Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 14, 1951, p. 1 (2024)

ym vivr n v i twelve pages ages f georgetown ontario wednesday november 14 1951 twelve pages social and personal mrs p r harding st thomas was a weekend guest in town with mr b and mrs edward beerman mrs m hay tara is spending a couple of weeks with her son and daughter in law mr and mrs ivan hay mr and mrs thomas lee and children stephen vicky and nancy of ingersotl were sunday visitors with mr arid mrs walter biehn mr and mrs harold simpson and son bill of queensville were sunday visitors with mr and mrs j b shields staple avenue on sunday mr and mrs joe hall jr and david were in st cathar ines where they visited with mr and mrs david criehton jr misses shirley wright and ann luke have left on a vacation trip to california and mexico travelling by train mr and mrs bruce coooer and family brantford were sunday vis itors with mrs coopers sister ant brotherinlaw mr and mrs bruce mjfckenzie miss norma olney entertained on monday night at a china shower for miss arietta patjenden whose mar riage to cpl bill james takes place next month mr joseph cooke of watertown new york is visiting this week with his cousin mrs a e shaln and mr shain at their farm on the nor- val road archdeacon and mrs w g o thompson and lt col john r barber attended the funeral service in orangeville monday for canon h westmcmaster don barrager who is convales cing from a spinal operation which he underwent recently at sunny- brook hospital toronto was able to be home for the weekend he will be in hospital for several weeks yet judy mccumber entertained some friends at a supper and skating par ty saturday evening her guests were gail mcgllvray gloria bain gillian chapman gail thompson gloria boyd joan cummins bar bara alcott dennis bell danny martin douglas wrigglesworth bob by hill and bobby kidd colin blyth son of mr and mrs george blyth celebrated his fifth birthday saturday with a party at his home his guests were patsy laws bobby mccumber barbara and bonnie lee hilts michael cum mins keith allen douglas tartar his sisters karen and suzanne and his cousins sharon sandra peggy and robert blyth of acton michael cummins son of mr and mrs john cummins hart a party for hi fifth birthday tuesday guests were kiren and colin blyth patsy laws mary jane ward mich ael arid billy dwycr michael and terry dwyer bobby mccumber and his sister and brother loan and john mr and mrs frank hustler mr and mrs lloyd hustler and daugh- ters marlene and shirley and mrs jean greensward of brampton along with mrs taylor and daughter of cooksville were guests with the greenswards on sherbourne street toronto on sunday miss jean greensward remained for a two- week visit prioroner marriage on satur day to garnet hunter dorothy grace foster was guest at a shower at the home of mrs ken ingles acton where thirty uirl friends presented her with many useful gifts she also received a pair of wool blankets from employees at smith stone where she has wor ked for ihe last four years the bridegroom was presented with a mantel radio by his fellow employ ees at the av roe company mal- ton dinner guests last week at terra cotta inn included mrs r haggerl mr j s beatty mr c fenner mr and mrs e lewis miss lor raine lewis brampton mr and brs e v maccormaek george town professor and mrs w s pardue mr and mrs maurice dix on kapuskasing mr and mrs r j graham ashgrove j mcarthur f mocormack caledon dr and mrs g h watson port credit mr and mrs g e millner fergus m e parker lime rock conn engagements mr and mrs albert pattenden announce the engagement of their youngest daughter arietta mae to corporal albert henry bill james son of mrs emily james and the late george james the mar riage will take plae in knox pres- bytertan church on saturday dec ember the first at twothirty oclock turkey dinner for 25th wedding date mr and mrs flames douglas cel ebrated their twentyfifth wedding anniversary on saturday nov 10 when they entertained about twen tyfive relatives and friends to a turkey dinner and social evening at their home main street north they weve the recipients of many beau tiful gifts and good wishes mrs douglas was the former- mary butr ler of erin township alter farm ing for a number of years near rockwood mr and mrs douglas moved to georgetown where he has been employed by j b mac kenzie son for the past eleven years guests attending the dinner came from toronto acton erin hlllsburgh ospringe and george town was oldest minister in the baptist church member of a family long promi nent in georgetown rev dr philo kllborn dayfopt died in toronto on october 31st he would have cele brated his 94th birthday on decem ber 9th dr dayfoot was born in hamil ton in 1857 son of john b dayfoot and rosetta kllborn and moved with his family to georgetown in 1862 the dayfoot family operated the dayfoot shoe company here un til its sale a few years ago the fac tory later was closed down and the old shoe building is now used by kippenker ltd for manufacture of fibreglas boats he obtained his early extrication in the local schoojs entered wood stock college in 1872 and after grad uation in 1877 he attended toronto university graduating from there