uses-digital-signage-for-better-internal-communications<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 12 Nov 2018 01:14:21 GMT<p>There is value in creating a lively office environment. Offices should be a place that gets people excited to work and that inspires the very best efforts from each employee. Today, finding ways to boost energy, build excitement, and loop more employees in on office happenings are important priorities.</p><p>Achieving these goals is easier said than done. However, with its strategic, creative approach to content creation and network deployment, Plaxma Visual Networks is helping companies across Mexico develop workplace communications that make people happy and productive.</p><h2 >Rethinking what internal communications can be</h2><p>After first working with digital signage in 2007, Plaxma officially began operations in 2008, developing a roster of clients that includes everything from hospitals, to automotive companies, to resorts. Offering turnkey communications solutions to its customers, Plaxma helps at all stages of conceiving, planning, and delivering the right content for internal comms networks of all kinds.</p><p>The success of Plaxma’s approach begins with the very way that it views the internal communications space. Rather than approaching internal comms as a simple project of delivering content to digital signage, it views its work as more like establishing an internal TV channel for its clients.</p><figure >Plaxma treats internal communications like an internal TV channel for businesses</figcaption></figure><p>Operating from this point of view requires a different mindset from the content standpoint. For internal communications content to be engaging enough for viewers to actually pay attention, it should be regularly updated, just like a TV show will release new episodes at regular intervals. To do this effectively requires thinking outside the box of internal announcements from HR. Infotainment content like weather, sports, and trivia questions are all popular offerings, as are more casual internal updates &#8211; photos from company events, employees’ children, and more.</p><p>Finally, Plaxma rounds out this fun stuff with material more directly related to the company: key performance indicators, new policies, upcoming meetings or events, adding valuable substance to the channel.</p><h2 >Easier content creation = better engagement</h2><p>Though external content will generally fill the bulk of a channel’s content, even creating small amounts of internal content requires time and effort. This means keeping up a steady stream of content can be a challenge. For Plaxma, facilitating the content creation process is key to ensuring their customers have the easiest time adding content to their channels. This, in turn, provides the freshness that drives better results.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>Keeping internal communications content fresh is key to ensuring it remains engaging</p><p>Incorporating social media feeds is one option. By using a mobile phone to upload content to Instagram, for example, network operators can get interesting new content added to their channels on the fly. Privacy concerns, however, mean that this solution is not always ideal &#8211; company social network posts are generally public, after all.</p><p>It’s with this issue in mind that Plaxma is introducing a brand new tool designed to bring the convenience of mobile content uploads directly to the internal communications space – no social media workaround required. Users simply use the app to upload a photo and any text they might like, with the five most recent such posts given a place on the channel. It’s an exciting concept that Plaxma hopes will streamline the content creation process and encourage a new level of engagement with internal communications channels.</p><figure >Plaxma&#8217;s mobile uploading tool makes it easier for networks to keep content fresh</figcaption></figure><h2 >Plaxma and broadsign</h2><p>With a network of over 1,000 screens in many different business environments, Plaxma has a lot of different content to deliver. It must be able to integrate a variety of external data feeds, and wants to be able to add on tools like mobile uploading of content. Being able to manage all of this content and all of these tools efficiently is of critical concern.</p><p>To meet its ambitious goals, Plaxma relies on the Broadsign platform. With its rules-based automation of content delivery, Broadsign is leaps and bounds ahead of competing offerings that still rely on playlists for scheduling content. The platform’s extensibility, meanwhile, means Plaxma can easily introduce more content and more features to shape their network into something truly special. Finally, the local content management functionality offered by Broadsign Publish is ideal for teams to add their own content to their internal channels – no technical skills required. Combined, it’s an ideal solution for efficiently building and delivering rich, informative, and engaging content to internal channels of all kinds.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Spotlight on the Calgary Flames]]><![CDATA[

For the last 3 years, the Calgary Flames have been managing marketing and advertising in-house, from creative to execution. While going agency-less means taking back the lead on budget and strategies, it also means finding efficient new processes and cost-effective tools to ensure the success of this organizational change. We recently spoke withRyan Popowich, Director […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/spotlight-on-the-calgary-flameshttps://broadsign.com/blog/spotlight-on-the-calgary-flames<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 01 Nov 2018 10:25:00 GMT<p>For the last 3 years, the Calgary Flames have been managing marketing and advertising in-house, from creative to execution. While going agency-less means taking back the lead on budget and strategies, it also means finding efficient new processes and cost-effective tools to ensure the success of this organizational change. We recently spoke with&nbsp;<strong>Ryan Popowich, Director of Marketing and Promotions for the Calgary Flames</strong>, one of our most active users since the launch of the platform.</p><h2 >3 major benefits of using Broadsign Ads?</h2><h3 >Cost-effectiveness</h3><p>After bringing all of their marketing back in-house three years ago, it quickly became clear that buying and executing OOH was a laborious process when compared with other online strategies.&nbsp; The team opted to dramatically scale back on OOH and focus solely on more efficient options – that is, until <a href="http://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a> (formerly Campsite) came along. After a few people mentioned Broadsign Ads, Ryan and his team decided to try… and it was a perfect match.&nbsp; According to Ryan, the Flames have now increased their original agency spending by 10%! Being able to geo-target and instantly find all the digital screens in the region with one search, directly upload creative and start their campaigns without any delays has allowed the organization to use OOH in a way that’s comparable to social media – frequent, short-term, highly targeted campaigns, in this case, all to promote local events and ticket sales. When looking at results, CPMs, time and effort to book, it is now a no-brainer for them to continue spending in OOH and increase their spending overall.&nbsp;</p><h3 >User-Friendliness</h3><p>The ease and flexibility offered by Broadsign Ads serve the perfect niche for their four brands. Since they manage different promotions and reach different audiences, they’re able to easily keep track of everything on their dashboard. Not only can they access mobile-data-powered insight to build their campaigns, but they also have access to real-time data to monitor the course of their operations.</p><h3 >Autonomy</h3><p>The team loves that the platform is accessible 24/7, and that they can edit any aspect of their campaigns as they are running. They can also decide the exact budget they want to spend or even cherry-pick locations. Basically, as Ryan says, their campaigns happen "the way we want to do it, when we want to do it."</p><h2 >What&#8217;s next?</h2><p>The recent addition of outdoor inventory completes the Broadsign Ads offer for the Flames; Broadsign Ads is now the full package deal! They forecast a new increase in their spending of about 20% in the upcoming months. The team is interested in mobile retargeting possibilities, which every screen in the platform can help accomplish.</p><figure }</script></figure>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Understanding DOOH metrics]]><![CDATA[

In online advertising, metrics data are well-known indicators of successful marketing campaigns. Browser tracking cookies and a variety of tools allow for easy collection and analysis of data relating to user behaviour. An administrator can see how visitors arrived to their website and what they did while on the site with very little effort. Analytics […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/dooh-metricshttps://broadsign.com/blog/dooh-metrics<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 01 Nov 2018 08:47:42 GMT<p>In online advertising, metrics data are well-known indicators of successful marketing campaigns. Browser tracking cookies and a variety of tools allow for easy collection and analysis of data relating to user behaviour. An administrator can see how visitors arrived to their website and what they did while on the site with very little effort.</p><p>Analytics are useful in the world of <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank">digital out-of-home</a> as well, but the manner in which metrics are tracked is a little different.</p><h2 >Measuring impressions</h2><p>The most important metric in digital out-of-home is the number of impressions that a screen gets over a given time period. Determining how many impressions a screen gets, however, is a little tricky. With online advertising, one appearance of an ad on one screen is likely to reach one person. DOOH, however, is a one-to-many medium. Several people are likely to be looking at a screen at any given moment, meaning that one play of an ad needs to be counted as several impressions.</p><p>Determining the impression multiplier, or number of impressions one ad play should count for, requires data collection. Different networks rely on different tools to get this data. Cinemas, for instance, can use ticket sales to get a good idea of how many people see a given ad up on the screen. Other businesses might use cameras and sensors integrated with a DOOH analytics platform like <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://quividi.com/" target="_blank">Quividi</a> or <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="http://linkett.com/" target="_blank">Linkett</a> to collect views data on an ongoing basis. Still others might use an independent third-party research firm like <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://geopath.org/" target="_blank">Geopath</a> or <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.nielsen.com/" target="_blank">Nielsen</a> to conduct a statistical analysis of the likely views that a screen will get.</p><div }</script><figcaption>DOOH metrics can be researched and tracked in a number of different ways</figcaption></figure></div><p>Whatever the method or methods chosen, it’s a critical step for network owners to ensure that this type of information is gathered. It’s only by obtaining an accurate estimate of how many views a screen gets that DOOH media can be fairly priced.</p><h2 >Metrics &amp; pricing</h2><p>There are three main ways that DOOH inventory is sold:</p><ul><li>CPM, or cost per thousand impressions. With this model, the publisher will negotiate a rate with the advertiser, charging them that rate for every 1,000 impressions they want their ad campaign to get. Note that because of impression multipliers, it is likely that it will take fewer than 1,000 plays to achieve 1,000 impressions.</li><li>Share of voice, or as a proportion of total inventory. When buyers want to be able to purchase a specific percentage of all the ad inventory on all of a network’s or area’s screens, they can do so with this pricing model.</li><li>Loop frequency. DOOH media typically plays on a loop, with much of the same material recurring after a set amount of time. To reach more people, buyers may want to purchase multiple slots within a single loop.</li></ul><p>Impression data are at the heart of all of these models, but other metrics can also be important. For loop frequency purchases, for instance, buyers may want to know the dwell time, or amount of time individuals spend in proximity to a screen. If the dwell time is short, buyers may opt for quicker repetitions, in order to reach a wider audience. If it is long, they may want to have a longer buffer between plays, to avoid hitting the same people with the same campaign over and over.</p><div }</script><figcaption>Metrics like dwell time can help buyers figure out how to purchase inventory on a network</figcaption></figure></div><p>Networks that want to accommodate different purchasing preferences need to have the necessary data to sell these models correctly. Accurate metrics tracking, then, isn’t just a best practice that helps network owners unlock the full value of their screens and inventory. Rather, it ought to be seen as a necessity for conducting transactions.</p><h2 >Conversion attribution and DOOH</h2><p>Online, it’s easy to attribute a conversion to the channel that brought in a new customer. This is thanks to cookie tracking and the unique online identifiers associated with individual users and their devices. Marketers can look for trends in this data to better understand which channels do the best job of closing sales.</p><p>The digital out-of-home space generally relies on a simpler method of tracking the effectiveness of a DOOH campaign. Often, they compare conversions for a product or service before, during, and after a campaign’s run.</p><p>That’s not to say that metrics tracking can’t deliver value for DOOH conversion attribution. Impression tracking, for instance, is of great value at this stage. It allows a more granular understanding of the relationship between how many people saw an ad and any uptick in conversions. Further, some DOOH networks tap into mobile location data to better correlate impressions with sales. On the data side of things, this can be great, though it is important to note that <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-out-of-home-and-privacy/" target="_blank">privacy concerns</a> could make this sort of data collection difficult.</p><div }</script><figcaption>Comparing sales before and after a campaign is a common method of determining DOOH campaign success</figcaption></figure></div><p>This reflects an important truth. Digital out-of-home, much like other digital advertising, is currently in a period of growth and restructuring. With metric tracking sure to remain an integral part of digital out-of-home campaigns, DOOH players will need to stay on top of industry shifts in data collection over the coming years.</p><div ></div></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Four lessons from digital that will inform DOOH’s programmatic transition]]><![CDATA[

Digital advertising has come a long way since Wired Magazine offshoot HotWired and AT&T launched the first banner ad in 1994, in part thanks to its shift to programmatic. By 2019, more than 83 percent of US digital display ad transactions are expected to occur programmatically, but digital-out-of-home (DOOH) is just beginning to embrace programmatic. […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/four-lessons-from-digital-that-will-inform-doohs-programmatic-transitionhttps://broadsign.com/blog/four-lessons-from-digital-that-will-inform-doohs-programmatic-transition<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 22 Oct 2018 12:33:06 GMT<p>Digital advertising has come a long way since Wired Magazine offshoot HotWired and AT&amp;T launched the<a href="https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2017/04/the-first-ever-banner-ad-on-the-web/523728/"> first banner ad in 1994</a>, in part thanks to its shift to programmatic. By 2019, more than<a href="https://www.emarketer.com/Article/eMarketer-Releases-New-US-Programmatic-Ad-Spending-Figures/1016698"> 83 percent of US digital display ad transactions are expected to occur programmatically</a>, but<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/"> digital-out-of-home (DOOH)</a> is just beginning to embrace programmatic. As it begins to take hold, DOOH stands to gain a lot by looking at the evolution of programmatic online and mobile advertising over the last decade. Here are four key takeaways:</p><h2 >1. Relevance matters</h2><p>Programmatic is often conflated with the goals and practices of online direct marketers (conversion optimized bidding, tight audience targeting and retargeting) because they used these. However, the elements of a programmatic stack (DSPs, DMPs and SSPs) can be used to chase many contexts and it turns out that there are many contexts that matter to audiences (and thus to advertisers) just as much or more than what websites we visited yesterday. Local weather conditions, traffic on the freeway, the score of the football game, train schedules, movie times, our proximity to a store and other signals all influence our days enormously and can be targeted with programmatic tools. Many of these signals are place-based and DOOH inventory is a great way to deliver relevant messages based on these signals at scale.</p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >2. Experience is everything</h2><figure }</script></figure><p>Time and again the audience experience has been shown to influence buying decisions and brand loyalty. The original programmatic model offered up new data that enabled online and mobile advertisers to create more memorable experiences. Pedigree’s Found campaign from a few years ago, which included a community-driven app for posting and finding lost animals, is a great example. DOOH publishers can take advantage of this programmatic model to similarly use real-time access to traffic, weather and other pertinent data to trigger on-the spot creative decisions. Media buyers can also transact on that information to bring consumers more meaningful experiences in the moment. Because programmatic DOOH is accessible via digital ad platforms it also opens the door for DOOH to become more tightly integrated into the campaign planning process early on, making omni-channel experiences with creative mobile and online tie-ins more feasible.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >3. Physical context drives purchase decisions</h2><figure }</script></figure><p>Google and Instagram, among other major advertising platforms have shown that reaching people on the move leads to increased purchases. For instance, Google found that<a href="https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/marketing-resources/data-measurement/online-offline-marketing-myths/"> 76% of people who search for a product or service on their smartphones nearby visit a business within a day and 28% of those searches drive purchases</a>. Online and mobile advertising took advantage of geo-location technology early-on in its programmatic transition to support ad buys based on location. By nature DOOH already allows advertisers to communicate with people in malls, on the way to the game or near a restaurant, but can take advantage of programmatic technology to not only make transactions based on physical context that much easier, but also deliver campaigns based on omnichannel strategies, which have been<a href="https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/marketing-resources/omnichannel/meeting-shoppers-needs/"> shown to drive increased store visits</a>.</p><h2 >4. Reach is key</h2><p>As<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rS0VQOHX7lM&amp;feature=youtu.be&amp;t=20s"> Cheers</a> patrons and disciples of<a href="https://www.amazon.ca/How-Brands-Grow-What-Marketers/dp/0195573560"> Byron Sharp</a> know very well, it&#8217;s good when everyone knows your name. Brands like Tide, Chevy, Coca Cola and Nike have succeeded in this respect; however, achieving this level of familiarity has historically been challenging for brands that needed to reach a large number of people in their target market to benefit in the long run. The onset of programmatic made it much easier for brands to reach target audiences across online and mobile channels and at scale. DOOH can follow suit as the programmatic transition will likely drive more digitization of traditional street furniture and OOH billboards, and in turn, create opportunity to reach new audiences. Couple that with the advertising effectiveness of DOOH, which outpaces other mediums, and the ability to easily buy and sell ads with greater relevancy and physical context, and programmatic DOOH will be a powerful tool for expanding audience reach.</p><p>Programmatic revolutionized online and mobile advertising and is expected to do the same for DOOH.<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/"> As DOOH marches toward programmatic</a>, it’s clear that some of the key fundamentals uncovered through online and mobile’s transition could inform DOOH’s approach – from the importance of relevancy to expanding audience reach.</p><p><strong>Are you ready to get started with programmatic digital out-of-home? See what</strong><a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/"><strong> Broadsign Reach</strong></a><strong> can do for you!</strong></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Digital out-of-home and privacy: a primer]]><![CDATA[

Online advertising has long been a target for privacy advocates. Between activity tracking, ads that seem to follow you everywhere you go, and lingering fears that big data companies are reading emails or listening to conversations, there has been plenty of mistrust for online marketing. Not all of it is undeserved. By virtue of the […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-out-of-home-and-privacyhttps://broadsign.com/blog/digital-out-of-home-and-privacy<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 04 Oct 2018 10:35:47 GMT<p>Online advertising has long been a target for privacy advocates. Between activity tracking, ads that seem to follow you everywhere you go, and lingering fears that big data companies are reading emails or listening to conversations, there has been plenty of mistrust for online marketing. Not all of it is undeserved.</p><p>By virtue of the fact that <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home</a> is in the category of digital marketing, it, too, has gained the suspicion of privacy advocates. Fortunately, DOOH audience data tracking is different from what is done online, meaning many of those concerns are greatly reduced, if not eliminated.</p><h2 >DOOH’s "semi-anonymity," explained</h2><p>DOOH audience data is collected and stored in a state of semi-anonymity. This means that while audience data is tracked, no individual’s personal information is ever stored.</p><p>To illustrate the concept, here’s a comparison between online targeting and DOOH targeting.Tim uses his phone to go to his favourite blog, and he sees an ad for a new laptop. After clicking on the ad, he’s sent to an online retailer’s website. He then browses the retailer’s site, looking at a number of different products before closing his window.</p><p>These activities are all logged and transmitted to online advertisers, who, among other things, now know:</p><ul><li>That Tim was on his favourite blog</li><li>That he saw and clicked on an ad for a laptop</li><li>What he looked at after clicking on the ad</li></ul><p>This data can now be used to serve Tim more targeted advertising. When Tim goes back to his favourite blog, or to other websites that serve ads, he’ll be more likely to receive ads relating to the laptop he initially clicked on an ad for, as well as for the other products he looked at after. Tim’s phone is recognized online as a unique device, so his information gets tied to his unique online identity.</p><div ><figure >Personal electronic devices collect personal information that facilitates individual ad targeting</figcaption></figure></div><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With DOOH, things are a little different.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Suppose Tim goes to the mall to check out that laptop in person at the electronics store. On his way through the mall, he sees a digital sign, and he pauses in front of it. He watches as an ad for a leather jacket, and then an ad for wireless headphones, play on the screen. When an ad for a luxury car plays, he walks away.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Throughout this process, it is likely that some data about Tim have been collected. The way that this is accomplished in DOOH varies tremendously across the industry. &nbsp;Firstly, the mall owner has likely counted Tim and all foot traffic with simple IR sensors placed near the entrances. Over time, this helps the mall owner build a very good picture of the traffic patterns at certain times and days of the year. In transit, equivalent data is collected by turnstiles. In Cinema, it’s ticket sales. In outdoor, measurement companies like Geopath, Route, Nielsen and COMMB use sampling and statistical models to fulfill the role of measuring the total traffic in front of a screen at any given time.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Many DOOH operators also use real-time sensors at the screen level. &nbsp;Across the industry, these sensors come in two main flavors: anonymous video analytics and WiFi detection.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Anonymous video analytics software uses a webcam and video analysis algorithms to see how many people are in front of the screen, whether or not they looked, and basic demographic information like age or gender. WiFi detection counts the number of WiFi-enabled devices passing in front of the screen. This type of measurement can be a good proxy to determine the amount of people exposed to an ad. With both visual data and WiFi detection, all sensor-level data is anonymized before analysis. Nothing personally identifiable is retained or transmitted to the cloud.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Lastly, many forward-thinking DOOH operators also invest in acquiring mobile location data (from exchanges and/or mobile SDKs). &nbsp;This data originates from smartphones and can provide the types of hyper-specific audience segments online buyers are used to targeting. &nbsp;However, this data is sent very infrequently from devices, in the order of 10 to 20 times a day, so it cannot provide a picture of the total audience a screen has.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">By accumulating these different kinds of data over time for a screen, a complete but anonymized picture of the audience composition emerges. It’s possible to discover patterns of behaviour common to the demographics of people who look at a given sign. However, no unique identifiers are ever collected that can associate any of that data to Tim specifically.</span></p><p>The bottom line:</p><p>While DOOH audience data is collected, it is much less specific than online data, and does not result in specific campaigns being targeted to specific people. Rather, the data is collected to illuminate patterns in audience activity and preference that can be used to better target campaigns to appropriate audiences &#8211; not specific individuals.</p><div ><figure >Audience data collected for DOOH media is semi-anonymous, meaning no personal details will be stored</figcaption></figure></div><h2 >The impact of GDPR on DOOH</h2><p>The biggest data privacy story of recent years was the arrival of Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the many ways it would affect audience data collection and the delivery of campaigns. Email marketing and various other kinds of online advertising saw a drop in effectiveness in the wake of GDPR, leading marketing professionals around the world looking for effective alternatives — like DOOH.</p><p>So, how does GDPR affect the DOOH space?</p><p>Answer: It doesn’t. At least, not directly.</p><p>The anonymized nature of DOOH audience data means that DOOH audience data falls outside the scope of GDPR. If your business is all DOOH, all the time, you don’t need to worry about GDPR. If, however, your network somehow draws on data from other channels, like mobile, location or social media, it would be worth taking a moment to ensure you have adequate permissions to draw on those data sources. Even then, only those networks that are either located in the European Union, or that somehow incorporate data from users in the EU, will be directly affected by these regulations.</p><p>All in all, the fact that GDPR touches so lightly on the DOOH space means that DOOH is increasingly touted as a good replacement for those online channels that are now more heavily regulated.</p><div ><figure >GDPR doesn&#8217;t directly affect DOOH, making DOOH a good alternative to newly restricted digital channels</figcaption></figure></div><h2 >DOOH, visual data, and consent</h2><p>Despite the fact that DOOH networks don’t capture or store information about individuals, there are some types of DOOH data collection that may still turn consumers off. In 2018, it became national Canadian news when facial recognition technology was found to be hooked up to digital info screens located in some of the country’s largest malls. A backlash led to the company that owns those malls promising to cease using the technology for the time being.</p><p>This highlights a challenge for network operators today. Where online users generally have some understanding of the fact that their activity is being tracked, it may be less commonly known that tracking is conducted in real-world spaces as well. Some individuals may be unhappy that they were not asked for consent for that tracking to be conducted, and still others may be wary of this kind of technology being used in publicly accessible spaces at all.</p><div ><figure >Finding ways to communicate audience data tracking will be an important challenge for DOOH operators</figcaption></figure></div><p>Despite striking perhaps the best balance between utility and privacy of any of the major corners of the digital analytics world, there remain concerns by some people about what kind of digital signage audience analytics are collected, and how. Finding ways to more fully communicate what data is tracked and stored by digital signage software will help network operators better manage consumer expectations and avoid unpleasant surprises for privacy-focused individuals.</p><p><strong>Do you want to learn more about the most important topics in digital signage? Check out <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/guide-to-building-a-successful-digital-signage-network" target="_blank">our complete guide to building a digital signage network</a>!</strong></p><div ><div ></div><div ><p></p></div></div><p></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How MMD Media uses DOOH to improve the travel experience]]><![CDATA[

There’s great opportunity to be found in appealing to consumers in motion. They might be hungry, or hungry for their next adventure, or simply in need of a little information. Understanding how to communicate with these individuals can help unlock value in a digital signage network. With its data-driven operations and strong core network, MMD […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-mmd-media-uses-dooh-to-improve-the-travel-experiencehttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-mmd-media-uses-dooh-to-improve-the-travel-experience<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 30 Aug 2018 09:32:27 GMT<p>There’s great opportunity to be found in appealing to consumers in motion. They might be hungry, or hungry for their next adventure, or simply in need of a little information. Understanding how to communicate with these individuals can help unlock value in a digital signage network.</p><p>With its data-driven operations and strong core network, MMD Media offers a good example of how to approach DOOH for travellers.</p><h2 >Taking on OOH by air and by road</h2><p>Founded in 2001, MMD Media drew from its founders’ previous advertising and media experience to take on the aviation ad space. Initially, this took the form of ads on the outside of planes, and later in-flight magazine ads and on headrest covers. Before long, they found themselves moving indoors, mounting posters inside airports. From there, MMD expanded its efforts to include out-of-home advertising in and around gas stations, and later began a transition to&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.8.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home</a>.</p><p>In an environment replete with big DOOH players, MMD has found success in carving out niches in which it can achieve market-leader status. Attracted in part to the prolonged dwell times found at gas stations and airports, the company seems set on continuing to build a presence in travel-related spaces.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >Content and context for audiences and buyers</h2><p>MMD sees a couple of key benefits to digital out-of-home. DOOH is more flexible than static OOH, and it provides the ability to more easily deliver relevant campaigns to an audience.</p><p>MMD integrates external data streams with its content management and delivery to get the most from these qualities of DOOH. Its airport screens can draw on data about arrivals and departures to tailor content to the airport audience.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>One example is a campaign the company ran for Bol.com; a Dutch ecommerce site specializing in entertainment and leisure items like books, toys and electronics. The campaign was played only when travellers headed to popular vacation spots—a group that might like to enjoy Bol’s products while in the air or laying out at the beach—would be near the screens.</p><p>This data-driven approach to content management can also be applied at a local level. Imagine all the gas stations on MMD’s network are running ads for a coffee and donut combo. When the inventory system in place at the station registers that donuts are running out, it can trigger the signs to instead advertise something else—a deal on coffee and a pastry, perhaps. This, without any intervention required on the part of users on location or by MMD itself.</p><h2 >Fuelling MMD’s network ambition</h2><p>Representing approximately 1,100 of MMD’s 1,200 screens, the gas station vertical is central to the company&#8217;s ambitions. At stations on MMD’s network, screens can be found at the pumps, outside of the building, and inside of the store area. These help ensure messaging can be delivered to the audience wherever they might be on the premises.</p><p>On the part of the businesses that adopt screens on MMD’s network, there are a few benefits that can be realized. For one thing, the locations can share in a part of the advertising revenue. Stations are also able to use screen inventory to display messages related to loyalty programs or special promotions. This is a capacity that can lead to significant benefits. Close to one in five people who have seen a digital video ad claim that it spurred them on to make an impulse buy.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >MMD Media and Broadsign</h2><p>There’s only so much room for growth in a small, densely populated country like the Netherlands. In the near term, MMD plans to spread outwards into Europe, beginning with an expansion into the Belgian market. This coincides with MMD Media’s ongoing shift to an entirely digital inventory. The next couple of years will mark an important milestone for the company.</p><p>Expanding further afield will place some new demands on the network. Security, reliability, and monitoring functionality become more important than ever. This is because MMD must be able to monitor and maintain screens farther away from home. MMD&#8217;s desire to enable&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.8.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">programmatic DOOH sales</a>&nbsp;on its network also presents a challenge that few platforms can address.</p><p>To meet all of its network requirements, present and future, MMD Media has turned to Broadsign. The security, reliability and scalability of the platform will allow MMD to expand with confidence. Further, Broadsign’s own programmatic DOOH service,&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.8.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Reach</a>, integrates fully with the rest of the platform. This ensures the smoothest possible addition of programmatic sales capability to MMD’s network, a capability which will become increasingly important in the years ahead.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Introducing Broadsign Control Live and Broadsign Control 13.0]]><![CDATA[

New! Broadsign Control Live: monitor and maintain your network in real time While centralized control of screens is necessary for any well-functioning digital signage network, it comes with a drawback: you aren’t always near your screens. This means that a large portion of monitoring and maintenance must be done remotely. To better ensure your screens […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-broadsign-control-live-and-broadsign-control-13-0https://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-broadsign-control-live-and-broadsign-control-13-0<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 13 Aug 2018 14:10:41 GMT<h2 >New! Broadsign Control Live: monitor and maintain your network in real time</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">While centralized control of screens is necessary for any well-functioning digital signage network, it comes with a drawback: you aren’t always near your screens. This means that a large portion of monitoring and maintenance must be done remotely.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To better ensure your screens are running and performing as they should, we have developed an add-on product: Broadsign Control Live, a set of tools that enable you to trigger changes on your players on-demand and visually identify potential playback issues.</span></p><h3 >Uncover potential issues with a player monitoring center</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As screenshots are captured, the new player monitoring center gives you a visual representation of your screens, prioritizing those that are showing potential problems, such as screens that are blank, or those showing a black or blue screen. This enables you to proactively spot potential issues quickly and address them accordingly.</span></p><figure ></div></figure><h3 >creenshot capture</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With Broadsign Control Live, you can see exactly what’s playing on every screen without having to send a person on-site. Remote screenshots enable you to quickly troubleshoot and obtain visual confirmation that every campaign is playing as it should. These screenshots can also be pushed to a third-party web page such as a customer portal or screenshot proof-of-play reports.</span></p><figure ></div></figure><h3 >Make instant changes with on-demand player polling</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As we know, things don’t always go quite as planned. Screens might not be displaying as they should, someone may have made a simple scheduling mistake or advertisers may want to suddenly change creative, update campaign frequency or even put an immediate stop to a campaign. With Broadsign Control Live, your team can push these changes instantly without having to wait for the player to poll the server. </span></p><figure ></div></figure><h2 >Broadsign Control 13.0: go further with dynamic and data-driven campaigns </span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The advertising landscape is getting more competitive by the minute. Every agency and brand is vying for consumer attention, of which there is limited supply. With its </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/next-media-campaign-include-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">high-impact, large format screens and reach</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, DOOH is continuing to grow as the medium of choice when brands want to be noticed.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Even so, for an out-of-home campaign to be a success, it must still be delivered to the right audience at the right time. Every message needs to be contextual and relevant, and this can be achieved with the help of dynamic content and data-driven campaigns.</span></p><h3 >Easily support more dynamic content with SmartFeed</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">By updating content automatically based on external triggers, dynamic campaigns allow for more contextual content. Rather than displaying the same creative throughout the duration of the campaign, advertisers can better engage audiences by updating content as situations change.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With the new Broadsign Control SmartFeed feature, you can tap into virtually any data source to activate dynamic content and campaigns on your network. By creating scripts in Broadsign Control, JSON or XML data feeds can be easily set to activate campaigns or trigger a particular creative. Examples include sports scores, traffic or even your customers’ custom data, SmartFeed are also a great option for non ad-based content to increase messaging context or sales. Here are a few examples:</span></p><ul><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Retail: trigger different creatives depending on inventory levels</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Healthcare: better inform patients by altering displayed wait times according to employee availability</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">QSR: upsell certain items by displaying different menus based on the weather</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Cinema: update lobby screens with real-time award and ceremony results</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Smart cities: build excitement across the city with special content when the local team is winning</span></li></ul><h3 >Provide your customers with more detailed dynamic content proof-of-play reporting </span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">While advertisers can get more creative with dynamic campaigns, creating various versions of the creatives can require some extra resources. To be sure their efforts are paying off, your advertisers can now analyze the results of their campaign with the Broadsign Control proof-of-play (PoP) log that can now display data based on which content was displayed in HTML5-based dynamic content. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For example, if a campaign for a coffee shop was set to display a hot cappuccino when it was raining and an iced latte when it was sunny, the report can now show when and how many times each message was displayed. This will enable the coffee shop to better correlate its sales to a specific version of creative.</span></p><h3 >Do more with improved audience data features</span></h3><h4 >Dual Quividi support</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">You can now capture Quividi audience data and adjust messaging accordingly on dual sided totems using a single player.</span></p><h4 >Statistical audience API</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Import third-party data from companies such as Nielsen, Route and GeoPath, directly in Broadsign Control to generate campaign audience reports in real time.</span></p><h5 >And one extra thing! Our documentation has migrated to Flare</span></h5><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We have now migrated our documentation to Flare. This will enable our customers to search our docs more quickly and efficiently.</span></p><h3 >Get started with Broadsign Control 13.0 and Control Live</span></h3><p>We will be hosting webinars on August 22 to go over the new features in detail and guide you through a live demo.</p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Current customers can speak to their account managers to get started. Non Broadsign customers can <a href="/request-a-demo">get in touch to get a more personalized demo</a> of the Broadsign platform.</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How HTML5 can up your digital out-of-home game]]><![CDATA[

In the world of advertising, making an impact can be challenging. With consumers being exposed to hundreds, if not thousands, of ads each day, every brand is vying for their attention. So how do you make your campaign stand out from the crowd? By creating an exciting, eye-catching and contextual digital out-of-home campaign, of course! […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-html5-can-up-your-digital-out-of-home-gamehttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-html5-can-up-your-digital-out-of-home-game<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 13 Aug 2018 13:13:57 GMT<p>In the world of advertising, making an impact can be challenging. With consumers being exposed to<a href="https://www.bizjournals.com/bizjournals/how-to/marketing/2017/09/do-we-really-see-4-000-ads-a-day.html"> hundreds, if not thousands</a>, of ads each day, every brand is vying for their attention. So how do you make your campaign stand out from the crowd? By creating an exciting, eye-catching and contextual digital out-of-home campaign, of course!</p><p>Digital out-of-home has been shown to have a<a href="http://adage.com/article/agency-viewpoint/digital-home-a-invention-advertising-s-origins/308906/"> greater recall than other mediums</a>, and its ability to leverage technology makes DOOH an ideal option for advertisers – and one of these technologies is HTML5.</p><p>HTML5,<a href="https://www.techradar.com/news/internet/web/html5-what-is-it-1047393"> the latest markup language</a> that combines HTML, CSS and JavaScript,&nbsp; is now common across the web. It’s a fair assumption to say that you have likely visited a website using HTML5 already today. It’s a tool that enables almost any content, app or media to run without needing additional plugins, and offers immense creative flexibility.</p><p>But these creative and technical benefits aren’t only for the web! Read on to see why your next DOOH campaign should be built with HTML5.</p><h2 >Stand out with the creative benefits of HTML5</h2><p>More and more advertising agencies and brands are becoming familiar with HTML5 and are leveraging the creative benefits of the medium:</p><h3 >1. Customize your creative for each audience</h3><p>While a simple campaign can do well, a well-targeted one can really pack a punch. With HTML5 content, audience data can be used to change campaign text, images or animations in real-time. Analytics software like Quidivi can be set up to analyze viewers to determine age, gender, expression, clothing, accessories and more, customizing the experience for each person.This campaign from GMC is a great example of how audience data can be used to create a fun, immersive DOOH experience:</p><figure ></div></figure><h3 >2. Update your content based on contextual triggers</h3><figure }</script></figure><p>Using HTML5, any data point is your canvas. Live sports scores, current weather, stock market prices, flight details, current traffic, inventory levels and virtually any data that is relevant to your business can be used to modify campaign creatives. Text, images and animations can be updated in real-time to add more context to the campaign.HTML5 makes for a more exciting DOOH campaign, helps reach your business goals and better inform customers.<a href="https://www.jcdecaux.co.uk/news/burger-king-taps-real-time-needs-dynamic-campaign-ldn"> Burger King</a> did just that in this bus shelter campaign, where the time of day and store location were used to create a simple yet effective dynamic campaign.</p><h3 >3. Allow for interaction with your viewers</h3><p>When creating a piece of DOOH content in HTML5, you are essentially creating a mini-webpage for your screens. This means that your DOOH campaign can do virtually anything that is possible on the web. It can respond to touch, lead to new ‘pages’ of the campaign, host a video and more. This adds interaction potential that would otherwise have been impossible with predefined content.This campaign by French bank, Banque Populaire, used data, interaction and great design to engage viewers and encourage them to check out the cost of living in various locations across the globe.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dVopL-hHhk</p><h3 >4. Integrate third-party software and feeds into your campaign</h3><figure }</script></figure><p>With HTML5, it is simple to integrate third-party software and feeds into your digital signage content. Social media can be used to encourage interaction and add a level of authenticity to the campaign. Widgets can be integrated into your content to display relevant information like current news, the weather forecast and more. Wayfinding is another example of an easy integration to guide and inform your customers.This cute integration for<a href="https://www.tintup.com/resources/case-studies/boise-state-university"> Boise State University</a> used TINT software to stream live user-generated content on their jumbotron and get everyone involved in the game.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><h3 >5. Push the limits with cool and creative campaigns</h3><figure }</script></figure><p>As a whole, HTML5 is simply wonderful for campaign creativity. Combining any of the above points – <em>&nbsp;all of them</em> if you’re feeling adventurous – in your next DOOH campaign will pique your audience’s interest and make for a truly unique campaign! Even the simplest campaign, like this one from<a href="https://grandvisual.com/mcdonalds-launches-tantalising-data-driven-roadside-campaign-2/"> McDonalds</a>, can really pack a punch!</p><h2 >Leverage the technical benefits of HTML5</h2><p>Not only is HTML5 an ideal tool to stretch your creative muscle, you can also make the most of your campaign with these technical benefits:</p><h3 >1. Create content that is responsive to all screen sizes and orientations</h3><p>Similar to the way standard web pages adjust to your laptop or mobile phone, one of the most practical benefits of HTML5 DOOH content is that it adjusts automatically to every screen, no matter its size, resolution or orientation. Rather than creating, rendering and uploading various versions of the same content, a single HTML5 file is used for an entire campaign. Text, images and backgrounds automatically resize, preserving the look and legibility of the content, no matter the screen.</p><h3 >2. Make and deploy content changes easily and quickly</h3><p>Updating text, images or other content is easy and efficient with HTML5 content. Rather than having to manually change each version of the creative, a single edit can be made to the master file. HTML5 is also a great option for networks who want to enable local users, like store managers or office assistants, to make changes to the content. Using<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-broadsign-publish"> templates with limited editing capabilities</a>, the head office can maintain branding and design while without having to micromanage every content change.</p><h3 >3. Share content across all your digital marketing platforms</h3><p>HTML5 isn’t limited to DOOH, as the same content can be used across a variety of online advertising channels, including mobile and online display. This is ideal for a multi-channel marketing campaign, as content can be quickly adapted for each channel.However, there are a few additional considerations to be made when adapting an online ad for DOOH, including a viewer’s proximity to the screen and appropriate text size. For example, a small online banner ad might have text across the entire creative. However, this text might be overkill on a bus shelter screen. Your HTML5 developer can easily define a few extra rules for certain screen sizes, ensuring your content is optimal on every mobile, online and DOOH screen.</p><h3 >4. Play your campaign without any special software</h3><p>Previously, Flash was the standard in creating animated and dynamic content. However, HTML5 does not require any specialized software to display correctly, making it a more viable choice for a DOOH campaign. Some of the most popular web browsers no longer support Flash, including Chrome and Firefox, and Adobe itself has said it will discontinue the software by 2020.</p><h3 >5. Get on board with the new standard in web</h3><p>HTML5 has quickly risen in popularity in the last few years and has since become one of the standards in dynamic web design. Many developers are familiar with the technology, and for those with less technical skills, animation tools like<a href="https://www.google.com/webdesigner/"> Google Web Designer</a> are becoming more common and powerful.</p><h4 >Are you ready to get started with HTML5?</h4><p>HTML5 enables flexibility that was previously not possible in digital out-of-home. With its creative and technological benefits, the sky is really the limit for advertisers and brands to share their stories, and get noticed doing so.</p><p>If you’re thinking of using HTML5 for your next marketing campaign,<a href="https://broadsign.com/ebook-dynamic-and-interactive-content/"> download our dynamic content ebook</a> to get your creative juices flowing.</p><p>And for DOOH media owners, it important to ensure you are working with digital signage software, hardware and integrations that are robust enough to support HTML5 campaigns. This will be a strong selling point to encourage advertisers to select your network for their campaign.</p><p>HTML5 is also a great option if you have multiple screens on which you want to enable local users, like retail store managers or office assistants, to display custom content. It allows you to maintain brand control on the content without having to manually schedule every message.</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/ebook-5-common-mistakes-in-digital-signage/">Download our ebook</a> to see how Broadsign Publish can help you avoid these 5 common digital signage content mistakes.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Simplify your OOH and DOOH campaign booking with Broadsign Direct]]><![CDATA[

Habits are easy to form but hard to break. This is as true in the world of digital out-of-home as it is in life. It’s common to see out-of-home sales teams working with a complicated system to manage sales and inventory that includes a CMS, Excel spreadsheets, numerous other external sales tools. This disconnected system […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/simplify-your-ooh-and-dooh-campaign-booking-with-broadsign-directhttps://broadsign.com/blog/simplify-your-ooh-and-dooh-campaign-booking-with-broadsign-direct<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 18 Jul 2018 14:45:04 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Habits are easy to form but hard to break. This is as true in the world of <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home</a> as it is in life. It’s common to see out-of-home sales teams working with a complicated system to manage sales and inventory that includes a CMS, Excel spreadsheets, numerous other external sales tools. This disconnected system is not an ideal solution and sales teams may not even like it, but it’s the way things are done. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">This might be manageable when working with a small, hom*ogeneous network, but what happens when you expand into more complex or multichannel campaigns, or if your network gets much larger? You’ll see it takes a lot more effort to sell and schedule inventory, and an unwieldy system might just fall apart.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Fortunately, <a href="/broadsign-direct" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Direct</a> now offers a better way, simplifying complex, large-scale and multichannel out-of-home sales so that they take no effort at all.</span></p><h2 >Book DOOH and OOH in one platform</h2><div ><figure }</script></a></figure></div><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As the industry moves towards digital, non-digital OOH still holds an important place in the advertising world. With the ability to use almost any surface as a marketing channel – busses, stairs, walls, pillars, windows and more – advertisers can push their creativity to exciting levels.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Many networks have a combination of digital screens and posters, billboards, wraps and more.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To create a simpler and more cohesive proposal, both static and digital inventory can be booked via Broadsign Direct. Your sales team can view all available screens and non-static inventory in one platform, and add these assets as line items to a single proposal. This eliminates the need for multiple proposals and gives your customers a more cohesive look at their entire OOH campaign.</span></p><h2 >Create an impact with campaign takeovers</h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Sometimes, booking a few screens won’t be enough for your advertising partners – sometimes, they’ll want to make a bigger splash. This is the ideal situation for a takeover campaign. To really make an impact and catch the audience’s attention, brands book every screen in a given area (i.e. "takeover"). Booking takeover campaigns is made easy with Broadsign Direct. Your sales team can simply select the screens, click takeover and set the share of voice to 100%.</span>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuMX12YoVYg</p><h2 >Rebalance campaigns if the unexpected occurs</h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">While takeover campaigns are an amazing opportunity for your advertising partners, they can have an impact on previously booked campaigns. During the takeover, campaigns that were originally scheduled on selected screens will be temporarily paused. With Broadsign Direct, any affected campaign will be rebooked automatically across your network, ensuring each meets its target audience and budget goals.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Campaign rebalancing also works if an unforeseen problem takes a screen offline. Other screens in the campaign will pick up the slack to ensure you deliver the results your client is expecting.</span></p><h2 >Hold inventory as the deal closes</h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign Direct is designed to shorten the sales cycle, however, there will always be some delay between the time your customer receives the proposal and when the campaign is officially booked. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">While customers are reviewing the proposal, your team can place inventory on hold to ensure the campaign is ready to go once the confirmation is in. Holds can expire after a predefined amount of time, clearing the way if a potential arrangement falls through. Additionally, holds can be released at any time to free up inventory for other deals.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With Broadsign Direct streamlining the OOH sales process, your team can spend less time managing data and more time selling. If your network is large or multichannel, or if you want to offer solutions better-tailored to what advertisers want, it won’t be long before you notice big time savings in your workplace.</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Give your digital signage network a local touch with Broadsign Publish]]><![CDATA[

There’s no question that one-size-fits-all messaging is less than ideal for digital signage content to be a success. Differences in your audience’s needs and interests, location nuances and even local weather and time of day can affect how well a message is perceived. For networks with screens across states, countries and even continents, it can […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-broadsign-publishhttps://broadsign.com/blog/introducing-broadsign-publish<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 18 Jul 2018 13:43:43 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">There’s no question that one-size-fits-all messaging is less than ideal for digital signage content to be a success. Differences in your audience’s needs and interests, location nuances and even local weather and time of day can affect how well a message is perceived. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For networks with screens across states, countries and even continents, it can be difficult to ensure that messages are relevant in every location. Centrally maintaining control over content customization and scheduling is a time-consuming task, but giving your local users the power to create and display their own messages can lead to some questionable design and content choices.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This is where <a href="/broadsign-publish">Broadsign Publish</a> comes in. Broadsign Publish is a template-based local content management solution that empowers local employees, like office managers, store owners and more, to create and adapt messaging to their unique audience while ensuring your corporate brand guidelines remain intact. Essentially removing you from having to micromanage every content change or scheduling request. Here’s how:</span></p><figure ></div></figure><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign Publish replaces Broadsign Creator which, at the time, met our customers’ needs. However, those needs have since evolved, so we developed a new and improved product. With a new and more intuitive interface, it’s much easier to use, and HTML5 template support enables you to offer dynamic and responsive content to local users.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign Publish is ideal for large retailers, like grocery chains, QSRs and cafes and clothing retailers; managed services, like public healthcare services and hospitals, private healthcare practitioners and veterinary clinics; and internal and municipal communications, like global offices, city councils and student campuses.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">While Broadsign Publish can be used for a variety of local messages, some examples include:</span></p><ul><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Opening hours</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Upcoming store closures</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Promoted products</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Daily specials</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Location-specific tips and information</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Staff updates</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Upcoming event details</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Important notices</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Local news</span></li></ul><h2 >Templates for a great look and feel</span></h2><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">While outlining brand guidelines in a style guide is an important first step in maintaining your look and feel across your digital signage network, not everyone will follow these to a tee. With Broadsign Publish, you can upload HTML5 templates with restricted editing capabilities, ensuring your branding is consistently followed in every location. Local users simply fill in the template with their local information, no technical skills required.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">What’s more, these templates are responsive to various screen resolutions and orientations. Local users won’t have to worry about blurry images or awkwardly cropped content, no matter which screen they are working with.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">HTML5 also gives you more creative flexibility with your messaging. Integrating location-specific data feeds, like time-of-day or current weather, adds even more context to your messaging.</span></p><h2 >Independent local users for reduced content bottlenecks</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To lessen the bottleneck between local users and your marketing and operations team, Broadsign Publish is designed to be a self-serve platform. With a simple interface and guided tooltips, there is a short learning curve – literally a few minutes – for local users to get started with the platform. They can easily display their messages without any technical or design skills. Creating and publishing messages is as simple as:</span></p><ol><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Selecting a template and entering a message</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Picking the screens where the message will play</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Scheduling which days, times and at what frequency the message should appear</span></li></ol><h4 >Users access only what they need</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To ensure each local user only has access to the content that’s right for their business needs and audience interests, your team can assign users to each template. For example, a clinic in Florida probably doesn’t need a snowy flu-shot template.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">All content that is right for the local user is then available in their content library, where they can get started on creating a new message. </span></p><h2 >Balanced content for an engaged audience</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">While local users have the power to select what days and at what hours their custom message will play, this will not affect your network’s overall content mix. Broadsign Publish is integrated directly with Broadsign Control, ensuring each message plays at the right time.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Take a network where local users are allocated 10% of a 60 minute loop for their messaging. Automatically, the six minutes of local content will be distributed evenly across the loop to maintain a good balance with your network’s ads and other content. Additionally, if the local employee doesn’t schedule the full six minutes, the scheduling will adjust accordingly to avoid the same message being played over and over.</span></p><h2 >Broadsign Publish for a complete digital signage offering</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign Publish can be branded using your logo and colors, making the tool feel more your own, and giving local users an added sense of support from your network. With the reporting feature, you can see how local users are using the platform, enabling your team to follow up as necessary to suggest improvements. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For more insight into the why your network needs a great local content strategy, check out our ebook:</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Executive Channel Network connects brands with workplace audiences in real time]]><![CDATA[

In an era of smart cities and connected buildings, modern day workplaces are hubs of economic & social activity. This means that for brands hoping to make inroads with upscale consumers, this type of environment is an ideal place to establish a connection. With hundreds of workplaces connected to its network, Executive Channel Network is […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-executive-channel-network-connects-brands-with-workplace-audiences-in-real-timehttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-executive-channel-network-connects-brands-with-workplace-audiences-in-real-time<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 11 Jul 2018 09:27:02 GMT<p>In an era of smart cities and connected buildings, modern day workplaces are hubs of economic &amp; social activity. This means that for brands hoping to make inroads with upscale consumers, this type of environment is an ideal place to establish a connection.</p><p>With hundreds of workplaces connected to its network, Executive Channel Network is establishing itself as Europe’s leading workplace media specialist. Their mission is to use signage to deliver relevant content to the mutual benefit of professionals and global brands.</p><h2>Bringing the workplace to life with relevant digital content</h2><p>Launched in Australia in 2005, ECN has built a reputation as a leader in workplace media. Today, its focus is on delivering&nbsp;<a href="http://localhost:8000/customer-spotlights/broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/">digital out-of-home content</a>&nbsp;to workers and visitors in office buildings in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. The ECN loop is made up of a mix of building content, advertising, local news, weather, sports, financial and transport updates.</p><p><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><p>Providing relevant content for each market has resulted in a highly engaged audience. Research shows 97 per cent of the audience notice ECN screens every day and 85 per cent agree that the ECN network improves the workplace environment and enlivens the foyer area.</p><h2>Unique placement delivers unique benefits</h2><p>As&nbsp;<a href="https://www.executivechannelnetwork.com/article/the-rise-of-workplace-society/">ECN’s research shows</a>&nbsp;that more than 90 per cent of workplace professionals research and purchase products during their working day, brands recognise ECN often represents the last window of opportunity before action is taken.</p><p>To enable the kinds of&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/ebook-dynamic-and-interactive-content/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.9.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644">dynamic campaigns</a>&nbsp;that appeal to its audience, ECN invests in a number of useful technologies. For instance, their system can integrate social feeds like Twitter and Instagram, which is a great way to promote audience engagement. Additionally, all content on the system is&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-html5-can-up-your-digital-out-of-home-game/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.9.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644">based on HTML5</a>. This makes it easy for ECN to distribute responsive content to different screen formats. Thanks to these advanced network capabilities, ECN’s system allows for all manner of creative ideas that brands might want to pursue.</p><h2>ECN, programmatic pioneer</h2><p>To sell more targeted, efficient campaigns, ECN integrated with&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.9.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644">Broadsign Reach</a>, a platform that allows for&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.9.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644">programmatic DOOH inventory sales</a>. A recent campaign run by the&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-foodoras-creative-targeted-programmatic-digital-out-of-home-campaign-reached-1-million-viewers/">foodora food delivery company</a>&nbsp;is already proving the value of this addition.</p><p>The campaign began with a few main goals:</p><ul><li>Encourage more customers to choose the app&#8217;s &#8220;pick up&#8221; option</li><li>Deliver relevant messaging about restaurants close to where the ads were playing</li><li>Offer extra context according to time and weather</li></ul><p>Choosing programmatic delivery was an essential element in achieving these goals. Different creative was delivered according to time of day and weather, prompting audiences with the most appealing message for their circ*mstances. This granted the campaign a heightened level of relevance throughout its runtime.</p><p></p><p>With programmatic sales and delivery expected to account for a large percentage of DOOH industry sales over the coming years, ECN’s early experience working with this model will likely be an important competitive advantage.</p><h2>Executive Channel Network and Broadsign</h2><p>ECN’s European operations comprise a network of over 600 screens in 11 major cities in the United Kingdom, France and Germany. This comes with some important challenges.</p><p>For one thing, the content should typically be in the majority language of the city or country. From a management perspective, this means ECN must be able to manage a significant quantity of content in several languages. For another,&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.9.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644">the signage platform</a>&nbsp;must also be able to import information from numerous local data streams to provide local updates.</p><p><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><p>Working with&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.9.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644">Broadsign Control</a>, the CMS at the heart of the platform, ECN is able to manage all their screens and content with ease. Additionally, the system’s flexibility allows for easy integration of data streams and other useful solutions. This includes the&nbsp;<a href="http://linkett.com/">Linkett audience analytics platform</a>, which helps gauge campaign effectiveness. And, of course, the Broadsign Reach programmatic advertising tool enables ECN to sell inventory programmatically, allowing for more efficient and targeted campaigns to be delivered on the network.</p><p>Perhaps best of all, Broadsign’s platform makes it easy for ECN to scale its digital signage network. With two office buildings connecting to ECN every week, ECN has the technological edge required for its continued growth.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Go2Digital is making a premium play for the Croatian DOOH market]]><![CDATA[

