The News-Star from Monroe, Louisiana (2024)

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The News-Stari

Monroe, Louisiana

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IT! a 6C News Sfor World Monday August 10 198 3 days 3 dollars aver Classified Ads (Mon ri 4C) rHolea or Belo (OHarace talas 1M1 SKI Havtlqva 3M ord plea (47MtMaabaM ItotM (70) arlhe4 Routes (NHatailskri Ipartaaats (71 Botarlsbol sot ft (Wood Things To Eat I (MWator Walls (MHIaotioa Salos (MWaatod Ta Boy WOODLAWN MANOR I With All Utilities Paid 322 9927 (BD Maohlnery Tools mo St (MhvndtliW ftpartaBiito 2 mo 395089 Or 3884)547 SANDRA LEA APTS I urcT uciunnt: (40 Monty To Loaa YAMAHA GUITARS 1504 Lamy Lane 387 3712 7tMtioos 1 Bosk Boom Uwd copy rrrechin As Is SIX 323 4454 (BBL Btfurtlabod Rport S5SE TREINCOT toMONTHS RENT REE PINE HOLLOW APTS Norris Lane WM Managed by Standard Associates foe 3W Q547 3439757 MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE Real Estate or Rent MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE Real Estate or Rent Unwind! Story Clark Plano rental re turn walnut flnlshSave SlOO'sl ORD JUBILEE SHARP 322 6583 322 8421 387 8271 Wrought Iron and brass bed refin Hhed IVi Lytles Junktlques Oak Grove Hwy 2 429 2756 LESSONS AVAILABLE ORGAN PIANO GUITAR Pecan Lake Estates 2 bedroom apartment central air heat carpet Swam 343 9404 2 bedroom bath $250 mo Lease with a $100 deposit Owner Agent Hargis Realty 343 1334 12 tt Aluminum boat 3 HP motor trailer $295 398 1571 Too Soil fill dirt sand wash rock clam shell lor driveways last delivery Gene 323 4251 Pecan Lake 2 bedroom apartment $175 central air heat carpet Swam 343 6404 3 bedrooms 2 bath brick central heat and air Lexington School $550 month $300 deposit 2013 rancis Place CENTURY 21 Dorothy Roark Inc 386 4910 RICHMOND TOWNHOUSE APTS So evahable an Monroe Southside One and two bedroom town house apts Unfurnished Call 325 4908 to see if you qualify Remington 3006 BDL deluxe Never fired $275 323 5621 WESTWOOD TOWNNOOSE I bedroom furnished apt Private bath bills pd $150 mo Adults only 205 Breard 343 2704 K5 Splane WM 2 Bedroom Mo bile Home 1 Child $175 Mo $100 deposit Water pd 6 Mo lease 389 4200 322 2656 203 McGuire near NLU 2 bed room central coolheat $200 mo 982 5376 Downsville 105 SAND WM 4 bedrooms 2 baths double garage good school $450 Tri State Proper ties 398 0547 CREOSOTE ENCE POST pates lumber OPEN SATURDAY A Merlon Pressure Treating Plant Marion La (3111 292 4511 MOVING SALE continues al lea Market Of Monroe Also watch for Auction to be held Sat Aug 15 to sell rest of stock Northside: 1 bedroom furnished Utilities paid $185 deposit 322 6272 after 6 PM Hay or Sale: Large Round Bates $35 Small Round Bales $1750 Call 325 5799 Seem IS ft chest freezer 3 years Ota IfoO 323 7624 UNIVERSITY AREA 2 Bedroom Apt 387 9119 387 2346 LUXURY HOUSEBOAT worth 922000 Must sell make offer (311) 797 2937 Shreveport No collect calls John Deere MT 420 arm Trac for all allactments $1850 Call Moose 8 5 323 1622 14X70 partially furnished 3 bdr 2 bath on 3 acres Stroller Rd WM Call 396 1193 Sally Humble 4 bedrooms? berths executive $700 month Lease option to buy 389 2067 325 2113 CREOSOTED POST pole and lumber UNION POST CO PO Box 611 armerville 368 8691 Open Saturdays AM fBTHHrt Btrtr hwrth TERRA VILLA APTS 1 and 2 bedroom near NLU 343 2630 10 AM to 7 PM 116 WESTERN HILLS DREW SCHOOL 3 Bedroom 2 baths $450 Mo Available immediate ly 396 3122 396 8235 34000 BTU air conditioner $225 20900 Wards 1)95 14000 $125 MT jm Sealy queen size mattress and box spring Good condition $175 Phone 396 2443 10 50 Mobile Home fur nished No Children no Pets Call 343 1234 321 Saltrun Dr Monroe 334412 3174507 ady wanting to share room pre fer employed lady References 323 0213 Only 12895 Per Month for a New Maytag Budget Wather Dryer Only at HADDAD MAYTAG Home Appliance Center 322 1900 WE PAY TOP CASH PRICE OR JUNK CARS 325 9777 (NMteoraieo4 Apartment DISHWASHER CARPET STORAGE PATIO IO 1 Malibu West No Vacancy tat Septic tanks and field lines in stalled Givens 398 4345 TOWNE OAKS BOASTS ONE BEDROOM PRIVACY