Eldritch Abomination - TV Tropes (2024)

"Here, on the horizon, was everything Gideon did not know."

"There was a darkness outside reality, they say — a darkness full of things. Hungry, nasty things with no shape or form, not as long as they were out there."

The Alien. The Weird. The Inconceivable. The Other.

The Eldritch Abomination is a type of creature defined by its disregard for the natural laws of the universe as we understand them. They are grotesque mockeries of reality beyond comprehension whose disturbing otherness cannot be encompassed in any mortal tongue. Humans suffer Brown Note or Go Mad from the Revelation effects just from witnessing their Alien Geometries. Reality itself warps around them. Any rules that they do follow are beyond our understanding, as are what motives they might have for any of their actions.

Native to the Cosmic Horror Story genre dabbled in by authors such as H. P. Lovecraft, Robert W. Chambers, and Robert E. Howard, the Eldritch Abomination has become a mainstay of horror and fantasy works, along with numerous others that popularly derive inspiration from Lovecraft. They are often used as a Greater-Scope Villain, Outside-Context Problem, Mad God, God of Evil or Sealed Evil in a Can - though they hail from somewhere beyond our petty parameters of good and evil in the typical sense. As they are defined by existing outside reality as we conceive it, most also come from somewhere beyond the stars or before the dawn of time or outside our universe.

Physically, the Eldritch Abomination is only defined by seeming somehow "off", hinting at their incomprehensible nature. They can range from humanoid to animalistic to physically impossible to inconceivably bizarre. However, common physical characteristics include similarities to internal organs, animals with tentacles, or celestial bodies.

The power of Eldritch Abominations can vary. Some can be defeated by mortals, usually via a special weapon specifically meant to kill them; some may be more powerful than gods. In most cosmic horror stories, these beings can only be defeated at an incredible cost, if at all. In many cases, characters may engage a proxy, incarnation, representation, etc. at a more human scale; or the abomination may be ejected from our reality, temporarily prevented from entering it, or otherwise held at bay while its power remains essentially undiminished.

A Sub-Trope of Our Monsters Are Different, Our Monsters Are Weird & Cosmic Entity. Though note that a monster being really powerful, weird or ugly is not, in and of itself, an example of this trope. The monster must break the established internal logic of the work.

For specific storylines involving Eldritch Abominations, see the Did You Just Index Cthulhu? page. More candidates for being Eldritch Abominations are: God of Evil, God of Chaos, The Old Gods, Paradox Person, and Starfish Aliens. When regular humans look like (or legitimately are) Eldritch Abominations to other species, that's Humans Are Cthulhu. Sister Trope to Brown Note Being, since eldritch or abomination doesn't describe every creature which causes a Brown Note, nor does every Eldritch Abomination cause one (though it is common for them). An Eldritch Location is not necessarily an Eldritch Abomination that takes the form of a Genius Loci, but it can be. May be the cause of a Bizarro Apocalypse.

Do not confuse this with Complete Monster, which is more about evil than (physical) monstrousness, especially since a Complete Monster isn't necessarily a literal monster, and an Eldritch Abomination isn't always evil. However, an Eldritch Abomination who has clear agency and is sufficiently heinous by the standards of the story or its own established Blue-and-Orange Morality can qualify as a Complete Monster.

Thanks to the nature of this trope, potential Real Life examples could prove to be rather vague and questionable at best. So, although we are terribly sorry for the inconvenience, No Real Life Examples, Please!

A Super-Trope to:


  • Adaptational Abomination: An entity which was not so eldritch in the original story becomes more of an abomination in the adaptation.
  • Adorable Abomination: An eldritch being which actually looks rather cute (though maybe deceptively so, or perhaps it's genuinely friendly).
  • Alliance with an Abomination: When an ordinary mortal teams up with a very powerful eldritch being.
  • Angelic Abomination: Angels which look extremely bizarre and alien, instead of being more humanoid. Interestingly, while most angels in The Bible look like what one would expect from religious art, some of them do appear as this type.
  • Animalistic Abomination: An eldritch creature which somewhat resembles or behaves like a more monstrous version of an ordinary animal.
  • Benevolent Abomination: An eldritch entity that is genuinely good and friendly towards mortal beings, instead of being maliciously evil or amorally alien.
  • Botanical Abomination: An eldritch organism which appears to be an extremely bizarre and unnatural plant.
  • Digital Abomination: A virtual eldritch being originating from cyberspace.
  • Draconic Abomination: A dragon-like creature which looks very bizarre and otherworldly. Probably also a demon or god.
  • Genetic Abomination: Mutant monstrosities born from genetic engineering.
  • Humanoid Abomination: An eldritch being which superficially resembles or behaves like a human, or is at least vaguely human-shaped.
  • Humans Are Cthulhu: When literal humans are viewed as being unfathomably strange or alien from the perspective of (usually more primitive) non-human creatures.
  • Mechanical Abomination: A strange and powerful machine or robot which was created to go far beyond the limitations of normal technology.
  • Santabomination: Santa Claus is a strange being of unfathomable power. Though considering he can travel all over the world in one day, this actually makes a lot of sense.
  • Starfish Aliens: Eldritch abominations which are explicitly extraterrestrial or extradimensional in origin tend to look extremely bizarre and otherworldly.
  • Transhuman Abomination: An eldritch entity that was once a normal human being.
    • Eldritch Transformation: An ordinary being (usually human) gets turned into a horrifying abomination.
  • Undead Abomination: A dead being which has somehow been brought back from death as an extremely bizarre and terrifying ghost or zombie.
    • Body of Bodies: A being compiled of a mass of bodies.
    • Flesh Golem: A being that is made up of merged skin, often turning them into a fleshy blob.


Example subpages:


  • Comic Books
    • The DCU
    • Marvel Universe
  • Fan Works
  • Film
    • Star Wars
  • Literature
  • Live-Action TV
    • Doctor Who
  • Music
  • Tabletop Games
  • Video Games
    • The Elder Scrolls
    • Final Fantasy
    • Metroid
    • Minecraft
    • Pokémon
    • RuneScape
    • Star Wars
  • Webcomics
  • Web Original
    • Creepypasta
    • SCP Foundation
  • Western Animation
  • Other Media


Eldritch Abomination - TV Tropes (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.