Wednesday, Feb 21, 1916
Miss Josephine DEALY arrived home from Evanston, Illinois, the last of the
week, having completed her course in music and drawing in the Northwestern
John McMAHON and his cousin Miss Irene McMAHON, arrived home from Ackley
Monday evening where they were visiting for several days. They made the trip
in Mr. McMAHON's auto.
Mr and Mrs. W.J. O'BRIEN of Bancroft were visitors at the home of Mr and
Mrs James MURRAY Saturday. They came by auto. Both were glad to attend the
teacher's reunion.
Miss Vida FURHAM of Fort Dodge had a collar bone broken a few nights ago
while out riding in an auto. In passing another car, the auto over turned on
a narrow road near Algona.
John FORDYCE informs us that he recently sold a Chevrolet car to John BOUGH
and a Reo to John MALLOY. The Democrat was in error in reporting a week or
so ago that Mr MALLOY had invested in a Buick.
John FORDYCE informs us that he finds it very difficult to have his offers
for cars filled. There is a great demand for them. Those who are figuring on
buying such autos should, he says, hand in their names as early as possible.
Saturday Miss Rose DONAHUE of Ayrshire underwent a surgical operation at the
hand of Dr. O'BRIEN for the removal of a tumor on the left shoulder, the
growth of which was rapid and painful. By its early removal no further
trouble will result.
Pope Benedict has knighted Dr. J.B. MURPHY, the noted Chicago surgeon. The
conferring of the honor makes him a member of the order of Gregory the
Great. Doctor MURPHY is a brother of Rev. D. MURPHY, who was assistant
pastor of the Assumption church about twenty-five years ago.
The Democrat is pleased to learn that Joe HESSION, son of Mr and Mrs. Dr.
HESSION of Graettinger, has been promoted from his present position in one
of the leading railroad offices of Cedar Falls to a much better place at an
office in Davenport. he has followed railroading for several years.
James BURNS recently painted his fine new barn. He has named his place the
"Riverside Stock Farm." He is one of our most industrious, frugal and
up-to-date farmers. We hope that more of the public-spirited farmers of this
locality will imitate his example and give their places suitable names.
A few days ago John JOYNT Sr was injured while working for the Milwaukee
company in the eastern part of the state. he and his men were employed on
the branch lines that were badly damaged by the heavy May rains. His
condition is, however, not serious. The Democrat hopes he will soon be able
to be about as usual.
Among the interesting visitors at the teachers' meeting Saturday was John D
HIGGINS of Perry, Iowa. Thirty-six years ago he taught in the same building
at Braidwood, Illinois, with P.H. DONLON. He is an expert mathematician and
had an interesting interview with W.J. BOWDEN, our local expert. He enjoyed
his visit to Emmetsburg.
Miss Margaret FLOOD arrived home from Sanborn Wednesday, where she was
visiting her sister, Mrs. LONG.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, March 1, 1916
Members of A.O.H. Have One of the Most Successful Days in Local History of
Sunday was an important day in the local history of Ancient Order of
Hibernians. During the afternoon a class of thirteen was initiated by the
officers of the Emmetsburg division. The work was exceptionally well done.
The division officers had charge of the giving of the three degrees. Those
who became members are Michael FLEMING, Charles DUHIGG, Vincent FITZPATRICK,
In the evening a sumptuous banquet was enjoyed by the members and their
ladies at the K.C. hall. The total attendance was about 160. The spread was
served by Mr and Mrs WRIGHT, who for proficiency in this line, need no
introduction to the people of Emmetsburg. The napkins, flags and ice cream
were emblematic of the colors of the organization. The service was elegant,
prompt, and in every way satisfactory. All who were in attendance
complemented Mr and Mrs WRIGHT on their taste and efficiency.
The feast of reason and flow of soul followed. The program was one of the
best that has ever been given in Emmetsburg. P.H. DONLON, who has served
several terms as secretary of the organization, was honored in the selection
of toastmaster. He is ready and genial and is at all times at home with his
listeners. His introduction of the various parties who were listed on the
program showed that he has special tact and judgment for work of this kind.
The blessing was asked by Father VEIT.
The opening number on the program was a vocal solo by C.J. BERGER. He
sustained his reputation as a delightful singer. He always takes part
creditably on a program of this kind.
Miss Anna DONOVAN was assigned the subject, "The Hibernian as Seen by
Outsiders". She was clever, witty, and fluent and from the first, had a
hearty good will of the large audience. Her address of perhaps fifteen
minutes was indeed a gem and was a subject of warm and generous praise by
many who had the privilege of hearing her. Her description of the typical
Irish character was that of one who knows his energy, snap, humor,
integrity, magnanimity and deep seated reverence for things that are sacred.
Her effort would have been a credit to any banquet program here in Iowa.
Charles DUHIGG spoke on his impressions of the day. After a few humorous
remarks concerning the initiatory exercises and his new civic associates, he
referred at some length to the strong tendency of the young people of our
time towards frivolity and extravagance. His suggestions were timely and
they met with the warm approval of all serious minded people who heard him.
The speech was one of the best Mr DUHIGG has ever delivered in Emmetsburg.
He is earnest as well as pleasing and is cool headed and practical. He is
always a favorite with an Emmetsburg audience.
M.F. KERWICK was, as usual, the humorist of the evening. He was given to
understand by the program committee that he would not have to say much and
he didn't, but he kept the audience in an uproar while he had the floor. Mr
KERWICK is becoming very popular as an after dinner talker. He has original
Irish humor and it must be conceded that the supply he had on hand Sunday
evening was of a superiour quality. His place on the program could not have
been handled by any other member of the organization.
W.I. BRANAGAN spoke of Celtic achievement in religion, oratory, literature,
law, medicine, music, drama, comedy, art and science, and in the industrial,
commercial, and transportation development of our country.
Miss Bernadette BOUGH sang a couple of her best selections. She has
excellent ability and for one of her years,is showing marked progress as a
vocalist. She is undoubtedly one of the most promising singers of our
county. She filled a very important place on the program.
T.J. COONAN sang three of his best Irish songs and he was repeatedly greeted
with enthusiastic applause. He is always popular before Emmetsburg
audiences, but Sunday evening he was at his best. Mr COONAN's charming
personality, his cheery nature and his anxiety to do his part creditably add
greatly to his success as a popular entertainer.
The committee on general arrangements, C.J. McNALLY, W.P. KERWICK, M.J.
CONWAY, M.F. BRENNAN and Chas. WALDRON, deserve great praise for the success
of the day's exercises.
Were Married Wednesday
Mr M.T. THOMPSON of Ruthven and Miss Lillie Viola HANSEN were married at the
home of the bride in Emmetsburg township last Wednesday. Rev. S.A. SANDOW of
Graettinger officiating. We extend hearty good wishes to the happy couple.
Married in Emmetsburg Thursday.
Mr. Frank TRUNNEL of Galva, Iowa, and Miss Gertrude HARRIS of Graettinger
were married in this city Thursday, Rev. C.H. VANMETRE officiating. Much
joy to the happy couple.
Interesting School Trial at Graettinger.
Saturday a very interesting school trial was commenced at Graettinger and it
continued for two or three days. Mr .WILDEY charged one of hte teachers-
Miss Inez CROSS- with incompentency, untruthfulness, vindictiveness and
discourtesy towards a patron of the school. The case was tried before Supt.
Margaret RYAN. Attorney J.W. MORSE of Estherville appeared for plaintiff and
Attorney Dan KELLY of this city for defendant. There were a large number of
witnesses. Miss RYAN will not, we understand, give her decision until March
Public Sale Dates
Mrs. Mary A GIBBS, three and one-half miles southwest of Emmetsburg,
Tuesday, March 7.
F.D. HURLBURT, five miles east and one mile south of Graettinger, Wednesday,
March 15.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, June 14, 1916
B.F. McFARLAND of West Bend has been in Manitoba during the past week
looking after real estate interests in that section. He has of late years
made good money on Canadian lands.
The Journal reporst that Irwin SHELLMYER has returned from Graceville,
Minnesota, and will take charge of the telephone exchange at West Bend. Mr.
BALGEMAN is the owner of it.
Miss PLAGREY, who taught the Graettinger schools for some time has been
chosen superintendant of a consolidated district in Pocahontas county. She
was for a year or more employed in the Spencer schools.
Mr and Mrs SIFERT of Whittemore left in a Ford car a few days ago for a
summer's trip through the Dakotas and Montana. Mr. SIFERT will represent the
American Bible Society. He was superintendent of the Whittemore schools
during the past year.
Montague HAKES, the well known Laurens merchant, who is one of the leading
Democrats of Pocahontas county, took in the big republican convention in
Chicago a few days last week. If he secured a ticket he was exceedingly
C.P. COLGRAVE, who taught the teachers' institute in Emmetsburg when Mr
DONLON was county superintendent, has been elected president of the Upper
Iowa University of Fayette. Its buildings are valued at $200,000 and it has
an endowment fund of $265,000. Mr. COLGROVE [Note: spelled differently from
first reference] has for several years been vice-president of the Iowa State
Teachers' College at Cedar Falls.
Mrs. John CROWDER is enjoying a visit from her sister, Miss Mary Anderson of
Sioux City.
Mrs. Robt. WILSON and children went to Orange City Wednesday to visit
relatives for a short time.
Miss Mayme McCARTY of Graettinger spent Friday with her father, J.D. McCARTY
and family of this city.
Rev. and Mrs. CUTHBERT of Graettinger spent Wednesday with Mrs. CUTHBERT's
brother, J.E. SCHOOLEY, of this city.
Asa BROWN came to Emmetsburg from Minneapolis Thursday for a visit with his
parents, Mr and Mrs W.J. BROWN.
Miss Margaret FLOOD went to Sanborn Wednesday to visit her sister, Mrs.
Clifford LONG and family for a short time.
Miss Edna OLIVER of Ruthven attended the commencement exercises of the high
school in this city Wednesday evening.
Mrs. E.B. SOPER, Jr., went to Mount Vernon the last of the week to attend
the commencement exercises of Cornell college.
Mrs. Loretta MART and Miss Alice McNALLY spent Friday with their sister,
Mrs. Joe CLENNON of West Bend.
Wm. R. THOMPSON arrived home from McCloud, Oklahoma, Thursday. He spent the
past six months with relatives and friends at that place.
Postmaster STEINER of Mallard ws in Emmetsburg Saturday. he was seeing about
having some improvements made in the Mrs. CONLON property in the Fourth
W.D. MATT nd Miss Girlie DONOVAN and Chas. and Miss Lottie JOYNT went to
Fort Dodge Wednesday and drove home a fine new Overland auto which Chas.
Joynt has purchased.
Miss Mary DUHIGG arrived from Dubuque Thursday evening to spend her vacation
at her home in this city. She attended Mount St. Joseph's college at that
place during the past year.
High weeds on the edges of narrow road grades should be cut. A little care
in this matter would prevent auto accidents. When there is a thick growth of
grass or weeds it is a difficult matter for a driver to locate the edge of
the grade.
Thomas SCOTT recently received a letter from a sister who lives in London,
England, stating that workingmen are having a serious time of it in that
country. Business is upset and conditions are very unfavorable especially
for the laborers who are poor.
The commencement exercises of the Whittemore Catholic school were held last
evening. There were six graduates-Misses Zeta and Beatrice DUFFY, Timothy
O'BRIEN, Hildred ELBERT, Nicholas GENGLER and Francis REILLY. The
commencement address was delivered by Father SLATTERY who is temporarily in
charge of the Whittemore parish.
Barney EISENBAST and family of Graettinger were in Emmetsburg Saturday. They
drove down by auto. Mr EISENBAST gave considerable attention to road
building, while he lived in Germany and he thinks our people should first
provide for the draining and grading of the highways. Gravel is all right
when there is good road bed but it should not be used where the roads are
not in first class condition.
Friday evening Mrs. J.W. BRENNAN of this city was taken violently ill. Dr.
O'BRIEN wsa called and pronounced her ailment an abdominal tumor. Dr. TAYLOR
of the Algona hospital and Dr. BALDWIN of Ruthven were called in
consultation and his diagnosis of the case was verified by them. She was
taken to Sioux City Saturday to undergo an operation. She is quite advanced
in years. Her many local friends sincerely hope she will, in a short time,
be ble to return home fully restored to health and strength.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, IA
Wed., June 21, 1916
Mr and Mrs P.F. O'REILLY arrived home Monday from a visit with their son,
Rev. Edward MAYNARD of Sutherland. Mr O'REILLY was also serving as U.S.
juror at Sioux City while absent.
Miss Cora WARD, daughter of W.P. WARD, formerly superintendent of the local
division of the Rock Island road was married June 6 to James Lindsay BAXTER
of Chicago. Mr BAXTER is quite a prominent insurance man. The local friends
of Miss WARD will be pleased to learn of her marriage.
Mrs. Joseph NOLAN, postmistress of Ruthven, attended the convention of
postal forces of our county held at the K.C. hall Saturday evening. She is
greatly interested in the success of the organization that has been formed
for the purpose of encouraging efficiency in the public services.
Mrs. J.W. BRENNAN who went to Sioux City about ten days ago underwent a
surgical operation for the removal of a twenty pound tumor. Dr. KNOTT, the
well known surgeon, had charge of her case. We are glad to report that she
stood well the severe ordeal and is getting along nicely.
J.S. PETERSON of Ringsted, the democratic chairman of Emmet county, attended
the democratic national convention at St. Louis last week. He is one of the
most successful political organizers in northwest Iowa. He is very
influential in his home community and is widely recognized for his worth as
a citizen as well as a political worker.
James GHOSLIN, who recently retired from the editorial management of the
Estherville Democrat, will engage in railroading again.
We notice by the Ruthven Free Press that A.D. CARNAHAN, formerly of this
community, has invested in a fine Overland car.
Oscar and John DOYLE left for St Paul yesterday with their brother Dan's
auto. Dan will find it very useful in the real estate business.
Professor George ZIMMERMAN, who was principal of the Rolfe schools for some
time, underwent an operation at Cedar Falls, a few days ago for
C.S. DUNCAN left for Hudson, Mich. the first of the week to attend the
reunion of the military company of which he was a memver during the Civil
War. The Democrat hopes he will have a pleasant visit.
Mr and Mrs F.J. KELLER of Long Beach, California, arrived in Emmetsburg the
first of the week. They are guests at the home of Mr and Mrs W.J. BROWN.
They will remain for a short time to visit old neighbors, after which they
will go to Chicago to spend the warm summer months with their daughters.
Walter CROWELL of Estehrville recently graduated from the dental department
of the State University of Minnesota. He will locate for practice at
Lambertson, that state. He is a son of Mr and Mrs Walter CROWELL, formerly
of West Bend. We congratulate Mr CROWELL and his parents on his graduation
and hope he will be successful in his profession.
Yesterday P.H. DONLON received word that the prize offered by the L.A. of
the A.O.H. of Iowa for the best examination of Irish history was won by Miss
Veretta, daughter of Mr and Mrs Joseph MARTINI, of this place. She will have
the privilege of attending, during the coming year, any Catholic academy or
college in Iowa in which Irish history is taught. We congratulate her on her
success and also the sisters of St Mary's Academy, who had her as a pupil
during the past few years. Miss Kathryn McEVOY took this prize two or three
years ago. The prize offered by the A.O.H. was won by an Iowa City boy. We
have not learned his name.
John RHEMS and George BEATTY have purchased new Overland autos during the
past week. They bought them of W.D. DONOVAN.
Mrs. Emma JUCHER returned to Bode Tuesday after a week's visit with her
sister, Mrs Matt HENTGES, who lives northeast of this city.
Mr and Mrs F CHURCHILL of Mason City were in Emmetsburg Saturday. While in
town they were the guests of Postmaster P.H. DONLON
Mrs. L.G. THOMPSON and family of Estherville were guests during the past
week at the home of Mr and Mrs. J.R. WILLIAMS of this place.
Frank BRENNAN, Ed KELLY, J.S. GIBSON and Fred PAULSON left Tuesday for
Spirit Lake. They will do some work on the J.J. WATSON farm near that city.
Mrs. Ada HOOBLER of Streator, Ill. arrived in Emmetsburg Friday for a visit
with her son, Garret HOOBLER, and her daughter, Mrs. J.N. SNYDER, who live
near this city.
The Motor Inn reports that the following named parties have invested in
Fords within the past week: J.P. JOYNT, Nick MARTINI, Ralph PARNHAM, Chris
Mrs. Margaret GLEASON and Miss Kathryn DONLON of Medina, North Dakota, came
to Emmetsburg the last of the week to visit their brother, P.H. DONLON. Both
are teachers in the public schools of Medina.
Miss Marie Z PINGREY, who was for some time principal of the Graettinger
schools, has gone to Greeley, Colorado to attend a summer school. She will
become superintendent of a consolidated school in Pocahontas county during
the coming year.
Miss Gertrued VanWAGENEN, daughter of Judge VanWAGENEN of Sioux City, has
been given a position for the summer in the biological laboratories of
Harvard University in the Bermuda Islands. She has, for some time, been
engaged in the department of zoology in the State University of Iowa.
Father CARROLL's sermon at the Assumption church Tuesday evening of last
week has, for several days, been the subject of generous praise by the many
who had the good fortune to hear him. His subject was the "Love of God for
Mankind". Father CARROLL is intellectual and ready and he speaks with great
earnestness. The people of Emmetsburg expected an elegant sermon and they
knew that they would not be disappointed.
Attorney Maurice O'CONNOR of Fort Dodge has retired from pracitce. He has
been suffering for some time, from a nervous breakdown. He spent the winter
in California and came home in the spring feeling better but close attention
to business brought his painful ailment back again. Mr .O'CONNOR is one of
Iowa's ablest and most conscientious attorneys. His physical decline will be
greatly and sincerely regretted.
Mrs. Wm. EVERTS of Spencer was called to Emmetsburg the first of the week by
a serious illness of her sister, Miss Edna ROGERS.
Brother Noah FALB of the West Bend Journal attended the meeting of the
postal employes held at the K.C. hall in this city Saturday evening.
Frank AUSINGER of Mallard was an Emmetsburg visitor the first of the week..
He is one of the pioneer and highly esteemed gentlemen of that locality.