COMORT PATIO TERRACE Enoy Monroe's new and finest luxury duplex home on Pecan Bayou 3 large bedrooms 2 complete baths woodburning fireplace Total electric en ergy efficient Jack Hayes School 343 5896 or 343 9616 BUSIEST CORNER IN WM Large building for lease Plen ty of parking area Phone 388 1293 387 2044 Of 396 9829 RENT TO OWN Terms To Sult Your Needs Rental Plan or All MID SOUTH AUCTIONS "The Equipment People" PO Box 4199 Monroe 322 1406 WALKER APTS Store 1 1 Warehouses Haar NLU no pets adults only Are ptace 343 0197 343 7221 'ESTRIDGE APTS West Monroe's inest 398 1113 or nights 396 7701 DOMESTIC SEWING CENTER Pine Monroe 317 2252 WE BUY ANTIQUES Terete Salley Wtll JW 4320 701 North Tth Wnt Monroe MAYWOOD MANOR 388 4786 after 5pm 1001 Glareood Dr ft 322 6011 IVAN APARTMENTS Quiet 2 bedroom central air heat carpet washaterla Res Mgr 200 Lowery NLU area to repair buy and sen used welding machines ORAYSON WELDING 325 1702 322 1295 2 BEDROOM APT West Monroe 323 4927 NLU walking distance Bedrooms $250 Suitable tor singles 325 4122 Air Conditioners 5000 BTU US 1000 BTU $1 15 6000 BTU $95 9000 BTU $l00 11500 396 7256 Used Elka Organ 2 keyboard and pedals beautiful walnut finish excel lent condition $595 DITCH Witch trenching water lines underground cables roadbed boring Bill Brakefield Rayville 729 4036 720 4959 (BSHhifaraiahaB Mortawote NORTHSIDE spacious 3 bed rooms 2 baths den living room large fenced yard with frees central air carpeted $450 362 7564 388 0992 NOLAN NOLAN ILL DIRT sand win rock shell top soil gravel (toiler back hoe loader and truck rental 600 Mtn 3257233238568 OKRA $12 bu 728 6571 Como Got It SALE! VERA'S ANTIQUES Thames Rd Eiit So 17 mites WM BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE Milhaven Estates $260 mo 396 2546 105 Jennifer 2 bedroom 2 bath single story flat all the extras 1st month $195 Tri State Prop ertles 388 0547 or 343 7281 HUSTLER 6 WHEELER ropair knowledge plus parts equal super service BASTROP DISTRIBUTORS 381 9799 BRENTWOOD APARTMENTS 1 and 2 Bedroom Government Assistance Available 001 Bon Aire 3454M10 103 JENIER 2 bedrooms 2 bath flat single story great to catton with all the extras Tri State Properties 388 0547 Evelyn 343 2393 Sherry 387 8564 700 Luther Leaseopt ton to buy 3 bedroom 1V bath mo 9100 deposit Richard Young Realty K2 2146 322 0272 or Sale: Theater Type Conn Organ Good condition like new Call 396 7740 TUPAW MANOR MODERN LUXURY APTS 3230326387 6507 WHY BUY GAST BURN WOODI CALL UNDERWOOD 396 MOVING MUST SELL: 7 Piece Carly American Group $275 Recliner $45 Cast Iron BBQ $10 3416907 After 5 30 PM Over 290 guns out of pawn Layaway now ter HUN TING SEASON Hunt 8 Whitaker IIP Hall St 323 2711 AMlquei furniture Qlmwert brie brae primitive ASS Associates 312 to Trenton Ruston 255 0957 Dew Music Co 'Your Rodgers Organ Dealer" KENNETH GIVENS DIRT All types gravel dirtfill work top soil rpad gravel 322 1710 (BB arM tqulpiaaat 4 Supplies Storage BuildingView of Golf Course $350 Per Mo Manager 844 5364 387 8564 or 386 2671 Country Home 2 acres 6 rooms 1 bath mo 323 0310 396 4429 or Teakwood awlm platform 111500 negotiable Steve 251 0119 251 0145 Ruston 3 BEDROOM bath brick Charmingdale Subdv Logtown school area $195 mo Ellington fc Jones 388 3690 322 7069 on Northside $325 mo plus $100 deposit 6 months lease 322 3296 NORTHSIDE TOWNHOUSE I BEDROOM PHONE 323 6723 Color TV Rental TOM PETERS URNITURE 2202 Cypress WM Mk 1744 Used CHASE BROTHERS UP RIGHT GRAND Recondi tioned $250 Coll 362 5416 or 323 6032 after YILLA6E NORTH APARTMENTS Swusw 1 2 3 Mteem wtmeeh IutmMv ufttvrMpwd Wutefdq CMMttwet irepUcM naHsHc Coa (MiMf to di met ef the city 27Q3StWtoeW 388 2681 MtMfed br Stoddard tewctotei 1 9al Houtm Ogporturnty WHITLOCK APARTMENT RENTALS 343 4177 or 343 4170 Nice stem up Retrlgereteri up Walters 158 up Plenty of good wed furniture We offer taiy lerms Ron Trading Post 17V winmboro Rd J237M8 TOP SOIL OUR SPECIALITY lower bed mulch white shell sand gravel yard leveling beck hoe truck rentals HEMPHILL TRUCKING 3257301 or 399 3099 2721 South Grand 2 Bedroom some carpet stove refrigera tor Water