in 1881 he was ordained a baptist minister at port colborne the next year he later received master of arts degrees from toronto and mi- master university conferred on him a doctor of divinity degree in 1923 dr dayfoot had pastorates at port colborne strathroy port hope orillia and simcoe from 1912 to 1920 he was field secretary to the baptist board of religious educa tion then returned to port colborne where he was again pasfor this time for 2 yen- nmiiiin fiom the active ministry in 1942 he was the oldet ordained mini ster in the baptist cluinh in can ada for forty year- pi lor to his retirement in addition to his other duties he edited the sunday school pages of the canadian baptist and wrote extensively for other relig ious periodicals here and in the- u s dr dayfoot predeceased by his wife anna margaret harris leaves one daughter mrs dorothy ham- bly toronto and two brothers charles b dayfoot oak bay bc and harry c dayfoot georgetown the funeral service in toronto was conducted by dr w hodgson who had preached at the celebration of his sixty years in the ministry and by dr george webb who is now the oldest ordained minister in canada dr hodgson used the same text he had preached from nine years ago well done thou good and faithful servant pallbearers were deacons from his church in port colborne christmas u only six weeks sway hunterfoster vows exchanged saturday on saturday afternoon in st lohns manse georgetown rev john m smith officiated at the wedding of dorothy grace poster and gar net harvey hunter the bride an employee of smith stone ltd is the daughter of mr and mrs rus sell foster norval and the groom who works at the a v roe plant in malton is the son of mr and mrs harvey hunter of meadowvale the bride wore a powder blue suit with navy hat and accessories and a corsage of red roses her fa ther gave her in marriage attend ing the couple were mr and mrs hugh cunningham norval mrs cunningjham wearing a two piece navy suit navy accessories and a corsage of pink roses mothers of the bride and groom received afterwards at the poster home in norval mrs russell fos ter wore a black and white dres- and corsage of white chrysanthe mums mrs harvey hunter was in green crepe with a corsage of yelj low baby mums for a honeymoon trip to the states the bride wore a powder blue suit cinnamon wool coat and matchinc accessories they will litre in georgetown start work on new provincial addition work started monday on an ad dition to the provincial paper mill the company is putting a fifty foot extension on the north side of the buidling which will allow for ex- tension of the coating machines this will allow the dryer section of the coaters to be extended with an eventual increase in production whjch in turn may lead to increased personnel at the mill the paper mjll has purchased a section of caroline street from the town in order to make the exten sion the town council at a spec ial meeting thursday passed a by law closing off a portion of the street in order that it might be sold to the company for the building new zealander speaks to iode of homeland mrs james linton gave a talk on her homeland new zealand at a meeting of countess of strath- more chapter toide monday at the home of mrs wilfred ford mrs wallace thompson presided at the meeting which 45 members attended a 10 donation was made to the poppy fund and a wreath was placed on the cenotaph on arm istice day a letter from the chap ters adopted school asked for in door games for the winter months a bale is being packed with christ mas gifts for the children miss hel en macdonald arfd mrs harold han- cox being in charge mrs sam ponrice was welcomed as a new member wool for layette knitting was distributed by mrs h rugg a committee for the annual valentine dance was appointed a report on the fashion show show ed 100 profit miss ruth evans of fered her home for the january meeting hostesses for the even ing were miss helen macdonald mrs ivan hay mrs james alcorn mrs bruce mackenzie mrs walter riehn and mrs garfield mcgilvray silverwood school nurse speaks to institute group the november meeting of silver- wood w i was held on thursday atfernoon at the home of mrs tho mas applcyard seventh line miss j muklirik the liol nurse was guest speaker she brought the en- ioiiragmi neiv- that ontario and sikatcliem id the lowest death rate- due t utxr culo-i- in the dominion she infoinicd the groups how the expencs of the hiltou health unit lie met she urged iliral school- to idop the use of screens during the seasons when flies are prevalent during the af ternoon current events were read by mrs gilbert sinclair and a motto cheerfulness is a recipe fot a happy life was read by mrs r l corbett ten dollars was voted towards the greek relief fund the seventeen members and two visitors present responded to the roll cull by mentioning a supper dish one could leave ready mem bers were reminded of the district short course they call it human nature to be given in the iime- hnuse memorial hall on november 19th a short course of two half- days will be held one week later at the home of mrs g henderson sr when members will discuss something to wear which deals with suitable accessories for various