A small coastal nation across the sea from Italy, Croatia is perhaps best known for its stunning beaches, rich history and for being one of the Game of Thrones filming locations. However, look behind the scenes and you’ll see that it has also become home to an exciting shift towards smart city infrastructure. Leading this […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-go2digital-is-making-a-premium-play-for-the-croatian-dooh-markethttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-go2digital-is-making-a-premium-play-for-the-croatian-dooh-market<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 13 Jun 2018 08:50:27 GMT<p>A small coastal nation across the sea from Italy, Croatia is perhaps best known for its stunning beaches, rich history and for being one of the Game of Thrones filming locations. However, look behind the scenes and you’ll see that it has also become home to an exciting shift towards smart city infrastructure.</p><p>Leading this transformation is&nbsp;<a href="https://www.go2digital.hr/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Go2Digital</a>, a young company with big ambition. Its mission: to become the sole Croatian destination for&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.10.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home</a>.</p><h2 >Bringing the DOOH industry home</h2><p>Go2Digital was created in 2014 in response to two important observations:</p><ol><li>Out-of-home, and particularly digital out-of-home,&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/out-of-home-advertising/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.10.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">was a hot industry</a>&nbsp;worldwide</li><li>There were no big DOOH networks in Croatia</li></ol><p>With Croatia’s population topping out at a little over 4 million, the founders realized that fast action could allow them to capture a large proportion of the national market. First targeting the&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/shopping-malls-digital-signage/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.10.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">shopping mall vertical</a>, the company jumped in with 100 screens in 21 of Croatia’s 30 largest malls. This was followed by investments in premium outdoor screens in Zagreb’s Main Square, as well as on other top streets in Croatian cities.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>Today, the company boasts 203 screens across the country. This includes locations in the 19 largest Croatian cities and 28 of Croatia’s 30 largest malls. Go2Digital estimates that its network allows it to reach 95 per cent of the urban Croatian population, making it one of the three widest-reaching media networks in the country. And still, Go2Digital sees this only as the beginning of an even more expansive network of screens. As it grows, it intends for its premium locations and cross-country presence to make it the go-to DOOH network within Croatia.</p><h2 >A high-tech sheen to every screen</h2><p>As it has developed, Go2Digital has continually introduced innovative and captivating technologies to its network. A prime example of the results of this investment is the ‘Seastar Diver’ campaign that Go2Digital ran for Croatian Telecom to promote its sponsorship of the Sea Star music festival. With this campaign, a display’s audience was invited to connect to a large screen via their mobile phone. This turned their phones into controls for playing a game on the big screen. The campaign was a big hit, and a great showcase of the tech behind Go2Digital’s network.</p><p>Visual recognition is another area that Go2Digital has experimented with to great success. Early in 2018, a special campaign was developed for the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S9. People who passed by the display were presented with emojis in their likeness, with the option to snap a photo by smiling for the display’s camera. This, too, proved popular with Go2Digital&#8217;s audience.</p><p>Additionally, the company works with the&nbsp;<a href="https://quividi.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Quividi digital signage analytics</a>&nbsp;platform to gain deep insight into the performance of the screens on its network. This helps the company&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dooh-metrics/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.10.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">track how many people</a>&nbsp;see screens and ads, ensuring Go2Digital can accurately price its inventory. It also offers insight into the demographic makeup that sees a given display. This makes it easier for brands and agencies to target their content for the greatest impact.</p><h2 >The future calls</h2><p>One exciting project being undertaken by Go2Digital is an update of Croatia’s public telephone network. Existing facilities were underused and losing money. However, they held important positions in high-traffic areas and were a public necessity. Inspired by similar projects taking place elsewhere, Go2Digital put together a plan to modernize the phones.</p><p>The result: goodbye payphones and hello free communications hubs! Go2Digital’s new phone booths offer free phone calls, WiFi hotspots and interactive screens. In the near future, payment systems and an information service will be introduced for even greater convenience. All of this is supported financially by advertising content delivered to the phone booths’ screens. Once struggling financially, Croatia&#8217;s public phones are now becoming sustainable and useful to more people.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >Go2Digital and Broadsign</h2><p>With a countrywide network and plans for aggressive expansion, Go2Digital requires a powerful&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.10.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">content management system</a>. For this, it turns to Broadsign.</p><p>With the intuitive dashboards included in the Broadsign platform, Go2Digital can streamline monitoring and maintenance and deliver the high-quality service its clients demand, all with little effort expended. This leaves more time and resources to devote to the sales and technological development the company needs to pursue its goals. If ever they encounter an issue with a screen anywhere on their national network, they can immediately catch and fix it remotely.</p><p>Best of all, the platform scales up easily. However large Go2Digital gets, it will be able to maintain the same level of efficiency and quality that its clients appreciate today.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Ubisoft’s Far Cry 5 game launch]]><![CDATA[

Ubisoft blockbuster Far Cry 5 came to us to support them with a highly targeted Digital OOH campaign, followed by mobile retargeting.

https://broadsign.com/blog/ubisofts-far-cry-5-game-launchhttps://broadsign.com/blog/ubisofts-far-cry-5-game-launch<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 11 Jun 2018 09:34:35 GMT<p>As an extremely tech-savvy company, Ubisoft came to us with very specific needs and objectives. Digital Out-of-Home already benefits from a great reputation when it comes to brand lift so the <a href="http://broadsign.com/broadsign-ads">Broadsign Ads</a> (formerly Campsite) team was thrilled to set up a strong retargeting strategy to deliver results and demonstrate the innovative feats of DOOH.</p><h2 >Objectives and Challenges</h2><figure }</script></figure><h2 >The Strategy</h2><p>A 2-step mobile data-driven strategy was created. First, Broadsign Ads&#8217; dynamic location-based audience tool was used to find which screens best reached the desired audience across Canada. The mobile audience data filters enabled the selection of locations with the highest concentration and the set-up of an efficient dayparting schedule which lead to capturing the devices exposed for the next step of the communication strategy.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >The Execution</h2><p>As the campaign ran in the chosen screens, Broadsign Ads – through its mobile data partnership with Native Touch &#8211; collected mobile data from the mobile phones of the consumers exposed to the screens. These IDs were then used as the database for a sequential mobile retargeting campaign, supporting Ubisoft’s goal of offering a relevant communication path based on consumer data. Hence, consumers exposed to the DOOH ad saw one message, "Anything can happen and everything will", and then the mobile campaign targeting those who’d seen the first message invited users to "Bring a friend, raise some hell".</p><p>Moreover, by subdividing the retargeting campaign in two groups &#8211; one exposed to the DOOH creative (Group A) and one that was not (Group B) – it became possible to setup a performance evaluation of the DOOH campaign.</p><h2 >The Results</h2><figure }</script></figure>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Flix Media enhances the moviegoer experience with their digital signage network]]><![CDATA[

With hundreds of millions of tickets sold each year, annual revenuetopping $3.4 billion in 2017and strong projected growth for the years ahead, Latin America is a region of keen interest for the global cinema industry. Poised to benefit from this growth is Flix Media, an ad network that works with local film-industry leaders in Brazil. […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-flix-media-enhances-the-moviegoer-experience-with-their-digital-signage-networkhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-flix-media-enhances-the-moviegoer-experience-with-their-digital-signage-network<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 01 Jun 2018 09:05:57 GMT<p>With hundreds of millions of tickets sold each year, annual revenue&nbsp;<a href="https://www.statista.com/statistics/264429/global-box-office-revenue-by-region/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">topping $3.4 billion in 2017</a>&nbsp;and strong projected growth for the years ahead, Latin America is a region of keen interest for the global cinema industry.</p><p>Poised to benefit from this growth is Flix Media, an ad network that works with local film-industry leaders in Brazil. Their goal is to create memorable movie experiences for audiences across the country.</p><h2 >The Flix Media experience</h2><p>Flix Media was first created to sell pre-roll media to Brazilian cinemas. Today, its roster of clients includes top exhibitors such as Cinemark Brasil, Kinoplex and Cinépolis.</p><p>Flix Media has also expanded to work with other digital media entities related to the cinema experience.</p><ul><li>Ingresso, Brazil’s largest ticket sales website</li><li>Cineclick, a popular Brazilian film blog</li></ul><p>This broad influence helps brands deliver targeted content that builds on the moviegoing experience at all stages.</p><p>Flix Media enjoys special benefit from its presence in cinemas, which includes pre-show media, space on all the digital signage in its clients’ theatres, and posters, stands and other custom materials. Unlike other advertising mediums, there’s no worry about its audiences changing the channel or content appearing above the fold. What’s more, with audiences having travelled specifically to take in the show, they’re at their most receptive when they’re at the movies. Flix’s advertisers, which include everything from banking entities to food and beverage brands, are able to capitalize on this attention from the moment a customer enters the building.</p><figure /></figure><h2 >Enchanting the filmgoer</h2><p>To appeal to its audience of film lovers, Flix Media relies on context, intelligent branding and experimentation. It&#8217;s a recipe that helps them craft experiences that stick with customers long after they leave the movie theater. The &#8220;Happy Dog, Happy Owner&#8221; campaign run by Flix Media for the Special Dog pet food brand is a great example of this in action.</p><p>With this campaign, a cinema audience saw a mixed onscreen and in-person advertisem*nt featuring real dogs in the theatre. Meanwhile, delighted reactions from the audience were recorded for use in a television and broader cinema ad. It was a great opportunity to capture a special, creative moment at the movies for more to enjoy.</p><p></p><p>Flix Media also makes it easy to conduct well-targeted campaigns of a more usual variety. The company’s&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-out-of-home-and-privacy/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.11.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">audience demographics data</a>, including age, gender, region and finances, assist with delivering campaigns to specific audiences.</p><p>The Prevent Senior health insurance company, for instance, discovered that cinema ads were associated with the highest level of brand recall by its elderly user base. Working with Flix Media, the company was able to secure sponsorship of the pre-show security video for an exhibitor, deliver ads and even gain naming rights to an entire cinema complex. The result was an expansive, well-targeted campaign that reached its intended audience in the environment that was most effective.</p><h2 >Flix Media and Broadsign</h2><p>Today, Flix Media manages pre-roll content on over 1,800 screens across 97 cities and integrates those campaigns with other digital advertising. This is no easy task. It might require working with content lists with variation by country, city or client demographics. It could also involve coordinating complex campaigns with local projectionists. All this, of course, must be managed without interfering with the main show.</p><p>To pull off their ambitious work, Flix Media has turned to Broadsign. The automation features included in&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.11.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign&#8217;s suite</a>&nbsp;allow for less dependence on the on-site operations teams at individual theaters, and make it easy to customize content to individual screens. Last-minute changes or fixes can easily be pushed through when necessary and proof-of-play and performance reports ensure the company can keep a close eye on activity on their network. It’s a picture-perfect solution for pre-roll content delivery, and allows the company to bring a little extra movie magic to its audience.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[The future of programmatic DOOH through the eyes of Adam Green, our new SVP and GM of Broadsign Reach]]><![CDATA[

As we continue our quest to grow programmatic DOOH, we’re always looking for new ways to push the medium to be as big and bold as it can be. To help us do so, we’ve added a seasoned expert to our roster: Adam Green. Adam joins us as senior vice president and general manager of […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/future-programmatic-dooh-eyes-adam-green-new-svp-gm-broadsign-reachhttps://broadsign.com/blog/future-programmatic-dooh-eyes-adam-green-new-svp-gm-broadsign-reach<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Sun, 13 May 2018 18:00:35 GMT<p>As we continue our quest to grow <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">programmatic DOOH</a>, we’re always looking for new ways to push the medium to be as big and bold as it can be. To help us do so, we’ve added a seasoned expert to our roster: <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-green-03727b/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Adam Green</a>.Adam joins us as senior vice president and general manager of <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Reach</a>, after having spent the last <span>8 years managing Google’s relationships with large media and creative agencies in Canada.</span>So, why make the jump to DOOH? Here’s what he had to say:</p><h3>What drew you to programmatic DOOH?</h3><p>There are a lot of factors that attracted me but the main one was the potential to increase the relevance of <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">DOOH media</a> through data and an automated transaction process. I&#8217;m a firm believer that the right ad targeted to the right people at the right moment can deliver a more relevant and enjoyable ad experience for the user, meaning better results for advertisers and more money for publishers.</p><h3>What drew you to Broadsign?</h3><p>Ultimately it was the people that drew me here. Coming from Google I knew what it was like to work with a stellar team and when I sat down with the Broadsign team it just felt like home. They&#8217;re principled, smart and driven. What more could you ask for?</p><h3>What will your role at Broadsign be?</h3><p>My job will be to build programmatic from a curiosity into a mainstream method of transaction for DOOH. It will take a while and there will be innumerable challenges but I&#8217;m confident that if we can show that programmatic can deliver a better ad experience for users, more profit to publishers and better results to advertisers, then it will become the standard.</p><h3>What learnings, strategies and tactics from your past programmatic experience do you hope to bring to the DOOH industry?</h3><p>There are a lot but one of the biggest is that we can leverage programmatic for its full potential right out of the gate instead of making it a conduit for cheap impressions, as happened initially in digital. That was a really destructive trend for everyone involved (publishers, programmatic firms, agencies, advertisers and even users). This wasn&#8217;t a necessary artefact of programmatic buying, it was a consequence of the decisions we all made around inventory choice, yield management and buying strategy. I&#8217;m confident that those mistakes can be avoided or minimised this time around.</p><h3>What are the DOOH trends you are most excited about?</h3><p>There are a lot of things but first and foremost is the ability to deliver more delightful ad experiences through things like video, situational awareness and user interaction. After that I would say measurement. It&#8217;s not sexy but it drives those delightful experiences and the economics of the whole endeavour.</p><h3>What challenges with programmatic DOOH are you looking to tackle?</h3><p>One of the main challenges will be getting more thorough integrations with the buy side. Broadsign has built a great platform but until we can deliver global demand to publishers, this will continue to be a curiosity. Provided the DSPs see OOH as a worthy pursuit, I expect institutional inertia will be the hardest challenge because it&#8217;s ill defined, involves changing processes, policies, metrics and people&#8217;s minds and those can be a lot harder than building a new feature or piece of technology. Settling on measurement standards is also going to be hard but it will be essential if we&#8217;re going to keep the medium moving forward.</p><h3>What needs to be done to further encourage media buyers to add DOOH to their programmatic campaigns?</h3><p>I think we need a clear measurement story, great ad experiences and the potential for media teams to do things that no one has ever done before in order to delight audiences. If we can make that happen as a company and as an industry then we should see DOOH landing on more plans.Adam regularly attends industry events, so be sure to say hi if you see him. If you need a little icebreaker, here are some things Adam enjoys:</p><ol><li>Rock climbing, mountain biking and white water kayaking</li><li>Photography</li><li>Playing at the park with his daughters</li></ol><p>We’re excited to have Adam onboard and look forward to seeing how his passion and past experience will come together to help us further grow programmatic DOOH across the globe.You can see more of his thoughts on programmatic DOOH in this blog post: <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/four-lessons-from-digital-that-will-inform-doohs-programmatic-transition/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Four Lessons From Digital That Will Inform DOOH&#8217;s Programmatic Transition</a>.<div ></div></div></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign partners with OutMoove to simplify data-driven programmatic out-of-home advertising]]><![CDATA[

New integration gives brands and agencies access to Broadsign’s global network of DOOH publishers with enhanced automation and data-centric DOOH campaign planning. Montreal, Canada. May 2, 2018 – Broadsign, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform for media owners, and OutMoove, a specialized out-of-home (OOH) buying platform, have integrated the Broadsign Reach supply-side platform (SSP) […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-partners-outmoove-simplify-data-driven-programmatic-home-advertisinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-partners-outmoove-simplify-data-driven-programmatic-home-advertising<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 01 May 2018 23:30:28 GMT<h2 >New integration gives brands and agencies access to Broadsign’s global network of DOOH publishers with enhanced automation and data-centric DOOH campaign planning.</h2><p><strong>Montreal, Canada. May 2, 2018</strong> – <a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a>, the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform for media owners, and <a href="https://outmoove.com/">OutMoove</a>, a specialized out-of-home (OOH) buying platform, have integrated the Broadsign Reach supply-side platform (SSP) with OutMoove’s outdoor demand-side platform (DSP) to streamline the use of real time data-sources and precise screen targeting of global programmatic DOOH campaigns. Early adopters <a href="https://www.foodora.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">foodora</a>, an international online food delivery and pickup service, and <a href="http://www.kineticww.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Kinetic</a>, a WPP subsidiary specializing in OOH campaign planning and creation, have already tapped the new offering to deliver more targeted <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">programmatic DOOH campaigns</a>.</p><h3 >Foodora executes targeted DOOH campaign</h3><p>Using the Broadsign Reach and OutMoove DSP integration, foodora’s two-person in-house programmatic marketing team is now executing a DOOH campaign across a large network of screens in office buildings throughout Germany. Data triggers available through the integration, including weather and the time of day, enable delivery of the right message at the right moment to the target audience. ‘Food delivery’ ads are shown during inclement weather while ‘food pickup’ ads are displayed during more pleasant weather; messaging automatically adapts to promote lunch, an afternoon snack and dinner, depending on the time of day. Campaign screen location data is also leveraged to prompt targeted mobile ads promoting delivery or pickup for restaurants in the vicinity.</p><p>Full campaign details can be found <a href="/blog/how-foodoras-creative-targeted-programmatic-digital-out-of-home-campaign-reached-1-million-viewers">here</a>.</p><h3 >Kinetic targets Peugeot’s business audiences with data-driven DOOH ads</h3><p>To raise awareness of Peugeot’s commercial vehicle range among small to medium-sized business owners, Kinetic is using the new Broadsign and OutMoove integration to implement an automated programmatic DOOH campaign across the Netherlands for the company. Data was extracted from the National Road Authority’s roadside cameras to determine when most cargo minivans are on the highway, and Kinetic used the data to adjust the campaign accordingly. The campaign runs in partnership with <a href="http://beyondoutdoor.nl/">Beyond Outdoor</a>, an OOH publisher specializing in high-impact motorway displays and part of the network of DOOH screens available for programmatic media buys through Broadsign Reach.Full campaign details can be found <a href="/blog/how-kinetic-outmoove-and-beyond-outdoor-successfully-drove-peugeots-data-powered-programmatic-dooh-campaign">here</a>.</p><blockquote ><p>"The success of the foodora and Peugeot campaigns is indicative of how a programmatic approach is transforming the digital out-of-home industry. Through automation, transacting digital out-of-home ad space is more streamlined and provides buyers and brands with more control over their campaign’s targeting and budget."</p><cite>Vince Banks, VP of programmatic sales operations at Broadsign.</cite></blockquote><blockquote ><p>"For us, outdoor is all that matters. The features of our platform used by Kinetic and Foodora in their campaigns are a good example of our focus and commitment to outdoor. We work closely with media owners, media buyers and Broadsign to ensure the transaction and delivery of each digital out-of-home campaign is optimized for the medium."</p><cite>Mendel Looije, co-founder and CEO at OutMoove.</cite></blockquote><p>Foodora, Kinetic, OutMoove and Broadsign will also host a session at the <a href="http://london2018.digitalsignageweek.com/index.php/project/programmatic-buying-and-marketplace-workshop/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">European Out-of-Home Automation and Programmatic Conference</a> on Thursday, May 3, 2018.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign is the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform that enables brands, agencies and DOOH media publishers to buy, sell, and deliver DOOH campaigns efficiently, reliably and securely. Lighting up airports, shopping malls, health clinics, street corners and more, the Broadsign platform powers screens at the heart of people’s lives and delivers more than 11 billion ads and 30 billion impressions per month.</p><p>The Broadsign marketing platform includes <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Control</a> for content distribution, playback and proof of performance, <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Direct</a> for sales inventory availability and proposal generation, and <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Reach</a>, a customized SSP for programmatic DOOH transactions.</p><h2 >About OutMoove</h2><p>OutMoove is the most versatile programmatic out-of-home buying platform. Digital and specialist buyers worldwide are now using OutMoove to offer unprecedented campaigns to their clients.</p><p>By focusing solely on outdoor, the platform makes it easy to create advanced programmatic campaigns to better reach the target audience in the right place and at the right time. The integrated Moments, like weather conditions, traffic jam and airport departure and arrival data, are examples of real time data-sources available to the user. An extension to mobile in-app is available to extend the out-of-home campaign even further.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Kinetic, Outmoove and Beyond Outdoor successfully drove Peugeot’s data-powered programmatic DOOH campaign]]><![CDATA[

Peugeot’s campaign Goal: Build awareness and interest for Peugeot’s corporate minivan offering Target audience: Small and medium-sized business owners Challenge: To efficiently reach this busy audience during their workday When Peugeot reached out toKinetic, a leading agency specialized in planning and buying innovative, high-impactout-of-home campaigns, one thing was clear: the global car manufacturer wanted to […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-kinetic-outmoove-and-beyond-outdoor-successfully-drove-peugeots-data-powered-programmatic-dooh-campaignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-kinetic-outmoove-and-beyond-outdoor-successfully-drove-peugeots-data-powered-programmatic-dooh-campaign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 01 May 2018 16:00:44 GMT<h2 >Peugeot’s campaign</h2><p><strong>Goal</strong>: Build awareness and interest for Peugeot’s corporate minivan offering</p><p><strong>Target audience</strong>: Small and medium-sized business owners</p><p><strong>Challenge</strong>: To efficiently reach this busy audience during their workday</p><p>When Peugeot reached out to&nbsp;<a href="http://www.kineticww.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Kinetic</a>, a leading agency specialized in planning and buying innovative, high-impact&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/out-of-home-advertising/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.13.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">out-of-home campaigns</a>, one thing was clear: the global car manufacturer wanted to do something different and innovative to promote their corporate minivans.</p><h2 >Big screens for a big impact</h2><p>The campaign’s target audience, owners of small and medium-sized businesses, is extremely busy. Entrepreneurs are always on the go, so for the Peugeot campaign to be a success, messaging needed to become part of their daily routine.</p><p>With high-visibility and large formats, screens lining the busiest Dutch highways were an ideal fit for the Peugeot campaign. This included the&nbsp;<a href="http://beyondoutdoor.nl/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Beyond Outdoor</a>&nbsp;network, whose screens reach 1.2 million commuters every day, many of which travel the same route multiple times every week.</p><h2 >External data for more targeted results</h2><p>While 1.2 million commuters is an impressive audience, Kinetic knew that not every person on the highway would be interested in Peugeot’s corporate minivan offering. Instead, Kinetic wanted to find a way to segment the campaign to increase the reach for the specific target audience.</p><p>To do so, Beyond Outdoor and Kinetic tapped into the National Road Authority’s vehicle recognition software to determine when Peugeot’s target audience was most likely to be on the road. Beyond Outdoor and Kinetic analyzed how many cargo minivans were on the road at any given time. Here’s what they found:</p><ul><li>On average, 13% of vehicles on the highway were cargo minivans</li><li>However, that number fluctuated throughout the day with peaks as high as 20%</li></ul><h2 >Automated purchasing for a flexible campaign</h2><p>To be able to optimize the campaign using these findings, Kinetic needed a flexible buying solution that enabled them to change the frequency at which the advertisem*nts were served to the screens. Instead of committing to a week-long, fixed duration, Kinetic used&nbsp;<a href="https://outmoove.com/">OutMoove</a>’s flexible platform, which enabled them to use their own traffic data to optimize the Peugeot campaign.</p><p>OutMoove is a specialized digital out-of-home ad-buying platform. Through a new integration with&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.13.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Reach</a>, media buyers can now access a network of global digital out-of-home locations via their platform. Specialized in targeted,&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.13.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">programmatic digital out-of-home</a>&nbsp;campaigns, media buyers can select triggers, called ‘moments’, that will determine when and where their advertisem*nt will play, including:</p><ul><li>Live traffic data</li><li>Flight and train delays, departures and arrivals</li><li>Weather conditions</li><li>Webshop data</li><li>Radio advertisem*nt</li><li>Time of day, day of week</li></ul><blockquote ><p>"Programmatic digital out-of-home is more efficient and more relevant. Media buyers can optimize their budget by only purchasing time slots that work for their campaign, while delivering more contextual advertisem*nts to each segment."</p><cite>Arno Buskop, head of data, tools and analytics at Kinetic</cite></blockquote><h2 >Results</h2><p>Through the OutMoove platform, Kinetic was able to target the campaign to reach a larger percentage of the target audience. The campaign was triggered to run only when the number of cargo minivans was above a certain threshold. With this flexibility, Kinetic was able to better spend Peugeot’s budget and only deliver ads when the optimal reach was at its highest.</p><blockquote ><p>&#8220;Programmatic is changing the way digital out-of-home media is bought and we’re excited to be part of this movement. As is the case for the Peugeot campaign, automated purchasing gives advertisers and media agencies the opportunity to reach large audiences, while also providing them with the flexibility to plan and optimize their media campaigns from within their buying platforms."</p><cite>Danny Tournier, founder at Beyond Outdoor</cite></blockquote>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How foodora’s creative, targeted programmatic digital out-of-home campaign reached 1 million viewers]]><![CDATA[

When strolling the streets of Germany’s largest cities, it’s not uncommon to seefoodora’s bike couriers, in a flash of bright pink, delivering meals to people across the city. The online food delivery and pickup service has been a success in Germany since its debut in 2014, and has since expanded to 10 countries around the […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-foodoras-creative-targeted-programmatic-digital-out-of-home-campaign-reached-1-million-viewershttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-foodoras-creative-targeted-programmatic-digital-out-of-home-campaign-reached-1-million-viewers<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 01 May 2018 15:00:32 GMT<p>When strolling the streets of Germany’s largest cities, it’s not uncommon to see<a href="https://www.foodora.de/en/">&nbsp;foodora</a>’s bike couriers, in a flash of bright pink, delivering meals to people across the city. The online food delivery and pickup service has been a success in Germany since its debut in 2014, and has since expanded to 10 countries around the world.</p><h2 >The challenge</h2><p>While the brand is popular for its food delivery service, foodora’s pick-up option isn’t as well-known. The in-house foodora programmatic marketing team, responsible for&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.12.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">automated programmatic buying</a>&nbsp;worldwide, was determined to change this.</p><p><strong>Campaign goal</strong>: Increase awareness and adoption of the foodora’s pick-up feature</p><p><strong>Target audience</strong>: Busy German business people, both existing and new customers</p><p>foodora’s programmatic team generally sees success in traditional digital marketing, relying typically on online and mobile programmatic display purchases. But they wanted to do something a little bolder for this campaign. The innovative team of two media buyers wanted to reach customers in a different, more targeted way.</p><h2 >The solution</h2><p>Using<a href="https://outmoove.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">&nbsp;OutMoove</a>’s demand-side platform (DSP), foodora decided to include&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.12.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home</a>&nbsp;screens to their media campaign to build awareness in a targeted way.</p><p><strong>Locations</strong>: 50 screens in office buildings hosted by&nbsp;<a href="http://www.executivechannelnetwork.de/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">ECN</a></p><p><strong>Cities</strong>: Frankfurt, Dusseldorf and Hamburg</p><p>To add context to the campaign, foodora customized their messaging based on data triggers available in the DSP, including:</p><p><strong>Weather data</strong>: When it was raining, the campaign promoted delivery; when it was sunny, the campaign promoted pick-up.</p><p><strong>Time of day</strong>: Campaign messaging changed to promote a quick lunch, an afternoon pick-me-up or a handy dinner depending on the time of day.</p><p><strong>Location</strong>: Some of the ads were customized based on restaurants in the vicinity, encouraging customers to pick up at one nearby.</p><figure ></div></figure><p>While screens helped the brand reach consumers within the heart of their busy business day, screen location was also used to trigger online and mobile campaigns. Using longitude and latitude data, those near a campaign screen were served an ad on their mobile phone to increase campaign reach and frequency. Serving 107,000 ads and reaching a million impressions, foodora’s multi-channel programmatic campaign was a success.</p><figure /></figure><p>While foodora does have an internal team specialized in out-of-home, the programmatic team was able to bid on and execute their digital out-of-home campaign independently and without previous knowledge of the medium.</p><blockquote ><p>"We have been eyeing programmatic digital out-of-home for a while now, and we are so pleased that we finally added this channel to our media campaign. The targeting options available enabled us to reach our intended audience, and the data integrations allowed us to add valuable context to our messaging. Overall, we’re pleased with the campaign and are looking forward to including digital out-of-home in our future plans."</p><cite>– Mufadal Jiwaji, programmatic lead at foodora</cite></blockquote><p>What’s next for foodora? The programmatic team is already looking at including custom data to automatically promote the pick-up option when they are running low on delivery riders, and to implement deeper targeting to display ads in office buildings where corporate program customers are located.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[We’ve updated our SOC II and ISAE3402 reports to include more data]]><![CDATA[

It’s no secret that trust and transparency play a huge role in digital advertising. Issues with viewability, bots, ad-fraud and data privacy have caused a few scandals in mobile, online display and social media platforms, making both consumers and advertisers wary of some digital advertising mediums. Digital out-of-home faces some of the same data concerns, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-updates-soc-ii-isae3402-reports-now-include-proof-play-campaign-performancehttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-updates-soc-ii-isae3402-reports-now-include-proof-play-campaign-performance<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 17 Apr 2018 14:53:16 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">It’s no secret that trust and transparency play a huge role in digital advertising. Issues with viewability, bots, ad-fraud and data privacy have caused a few scandals in mobile, online display and social media platforms, making both consumers and advertisers wary of some digital advertising mediums.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Digital out-of-home</a> faces some of the same data concerns, especially with the rising popularity of <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">automated programmatic purchasing</a>. Advertisers want to know exactly where and when their budget is being spent, creating a need for transparent and reliable reporting.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Accurate and reliable data is key to establish digital out-of-home as a viable digital marketing solution, and this is why we certified our proof-of-play report and campaign performance. </span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">What does this certification entail?</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Working with third-party consultation company BDO, we performed an audit of our proof-of-play report and campaign performance information to verify and confirm the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data capture and storage. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Having successfully completed the audit, we are proud to add proof-of-play and campaign performance to our SOC II and ISAE3402 reports. </span></p><h3><span style="font-weight: 400;">What does this mean for our customers?</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Completing this audit is an important step in providing our customers with added peace of mind that their data is secure and accurate.</span></p><blockquote><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">While we have always appreciated the importance of secure and reliable data, we felt it important to provide our customers with reliable, third-party verification that our data is collected, stored and reported in an optimal way. With certified data, our customers can feel confident in providing advertisers with the data transparency they are looking for. — Dana Tunks, CFO at Broadsign</span></p></blockquote><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For more information, contact your Broadsign representative or fill in </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/contact/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">this form</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> to receive the full report. </span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How we bought Harmon Corner programmatically at DSE this year]]><![CDATA[

We’ve been exhibiting at DSE for 13 years now but we did something a little different this year. As you might have noticed, we weren’t just present in the conference hall, we were front and center on the Las Vegas Strip. We placed an ad on Harmon Corner: bought, sold and delivered fully through automated […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/harmon-corner-programmatically-dsehttps://broadsign.com/blog/harmon-corner-programmatically-dse<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 05 Apr 2018 10:43:18 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We’ve been exhibiting at DSE for 13 years now but we did something a little different this year. As you might have noticed, we weren’t just present in the conference hall, we were front and center on the Las Vegas Strip.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We placed an ad on Harmon Corner: bought, sold and delivered fully through automated <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">programmatic buying</a>. And while it’s not quite how the saying goes, for us, everything is bigger in Vegas. </span></p><h2 >Booking our Harmon Corner campaign</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We’ve long been preaching the benefits of programmatic digital out-of-home: how easy it is for media buyers to book their campaign, how flexible targeting abilities increase campaign impact, how triggers better distribute the campaign budget&#8230;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Well, we decided to put our money where our mouth is and put ourselves in the buyers’ shoes. Here’s what went into planning, buying and delivering our programmatic digital out-of-home campaign.</span></p><h3 >1. Discovery</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">When planning a <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home campaign</a>, the first step is to list your objectives. What do you want your campaign to achieve? How? When? </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Things to consider include point of interest locations, target audience, campaign dates, the impact you want your campaign to have and your campaign budget.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">In our case, we wanted to run our campaign in Las Vegas during the week of DSE. And we wanted to make a </span><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">huge</span></i><span style="font-weight: 400;"> impact! </span></p><h3 >2. Planning</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Based on the goals set out in discovery, it’s time to start selecting the screens on which you want to bid. This can be done by either working directly with the media publisher, where they will set up custom packages for you in the DSP, or through existing packages already created in the DSP.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Unlike traditional online media buys, where inventory is created based on a user event like loading a web page, DOOH supply can be more scarce. A venue’s operating hours, for example, can affect when a screen is available. It’s important to know the specifics of each screen and venue before finalizing a deal. &nbsp;</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">With our goal to do something huge, Harmon Corner was the obvious choice.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Since we wanted to buy only one screen, planning was pretty straight forward. However, when planning other buys, where thousands of screens suit your goals, be sure to check in with the DSP to know the specifics of the screens and venues to understand when and where your ad will be playing.</span></p><h3 >3. Campaign setup</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In this stage, a few things need to be done by each party involved in the deal: the publisher, the DSP and the media buyer.</span></p><h4 >Deal setup (by the publisher in the SSP)</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">After we finalized all the details of our programmatic media buy for Harmon Corner, <a href="http://www.brandedcities.com/home/index.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Branded Cities</a><a>, the media publisher, created the deal in the </a><a href="https://outmoove.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">OutMoove DSP</a><a>.</a></span></p><h4 >Campaign setup (by the media buyer in the DSP)</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Once the deal was accessible in the DSP, we, as the media buyers, assigned campaign parameters around our delivery goals. This included:</span></p><ul><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Campaign flight dates</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Budget goals</span><ul><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Daily delivery pacing</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Daily budget cap</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Total campaign cap</span></li></ul></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Targeting</span></li></ul><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In our case, targeting was simple: hitting Harmon Corner, 24 hours a day. However, other targeting possibilities include:</span></p><ul><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Location: geographical area, city, store front&#8230;</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Day parting: morning, night, day of the week&#8230;</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Data trigger: weather, audience, traffic&#8230;</span></li></ul><h4 >Creative setup (by the media buyer in the DSP)</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To get our videos ready to go, we simply uploaded them to our OutMoove account; no emailing or manual communication was required. &nbsp;</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">It is also possible to set different targeting triggers for each creative uploaded. &nbsp;For our Harmon Corner campaign, we uploaded four different versions of the creatives, which we set to rotate evenly.&nbsp;</span></p><h3 >4. Creative approval</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This is where out-of-home varies slightly from traditional web and mobile programmatic buys. Given the high-visibility of each screen, the publishers have a creative approval process to ensure the content is appropriate for the location.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Once the campaign was activated in the OutMoove DSP, Branded Cities received an email alert to approve the pending creatives in Broadsign Reach. They simply had to log onto the SSP, preview the creative, click the "approved" button and our campaign was good to go.</span></p><h3 >5. Delivery</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Once all the above elements are complete, delivery began.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In our OutMoove DSP seat, we were able to see delivery reporting in almost real time, which allows for quick campaign optimizations based on KPIs. While the campaign was running, we altered the campaign in real-time to increase video plays during more relevant times, like when important industry events were happening in the area.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Branded Cities, the publisher, can also see delivery metrics updated about every 30 minutes in the SSP.</span></p><h2 >How we created the ad</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">While there are some considerations similar to the digital ads we’re used to creating for online and our digital out-of-home campaign, like screen resolution and ratio, ad content and design,a 300 pixel online ad doesn’t quite add up to a gigantic 8K screen.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To make sure our campaign turned out as bright and bold as we envisioned, we teamed up with digital out-of-home specialized creative agency, <a href="http://voodooh.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Voodooh</a>.</span></p><blockquote ><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"It was a pleasure developing the content for this groundbreaking Broadsign campaign. The sheer scale of the Harmon Corner screen perfectly suited Broadsign&#8217;s programmatic ambitions, providing the optimum Las Vegas canvas to generate compelling, attention-grabbing creative to target the DSE audience. We are super proud to have been part of that step in their technical evolution."</span></p><cite>Keith Nilsen, founder of Voodooh</cite></blockquote><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Seeing our ad on such a big screen was a main highlight for us at DSE this year. We’re pleased with how the campaign turned out and are looking forward to our next programmatic buying adventure.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To learn more about buying, selling and delivering programmatic DOOH campaigns, check out </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign Reach</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign goes programmatic on Harmon Corner with digital out-of-home campaign]]><![CDATA[

Las Vegas, Nevada. March 26, 2018 – Broadsign, the leading digital out-of home marketing platform, has launched a new digital out-of-home campaign, bought, sold and delivered through automated programmatic bidding. Through an integration with the Broadsign Reach SSP, the campaign is running on Branded Cities’iconic Harmon Corner screen. The campaign was booked through the OutMoove […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-goes-programmatic-harmon-corner-digital-home-campaignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-goes-programmatic-harmon-corner-digital-home-campaign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 26 Mar 2018 10:30:31 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Las Vegas, Nevada. March 26, 2018</em> – Broadsign, the leading digital out-of home marketing platform, has launched a new digital out-of-home campaign, bought, sold and delivered through automated <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">programmatic bidding</a>. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Through an integration with the </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign Reach SSP</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, the campaign is running on <a href="http://brandedcities.com/">Branded Cities&#8217;</a>iconic Harmon Corner screen. The campaign was booked through the </span><a href="https://outmoove.com/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">OutMoove DSP</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> specialized in digital out-of-home. To accommodate the large, 18,600 square feet screen, Broadsign worked with digital out-of-home content specialists, </span><a href="http://voodooh.com/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Voodooh</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, to create videos for the campaign.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"While we’ve been involved with programmatic digital out-of-home for a little while now, it was exciting to really be part of the action this time," said Vince Banks, VP of programmatic sales operations. "Having experienced the transaction from both the buy and the sell side now, we&#8217;re even more confident of the strong future programmatic has in the digital out-of-home industry."</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For more information on the campaign, visit DSE booth 1731 to talk to the Broadsign team.</span></p><h4 >About Broadsign</h4><p>Broadsign is the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform that enables brands, agencies and DOOH media publishers to buy, sell, and deliver DOOH campaigns efficiently, reliably and securely. Lighting up airports, shopping malls, health clinics, street corners and more, the Broadsign platform powers screens at the heart of people’s lives and delivers more than 11 billion ads and 30 billion impressions per month.</p><p>The Broadsign marketing platform includes Broadsign Control for content distribution, playback and proof of performance, Broadsign Direct for sales inventory availability and proposal generation, and Broadsign Reach, a customized SSP for programmatic DOOH transactions.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Why every healthcare clinic can benefit from digital signage]]><![CDATA[

Healthcare clinics provide invaluable services to millions of patients every day. Yet with hectic schedules, unexpected emergencies and inevitable wait times, a day at the clinic doesn’t always go as expected. Digital signage helps healthcare clinics improve the patient experience by sharing engaging and entertaining content. With screens in lobbies, waiting rooms and offices, relevant […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/every-healthcare-clinic-digital-displayshttps://broadsign.com/blog/every-healthcare-clinic-digital-displays<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 15 Mar 2018 17:18:55 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Healthcare clinics p</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">rovide invaluable services to millions of patients every day. Yet with hectic schedules, unexpected emergencies and inevitable wait times, a day at the clinic doesn’t always go as expected.</span></p><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital signage helps healthcare clinics improve the patient experience by sharing engaging and entertaining content. With screens in lobbies, waiting rooms and offices, relevant ads and information flows throughout the clinic to inform and entertain patients.</span></p><h2 >5 ways digital displays help patients and staff members </span></h2><h4 >1. Make wait-times more bearable </span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In clinics, patients often perceive </span><a href="http://www.columbia.edu/~ww2040/4615S13/Psychology_of_Waiting_Lines.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">wait times </span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">as longer than they really are. Streaming the news, social media feeds and other media feeds entertain visitors to reduce perceived waiting times.</span></p><h4 >2. Educate patients with infotainment</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A trip to the doctor’s can be stressful, especially with health concerns on patients’ minds. Digital screens are used by clinics to </span><a href="/blog/how-clear-digital-media-uses-relevant-content-to-build-an-educational-digital-signage-network" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">educate visitors with informative content</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> to encourage patients to monitor </span><a href="/blog/how-hmns-digital-signage-network-empowers-patients-to-take-their-health-into-their-own-hands" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">their own symptoms and prepare questions </span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">for their upcoming visit. </span></p><h4 >3. Keep customers up to date</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With digital signage, healthcare facilities easily update patients on what’s new at the office, including recent hires, additional services, opening hours and upcoming office closures.</span></p><h4 >4. Improve caregiver services with updated information</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital displays inform employees of room schedules and changes, internal information and facility updates, all in real-time. Alerts can also be displayed on the screen to quickly react to emergencies. </span></p><h4 >5. Help patients and visitors find their way</span></h4><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">It can be difficult to navigate a large medical facility like a hospital, especially in stressful situations. With numerous floors and countless hallways, interactive </span><a href="/blog/why-digital-wayfinding-is-better-for-business" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">wayfinding kiosks and screens</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> help patients and visitors find their way.</span></p><h2 >The added benefit of added revenue from digital signage</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Not only can digital signage improve the patients and visitors experience, but it gives healthcare facilities the ability to make additional revenue. With a fairly long dwell time, clinic screens are well suited for brands and advertisers to promote their products.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Waiting room audiences also often have similar needs and interest — everyone waiting for the dentist will have oral hygiene on their mind. This means advertisem*nts can be targeted to the right audience, benefiting brands with better ROI and patients with more relevant information.</span></p><h2 >Ready to add digital signage to your healthcare clinics? Here’s how:</span></h2><h4 >1. Install your screens</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Start by deploying a digital signage network. Individual clinics may not necessarily need this step, as they only have one screen to manage. However, clinic owners with multiple locations should have every screen connected through a digital signage network. </span></p><h4 >2. Schedule your content</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Determine what content you want playing on your screens. Consider how long patients are in front of the screen, what content they will be interested in and what kinds of brand messaging would benefit them.</span></p><h4 >3. Create your content</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">From staff bios, wellness tips, promotions and informative messaging, creating your own content can give your clinic an edge and bolster communication with patients and visitors.&nbsp;</span></p><h4 >4. Sell your ad space</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Ad space can either be sold directly to the advertiser through one-on-one conversations or through </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">automated programmatic purchasing</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">. While direct sales are the traditional way to sell digital out-of-home advertising space, more buyers are looking to buy screen time through automated bidding systems.</span></p><h4 >5. Subscribe to a service</h4><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p>No time to create and manage your own content? Join a network that will install your screens and deliver effective, <a href="/blog/how-hmns-digital-signage-network-empowers-patients-to-take-their-health-into-their-own-hands" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">targeted and educational content</a> to your patients.</p><h3 >Ready to get started with digital signage in your healthcare clinic?</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">From improvements in patient care to added revenue, a digital signage network enables you to do more with your screens. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To get started, </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/guide-to-building-a-successful-digital-signage-network" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">download our ebook</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">!</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign to power digital media screens at Westfield’s US flagship shopping centers]]><![CDATA[

Partnership enables advertisers and brands to reach shoppers with contextual, targeted campaigns on over 500 digital screens. New York, New York. March 13, 2018– Broadsign International, LLC, has announced today that it has reached an agreement with Westfield Corporation, one of the world’s largestshopping center ownersand managers, to power Westfield’s existing digital media network of […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-to-power-digital-media-screens-at-westfields-us-flagship-shopping-centershttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-to-power-digital-media-screens-at-westfields-us-flagship-shopping-centers<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 13 Mar 2018 17:09:14 GMT<h2 >Partnership enables advertisers and brands to reach shoppers with contextual, targeted campaigns on over 500 digital screens.</h2><p><strong>New York, New York. March 13, 2018&nbsp;</strong>– &nbsp;Broadsign International, LLC, has announced today that it has reached an agreement with Westfield Corporation, one of the world’s largest&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/shopping-malls-digital-signage/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.14.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">shopping center owners</a>&nbsp;and managers, to power Westfield’s existing digital media network of 500 screens located at 18 flagship shopping centers across the US.</p><p>The full Broadsign platform will be used to power the&nbsp;<a href="https://www.westfieldcorp.com/">Westfield</a>&nbsp;Network, which is designed and managed by&nbsp;<a href="http://www.espritdigital.com/">Esprit Digital</a>, a premium full-service digital signage installation, maintenance and support provider. This includes&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.14.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Control</a>&nbsp;to automate the delivery of targeted and contextual messaging and advertisem*nts to Westfield’s network of high-impact digital screens as well as&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.14.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Direct</a>&nbsp;to help Westfield’s brand ventures team more efficiently manage and sell ad space. Westfield will also be integrating its inventory with&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.14.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Reach</a>&nbsp;to make its network available programmatically to global media buyers.</p><p>"When the right content is displayed to the right audience, advertising and messaging is complementary to the shopper experience," says Charley DeLana, EVP of brand ventures at Westfield. "We want to provide advertisers with every opportunity to reach consumers in interesting and exciting ways, and Broadsign allows us to execute on this forward-thinking vision."</p><p>To enable precise campaign targeting, the partnership includes integration with <a href="https://quividi.com/">Quividi</a>’s audience analytics software to detect Westfield’s audience demographics. The network also integrates behavioral and environmental triggers such as weather and location data to add further context to campaigns, and&nbsp;<a href="https://www.tintup.com/">TINT</a>&nbsp;software to stream user-generated social media content to screens in real-time.</p><p>The ability to optimize content to be relevant to Westfield’s hundreds of millions of annual visitors, regardless of the location, the time of day and the screen in question, not only delivers highly effective and efficient ad content for brands but also enables Westfield to better connect with consumers.</p><p>"Successful shopping malls are those that go beyond a simple retail destination to create a unique and exciting experience," said Maarten Dollevoet, SVP of global sales at Broadsign. "Through our partnership, Westfield is able to merge retail and media to create an environment that is beneficial to visitors, retailers and advertisers alike."</p><p>To share the experience of this integration and discuss how digital media screens at shopping malls are impressing viewers with first-class aesthetics, functionality and experiences, all involved parties will be part of a panel at DSE:</p><h3 ><b>PREMIUM DOOH &#8211; THE COMPONENTS OF A THRIVING NETWORK</b></h3><p><b>Digital out-of-home strategy summit, room S231</b></p><p>Tuesday, March 27, 2:30 PM</p><h3 >Moderator</h3><ul><li>Stephanie Gutnik, Broadsign, vice president of business development</li></ul><h3 >Panelists</h3><ul><li>Dave Taylor, Westfield Brand Ventures, senior director of digital operations</li><li>Brett Warner, Quividi, head of business, Americas</li><li>James Brenner, Esprit Digital, owner</li><li>Quinn Cox, TINT, head of business development/partnerships</li></ul><p>For more information on the partnership, join Broadsign at DSE at booth 1731.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign is the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform that enables brands, agencies and DOOH media publishers to buy, sell, and deliver DOOH campaigns efficiently, reliably and securely. Lighting up airports, shopping malls, health clinics, street corners and more, the Broadsign platform powers screens at the heart of people’s lives and delivers more than 11 billion ads and 30 billion impressions per month.</p><p>The Broadsign marketing platform includes Broadsign Control for content distribution, playback and proof of performance, Broadsign Direct for sales inventory availability and proposal generation, and Broadsign Reach, a customized SSP for programmatic DOOH transactions.</p><h2 >About Esprit Digital</h2><p>Esprit Digital create unique, affordable, ultra-reliable digital screen solutions for any application. The company has designed, manufactured and installed many of the world’s most iconic digital media networks for clients such as London Underground, Heathrow, Virgin, JCDecaux, Shell, BP, Sony, Gatwick and Westfield.</p><p>Esprit Digital offers a comprehensive range of services to compliment your Digital Signage Network. From Design and Manufacture through to Installation, Maintenance and Network monitoring. Esprit currently operates over 5,000 displays in over 25 countries around the world.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Lightbox uses dynamic content to keep mall shoppers coming back]]><![CDATA[