paid $75 Deposit $170 Mo 389 3100 396 3659 2X1 SOUTH GRAND EXTRA CLEAN Nicely fur nished 2 Rooms bills paid $150 Mo 325 3340 Used Trade In Bargains! WJA Nice 1 bedroom gas water tewerege pd 1100 de posit tl0 mo 343 43M PECAN LAKE APARTMENTS SWARTZ LA Corner Store and lea Market Open dally from 12 A 6 PM antiques Corner Hwy Hwy 80 WM 396 5856 Large Air Conditioner excellent condition II5O Wood Table a Chairs SIX 36 9063 2 and 3 Bedroom Townhouses Town A Country Jack Hayes School District 343 4177 Larga Wtectlon of antique furniture dtprmion glasL etc 143 5 of Marlon 4XU AIRBANKS MORSE PUMPS ER Klper Hardware 703 5th St Dial 322 4412 MARY LEA APARTMENTS urnished apartment 1 bed room No children No pets 6011 DeSiard "MONROES' INEST" Hudson Terrace 109 Hudson Lane 7th mo RENT REE With 6 month lease LUXURY 2 BEDROOMS 2 tile baths mirrored dressing room beautifully carpeted large closets all electric kitchen washerdryer connections pri vet patio janitorial service No pets please $345 mo 322 0900 9 4 Mon rl OX WOOD APTS 1 and 2 Bedroom luxury opts Call 322 6135 Apartments for Rent 387 0689 (824lrt teigr Owwrete 1 rooms and bath bus Hn Southside water paid $105 343 5209 Used Washburn Up right Piano (deal for practice piano $295 HAYING EQUIPMENT Prentice Lee Tractor Hwy West Monroe 396 1860 HOUSES AND APTS urnished and unfurnished 396 1769 KINGSTON VILLAGE APARTMENTS 1 and 2 bodrooms 343 1922 urnished and unfurnished 343 4723 ISRHUats Motor Eta (tlhSagds Haats 8a Has 2 OR 3 bedrooms 1 bath central airheat 1 window unit bed rooms carpeted electric built ins $250 Mo $100 deposit Ref erences Off Jonesboro Hwy West Monroe 325 4404 or 325 3218 JIM BEE ANTIQUES 903 Nth 2nd 323 9416 HOLIDAY MARINE RUSTON ROTton2S5 9t11 Monroe 373 8812 9500 so ft building on Mwy suitable for fumltureappli ancesdepartment store half way between Alexandria and Monroe call 1 992 9533 NLU 1 bedroom deluxe apt frostfree refrigerator central air carpet 343 3352 343 6577 Paneled brick 2 bedrooms air conditioned apt' Water gas pd Patio 343 332 MARK III VILLA APTS 1 and 2 bedrooms urnished and unfurnished 397 1606 200 sq ft warehouse for lease at 2000 Grammont $600 mo 325 4381 ARMAND APTS urn 2 bedroom all electric laundry swimming pool 388 0724 343 6493 or 323 0556 REDWOOD AND CEDAR Treated Lumber And Hardwoods BRADORD LUMBER Hwy 165 North Ph M8 2033 kMHhrfaniislMrf IpartmaaH Browning light weight 12 gauge shotgun Belgium made Excel lent condition $450 396 1801 (U) arwlalad Apartwiaata McGUlRE St apts 2 bedroom unfurnished $510 month 322 9977 1602 I LH IOL AVE 2 bedrooms unfurnished downstairs $100 deposit $275 month 6 month lease Ph 398 0252 LAND CLEARING ponds house sites pottos driveways slabs streets drain boxes storm drains parking tots walkways tennis ond basketball courts SMITH'S DOZER AND CONCRETE SERVICE323 3772 BRIAN MANOR APTS 3901 NE DRIVE BLOCK CAMPUS LUXURY 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS URNISHED $235 $275 RESIDENT MANAGER 3439148 I xpert Sewing Machine Service UNGER SEWING CO Twin City Mail Ph 32 1 785l SAVE on your Massey erguson 9i ord PARTS REPAIRS JOHN CROSWELL EQUIP MENT Massey erguson Dealer Hwy 139 SO Bastrop 28V36SS Small garage apartment WM Central alrheat carpet 1 per son $125 mo 325 3263 PARKING Curbs stepping patio stones house piers otcycle penung blocks MONROE CONCRETE tOI $02th 325 3178 POOLE RENTALS MONROE WEST MONROE Apts houses mobile home No Vacancles325 2M7 322 5572 LOU ANN'S ANTIQUES 9000 tq fl entlqves and furniture tor the whole house 3700 Wash ington St Vicksburg Ms (601) 6M 4606 Open Mon Sal We Buy Used urniture And Appliances GLOBE URNITURE 1619 DeSiard 372 6290 HIGHLAND APTS 202 Clay WM Clean air conditioned shag carpet nicely furnished Ph 325 3340 343 4968 I BEDROOM flats and Town houses $210 urnished and unfurnished Tri State Properties 343 6311 GE appliances and Built ins Key Millwork Supply 2060 JQUson St M7Y995 XI GULPHAWM 1 bedroom nicely furn $225 Tri State Properties X8 0547 LeMans Apartments bedrooms No 33rd St near NLU and US 165 No Available now $195 mo 325 8255 Hearvy duty Maytag washer water