occasions the fall fair report show ed a pleasing balance netted for the institute the december meet ing will take the form of a christ mas party on december 12 a com mittee was named to plan it refreshments were served at the close of the meeting ooooooo mrs frank miller mr and mrs f l miller mr and mrs brock miller and diane spent the week end at londesboro mr harold campbell left this week fpr a hunting trip to the north mrs burns has been visiting for a few days with her daughter mrs d williamson mrs annie stull visited relatives in stayner recently local musicians get j their arct degrees two local musicians marion hep- burn and kenneth r harrison re ceived degrees at the graduation exercises of the royal conservatory of music in toronto last thursday dr sidney smith president of the university of toronto conferred the degrees at convocation halljs miss hepburn- received twovdip lomas as solo performer in piano and in singing mr harrison recelr ved his diploma as solo performer in piano mr and mrs samuel harrison mr and mrs john hepburn miss maureen hepburn mrs win whee ler and miss gail wheeler were among those who attended the gra duation and the reception which followed at the conservatory raiders grouped with five in intermediate b heart attack fatal to guelph visitor a visitor in georgetown william john cook died suddenly on satur day morningf succumbing to a sev ere heart attack mr cook who lived in guelph had arrived on friday to spent the weekend here with mr and mrs andrew hunter he was a cousin of mrs hunter he was 44 years of age he is survived by his wife mary hodgson one daughter jean mrs charles nickel two sons frank and george and his mother mrs wll liam cook all of guelph the funeral service was held yes terday at the e l mclntyre fun eral home in guelph and interment was made in fairview cemetery acton lions speaker was armenian schoolmaster members of the lions club were treated to a trip to such eastern countries as india persia and egypt at last weeks dinner meeting at the megibbon house speaker was a i alexanian a hamilton iiik dealer who several years ago was a tewher at the ar menian school when- cedarvale school for girls is now located he was introduced by alex maclarcn who had been a director of the school when it was here he iouht coloured movies with him taken on a buying trip last year and told v any stories of his tiavels particularly about egypt is wife- people live vvhe plan english classes here for new canucks iic m basic fnglislund citi zenship will start in another week at gimgctown high school hi answer to an offer by the school board to new canadians in the district 22 emigrants enrolled for the course last week included in the class will be 5 danes two germans an austrian and a number of dutch people miss florence luke and principal 1 l lambert will act as teachers for the classes grand master visits local oddfellows dr j p mckinney or brook- lin grand master of ontario ad dressed a rally of district odd fellows in the local oddfellows hall last week he was paying his official visit to district 33 and odd- fellows from brampton orange ville milton and alton were pres ent to enjoy a turkey dinner served by the rebekahs ddgm gordon spence welcomed the grand master who gave a splen did talk on the work of the order visitors who spoke included the grand warden w jeffreys of wat erloo district deputy r harrison of guelph andtddom nixon of fergus cliff armstrongentertained with music and comedy ballinafad in hospital with badly burned mouth little patsy swindlehurst daugh ter of mr and mrs vic swindle hurst is at present in sick chil drens hospital toronto where she is recovering from a badly burned mouth mr and mrs gibb are rejoicing over their second little adopted son david andrew who arrived last week harrison pupils in musical recital here pupils of kenneth r harrison who are competing at the guelph kiwants music festival appeared in recital on friday in the baptist church here taking part in the recital as pian ists were karen blyth david raw- son david dlggtns peter ganham arlene hill bill farmer pat rich ardson bob tracey ruth ismond lillian shepherd sylvia digglns and donna mcmillan vocalists were brydon shields carol ottaway and anna snltzer mr harrison and richard sienko played a piano and organ duet pte kenneth jipbton rted killed in action in kovea on november 5th was e kenneth norton son of mr mrs arthur norton of glen illiams mehouse knox college student preaches at lunehouse mr w donovan a student at knox college preached at lime- house on sunday in the absence of rev alex calder who was conduc ting anniversary services at nor wich his former charge gloria latimer celebrated her sev enth birthday on monday when she entertained her little girl friends at supper her guests included diana shclboume joy patterson linda and heather clark6 dixie and gloria jones tommy sutton mr and mrs kinzel of regina saskatchewan visited the paul spit- 7ers during the past week miss shirley wright is on a two weeks holiday to various points in california mrs c a foster spent several days in toronto where she visited with her sister mrs mcklssick of south carolina col nourne is recuperating in guelph