F.H. GRAAF of Estherville is now conducting his moving picture show in a
large tent. He will use it until the new opera house at that place is
Mr and Mrs John SULLIVAN of Graettinger were in Emmetsburg Sunday. Their
little daughter was quite ill with pneumonia for several days but is, we are
pleased to report, better.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, 19 July 1916
James NALLY went to West Bend Monday to visit his daughter, Mrs. Hugh
CARNEY, for a few days.
Mr and Mrs. Peter COLLINS spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Matt
KIRSCHBAUM, of Garner.
Arthur FAHY of Saskatchewan, Canada arrived in Emmetsburg the first of the
week for a visit with his grandmother, Mrs. Margaret HICKEY.
Myles McNALLY, M.J. CONWAY, Michael JOYNT, Leo McEVOY, C.F. WALDRON, and
James P JONES will represent the local division of the A.O.H. in the state
convention to be held at Keokuk the second week of August. An invitation
will be extended to the organization to hold its next state convention in
Robert McNALLY went to Arthur, Iowa Monday to commence work on an elevator.
He is in the employ of a construction company.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wed., Aug 9, 1916
Mrs. P.J. NALLY went to Clinton, Iowa, Sunday evening for a visit with her
sister, Mrs. J.B. WHALEN
John KEATING of Chicago came to Emmetsburg Tuesday for a visit with his
parents and other relatives in this locality.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Aug 30, 1916
Mr and Mrs. J.P. CROWLEY Attended Big Gathering at Spirit Lake Yesterday
Mr and Mrs J.P. CROWLEY were at Spirit Lake yesterday attending the
unveiling of the bronze tablet commemorating the sheltering of pioneer
citizens of Dickinson county from the attack of the Indians in 1862. The
tablet rests on a nine ton boulder which is located in the courthouse yard.
A stockade was built at that place at the same time that E.K. RIDGELEY was
established at Estherville. The exercises held yesterday were very
creditable. The program was as follows:
"America"-School children.
Invocation-Mrs. Rosanna HEMENWAY, D.A.R. Chaplain
Speech-Hon. A.B. FUNK
Speech-Mrs. Dixie GEBHARDT, State Regent D.A.R.
Speech-Hon. Harvey INGHAM
Presentation of Tablet to Pioneers of Dickinson County, Mrs. A.M. JOHNSON,
Regent, D.A.R.
Acceptance of Tablet-County Attorney Harry E. NAREY
"Star Spangled Banner"-School Children
"Salute to Flag"-D.A.R.
It is needless to say that Mr. CROWLEY was especially interested in the
program. Forts were built by the state in 1862 at Chain Lake, Minn., which
is not far from Armstrong and at Estherville, Spirit Lake and Sioux City.
The state guards patrolled the country all the way from Chain Lake to Sioux
City by the way of the points named. Mr. CROWLEY, Lot LAUGHLIN, Joseph and
Kern MULRONEY, P.R. JACKMAN and Fay CARTER, all of this county were members
of Company A of Estherville. W.H. INGHAM, father of Harvey INGHAM of the
Register and Leader was captain and Col. SMITH, the well known Algona
banker, was quartermaster for five companies. Mr. CROWLEY says that Mr.
SMITH was an admirable provider for the needs of the soldiers. Ed McKNIGHT
of Dakota City was first lieutenant of the company. Mr. CROWLEY thinks that
Edward RIDLEY and Amos PINGRAY are the only two Emmet county members who are
still living. John HEFLEY, formerly of this place, who was a soldier in the
Mexican War, was second lieutenant of the company that was also stationed at
Chain Lake. The members of the company enlisted in August 1862, and were
mustered out in January, 1864. They were relieved by Company I of the Sixth
Iowa Cavalry of Iowa City, which was under the command of Captain WOLF. The
Estherville soldiers put in a rather hard winter but they had a good time.
Mr. CROWLEY says they slept on the floor of a school house and had blankets
for covering. They had good victuals.
The soldiers who were stationed at Spirit Lake had quarters in the court
house at that place. In all there were five companies on duty. James SAWYER
of Sioux City who was a captain of the U.S. army, became colonel of the
Northern Brigade. Mr. CROWLEY says that a company of United States soldiers
were stationed at Spirit Lake before the northern brigade was organized.
There was a massacre at Jackson, Minnesota in 1862. The New Ulm massacre
also occurred during the same year. Jackson is about twenty miles from
Spirit Lake. Five years before occurred the horrible Spirit Lake massacre.
under the circumstances it is not surprising that the frontier soldiers were
very uneasy.
J.H. QUINN Buys Half Section Farm at Bancroft
W.J. O'BRIEN writes us that James QUINN and Daniel O'BRIEN of Fairfield
township were at Bancroft last Saturday. Mr. QUINN has bought the John
HAUPERT half section farm two and one-half miles north of that place. He
paid $135 an acre for it. it is choice and well located. Mr. O'BRIEN thinks
he secured a bargain. Mr. QUINN has a well improved quarter section farm in
Fairfield township but he wanted more land for his eight sons. The citizens
of our county will regret very much to learn of the contemplated departure
of Mr and Mrs. QUINN and family. They are among our most deserving and
successful people and have many warm friends.
H.H. FISH Buys at Knoxville
H.H. FISH has bought a moving picture theater at Knoxville, this state. He
asks to have the Democrat mailed to him at his new address.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Sep 27, 1916
Jas. SCHOOLEY left Saturday on a business trip to Des Moines.
Wm. COONAN, Jr. left Saturday for a week's visit with friends in Chicago.
Knut IVERSON of Graettinger was a business visitor in this city Monday.
Dr. F.X. CRETZMEYER was an over Sunday visitor with relatives at Waverly.
J.H. GODDEN is erecting a new set of buildings on his farm east of
Mr and Mrs M. DALEY and family of Ayrshire were Emmetsburg visitors
Mrs. Wm. YOUNG is enjoying a visit from her sister, Miss Vera LOWE of Green
Mr and Mrs J.J. KANE and son Edward spent Sunday with relatives at
Paul CARTER was a passenger to Clinton Saturday. He has a sister living at
that place.
Mr and Mrs Emmet MOORE and son Ray of Wallingford spent Sunday with friends
in this city.
JOYNT Bros. and Mrs. Jas. MAHAN shipped two cars of cattle to the Sioux City
market the last of the week.
D.T. GRADY went to Chicago Saturday evening to begin work as a student in
the Chicago Veterinary school.
Misses Florence KIBBIE, Margie ANGLUM and Josie WIGEN of Ayrshire were
Emmetsburg visitors Monday afternoon.
Miss Mabel GRANGER, who was visiting relatives and friends in this city for
two weeks, returned to her home in Liberty, Kansas, Sunday evening.
Miss Gertrude and Helen O'CONNOR of Chicago arrived in Emmetsburg Sunday for
a visit with their aunt, Mrs. John DOOLEY and other relatives.
Mr and Mrs M.B. KANE and Mr and Mrs E.H. McNALLY and baby of Ayrshire autoed
to Emmetsburg Sunday and spent the day with relatives and friends.
P. JOYNT and daughter, Miss Lottie, and his granddaughters, Misses Genevieve
and Josephine JOYNT, autoed to Spencer Saturday. They were accompanied home
by Miss Agnes JOYNT.
Bro. LARSON was over from Whittemore yesterday. He reports that a sone of
Mr. DAHLHAUSER, a son of John CULLEN and a son of Mr. REILLY left for Sioux
City last week to attend Trinity college.
J.C. McGINNIS of Curlew, thought a staunch republican, tells the Democrat
that he will vote for Woodrow Wilson and he says he knows of several other
republicans who will vote for the re-election of our splendid president. No
fair minded man is opposed to him.
Miss Jennie BIGLEY of Graettinger recently returned from France where she
served in the hospitals of the Allies. She is doubtless glad to be back in
Iowa again.
Melvin FISK drove up from Curlew Thursday to attend the funeral of Thomas
We understand that one of Mayor SAUNDERS' nephews was recently injured while
in the army of the Allies.
Jas. SCOTT purchased a touring car from MANN auto Co. this week.
Mr and Mrs. Wm. HARVEY arrived home from Dawson, Dallas county, Monday,
where they were visiting friends for a week. They were also at Des Moines
and other places while absent. They made the homeward trip of 135 miles in
five hours and used only six gallons of gasoline. They have a Ford. Crops
are not so good in Dallas county as in this locality.
Frank ILLINGWORTH will have a big sale Wednesday, October 11. He has a
quarter page ad in this issue. He will move to Minnesota. He will also offer
for sale his finely improved 140 acre farm. It is well located, is fenced,
and cross-fenced with woven wire, has an orchard of 100 trees, a good grove
and exceptionally good outbuildings. It would be well for parties who are
thinking of investing to inspect his farm before the date of sale.
Frank KOCH caught a pike in the Des Moines River that weighed almost eight
pounds. It made a fine feast.
Mrs. MART, Peter, and Mary MART, accompanied by Mr and Mrs N.W. MART and
baby of Gukeen, Minnesota, autoed to Rochester, Minnesota, last week where
they visited a few days with the Misses Kate and Margaret MART. Mrs. E.
WOLLNER of Newburg, Wisconsin, who was visiting there accompanied them home.
The first of the week Mr. and Mrs Peter HOELZNER caught in the Des Moines
river between Milwaukee railroad bridge and the Burns bridge four pike that
weighed 24 pounds. They were beauties. They hauled four more that were not
so large.
Sunday afternoon a social was held at the K.C. hall in honor of Mrs. O.P.
DOYLE before her departure for her new home in Minneapolis. There were a
large number of ladies in attendance and a very pleasant afternoon was
spent. Mrs. DOYLE was presented with a neat souvenir to remind her of the
friendship and the hospitality of her old neighbors.
The Funeral was Held at Algona This Morning
Algona, Ia, Sep 24- The Rev W. J. HALPIN, one of the pioneer priests of the
Roman Catholic church in Iowa, died here this morning of apoplexy. Father
HALPIN was born in Ireland in 1850 and was ordained a priest in Iowa in
1884. He had charge of parishes at Eldora, Early and Algona, coming here
nineteen years ago. He was very popular, not only among the members of his
parish, but among the people of other denominations. Funeral services will
be held at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning.
Father Halpin was scholarly and eloquent and was widely known. He preached
the sermon at the blessing of the bell of the Assumption church in this city
nearly thirty years ago. He was then a comparatively young man. He also
delivered the sermon when the church was dedicated and he preached
frequently in St. Thomas church and spoke on one or two occasions at the St.
Mary Academy commencement exercises. Of late years he declined rapidly in
health and strength. He was genial and warm hearted and had a great many
staunch friends. His numerous acquaintances in this county will learn with
regret of his death.
Attorney BRENNAN Convicts Bomb Thrower
Attorney Jas. F. BRENNAN succeeded in convicting Warren K. BILLINGS, the San
Francisco bomb thrower. Several others who were implicated will also be
Prices as a Rule Much Better Than They Were Last Fall
Harry WILSON Sells Farm
C.H. REILLY sold H.J. WILSON's farm south of Bancroft to the McENROE boys,
east of town, for $117 an acre. The farm has no buildings but is good
land.--Algona Courier.
A Sale Near Graettinger
Saturday C.C. RUCKER sold 120 acres of land in north Vernon township to Fred
HULBERT for $120 per acre. There are no buildings on the place. Mr. RUCKER
has 120 acres left. He will put up a new set of buildings.
Stiff Price at Sheldon
The H.C. CAIN farm that is located about a mile south of town was sold
Saturday at auction. It was bid by Ben HELLMANN at $242 per acre. This is a
155 acre farm with good improvements.--Mail
Sells for $147 Per Acre
John HAND sold his quarter section farm near Ayrshire a few days ago to L.C.
HAHN of Mallard for $147 per acre. It is favorably located and is well
improved. Mr HAND has rented a large farm near Brandt, South Dakota. He will
move onto it in March.
A Quarter Brings $175 Per Acre
The Andrew McCORMICK 160 acre farm near Goldfield was sold last week by the
Bash Realty Co. to W.K. BLACK of that place. The consideration was $175 per
acre. Mr. McCORMICK has owned the land for sixteen years, purchasing it then
for $61 per acre.--Pocahontas Democrat
Enoch LUNDGREN Disposes of His Farm
Enoch LUNDGREN who bought the old P. MULRONEY 593 acre farm a year or two
ago, has traded it for a section farm in Travers county, Minnesota. He put
in his place at $120 per acre and paid $107.50 per acre for the Minnesota
land. The O'Brien Land Company of Graceville, Minnesota, made the deal.
Between Goldfield and Renwick
The old A.D. HUNT homestead just west of town owned jointly by Victor and
Hyde HUNT, has been sold, Hyde purchasing Victor's interests of him and then
selling the whole 210 acres to Ed E CAMERON, who has been farming a place
between Goodfield and Renwick. The price paid was $150 per acre.--Livermore
He Sold for $126 Per Acre
Carl CHRISTIANSEN was down from Graettinger Saturday. He recently sold his
quarter section farm to John and Martin CAUKKER of West Bend for $126 per
acre. He bought 80 acres of it from M.C. GRIER a year ago for $115 per acre.
The place is fairly well tiled but the buildings are not large. Mr. COSSACK,
who lives east of Graettinger, has rented the farm. He is a son-in-law of
one of the purchasers. Mr. CHRISTIANSEN will invest again in Iowa or
Geo. J. JOOSTEN Buys Near Rodman
Geo. J. JOOSTEN of Peoria, Illinois, was in Emmetsburg Monday evening. He
had just closed a deal for hte purchase of the KALKWORF 200 acre farm two
and one-half miles south of Rodman. We understand that he paid about $125
per acre for it. Mr. KALKWORF lives at Flanagan, Illinois. Mr. JOOSTEN says
that Illinois land is selling for $250 to $300 per acre.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Jan 3, 1917
Short Items of Local Interest
J.M. BANWART of West Bend was in Emmetsburg Friday.
Matt DONOVAN visited relatives at Estherville Saturday.
Miss Lewine HAND went to Spirit Lake Friday to visit with friends.
Miss Edith DARG of Humboldt visited relatives in this city last week.
The Spencer people are figuring on installing a city heating system.
Robert MULRONEY was on the sick list for several days last week.
Miss Josephine DEALY went to Isabel, South Dakota, yesterday on business.
District Court will convene at Spencer January 15. Judge LEE will preside.
Sam ROSEN and Wm. EARLY were business visitors at Wallingford Saturday.
Mr and Mrs. E.M. THOMPSON spent the first of the week with Graettinger
Mr and Mrs. C.J. FRYE and children spent New Year's with West Bend
Mr and Mr. Richard COOKLIN have moved into the Fred AUSTIN residence in this
Miss Florence MAGUIRE of Waterloo is visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs
Miss Idella MURPHY spent the first of the week with her father, Edward
MURPHY, at Graettinger.
Miss Anna DONOVAN was on the sick list last week, but is, we are pleased to
report, able to be about again.
Roy ATKINSON went to Spirit Lake Friday to visit relatives. His wife and son
have been there for some time.
Master George SCHRIEBER returned to Rodman Monday after a few days visit at
the C.J. FRYE home in this city.
Mr and Mrs. E.H. McNALLY and baby of Ayrshire spent New Year's with Mr and
Mrs John McNALLY of this place.
Mr and Mrs Dan BURNS went to Sioux Falls Saturday morning to visit for a
couple of days. They have relatives at that place.
James O'CONNELL of Lemberg, Sask., who was visiting in this city for a few
days, left for Waterloo Tuesday. From there he will go to Canada.
F.L. EATON of Charter Oak arrived in Emmetsburg this morning on a business
trip. He moved to that place from Ruthven a few weeks ago.
Master Eden SCHENDEL, youngest son of Mr and Mrs Paul SCHENDEL, was a pretty
sick boy Tuesday. At present, however, he is feeling much better.
Francis, son of Mr and Mrs. Thos. CULLEN, will leave for Dubuque tomorrow to
attend St. Joseph's college. He was a student at that institution some time
Father S.P. SWEENEY came down from Spirit Lake Monday. His sister, Miss
Esther, accompanied him and was the guest of local friends during the
Supt. Margaret RYAN, accompanied by Miss Joann MULRONEY, arrived home from
Peoria, Illinois, Saturday, where they spent the Christmas holidays with Dr.
and Mrs. HESSION.
A.E. FRINK writes us to change his Democrat from Ladysmith, Wisconsin to
Cylinder. He moved to Ladysmith about a year ago. We are always glad to
learn of Iowans coming back.
Short Items of Local Interest
James Cahill went to Ayrshire Tuesday to visit his daughter, Mrs. Hugh
Mrs. Theo. Chrischilles of Algona died at San Diego, California, last
Mrs. Thomas Clare was over from Spencer Tuesday visiting at the Chas. Duhigg
home in this city.
Mr and Mrs Thomas Durant of Austin, Minn., are visiting at the home of Mr
and Mrs Wm Durant of Cylinder.
Mrs. Van Metre and daughter, Miss helen, were passengers to Des Moines today
for a week end visit with relatives.
S.R. Stedman of Fort Dodge arrived in Emmetsburg Tuesday to visit his
parents, Mr and Mrs P.H. Stedman.
Mrs. Matt Kilroy came over from Mason City Tuesday to visit her mother, Mrs.
Thomas Conlon for a few days.
Keith Gowans returned to Sioux City Tuesday after spending the holidays with
his parents. He is a civil engineer.
Robert Henderson, who lives northeast of this city, returned from Indiana a
few days ago where he was visiting relatives.
Peter Bough is not improving very much but his condition is not at present
considered particularly serious. His many friends are hopeful for his early
Misses Regina and Marie Murray returned home Tuesday after a few days' visit
with relatives at Bancroft. Their cousin, Miss Helen O'Brien accompanied
them home.
John Casey, J.F. Kelly, and F.L. Dorris have invested in a ferret. Their
firm will be known as the German Combine. Anyone who needs the services of
their ferret should address them in the name of the firm.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, January 10, 1917
F.W. MORRIS has bought the F.G. TRAVER bakery and is already in possession.
He is experienced and capable and solicits the patronage of the public. Mr.
TRAVER has rented the cafe north of the Milwaukee depot.
Had Brights' Disease at Age of Fourteen
The Free Press reports that Raymond NICHOLSON died a few days ago at his
home west of Ruthven. He had acute Brights disease. He was only fourteen
years of age.