level contrpfo lint filter labfk softener dispenser deli vered and fastened with new machine gudrantee $799 Tren t9h Maytag TH 6707 Drive a ew Mlles and level DELUXE MARINE II? California Ave Ruston 255 1975 PROESSIONAL SQUARE APARTMENTS Specifically designed for 2 single adults 2 bedrooms 2 baths private entrances urnished 387 2710 8 AM to 5 PM Dew Music Co 1401 18th Back To School Piano Organ Sale 1401 McKten PIk Phone 325 0442 Monro Loultlin 71201 Now leasing warehouse and of fice space 5000 sq ft avail able located off Hwy 165 By Pass adjacent to Scott Truck and Tractor 387 4160 to carat round eoiltafre AH white 372 3999 SHANGRI LA APTS 396 1339 HU Weller man Rd JA WE BUY ALL SCRAP METAL Mon rl 9 8 to 12 MONROE IRON I METAL 411 NO 9th Monroe 325 4636 Buttonwood Tree Apts Nice 2 bedroom townhouses and flats trash carry out pod urnished and unfurnished M7 4379 Nice 1 Vi duplex for retired couple or 1 person Southside Cali 322 1933 2 BEDROOM BRICK Central alrheat SWARTZ AREA 343 2551 See aw complete lino of comera accosaoriee lenses filters ond camera bags BOB SALE STUDIO 1 CAMERA SHOE tin ta muis Color TVs Video Recorders Stereos Microwaves 707 Roselawn 2 bedrooms porch and nice yard $325 mo 343 5155 X7 6280 ROW Aufhortred deeter ter YAZOO cemmertial rtoteo mowers CGMPLiT SALCS ANO SERVICB West Monroe Saw Co 106 Smith St Ph 322 2671 1 carat round solitaire 81900 AU white22 2996 TIMBERS 1 2 and 3 bedrooms $13O $157 $170 month Managed by Twin City Maintenance and Manage ment Equal Housing Opportu nity 396 1174 BLOCK NLU Brick 2 Bed room Apt Central air carpet washaterla 343 3352 343 6577 ANTLEY TROLLING MOTOR repair prn Buy Uwd lita Trenin MctaA JM 3H0 STIHL CHAIN SAWS SERVICE Trenton Wwt Monro D5 04 1100 Of Now Barclounr rcllnri Uwd automatic witwr 700 GARVAN APPLIANCE 115 Plum St 323 1B81 3 Bedroom 2 baths central alrheat Partly furnished Near College $175 Mo $5C deposit 1 368 3341 1977 Bowie Hydro Mulcher with 4 cylinders Wisconsin engine Ail for (Pries redneed to $8800) Call 362 8531 Tom Shelton LOT CLEARING ALL TYPES OOZER AND CONCBETE WORK OR REE ESTIMATES CALL 388 4935 322 4935 325 2087 or lease 3 bedroom 2 bath brick central heat and air car pet double carport fenced back yard outside storage Drew School area $375 Mo $175 deposit 396 9319 Large 3 bedroom Th bath living room dining room and den $625 Call 319 631 3359 after and on weekends (New) Kimball Gulbransen awi Rodjers Currier 1 2 and 3 bedrooms air conditioning dishwasher disposal and much more 396 5355 1979 ORD 545 Backhoo with 1979 ord 1 ton truck and 24 ft Goo seneck trailer all very good condition $35000 firm 724 7564 after 6 PM Wisner resh Louisiana Gulf shrimp 319 622 3601 318 726 6405 Call to place your order Okra $12 bu Peas $9 Bu Canning tomatoes $6 lug Potatoes ree Watermelon with pur chase Swartz's armer Mar Met 14 mi past Burneys on Hwy 139 343 9431 ood Stamps accepted PAUL HEWITT MUSIC CO Seles Service Leader Since 196 1 bedroom 2 botti washerdryer' connection fireplace $295 $295 396 7701 after 5 PM Chests S39M up Odd Beds Si9 95 up Walsworth urniture rrentonWM 1 1 28 CREOSOTE ENCE POST poles end lumber Open $tvrday AM Marlon Prenurt Treating Plant Marton La (318) 292 4511 NORTHSIDE 2 bedroom brkk apartment Water paid 3436238 2 and 3 BEDROOM mobile homes Gaswatergarbage pd Deposit required 312 8064 STEEL KXT IE yard hai beroam aricM on new end used steel SOL'S PIPE AND STEEL YARD industrial Park 397 224? Commercial Bar Que King dis may te cooker 220 volt $750 2 BEDROOM furnished mobile home Twin Pines Mobile Home Park 387 9542 WHITE COLUMNS APTS Modem total electric 113 bed rooms Swimming pool central vacuum washerdryer connec tion 0 Warren Dr WM 396 1090 Large vMtety garden pienfebulfc seed Royal eed Seed in OaSlard St 323 5114 PREMIER APARTMENTS 1 Bedroom tomtehod or un tumtehod woohaterfa on LUXURY DUPLEX large 3 bed rooms 2 baths double carport Old Sterlington Rd 475 mo $200 deposit 322 9927 WM Nice 2 bedrooms Quiet neighborhood sio 322 8912 (SOarwi ehptf Apartaiptete DOZER work land cteering ponds backhoe and ill dirt Mitchell Whitehead 396 X77 