Ju-Mo. | Sun, Jul 28, 2024, 01:31 am |
Just a few side notes:
The Inquisitor replaces and alters solo tactics, so it isnt "legal" to comibne Sacred Huntsmaster and Ravener Inquisitor.
The witch uses a 3pp elemental as a familier with a REALLY strong ability for a healer which isnt legal (its third party content + i cant rly imagine getting it legal as a familiar). And its more than strong, it costs her nothing and out of combat healing will skyrock, so they can start every encounter with full HP for like nothing.
And in combat healing is so strong, that you need to do so much more DMG to harm/challenge them.
The NSC Aasimar cant be Mystic Theurg at this level.
He needs at least second level arcane and devine spells, and spell like abilites dont count (there was an FAQ for this).
So Cleric 3/Sorcerer4/MT would be possible.
Thats just a few side notes, if you know about them and you as the GM are ok with them nothing to add to it. (I personally have only something against the witchs familiar, too strong, INQ wouldnt be that bad in that aspact and MT is something needs some working in generall imo)
For the combat:
A white dragon of this level is a melee combatent, the bloodrager too.
You have 3 heavy hitters (Monk/Babarien/INQ) one animal companion (from the INQ), possible another animal companion from the druid, which make 5 melee fighter (6 if the Druid uses wildshape), with a nice healer in their backline.
I dont know how the encounter was played, but the Dragon can fly and you party isnt that good at it, with fly by attack and his breath weapon he should be more than able to kill them and the fog cloud hits the player much more than it hits him.
A 20% miss chance, no sneak attack and much harder navigation to flank the dragon. Means you get a longer fight.
So his breath weapon with 10d4 (25 DMG average) shouldnt kill them but at least the which should have lost a nice portion of her HP, than fog cloud and landing or fly by attacks would have done the trick.
However a burning entanglement and a crit from a babarian are rly the killer for an enemy who takes extra fire DMG and has only 115 HP.
The babarian took more then half life in one hit.
Every encounter (even the BBEG) can be a short fight if they PC crit often enough and the saves arent in their favour.
The bigger problem is that you have a LARGE party (4 player and 2 animal companions) and most of them are melee.
As said above thats really strong against other melee typ fighters, who do nothing but fly in the mid of the party and start hitting and getting hit. Dont expect fights like this to last longer than 2-3 rounds.
A flying dragon with his breath weapon or in a snowy condition (miss chance through snow, so not for the dragon, difficult terrain, on top of a frozen river, white dragons can swim etc) would have made the fight not only challenging but really hard.
Using fire spells on top of a frozen river and killing a dragon on it (which will than stop flying if it dies and tumple to the ground), would be overkill.
Just to give a few examples how enviroment can change a fight really drastic.
With the "every cost" you could say that the outsider is weakend after his realese, if they player sacrifice something (like a few thousend lives of their citicens) he gets his full power back.
The problem is, he has to be strong enough to keep up with a level 18 party, (so about CR 21), but if he joins them Nyrissa has a huge problem.
That all said, you shouldnt worry to much about his strength and how long he survives. At this level he should have enough power to deal with them for a dew rounds. Especially AoE attacks in a small mountain enviroment to hit the whole party and not much space to get into flanking will hit them hard.
You could take an angel (like an Astral Deva, CR 14) and give it some evil templates. Like Half fiend (+3 to its CR) give it some more Hit Dice (5 for +1/+2 CR) so that you have a CR 18/19 monster.
And than you could give it either some simple class template or give it 1-2 thematic special abilites.
Like can wild shape (cause you have a druid in the party, was able to maximes heal (witch) but now through its corruption, it hinders positive energy, and uses negative which it maximises now.
You could give it a companion (like the huntsmaster and the druid) so that i doesnt have to fight alone.