Public Sale Dates
Pat DUFFY, 2 1/2 miles north of Curlew Tuesday, January 23.
M. FLAHERTY, 6 1/2 miles northeast of Mallard, Wednesday, January 17
Orville I OLSON, 7 miles east of Emmetsburg, Tuesday, January 16.
H.S. FAIN, 1 mile north of city limits, Wednesday, February 21.
PEARSON & WALTERS, 2 miles northeast of Rodman, Friday, January 12.
P.J. DUNN, 8 miles northwest of Emmetsburg, Febuary 13.
Denver POWERS, 7 miles northwest of Emmetsburg, Thursday, February 8.
E.R. STUDER informs us that his two year old boy, who became afflicted with
infantile paralysis in July, has been able for a month to walk about the
house. He feels that the boy is gradually recovering. The child was treated
twice a week by Dr. LAIRD, a Ruthven osteopath.
Mayor SAUNDERS will leave for Californai the last of the week to remain for
a short time.
Mrs. EARLY's Home Damaged By Fire
Friday morning about eight o'clock fire broke out in the roof of Mrs. John
EARLY's home in this city. The fire boys with their auto truck were on hand
promptly and soon succeeded in quenching the flames. The roof is badly
damaged and the ceiling and walls were soaked with water. Mrs.EARLY carries
a policy in the Town Mutual Company for something like $800. The adjustment
of the loss has not yet been made. Mrs. EARLY's many friends are glad that
her home was not completely destroyed.
Enjoyed a Stuffed Salt Water Turkey
Owen McNULTY informs us that during the holidays he received a large "salt
water turkey" from his daughter, Mrs. H.D. PETERMAN, of Seattle,Washington.
His daughter, Mrs. John McCORMICK, stuffed it and baked it and he, with a
number of relatives, enjoyed the feast. it is needless to say that
Mr.McNULTY, though not so rugged as he was ten years ago, has a very hearty
appetite for turkeys when they are properly prepared for the dinner table.
Ed NELSON Locates in Minnesota
Ed NELSON, who published the Ruthven Free Press for a couple of years has
bought the Independent at Leroy Minnesota. It is a place of 800 inhabitants.
Mr. NELSON was employed in the Estherville newspaper offices for several
years and was also at Sioux City and Redfield, South Dakota for some time.
The Democrat wishes him success in his new venture.
Wm. REARDON Seriously Ill
Wm. REARDON, our former county supervisor, has for some time been very ill
in the Mayo hospital at Rochester, Minnesota. His condition is considered
quite serious.
Miss Josie McEVOY spent the middle of the week with her brother, E.J. of
Mrs. Dr. H.A. POWERS was a passenger to Green Island Tuesday to visit
relatives for a short time.
Mr and Mrs Chris HANSEN left Saturday morning for Florida where they will
remain for the winter.
Mr Frank EATON of Charter Oak spent several days in this city during the
past week.
Miss Mabel HUGHES returned to McCallsburg, Ia., Sunday after a three week's
vacation at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs T.J. HUGHES.
Mrs. CROWLEY left for her home Saturday at Madison, Wis. after spending a
couple of weeks at the T.J. BRENNAN home.
Harold HOLGREN left Sunday for Cedar Rapids where he is attending college.
Miss Nina HANSON returned to Des Moines Saturday morning where she is
attending Drake university.
William BRENNAN left Thursday for Dubuque after spending the holidays at the
home of his parents, Mr and Mrs T.J. BRENNAN.
Mrs. Sol EYE, who was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital at Sioux City last week
died at that place. She underwent an operation for gall stones and never
regained consciousness from the ether. The remains were brought to her home
in this city, and the funeral was held Monday afternoon from the Free
Methodist church. Burial was in Crown Hill cemetery.
Mr. A.W. GOFF of this city received an appointment the latter part of this
week to be bookkeeper at the state capitol building at Des Moines.
William GRADY returned Sunday to Grand Island, Nebraska after spending the
holidays in this city.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, January 17, 1917
C.W. MONSELL of Ruthven was an Emmetsburg visitor Thursday.
C.H. GIDDINGS of Osgood was an Emmetsburg visitor last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. John NAMER of Mallard spent Monday in Emmetsburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy DONOVAN spent Sunday with relatives at Estherville.
M.F. KERWICK was on the sick list several days during the past week but is
able to be about again.
John BRENNAN of Nevada township has been visiting relatives in Greene county
during the past few days.
John TOUR of Humboldt was an Emmetsburg visitor Thursday. He is the leading
merchant tailor of that place.
D. FOLEY of Ruthven was calling on Emmetsburg friends Friday. He looks as
fresh and hearty as he did twenty years ago.
W.H. GAYLORD informs us that he will have a sale Tuesday, January 26.
C.J. MERSCH of West Bend was an Emmetsburg visitor Friday. While in town he
favored the Democrat with a brief call.
There will be a basket social in the Osgood school house on Friday January
16. Everybody invited. Miss Rose CARMODY is the teacher.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MYERS of this place last
Wednesday. Their many friends extend hearty good wishes.
Bert SALVEN arrived home from Chicago Saturday. He had been taking a five
weeks course in the Jones National School of Auctioneering.
Mr. McDERMOTT of Lohrville was in Emmetsburg Friday. He is engaged in the
banking business at that place and is a large real estate owner.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry PFIFFNER Wednesday, January 6. It
is needless to say that their many friends extend hearty congratulations.
Mrs. Dan BURNS arrived home from Eagle Grove Saturday evening. She remained
there for several days to visit friends when she was returning from
Excelsior Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ROOT of Arnolds Park visited Emmetsburg relatives the
last of the week.
P.H. DONLON Appointed Postmaster of Emmetsburg
Friday P.H. DONLON was appointed postmaster of Emmetsburg. His many friends
in this city and throughout the state will be pleased to learn of his
success. Mr. DONLON served as chairman of the democratic county central
committee for twelve or fourteen years and he made many sacrifices for the
welfare of the party. He is one of the most capable and deserving gentlemen
in Iowa and will, we are sure, as postmaster, give our citizens first class
service. He is familiar with the duties of the office, having served as
deputy postmaster under W.I. BRANAGAN from 1896 to 1898. All who know Mr.
DONLON are confident that he will more than make good as the representative
of Uncle Sam in Emmetsburg during the coming four years.
W.E.G. SAUNDERS Emmetsburg's New Mayor
At the special meeting of the city council held Wednesday evening W.E.G.
SAUNDERS was elected mayor to succeed S.D. BICKFORD, who resigned a short
time ago. Mr. SAUNDERS is a gentleman of large business experience, has
traveled extensively in the United States and Europe and is familiar with
the municipal needs of cities as well as of smaller towns. He is
enterprising and public spirited and will, we are confident, do his best to
give our citizens faithful and satisfactory service. The Democrat extends
hearty congratulations and hopes that all of the members of the council will
cooperate with him in promoting the welfare of our community.
P.G. HOLDEN Sued for $100,000 Damages
We notice that P.G. HOLDEN, well known to many of our citizens, and a couple
of other parties have been made defendants in a law suit for $100,000
damages. The action has been commenced in the district court at Des Moines
by F.W. HICKS, assignee of the Grand View Investment company and the Grand
View Land Irrigation Company. Mr. HOLDEN and his friends are charged with
mismanagement of the affairs of both companies, of which they were officers.
This is one of the reasons it seems that Mr. HOLDEN was defeated for the
republican nomination for governor two years ago last June.
Dr. A.J. JOYNT Locates At Waterloo
Dr. A.J. JOYNT and Dr. W.B. SMALL have opened an office at Waterloo. They
will give special attention to ear, eye, nose and throat ailments. Dr.
JOYNT, after graduating from the medical department of the State University
of Iowa, spent several months as intern in Mercy hospital in Des Moines,
after which he left on a trip to Europe and took special training in the
treatment of eye, ear, throat and nose ailments in the leading surgical
institutions of Austria and Germany. He is a member of one of the oldest,
best known and most substantial families of our county and is a tactful,
clever young gentleman. The Democrat bespeaks for him a successful career as
a practitioner.
Lewis JOHNSON of Emmetsburg was a business visitor in this city Friday.
Mrs. H.E. SHARTIS and son Carroll were visiting at Spencer Thursday.
Miss Elizabeth McNALLY returned to her home at Emmetsburg Saturday night.
She has been assisting in the First National Bank for a few days.
Mrs. SPONG of Spirit Lake arrived in this city Saturday for a visit at the
Jas. F. NOLAN home.
F.C. PARROT shipped three car loads of cattle from this city on Saturday to
St. Joseph, Missouri.
Mr and Mrs. Wade HARRIS will leave the first of the week for California
where they will attend the Panama Pacific Exposition. They will be
accompanied by Mrs. Fred SMITH who will visit relatives at Laton,
Ray LeCLAIR was a business visitor at Spencer Friday.
Miss Agnes JOYNT of Emmetsburg spent Sunday visiting at the Chas. SLAGLE
home in this city.
Word was received here Saturday that Mrs. Joseph F. NOLAN was appointed
postmaster in this city.
Mrs. HIGHER returned Saturday night from Spencer where she has been visiting
with her brother.
Mrs. Martin BRENNAN of Emmetsburg spent Sunday visiting at the home of her
daughter Mrs. Thomas CURRANS.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
March 21, 1917
Box Social and Play
Friday night, March 23, at the Carney school, three miles south of
Emmetsburg, the "grown-ups" of the neighborhood will give the play,"Dr
Baxter's Invention." This is a very humorous play of one act, and using six
characters. No admission will be charged. The sale of boxes will follow the
Miss Georgina Kinsman, Teacher.
Mr. Quinn Pleases Thirty Boys
Saturday C.C. Quinn brought thirty of the young boys of this city to the
basement of St. Thomas church and treated them to a sumptuous dinner. Itis
needless to say that they consider him one of the best men in Emmetsburg.
They often distribute advertising matter for him and he frequently shows
them courtesies at his theater.
W.A. Randall of Estherville spent Thursday and Friday at the Charles Smith
Miss Agnes Breffle returned to her school at Lake Park Monday. Miss
Breffle's school has been closed on account of an outbreak of scarlet fever
and she has enjoyed a vacation at home.
Miss Wilma Richardson spent Saturday visiting her sisters at Emmetsburg.
Mr and Mrs Jos. Kliegl returned Monday from a week's visit with Waterloo
Mr. Moore of Mason City, has been hired by the Cylinder Farmers Telephone
company as their manager and will begin work April 1st. Mr. Moore is a
brother of Mrs George Freeman.
Reuben Gard has purchased a stock horse from Henry Dedrick. He is a very
fine animal.
A Stormy Week
Last week was a stormy one. We had almost as many blizzards as we had early
in February. Trains were blockaded and business interests suffered. For
several days snow shovels were in demand. At present small boats would be
very useful on a number of our sidewalks.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, March 28, 1917
Ray M'Nally is a Tama Booster
The News Says He Has the Neatest, Best Drug Store at That Place
In order to be a real booster one must not only do his share in supporting
public enterprises and give his time for work for the community, but must
also keep improving his store. R.B. McNally, Tama's popular young pharmacist
fills the bill in every detail. He is not only a very live wire, but has one
of the finest and best kept drug stores in Iowa.
McNally, or Mac as they call him familiarly, came to Tama two years ago and
purchased the Sperry Bros. pharmacy which was then known as the Tama Drug
Company. Since his step into the store every day has been a day of activity
for McNally both in his private business and in his work for the community.
He is a booster in every sense of the word, in fact, is so well known as an
enthusiast for Christmas decorations, work for the city and all public
undertakings, that it is not necessary to dwell on this feature of his
activity in Tama.
It is McNally's store that one wants to write about. For artistic
appearance, order and completeness of stock the McNally pharmacy cannot be
excelled. McNally is the progressive merchant. Since he has had the store he
greatly increased the stock of drugs, stationery, and supplies and
Victrolas, and added a complete line of Ansco cameras and San Tox
preparations. During the Christmas trading season McNally specially leads
with a most up-to-date line of fancy goods and high class articles that go
as specialties with a pharmacy business. He is most prompt in arranging his
store artistically and keeping things in order. It is a pleasure to visit
his pharmacy for hte appearance of the store makes shopping delightful, the
great stock gives satisfaction an the courtesy and prompt attention given by
Mr. McNally and Mr. R.J. Schneider, his clerk, add to the pleasure of
Tama can take pride in her young booster, R.B. McNally, for as a public
spirited business man he does much for the community and as a merchant he
has a store which attracts buyers from near and far and gives the
satisfaction which causes shoppers to come to Tama often. The young men do
things in the business world today, and McNally is one of them. --Tama,
Iowa, News.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, April 25, 1917
Is Hale and Hearty at 92
John McCormick, Palo Alto's First School Superintendent, Guest of Honor at
Teachers' Reunion.
The reunion of the pioneers teachers and pupils of Palo Alto county, which
was held at the K.C. hall Thursday evening, was not very largely attended on
account of the inclemency of the weather. There was a downpour of rain and
only a small number were able to come out. Among those present from a
distance were John McCormick of Rodman, who was the honored guest of the
evening, and J.J. and M.E. Mahan of Graettinger who attended the first
school taught in Palo Alto county in Walnut township in 1861. James P. White
was the teacher.
Mr. McCormick was 92 on Thursday and he was, it is needless to say, glad to
meet his old friends in this city and from other places. His eyesight is
rather poor and his hearing is not very good. Otherwise his health is fair.
However, his mind is clear and when he speaks he is earnest and interesting.
He related many of his pioneer experiences in Palo Alto and he recited
several poems showing the valor of the Irish, the people of his race, when
Brian Boru, Hugh O'Neill, "the Lion of the North," Art McMurrogh, andother
Irish chieftains led their patriotic followers to victory. Mr. McCormick
referred at some length to the career of one of his uncles who fought
against Napoleon near Copenhagen. He was rewarded for his heroism by the
British government. Mr. McCormick stated that after the fall of Napoleon the
taxes imposed by the British were so heavy that the people of the county of
Tyrone, Ireland ,where he lived, could hardly bear them. Mr. McCormick can
hold his own with the average clergyman in quoting Scripture. He has had a
long and an interesting career and has always enjoyed excellent health. He
hopes to live to celebrate other birthdays but he says that when God calls
him he will be willing to go.
Mr. McCormick came to the United States from Ireland in 1848. He lived in
New Jersey for ten years. He started for Iowa in 1838. He reached Iowa City
by rail and from that place came by team to Fort Dodge. From Fort Dodge he
started on foot for West Bend, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McCormick, his
sister, and one or two of his brothers having located several miles west of
the Carter home in 1856. Mr. McCormick said he found considerable difficulty
in fording the Badger Creek this side of Fort Dodge because of the swiftness
of the current. He claims that in early days a bull would swim across the
stream and carry people on his back. The place was called Bull's Ferry. The
parents of Mr. McCormick were living in a sod house. Long poles were used
for joist and smaller poles were placed across them to hold up the sods for
a roof. There was no lumber in the country at that time. The grass was so
high that it was dangerous to turn out cows. They might wander away and get
lost. Hence they were staked out. Mr. McCormick tells us that he and his
brother batched it out for eight years. They had no floor in their house.
They baked their own bread and ate their meals off a shingle block. They
never had to call a doctor. Mr. McCormick claims that they had plenty of
cream, an abundance of eggs and did not have to pay $4.00 per bushel for
their potatoes. They did their baking in a Dutch oven. They bought the first
mower owned in the county and they cut hay from 1861 to 1863 for farmers in
West Bend and Walnut townships. They also owned the first hay rake in the
Mr. McCormick was chosen superintendent of schools in 1861. He served two
years. He says his salary was $50 per year. There were two districts in the
county. One was in Walnut township and one was a few miles from the present
town of West Bend. Hence his duties were not very laborious. John Mulroney,
who died at Fort Dodge a few months ago, was treasurer and recorder and he
received $50 per year for his services. Mr. McCormick was also coroner in
1861 and he was elected sheriff in 1867. He was treasurer of Fern Valley
township for eighteen years. His brother Thomas was clerk of court in 1859
and county judge in 1861.
During the evening remarks were made by C.S. Duncan, who taught his first
term of school in our county near the Burns bridge in 1871, by J.J. and M.E.
Mahan who attended the first school in the county in 1867 and by J.C.
Bennett, who, in 1874, taught in a school house perhaps half a mile north of
the east end of the Burns grade. Mrs. T.B. Walsh was one of his pupils. In
1875 Mr. Bennett was chosen county superintendent. As he remembers, his
salary was about $200 per year. L.H. Mayne and others spoke briefly
concerning their school experiences.
It is needless to say that all who were present felt very grateful to Mr.
Donlon for his thoughtfulness in arranging for the evening's exercises. Had
the weather been pleasant there would have been a large attendance.
Officers Chosen nad Geo. B. McCARTY Lots To Be Taken Over Today
Last evening a meeting of those who have subscribed stock for Emmetsburg' s
new $50,000 hotel, was held in the office of McCARTY & McCARTY for the
purpose of organizing and preparing for business. There was a large
attendance, fifty of our leading business and professional citizens having
signed up to contribute towards the undertaking. The amount of the
authorized capital stock is placed at $75,000, but of course this amount
will not be needed. The following named parties were chosen directors: Wm
BRANAGAN and J.H. GODDEN. A meeting will be held today to elect a president,
vice-president, secretary and treasurer. It is the intention of the board to
take up the option for hte purchase of the three Geo. B. McCARTY business
lots for $40,000. Plans will be secured within a short time and the work of
construction will be commenced at as early a date as possible. It is the
intention of the stockholders to put up a three-story building to cover the
three lots and to make it strictly modern. If any who have not been seen
desire to take stock in the enterprise, they will be given an opportunity of
doing so.
Mrs. Nicholas MARTINI, Sr., Died Last Night.
Mrs. Nicholas MARTINI, Sr., died last night at the home of her son, Nicholas
MARTINI, of Freedom township. About two weeks ago she arose during the night
and fell on the floor. When picked up she was unconscious and one of her
arms was broken. It is likely that she never recovered from the effect of
the fall. The funeral will be held Friday morning. Services will be
conducted at St. Thomas church. Further particulars will be given next week.