Mease (47Mleeehpld ttpme Used Sewing Mechlnoe vacuum cleaners 8)995 up Lxporl re pain alt makes Wilhite Sew mg Machine 200 North 4th $tN WM M7 39I6) 325 S3P6 I WEST MONROE NEW 2 bedrooms apts baths fully carpeted range refriger ator disposal washer and dryer connections $260 mo Call 343 5111 After 5 PM weekends I 388 4419 WC TAKE TRADE INS And Buv Used urniture Underwood Brothers URNITURE 1 APPLIANCES 607 1tth TH 9079 MILHAVEN ESTATES I bedroom flat urrfum $165 1 bedroom furn $195 Tri State Properties 343 6311 MORTHSIDE: 1 Bedroom Apt with hardwood floors and kitch en appliances 397 0783 322 4692 Antiques Choudrant La Hwy80 Antique doors mantels stained glass stripping OLD TOWN ORIGINALS Ml PMh SI oft Jackson 322 0479 Joe Jacobs Property Houses and apart ments No Vacancies KedroSm 30i ioleman fM all bill pd $260 mo Deposit $40 343 779 Mos £ent ree Apartment overlooking Pine Hills Golf Course Ap pliance Included fireplace 2 bedrooms 1to baths washer and dryer provided $325 mo Sundays call 387 8310 or 325 7170 Mon rt 5 PM 388 2290 BRIARWOOD MANOR Spacious I bedrooms central air wa! shateria 1105 4th 325 1570 Luxury Apartments 1 ft 2 Bedrooms Swimming pool Gazebo washateria All elec tric kitchen Including dish washer and disposals Carpet central heat and air Near Glenwood Hospital Shopping Centers and l20 ADULTS ONLY NO PETS Contempo Apts XI Contempo AvpWM Ph 397 WK OLIVER HOUSE APTS 1 Block past orsythe 1 BEDROOM water and garbage pd swimming pool tennis court $165 mo deposit $100 323 8991 Mon through ri ROYAL 'E VILLA 1 BEDROOM btl elKtrlc carpet paneled Washaterla water garbage sewer 10 mo 3 Gulpha WM 4 ft CENTURION PICKLE ruKK mi New 454 Chevrolet enginetandem axle trailer Priced to sell 3 after PM armerville 1 Chateau apts 912 RIVERSIDE DR Swimming Pool $210 Unfurnished $240 urnished 325 7790 Maytag washer and dryer $075 New unusual rabbiart fur lack etJIOQ 323 1437 SKI BOAT 65 HP Mercury elec trie start Dllly trailer worth $2950 Make Offer UH) 797 2937 Shreveport No collect calls MARINE Sales and Service 343 125C 110 Old Bastrop RdMonroe BY OWNER: 45 ft House boat 343 6990 9 AM to 2 PM After 5 396 5940 Savage Apts Millhaven Estates I Bedroom furnished $185 Mo 323 4232 343 5833 ALL NEW STOCK REE DELIVERY REE SERVICE TRAILERS for ATV's motorcycles boats end utility: Sales 8 Service THE TRAILER BARN 210 Love Rd 343 4265 LUXURY APT 2 bedrooms baths fully carpeted good lo cation mo 343 4490 or 322 5733 1 OXXWOOD TOWNHOUSES ft bedroom Ito bath townhouses Enoy your own patio ond out side storage Washer and dryer connections modern kitchen 389 3890 343 9672 Baldwin Organ looks and plays like new Must sell immediate ly Perfect for church or home Call after 343 7766 Perfect condition Massey er person 65 John Deere Industrl al 300 eqiupment 644 $673 Great buys on used tractors new used equipment See GK el KELLY IMPLEMENTS Hwy 139 so Bastrop XI 1888 NORTHSIDE 3 bedrooms car S1 central air and heat 7 0793 322 4692 (U)4am Bilry fradact TIRSTrtTWlTOtTpoIir tembef Open Sat AM Marion Prmure Treetlng Plant Marion La (318) 292 4511 WINDTREEAPTS TWirBomIkpertmMHa tto bathe waahefdryor woodbumina hroUce i CHESTNUT URNITURE APPLIANCE NEW IN TOWN or lease Swartz area conve nience store fully equipped with 4 gas pumps Island some stock Ideal location Jack lock Realty 325 1869 RUTH BERRY WATER WELL PUMPS PARTSield Supply 1G Hideaway Village Shopping Center (Corner ink's Hide awey Rd Old Sterlington Rd 343 2090) LOOK DRESS Your Entire AMILY Loh 9 tots like new veed ctothes att sizes Pants shirts jeans $1 each lea Market of Monro Open 9 to 9 7 days This week only OH Prairie Rd on Miller Rd 2 blks behind Newlighi Church Backhoe work septic tank fieTtf lines concrete work drive ways parking areas dozer Jyers 387 4587 Pit Run Gravel oundation Dirt JB Smith Dirt Contractor 343 0651 AIR cond apts Utilities pd Sin gles $15 and week 388 1205 325439 325 2241 322 5629 COLOR TV $10 IRST OWNERSHIPNO CREDIT CHECKNO DOWN PAYMENTREE SERVICEINEST NAME BRANDS CALL OR URTHER DETAIL 388 2411 BASIC TV 9 APPLIANCE llOCAHOMTOtERVIYOU TV Antenna ft Telescopic Ing electrk rota