In today’s fast-paced, on-demand, interconnected and Amazon-driven world, malls must provide something that goes beyond the traditional shopping experience to keep up with modern consumers. For that reason, Lightbox built a unique, dynamic and creative premium video platform that effectively engages today’s connected consumers through hyper-targeted messaging, one-to-one mobile executions and social integrations. Digitizing the […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-lightbox-uses-dynamic-content-to-keep-mall-shoppers-coming-backhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-lightbox-uses-dynamic-content-to-keep-mall-shoppers-coming-back<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 13 Mar 2018 14:22:39 GMT<p>In today&#8217;s fast-paced, on-demand, interconnected and Amazon-driven world, malls must provide something that goes beyond the traditional shopping experience to keep up with modern consumers. For that reason, Lightbox built a unique, dynamic and creative premium video platform that effectively engages today&#8217;s connected consumers through hyper-targeted messaging, one-to-one mobile executions and social integrations.</p><h2 >Digitizing the shopping experience</h2><p>Consumer shopping patterns have changed. With the ease at which items can be bought online, Lightbox saw a need to evolve their digital network of screens into a sophisticated and flexible platform to attract the tech-savvy shoppers of today.</p><p>To engage consumers and create a memorable shopping experience, Lightbox evolved its product offering to transform their platform into a unique, shopper-centric content hub.</p><ul><li>Social media integration</li><li>Mobile retargeting</li><li>Real-time campaign optimization</li><li>Dynamic data capabilities</li><li>Interactive touchscreens</li><li>Targeted messaging</li></ul><p>Lightbox creates and displays editorial-style content focused on lifestyle, food, fashion and entertainment. They also work with Hearst, AccuWeather and NowThis Media to deliver&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/dynamic-and-interactive-content" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">dynamic, up-to-the-minute content</a>&nbsp;featuring seasonal trends, weather and news.</p><p>Each mall also receives messaging specific to their community. The screens display content related to charitable events, community gatherings, movie listings, farmer&#8217;s markets, celebrity appearances and other local happenings. The Lightbox network aims to create a digital concierge service, providing customers with all the information they need to have a truly rewarding mall experience.</p><figure /></figure><h2 >Dynamic ads for targeted messaging</h2><p>With over 4500 screens across America, the Lightbox network is an ideal way for advertisers to reach their target audience, particularly for retail and entertainment brands. Shoppers are in a buying frame-of-mind and are open to branded messaging. And while simple video ads work well in this context, the Adspace network encourages brands to think outside the box.</p><p>H&amp;M did just this and displayed user-generated photos from the Coachella music festival using an Instagram hashtag. The use of mobile and social integrations made for a relevant, timely and engaging campaign that brought widespread awareness to H&amp;M&#8217;s newly released festival clothing line.</p><p>While digital screens add to the overall shopping experience, they are also extremely effective at driving foot traffic. A recent third-party study showed a 150% increase in foot traffic to a major retailer while their advertising campaign ran on the Lightbox network.</p><p>Lightbox continuously creates new and engaging ways to keep consumers coming back for more. With a fully customized digital experience unique to each shopping mall, consumers receive relevant and exciting messaging when it matters most. And with their number of screens growing, Adspace proves that malls using dynamic digital content stay ahead of the game.</p><h2 >Lightbox and Broadsign</h2><p>As Lightbox continues to improve the shopping experience, partners like Broadsign help streamline content delivery. Using&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.15.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign&#8217;s software</a>&nbsp;allows Adspace to deliver customized content to their 300+ locations.</p><p>An automated network ensures that messaging and campaigns are always timely, accurate and up-to-date. With an open API and industry best partners, Lightbox can include unique content and third-party integrations with ease and efficiency.</p><p>The platform also offers a&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.15.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">programmatic ad-buying</a>&nbsp;model that offers digital media buyers more opportunities to reach their target audiences.</p><p></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How HMN’s digital signage network empowers patients to take their health into their own hands]]><![CDATA[

The averageAmerican visits a doctor four times a year, Christopher J. Culver wanted these people to get the most out of their appointment by encouraging better conversations between doctors and patients. In 2007,Health Media Network (HMN)was founded by Mr. Culver to help educate patients in waiting rooms in a personal, informative and educational way. Simplify […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-hmns-digital-signage-network-empowers-patients-to-take-their-health-into-their-own-handshttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-hmns-digital-signage-network-empowers-patients-to-take-their-health-into-their-own-hands<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 12 Mar 2018 14:47:46 GMT<p>The average&nbsp;<a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2014/09/04/americans-visit-their-doctor-4-times-a-year-people-in-japan-visit-13-times-a-year-infographic/#73e0161ee347" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">American visits a doctor four times a year</a>, Christopher J. Culver wanted these people to get the most out of their appointment by encouraging better conversations between doctors and patients. In 2007,&nbsp;<a href="http://www.hmnads.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Health Media Network (HMN)</a>&nbsp;was founded by Mr. Culver to help educate patients in waiting rooms in a personal, informative and educational way.</p><h2 >Simplify content to educate and inform patients</h2><p>It takes years for professionals to master the terminology needed to work in the medical field. So for patients walking into a clinic, they are likely lacking the vocabulary to efficiently describe symptoms and understand a diagnosis. HMN wanted to bridge this gap by providing patients with informative and educational content through their digital signage network.</p><p>HMN’s team of healthcare specialists, writers, designers and animators work together to create educational and engaging content that is easy for patients to understand. By working closely with content partners, HMN delivers content that has been reviewed to ensure it is accurate, relevant and informative.</p><p>With thousands of digital screens located in physician waiting rooms and hospital rooms across America, HMN empowers millions of people to take their health into their own hands.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >Content for every medical network</h2><p>Every patient that walks into a health clinic has different needs and worries, which means that they will each benefit from different types of content. To better address these varying needs, HMN created 30 specialty networks that display informative and engaging content that is tailored to the audience.</p><ul><li>Cardiology Network</li><li>Diabetes Network</li><li>Hispanic Network</li><li>New Mom’s Network</li><li>PetCareTV Network</li><li>Primary Care Network</li></ul><p>Whether a patient is at a cardiology clinic or visiting an OB/GYN, the content is specific to each location. This ensures that the right content is getting to the right person. Commercials and educational content fit the viewer&#8217;s needs.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>With an&nbsp;<a href="https://www.hmnads.com/hmn_impact/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">average wait time of 30 minutes</a>, patients have time to understand the content they’re viewing, which helps them think about additional questions to ask their physicians. This ensures that the appointment is focused and patients leave feeling well informed.</p><p>Consumers also benefit from viewing ads that are relevant to their visit. If a patient wants to know more about certain products, they can ask their physician during the appointment to see if it the right fit for them. With more information, consumers are able to make smarter choices about their health.</p><h2 >HMN &amp; Broadsign</h2><p>As Health Media Network continues to build a stronger, more specialized network, Broadsign has helped streamline their content delivery. Broadsign’s automated software,&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.16.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Control</a>, makes it easier for HMN to deliver their content to screens in physician waiting rooms and medical centers across America. With Broadsign’s open API, HMN has easily integrated their custom utilities with the Broadsign platform, enabling their service, logistics and integrations teams to seamlessly manage their content and scheduling.</p><p>HMN is also looking forward to offering digital media buyers the opportunity to reach their target audience through programmatic buying via&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.16.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Reach</a>.</p><p>Broadsign helps HMN improve the patient experience through the&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-publish/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.16.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Publish</a>&nbsp;software. Offering a quick and easy way to create content, Broadsign allows medical offices to personalize their own content specific to their location. Offices are able to showcase office hours, pricing, upcoming event and more, offering a personal touch within the environment.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[An International Women’s Day chat with Stephanie Gutnik]]><![CDATA[

Ladies – happy International Women’s Day! This day celebrates women’s achievements and encourages us all to reach for gender equality. At Broadsign, we’re fortunate to have hard-working, talented and passionate women on our team, and we wanted to put a spotlight on one particular woman who inspires us, Stephanie Gutnik. Stephanie joined Broadsign as a […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/international-womens-day-qa-stephanie-gutnikhttps://broadsign.com/blog/international-womens-day-qa-stephanie-gutnik<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 08 Mar 2018 13:31:32 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Ladies – happy International Women’s Day! This day celebrates women’s achievements and encourages us all to reach for gender equality.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">At Broadsign, we’re fortunate to have hard-working, talented and passionate women on our team, and we wanted to put a spotlight on one particular woman who inspires us, Stephanie Gutnik.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Stephanie joined Broadsign as a marketing copywriter five years ago, and she quickly worked her way up to vice president of business development. While Stephanie oversees global strategic ecosystems and demand-side partnerships, she is also on the Digital Signage Federation Board of Directors and participates in a collection of other industry committees. Stephanie is an unstoppable force and plays an integral role in shaping the <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">DOOH industry</a>.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We thought it would be a great idea to chat with the leading lady herself and gain some insight on how she became the successful businesswoman she is today. </span></p><h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">What highlights and challenges have you faced in your career?</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Doing my part in contributing to the global adoption of Broadsign’s platform and appreciation for the digital out-of-home industry has been very rewarding. I have had the opportunity to visit DOOH leaders everywhere from Brazil to Beijing, to identify the unique needs of each geo-market and share common best practices with partners who quickly become friends. I am also proud to have completed a MBA while working full time, and thank Broadsign’s leadership for their support of continued education.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In every career, there are inevitable challenges. Perhaps it is the crossword puzzle enthusiast in me that enjoys calmly resolving obstacles in a quick and satisfactory manner. I used to be agitated by variables out of my control, but actually credit frequent travel woes (delayed flights, lost bags, a hospital visit in Taiwan) with helping me accept the cards that are dealt and play them in my favour.</span></p><h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">What is the most important lesson you’ve learned in your career to date?</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">It is not uncommon to associate millennials with entitlement, which can put young employees in a bit of a predicament. I was born with a tireless work ethic, which resulted in working as smartly and diligently as possible to prove I did not take my position for granted. I remained "Swiss neutral" on all topics to arrive at quick conclusions and move the agenda forward, until a mentor informed me that I was not hired to be a diplomat but to have an opinion. Embracing my assertive side has been applicable to everything from debating in the boardroom to asking for increased responsibility.</span></p><h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">Is there anything you would do differently knowing what you know now?</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Blessed &#8211; or cursed &#8211; with the memory of an elephant, I can think of occurrences that could have been handled differently. Yet the amount of decisions I am proud of far outnumber the errs, which were important learning opportunities. So long as I can maintain that ratio and embrace life’s lessons, I am comfortable continuing in this fashion.</span></p><h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">What does it mean to you to be a woman in your position?</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">While I am completely supportive of initiatives to bolster women in the workforce and society, I hope to demonstrate that the merits of hard work, decisiveness and empathy go beyond gender.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">When it comes to women at the top of their game, pop culture has had a tendency to focus on divas and dragon ladies. Sure, "The Devil Wears Prada" was entertaining, but the real female leaders of our world are more complex, honing in on hard and soft skills reflective of their individual talents and quirks. Those I have worked with know that I cringe when called "boss". I am an advocate for the benefits of a "flat" culture, and believe in unwavering equal respect for ourselves and our peers. </span></p><h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">What advice can you offer to women who want a career in tech?</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If you are intrigued by a career in tech, dive in. The opportunities are vast, from becoming a computer engineer or project manager to sales representative or IT recruiter. Everybody has to start somewhere and often this means arriving on the scene with little experience or background knowledge.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">I faced a steep learning curve upon joining Broadsign, which can be illustrated by a product video script from my first week on the job, in which I wrote 1080p as "10 ADP". This led to a helpful tutorial about screen resolution and of course, a good laugh among colleagues. </span></p><h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">Which female leaders do you admire and why?</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">My mom. Thinking about her selfless love and encouragement could bring tears to my eyes. She (along with my father, who deserves credit for this as well) raised my sister and I to be independent and poised. We were taught that confidence is not derived from appearance or being the best in comparison to others. It comes from being ethical, compassionate and respectful, and giving every task our all.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If I had a bad day in grade school, my mom would not take me for ice cream or buy me a new dress. She would instead remind me that some days will be more difficult than others, and we need to take them in our stride. Such lessons have been instrumental in helping me navigate life. Besides, I don’t need a bad day to justify buying a pint of Ben &amp; Jerry’s. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">At Broadsign, we’re lucky to have lots of women who inspire and support us every day. So, this International Women’s Day, let’s remember to thank the women in our lives and empower them every chance we get!</span>Got a minute or two, read last year&#8217;s <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/international-womens-day-interview-cfo-dana-tunks/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">International Women&#8217;s Day interview</a> with our CFO, Dana Tunks on how she built a successful career.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Clear Digital Media uses relevant content to build an educational digital signage network]]><![CDATA[

Hearing loss is an emotional and chronic condition that affects many individuals. In the US alone, 15% of American adults—approximately 37.5 million people—aged 18 and over report some trouble hearing. In 2011,Clear Digital Media(CDM) was founded by Michele Ahlman and Brad Dodson to help educate these individuals on hearing devices and their benefits. With their […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-clear-digital-media-uses-relevant-content-to-build-an-educational-digital-signage-networkhttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-clear-digital-media-uses-relevant-content-to-build-an-educational-digital-signage-network<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 28 Feb 2018 14:28:14 GMT<p>Hearing loss is an emotional and chronic condition that affects many individuals. In the US alone, 15% of American adults—approximately 37.5 million people—aged 18 and over report some trouble hearing. In 2011,&nbsp;<a href="http://cleardigitalme.wpengine.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Clear Digital Media&nbsp;</a>(CDM) was founded by Michele Ahlman and Brad Dodson to help educate these individuals on hearing devices and their benefits. With their roots planted in hearing technology manufacturing, Michele and Brad strived to help hearing care practitioners better educate and inform patients at a time when they were most receptive to the information—in a waiting room.</p><h2 >Addressing a shortage of content</h2><p>In order to address a gap in knowledge, CDM recognized a need for more education at the point of care. They understood, through experience and feedback from the community, that preconditioning patients on hearing aids pre-appointment or exam was more effective for both the patient and the practice.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>Since it first launched, CDM has expanded and evolved into a cloud-based digital signage network that publishes tailored content on behalf of advertisers in the captioning sector, for auditory, hearing and battery manufacturers and other industries related to hearing care. With hundreds of digital signs situated in waiting rooms of hearing clinics across America, CDM’s digital signage network displays customized content that’s viewed by over two million patients per year.</p><h2 >Great content that speaks to patients</h2><p>For manufacturers, advertisers and clinicians in the hearing loss sector, there’s no better way to reach their target audience than using Clear Digital Media’s Hearing News Network (HNN) situated in&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/healthcare-digital-signage/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.17.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">waiting rooms across the country</a>. By displaying content to patients as they’re waiting for their appointment, patients are being gently introduced and educated on the different types of hearing aids available and their related costs and benefits, at a time when they are most receptive and interested in the information.</p><p>With their in-house team of writers, designers, and animators, CDM’s team not only publishes the content but creates it as well for any advertiser who needs some extra creative assistance. From staff bios that add a personal touch, customer testimonials that add extra confidence, displays with exciting promotions and specials, and even Spanish-language content, most of the messaging that is displayed on Clear Digital’s screens are created by their own experts.</p><p>To ensure that the content they create is constantly energizing patients, CDM put in place a patient content review panel that reviews digital videos and signage and provides feedback on clarity and effectiveness. This allows their creative team to continually review and refine their content to ensure that their digital signage network is always pushing forward content that is educational and informative for the millions of patients who view it each year.</p><h2 >The right place at the right time</h2><p>In addition to delivering relevant and effective content, CDM’s network is also able to deliver content to the right target, at the right place, at the right time. With a majority of baby boomers needing hearing aids at this part in their life, CDM ensures that the message is delivered through a medium that they are comfortable with, in a respectful and non-intrusive way that builds trust and confidence.</p><p>With average wait times of 20 minutes or less in waiting rooms, viewers are able to digest and reflect on the content. This ensures that the appointment itself is more focused on testing, fitting and giving more specific information on the device itself, which is better for the patient and more cost beneficial to the practice. With an average sell-through rate of 75%, this method of content creation and delivery is one that works for CDM’s network of advertisers who continually strive for education and trust within their target audience.</p><figure }</script></figure><h2 >Clear digital media &amp; broadsign</h2><p>As Clear Digital Media continues to grow and build their educational network, they’ve relied on partners such as Broadsign to help streamline their content delivery. Using Broadsign’s&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.17.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">automated digital signage software</a>, CDM is able to deliver their customized content and ads to individual waiting room in over 700 locations.</p><p>The Broadsign platform also offers a programmatic ad-buying model, which allows CDM to better monetize their ad inventory and give advertisers more opportunities to reach a specific target audience within the hearing health sector.</p><p>CDM is excited to evolve their content strategy so that audiences continue to learn and benefit from their display messaging, delivered through the flexibility and innovation of digital out-out-of-home media. By choosing technology-forward partners like Broadsign to help manage their network, Clear Digital Media will continue to empower patients by turning waiting rooms into engagement tools for generations to come.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How smart cities use digital signage to change the world around us]]><![CDATA[

Picture a city where people use technology to drive change and better their communities. A city that’s efficient, interconnected and environmentally conscious. That’s a smart city. Although the term has been circulating for years now, we’ve reached a point where ‘smart city’ has grown from a buzzword to a reality. It’s all about the people […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/smart-cities-better-urban-experience-with-digital-signagehttps://broadsign.com/blog/smart-cities-better-urban-experience-with-digital-signage<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 28 Feb 2018 14:23:38 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Picture a city where people use technology to drive change and better their communities</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">A city that’s efficient, interconnected and </span><a href="http://www.wired.co.uk/article/carbon-free-cities-pollution-cleaner-air-autonomous-deliveries" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">environmentally conscious</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">. That’s a smart city. Although the term has been circulating for years now, we’ve reached a point where ‘smart city’ has grown from a buzzword to a reality.</span></p><h2 >It’s all about the people</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With </span><a href="https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.URB.TOTL.IN.ZS" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">55% of the world</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">’s population living in cities, we’re seeing more governments and tech companies investing in smart city initiatives that help improve urban spaces.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Smart cities interact with citizens by guiding them, enriching their commutes, providing them with relevant information and content, and digitally connecting them with their surroundings. To do so, </span><a href="https://www.fastcompany.com/3047795/the-3-generations-of-smart-cities" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">smart cities</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> install hardware, software and network technologies in public spaces.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Part of these technologies are digital signs. Digital displays are a main feature of some of the world’s largest cities, and locals and visitors alike benefit from features that improve their daily lives:</span></p><ul><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Live wayfinding</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Free public Wi-Fi</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Weather updates</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Bus and train schedules </span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">City service information</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Relevant advertising</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Local community information</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Emergency notifications</span></li></ul><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital displays have become a staple in smart cities and are an on-the-go resource for people to access information and stay connected. They’re not only changing cities’ visual landscape but are also reshaping the relationships between people and their communities. </span></p><h2 >How digital signage helps put the ‘smart’ in smart city</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For a city to be truly smart, each piece of the urban infrastructure needs to be integrated and connected (</span><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">à la </span></i><a href="https://www.fastcompany.com/3047795/the-3-generations-of-smart-cities" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">internet of things</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">). This enables an open flow of information and data, which drives the entire network and helps cities optimize their services and operations. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Connectivity is key to turning a collection of individual pieces of tech into an exciting, smart, bustling network. This is where a digital signage network fits in. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Not only should a city’s digital screens be connected to each other through a centralized platform, the screens should also have the ability to connect to other technologies throughout the network. By integrating with facial recognition technology, <a href="/blog/why-digital-wayfinding-is-better-for-business" rel="noopener noreferrer">wayfinding solutions</a>, mobile phones and any other relevant IoT device, data can easily be shared across the entire network.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This enables cities to deliver contextual and personalized information to their citizens and visitors. The benefits are twofold, as each screen’s audience <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-out-of-home-and-privacy/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">behaviour and demographics data</a> can be used to improve other city services. </span></p><h3 >How digital out-of-home fuels smart cities</span></h3><h4 >1. Benefits for the city</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Of course, implementing the infrastructure and maintaining <a href="https://broadsign.com/smart-cities-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">a smart city</a> isn’t without its costs. Luckily, ad space can be sold in order to fund the project, save taxpayers and users hefty fees, and even generate extra revenue for the city. Intersection’s </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/intersection-selects-broadsign-to-power-ads-on-expansive-nationwide-digital-signage-network" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">LinkNYC</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> network, which provides free WiFi and telephony services, device charging stations and local wayfinding, is actually fully funded by ad revenue and is set to generate $500 million for New York City.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">And these advertisem*nts aren’t necessarily promotional eyesores. The <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/dynamic-and-interactive-content" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">dynamic and creative capabilities</a> of digital out-of-home make for some bright, beautiful campaigns, and can even add charm to a city </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">– </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">who doesn’t love the look of Times Square at night?</span></p><h4 >2. Benefits for brands and advertisers</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">City screens have the ability to reach large audiences, and with their connected data, smart cities are an ideal platform to share brand stories. By combining smart screens and smart data, advertisers have the ability to reach their audience with effective messaging. They’re able to create and deliver engaging and dynamic campaigns to large audiences, while also customizing messaging to smaller target groups.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This targeting is even easier with digital out-of-home’s growing <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">adoption of programmatic</a>. Through automated buying, media planners are able to optimize their spend by only delivering their campaign to the right screens at the right time.</span></p><h4 >3. Benefits for citizens</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As mentioned earlier, smart cities are all about the people. While advertising is driven by brands, well executed digital out-of-home campaigns can have a positive impact on consumers. With targeting capabilities as in-depth as facial recognition, and dynamic messaging based on location, weather, time and other real-time data, consumers benefit from advertising that is relevant and contextual.</span></p><h2 >Just how smart can a city get?</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With more cities adopting the ‘smart’ approach, it is only a matter of time that this becomes the norm. This begs the question: what will the next phase of smart cities look like? While we can’t know for sure, we’re excited to see the role digital signage will continue to play in bettering the lives of millions of people around the world.</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Grandi Stazioni Retail uses relevant and targeted campaigns to stop travellers in their tracks]]><![CDATA[

Italy attracts48.6 million tourists a yearand is home to one of the most diverse and beautiful landscapes in the world. Tourists and locals flock to get a glimpse of beautiful shorelines, rural villages, spectacular cities and ancient monuments. Connecting passengers with these destinations isGrandi Stazioni Retail. Located in the heart of Italy’s busiest train stations, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/how-grandi-stazioni-retail-uses-relevant-and-targeted-campaigns-to-stop-travellers-in-their-trackshttps://broadsign.com/blog/how-grandi-stazioni-retail-uses-relevant-and-targeted-campaigns-to-stop-travellers-in-their-tracks<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 27 Feb 2018 09:53:25 GMT<p>Italy attracts&nbsp;<a href="https://www.e-unwto.org/doi/pdf/10.18111/9789284416899">48.6 million tourists a year</a>&nbsp;and is home to one of the most diverse and beautiful landscapes in the world. Tourists and locals flock to get a glimpse of beautiful shorelines, rural villages, spectacular cities and ancient monuments. Connecting passengers with these destinations is&nbsp;<a href="http://www.gsmedianetwork.it/en" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Grandi Stazioni Retail</a>.</p><p>Located in the heart of Italy’s busiest train stations, the Grandi Stazioni Retail network turns places of transit into information centers, shopping malls and meeting places. Their digital screens provide travellers and daily commuters with relevant, timely and targeted content to enhance their journey.</p><h2>campaigns that respond to people</h2><p>With an average of 2 million visitors per day, Grandi Stazioni Retail has a large audience in the mood to spend: tourists searching for the perfect souvenir, locals picking up a last minute gift on their way to see relatives, daily commuters grabbing an espresso on their way to the office and more.</p><p>But with such diverse groups of people, Grandi Stazioni Retail understood that not every person can be shown the same advertisem*nt for their platform to be effective. Rather than opting for a one-size-fits-all approach, Grandi Stazioni Retail’s advertising channel implemented in-depth targeting to make sure that the right content gets to the right people with:</p><ul><li>Facial recognition</li><li>Audience analytics including age, gender and mood</li><li>Presence sensors</li><li>Dwell time and attention time analytics</li><li>Third party data feeds</li></ul><p><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><p>Through cameras and recognition technology, Grandi Stazioni Retail collect travellers’ information while they&#8217;re looking at a screen. With travellers’ safety and privacy a top concern, strict guidelines are followed to make sure&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-out-of-home-and-privacy/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.18.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">all data is collected anonymously</a>.</p><p>With the ability to detect gender, mood and age, ads respond to a consumer&#8217;s particular demographics. This technology lets Grandi Stazioni Retail target commuters with effective content that better suits their needs and interests.</p><p>Working with&nbsp;<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mn9lMngMTpQ" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Lufthansa and Quividi</a>, Grandi Stazioni Retail featured a campaign that used presence sensors to detect when a person was near the screen. The "Shhhh" campaign was used in three locations and had over 380,000 interactions.</p><p>Grandi Stazioni Retail uses audience data, including dwell time and attention time, to determine the success of a campaign. With this data, Grandi Stazioni Retail confirms that their network is performing as expected, advertisers learn what type of content works well with travellers and travellers receive relevant ads that add value to their journey.</p><p><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></p><h2>engaging content for the busy traveller</h2><p>With trains leaving every few minutes, passengers often rush to find everything they need before heading off to a new location. Whether that’s grabbing a quick bite to eat or picking up an entirely new outfit, the stations are constantly abuzz, which is why content on the network must be engaging and relevant to actually stop people in their tracks.</p><p>For this reason, the platform&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/dynamic-and-interactive-content" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">incorporates interactivity</a>, social feeds and video to keep travellers engaged for longer periods of time. With these features, Grandi Stazioni Retail works with brands in a variety of industries including telecommunications, fashion and live entertainment, to deliver impactful marketing campaigns.</p><p>The network recently partnered up with the Italian Paralympic Committee to promote the importance of sports and recreation for disabled people. With the hashtag "cuore paralimpico" or "paralympic heart", travellers could see their social media posts on station screens.</p><p>Through Grandi Stazioni Retail’s versatile platform, advertisers have endless creative opportunities to connect with on-the-go consumers and provide them with helpful and interesting content.</p><h2>grandi stazioni retail &amp; broadsign</h2><p>With partners like Broadsign, Grandi Stazioni Retail&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/?__hstc=181257784.9c3b091986f3cc402baaae5d5bb2191c.1568311072827.1568655402361.1568720475171.10&amp;__hssc=181257784.18.1568720475171&amp;__hsfp=3127197644" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">automates their content</a>&nbsp;and targets the right people at the right time by updating content based on specific times in the day, the current weather, a viewer’s mood and more. For example, for morning passengers who could use a pick-me-up, Grandi Stazioni Retail can display advertising for a local cafe between 6 and 10 AM.</p><p>Using BroadSign’s open API, Grandi Stazioni Retail displays unique content, easily and effectively. With the ability to integrate third-party audience analytics and content softwares, Grandi Stazioni Retail delivers content that truly connects with travellers and commuters.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Missed ISE 2018? We’ve got you covered!]]><![CDATA[

And another ISE has come to an end. We had a great time catching up with our customers and partners, as well as attending some great panels and presentations. ISE is a must-attend trade show for anyone in the AV industry and is only getting bigger. The show attendance surpassed 80,000 this year, a 6,500 […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/missed-ise-we-have-you-coveredhttps://broadsign.com/blog/missed-ise-we-have-you-covered<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 15 Feb 2018 12:41:08 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">And another ISE has come to an end. We had a great time catching up with our customers and partners, as well as attending some great panels and presentations. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">ISE is a must-attend trade show for anyone in the AV industry and is only getting bigger. The show attendance surpassed </span><a href="https://youtu.be/xB-sagfVp-g?t=3m14s"><span style="font-weight: 400;">80,000 this year</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, a </span><a href="https://www.iseurope.org/2017/ise-2017-growth-innovation-and-standout-moments/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">6,500 increase</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> from the previous year. If you weren&#8217;t able to make it, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Scouring the internet, we gathered ISE blogs, videos and podcasts to make you feel like you were right on the show floor.</span></p><h2 >16:9</span></h2><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If you’re looking for a daily ISE play-by-play, head on over to Sixteen:Nine (16:9). Founder and editor, Dave Haynes, gives us a glimpse of what it’s like to walk through the halls at the RAI, which, according to him, were full of "lotsa lotsa LED guys".</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Day 1: </span><a href="http://www.sixteen-nine.net/2018/02/07/ise-2018-day-one-impressions-so-many-people-so-many-led-vendors/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">So many people, so many LED vendors </span></a></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Day 2: </span><a href="http://www.sixteen-nine.net/2018/02/08/ise-2018-day-two-impressions-crazy-busy-im-late/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Crazy busy, I’m late </span></a></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Day 3: </span><a href="http://www.sixteen-nine.net/2018/02/09/ise-2018-day-3-impressions-soc-screens-are-rolling-out-in-volume/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">SOC screens are rolling out in volume </span></a></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Dave also chatted with digital signage solution providers about system-on-chip (SOC) and its potential in the industry. There is a bit uncertainty that comes with SOC but, more and more companies are going down the SOC path. Hopefully, the debate will continue at DSE 2018. </span></p><h2 >DailyDOOH</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Adrian Cotterill, editor-in-chief of the DailyDOOH, conducted his customary series of interviews with some of the biggest names in digital signage, including our very own VP of Business Development, </span><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAjEaGUd3MI&amp;t="><span style="font-weight: 400;">Stephanie Gutnik</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Check out every interview </span><a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/dailydooh/videos"><span style="font-weight: 400;">here</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">And for a little bit of digital signage journalist-ception, he even interviewed </span><a href="http://www.sixteen-nine.net/2018/02/09/video-me-talking-to-some-english-guy-at-ise-2018/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">16:9’s Dave</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p><h2 >rAVe Publications </span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If AV really is your bread and butter, rAVe Publications (rAVe) really hit the mark with their Instagram stories that help paint a picture of what it’s like to attend the biggest AV trade show in the world. They also gave us a look behind-the-scenes to see the hard work that goes into preparing for the show.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Instagram stories: </span><a href="http://www.ravepubs.com/a-days-in-the-life-of-ise-2018/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">A day(s) in the life of ISE 2018 </span></a></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">rAVe also gathered industry leaders, including our </span><a href="http://www.ravepubs.com/the-trade-show-minute-episode-155/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">CEO, Burr Smith</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> to come chat on their podcast, The Trade Show Minute.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Podcast: </span><a href="http://www.ravepubs.com/radio/the-trade-show-minute/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">The trade show minute </span></a></p><h2 >AV Nation </span></h2><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For anyone who hasn’t been to ISE before, AV Nation’s Brock McGinnis gives us an account of ISE from a newbie’s perspective. His blog post makes you feel as though you’re really in Amsterdam, we can almost smell the stroopwafel. Although "ISE takes a little more and costs a little more money", those in the AV industry really benefit from attending. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"ISE is a superior trade show experience. ISE provides broader and earlier exposure to the world’s technology, the people who invent it and others who use it.&#8221;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Blog post: </span><a href="https://avnation.tv/2018/02/mr-mcginnis-goes-to-ise/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Mr. McGinnis goes to ISE</span></a></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A few days later, we read up on Brock’s second thoughts on LED screens at ISE. "My first visit to Integrated Systems Europe felt, at times, like I was a participant in a Blade Runner sequel."</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Blog post: </span><a href="https://avnation.tv/2018/02/being-led-astray-ise2018-second-thoughts/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Being LED astray? #ISE2018 second thoughts</span></a></p><h2 >Bigger and better ISE</span></h2><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Between the amazing LED displays, industry growth and mentions of SOC, we’re sure everyone will be busy for a while. We look forward to seeing even more innovation and exciting tech at ISE next year! </span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Intersection selects Broadsign to power ads on expansive nationwide digital signage network]]><![CDATA[

Partnership enables advertisers to run targeted, strategic ad campaigns seamlessly across a network of more than 3,500 displays in top U.S. DMAs New York, New York. January 30, 2018 – Intersection, the leading smart cities technology and media company, today announced it has selected Broadsign International, LLC’s leading marketing software to power advertising on Intersection’s […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/intersection-selects-broadsign-nationwide-digital-signage-networkhttps://broadsign.com/blog/intersection-selects-broadsign-nationwide-digital-signage-network<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 30 Jan 2018 00:01:18 GMT<h2 >Partnership enables advertisers to run targeted, strategic ad campaigns seamlessly across a network of more than 3,500 displays in top U.S. DMAs</span></h2><p><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">New York, New York. January 30, 2018</span></i><span style="font-weight: 400;"> – Intersection, the leading smart cities technology and media company, today announced it has selected Broadsign International, LLC’s leading marketing software to power advertising on Intersection’s network of digital displays across the U.S., including LinkNYC and transit assets in the top media markets, to improve advertisers’ ability to reach consumers with targeted, seamless campaigns.</span></p><p><a href="https://www.intersection.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Intersection</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> will use </span><a href="http://www.broadsign.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign’s</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> content management system, <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Control</a>, to deliver advertising and <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/how-html5-can-up-your-digital-out-of-home-game/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">dynamic HTML5 content</a> to its national network of digital displays. From a unified platform, Intersection will be able to manage branded content on more than 3,500 Link kiosks, urban panels, interactive station platform displays and bus shelters it operates nationwide. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"Our digital network extends across the top media markets in the U.S., providing brands the opportunity to connect with millions of customers on their daily journeys through our largest cities," said Adrian D’Souza, SVP of sales strategy and operations at Intersection. "With Broadsign, we have the enhanced flexibility, creative capabilities, and planning tools to make those connections more efficiently and cohesively across our network."</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Intersection’s network reaches over 48 million consumers across the top DMAs in the U.S., including New York City, Chicago, San Francisco, Philadelphia and Dallas, and several other top metro regions. This network includes signage throughout major transit systems such as the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) and the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA), as well as New York City’s LinkNYC Wi-Fi kiosks.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Intersection digital display network, which generates 2.5 billion impressions per month, is the ideal platform for advertisers to share their brand stories. To more efficiently manage and sell ad space, Intersection will also use Broadsign’s sales platform, Broadsign Direct. Broadsign’s leadership in <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">DOOH advertising</a> will help Intersection and its partners to connect with consumers in even more creative, dynamic and meaningful ways.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"With screens and kiosks connecting people in the busiest urban areas, smart cities are changing the way we live our lives," said Maarten Dollevoet, SVP of global sales at Broadsign. "We are proud to be working with a leader in the smart cities revolution and we are committed to helping digitize many more cities around the world."</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Increasingly, cities around the world are installing connected technologies and devices to improve the urban experience. According to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, OOH innovations like Intersection’s digital assets can help cities deliver WiFi, transit information, emergency communications and other critical services to residents and visitors.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Intersection’s growing network of digital assets enables cities to provide these critical services free of charge. With engaging and informative content, including real-time transit updates, weather, local events, and contextual, dynamic advertisem*nts, the Intersection network is one of the most noticed and relied upon in the U.S.</span></p><h3 >About Broadsign</span></h3><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> is the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform that enables brands, agencies and DOOH media publishers to buy, sell, and deliver DOOH campaigns efficiently, reliably and securely. Lighting up airports, shopping malls, health clinics, street corners and more, the Broadsign platform powers screens at the heart of people’s lives and delivers more than 11 billion ads and 30 billion impressions per month. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Broadsign marketing platform includes Broadsign Control for content distribution, playback and proof of performance, Broadsign Direct for sales inventory availability and proposal generation, and Broadsign Reach, a customized SSP for programmatic DOOH transactions.</span></p><h3 >About Intersection</span></h3><p><a href="https://www.intersection.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Intersection</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> is at the forefront of the smart cities revolution, improving the experience of public places through technology that provides connectivity, information, and engaging content and experiences. With award-winning products like LinkNYC, the largest and fastest free public Wi-Fi network in the world, Intersection connects the digital and physical worlds, enhancing people’s journeys through their cities and offering brands the opportunity to drive more relevant and engaging advertising, rooted in real-world context. Intersection partners with cities, transit systems, airports, and real estate developments around the globe, as well as advertisers seeking to reach audiences on a global, national, or local scale. </span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Modernize your DOOH sales with Broadsign Direct]]><![CDATA[

As the industry continues its growth and evolution, more advertisers are looking to add digital out-of-home (DOOH) to their campaigns. With 94% of media planners ready to allocate the same or an even greater portion of their media budget to DOOH in the next three years, media owners have many opportunities to grow their business. […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/modernize-dooh-sales-broadsign-directhttps://broadsign.com/blog/modernize-dooh-sales-broadsign-direct<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 24 Jan 2018 08:53:37 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As the industry continues its growth and evolution, more advertisers are looking to add <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home (DOOH)</a> to their campaigns. With </span><a href="http://www.thedrum.com/news/2017/02/08/media-planners-expect-maintain-or-grow-spend-dooh-and-digital-place-based" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">94% of media planners</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> ready to allocate the same or an even greater portion of their media budget to DOOH in the next three years, media owners have many opportunities to grow their business.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">However, the loops, slots and flights lingo traditionally used to sell DOOH isn’t what the majority of digital media buyers are used to. Instead, they work with audiences, impressions and cost per thousand (CPM). With the newest features added to <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Direct</a>, media owners now have the flexibility to plan and price DOOH campaigns in terms and numbers that work for every buyer.</span></p><h2 >Create CPM based campaigns</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">CPM is a pricing model typically used when buying online display, TV, email, video, and social media advertising space. With prices set per one thousand advertisem*nt impressions, it’s easy for advertisers to calculate exactly how much it costs to reach their consumers. This standardized value provides advertisers with a benchmark to compare each channel while planning, deploying and reviewing the results of a marketing campaign. By offering CPM pricing for DOOH, you are communicating the value of your screens to digital media buyers in a language they are more familiar with.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">While CPMs vary greatly depending on the network, screen location and audience type, DOOH CPMs are comparable to other marketing channels including TV, radio, online and print. However, research shows that DOOH actually </span><a href="http://www.sixteen-nine.net/2016/01/27/18-surprising-statistics-about-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">produces stronger results than other marketing channels</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, making it a solid investment for any campaign. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With Broadsign Direct, media owners can now assign a price to each screen based on impressions delivered. From there, sales teams can quickly generate proposals based on each advertiser’s particular CPM budget.</span></p><h2 >Target based on campaign goals</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Advertisers will have a specific audience they wish to reach and goals they wish to achieve. Their campaign creative, messages and timing are all influenced by this target audience and the goals. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To achieve optimal results for a campaign with Broadsign Direct, media owners can now search for and select screens based on each advertiser’s specific campaign goals, including target audience, campaign budget, average CPM, and any combination of the three.</span></p><h2 >Target based on share of voice and loops and slots</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">While there are new ways to build a campaign, the traditional loops, slots, share of voice and location-based method to select screens for a campaign still dominates the DOOH industry. This model is particularly interesting for brands looking to take over a specific location and make a bold statement. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With Broadsign Direct, media owners can continue to sell campaigns on a share of voice and loops and slots basis, and even chose to set a premium price for guaranteed screen time. </span></p><h2 >Ensure campaign success</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As campaigns progress, Broadsign Direct’s real-time performance statistics can help keep tabs on how well they are meeting their goals. With a quick glance at the progress bar, media owners can see how much of the target budget or target audience the campaign has reached. If an unforeseen event occurs, the issue is quickly surfaced and media owners can take appropriate action to ensure the campaign successfully reaches its goals.</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign and Splicky pair up to offer DOOH inventory to programmatic media buyers]]><![CDATA[

We’re excited about our partnership with Splicky that will give media buyers the opportunity to add DOOH to their online, mobile and TV programmatic buys! Read the Splicky press release below: Successful start to the New Year: Broadsign and Splicky launch worldwide partnership Berlin / New York, January 8, 2018: The Berlin-based mobile expert Jaduda […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-splicky-pair-up-to-offer-dooh-inventory-to-programmatic-media-buyershttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-splicky-pair-up-to-offer-dooh-inventory-to-programmatic-media-buyers<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 11 Jan 2018 16:10:23 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We’re excited about our partnership with Splicky that will give media buyers the opportunity to add DOOH to their online, mobile and TV programmatic buys!</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Read the Splicky press release below:</span></p><h2><b>Successful start to the New Year: Broadsign and Splicky launch worldwide partnership </b></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Berlin / New York, January 8, 2018</em>: The Berlin-based mobile expert Jaduda owners of Splicky DSP and the Canadian-based Broadsign start the New Year with a worldwide partnership. Splicky has incorporated <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign’s programmatic inventory</a> into their DSP buying stack. In addition, Jaduda has more than 37,000 DooH screens in 20 categories in the DACH region with its DSP Splicky.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Vince Banks, vice president of programmatic sales operations at Broadsign, said: &#8221; We&#8217;re excited to partner with Splicky to give media buyers the opportunity to leverage <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">the power of digital out-of-home</a> to better reach and engage their target audiences. The large, bright screens definitely make an impact and are an ideal addition to Splicky&#8217;s multiscreen offerings."</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Sven Ruppert, CEO at <a href="https://www.jadudamobile.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Jaduda</a>, said about the new partnership: &#8220;The partnership with Broadsign allows our customers to globally <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">buy programmatic</a> eye-catching DooH screens. It illustrates our ambition to become one of the leading DSP providers in DooH. Our access to global mobile reach gives our customers unique opportunities to connect mobile and DooH media.&#8221;</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">At <a href="https://splicky.com/en/web/home" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Splicky</a>, advertisers can opt to run campaigns on a self-service or managed service basis. There are various targeting options to choose from such as location, categories, time, audience’s and weather. In addition, advertisers can control their advertising spend via whitelists and blacklists to explicitly select or exclude individual publishers. These extensive targeting options form the basis for efficiently addressing target groups and also makes it possible to link Mobile and DooH channels when running campaigns.</span></p><h3><span style="font-weight: 400;">About Broadsign</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign is the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform that enables brands, agencies and DOOH media publishers to buy, sell, and deliver DOOH campaigns efficiently, reliably and securely. Lighting up airports, shopping malls, health clinics, street corners and more, the Broadsign platform powers screens at the heart of people’s lives and serves more than 360 million ads per day and generates 15 billion impressions per month. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Broadsign marketing platform includes Broadsign Control for content distribution, playback and proof of performance, Broadsign Direct for sales inventory availability and proposal generation, and Broadsign Reach, a customized SSP for programmatic DOOH transactions.</span></p><h3><span style="font-weight: 400;">About Splicky</span></h3><p><a href="https://splicky.com/en/web/home"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Splicky</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> is a demand-side platform (DSP) developed for mobile, CTV and DooH in the DACH region. A DSP is a trading platform where advertisers and media agencies can buy various digital ad-formats for their advertising campaigns through a single interface. Thanks to real-time bidding technology, this booking process is automated and runs in real time.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Splicky is a product of Jaduda GmbH, which belongs to the Swiss Goldbach Group since September 2015. At Dmexco 2016, Splicky expanded its offering with DooH. Since then, clients of Splicky can programmatically acquire digital-out-of-home screens. Splicky uses state of the art algorithms gaining better results from programmatic campaigns and works with tracking and targeting technologies developed specifically for Mobile and DooH channels. Clients also have the opportunity to run campaigns utilizing their own 3rd party data.</span></p><h3><span style="font-weight: 400;">About Jaduda</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Headquartered in Berlin, </span><a href="http://www.jadudamobile.com/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Jaduda GmbH</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> is a full-service provider for mobile marketing and part of the Swiss Goldbach Group. The company was founded in early 2010 and offers a magnitude of services from concept creation to building landing pages and banners, analysis of complex marketing campaigns all in one mobile channel from a single source. Jaduda supports advertisers and agencies with tailor-made solutions to achieve their mobile goals. One of Jaduda&#8217;s specialties is App Store Optimization. In addition to these activities, Jaduda GmbH owns and operates a Splicky a Mobile DSP. </span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Why digital wayfinding signage is better for your business]]><![CDATA[

We all know the feeling of walking into a large building and having no idea where to go. Roaming through hallways, taking wrong turns or trying to find someone to show you the way can be an absolute nightmare. Luckily, this doesn’t stop people from exploring new places. In fact, people spend 70% of their […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/why-digital-wayfinding-is-better-for-businesshttps://broadsign.com/blog/why-digital-wayfinding-is-better-for-business<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 20 Nov 2017 06:30:06 GMT<p>We all know the feeling of walking into a large building and having no idea where to go. Roaming through hallways, taking wrong turns or trying to find someone to show you the way can be an absolute nightmare. </p><p>Luckily, this doesn’t stop people from exploring new places. In fact, people spend <a href="https://oaaa.org/Portals/0/Public%20PDFs/Take%20Your%20Message%20Further.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">70% of their time away from home</a>. To make the journey more exciting, digital wayfinding signage is the way to go.</p><h2 >Show instead of tell</h2><div ><figure >Adding mobile to the mix makes it even easier to navigate locations. With QR codes, apps and websites, maps and instructions can be sent straight to smartphones so people don’t have to look for another kiosk if they need more information.</figcaption></figure></div><p>With smartphones, tablets and laptops, it is now easier than ever for people to explore their surroundings. And while Google maps and online directories are useful tools, they’re only one piece of the wayfinding puzzle. Digital wayfinding solutions dig deeper to provide people with customized, up-to-date, interactive information.</p><p>Beyond what their static ‘you are here’ ancestors can provide, digital touchscreen kiosks and interactive screens show users tailored instructions on how to reach their destination. With highlighted paths and 3D maps, visitors can visualize exactly what route they are going to take.</p><h2 >Better your screens, better your business &nbsp;</h2><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p>Unlike static, digital allows businesses to <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-out-of-home-and-privacy" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">collect data about user behavior</a> based on searches and clicks. This lets businesses review, monitor and analyze the effectiveness of their digital directory. </p><p>Places with high foot traffic can benefit from knowing what stores and services are searched for more often, helping build strategies to make shops more visible and easier to find. The <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dooh-metrics" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">information gained from analytics</a> can help businesses understand what content works and what doesn’t.</p><p>User data can help businesses like malls, airports and museums grow and improve their offerings. Search volume can be used to determine which new shops or added services will be most interesting to customers.</p><p>And while digital wayfinding signage is a great way to increase customer satisfaction, it is also a useful tool for <a href="https://broadsign.com/internal-communications-digital-signage" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">internal communications</a>. "Building managers and HR personnel can use kiosks and real-time data to better the work environment," explained Jérôme Hérard, founding partner at <a href="https://www.viadirect.com/en" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">ViaDirect</a>, a global leader in digital wayfinding solutions. "With the recent popularity in flexible working conditions, desk sharing and coworking spaces, having a digital system in place to keep everyone informed is essential." </p><h2 >Update content on the fly</h2><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p>Printed maps and static signs can quickly become outdated, seeing as offices reorganize, exhibits change and shops relocate on a regular basis. Digital wayfinding solutions makes these changes a breeze. With the ability to update maps and directories in minutes, maps are kept up-to-date without having to spend hundreds if not thousands on printing and installing static posters.</p><p>Digital screens also have the added ability to display non-wayfinding content. When no one is actively looking for directions, screens can display current weather, event schedules, local news and other interesting content. Locations can also make extra revenue by displaying advertisem*nts on the screen.Businesses can also add to the user experience by getting creative with their screens’ messages and colors to present an exciting brand identity. Personalized content and wayfinding features leave a positive impression on a user.</p><p>Digital wayfinding signage is the perfect solution for businesses to enhance their consumer experience and an easy way to manage and update content.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign selected by ELAN Media to power screens in Qatar’s most prominent malls]]><![CDATA[

Leading advertising company specialized in crafting innovative campaigns to use Broadsign’s digital signage software to deliver impactful digital out-of-home campaigns across 240 premium screens Doha, Qatar. November 7, 2017 ‒ Broadsign International, LLC, the leading provider of digital signage and digital out-of-home software solutions, has been selected by innovative advertising experience company, ELAN Media, to […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-selected-elan-media-power-screens-qatars-prominent-mallshttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-selected-elan-media-power-screens-qatars-prominent-malls<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 07 Nov 2017 00:00:11 GMT<h3 >Leading advertising company specialized in crafting innovative campaigns to use Broadsign’s digital signage software to deliver impactful digital out-of-home campaigns across 240 premium screens</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Doha, Qatar. November 7, 2017</em> ‒ Broadsign International, LLC, the leading provider of digital signage and digital out-of-home software solutions, has been selected by innovative advertising experience company, ELAN Media, to power their digital out-of-home network.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The partnership also includes integration with </span><a href="http://www.quividi.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Quividi</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">’s audience and attention analytics, which enables ELAN Media to accurately measure audience in real-time, giving brands the opportunity to adapt their messaging based on audience demographics and data. </span></p><p><a href="http://www.elan.qa/en" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">ELAN Media</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, Qatar’s leading <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home media</a> provider, is using Broadsign’s secure and reliable </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">automated digital signage software</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> to deliver ads and content to 240 screens located in high-impact areas, including the Mall of Qatar, Doha Festival City and Ezdan Mall. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"This partnership is a significant step for ELAN Media’s digital network, as it marks the introduction of <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">real-time content management</a> to Qatar’s advertising sector," said Jamie Ball, COO at ELAN Media. "It is a very exciting innovation for the market and means that advertisers using our digital out-of-home platforms will be able to employ a new layer of context to better engage their audiences."</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The ELAN Media network includes dramatic, large format screens, located in shopping mall food-courts, hallways and courtyards, all ideal locations to reach ready-to-buy consumers. Since the network’s launch in December 2016, 70 brands, including Vodaphone, Nissan, Qatar Development Bank and more, have run campaigns on the ELAN Media network. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"Located in the heart of prime shopping locations, ELAN Media’s screens present an interesting opportunity for advertisers to reach ready-to-buy consumers," said Maarten Dollevoet, VP of global sales at Broadsign. "Through our partnership, brands will be able to target their consumers with creative, contextual and impactful content, maximizing the results of each campaign." </span></p><h3 >About Broadsign </span></h3><p>Broadsign is the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform that enables brands, agencies and DOOH media publishers to buy, sell, and deliver DOOH campaigns efficiently, reliably and securely. Lighting up airports, shopping malls, health clinics, street corners and more, the Broadsign platform powers screens at the heart of people’s lives and delivers more than 11 billion ads and 30 billion impressions per month.</p><p>The Broadsign marketing platform includes Broadsign Control for content distribution, playback and proof of performance, Broadsign Direct for sales inventory availability and proposal generation, and Broadsign Reach, a customized SSP for programmatic DOOH transactions.</p><h3 >About ELAN Media</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">ELAN Media is a leading company specializing in crafting innovative communication and advertising landscapes across a mix of media channels to engage consumers and energize brands. ELAN Media is committed to driving innovation and excellence in advertising to become a first-class regional media company. It combines diversified advertising platforms including digital and static out-of-home, cinema, and online to deliver effective advertising and creative opportunities for brands.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">ELAN Media has pioneered digital out-of-home advertising in Qatar by introducing the most advanced DOOH network in the region at Mall of Qatar, Doha Festival City, and Ezdan Mall. It is also the exclusive representative of Huffington Post Arabi in the region, Qatar Living, M’zad Qatar, Novo Cinemas, as well as other major online platforms. ELAN Media operates as a joint venture with JC Decaux, the number 1 outdoor advertising company in the world. ELAN Media is a subsidiary of ELAN Group, a dynamic and innovative company delivering world-class experiences in media, entertainment, events and city beautification.</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Why your next media campaign should include digital out-of-home]]><![CDATA[