Fine New Seed House for Emmetsburg
and others are organizing a $25,000 stock company to build a two story,
double front seed house in Emmetsburg. It will go up this summer. We commend
them for their enterprise. Emmetsburg needs such an institution. Enough
stock has been subscribed to insure the success of the enterprise.
Dr. CRETZMEYER Denies Rumor.
During the past couple of months there have been rumors afloat to the effect
that Dr. CRETZMEYER intended leaving Emmetsburg. The Doctor informs us that
such reports are groundless. He enjoys a large practice and he appreciates
it. He says he would not think of leaving our community. We are glad to
learn that the reports are not true. Dr. CRETZMEYER is a capable,
experienced physician and surgeon and he stands high among our citizens. The
Democrat wishes him continued success in his profession.
Milford Business Man Died Sunday
Edward MILLER, a harness dealer at Milford, died Sunday morning of neuralgia
of the heart. He was ill, but a short time. The funeral was held yesterday
and was very largely attended.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, May 23, 1917
Sibley Tribune Pays High Tribute to Soldier Priest.
Rev. E.T. McNally, pastor of St. Andrew's church inSibley,
affectionately known as "Father Mac" all over this region- says thathe will
be both priest and soldier in the nation's service. If any man is especially
fit to enact the double role it is Father Mac. He possesses a splendid
physique and a consuming desire for service. As priest he will be dignified
and comforting. As soldier he will go gayly into the fighting and the fun of
field and camp.
The father's name is the synonym everywhere in thissection for square
sportsmanship, and the lessons of fair play in contest he has inculcated by
precept and example have perhaps been as valuable to the younger generation
as his clerical labors. They have certainly had wider scope.
The father is a real man and brother, and he takes withhim into
whatever perils a soldier's life lead him the hope of thousands for his
personal welfare.-- Sibley Tribune.
"Father Mac" received a quiet ovation at St.Andrew's church last
Sunday morning. The edifice was packed with Catholic and Protestant freinds
of the patriotic priest, whose services have been tendered to the government
and accepted. The father's sermon was a blend of Mother's day sentiment,
patriotic fervor and personal farewell and touched the hearts of his
congregation.-- Sibley Tribune.
No Trouble in Emmetsburg Sunday
The Sunday "blue laws" were observed inEmmetsburg. Those most affected
by the severe measure complied with the order of the county attorney and
mayor and there was no occasion for a single arrest thought the public found
the order of the attorney general very annoying as well as exasperating. We
understand that no attention was paid to it at Spencer, Arnold's Park,
Estherville, Algona, or Mason City. There were a great many arrests at
Council Bluffs, Sioux City, and Dubuque. The report is that the attorney
general will send out another letter this week requesting that certain lines
of business be granted greater privileges than they were allowed last
Plans for Emmetsburg Seed House
Architect Nason of Minneapolis has been secured toprepare the plans
for the Emmetsburg seed house. It will be a double brick and will be two
stories high. The estimated cost is $16,000. Mr. Nason prepared the plans
for the Graaf opera house at Estherville and also the new Elks building at
that place. He seems to be a very competent man.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
July 5, 1917
Solicitors Report a Very Successful Campaign in Lost Island.
The following communication was received fromthe chairman of the Red Cross Society of Lost Island township. They haveanswered splendidly to the call as the following report will show:
Graettinger, Iowa.
July 2, 1917.
Editor, Ruthven Free Press.
Ruthven, Iowa.
Dear Sir:
Enclosed find the list of contributors to the Red Cross fundin Lost Island township. I would thank you very much if you would donate spacefor same.
There were four teams, consisting of: Team No. 1, JohnBondhus, Barney Eisenbast and Hans Duns; No. 2, R.E. Smith and Chas.Christensen; No. 3, S.A. Smith and J.C. Hansen; No. 4, C.H. Berdin and S. ? Duhn.
On behalf of the solicitors, I wish to thank all thecontributors for their liberal donations and the courtesy shown the solicitor.
C.H. BERDIN, Chairman,
Lost Island Twp.
Lost Island Twp.
E. Eisenbast, Graettinger, $10.00
Lars Thompson, Graettinger, 5.00
Julius Sevdy, Graettinger, 5.00
Lars Thorsen, Ruthven, 5.00
Chris Norris, Graettinger, 3.00
O.J. Norris, Graettinger, 5.00
G. Thorsen, Graettinger, 3.00
Albert Thorson, Graettinger, 3.00
O.S. Helvig, Graettinger, 3.00
A.J. Bonstead, Graettinger, 5.00
John Helvig, Graettinger, 3.00
Carl S. Bonstead, Graettinger, 2.00
August Boehmer, ?
Henry Badke, 5.00
Henry Duns, Graettinger, 5.00
Carl Christensen, Graettinger, 5.00
Alfred Nelson, Graettinger, 5.00
Nels Nelson, Graettinger, 5.00
Andrew Nelson, Graettinger, 5.00
Theo. Knudsen, Graettinger, 3.00
Dave Barton, Graettinger, 1.00
Mrs. Sorensen, Graettinger, 5.00
Miss Sorensen, Graettinger, 5.00
Andrew Worlead, Graettinger, 5.00
Hans Duns, Graettinger, 6.00
Martin Knutsen, Graettinger, 5.00
Ole Petersen, Graettinger, 1.00
A.I. Lande, Graettinger, 4.00
William Rasmussen, Graettinger, 1.00
Hans Simonsen, Graettinger, 5.00
Dan Westergaard, Graettinger, 2.00
Pader Christensen, Graettinger, 1.50
Theo J. Thorson, Graettinger, 1.00
Oscar Johnson, Terril, 1.00
Nels Hauge, Graettinger, 1.00
John Rasmussen, Ruthven, 1.00
W. Blom, Graettinger, 1.00
A. Henningsen, Graettinger, 1.00
Oscar Thorsen, Graettinger, 1.00
Lars Johnsen, Graettinger, 2.00
J.S. Bondhus, Graettinger, 3.00
Eula Miles, Terril, 1.00
J.W. Wooby, Terril, 2.00
H. Fiscus, Terril, 2.00
Mrs. D.W. Piscus, Terril, 2.00
Jim Hallowell, Ruthven, 5.00
C.C. Miles, Terril, 2.50
Robert Nelson, Terril, 2.00
Ed O'Neil, Terril, 2.50
C. Wiley Jones, Terril, 2.00
Mrs. C.J. Lande, Terril, 5.00
O.M. Olsen, Terril, 10.00
Slae Nelsen, Terril, 2.00
Wm Nelsen, Terril, 2.00
J.J. Smith, Terril, 5.00
O.E. Platter, Terril, 2.00
George Grant, Terril, 2.50
Leon Olsen, Terril, 2.50
Fritz Bodke, Terril, 10.00
Albers Thies, Terril, 5.00
Chris Hansen, Terril, 5.00
Amastah Smith, Ruthven, 3.00
J.H. Mason, Terril, 3.00
F.S. Sheffield, Graettinger, 2.00
Lewis Koesk [?], Graettinger, 2.00
Earnest Spaulding, Terril, 3.00
Nels Smith, Terril, 2.00
John Simonsen, Ruthven, 3.00
Ole Bonahus, 2.00
Selmar Hovland, Ruthven, 3.00
Martin Simonsen, Ruthven, 3.00
Thomas Thorsen, Graettinger, 14.00
Sam Roseland, Graettinger, 3.00
Will Williamson, Graettinger, 5.00
Mrs. P. Sheffield, Graettinger, 3.00
L.L. Hauge, Graettinger, 2.00
H.H. Sandvik, Graettinger, 2.00
R.E. Smith, Ruthven, 10.00
Chas. Christensen, Ruthven, 10.00
George Schlomer, Ruthven, 5.00
G.L. Olsen, Ruthven, 5.00
P.J. Johnson, Ruthven, 5.00
B.N. Osker, Ruthven, 5.00
A.M. Williamson, Ruthven, 5.00
Mrs. J. Spaulding, Ruthven, 1.00
Ervin J. Brown, Ruthven, 5.00
John McCullah, Ruthven, 5.00
J. McCullah, Ruthven, 2.50
L. Johnson, Ruthven, 5.00
Isaac Nyborg, Ruthven, 5.00
B.E. Sandvig, Ruthven, 5.00
Oscar Christensen, Ruthven, 5.00
Mrs. J.L. Grady, Ruthven, 5.00
Ray Watt, Ruthven, 3.00
O.W. Crookshank, Ruthven, 5.00
Pat Sullivan, Ruthven, 2.50
Roy Watt, Ruthven, 2.00
J.J. Hughes, Ruthven, 5.00
John Donlon, Ruthven, 1.00
John C. Hanson, Ruthven, 5.00
S.A. Smith, Ruthven, 5.00
Raynold Knutsen, Graettinger, 3.00
Alfred Jorgensen, Graettinger, 3.00
M.H. Hilton, Ruthven, 1.00
C.F. Christensen, Ruthven, 3.00
A. Sundanger, Ruthven, 2.00
Viggo Jacobsen, Graettinger, 5.00
Henry Hanson, Graettinger, 5.00
Henry Knutson, Ruthven, 2.00
Iver Oppedahl, Ruthven, 2.00
J.P. Maron, Emmetsburg, 4.00
Robert Retersen, Ruthven, 2.00
C.B. Royce, Graettinger, 3.00
Mrs. Anna Petersen, Graettinger, 1.00
Chris Skow, Graettinger, 10.00
Anna Skow, Graettinger, 2.00
Jorgen Knutsen, Graettinger, 3.00
S.P. Duhn, Graettinger, 10.00
C.H. Berdin, Graettinger, 10.00
L.N. Larsen, Graettinger, 2.00
Chris Ericksen, Graettinger, 2.00
T.L. Sampson, Graettinger, 2.00
P.G. Petersen, Graettinger, 5.00
A.P. Petersen, Graettinger, 5.00
Jorgen Petersen, Graettinger, 5.00
Theo Thorson, Ruthven, 5.00
Leon Knutsen, Graettinger, 5.00
Oscar Suss, Graettinger, 5.00
Dan Petersen, Graettinger, 5.00
J.C.Duhn, Graettinger, 5.00
A.C. Christensen, Graettinger, 5.00
M.C. Petersen, Estherville, 5.00
Florence Berdin, Emmetsburg, 5.00
Sam Christensen, Graettinger, 5.00
Peter Jorgensen, Graettinger, 5.00
P.S. Knutsen, Graettinger, 5.00
J.C. Christensen, Ruthven, 5.00
Henry Jorgensen, Graettinger, 5.00
Will Moran, Emmetsburg, 3.00
Floyd Eaton, Ruthven, 2.00
P.A. Petersen, Ruthven, 10.00
John Riersen, Ruthven, 2.00
Carl Knutsen, Ruthven, 3.00
Ove Rasmussen, Ruthven, 3.00
Mrs. P. Jensen, Ruthven, 7.00
Henry Brown, Ruthven, 3.00
John Eye, Ruthven, ?.00
K.H. Sorensen, Ruthven, 10.00
T.H. Chadwick, Dolliver, 1.00
P. Hermanson Bros., Ruthven, 10.00
Joe Nyberg, Ruthven, 2.00
Mrs. J. Brick, Ruthven, 2.50
T.M. Brown, Ruthven, 2.00
Sophie Nyborg, Ruthven, 1.50
Oscar Hauge, Ruthven, 1.50
R.A. Halverson, Ruthven, 1.00
N.C. Nelsen, Ruthven, 2.00
Theo Reiersen, Ruthven, 2.00
Mrs. Rasmussen, Ruthven, 5.00
Albert Christensen, Ruthven, 5.00
Ole Thorsen, Ruthven, 5.00
John Nyberg, Ruthven, 5.00
C. Nyberg, Ruthven, 5.00
B.F. Rierson, Ruthven, 5.00
Lars Rierson, Ruthven, ?.00
Nells Rasmussen, Ruthven, 5.00
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
July 12, 1917
Below is Given a Revised List of Registration Numbers for this District.
709 Anderson, Axel
710 Archer, E.L.
711 Anderson, Perry
712 Aylward, M.J.
713 Anderson, Nels
714 Adams, A.C.
715 Anderson, Lawrence M
716 Anderson, Clarence H
717 Anderson, Jens
718 Anker, C.C.
719 Alger, James
720 Barber, Floyd
721 Barringer, Dewain
722 Barringer, H.E.
723 Burke, John E
724 Ball, Verne
725 Berg, Arthur E
726 Barringer, Paul
727 Burton, Bill
728 Bauer, H.J.
729 Baxter, John T
730 Burch, Edgar D
731 Blackburn, Hugh
732 Clayton, Thos.
733 Chutfield, A.C.
734 Clare, Thos.
735 Cain [Carn], H.P.
736 Cain [Carn], Cleve
737 Copplestone, A.J.
738 Crowley, John
739 Davis, W.H.
740 Dewey, Halsey
741 Est [?], Charles
742 Eaton, Homer S
743 Eye, Arnold E
744 Eaton, C.W.
745 Estabrook, Cline
746 Eaton, Howard
747 Eaton, Roland W
748 Fleseler, Joe
749 Grange, F?c? B
760 Favo, Ole
761 Grady, Louis L
762 Goff, E.H.
763 Galen, Delbert
764 Gawthorp, C.C. [G.G.]
765 Gronzkruger, Paul
756 Hanna, Spencer
757 Henderson, Emery D
758 Henderson, A.W.
759 Henderson, H.M.
760 Hanson, Alvin
761 Hermansen, Albert M.
762 Hallowell, Will
763 Hughes, Clyde
764 Holmsgren, Harold
765 Hubbard, Rue
766 Hughes, John
767 Hagan, Alvin L
768 Hushton, James
769 Hansen, Louis C
770 Hawberg, Lewis R
771 Hanson, Nels
772 Iverson, Carl
773 Johnson, Frank
774 Johnson, Renbeo M
775 Johnson, Martin A
776 Jacobsen, Martin
777 Jacobsen, John
778 Jones, Will
779 Keifer, Claud
780 Kooker, S.W.
781 Kline, S.V.
782 Kennedy, Jay
783 Kassel, H.J.
784 Lyons, W.J.
785 Lundstrom, August
786 Lund, Chas. G.
787 Logan, Hugh S
788 Lee, Oliver G
789 Livingston, P?
790 Lockwood, H.A.
791 Larson, ?. A.
792 Logan, R.L.
793 Lynch, Joseph M
794 Logan, D.G.
795 Larson, Martin F.
796 Larson, Ernest
797 Miller, Len M
798 Myers, Elmer J.
799 Myers, Chas. R.
800 Moak, Roy
801 Miller, W.F.
802 McPherson, Oscar
803 Miller, A.A.
804 Mason, E.J.
805 McClain, A.J.
806 McNett, Earl
807 Monsell, Guy
808 Modisett, D.M.
809 Minor, J.L.
810 Muhrbeck, F.E.
811 Madsen, David
812 McNair, Allen
813 Needham, Myron
814 Newgard, Oscar
815 Nolan, Claud
816 Nolan, J.C.
817 Nelson, Lewis
818 Nelson, Carl B
819 Peterson, Edward
820 Presther, Claud
821 Peterson, Herman
822 Preshar, Christ
823 Peterson, L.L.
824 Peterson, Emil
825 Perry, T.A.
826 Peterson, Otto
827 Peterson, Paul
828 Peterson, Anton
829 Peterson, Andrew
830 Root, Carl Oscar
831 Ruehle, Elmer
832 Sammu??, Edward
833 Snyder, Bert
834 Sampson, Harry
835 Schmidt, W.H.
836 Schnell, Fred
837 Spencer, J.?.
838 Snyder, Geo.
839 Schnell, Andy
840 Stoner, Harry
841 Sampson, Albert
842 Thompson, M.F.
843 Taylor, Harry
844 Tyrus, Ruby
845 Turner, J??.
846 Warnke, Percy
847 Walter, D.J.
848 Weaver, Geo.
849 Wilson, Peter
850 Wien, John
851 Walhs, Robt
852 Washington, Edw.
853 Wigdahl, Selmer
854 Wigdahl, Almer
855 Wilkin, Ray
856 Washington, Geo.
857 Wendt, William J.
858 White, Clifford
Lost Island Township Registration Numbers
928 Anderson, H.M.
939 Christenson, Theo
926 Crookshank, Guy
9?? Christiansen, Albert A
937 Christiansen, Oscar L
94? Grady, Joseph L
944 Howland, Henry S
94? Hilton, Andrew J
947 Hampton, Thos. L.
949 Hermansen, Theo. W
950 Hermansen, Peter
956 Knutson, Carl T
958 Knutson, Henry
965 Nyborg, Joseph
971 Oppedal, Ivar
976 Rierson, Lars
979 Almonson, Arthur
980 Smith, Walter ?.
982 Simonson, Olaf M.
985 Simonson, Martin E.
986 Simonson, Glenn W.
988 Simonson, John
994 Walt, Roy
995 Willis, Joe B
Silver Lake Township
1131 Anderson, L.A.
1132 Ault, Edwin
1133 Anderson, Halding
1134 Adamson, Geo.
1136 Braley, James M.
1137 Baxter, Walter W
1138 Bratmiller, Carl C
1145 Carpenter, O.E.
1148 Clausen, Herman P
1150 Fred Clasine
1152 Clanahan, William R.
1155 Dannewitz, J.E.
1158 Dobbin, Ernest A.
1177 Hagen, Felix
1175 Johnson, John A.
1182 Larson, Gay
1185 Maguire, Hugh E
1189 Maiden, Otto F.
1190 Martin, Jesse E
1192 Nelson, Henry V
1195 Parker, Chas.
1197 Peterson, Rasmus
1198 Peterson, Hans
1201 Rouse, Burton M.
1205 Swesson, E.B.
1206 Strobel, Edwin.
Mrs. Ora Pinch of Wray, Colorado, visited in this cityfrom Thursday to
Monday, at the home of her brother, J.H. Thatcher.
State of Iowa, Palo Alto County, ss.
To All Whom it May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that an instrument in writingpurporting to be the
last Will and Testament of Ole S. Sandvig, deceased, was this day produced,
opened and read by the undersigned, and that I have fixed Tuesday, the 4th day
of Sept., 1917, as the day for hearing proof in relation thereto.
Witness my official signature, with seal of said Court heretoaffixed, this
23rd day of June, 1917.
E.M. Thompson, Clerk District Court.