general hospital following iii abdominal oocration on monday we wish him a speedy recovery the wms met at akc home of mrs itoniihlev on thursday evening with the text word joy answer ed by a verse of scripture mrs a benton read scripture and mrs cishy led in prayer mrs s klrk- patrick read an article on value of piayer and mrs a norton con tributed a vocal solo the touch of a friendly hand several han ded in i ite ixixes the hostess ser ved i efreshments at the close mr and mr ross patterson visi ted his mother here on sunday the a c pattersons visited at weston on sunday the nobles visited the fryers georgetown on sunday iikn williams friends see diplomas given to m hepburn marion hepburn was one of 81 who received music diplomas from the royal conservatory of toronto last week she graduated in both piano and voice being a vocal pupil ofthe late w e capps and study ing piano with thelma capps mor rison her parents mr and mrs john hepburn sister maureen mrs win wheeler gail wheeler and misses margaret thornbcrry and pat townsend were her guests at the convocation and reception mr and mrs charles hanco*ck and family visited in toronto on sunday wih her sister and hus band mr and mrs paul chmara mr and mrs lloyd foster and family were with her parents mr and mrs m hanco*ck in toronto on sunday marlene kemshead is home from guelph general hospital where she underwent an operation last wed nesday harry williams spent the week- end with his parents mr and mrs reg williams georgetown raiders play tnr first league- gome in waterloo tor morrow night k the longawaited fiveteam in termediate b league was organised this week- georgetown is in much different company than in past years and there will be some 16ns road trips particularly one to- wal- kerton 1 five tejms have entered the group georgetown bridgeport elmira htespeler and walkerton all towns have artificial ice bridge- port playing their games in water loo first home game for georgetown will find elmira the opposition on friday the 23rd ooooooo the raiders had a couple of pre season warmups last week the 1 team appeared for the first time at milton friday in what has been re ferred to as tenstitch gam the reasonfflve stitches under the eye for rene martin and five in the head for jack kemshead raiders lost 64 they were without the services of scotty patterson harvey chappel and del beaumont nick ferri was playing his status this year still seems indefinite and re ports are that he is still flirting with brampton intermediates chappel recuperating from an appendicitis operation will be oat of action until after christmas del- ly who had a painful injury at work and lost the tip of a finger will also be sidelined for some time and he has taken over coaching du ties for the time being last night milton and george town played here to a 5all tie ooooooo the six team industrial league went into action monday there will be a triple header each mon day night these boys take- their hockey seriously and you get your thirtyfive cents worth ken nash and pete ward refereed on monday smith and stone last years cup team had their own way with a new entry burns transport win ning 62 alliance beat acton tan ners 32 norval won 74 from businessmen ooooooo alfie sykes loosed his ire on some of the kids who slept in on saturday and showed up for their names half an hour late in alfs book 7 30 means 730 and if a player doesnt get there in time he doesnt get on the ice dont blame him either for when a man gives a lot of time and hauls him self out of bed early to promote kid hockey the least he can expect is for the players themselves to coop erate in the peewee league saturday oilers blanked reds 20 hornets and bears played to a scoreless tie hamilton trounced kitchener 83 in the midget league while owen sound beat brantford 74 ooooooo you can follow all the doings at the arena this season by reading the schedule which will appear each week make a point of looking at it then theres no excuse for miss ing something v want to attend bill arnold who was transferred from the local branch of the bank of commerce to delhi has received another transfer bill is now work ing the bank branch st port perry the weather mr editor quite a winter quite a winter when we are looking for indian summer maybe everybody can use their own adjectives on the weather this week and let the wea therman hang his head ern batkdh date max mln snow november 5 26 11 november 6 31 10 november 7 35 28 1 november 8 36 28 november 9 43 24 november 10 46 30 november 1 1 46 26 average 3757 2242 8 baby weighs 22 ounces progressing favourably smallest baby ever in peel memolrjw hospital barry roy greensward is progressing favour ably at last reports the baby is in an incubator and is given a good chance to live by doctors the son of mr and mrs george greensward of georgetown he was born prematurely at mt monday afternoon and weighed 23 ounces at birth shoots deer skak8 on radio first local hunter to report shoots j fljl 221 ing a deer is clare wilson who bar- e e2l t ged one near orangeville monday cbm hamilton feaj rim-


Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 14, 1951, p. 1 (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.