Between working, commuting, running errands, and leisurely activities, consumers spend 70% of their time away from home. OOH has the ability to drive awareness, engagement and transactions at a time that many other media channels fall short. When OOH is combined with other advertising channels in an integrated media plan, it is proven to extend […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/next-media-campaign-include-digital-out-of-homehttps://broadsign.com/blog/next-media-campaign-include-digital-out-of-home<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 31 Oct 2017 08:23:55 GMT<p>Between working, commuting, running errands, and leisurely activities, consumers spend <a href="https://oaaa.org/Portals/0/Public%20PDFs/Take%20Your%20Message%20Further.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">70% of their time away from home</a>. OOH has the ability to drive awareness, engagement and transactions at a time that many other media channels fall short.When OOH is combined with other advertising channels in an integrated media plan, it is proven to extend reach, amplify a campaign and drive consumers to engage with brands, both online and in-store.</p><h2>Impactful campaign reach</h2><p>While <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/out-of-home-advertising/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">a strong tool on its own</a>, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/out-of-home-advertising/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">OOH plays a large role</a> in the success of a multi-channel marketing campaign. It has been shown to <a href="https://www.nystia.org/files/lo4neB/Outdoor%20Extended%20-%20Client.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">increase internet campaign reach by 68%</a> and <a href="https://www.nystia.org/files/lo4neB/Outdoor%20Extended%20-%20Client.pdf">mobile campaign reach by 316%</a>.With screens in the heart of shopping hubs, bustling train stations, busy street corners and more, a single DOOH ad has the opportunity to reach hundreds of viewers.DOOH is also highly-targetable, which means that each ad is served to the right right audience at the right time. Campaigns can be targeted based on location, time of day, day of week, audience demographic and more.<div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script>Corona launched this <a href="http://www.jcdecaux.co.uk/news/coronas-dynamic-dooh-campaign-reflects-city-sunset" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">dynamic DOOH campaign</a> across London that used local time and forecast to reflect the city’s sunset.</p><h2>Eye-catching creativity</h2><p>What would Times Square be without it’s bright, bold, iconic lights? DOOH has become a staple in our lives and it’s creative capabilities allow brands to tell their story in exciting, eye-catching ways.With large format screens, <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/dynamic-and-interactive-content" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">interactive content</a> and prime locations, DOOH creates an impact that mobile and digital campaigns simply cannot recreate. When compared to these other channels, DOOH is perceived as being more tech-savvy and a better creative channel. <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Digital out-of-home</a> also scores higher than any other media channel for offering dynamic, exciting and modern advertising environments.<div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script>Audi used beautiful, bold colours to catch traveller’s attention on a busy day in <a href="http://gsretail.it/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Italy’s rail system</a>.</p><h2>Engaged audiences</h2><p>DOOH drives consumer behaviour with contextually relevant content. Screens are located in clinics while patients are seeking health advice, in malls while consumers are on a shopping spree and in airports as travellers set off on their journey.A <a href="https://oaaa.org/NewsEvents/PressReleases/tabid/327/id/4202/Default.aspx" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">study</a> conducted by the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA) found that one in five viewers have changed plans to visit an establishment based on what was featured on a digital billboard and 22% of consumers search, purchase, or take social action within 30 minutes of exposure to an OOH ad.Trolls launched a campaign across UK mall screens to drive Blu-ray and DVD sales in HMV and Sainsbury’s stores.</p><h3>DOOH now available through DSPs and exchanges</h3><p>You can now access premium DOOH publisher’s screens through DSPs and exchanges to boosts campaign reach, improve brand recall and drive more sales.<div ></div></div></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Announces New Programmatic ‘Health and Lifestyle’ Digital Out-of-Home Audience Package]]><![CDATA[

Digital media buyers can now amplify brand campaigns with high-impact, specialty digital out-of-home screens New York, NY. October 31, 2017 – Broadsign International, LLC, the leading digital out-of home marketing platform, today announced programmatic buying access for more than 10,000 screens globally. This initial programmatic deployment enables access to 400 million impressions per month via […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/programmatic-health-lifestyle-digital-home-audience-packagehttps://broadsign.com/blog/programmatic-health-lifestyle-digital-home-audience-package<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 31 Oct 2017 08:00:28 GMT<h2 >Digital media buyers can now amplify brand campaigns with high-impact, specialty digital out-of-home screens</h2><p><i>New York, NY. October 31, 2017</i> &#8211; Broadsign International, LLC, the leading <a href="https://broadsign.com/content-network-management" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">digital out-of home marketing platform</a>, today announced programmatic buying access for more than 10,000 screens globally. This initial programmatic deployment enables access to 400 million impressions per month via DOOH screens located in healthcare, veterinarian and lifestyle locations, such as shopping malls or near sports complexes.</p><p>As part of the launch, Broadsign is also announcing integrations with several demand-side platforms (DSPs) and exchanges for its supply-side platform, <a href="https://broadsign.com/global-programmatic-ssp" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Broadsign Serv SSP</a>. These integrations will enable programmatic and digital media buyers to purchase <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">DOOH inventory</a> from within popular digital ad platforms.</p><h3 >DOOH: Ideal complement to online and mobile</h3><p>For digital media buyers who wish to augment their existing online and mobile campaigns with premium, high-impact DOOH locations, Broadsign’s DOOH marketing platform opens up an entirely new medium and revenue stream.</p><p>Digital out-of home advertising is expected to grow at 13.3% CAGR to represent <a href="http://www.pqmedia.com/gooh2017.html">$19 billion in annual advertising spend</a> by 2019. "Given the breadth and depth of the Broadsign publisher network, which is now in excess of 130,000 screens worldwide, we are uniquely positioned to enable large scale DOOH audience reach programmatically," said Burr Smith, Broadsign CEO. "We are excited to deliver this initial audience package to digital media buyers who previously may not have considered booking DOOH due to the lack of integration with their automated inventory and buying tools."</p><h3 >Broadsign Health and Lifestyle audience</h3><p>The Broadsign Health and Lifestyle Audience Package, the first of many audience segments to become available, enables advertisers to reach more than 400 million impressions per month and is customizable by point of interest, DMA, time of day, and a number of other demographic variables. US specialty locations include:</p><ul><li>Medical clinics, dental offices and pharmacies</li><li>Pet care and veterinarian clinics</li><li>Retail stores and shopping malls</li><li>Business and leisure travelers</li><li>Daily commuters</li><li>Entertainment and sporting events</li></ul><h3 >Direct access to DOOH media via DSPs and exchanges</h3><p>Through integrations with popular DSPs and exchanges, programmatic media buyers will be able to transact DOOH media buys right from within their existing trading platforms. To facilitate this process, Broadsign is pleased to announce completed and in-process integrations with <a href="https://outmoove.com/">OutMoove</a>, <a href="https://platform161.com/">Platform 161</a>, <a href="http://rubiconproject.com/">Rubicon Project</a>, and <a href="https://www.splicky.com">Splicky</a>.</p><p>Just as digital is transforming the OOH industry, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">programmatic buying</a> will transform the way buyers and sellers transact DOOH inventory. "Rubicon Project is excited to provide its unparalleled marketplace capabilities to all of Broadsign&#8217;s partners through this integration. Today&#8217;s announcement is a step forward in Rubicon Project&#8217;s mission to provide premium supply for all its buying partners," said Chris Waterman, Head of DOOH at Rubicon Project.</p><h3 >About Broadsign</h3><p>Broadsign is the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform that enables brands, agencies, and DOOH media publishers to buy, sell, and deliver DOOH campaigns efficiently, reliably and securely. With more than 130,000 displays in venues such as airports, shopping malls, health clinics and cinemas powered by the Broadsign DOOH marketing platform, Broadsign’s publisher network serves more than 360 million ads/day, generating 15 billion impressions/month.</p><p>The Broadsign marketing platform includes <a href="https://broadsign.com/content-network-management">Broadsign Core</a> for content distribution, playback and proof of performance, <a href="https://broadsign.com/campaign-planning-ad-serving">Broadsign Serv Direct</a> for sales inventory availability and proposal generation, and <a href="https://broadsign.com/global-programmatic-ssp">Broadsign Serv SSP</a> a customized programmatic DOOH solution that enables programmatic transactions of DOOH inventory. You can learn more about the Broadsign Health and Lifestyle DOOH Audience Package here.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Demystifying Digital Out-of-Home – 3 Takeaways from Innovate:NY]]><![CDATA[

With the introduction of programmatic, digital out-of-home is challenging decades-worth of media buying industry standards. Yet, as with any change, there is a learning curve to truly grasp the concept.Innovate:NY, a panel hosted by The Ad Club of New York, aimed to ease this learning curve by demystifying digital out-of-home and explaining how media buyers […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/3-takeaways-from-innovateny-2017https://broadsign.com/blog/3-takeaways-from-innovateny-2017<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 19 Oct 2017 15:14:30 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With the <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">introduction of programmatic</a>, digital out-of-home is challenging decades-worth of media buying industry standards. Yet, as with any change, there is a learning curve to truly grasp the concept.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Innovate:NY, a panel hosted by </span><a href="http://www.theadvertisingclub.org/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Ad Club of New York</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, aimed to ease this learning curve by <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">demystifying digital out-of-home</a> and explaining how media buyers can make the most of this powerful advertising medium. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Our very own director of business development, Stephanie Gutnik, led the discussion, as panelists Andea Campbell, partner and director of analytics and insights at </span><a href="http://www.mecglobal.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">MEC</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, and Ian Mirmelstein, SVP of digital engagement at </span><a href="http://www.adspacenetworks.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Adspace Networks</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, shared their insights on how digital out-of-home is shaping the future of the advertising industry.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In case you couldn&#8217;t make it, we’ve recapped the main takeaways from the panel.</span></p><h2 >1. Speak their language</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Traditionally, the <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/out-of-home-advertising/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">out-of-home industry</a> used a particular lingo to describe their screens and audiences, a lingo that didn’t translate directly to terms digital media buyers were familiar with. This meant that digital out-of-home was treated as a rogue silo, never quite fitting in with its other digital media counterparts.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To communicate with this new audience, it’s necessary to use terminology and language already common to advertisers and media buyers. This will help them understand the benefits of out-of-home and better compare the medium to the media channels they currently work with on a daily basis.</span></p><blockquote ><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"Speak to reach, speak to the funnel and attribution. Speak their language."</span></p><cite>Andea Campbell</cite></blockquote><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Creating common language is the first step in reining in the rogue silo and ensuring digital out-of-home’s successful integration into the media buying world.</span></p><h2 >2. Let the numbers tell the story</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Adding out-of-home to a marketing campaign can </span><a href="https://www.nystia.org/files/lo4neB/Outdoor%20Extended%20-%20Client.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">increase reach by up to 300%</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">. However, out-of-home doesn’t follow the same one-to-one reach statistics that marketers are used to. This means advertisers, digital media buyers in particular, can’t necessarily understand the true impact of DOOH. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"Data, addressability, measurability is what marketers care about, simple as that." &#8211; Ian Mirmelstein</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">The </span><a href="http://dp-aa.org/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">DPAA </span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">and </span><a href="https://www.iab.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">IAB</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> are working to standardize the way reach, impression and other metrics are calculated in order to make sure that DOOH can fit into a campaign as easily as mobile, online and social media currently do. This will allow media buyers to see a 360-degree view of their digital campaign.</p><h2 >3. Get ready for the programmatic future</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">It’s predicted that programmatic will receive the largest media spend in 2018. Yet for DOOH to make the most of this trend, media buyers must prepare their inventory and business processes for programmatic. This includes ensuring language and numbers are in line with what buyers are used to and integrating with an </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/7-things-to-consider-ssp-for-digital-out-of-home" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">SSP</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> to make inventory available to them.</span></p><blockquote ><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"It&#8217;s the media owners job to help connect the dots to solve their problems and get people to understand what this category offers."</span></p><cite>Ian Mirmelstein</cite></blockquote><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As members of the digital out-of-home industry, we must also remember that out-of-home is a new concept to many media buyers and therefore, it&#8217;s important for industry leaders to join the programmatic conversation. There are many benefits to using DOOH in a media campaign and it’s up to us to make sure this is known far and wide.</span></p><blockquote ><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"It&#8217;s never the wrong time to knock on doors about these opportunities."</span></p><cite>Andea Campbell</cite></blockquote><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital out-of-home has the ability to challenge the status quo. As a new addition to the programmatic buying package, advertisers have the ability to further tell their story and reach an even broader audience.</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Rethinking the Cinema Experience with a Digital Signage Network]]><![CDATA[

In today’s Netflix age, movies are easily accessed from the comfort of our own couches or even our beds. Yet even with this convenience, there is still an active audience that prefers heading to the theatre.But why? What keeps them coming back time and time again? It’s all in the experience. People go to movie […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/rethinking-digital-signage-in-cinemashttps://broadsign.com/blog/rethinking-digital-signage-in-cinemas<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 27 Sep 2017 13:49:42 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In today’s Netflix age, movies are easily accessed from the comfort of our own couches or even our beds. Yet even with this convenience, there is still an active audience that prefers heading to the theatre.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">But why? What keeps them coming back time and time again? </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">It’s all in the experience. People go to movie theatres to enjoy the feature film but it’s much more than that. Cinemas offer an ambiance and atmosphere that simply cannot be recreated at home. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Even so, </span><a href="http://www.businessinsider.com/theater-attendance-down-to-19-year-low-2015-1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">cinema attendance today isn’t as high</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> as it was during the cinema heydays. To truly attract an audience, cinemas must ensure that the magic of the movies is felt from the moment they enter the box office until the rolling credits.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As a matter of fact, people spend around </span><a href="http://media.cineplex.com/digital-signage"><span style="font-weight: 400;">15 minutes in the cinema lobby</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> before the film. This is the ideal moment to entertain the audience and increase anticipation for the movie-world they are about to enter. &nbsp;Not to mention, it&#8217;s an opportunity for cinemas to generate more revenue by promoting concession sales and partner advertisem*nts. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">So, how exactly can your cinema achieve the goals and results above?</span></p><h2 >Augment the Movie-Goer Experience</h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To turn the cinema outing into a true adventure, it&#8217;s important to deliver a great experience at every touchpoint with the customer.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Using a digital signage network makes it easy to create an engaging environment through interactive features. Fun social media campaigns, creative mobile integration, and enticing touch screen activities are just a few examples of how <a href="https://broadsign.com/cinema-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">cinemas can augment the movie-goer experience</a>.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With the help of digital signage, you can create memorable movie experiences and the option of streaming a movie on the couch pales in comparison.</span></p><h2 >Inform Customers</span></h2><figure }</script></figure><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The box office is the first thing customers see when they enter your cinema. It&#8217;s important to make sure the experience is as smooth as possible, especially on busy opening nights. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">By opting for digital signage, important information including showtimes, movie details and age ratings can be clearly displayed. Screens in the lobby can also be used to show theatre numbers and help with <a href="/blog/why-digital-wayfinding-is-better-for-business" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">general wayfinding</a>.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Going digital also gives you more flexibility with signage. Is one movie performing better than another? Easily change the order in which posters appear. Have a special event coming up? Create a one-minute takeover of every movie theater lobby display to encourage attendance.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital signage helps you delight your attendees and keep them in the loop about upcoming movies to encourage a future visit.</span></p><h2 >Increase Concession Sales</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Concession stands are where cinemas turn a profit. The good news is that around </span><a href="http://media.cineplex.com/digital-signage"><span style="font-weight: 400;">78% of cinema lobby activities</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> are concession purchases. This means that customers are definitely in a purchasing state of mind. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital menu boards bring concession goods to your consumers&#8217; attention and can produce a </span><a href="https://www.digitalsignagetoday.com/blogs/digital-menu-boards-overhyped-or-beneficial/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">10-50% increase in sales</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">. They are easy to manage and menu items can display differently based on time of day, the day of the week and more.</span></p><h2 >Gain Alternative Sources of Revenue</span></h2><figure }</script></figure><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A digital signage network creates the opportunity for extra revenue. Unlike a static poster, space can easily be shared between various external advertisem*nt and your cinema’s own content when using a digital signage network.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Pre-movie in-theatre content is also an interesting opportunity for advertisers. The audience is easily segmented by demographic, as different movies can attract different types of people. As they wait for the movie to begin, the audience has little else to do, which means they will be very captive when the ad is playing.</span></p><h3 >Now, let the digital signage credits roll!</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Automation, digital interaction, and slick displays don’t only belong in sci-fi flicks but are real-life experiences for film-goers. With digital signage, your cinema can go above and beyond the status quo.</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Receives International Security Certifications, Sets New Standards in Digital Out-of-Home]]><![CDATA[

Given the public nature of digital signage networks, a few minutes of blank screens – or even worse, unapproved content – can cause quite the scandal. While you may take every precaution to ensure that your screens are running as expected, your network is only as strong as its weakest link. Selecting vendors and partners […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/international-security-certifications-soc-ii-isae3420https://broadsign.com/blog/international-security-certifications-soc-ii-isae3420<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 13 Sep 2017 09:10:20 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Given the public nature of digital signage networks, a few minutes of blank screens &#8211; or even worse, unapproved content &#8211; can cause quite the scandal. While you may take <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/3-steps-digital-signage-network-security/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">every precaution</a> to ensure that your screens are running as expected, your network is only as strong as its weakest link. Selecting vendors and partners that have strong security policies and practices in place is critical to your network’s success. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Here at Broadsign, we are thrilled to announce that we have completed the Service Organization Controls (SOC) II Type I and ISAE3420 rigorous security audits and have successfully obtained certifications.</span></p><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Security is a top ranked digital signage requirement</span></h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In a recent global survey of digital signage media owners conducted by our team, security and reliability ranked as two of the top three concerns media owners had when <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">selecting a digital signage software solution</a>. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">While the survey results are great validation, they came as no surprise. We work with a wide variety of media owners and publishers from networks with thousands of screens to some with just a few. Regardless of size, data security has always been a priority for both us and our customers, so much so that we felt it important to go through the rigorous year-long audit.</span></p><blockquote><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"The digital signage industry is rapidly growing and market leaders like Broadsign must pave the way in data protection standards. SOC II and ISAE 3420 are two of the most recognized and rigorous third-party data security audits available. We are proud that our clients now have the added trust and assurance of these third-party assessments." &#8211; Burr Smith, CEO</span></p></blockquote><h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">What are SOC II and ISAE3420 certifications?</span></h2><p><a href="http://www.aicpa.org/InterestAreas/FRC/AssuranceAdvisoryServices/Pages/AICPASOC2Report.aspx" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">SOC II</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> and </span><a href="https://www.ifac.org/publications-resources/glance-international-standard-assurance-engagements-isae-3420-assurance-engag" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">ISAE3420</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> are internationally recognized standardized security certifications that ensure that SaaS and cloud based service providers, like Broadsign, have the policies and procedures in place to provide the highest levels of protection for their customers and their data. Other companies that have undergone and successfully completed the audits include Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, SAP and Salesforce.</span></p><div >To receive certification, businesses must undergo a detailed audit that examines the company’s business practices in five areas:</span></p><ol><li><strong>Security</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">: Are measures in place to protect against unauthorized access to information systems?</span></li><li><strong>Availability</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">: Do information systems operate as expected and what fallbacks are in place in case of unexpected situations?</span></li><li><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Processing Integrity</strong></span><span style="font-weight: 400;">: Is system processing authorized, accurate, complete and timely? </span></li><li><strong>Confidentiality</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">: Is confidential data protected against unauthorized access?</span></li><li><strong>Privacy</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">: Is information collected, used, retained, and disclosed only as described in the business’ privacy notice and following the </span><a href="https://www.cpacanada.ca/en/business-and-accounting-resources/other-general-business-topics/information-management-and-technology/publications/business-and-organizational-privacy-policy-resources/gapp-in-privacy-policy-development" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">privacy principles</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> laid out by American and Canadian professional accounting associations?</span></li></ol></div><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To ensure unbiased findings, the audit is conducted by a certified third-party professional auditing firm, such as </span><a href="https://www.bdo.ca/en-ca/home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">BDO</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">. These firms conduct thousands of examinations designed to test the validity of control systems, such as data security, reliability and other business practices.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign has always made data security a top priority. The SOC II and ISAE3420 certifications build on this commitment and provide third-party validation of the policies and procedures we have in place &#8211; and provide our customers with additional peace of mind. </span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Successfully Completes SOC II and ISAE3402 Service Auditor Reports]]><![CDATA[

Rigorous third-party audit ensures strict information security policies to protect customer data Montreal, Canada. September 13, 2017 – Broadsign, the leading provider of digital signage and digital out-of-home software solutions, announced that it has successfully completed the Service Organization Control (SOC) II and ISAE3402 audits. These audits set standards for security, availability, process integrity, confidentiality […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-completes-soc-ii-isae3402-service-auditor-reportshttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-completes-soc-ii-isae3402-service-auditor-reports<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 13 Sep 2017 08:21:23 GMT<h3 >Rigorous third-party audit ensures strict information security policies to protect customer data</span></h3><p><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">Montreal, Canada. September 13, 2017 &#8211; </span></i><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign, the leading provider of digital signage and digital out-of-home software solutions, announced that it has successfully completed the</span><a href="http://www.aicpa.org/InterestAreas/FRC/AssuranceAdvisoryServices/Pages/AICPASOC2Report.aspx" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span style="font-weight: 400;">Service Organization Control</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> (SOC) II and</span><a href="https://www.ifac.org/publications-resources/glance-international-standard-assurance-engagements-isae-3420-assurance-engag" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span style="font-weight: 400;">ISAE3402</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> audits. These audits set standards for security, availability, process integrity, confidentiality and privacy for SaaS and cloud-based companies. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As digital signage network operators increasingly leverage cloud services to store data, compliance ensures that service providers follow strict security policies and procedures to protect the integrity and confidentiality of their clients’ data.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"We are proud to lead the digital out-of-home industry in obtaining the SOC II and ISAE3402 Service Auditor Reports," said Burr Smith, Chairman, CEO and President at Broadsign. "We have always emphasized internal security rigour, but the audit and certification provides the third-party verification that our customers want."</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Conducted by</span><a href="https://www.bdo.ca/en-ca/home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span style="font-weight: 400;">BDO Canada LLP</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, an independent, internationally recognized professional services firm, the auditors evaluated Broadsign’s internal controls for organization and administration, physical and environmental controls, information security, system development, client implementation, system availability and disaster recovery.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"Broadsign is showcasing its commitment to maintaining the highest levels of security and confidentiality amongst SaaS and cloud-based companies" said Carlo Mariglia, Partner, Advisory Services at BDO Canada LLP. "With the successful completion of the audit, Broadsign customers now have third-party verification that the security of their data meets the rigorous globally accepted standards."</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Security in the digital signage industry is important, especially given the public nature of the screens and the prominence of cloud-based services. In a recent survey conducted by Broadsign, security and reliability ranked amongst the top three concerns that digital signage media owners have for their networks.</span></p><h3 >About Broadsign </span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign is the leading ad tech company providing secure and reliable automated digital signage software to media owners and operators across the globe. Enabling the effective management of dynamic content across complex global networks, Broadsign powers over 120,000 displays in venues such as airports, shopping malls, health clinics and cinemas.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign’s software suite includes <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Core</a> for content distribution, playback and proof of performance, <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Serv Direct</a> for sales inventory availability and proposal generation, and <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Serv SSP</a> for exposure to new buyers through a customized <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">programmatic digital out-of-home</a> solution. </span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[How Airports Maximise Ad Revenue with a Digital Signage Network]]><![CDATA[

While the idea of living on the edge and arriving at the airport 30 minutes before a flight sounds appealing, most of us find ourselves sitting at the gate with hours to spare. The truth is, most of the time at the airport is spent waiting. As a matter of fact, Airports Council International reported […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/airports-ad-revenue-digital-signage-networkhttps://broadsign.com/blog/airports-ad-revenue-digital-signage-network<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 24 Aug 2017 14:46:17 GMT<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">While the idea of living on the edge and arriving at the airport 30 minutes before a flight sounds appealing, most of us find ourselves sitting at the gate with hours to spare. The truth is, most of the time at the airport is spent waiting. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As a matter of fact, Airports Council International </span><a href="http://www.aci-na.org/static/entransit/nigeldolby.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">reported </span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">that global airport wait time is an average of 137 minutes. However, 47% of this time is wasted. This means many airports are missing out on a significant amount of advertising revenues. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With little to do while waiting for their flight, passengers are a very captive audience. This, when combined with a <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/guide-to-building-a-successful-digital-signage-network" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">strong digital signage network</a>, makes it easy for airports to capitalize on those extra 64 minutes.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Unlike online, TV and radio, where AdBlock, PVR and Spotify allow consumers to skip ads altogether, travelers can’t board a plane early. When combined with eye-catching and creative campaigns, this results in great ROI for advertisers. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As a matter of fact, Jameson’s 2016 St-Patrick’s Day </span><a href="http://www.primesight.co.uk/news/article/jameson-beoriginal360-cooh-awards/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">campaign</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> in London Gatwick Airport is a prime example of the impact a successful airport campaign can have.</span></p><figure ></div></figure><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Along with their photo booth, Jameson took over the terminal’s screens to broadcast live content and accompanying ads. More than 100,000 travelers viewed the campaign over a three day period. This contributed to a 39% sales uplift of Jameson at the duty-free store.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To accommodate creative campaigns like Jameson’s and pique advertisers’ interest, airports need to have a flexible solution in place. Static billboards simply won’t cut it and hundreds of individual digital screens will be difficult to manage.</span></p><h3 >This is where a digital signage network comes in</span></h3><div ><figure }</script></figure></div><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With a digital signage network in place, campaigns are launched across hundreds of screens in a matter of minutes. </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/content-network-management" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital signage software</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> automates each screen’s scheduling based on target audience, specified reach, time of day and other custom criteria. This way, every ad is played in the right context, which is a benefit for viewers and advertisers alike. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Connecting each screen to a central location also speeds up the ad sales process. Teams can quickly scan available inventory within <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-direct/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">the sales&nbsp;</a></span><span style="font-weight: 400;">software</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> rather than sifting through massive spreadsheets. Proposals can also be generated automatically, so potential advertisers receive a reply within the hour. To fill any remaining ad space, airports can also work with a </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/7-things-to-consider-ssp-for-digital-out-of-home" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">supply-side platform (SSP)</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> which gives <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">programmatic media buyers</a> the opportunity to advertise on airport screens. </span></p><h3 >Ready for 64 more minutes of ad revenue?</span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With thousands of jet-set business people and curious globetrotters flowing through your gates, advertising opportunities are endless. Interactive and exciting campaigns are a great fit for airports, so it is key to have the right infrastructure in place. While static billboards and individual screens are a good start, an integrated digital signage network will help make the most of each advertising minute.</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Selected by Adtower for Digital Out-of-Home Across Ireland]]><![CDATA[

Leading Irish out-of-home network to use Broadsign’s automated digital signage software to power over 300 sites Dublin, Ireland. August 1, 2017 – Leading digital signage ad tech company, Broadsign International, LLC, has been selected by Adtower Digital Media, Ireland’s leading digital media company for out-of-home, to power its digital ad-based network. Adtower will use Broadsign’s […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-adtower-digital-home-irelandhttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-adtower-digital-home-ireland<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 01 Aug 2017 05:00:36 GMT<h2 >Leading Irish out-of-home network to use Broadsign’s automated digital signage software to power over 300 sites</span></h2><p><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">Dublin, Ireland. August 1, 2017</span></i><span style="font-weight: 400;"> &#8211; Leading digital signage ad tech company, Broadsign International, LLC, has been selected by Adtower Digital Media, Ireland’s leading digital media company for out-of-home, to power its <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital ad-based network</a>.</span></p><p><a href="http://adtower.ie/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Adtower</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> will use Broadsign’s secure and reliable </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/content-network-management" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span style="font-weight: 400;">automated digital signage software</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> to power its displays in gas stations, convenience stores and other retail locations across Ireland. The initial deployment will consist of 150 retail locations and will increase to 300 locations by the end the year. Following a €1.5 million capital investment, Adtower is set to further expand into the Northern Ireland and UK markets by Q2 2018. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">"The partnership with Broadsign is a significant step for Adtower Digital Media as it marks the effective introduction of real-time content management to advertising in Ireland," said Vincent Whelan, Managing Director at Adtower Limited. "It is a very exciting innovation for the market and means that advertisers using our digital out-of-home platforms will be able to instantly manage their content and make a decision to replace it within minutes."</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Adtower’s digital units and large full-motion screens reach more than 4.4 million viewers per two-week cycle. Global brands including Ford, Virgin Media, Vodaphone, Pepsi and more, use Adtower’s high visibility and dramatic design to connect with their target audience moments before they enter the store.</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">"We are eager to work with Adtower to grow the digital out-of-home market in Ireland," said Maarten Dollevoet, Vice President of Global Sales at Broadsign. "With their premium placement and <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">our automated software</a>, advertisers will have the creativity and flexibility necessary to truly engage their audience."</span></p><h3 >About Broadsign </span></h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"><a href="https://broadsign.com/">Broadsign</a> is the leading ad tech company providing secure and reliable automated digital signage software to media owners and operators across the globe. Enabling the effective management of dynamic content across complex global networks, Broadsign powers over 120,000 displays in venues such as airports, shopping malls, health clinics and cinemas.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign’s software suite includes </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/content-network-management"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign Core</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> for content distribution, playback and proof of performance, </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/campaign-planning-ad-serving"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign Serv Direct</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> for sales inventory availability and proposal generation, and </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/global-programmatic-ssp"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign Serv SSP</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> for exposure to new buyers through a customized programmatic digital out-of-home solution. </span></p><h3 >About Adtower </span></h3><p><a href="http://adtower.ie/"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Adtower Digital Media</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> is a new, innovative digital concept for out-of-home media digital advertising in Ireland. The company’s unique range of products has been specifically designed in Ireland for forecourts, multiples, symbol group stores, off-licences and other locations. The full motion digital, high bright, intelligent screens are powered by the most advanced CMS solutions system. The Digitower/DigiXtower range of products are currently strategically located at the entrance to both Symbol groups, C-Forecourts and Applegreen Motorway Superstops. Currently Adtower Digital Media serves clients across a range of consumer facing verticals including motoring; finance; food &amp; beverage; fuel; cinema; health; lottery; snacks and ice cream. </span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign selected by IDS Media to power healthcare waiting room displays across France]]><![CDATA[

Leading French healthcare display network to use Broadsign’s automated CMS to deploy 1,500 screens across 500 locations by 2020 Chantilly, France. May 3, 2017 ‒ Ad tech company Broadsign, LLC’s automated digital out-of-home software has been selected by IDS Media, a subsidiary of IDS International, to power its healthcare waiting room network, Comment Ça-Va? The […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-ids-sante-healthcare-displayshttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-ids-sante-healthcare-displays<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 03 May 2017 05:00:00 GMT<h2><em></em>Leading French healthcare display network to use Broadsign’s automated CMS to deploy 1,500 screens across 500 locations by 2020</h2><p><em>Chantilly, France. May 3, 2017</em><strong> ‒</strong> Ad tech company Broadsign, LLC’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">automated digital out-of-home software</a> has been selected by IDS Media, a subsidiary of IDS International, to power its <a href="https://broadsign.com/healthcare-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">healthcare waiting room network</a>, Comment Ça-Va? The partnership digitizes the waiting room experience to prepare patients for their upcoming appointment and encourage a healthy lifestyle.For initial deployment, 400 screens were installed in waiting rooms in 100 doctor’s offices. Using Broadsign’s automated CMS, news feeds, medical center information, health tips, quizzes and ad content is displayed on 43 inch LED screens to 800,000 patients each month. By 2020, <a href="https://www.ids-media.fr/">IDS Media</a>plans to expand its network to 1,500 screens across 500 locations."Seeing as they are already serving the Australian and American healthcare markets, Broadsign had an excellent understanding of our needs," said IDS Media CEO, Frederic Faurennes. "The Broadsign software allows each location to display their own content, without having to manage hundreds of playlists, and the integrated reporting tools offer total transparency to our customers. This keeps us aligned with new French regulations regarding digital advertising. Furthermore, Broadsign Mobile is a promising feature to enable our customers to extend their advertising to patients’ smartphones."IDSMedia partners with wellness app and wearable providers, as well as pharmaceutical companies such as Novartis and Roche, to display ads across the network. The company also works with French international television channel, France 24. According to a survey, 72% of patients found the waiting room ads interesting."Broadsign is well established in the healthcare digital signage industry in the US and Australia, but our partnership with IDS Santé marks our first deployment in healthcare in France," said Maarten Dollevoet, Vice President of Global Sales at Broadsign. "We are excited to work closely with IDS Media to further establish both of our brands as leaders in this region."</p><h2>About Broadsign</h2><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/"><span>Broadsign</span></a><span>is the leading <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home</a> (DOOH) marketing platform that enables brands, agencies and DOOH media publishers to buy, sell, and deliver DOOH campaigns efficiently, reliably and securely. Lighting up airports, shopping malls, health clinics, street corners and more, the Broadsign platform powers screens at the heart of people’s lives and delivers more than 11 billion ads and 30 billion impressions per month.</span><span>The Broadsign marketing platform includes Broadsign Control for content distribution, playback and proof of performance, Broadsign Direct for sales inventory availability and proposal generation, and Broadsign Reach, a customized SSP for programmatic DOOH transactions.</span></p><h2>About IDSMedia</h2><p>Founded in 1993, IDS Media is the largest OOH / DOOH health and wellness network in France. In partnership with over 30 000 healthcare professionals, our place-based media is installed exclusively in healthcare waiting rooms, reaching annually an audience of 22 million people. We are turning the waiting time into an informative and interactive experience, engaging patients to take an active role in their health.</p><h4></h4>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Building a Successful and Passionate Career – An International Women’s Day Interview with CFO Dana Tunks]]><![CDATA[

Here at Broadsign, we are fortunate to have talented, passionate and driven women on our team, like our CFO, Dana Tunks. After having spent nearly 25 years as a Senior Partner at Ernst & Young, Dana moved up the proverbial ladder to become Chief Financial Officer in many leading organizations, finally joining Broadsign in October […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/international-womens-day-interview-cfo-dana-tunkshttps://broadsign.com/blog/international-womens-day-interview-cfo-dana-tunks<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 08 Mar 2017 11:31:03 GMT<figure }</script></figure><p>Here at Broadsign, we are fortunate to have talented, passionate and driven women on our team, like our CFO, Dana Tunks.</p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">After having spent nearly 25 years as a Senior Partner at Ernst &amp; Young, Dana moved up the proverbial ladder to become Chief Financial Officer in many leading organizations, finally joining Broadsign in October 2015. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">While she contributes to Broadsign’s daily financial success, Dana also plays an integral role in shaping the future of the DOOH industry. Dana was a key influencer in the development of </span><a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-reach/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Broadsign Serv SSP</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, the first DOOH specific programmatic solution, and continues to explore directions in which Broadsign and the entire <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">DOOH industry</a> can grow. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In honour of International Women’s Day, Dana shared some insight on how she became a successful business woman and how other women can follow in her footsteps. </span></p><h4 >International Women’s Day celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women. Why is this important to you?</h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">International Women’s Day is committed to helping women and girls achieve their ambitions. I have been fortunate to be part of companies whose leaders have embraced this throughout my career. I’ve also been fortunate to have leaders and mentors who inspired me to be the best I can be professionally. &nbsp;At this stage in my career, I look for opportunities to provide coaching and mentoring to young women professionals, as I know how important that can be to shape the future of their careers. </span></p><h4 >What barriers or challenges have you faced to become successful in your career? How did you overcome them?</h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">I’ve been really fortunate throughout my career to have mentors that have taken me under their wing and provided coaching and advice. &nbsp;It is through these mentors that I was able to discuss difficult situations and receive invaluable guidance. &nbsp;Still today, I am in touch with my mentor from E&amp;Y Kitchener-Waterloo and get together with him a few times a year. &nbsp;While he is retired, he is an active Board member of a number of Canadian public companies and I continue to value his guidance to this day.</span></p><h4 >What is your proudest professional accomplishment?</h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">I was promoted to Partner at Ernst &amp; Young LLP when my daughter was only 18 months old. At that time, less than 10% of partner promotions were female, let alone a female with a young family! &nbsp;In my small way, I believe I was able to inspire young female professionals and be a role model to show what is possible. &nbsp;Today, the female partner ranks, while not at 50%, have made tremendous increases. &nbsp;</span></p><h4 >What advice would you give women looking to pursue a career in a tech firm?</h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Passion and perseverance will take you a long way to achieving your professional goals. &nbsp;Without the passion, a career becomes a job. &nbsp;Without perseverance, the journey to your professional goals may seem unattainable. The combination is very powerful! &nbsp;Find a mentor who you trust and respect as they are a powerful enabler who will help you throughout your career.</span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign selected by Laysa Digital for the largest DOOH roadside network in Moscow]]><![CDATA[

Conversion begins with 33 digital billboards. Moscow, Russia. January 18, 2017. Broadsign International, LLC’s automated digital out-of-home software has been selected by Laysa Digital LLC for its transit network in Russia. The initial conversion consists of 33 digital billboards on the busiest freeways in Moscow. “We selected Broadsign’s platform as it is an affordable, professional […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-international-llc-selected-laysa-digital-llc-largest-digital-home-roadside-network-moscowhttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-international-llc-selected-laysa-digital-llc-largest-digital-home-roadside-network-moscow<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 18 Jan 2017 05:00:36 GMT<h4>Conversion begins with 33 digital billboards.</h4><p>Moscow, Russia. January 18, 2017. Broadsign International, LLC’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">automated digital out-of-home software</a> has been selected by Laysa Digital LLC for its transit network in Russia. The initial conversion consists of 33 digital billboards on the busiest freeways in Moscow."We selected Broadsign’s platform as it is an affordable, professional tool that fulfils our needs of stability and robustness when operating such visible displays," said Ruslan Jeludik, Managing Partner at Laysa Digital. "We are excited to have an experienced DOOH partner like Broadsign and look forward to taking digital signage to the next level in Russia."Laysa Digital plans to grow its ad-based network of 5&#215;15 meter LED roadside displays in Moscow and other key Russian cities. Clients include Disney, Mercedes, Sony, Asus, Kinder and MasterCard."Broadsign is aligned with Laysa Digital’s forward-thinking objectives for the <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">DOOH industry</a> in the Russian market," said Maarten Dollevoet, Vice President, Global Sales at Broadsign. "We are eager to assist the high-profile network’s growth in premium sites across the country with our scalable, cloud-based platform and features that cater to advertiser requirements."To learn more about current and future Broadsign offerings, meet with a representative during Integrated Systems Europe or apply for a <a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Free Trial</a>.</p><h2>About Broadsign</h2><p><span>Broadsign is the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform that enables brands, agencies and DOOH media publishers to buy, sell, and deliver DOOH campaigns efficiently, reliably and securely. Lighting up airports, shopping malls, health clinics, street corners and more, the Broadsign platform powers screens at the heart of people’s lives and delivers more than 11 billion ads and 30 billion impressions per month.</span><span>The Broadsign marketing platform includes Broadsign Control for content distribution, playback and proof of performance, Broadsign Direct for sales inventory availability and proposal generation, and Broadsign Reach, a customized SSP for programmatic DOOH transactions.</span></p><h2>About <a href="http://laysadigital.ru/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Laysa Digital</a></h2><p>Laysa Digital LLC is a digital advertising technology agency, with services consisting of LED equipment supply, development of promotional materials and design documentation, content creation and campaign metrics.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Mediaperformances chooses Broadsign for French retail network]]><![CDATA[

Initial rollout includes 200 totems in 150 Carrefour hypermarkets. Paris, France. January 5, 2017. The in-store advertising leader in France, Mediaperformances SA, has announced its selection of Broadsign International, LLC’s digital out-of-home software to power its ShopperCast retail network. The completed initial deployment consists of 200 55” LED totems in 150 Carrefour hypermarkets across France. […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/mediaperformances-sa-chooses-broadsign-international-llc-french-retail-networkhttps://broadsign.com/blog/mediaperformances-sa-chooses-broadsign-international-llc-french-retail-network<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 05 Jan 2017 05:00:57 GMT<h4>Initial rollout includes 200 totems in 150 Carrefour hypermarkets.</h4><p>Paris, France. January 5, 2017. The in-store advertising leader in France, Mediaperformances SA, has announced its selection of Broadsign International, LLC’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/">digital out-of-home software</a> to power its ShopperCast retail network.The completed initial deployment consists of 200 55" LED totems in 150 Carrefour hypermarkets across France. Situated in store entranceways, displays are visible to consumers right as they enter. One-third of content features store information such as opening hours and special offers, while the remaining two-thirds is dedicated to brand advertising.Advertisers include the likes of Danone, Nestle, Unilever, Mondelez and Coca-Cola, who take advantage of Mediaperformances’ total shopper audience, especially knowing that 68% of purchase decisions are made in-store. To date, measured campaigns have shown up to a 15% increase in sales."Broadsign is the only CMS suited to ad-based networks," said ShopperCast’s Product Manager, Kevin Beaulieu. "We tried other solutions but they all had shortcomings when it came to handling specific aspects of our business. As the data behind our solution is built in the software, Broadsign is helping us design and manage our network in <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">the most efficient and flexible way.</a>""We are very excited to begin the ShopperCast adventure with a partner such as Broadsign," said Remy Gerin, Chairman at Mediaperformances. "Multiple screens are a reality for shoppers and for retail, and we consider the store entrance as the ‘prime place’. ShopperCast naturally fits with an environment made of increasingly connected stores and shoppers.""It is an honour to partner with Mediaperformances in providing a robust DOOH advertising solution to Carrefour, a significant and highly regarded French retailer," said Maarten Dollevoet, Vice President, Global Sales at Broadsign. "The aesthetics and functionality of the deployment are truly exceptional."To learn more about Broadsign’s offerings in the French region and in the retail vertical, book a meeting with a representative at Retail’s BIG Show or Integrated Systems Europe, and apply for a <a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial/">free 60-day trial</a>.</p><h2>About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign is the leading digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing platform that enables brands, agencies and DOOH media publishers to buy, sell, and deliver DOOH campaigns efficiently, reliably and securely. Lighting up airports, shopping malls, health clinics, street corners and more, the Broadsign platform powers screens at the heart of people’s lives and delivers more than 11 billion ads and 30 billion impressions per month.The Broadsign marketing platform includes Broadsign Control for content distribution, playback and proof of performance, Broadsign Direct for sales inventory availability and proposal generation, and Broadsign Reach, a customized SSP for programmatic DOOH transactions.</p><h2>About Mediaperformances</h2><p>Founded in 1985, Médiaperformances is France’s market leader for shopper media. As a subsidiary of Shopper Marketing &amp; Cies, Médiaperformances targets brands and media agencies, with a range of solutions designed to influence the consumer’s shopping behaviour. Partner of retailers such as Carrefour, Auchan, Leclerc, Intermarché, Monoprix, Cora and U, Médiaperfomances’ customers are major FMCG companies such as Danone, Nestlé, Unilever, Mondelez and Coca-Cola.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign International Powers Core Out of Home (Formerly Clear Channel Turkey) Displays]]><![CDATA[

The initial conversion of 126 screens in three shopping malls has been completed. Istanbul, Turkey. November 28, 2016. Broadsign International, LLC, the largest provider of automated digital out-of-home software, has been selected to power the Core Out of Home network, formerly known as Clear Channel Turkey. The initial conversion of 126 screens in three Turkish […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-international-llc-now-powers-core-home-formerly-clear-channel-turkey-displayshttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-international-llc-now-powers-core-home-formerly-clear-channel-turkey-displays<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 28 Nov 2016 05:00:08 GMT<h4>The initial conversion of 126 screens in three shopping malls has been completed.</h4><p><figure id="attachment_12293" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-12293" style="width: 300px" >A McDonald&#8217;s ad on this Core Out of Home display drives shoppers to the food court.</figcaption></figure>Istanbul, Turkey. November 28, 2016. <a href="https://broadsign.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign International, LLC</a>, the largest provider of automated <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home software</a>, has been selected to power the Core Out of Home network, formerly known as Clear Channel Turkey.The initial conversion of 126 screens in three Turkish shopping malls has been completed and rollout will continue across over 1,000 displays and ten shopping malls in total. Inventory consists of 55" – 65" portrait oriented LCD displays, as well as 1&#215;3, 3&#215;4 and 4&#215;3 videowalls."Upon meeting Broadsign this year at Integrated Systems Europe, we quickly decided to convert to the <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">industry-leading platform</a> due to its simple and flexible design," said Demirhan Cavusoglu, Head of IT at Core Out of Home."Broadsign’s expertly developed software brings efficiencies that make our lives easier and its wide range of features satisfies the contemporary needs of our clients."Core Out of Home’s clients include top advertisers such as P&amp;G, Unilever, Vodafone, Mercedes-Benz, Odeabank, ING Bank, Turk Telekom and Akbank."When DOOH media owners convert from spreadsheet-based software to Broadsign’s automated solution, the benefits of reduced resources and increased productivity are realized immediately," said Maarten Dollevoet, Vice President, Global Sales at Broadsign. "The Turkish digital signage market is growing and we are excited to assist Core Out of Home in setting a prime example of best practices."To learn more about Broadsign’s DOOH platform, sign up for a <a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Free Trial</a>.</p><h2>About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC provides a software platform used by the world’s largest and most prestigious digital signage and digital out-of-home media owners to efficiently and reliably operate their networks. Powering over 120,000 displays in venues such as airports, shopping malls, health clinics and cinemas, Broadsign’s automated, scalable and secure workflow includes the Broadsign Core CMS for content playback and proof of performance.For more information about Broadsign, visit<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2>Press Contact</h2><div >Stephanie Gutnik1-514-399-1184stephanie.gutnik@broadsign.com</div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Selected by MMD Media for Digital Out-of-Home Software in Dutch Airports and Petrol Stations]]><![CDATA[

First stage of rollout completed with installations at Eindhoven Airport. Landsmeer, Netherlands. November 14, 2016. Broadsign International, LLC, the largest provider of automated digital out-of-home software, has been selected to power Dutch airport and petrol station displays by OOH agency, MMD Media. The first installation of the rollout occurred in October at the second largest […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-selected-by-mmd-mediahttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-selected-by-mmd-media<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:00:17 GMT<h4 >First stage of rollout completed with installations at Eindhoven Airport.</h4><p>Landsmeer, Netherlands. November 14, 2016. Broadsign International, LLC, the largest provider of <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">automated digital out-of-home software</a>, has been selected to power Dutch airport and petrol station displays by OOH agency, <a href="/blog/how-mmd-media-uses-dooh-to-improve-the-travel-experience" rel="noopener noreferrer">MMD Media</a>.</p><figure }</script></figure><p>The first installation of the rollout occurred in October at the second largest airport in the Netherlands, Eindhoven Airport. LCD displays are located at check-in counters, duty free shops, restaurants, seating areas, luggage belts and departure hall gates.</p><blockquote ><p>"Broadsign’s software helps us remain one step ahead of the digital out-of-home market. The possibilities of the software allowing us to trigger all displays separately, combined with adaptive and <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">programmatic planning</a> and buying workflows, provide our clients with optimal flexibility and choice. This is what MMD Media stands for."</p><cite>Danny van Beek, Managing Director at MMD Media</cite></blockquote><p>MMD Media’s top clients at Eindhoven Airport include T-Mobile, Vodafone and Transavia. Advertisers will soon be able to benefit from the Broadsign platform’s robust feature set as MMD Media deploys the solution at Rotterdam The Hague Airport and across the country’s petrol stations.</p><p>"As an OOH agency, MMD Media is well aware of the medium’s benefits to consumers and advertisers, as well as the challenges it presents to network operators and media buyers," said Maarten Dollevoet, Vice President, Global Sales at Broadsign. "We are pleased that they have chosen Broadsign as the best tool for reliable asset planning, management and reporting."</p><p>To learn more about Broadsign’s platform capabilities in the Netherlands and worldwide, apply for a <a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Free Trial</a>.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC provides a software platform used by the world’s largest and most prestigious digital signage and digital out-of-home media owners to efficiently and reliably operate their networks. Powering over 120,000 displays in venues such as airports, shopping malls, health clinics and cinemas, Broadsign’s automated, scalable and secure workflow includes the Broadsign Core CMS for content playback and proof of performance.</p><p>For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 >About MMD Media</h2><p>MMD Media is an Out of Home Agency. Through specific networks we’re able to target interesting groups. Petrol Stations, Business Billboards, Gyms, Discotheques, Indoor Playgrounds and Airports are the pillars of MMD Media. We offer several types of media and the exposure is above average due to peoples’ extended time spent at our locations.</p><p>For more information about MMD Media, visit <a href="http://mmdmedia.nl/">http://mmdmedia.nl/</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Selected by Veterinary Digital Signage Network, Pets Central Media, in Asia and the United States]]><![CDATA[

Conversion of the first 200 displays to be completed by March 2017. Hong Kong. September 14, 2016. Broadsign International, LLC’s automated digital signage software has been selected by Pets Central Media LLC to power its veterinary digital signage network. The conversion of 200 displays in Hong Kong, China and the United States (particularly California) is […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-selected-veterinary-network-pets-centralhttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-selected-veterinary-network-pets-central<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 14 Sep 2016 08:30:53 GMT<h4>Conversion of the first 200 displays to be completed by March 2017.</h4><p>Hong Kong. September 14, 2016. Broadsign International, LLC’s automated <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital signage software</a> has been selected by Pets Central Media LLC to power its veterinary digital signage network. The conversion of 200 displays in Hong Kong, China and the United States (particularly California) is set to be completed by March 2017, with expansion planned for 5,000 displays by 2019."Upon meeting Broadsign at Digital Signage Expo in Las Vegas, we decided to convert to Broadsign’s cloud-based platform due to the company’s global reach, customization to local markets and top-notch Services team," said Peter de Krassel, CEO at Pets Central Media. "Such attributes are essential for our network’s ambitious growth plan."Pets Central Media displays are at least 50" in size and situated in the reception areas of veterinary clinics. The network aims to make "pet parents" more knowledgeable with content that is composed of equal parts education and entertainment. The loop is consistent with dwell time, allowing for 28 minutes of programming and two minutes of clinic-specific messaging.Social media marketing is included in Pets Central Media’s digital signage package, enabling veterinary clinics to provide clients with consistent information both onsite and on the go."Broadsign has become the digital signage industry standard in healthcare among networks in the United States and Australia, and by working with Pets Central Media, we are excited to raise the bar regarding software quality and innovation in Asia," said Maarten Dollevoet, Vice President EMEA at Broadsign.To learn more about the Broadsign solution, meet with a representative during New York Digital Signage Week or apply for a <a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial/">Free Trial</a>.</p><h2>About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC provides a software platform used by the world’s largest and most prestigious digital signage and digital out-of-home media owners to efficiently and reliably operate their networks. Powering over 120,000 displays in venues such as airports, shopping malls, health clinics and cinemas, Broadsign’s automated, scalable and secure workflow includes the Broadsign Core CMS for content playback and proof of performance.For more information about Broadsign, visit<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2>About <a href="http://www.pets-central.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Pets Central Media</a></h2><p>Pets Central hospitals and clinics provide general and specialist professional veterinary services using state-of-the-art technology. Our veterinary professionals are a dedicated team including overseas-qualified Emergency and Critical Care Veterinarians and Veterinary technicians. We provide maximum support to clients through our 24/7 hospital and a clinic-to-clinic referral program.</p><h2>Press Contact</h2><div >Stephanie Gutnik1-514-399-1184stephanie.gutnik@broadsign.com</div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Selected By JWF Group for Digital Out-of-Home in Paraguay]]><![CDATA[