Emmetsburg Boy Accidentally Shot
On Monday evening while Donald Knight, Melvin and HaroldAshburn of
Emmetsburg were playing in the Knight home, during the absence of the Knight
family, one of the boys took a revolver from a drawer and loaded it. While the
boys were experimenting with the weapon it was accidentally discharged. The shot
struck Melvin Ashburn in the cheek and lodged in the brain, killing him
instantly. The exact manner of the shooting is not known. The boys were all
under ten years of age.
Wedding Anniversaries
The following item of interest was sent to us by Mrs.L.A. McKee, from Eau
Claire, Wisconsin.
A triple anniversary was made the occasion for a familyreunion of Mr. and
Mrs. A.W. Goff Wednesday. It was the golden anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. A.W.
Goff, the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. O.T. Goff of Ruthven, Iowa
and the 26th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Trindall. All of the
children of Mr. and Mrs. Goff were present.
An auto trip to Wissota and Irvine park, Chippewa Falls wasenjoyed by all.
Dinner was served at Mount Tom after which the party spent the afternoon at
Carson Park returning in the evening to eat supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
L.A. McKee.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson and daughterNina, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Anderson, Monteveido, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. O.T. Goff, Mr. and Mrs.
A.W. Goff, Ruthven, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. L.A. McKee, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Goff, Eau
Claire, Wisconsin.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, July 18, 1917
Mrs. Nellie DUGAN invested in a fine Maxwell auto last week.
M.M. ROGERS purchased an Overland automobile last week.
Mrs. John BARNES purchased a Ford auto from W.D. DONOVAN last week.
William PRATT and F.E. NORTH purchased Dodge autos during the past week.
Mr. PLYMESSEN is sporting a new Maxwell auto. He made the purchase last
Mr. Shelton is a proud owner of a new Clark auto, which he purchased last
Mr. and Mrs. Robert RUNCHY and son, of this city, spent Sunday with
relatives at Algona.
Mrs. STALEY of Algona was in Emmetsburg Saturday visiting her friend, Miss
Mr and Mrs. Frank GROUT and baby of Minnesota visited relatives in
Emmetsburg the past week.
Miss Geraldine PENDER of Dubuque arrived in Emmetsburg some time ago for a
months' visit with relatives.
Miss Florence SNYDER recently arrived from Galva, Ill. for a month's visit
with her sister, Mrs. J.R. MURPHY.
Judge and Mrs. HOBSON returned to West Union Monday after a short visit with
their son, J.I. HOBSON, and family.
Mrs. STURDEVANT of Grand Forks, N.D., has been visiting Mrs. H.C. SHADBOLT
and other friends in this city for the past week.
Mrs. Earl HAYNE and daughter were up from West Bend Wednesday. While in
Emmetsburg they were guests at the C.J. FRYE home.
Studebaker purchasers for the past week are as follows: L.W. GODDARD, W.E.
Mrs. Albine TROTEIG returned to Howard, S.D., Monday. She was a guest at the
Axel MILLER home in this city for several days.
Mrs. Emma KAHN and daughter, Mrs. Fred ROSE, returned from Powell, S.D.,
Monday, where they had been visiting relatives.
Miss Gladys VEDDER, who is having her vacation, is visiting relatives at
Laurens. Her sister, Miss Ora, is taking her place in Mr. YEUTTER's bakery.
Mr and Mrs A.P. OLESON and daughters Freda and Jeannette of Storm Lake
arrived in Emmetsburg Sunday. They visited at the L.D. DRIGGS home. Mr and
Mrs OLESON returned home Monday.
Miss Theresa MALONEY of Des Moines is visiting the Misses DUHIGG of
Misses Cora RICHARDSON and Lillian ILLINGWORTH spent Sunday with friends at
the lakes.
J.J. LAWLER of Dickens has been elected cashier of the Farmers Savings bank
at Langdon.
Miss Esther WALDRON of Ayrshire spent the first of the week with relatives
at Emmetsburg.
Misses Agnes and Kittie McCARTY left for LeMars Tuesday to visit their
sister, Mrs. O.O. WILLIAMS.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace SIMPSON of Whittemore visited the latter's father, Geo
SEELEY, in Emmetsburg Sunday.
Miss Laura ILLINGWORTH left for Peoria, Illinois, Sunday to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur GIBSON for a couple of weeks.
Dell MORRISON returned from Rochester, Minnesota, Tuesday. He was in the
hospital at that place for a couple of weeks.
Ed McNALLY and daughter, Miss Vera, autoed to Wallingford Monday. Mr.
McNALLY had business interests at that place.
Miss Anna REIDY of Winthrop, Iowa, who was a guest of the Misses DUGIGG of
this city for several days, returned home Saturday.
Romaine MARTINSON left for Cherokee Tuesday. Company M of that place will
soon leave for Deming, New Mexico. Mr. MARTINSON has been on recruiting
duty for several weeks. He says he has 41 recruits to his credit all but two
passing their examination.
Mrs. Thomas HIGGINS and sister, Miss Katherine DUNGAN, returned from Chicago
the middle of the week. They were called to that place by the death of their
brother. Misses Nellie and Julia DUNGAN, who accompanied the body to Joplin,
Missouri, for burial, returned to Emmetsburg Monday.
Mr and Mrs. J.W. ELLIS of Centerville are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George
BENSON, who live near Hoprig. Mrs. BENSON is their daughter. Mr. ELLIS lost
an auto tire a couple of weeks ago and advertised in the Democrat. The
finder promptly mailed him a letter to Centerville and he called at the
Democrat office yesterday to pay his advertising bill. It is needless to say
that the use of printer's ink brings prompt returns.
The Spencer Chautauqua did not pay out this year. The Commercial club will
back the enterprise next year.
J.A. ROTHERMEL and son were down from Graettinger the first of the week.
They were accompanied by A.M. ROTHERMEL of Elgin, Illinois.
Father FARRELLY has been at St. Paul during the past week visiting one of
his sisters who resides in that city. He favors her with a call every
Albert JACOBSON of Graettinger is, we understand, attending the officers'
training camp at Fort Snelling and the reports are that he is making good.
We understand that W.W. FROST has sold his fine farm in Lost Island
township. He received $135.00 per acre for it. He has been tiling it and
building on it.
The Democrat is pleased to learn that Mrs. Sarah E. McDONNELL, who was very
ill at a hospital in Peoria, Illinois, for some time, is about again as
hearty as usual. Mrs. Dr. HESSION, who was also in the hospital, is able to
attend to her household duties. The local friends of both will learn with
satisfaction of their restoration to health.
Yesterday Thomas KIRBY was able to climb the high staircase leading to the
Democrat office. He called to pay his subscription. Last winter we did not
think that he would ever be able to come down town. Although his heart is
still weak, he is able to move about some every day. Mrs. KIRBY is feeling
some better but she is not making any permanent improvement.
Miss Emroy PARKS of Detroit, Mich., who was the pianist in the Round
orchestra at the Chautauqua, is a cousin of W.H. PARKS of this city. She
called on Mr. and Mrs. PARKS while in town. It is needless to say that,
though surprised to learn that she was such a capable musician, they were
very glad to meet and entertain her. She has in the past, played with the
SALESBURY family at lyceum entertainment.
Dr. and Mrs. T.J. HESSION of Graettinger and their daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Joseph HESSION of Waterloo, were in Emmetsburg yesterday. The Doctor and his
daughter-in-law will go to Fort Snelling this week to visit Joe before his
departure for some other military camp. He will finish his course in
training on August 11. He is six feet, two inches high and weighs 180
pounds. If successful in passing, which is more than likely, he will make a
fine looking officer.
Mrs. Elmer ELLIS has been visiting at Osage, Iowa, the past two weeks.
John DRUMMY returned from Charles City the first of the week. He was
visiting his sister.
Mr and Mrs John MEYERS, Jr. were over from Whittemore the first of the week
visiting friends.
Miss Alice WEIGAND returned to Harvard Saturday after a short visit with
relatives in this city.
Mrs. Earl DICKINSON and child of Estherville visited Emmetsburg relatives
the first of the week.
Mrs. Dr. McGREWY and baby left Monday for Everly. They were guests of the
Dr. J.C. MURPHY family during the day.
Miss Crystal WILLIAMS, who was the guest of friends at Ballington, Minn. for
a short time, returned to Emmetsburg Monday.
were over from Curlew Monday. While here they attended the carnival. They
autoed to Emmetsburg.
Guy RICH, formerly of West Bend, recently enlisted in the marine corps at
Sioux City and is now in training at Philadelphia. While his parents were
living at West Bend, he was for some time a student at St. Joseph's college
at Dubuque.
Mr and Mrs. Louis WESCHE, Miss Maude STOWE, Rev. ROSS and Mrs. F.G. KLEIN,
all of Webb, visited with Mr and Mrs. M.M. ROGERS WEdnesday of last week. Mr
and Mrs. WESCHE are old friends of the Roger family and Rev. ROSS was Mr and
Mrs ROGER's minister twenty-five years ago. it is needless to say they spent
an enjoyable day.
Mr and Mrs. Charles CONLON's little daughter, who entered a hospital at
Dubuque several weeks ago, arrived home Tuesday morning. She can hear quite
well out of one ear and she has some use of the other ear. During the past
three weeks she has been taking treatment of Dr. MURPHY, the Mason City
specialist. She was accompanied to Emmetsburg by her aunt, Mrs. Matt KILROY
and the latter's niece, Miss KILROY.
Nine men are wanted to fill vacancies in Company G of Ford Dodge.
Mrs. J.F. SMITH enjoyed a visit Wednesday from her friend, Mrs. Geo PUGSLEY,
of Cylinder.
Richard BEEBE has enlisted in Company C at Webster City. He will leave for
the training camp in a few days.
L.S. ROLFE of Fort Dodge broke one of his arms Friday afternoon when he fell
backwards out of his auto truck.
Mr and Mr J.R. MARTIN and family of Pocahontas were Emmetsburg visitors
Sunday. They made the trip by auto.
Mrs. SPIES and Mrs. DeWITT of West Bend were the guests of Mrs. J.F. SMITH
of this place between trains Wednesday.
Mrs. W.R. O'BRIEN and daughter of Ayrshire, who were visiting Fort Dodge
relatives, returned home Monday morning.
P.F. CONLON, who was in Emmetsburg Friday, has sold his farm near Flandreau.
He has bought another place near Sioux Falls.
County Attorney John MENZIES left for Los Angeles, California, the first of
the week. He will remain for a month or more. Mr. MORLING will look after
his legal duties during his absence.
Mr and Mrs Roy BROWN and children of Estherville were in Emmetsburg Saturday
and visited at the J.E. ELLIS home. They were visiting relatives at
Lohrville for a week and were on their way home.
W.J. BROWN informs us that a new boy recently arrived at the home of Mr and
Mrs Harry HILBURN of Rodman. Mr. HILBURN is the Rock Island agent at that
place. The Democrat extends congratulations.
Local people who have land in western Canada will regret to learn that the
wheat crop is almost a total failure in the southwest part of Saskatchewan.
The crop will also be light in other parts of the province.
Father NUGENT of Des Moines visited at the home of Misses Anna and Maggie
DONOVAN Saturday and Sunday. Sunday he preached an impressive sermon at the
Assumption church. he is aging some. He delivered a sermon when the
cornerstone of the church was layed 33 years ago.
Supervisor John REHMS purchased a Ford runabout a short time ago.
Arthur WAGNER, Jr., arrived from Des Moines the last of the week to visit
friends for several days.
Mr and Mrs. Fred CALKINS and daughter of this city were the guests of
friends at Laurens Sunday.
Charles DUHIGG, P.V. NOLAN, and F.L. WILTSE were business visitors at Swea
City the last of the week.
Mrs. Howard JOHNSON and children returned from Cedar Falls Friday after a
three weeks visit with relatives.
Mrs. M. FLEMING returned from Livermore Friday after a few days visit at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. M.P. HIGGINS.
Drs. and Mrs. Robert JOYNT and baby of LeMars and Dr. Bert JOYNT of Waterloo
arrived in Emmetsburg Saturday for a short visit at the M. JOYNT home. Miss
Laura JOYNT, who has been attending summer school at Cedar Falls,
accompanied them to this city. They autoed to this place in Robert's fine
new Cole Eight auto.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
July 19, 1917
A.J. McGuire and family arrived here from Humboldt Saturday.Mr. McGuire
will have charge of the wiring to be done by the Northern Iowa Gas &Electric
Co. He has had a thorough schooling in this business and is reputed to be one of
the best wiremen in the state. He will personally superintend all of the wiring
done by the Company in this city.
A baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred SmithMonday evening.
George Chaffee sold two cars this past week. One Velle andone Hupmobile.
Mrs. E.L. Archer and little son Bernard left for St. LouisFriday. Bernard
will take treatment in a hospital in that city. They were accompanied by Miss
Bertha Prather.
Mrs. J.B. Hale, Mrs. H.E. Barringer and Mrs. N.C. Axle will act ashostesses
to the M.E. Ladies Aid which will meet on Wednesday June 25th.
Mrs. Jack Bradley of Des Moines is visiting at the home ofher sister Mrs.
J.M. Bradley.
Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Widick of Alexander, Iowa, arrived hereMonday evening for
a visit at the home of their son, Frank Bradley.
Ed Brand went to Whittemore Monday and drove home in a Fordtruck car which
he purchased to use in his oil business.
Mr. and Mrs. O.T. Goff started for their new home in Brinford,S.D. Saturday
morning by auto.
Mrs. R.C. Mason of Algona arrived here Sunday evening for ashort visit at
the house of her father, C.H. Slagle.
C.W. Monsell started up from Rolfe Tuesday evening for ashort visit with
his son, Guy.
E.L. Archer disposed of two Overman 90's the past week. Onewent to Tip Fisk
and the other to John A. Hansen.
The bridge men have commenced erection of a cement bridgejust north of Mrs.
F. Fitzgerald. It was badly needed.
Mrs. Erma O?hon, who has been visiting here at the home ofher sister Mrs.
J.P. Frederickson, returned to her home in Portland, Oregon Tuesday evening.
Perry Spaulding departed Friday for new Virginia to the homeof his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Glecker, he expects to soon return to his home at
Three Forks, Mont.
I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wifeMrs. Helga
Ed Sammust.
Mrs. W.A. Thayer of Dickens gave a surprise party in honor ofMrs. D.F.
Thayer of Ruthven Sunday the occasion being the latter's 70th birthday. A four
course luncheon was served and plates were laid for twelve, set in colors of
pink and green. A real enjoyable time is reported by all present. Guy
Courtright's elastic vest would not expand enough to permit him to pack away all
the food at dinner time so it was necessary for the entire party to remain for
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, July 25, 1917
Thieves are now stealing copper plates from printing offices. They would
take the marrow out of dead mens bones if they could dispose of it to
Dennis KIRBY came from Aberdeen, S.D. Saturday to visit his parents. He
reports that the dry weather is damaging crops in North Dakota but so far
South Dakota has not been affected.
The Democrat overlooked the arrival of a second son at the home of Mr and
Mrs George SAUNDERS on July 7. The happy parents have already no doubt
received the warm congratulations of their many friends.
Mrs. M.F. KERWICK visited her daughter Mrs. Hugh McLAUGHLIN of Rockwell
during the past week.
Mrs. Davis ANDERSON and daughter Mary arrived from Britt Friday to visit at
the John CROWDER home in this city.
Mrs. Cora COX returned to Fort Dodge Friday after a couple of days visit
with her parents, Mr and Mrs O.O. WILLIAMS.
Mr and Mrs L.H. MAYNE and family autoed to Sioux City Saturday for a short
visit with Mrs. MAYNE's mother Mrs. M.J. DAVIS.
Mr and Mrs George GALLEGER of Spirit Lake will return to Estherville, their
former home. Mr. GALLEGER is a tailor. He is over 90 years of age.
Michael CONLON came home from Whittemore Saturday morning. He was visiting
his daughter, Mrs. Phil CULLEN, of that place for some time.
Mrs. John WALDRON of Estherville was in Emmetsburg Saturday visiting her
sister, Mrs. F.E. HAND. She returned to Estherville the same day.
Dr. and Mrs. G. BALDWIN and Harry THATCHER of Ruthven came to Emmetsburg
Sunday evening with Mrs. WAGNER, who was leaving for her home in Idaho. She
is a sister of Mr. THATCHER. She was visiting relatives in this section for
some time.
C.J. LAWRENCE came from Independence township Monday evening. He was anxious
to learn the names of the young men who were drafted. He is enjoying a visit
from hs nephew, C.E. NEWTON of Bartonville, Oklahoma.
Steve and John CSUKKER and Joseph and Anthony WEINZEFF of the sout part of
the county were in Emmetsburg Monday evening. Three of them had been
selected for service in the U.S. Army and were anxious to see the list that
the Democrat had printed.
Mrs. Nicholas STEIL, Sr. left for Dubuque Friday to visit her son, Joseph.
>From there she will go to Lancaster and Fennimore, Wisconsin to see her
brothers. She will be absent for a couple of months. She intends spending
the winter with her sons in Oklahoma.
Mr. SIBREL of the Graettinger neighborhood was in Emmetsburg Monday. He was
accompanied by his brother, O.W. SIBREL of Washington, Illinois who is
visiting him.
Monday we enjoyed a call from G.A. ARNOLD of Lincoln, Nebraska, who is
visiting G.A. FROST of Cylinder. Mr. ARNOLD spent several months in the U.S.
army on the border last fall. He was stationed at Nogales, Arizona. He
informs our reporter that soldiers who feigned fatigue and dropped out of
the ranks when on long hikes were sent to the U.S. penitentiary at Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas. Punishment for offenses of this kind is severe.
Dr. GUTHRIE of Ringsted Enlists.
Dr. GUTHRIE returned yesterday morning from Des Moines where he successfully
passed the examination for entrance into the U.S. army as a surgeon and he
is now one of the Uncle Sam's boys. He does not expect to leave Ringsted for
a couple of months yet but will be called into service at the same time the
conscripted army is.--Dispatch.
James QUINN Farm Sold
It is reported that the James QUINN farm northwest of town, was sold last
week to Henry WEGENER of that neighborhood, for a consideration said to be
around $165 per acre. This is a mighty good farm and was a bargain for the
man that purchased.--Whittemore Champion.