oil wiring $95 Phi 325 2549 3 carat round diamond solitaire air white appraised $10000 Make offer 322 3m Clean older 4 room home garden space Adults only $85 mo 325 1795 322 4019 OICE SUITE rooms private restroom and coffee area All utilities paid $365 Month Ed Wilson 387 3251 2 bedroom with den southside A Porter Realty 325 3826 IMO sq ft office space newly re decoratod include reception area 4 offices file storage rooms 3 rest rooms central heat air $450 per mo North 7th St WM 436 Evelyn Blackmon 387 BIX JOHN DEERE EQUIP NOW OPENI belt Ridge Lawn I Garden Center 900 Loutevllle Ph 322 5331 GAY'S ANTIQUES Large beautifully carved oak ar moire 2 beveled gloss doors Please diol 390 7552 or 322 9401 for our summer hours (4HkrtUI ft EVERYTHING must go WALL TO WALL MLL MERCHANDISE to PRICE lee Market of Atonro OH Pral no rd on Mlitor Rd i blocks behind NewiigM Church ol tew the slghsf Calhoun Area 4 bedroom 2 bath $350 per mo Available imme diately Call 644 5613 (keeter Wrangler bass boat 115 I Evinrude Tilt and trim Troll Ina motor taAtftKntaz ii Struments $4600 345 0518 after PM please I bedroom redecorated duplex apartment Settled couple only $125 mo 323 1007 Cat D6B 44A 12365 24V direct start hydraulic straight and tilt blade D5 undercarriage new pads engine and cab screens $16500 Steve Eth eridge Rt I Box 71 Kelly LA 71441 318 649 5920 after 4 PM Dial Sw Open Arm Stretch stitch ng zag button holts 3 mot old $79 full bal ance due or $7 monthly free home inspection DOMESTIC SEWING CENTER )M Pine Monroe 987 7252 MEW Country Manor Apts 207 Woodate Town 9 Country 12 bedrooms tire place washertXyer hook M72 (1 5) 34H5G RIDGEDALE APTS I bedroom shag carpet gas and water paid $125 Mo W0 deposit No pets 325 3937 INTERSTATE ME TALI We buy scrap brats copper alum num batteries stainless stool Garrett Mlihaven 343 M11 NEAR NLU HaVe fun with us When you rent our 2 bedroom 2 bath you get a built in social life Lighted tennis court pool dock area private club house fun filled parties Carefree all electric kitchen central heaVair shag carpeting in cluding tasteful furnishings Washerteria on premises Cable TV available $239 $279 $299 per mo Special leases to NLU students All NLU stu dents making application dur ing the mo of Sept Special Prices! CYPRESS MANOR APTS King Blanks St Monroe 343 4485 Rental office open Weekdays 9 530 Sat 1 5 GE Refrigerator $165 Gas range ITS Office desk $125 4OT N7th WM easy finance M31 to Month Rent ree Pine Hills Golf Course BRAND NEW APARTMENTS 2 Bedrooms Baths Microwave Oven WasherDryer MCENTSADAYI That's ah takes to own a brand new Maytag wether 1 dryer HADDAD MAYTAG hom*o Apptieneo Center 322 1900 Singer Select Sew Wamu! cabtoete sig tag button hotesno attachments needed $42 batenceor $6 monthly NEAR 3 bed room Ito bath mobile home Private yard $195 plus deposit 322 3411 or 322 3410 SATURDAY'S Twin Iron bod youth or regular height 3212113 Deluxe heavy duty abrl Malic Maytag washer with auto con trol electric Maytag dryer only 1799 per week delivered and Installed with 2 years parts and labor Trenton Maytag 6707' What great place to come home to unwind! I Laid back apartment llv Ing In one of the nicest parts of town with all the most wanted features In side plus tennis swim ming saunas game card club and exercise rooms Lots more CARPORT SALE August 1 4th and 15th riday and Saturday 300 Harn St Monroe off Oliver Rd AAen women'schlldren's clothes shoes kitchen items etc Good buys ICHEAPICHEAPICHEAPI Saleman samples maturnlty wear Missy tops and lingerie The Stork Shop 7322 Cypress Highland Mwjooinq Center REMINGTON model 700 (M 13 9 Redfield scope sling $400 649 2097 After 6 PM 649 2245 REPRESENTING NAMES YOU CAN TRUST! WURLUZfR YAMAHA ALLEN HAMMOND umtiture By West Inc ine Handmade furniture I repair 41V Stalngta Mi Sill rueNCHMEW rBENDTHe Closed July and August Up HO ml No city Mfo47 Complete "Instant Lawn Business Equipment" 1977 Kubota 4 wheel drive dieael tractor box blade rotary tiller Arlen Tiller 17 Rat bed trailer (E3BMBinBS Office replacement for old style post ing machine fully electronic accounts