Paraguay’s largest local network of indoor and outdoor displays converts to Broadsign’s platform Asunción, Paraguay. August 23, 2016. Broadsign International, LLC has been selected by Paraguay’s largest local digital out-of-home network, JWF Group, to power its network of displays. Conversion to the Broadsign Core CMS will begin with nine digital billboards and extend to indoor […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-international-llc-selected-jwf-group-digital-home-paraguayhttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-international-llc-selected-jwf-group-digital-home-paraguay<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 23 Aug 2016 05:00:31 GMT<h4>Paraguay&#8217;s largest local network of indoor and outdoor displays converts to Broadsign&#8217;s platform</h4><p>Asunción, Paraguay. August 23, 2016. Broadsign International, LLC has been selected by Paraguay’s largest local <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home</a> network, JWF Group, to power its network of displays.</p><table><tbody><tr><td><p><figure id="attachment_11418" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-11418" style="width: 300px" >A JWF Group digital billboard in Asunción, the capital city of Paraguay.</figcaption></figure></td></tr></tbody></table><p>Conversion to the Broadsign Core CMS will begin with nine digital billboards and extend to indoor LED screens located in retail, restaurants, malls, airports and bus stations. The ad-based network runs campaigns for customers such as Coca-Cola, Samsung, Huawei, Land Rover and Volvo."JWF Group selected Broadsign’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital signage platform</a> upon a competitive comparison of providers. Of the platforms I tested, almost all did not fulfill my expectations due to lack of understanding of the advertising industry," said Enrique Aquino, IT Manager at JWF Group."Unlike other platforms, with Broadsign we can "say ‘no’ to playlists", which helps reduce errors through automated management of complex content scheduling. Our customers are eager to play <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/dynamic-and-interactive-content" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">dynamic content</a> based on triggers and conditions, and Broadsign has the ability and flexibility to enable this, along with category separation and detailed proof of performance reports.""JWF Group was the first ad-based digital signage network in Paraguay and Broadsign enjoys nothing more than collaborating with forward-thinking media owners across the world. We will work closely with them to help advance our medium in the country," said Skip Beloff, Senior Vice President at Broadsign.To learn more about the Broadsign Core CMS, apply for a Free Trial <a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">here.</a></p><h2>About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC provides a software platform used by the world’s largest and most prestigious digital signage and digital out-of-home media owners to efficiently and reliably operate their networks. Powering over 120,000 displays in venues such as airports, shopping malls, health clinics and cinemas, Broadsign’s automated, scalable and secure workflow includes the Broadsign Core CMS for content playback and proof of performance.For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2>About <a href="https://www.jwf.com.py/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">JWF Group</a></h2><p>JWF Group is an advertising and communication business with the commitment to achieve total customer satisfaction by offering a competitive service based on unique needs.&nbsp;We understand advertising and communication as marketing tools and use them to help customers meet their sales goals and strengthen their brand image.</p><h2>Press Contact</h2><div >Stephanie Gutnik1-514-399-1184stephanie.gutnik@broadsign.com</div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign and TINT Enter Partnership to Facilitate the Union of Digital Out-of-Home with Social Media]]><![CDATA[

Partnership enables DOOH media owners to display authentic social content by local viewers on screens in a controlled manner. Montreal, Canada. June 16, 2016. The top-ranked digital signage software provider, Broadsign International, LLC, has partnered with TINT to make its social media marketing platform readily available to Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) media owners. About Broadsign TINT’s […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-international-llc-tint-enter-partnership-facilitate-union-digital-home-social-mediahttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-international-llc-tint-enter-partnership-facilitate-union-digital-home-social-media<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 16 Jun 2016 05:00:02 GMT<h4>Partnership enables DOOH media owners to display authentic social content by local viewers on screens in a controlled manner.</h4><p>Montreal, Canada. June 16, 2016. The top-ranked <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital signage software</a> provider, Broadsign International, LLC, has partnered with TINT to make its social media marketing platform readily available to <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) media</a> owners.</p><p><span style="color: inherit; font-family: 'Roboto Black', Roboto, 'Arial Black', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 1.95em; font-weight: 900; letter-spacing: 0px;">About Broadsign </span>TINT’s platform allows marketers and advertisers to source real content from local communities, which increases engagement and drives conversions through dynamic social platforms and layouts. DOOH media owners using Broadsign’s automated CMS will be able to personalize and control the content taken from major social networks, messaging apps, review sites and blogs before displaying it on prominent screens with the confidence that only desired content will be played."Already working with leading technology platforms in other media, we are excited to be collaborating with the industry standard in digital signage," said Tim Sae Koo, CEO at TINT. "Broadsign’s campaign-based approach to content management, API for integrations and proof of performance reporting will work synergistically with TINT’s platform and benefit premium digital signage networks and their viewers."Broadsign and TINT have already seen joint execution come to life through<a href="http://www.exterionmedia.com/uk/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> Exterion Media UK</a>’s March 2016 World Wildlife Fund campaign and Global Radio activation across the London Underground. DOOH displays encouraged transit passengers to declare their support through social media, with TINT enabling the collection and curation of all conversations shared via #EarthHourUK on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram."Broadsign customers are looking for a simple and effective means of incorporating social media in their campaigns, be they in advertising or verticals such as internal communications," said Jean Beaudry, Chief Operating Officer at Broadsign. "With global offices, a cross-license deal with Monster Media and relationships with brands from Coca-Cola to the United Nations, we believe TINT will be an appealing addition to our customers’ toolkits."To learn more about Broadsign and TINT’s partnership, complete this short form to speak with a company representative.</p><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based digital signage software. Its award-winning, automated approach to content management is mature, reliable and robust, and gives digital out-of-home networks an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel.Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive customer base and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2>About <a href="http://www.tintup.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">TINT</a></h2><p>TINT is a content marketing platform that allows brands to source authentic community content from social media, news, review sites, etc. and display it dynamically onto any digital channel (websites, TV screens, apps, DOOH billboards, ad units, etc.) to drive conversions. Over 45,000 brands in 172 countries use and love us.</p><h2>About Exterion Media</h2><p>Exterion Media is Europe’s largest privately held Out-of-Home advertising business. Engaging consumers on the move and using wide-ranging insight tools, it delivers valuable, relevant audiences to advertisers. Its diverse inventory formats and environments, both classic and digital, include transport (London Underground, bus, rail) billboards, street furniture and retail.Exterion Media believes in making the everyday inspirational – by putting the right content, in front of the right people, at the right time and in the right location, Exterion Media transforms ordinary journeys into extraordinary experiences.With operations in the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, The Netherlands and Spain, Exterion Media works with a global portfolio of partners to engage and deliver audiences on a local and multi-country scale.</p><h2>Press Contacts</h2><div ><h5>For Broadsign:</h5><p>Stephanie Gutnik1-514-399-1184stephanie.gutnik@broadsign.com</p></div><div ><h5>For TINT</h5><p>Tim Sae Kootim@tintup.com</p></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign International, LLC Selected by Kong Outdoor Limited for New and Existing Roadside Displays in the United Kingdom]]><![CDATA[

The network converts 16 displays and adds eight new sites across England and Scotland Leeds, England. May 5, 2016. Broadsign International, LLC’s automated digital out-of-home software has been selected by Kong Outdoor Limited for the network’s 24 roadside displays in the United Kingdom. Kong Outdoor screens, ranging from 14 square meters in portrait orientation to […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-selected-by-kong-outdoorhttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-selected-by-kong-outdoor<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 05 May 2016 05:00:10 GMT<h4 >The network converts 16 displays and adds eight new sites across England and Scotland</h4><p>Leeds, England. May 5, 2016. Broadsign International, LLC’s automated <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home software</a> has been selected by Kong Outdoor Limited for the network’s 24 roadside displays in the United Kingdom.</p><figure >A Kong Outdoor display on Shoreditch High Street in London. </figcaption></figure><p>Kong Outdoor screens, ranging from 14 square meters in portrait orientation to 20 square meters in landscape, are situated in roadside and pedestrian locations based on clear lines of site and high traffic. The London Package alone has a potential reach of over 8 million impressions over two weeks time.Upon meeting with Broadsign at Integrated Systems Europe, Kong Outdoor was attracted to the company’s software for it’s cost effectiveness, <a href="https://broadsign.com/training/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">top-notch services</a> and accurate reporting."When evaluating other digital signage CMS providers, Broadsign best <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">understood our requirements</a>," said Ross Barrett, Managing Director at Kong Outdoor. "An industry standard, their team worked with us to develop a bespoke solution that fit our needs and budget. They are forward thinkers and innovators, and we are alike in that respect."Kong Outdoor roadside displays have a one-minute loop with four ad slots, while pedestrian sites fit six advertisem*nts into the loop. The company’s in-house creative team contributes to the delivery of a turnkey solution to customers such as Qatar Airlines, Pizza Hut and DC Shoes.Recent and dynamic campaigns include real-time updates of the Brit Awards with Kiss FM radio and conditional content based on weather for Greggs bakeries."Kong Outdoor is a shining example of the DOOH innovation occurring in the UK," said Maarten Dollevoet, Vice President EMEA at Broadsign. "Their displays are positioned to reach targeted viewers and their in-house creative team ensures creative is engaging and impactful. Broadsign looks forward to helping drive their solution through our automated and flexible platform."To learn more about Broadsign’s DOOH solutions, set a meeting with the team during London Digital Signage Week.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based digital signage software. Its award-winning, automated approach to content management is mature, reliable and robust, and gives digital out-of-home networks an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. Broadsign’s sophisticated platform and efficient media player, Broadsign Xpress Pro, decrease the cost of network deployment.Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive customer base and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 >Kong Outdoor</a></h2><p>Kong Outdoor is an independent digital outdoor media owner operating in the UK. We have over 50 years combined experience within the out-of-home sector and leverage this experience to deliver the best solutions for our clients. We only use the best quality digital displays available and all our screens have an industry leading five-year guarantee. Digital advertising offers clients flexibility and we offer an in house creative team that can create software for our clients to maketheir campaigns more engaging.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign International, LLC Selected by Tonic Health Media for Digital Out-of-Home Network in Australia]]><![CDATA[

Conversion of 700 screens will be followed by expansion to 2,500 displays. Sydney, Australia. April 5, 2016. The top-ranked provider of automated digital signage software, Broadsign International, LLC, has been selected by Tonic Health Media to power the company’s 700 screens reaching an audience of 2.7 million viewers per month. Digital screen viewership is expected […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-selected-by-tonic-health-mediahttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-selected-by-tonic-health-media<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 05 Apr 2016 05:00:12 GMT<h4>Conversion of 700 screens will be followed by expansion to 2,500 displays.</h4><p>Sydney, Australia. April 5, 2016. The top-ranked provider of <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">automated digital signage software</a>, Broadsign International, LLC, has been selected by Tonic Health Media to power the company’s 700 screens reaching an audience of 2.7 million viewers per month. Digital screen viewership is expected to grow to 7.5 million per month by July 2017 as total displays increase to 2,500.</p><table><tbody><tr><td><a href="http://www.tonichealthmedia.com.au/"><div data-gatsby-image-wrapper="" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top" }</script></a></td></tr></tbody></table><p>Tonic Health Media’s health TV network, TonicTV, is an evidence-based patient education and entertainment system for GP, allied health, specialist and hospital waiting areas. Full sight and sound video runs on 32" and 42" screens, with the purpose of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare in Australia."Running content designed to improve health literacy and patient self-management, it is essential that TonicTV operate reliably and at the highest of quality standards," said Dr. Matthew Cullen, Managing Director at Tonic Health Media. "As such, we converted to Broadsign for <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">features such as its automated platform</a> and audio control, which will allow us to easily maintain and enhance the patient experience as we grow."Accommodating the 35-minute dwell time patients experience in doctors’ offices, TonicTV’s ad-based content loop is contextually relevant for health and wellness customers. An optimal hour is typically composed of 27 minutes of editorial content, two minutes of local practice advertising, six minutes of news and weather and 24 minutes of paid content. Customers include the Australian governments, insurers such as BUPA and Medibank, and commercial organisations such as Dyson."Tonic Health Media strives to be the most trusted knowledge intermediary in the Australian healthcare system and we are looking forward to supporting the network in achieving just that as it develops and scales in size," said Maarten Dollevoet, Vice President EMEA at Broadsign.To learn more about Broadsign’s automated approach to DOOH, apply for a <a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">free trial</a>.</p><h2>About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based digital signage software. Its award-winning, automated approach to content management is mature, reliable and robust, and gives digital out-of-home networks an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. Broadsign’s sophisticated platform and cost-effective line of smart players, Broadsign Xpress and Broadsign Xpress Pro, decrease the cost of network deployment.Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive customer base and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2>About <a href="http://www.tonichealthmedia.com.au/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Tonic Health Media</a></h2><p>Tonic Health Media is a health media company that produces and distributes evidence-based health content to consumers in the doctors waiting room. It is Australia’s largest health Out of Home network with 3,500 locations. The content is designed to improve health literacy, the ability for patients to self manage, drive evidence-based practice, and reduce adverse events &#8211; facilitating better outcomes for patients, doctors, and the Australian health industry. For more information about Tonic Health Media, visit <a href="http://tonichealthmedia.com.au" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">http://tonichealthmedia.com.au</a>.</p><h2>Press Contact</h2><div >Stephanie Gutnik1-514-399-1184stephanie.gutnik@broadsign.com</div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Primesight Converts Digital Displays to Broadsign]]><![CDATA[

Broadsign selected for delivery of dynamic content and proof of digital performance capabilities. London, England. February 4, 2016. Primesight, one of the United Kingdom’s largest suppliers of OOH solutions, is converting its portfolio of digital displays to the Broadsign International, LLC software platform as part of its on-going drive to offer clients a seamless DOOH […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/primesight-converts-digital-displays-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/primesight-converts-digital-displays-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 04 Feb 2016 05:00:49 GMT<p><strong>Broadsign selected for delivery of dynamic content and proof of digital performance capabilities.</strong></p><p>London, England. February 4, 2016. Primesight, one of the United Kingdom&#8217;s largest suppliers of OOH solutions, is converting its portfolio of digital displays to the Broadsign International, LLC software platform as part of its on-going drive to offer clients a seamless DOOH experience with increased accountability.</p><p>The integration with Broadsign’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">cloud-based platform</a> will give advertising clients access to the richest industry-leading reporting. Primesight has already converted its full large format digital estate to Broadsign and will soon complete the transition with its small format screens located in cinemas and subway.</p><p>Primesight selected Broadsign due to its flexible and comprehensive offering with regards to the <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/dynamic-and-interactive-content" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">delivery of dynamic content</a> and proof of digital performance.</p><p>"Broadsign has provided an effective solution to our key requirements for digital transmission and display, which include an integration with our inventory management system, full flexibility for scheduling and accountable play out reporting," said Paul Daniels, Operations Director at Primesight.</p><p>Primesight’s purely ad-based network is composed of traditional and <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home</a> formats, with the latter enabling advertisers to buy a percentage of time in any clock hour dependant on their needs."In addition to being one of the most prestigious OOH networks in the United Kingdom, Primesight is a business driven by responsiveness, accountability and incredible performance," said Skip Beloff, Vice President of Sales at Broadsign.</p><p>"These values coincide with Broadsign’s own and we look forward to a strong partnership in this highly innovative region."</p><p>Primesight is one of the UK&#8217;s largest suppliers of out of home (OOH) solutions.&nbsp;We understand the power of OOH advertising and its ability to be effective at changing the attitudes and actions of our audience. We are passionate about results and have built a culture that is focussed on delivering them for our customers.</p><p>Our product portfolio is one of the largest in the UK reaching audiences in a range of environments including Roadside, Cinema, Retail Convenience, and Subway transit.&nbsp;Our digital ‘Network’ consists of digital 48-sheet panels distributed nationally allowing the amplification of the effects of traditional OOH advertising campaigns.</p><p>The operation of the largest UK network of fully interactive 6-sheet screens allows touch, sound and gesture engagement as well as mobile connection through touch points.&nbsp;Our OOH sciences team make use of proprietary research tools such as Primemobile Live and Primedesign to help improve the impact and measurement of campaigns.&nbsp;We are proud to help SME’s across the country grow their business as well as working with many of the top 100 advertisers in the UK every year.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based digital signage software. Its award-winning, automated approach to content management is mature, reliable and robust, and gives digital out-of-home networks an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. Broadsign’s sophisticated platform and cost-effective line of smart players, Broadsign Xpress and Broadsign Xpress Pro, decrease the cost of network deployment.</p><p>Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive customer base and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign International, LLC Partners with ViaDirect for Digital Out-of-Home Wayfinding]]><![CDATA[

Integration enables easy implementation by network operators and an enhanced user experience. Broadsign International, LLC, the number one global provider of digital signage software, has partnered with ViaDirect to provide customers with premium wayfinding solutions. ViaDirect was the first vendor to bring 3D wayfinding to the DOOH market and is a worldwide leader with distributors […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-international-llc-partners-viadirect-digital-home-wayfindinghttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-international-llc-partners-viadirect-digital-home-wayfinding<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 29 Jan 2016 16:33:54 GMT<h4 >Integration enables easy implementation by network operators and an enhanced user experience.</h4><p>Broadsign International, LLC, the number one global provider of <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital signage software</a>, has partnered with ViaDirect to provide customers with premium <a href="/blog/why-digital-wayfinding-is-better-for-business" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">wayfinding solutions</a>.</p><p>ViaDirect was the first vendor to bring 3D wayfinding to the DOOH market and is a worldwide leader with distributors in 22 countries. Features include the ability to display intuitive multi-floor paths and a customizable user interface. Millions of visitors rely on ViaDirect for quick and intuitive navigation in malls, hospitals, airports, train stations and corporate towers.</p><p>"Our partnership with Broadsign fits within ViaDirect’s vision to connect and digitize public places so people on-the-go can find their way while enjoying an immersive digital experience. The demand for such an integration is proof of the growing need for powerful DOOH wayfinding solutions, which we are excited to deliver with Broadsign," said Jérôme Hérard, Managing Director at ViaDirect.</p><p>Both established companies with smart and agile software, Broadsign and ViaDirect have already implemented their integration in the field. ViaDirect’s client list includes Immochan, Hammerson, Carrefour Property and Klepierre (partly owned by Simon Property Group) in retail, AP-HP in healthcare and Bologna Guglielmo Marconi Airport in Italy.</p><p>"Broadsign has engaged in several partnerships over the past few years to provide our customers with the best products and services external to our portfolio," said Skip Beloff, Vice President of Sales at Broadsign. "After careful research of wayfinding options, we determined that ViaDirect best fits with our <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">automated and scalable approach</a> to digital out-of-home content management."</p><p>To view a live demo of the Broadsign platform supporting ViaDirect wayfinding capabilities, schedule a meeting with a representative at Integrated Systems Europe or Digital Signage Expo.</p><h3 >About Broadsign</h3><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based digital signage software. Its award-winning, automated approach to content management is mature, reliable and robust, and gives digital out-of-home networks an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. Broadsign’s sophisticated platform and cost-effective line of smart players, Broadsign Xpress and Broadsign Xpress Pro, decrease the cost of network deployment.</p><p>Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive customer base and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h3 >ViaDirect</a></h3><p>Since 2009, ViaDirect is the pioneer of information and wayfinding solutions for touch screens in Europe. Today, it is the number one wayfinding company in the world through a network of distributors in 22 countries and 5 international offices. In 6 years, ViaDirect established itself as the leader of connected touch kiosks for large public buildings: shopping malls, office buildings, tradeshow, hospitals, railways stations, airports and museums.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[QMS Media Limited Chooses Broadsign International, LLC for its DOOH Network in Asia Pacific]]><![CDATA[

Network converts Australian displays and deploys new screens in New Zealand and Indonesia. Melbourne, Australia. January 7, 2016. QMS Media Limited, a leading outdoor media company in the Asia Pacific region, has chosen Broadsign International, LLC’s DOOH platform to power its advertising network. The conversion of QMS Media’s 28 large format digital displays in Australia […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/qms-media-limited-chooses-broadsign-international-llc-dooh-network-asia-pacifichttps://broadsign.com/blog/qms-media-limited-chooses-broadsign-international-llc-dooh-network-asia-pacific<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Fri, 29 Jan 2016 16:11:43 GMT<h4>Network converts Australian displays and deploys new screens in New Zealand and Indonesia.</h4><p><span style="font-family: Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 2rem; letter-spacing: 0px;">Melbourne, Australia. January 7, 2016. QMS Media Limited, a leading </span><a style="font-family: Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 2rem; letter-spacing: 0px;" href="https://broadsign.com/outdoor-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">outdoor media</a><span style="font-family: Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 2rem; letter-spacing: 0px;"> company in the Asia Pacific region, has chosen Broadsign International, LLC’s </span><a style="font-family: Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 2rem; letter-spacing: 0px;" href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">DOOH platform</a><span style="font-family: Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 2rem; letter-spacing: 0px;"> to power its advertising network.</span></p><p>The conversion of QMS Media’s 28 large format digital displays in Australia has already taken place, while the installation of small format displays in Bali’s Ngurah Rai International Airport is underway. A project across rail, ferry and bus station terminals owned by Auckland Transport is in planning and development."We selected Broadsign upon a competitive <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">comparison of digital signage software</a> providers," said Steve Bovey, General Manager Operations at QMS Media. "Our clients are eager to use dynamic content in customized campaigns based on a range of conditions and Broadsign delivers the ability and flexibility to do just that."QMS Media runs a purely ad-based network, with six to eight slots per loop depending on the display’s location and format, ranging from 2 square meters indoor to over 15 square meters in large format outdoor environments. Customers include Vodafone, Peugeot, Calvin Klein and McDonald’s."QMS Media is a rapidly growing leader in Australia’s out-of-home advertising industry, and can rely on the Broadsign platform to ensure its network efficiently scales in size and satisfies the high performance expectations of advertisers," said Skip Beloff, Vice President of Sales at Broadsign. "We are excited to support such a partner in its APAC based initiatives."To learn more about Broadsign’s DOOH platform, schedule a meeting with a representative at Integrated Systems Europe or Digital Signage Expo.</p><h2>About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based digital signage software. Its award-winning, automated approach to content management is mature, reliable and robust, and gives digital out-of-home networks an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. Broadsign’s sophisticated platform and cost-effective line of smart players, Broadsign Xpress and Broadsign Xpress Pro, decrease the cost of network deployment.Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive customer base and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2>About <a href="http://www.qmsmedia.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">QMS Media</a></h2><p>QMS Media Limited is a publicly listed company on the Australian Stock Exchange. QMS is a leading outdoor media company in Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia, specialising in premium landmark digital and static billboards, street furniture, retail and transit media.Delivering premium digital and static large format billboards, exclusive street furniture opportunities, retail advertising at path to purchase and quality print production, we work with our clients to provide the most effective outdoorsolutions that engage with their target audience.</p><h2>Press Contact</h2><div >Stephanie Gutnik1-514-399-1184stephanie.gutnik@broadsign.com</div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Exterion Media Selects Broadsign International, LLC for Unparalleled Innovation in Europe]]><![CDATA[

2,000 displays will be converted in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. London, England. November 30, 2015. Exterion Media, Europe’s largest privately held Out-of-Home advertising business, will convert 2,000 displays in the United Kingdom and Netherlands to Broadsign International, LLC’s digital signage platform. “As we continue to develop our UK Digital Centre of Excellence, supporting […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/exterion-media-selects-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/exterion-media-selects-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 30 Nov 2015 05:00:53 GMT<h4>2,000 displays will be converted in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.</h4><p><span style="color: inherit; font-family: 'Roboto Black', Roboto, 'Arial Black', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 1.95em; font-weight: 900; letter-spacing: 0px;"></span>London, England. November 30, 2015. Exterion Media, Europe’s largest privately held <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/out-of-home-advertising/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Out-of-Home advertising</a> business, will convert 2,000 displays in the United Kingdom and Netherlands to Broadsign International, LLC’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital signage platform</a>."As we continue to develop our UK Digital Centre of Excellence, supporting digital delivery across a range of advertising displays, it is important to have <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">the right software solutions</a> and partner. Broadsign are leading the way in this field and we look forward to working together as the DOOH market continues to grow and evolve.&#8221; said Adrian Lovejoy, Service Delivery Director at Exterion Media UK."We tested several platforms prior to the decision. Broadsign’s automation, <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/dynamic-and-interactive-content" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">dynamic content capabilities</a> and strong reporting were what proved its commitment to the advertising market, reliability as an innovative partner and ability to deliver unprecedented campaigns." said Chris Fordham, Head of Digital Operations at Exterion Media UK.As a market leader, Exterion Media UK has an unrivalled presence across <a href="https://broadsign.com/transit-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">transport networks</a>, including the London Underground and National Rail, and <a href="https://broadsign.com/shopping-malls-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">retail environments</a> including Westfield London and Westfield Stratford City. It delivers hard to reach urban audiences to advertisers, with targeted and innovative media propositions.Exterion Media Netherlands helps brands achieve nationwide visibility and significant audience dwell time through assets in over 220 municipalities. In June 2015, eleven 70" displays were launched in Amsterdam Centraal Station with Google, Coca-Cola, Amstel and T-Mobile taking advantage of the strategically located screens."Here at Exterion Media we believe in making everyday journeys inspirational. We’re excited to welcome Broadsign and the possibilities their DOOH scheduling solution brings." said Arnout Konig, Operations Director at Exterion Media NL."Partnering with Exterion Media is a strong testament to Broadsign’s reputation as the most robust solution for enterprise, advertising-based networks in the DOOH industry," said Skip Beloff, Vice President of Sales at Broadsign. "We anticipate a dynamic and cutting-edge relationship with such a market leader. This announcement marks an important moment in the European and global DOOH space."Representatives from Broadsign and Exterion Media will be in London at the DailyDOOH Gala Awards on December 3, 2015.</p><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based digital signage software. Its award-winning, automated approach to content management is mature, reliable and robust, and gives digital out-of-home networks an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. Broadsign’s sophisticated platform and cost-effective line of smart players, Broadsign Xpress and Broadsign Xpress Pro, decrease the cost of network deployment.Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive customer base and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2>About <a href="http://www.exterionmedia.com/group/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Exterion Media</a></h2><p>Exterion Media is Europe’s largest privately held Out-of-Home advertising business. Engaging consumers on the move and using wide-ranging insight tools, it delivers valuable, relevant audiences to advertisers. Its diverse inventory formats and environments, both classic and digital, include transport (London Underground, bus, rail) billboards, street furniture and retail.Exterion Media believes in making the everyday inspirational – by putting the right content, in front of the right people, at the right time and in the right location, Exterion Media transforms ordinary journeys into extraordinary experiences.With operations in the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, The Netherlands and Spain, Exterion Media works with a global portfolio of partners to engage and deliver audiences on a local and multi-country scale.</p><h2>Press Contacts</h2><div ><h5>For Broadsign</h5><p>Stephanie Gutnik1-514-399-1184stephanie.gutnik@broadsign.com</p></div><div ><h5>For Exterion Media</h5><p>Rebecca Mitchell0207 428 2884Rebecca.Mitchell@exterionmedia.com</p></div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[HyperMedia FZ LLC Converts Mall, In-Store and Petrol Station Networks to Broadsign International, LLC]]><![CDATA[

The initial conversion of 1,000 screens will grow to over 1,650 during Middle Eastern expansion. Dubai, United Arab Emirates. October 13, 2015. The largest DOOH media owner in the UAE, HyperMedia FZ LCC, has converted its displays to Broadsign International, LLC’s automated software platform. HyperMedia’s mall network is currently composed of 22 malls with 600 […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/hypermedia-converts-to-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/hypermedia-converts-to-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 13 Oct 2015 05:00:30 GMT<h4>The initial conversion of 1,000 screens will grow to over 1,650 during Middle Eastern expansion.</h4><p>Dubai, United Arab Emirates. October 13, 2015. The largest DOOH media owner in the UAE, HyperMedia FZ LCC, has converted its displays to Broadsign International, LLC’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">automated software platform</a>.HyperMedia’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/shopping-malls-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">mall network</a> is currently composed of 22 malls with 600 large format LCD and LED screens (some up to 49&#215;26 feet in size) and will grow to 30 malls with 1,000 screens due to Middle Eastern expansion. The in-store network will increase from 15 to 30 hypermarkets housing 500 47"-84" LCD displays, while the petrol station/convenience store network will consist of 170 outlets in Dubai with 25" <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-pop-displays/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">screens located at the point of purchase</a>."We were familiar with Broadsign from market research and selected its CMS due to <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">plentiful features</a>, the ease of uploading and scheduling content, and reliable operation," said Ashin John, Digital Network Engineer at HyperMedia."Broadsign has made direct monitoring and management of our network possible, not to mention efficient and organized. Moreover, proof of performance reports and easy billing have increased accountability for our clients."One half of HyperMedia’s programming is dedicated to advertising, with the remaining quarters given to retail partner communications and informational content. Advertisers such as Audi, BMW, P&amp;G and Unilever take advantage of reaching consumers at their purchase destination to facilitate decision-making.HyperMedia’s aim is to provide Middle Eastern advertisers with an innovative, responsive and effective communication platform that facilitates engagement with millions of affluent shoppers. Its mall network alone reaches 260 million shoppers each year and has 75% market share in the DOOH space."Advanced cities and shopping destinations like Dubai and Abu Dhabi are ideal settings for high-quality displays delivering exclusive advertising opportunities at the point of purchase," said Skip Beloff, Vice President of Sales at Broadsign. "HyperMedia provides just this and Broadsign is pleased to assist in enabling a real-time advertising channel with continuous update and monitoring possibilities."Learn more about Broadsign’s rules-based DOOH platform by registering for a <a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">free trial</a>.</p><h2>About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based digital signage software. Its award-winning, automated approach to content management is mature, reliable and robust, and gives digital out-of-home networks an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. Broadsign’s sophisticated platform and cost-effective line of smart players, Broadsign Xpress and Broadsign Xpress Pro, decrease the cost of network deployment.Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive customer base and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2>About <a href="http://hypermedia.ae/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">HyperMedia</a></h2><p>HyperMedia is one of the largest Out-Of-Home companies in the Middle East, and is a subsidiary of one of the leading media groups, Rotana Media Services (RMS). HyperMedia is a specialist "destination" out-of-home company that targets people when they arrive at their destination rather than when they are on the move.</p><table><tbody><tr><td><figure id="attachment_9224" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-9224" style="width: 300px" >A large format HyperMedia display makes a statement at this entranceway.</figcaption></figure></td></tr></tbody></table><table><tbody><tr><td><figure id="attachment_9225" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-9225" style="width: 300px" >HyperMedia totems engage shoppers in upscale settings.</figcaption></figure></td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Press Contact</h2><div >Stephanie Gutnik1-514-399-1184stephanie.gutnik@broadsign.com</div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Alma LLC To Deploy DOOH Network with Broadsign International, LLC in Georgia]]><![CDATA[

Digital displays will run in transit, shopping mall and airport venues. Tbilisi, Georgia. September 29, 2015. The largest outdoor advertising company in Georgia, Alma LLC, has selected Broadsign International, LLC’s digital signage software for the deployment of its digital out-of-home network. Alma’s portfolio of digital displays is complementary to its traditional billboards and printing house. […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/alma-llc-deploy-with-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/alma-llc-deploy-with-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 29 Sep 2015 05:00:51 GMT<h4 >Digital displays will run in transit, shopping mall and airport venues.</h4><figure >An Alma display at the Tbilisi Concert Hall.</figcaption></figure><p>Tbilisi, Georgia. September 29, 2015. The largest outdoor advertising company in Georgia, Alma LLC, has selected Broadsign International, LLC’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital signage software</a> for the deployment of its <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home</a> network.</p><p>Alma’s portfolio of digital displays is complementary to its traditional billboards and printing house. Four LED screens and LCD videowalls will be live before the end of 2015 as part of the initial deployment, located in Tbilisi’s city centre, East Point Mall and Tbilisi International Airport.</p><p>"We came across Broadsign at Integrated Systems Europe and opted to use their software platform due to its strong credibility in the industry and <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">features that meet the needs</a> of our DOOH network," said Giorgi Trapaidze, CEO at Alma. "The implementation of informational and <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/dynamic-and-interactive-content" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">interactive capabilities</a> is essential to providing our advertisers with the ability to run innovative and high quality campaigns.""We are very pleased that Alma, a national leader in traditional and digital out-of-home, has selected Broadsign’s platform for the deployment of such highly visible displays and are certain the robustness of our offering will ensure the network sets a high bar for DOOH in the Georgian market," said Skip Beloff, Vice President of Sales at Broadsign.</p><p>To learn more about Broadsign’s DOOH solutions in Europe, meet with a representative at Viscom Paris or <a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">sign up for a free trial</a>.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based digital signage software. Its award-winning, automated approach to content management is mature, reliable and robust, and gives digital out-of-home networks an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. Broadsign’s sophisticated platform and cost-effective line of smart players, Broadsign Xpress and Broadsign Xpress Pro, decrease the cost of network deployment.</p><p>Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive customer base and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 >Alma</a></h2><p>Alma is a leading company in outdoor advertising market in Georgia since 1995. Until October 2013 the company was known as "Alma Plus". With its innovative approach the company has laid ground to the development of Georgian outdoor advertising industry. Recently, the company has been re-branded and diversified its products and services as it acquired an exclusive right for advertising at Tbilisi and Batumi international airports from "Vellagio" and took possession of DGM, the highest technology printing house in the whole Caucasus since 2002. Today Alma owns billboards not only in Tbilisi but in other big cities of Georgia.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign International, LLC Appoints Chief Financial Officer to strengthen and grow global DOOH portfolio]]><![CDATA[

Dana Tunks brings 30 years of financial experience to the organization. Montreal, Canada. September 24, 2015. Broadsign International, LLC has appointed a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) to oversee the continued growth of the company’s leading global digital signage software and solutions business.Dana Tunks has served as CFO of several cloud-based technology companies, leading strategic planning, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-appoints-cfohttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-appoints-cfo<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 24 Sep 2015 05:00:30 GMT<h4 >Dana Tunks brings 30 years of financial experience to the organization.</h4><figure >Dana Tunks, CPA, CA</figcaption></figure><p>Montreal, Canada. September 24, 2015. Broadsign International, LLC has appointed a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) to oversee the continued growth of the company’s leading global <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital signage software</a> and solutions business.Dana Tunks has served as CFO of several cloud-based technology companies, leading strategic planning, guiding mergers and acquisitions and raising capital. She also spent 23 years as a senior partner in audit and consulting with Ernst &amp; Young LLP."Broadsign has been in serious expansion mode over the past two years," said Burr Smith, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer at Broadsign. "We are well capitalized, our employee count has almost doubled in size and a recent move has brought us to a new office that will accommodate this past and future growth.""The timing is right and we are confident that Dana’s skill set and culture fit are too," continued Smith.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based digital signage software. Its award-winning, automated approach to content management is mature, reliable and robust, and gives digital out-of-home networks an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. Broadsign’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">sophisticated platform</a> and cost-effective line of smart players, Broadsign Xpress and Broadsign Xpress Pro, decrease the cost of network deployment.Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive customer base and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Digital News TV Uses Broadsign International, LLC Software for Bob’s QSR Network]]><![CDATA[

The network spans 700 locations and 4,000 screens across Brazil. Sao Paulo, Brazil. August 24, 2015. Top Brazilian digital signage integrator, Digital News TV (DNTV), has announced its use of Broadsign International, LLC’s digital signage software for the deployment and growth of Bob’s. The chain is one of the three largest QSR operations in Brazil. […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-news-tv-uses-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/digital-news-tv-uses-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 24 Aug 2015 05:00:22 GMT<h4>The network spans 700 locations and 4,000 screens across Brazil.</h4><p>Sao Paulo, Brazil. August 24, 2015. Top Brazilian digital signage integrator, Digital News TV (DNTV), has announced its use of Broadsign International, LLC’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital signage software</a> for the deployment and growth of Bob’s. The chain is one of the three largest QSR operations in Brazil.Powered by Broadsign, the Bob’s network has grown to 700 locations and 4,000 screens across Brazil. DNTV is using its field service teams to add around 20-30 new locations each month, with an aim of 1,000 locations in the next year."Broadsign’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">feature-rich platform</a> provides the automated scheduling, stability and security required to accommodate complex network requirements, rapid expansion and integration with new technologies with minimal additional development," said Yuri Berezovoy, Innovations Director at DNTV."Our team works closely with the Broadsign services department to deliver innovations to customers. As we test other market platforms, we believe Broadsign offers the most outstanding technology and support," continued Berezovoy.Bob’s displays are viewed by over half a million individuals daily and build on the corporation’s strategy to reinforce appetite appeal via technology and innovation. Featuring 100% brand-related content, digital menu boards are day-parted with location-specific pricing updated in real-time based on demand. <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-pop-displays/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Point-of-sale and dining area screens</a> advertise promotions and fidelity programs. The LCD displays vary from 19 to 42", with digital menu boards arranged as videowalls of up to eight screens.The switch from static to digital menu boards has given Bob’s greater control over in-store promotions, reduced visual clutter through targeted day-parting and increased efficiency by eliminating the shipping of printed material to stores."DNTV is a well-respected, turnkey provider of digital signage solutions in Brazil," said Skip Beloff, Vice President of Sales at Broadsign. "We regard the Bob’s initiative as a leading example of modernization in the regional digital signage market."To learn more about Broadsign’s digital out-of-home solutions, please schedule a meeting with a Broadsign representative at Brasil Signage Expo or sign up for a <a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">free trial</a>.</p><h2>About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based digital signage software. Its award-winning, automated approach to content management is mature, reliable and robust, and gives digital out-of-home networks an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. Broadsign’s sophisticated platform and cost-effective line of smart players, Broadsign Xpress and Broadsign Xpress Pro, decrease the cost of network deployment.Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive customer base and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2>About <a href="http://www.digitalnewstv.com.br/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">DNTV</a></h2><p>Pioneering the market since 2004, DNTV acts as an integrator and solutions provider for the digital signage and corporate AV markets. The services provided encompass all aspects of digital AV projects, starting with concept, procurement, installation and local support, through content and custom software development to daily scheduling and proactive network management.</p><h2>Press Contact</h2><div >Stephanie Gutnik1-514-399-1184stephanie.gutnik@broadsign.com</div>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Origins Advertising Pvt. Ltd. Partners With and Converts to Broadsign International, LLC in India]]><![CDATA[

Conversion consists of 14 large-format LEDs and multiple projects in retail, corporate and government verticals. Lucknow, India. July 16, 2015. India-based digital signage network operator, Origins Advertising Pvt. Ltd., has announced its partnership with and conversion to Broadsign International, LLC’s automated software platform. Several integration projects in venues such as shopping malls, high street retail […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/origins-advertising-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/origins-advertising-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 16 Jul 2015 05:00:37 GMT<h4 >Conversion consists of 14 large-format LEDs and multiple projects in retail, corporate and government verticals.</h4><figure >An Origins large-format LED display illuminates the golf course.</figcaption></figure><p>Lucknow, India. July 16, 2015. India-based digital signage network operator, Origins Advertising Pvt. Ltd., has announced its partnership with and conversion to Broadsign International, LLC’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">automated software platform</a>.</p><p>Several integration projects in venues such as <a href="https://broadsign.com/shopping-malls-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">shopping malls</a>, high street retail stores and major government offices are underway, along with the switch of 14 large-format LED displays in transit, golf clubs and other prominent locations. The network expects to expand to a minimum of 50 large-format digital billboards and over 1,000 smaller-scale screens in upcoming years.</p><p>"Broadsign came highly recommended at Digital Signage Expo," said Rajneesh Rawat, Co-founder and Managing Director at Origins. "Its campaign-based platform allows us to efficiently and reliably provide our services to a growing number of customers, securing a big competitive advantage in this market."Origins is the first and only network operator in North India’s large-format <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">DOOH sector</a>, managing LED screens from 450 to 800 square feet. Indoor network displays begin at 55 inches. All screens feature ad-based content that is innovative, dynamic and responsive to real-time triggers. A typical slot lasts 30 seconds.</p><p>In total, Origins-managed displays reach an audience of 25 million and run ads by customers like Toyota, Godrej Group, the government and retail clients.</p><p>"Origins is known as a quality integrator within digital out-of-home and other media channels," said Skip Beloff, Vice President of Sales at Broadsign. "We are pleased that such an organization is incorporating and promoting our technology in its solution to facilitate growth and advancement in the Indian DOOH industry."</p><p>Learn more about Broadsign’s international digital signage software offering by signing up for a <a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">free trial</a>.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based digital signage software. Its award-winning, automated approach to content management is mature, reliable and robust, and gives digital out-of-home networks an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. Broadsign’s sophisticated platform and cost-effective line of smart players, Broadsign Xpress and Broadsign Xpress Pro, decrease the cost of network deployment.Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive customer base and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 >About Origins</h2><p>Origins Advertising Pvt. Ltd. Is a leading agency in North India with over 100 employees across six offices and more than 600 million rupees in billing. Origins has built a reputation of being not just the biggest but the best full-service, comprehensive advertising solutions agency with a strong foothold and successful projects across the domains of Digital, Print, Indoor and Outdoor Advertising, Events, Radio and other services. <a href="http://www.origins.co.in">www.origins.co.in</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[IWALLINSHOP SA Digital Signage Mall Network Converts to Broadsign International, LLC in Spain and South America]]><![CDATA[

Network spans 950 screens in 55 shopping centres. Madrid, Spain. June 10, 2015. IWALLINSHOP SA, a leading ad-based network in shopping centres across Spain and South America, has announced its conversion to Broadsign International, LLC’s automated digital signage software platform. The conversion of 700 screens across 45 malls in Spain is almost complete and an […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/iwallinshop-sa-digital-signage-mall-network-converts-to-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/iwallinshop-sa-digital-signage-mall-network-converts-to-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 10 Jun 2015 05:00:31 GMT<h4 >Network spans 950 screens in 55 shopping centres.</h4><figure >IWALLINSHOP screen displayed in a shopping mall.</figcaption></figure><p>Madrid, Spain. June 10, 2015. IWALLINSHOP SA, a leading ad-based <a href="https://broadsign.com/shopping-malls-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">network in shopping centres</a> across Spain and South America, has announced its conversion to Broadsign International, LLC’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">automated digital signage software</a> platform.</p><p>The conversion of 700 screens across 45 malls in Spain is almost complete and an initial deployment in Peru will soon bring 250 screens into 10 shopping centres.</p><p>"As we grow in size, Broadsign is helping us reduce operating costs thanks to the campaign-based approach of its robust platform and <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">innovative features</a> designed for advertising and retail," said Jordi Alba, CEO at IWALLINSHOP.</p><p>Developed as a communication channel meant to connect consumers with brands prior to making purchase decisions, IWALLINSHOP runs a content loop of six ads lasting 12 seconds each. <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/dynamic-and-interactive-content" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">An increasing number of campaigns</a> incorporate touch, gesture, augmented reality, scent and dispensers for coupons and cinema tickets. Quividi automated audience measurement is used to best tailor ads to audience.The network’s LED and LCD displays have a unique and high quality design. These, along with large format LED panels, are situated throughout shopping mall corridors, food courts, parking lots and exterior locations.</p><p>"IWALLINSHOP displays are viewed by over 300 million visitors per year in Spain alone," said Maarten Dollevoet, Regional Sales Director, EMEA. "The conversion to Broadsign provides these consumers with a more premium shopping experience and gives advertisers the proof of performance reports they need to make sophisticated messaging and buying decisions."</p><p>Digital signage network operators interested in learning more about Broadsign’s platform and Quividi integration are invited to sign up for a <a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">free 60-day trial</a>.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based digital signage software. Its award-winning, automated approach to content management is mature, reliable and robust, and gives digital out-of-home networks an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. Broadsign’s sophisticated platform and cost-effective line of smart players, Broadsign Xpress and Broadsign Xpress Pro, decrease the cost of network deployment.</p><p>Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive customer base and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 >IWALLINSHOP</a></h2><p>IWALLINSHOP is a digital signage company that has over 700&nbsp;<em>iwalls</em>&nbsp;spread across more than 50 shopping centers throughout Spain, viewed by 300 million visitors a year. IWALLINSHOP is a new experience at the point of sale, in leisure and consumption.&nbsp;It connects emotionally with the audience with large format digital media showing videos of great quality and visual appeal. What’s more, Iwall manages the entire process, from studying malls, target audience and business mixes to choosing the display locations, giving support to both the customer and advertiser.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Shell Deploys Digital Signage Network Using Broadsign International, LLC’s Software]]><![CDATA[

600 screens in the Netherlands and United Kingdom were operational as of March 2015. The Hague, Netherlands. May 12, 2015. Shell is improving the refuelling experience in retail forecourts through the initial deployment of its digital signage network using Broadsign International, LLC’s cloud-based platform. Contrary to in-store gas station networks, Shell’s screens are outside at […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/shell-deploys-digital-signage-network-using-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/shell-deploys-digital-signage-network-using-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 12 May 2015 05:00:57 GMT<h4 >600 screens in the Netherlands and United Kingdom were operational as of March 2015.</h4><p>The Hague, Netherlands. May 12, 2015. Shell is improving the refuelling experience in retail forecourts through the initial deployment of its digital signage network using Broadsign International, LLC’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">cloud-based platform</a>. Contrary to in-store gas station networks, Shell’s screens are outside at the pump and make use of fuel dispenser triggers at the forefront of industry technology.</p><p>At the start of 2015, 50 Shell locations comprising 400 screens were fully operational in the Netherlands and another 25 locations featuring 200 screens went live in March as part of the network’s global expansion. A pilot program in Malaysia is currently underway.</p><p>Content provides visitors with helpful information and promotions to assist in refuelling safely and easily, and enhances the customer experience on Shell forecourts. A typical loop lasts 90 seconds with 10-second slots per message.</p><p>In selecting a digital signage software provider, Shell analyzed the market and determined that Broadsign’s platform <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">was most qualified</a> to handle the network’s specific and progressive requirements. "Shell is a prestigious brand worldwide and its digital signage network attests this," said Skip Beloff, Vice President of Sales at Broadsign. "As such, Broadsign has been happy to align our global footprint with their own, assist with advanced feature development relating to fuel dispensers and maintain reliable service for superior customer relations."</p><p>To learn more about Broadsign’s digital signage software, book a meeting with a representative during London Digital Signage Week or sign up for a <a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">free trial</a> of the platform.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based digital signage software. Its award-winning, automated approach to content management is mature, reliable and robust, and gives digital out-of-home networks an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. Broadsign’s sophisticated platform and cost-effective line of smart players, Broadsign Xpress and Broadsign Xpress Pro, decrease the cost of network deployment.Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive customer base and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign International, LLC Named Digital Signage Software Market Leader by Frost & Sullivan]]><![CDATA[

Broadsign secures first place in 2014 revenue, product line, customer base, geo-expansion, funding, competitive strategy and value add. Montreal, Canada. April 30, 2015. Digital signage software and solutions provider, Broadsign International, LLC, has been designated the international market leader by Frost & Sullivan in the research company’s latest “Analysis of the Global Digital Signage Systems […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-named-digital-signage-software-market-leaderhttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-named-digital-signage-software-market-leader<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 30 Apr 2015 05:00:57 GMT<h4 >Broadsign secures first place in 2014 revenue, product line, customer base, geo-expansion, funding, competitive strategy and value add.</h4><p>Montreal, Canada. April 30, 2015. Digital signage software and solutions provider, Broadsign International, LLC, has been designated the international market leader by Frost &amp; Sullivan in the research company’s latest "<a href="https://broadsign.com/who-we-are/#whitepaper_accordion_collapse">Analysis of the Global Digital Signage Systems Market</a>" report. Broadsign’s ranking as a market leader is a reflection of its prime position on a competitive landscape analysis that sorts the <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">top digital signage software</a> vendors based on market penetration, product line and competitive strategy.</p><p>Qualitative criteria used to benchmark performance against key competitors include uniqueness of product line, size and breadth of customer base, M&amp;A activities, geo-expansion, funding, competitive strategy to combat recessionary conditions and customer value addition. Broadsign is listed as a Tier I company due to its global presence and large capital base.</p><p>"As of 2014, there were over 100 competitors in the digital signage software space but the top ten vendors have solidified their market share by leveraging their product differentiators and financial resources," said Aravindh Vanchesan, Digital Media Industry Analyst at Frost &amp; Sullivan. "The competitive landscape reinforces our assessment that Broadsign is the market leader in this segment. The company has demonstrated its ability to keep growing year-on-year even under challenging market conditions."In addition to the competitive landscape, the report notes <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">cloud-based solutions</a> have increased in popularity and that high-end solutions by top vendors like Broadsign are capable of making changes to content in real-time depending on day, time and/or viewers. They can play all video, audio, live content and text formats in full HD and 4K, while producing reliable proof of performance reports, seamlessly interfacing with legacy systems and scaling with ease.</p><p>Frost &amp; Sullivan has prepared an exclusive executive summary of the full report, accessible free of charge on Broadsign’s website.</p><p>"The findings of this global analysis affirm that Broadsign’s perspective of the digital signage space and vision for its future are aligned with those of network operators," said Burr Smith, Chairman and CEO at Broadsign. "I am proud the quality of Broadsign’s product portfolio continues to help advance our market. Credit for this goes to our world-class team and partners."</p><p>Digital signage networks interested in testing Broadsign’s automated platform are invited to sign up for a <a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">free trial</a>. The full Frost &amp; Sullivan report can be purchased <a href="http://ow.ly/M2dPy">here</a>.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based digital signage software. Its award-winning, automated approach to content management is mature, reliable and robust, and gives digital out-of-home networks an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. Broadsign’s sophisticated platform and cost-effective line of smart players, Broadsign Xpress and Broadsign Xpress Pro, decrease the cost of network deployment.</p><p>Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive customer base and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit <a href="https://broadsign.com">https://broadsign.com</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[LCD Media Selects Broadsign International, LLC Digital Signage Software for Retail in Denmark]]><![CDATA[