Notice of Appointment of Executor
State of Iowa, Palo Alto county,
Notice is Hereby Given That the undersigned has been duly appointed and
qualified as executor of the estate of William O'BRIEN late of Palo Alto
county, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment to the undersigned; and those having claims against said
estate will file them with the Clerk of the District court as provided by
law, duly authenticated, for allowance.
Executor of said estate.
E.A. & W.H. MORLING, attorney for estate.
Dated July 9th, 1917
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Thursday, Aug 16, 1917
H.S. Johnson, foreman of the Des Moines Bridge andIron Co., now operating near Emmetsburg, is shortly to receive a Carnegie medalfor heroism. Some years ago he saved a girl from drowning at the navy yard inSeattle and his last deed which drew attention from the Carnegie Hero FundCommission was the saving of a man from drowning in the Bow river, nearSuffield, Canada.
Adrian Lynch, a Laurens boy, is fast winningdistinction as a base ball pitcher. A couple of years ago he was pitching highschool ball for this Laurens high school. This season he made good with theWaterloo team and now he has been waived on by the Washington American Leagueteam.
Mr. J. Thatcher of West Bend is the possessor of anexemption certificate that was issued to him during the civil war. He receivedhis exemption papers after being so seriously injured that he could not continuein the service.
At bath house has been erected on the north shore ofSt. Peter's and Paul's lake at West Bend. This little lake and the beautifulgrotto erected on its banks by Father Dobberstein are giving much desirablepublicity on the town of West Bend.
The Quaker Oats Company are going to erect a 300,000bushel capacity elevator at Emmetsburg. It will be erected where the old millformerly stood.
Graaf's new building in Estherville is now open.Graaf is the man who suffered the heavy loss in the big fire at Esthervilleseveral months ago.
Brooks Hanson of Pocahontas recently lost severalfingers as a result of having his hand caught under a two hundred pound weightof lead pipe.
- Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Goff were at the Fred Monk homeseveral days last week assisting in cooking for the harvest hands.
- Mr. Earl G. Christensen of Pasadena, Cal., was visiting hiscousins, Vesta and Leland Torkelsen several days last week.
On last Friday afternoon when Mrs. Pete Hermanson wasdriving into the chautauqua, accompanied by her little baby and her sister, MissMinnie Henningson, something went wrong and the car tipped. They were descendinga hill on this side of the Grady farm when the car became unmanageable and wentover before Mrs. Hermanson could regain control of it. The baby was thrownforcibly from the car striking on its shoulder and breaking the collar bone.Miss Henningson suffered a dislocation of the elbow and was quite badlyscratched up, but Mrs. Hermanson escaped uninjured. Neighbors who saw theaccident hurried to the scene and the injured ones were picked up and medicalaid summoned. They were all badly shaken and bruised but no serious injuriesresulted. Two wheels were broken and the car otherwise damaged.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
September 6, 1917
- Just as we go to press we learn of the marriage of Mr. Herman Peterson andMiss Ruth Keefer. Particulars will be given next week.
- Miss Rhoda Madsen went Tuesday evening to Livermore where she was called bythe illness of her aunt, Mrs. J.W. Estabrooks.
- FOR SALE Quarter block with good six-room house. Now occupied by N.C.Bale. Inquire of J.E. Schooley, Emmetsburg, Iowa.
- FOUND- Two electric Flat irons about 1 mile south of the Thos. Brennanfarm. Owner may have same by paying for this notice. Gus Lundstrom.
- Nels Simonsen and son Norris of Emmetsburg were visitors here Monday. Theywere on their way to Ayrshire where Norris will teach school the coming year.
- Mr. and Mrs. Seth Smith autoed Sunday to Renwick and were accompanied by hernieces, Misses Iva, Lola and Ruth Peters who had been spending their vacationhere.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Oct 3, 1917
Miss Hazel BARNES came from Cylinder Friday and spent the day with relatives
and friends.
Mrs. S.W. SMITH arrived from Mason City Thursday for a short visit at the
J.H. GODDEN home.
Mrs. Ed POSTEL was called to Estherville Wednesday by the serious illness of
her aunt, Mrs. STANHOPE.
Mrs. A.L. FRYE returned to her home at West Bend Friday after a short stay
with friends in this city.
Thomas MURRAY arrived from Council Bluffs Friday for a short visit with his
aunt, Mrs. Rose McNAMARA.
Miss Madeline LIBERT went to Whittemore Thursday for a short visit with her
friend, Miss Alice McGOVERN.
Mrs. Martin KNUDSON of ths city left for Jewell, Iowa, Thursday for a short
visit with relatives and friends.
Miss Mary DUHIGG left for Council Bluffs Friday. She will teach school near
that city during the coming year.
Mrs. Peter CLASEN and daughter returned home from Bellevue, Iowa, Friday
after a two weeks' visit with relatives.
Misses Agnes and Lottie JOYNT returned from Dubuque Wednesday after a three
weeks' visit with relatives and friends.
Ed NOLAN arrived from Des Moines Friday to look after business interests and
also to visit his mother, Mrs. P.C. NOLAN.
Vol FISK was over from Curlew Thursday to meet his mother, who was returning
from a few days' visit at Algona.
George J. CONSIGNY arrived home from Los Angeles, California, Thursday to
look after his farming interests during the fall.
Miss Barbara BRISBOLS returned to Madison, Wisconsin, Thursday after a three
weeks' visit with her brother, J.N. BRISBOLS, and family.
Miss Lillian HARRISON returned to Des Moines Friday after a couple of weeks'
visit with her friend, Miss Elvene COONAN, of this place.
Miss Catherine KANE of Davenport, who had been visiting her parents, Mr and
Mrs. J.J. KANE, for a couple of weeks, left Friday for Marengo.
Mrs. Dwight JONES and son returned home to Minneapolis last Thursday after a
two weeks' stay with her parents, Mr and Mrs. William RAFFERTY, of this
Mrand Mrs. William WRIGHT, Jr. and daughter and William WRIGHT, Sr., of this
city, left for Minneapolis Saturday for a week's visit with relatives and
Miss Mabel PAUL of Milo, Iowa, who had been visiting at the W.L. ALSUP home
for four or five weeks, left Thursday for Cambridge for a short visit with
relatives and friends.
Miss Ivy Pearl RICHARDSON of Anaconda, Montana, was in Emmetsburg the last
of the week visiting her aunts, Misses Pearl and Cora RICHARDSON. She will
spend the winter with her grandmother, Mrs. Wm. RICHARDSON, who lives near
The following named parties left Monday to attend college: Fred KERBER,
Gerald BOWEN, Bernard SCHROEDER and the Misses Mary DUNNIGAN, Margaret FRYE,
and Edna BRAGG went to Ames; Earl DODGSON to Iowa City; Allen GOWANS and
Miss Mabel NELSON to Mount Vernon, Miss Grace BALLARD to Cornell and Leo
MURPHY to Ames.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford PHELPS of Fonda Sundayed at the home of Mr and Mrs
W.H. PHELPS of this city. They made the trip by auto.
John KORLESKI and Miss Minnie PHELPS were Slayton, Minnesota visitors
several days during the past week. They made the trip by auto.
Mrs. Matt KIRSCHBAUM and baby of Garner spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Peter
COLLINS of Emmetsburg.
Michael FLEMING was a passenger to West Bend Saturday for a short visit with
his son, Francis FLEMING.
Mrs. H.H. COHEN autoed to Marion, Iowa, Monday of last week to see her
parents. Her husband left for that place Sunday to accompany her home.
Miss Mary WALDRON of Ayrshire was in Emmetsburg Saturday. She will teach in
the old Mulroney district in Nevada township during the coming year.
Chester BRAGG arrived from Chicago Saturday to visit his parents, Mr and
Mrs. E.P. BRAGG. Mrs. BRAGG and baby have been here for a couple of weeks.
A few days ago Chris SKOW broke one of his knee caps while at work. He will
be laid up for some time as knee trouble is more or less serious.
Mr and Mrs. John EISENEGGER arrived from Dubuque Saturday for a short visit
with Mrs. EISENEGGER's uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. J.E. ELLIS, of this city.
returned from Minneapolis Saturday. They had been attending the Minneapolis
State Fair.
The other day P.E. JONES met a gentleman who had come through several
states. He stated that Emmetsburg's cemeteries were the best kept of any he
had seen on his trip.
Peter WALDRON of the Ayrshire neighborhood is building a fine elevator and
corn crib combined. It will have a driveway in the center. The lower bins
will be used for small grain and the upper part floor for corn. It will have
an elevator.
Myles McNALLY went to Sioux City Monday to attend the Interstate Stock Fair.
He will leave Wednesday for Bonesteel, S.D., for a couple weeks visit with
Mr and Mrs. M.M. MAHER and Mr and Mrs L.E. MURPHY. Mrs. MAHER and Mrs.
MURPHY are his daughters.
Postmaster DONLON spent Sunday at Des Moines. He was consulting with Messrs.
WEIRICH and SAWYER regarding plans for the plaza for the Robert Emmet
statue. They claim Emmetsburg will have the finest statue and setting of any
city or town in the central west.
John W. CALLAGHAN has accepted the Palo Alto agency for the Northwestern
Mutual Life Insurance Company of Milwaukee. The organization is one of the
largest and most substantial in the United States.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Oct. 17, 1917
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas KELLY and baby were over from Whittemore Saturday for a
few days visit with William KELLY and family.
Mrs. R.M. STRATEMEYER and daughter, Miss Wilma, went to West Bend Saturday
for a couple days visit with Mrs. Ted HOSKINS.
Mr. John KINGDOM and Miss Blanche WRIGHT autoed from Rush Lake township
Saturday. Miss WRIGHT was attending the teachers' meeting.
It has been learned definitely that Carl BURNSIDE of Spirit Lake was not
injured in France a short time ago as was stated in the Chicago dailies.
Mrs. Louis JONES returned to Iowa Falls Saturday after a weeks's visit with
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. TYSON of this city. She is a sister of Mrs. TYSON.
Miss Gladys CAMPBELL returned home to Des Moines Saturday after a couple of
weeks' visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. W.A. WESTBERG.
Mrs. Charles KERLIN, who had been visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
J.H. GODDEN and family returned to mason City Saturday evening.
Mrs. Mary DUHIGG and son Robert and Mr and Mrs. P.C. NEARY of this city
spent Friday at the home of Mr and Mrs. William DOOLEY of Estherville.
Mrs. Henry BALL and sons Louis and Howard arrived from Illinois Friday for a
short visit with Mr. and Mrs. V.H. CLARK. She is a sister of Mr. CLARK.
Miss Joy EMERY was in this city Saturday evening between trains. She was on
her way home to West Bend from Ruthven. She is employed in the Free Press
A few days ago P.J. WAGNER sold Myles McNALLY five heads of cabbage that
weighed fifty-eight pounds. He received three cents per pound. A head sold
to another party brought down the scales at fifteen pounds. Mr. WAGNER would
make a fortune were he to market an average field of such large cabbage. He
is to be commended for making Irishmen use only the best of material when
they are putting in their winter's supply of sauerkraut.
A.C. THOMPSON returned from Minneapolis Saturday. He was attending the
Minnesota State Fair a few days.
The Dickinson county Ford agency has been placed with the Walker Motor
Company of Estherville. G.M. DONOVAN will be the manager.
Mrs. Abbie GARDNER SHARP will spend the winter in Des Moines. She is
publishing a new edition of her account of the Spirit Lake massacre.
The ladies will be surprised to learn that face powders that have been
selling for 50c to 75c per box can not be had in the future for less than
75c to$1.00.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
October 31, 1917
Highland Townships Subscription to the Second Liberty Loan
The Citizens of Highland Township are to becongratulated upon their subscription to the 2nd Liberty Loan. The committee incharge of this is deeply grateful for the generous response by this people.There were very few refusals and in practically every case the reason wasself-evident. The maximum quota for this township was $67,000, the minimum being$45,000. Reports from the Chairman of the Iowa Liberty Loan Committee indicatethat the state subscribed but two-thirds of its quota. That being the case,Highland township did her part, and her average will be better than that of Iowaas a whole. Taken in connection with the First Liberty Loan we largelyoversubscribed the maximum quota assigned to us. The total subscription in Junewas $48,000.
Another item which should be to our credit is that theBanks in Ruthven are called on to put up about $25,000 above this amount whichwill be credited to adjoining townships in this county and in Clay county.
E.P. Barringer
First National Bank
Farmers Savings Bank
J.C. Christiansen
L.J. Carroll
Pat Radigan
C.P. Ostrom
Edwin A. Dewey
J.C. Eaton
Royal Lumber Co.
Farmers Inc CoOp Society
Ray E. Barringer
J.H. Anderson
P.C. Lairsen
Andrew M. Hermanson
C.W. Goff
M.H. Sorenson
J.H. Currans
M.J. Fleming
C.W. Hansen
H.E. Shartle
E.A. McMillin
Frederick Frederickson
R.W. Eaton
Nick Geelan
Joseph Hanson
Bridget Fleming
John Thompson
John Holmgren
Christen N. Hansen
Cora A. Babcock
Oscar Cedarholm
S.S. Grange
Thos. Horan
W.F. Currans
J.F. Nolan
L.O. Wigdahl
Mrs. Eva R. Robinson
C.J. Tripp
Dewain C. Barringer
Spahn & Rose Lumber Co.
C.R. Keepers
Ruthven Telephone Exchange Co.
Fred S. Grange
Ed Rustan
Will Geelan
Olof Nelson
J.H. Thatcher
Martin C. Hanson
Lizzie McDonald
C.W. Eaton
Mrs. C.W. Eaton
Grange Bros.
Dan J. Green
J.A. Moran
Louis Kresensky
Harrison Goff
E. Nelson
James Thompson
John Thompson Jr.
Carl G. Hanson
Perry Anderson
Jno. Williamson
Thos. Logan
J.A. Currans
O.O. Helgen
M.T. Washington
H.A. Mason
Hans Johnson
John Dolan
Mrs. John H. Bale
John H. Bale
Clarence Bale
Gertrude Bale
Clyde Bale
Henry Rierson
James Reitzel
Wm Schuldt
Oscar Bargstrum
Mrs. Oscar Bargstrum
Carrie Hanson
Joe Green
Peter Sandvig
Arnim Perry
Ole Nelson
Tony Rustan
Mary A. Whitman
Fred Schnell
Karl Wendt
M.T. Thompson
L.D. Eldridge
Emmet F. Gates
P.K. Iverson
Mangun Nelson
Anna Nelson
Rier Halvorson
Harry Thatcher Jr.
Will Hallowell
Rodney Welch
John Welch
Helen Welch
Elanor Welch
Bernice Welch
John D. Klein
Chas. Eldridge
Joe Reitzel
John J. Brown
A.C. Chitfield
J.P. Brennan
S.W. Kooker
Silas J. Sampson
William M. Brennan
Harry Whitman
Oscar Root
A.F. A.M. 487
W.J. Wilcox
E.R. Wilcox
Maggie Barringer
Foster Reed
Bernice Modisette
Henry M. Brown
Carrie K. Clark
Irvin J. Foy
J.P. Johnson
Grant Rice
P.F. Mortensen
Axel Anderson
Ed T. Washington
Clarence Ransen
Inez Cornwell
S.N. Wagner
G.A. Reitzel
Thos. M. Clare
Joe Peterson
Matt Anderson
G.W. Hunt
O. Madsen
Wm Burke
Roy LeClair
W.O. Williamson
Pearl Sandvig
J.P. Joyce
John Burke
Harold Berg
Cyrel Berg
Arthur Berg
Lucile Berg
Olga Berg
Kathleen Berg
Blinn Prichard
Guy W. Prichard
C.C. Rusteign
Aug. J. Norden
Anna Norden
Zelda Prichard
John J. Brown
O.W. Goff
John Kelly
Mary Margaret Brennan
Katherine Donlon
William J. Brown
James R. Brown
Sam O. Sandvig
Edwin Anderson
Mrs. N.C. Bale
Andy Schnell
LeGrand Goff
Mrs. Ole Sandvig
Christ Probst
Howard T Foy
Mrs. ?. J. Foy
R.L. Logan
Mary Brown
Opal Rice
Carl B. Nelson
Andrew Larson
Mrs. H.J. Bauer
Ruthven Public School
Geo. F. Washington
James E. Washington
Mary Donlon.
- Private Paul Groszkruger was up from Camp Dodge over Sunday. He spent the dayat his home near Dickinson and visited Ruthven friends on his way back.
Dr. A.B. Wigdahl of this city and MissElizabeth Sorenson of Mooreland, Iowa, were united in marriage at the home ofthe bride's parents at 1 p.m. Saturday, October 20. Rev. O.L.N. Wigdahl, brotherof the groom officiated. The immediate family of the bride and Mrs. L.O. Wigdahland Selmer Wigdahl of this city were the only ones present at the ceremony. Asumptuous wedding dinner was served after the ceremony. The young coupleremained at the Sorenson home until Monday, when they came to Ruthven for ashort visit at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.O. Wigdahl, whereanother big wedding dinner was awaiting them. The guests were Mr. E.P. Barringer,a personal friend of the groom, and Mr. and Mrs. Osterhus and family. The youngcouple went to Ft. Dodge Tuesday from where Mrs. Wigdahl returned to her home atMooreland and Dr. Wigdahl returned to his military duties at Camp Dodge.
The Free Press wishes to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Wigdahland wish them much joy and happiness in their wedded life.
A Surprise Party
On last Wednesday evening about sixty-five friends andneighbors invited themselves to the Matt Anderson home, the occasion being afarewell to Lawrence Anderson and Gay Larson, the two young men from thisimmediate vicinity who have orders to be ready to report at Camp Dodge ontwenty-four hour notice.
Rev. Wigdahl addressed the boys and then in a few wellselected words presented them with the best wishes of the guests and a purse ofU.S. coin.
A call was then made for volunteers to do ample justice tothe supper. Not a slacked in the crowd. Everyone present reported for duty,especially Gay and Lawrence. If the way they waded into that supper is a sampleof the way they are going to wade into the enemy, it won't take the kaiser longto realize that. Young America has been turned loose. About the midnight hourall departed for home feeling proud of these young men who represent us atfront.
- Mrs. James Eychaner returned Monday to her home at Ft. Dodge. She wasaccompanied home by her mother, Mrs. J.F. Reely.