receivable ideal for small business Take over monthly notes $212 No down payment aulk I oster ttS 4666 Oliver North Apts 12 bedrooms furnished unfurnished 3M 1515 Columbia 977 jTLER 6 wbeeter excel tent condition 649 2097 After 6 PM 649 piMtioii SB1 Eri It jMtM IM It PRE LEASE SAVINGS ENERGY EICIENT luxury townhouses Sept 15 occupan cy 1290 sq ft spacious 2 bed room private patio fenced backyard outside storage room washerdryer connec tions near Glenwood Hospital end 120 WJAonroe 6 months lease $395 per month Cali 325 9670 days 9:00 5:00 PARKWOOD PLACE INC COUNTRY CLUB APTS Spacious 1 bedroom very quiet 2315 Trenton 387 0502 OAKWOOD ESTATES TOWNHOUSES 2 and 3 bedroom apartments Some 'with woodburning fireplace 1 bMroorn wsshar dryer connections WM mo 322 5844 MARK IV APTS 2 BEDROOMS furnished or WV furnished Next to the UnlversH ty on Northeast Dr 343 1941 Equal Housing Opportunity Belle Bayou Apts Near The University Luxury I and 2 bedrooms apartments Central air and heal shag car pet Swimming pool Many extras 4200 Loop Rd 387 0566 1 2 and 3 bedrooms Townhouse and lats furnished and un furnished swimming pool excellent loca tion Managed by Standard Associates Equal opportunity housing 1 2 3 bedrooms alt utilities paid urnished unfurnish ed Located on Shannon just off 18th St Phone 322 2713 (l7HBbUb Nmib RaatalsandTCSomsteS1 1 or 2 children only No pets Deposit required Located West Monroe 396 5989 387 5846 (74KBaiMt Ptas 1 to bat? 2 Blocks off 1 20 WM 387 3158 322 6317 I Bedrooms 2 full baths $239 per mo All electric kitchen with dlshwashser and garbage dis posal (Low LP4L) individual air and heat Shag carpeting washaterla pool tennis and club house Cable TV available Special leases to NLU students All NLU students making appli cation during the mo of Sept Special Prices! CYPRESS MANOR APTS King Blanks 1 Sts Monroe La 343 4485 Rental office openWk days 9 5:30 Sat 15 SPACIOUS 1050 SQ 1 BEDROOM washer and dryer connections private outside storage room paneled carpet ed refrigerator range dish washer disposal Near Glen wood Hospital WM $285 per mo Call 325 9670 days 9 to 5 PARKWOOD PLAZA APTS RENT Band Instruments And Violins ZEAGLER MUSIC Nltth and Tower Dr Monroe 322 2621 MONROE ARMATURE INC Lincoln Welder Parts Repairs 504 17th Ph 325 7338 (B2 TT Hbdlb StTbQ ffblMkTnvhlaSleTS 25" color $135 up dinette $35 Stereo $35 baby bed $30 322 9567 325 6197 1628 WELLERMANWM 2 bed room apt $200 mo $200 secu rity deposit Lloyd Williams Realty 388 2600 i Bedroom apt Central beat I air utility I carport $275 Nita Brinson Realty 5789 or Rent 2 Bedroom unfurnished Apt 112 LaPlata Lakeshore school District 345 0700 OAKMONT APARTMENTS IRST MONTH REE WITH MINIMUM MO LEASE 1 2 3 bedroom furnished or unfurnished Lighted Tennis court swimming pool and certified day care center i 3000 Evangeline Off LamyLane) Phone 387 9739 (Wont Start tadxta Equal Opportunity Housing Onan Generator Sets Gas Diesel PTO Sales and Service Benton Engine Equip Inc Downsville La Hwy 15 982 7379 Colonial Manor Apts NEAR NLU Lovely garden opts Shag carpet adults I 2 bed rooms $160 $200 5330 De Stord 343 3611 NORTHSIDE DUPLEX 2404 Spencer 2 bedrooms I bath stove refrigerator new carpet air central heat $250 mo $100 deposit 323 7459 388 1958 SPACIOUS 1050 SQ 2 BEDROOM washer and dryer connections private outside storage room paneled carpet ed refrigerator range dish washer disposal Near Glen wood HospiTaL WM $300 per mo Call 325 967Q days 8 to 5 PARKWO(X PLAZA APTS KEITH BABB ASSOC Aucttewen land qulp liwitock Bov 4TB MOTVOO M3 1M7 Electric Double Oven $195 Cell 343 5574 after 00 (W Antlqua ANTIQUES HOT CypTta MWI 8 words (additional groups of upto 4 words for $1) 4 News Star Wo rid Classified 322 5161 GUNSMITH General Gun Repair New Shipment GUN CASES $895 up PHOENIX SPORT SHOP INC (MbBaats Motors Eto JntTsteJulHSSSqatS! 