In-store communications company standardizes on Broadsign platform. Copenhagen, Denmark. March 26, 2015. Scandinavia’s leading provider of intelligent digital in-store solutions, LCD Media, has chosen to standardize on Broadsign International, LLC’s digital signage software platform for retail initiatives in Denmark. LCD Media’s primary focus is on 300 of the top retail stores in Denmark. Its larger […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/lcd-media-selects-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/lcd-media-selects-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 05:00:12 GMT<h4 >In-store communications company standardizes on Broadsign platform.</h4><p>Copenhagen, Denmark. March 26, 2015. Scandinavia&#8217;s leading provider of intelligent digital in-store solutions, LCD Media, has chosen to standardize on Broadsign International, LLC’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital signage software platform</a> for retail initiatives in Denmark.</p><figure >A LCD Media videowall helps promote items in-store.</figcaption></figure><p>LCD Media’s primary focus is on 300 of the top retail stores in Denmark. Its larger customers include PWT Group, which has 170 shops with a minimum of two players each, and JACK &amp; JONES. Installations consist of videowalls and LCD displays ranging from 10" to 86" placed in strategic locations to facilitate increased impressions and enhanced communication between the consumer and the brand.</p><p>"LCD Media services large-scale retail chains and smaller speciality boutiques, and we required a digital signage <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">software platform robust enough</a> to suit the different needs of both customer profiles," said Thomas Nielsen, Service Manager at LCD Media. "The level of education and support provided by Broadsign has greatly assisted in our deployment."</p><p>While the objectives and types of content vary from brand to brand, a store’s typical content loop lasts two to three minutes and campaigns are increasingly using touch solutions to <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/dynamic-and-interactive-content" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">augment interactivity</a>."LCD Media possesses a portfolio of esteemed brands and as such, continuously raises the bar to <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-pop-displays/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">deliver a unique in-store experience</a> to affluent customers," said Skip Beloff, Vice President of Sales at Broadsign. "We are confident that Broadsign’s feature-rich software will satisfy the digital signage component of LCD Media’s initiatives and look forward to a partnership of creating novel experiences in the <a href="/retail-digital-signage" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">retail vertical</a>."</p><p>To learn more about how Broadsign’s digital signage software can be used in various retail settings, download a <a href="/free-trial" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">free 60 day trial</a>.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based digital signage software. Its platform was designed as a management system for media companies operating digital out-of-home networks, giving them an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. After over a decade in the industry, Broadsign’s platform has become a mature and reliable fit for all digital signage software needs and its line of smart players, Broadsign Xpress and Broadsign Xpress Pro, has decreased the cost of deployment.</p><p>Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive network and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;https://broadsign.com.</p><h2 >About LCD Media</h2><p>LCD MEDIA is Scandinavia&#8217;s leading provider of intelligent digital in-store solutions.&nbsp;Our in-store solutions have been implemented in more than 50 countries worldwide, and as a full-service provider, we offer sparring, design, installation and maintenance.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Largest Hispanic Digital Signage Network in the United States, Admirable LLC, Deploys with Broadsign International, LLC]]><![CDATA[

265 screens are now running in Hispanic restaurants across the nation. Miami, Florida. February 24, 2015. Admirable LLC, the nation’s largest Hispanic digital signage network, has completed its initial deployment of 265 screens using Broadsign International, LLC’s cloud-based software. Situated in Hispanic restaurants, Admirable’s 42” LED screens reach about 2.5 million visitors per month who […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/admirable-deploys-with-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/admirable-deploys-with-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 24 Feb 2015 05:00:43 GMT<h4 >265 screens are now running in Hispanic restaurants across the nation.</h4><p>Miami, Florida. February 24, 2015. Admirable LLC, the nation’s largest Hispanic digital signage network, has completed its initial deployment of 265 screens using Broadsign International, LLC’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">cloud-based software</a>.</p><p>Situated in Hispanic restaurants, Admirable’s 42" LED screens reach about 2.5 million visitors per month who designate eating out as their number one leisure activity. A seated dwell time of 45 minutes to two hours has enabled Admirable to divide its 12-minute loops between global, country-specific and local news, entertainment, advertising and each restaurant’s own messaging.</p><p>"The Broadsign platform was made for ad-based networks such as our own. Its performance reports have been crucial for establishing a level of trust with our advertisers that would have been difficult using other software," said Kristian Diaz, Chief Technology Officer at Admirable.</p><p>"The ability to use triggers and add custom integrations through Broadsign’s SDK has been a source of innovation for our interactive campaigns, and Broadsign’s rules-based approach frees up time for our network operations team to focus on clients, offering great responsiveness and flexibility."</p><p>Advertisers can easily segment Admirable’s audience by age (almost 50% are young adults), country of origin, location and income level, and include Telemundo, United Airlines, AARP, MetroPCS and Corona.Admirable ran a network-wide campaign for Corona during FIFA World Cup 2014, enabling viewers to vote on game results and view them on the screen in real-time. Since Corona was sold onsite, Admirable was able to measure a 19% sales lift. The network is featuring more campaigns of this nature to assess engagement levels and correlations with factors like copy, length and rewards.</p><p>"As innovators in the digital signage space, we enjoy assisting our customers in maintaining the same role in their domains," said Skip Beloff, Vice President of Sales at Broadsign. "Admirable is a fabulous example of a network that has focused on a specific vertical and viewership, and makes constant use of our features to deliver campaigns that connect with viewers. Advertisers thank them for that."</p><p>To learn more about Broadsign’s digital signage software, book a meeting with a representative at Digital Signage Expo or sign up for a <a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">free trial</a>.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based software for digital signage networks. Its platform was designed exclusively as a management system for media companies operating digital out-of-home and digital place-based media networks, giving them an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. After over a decade in the industry, Broadsign’s latest incarnation, Broadsign X, has become a mature and reliable fit for all digital signage software needs and its Android-based smart player, Broadsign Xpress, has decreased the cost of deploying digital signage compared to PC-based hardware alternatives.</p><p>Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive network and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 >About Admirable</h2><p>Admirable is the nation&#8217;s premier Hispanic in-restaurant marketing network with over 3,000 locations in the United States. Admirable&#8217;s extensive marketing platform includes the largest national Hispanic Out-Of-Home digital signage and Hispanic restaurant network. Admirable can implement your Hispanic marketing and promotional strategy with precise targeted delivery by market, DMA, nationality, and even down to an exact zip code.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Captive Media Ltd Converts to Broadsign International, LLC for Growing Washroom Digital Signage Network]]><![CDATA[

Innovative and engaging network will expand to 1,500 screens by 2017. About Broadsign London, England. January 27, 2015. The first and only provider of digital signage in washrooms across the United Kingdom, Captive Media Ltd, has converted its network to Broadsign International, LLC’s cloud-based software platform. After deploying 60 screens in London in 2014, another […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/captive-media-converts-to-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/captive-media-converts-to-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 27 Jan 2015 06:00:46 GMT<p><strong>Innovative and engaging network will expand to 1,500 screens by 2017.</strong></p><h3 >About Broadsign</h3><p>London, England. January 27, 2015. The first and only provider of digital signage in washrooms across the United Kingdom, <a href="http://www.captive-media.co.uk" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Captive Media Ltd</a>, has converted its network to Broadsign International, LLC’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/content-network-management" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">cloud-based software platform</a>. After deploying 60 screens in London in 2014, another 160 will be installed in major regional cities over the next few months, contributing toward an expansion goal of 1,500 screens by 2017.</p><p>Captive Media screens situated in washrooms of bars, pubs and clubs, reach a targeted audience of males between 18 and 35 years old. Each 12" LCD screen generates around 800 impressions per week for a total of just under 100,000 weekly impressions across the current network.</p><p>"We conducted a review of the Top 30 digital signage software companies identified by DailyDOOH and chose Broadsign because it is best-in-class for ad-based networks and one of only a few that would allow us to distribute interactive games in addition to regular video assets," said Gordon MacSween, Founder and Director at Captive Media.</p><p>Network content is meant to entertain, promote and engage, with 10-second slots contributing to a 90-second loop, half of which is entertainment including RSS-fed pictorial news and the other contains ads. The interactive portion lasts about 55 seconds (the average dwell time) and contains branded content and games ideal for brands targeting a male, Gen Y audience, such as Guinness, Smirnoff and <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8L6Y1YZekQ4&amp;feature=youtu.be&amp;utm_campaign=press-releases&amp;utm_source=hs_email&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;_hsenc=p2ANqtz--vfiPnnGeoFmjT6NJ8f-LwL6xFNlTeJDoAPCYsajZ6A-Sa0tbuxDg69cn3Bokq7Jx5W9XiEdR0Oxwmc6lwxeS9eam84oXQJurslMHscyEDbGuJ-Wc&amp;_hsmi=15398851" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Captain Morgan.</a></p><p>"Broadsign has built a reputation for being at the forefront of innovation in our industry and we do so to ensure our customers can focus on being leaders in their respective domains," said Skip Beloff, Vice President of Sales at Broadsign. "By minimizing scheduling time, Captive Media can focus on venue and advertiser acquisitions to expand its highly successful network rather than occupy resources with software development."</p><p>Not only do Captive Media screens turn a minute of boredom into a unique experience for pub-goers, the network delivers directly attributable sales uplifts of <a href="http://www.captive-media.co.uk/case-studies/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">25% to 200%</a> for featured brands and the venue."There are so many factors involved in building and operating a new digital signage network that it’s a blessing to schedule ads simply and reliably, and delivering audited reports in an industry where measurability is normally an Achilles heel is an added bonus," continued MacSweenTo learn more about Broadsign’s digital signage software, book a meeting with a representative at Integrated Systems Europe or sign up for a <a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">free trial</a>.</p><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based software for digital signage networks. Its platform was designed exclusively as a management system for media companies operating digital out-of-home and digital place-based media networks, giving them an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. After over a decade in the industry, Broadsign’s latest incarnation, Broadsign X, has become a mature and reliable fit for all digital signage software needs and its Android-based smart player, Broadsign Xpress, has decreased the cost of deploying digital signage compared to PC-based hardware alternatives.</p><p>Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive network and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h3 >About Captive Media</h3><p>Captive Media&#8217;s interactive screens are a world-first. For venues, a unique, premium differentiator. For advertisers, an effective media channel at the point of sale. Since January 2014, we have been creating the world&#8217;s first interactive washroom media network, which is now live across London and the UK.Our mission is to make better use of the 9 billion minutes men spend staring at walls each year.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[The (Dairy) Queen of Digital Signage: AninterviewwithJannaRider]]><![CDATA[

First and foremost, a confession. As an ice cream lover, writing about anything related to the Dairy Queen® brand brings about excitement and an excuse to order an afternoon Blizzard® Treat not once, but twice this week. As such, I want to thank Janna Rider, Director of Digital Merchandising at International Dairy Queen, Inc. (IDQ), […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/janna-riderhttps://broadsign.com/blog/janna-rider<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 07 Jan 2015 09:00:53 GMT<figure }</script></figure><p>First and foremost, a confession. As an ice cream lover, writing about anything related to the Dairy Queen® brand brings about excitement and an excuse to order an afternoon Blizzard® Treat not once, but twice this week. As such, I want to thank Janna Rider, Director of Digital Merchandising at International Dairy Queen, Inc. (IDQ), for kicking off the 2015 Leading Ladies series on a cool, sweet, you get the idea- note.</p><p>Upon graduating from Appalachian State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design, Janna became a Fabrication Artist for a company building national museum exhibits. There, she created life-size dinosaurs, painted fiberglass horses and soon began designing the exhibits themselves. Janna then moved to a sculpting studio to build prototypes for the likes of Disney, Warner Brothers and Rainforest Café.</p><p>In 1998, Janna put her degree and experience to good use by moving to the <em>Dairy Queen </em>visual merchandising department and overseeing all non-architectural store elements personifying the DQ Grill and Chill® concept and providing visual merchandising support for the <em>Dairy Queen</em> system in the U.S. and Canada. Twelve years later, Janna was promoted to Director of Digital Merchandising as franchisees started to install exterior LEDs and request content. Today, the <em>Dairy Queen </em>system supplies three vendors with promotional content that must be produced in 80 file types, a process generating around 4,000 images a quarter.</p><p>With the advent of digital menu boards, the <em>Dairy Queen</em> system spearheaded the static to digital conversion to avoid multiple permutations as required by exterior signage. Janna’s team attended Digital Signage Expo, completed DSCE training, read and researched as much as possible and finally selected a software provider – all within the span of a year.</p><p>"When we entered the digital signage arena four years ago, we found people were tight-lipped, especially in the QSR vertical. Perhaps it was because everyone was still experimenting and tricks of the trade had yet to be established," said Janna. "Since that time, the industry has started to embraced the fact that if we share information, everyone will gain. We have become more realistic about what can be accomplished with digital signage."</p><p>Setting realistic objectives is crucial when adding digital signage to a marketing mix. Janna is quick to point out that in-store digital signage does not drive additional traffic like exterior LEDs. Instead, it should be used to maximize a visit, enhance the customer experience and perhaps gain additional purchases. "Franchisees are happy with the results and believe digital menu boards are helping them – so we feel like we’ve done a good job."</p><p>When it comes to overcoming obstacles, Janna shared that her biggest challenge in deploying the network was the process of sifting through copious amounts of data. Once network requirements were decided upon, determining whether the various vendors could deliver was even more difficult. Janna’s position on the Digital Signage Federation’s Board of Directors speaks to this, supporting the organization’s invaluable sources of information, networking and advice for newcomers to the industry and well-established companies alike.</p><p>"Once you get through the initial investment, digital signage is so simple for the end user, notably in the franchise situation. Content can be so compelling, and with a strong network, so nimble and forgiving to distribute. Not only do we support six to eight monthly promotions that differ across four countries and 48 menu types, we can use our digital signage for special R&amp;D testing, allowing us to push content out within a short timeframe and change it with ease."</p><p>Considering the <em>Dairy Queen</em> system must fit three platforms (food, treats, and Orange Julius®) on its menu boards, the more ease provided by digital signage, the better. Speaking of frozen treats…</p><h3 ><strong>About Janna</strong></h3><p>Since 2010 Janna Rider has been managing American Dairy Queen Corporation’s foray into the digital menu board arena. During the past four years, she has directed the request for information (RFI), request for proposal (RFP) and implementation of the digital signage network. The DQ® digital signage network consists of approximately 525 screens in 400 locations. Janna along with her team manage<span id="ext-gen10" >both single-feature panels and full digital menu boards across multiple concepts in five countries. Her team also manages content production for 500 exterior digital reader boards in the US and Canada. The program houses 24,000 images and coordinates about 4,000 images quarterly to support the DQ® marketing calendar in all the installed files sizes and formats. Not only is Janna the director of digital merchandising for American Dairy Queen Corporation, she is also responsible for brand and visual merchandising. She has held various visual and brand merchandising and prototype store development roles in her 16 years with the DQ system. Rider holds a BFA in graphic design from Appalachian State University in Boone, N.C. She has been involved in private and retail space design and implementation for 20 years.</span></span></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Metropolis Digital Media Ltd Selects Broadsign International, LLC for Taxi Rooftop Digital Signage]]><![CDATA[

500 screens will be deployed on taxi tops across London beginning in January 2015. London, England. December 4, 2014. Digital out-of-home media owner, manufacturer and service supplier of vehicular-based digital advertising solutions, Metropolis Digital Media Ltd, will be using Broadsign International, LLC’s cloud-based software platform to power screens atop the iconic London taxis. Designed to […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/metropolis-digital-media-selects-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/metropolis-digital-media-selects-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 04 Dec 2014 06:00:33 GMT<h4 >500 screens will be deployed on taxi tops across London beginning in January 2015.</h4><p>London, England. December 4, 2014. <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Digital out-of-home media</a> owner, manufacturer and service supplier of vehicular-based digital advertising solutions, <a href="http://www.metropolisdigitalmedia.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Metropolis Digital Media Ltd</a>, will be using Broadsign International, LLC’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">cloud-based software platform</a> to power screens atop the iconic London taxis.</p><p>Designed to fit the proportions of the classic black cab roof, 500 screens will be deployed on licensed taxis across London in 2015 – a number that will double within the first year and continue to increase as the company enters global markets.</p><p>The Evolution 2 TXi Media Pod is composed of two 93 x 21.4 cm HD LCD panels providing a resolution of 1920 x 440 pixels and a brightness of up to 2,000 nits. Six slots of 10 seconds each comprise a 60-second loop, each ad reaching 3.36 million people in a four-week period.</p><p>"We manufacture our product and sell our own network, allowing us to respond quickly to special requirements and offer optimal value to our clients," said Danny Faughnan, Founder and CEO at Metropolis Digital Media. "Broadsign is the digital out-of-home market <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">leader in scheduling and reporting</a> and was an obvious choice for us, as its platform complements our solution perfectly."</p><p>When running a campaign through MDM, Broadsign’s features allow advertisers to take advantage of combinations of dayparting, geotargeting and flexible packages including category exclusivity. Dynamically reaching viewers in locations such as financial hubs, shopping centers and London’s theatre district, MDM empowers brands to inform, entertain and engage with the right audience, alone or integrated with other media channels.</p><p>"The United Kingdom is notable in that the segment of Broadsign’s network in the region greatly contributes to setting the stage for trends in the global digital signage market," said Skip Beloff, Vice President of Sales at Broadsign. "The addition of Metropolis Digital Media strengthens this reality and Broadsign is pleased to act as a key element in its value-added turnkey proposition."</p><p>The moving digital taxi top offering is viewed as a new, powerful medium that assists creative agencies and clients wanting exposure to attractive central London consumers. As MDM rolls out its network, the company will work closely with out-of-home agencies like Posterscope, Kinetic, Talon, Open Outdoor and Rapport, as well as directly with key clients.</p><p>To learn more about Broadsign’s digital signage software, <a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">sign up for a free trial</a> of the platform.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based software for digital signage networks. Its platform was designed exclusively as a management system for media companies operating digital out-of-home and digital place-based media networks, giving them an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. After over a decade in the industry, Broadsign’s latest incarnation, Broadsign X, has become a mature and reliable fit for all digital signage software needs and its Android-based smart player, Broadsign Xpress, has decreased the cost of deploying digital signage compared to PC-based hardware alternatives.</p><p>Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive network and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 >About&nbsp;Metropolis Digital Media</h2><p>Metropolis Digital Media are the pioneers of digital roof top taxi advertising, offering a unique blend of Digital Out Of Home (DOOH) advertising media. As the media owner, manufacturer, developer and service supplier of digital advertising solutions, Metropolis Digital Media specializes in the taxi market in the UK, Europe and worldwide.</p><p>Launched by the Founder and CEO Danny Faughnan in 2010, the company’s leading signature product, the TXi-Media Pod™, presents a disruptive proposition in digital advertising, by allowing location-specific, relevant advertising and day-part scheduling supported by detailed advertising data.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Putting the Real into Retail: An interview withLauraDavis-Taylor]]><![CDATA[

“As a shopper, I’m still not experiencing enough positive evolution,” said Laura Davis-Taylor, Senior Vice President, Director of Omnichannel Experience at The Integer Group. “People get so caught up in technology and shiny objects, they forget its purpose is to solve consumer’s problems and make them happier.” Laura published her book, “Lighting up the Aisle […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/laura-davis-taylorhttps://broadsign.com/blog/laura-davis-taylor<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 03 Dec 2014 09:00:23 GMT<figure }</script></figure><p>"As a shopper, I’m still not experiencing <em>enough</em> positive evolution," said Laura Davis-Taylor, Senior Vice President, Director of Omnichannel Experience at The Integer Group. "People get so caught up in technology and shiny objects, they forget its purpose is to solve consumer’s problems and make them happier."</p><p>Laura published her book, "Lighting up the Aisle (Principles and Practices for In-Store Digital Media)", with co-author Adrian Weidmann in hopes it would inspire marketers to revolutionize the in-store environment. Four years later, however, the only thing she states has really evolved is mobile, making Laura more adamant than ever to evangelize her vision of a realistic, engaging customer experience.</p><p>Laura began her career in advertising as a Brand Planner at Greenstone Roberts. "It’s a very important job in an agency," said Laura. "You must place yourself in the shoes of the people you’re trying to connect with, empathetically understand their perspective and deliver a brand promise." Focused on IT hardware sales, Laura was intrigued by the Internet (at a time when there were only a few dozen websites) because it was accountable, bidirectional and natural. Soon, interactive and online marketing brought Laura into store design.</p><p>"I love store design but the physical store too often lacks a brand connection. When I was told to figure out digital signage (there were about four digital signage software companies back then), I thought, "here’s my next career". Signs have worked effectively since used by cavemen and I was excited by the possibilities of bringing the best of online into stores with screens."</p><p>Having been in the space longer than many and working for prestigious firms such as Creative Realities, BBDO and now, The Integer Group, Laura is not afraid to say it like it is. Her confidence in the ability to use all digital tools uniquely &#8211; they all fit in the same bucket, she insists, for the creation of true brand awareness and loyalty is infectious due to her bubbly persona and astute observations.</p><p>"People enjoy shopping online because they browse by occasion and inspiration, followed by category and price – the opposite of physical stores," explained Laura. "The more relevant a message to the viewer, the more digital signage, or any medium, is effective. Day-parting and targeting open the door to hyper-personalization, real connections and a bright future for in-store digital media."</p><p>What might in-store look like down the road? Laura emphasizes the need to tailor and contextualize digital signage strategies from the public screen (if content is not personable and actionable, it’s wallpaper) to its private counterpart. Laura cautions beacon enthusiasts to think like consumers and ensure messaging is helpful enough to be appreciated instead of blocked. She also invites marketers to optimally use the stopping power of digital signage by asking the same questions one might when planning other digital campaigns. Do online banners work? They could. It all depends on where they’re placed, the interest level of the product and the quality of the creative execution.</p><p>Ultimately, in-store digital media needs to create a pleasant environment, contribute to an agile ecosystem and deliver an overall brand experience that resonates with the consumer. Laura refers to Angela Ahrendts, former CEO of Burberry, as someone who clearly understands this concept, seamlessly integrating digital tactics into every brand touch point, including a variety of impressive JCDecaux DOOH campaigns.</p><p>"It’s the challenge but also the opportunity," said Laura enthusiastically while reflecting on her time working on in-store with Lowe’s, where she mediated 33 departments. "So many people with varying agendas must be brought together when selling digital media, especially in retail where nobody truly owns the store. When Lowe’s hired a Chief Customer Officer, a position that has emerged as of late, it gave me hope. Digital signage is what snaps together the overarching experience and its use must be under the guise of somebody who embodies the customer – not a merchandiser trying to sell."</p><h3 ><strong>About Laura</strong></h3><p>Laura is the SVP, Director of Omnichannel Experience at The Integer Group. Focused on helping clients turn shoppers into buyers amidst today’s ever-changing retail landscape, she has been creating shopper strategies that bridge home, life and store for over 20 years. Her experience is multi-faceted, ranging across account planning, Internet marketing, store design and, more recently, next generation retail experience design.</p><p>Laura believes passionately that good brands do not make promises—they deliver them. Done right, it is this that builds irrational brand loyalty. With this philosophy, she has worked with brands such as AT&amp;T, Toyota, Best Buy, co*ke, L’Oréal/Lancôme, Lowe’s, Office Depot, Russell Athletic, Foot Locker and Unilever. </p><p>he is an active industry speaker and educator and her book, "Lighting up the Aisle: Practices and Principles for In-store Digital Media", was the first practical guide for how retail brands can harness technology to reinvent their shopper experience.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[TSmedia, d.o.o. Chooses Broadsign International, LLC for its “Digital Giants” LED Screens]]><![CDATA[

LED displays up to 55 square meters in size run on Broadsign’s digital signage platform. Ljubljana, Slovenia. November 26, 2014. The largest network of digital out-of-home displays in Slovenia, TSmedia, has selected Broadsign International, LLC’s cloud-based digital signage software to power its new class of technologically advanced LED screens, called “Digital Giants”. Seven digital billboards […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/tsmedia-chooses-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/tsmedia-chooses-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 26 Nov 2014 06:00:15 GMT<h4 >LED displays up to 55 square meters in size run on Broadsign&#8217;s digital signage platform.</h4><figure >One of TSmedia&#8217;s Digital Giants LED screens.</figcaption></figure><p>Ljubljana, Slovenia. November 26, 2014. The largest network of <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home</a> displays in Slovenia, <a href="http://www.tsmedia.si/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">TSmedia</a>, has selected Broadsign International, LLC’s cloud-based <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital signage software</a> to power its new class of technologically advanced LED screens, called "Digital Giants".</p><p>Seven digital billboards ranging from 13 to 55 square meters in size were activated in May 2014 and complement TSmedia’s preexisting displays in the likes of shopping malls, post offices and gas stations. Located in prominent positions along Ljubljana’s main crossroads, the city center and its biggest shopping mall, Digital Giants have rapidly been gaining popularity among advertisers and are viewed as the next "big" thing in Slovenian advertising.</p><p>TSmedia plans to expand the Digital Giants network to new locations in Ljubljana and across Slovenia."Broadsign was selected to power our new and advanced network of digital screens due to the significant importance we place on viewer-targeting, consumer engagement and high accountability," said Tomaž Pernovšek, CEO at TSmedia. "We are always working hard to offer our advertisers the latest and most efficient advertising platforms. The capabilities of Broadsign’s robust software align with TSmedia’s needs and will help meet our advertising objectives."</p><p>The entire TSmedia network of outdoor digital displays reaches almost 90% of Slovenia’s population and guarantees advertisers extensive reach, visibility and successful campaign performance."Broadsign has developed a reputation for providing trusted and high quality performance to the biggest screens in the world, from Las Vegas’ <a href="/blog/branded-cities-network-broadsign-digital-signage-software-harmon-corner-digital-screen" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Harmon Corner</a> to London’s Waterloo Motion. As such, we are proud to add TSmedia, leading DOOH network of its nation, to this list of renowned locations and premium displays," said Skip Beloff, Vice President of Sales at Broadsign.</p><p>If you are looking to deploy a series of unique digital out-of-home displays in the near future, sign up for a <a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">60 day free trial </a>of Broadsign&#8217;s digital signage software.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based software for digital signage networks. Its platform was designed exclusively as a management system for media companies operating digital out-of-home and digital place-based media networks, giving them an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. After over a decade in the industry, Broadsign’s latest incarnation, Broadsign X, has become a mature and reliable fit for all digital signage software needs and its Android-based smart player, Broadsign Xpress, has decreased the cost of deploying digital signage compared to PC-based hardware alternatives. Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive network and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 >About TSmedia</h2><p>TSmedia is a Slovenian corporation, renowned for its extensive experience in the development of digital contents and services, management of various media and information points. TSmedia participates in creation of the Slovenian media landscape with the leading digital media Planet Siol.net, and constitutes the central Slovenian information point with najdi.si — the entry point to the Slovenian Internet, the Telephone Directory of Slovenia, the Contact Centers 1188 and 1977, and the business register Bizi.si. According to MOSS (Slovenian online audience measurement), the medias of TSmedia enjoy the largest overall reach in the country, effectively reaching more than two thirds of all internet users.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[A Display of Dedication: AninterviewwithJenniferDavis]]><![CDATA[

Asking whether the AV industry found Jennifer Davis, Vice President of Marketing at Planar Systems and Runco International, or she found AV is a bit like inquiring if the chicken or egg came first. A self-proclaimed geek at heart, Jennifer has always enjoyed seeing technological concepts come to life and make a difference, especially when […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/jennifer-davishttps://broadsign.com/blog/jennifer-davis<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 05 Nov 2014 09:00:48 GMT<figure }</script></figure><p>Asking whether the AV industry found Jennifer Davis, Vice President of Marketing at Planar Systems and Runco International, or she found AV is a bit like inquiring if the chicken or egg came first. A self-proclaimed geek at heart, Jennifer has always enjoyed seeing technological concepts come to life and make a difference, especially when the end product is a visual experience. Displays were a natural fit.</p><p>Jennifer studied Business Administration and History at Warner Pacific College and jumped aboard a software company right out of school where she held marketing and product development roles. In 1998, Jennifer joined Planar, at which time the largest display being launched was 10.4". A move to work in business development at Intel was soon followed by the completion of an MBA and recruitment back to Planar, expanding in the early 2000’s into the AV and IT industries with larger format displays. Thanks to key acquisitions and investments, Planar’s products now span up to impressive videowall offerings and the newly unveiled 98" 4K Planar UltraRes Series display announced at InfoComm 2014.</p><p> "I sometimes look at customer installations and think about how giddy Planar’s founders would be to see the same," said Jennifer as she explained their forward-thinking visions of laptops and digital signage in public venues. While large format displays are an important part of the industry, smaller screens have become integral in self-service applications such as ATMs, kiosks and gas pumps. Farewell to the days of burn-in concerns and "custom" pricing for niche applications &#8211; the growth and price reduction witnessed among flat panels, thin bezels and even 4K is provoking compelling visual campaigns and expanding the digital signage market.</p><p> "It is gratifying to see and hear of Planar’s products being used to solve business problems," said Jennifer. "We’re enabling companies to make better decisions in conference rooms, build brand awareness in shopping malls and think critically in control rooms. That being said, it’s an occupational hazard to work in the display industry, as I am constantly looking at screens’ logos!" she laughed.</p><p> In addressing the topic of consumer versus commercial displays in digital signage applications, Jennifer is confident that sophisticated buyers and knowledgeable servicers understand why there is no choice but to purchase the latter.</p><p> "In parallel to growth catalysts such as flat panels’ continuous delivery of higher performance at lower costs, consumer technology is bleeding into the commercial space. Yet as more people use digital signage in their respective environments, experience will teach why it’s valuable to use reliable products designed for the applications they’re marketed and sold into," said Jennifer. "A home TV used for a few hours of daily entertainment is very different from a display dedicated to daily business. Furthermore, the argument for swapping a consumer display with ease is flawed due to the downtime necessary for replacement, redesign accommodating new models (potentially with new interfaces); the list goes on."</p><p>As for education beyond displays themselves, Jennifer advises those in the industry to go deep in two separate yet complementary ways. One, understanding the technology and ecosystem, in that nobody performs alone. She jokes that displays are attractive and expensive doorstops unless the software, media player and all other components are running smoothly; advice applicable to all other aspects of the space as well. The second manner to go deep is by thinking beyond the technology and exploring underlying business models. What problems are customers really trying to solve and how does digital signage resolve them? This, states Jennifer, is what drives value creation and dedication to creating superior visual experiences.</p><h3 ><strong>About Jennifer</strong></h3><p>Mrs. Davis joined Planar in 1998 and has held a number of diverse and increasingly impactful roles in marketing, business operations, and global customer service and now heads Planar’s Marketing departments. Her contributions to Planar span a wide variety of markets and technologies, including digital signage and architectural displays. Prior to joining Planar, Mrs. Davis worked for Intel Corporation and held a senior marketing management role at a software start-up. Mrs. Davis holds a BS in Business Administration and History from Warner Pacific College and an MBA from Pepperdine University.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign International, LLC and Blue Bite Announce Mobile Partnership for Digital Out-of-Home]]><![CDATA[

Broadsign and Blue Bite will collaborate on digital signage networks’ mobile strategies and campaigns. About Broadsign New York, NY. November 3, 2014. Blue Bite, the Mobile Standard in OOH™, and Broadsign International, LLC, top provider of cloud-based digital signage software, have announced a partnership intended to simplify and enhance the mobile component of digital signage […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-blue-bite-mobile-partnershiphttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-blue-bite-mobile-partnership<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 03 Nov 2014 06:00:19 GMT<p><strong>Broadsign and Blue Bite will collaborate on digital signage networks&#8217; mobile strategies and campaigns.</strong></p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>New York, NY. November 3, 2014.<a href="http://www.bluebite.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> Blue Bite</a>, the Mobile Standard in OOH™, and Broadsign International, LLC, top provider of cloud-based <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/">digital signage software</a>, have announced a partnership intended to simplify and enhance the mobile component of digital signage campaigns.</p><p>As mobile is incorporated into an increasing number of digital signage programs, Broadsign and Blue Bite will harness the power of the former’s robust <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">content management platform</a> and the latter’s mTAG technology to deliver mobile marketing solutions in North America and worldwide.</p><p>"Blue Bite’s method of bridging the gap between digital and physical worlds through mobile is second to none, so it’s no surprise that its dominant market share consists of many Broadsign customers requiring reliable and innovative suppliers," said Daniel Parisien, Vice President of Marketing and Strategy at Broadsign. "It is important that our partners offer the same level of quality and service that Broadsign has built its reputation upon – and the culture fit with Blue Bite is definitely present."</p><p>In addition to sharing premium customers like <a href="/blog/adspace-networks-converts-to-broadsign" rel="noopener noreferrer">Adspace Networks</a>, Pikasso and JCDecaux, Broadsign and Blue Bite have an aligned vision regarding the future of <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home</a>. Both companies believe in a technology-agnostic approach to mobile, with Blue Bite implementing the best fitting set of mobile onramps for each deployment and Broadsign functioning as a standardized and trusted means of content scheduling, display and reporting.</p><p>"Broadsign is a leader in the digital signage industry and we feel that a&nbsp;combined approach will offer a best-in-class platform for the digital&nbsp;out-of-home community," said Mikhail Damiani, CEO at Blue Bite.&nbsp;"Furthermore, Broadsign gives us the ability to scale our footprint and&nbsp;deliver a larger mobile audience to Blue Bite’s brand and agency&nbsp;partners.&#8221;</p><p>Blue Bite and Broadsign are optimistic that the partnership will promote the benefits of allocating advertising dollars to DOOH media, from more effective consumer engagement to increased ROI. In offering advertisers the seamless ability to plan and execute campaigns with <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dooh-metrics/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">real time analytics and performance reports</a>, the companies foresee rises in acceptance of and demand for integrated digital signage and mobile solutions – a trend that will further aid in the integration of current OOH and mobile practices for media agencies.</p><p>Such aspirations complement the Digital Place Based Advertising Association’s "video everywhere" approach to digital signage, an organization of which Blue Bite and Broadsign are members. Representatives from both parties will be present at the 2014 Video Everywhere Summit.To learn more about how your digital signage network can take advantage of the Blue Bite – Broadsign partnership, please click here.</p><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based software for digital signage networks. Its platform was designed exclusively as a management system for media companies operating digital out-of-home and digital place-based media networks, giving them an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. After over a decade in the industry, Broadsign’s latest incarnation, Broadsign X, has become a mature and reliable fit for all digital signage software needs and its Android-based smart player, Broadsign Xpress, has decreased the cost of deploying digital signage compared to PC-based hardware alternatives.</p><p>Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive network and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 >About Blue Bite</h2><p>Blue Bite is a leading mobile-marketing solutions provider utilizing a targeted, location-based approach to reach captive audiences on their mobile devices by leveraging NFC, BLE, QR, WiFi, SMS, Geofencing and other technologies. Blue Bite has partnered with many of the leading Out-of-Home Companies in the world and prides itself on creating interactive two-way engagements by enabling consumers to connect with digital and traditional media via their mobile phones. For more information, please visit&nbsp;<a href="http://www.bluebite.com/">www.bluebite.com</a>&nbsp;and follow the latest updates and developments on Facebook and Twitter.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Go2Digital, LLC Selects Broadsign International, LLC for Digital Signage in Croatian Shopping Malls]]><![CDATA[

Initial deployment consists of 50 double-sided totems in 17 malls across Croatia. Zagreb, Croatia. Oct. 28, 2014. Croatian digital signage network, Go2Digital, LLC, has selected Broadsign International, LLC’s cloud-based digital signage software to power its screens in shopping malls – the first network of its kind in the country. The initial deployment consists of 50 […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/go2digital-llc-selects-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/go2digital-llc-selects-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 28 Oct 2014 06:00:53 GMT<h4 >Initial deployment consists of 50 double-sided totems in 17 malls across Croatia.</h4><p><strong>Zagreb, Croatia. Oct. 28, 2014.</strong> Croatian digital signage network, <a href="/blog/how-go2digital-is-making-a-premium-play-for-the-croatian-dooh-market" rel="noopener noreferrer">Go2Digital, LLC</a>, has selected Broadsign International, LLC’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">cloud-based digital signage software</a> to power its screens in <a href="https://broadsign.com/shopping-malls-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">shopping malls</a> – the first network of its kind in the country.</p><p>The initial deployment consists of 50 double-sided totems with 65" screens across the top 17 malls in Croatia. Reaching over 2.2 million unique visitors each month, Go2Digital’s network has more viewers than the nation’s leading online portal and most-watched TV channel.</p><p>"Broadsign’s focus on ad-based <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">DOOH networks</a> and great references are what initially drew Go2Digital to its platform," said Edin Pasalic, CEO and Co-Founder at Go2Digital. "Now that we’ve completed deployment, Broadsign’s automation allows us to minimize operating costs by maintaining a large network with one employee and maximize advertising opportunities by using criteria to quickly target campaigns to specific screens. These features demonstrate just why Broadsign is the number one provider of digital signage software."</p><p>Running an ad-based model, Go2Digital accommodates the short shopping mall dwell time with 90-second loops divided into 15-second slots. Advertisers like Samsung, Unilever and Croatia’s leading telecommunications provider, Hrvatski Telekom, target specific audiences at certain times of the day through unique and interactive campaigns that complement or serve as a substitute to national TV and online outlets.</p><p>"The Broadsign platform is a robust and reliable means for enterprise networks to push the envelope when it comes to widespread advertising campaigns that rely on hyperlocal targeting," said Skip Beloff, Vice President of Sales at Broadsign. "Go2Digital understands the Croatian market and we look forward to enabling its establishment of the largest national DOOH network as it expands into additional shopping malls and verticals."</p><p>Go2Digital plans on bringing screens into supermarkets, transit venues and city networks, with a goal of 500 screens throughout Croatia in the near future. "We are following in the footsteps of major global network operators in terms of our regional strategy, verticals and of course, selecting the industry standard for software," added Pasalic.</p><p>To learn more about how the features of Broadsign’s digital signage software can assist your shopping mall or large-scale network, sign up for a free trial.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based software for digital signage networks. Its platform was designed exclusively as a management system for media companies operating digital out-of-home and digital place-based media networks, giving them an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. After over a decade in the industry, Broadsign’s latest incarnation, Broadsign X, has become a mature and reliable fit for all digital signage software needs and its Android-based smart player, Broadsign Xpress, has decreased the cost of deploying digital signage compared to PC-based hardware alternatives.Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive network and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 >About Go2Digital</h2><p>Go2Digital is a company which specializes in the field of digital signage. Our first project is the development of the first national digital signage networks in shopping centers that will cover the 17 largest shopping centers in Croatia.Go2Digital shopping mall network will reach 85% of the Croatian viewpoint aged 15+ which is more than the number one online portal and the most watched television channel in Croatia. <a href="http://www.go2digital.hr">http://www.go2digital.hr</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[UpperMidia Chooses Broadsign International, LLC for Corporate Communications in South America]]><![CDATA[

Broadsign’s cloud-based digital signage software powers 300 screens across Brazil, Argentina and Chile. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. October 14, 2014. The South American provider of digital corporate communications solutions, UpperMidia, has selected Broadsign International, LLC’s cloud-based digital signage software for its network in Brazil, Argentina and Chile. Situated in offices, public agencies, gyms and hotels, […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/uppermidia-chooses-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/uppermidia-chooses-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 14 Oct 2014 06:00:54 GMT<h4 >Broadsign&#8217;s cloud-based digital signage software powers 300 screens across Brazil, Argentina and Chile.</h4><p>Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. October 14, 2014. The South American provider of digital corporate communications solutions, UpperMidia, has selected Broadsign International, LLC’s cloud-based <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital signage software</a> for its network in Brazil, Argentina and Chile.</p><p>Situated in offices, public agencies, gyms and hotels, UpperMidia’s 300 plasma and LCD screens range from 42 to 50 inches in size and are placed in strategic points meant to bridge the gap between employer and employee communications. The use of <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dooh-metrics/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">viewer demographics</a> in real-time content updates enables tailored corporate messaging and allows advertisers to reach targeted audiences in a trusted environment.</p><p>"UpperMidia provides a turnkey corporate communications solution in that we fulfill everything from setup and maintenance of equipment to content production and management," said Ricardo Espirito Santo, Director of Operations at UpperMidia. "Given the high level of quality we provide our customers, we are devoted to the Broadsign platform for its reliable performance, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">automated content management system</a> and dedicated services department."</p><p>UpperMidia’s client list contains the likes of Odebrecht, Rexam and Patrimovel offices, along with hospitality outlets such as Curves fitness centers.</p><p>"Working with UpperMidia in the corporate communications context has allowed Broadsign to understand the needs not only of South American networks and their audiences but firms and their employees," said Skip Beloff, Vice President of Sales at Broadsign. "We take pride in knowing that UpperMidia can rely on our mature platform, robust enough for customization that caters to the uniqueness of Brazilian, Argentinean and Chilean markets."</p><p>To find out more about Broadsign’s digital signage solutions as they relate to corporate communications and the South American territory, <a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">sign up for a free trial</a>.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based software for digital signage networks. Its platform was designed exclusively as a management system for media companies operating digital out-of-home and digital place-based media networks, giving them an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. After over a decade in the industry, Broadsign’s latest incarnation, Broadsign X, has become a mature and reliable fit for all digital signage software needs and its Android-based smart player, Broadsign Xpress, has decreased the cost of deploying digital signage compared to PC-based hardware alternatives. Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive network and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 >About UpperMidia</h2><p>Upper Midia offers solutions to connect businesses to their customers in an efficient, non-invasive and persuasive fashion, fulfilling both parties’ needs. The network provides a dynamic and efficient medium that captures the attention of your target audience, while providing consumers with entertainment and a means of obtaining information. http://www.uppermidia.com.br</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Executive Channel Network Converts Corporate Network to Broadsign International, LLC’s Digital Signage Software]]><![CDATA[

800 displays in 250 locations across five cities are powered by the Broadsign platform. Sydney, Australia. September 30, 2014. Australia’s office media specialist, Executive Channel Network, has converted 800 displays in 250 locations across five cities to Broadsign International, LLC’s digital signage software platform. Executive Channel Network’s digital screen network connects advertisers with traditionally elusive […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/executive-channel-network-converts-to-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/executive-channel-network-converts-to-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 30 Sep 2014 06:00:28 GMT<h4 >800 displays in 250 locations across five cities are powered by the Broadsign platform.</h4><p>Sydney, Australia. September 30, 2014. Australia’s office media specialist, Executive Channel Network, has converted 800 displays in 250 locations across five cities to Broadsign International, LLC’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital signage software platform</a>.</p><p><a href="/blog/how-executive-channel-network-connects-brands-with-workplace-audiences-in-real-time" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Executive Channel Network’s</a> digital screen network connects advertisers with traditionally elusive executives while enhancing the tenant experience, reaching over 1,800,000 well-educated and affluent office workers each month. The network is expected to double in size over the next two to three years due to aggressive expansion plans in Australia and Europe, where it currently has 155 locations in the UK, 76 in France and 10 in the Netherlands.</p><p>"Executive Channel Network chose Broadsign because it met our strict criteria in user requirements, display needs and the development roadmap," said Justin Kingston, Chief Operating Officer at Executive Channel Network.</p><p>Running in premium CBD office towers, Executive Channel Network’s product solutions include high-definition videowalls, digital screens in foyers, in-lift installations, brand interactions and corporate car park displays. Commercial-grade displays range from 24" to 70" in size.</p><figure >Executive Channel Network screen near office building elevator.</figcaption></figure><p>High-profile customers including <a href="http://www.executivechannel.com.au/CreativeShowcase/Item.aspx?Id=2336" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Expedia, </a>Commonwealth Bank, IG Markets and Coles advertise on the network. Clients such as Expedia and IG Markets take advantage of Executive Channel Network’s real time digital innovation capability.</p><p>Executive Channel Network’s three minute loop features relevant, tailored advertising along with real-time content inclusive of news, weather, sports, entertainment and stock market updates. &nbsp;Property owners have the ability to integrate their brand seamlessly into this messaging.</p><p>"Broadsign is known to power premium networks that cater to audiences and advertisers with high expectations," said Skip Beloff, Vice President of Sales at Broadsign. "We are delighted that Executive Channel Network will use our rich feature set to satisfy said demands and look forward to working on further innovations with such a prominent partner in Australia’s corporate market."</p><p>To learn more about how Broadsign’s digital signage software can meet the needs of your network, <a href="/free-trial/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">sign up for a free 60 day trial</a> of the platform.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based software for digital signage networks. Its platform was designed exclusively as a management system for media companies operating digital out-of-home and digital place-based media networks, giving them an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. After over a decade in the industry, Broadsign’s latest incarnation, Broadsign X, has become a mature and reliable fit for all digital signage software needs and its Android-based smart player, Broadsign Xpress, has decreased the cost of deploying digital signage compared to PC-based hardware alternatives. Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive network and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 >About Executive Channel Network</h2><p>ECN is a digital communication business providing major office buildings with ‘real-time’ information, connecting executives to relevant content and providing brands with a premium quality, highly targeted advertising network for an aspirational environment. ECN Australia is a part of the Executive Channel International group of companies. Our brand purpose is to facilitate meaningful connections between property owners, office executives and advertisers.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Mediplay, Inc. Uses Broadsign International, LLC’s Open API to Create Mediplay Connect]]><![CDATA[

Healthcare network allows subscribers to manage screens and content through its online client portal. Los Angeles, CA. September 9, 2014. Mediplay, Inc., owner of Mediplay Network, has used Broadsign International, LLC’s Open API to create an online client portal called Mediplay Connect. Catering to small and medium-sized medical facilities, Mediplay Connect delivers Broadsign’s enterprise-level digital […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/mediplay-uses-broadsigns-open-apihttps://broadsign.com/blog/mediplay-uses-broadsigns-open-api<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 09 Sep 2014 06:00:42 GMT<h4 >Healthcare network allows subscribers to manage screens and content through its online client portal.</h4><p>Los Angeles, CA. September 9, 2014. Mediplay, Inc., owner of Mediplay Network, has used Broadsign International, LLC’s Open API to create an online client portal called Mediplay Connect. Catering to small and medium-sized medical facilities, Mediplay Connect delivers Broadsign’s enterprise-level <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital signage software</a> platform to local operators in an easy to learn and simple to use manner. With the help of Broadsign Open and feedback from our subscribers, Mediplay has successfully developed a product that makes digital signage approachable to any size practice," said Jon Barnes, COO at Mediplay.</p><p>The Mediplay Network runs in waiting and exam rooms across the United States and generates 12 million views per year via 400 screens. Mediplay Connect allows subscribers to manage their displays and content loops, and the Mediplay Network’s ad-free nature means subscribers may schedule any amount of content and are not confined to a specific loop length.</p><figure >Waiting room enhanced by Mediplay screen.</figcaption></figure><p>Prior to partnering with Broadsign, Mediplay subscribers submitted content changes on a monthly basis, a labour intensive process not sustainable with envisioned growth. Broadsign Open enabled the development of the Mediplay Connect online interface that provides subscribers full control over their programming, ensuring the patient benefits from educational information and the facility can improve its means of communication while generating additional business.</p><p>"After working with several different vendors in the industry, we found that Broadsign was able to provide us with the functionality, support and flexibility needed to take the Mediplay Network to the next level," added Barnes. "Furthermore, the Broadsign team’s knowledge of the marketplace, high level of customer support and willingness to adapt to the needs of our network keep us confident in our choice of software partner."</p><p>Mediplay Connect gives subscribers access to a content library of over 600 videos covering 23 medical specialties. Manufacturer videos, news, entertainment feeds such as National Geographic and a variety of customizable templates like "before and after" and "physician biography" are also available. In addition, subscribers may upload and manage their own media in a private library.Mediplay Connect facilitates instant messaging- a great way to convey wait times, sidebar images and background music to complement programming. At all times, the date, practice or facility logo and local weather are displayed on the screen.</p><p>"Broadsign was the first to bring an open API to the digital signage space, as we believe the future of digital signage lies in the creation of smart content running on standardized platforms," said Daniel Parisien, Vice President of Marketing and Strategy at Broadsign. "Mediplay Connect is a great example of how integration allows network operators to focus on improvements while reducing overhead costs."Network operators wishing to develop their own smart content and applications via Broadsign Open are invited to sign up for a free trial of Broadsign’s cloud-based digital signage software.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based software for digital signage networks. Its platform was designed exclusively as a management system for media companies operating digital out-of-home and digital place-based media networks, giving them an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. After over a decade in the industry, Broadsign’s latest incarnation, Broadsign X, has become a mature and reliable fit for all digital signage software needs and its Android-based smart player, Broadsign Xpress, has decreased the cost of deploying digital signage compared to PC-based hardware alternatives. Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive network and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 >About Mediplay</h2><p>Mediplay, Inc., based in Huntington Beach, CA, provides medical facilities with a personalized, ad-free, waiting room patient education and marketing program. Using a simple, easy-to-use online interface, subscribers are able to manage any number of screens. Customized content can be created using a collection of beautifully designed templates, while an extensive library of videos, covering medical, manufacturer, and entertainment topics, provide a valuable source of infotainment. Mediplay transforms any HDTV, into a powerful communication tool. Educate patients. Market services. Boost the bottom line. For more information, including a product tour, please visit: <a href="http://www.mediplay.com/">www.mediplay.com</a>.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Lessons in Serendipity: AninterviewwithCharmaine Moldrich]]><![CDATA[

Whether it’s fate or a matter of being in the right place at the right time, Charmaine Moldrich, CEO at Australia’s Outdoor Media Association, has a knack for encountering fortunate happenstances and pleasant surprises. Charmaine will always venture down the road (a reference to Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken”) and say yes instead of […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/charmaine-moldrichhttps://broadsign.com/blog/charmaine-moldrich<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 06 Aug 2014 08:00:24 GMT<figure }</script></figure><p>Whether it’s fate or a matter of being in the right place at the right time, Charmaine Moldrich, CEO at Australia’s Outdoor Media Association, has a knack for encountering fortunate happenstances and pleasant surprises. Charmaine will always venture down the road (a reference to Robert Frost’s "The Road Not Taken") and say yes instead of no. Yes, she maintains, opens doors and carried her career to the out-of-home industry.</p><p>As one might guess from her sure stance and animated demeanour, Charmaine studied drama in university. One evening, she attended a dinner party with a fellow looking to fill a position at a radio station. Impatient to get the working part of her life started, Charmaine took the job in lieu of finishing her schooling – and was running the entire station within a year and a half. It wasn’t long before a board member at the station, also on the board of a theater company, thought Charmaine would be a good fit as the theater’s General Manager and off she ricocheted into festivals, music, film, museums, the government and finally, out-of-home advertising.</p><p>"I have been ambitious in my career path but never planned," said Charmaine, "which is slightly slothful but also a wonderful way for hard work and experience to influence and attract interesting and fulfilling positions and colleagues."</p><p>While enjoying her time on sabbatical, Charmaine was offered a job in OOH and interviewed for it with a "let’s see what happens" perspective. Slightly reluctant to enter the world of advertising, Charmaine was delighted to find that her almost five years spent as CEO of the OMA have been some of the most satisfying and enriching in her career. "It is exhilarating to be the driver of an association equipped with a great board and staff who allow me to be open, emotional and passionate. I have climbed a mountain in terms of learning my role and the industry, and am enjoying the view while embarking on my next hike."</p><p>Australia has a united and cohesive out-of-home industry. It is responsible, aware of its space in the public arena and uses a common lexicon. Digital out-of-home has been in the country for a long time and some providers purely operate in digital signage. Charmaine insists that whether static or digital, everyone belongs to OOH no matter how it is delivered; the two cannot and should not be separated. In terms of shifting revenue between the two, she believes that just as there was a progression from hand-painted to paper-printed to vinyl-printed signs, so too is digital an opportunity to obtain a finished product better suited to certain venues.</p><p>"Market share is a complex story," cautioned Charmaine when asked about fears of DOOH stealing from traditional OOH and cannibalizing total OOH revenues. "I think the future holds a use/pay system that will prove how an ad is working and facilitate a clear path to transaction. In Australia, media is still being bought in silos and new media has simply been added on top. OOH will take a more significant slice of market share when the technology becomes seamless and transactional – and it’s going to. Our screens will come to life."</p><p>What’s next for Charmaine? Educating members on <a href="http://oma.org.au/regulation-and-community" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">codes and policies</a>, and bringing advertising content to higher standards is high on the list, along with applying information about the industry via strategic initiatives. As for her next surprise, one can only guess!</p><h3 ><strong>About Charmaine</strong></h3><p>Charmaine joined the Outdoor Media Association (OMA) in 2010 and has over 30 years’ experience specialising in management, leadership, marketing, communications and business development. She started her media career in Adelaide, South Australia, and at 24 years of age found herself working as the Station Manager of a public radio station, her first management position. Charmaine’s career has been varied with one common theme: working with diverse groups of stakeholders negotiating and wrangling, and finding the common goal to join forces. The majority of her career has been spent working in the arts – theatre, film, music, festivals and museums which taught her to do a lot with limited resources. Charmaine is enjoying being back in media, especially in this rapidly changing, technology-infused environment. Charmaine believes that outdoor advertising is not just an integral part of the media mix but an integral part of the vibrancy of cities.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Nemooh Servicos de Mídia LTDA Deploys Digital Signage Bus Network with Broadsign International, LLC Software]]><![CDATA[