- S.T. Sampson ,one of our soldier boys, returned on Monday to Camp Dodge, afterspending a few days here with relatives and friends.
- S. Bauer returned to Ayrshire after an over Sunday visit at the home of hisson. He is manager of the Ayrshire Produce Co.
- Linn Dodge, of Round Lake, Minn., is here in attendance at the funeral of hisnephew, Fred Dodge. Mrs. Dodge is also here.
- Mrs. N.C. Bale received a card from her son Ernest recently stating that hehad a successful voyage and was safe in England.
- Mrs. C.H. Slagle, who visited a few days in Emmetsburg at the home of herfather, Pat Joynt, returned to her home in this city.
- Mr. and Mrs. Claude Keefer are now in our city and in charge of their newbusiness, the Home Bakery. Mr. Keefer arrived Monday while Mrs. Keefer arrived afew days before.
- Mrs. O.T. Goff of Brentford, S.D., came last week to assist in the care of herfather, D.F. Thayer, who has been very ill with bronchial pneumonia.
- Mrs. Albert Laton of Spencer visited Friday at the home of her mother, Mrs.Archer. Her little daughter, Marion, who has been visiting here since Monday,returned home with her.
- Mr. and Mrs. Gardner H. Dodge of Spring Green, Wis., and Miss Anna Torpy ofMadison, Wis., arrived here Tuesday to attend the funeral of Fred Dodge.
- Mrs. Walter Palmer, a sister of Mrs. Ole Olson, returned Monday to her home atWesley.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grange have moved into the house recently vacated by the P.G.Baldwin family.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, November 7, 1917
Extract from Letter Written to News-Herald
Camp Cody, Deming, New Mexico
"We are about 4200 feet above sea level and there aremountains all around us. But none of them are closer than fifteen or twentymiles. Still on a real clear day they do not look to be more than a mile fromus. The soil here is mostly sand and it doesn't always stay on the ground whereit should be. In fact some days we have some of the kind of sand storms you readabout. I thought we had had ones when we were stationed at Camp Baker, just alittle ways from El Paso, Texas. But those were only samples. Since coming hereI have seen the real article. Perhaps some of you people have been in a realsand storm and if you have you can appreciate what they are. But to try and tellwhat they are is simply impossible. No, it can't be done. It gets quite warmhere in the day time but at night it is really cold and we Q.M. men have threeblankets but we find they are not enough to keep warm so we use our slickers andany other articles of clothing we have to cover up with. I have put paperbetween my blankets to keep the wind out and find it is a great help. But theold-timers here tell us that it gets down to zero in the winter so we arelooking forward to winter and hoping Uncle Sam will see it to put us in woodenbarracks before the coldest weather comes on.
"I have been told that we will have some 15,000 men herewhen the camp is filled. Of course, that is a big bunch of men to put outside ofa little western town of 3500. Keeps the people of Deming busy trying toentertain the soldiers at night. But they are building lots of picture houses intown, so after a while they will be able to "Get the Money" in bettershape. The Y.M.C.A. is the real popular place here. Nearly every night in theweek they have some good entertainment and the nice part of it is that it's agood place to meet the fellows you know. There are some ten or twelve of theSpencer boys here now, and if they send some of the drafted men fromnorthwestern Iowa here there will probably be several more. But I like thisplace better than any place I have been stationed since I came to the colors.
"The work I have here is very much to my liking. I havecharge of the clothing issue for the entire camp and it is some job. You canimagine if you will stop and think what that means. Keeping 45,000 of UncleSam's boys in clothes is not a small job by any means. It takes some clothes todo it. We get them by the car load. One week since I was here we receivedsixteen carloads of clothing. Among them were two car loads of hats and aboutthree car loads of shoes, besides overcoats, wool uniforms, etc."
Sincerly [sic],
Rex C. Hubbard
Received Discharge
M. Oglesby, formerly of this locality, arrived in this citylast week, with his honorable discharge from the army. He enlisted in theregular army last April and was sent to Ft. Monroe, Va., but since that timeunderwent an operation, the effects of which rendered him unable to continue inthe service.
Writes from France
Somewhere in France, Oct. 11, 1917,
Dear Mother:
I arrived O K and everything is going fine, altho it rainsevery day. We had a fine trip across the ocean, only one day that the water wasrough. A great many of the boys were seasick but I was not one of them. If youor Irene see any of the boys, you can tell them to write if they want to, but Idon't expect I can answer very many letters. I haven't had any mail for over amonth. I expect you folks got those cards that I mailed along the way. I don'tknow how soon this will get started but I will mail it today. With love,
Ernest Bale.
Co. B. 2nd Engineers.
American Expeditionary Force,
Via New York.
Carl Imsland Injured
Carl Imsland, a son of J. Imsland, living northwest ofRuthven, met with a serious accident Sunday evening. The car which he wasdriving struck a dog which had jumped from in front of another car. The frontwheel passed over the dog, and the impact tipped the car and it went off thegrade. Mr. Imsland's foot was pinned under the wreck and the two bones above theankle broke and the foot otherwise badly wrenched. He is at present in thehospital at Spencer. He has been working in Emmetsburg for the past few months.
Things to Remember
That you must now put three cents on sealed letters exceptingwhere they are addressed to parties in town or on the rural routes.
That you must have your Xmas packages to the boys inFrance mailed by Nov. 15.
That you must carry plenty of pennies to meet the demandof the war tax on amusements, railroad tickets, etc.
That there is only seven more weeks until Christmas.
Monday, Dec. 10 - M.J. Fleming will hold a general farm sale.Further announcement later.
Tuesday, Dec. 11 - O.P. Jensen will have a closing out saleat his place 2 miles north and 6 miles east of Ruthven. Further announcementlater.
Recreation Fund.
The State Council of National Defense in order to contributetowards a better morale and make for a more efficient fight unit by providingthe proper kind of recreation for the men has stationed an athletic director atCamp Dodge and has authorized him not only to help the men but also raise enoughmoney to properly equip each company with suitable athletic supplies.
The plan is to provide a box of athletic goods, or a partthereof for each company. Each box will contain the following articles: Sixbaseball bats, twelve balls, chather's [sic] mitt, one mask and one protector,siz [sic] associated footballs, two bladders with extra laces, pumps andneedles, two Rugby footballs, two sets of quoits, six play ground balls, fourbats, two medicine balls, and ten sets of boxing gloves.
In order to provide this equipment it is proposed that eachcompany equip one of these company boxes which will cost $136. The money will beraised by holding athletic benefits in the county with the understanding thatthe fund will be sent to H.J. Metcalf, Secretary of the Iowa Council of NationalDefense, Des Moines, Iowa who will deliver the funds to the athletic instructor,and he in turn will see that the money is properly expended. A committee will beraised to furnish on these boxes for this county and all are asked to give theirhearty support to the proposition.
E.A. Morling,
W.I. Branagan,
Sec. County Council of Defense.
Citizens Pay Tribute to the Deceased Soldier
Private Fred Dodge, whose obituary appeared in last week'sissue was laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery Thursday morning. His bodyarrived from the east Wednesday evening and was met at the train by about fivehundred citizens of Ruthven and vicinity. The Red Cross Society, followedby the business men and young men of the city, marched double file andaccompanied the remains to the Dodge home. The procession was headed by a largeAmerican flag. The same honor was paid the departed soldier the next morningwhen the remains were accompanied to the Catholic church where Rev. L.J. Carrollread High Mass and delivered a short but decidedly impressive funeral sermon.His discourse was followed carefully throughout and every syllable carried ameaning that was not lost upon the multitude that gathered to do honor to thesoldier dead. The remains were then taken to the cemetery where Father Carrolladministered the last rites and citizens of Ruthven paid their last respects tothe remains of the departed soldier.
Has Auto Accident.
Last Thursday afternoon while driving home from Ruthven TomDeBolt had quite an auto smash-up. When making a sharp turn he lost control ofhis car and crashed into a tree. Other than a slight scratch on the face Mr.DeBolt was uninjured, but his car was quite badly wrecked.
Below we give the addresses of the boys from this vicinitywho have given their services to Uncle Sam. They are sacrificing their careersand risking their lives to make this a better world for us to live in. Let usshow our appreciation of this noble sacrifice. Here you have their addresses.Write to them, send them books and magazines and help them bear the burdens thatthey have so willingly shouldered. The Free Press will be sent free of charge toevery American soldier from this district, volunteer or drafted, for theduration of the war. This list will be a permanent fixture upon our front pageand will serve to remind you from week to week of the ones to whom you own [sic]an everlasting debt. If you learn of a change of address of any of the boys, orknow of any name missing from this list, please notify us.
Ernest Bale
Co. B 2nd Engineers, American Expeditionary Force, Paris, France.
Irvin Gaard
Co. A 2nd Engineers, American Expeditionary Force, Paris, France
Harlan Wagner
Truck co, 50, American Lake, Wash.
Art King
1?? Am, Train, Truck Co. 3, Cody N M
Peter Miles
Co I, 42nd Inft, Ft. Douglas Sta., Utah
Alfred Gates
USS Camden, care PM, New York, NY
Harold Holmgren
Muslelan, USS Boxer, Newport, RI
Will Burton
National Guard Camp, Yankton, S.D.
Arnett Brady
Co. D, 42nd Inft., Ft. Douglas Sta., Utah
Raymond Dodge
Bat. D 17, Field Artillery, Camp Robison
Francis Carrigan
Co 91, Artillery Regiment, U.S.M.C.
Ben Hubbard
Camp Cody, Deming, N.M. or cmp Q.M.
Henry Kassel
Co C, 313 Engineers, Cp Dodge
Dr. A.B. Wigdahl
Med. Detach. 372 Inf. Reg, Camp Dodge
S.T. Sampson
Co. D, 350th Inft., Camp Dodge
Will Rosacker
Cp Dodge, 2d cy, ?8th Div, Mtd M Police
N.E. Nelson
????? Funston, Kan.
Harold Gaard
M.O.T.C. Camp Greenleaf; Recruit cp. Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga.
John M. Miller
Co 2 N?? Div. Camp Dodge, Iowa
Address the following at Camp Dodge, 350th Infantry, co. F:
Paul Groszkruger, Dr. J.L. Minor, Charles Walters, Paul Barringer, Carl Iverson,Martha Johnson, Will Davis
Fred Dodge, deceased.
Dodge is Best Camp
National army men at Camp Dodge are better treated both atthe cantonment and in the city of Des Moines than are the draft men at any ofthe other western concentration camps, declared Wardmaster Merrill Modglin, ofthe regular army.
"I have been stationed at five cantonments during thepast few months, " said Wardmaster Modglin, who is detailed to Camp Dodgeas instructor to hospital attendants. "In none of them have I foundconditions so nearly ideal as they are at the Des Moines camp."
Food served the boys at Camp Dodge is more plentiful, bettercooked and in more variety than in any of the camps to which he has beenassigned, asserted Wardmaster Modglin. He has acted as instructor at basehospitals at Camp Funston, Kan., Camp Taylor, Kan., Camp Lawton, Cal., AmericanLake, Wash.
"Merchants in Des Moines have not taken advantage of thepresence of thousands of soldiers to boost their prices of food and clothing ashave other cities," he stated. "I find the soldier's trade here in DesMoines is appreciated by the merchants and no attempt is made to chargeextortionate amounts."
"Junction City, Kan., adjoining camp Funston, has barredmen in uniform in the town. Iowa and Des Moines apparently realize that the menat the cantonment are just the same kind of men as those who wear civilianclothes and should be treated as such," was his comment. There is scarcelya day at the Kansas cantonment when the wind does not stir up clouds of blackgumbo dust that makes life uncomfortable for the boys, he stated.
Dodge Soldiers Break Horses.
Artillery regiments in the Eighty-eighth division of theNational army at Camp Dodge have furnished their own men for breaking andtraining horses for the work to be done by these organizations.
There are now more than 10,000 horses at the big remountdepot from among which the horses for the artillery will be selected.
The artillery horse is an important part of the regiment andrequires careful training before he can give the greatest service to theorganization. Thus far no artillery pieces have been received at camp and onlythe preliminary training of the animals is being perfected.
To do this a call for men from each artillery organization,familiar with the handling of horses, was sent out. About six men from eachregiment were selected and are busy each day with the animals.
The ideal artillery horse weighs about 1400 pounds.
Six horses are required for each gun and an equal number foreach caisson. They are termed the "lead team," the "swingteam," and the "wheel team."
It requires more than 1,000 horses to each artilleryregiment.
- Carl A. Miller has purchased a half interest in the pool hall run by hisbrother, L.M. Miller.
- Mrs. Amos Hanson departed Tuesday for a visit at the home of her parents inLogan, Utah.
- Mrs. Anna E. Tripp left Tuesday for a visit at the home of her son, Harry, inFlatwillow, Mont.
- Walter Hughes of Emmetsburg visited Monday at the home of his sister, Mrs. I.J.Foy.
- Miss Ina Rhinehart left this morning for Sioux City for a visit with hersister, Miss Anna, who is attending Morningside College.
- Mr. and Mrs. P.E. Malia of Ayrshire were in this city Tuesday. They wereaccompanied by Mrs. Malia's sister, Miss Josie Bettinger, who was on her way toher home in Sioux City.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, November 14, 1917
Resident of this Locality for Thirty-five Years.
After a lingering illness of five years duration, Mr. T.C.Donlon passed away at the Donlon farm in Lost Island township at 4:30 a.m. onFriday, November 9. Funeral services were held from the Sacred Heart church andthe remains laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery on Saturday morning.
Timothy Cornelius Donlon was born on October 19, 1866, inBrainwood, Illinois. He resided there with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Donlon,until 1882 when the family came to Palo Alto county and settled on a homesteadin Lost Island township, where the deceased had made his home for the pastthirty-five years. He was a very patient sufferer during his long illness. Hewas very kind, considerate and loving to his family and a good neighbor. He washonest and upright in all his dealings and was honored and respected by all whoknew him. He leaves to mourn his loss two brothers, John of Lost Island townshipand Patrick H,. of Emmetsburg, and five sisters, Mrs. Margaret Gleason ofJamestown, N.Dak., Mrs. Churchill of Mason City, Mary Donlon of this city, andKatherine and Anna Donlon of Lost Island township. To them the Free Pressextends sincere sympathy.
Auto Smash-up Near Emmetsburg.
A bad auto smash-up occurred on the Doyle Grade, three mileswest of Emmetsburg last Thursday evening about 5:30 o'clock. Hiram Hulett wasdriving his Chevrolet in to Emmetsburg and A.L. Lande of Lost Island township,who had just purchased a new Studebaker Six at Emmetsburg, was driving it home.Somehow the cars failed to pass and crashed together head on. Both cars werewrecked almost beyond repair and the drivers seriously injured. Parties who sawthe wreck say they cannot see how either driver escaped alive. They were takento Emmetsburg where they were cared for by Dr. Cretzmeyer and it is thought bothwill entirely recover.
Lewis C. Hanson Surprised.
Sixty young people delightfully surprised Lewis C. Hansonlast Tuesday evening at the C.N. Hanson home. An enjoyable evening was spentafter which refreshments were served. Lewis left for Ames Thursday where he willattend college. He mad the trip in his car.
Visits Camp Dodge.
Mr. and Mrs. Reely and daughter, Viola, accompanied by theirnephew, Chas. Waughdal of Dunnell, Minn., and Mrs. Reely's sister, Mrs. Rock ofBrookston, Minn., drove to Des Moines last Wednesday. While there they enjoyed avisit with the local boys at Camp Dodge. They took a meal with the boys and Mr.Reely says that never in his life has he more thoroughly enjoyed a meal. Thevariety of food and the excellent manner in which it was cooked surprised him.They were shown through the entire camp and were greatly impressed and pleasedwith conditions as they found them. They autoed back as far as Ft. Dodge Fridayand returned to Ruthven Saturday.
Some Whiskers.
George Loomis of Ayrshire was a business visitor in this cityMonday. Mr. Loomis is the proud possessor of about a foot of coal black beard.His extraordinary growth of whiskers can be correctly termed a war beard, due tothe fact that on the day that America declared war, Mr. Loomis ceased to visitthe barber and declared his intention of letting his whiskers grow until a goodlicking had been administered to the Kaiser. His beard will prove that to datehe has kept his word.
Another Accident.
On Sunday while out auto riding William Johnson and WilliamHermansen had the misfortune to collide with a horse and buggy driven by G.H.Eldridge. The buggy was demolised and Mr. Eldridge received a bad cut upon thelip. The car was not badly damaged and the horse received only a few minorinjuries. A heavy fog made driving dangerous Sunday evening and was probablyresponsible for this accident.
J.H. Gammon Injured.
Sunday J.H. Gammon of this place received an injury that hassince confined him to his bed and will likely affect him for some time. Whileworking with his auto he wrenched his back, rupturing a muscle and causing ahemorrage under the skin. He has suffered intense pain and has been unable torest since the accident occurred. He and his family were out riding and when inthe neighborhood of Ruthven a tire went down. He pumped it up but it was notsatisfactory. He then changed tires and had the car jacked up. At this time insome manner or other he suffered the injury stated above. He was taken toRuthven and treated by Dr. Baldwin and then to Graettinger and Dr. P.J. Hessionsummoned. Mr. Gammon will be confined to his bed for a couple of weeks or more.His numerous friends will regret to learn of his misfortune and hope for hisearly recuperation.--The Graettinger Times.
Girls Work Also.
The thirty girls of "My America League" that met atMrs. Guy Courtrights Saturday afternoon to snip rags for ambulance pillows,deserve special mention as they snipped twenty-five and one-half pounds. The RedCross will have to hustle to beat these children: Gertrude Bale, Amy Willis,Marvel Gaberson, Dorothy Thayer, Berta Hurt, Anna Platt, Helen Burditt, FrancisShaffer, Goldie Apland, Florence Apland, Bernice Hagedon, Martha Prichard, HelenJeffries, Joyce Newton, May Prew, Mary Hastings, Luella Brand, Winnifred Slagle,Nina Miller, Daisy Rice, Vivian Hagedon, Florence Bradley, Margie Thayer, AnitaGaberson, Emma Fizler, Ruth Walters, Leona Shaffer, Vivian Hughes, Tressie Earl,George Hughes, and Wesley Rhinehart.
Boys at Camp Dodge Welcome Useful Gifts.