302 Mereruiser Inboardout board motor Ponn Onan generator $36000 Excellent condition 323 5 717 Spanish Villa Apartments OfM and two badroom Ww Mid dryM ki mcNparttnMt swimming pool and private otatans 334155 JSCralrJftlMMttitlU WILLOW BRInE TOWNHOUSES NEW 2 BEDROOM Good West Monroe Location SPECIAL 1st MO $195 tRJ STATE PROPERTIED liJing Affordable Prices urnished Unfurnished As Low As 1 Bedroom $199 2 Bedroom $279 Total Electric (low LPBL) Private Pool Club House Cable TV available Rental Office Open KdayMiM Saturday 1 5 CYPRESS MANOR King a Blank I J43 44K Special lessee to NLU students AH NLU students making application during the mo of Sept SPECIAL PRICES! (SU Maelealorohaadlee TalSwIpIneffpiancLJTaroIT nrelinit condition 1700 isot after 5:30 PM Town Country Apartments 1 43 bedrooms umtaod and Unlumtaod Compta eomanlma laalurae COTlamporere LMng ailure On alia ertad care canter Resident HaMeer 343 5944 Ttaapement Co 32 Old Sterlington Rd RENCO URNITURE APPLIANCE 209 Trenton Downtown West Monroe MON 10 6 SAT 10 5 anTKunTTnRrTuture You can help mvw the Tenias Re fuge Write Gov Treen or your Mate reprttentetive TODAY! 250 BALES EXCELLENT COASTAL HAY fertilized cured without rain 300 bates excellent errowieaf clover crimped and cured without rain $200 bale delivered If all taken $225 bate In smaller quanlfiM You pick up 322 0037 (Used) 4 Used Pianos $495 up 1 Used Consoles $Save Several Used Organs SSave ranks Antique Auction to ml past Drew School McCormick Rd 396 2554 Completely remodeled 2 bedroom apts Stove and refrigerator Water paid 2 Bed room apt $1 85 mo Redecorated 2 Bedroom apt $225 mo MOODWAY SQUARE Town houses 106 Parkwest Dr 2 and 3 bedroom townhouses ully carpeled woodbuming fireplace fenced petto Wash orDryer connections swim mlng pool 325 6960 2O9to 3RD WM 1 bedroom 1 bath air conditioned $140 mo Tri State Properties 388 G547 ROAkin roe 2 bedroom enerav cient extra closets and storage soece oatK Dorcn ouisioe stot i age room washerdryer con nectlons Swartz area off Row land Rd on Clayton Dr $300 per mo 387 7684 387 9138' 322 0642 387 9138 I TOWNE house Town and Coun try 2 bedroom Ito bath $300 mo 389 3990 343 9672 24 hours 7 days week lease If desired BAYOU DeSiard 2 bedroom townhouse 2 baths all appli ances $350 mo 322 9927 Super Saver Ads: noMommarclul for prtvutg parties only oek Homa or eomblnattona of Items priced no more than $sn must net price ot iteme may not bo uaed for garage sales pets rentals real ootate help wanted poreonale or lost eds may bo cancelled early but there ie no refund for Barty cancellation the price romaine the came (or your convenience and to avoid calls after you've aoid the advertlaed kema lust give a call during regular buSinqsshoursandws'Ubshsppy tocancalyourluperBavwrsd) APPLICATIONS ARE being taken for Parkview Apart ments Including elderly and handicapped Ph 322 1541 Equal Housing Opportunity WILSHIRE APTS SELMAN DR Low rent subsidy Air conditioned carpet drapes appliances 123 bedrooms $129 $153 $165 a month Equal Housing Opportunity or applications call 343 6931 Managed by Standard Associates inc RENT OR Claiborne Area WM 105 La Ave 4 Bed room 2 bath $300 dep $450 mo References required Avail Sept 1 396 8415 after 5 (73 Btams Without BmH Baldwin Pianos Organs Direct actory inancing 60 Mos To Pay We Have A Rental Plan or Everyone With Option To Purchase actory Trained Technicians Roark Music Co 703 JACKSON 387 5700 I BLOCK SOUTH 1 Plano House Take Tha Short Drive To Ruston CALL 3232622 TOLL REEI Kimball Piano $908 Stereo with electric firspteca $450 or best Offer 387 28il or 325 4464 l2and3isdrooBJ umfohed and Unfunded id All far IHtina Wtstdjeiittr ftqiiart APARTMENTS net sttangton Rd Ptl Bedroom Suites Living Room Suites fiafrinoratnr Washer Dryers 'Ranges Materials Rooms Carports call THg VULCAN CO 3231495 LAURENCE INCH Steel Buildings and all materials for steel buildings Aluminum siding and Rorvene Overhead Rolladoors Installed Bastrop 291 6597 or Monroe 388 1778 BACK TO SCHOOL MONEY PLENTY CASH OR YOUR SCHOOL HEEDS GET A euiCK LOAN 'T'T Is i if tr Hi' 1 i 5 I I Mtay I i tt at 7lf IL tea I i Ji I i i rlf I i 5 'P i 'i 4 7 I I 1 1 i 3 Managed by Brentwood Properties j) Real Estate or Rent Real Estate or Rent Real Estate or Rent Real Estate or Rent MERCHANDISE Real Estate or Rent.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.