1,000 screens in 500 buses across Sao Paulo inform and entertain millions of mass transit users. Sao Paulo, Brazil. July 22, 2014. Prominent Brazilian digital signage transit network, Nemooh Servicos de Mídia LTDA, has deployed its first 1,000 screens in 500 buses with Broadsign International LLC’sdigital signage software platform. Expansion plans involve attaining 4,000 screens […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/nemooh-deploys-digital-signage-bus-network-with-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/nemooh-deploys-digital-signage-bus-network-with-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 22 Jul 2014 06:00:19 GMT<h4 >1,000 screens in 500 buses across Sao Paulo inform and entertain millions of mass transit users.</h4><p>Sao Paulo, Brazil. July 22, 2014. Prominent Brazilian<a href="https://broadsign.com/transit-digital-signage" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> digital signage transit </a>network, Nemooh Servicos de Mídia LTDA, has deployed its first 1,000 screens in 500 buses with Broadsign International LLC&#8217;s&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital signage software</a> platform. Expansion plans involve attaining 4,000 screens in 2,000 buses by the end of 2015.</p><p>The vandal-proof, 22" LED displays in Nemooh Mídia buses are viewed by 11.3 million people in Sao Paulo per month, playing real-time news, entertainment, sports and health tips spaced between the likes of bank, telecom and government ads. A typical content loop is 60 minutes of 15 second slots- a format suited to commuters who watch the screens on lengthy daily commutes.</p><p>"Having worked in digital media for over 15 years, I can say that Nemooh Mídia brings the most advanced technology to Sao Paulo’s buses," said Luciano Ramo, Executive Director at Nemooh Mídia. He continued, "operating on ad-based revenue, Broadsign allows us to present advertisers with proof of play reports instead of memory card solutions, and provides our network with proven strength, reliability and stability. Nemooh Mídia aspires to be the biggest digital signage network in Brazilian buses and views Broadsign as a safe bet given its many other enterprise-level customers."</p><p>"This deployment is the result of a partnership that began in 2007 upon realizing that Broadsign and Nemooh Mídia shared a vision of <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home’s</a> potential in Brazil," said Skip Beloff, Vice President of Sales at Broadsign. "Years later, our shared success is recognized by Nemooh Mídia’s 23% and growing market share, along with a strong presence of Broadsign customers across the country."</p><p>A testament to its support of and integration in Brazil’s digital signage industry, Broadsign is the Conference Sponsor of the first Brasil Signage Expo, held on September 18 and 19. Attendees are invited to book a meeting with a Broadsign representative to discuss how Broadsign’s digital signage software can meet the needs of their networks.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based software for digital signage networks. Its platform was designed exclusively as a management system for media companies operating digital out-of-home and digital place-based media networks, giving them an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. After over a decade in the industry, Broadsign’s latest incarnation, Broadsign X, has become a mature and reliable fit for all digital signage software needs and its Android-based smart player, Broadsign Xpress, has decreased the cost of deploying digital signage compared to PC-based hardware alternatives. Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive network and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 >About Nemooh Mídia</h2><p>Nemooh Mídia is one of the leading digital signage networks in Brasil with a fast growing network of 500 buses in Sao Paulo, Brasil. We are passionate about high level contents and technology. Our network is the first and only online in Sao Paulo, delivering many relevant contents to watchers in real time.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Exploring Arts and Avenues: AninterviewwithLoriAnderson]]><![CDATA[

“It’s fascinating how life takes different paths,” smiled Lori Anderson, President and CEO of the International Sign Association. “I look at every minute as an opportunity to do something fun and interesting, and have a meandering career path to prove it!” To Lori, life is an adventure. After teaching music in North Dakota and the […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/lori-andersonhttps://broadsign.com/blog/lori-anderson<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 09 Jul 2014 08:30:25 GMT<figure }</script></figure><p>"It’s fascinating how life takes different paths," smiled Lori Anderson, President and CEO of the International Sign Association. "I look at every minute as an opportunity to do something fun and interesting, and have a meandering career path to prove it!"</p><p>To Lori, life is an adventure. After teaching music in North Dakota and the suburbs of Baltimore for five years, she couldn’t visualize doing it forever. Upon seeking the guidance of a career coach, Lori headed to Capitol Hill looking for a job in politics, an interest originating from dinner conversations with her family growing up. She became a legislative assistant to the Congressman of North Dakota after nine months of job applications, courage and patience.</p><p>Lori’s next step was to take an entry-level position in the government relations department of a plastics industry trade association, and landing the job came with a valuable life lesson. Lori had called herself an educator throughout her time in D.C., thinking the music component would be a hindrance to her goals of becoming a policy analyst. As it turns out, her interviewer (and subsequently her boss) sang with The Choral Arts Society of Washington and was married to a music teacher.</p><p>"Don’t hide who you are. If you have to, the role might not be the best fit," cautioned Lori. "Fully embracing my past, I spent 14 years at The Society of the Plastics Industry and left as leader of the department."</p><p>Lori’s carpe diem attitude, intellect and creative inclination are a perfect fit for her current role at ISA, where she has been for the past ten years. Lori fully embraces the association’s mission to help grow the American and international sign industry and to convey the importance of signs to businesses and communities. Her passion emanates from her understanding of the industry’s past, current opportunities and future needs. She notes that the definition of a sign company is rapidly evolving and changing as it always has. Moreover, since change cannot stop, it must be welcomed. When it was founded more than 70 years ago, the sign industry was primarily comprised of hand-painted signs. Throughout ISA’s existence, the industry has actively embraced the introduction of vinyl cutting, digital printing and LED lighting.</p><p>When digital printing came along, the industry slowly evolved; now it is completely incorporated into the ISA International Sign Expo show floor, the sign industry’s largest trade show. Lori believes this same transformation is now happening with dynamic digital signage and shares that ISA leadership are committed to helping the industry understand and view the technology as a complement rather than a threat. The Dynamic Digital Park on the ISA Sign Expo floor is growing steadily, and the presence of dynamic digital suppliers assists with acceptance by signmakers, who are adding digital offerings to their business plans.</p><p>In terms of challenges, the ISA is in constant communication with the government to help the industry -and its efforts are seen across the country. The association holds seminars for city planning officials who play a vital role in determining where signs can be installed in their regions. ISA staff also testifies before city councils and works with communities to develop reasonable sign codes. A particularly important initiative is a multi-year effort to reinforce the pipeline of workers in the sign industry, a career that graduates are not always informed of. The proactive strategy involves working with technical and community schools to help drive the understanding that a sign career is viable and rewarding, with many options to explore such as graphic design, installation, sales and engineering.</p><p>Identifying these types of issues and opportunities, and determining ways to both resolve and take advantage of them, requires a strong leader (check) and an incredible team (check). "I am extremely proud of ISA employees and our Board of Directors," said Lori whole-heartedly. "The Board trusts our team and allows us to take risks, try new things and be innovative. I am so pleased with the culture that has evolved."</p><p>"Signs are a business, obviously," concludes Lori, "but they are also an art form. When you walk down the street with a signmaker, it will take some time. They will touch the signs and take pride in work that’s well done. Ultimately it’s a craft that once instilled in your blood, really sticks."</p><h3 ><strong>About Lori</strong></h3><p>Lori Anderson is President &amp; CEO for the International Sign Association (ISA), which serves the international on-premise signage and visual communications industry. ISA’s programs include educational conferences, government relations, technology research and the ISA International Sign Expo, which attracts some 20,000 signage and graphics professionals annually.</p><p>Prior to joining ISA in 2004, Lori was Strategic Planning and Industry Relations Officer for the Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc. (SPI) in Washington, DC, where she was responsible for a number of programs, including government and public affairs, industry statistics, international trade policy and strategic planning. She was with SPI for 14 years. Before joining SPI, Lori was a legislative aide for former Congressman and Senator Byron Dorgan. Prior to working on Capitol Hill, Lori was a public school educator in North Dakota and Maryland.</p><p>Ms. Anderson has a Bachelor of Science degree in education from the University of Maryland and a Masters Degree in Public Policy from the University of Maryland, School of Public Affairs. She serves on the board of the European Sign Association, is past chairman of the National Association of Manufacturers Council of Manufacturing Associations Board of Directors and is a member of the US Chamber of Commerce Committee of 100. She obtained the Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation through the American Society of Association Executives in January 2003.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign International, LLC Announces Digital Signage Content Partnership with BlueFox SA]]><![CDATA[

The Broadsign ecosystem expands to include professional digital signage content, accessible and relevant worldwide. Montreal, QC. June 3, 2014. Broadsign International, LLC, the leading provider of cloud-based digital signage software, has announced a content partnership with BlueFox SA. Headquartered in France, BlueFox provides rights-cleared premium content for digital out-of-home and digital place-based media globally. “As […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-announces-content-partnership-with-bluefox-sahttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-announces-content-partnership-with-bluefox-sa<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 10 Jun 2014 10:21:39 GMT<h4 >The Broadsign ecosystem expands to include professional digital signage content, accessible and relevant worldwide.</h4><p>Montreal, QC. June 3, 2014. Broadsign International, LLC, the leading provider of <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">cloud-based digital signage software</a>, has announced a content partnership with BlueFox SA. Headquartered in France, BlueFox provides rights-cleared premium content for <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home</a> and digital place-based media globally.</p><p>"As Broadsign’s digital signage platform continues to mature and serve a growing number of networks, we have an increased responsibility to provide our customers with access to content that is timely, captivating and relevant to spectators’ environments," said Daniel Parisien, Vice President of Marketing and Strategy at Broadsign. "It was a natural fit to add BlueFox, a company that supplies high quality content worldwide, to the Broadsign ecosystem."</p><p>BlueFox’s strong international presence is bolstered by content offerings in 17 languages and high-profile clients such as JCDecaux, Clear Channel, Citibank, Carrefour, Intermarché, Areva and Orange. "BlueFox is proud to provide professional digital signage content to the augmenting number of networks standardizing on Broadsign’s platform," said Andrea Le Vot, Chief Executive Officer EMEA at BlueFox. "Our premium content feeds and technology are at the forefront of industry standards thanks to heavy investment in research and development. Like Broadsign, BlueFox raises the bar in terms of innovation that moves our industry forward."</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-publish/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Creator</a>, an easy-to-use Web-based tool, allows Broadsign customers to build content from ready-made templates, enabling small networks or local operators within large networks to create and play back customized digital signage content. As a complement to Broadsign Creator’s rich feature set, the addition of BlueFox will now provide customers with the ability to add automated real-time content feeds, such as news, weather, sport data and traffic.</p><p>In line with Broadsign features that encourage advertisers to make use of <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/dynamic-and-interactive-content" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">smart content</a> in digital signage campaigns, BlueFox services can work with those of other specialized platforms for custom and dynamic deliveries. For example, when combined with the automated audience measurement capabilities of fellow Broadsign partner, <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-integrates-with-quividi" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Quividi</a>, content can be adapted in real-time depending on the audience viewing a screen.</p><p>A kiosk featuring Broadsign digital signage software, as well as BlueFox’s smart content and technology, will be on display within Broadsign’s booth at the upcoming FEPE Congress in Vienna, Austria.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based software for digital signage networks. Its platform was designed exclusively as a management system for media companies operating digital out-of-home and digital place-based media networks, giving them an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. After over a decade in the industry, Broadsign’s latest incarnation, Broadsign X, has become a mature and reliable fit for all digital signage software needs and its Android-based smart player, Broadsign Xpress, has decreased the cost of deploying digital signage compared to PC-based hardware alternatives. Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive network and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 >About BlueFox</h2><p>BlueFox is the leading content provider in digital signage. Exclusively serving DOOH screens, BlueFox has been in the market since 2006, delivering high-value off-the-shelf and customized content solutions for the global DOOH market. Offerings include real-time feeds, video footage and custom content channels. With its new smart signage technology, BlueFox influences customers in a non-obtrusive way, by delivering targeted content to screens in real-time depending on the viewers in the venue. BlueFox is the only DOOH content provider operating worldwide and supplying content in 17 languages, accessible through its fully automated content webshop. The company serves a wide variety of verticals, markets and target groups with eye-catching and relevant content that is easily integrated into digital signage systems. For more information about BlueFox, visit <a href="http://www.bluefoxcontent.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">www.bluefoxcontent.com</a>.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[In Touch with the Times: AninterviewwithCarolNordin]]><![CDATA[

The Greek philosopher, Heracl*tus, said that “the only constant is change,” an observation upon which Carol Nordin has based her career. President at TouchSystems Corporation, Carol started out in finance and worked her way up to company advocate and sales champion by consistently being present in the field and reacting quickly to her findings. Carol’s […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/carol-nordinhttps://broadsign.com/blog/carol-nordin<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 04 Jun 2014 07:00:47 GMT<figure }</script></figure><p>The Greek philosopher, Heracl*tus, said that "the only constant is change," an observation upon which Carol Nordin has based her career. President at TouchSystems Corporation, Carol started out in finance and worked her way up to company advocate and sales champion by consistently being present in the field and reacting quickly to her findings.</p><p>Carol’s interest in digital signage was sparked in 2007 when she saw displays growing and evolving. At the time, TouchSystems was working with small format displays up to 17" in size. Carol noticed that some of the screens in retail stores were transitioning from simple input/output devices and point-of-sale systems to customer-facing displays running advertisem*nts. She immediately began to drive the business in this viewer-friendly direction.</p><p>As the technology matured, sales increased. The 17" monitors that sold for $600-700 in 2007 sell for $250 today. Similarly, a 32" display, then considered large format and priced at $6,000-7,000, sells today for $1,500 with touch capabilities to boot. While touchscreens were in use before public interactive displays became available, Carol credits the Smartphone with changing everyone’s view on interactive screens. She dubs it a universal language. "Who doesn’t have an interactive product in their pocket?" she asked. "You even see kids with little tablets on their strollers!"</p><p>"Digital signage is more affordable and connected than ever," said Carol emphatically. "I began my own career with a fortunate position that exposed me to focused education beyond imagination. While the digital signage industry was fragmented and relatively undefined when I started to push TouchSystems in its current direction, the industry can now provide a solid education similar to what I received early on."Carol is just as capable of identifying and responding to new trends as she is explaining them to others. At Digital Signage Expo 2014, Carol spoke about omni-channel marketing, noting that educating the industry is the part of her job she enjoys the most. She shares her knowledge not only through speeches but via conversations with potential and existing customers. Stories of her honesty and agility when working with potential clients always end with business wins and longstanding relationships.</p><p>Her willingness to share information is also noticeable when Carol speaks about competition, or lack thereof. "There’s no greater reward than helping somebody else be successful," she said, "and there is plenty of room for success in the digital signage space. The market is so big that there is only a slim chance we will bump into each other." Carol encourages industry entrants to learn from everyone but make their own decisions. It can be easy to speak with a single manufacturer and be swallowed in its message. Even if that company may be the optimal choice, it’s best to become familiar with all options before making a final decision.</p><p>Given her aptitude for staying in touch with the times, I asked Carol about the important trends she has her eye on. She noted that analytics proving effectiveness through the quick delivery of ROI and long-term business sustainment are imperative for selling digital signage solutions. Camera and tracking capabilities play into this, as does the performance of visually appealing screens. In a nutshell, brilliant displays with creative content and analytical abilities will be critical moving forward.</p><p>Carol’s "do what you say, say what you do" recipe for success makes it clear what she and TouchSystems will be working on, so make sure to watch and learn.</p><h3 ><strong>About Carol</strong></h3><p>I have worked in the touch industry in various capacities for more than ten years. That work has allowed me to rise to the position of president at TouchSystems. The role is challenging, but I like it. I now have more frequent opportunities to share my knowledge of the industry. I also have the chance to pursue new technologies and to grow TouchSystems into the company it is meant to be. Part of that growth is sharing the TouchSystems perspective on touch technology with those who are willing to listen. The other part is partnering with like-minded individuals who are looking to the future of the touch industry while remaining grounded in the present.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Digital Signage in a New York Minute: Aninterviewwith Susie Zimber]]><![CDATA[

I asked Susie Zimber, National Account Executive at Zoom Media, to pick a lunch spot close to her office. Nestled in Murray Hill, she opted for a diner that would be quiet enough for me to record our conversation about all things digital. As we sipped our matzo ball soups, a perfect dish for the […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/susie-zimberhttps://broadsign.com/blog/susie-zimber<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 07 May 2014 07:00:49 GMT<figure }</script></figure><p>I asked Susie Zimber, National Account Executive at Zoom Media, to pick a lunch spot close to her office. Nestled in Murray Hill, she opted for a diner that would be quiet enough for me to record our conversation about all things digital. As we sipped our matzo ball soups, a perfect dish for the chilly day, the svelte blonde dressed in a black ensemble candidly explained why she is so passionate about the digital out-of-home space. Her polite yet nimble nature makes such an excitement infectious.</p><p>"At the start of my career, the out-of-home industry was all about static media, like billboards, bus shelters and coffee sleeves," stated Susie, as she recalled wondering what would be next to keep clients interested and wanting to spend money in OOH versus other media formats. "I remember playing a game of lacrosse when suddenly the football field’s Jumbotron was activated, allowing everyone to see my player stats on the big screen. From then on, I thought digital would be the way of the future."</p><p>Upon graduating with a major in Communications from Boston College, Susie moved to New York City to become an Ad Sales Assistant for Men’s Health Magazine. The daughter of a professional tennis player and talented athlete herself (Susie had a full college scholarship thanks to lacrosse) Susie was naturally drawn to the magazine’s content. While working at the publication, her interest in outdoor media was piqued by her boyfriend-turned-husband’s internship at Clear Channel Airports, leading her to accept a position at Zenith Media as an out-of-home buyer for brands such as Verizon.</p><p>Embracing a "young and fun industry" along with a work hard, play hard attitude, Susie took on an opportunity at Kinetic where she spent several years working with clients like DKNY, Chanel and American Express. Jumping from the agency to network side of the business, Susie stayed true to the fitness root of her career path by joining Outcast Fitness Network before taking her current role at Zoom Media. "I love working for Zoom because I’m selling something I believe in," gushed Susie. "I am a target consumer myself, visiting health clubs in the morning or on my way home after work."</p><p>Like many young professionals, Susie goes to the gym and supermarket after her day at the office, gets home late, eats dinner and goes to sleep. "What I watch on TV is DVR and while I still read magazines, I consume the rest of media online through my computer and mobile. Content is up-to-the minute, relevant and serves the urgency created by people who want something right when they need it. Everything is merging into digital – it can only go up from here."</p><p>Susie’s inclination toward the combination of digital, health and fitness became even more apparent as she spoke about Zoom Cardio, a network of touchscreens that track gym-goers’ workouts. "Zoom Cardio engages people by allowing them to plan their playlists at home, watch on-demand programming and live TV at the gym. It even provides a virtual interactive option to, for example, run through the Grand Canyon as the treadmill mimics its terrain," said Susie. "At the end of the day, we want to help consumers get through their workouts, achieve their goals and leave the health club feeling good."</p><p>People working within the digital signage industry should feel good as well. Susie believes it is an exciting time to be in digital and advises everyone to stay in the game to see what occurs from constant technology advances. "Hold on," she grinned, "it’s going to be a crazy ride".</p><h3 ><strong>About Susie</strong></h3><p>Susie Zimber took a position at Zoom Media &amp; Marketing in October of 2012. She brought to Zoom a blended background of OOH sales and agency experience previously from Outcast Fitness, Kinetic WW and Zenith Media. At the end of the day she understands the shared struggles of her agency partners and clients and knows how important it is to be a resource to those in need of her help and enjoys working alongside them to deliver the objectives of the campaign from start to completion. 2014 has already proven to be a big year for Zimber as she is already pacing beyond her sales goal as of March 15<sup>th</sup>!</p><p>Zimber is a graduate of Boston College with a BA degree in Communications. She currently lives with her husband on the Upper East Side of Manhattan and enjoys going to the gym (of course!), running in Central Park, watching movies and hanging out with friends and family.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Eye Airports Converts to Broadsign International, LLC’s Digital Signage Software]]><![CDATA[

The United Kingdom’s largest airport advertising company selects Broadsign software to power its digital signage network. London, England. May 6, 2014. The largest airport advertising company in the United Kingdom, Eye Airports, has selected Broadsign International, LLC’s cloud-based digital signage software platform to power its network of screens across 28 airports in the UK. The […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/eye-airports-converts-to-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/eye-airports-converts-to-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 06 May 2014 03:00:26 GMT<h4 >The United Kingdom’s largest airport advertising company selects Broadsign software to power its digital signage network.</h4><p>London, England. May 6, 2014. The largest airport advertising company in the United Kingdom, Eye Airports, has selected Broadsign International, LLC’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">cloud-based digital signage software</a> platform to power its network of screens across 28 airports in the UK. The initiative follows the merger announcement of Eye Corp UK and Airport Partners in December 2013.</p><p>The initial conversion of 200 Eye Airports screens to Broadsign software took place in 13 airports this March and will continue with further rollout. The network is present in major national hubs such as London Gatwick, Manchester Airport and London Stansted. It consists of 46", 55" and 70" LCD screens and video walls along with large format LEDs, and reaches over 100 million passengers annually.</p><p>"The flexibility of Broadsign’s platform stood out from alternative solutions for the airport environment and as such, we approached the company directly to discuss Eye Airports’ requirements," said Andrew Walker, Chairman and CEO of Eye Airports. "Broadsign software has improved our CMS reliability and analysis, increasing our confidence that ad playback meets our customers’ high expectations."</p><p>Eye Airports exclusively plays advertising content to valuable and diverse audiences of business and leisure passengers who experience significant dwell times in prestigious, enclosed spaces. According to a 2010 behaviour study by Eye Airports, 98% of Eye Airports passengers agree they arrive early to shop at the airport and 70% are open to finding out about new products and services when in the airport environment.</p><p>The positive mindset of consumers and their openness to advertising influence is attractive to Eye Airports customers, such as luxury brands Chanel and Longines. Airlines like Virgin Airways, British Airways and easyJet take advantage of the 46% of Eye Airports passengers who say that airport advertising makes them aware of travel companies and services (Eye Travel and Tourism Survey 2012)."Broadsign has firmly established itself as a leader in the <a href="https://broadsign.com/transit-digital-signage" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">transit vertical</a> and our partnership with Eye Airports affirms the strength of our platform in the airport environment," said Skip Beloff, Vice President of Sales at Broadsign. "Transit networks are especially good at pushing us to develop features for innovative campaigns and we look forward to assisting Eye Airports by providing them with the opportunity to add new and creative dimensions to upcoming projects."</p><h2 ><b>About Broadsign</b></h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based software for digital signage networks. Its platform was designed exclusively as a management system for media companies operating digital out-of-home and digital place-based media networks, giving them an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. After over a decade in the industry, Broadsign’s latest incarnation, Broadsign X, has become a mature and reliable fit for all digital signage software needs and its Android-based smart player, Broadsign Xpress, has decreased the cost of deploying digital signage compared to PC-based hardware alternatives.Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive network and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 ><b>About Eye Airports</b></h2><p>Eye Airports are the UK’s National Airport Advertising experts, with offices in London, Manchester and Harrogate. Their advertising solutions reach over 100 million passengers a year, with significant growth forecasted. They provide national and regional UK Airport Advertising solutions, combining traditional Out of Home Advertising formats with their innovative Digital HD Screens, Experiential and Sponsorship opportunities.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[PetCARE TV, LLC Converts to Broadsign International, LLC’s Digital Signage Software]]><![CDATA[

Predominant digital signage network in veterinarian offices uses Broadsign’s cloud-based platform to power its growing number of screens. Baltimore, MD. April 24th, 2014. PetCARE TV, LLC, the subsidiary of Care Media and CaerVision, has converted its network of 1,750 screens to Broadsign International, LLC’s leading digital signage software platform. The healthcare network plans to be […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/petcare-tv-converts-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/petcare-tv-converts-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 24 Apr 2014 07:00:16 GMT<h2 >Predominant digital signage network in veterinarian offices uses Broadsign’s cloud-based platform to power its growing number of screens.</h2><p>Baltimore, MD. April 24th, 2014. PetCARE TV, LLC, the subsidiary of Care Media and CaerVision, has converted its network of 1,750 screens to Broadsign International, LLC’s leading <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital signage software platform</a>. The healthcare network plans to be situated in 5,000 locations by 2016. Founded in the early 1990’s, PetCARE TV operates 32"-42" LED screens in the waiting rooms of veterinarian offices and holds close to a 100% market share within the vertical.</p><p>The network’s audience of over 1.5 million viewers per month are exposed to 40 minutes of educational content per hour, lessening perceived wait time and informing viewers of the procedures and services offered by the veterinarian. The remaining 20 minutes are set for advertising by big box retailers, pharmaceutical companies and brands for packaged goods such as cat litter and dog food. Doctors running PetCARE TV’s eight hour content loop are able to customize it as desired, and appreciate the network for its help in selling services and products while educating and entertaining pet owners.</p><p>"PetCARE TV is the product of two separate networks that were running on different software platforms, which created a huge headache," said Kim Sarubbi, President of PetCARE TV. "Broadsign allowed us to migrate to one platform and its software possesses all the features and benefits we were looking for. It was a real win-win situation."</p><p>Broadsign features used by PetCARE TV include monitoring to ensure screens are consistently on and reporting to seamlessly assist in the fulfillment of ad buy contracts. "Broadsign has developed an exceptional reputation in the <a href="/healthcare-digital-signage" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">healthcare and point-of-care</a> spheres," said Skip Beloff, Broadsign’s Vice President of Sales. "We are happy to provide our services to PetCARE TV and know that they, along with our other healthcare customers, will continue to request new innovations that only Broadsign can deliver."</p><h2 ><b>About Broadsign</b></h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based software for digital signage networks. Its platform was designed exclusively as a management system for media companies operating digital out-of-home and digital place-based media networks, giving them an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. After over a decade in the industry, Broadsign’s latest incarnation, Broadsign X, has become a mature and reliable fit for all digital signage software needs and its Android-based smart player, Broadsign Xpress, has decreased the cost of deploying digital signage compared to PC-based hardware alternatives.Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive network and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 ><b>About PetCARE TV</b></h2><p>PetCARE TV, LLC is a leader in providing the veterinary profession with client education tools to improve client awareness of pet health needs and the role their veterinarian plays in the delivery of these services. Improved compliance by the pet owner is the objective resulting in an improved bottom line for the veterinary practice.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Adspace Networks Converts to Broadsign International, LLC’s Digital Signage Software]]><![CDATA[

The largest in-mall video network selects Broadsign to power its displays in more than 200 of the country’s top malls April 3, 2014 – New York – Adspace Networks, owner and operator of Adspace Digital Mall Network, the largest Nielsen-measured digital place-based video network in the United States, announced today that it has selected Broadsign […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/adspace-networks-converts-to-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/adspace-networks-converts-to-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 03 Apr 2014 07:00:43 GMT<h2 >The largest in-mall video network selects Broadsign to power its displays in more than 200 of the country’s top malls</h2><p><b>April 3, 2014 &#8211; New York &#8211;</b> <a href="http://www.adspacenetworks.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Adspace Networks</a>, owner and operator of Adspace Digital Mall Network, the largest Nielsen-measured digital place-based video network in the United States, announced today that it has selected <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign International, LLC’s digital signage software</a> to power its displays in over 200 of America’s best malls.</p><p>Adspace has been aggressively expanding network partnerships, resulting in a broad range of different screens, configurations and formats. The scope, complexity and quality of the network’s content have also increased. To accommodate this growth and ensure their digital signage needs would be met moving forward, the company required a partner with a more robust operating system and a history of innovation to meet their clients’ changing needs. Broadsign was selected as the best match for these factors, as well as for its extensive <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-programmatic-digital-out-of-home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">programmatic ad placement</a> capabilities. The conversion to Broadsign’s software platform began in March and is expected to be completed by the end of April.</p><p>"Adspace reaches 48 million individuals across the country’s top 45 DMAs every four weeks by providing programming that enhances the shopping experience," said Peter Krieger, President and COO at Adspace Networks, Inc. "We decided to convert to Broadsign’s digital signage software because it’s a seamless fit for us to ensure viewers are exposed to constant uptime and premium playback, and can handle our dynamic data requirements over a myriad of platforms. Moreover, Broadsign has made a strong commitment to programmatic and real time buying execution, which we see as a major driver of our industry’s growth."</p><p>Skip Beloff, Broadsign’s Vice President of Sales, said, "Adspace displays are viewed at a high frequency by shoppers in the United States’ most superior malls and as such, every facet of the network must bring quality performance. I’m certain that Broadsign’s robust and scalable platform, along with our Broadsign Connect solution, will satisfy these expectations."</p><p>Broadsign is an industry leader, singularly focused on digital place-based advertising and dedicated to adapting to its partners. As an important element of place-based advertising, Broadsign has incorporated proper programming and coding bandwidth to handle programmatic requests; this provides third party verification and a more robust proof of performance system for partners and customers.Both Broadsign and Adspace are members of the <a href="http://www.dp-aa.org/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Digital Place-based Advertising Association</a> and <a href="http://www.oaaa.org/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Outdoor Advertising Association of America</a>. For more information about Broadsign digital signage software, book a meeting with a Broadsign representative at the upcoming TAB/OAAA conference.</p><h2 ><b>About Broadsign</b></h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based software for digital signage networks. Its platform was designed exclusively as a management system for media companies operating digital out-of-home and digital place-based media networks, giving them an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. After over a decade in the industry, Broadsign’s latest incarnation, Broadsign X, has become a mature and reliable fit for all digital signage software needs and its Android-based smart player, Broadsign Xpress, has decreased the cost of deploying digital signage compared to PC-based hardware alternatives. Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive network and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 ><b>About Adspace Networks, Inc.</b></h2><p>Adspace Networks, Inc. (<a href="http://www.adspacenetworks.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">www.adspacenetworks.com</a>) owns and operates the Adspace Digital Mall Network, the largest Nielsen measured digital place-based video network in the country. Currently located throughout 205 Class A malls across the United States, the network consists of 2,878 HD "Smart Screens" in two formats: nine foot "floor mounts" in portrait format and 42 to 63 inch "aerials" in landscape format. The Smart Screens show programming that enhances the shopping experience; combining a mix of the best deals, latest fashion trends, hot new merchandise, style tips, local weather, and entertainment news. The network reaches 48 millionuniqueindividuals each month (source: Scarborough), and is particularly effective at reaching teens, young men, and women of all ages. Adspace is also a charter member of the Digital Place-based Advertisings Association (DPAA), an organization that is helping to provide standards and best practices for the burgeoning, digital place-based video advertising industry.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign International, LLC Integrates with Quividi’s Automated Audience Measurement System]]><![CDATA[

The leading provider of digital signage solutions teams with Quividi to deliver enhanced audience information to network operators. MONTREAL, CANADA. Mar.31, 2014. Broadsign International, LLC has announced that an upcoming upgrade to its cloud-based digital signage software, Broadsign X 10.3, includes integration with Quividi’s audience measurement platform. Quividi is the most deployed measurement solution in […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-integrates-with-quividihttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-integrates-with-quividi<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 31 Mar 2014 03:00:49 GMT<h2 >The leading provider of digital signage solutions teams with Quividi to deliver enhanced audience information to network operators.</h2><p>MONTREAL, CANADA. Mar.31, 2014. Broadsign International, LLC has announced that an upcoming upgrade to its <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">cloud-based digital signage software</a>, Broadsign X 10.3, includes integration with Quividi’s audience measurement platform. Quividi is the most deployed measurement solution in the digital signage market and is a fitting addition to Broadsign’s standardized platform that powers over 200 digital signage networks.</p><p>The Broadsign X 10.3 software upgrade was disclosed at Broadsign’s Second Annual Client Summit held in Las Vegas on February 11, 2014. The integration with Quividi will allow for the collection of audience counts and the inclusion of these impressions into proof of play reports. It will also permit the triggering of content based on gender, meaning that ad copy will react and adapt to the demographics of the audience viewing a screen in real time.</p><p>"Quividi’s camera-based audience measurement system aims to render point-of-sale and <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/out-of-home-advertising/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">out-of-home marketing</a> strategies as accurate and accountable as their digital counterparts," said Olivier Duizabo, Co-founder and CEO at Quividi. "Integrating with Broadsign’s platform and having the potential to run on its vast aggregate of digital place-based networks will assist in attaining this goal."</p><p>Already making use of the Quividi features available through Broadsign’s upgraded platform is <a href="/blog/how-grandi-stazioni-retail-uses-relevant-and-targeted-campaigns-to-stop-travellers-in-their-tracks" rel="noopener noreferrer">Grandi Stazioni S.p.A</a>. The conversion of Grandi Stazioni’s Italian transit network reaching 700 million people annually to Broadsign’s digital signage platform was publicized in January 2014. Grandi Stazioni has since activated the new audience measurement features and enrolled Dialogica, a Quividi partner, to build a complete set of traditional media metrics and innovative insight, including the calculation of net coverage, frequency and resulting GRP.</p><p>"Broadsign holds its services and products to very high standards and we expect those in our ecosystem to do the same," said Daniel Parisien, Vice President of Marketing and Strategy at Broadsign. "Quividi’s audience measurement solution is an accurate and reliable addition to Broadsign’s platform, and we look forward to our partnership’s future progressions."</p><p>Quividi’s platform delivers a rich set of data to understand how by-passers engage with a screen, such as the number of opportunities to see, number of real viewers, attention time and dwell time, broken down by gender and age class. Those interested in obtaining further information about how Quividi audience measurement can be used in their networks are invited to submit a form to speak with a representative. If your network is not yet running on Broadsign’s platform, sign up for a <a href="https://broadsign.com/free-trial/">free trial of Broadsign’s digital signage software</a>.</p><h2 ><b>About Broadsign</b></h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based software for digital signage networks. Its platform was designed exclusively as a management system for media companies operating digital out-of-home and digital place-based media networks, giving them an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. After over a decade in the industry, Broadsign’s latest incarnation, Broadsign X, has become a mature and reliable fit for all digital signage software needs and its Android-based smart player, Broadsign Xpress, has decreased the cost of deploying digital signage compared to PC-based hardware alternatives. Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive network and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 ><b>About Quividi</b></h2><p>Quividi provides a real-time video analytics solution that helps media owners, retailers and brands finely count and qualify their audiences. Using the latest face and body detection technique and running on standard hardware, the Quividi solution delivers exhaustive metrics on viewers, opportunities to see, attention time and demographics, in a completely anonymous fashion and without ever recording any image or personal data. Based in Paris, France, Quividi pioneered the anonymous face detection category in 2006 and is the world leader in Digital Out Of Home audience measurement, with customers in over 43 countries and more than 2.5 billion faces analyzed. For more information about Quividi, visit <a href="http://www.quividi.com/">http://quividi.com</a>.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Health Media Network, LLC Furthers Investment in Broadsign International, LLC’s Digital Signage Solutions]]><![CDATA[

The fastest growing digital point-of-care media company in the United States escalates its partnership with Broadsign and Broadsign Xpress to power over 6,000 screens. Stamford, CT. March 19, 2014. Health Media Network, LLC, the fastest growing digital point-of-care media company in the United States continues to expand and power its screens in medical offices and […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/health-media-network-broadsign-digital-signage-solutionshttps://broadsign.com/blog/health-media-network-broadsign-digital-signage-solutions<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 19 Mar 2014 07:00:45 GMT<h2 >The fastest growing digital point-of-care media company in the United States escalates its partnership with Broadsign and Broadsign Xpress to power over 6,000 screens.</h2><p>Stamford, CT. March 19, 2014. <a href="/blog/how-hmns-digital-signage-network-empowers-patients-to-take-their-health-into-their-own-hands" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Health Media Network, LLC</a>, the fastest growing digital point-of-care media company in the United States continues to expand and power its screens in medical offices and healthcare systems with Broadsign International, LLC’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">cloud-based digital signage software</a> and solutions. Health Media Network (HMN) has been one of the biggest consumers of Broadsign’s Android-based smart player, Broadsign Xpress. All of the company’s deployments have been standardized on the media player since it became available to the market in August 2013.</p><p>HMN reaches 44,000 high-prescribing physicians and over 200 million patients and&nbsp;caregivers annually through over 6,000 screens, delivering trusted healthcare communications that advance consumer health literacy and facilitate better conversations between doctors and patients. The network’s turnkey offering is completely advertiser-subsidized and provided at no charge to physicians.</p><p>"After several years of operating Broadsign’s robust and automated software on our growing network and benefiting from its increased functionality, we saw a promising revenue potential by adopting the fully-featured and -supported Broadsign Xpress smart player," says Christopher Culver, President and CEO of HMN. "By working together, HMN and Broadsign have created a successful formula of layering services, leveraging locations and maximizing the power of the prescribing doctor."</p><p>HMN installs and maintains equipment, and uses Broadsign’s platform to remotely monitor and manage programming. The Broadsign Creator web application enables offices and their screens to run different content, ensures that dynamic content is constantly refreshed via the Internet and accommodates copy changes within 24 hours.</p><p>In addition to HMN’s support of Broadsign solutions, the company works with Broadsign to promote thought leadership in the digital signage healthcare vertical. HMN’s Chief Operating Officer, Larry Newman, was the featured keynote speaker at the recent <a href="http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/health-media-network-keynotes-european-point-of-care-digital-ad-summit-232487951.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign Executive Forum: Healthcare</a> in Germany and most recently spoke, in conjunction with Broadsign, at Digital Signage Expo. Key points included managing large health system deployments, stakeholders necessary for success and opportunistic trends happening in American and global health markets.</p><p>According to industry data published by DTC Perspectives, Inc., digital point-of-care will be at least 10% of direct-to-consumer (DTC) budget allocations in the next five years. That equates to $400-500 million in advertising spending, of which HMN intends to own a significant share due to an aggressive growth trajectory of acquisitions and organic expansion.</p><p>"As Broadsign is heavily invested in the healthcare market, we are proud to work with a best in class point-of-care leader such as HMN," said Skip Beloff, Broadsign’s Vice President of Sales. "The content and technology partnership of Broadsign and HMN is effectively engaging, motivating and activating patients to effectively close the gap between patients and their physicians."</p><h2 ><b>About Broadsign</b></h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based software for digital signage networks. Its platform was designed exclusively as a management system for media companies operating digital out-of-home and digital place-based media networks, giving them an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. After over a decade in the industry, Broadsign’s latest incarnation, Broadsign X, has become a mature and reliable fit for all digital signage software needs and its Android-based smart player, Broadsign Xpress, has decreased the cost of deploying digital signage compared to PC-based hardware alternatives. Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive network and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 ><b>About Health Media Network</b></h2><p>Launched in 2007, Health Media Network, (HMN), is the fastest growing digital point-of-care media company in the U.S. providing education and health content in physician waiting rooms through a platform of 25 specialty health television networks.&nbsp; Using the latest digital technology, HMN is able to customize content that provides physicians and marketers with relevant programming for their messages that advance health and healthcare outcomes to targeted audiences. HMN currently reaches over 40,000 physicians in medical offices and healthcare systems across the country. For more information, please visit Health Media Network at <a href="http://www.hmnads.com/">www.hmnads.com</a>.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Mondelez International, Inc. Chooses Broadsign International, LLC for its Interactive Vending Network]]><![CDATA[

World’s pre-eminent maker of snacks uses Broadsign’s digital signage software for new diji-touch deployment. CHICAGO, IL. Feb.10, 2014. One of the world’s largest snack manufacturers, Mondelez International, Inc., has selected Broadsign International, LLC’s digital signage content management platform for its diji-touch interactive vending machines. The initial deployment of diji-touch is part of a national rollout […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/mondelez-chooses-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/mondelez-chooses-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Mon, 10 Feb 2014 09:00:39 GMT<h2 >World’s pre-eminent maker of snacks uses Broadsign’s digital signage software for new diji-touch deployment.</h2><p>CHICAGO, IL. Feb.10, 2014. One of the world’s largest snack manufacturers, Mondelez International, Inc., has selected Broadsign International, LLC’s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital signage content management</a> platform for its diji-touch interactive vending machines. The initial deployment of diji-touch is part of a national rollout occurring within the next 18 to 24 months, with a goal of 1,500 machines deployed in the first year. The network will be situated in hospitals, colleges and universities and high traffic location types such as museums and public transit.</p><p>The diji-touch machines feature interactive, touch screen enabled LED monitors, Microsoft Kinect motion sensors and NFC readers. HD motion graphics and 3D views of packaging, ingredients and nutrition facts contribute to an average dwell time exceeding 6 minutes and a threefold sales increase according to Beta Test results. This offering of heightened consumer engagement at the point of purchase presents media placement opportunities for both endemic advertisers whose products are in the vending machines and non-endemic advertisers seeking a <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital out-of-home network</a>.</p><p>"We became aware of Broadsign when our agency, Digitas, conducted an RFI and RFP to determine who offered the highest grade solutions for digital out-of-home ad serving," said Michael Miller, Director of Marketing Foodservice at Mondelez. "Broadsign software was selected as the best fit for our needs because it supports the development of interactive features allowing the diji-touch network to create unique connections with consumers as they purchase products."</p><p>The diji-touch network will increase the level of interaction achievable in Mondelez’s multichannel campaigns. In promotion of Oreo, one of Mondelez’s 9 billion-dollar brands, consumers are invited to draw a smile in the icing of an Oreo cookie on a diji-touch screen prior to purchase.</p><p>"Broadsign prides itself for bringing constant innovation to the digital signage industry, and as such, we are thrilled to support the diji-touch network," said Skip Beloff, Broadsign’s Vice President of Sales. "These interactive vending machines completely change the traditional consumer experience and our software is a safe bet for enhancing future interactions."</p><p>A Mondelez representative will be speaking about the diji-touch deployment at Broadsign’s Second Annual Client Summit in Las Vegas on February 11, and a functional diji-touch machine will be present at Broadsign’s booth (714) during Digital Signage Expo. Please visit broadsign.com to schedule a meeting at the event and learn more about Broadsign’s digital signage software.</p><h2 ><b>About Broadsign</b></h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of cloud-based software for digital signage networks. Its platform was designed exclusively as a management system for media companies operating digital out-of-home and digital place-based media networks, giving them an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. After over a decade in the industry, Broadsign’s latest incarnation, Broadsign X, has become a mature and reliable fit for all digital signage software needs and its Android-based smart player, Broadsign Xpress, has decreased the cost of deploying digital signage compared to PC-based hardware alternatives. Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive network and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit<a href="https://broadsign.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Grandi Stazioni S.p.A. Converts its Transit Network to Broadsign International, LLC’s Software]]><![CDATA[

Italy’s 14 major rail stations to expand their digital offerings and add audience measurement. Rome, Italy (PRWEB) January 09, 2014.Grandi Stazioni S.p.A., owner of the Grandi Stazioni Media digital signage network, has converted toBroadsign International, LLC’s cloud-based digital signage software platform. The company plans to extend its current portfolio of 1,100 55” screens, 80 interactive […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/grandi-stazioni-converts-transit-network-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/grandi-stazioni-converts-transit-network-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 09 Jan 2014 03:00:23 GMT<h3 >Italy’s 14 major rail stations to expand their digital offerings and add audience measurement.</h3><p>Rome, Italy (PRWEB) January 09, 2014.&nbsp;Grandi Stazioni S.p.A., owner of the <a href="/blog/how-grandi-stazioni-retail-uses-relevant-and-targeted-campaigns-to-stop-travellers-in-their-tracks" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Grandi Stazioni Media</a> digital signage network, has converted to&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign International, LLC’s cloud-based digital signage software platform</a>. The company plans to extend its current portfolio of 1,100 55" screens, 80 interactive totems and 10 LED/LCD billboards to 1,300 55" and 70" screens, 250 interactive totems and 30 LED/LCDs by the end of 2015.</p><p>The Grandi Stazioni network reaches 700 million people annually, over one half of this traffic generated from the Roma Termini, Milano Centrale, Torino Porta Nuova and Napoli Centrale stations. All advertising campaigns are monitored by Nielsen, and accounted for 15% of transit and 44% of DOOH advertising in Italy in 2012.</p><p>"We selected Broadsign’s digital signage software to power our rail station network after a six month evaluation of the market leader," said Fabio Battaggia, CEO of Grandi Stazioni. "Broadsign’s campaign management features, such as excellent reporting and the ability to integrate with <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dooh-metrics/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">audience metrics</a> software, are perfectly suited to our goals of providing advertisers with direct feedback on their ROI and affirming a prominent position in the Italian DOOH market."</p><p>All screens are strategically positioned in food courts, shopping galleries, rail platforms, waiting areas, subway entrances and external spaces. Loop lengths differ based on location and dwell time. These touch points allow advertisers to create and maintain a strong and engaging dialogue with targeted consumers during the commuting and traveling journey.</p><p>To enhance this experience, Grandi Stazioni is moving from a purely advertising model to one that incorporates rail traffic information, news and local store promotions. In addition to traditional video ads, the network’s over 200 DOOH customers are beginning to use <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/dynamic-and-interactive-content" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">rich media format and interactivity</a> to communicate with consumers.</p><p>Recent campaigns include a&nbsp;<a href="http://www.romatermini.com/en/event/#bakeoff-at-roma-termini" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Discovery TV show launch</a>&nbsp;based on Twitter, a&nbsp;<a href="http://www.romatermini.com/en/event/#kelloggs-and-dottor-sorriso-onlus-at-the-station" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Kellogg’s charity spot</a>&nbsp;using augmented reality and a live YouTube connection, and a&nbsp;<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSLoqFSxoG0" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">SkyTV Video on Demand launch</a>&nbsp;using augmented reality and a Twitter wall.</p><p>"The successful conversion to Broadsign’s software and current extension of Grandi Stazioni’s network provides yet another example of how in using Broadsign’s cloud-based platform, companies are able to quickly and easily manage impressive campaigns with limited operational costs and high flexibility," said Brian Dusho, Broadsign’s CEO.</p><h2 ><strong>About Broadsign</strong></h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of Software as a Service for digital signage networks. Its software platform was designed exclusively as a management system for media companies operating digital out-of-home and digital place-based media networks, giving them an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. After ten years in the industry, Broadsign’s latest incarnation, Broadsign X, has become a mature and reliable fit for all digital signage software needs and its Android-based smart player, Broadsign Xpress, has decreased the cost of deploying digital signage compared to PC-based hardware alternatives. Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive network and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 ><strong>About Grandi Stazioni</strong></h2><p>Upgrading, valorizing and managing Italy’s 14 largest railway stations: this is the key objective of Grandi Stazioni Spa, 60% of which is owned by the Italian rail operator, Ferrovie dello Stato, while the remaining 40% is held by the company Eurostazioni Spa, in partnership with Edizione Srl (Benetton Group), Vianini Lavori Spa (Caltagirone Group), Pirelli &amp; C. Spa (Pirelli Group) and Sncf Partecipations S.A. (Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer). The stations of Milano Centrale, Torino Porta Nuova, Genova Brignole and Genova Piazza Principe, Venezia Mestre and Venezia S. Lucia, Verona Porta Nuova, Bologna Centrale, Firenze S.M. Novella, Roma Termini, Roma Tiburtina, Napoli Centrale, Bari Centrale and Palermo Centrale are all gateways to the country, and first impressions count.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Branded Cities Network Chooses Broadsign for its Harmon Corner Digital Display]]><![CDATA[

Situated on the Las Vegas Strip, the world’s largest continuous full-motion LED display now runs on the Broadsign X software platform. PHOENIX, AZ. September 10, 2013. Branded Cities Networkhas announced the conversion of its renowned Harmon Corner Digital Screen toBroadsign International, LLC’s digital signage software platform, Broadsign X. Measuring 60’ x 310’ in size, the […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/branded-cities-network-broadsign-digital-signage-software-harmon-corner-digital-screenhttps://broadsign.com/blog/branded-cities-network-broadsign-digital-signage-software-harmon-corner-digital-screen<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 10 Sep 2013 08:00:27 GMT<h4 >Situated on the Las Vegas Strip, the world&#8217;s largest continuous full-motion LED display now runs on the Broadsign X software platform.</h4><p>PHOENIX, AZ. September 10, 2013.<a href="http://brandedcities.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> Branded Cities Network</a>has announced the conversion of its renowned Harmon Corner Digital Screen to<a href="https://broadsign.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign International, LLC</a>’s digital signage software platform, Broadsign X. Measuring 60’ x 310’ in size, the LED board is longer than the length of a football field and equivalent to the area of more than 27 typical highway displays.</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign’s software</a> will be used to manage Harmon Corner’s out-of-home programming. The digital screen airs mostly advertising-based content that permits full or split screen messaging, name and logo rebranding, and interaction via mobile phones and social media.</p><p>The screen’s campaigns are intended to generate international publicity and uplift in sales for high profile brands such as McDonald’s, Pepsi, Walgreens, Anheuser-Busch, Cirque du Soleil, Rolex and Diageo."The Harmon Corner display offers endless potential for place-based consumer engagement," said Scott Elliot, Vice President of Sales at Branded Cities," and allows brands to communicate with a consistently large audience around the clock."</p><p>BCN already uses Broadsign’s content management software for some of its digital signage applications consisting of LED screens located in densely populated areas, such as the Denver Theater District, Los Angeles and the Las Vegas Strip. With the latter having attracted almost 40 million visitors in 2012, according to a 2012 report from the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, Harmon Corner is ideally situated to capture impressions from the Strip’s substantial daily vehicular and pedestrian traffic."We selected Broadsign’s platform to power Harmon Corner not only for its ability to distribute content to multiple platforms and provideprecise reporting, but because their services department went above and beyond to develop a unique method of handling large format digital displays with pixel counts over 30 million," said Elliot. "We could not be more pleased with Broadsign’s software."</p><p>"Harmon Corner is one of the most visible and spectacular digital screens in the world. The flexibility and high performance of theBroadsign X platformmade supporting such a world-leading display an exciting challenge. Now BCN will be able to reap the rewards of the increased efficiencies and creative possibilities that make running on Broadsign so worthwhile," noted Skip Beloff, Vice President of Sales at Broadsign.</p><h2 ><strong>About Broadsign</strong></h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the first global provider of Software as a Service for digital signage networks. Its software platform was designed exclusively as a management system for media companies operating digital out-of-home and digital place-based media networks, giving them an unlimited capacity for growth without adding personnel. After ten years in the industry, Broadsign’s latest incarnation, Broadsign X, has become a mature and reliable fit for all digital signage software needs and its Android-based smart player, Broadsign Xpress, has decreased the cost of deploying digital signage compared to PC-based hardware alternatives. Broadsign’s constant growth, extensive network and dedication to predicting and responding to industry trends make its digital signage solutions a safe bet for the future of networks with even the most complex of requirements. For more information about Broadsign, visit<a href="https://broadsign.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 ><strong>About Branded Cities</strong></h2><p>Branded Cities Network is a digital and spectacular media company with iconic signage in iconic destinations throughout the United States. The Branded Cities Network promotes national and local brands throughout its network of spectacular, static and digital sign displays. Branded Cities focuses on providing unique solutions for brands to help them reach the ever-elusive consumer. We call this "Brandscaping". Brandscaping is the delicate art of merging brand experiences with people’s lives. Brandscaping is achieved by combining static and digital spectacular signage, with branded entitlements (plazas, parks and public spaces), product-purchase integration, mobile marketing, social media and other engaging technologies, as well as naming rights opportunities. When put into action, Brandscaping allows brands to be experienced multi-dimensionally in a controlled environment, reaching consumers with entertaining elements that produce instant results.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[oOh! – Australia’s Most Diverse DOOH Ad Network Converts to Broadsign International, LLC’s Platform]]><![CDATA[