Camp Dodge, Iowa, Nov. 8, 1917,
Dear Friends at Ruthven:
This letter is addressed particularly to the people who sokindly remembered us Ruthven boys by sending us pillows and wiping dishtowels.
Some of us have written, individually, to the persons fromwhom the pillows came, but the pillows have not all been distributed, as we arewaiting for the next contingent of Ruthven boys.
So we take this method of thanking all of you and we surelyappreciate both pillows and towels very much.
We are being drilled "to a finish" these days; itlooks to us as tho' "the powers that be" are taking full advantage ofthe excellent weather we are having.
Our company was at the trenches, about a half mile southwestof our barracks one day, helping to put the finishing touches on them.Interesting work.
We had visitors from Ruthven last night (Wednesday) and theywere here again today. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Reely and Viola, J.F. Reely and asister of the men, Mrs. Rock and a nephew, Charley Waughtal. They brought ussome more butter; you Ruthven people are good to us and we appreciate it verymuch.
One day this week we had apple pie a la mode as dessert fordinner, so you see we fare very well. Mr. Reely (Chas.) seemed to like thedinner he ate here Thursday.
We had our first pay-day today so we feel quite rich tonight.
There is a gentle, steady rain falling tonight and it is easyto hear it pattering on the roof. Sounds good and I think we will sleep wellafter being lulled to sleep in that manner.
As it is growing last I must close, as I was on guard lastnight and got but four hours of sleep.
With kindest regards and best wishes to you, I am,
J.L. Minor
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, November 21, 1917
Dan Sherlock, an old and respected citizen of Palo Altocounty, died at his home in Emmetsburg Saturday morning at five o'clock. Mr.Sherlock was known the county over and was honored and respected by all. Heleaves to mourn his loss, besides his wife, eight children, three daughters andfive sons. Three of the boys are in the service of Uncle Sam, and Miss Marie isa Red Cross Nurse in the American Army. The funeral was held Monday fromAssumption church and the remains laid to rest in St. John's cemetery.
J.H. Gammon Dead
J.H. Gammon of Graettinger, who injured himself while pumpingup a tire on his care some time ago, died on Monday of last week. The accidenthappened near this city. Dr. Baldwin was called and prepared him for the journeyto his home and Dr. Hession took charge of the case there. The cause of death isgiven as heart failure brought on by intense pain.
Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Olsen were pleasantly surprised on Sunday afternoon Nov.11th, when some of their friends and relatives came to remind them of theirfifth wedding anniversary. They were presented with a beautiful clock to remindthem of the day. A delicious luncheon was served about 5:30 o'clock, shortlyafter which the company departed, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Olsen many returns of theday.
- Mrs. A.C. Christianson returned from Sanborn Monday after spending a fewdays with her daughter, Mrs. Beatrice Anderson.
-Miss Joy Emery returned Sunday evening after a three weeks' visit atMarshalltown where she underwent an operation for catarrh of the ear.
- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Currans and children visited over Sunday with relatives inEmmetsburg. They also attended the Sherlock funeral there on Monday.
-The last shipment of Fords received by J.E. Osterhus was distributed among thefollowing parties: Harry Mason, Otto Johnson, Will Hallowell, W.E. Capener andJoe Reitzel.
- Mrs. H.S. Fassett and daughter Esther returned Saturday from Andia, Ind.,where they had been visiting the past three weeks at the home of the former'smother, Mrs. D.R. Finely.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bradley and daughter Florencewere visitors at the Ed Harris home near Estherville Sunday. Mrs. Harris is asister of Mr. Mason and Mrs. Bradley.
- Mrs. John Dooley, who has been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. RoyHagedon, left Friday for a visit at the home of her son, Leo, in Ft. Dodge.
- Mr. and Mrs. B. Rhinehart arrived Friday for a visit at the home of hissister, Mrs. A.F. Holder.
- Miss Mildred Dewey went to Spencer Saturday for a visit at the home of heruncle, M.B. Dewey.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, November 21, 1917
Dan Sherlock, an old and respected citizen of Palo Altocounty, died at his home in Emmetsburg Saturday morning at five o'clock. Mr.Sherlock was known the county over and was honored and respected by all. Heleaves to mourn his loss, besides his wife, eight children, three daughters andfive sons. Three of the boys are in the service of Uncle Sam, and Miss Marie isa Red Cross Nurse in the American Army. The funeral was held Monday fromAssumption church and the remains laid to rest in St. John's cemetery.
J.H. Gammon Dead
J.H. Gammon of Graettinger, who injured himself while pumpingup a tire on his care some time ago, died on Monday of last week. The accidenthappened near this city. Dr. Baldwin was called and prepared him for the journeyto his home and Dr. Hession took charge of the case there. The cause of death isgiven as heart failure brought on by intense pain.
Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Olsen were pleasantly surprised on Sunday afternoon Nov.11th, when some of their friends and relatives came to remind them of theirfifth wedding anniversary. They were presented with a beautiful clock to remindthem of the day. A delicious luncheon was served about 5:30 o'clock, shortlyafter which the company departed, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Olsen many returns of theday.
- Mrs. A.C. Christianson returned from Sanborn Monday after spending a fewdays with her daughter, Mrs. Beatrice Anderson.
-Miss Joy Emery returned Sunday evening after a three weeks' visit atMarshalltown where she underwent an operation for catarrh of the ear.
- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Currans and children visited over Sunday with relatives inEmmetsburg. They also attended the Sherlock funeral there on Monday.
-The last shipment of Fords received by J.E. Osterhus was distributed among thefollowing parties: Harry Mason, Otto Johnson, Will Hallowell, W.E. Capener andJoe Reitzel.
- Mrs. H.S. Fassett and daughter Esther returned Saturday from Andia, Ind.,where they had been visiting the past three weeks at the home of the former'smother, Mrs. D.R. Finely.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bradley and daughter Florencewere visitors at the Ed Harris home near Estherville Sunday. Mrs. Harris is asister of Mr. Mason and Mrs. Bradley.
- Mrs. John Dooley, who has been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. RoyHagedon, left Friday for a visit at the home of her son, Leo, in Ft. Dodge.
- Mr. and Mrs. B. Rhinehart arrived Friday for a visit at the home of hissister, Mrs. A.F. Holder.
- Miss Mildred Dewey went to Spencer Saturday for a visit at the home of heruncle, M.B. Dewey.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Dec 19, 1917
Friday, Dec. 21, Mrs. Engar Larson will hold ageneral farm sale 5 miles east and 1 north of Ruthven and 4 miles south of LostIsland Creamery.
Friday, Jan. 18 - The Wm. Reardon estate will hold a closingout sale on their farm 3 miles west and six miles south of Ruthven.
Is at Ft. Logan.
Mrs. C.H. Slagle received a letter from her brother, CharlesJoynt, the first of the week in which he tells of his first days of life at Ft.Logan. He says that when he arrived at the fort, there were between two andthree thousand volunteers lined up waiting to be examined. There was so manythat they could not furnish sleeping quarters for them all and about onethousand of them including himself had to sleep in the basement of the UnionDepot, on a cement floor, with straw as a bed. He says the weather is stillquite warm there and one does not need an overcoat.
J.E. Powers, who recently wrote bogus checks in Estherville to the amount of$500 was arrested last week at Lead, S.D. He was afterwards found to be adeserter from the U.S. Navy.
A young man named George Williams took in some of the West Bend merchants oneday last week by the forged check method. He got away with $20 and is stillgoing.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, December 12, 1917
We are several weeks late in reporting themarriage of Mr. Oscar Nelson of Marion, Iowa and Miss Florence Eaton of thisvicinity, which occurred at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.O.Eaton, at twelve o'clock noon on Wednesday, October 31. A sumptuous weddingdinner was served after the ceremony to which a few close relatives and intimatefriends of the young people were invited. The young couple went to Marion for avisit at the groom's home after which they returned to Ruthven and will shortlytake possession of the Eaton farm as Mr. and Mrs. Eaton left on Tuesday of thisweek for Merced, Cal., to remain for an indefinite period.
The bride was born and reared in this community. She is amost pleasant and charming young lady and is held in very high regard by thosewho have the pleasure of her acquaintance. The groom is a young farmer who hasevery promise of a prosperous future. Though late we are nevertheless sincere inour congratulations to these young people.
A letter recently received by Mr. John Koch fromhis brother, Otto, at San Francisco, tells of his appointment to the position ofcaptain in the new national army. He will be assigned to duty in the infantryand has been ordered to the national army camp at American Lake, near Tacoma,Wash. He expects to be there for a period of six months before being ordered toFrance.
Saturday, Dec. 15, Tom Fell will hold a closing out farmsale in the south part of Terril.
Monday, Dec. 17, J.W. Church will hold general farm sale, 7miles southeast of Ruthven and 1 miles south and 1 1/2 miles west of Crippen.
Wed., Dec. 19 - Nels Olson will hold a closing out farm saleon his farm 4 miles west and 2 miles south of Ruthven.
Friday, Dec. 21 - Mrs. Engar Larson will hold a general farmsale 5 miles east and 1 north of Ruthven and 4 miles south of Lost IslandCreamery.
The pupil having the highest average grade for the pastsix weeks was Eleanor Welch with a grade of 94.25%; second highest, GladysSandvig, 93.75%; both students in the ninth grade.
The rank by classes was as follows: Twelfth grade -Evangeline Holmgren first, 92%, Isabel Hughes second, 89.60%. Eleventh grade -Alma Wigdahl first, 92.25%; John Pilquist second, 91.20%. Tenth grade - JohnBerg first, 90.75%; Sanford Smith second, 86.25%. Ninth grade - Eleanor Welchfirst, 94.25%; Gladys Sandvig second, 93.75%. Irregularly classified - PearlSandvig first, 91.60%; Marion Lee, second, 91.25%
The honor pupils for the past six weeks in the fifthgrade were the following: Ruth Anderson, Joyce Myers, Helen Welch, Hollis Myers,Wm. Keepers, Marie Jensen, and Mary Taylor.
Those in sixth grade were Harold Berg, Goldie Apland, HelenJeffries and Harold Benjamin.
- Miss Buchanan was the recipient of a fruit shower from her pupils lastWednesday.
- A card from H.A. Wagner announces that he has been transferred toCamp Johnson, Florida. Harold says that he saw some real nice country on histrip and thinks he is going to like Florida.
- Paul Groszkruger has been promoted to corporal. The Ruthven boys are fastcoming to the front in military circles. There are now practically as many ofour boys that are commissioned and non-commissioned officers as there areprivates.
- Dr. A.B. Wigdahl has been promoted to First Lieutenant and already has hiscommission. The doctor will remain at Camp Dodge at the present. He took theexamination last June.
- A short letter from Martin Johnson requests us to change the address of hispaper to Camp Pike, Arkansas. Martin is in the hospital with the mumps and whilehe is improving he is afraid that he will be forced to spend Christmas on thequarantined list. He is not favorably impressed with the country and says thereis considerable sickness there.
- Mr. Barest of Girard is the new operator at the Milwaukee depot. He camelast Friday.
- Prof. Kresensky went to Algona Friday for a visit with his parents and hisbrother.
- James Washington left Monday evening for Omaha. He has secured a positionthere and will remain during the winter.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lawrence came down from Spencer Saturday to visit at the homeof her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Broadie. Mr. Lawrence returned to SpencerSunday, Mrs. Lawrence returned home Monday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Nels Nelson left Friday for Rochester, Minn. where they will bothenter the Mayo brothers hospital.
- Will Rosacker returned to his duties at Camp Dodge Friday after a visit at thehome of his parents near this city.
- Merton Hubbard went to Dickens Friday for a visit at the home of his brotherRoscoe. He returned Monday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown came over from Emmetsburg Sunday evening. Mr. Brownleft Monday morning for Ft. Dodge to enlist in the aviation corps. Mrs. Brownwill remain here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Needham.
- M.T. Washington arrived home Sunday from a months visit with relatives inMichigan, New York, Ohio and Illinois. His daughter, Miss Anna of Omaha, whomade the trip with him, accompanied him home. She left for her home in OmahaMonday morning.
Additional Local.
- Rev. H.S. Wilkinson and family spent Thanksgiving at the home of hisbrother, Rev. W.A. Wilkinson. Rev. H.S. Wilkinson is pastor of the M.E. churchat Mason City.
- George Spaulding of Three Forks, Mont. arrived in this city Thursday for a fewdays visit at the home of his mother, Mrs. J. Spaulding. Mr. Spaulding is chiefelectrical engineer of the Milwaukee road in Montana.
- Merton L. Hubbard of the U.S.S. South Dakota, arrived in this city the last ofthe week for a two weeks visit with relatives. From here he will go to Montanato visit his mother. His time is up in the Navy and he decided to take a fewweeks rest before re-enlisting. He plans on returning to the Navy the first ofthe year.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Dec 26, 1917
Below we give the addresses of the boys from this vicinity who have given theirservices to Uncle Sam. They are sacrificing their careers and risking theirlives to make this a better world for us to live in. Let us show ourappreciation of this noble sacrifice. Here you have their addresses. Write tothem, send them books and magazines, and help them bear their burdens that theyhave so willingly shouldered. The Free Press will be sent free of charge toevery American soldier from this district, volunteer or drafted, for theduration of the war. This list will be a permanent fixture upon our front pageand will serve to remind you from week to week of the ones to whom you owe aneverlasting debt. If you learn of a change of address or any of the boys or knowof any name missing from this list, please notify us.
Co. B. 2nd Engineers, American Expeditionary Force, Paris, France.
Truck Co, 50, Camp Johnston Fla.
Co. L. 2nd Inft., Camp Dodge.
Musician, USS Boxer, Newport, R.I.
Co. D. 29th Inft., Ft. Douglas Sta., Utah
Co. ?, Artillery Regiment, U.S.M.C., Quantico, Va.
149? Aerial Sqd, W. Wright Field, Fairfield
?9? Aerial Sqd, Carp Div, Morrison, Va.
??? Co, 164 Dpt Brg. co Fonston, Kan.
M.O.T.C. Camp Greenleaf; Everult cp, Ft. Oglethrpe, Ga.
Co 58 Marine Blgs, Paris Island, S. Carolina
Co. A, 2nd Engineers, American Expeditionary Forces, Paris, France
109 Am. Train Truck Co, Cr??ty, N.M.
USS Camden, Care PM, New York, NY
H.Q. 147, F. Art, 47 Div, Camp Merr??, Tenaply, N.J.
Bat D 17, Field Artillery, Camp Bob???, Sparta, Wis.
Camp Cody, Deming, N.M., camp Q.M.
1st Lieut. A.B. WIGDAHL
Med. Detch 352 Inf. Reg, Camp Dodge
Cp Dodge, ???, 58th Div, Mid M Police
Ft. Riley, Kan, Pro Co A, No 1, MOTC
Co 2 MP, 54 In, Camp Dodge, Iowa
Address at - Camp Dodge, 350th Inft, Co F - crp Will Davis, Crp J.L. Minor
Camp Pike, Ark, Crp Paul Grozkruger, Co E, 347 Inft. Paul Barringer, Co F, 347Inft. Carl Iverson, Co F, 347 Inft. Henry Kassel, Co C, 312 Engineers. Martin A.Johnson 347 Inft, Co G.
Fred Dodge, Deceased.
- Mrs. Arthur Olson left Saturday for her home at Platte,S. Dak. She had been visiting at Nefzgers.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Church left Friday for their new home atCumberland, Wis.
-Miss Bernice Modisett left Saturday for Sibley to spendChristmas at the home of her sister.
- Arnold Stanton came in from Lake Park Saturday to spendChristmas at home.
- Mrs. W.H. Manthe of Minneapolis is here visiting at thehome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. McNary.
- D.E. Gates and son Delbert spent Christmas day at the homeof his daughter, Mrs. B.F. Combes in Cylinder.
- Martina McNary came in from Huntley, Minn, where she isteaching school, Saturday to spend the Christmas vacation with her parents.
- Miss Alice O'Brien was on her way home to Ayrshire Monday.She has been teaching at Waukon.
-Mrs. Nora Crowley and daughter, Miss Jennie, arrived fromMadison, Wis., the last of the week to spend Christmas at the T.J.Brennan home.
- Arthur Berg came up from Ames Thursday to spend the Holidayvacation at the home of his parents in this city.
- Mrs. T.L. Jackson and two sons went to Mason City Friday tovisit at the home of her sister and also at the Fred Miller home.
- James Washington came up from Omaha last week to spend theHoliday season at the home of his parents.
- Carl and Selmer Wigdahl returned Sunday from Forest Citywhere Carl is attending school, to spend the Christmas vacation at home.
- Mrs. Beatrice Anderson came from Sanborn Sunday to spendChristmas with her mother, Mrs. A.C. Christiansen.
- Miss Mable Hughes came in Saturday from McCalisburg whereshe is teaching, to spend the Christmas vacation.
- Mrs. Bennett MacLean, a former school mate of the late Mrs.Alice Baxter's in Scotland, was in attendance at the latter's funeral here lastWednesday. Mrs. MacLean now lives in Estherville.
- Mrs. F.E. Johnson and daughter, Francis, of Ruby, Alaska,who had been visiting for a week at the J.H. Anderson home in this city, leftMonday morning for Ft. Dodge for a further visit with relatives.
- Mr. and Mrs. O.L. Root left the first of the week to spendthe Holidays with their daughter, Mrs. S.T. Bruyn, in Minneapolis. From therethey will go to Vinton for a visit with their daughter, Mrs. J.F. Sanders. Theyalso expect to visit their son, O.S. Root in Des Moines before returning.
- Orton E. Church went to Chicago a few weeks ago and whereenlisted in the Marine Corps, "the Bloody 58th" which is said to bethe best of the one hundred companies stationed at Paris Island, S. Carolina.Orton passed a perfect examination.
- Mrs. Eggleston and grandson Edward Petree came in from Iowacity Friday to spend Christmas at home.
- Miss Luelle Berg came in from Madison, Wis., Friday tospend the Holiday season at the home of her parents.
- Wayne and Harold Toland left last Saturday for Cedar Fallswhere they will spend Christmas with relatives and friends.
- Sgt. Rex Hubbard of Camp Cody, N.M. who has received a tenday furlough and is expected home this evening for a visit at the home ofmother, Mr. E.G. Cope.
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