Deployment of over 900 screens will run on the Broadsign X digital signage software platform. MONTREAL, CANADA. May 28, 2013. oOh! Media, Australia’s largest owner of digital out-of-home advertising environments, has completed the conversion of its digital signs toBroadsign International, LLC’s software,Broadsign X. The deployment represents over 500 screens in retail, as well as over […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-australias-converts-to-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/ooh-australias-converts-to-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 28 May 2013 09:00:53 GMT<h4 >Deployment of over 900 screens will run on the Broadsign X digital signage software platform.</h4><p>MONTREAL, CANADA. May 28, 2013. <a href="http://www.oohmedia.com.au/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">oOh! Media</a>, Australia’s largest owner of digital out-of-home advertising environments, has completed the conversion of its digital signs to&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign International, LLC</a>’s software,&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign X</a>. The deployment represents over 500 screens in retail, as well as over 130 displays in airports, 120 pubs and bars, 100 screens in universities across Australia and New Zealand and all of oOh!’s digital billboards.</p><p>oOh!’s versatile selection of digital formats and locations reach more than 100 million travellers each year and over 11 million shoppers each fortnight. Advertisers such as Volkswagen, Coca Cola, Kraft and the Australian Government are among the network’s regular clients. The company offers an arsenal of creative content strategies that are aimed at engaging consumers while away from home. Many campaigns can now <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/dynamic-and-interactive-content" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">allow viewers to interact with digital signs</a> and make purchases using their mobile devices.</p><p>"Our strength is in engaging a connection between advertisers and their consumers using creative campaigns enabled by the latest <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">DOOH media technology,</a>" said John Purcell, Commercial Director of Operations and Business Systems at oOh! "Broadsign’s software allows us to combine pinpoint content targeting with a massive scale of campaigns in a very efficient way," he added.</p><p>"The oOh! deployment expands our foothold in Australia and New Zealand," stated Broadsign’s Vice President of Sales, Skip Beloff. "oOh! is the leader of&nbsp;digital out-of-home media&nbsp;in the region and we are honored to provide <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">efficiency and automation</a> for their impressive advertising operations."</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International LLC is the leading global provider of software-as-a-service for digital signage networks. Its software allows networks to target out-of-home audiences, place advertising or promotional campaigns, play back scheduled content on each screen and account for campaign performance. Some of the world’s largest and most successful digital signage networks run on Broadsign’s platform. They take advantage of its comprehensive functionality, reliability and virtually unlimited capacity for growing networks without adding personnel. Broadsign is consistently ranked among the top 3 global digital signage software suppliers and received the <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/global-growth-leadership-award-to-broadsign" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">2012 Global Growth Leadership Award</a> in the Digital Signage Software market from Frost &amp; Sullivan. In 2013 Broadsign expanded its portfolio by offering a fully-featured and fully-supported smart player, Broadsign Xpress. The industry-changing hardware device allows network operators to deploy digital signage at a fraction of the cost of PC-based alternatives. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 >About oOh!</h2><p>oOh! specialises in providing clients with creative media solutions to connect with more consumers while they are away from home. We do this through our diverse product offerings across road, retail, airport, experiential and place based media throughout urban and regional Australia and OOH businesses in New Zealand and Indonesia. The company also offers the largest digital advertising network in Australia.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Stayhealthy, Inc. Selects Broadsign International, LLC in Strategic Alliance to Deploy its HealthCENTER Kiosk Network Nationwide]]><![CDATA[

Initial deployment across all Kroger® stores with pharmacies to be followed by expansion to other major retail chains. MONTREAL, CANADA. April 30, 2013 – Health solutions provider Stayhealthy, Inc. has selected Broadsign International, LLC as its digital signage software provider for deployment of its network of HealthCENTER kiosks across the United States. The initial, completed […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/stayhealthy-inc-selects-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/stayhealthy-inc-selects-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:59:47 GMT<h4 >Initial deployment across all Kroger® stores with pharmacies to be followed by expansion to other major retail chains.</h4><p>MONTREAL, CANADA. April 30, 2013 &#8211; Health solutions provider Stayhealthy, Inc. has selected Broadsign International, LLC as its <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital signage software</a> provider for deployment of its network of HealthCENTER kiosks across the United States. The initial, completed deployment of approximately 2,000 kiosks includes Kroger grocery stores where the self-service, health screening kiosks are situated in waiting areas of in-store pharmacies. </p><p>The plug-and-play kiosks are FDA-cleared and offer convenient, easy-to-use, clinical-grade health screenings. Consumers can measure key health indicators including blood pressure, heart rate, total body weight, total body composition (lean mass, body fat, hydration index), vision (color blindness) and BMI. Consumers may also upload personal blood glucose meter and activity monitor data to track their personal results over time to assist in improving health.</p><p>Stayhealthy’s new generation of health screening kiosks are the nation’s first and currently only available platform that connects health screening kiosks with Class II medical devices and digital activity monitors united by a secure, HIPAA-compliant online portal installed in over 3,000 professional, medical offices involved in wellness and weight loss programs around the world.</p><p>The deployment of the Stayhealthy® HealthCENTER Kiosk Network™ offers consumers the convenience of accurate, self-service measuring of key health indicators at no charge as they shop. Users may also register at the kiosk and receive access to their own personal, Stayhealthy online health record account (Stayhealthy® Dashboard™) to automatically track and monitor their results from any web access location, 24/7.</p><p>"With access to affordable healthcare remaining a challenge for a large portion of the population, Stayhealthy is addressing the need by offering an easy-to-use and convenient solution," stated John Collins, chief executive officer of Stayhealthy, "to empower and engage consumers to securely and accurately measure and monitor key health indicators to improve their health. We are excited to engage Broadsign as our premier platform provider to manage both our rapid content deployment and complex network operations. We appreciate that Broadsign brings robust functionality, flexibility and support to Stayhealthy’s HealthCENTER Kiosk Network™."</p><p>Stayhealthy’s primary mission is to increase consumer access to convenient and accurate health screenings and solutions. Employers, provider groups and public health organizations share a vested interest in connecting with these communities. The Stayhealthy network of health screening kiosks will be funded in part by revenues received from digital advertising and health-related messaging played on the touchscreen and, optional, 32-inch HD LCD display while consumers wait between health screenings. This dwell time offers opportunities for marketers, especially those in health categories, to participate.</p><p>"We are very pleased that Broadsign was selected as the digital signage engine for the Stayhealthy® HealthCENTER Network™," noted Skip Beloff, Broadsign’s vice president of sales. "Our track record demonstrates that Broadsign is a safe bet when it comes to network uptime, maximum automation and the ability to expand networks efficiently and effectively."</p><h2 ><strong>About Broadsign International LLC</strong></h2><p>Broadsign International, LLC is the leading global provider of software-as-a-service for digital signage networks. Its software allows networks to target out-of-home audiences, place advertising or promotional campaigns, play back scheduled content on each screen and account for campaign performance. Some of the world’s largest and most successful digital signage networks run on Broadsign’s platform. They take advantage of its comprehensive functionality, reliability and virtually unlimited capacity for growing networks without adding personnel. Broadsign is consistently ranked among the top 3 global digital signage software suppliers and <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/global-growth-leadership-award-to-broadsign" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">received the 2012 Global Growth Leadership Award</a> in the Digital Signage Software market from Frost &amp; Sullivan. In 2013 Broadsign expanded its portfolio by offering a fully-featured and fully-supported smart player, Broadsign Xpress. The industry-changing hardware device allows network operators to deploy digital signage at a fraction of the cost of PC-based alternatives. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h2 ><strong>About Stayhealthy, Inc.</strong></h2><p>Stayhealthy, Inc. is a privately-owned healthcare solutions corporation headquartered in Monrovia, California.&nbsp; Since 1995, Stayhealthy has been committed to improving the way the world measures, manages, and accesses health and fitness.&nbsp; Stayhealthy has built a world-wide reputation within the research community for providing the highest-quality, FDA-cleared health measurement products, solutions, and services. Stayhealthy has deployed a nationwide network of biometric products and health screening kiosks in pharmacies, employer facilities, wellness centers, clinical, and provider sites to support public health initiatives to integrate with the healthcare community. Stayhealthy products, solutions, and services are backed by its powerful, HIPAA-compliant, online portal to empower and engage individuals, healthcare professionals and organizations across the globe to track health measurement results over time, set goals for improvement, and monitor progress.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign International, LLC’s 10th Anniversary Offensive: More Advertiser-, Network-Friendly]]><![CDATA[

Major revision to Broadsign’s platform available to new and existing users. MONTREAL, CANADA – Digital signage software maker Broadsign International, LLC celebrates its tenth anniversary with the release of a powerful new version of its SaaS platform. Broadsign X offers further enriched functionality combined with more simplified workflows and a greater degree of network automation. […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-international-llcs-10th-anniversary-offensivehttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-international-llcs-10th-anniversary-offensive<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Wed, 24 Apr 2013 10:13:07 GMT<h2 >Major revision to Broadsign&#8217;s platform available to new and existing users.</h2><p>MONTREAL, CANADA &#8211; Digital signage software maker Broadsign International, LLC celebrates its tenth anniversary with the release of a powerful new version of <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">its SaaS platform</a>. Broadsign X offers further enriched functionality combined with more simplified workflows and a greater degree of network automation.</p><p>The<a href="https://broadsign.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign X software</a>version follows the introduction of Broadsign Xpress, the company’s firstAndroid media player hardware. Broadsign Xpress matches the full functionality of PC playback devices at a tiny fraction of the price, thus drastically reducing the cost of network deployment. Networks that wish to use the Android player must upgrade to the Broadsign X network management platform, available to existing client networks free of charge.</p><p>Among other significant enhancements, advertisers can now spend budgets more efficiently using Broadsign X’s "campaign goal" feature, which allows for a campaign to stop automatically once the desired number of ad runs, impressions or viewer interactions have been achieved.</p><p>"We always aim to absorb the latest developments in digital signage technology and anticipate future trends," says Broadsign CEO, Brian Dusho. "Our latest products, the Broadsign X platform and Broadsign Xpress Android player, reflect this approach. The practical outcome is that every new product of ours makes DOOH media space more accessible to advertisers," he added.</p><p>The new Broadsign X platform also boasts features such as simple screen control, RS 232 device control API, export package check-sum, day part API and TCP triggers, as well as broadcast-like video transitions.</p><h3 >About Broadsign</h3><p>Broadsign International LLC is the leading global provider of software-as-a-service for digital signage networks. Its software allows networks to target out-of-home audiences, place advertising or promotional campaigns, play back scheduled content on each screen and account for campaign performance. Some of the world’s largest and most successful digital signage networks run on Broadsign’s platform. They take advantage of its comprehensive functionality, reliability and virtually unlimited capacity for growing networks without adding personnel. Broadsign is consistently ranked among the top 3 global digital signage software suppliers and received the 2012 Global Growth Leadership Award in the Digital Signage Software market from Frost &amp; Sullivan. For more information about Broadsign, visit<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Media Frankfurt Chooses Broadsign International’s Digital Signage Software-as-a-Service]]><![CDATA[

Major German airport DOOH operator makes a safe bet on the future by converting its entire network to Broadsign’s platform. FRANKFURT, GERMANY –Media Frankfurt GmbH, Germany’s largest OOH advertising media owner in airports has converted all of its 161 digital locations toBroadsign International’s digital signage softwareplatform. Media Frankfurt’s network is currently comprised of 238 large-format […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/media-frankfurt-chooses-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/media-frankfurt-chooses-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 28 Mar 2013 09:18:41 GMT<h3 >Major German airport DOOH operator makes a safe bet on the future by converting its entire network to Broadsign&#8217;s platform.</h3><p>FRANKFURT, GERMANY &#8211;&nbsp;Media Frankfurt GmbH, Germany’s largest OOH advertising media owner in airports has converted all of its 161 digital locations to&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign International’s digital signage software</a>&nbsp;platform.</p><p>Media Frankfurt’s network is currently comprised of 238 large-format LCD panels, strategically placed to capture the attention of over 57 million passengers annually. A number of large LED screens will be added in the near future.</p><p>The technical aspects of network operations for Media Frankfurt and managed services are supported by&nbsp;Neo Solutions, a full-service digital signage systems integrator, who is already managing several thousand screens running on Broadsign SaaS.</p><p>Media Frankfurt’s Director of Operations, Christian Brauch said that the company selected Broadsign following some high-profile referrals and a period of extensive research and testing. "Since the switch we find that the software makes it easy for us to configure the networks as well as schedule and execute campaigns of any complexity," he added.</p><p>"The&nbsp;<a href="/blog/neo-solutions-to-deploy-broadsign-in-germany">German-speaking digital signage market</a>&nbsp;is rapidly expanding and we are honored to be selected by such a prominent operator as Media Frankfurt. We are confident that their investment in Broadsign as an emerging standard will help make their media more efficient and compatible with the many other European networks thanks to our platform," states Broadsign’s Vice President of Sales, Skip Beloff.</p><h3 >About Broadsign</h3><p>Broadsign International LLC is the leading global provider of software-as-a-service for digital signage networks. Its software allows networks to target out-of-home audiences, place advertising or promotional campaigns, play back scheduled content on each screen and account for campaign performance. Some of the world’s largest and most successful digital signage networks run on Broadsign’s platform. They take advantage of its comprehensive functionality, reliability and virtually unlimited capacity for growing networks without adding personnel. Broadsign is consistently ranked among the top 3 global digital signage software suppliers and received the 2012 Global Growth Leadership Award in the Digital Signage Software market from Frost &amp; Sullivan. For more information about Broadsign, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a>.</p><h3 >About Media Frankfurt</h3><p>Media Frankfurt GmbH is the exclusive marketing agency for advertising space at Frankfurt Airport. Thanks to its connection to the JCDecaux network (the world-market leader for airport advertising) with 152 airports around the globe, Media Frankfurt is also the point of contact for German companies planning international airport campaigns. With over 2,000 advertising media, Media Frankfurt reaches about 60 million passengers at Frankfurt Airport, the home base of Lufthansa and an important hub of the entire Star Alliance. The product portfolio of Media Frankfurt ranges from Citylightposters, via digital media, light boxes and large-scale billboards, to customised airport marketing solutions. The spectrum of services provided by Media Frankfurt includes not only the marketing of advertising space but also the development of products and concepts.&nbsp;<a href="http://www.media-frankfurt.de/">http://www.media-frankfurt.de</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Digital Signage Integrator Neo Solutions to Deploy Broadsign SaaS in Germany]]><![CDATA[

HAMBURG, GERMANY and MONTREAL, CANADA – March 7, 2013 Neo Solutions, a full-service integrator of digital signage systems, now offers local support and managed services for Broadsign’s Software-as-a-Service in Germany and other German-speaking markets in Europe. For the first time, Neo Solutions will offer all of Broadsign’s services, from sales and support to monitoring, scheduling […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/neo-solutions-to-deploy-broadsign-in-germanyhttps://broadsign.com/blog/neo-solutions-to-deploy-broadsign-in-germany<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 12 Mar 2013 10:35:15 GMT<h4 ><strong>HAMBURG, GERMANY and MONTREAL, CANADA &#8211; March 7, 2013</strong></h4><p>Neo Solutions, a full-service integrator of digital signage systems, now offers local support and managed services for <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign’s Software-as-a-Service</a> in Germany and other German-speaking markets in Europe.</p><p>For the first time, Neo Solutions will offer all of Broadsign’s services, from sales and support to monitoring, scheduling and content management, in German.</p><p>"The demand for our product in Europe has compelled us to expand our partnership with Neo Solutions, who has a strong foothold in Germany," said Brian Dusho, CEO of Broadsign International LLC. "We have been working with the team that is now leading Neo Solutions for many years, so this is a natural step for both of our companies."</p><p>Following Neo Group’s reorganization, Neo Solutions was recently formed as a business unit responsible for installing, integrating and servicing <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/10-things-to-look-for-when-selecting-your-digital-signage-software/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">all components of digital signage networks</a>.</p><p>Neo Solutions is already supporting several thousand digital signs running on Broadsign software on major networks such as Cinemaxx, Unilever and dozens of others, previously installed by Neo Solutions predecessor, Neo Advertising.</p><p>Neo Solutions will also be providing value-added services to broadsign-powered networks in the rest of Europe during Eastern European business hours.</p><p>Both Broadsign’s website and digital signage software will be available in German in the near future.</p><h2 ><b>About Neo</b></h2><p>Neo Solutions is a full-service provider for digital signage systems and a business unit of the Neo Group. Founded in 2006 in Hamburg, Germany, the Neo Group is a media company operating internationally, and is, with its more than 75,000 displays world-wide, among the market leaders in the digital media sector with its presence in the public arena. Neo installs, operates, manages, and markets digital signage systems world-wide with offices in seven countries. Neo’s clients include the global trading group Unilever, the largest German retail franchise EDEKA, and Germany’s leading cinema operator CinemaxX. The managing director of the Neo Group, whose seat is in Hamburg, Germany, is Sven C. Jacobi. The Advisory Board is comprised of Andre Kemper, Günter Netzer, and Heinrich IX Prinz Reuss. <a href="http://www.neo-group.de/">www.neo-group.de</a></p><h2 ><b>About Broadsign</b></h2><p>Broadsign International LLC is the leading global provider of software-as-a-service for digital signage networks. Its software allows networks to target out-of-home audiences, place advertising or promotional campaigns, play back scheduled content on each screen and <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dooh-metrics/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">account for campaign performance</a>. Some of the world’s largest and most successful digital signage networks run on Broadsign’s platform. They take advantage of its comprehensive functionality, reliability and virtually unlimited capacity for growing networks without adding personnel. Broadsign is consistently ranked among the top 3 global digital signage software suppliers and <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/global-growth-leadership-award-to-broadsign" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">received the 2012 Global Growth Leadership Award</a> in the Digital Signage Software market from Frost &amp; Sullivan. For more information about Broadsign, visit <a href="https://broadsign.com">https://broadsign.com</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign International, LLC and LocaModa Join Forces to Amplify Digital Signage with Social and Mobile Media Capabilities]]><![CDATA[

Integration will enable digital signage network operators to bridge digital place-based content from the screen to social media and mobile devices. Montreal, Quebec, Canada – February 21, 2013 Broadsign International, LLC. and LocaModa Inc, have signed a strategic agreement to jointly market and sell LocaModa’s patented social and mobile cross-channel media solutions to networks powered […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-locamoda-join-forceshttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-and-locamoda-join-forces<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 12 Mar 2013 10:11:58 GMT<h3 >Integration will enable digital signage network operators to bridge digital place-based content from the screen to social media and mobile devices.</h3><h4 ><strong>Montreal, Quebec, Canada &#8211; February 21, 2013</strong></h4><p>Broadsign International, LLC. and LocaModa Inc, have signed a strategic agreement to jointly market and sell LocaModa’s patented social and mobile cross-channel media solutions to networks powered by<a title="Broadsign digital signage software" href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign digital signage software</a>.</p><p>By combining efforts, Broadsign and LocaModa will be able to meet the advertisers’ demand for a technology that can enable filtered, "brand-safe", real-time social media over multiple channels including public signage.</p><p>"LocaModa’s award-winning work with major brands has proven that connecting digital place-based screens to mobile and web screens generates <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dooh-metrics/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">measurable engagement</a> and greater audience awareness, enabling better ROI for advertisers and networks. We are delighted to offer these capabilities to our client networks," said Brian Dusho, CEO of Broadsign.</p><p>Stephen Randall, CEO of LocaModa, commented, "Social media, when executed in a brand-safe and scalable solution, is becoming an integral part of digital signage. Over the past twelve months, such applications have moved from being a tactical signage feature to being a critical piece of networks’ and brands’ strategic future. We’re excited to see companies of Broadsign’s reputation and scale leverage our platform for their customers."</p><p>LocaModa’s recent campaigns include those executed for Levis, GAP, One Direction/Sharpie, Titanic Blue-Ray, Mexico Taxi Project and Clorox "Bleach It Away".</p><p>Randall will be presenting an overview ofsocial media-amplified digital signageat Broadsign’s First Annual Client Summit, on February 26, 2013 at the Aria Resort and Casino.</p><h2 >About Broadsign</h2><p>Broadsign International LLC is the leading global provider of software-as-a-service for digital signage networks. Its software allows networks to target out-of-home audiences, place advertising or promotional campaigns, play back scheduled content on each screen and account for campaign performance. Some of the world’s largest and most successful digital signage networks run on Broadsign’s platform. They take advantage of its comprehensive functionality, reliability and virtually unlimited capacity for growing networks without adding personnel. Broadsign is consistently ranked among the top 3 global digital signage software suppliers and received the 2012 Global Growth Leadership Award in the Digital Signage Software market from Frost &amp; Sullivan. For more information about Broadsign, visit<a title="Broadsign Digital Signage Software" href="https://broadsign.com/">https://broadsign.com</a></p><h2 >About LocaModa</h2><p>LocaModa aggregates, moderates and publishes real-time media across multiple channels including web, mobile and Digital Out-of-Home. The company’s patented platform is used by leading brands, advertising agencies and media networks to amplify audience engagement and increase the attraction and measurability of marketing messages. For more information about LocaModa, visit<a title="LocaModa" href="http://www.locamoda.com/">http://www.locamoda.com</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Enmedio Comunicacion Digital Chooses Broadsign in Columbia]]><![CDATA[

Colombia’s Premiere Network Operator Selects Broadsign Digital Signage Software Colombia’s leading digital signage network operator, Enmedio Comunicacion Digital, has elected to deploy Broadsign’s industry-leading technology platform across its networks, with plans for significant growth in the coming months. Enmedio Comunicacion Digital operates advertising and corporate networks in Colombia’s most prominent cities. Its advertising arm, Enmedio […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/enmedio-chooses-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/enmedio-chooses-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Tue, 24 Jul 2012 22:55:17 GMT<h3 >Colombia&#8217;s Premiere Network Operator Selects Broadsign Digital Signage Software</h3><p>Colombia&#8217;s leading digital signage network operator, Enmedio Comunicacion Digital, has elected to deploy Broadsign&#8217;s <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">industry-leading technology platform</a> across its networks, with plans for significant growth in the coming months.</p><p>Enmedio Comunicacion Digital operates advertising and corporate networks in Colombia&#8217;s most prominent cities. Its advertising arm, Enmedio Advertising Networks, has deployed over 1600 digital displays in more than 830 high-traffic venues across the country. Enmedio Corporate Networks, a managed services network, runs 150 screens for high-profile companies such as Citibank, Dupont and Coca-Cola. Together, its two business units reach over 28 million people monthly across a wide range of venue types such as office buildings, banks, shopping centers, airports, hotels, hospitals, gyms, bars, restaurants, universities, hair salons and spas.</p><p>Building on its success and driven by innovations in the fields of mobile convergence and interactivity, Enmedio is now set to expand to 2000 digital signs by the end of 2012 and well over 6000 displays by 2015.</p><p>&#8220;Broadsign&#8217;s superior segmentation capabilities allow us to deliver the right message to the right people at the right time,&#8221; said Enmedio CEO, Sebastian Obregon. &#8220;Their automation platform means our people can focus entirely on growing revenue rather than trying to solve technology problems,&#8221; he added.&#8220;We are excited to welcome Enmedio to the Broadsign family and look forward to supporting their endeavors in the coming years,&#8221; commented Broadsign CEO, Brian Dusho.</p><p>&#8220;Our relationship is yet another testament to the strong ties that bind us to the South American market. We are proud to see Enmedio carry the Broadsign banner as they undertake their significant expansion efforts,&#8221; he concluded.</p><h2 >About Enmedio</h2><p>Founded in 2006, Enmedio was Colombia´s pioneer in the Digital Signage industry and is now the absolute market leader. Backed by the second largest Newspaper in the country, it operates more than 1.700 digital displays in more than 830 venues throughout 14 cities.</p><p>Enmedio´s core business is DOOH Advertising Networks where it offers captive and highly segmented audiences to its advertisers. The current ad networks are Office Buildings, Shopping Centers, Airports, Hotels, Hospitals, Bars &amp; Restaurants, Universities, Gyms and Hair Salons.</p><p>Profiting from it expertise and its growing national infrastructure, Enmedio is now also offering major companies a fully integrated Digital Signage service for corporate communications. The service includes personalized hardware, installation, network management and content creation.</p><p>Major media outlets in Colombia have recognized Enmedio as one of the most innovative communications and media companies of the present.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Arbitron Portable People Meter(TM) Technology to Audit Broadsign’s Advertising “Proof-of-Play”]]><![CDATA[

Arbitron launches first electronic, content playback verification service for Digital Out-of-Home Industry using the Portable People Meter technology Columbia, Maryland, September 16, 2009 Arbitron Inc. (NYSE: ARB) announced today that it has signed an agreement with Broadsign International, a leading worldwide provider of software solutions for managing digital out-of-home video networks, to deliver a proof-of-play […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/arbitron-portable-people-meterhttps://broadsign.com/blog/arbitron-portable-people-meter<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 28 Jun 2012 05:33:25 GMT<h3 >Arbitron launches first electronic, content playback verification service for Digital Out-of-Home Industry using the Portable People Meter technology</h3><h4 >Columbia, Maryland, September 16, 2009</h4><p>Arbitron Inc. (NYSE: ARB) announced today that it has signed an agreement with Broadsign International, a leading worldwide provider of <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">software solutions for managing digital out-of-home</a> video networks, to deliver a proof-of-play advertising audit service using the Portable People Meter (PPM(TM)) technology.Arbitron will use its PPM technology to conduct a series of annual audits capturing when encoded audio and video advertising content is displayed on networked digital screens in 50 random broadsign-run locations across the United States. The data will be compared with the Broadsign commercial schedule logs. This verification system equips digital out-of-home networks with <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/dooh-metrics/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">base metrics</a> to substantiate return-on-investment to advertisers.</p><p>&#8220;For screen audience numbers to be relevant to advertisers, you have to prove first that their ads played as scheduled and the screens were on,&#8221; says Brian Dusho, President and Chief Strategy Officer of Broadsign International. &#8220;By auditing our proof-of-play reporting system with the help of Arbitron, we are giving our client networks an added level of transparency and assurance for justifying ad rate cards and for their negotiations with advertisers.&#8221;</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/what-is-dooh-media/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH)</a> is a highly targeted medium. DOOH networks have versatile control over which message will be played where, and whether the screens are on and displaying the right content. The ability to control and target the content creates a logistical challenge for networks&#8217; reporting applications.</p><p>The PPM technology-based proof-of-play audit by Arbitron is the first such service in digital out-of-home industry. It replaces manual monitoring of screens with advanced technology, which simplifies the task of verifying advertising compliance and makes the verification more scalable.</p><p>&#8220;One of the barriers to large-scale media buys in digital out-of-home space has been the lack of standardized metrics,&#8221; said Alton Adams, Executive Vice President, Arbitron Inc. &#8220;The Portable People Meter technology will help establish the first tier of accountability to digital out-of-home advertisers, laying the foundation for any other measurement in this new medium. The PPM technology is well-suited to capture proof-of-play as the technology captures distinct content and the time of broadcast.&#8221;Arbitron&#8217;s PPM technology-based audit methodology was successfully tested in October 2006 during a pilot program at broadsign-run Digital Promo Network, which operates screens in convenience stores across the United States.</p><h3 >About Broadsign</h3><p>Broadsign International Inc. is a leading worldwide provider of Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions for managing digital out-of-home networks. Broadsign SaaS was built for digital signage networks that generate revenue from advertising sales. It resolves the challenges facing modern digital signage networks: the need for acceptance by the mainstream advertising community, time to market and the need for full campaign execution functionality, accountability and true scalability. The software enables operators to target out-of-home audiences, sell network airtime, and reliably play back scheduled content on each screen and account for campaign performance. Broadsign combines extensive expertise in digital signage software, media, advertising, and information technology and is a member of the Out-of-home Video Advertising Bureau (OVAB), OVAB Europe, OAAA, the Digital Signage Association and CODA. 230 digital signage networks in 25 countries run on Broadsign(TM) Suite platform. The company&#8217;s corporate office, Operations, Support and Development facilities are in Montreal, Canada.</p><p>For more, visit www.broadsign.com</p><h3 >About Arbitron</h3><p>Arbitron Inc. (NYSE: ARB) is a media and marketing research firm serving the media &#8211; radio, television, cable, online radio and out-of-home &#8211; as well as advertisers and advertising agencies. Arbitron&#8217;s core businesses are measuring network and local market radio audiences across the United States; surveying the retail, media and product patterns of local market consumers; and providing application software used for analyzing media audience and marketing information data. The company has developed the Portable People Meter(TM), a new technology for media and marketing research.Portable People Meter(TM) and PPM(TM) are marks of Arbitron Inc.</p><p>PPM ratings are based on audience estimates and are the opinion of Arbitron and should not be relied on for precise accuracy or precise representativeness of a demographic or radio market.</p><h3 >Arbitron Forward-Looking Statements</h3><p>Statements in this release that are not strictly historical, including the statements regarding expectations for 2009 and any other statements regarding events or developments that we believe or anticipate will or may occur in the future, may be &#8220;forward-looking&#8221; statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause actual events to differ materially from those suggested or indicated by such forward-looking statements. These factors include, among other things, the current global economic recession and the upheaval in the credit markets and financial services industry, competition, our ability to develop and successfully market new products and technologies, our ability to successfully commercialize our Portable People Meter(TM) service, the growth rates and cyclicality of markets we serve, our ability to expand our business in new markets, our ability to successfully identify, consummate and integrate appropriate acquisitions, the impact of increased costs of data collection including a trend toward increasing incidence of cell phone-only households, litigation and other contingent liabilities including intellectual property matters, our compliance with applicable laws and regulations and changes in applicable laws and regulations, our ability to achieve projected efficiencies, cost reductions, sales growth and earnings, and international economic, political, legal and business factors. Additional information regarding the factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements is available in our SEC filings, including our 2008 Annual Report on Form 10-K. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this release and the Company does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statement.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Frost & Sullivan Presents the 2012 Global Growth Leadership Award to Broadsign]]><![CDATA[

The company stands out for its proprietary, innovative digital signage software concept and architecture, combined with the SaaS business model MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. – June 14, 2012 Based on its recent analysis of the digital signage software market, Frost & Sullivan recognizes Broadsign International, LLC. with the 2012 Global Frost & Sullivan Award for Growth […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/global-growth-leadership-award-to-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/global-growth-leadership-award-to-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 14 Jun 2012 23:10:32 GMT<h3 >The company stands out for its proprietary, innovative digital signage software concept and architecture, combined with the SaaS business model</h3><h4 ><strong>MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. &#8211; June 14, 2012</strong></h4><p>Based on its recent analysis of the digital signage software market, Frost &amp; Sullivan recognizes Broadsign International, LLC. with the 2012 Global Frost &amp; Sullivan Award for Growth Leadership. Broadsign consistently expanded its business through organic network growth and acquisition of new customers. In 2011, the company signed an impressive roster of marquee clients with major deployments that span many verticals and countries.</p><p><a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign’s SaaS platform</a> is designed for digital signage operators to build and manage their networks. The rich functionality covers all aspects of digital signage – from planning promotional or advertising campaigns to campaign execution and reporting. Broadsign’s affordable pricing and ease of implementation make <a href="https://broadsign.com/ebooks/guide-to-building-a-successful-digital-signage-network" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">deployment of digital signage networks</a> feasible even for companies with moderate budgets or limited IT expertise.</p><p>The ninth and latest version of Broadsign’s SaaS, comprising the administrator, player, server, creator, and other modules, is among the most advanced on the market. "Broadsign&#8217;s software is hardware-agnostic, which means that it can run on any PC and digital display, and offers operators the flexibility to customize their network infrastructure according to their business requirements," said Frost &amp; Sullivan Research Analyst Aravindh Vanchesan. "The platform brings a great degree of automation, which enables networks to execute multiple complex and massive campaigns with minimal personnel, in stark contrast to networks that still manage playlists manually for each player In a market saturated with hundreds of other providers, Broadsign is a top choice due to its global presence and ability to reliably deliver services and support for customers across various industry segments. The proprietary software architecture allows networks to start small and grow to virtually unlimited size, using the same platform and the pay-as-you-grow pricing.</p><p>In the past year Broadsign has signed up several large networks that rely both on advertising and content subscription revenue. The addition of JCDecaux, PinPoint Media Group, MedCenterDisplay, Cineplex Entertainment, and Health Media Networks to its already impressive customer base has further solidified the company’s leading position in the lucrative <a href="https://broadsign.com/outdoor-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">outdoor</a>, <a href="https://broadsign.com/healthcare-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">healthcare</a>, <a href="https://broadsign.com/cinema-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">cinema</a> and <a href="https://broadsign.com/shopping-malls-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">retail</a> sectors.Broadsign has also been in the forefront of promoting best practices and establishing standards for accountability of digital signage as a medium. In 2010, the company <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/arbitron-portable-people-meter" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">collaborated with Arbitron</a> to conduct an independent audit of the proof-of-play component of its software platform. The audit revealed an overall proof-of-play accuracy of over 99 percent.</p><p>In 2011, Broadsign integrated its proof-of-play reports with the Intel AIM suite, which provides live electronic measurements of audience for digital signage campaigns. The company is also working closely with iSIGN Media Solutions to combine the potential of digital signage with mobile interactive marketing.Companies can obtain turnkey digital signage solutions from highly specialized integrators and resellers that have partnered with Broadsign. By leveraging their expertise, new operators can significantly reduce the time to launch a next-generation network.</p><p>"Over the years, Broadsign has developed strong partnerships with technology vendors as well as the reseller and distributor community," notes Vanchesan. "With such a diversity of partners and clients worldwide, the company can meet the unique requirements of its customers in each geographic region."Each year, Frost &amp; Sullivan presents this award to the company that demonstrates excellence in capturing the highest annual compound growth rate for the last three years.</p><p>Frost &amp; Sullivan Best Practices awards recognize companies in a variety of regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in areas such as leadership, technological innovation, customer service and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare market participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analysis and extensive secondary research to identify best practices in the industry.</p><p>"We feel proud and gratified that our initial long-term focus on forward-looking software concepts, media placement workflow, scalability and reliability is now bearing fruit and our efforts are being recognized by such renowned researchers as Frost &amp; Sullivan," said Brian Dusho, CEO of Broadsign International.</p><h2 >About Frost &amp; Sullivan:</h2><p>Frost &amp; Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, works in collaboration with clients to leverage visionary innovation that addresses the global challenges and related growth opportunities that will make or break today&#8217;s market participants.</p><p>Our "Growth Partnership" supports clients by addressing these opportunities and incorporating two key elements driving visionary innovation: The Integrated Value Proposition and The Partnership Infrastructure.</p><ul><li><strong><em>The Integrated Value Proposition</em></strong>&nbsp;provides support to our clients throughout all phases of their journey to visionary innovation, including: research, analysis, strategy, vision, innovation and implementation.</li><li><strong><em>The Partnership Infrastructure&nbsp;</em></strong>is entirely unique as it constructs the foundation upon which visionary innovation becomes possible. This includes our 360 degree research, comprehensive industry coverage, career best practices as well as our global footprint of more than 40 offices.</li></ul>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Broadsign Successfully Completes Sale to JedFam Group]]><![CDATA[

Industry-Leading Digital Signage Software Provider Poised to Extend its Market Dominance as a Balanced and Striving Global Enterprise Broadsign International, Inc. (“BSI”) announced today it has been acquired by JedFam Group, LLC (“JedFam”) almost three months after it filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in the United States Bankruptcy […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-successfully-completes-sale-to-jedfam-grouphttps://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-successfully-completes-sale-to-jedfam-group<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 31 May 2012 00:08:12 GMT<h3 >Industry-Leading Digital Signage Software Provider Poised to Extend its Market Dominance as a Balanced and Striving Global Enterprise</h3><p>Broadsign International, Inc. ("BSI") announced today it has been acquired by JedFam Group, LLC ("JedFam") almost three months after it filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware. The Bankruptcy Court recently approved a sale of BSI’s assets to JedFam, and BSI will emerge from bankruptcy as Broadsign International, LLC. and Brian Dusho will remain as Chief Executive Officer of the digital signage software provider.</p><p>"Today marks the start of a new chapter for Broadsign," said Brian Dusho. "Thanks to widespread support from our lenders, customers, partners and friends, our operations have remained robust through this process." Mr. Dusho reported that Broadsign has experienced unprecedented growth in recent months. "I am especially grateful to our employees around the world whose continued hard work and focus have been instrumental in enabling us to reach this achievement and who will be important contributors to our future success," he said.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[AsomaTV Chooses Broadsign in Spain]]><![CDATA[

AsomaTV migrates its high-profile shopping mall network to Broadsign SaaS and will use the platform for all new installations. MADRID, Spain and MONTREAL, Canada, April 26, 2012 AsomaTV, an operator of several digital signage networks in Spain, has deployed Broadsign’s Software-as-a-Service at all existing networked locations and will be using the platform for future installations […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/asomatv-chooses-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/asomatv-chooses-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 26 Apr 2012 00:00:00 GMT<h3 >AsomaTV migrates its high-profile shopping mall network to Broadsign SaaS and will use the platform for all new installations.</h3><h4 >MADRID, Spain and MONTREAL, Canada, April 26, 2012</h4><p>AsomaTV, an operator of several digital signage networks in Spain, has deployed <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign&#8217;s Software-as-a-Service</a> at all existing networked locations and will be using the platform for future installations from now on.</p><p>The migration from legacy software has involved 110 screens in 15 <a href="https://broadsign.com/shopping-malls-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">major shopping malls</a>, most of which are located in Madrid. AsomaTV has also converted 30 of its 250 gym locations from static advertising to Broadsign-powered digital signage and is planning to complete the conversion in 2012, intending to expand the network to 500 gyms by 2014.</p><p>At the moment, AsomaTV is also conducting pilots for future digital signage networks in Spain&#8217;s largest <a href="https://broadsign.com/healthcare-digital-signage/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">private hospital group</a> and in a Catalonia-based drugstore cooperative uniting 300 pharmacies.In addition to running their own networks, AsomaTV acts as an outsourced operator of several corporate digital signage networks across Spain.</p><p>AsomaTV&#8217;s CTO Robain de Jong says that Broadsign&#8217;s automation-focused functionality was a welcome relief after &#8220;five years of micromanaging playlists, manual troubleshooting and the lengthy, painful process of installing and configuring players at new locations.&#8221; By contrast, Broadsign technology made it possible for AsomaTV to migrate their entire mall network to the new software remotely, in just one day, and allowed the company to drastically cut down the time spent on scheduling and monitoring campaigns.</p><p>&#8220;Broadsign gives you peace of mind,&#8221; said Robain de Jong. &#8220;You just know it works. And no matter what the requirements of your customers are, Broadsign allows you to meet them. We are no longer afraid of remote installations. We configure client players in our operations department, then we ship them to the client and we know that as soon as they plug them in, everything works.&#8221;</p><p>AsomaTV&#8217;s content loops in the shopping mall network are 90 seconds long, comprising 10-second advertising spots targeted for each location. The four-minute loop in the gym network is a mix of advertising, location-specific messaging and &#8220;infotainment&#8221; feeds.</p><p>The network has numerous repeat advertisers, with such brands as Unilever, Procter &amp; Gamble, Telefonica, Orange, Vodafone, Subway, McDonalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken among them. Campaign effectiveness surveys have shown up to 20% increase in sales for some of the categories of products advertised.The average Cost-per-Thousand-Impressions (CPM) on AsomaTV is 2-5 euros. The network runs both national and local campaigns and advertising sales are handled by an third-party media rep as well as by the in-house sales force.</p><p>AsomaTV&#8217;s high-profile locations give their advertisers exposure to affluent segments of densely populated markets of Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla, Valencia and Bilbao.</p><p>According to AsomaTV, showing the capabilities of Broadsign software during demos to corporate clients has helped the company win a number or contracts for operating their networks. The ability to generate <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/broadsign-completes-soc-ii-isae3402-service-auditor-reports" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">accurate proof-of-play reports</a> has also played an important role in winning over advertising-based networks.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[Call2Action Chooses Broadsign in Poland]]><![CDATA[

Broadsign-powered screens in major grocery chains enable Call2Action to reach over 25 percent of the country’s adult population WARSAW, Poland and MONTREAL, Canada, March 22, 2012 A leading digital signage network operator in Poland, Call2Action has completed the deployment of Broadsign’s SaaS platform on its 3400-screen network and is installing new digital signs in big […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/call2action-chooses-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/call2action-chooses-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 22 Mar 2012 11:07:08 GMT<h3 >Broadsign-powered screens in major grocery chains enable Call2Action to reach over 25 percent of the country&#8217;s adult population</h3><p><strong>WARSAW, Poland and MONTREAL, Canada, March 22, 2012</strong></p><p>A leading digital signage network operator in Poland, Call2Action has completed the deployment of <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Broadsign&#8217;s SaaS platform</a> on its 3400-screen network and is installing new digital signs in big grocery stores across the country.</p><p>Call2Action will add 600 new screens by the end of March, bringing the total number of locations to 239. The expansion will allow the company to reach up to 30 percent of adult Poles.According to Call2Action, as the network&#8217;s growth accelerated, the company recognized the need for a software platform that could manage the increasing number of locations, complex schedules and content loops without adding overhead costs. Upon substantial research, Call2Action decided to choose Broadsign&#8217;s SaaS.</p><p>Among the decisive factors in selecting Broadsign were the advertiser-friendly campaign reporting system and responsive technical support. Broadsign&#8217;s support team helped Call2Action migrate 3400 existing screens to its software quickly and seamlessly, and start the new installations immediately.</p><p>&#8220;Broadsign and Call2Action form a symbiosis,&#8221; said Michal Maciuk, a senior executive at Call2Action. &#8220;Broadsign equips us with a powerful and versatile <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-pop-displays/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">system for communicating with the customers</a>. Our screens become part of the shopping process; moreover, they enhance it. As a leader in innovation, we always aim to use the best tools possible &#8212; that is why we have chosen Broadsign.&#8221;Call2Action is an advertising-supported business and its networks in Tesco hypermarkets, Alma delicatessen chain and Piotr i Pawel supermarkets offer national reach to brands. The content is produced in partnership with TVN News Agency and advertising sales are brokered by TVN Media. Both partners belong to TVN Group &#8212; the largest media group in Poland.</p><p>Call2Action delivers two types of what they call &#8220;consumer television&#8221; programming: Wait TV &#8212; aimed at shoppers in the checkout lines &#8212; and Shopping TV that is aired on the screens inside the store. Wait TV&#8217;s content loop is 6 minutes long, while Shopping TV&#8217;s loop length is 12 minutes. Both channels feature 5- to 30-second ad spots that are placed between informational segments.</p><p>According to studies conducted by Millward Brown SMG/KRC, a Polish research firm, 26 percent of shoppers&#8217; contacts with Call2Action ads resulted in a purchase of the products advertised. 64.3 percent of customers reported that Wait TV screens kept them entertained at checkout. 69 percent of patrons said that the screens inside the store (Shopping TV) were a good source of information relevant to their shopping goals. Since the start of its operation in 2010, Call2Action has won over an impressive list of advertisers, many of whom are repeat customers.</p><p>&#8220;Call2Action belongs to the new generation of digital signage networks,&#8221; said Brian Dusho, CEO of Broadsign. &#8220;They are focused on the media side of the business and they cater to major agencies and national advertisers. Our SaaS platform is designed to empower media companies so they could conduct their digital signage business and not worry about technology, and that is why Call2Action and Broadsign are a perfect match.&#8221;</p><h3 >About Call2Action:</h3><p>Call2Action S.A. owns and operates one of the largest digital signage networks in Poland.Call2Action screens are present in three major grocery chain stores &#8212; Tesco hypermarkets, Alma delicatessen and Piotr i Pawel supermarkets. Call2Action&#8217;s network comprises almost 4000 screens in 239 different stores across Poland.</p><p>By working together with TVN News Agency and ad broker TVN Media, Call2Action was able to launch its unique consumer television channels &#8212; Wait TV and Shopping TV. The new channels provide relevant information to consumers while they are shopping. The highest quality of content enables the firm to stand out from other digital signage networks in the country. The &#8220;consumer television&#8221; appeals both to the customers in the store and to the marketers, who find it an efficient way of advertising.Call2Action has a vast experience in building new digital signage networks as well as in managing the existing ones.</p><p>For more information about Call2Action, visit: <a href="http://www.call2action.pl">http://www.call2action.pl</a></p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
<![CDATA[iSIGN Chooses Broadsign for Couche-Tard Convenience Stores Across Canada]]><![CDATA[

iSIGN Selects Broadsign’s Digital Signage Software to Manage a Network of 5,600 Screens at a Major Convenience Store Chain TORONTO, ONTARIO–(Marketwire – Nov. 23, 2011) iSIGN Media Solutions Inc. (“iSIGN” or “Company”) (TSX VENTURE:ISD) has signed an agreement with Broadsign International (“Broadsign”), a worldwide provider of software-as-a-service for digital signage, to manage networked digital displays […]

https://broadsign.com/blog/isign-chooses-broadsignhttps://broadsign.com/blog/isign-chooses-broadsign<![CDATA[[object Object]]]>Thu, 10 Feb 2011 12:43:21 GMT<h3 >iSIGN Selects Broadsign&#8217;s Digital Signage Software to Manage a Network of 5,600 Screens at a Major Convenience Store Chain</h3><p>TORONTO, ONTARIO&#8211;(Marketwire &#8211; Nov. 23, 2011)</p><p>iSIGN Media Solutions Inc. (&#8220;iSIGN&#8221; or &#8220;Company&#8221;) (TSX VENTURE:ISD) has signed an agreement with Broadsign International (&#8220;Broadsign&#8221;), a worldwide provider of <a href="https://broadsign.com/broadsign-control/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">software-as-a-service for digital signage</a>, to manage networked digital displays in Couche-Tard&#8217;s convenience stores.</p><p>iSIGN, through its subsidiary Pinpoint Media Group, operates the network of advertising and promotional screens within the Couche-Tard chain of approximately 1,400 convenience stores in Canada. This network is the largest owner/operator network of in-store <a href="https://broadsign.com/digital-signage-software-canada/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">digital media in Canada</a>. Once the installation of our Interactive Massaging Solutions (&#8220;IMS&#8221;) software is completed, this network will be the world&#8217;s largest fully interactive digital signage network.</p><p>Each convenience store has 2 to 3 screens <a href="https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-pop-displays/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">installed at the point of sale</a>, running brand loyalty programs, public service announcements and in-store promotions. Broadsign&#8217;s digital signage software allows iSIGN to schedule and playback content on each screen, manage updates and monitor network health &#8211; doing all this from one central location, with minimal staff.</p><p>&#8220;Our engineering and technical staff worked for weeks to qualify and confirm Broadsign as the management system for all of our future network and Interactive Massaging Solutions (&#8220;IMS&#8221;) applications scheduled for installation,&#8221; states Alex Romanov, iSIGN&#8217;s Chief Executive Officer.&#8220;Broadsign&#8217;s software has proven its ability to run some of the world&#8217;s most sizable, complex and commercially successful digital signage networks,&#8221; added Mr. Romanov. &#8220;This software-as-a-service platform is second to none in the industry and is an indispensable tool for us as a digital signage network operator.&#8221;</p><p>The deployment of Broadsign&#8217;s software is scheduled to be completed in early 2012.&#8220;Less than twelve months ago we started a pure technology integration partnership with iSIGN that enhanced our digital signage platform with a mobile advertising solution. Today, following their acquisition of Pinpoint Media and the Couche-Tard network operation, we have expanded our relationship, and iSIGN has become our biggest Canadian client networks,&#8221; said Brian Dusho, CEO of Broadsign International.</p><h4 ><strong>About iSIGN Media</strong></h4><p>iSIGN is a leading developer of location-based interactive proximity advertising solutions that deliver rich media, permission based messages, free of charge to cell phones using Bluetooth® connectivity, while providing Business Intelligence to the client. The Company&#8217;s patent-pending advertising platform combines the precision of direct marketing and the tracking potential of the Web to deliver more cost effective and ROI-driven advertising than is possible via print, radio and television. A leader in proximity and delivery based advertising social media, iSIGN is now the largest owner/operator of in-store digital media in Canada. With a national footprint, iSIGN reaches an average of 1.5 million consumers a day through our convenience store network, using state of the art technology to push relevant content.</p><p>iSIGN&#8217;s network includes just over 5,600 digital faces in 1,400 plus convenience stores across Canada and additional digital faces in the City of Calgary&#8217;s parks and recreation building. iSIGN is based in Richmond Hill, Ontario with R&amp;D and customer support operations in Vancouver, BC. iSIGN is a business partner of AOpen America Inc., having an OEM agreement for the embedding of its IMS software in Aopen&#8217;s digital media players and IBM, as their Solution Provider, POS All Models. iSIGN&#8217;s software solutions are also distributed by BlueStar Inc. to their network of Value Added Resellers. iSIGN is publicly traded in Toronto (TSX.V) under the symbol &#8220;ISD&#8221;. Additional information about iSIGN Media can be found at<a href="http://www.isignmedia.com/">www.isignmedia.com</a>.</p>broadsign-info@broadsign.com (Broadsign)
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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.